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Throughput/Delay Measurements of Limited Feedback Beamforming in Indoor Wireless Networks


Abstract and Figures

This paper investigates the tradeoff between throughput and feedback delay of limited feedback beamforming in indoor wireless channels with a practical MIMO-OFDM prototype. Past descriptions of this tradeoff are largely based on simplified models of the wireless channel. Unfortunately, wireless channel models may not accurately represent the complexities of a real wireless channel. Furthermore, system impairments, including channel estimation error, only exacerbate the problem of modeling a real wireless system. One such analytical result predicts the performance of limited feedback beamforming as an exponential function of feedback delay. This analytical result has been confirmed through Monte Carlo simulation under Rayleigh fading channel models. Through rigorous measurements and experimentation this paper both evaluates the performance of limited feedback beamforming under feedback delay and confirms the accuracy of the analytical results.
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Throughput/Delay Measurements of Limited Feedback
Beamforming in Indoor Wireless Networks
Robert C. Daniels, Ketan Mandke, Kien T. Truong, Scott M. Nettles, and Robert W. Heath, Jr.
Wireless Networking and Communications Group
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station, Mail Code: C0806, Austin, TX 78712
Abstract—This paper investigates the tradeoff between
throughput and feedback delay of limited feedback beamforming
in indoor wireless channels with a practical MIMO-OFDM
prototype. Past descriptions of this tradeoff are largely based on
simplified models of the wireless channel. Unfortunately, wireless
channel models may not accurately represent the complexities
of a real wireless channel. Furthermore, system impairments,
including channel estimation error, only exacerbate the problem
of modeling a real wireless system. One such analytical result
predicts the performance of limited feedback beamforming as
an exponential function of feedback delay. This analytical result
has been confirmed through Monte Carlo simulation under
Rayleigh fading channel models. Through rigorous measurements
and experimentation this paper both evaluates the performance
of limited feedback beamforming under feedback delay and
confirms the accuracy of the analytical results.
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems
employ multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the
receiver to offer higher data throughput and reliability than
single-antenna links. By aligning the transmitted signal with
the dominant eigenmode of the MIMO channel matrix, beam-
forming techniques allow MIMO systems to obtain full diver-
sity order and improve the bit-error-rate (BER) [1]. Beamform-
ing requires the availability of channel state information at the
transmitter. In the absence of perfect channel knowledge at the
transmitter, the CSI can be quantized at the receiver and sent
back to the transmitter using a low-rate feedback channel [2].
This technique is known as limited feedback. Different types
of limited feedback for beamforming have been developed
[3]–[5]. It was also shown that limited feedback beamforming
systems with only 5 or 6 feedback bits exhibit performance
very close to unquantized beamforming systems [3], [6].
Most prior work on limited feedback beamforming assumes
that the feedback channel is zero-delay such that instantaneous
CSI can be delivered to the transmitter. In practical systems,
however, the existence of feedback delay is inevitable due
to signal processing and transmission delays. Because of the
time-varying nature of the wireless channel, feedback delay
can cause a mismatch between CSI at the transmitter and the
actual channel state. In other words, feedback delay decreases
the performance of limited feedback beamforming systems.
This material is based in part upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under grants CCF-514194 and CNS-626797, the
Air Force Research Lab under grant numbers FA8750-06-1-0091
and FA8750-05-1-0246, and the DARPA IT-MANET program, Grant
Analytical results and measurements have characterized the
performance degradation of feedback delay in beamforming
[7]–[10]. Unfortunately these results make specific assump-
tions about the channel model. Recent work has shown a
more general Markov model to characterize capacity loss due
to feedback delay with limited feedback beamforming [11].
This paper, through exhaustive measurements of throughput
(goodput) to approximate capacity, confirms this analytical
result for predicting the observed effects of feedback delay. We
not only verify, but also show that simple measurements can
characterize the feedback delay tradeoff, thus avoiding exten-
sive measurement campaigns as conducted in this paper. The
use of Hydra, a flexible, software-defined wireless prototype,
is a valuable new measurement apparatus that considerably re-
duced the complexity of the substantial experiments performed
in this paper through a programmable physical layer.
Notation: A random variable X[a, b]with uniform
distribution is denoted X U[a, b]. The transpose of matrix A
is labeled ATand the Hermitian transpose is given by AH.
Row xor column yof matrix Ais specified by [A]x,:or
[A]:,y, respectively. Similarly, the entry of matrix Aat row x
and column yis stated as [A]x,y. Finally, adopting engineering
notation, j=1.
All limited feedback beamforming experiments in this paper
were conducted on the Hydra MIMO-OFDM multihop net-
work prototype at the University of Texas at Austin. The reader
is encouraged to see [12]–[14] for a more detailed discussion
of Hydra.
A. RF/Baseband Hardware Specification
Table I lists the relevant characteristics of the Hydra system
hardware for the experiments in this paper. The operating fre-
quency was placed at the upper edge of the 2.45 GHz indus-
trial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band, above all interference
observed by the spectrum analyzer during the experiment [12].
The choice of this frequency is relevant to IEEE 802.11n
wireless LANs that will soon occupy this spectrum with
beamforming-capable physical layers. For this experiment, the
bandwidth is not of considerable importance since, with the
exception of ultrawideband (UWB) channels, coherence time
statistics are not dependent on the bandwidth of operation [15].
The maximum transmit power is listed as 10 mW , but in
order to maintain linearity at the transmitter, typical operation
Specification Value
Operating Frequency 2.5GHz
Maximum Transmit Power 10 mW
Symbol Rate 1M Hz
Antenna Type L-shaped Microstrip
Antenna Reflection Coefficient <20 dB
Number of Receive Antennas 2
Number of Transmit Antennas 2
Although the USRP supports 20 M Hz sampling rates,
the bandwidth is constrained by the USB 2.0 interface.
was below 7.5mW . Custom L-shaped copper microstrip
antennas were chosen over off-the-shelf commercial WLAN
antenna products because of their desirable S11 reflection
coefficient characteristics, which fell below 20 dB for the
entire spectrum of operation.
B. Software Architecture
Hydra features a completely software-defined protocol ar-
chitecture that runs on a general purpose processor. The
physical layer code is implemented using GNU Radio. This
open-source software allows developers to implement modular
signal processing blocks in C++ and flexibly connect them
together using python as a glue language.
C. Physical Layer Algorithms
Hydra follows the IEEE 802.11 MIMO-OFDM PHY as
provided by Task Group N in its Draft 2.0 Standard [16]. The
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modula-
tion in this physical layer provides efficient equalization of
frequency selective fading. Moreover, the MIMO algorithms
in the standard allow for a framework to perform space-
time processing techniques along with feedback functionality.
Both of these features along with all the components found
in traditional PHYs, make its implementation desirable for
commercial products and experimentation alike. This physi-
cal layer simplified the design process considerably for the
experiments in this paper.
Conforming with the 802.11n physical layer, blocks of
binary data, that we shall denote packets, are transmitted inside
aframe. This frame format, as illustrated in Figure 1 (a), serves
many purposes. First, the training sequences in the packet
allow for asynchronous frame detection. Second, the training
sequences allow for measurement of impairments, such as
frequency offset, and relevant parameters, such as the wireless
channel impulse response for channel equalization. The data
payload is a waveform expression of the binary packet. The
parameters used to map the binary packet to a continuous
waveform are encoded in the header of the frame.
The only non-standard component used in this experiment
is the Extended Training. As mentioned earlier, the training
sequences in the frame can be used for channel impulse
response estimation. This is necessary to perform proper
equalization of the distortion effects of the wireless channel.
Unfortunately, transmission schemes, such as beamforming,
Training + Header Extended
Training Data Payload
Bit Parsing
Add CP
Add CP
Fig. 1. IEEE 802.11n frame format (a) and transmit processing (b)
become part of the effective wireless channel. That means that
CSI feedback from channel estimates of this training no longer
represent the channel of interest, but a beamformed version
of that channel. The 802.11n standard provides a method for
extracting the true channel from the beamformed version of
the channel. Preferring simplicity over efficiency, Hydra was
designed so that extra training information was sent in each
frame without any beamforming, or more generally (as we
shall see later) without spatial mapping. In the experiments,
the Extended Training field provided the CSI feedback as
well as the non-beamformed SNR estimates for comparing
beamforming and cyclic delay diversity.
The structure of the 802.11n PHY transmitter, as imple-
mented in Hydra, is shown in Figure 1 (b). For the purposes of
constructing a mathematical system model of the experiments,
the key component of the transmission structure is the spatial
mapping block. Let xl,m
1,k , xl,m
2,k , . . . , xl,m
NST S,k iT
resent the input to the spatial mapping block where xl,m
i,k C,
for the kth subcarrier of the lth OFDM symbol in packet m,
and NST S is the number of space-time-streams (or distinct
streams) in the MIMO signal. Since the main function of
the system model is for representation of the transmission
strategies, the actual OFDM symbol and packet specified are
irrelevant. In other words, the system model holds equally for
all OFDM symbols in all packets. Therefore, the l,m notation
is dropped and xl,m
i,k =xi,k for the remainder of the paper.
The spatial mapping function s()maps the complex vector
of dimension NST S to a complex vector of dimension NTX ,
s:CNST S CNT X , where NT X is the number of transmit
antennas. Given that the feedback transmission strategies will
not include spatial multiplexing or space-time block coding,
it can be assumed throughout the remainder of this paper that
NST S = 1 xk=x1,k
=xk. Furthermore, the spatial
mapping function is restricted to the space of linear functions
such that s(xk)represents a matrix transformation. In other
words, s(xk) = Qkxk=qkxk=˜
xk, where ˜
xkis the spatially
mapped output and QkCNT X ×NST S is the spatial mapping
matrix. Several transmit diversity strategies can be packaged
into this matrix framework, including digital beamforming
(BF) and cyclic delay diversity (CDD) [17], both of which
will be revisited after the Hydra receiver is discussed.
The receiver structure is displayed in Figure 2. Like the
transmitter, the key component of the receiver involves spatial
mapping, in this case extracting an estimate ˆ
xkof the kth
Freq Offset
Decode Payload
Return to Packet Detector
Soft Bits
Soft Bits
Soft Bits
Delete CP
+ Training
Processed OFDM Symbol by OFDM Symbol
Fig. 2. Hydra receiver synchronization (a) and data processing (b)
subcarrier in each OFDM symbol. This estimate of xkfollows
the combination of the spatial equalization and FFT blocks in
Figure 1. If frequency domain equalization is performed, this
obviates the need for an explicit FFT operation after the spatial
equalization. In a sense, the Spatial Equalization block is the
inversion of the combination of the wireless channel and the
spatial mapping block. It is assumed that, by using OFDM, the
wireless channel impulse response experienced by each sub-
carrier is frequency flat. Additionally, the model assumes that
the coherence time of the wireless channel impulse response
is large enough such that each packet observes a constant
channel over the duration of waveform transmission. Both of
these assumptions are often accepted for indoor channels [15].
Hence, let HkCNRX ×NT X represent the complex baseband
frequency flat impulse response of the wireless channel for
OFDM subcarrier k. Effectively, the spatial equalization block
receives ykand maps it with function r()to ˆ
xk. If we also as-
sume that the receiver is linear, then r(yk) = GH
where GCNRX ×NST S . Note again that ˆ
xk= ˆx1,k = ˆxk
since NST S = 1. It is now possible to create the complex
baseband system model representing the input and output of
the effective channel (combined spatial mapping and wireless
channel). Thus,
ˆxk= (gH
may be used to represent cyclic delay diversity, digital
beamforming, limited-feedback beamforming and equalization
Cyclic delay diversity is a simple, yet effective method
for achieving full diversity order without knowledge of the
wireless channel impulse response at the transmitter. By apply-
ing a discrete-time, per-transmit-antenna circular shift to each
OFDM symbol it is possible to translate the spatial diversity
experienced by multiple transmit antennas into frequency
diversity. For bit-interleaved and coded OFDM systems, see
Figures 1 and 2, the forward error correction over the subcar-
riers captures the frequency diversity created in the wireless
channel. OFDM symbols preserve the properties of the discrete
Fourier transform (DFT) by adding a cyclic prefix. It follows
that the spatial mapping vector of cyclic delay diversity, for
each scalar element of qCDD
= exp j2πkNi,C S
NDF T (2)
where NDF T is the block size of the DFT and Ni,C S is the
number of discrete-time symbols to be circularly shifted on
transmit antenna i[18].
Digital beamforming, using channel state information feed-
back, attempts to transmit all of the energy over the maximum
eigenmode of the effective channel gkHHkqk. The optimal
beamforming solution, in terms of maximizing the effective
channel total energy, follows from the singular value decom-
position of the channel matrix, Hk=UkSkVH
k, where Uk
and Vkare unitary matrices and Skis a diagonal matrix of
dimension min{NT X , NRX }. Hence, assuming the diagonal
elements of Skare sorted by descending amplitude, the
optimal beamforming vector is
= [Vk]:,1(3)
and the corresponding optimal combining vector
provides the maximum energy effective channel response.
Note that vectors (3) and (4) are not unique and remain optimal
for any scalars e and e , respectively, for φR.
Limited feedback beamforming reduces the overhead of
transmitting the complete CSI over the feedback channel. By
creating finite-size codebooks with a specified bit-precision,
feedback can drastically be reduced using the beamforming
codeword index instead of the codeword itself. There exist
several ways to construct the codebook including vector quan-
tization [6] and Grassmanian subspace packing [3]. In this
paper the latter codebook is chosen with 32 elements (5-bit
precision). Assigning W32 the notation for the Grassmanian
codebook with 32 elements,
= arg min
qkW32 kqkqBF
using (4) above assuming that qLF BF
kapproximates the dom-
inant right singular vector of Hk.
The experiments conducted in this paper were designed to
measure a variety of statistics and metrics of our system that
provide insight into the feedback delay problem.
A. Prototype Setup and Indoor Wireless Channel
The experiments in this paper were performed in the indoor
office environment depicted in Figure 3. The transmitter and
receiver, separated by a distance of 10 m, are located in two
cubicles as might be the case in typical indoor office usage.
At a carrier frequency of 2.5GHz, mobility is primarily
determined by the motion of objects larger than 1×102m.
In the absence of movement in the environment, the wireless
channel will remain static as the electromagnetic propagation
in the environment does not change. The wireless channel in
Fig. 3. Floor plan of indoor office setting for feedback beamforming
experiment. The office has rows of cubicles, made with metal frames, and
a large metal support column.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Channel Correlation
Channel Delay (seconds)
50 % Correlation ~ 250 msec
Fig. 4. Measured channel correlation statistics for indoor wireless channel.
Coherence time is approximately 250 msec.
such a static environment remains highly correlated for hun-
dreds of seconds, as verified through measurement in an empty
office. To produce meaningful results, it is necessary to create
a fading channel with stationary (or at least nearly stationary)
correlation statistics. In order to create such a fading channel
the antennas of each node were mounted on oscilating fans (on
the body of the fan, not on the rotating blades). The two fans
used in this experiment osilated with periods of 13.75 seconds
and 11.25 seconds respectively. This approach was necessary
since moving large objects around the office to create the
desired Doppler effect was not feasible.
Measuring correlation statistics using the fading channel
mentioned required gathering channel measurements. Channel
sounding was performed using repeated transmission of null
packets (i.e. packets containing only the IEEE 802.11n training
sequence and header). The correlation statistics computed from
this data, shown in Figure 4, indicates that the coherence time
of our indoor office setting is approximately 250 msec. This
corresponds to other indoor wireless channel measurements in
the literature [13].
B. Experiment Procedure
This experiment was conducted using a low-latency
and error-free wired feedback channel implemented over
a TCP/IP connection between the transmitter and receiver.
Special care was taken to ensure that feedback delay
was accurately produced and that CSI contained minimal
estimation error. The procedure used in conducting the
feedback experiments for this paper is described below.
P0: Pick a transmit power PT X as a random number with
uniform distribution PT X U [PT Xmin , PT X max ].
P1: Transmit a packet using CDD, i.e. without feedback at
transmit power PT X for baseline comparison.
P2: Wait for 50 msec to allow receive processing to complete.
P3: Transmit a sounding packet at maximum transmit power
to reduce estimation error in the estimate of the full
MIMO channel.
P4: Wait for desired delay minus some time to account for
processing delay and properly age feedback information.
P5: Transmit a packet using beamforming at transmit power
PT X . The beamforming vector is generated using CSI
obtained over the wired feedback channel.
P6: Repeat steps P4 and P5 for additional feedback delays.
P7: Repeat steps P0-P6 as needed to achieve desired precision
in BER statistics over SNR range of interest.
The procedure above was performed for a variety of coding
and modulation schemes. For each data rate, the impact
of feedback delay can be measured effectively only over a
specific SNR range. Capacity vanishes below this range, and
BER becomes very small above this range. As such, PTX min
and PT Xmax are tuned appropriately for each data rate to
ensure operation in the desired SNR range. It is important
to note that even though beamforming packets have variable
transmit power, sounding packets are always transmitted at the
maximum transmit power in the linear region of the transmit
amplifier. This reduces the chance that channel estimation error
adversely impacts beamforming.
After this procedure (i.e. sounding, wired feedback over
TCP/IP, and feedback aging), the transmitter can use the
uncompressed MIMO CSI to compute optimal beamforming
vectors, or quantize it and then compute limited feedback
beamforming vectors which are then used in the transmission
of step P5. In the case where feedback is not available due to a
dropped sounding packet (usually because of synchronization
error), all subsequent packets will be sent using CDD until
new feedback becomes available.
This section presents both the results and analysis of limited
feedback beamforming and CSI delay experiments. These
experiments use the physical layer algorithms of Section II
and the setup procedure in Section III.
A. Throughput Gain Results
Previous theoretical analysis has shown that, under certain
channel assumptions, there exists an upper bound on the capac-
ity gain, C(D), that limited-feedback beamforming provides
(versus capacity of transmitter without CSI). Explicity,
=CBF (D) CU I (7)
for uniformed transmitter capacity CUI and limited feedback
beamforming capacity CBF as a function of delay D. Unfor-
tunately, system capacity is not necessarily easily translated
into realizable system performance. Past work has shown
that, for a fixed bit-error-rate, QAM constellations exhibit
a constant SNR (in dB) gap from capacity [19]. Therefore,
by transmitting QAM constellations and selecting the proper
constellation order and convolutional coding rate, it is possible
to maintain a relatively static bit error rate and thus, approx-
imate the capacity trend. Since the capacity of the wireless
channel in this experiment is unknown, we measure the impact
of feedback delay by observing the throughput of limited
feedback beamforming and cyclic delay diversity. For a single
spatial stream, the modulation and coding schemes (MCS) 0-
7 in IEEE 802.11n provide rates of 0.5to 5.0Mbps in the
Hydra physical layer. For the IEEE 802.11n physical layer we
define throughput as
=Ri(1 BERi(SNR)) (8)
where Ri, BERiare the total rate and bit error rate for
MCS i, respectively. Using this definition of throughput we
further define throughput gain,T(D), for limited-feedback
beamforming as,
=TBF (D) TC DD (9)
for limited-feedback beamforming throughput TBF and cyclic
delay diversity throughput TCDD . Cyclic delay diversity is
used as a baseline comparison for uninformed transmission.
Cyclic delay diversity provides full diversity order without any
additional receiver processing. Using the frequency domain
spatial mapping framework from Section II it is shown that
cyclic delay diversity is a special case of transmit beamform-
The bit-errors in each MCS were measured for 1000 packets
over a range of SNR that covered the transition regions of
the throughput curve. This results in a scatter plot of bit-
errors per packet versus SNR measured from the extended
training. An example for MCS 4(16-QAM) can be observed
in Figure 5. The SNR values were binned to small intervals and
the BER was averaged over each bin. This BER versus SNR
curve for MCS iwas translated into throughput using equation
(8). Through visual inspection, the correct SNR regions were
observed for each MCS. Finally, to make the first and second
order derivatives of the throughput function continuous, a
cubic splines interpolation procedure was processed over the
data. Figure 6 demonstrates the throughput calculation for
limited feedback beamforming in a 5bit codebook with
50 msec feedback delay and cyclic delay diversity.
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Bit Error Rate
SNR (dB)
Fig. 5. Scatter plot of MCS 4 of experimental data
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Cyclic Delay Diversity
Limited Feedback (50 msec)
Average Throughput Gain
0.27 bps/Hz
SNR (dB)
Throughput (bps/Hz)
Fig. 6. Throughput versus SNR for limited feedback beamforming with
50 msec feedback delay and cyclic delay diversity
Throughput curves were generated for 100 1000 msec
feedback delay over all the MCS. In order to compare with
theoretical feedback delay effects from [11], the throughput
gain was calculated using (9) as an approximation of (7). The
resulting throughput calculations are displayed in Figure 7.
Also included in this graph, and as discussed in detail in the
next subsection, is the theoretical upper bound from [11].
B. Performance Analysis
Figure 6 observes the throughput gain of limited feedback
with 50 msec delay versus cyclic delay diversity for a baseline
comparison. As expected, limited feedback beamforming im-
Fig. 7. Throughput gain versus feedback delay for limiting feedback
beamforming and 5bit codebooks
proves the performance of the system over all SNR. Since
the coherence time of the wireless channel was observed
to be approximately 250 msec, a 50 msec delay should
be very close to the maximum achievable throughput gain.
The throughput gain is averaged over 722 dB SNR to
yield 0.27 bps/Hz. Experimental results display degraded
performance likely as a result of impairments not observed in
typical wireless channel models. This can include frequency
offset, synchronization error, phase noise, channel estimation
error, and nonlinearities in hardware components.
The principle contribution of this experiment is shown in
Figure 7. This figure displays the loss in throughput versus
feedback delay. Analytical results from [11] show that the
capacity gain as a function of feedback delay can be bounded
by an exponential function. Specifically,
for scalar constants α, β Rand DNthe normalized delay.
Dis the number of state transitions taken in a Markov process
that models the temporal correlation of the wireless channel.
αrefers to the capacity gain of limited feedback beamforming
with zero feedback delay. βis the second largest eigenvalue of
the transition probability matrix which describes the evolution
of the wireless channel through quantized codebook space. For
example in our limited feedback beamforming experiment, we
measure the state of the channel every 50 msec. Each 50 msec
step corresponds to an increment of D. The transition prob-
ability matrix corresponds to the conditional probability that
the quantized limited feedback beamforming vector switches
between any two codebook indices.
In Figure 7, the measured data represents the observed
throughput gain as a function of feedback delay. Using an
exponential fit to the measured data with α= 0.3, the least
squares solution for the exponential term yields β= 0.877.
Additionally, by collecting statistics on the transitions of the
indices of the quantized codebook we were able to reconstruct
the transition probability matrix. This transition probability
matrix provides β= 0.886 from the 2nd largest absolute
eigenvalue. Therefore, we have two results that characterize
capacity (throughput) gain as an exponential function of the
feedback delay. The first result was obtained through ex-
haustive throughput measurements over various SNR, feed-
back delay, and MCS. The second result, however, only
required collecting statistics at a single SNR and feedback
delay (50 msec) to compute the transition probability matrix.
Although the second result theoretically represents an upper
bound on the capacity (throughput) gain as a function of
delay, this upper bound accurately approximates the capacity
(throughput) gain that we observed.
In this work we have characterized the impact of feedback
delay on the performance of limited feedback beamforming
through measurements in real wireless channels. These mea-
surements were obtained on a IEEE 802.11n draft 2.0 standard
MIMO-OFDM prototype. The measurement of throughput
gain versus feedback delay in this experiment verifies the
accuracy of analytically derived performance bounds [11].
Furthermore, verifying these results suggests a simple pro-
cedure to characterize the performance of feedback delay in
limited feedback beamforming without exhaustive throughput
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[19] J. Cioffi, Digital Communications. Stanford University Course Reader,
... As the feedback delay increases the performance benefit of using beamforming diminishes. WERP has many benefits over earlier platforms, such as the prototype explored in [14]. The prototype in [14] has no means of replicating the channel conditions, limiting the study to considering a feedback delay of 50ms. ...
... WERP has many benefits over earlier platforms, such as the prototype explored in [14]. The prototype in [14] has no means of replicating the channel conditions, limiting the study to considering a feedback delay of 50ms. In contrast, WERP could consider feedback delays from 0 to 500ms giving a broader perspective. ...
... In contrast, WERP could consider feedback delays from 0 to 500ms giving a broader perspective. The analysis process in [14] also requires each packet to be time-stamped accurately in order to assess the delays for the current channel; WERP measured and stored real channels, allowing later emulation of real channel conditions. It can be concluded that, using real measurements for analysis of algorithms gives substantial benefit without the cost of having to develop models manually from the observed measurements. ...
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Prototyping is a means to rapidly test the feasibility of a design before entering a full design process or mass production. An important consideration within industrial research is the transfer of technology from the research domain to business units. Prototypes are a tangible example that aid in explanation and dissemination of the developed intellectual property. In this paper, we present a common architecture of the Wireless Evaluation Research Platform (WERP), developed at Toshiba Telecommunications Research Laboratory. WERP is used for prototyping and analysis of algorithms that aid in technology transfer. A case study is presented to illustrate the use of WERP in the analysis of IEEE 802.11n transmit beamforming with explicit feedback. WERP is used in many different configurations for research purposes, two of these configurations are presented in this case study. Results from the case study are presented and conclusions drawn.
... Both [6] [7] show that the throughput of MIMO systems degrades if the CSI at the transmitter is not updated in a timely manner. Other temporal correlation models and measurement results of the wireless channels are used in [8] [9] [10] to evaluate the effect of feedback delay. The authors in [7] show that the capacity gain is upper bounded by an exponential function of the delay. ...
... Markov models to analyze the effect of the channel time evolution and consequently, the feedback delay are proposed in [14], [15], [16]. Other temporal correlation models and measurement results of the wireless channel are used in [17], [18], [19] to evaluate the effect of the feedback delay. In [17], the authors quantize the parameters of the channel to be fed back using adaptive delta modulation, taking into consideration the composite delay due to processing and propagation. ...
... The authors in [18] present measurement results of the performance of limited feedback beamforming when differential quantization methods are employed. Measurement results presented in [19] show that the upper bound on the throughput gain obtained using a Markov model, for an indoor wireless LAN setup, is accurate. Feedback delay exists due to sources such as signal processing algorithms, propagation and channel access protocols. ...
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Limited feedback improves link reliability with a small amount of feedback from the receiver to the transmitter. In cellular systems, the performance of limited feedback will be degraded in the presence of other cell interference, when the base stations have limited or no coordination. This paper establishes the degradation in sum rate of users in a cellular system, due to uncoordinated other cell interference and feedback delay. A goodput metric is defined as the rate when the bits are successfully received at the mobile station, and used to derive an upper bound on the performance of limited feedback systems with delay. This paper shows that the goodput gained from having delayed limited feedback decreases doubly exponentially as the delay increases. The analysis is extended to precoded spatial multiplexing systems where it is shown that the same upper bound can be used to evaluate the decay in the achievable sum rate. To reduce the effects of interference, zero forcing interference nulling is applied at the receiver, where it is shown that the effect of the interference on the achievable sum rate can be suppressed by nulling out the interferer. Numerical results show that the decay rate of the goodput decreases when the codebook quantization size increases and when the Doppler shift in the channel decreases.
... This motivates the current work on deriving such a relationship in the context of limited feedback beamforming. The results of this work have been validated by measurement data from a MIMO prototype over an indoor channel [26]. The main approach of this work is to model quantized CSI as a finite-state Markov chain (FSMC), which allows the use of Markov chain theory as an analytical tool. ...
... In this section, the autocorrelation of quantized CSI is used as the criterion for validating the first-order channel state Markov chain. It is worth mentioning that the accuracy of this model is also supported by measurement data [26], where the feedback throughput gain due to transmit beamforming has been measured by using a MIMO-OFDM prototype over an indoor wireless channel. The measurement data closely matches the theoretical result in (26) derived using the channel state Markov chain. ...
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Feedback of quantized channel state information (CSI), called limited feedback, enables transmit beamforming in multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems with a small amount of overhead. Due to its efficiency, beamforming with limited feedback has been adopted in several wireless communication standards. Prior work on limited feedback commonly adopts the block fading channel model where temporal correlation in wireless channels is neglected. In this paper, we consider temporally correlated channels and design single-user transmit beamforming with limited feedback. Analytical results concerning CSI feedback are derived by modeling quantized CSI as a first-order finite-state Markov chain. These results include the information rate of the CSI quantizer output, the bit rate a CSI feedback channel is required to support, and the effect of feedback delay on throughput. In particular, based on the theory of Markov chain convergence rate, feedback delay is proved to reduce the throughput gain due to CSI feedback at least exponentially. Furthermore, an algorithm is proposed for CSI feedback compression in time. Combining the results in this work leads to a new method for designing limited feedback beamforming as demonstrated by a design example.
... Digital beamforming and closed-loop precoding diversity algorithms have been avoided since the variability of the HF NVIS channel suggests that current network functionality operates on too large of a time scale to make precoding (beamforming) reliable [13]. This may be revisited with justification of channel stability [14]. Table I requires consideration of the frame format for transmitted packets. ...
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High frequency (HF) radios (the 3-30 MHz range) provide tactical communications with the ability to communicate over long distances and around large obstructions without supporting infrastructure (e.g., satellite links). Unfortunately, spectrum is scarce in the low HF operating frequencies. To improve spectral efficiency, commercial UHF/SHF systems have offered multiple antennas with intelligent signal processing (MIMO). MIMO not only amplifies spectral efficiency, but also reduces transmit power, rejects jamming, and increases link reliability. In a companion paper, we demonstrated HF MIMO feasibility with compact cross-polarized arrays through measurements. In this paper, we leverage those measurements to design a new MIMO HF physical layer based on the existing single-antenna MIL-STD-188-110C-Appendix-D wideband HF standard. We include simulation results based on our channel measurements to show that this new standard provides 116% improvement in overall throughput and a 15 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvement over the highest-rate single-antenna modes due to greater reliability and reduced sensitivity to amplifier nonlinearities.
... Both [6,7] show that the throughput of MIMO systems degrades if the CSI at the transmitter is not updated in a timely manner. Other temporal correlation models and measurement results of the wireless channels are used in [8][9][10] to evaluate the effect of feedback delay. The authors in [7] show that the capacity gain is upper bounded by an exponential function of the delay. ...
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Limited feedback beamforming improves link reliability with a small amount of feedback from the receiver to the transmitter. The performance of such a closed loop MIMO system is unknown in interference limited cellular environments, when the base stations have limited or no coordination. This paper establishes the degradation in throughput due to uncoordinated other cell interference and delay on the feedback channel. Under a Markov channel assumption, the paper shows that the throughput gain of cell edge users decays doubly exponentially as the delay increases. Numerical results illustrate how the decay rate decreases when the codebook size increases.
... The chief impact of this on our experimental results is that the channels we transmit over tend to not exhibit frequency selective fading as thus are "flat." Details about the PHY implementation, in particular the multi-antenna aspects are presented in [15]. ...
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Increasingly wireless networks use multi-antenna nodes as in IEEE 802.11n and 802.16. The physical layer (PHY) in such systems may use the antennas to provide multiple streams of data (spatial multiplexing) or to increase the robustness of fewer streams. These physical layers also provide support for sending packets at different rates by changing the modulation and coding of transmissions. Rate adaptation is the problem of choosing the best transmission mode for the current channel and in these systems requires choosing both the level of spatial multiplexing and the modulation and coding. Hydra is an experimental wireless network node prototype in which both the MAC and PHY are highly programmable. Hydra's PHY is essentially the 802.11n PHY, and currently supports two antennas and the same modulations and codings as 802.11n. Because of limitations of our hardware platform, the actual rates are a factor of 10 smaller than 802.11n. The MAC is essentially the 802.11 MAC with extensions, including the ability to feedback channel state or rate information from the receiver. Hydra was designed to allow experimentation with real radios, PHYs, and network stacks over real-world channels and it is well suited to studying rate adaptation in multi-antenna systems. To allow controlled experimentation, we also have the ability to perform experiments over emulated channels using exactly the same MAC and PHY used for RF transmissions. We present rate control experiments based on transmission over both real and emulated channels. Our experiments include measurements for single antenna systems and two antenna systems using a single or multiple spatial streams. We study rate adaptation algorithms using both explicit and implicit feedback from the receiver. A novel aspect of our results is the first experimental study of adaptation between single and multiple spatial streams for 802.11n style systems.
... Markov chains are commonly used for modeling temporally-correlated wireless channels (see e.g., [30]–[34]). Markov channel models have been validated both analytically (see e.g., [30], [35]) and by measurement [36]. Next, the controller's state space X have (2L+1) dimensions. ...
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Transmit beamforming is a simple multi-antenna technique for increasing throughput and the transmission range of a wireless communication system. The required feedback of channel state information (CSI) can potentially result in excessive overhead especially for high mobility or many antennas. This work concerns efficient feedback for transmit beamforming and establishes a new approach of controlling feedback for maximizing net throughput, defined as throughput minus average feedback cost. The feedback controller using a stationary policy turns CSI feedback on/off according to the system state that comprises the channel state and transmit beamformer. Assuming channel isotropy and Markovity, the controller's state reduces to two scalars. This allows the optimal control policy to be efficiently computed using dynamic programming. Consider the perfect feedback channel free of error, where each feedback instant pays a fixed price. The corresponding optimal feedback control policy is proved to be of the threshold type. This result holds regardless of whether the controller's state space is discretized or continuous. Under the threshold-type policy, feedback is performed whenever a state variable indicating the accuracy of transmit CSI is below a threshold, which varies with channel power. The practical finite-rate feedback channel is also considered. The optimal policy for quantized feedback is proved to be also of the threshold type. The effect of CSI quantization is shown to be equivalent to an increment on the feedback price. Moreover, the increment is upper bounded by the expected logarithm of one minus the quantization error. Finally, simulation shows that feedback control increases net throughput of the conventional periodic feedback by up to 0.5 bit/s/Hz without requiring additional bandwidth or antennas. Comment: 29 pages; submitted for publication
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Due to densification of wireless networks, there exist abundance of idling computation resources at edge devices. These resources can be scavenged by offloading heavy computation tasks from small IoT devices in proximity, thereby overcoming their limitations and lengthening their battery lives. However, unlike dedicated servers, the spare resources offered by edge helpers are random and intermittent. Thus, it is essential for a user to intelligently control the amounts of data for offloading and local computing so as to ensure a computation task can be finished in time consuming minimum energy. In this paper, we design energy-efficient control policies in a computation offloading system with a random channel and a helper with a dynamically loaded CPU. Specifically, the policy adopted by the helper aims at determining the sizes of offloaded and locally-computed data for a given task in different slots such that the total energy consumption for transmission and local CPU is minimized under a task-deadline constraint. As the result, the polices endow an offloading user robustness against channel-and-helper randomness besides balancing offloading and local computing. By modeling the channel and helper-CPU as Markov chains, the problem of offloading control is converted into a Markov-decision process. Though dynamic programming (DP) for numerically solving the problem does not yield the optimal policies in closed form, we leverage the procedure to quantify the optimal policy structure and apply the result to design optimal or sub-optimal policies. For different cases ranging from zero to large buffers, the low-complexity of the policies overcomes the "curse-of-dimensionality" in DP arising from joint consideration of channel, helper CPU and buffer states.
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Simulation is an efficient and powerful tool for studying wireless networking. The lack of physical layer (PHY) accuracy in many popular network simulators such as ns-2 and OPNET has been observed to produce misleading results. In this paper, we demonstrate a technique for validating the packet-level PHY models in network simulators against the physical layer of a software-defined radio testbed. Specifically, we evaluate the accuracy of model-based simulations against hybrid (i.e., joint packet and waveform) simulations of the real PHY implementation directly executing in a simulation environment. We demonstrate that this direct-execution approach is an effective means of evaluating the accuracy of packet-level PHY models from the perspectives of different protocol layers using a broad set of operating conditions. Moreover, this is an effective means of establishing when a packet-level PHY model can be used to generate trustworthy simulation results.
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In this paper, the performance of a multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in time-varying channels is evaluated using measurement data. We consider the multi-user MIMO system using a block diagonalization (BD) scheme and an eigenbeam-space division multiplexing (E-SDM) technique. In an ideal case, the BD scheme eliminates inter-user interference, and the E-SDM technique suppresses inter-stream interference. In actual radio environments, however, channels change over time. This causes interference in the multi-user MIMO system even though the BD scheme and the E-SDM technique are used. To overcome this problem, the authors have developed a simple channel prediction scheme on the basis of a linear extrapolation and have demonstrated its effectiveness by computer simulations assuming the Jakes' model. To verify the performance of the channel prediction scheme in actual environments, we conducted a measurement campaign in indoor environments and measured a large amount of channel data. Using these data, we examined the channel transition and channel tracking with the prediction method. Then we obtained the bit-error rate (BER) performance. The prediction technique was shown to track the channel and improve the BER performance almost to that in the ideal time invariant case.
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A novel method based on Markov chain theory is proposed for analyzing the effect of feedback delay on a transmit beamforming system with limited feedback. Using this method, the downlink (DL) capacity with delayed feedback of channel state information is derived. The DL capacity gain with respect to the case of no feedback is shown to decrease at least exponentially with the feedback delay. From theses results, useful design guidelines can be derived for choosing system parameters including the vehicular speed and the tolerable feedback delay.
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We have developed a DBF signal processor with application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). We show a hardware implementation of this signal processor and experimental results. The DBF also has the advantage of adaptive array antenna signal processing. This allows the nulls of an antenna radiation pattern to be steered in the directions of interference signals. As a result, degradation due to multipath interference can be effectively reduced. We show the configuration of the adaptive array antenna suitable for mobile satellite communication and the experimental results using the DBF implemented with ASICs
Use of multiple antennas in wireless links with appropriate space-time (ST) coding/modulation and demodulation/decoding is rapidly becoming the new frontier of wireless communications. In the past few years, the theory of ST wireless communications has grown so large. An attempt is made to provide a coherent overview of the key advances in this field emphasizing basic theory and intuition.
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Hydra is a flexible wireless network testbed being developed at UT Austin. Our focus is networks that support multiple wireless hops and where the network, especially the MAC, takes advantage of sophisticated PHY techniques, such as OFDM and MIMO. We argue that for this domain simulation alone is not adequate and that working prototypes are needed to validate algorithms and protocols. Hydra nodes consist of a flexible RF front-end and a general purpose machine with a software based MAC and PHY. Using the frameworks of the Click modular router and GNU radio and coding in C++ makes it relatively easy to implement working prototypes of cross-layer designs that require custom MACs and PHYs. We present the architecture and implementation of Hydra, as well as a preliminary cross-layer design experiment for a rate-adaptive MAC. These early results show Hydra is a capable prototyping tool for wireless network research.
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Transmit beamforming and receive combining in multiple input and multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems are an efficient way to combat fading in frequency-selective channel. In the absence of channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter, the receiver computes the optimal beamforming vectors for all subcarriers according to the known CSI and sends their information back to the transmitter through a feedback channel. However, in practical situation, the transmitter may acquire outdated information about the beamforming vectors when there is a delay in the feedback channel. In this contribution, we use the predicted channel to calculate the optimal beamforming vector at the receiver and send it in advance. In this way, the impact of feedback delay to the system can be cancelled out. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme with the feedback delay performs a little degradation than with the perfect feedback
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The performance of a wireless network protocol is inseparably linked to the physical layer algorithms on which it is built, the hardware used to implement the radio, and the wireless environment in which it operates. This paper identifies three features of wireless networking protocols impacted by these lower-level characteristics that are often overlooked or misunderstood by many researchers developing wireless protocols or using testbed-based evaluation methods. These features are temporal scaling, measurement reciprocity, and cross-layer adaptation. Temporal scaling refers to the time resolution with which events, such as broadcast or feedback, occur in the wireless network. This feature is tightly coupled with processing time at the physical layer and time selectivity in the wireless channel. Measurement reciprocity is an assumption used to estimate parameters of the forward link of a bidirectional communication channel, based on observations from the reverse link. This assumption directly depends on the interference properties and hardware symmetry of nodes in a wireless network. System adaptation, based on reciprocity or feedback, inevitably requires careful scrutiny of power and rate control applied to physical wireless devices. This paper also provides recommendations to guide researchers in setting up interesting and useful wireless experiments. Three concerns for wireless experimentation are addressed, namely: ambient interference, RF hardware profiling, and fading properties of the wireless channel. The motivation for this paper stems from experience prototyping and experimenting with Hydra, a wireless cross-layer testbed developed at the University of Texas at Austin.
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems provides capacity much larger than that provided by traditional single-input single-output (SISO) wireless systems. Beamforming is a low complexity technique that increases the receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), however, it requires channel knowledge. Since in practice channel knowledge at the transmitter is difficult to realize, we propose a technique where the receiver designs the beamforming vector and sends it to the transmitter by transmitting a label in a finite set, or codebook, of beamforming vectors. A codebook design method for quantized versions of maximum ratio transmission, equal gain transmission, and generalized selection diversity with maximum ratio combining at the receiver is presented. The codebook design criterion exploits the quantization problem's relationship with Grassmannian line packing. Systems using the beamforming codebooks are shown to have a diversity order of the product of the number of transmit and the number of receive antennas. Monte Carlo simulations compare the performance of systems using this new codebook method with the performance of systems using previously proposed quantized and unquantized systems.
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Latency of available channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter in time-varying channels greatly affects the performance of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We have derived a simple algorithm to calculate an approximation of the expected performance loss based on the most recent channel feedback. The proposed algorithm can be used to determine the maximum tolerable channel feedback delay for each particular channel realization.