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Characterization of Nipah Virus from Outbreaks in Bangladesh, 2008–2010


Abstract and Figures

Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic paramyxovirus that causes fatal encephalitis in humans. The initial outbreak of NiV infection occurred in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998-1999; relatively small, sporadic outbreaks among humans have occurred in Bangladesh since 2001. We characterized the complete genomic sequences of identical NiV isolates from 2 patients in 2008 and partial genomic sequences of throat swab samples from 3 patients in 2010, all from Bangladesh. All sequences from patients in Bangladesh comprised a distinct genetic group. However, the detection of 3 genetically distinct sequences from patients in the districts of Faridpur and Gopalganj indicated multiple co-circulating lineages in a localized region over a short time (January-March 2010). Sequence comparisons between the open reading frames of all available NiV genes led us to propose a standardized protocol for genotyping NiV; this protcol provides a simple and accurate way to classify current and future NiV sequences.
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Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic paramyxovirus
that causes fatal encephalitis in humans. The initial outbreak
of NiV infection occurred in Malaysia and Singapore in
1998–1999; relatively small, sporadic outbreaks among
humans have occurred in Bangladesh since 2001. We
characterized the complete genomic sequences of identical
NiV isolates from 2 patients in 2008 and partial genomic
sequences of throat swab samples from 3 patients in
2010, all from Bangladesh. All sequences from patients in
Bangladesh comprised a distinct genetic group. However,
the detection of 3 genetically distinct sequences from
patients in the districts of Faridpur and Gopalganj indicated
multiple co-circulating lineages in a localized region over a
short time (January–March 2010). Sequence comparisons
between the open reading frames of all available NiV genes
led us to propose a standardized protocol for genotyping
NiV; this protcol provides a simple and accurate way to
classify current and future NiV sequences.
Nipah virus (NiV) is a deadly paramyxovirus that was
rst described during 1998–1999 in Malaysia and
Singapore, when a large epidemic of fatal encephalitis
occurred in humans (283 cases, 109 deaths) (1). In this
initial outbreak, most human cases were epidemiologically
linked with activities involving close contact with sick pigs;
the outbreak ended after >1 million pigs were culled and
movement of pigs was stopped (2). Although NiV infection
has not been detected in Malaysia or Singapore since 1999,
NiV has caused recurring (almost annual) outbreaks of
fatal encephalitis in Bangladesh and sporadic outbreaks
in India since 2001 (3–6). The outbreaks in Bangladesh
have demonstrated human-to-human and foodborne
transmission of NiV (7–9). Although the outbreaks in
Bangladesh have been smaller, the case-fatality rates have
been consistently higher (75%) than those from the initial
outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore (40%) (8,10). The
clinical case de nition used in Bangladesh differs from that
used during the Malaysia outbreak and focuses on fatal or
severe neurologic signs and symptoms. Sequence analysis
of virus isolates and clinical samples obtained from persons
affected by the outbreaks in Bangladesh and India indicated
greater nucleotide heterogeneity than those from Malaysia
Within 2 weeks in Bangladesh during February 2008,
2 clusters of human NiV infection resulted in 10 cases
with 9 deaths (90% case-fatality rate). The locations of
the clusters (Rajbari and Manikgonj districts) were 44
km apart, separated by the intersection of the Padma and
Jamuna Rivers. The outbreak was linked to ingestion of
raw date palm sap (12). From December 2009 through
March 2010, an outbreak of NiV infection in Fardipur and
Gopalganj districts was responsible for 17 cases and 15
deaths (88% case-fatality rate) (6).
In this study, we con rmed the suspected clinical cases
of NiV infection from both outbreaks by using IgM and IgG
ELISAs, real-time and conventional reverse transcription
PCR (RT-PCR), and virus isolation. We characterized the
complete genomic sequences of 2 identical NiV isolates
from 2008 and 3 partial genomic sequences of isolates
from 2010. Our results indicate the presence of multiple
co-circulating lineages of NiV in a localized region over a
short time in 2010. Phylogenetic and sequence analysis of
Characterization of Nipah Virus
from Outbreaks in Bangladesh,
Michael K. Lo, Luis Lowe, Kimberly B. Hummel, Hossain M.S. Sazzad, Emily S. Gurley,
M. Jahangir Hossain, Stephen P. Luby, David M. Miller, James A. Comer, Pierre E. Rollin,
William J. Bellini, and Paul A. Rota
248 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2012
Author af liations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA (M.K. Lo, L. Lowe, K.B. Hummel, D.M. Miller,
J.A. Comer, P.E. Rollin, W.J. Bellini, P.A. Rota); and International
Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, Dhaka,
Bangladesh (H.M.S. Sazzad, E.S. Gurley, M.J. Hossain, S.P. Luby)
Characterization of Nipah Virus, Bangladesh
all currently available full-length NiV gene open reading
frames (ORFs) led us to propose a standardized protocol
for genotyping NiV.
Sample Collection and Case De nition
We collected blood, cerebrospinal uid (CSF), urine,
and throat swab samples from patients with suspected
cases. The serum and CSF samples were separated into
aliquots locally, and all specimens were transported to
the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research,
Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) in cold packs or in liquid nitrogen
for subsequent storage at 70°C. Serum and CSF samples
were initially tested for IgM against NiV at ICDDR,B
and then sent to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) (Atlanta, GA, USA) for con rmatory
testing. Samples were con rmed as NiV positive if IgM
against NiV was found in serum or CSF; if NiV RNA was
ampli ed; or if NiV was isolated from CSF, urine, or throat
swab samples (6,12).
Serologic Testing
Serum samples were tested at ICDDR,B for IgM against
NiV by ELISA as described (1,3,13). At CDC, samples
were irradiated with gamma rays before con rmatory
testing for IgM and IgG against NiV as described (3).
Detection of NiV by Real-Time, Conventional RT-PCR,
and Virus Isolation
Virus isolation was attempted on Vero E6 cells as
described (1). Human urine, CSF, and oropharyngeal
swab samples were inactivated in guanidine isothiocynate
(GITC) at a dilution of 1 part sample to 5 parts GITC.
RNA was extracted by the acid GITC–phenol–chloroform
method (14). Real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR) was
performed by using the following primers that ampli ed
a 112-nt fragment spanning from positions 538 to 650 in
the NiV N gene: forward primer NVBNF2B 5-CTGG
CA-3, and probe NVBN542P 5-CAGCTCCCGACAC
TGCCGAGGAT-3, with the FAM dye incorporated at
the 5 terminus and a BHQ1 quencher molecule at the
3 terminus. The rRT-PCR cycling conditions were as
follows: 48°C for 30 min, 95°C for 10 min, and 45 cycles
of 95°C for 15 s followed by 1 min at 60°C. Synthetic
NiV N gene RNA was produced by in vitro transcription
that used pTM1-N plasmid (15) with Megascript kit
(Ambion, Austin, TX, USA) according to manufacturer’s
instructions. An Applied Biosystems 7900HT machine
was used for rRT-PCRs, and the PCR Core Kit along with
MultiScribe Reverse Transcriptase were used for the rRT-
PCR master mix (all from Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA, USA). Conventional RT-PCR was performed
with the SuperScript One-Step RT-PCR kit with Platinum
Taq (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) as described (11).
Two-step RT-PCR was performed for selected samples
by using SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System
(Invitrogen) to generate cDNA and Platinum Taq DNA
Polymerase High Fidelity (Invitrogen) for the PCR. Brie y,
8 μL of extracted RNA was used in a 20-μL RT reaction
with a primer complementary to the 3 leader NVB3END
and the 5 trailer NIP5END (5-ACCGAACAAGGG
TAAAGAAGAATCG-3) sequences of the NiV genome
from the 2004 Bangladesh outbreak (GenBank accession
no. AY988601). Subsequently, 2 μL of the cDNA reaction
was used in 50-μL PCRs to amplify the N, P, M, F, G,
and L ORFs with corresponding primer sets that anneal
to the noncoding regions for the respective genes: N ORF
GAGTTTCAGTCAAG-3); and L ORF (ampli ed in 2
ATG-3). PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel
electrophoresis with GelRed staining (Biotium, Hayward,
CA, USA), gel puri ed, and sequenced as described (3,11).
Rapid ampli cation of cDNA ends was performed by
using the 5 RACE Kit 2.0 (Invitrogen). Phylogenetic and
molecular analyses of the sequences were performed by
using MEGA5 (16).
Of the 10 cases from the 2008 outbreak in Bangladesh,
5 were con rmed positive for NiV infection by at least
1 laboratory test at CDC. Of those 5 positive cases, 4
were positive for IgM; 2 for IgG; 3 by rRT-PCR; and 2
by conventional RT-PCR; 2 throat swab samples yielded
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2012 249
live NiV, 1 from Manikgonj (NiV/BD/HU/2008/MA
[BD, Bangladesh; HU, human]; accession no. JN808857)
and 1 from Rajbari (NiV/BD/HU/2008/RA; accession no.
JN808863) (Table 1). Despite the isolates having come from
patients from 2 districts, sequence analysis of the entire
genome of the 2 isolates indicated that they were identical.
Phylogenetic analysis of ORFs from each NiV gene
indicated that this strain was similar to, but distinct from,
the 2007 isolate from India (NiV/IN/HU/2007/FG [IN,
India]; accession no. FJ513078) (Figure 1, panel A; Figure
2, panels A–E). To rule out the possibility of laboratory
contamination, we performed 2-step conventional RT-PCR
by using RNA from duplicate samples of the original throat
swab samples from which the 2 viruses were isolated. We
ampli ed the entire N gene ORF from each sample and
con rmed that the sequences were identical. Although
there were 4 isolated cases of NiV infection in Bangladesh
in 2009 as con rmed by IgM or IgG ELISA, or both, we
were not able to obtain NiV sequences from those case-
patients (Table 1).
Of the 17 cases from the 2010 outbreak in Bangladesh,
12 were con rmed positive. All 12 were positive for IgM,
2 for IgG, 5 by rRT-PCR, and 3 by conventional 2-step
RT-PCR (Table 1). Although we detected NiV RNA by
rRT-PCR from urine, CSF, and throat swab samples, we
were unable to isolate virus from any of those sources.
Of the 3 samples from which we were able to amplify
NiV sequences, 1 was from a 10-year-old girl from the
initial cluster (NiV/BD/HU/2010/FA2; accession no.
JN808859) and the other 2 were from patients with
isolated cases. The patients with isolated cases were a
medical intern (NiV/BD/HU/2010/FA1; accession no.
JN808864) who was working in the pediatric department
at Faridpur Medical College Hospital and a 7-year-old
girl (NiV/BD/HU/2010/GO; accession no. JN808860)
who was examined by the same medical intern; both died.
The illness developed in the intern only 6 days after the
7-year-old girl died; this incubation period was atypically
short for NiV infection, indicating the possibility of
separate infections (6). Sequence analysis of the N ORFs
ampli ed from throat swab samples con rmed that the
intern and the girl were infected with distinct lineages
of NiV (Figure 1, panel A). Our attempts to recover NiV
sequences from prior contacts of the medical intern who
were IgM positive for NiV infection were unsuccessful.
Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the sequence from the
7-year-old girl was similar to, but distinct from, the 2007
isolate from India, whereas the sequence from the intern
was closer to that of the 2004 isolate from Bangladesh
(NiV/BD/HU/2004/RA1; accession no. AY988601). The
N sequence obtained from the 10-year-old girl from the
initial cluster was shown to be slightly more similar to
the 2007 isolate from India (Figure 1, panel A). We were
only able to amplify the complete N ORF from the throat
swab samples from the 7-year-old and 10-year-old girls
because our rRT-PCR indicated the presence of 103 to
104 copies of NiV N RNA (cycle threshold 26–30). The
rRT-PCR conducted on the throat swab sample from the
medical intern indicated the presence of 106 copies of
NiV N RNA (cycle threshold 20), which corroborated
250 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2012
Table 1. Results from patients with confirmed Nipah virus infection, Bangladesh, 2008–2010*
Patient no. Year isolated Case type
Serologic result RT-PCR result
Virus isolation IgM IgG Conventional Real-time
1 2008 Cluster + + – –
2 2008 Cluster + – +
3 2008 Cluster + + +
4 2008 Cluster + + + +
5 2008 Cluster + + – –
6 2009 Isolated + + NA NA NA
7 2009 Isolated + NA NA NA
8 2009 Isolated + NA NA NA
9 2009 Isolated + NA NA NA
10 2010 Cluster + NA NA NA
11 2010 Cluster + + +
12 2010 Cluster + +
13 2010 Cluster + NA NA NA
14 2010 Cluster + + NA NA NA
15 2010 Isolated + +
16 2010 Isolated + + + +
17 2010 Isolated + + +
18 2010 Isolated + NA NA NA
19 2010 Isolated + NA NA NA
20 2010 Isolated + NA NA NA
21 2010 Isolated + NA NA NA
*RT-PCR, reverse transcription PCR; +, positive; –, negative; NA, sample not available.
Characterization of Nipah Virus, Bangladesh
our ability to amplify nearly the entire genome except
for the 3 leader and 5 trailer (data not shown) from this
Since the initial molecular characterization of NiV
from Bangladesh in 2004 (11), there has been a shortage
of full-length NiV ORF sequences from Bangladesh.
However, the sequence data obtained from the 2008 and
2010 Bangladesh outbreaks in this study, along with the
recent characterization of the 2007 isolate from India (4),
support the previous observation of relative heterogeneity
among NiV nucleotide sequences from humans affected
by outbreaks in Bangladesh compared with sequences
from Malaysia (11). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that
these new sequences from Bangladesh and India group
substantially closer to the sequences from Bangladesh in
2004, which led us to propose a system to describe the
distinct lineages of NiV (Figure 1; Figure 2, panels A–E).
We propose to designate the current sequences obtained
from Malaysia (MY) and Cambodia (KH) as genotype M
and the sequences obtained from Bangladesh and India as
genotype B. By using a 729-nt window in the N terminal
region of the N gene ORF (N ORF nt 123–852, NiV genome
positions 236–964), we were able to determine 25 distinct
nucleotides that universally differentiated the genotypes
(Figure 1, panel B). The topology of the phylogenetic
tree and the positions of the branches generated from this
smaller nucleotide window were similar to those of the
tree generated with the full-length N ORF sequences and
have reasonably high bootstrap values at the root branch
junctions, albeit with lower bootstrap values at the distal
branch junctions (Figure 1, panels A, B). In support of this
scheme, we observed similar topologies and branching
patterns in phylogenetic trees generated for the complete
P, M, F, G, and L ORFs, all with strong bootstrap values
(Figure 2, panels A–E).
Pairwise sequence comparisons conducted across each
individual NiV gene ORF indicated a nucleotide variation
range of 6.32%–9.15% between genotype M and B viruses
and an amino acid variation range of 1.42%–9.87% (Table 2;
online Technical Appendix,
1492-Techapp.pdf). The ranges of nucleotide and amino
acid variation of sequences within genotype M were 0.19%–
2.21% and 0.18–3.67%, respectively, and within genotype
B were 0.28%–1.06% and 0.28% –0.56%, respectively. The
apparently higher levels of variation found among ORFs
within genotype M is mostly caused by the comparatively
divergent sequences obtained from Pteropus vampyrus
(NiV/MY/BA/2010/MY; accession no. FN869553)
and P. lylei (NiV/KH/BA/2004/KHM; accession nos.
AY858110, AY858111) bats. Not only is the proposed
genotyping scheme supported by consistent phylogenetic
tree topologies, but pairwise nucleotide comparisons of
the 729-nt region yield similar percentages of variability
as seen in the full-length N ORF comparisons. This nding
indicates that this sequence window is a relatively accurate
indicator of overall nucleotide variability within and across
genotypes M and B (online Technical Appendix Figure 1,
panels A, C).
A comprehensive amino acid alignment of currently
available complete N protein ORFs indicated that the
4 residues that distinguish between genotype M and B
viruses are almost all located in the COOH-terminus
(Table 3). Of these residues, only 1 (position 387) is located
within the putative minimum contiguous sequence required
for capsid assembly (17), and none were located in the 29
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2012 251
Figure 1. Phylogenetic analyses of sequences from the complete
Nipah virus N ORF (A) and the 729-nt proposed N ORF genotyping
window (B). Tree created with maximum parsimony, close-
neighbor-interchange algorithm, 1,000 bootstrap replicates (16).
Branch lengths are in units of number of changes over the whole
sequence. Available GenBank accession numbers are shown
for corresponding sequences. Proposed genotype groupings
are indicated by brackets (M, B). ORF, open reading frame; MY,
Malaysia; KH, Cambodia; BD, Bangladesh; IN, India; HU, human;
PI, pig; BA, bat. Scale bars indicate number of sequence changes
corresponding to illustrated branch length.
COOH-terminal and 10 NH-terminal residues required for
interaction with the P protein (18,19). Of note, there are
4 residues (V429, E432, D457, and T521) in the COOH-
terminal region common to all genotype B sequences that
are shared with 2 of the comparatively divergent genotype M
sequences. In light of the overall nucleotide and amino acid
sequence comparisons, however, the divergent genotype
M sequences from the bats still differ substantially from
genotype B sequences (Figure 1, panel A; Figure 2, panels
A–E; online Technical Appendix Figure 1, panels A, B).
Amino acid alignments of the P protein indicated
numerous differences between genotype M and B
sequences in the rst 400 residues, which comprise
the shared N terminal region between the P, V, and W
proteins. Of the differences in this region, there were
neither changes that would be predicted to alter the STAT-
1 binding ability of the P, V, and W proteins nor changes
that could adversely affect RNA replication (2022). There
were only 4 changes in the COOH-terminal region of P,
which is required for direct N–P interactions, 2 of which
were nonconservative changes (N590S, E635G) (18).
The P sequence derived from P. vampyrus bats had an
intriguing sequence of amino acids from residues 408–440,
in which there was substantial sequence divergence from
genotypes M and B at the nucleotide and amino acid levels
(23). These particular nucleotide changes in the P sequence
also introduced several amino acid changes in the unique
COOH-terminal regions of the V (11 changes) and W (9
changes) ORFs, which distinguish them from any genotype
M and B sequences.
We observed the M protein to be highly conserved
across genotypes M and B, and we found just 2 aa residues
exclusive to genotype B that are not located in any region
of the protein with a known function, such as budding
(24,25), nuclear localization, or ubiquitination (26). In the
F protein, the predicted cleavage site, F1 amino-terminal
domain, transmembrane domain, and predicted N-linked
glycosylation sites are all conserved across both genotypes.
Although the percentage of amino acid variation in the G
protein is higher than that in all other NiV proteins (except
the P protein), it is not surprising that the residues implicated
in Ephrin B2 and B3 binding are conserved across the
genotypes (27,28). The amino acid differences between
genotypes M and B sequences are predominantly found
252 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2012
Figure 2. Phylogenetic analyses of sequences from the complete Nipah virus P ORF (A), M ORF (B), F ORF (C), G ORF (D), and L ORF
(E). Tree created with maximum parsimony, close-neighbor-interchange algorithm, 1,000 bootstrap replicates (16). Branch lengths are in
units of number of changes over the whole sequence. Available GenBank accession numbers are shown for corresponding sequences.
Proposed genotype groupings are indicated by brackets (M, B). ORF, open reading frame; MY, Malaysia; KH, Cambodia; BD, Bangladesh;
IN, India; HU, human; PI, pig; BA, bat. Scale bars indicate number of sequence changes corresponding to illustrated branch length.
Table 2. Percentage nucleotide and amino acid variability among available complete Nipah virus open reading frame sequences
Open reading frame
length, nt/aa
% nt variation % aa variation
Overall Genotype M Genotype B Overall Genotype M Genotype B
N 1,599/532 0.0–6.32 0.0–2.19 0.0–1.06 0.0–2.26 0.0–1.69 0.0–0.56
P 2,130/709 0.0–9.15 0.0–2.21 0.0–0.99 0.0–9.87 0.0–3.67 0.0–0.99
M 1,059/352 0.0–6.70 0.0–0.57 0.0–0.28 0.0–1.42 0.0–0.85 0.0–0.28
F 1,641/546 0.0–6.76 0.0–0.85 0.0–0.98 0.0–1.65 0.0–0.75 0.0–0.55
G 1,809/602 0.0–7.35 0.0–1.93 0.0–0.55 0.0–4.65 0.0–1.83 0.0–0.33
L 6,735/2244 0.0–6.68 0.01–0.19 0.0–0.82 0.0–1.92 0.0–0.18 0.0–0.45
Characterization of Nipah Virus, Bangladesh
at residues that are distant from the receptor binding site.
Two differences were found in the intracellular domain,
3 differences in the stalk region (positions 72–182), 9
differences in a span of 100 aa (positions 236–344) along
the side of the globular head domain, 4 differences closer
to the top of the globular head domain (positions 385–424),
and only 2 differences (positions 498 and 502) that were
close to the tryptophan residue at position 504, which is part
of the receptor-binding pocket. As in other NiV proteins,
several amino acids were shared between genotype B
sequences and 2 genotype M sequences derived from the
bat isolates. The signi cance of these changes has yet to
be explored.
The level of amino acid conservation throughout the
L proteins was high; the purported GDNE catalytic site
and the K-X21-GEGSG ATP binding site were conserved
across genotypes M and B. Most distinct differences
between genotypes M and B sequences (26 of 32) were
located outside the 6 linear domains typically found in
nonsegmented negative strand virus polymerases (29,30).
The cis-acting control sequences in NiV are usually
well conserved. The tri-nucleotide intergenic sequences
ampli ed from the throat swab sample from the medical
intern in 2010 had GAA for all 6 intergenic regions, which
was identical to the 2007 isolate from India. For the 2008
isolates, the intergenic sequence between the N and P
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 2, February 2012 253
Table 3. Amino acid differences among available complete Nipah virus N gene open reading frame sequences*
Sequence and
accession no.
Amino acid position
G 30 139 188 211 318 345 380 381 387 414 429 432 436 457 502 505 506 508 511 518 521
M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M . R . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M . . . . . . . . . . V E . D . . . . . . .
M . . . . . . . . . . V E . D T . . . G P T
B . . D . . . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . . . N N V E M D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . I . N . V E M D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . . K N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . . V . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . . . . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
B . . . R . . . . N . V E . D . K D R . . T
*Dots indicate sequence identity with AF212302. NiV, Nipah virus; MY, Malaysia; HU, human; G, genotype classification; genotype M, sequences from
Malaysia and Cambodia; genotype B, sequences from Bangladesh and India; T, threonine, S, serine; E, glutamate; Q, glutamine; I, isoleucine; M,
methionine; N, asparagine; R, arginine; D, aspartate; K, lysine; G, glycine; V; valine; P, proline; PI, pig; BA, bat; KH, Cambodia; BD, Bangladesh; IN,
genes was AAA, and the rest of the intergenic sequences
were GAA. The biological implications of nding
adenosine in the rst position of NiV intergenic sequences
is unknown. The 3 leader and 5 trailer sequences of the
2008 NiV isolates were identical to those found in the 2004
Bangladesh and 2007 India isolates.
From the initial outbreak of NiV in Malaysia until now,
there has not been a standard method by which to classify
NiVs. With the accumulation of sequences from subsequent
human outbreaks in Bangladesh and India, along with an
increasing number of bat-derived sequences, we propose a
standardized genotyping method for NiV. The goal behind a
genotyping scheme is to classify viruses by using a smaller
sequence window that has levels of sequence variability
that correspond to variability between complete genomes
and that would give the same phylogenetic tree topology
with high bootstrap values. Genotyping schemes for other
paramyxoviruses, such as measles virus and mumps virus,
have been delineated (31,32).
Before this study, there has been a growing body of
partial-sequence data obtained from a 357-nt region coding
for the COOH-terminus of N (NiV genome positions 1197–
1553) (23,33). Although obtaining sequence information
from this window has the advantage of tracking more
variability at the nucleotide and the amino acid levels,
it could potentially overestimate the level of variability
between sequences within and across genotypes. Pairwise
nucleotide sequence comparisons performed by using the
357-nt window estimate the overall sequence variation
at 8%, whereas the sequence variation of the complete
N ORF is 6% (Table 2; online Technical Appendix
Figure 1, panels A, D). In particular, the 357-nt window
overestimates the variability within genotype M of the P.
vampyrus bat sequence at 2%, whereas variability of the
sequence within genotype M is <1% when the complete
N ORF is taken into account. The 729-nt window in the
N terminal region proposed in this study would serve as a
more conservative scheme for genotyping because it has
little amino acid variation but has nucleotide variability of
5.5% according to pairwise comparisons between the 2
proposed genotypes, which only slightly underestimates
the variability among sequences for the complete N ORF
(online Technical Appendix Figure 1, panels A, C). As with
other genotyping schemes that facilitate the classi cation
of viruses, our proposed scheme is amenable to corrective
measures as warranted by evidence from sequences
obtained from future outbreaks and bat surveillance studies.
In summary, we conducted a comprehensive
molecular phylogenetic analysis of currently available
complete NiV gene ORFs at the nucleotide and amino
acid levels, including newly obtained sequence data from
NiV outbreaks in Bangladesh in 2008 and 2010. Analyses
of the combined sequence data obtained from Bangladesh
and India in the past decade led us to propose a genotyping
scheme based on a 729-nt window of the NiV N ORF. This
genotyping scheme provides a simple and accurate way to
classify current and future NiV sequences.
M.K.L. was supported by an American Society for
Microbiology postdoctoral fellowship. Financial support for
this research came from CDC core funding, ICDDR,B, and
US National Institutes of Health, grant no. 07-015-0712-52200
Dr Lo is a microbiologist with the Viral Special Pathogens
Branch at CDC. His research interests include the molecular
pathogenesis and epidemiology of Nipah virus.
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Address for correspondence: Michael K. Lo, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Mailstop G14, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA;
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the public domain and may be used and reprinted without
special permission; proper citation, however, is required.
... At IEDCR, ELISA for Anti NiV IgG and IgM were carried out. The ELISA assay was carried out according to the procedure designed and recommended by CDC, Atlanta [12,19,20]. In brief, for anti-Nipah IgM, a microtiter plate (Corning, Glendale, AZ, USA) was coated with anti-human IgM antibody (1:500, KPL Antibodies & Conjugates (Seracare, Milford, MA, USA) [21]. ...
... Five microliters of extracted nucleic acid were used as a template for 25 μL of one-step RT-PCR reaction volume. Initially, TaqMan PCR assay was used to screen NiV RNA using NiV N gene-specific primers and probe, as described by Lo et al. [19]. One-step RT-PCR reactions were performed using the AgPath-ID one-step RT-PCR kit. ...
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Human Nipah virus (NiV) infection is an epidemic-prone disease and since the first recognized outbreak in Bangladesh in 2001, human infections have been detected almost every year. Due to its high case fatality rate and public health importance, a hospital-based Nipah sentinel surveillance was established in Bangladesh to promptly detect Nipah cases and respond to outbreaks at the earliest. The surveillance has been ongoing till present. The hospital-based sentinel surveillance was conducted at ten strategically chosen tertiary care hospitals distributed throughout Bangladesh. The surveillance staff ensured that routine screening, enrollment, data, and specimen collection from suspected Nipah cases were conducted daily. The specimens were then processed and transported to the reference laboratory of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) and icddr,b for confirmation of diagnosis through serology and molecular detection. From 2006 to 2021, through this hospital-based surveillance platform, 7,150 individuals were enrolled and tested for Nipah virus. Since 2001, 322 Nipah infections were identified in Bangladesh, 75% of whom were laboratory confirmed cases. Half of the reported cases were primary cases (162/322) having an established history of consuming raw date palm sap (DPS) or tari (fermented date palm sap) and 29% were infected through person-to-person transmission. Since the initiation of surveillance, 68% (218/322) of Nipah cases from Bangladesh have been identified from various parts of the country. Fever, vomiting, headache, fatigue, and increased salivation were the most common symptoms among enrolled Nipah patients. Till 2021, the overall case fatality rate of NiV infection in Bangladesh was 71%. This article emphasizes that the overall epidemiology of Nipah virus infection in Bangladesh has remained consistent throughout the years. This is the only systematic surveillance to detect human NiV infection globally. The findings from this surveillance have contributed to early detection of NiV cases in hospital settings, understanding of Nipah disease epidemiology, and have enabled timely public health interventions for prevention and containment of NiV infection. Although we still have much to learn regarding the transmission dynamics and risk factors of human NiV infection, surveillance has played a significant role in advancing our knowledge in this regard.
... high pathogenicity and lack of available vaccines and antivirals (1,2). Outbreaks of NiV and HeV have occurred frequently in Southeast Asia and Australia (3)(4)(5)(6). NiV was first isolated in 1999 during an outbreak in pigs that led to subsequent cases of encephalitis among pig farmers in Malaysia and Singapore (7,8). NiV infection can cause severe respiratory symptoms as well as fatal neurological symptoms, and the virus can spread between humans (9). ...
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The henipaviruses, including Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra virus (HeV), are biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) zoonotic pathogens that cause severe neurological and respiratory disease in humans. To study the replication machinery of these viruses, we developed robust minigenome systems that can be safely used in BSL-2 conditions. The nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), and large protein (L) of henipaviruses are critical elements of their replication machinery and thus essential support components of the minigenome systems. Here, we tested the effects of diverse combinations of the replication support proteins on the replication capacity of the NiV and HeV minigenomes by exchanging the helper plasmids coding for these proteins among the two viruses. We demonstrate that all combinations including one or more heterologous proteins were capable of replicating both the NiV and HeV minigenomes. Sequence alignment showed identities of 92% for the N protein, 67% for P, and 87% for L. Notably, variations in amino acid residues were not concentrated in the N-P and P-L interacting regions implying that dissimilarities in amino acid composition among NiV and HeV polymerase complex proteins may not impact their interactions. The observed indiscriminate activity of NiV and HeV polymerase complex proteins is different from related viruses, which can support the replication of heterologous genomes only when the whole polymerase complex belongs to the same virus. This newly observed promiscuous property of the henipavirus polymerase complex proteins likely attributed to their conserved interaction regions could potentially be harnessed to develop universal anti-henipavirus antivirals. IMPORTANCE Given the severity of disease induced by Hendra and Nipah viruses in humans and the continuous emergence of new henipaviruses as well as henipa-like viruses, it is necessary to conduct a more comprehensive investigation of the biology of henipaviruses and their interaction with the host. The replication of henipaviruses and the development of antiviral agents can be studied in systems that allow experiments to be performed under biosafety level 2 conditions. Here, we developed robust minigenome systems for the Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra virus (HeV) that provide a convenient alternative for studying NiV and HeV replication. Using these systems, we demonstrate that any combination of the three polymerase complex proteins of NiV and HeV could effectively initiate the replication of both viral minigenomes, which suggests that the interaction regions of the polymerase complex proteins could be effective targets for universal and effective anti-henipavirus interventions.
... The two glycoproteins F and G are anchored in the envelope of the viral particle and are required for viral penetration into host cells [6]. NiV strains found in Bangladesh and India (clade I, or NiV-B) are distinguished from strains found in Malaysia and Singapore (clade II, or NiV-M) [7][8][9][10]. ...
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The Nipah virus (NiV) and the Hendra virus (HeV) are highly pathogenic zoonotic diseases that can cause fatal infections in humans and animals. Early detection is critical for the control of NiV and HeV infections. We present the development of two antigen-detection ELISAs (AgELISAs) using the henipavirus-receptor EphrinB2 and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to detect NiV and HeV. The NiV AgELISA detected only NiV, whereas the NiV/HeV AgELISA detected both NiV and HeV. The diagnostic specificities of the NiV AgELISA and the NiV/HeV AgELISA were 100% and 97.8%, respectively. Both assays were specific for henipaviruses and showed no cross-reactivity with other viruses. The AgELISAs detected NiV antigen in experimental pig nasal wash samples taken at 4 days post-infection. With the combination of both AgELISAs, NiV can be differentiated from HeV. Complementing other henipavirus detection methods, these two newly developed AgELISAs can rapidly detect NiV and HeV in a large number of samples and are suitable for use in remote areas where other tests are not available.
... The nonstructural proteins are determinants of pathogenicity and inhibit host innate antiviral responses [2]. Two NiV strains have been identified: NiV-Malaysia and NiV-Bangladesh [3]; only NiV-Bangladesh is associated with recent outbreaks. ...
Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic paramyxovirus. The Syrian hamster model recapitulates key features of human NiV disease and is a critical tool for evaluating antivirals and vaccines. Here we describe longitudinal humoral immune responses in NiV-infected Syrian hamsters. Samples were obtained 1-28 days after infection and analyzed by ELISA, neutralization, and Fc-mediated effector function assays. NiV infection elicited robust antibody responses against the nucleoprotein and attachment glycoprotein. Levels of neutralizing antibodies were modest and only detectable in surviving animals. Fc-mediated effector functions were mostly observed in nucleoprotein-targeting antibodies. Antibody levels and activities positively correlated with challenge dose.
... Humans can become infected with NiV through exposure to sick pigs, but there have been no documented cases of human-to-human transmission 6 . Since the initial outbreak in Malaysia, NiV outbreaks have occurred almost annually in Bangladesh and India between 2001 and 2018 7,8 . NiV can spread directly from bats to humans through the consumption of contaminated raw date palm sap in Bangladesh 9 , with a higher fatality rate ranging from 40% to 75% 10 , and human-tohuman transmission has been observed in these outbreaks 11,12 . ...
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Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly lethal zoonotic paramyxovirus that poses a severe threat to humans due to its high morbidity and the lack of viable countermeasures. Vaccines are the most crucial defense against NiV infections. Here, a recombinant chimpanzee adenovirus-based vaccine (AdC68-G) and a DNA vaccine (DNA-G) were developed by expressing the codon-optimized full-length glycoprotein (G) of NiV. Strong and sustained neutralizing antibody production, accompanied by an effective T-cell response, was induced in BALB/c mice by intranasal or intramuscular administration of one or two doses of AdC68-G, as well as by priming with DNA-G and boosting with intramuscularly administered AdC68-G. Importantly, the neutralizing antibody titers were maintained for up to 68 weeks in the mice that received intramuscularly administered AdC68-G and the prime DNA-G/boost AdC68-G regimen, without a significant decline. Additionally, Syrian golden hamsters immunized with AdC68-G and DNA-G via homologous or heterologous prime/boost immunization were completely protected against a lethal NiV virus challenge, without any apparent weight loss, clinical signs, or pathological tissue damage. There was a significant reduction in but not a complete absence of the viral load and number of infectious particles in the lungs and spleen tissue following NiV challenge. These findings suggest that the AdC68-G and DNA-G vaccines against NiV infection are promising candidates for further development.
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The Hendra and Nipah viruses (HNVs) are highly pathogenic pathogens without approved interventions for human use. In addition, the interaction pattern between the attachment (G) and fusion (F) glycoproteins required for virus entry remains unclear. Here, we isolate a panel of Macaca-derived G-specific antibodies that cross-neutralize HNVs via multiple mechanisms. The most potent antibody, 1E5, confers adequate protection against the Nipah virus challenge in female hamsters. Crystallography demonstrates that 1E5 has a highly similar binding pattern to the receptor. In cryo-electron microscopy studies, the tendency of 1E5 to bind to the upper or lower heads results in two distinct quaternary structures of G. Furthermore, we identify the extended outer loop β1S2-β1S3 of G and two pockets on the apical region of fusion (F) glycoprotein as the essential sites for G-F interactions. This work highlights promising drug candidates against HNVs and contributes deeper insights into the viruses.
Background: Nipah virus (NiV), a highly lethal virus in humans, circulates in Pteropus bats throughout South and Southeast Asia. Difficulty in obtaining viral genomes from bats means we have a poor understanding of NiV diversity. Methods: We develop phylogenetic approaches applied to the most comprehensive collection of genomes to date (N=257, 175 from bats, 73 from humans) from six countries over 22 years (1999-2020). We divide the four major NiV sublineages into 15 genetic clusters. Using Approximate Bayesian Computation fit to a spatial signature of viral diversity, we estimate the presence and the average size of genetic clusters per area. Results: We find that, within any bat roost, there are an average of 2.4 co-circulating genetic clusters, rising to 5.5 clusters at areas of 1500-2000km2. We estimate that each genetic cluster occupies an average area of 1.3million km2 (95%CI: 0.6-2.3 million), with 14 clusters in an area of 100,000km2 (95%CI: 6-24). In the few sites in Bangladesh and Cambodia where genomic surveillance has been concentrated, we estimate that most clusters have been identified, but only ∼15% of overall NiV diversity has been uncovered. Conclusion: Our findings are consistent with entrenched co-circulation of distinct lineages, even within roosts, coupled with slow migration over larger spatial scales.
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The henipaviruses, including Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra virus (HeV), are biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) zoonotic pathogens that cause severe neurological and respiratory disease in humans. To study the replication machinery of these viruses we developed robust minigenome systems that can be safely used in BSL-2 conditions. The nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), and large protein (L) of henipaviruses are critical elements of their replication machinery and thus essential support components of the minigenome systems. Here, we tested the effects of diverse combinations of the replication support proteins on the replication capacity of the NiV and HeV minigenomes by exchanging the helper plasmids coding for these proteins among the two viruses. We demonstrate that all combinations including one or more heterologous proteins were capable of replicating both the NiV and HeV minigenomes. Sequence alignment showed identities of 92% for the N protein, 67% for P, and 87% for L. Notably, variations in amino acid residues were not concentrated in the N-P and P-L interacting regions implying that dissimilarities in amino acid composition among NiV and HeV polymerase complex proteins may not impact their interactions. The observed indiscriminate activity of NiV and HeV polymerase complex proteins is different from related viruses, which can support replication of heterologous genomes only when the whole polymerase complex belongs to the same virus. This newly observed promiscuous property of the henipavirus polymerase complex proteins could potentially be harnessed to develop universal anti-henipavirus antivirals.
Nipah virus (NiV), a bat-borne zoonotic viral pathogen with high infectivity and lethality to humans, has caused severe outbreaks in several countries of Asia during the past two decades. Because...
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A new method of total RNA isolation by a single extraction with an acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform mixture is described. The method provides a pure preparation of undegraded RNA in high yield and can be completed within 4 h. It is particularly useful for processing large numbers of samples and for isolation of RNA from minute quantities of cells or tissue samples.
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We investigated a cluster of patients with encephalitis in the Manikgonj and Rajbari Districts of Bangladesh in February 2008 to determine the etiology and risk factors for disease. We classified persons as confirmed Nipah cases by the presence of immunoglobulin M antibodies against Nipah virus (NiV), or by the presence of NiV RNA or by isolation of NiV from cerebrospinal fluid or throat swabs who had onset of symptoms between February 6 and March 10, 2008. We classified persons as probable cases if they reported fever with convulsions or altered mental status, who resided in the outbreak areas during that period, and who died before serum samples were collected. For the case-control study, we compared both confirmed and probable Nipah case-patients to controls, who were free from illness during the reference period. We used motion-sensor-infrared cameras to observe bat's contact of date palm sap. We identified four confirmed and six probable case-patients, nine (90%) of whom died. The median age of the cases was 10 years; eight were males. The outbreak occurred simultaneously in two communities that were 44 km apart and separated by a river. Drinking raw date palm sap 2-12 days before illness onset was the only risk factor most strongly associated with the illness (adjusted odds ratio 25, 95% confidence intervals 3.3-∞, p<0.001). Case-patients reported no history of physical contact with bats, though community members often reported seeing bats. Infrared camera photographs showed that Pteropus bats frequently visited date palm trees in those communities where sap was collected for human consumption. This is the second Nipah outbreak in Bangladesh where date palm sap has been implicated as the vehicle of transmission. Fresh date palm sap should not be drunk, unless effective steps have been taken to prevent bat access to the sap during collection.
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Comparative analysis of molecular sequence data is essential for reconstructing the evolutionary histories of species and inferring the nature and extent of selective forces shaping the evolution of genes and species. Here, we announce the release of Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 5 (MEGA5), which is a user-friendly software for mining online databases, building sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees, and using methods of evolutionary bioinformatics in basic biology, biomedicine, and evolution. The newest addition in MEGA5 is a collection of maximum likelihood (ML) analyses for inferring evolutionary trees, selecting best-fit substitution models (nucleotide or amino acid), inferring ancestral states and sequences (along with probabilities), and estimating evolutionary rates site-by-site. In computer simulation analyses, ML tree inference algorithms in MEGA5 compared favorably with other software packages in terms of computational efficiency and the accuracy of the estimates of phylogenetic trees, substitution parameters, and rate variation among sites. The MEGA user interface has now been enhanced to be activity driven to make it easier for the use of both beginners and experienced scientists. This version of MEGA is intended for the Windows platform, and it has been configured for effective use on Mac OS X and Linux desktops. It is available free of charge from
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An intrafamilial outbreak in West Bengal, India, involving 5 deaths and person-to-person transmission was attributed to Nipah virus. Full-genome sequence of Nipah virus (18,252 nt) amplified from lung tissue showed 99.2% nt and 99.8% aa identity with the Bangladesh-2004 isolate, suggesting a common source of the virus.
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We isolated and characterized Nipah virus (NiV) from Pteropus vampyrus bats, the putative reservoir for the 1998 outbreak in Malaysia, and provide evidence of viral recrudescence. This isolate is monophyletic with previous NiVs in combined analysis, and the nucleocapsid gene phylogeny species.
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Paramyxoviruses are known to replicate in the cytoplasm and bud from the plasma membrane. Matrix is the major structural protein in paramyxoviruses that mediates viral assembly and budding. Curiously, the matrix proteins of a few paramyxoviruses have been found in the nucleus, although the biological function associated with this nuclear localization remains obscure. We report here that the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of the Nipah virus matrix (NiV-M) protein and associated post-translational modification play a critical role in matrix-mediated virus budding. Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic emerging paramyxovirus that causes fatal encephalitis in humans, and is classified as a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) pathogen. During live NiV infection, NiV-M was first detected in the nucleus at early stages of infection before subsequent localization to the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane. Mutations in the putative bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) and the leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) found in NiV-M impaired its nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking and also abolished NiV-M budding. A highly conserved lysine residue in the NLS served dual functions: its positive charge was important for mediating nuclear import, and it was also a potential site for monoubiquitination which regulates nuclear export of the protein. Concordantly, overexpression of ubiquitin enhanced NiV-M budding whereas depletion of free ubiquitin in the cell (via proteasome inhibitors) resulted in nuclear retention of NiV-M and blocked viral budding. Live Nipah virus budding was exquisitely sensitive to proteasome inhibitors: bortezomib, an FDA-approved proteasome inhibitor for treating multiple myeloma, reduced viral titers with an IC(50) of 2.7 nM, which is 100-fold less than the peak plasma concentration that can be achieved in humans. This opens up the possibility of using an "off-the-shelf" therapeutic against acute NiV infection.
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The interaction of Nipah virus (NiV) nucleocapsid (N) protein with phosphoprotein (P) during nucleocapsid assembly is the essential process in the viral life cycle, since only the encapsidated RNA genome can be used for replication. To identify the region responsible for N-P interaction, we utilized fluorescent protein tags to visualize NiV N and P proteins in live cells and analyzed their cellular localization. N protein fused to monomeric enhanced cyan fluorescence protein (N-ECFP) exhibited a dotted pattern in transfected cells, while P protein fused to monomeric red fluorescent protein (P-mRFP) showed diffuse distribution. When the two proteins were coexpressed, P-mRFP colocalized with N-ECFP dots. N-ECFP mutants with serial amino acid deletions were generated to search for the region(s) responsible for this N-P colocalization. We found that, in addition to the 467- to 496-amino-acid (aa) region reported previously, aa 135 to 146 were responsible for the N-P colocalization. The residues crucial for N-P interaction were further investigated by introducing alanine substitutions into the untagged N protein. Alanine scanning in the region of aa 135 to 146 has revealed that there are distinct regions essential for the interaction of N-P and the function of N. This is the first study to visualize Nipah viral proteins in live cells and to assess the essential domain of N protein for the interaction with P protein.
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Nipah virus (NiV) is a paramyxovirus whose reservoir host is fruit bats of the genus Pteropus . Occasionally the virus is introduced into human populations and causes severe illness characterized by encephalitis or respiratory disease. The first outbreak of NiV was recognized in Malaysia, but 8 outbreaks have been reported from Bangladesh since 2001. The primary pathways of transmission from bats to people in Bangladesh are through contamination of raw date palm sap by bats with subsequent consumption by humans and through infection of domestic animals (cattle, pigs, and goats), presumably from consumption of food contaminated with bat saliva or urine with subsequent transmission to people. Approximately one-half of recognized Nipah case patients in Bangladesh developed their disease following person-to-person transmission of the virus. Efforts to prevent transmission should focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap and reducing family members' and friends' exposure to infected patients' saliva.
Physicians at Faridpur Medical College Hospital recognized a cluster of encephalitis cases within Faridpur District in January 2010. A subsequent field investigation suggested that the initial cases acquired Nipah through drinking raw date palm sap and subsequent transmission occurred through person-to-person contact. In March 2010, one of the hospital physicians who cared for two Nipah patients died from Nipah encephalitis. To prevent further outbreaks of Nipah virus, people in the ‘Nipah belt’ should be warned about the risk of drinking fresh date palm sap. Practical steps to interrupt contamination of date palm sap should be introduced, and protective measures to reduce patient to caregiver transmission undertaken.
Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are members of a new genus, Henipavirus, in the family Paramyxoviridae. Each virus encodes a phosphoprotein (P) that is significantly larger than its counterparts in other known paramyxoviruses. The interaction of this unusually large P with its nucleocapsid protein (N) was investigated in this study by using recombinant full-length and truncated proteins expressed in bacteria and a modified protein-blotting protein-overlay assay. Results from our group demonstrated that the N and P of both viruses were able to form not only homologous, but also heterologous, N-P complexes, i.e. HeV N was able to interact with NiV P and vice versa. Deletion analysis of the N and P revealed that there were at least two independent N-binding sites on P and they resided at the N and C termini, respectively. Similarly, more than one P-binding site was present on N and one of these was mapped to a 29 amino acid (aa) C-terminal region, which on its own was sufficient to interact with the extreme C-terminal 165 aa region of P.