Conference PaperPDF Available

Trial Evaluation of Wireless Info-communication and Indoor Location-Based Services in Exhibition Shows


Abstract and Figures

Exhibition shows are essentially information exchange hubs. Their success relies on the quantity and quality of interaction of the involved parties: exhibitors, visitors, and organizers. The introduction of advanced wireless ap- plications in the exhibition industry is a major opportunity for improving inter- action and communications, thus leveraging the value proposition of exhibition services. This paper discusses the development and commercial trial of a Wire- less Exhibition Guide that employs mobile terminals, wireless networks, and in- door location positioning technologies integrated through a set of software components, to introduce sophisticated information, communication, and navi- gation services for exhibition environments. Results indicate acceptance of the Wireless Exhibition Guide amongst the stakeholders of the exhibition industry, organizers, exhibitors, and visitors alike, and provide guidance towards the fu- ture of portable personalized location-sensitive information systems in informa- tion-rich environments, such as museums, conference centers, and art shows
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... This has been implemented by Chunghua Telecom (http: // in some exhibitions in Taiwan a few years ago. Another solution is to use positioning technologies, like GPS for outdoors and wireless LAN for indoors, for location-aware services [1][2][3][4]. However, the positioning accuracy is always a concern and the cost is high. ...
... Although in our view the RFID technology is a simpler way to know the visitor's intention, the positioning technologies used for such services are worth of discussions. In [1], indoor location-based services in exhibition show, named the Wireless Exhibition Guide, were developed and evaluated. Portable personalized location-sensitive information systems in museums, conference centers, and art shows can be built based on it. ...
... Generally speaking, there are two essential issues in these researches. The first issue is that the positioning accuracy is not always high, which was also discussed in [1] and [3]. The second one is that it is difficult to incorporate the user context. ...
The self-guided tour system in a museum or an art gallery usually provides only one-way information to the visitor. The visitor follows a pre-designed route guided by the system and cannot freely choose any exhibit for detail information. This kind of systems lacks an interaction mechanism with the visitor. This research aims at designing an environment that allows the visitor to freely select any interested exhibit and instantly share his/her note or remark about the exhibit with others through the Internet. The information not only can be accessed by other visitors, but also can be broadcasted through microblogging. In the Web 2.0 era, this word-of-mouth effect can be very helpful in promoting the exhibition. This paper presents a prototype system for such an environment. The system is realized by the RFID and mobile technologies. It is also useful in outdoor scenic sites, exhibition shows and even department stores for information sharing and advertisement.
... Within the SAiMotion project, the authors developed a system which supports planning at home as well as mobile guidance on-site-both in a 2D map. A similar prototype for an exhibition show guiding application is also presented in [21]. ...
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Routing services for outdoor areas are omnipresent and also three-dimensional (3D) visualization is quite common within this area. Recent research efforts are now trying to adapt well known outdoor routing services to complex indoor environments. However, most of the current indoor routing systems only focus on two-dimensional visualization, thus only one level can be depicted. Especially multi-level routes therefore lack visualization. Also, most of the (few) existing 3D indoor routing services utilize proprietary software or plugins, thus a widespread accessibility for those services by using common computers or mobile devices is not feasible. Therefore this paper describes the development of a web-based 3D routing system based on a new HTML extension. The visualization of rooms as well as the computed routes is realized with XML3D. Since this emerging technology is based on WebGL and will likely be integrated into the HTML5 standard, the developed system is already compatible with most common browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. Another key difference of the approach presented in this paper is that all utilized data is actually crowdsourced geodata from OpenStreetMap (OSM). Such data is collaboratively collected by both amateurs and professionals and can be used at no charge under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Our research combines user-generated geo content of the Web 2.0 with future Internet technology for the provision of a ubiquitously accessible 3D indoor routing application.
... An exhibition (i.e., trade fairs), which is defined as displaying exhibitors' products to visitors and the press [2] [8], contributes to the economy in many countries. In addition, the exhibition industry plays an important role as the effective sales and marketing tools [13]. However, the exhibition industry recently stands at the crossroads of change by the advent of new information and communication technologies. ...
The applications of new information and communication technologies in the exhibition industry provide lots of opportunities for improving value of exhibition service. Especially exhibit organizers can help the visitors to find the information they are looking for through a recommender system using the ubiquitous technologies. However, existing recommender systems in the ubiquitous exhibition environment can't reflect a visitor's dynamic preference since those systems utilize information of the pre-inputted exhibit booths. Therefore, we suggest a recommendation methodology for tour guidance modeled by a Bayesian network in the ubiquitous exhibition environment. A Bayesian network can reflect a visitor's dynamic preference on the exhibit booths over time. We expect that the proposed methodology will be stable and accurate to identify the visitor's dynamic preference and to recommend the exhibit booth.
The globally observed recession of mobile services market has pushed mobile network operators into looking for opportunities to provide value added services on top of their high cost infrastructures. Recent advances in mobile positioning technologies enable services that make use of the mobile user location information, offering intuitive, attractive applications to the potential customer. Mobile tourism services are among the primary options to be considered by service providers for this new market. This chapter presents the key concepts, capabilities, and considerations of infrastructures and applications targeted to the mobile tourist, covering data and content delivery, positioning, systems’ interactions, platforms, protocols, security, and privacy as well as business modelling aspects.
Route planning services for a priori route planning on computers or on-demand planning on mobile devices are omnipresent, not only for vehicles but also for bicyclists or pedestrians. Furthermore, public or commercial buildings such as hospitals, hotels or shopping malls are getting bigger and their inner complexity increases. Additionally, most of the time of our lives is spent indoors, apparently quite often in unknown and foreign buildings. Consequently, the need for mature indoor route planning applications emerged and both academia and economy are now trying to adapt well known outdoor routing services to complex indoor spaces. Contrary to the outdoors, where typically commercial data providers or professional surveyors capture spatial data, it is unlikely that commercial institutes are able to capture indoor information on a large-scale. In the last couple of years, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) or crowdsourced geodata has increasingly gained attractiveness and the manifoldness and quality of such data has already been demonstrated in different (outdoor) applications. Trying to gain traction in the emerging field of indoor applications, OpenStreetMap (OSM) as one of the most popular VGI communities aims at taking the lead in capturing information about indoor spaces. Trying to satisfy the demand for indoor services, this chapter presents an extensive application for indoor environments. By providing indoor maps and route planning services with indoor OSM data, the here conducted work on the one hand demonstrates the possibilities arising from VGI and on the other hand provides a mature indoor application. In particular, the developed application can be used for a priori route planning at home on a personal computer as well as for on-demand route planning on a mobile device. A prototypical implementation for BlackBerry smartphones is also presented, whereas the application, due to its design and technology, can be easily ported to other mobile platforms such as Android smartphones, iPhones or iPads.
The globally observed recession of mobile services market has pushed mobile network operators into looking for opportunities to provide value added services on top of their high cost infrastructures. Recent advances in mobile positioning technologies enable services that make use of the mobile user location information, offering intuitive, attractive applications to the potential customer. Mobile tourism services are among the primary options to be considered by service providers for this new market. This chapter presents the key concepts, capabilities, and considerations of infrastructures and applications targeted to the mobile tourist, covering data and content delivery, positioning, systems' interactions, platforms, protocols, security, and privacy as well as business modelling aspects.
The globally observed recession of mobile services market has pushed mobile network operators into looking for opportunities to provide value added services on top of their high cost infrastructures. Recent advances in mobile positioning technologies enable services that make use of the mobile user location information, offering intuitive, attractive applications to the potential customer. Mobile tourism services are among the primary options to be considered by service providers for this new market. This chapter presents the key concepts, capabilities, and considerations of infrastructures and applications targeted to the mobile tourist, covering data and content delivery, positioning, systems' interactions, platforms, protocols, security, and privacy as well as business modelling aspects.
The development objective of ecotourism should be sustainable development as well as optimization of comprehensive benefits. Jiuzhaigou scenic region is located northwest Sichuan Province and more and more researchers from all research areas have paid their attention to the protection of the environment of this region for the scarce resources including water and species which have been affected by more and more tourists entering into this magnificent area. Therefore, to protect this area as well as keep the development rate of local economy, we introduce the concept of management entropy and with the application of RFID technology extend our existing space-time navigation method. Performance simulation results show our system can use proposed low-carbon scenic integrated management to achieve our goal of ecotourism.
Ecotourism is a term to describe tourism activities which harmoniously coexist with the nature, which is a concept relative to traditional mass tourism. Ecotourism Association once defined it as a kind of responsible tourism activity within a certain natural region engaged in protecting local environment and benefiting local residents. The development objective of ecotourism should be sustainable development as well as optimization of comprehensive benefits. Jiuzhaigou scenic region is located within Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, northwest Sichuan Province and more and more researchers from all research areas have paid their attention to the protection of the environment of this region for the scarce resources including water and species which have been affected by more and more tourists entering into this magnificent area. Therefore, to protect this area as well as keep the development rate of local economy, we introduce the concept of management entropy and with the application of RFID technology extend our existing space-time navigation method. Performance simulation results show our system can use proposed low-carbon scenic integrated management to achieve our goal of ecotourism.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a self-guided tour system that allows a visitor to instantly share his/her notes or remarks about exhibits with others through the Internet. The note/remark not only can be stored with the exhibit information to be accessed by other visitors, but also can be broadcasted through microblogging in a timely manner. This provides an interaction mechanism for the visitor to feedback his/her remark on a certain exhibit to the administration and to share it with friends instantly. A prototype system for such an environment was realized through the RFID and mobile technologies. The architecture and the development of the prototype system are illustrated in this paper.
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Exhibition shows accumulate vast quantities of information and their success relies in the quantity and quality of interaction of the involved parties: exhibitors, visitors and organizers. The more effective the interaction between end parties, the more successful the exhibition. The application of advanced ICT applications in the exhibition industry has always been a major opportunity for leveraging the value proposition of exhibition-related services. More specifically, as the telecommunication technology evolves, unexpected possibilities arise for such information and communication rich environments and quite interesting applications, from both the technology and the business side, appear. This case study concerns extended discussion about an innovative wireless system, named as Wireless Exhibition Guide. The wireless system, which has been the primary research and development result of a European project funded under the IST programme, employs a set of integrated software components, mobile terminals, wireless networks and indoor location positioning technologies to introduce advanced information, communication and navigation services for a typical European exhibition environment. The discussion concerns several perspectives on the development and exploitation of the Wireless Exhibition Guide, such as applied technology (sub-systems and infrastructure), provided services, value chain analysis, candidate business models, and regulatory framework with which it complies.
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Abstract Agreat,deal of attention ,is recently ,being paid to the ,potential of mobile communication,technologies to redefine ,and ,extend the world of traditional eBusiness by rendering its applications available to mobile users. The term Mobile Business (mBusiness) has been ,coined to denote ,the ways ,in which ,mobile George M. Giaglis, Ada Pateli, Kostas Fouskas, Panos Kourouthanassis,Argiris Tsamakos 414 communication,technologies can be applied,to address,the requirements of mobile users that need to access ,a varied ,range of applications ,and services through wireless access devices. However, the ongoing discussion on mBusiness is
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Currently, very little research exists to guide travel businesses in understanding customer satisfaction with travel agent Websites. In particular, no current study provides a comprehensive methodology for evaluating travel Websites with a customer satisfaction focus. To this end, the purposes of this study were to identify the potential attributes of customer satisfaction with travel Websites, and subsequently test a structural base model of customer satisfaction with travel Websites. The evidence of validity (convergent, discriminant, and nomological) and reliability reported confirmed the construct validity of the 24-item E-SAT instrument for measuring customer satisfaction with travel Websites.
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The mobile telecommunications industry is undergoing rapid change, which is increasing the interdependency of firms in the sector. This trend increases the likelihood that mobile information and entertainment services will be delivered through inter-organizational networks of firms. These networks are the topic of this research. In this research we examine network formation and the influence of business models on this process. Using data from five case studies of mobile service networks, we examine in particular the influence of both revenue models and network membership benefits on network formation. The results demonstrate a link between business models and network formation. We find that at this time the benefits of network membership appear to have a greater influence on network formation than do revenue models. In conclusion we discuss the implications of these findings for research on both network formation and business models, as well as managerial implications.
Conference Paper
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Considering the advances of wireless, mobile and positioning technologies and the high requirement of the mobile marketing world for reaching as many customers as possible in a personalized way, this paper presents a wireless technology solution for sending targeted advertising or information messages on mobile devices. The research and development work presented in this paper has been conducted as part of a European-funded project named mEXPRESS (mobile in-EXhibition PRovision of Electronic Support Services) which aims at developing a Mobile Exhibition Guide providing location based services. In this context, we have built a Targeted Messenger subsystem enabling on-site promotion of exhibits via targeted spots as well as targeted announcements to user groups based on their profile, preferences and location in exhibition halls. This paper discusses the Targeted Messenger component's architecture and design specification, with the aid of UML tools, as well as its implementation, based on J2EE multi- tier implementation platform.
Wireless Internet access based on wireless LAN or Bluetooth networks will become popular within the next few years. New services will be offered using location and personal profiles to filter Internet access. Moreover, “Push” services will allow unsolicited event-based information transfer depending on user configurations. We have introduced such services as “The Mobile Fairguide” during CeBIT 2001 in a Bluetooth network that covered a full hall of 25,000 m2 with 130 base stations. We were able to show that Bluetooth is a usable technology for such applications, especially with PDAs as terminal devices. Moreover, we tested our architecture in a live scenario with respect to scalability and mobility.
For the CeBIT2000, the Fraunhofer IGD Rostock developed the official electronic exhibition guide (eGuide) for palmsized computers and is thereby founding a new generation of personal assistant for fairs and exhibitions. This report describes the concepts and experiences with the application that has already been used by more than 40,000 users.
Trade fairs are an important element of the promotion strategy for industrial products. They are also a source of information about market trends for managers of those companies that attend these events. In this study, we consider trade fairs as services offered by trade fair organizations (TFOs), with visitors as clients. We present an empirical study developed in Spain to analyze the objectives of small and medium-sized companies who visit trade fairs.
The global positioning system (GPS) is not something that the average person thinks about and how it has affected our civilisation. In many of the systems it is used in, people don't think of it as the primary technology being used for the task at hand. It is a technology that has been taken for granted. Yet, without this technology, many of society's activities would be disrupted in some way. In this paper, the beginnings of GPS are traced while also exploring how it has embedded itself into a wide range of today's products. We will see how companies found new markets for their products with this technology and how this technology has displaced other technologies and practices. We also learn about the firms that found ways to use this technology. What were some of the problems they faced? Were they successful in integrating the technology into their products? Which companies failed to see the value of the technology and how were they affected?