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Migration of SOAP-based services to RESTful services


Abstract and Figures

Web services are designed to provide rich functionality for organizations and support interoperable interactions over a network. Web services are mainly realized in two ways: 1) SOAP-based services and 2) RESTful services. For the service providers, RESTful services can improve system flexibility, scalability, and performance as compared to the SOAP-based Web services. It is equally attractive to end users as it is consume less resources (i.e., battery, processor speed, and memory). Additionally, REST-based services do not include complex standards and heterogeneous operations; and hence are easier to consume and compose as compared to SOAP-based Web services. We provide an approach to migrate SOAP-based services to RESTful services. We identify resources from a SOAP-based Web service by analyzing its service description and mapping the contained operations to resources and HTTP methods. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct a case study on a set of publicly available SOAP-based Web services. The results of our case study show that our approach can achieve high accuracy of identifying RESTful services from the interfaces of SOAP-based services. Our approach can improve the performance for invoking Web services after SOAP-based services are migrated to RESTful services.
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Migration of SOAP-based Services to RESTful Services
Bipin Upadhyaya, Ying Zou
Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
{9bu, ying.zou}
Hua Xiao
School of Computing
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Joanna Ng, Alex Lau
IBM Canada Laboratory
Markham, Ontario, Canada
{jwng, alexlau}
Web services are designed to provide rich functionality for
organizations and support interoperable interactions over a
network. Web services are mainly realized in two ways: 1) SOAP-
based services and 2) RESTful services. For the service providers,
RESTful services can improve system flexibility, scalability, and
performance as compared to the SOAP-based Web services. It is
equally attractive to end users as it is consume less resources (i.e.,
battery, processor speed, and memory). Additionally, REST-based
services do not include complex standards and heterogeneous
operations; and hence are easier to consume and compose as
compared to SOAP-based Web services. We provide an approach
to migrate SOAP-based services to RESTful services. We identify
resources from a SOAP-based Web service by analyzing its
service description and mapping the contained operations to
resources and HTTP methods. To demonstrate the effectiveness of
our approach, we conduct a case study on a set of publicly
available SOAP-based Web services. The results of our case study
show that our approach can achieve high accuracy of identifying
RESTful services from the interfaces of SOAP-based services.
Our approach can improve the performance for invoking Web
services after SOAP-based services are migrated to RESTful
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.5 [Online Information Services]: Web-based services
Features analysis of service interface, service migration.
General Terms
Web Service Migration, Performance, Design, Service Scalability
Service Migration, RESTful Services, SOAP Services, Thin
Mobile Internet is driving mobile devices growth exponentially
faster than previous computing technologies. Mobile Internet
devices exceeded ten billion units in 2010 [29]. With the
increasing use of mobile devices, mobile applications will
generate a larger percentage of Web service requests. Despite the
fact that the condition of mobile computing has largely improved
in recent years [26, 27], applying traditional Web services (i.e.,
SOAP-based services) models to mobile computing may result in
unacceptable performance overheads. There are several
challenges in the process of consuming traditional Web services
from mobile clients. Cell networks have limited bandwidth and
are often billed based on the amount of data transferred. However,
even a simple SOAP [33] message often contains a large chunk of
XML data, which consumes a lot of bandwidth and the
transmission can cause major network latency. In addition, the
SOAP message contains mostly XML tags that are not all
necessary for mobile clients. Mobile clients are thin clients [23]
with limited processing power. The limitations are intrinsic to
mobility and not just the shortcomings of current technology [26,
28]. In addition, many mobile platforms do not include necessary
libraries for SOAP-based services. SOAP-based services are
heavy-weighted services which are not applicable for mobile
services in comparison to light weighted RESTful services.
Encoding and decoding of XML-based SOAP messages consumes
resources (i.e., battery, processor speed, and memory).
REST is an architectural style derived from the Web, and its
architectural elements and constraints aim at collecting the
fundamental design principles that enable the great scalability,
growth, and success of the Web. A RESTful service is provided as
a resource which is meaningful concept and can be addressed in
the Web. RESTful services use existing features of HTTP
protocol. The communication between requests and responses are
built around the transfer of representations of resources. The
advantages of RESTful services over SOAP-based services are
simplicity, interface flexibility, interoperability, and scalability
[22]. The features of HTTP (e.g., caching, authentication, and
content type negotiation) can be fully utilized by RESTful
services. REST resources can easily interact with other Web
resources (e.g., Web pages) using an HTTP library. Due to these
benefits many of the service providers, such as Google, Yahoo,
Amazon, and eBay have adopted RESTful services [30]. Pautasso
et al. [6] studied the architectural decisions to make between the
SOAP-based and RESTful services. The study found that the
developers make less architectural decisions in REST-based
Migration of SOAP-based services to RESTful services makes the
services more pervasive, faster, and suitable for thin clients. In
addition, RESTful services are invoked using HTTP methods.
Hence it is easy for non-professional developers (i.e., users) to
consume and compose services using REST-based approach [5]7].
In this paper, we provide a framework to migrate SOAP-based
services to RESTful services. More specifically, we analyze the
WSDL documents to identify resources and their corresponding
HTTP-methods (i.e., GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE). Our
approach automatically generates the configuration files needed to
deploy the RESTful services, and wrappers for accessing SOAP-
based services in the REST architecture. To enable the interaction
between SOAP-based services and RESTful services, we establish
a mechanism that dynamically converts messages between both
types of services. Coexistence of the RESTful and WSDL-based
services help service providers to support the old customers using
WSDL-based services and new emerging customers who prefer
RESTful services.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces some background information. Section 3 presents our
approach for migrating SOAP-based services to RESTful services.
Section 4 gives an overview of the prototype. Section 5 describes
the case study and threats for validity. Section 6 discusses the
related work and finally Section 7 concludes the paper.
In this Section, we discuss some background knowledge on SOAP
based services and RESTful services, necessary to understand the
migration process.
2.1 SOAP and WSDL
Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is used to describe
the service interfaces [34]. More specifically, WSDL builds on
XML Schema by making it possible to fully describe Web
services in terms of messages, operations, interfaces, bindings,
and service endpoints. A service can support multiple bindings for
a given interface, but each binding should be accessible at a
unique address identified by a Universal Resource Identifier
(URI), also referred to as a Web service endpoint. WSDL is an
interface centric model. A Web service client must know the
communication protocol to use for sending messages to the
service, along with the specific mechanisms involved in using the
given protocol, such as the use of commands, headers, and error
codes. The WSDL binding element describes the details of using a
particular portType with a given protocol. A binding also
influences the way that abstract messages are encoded on the wire
by specifying the style of the service (i.e., document or RPC) and
the encoding mechanism (i.e., literal vs. encoded). Figure 1 shows
different parts of a WSDL document. The names used in the
WSDL document (i.e., the name of the complex-type, the name of
the elements) are very important from the service providers’ point
of view. The names used in a message are the same within a
WSDL document or a number of WSDL document from the same
service provider.
SOAP is a messaging layer protocol independent of any
underlying transport protocols, such as HTTP [33]. SOAP ignores
the semantics of the operations of underlying protocols. When
HTTP is used to transfer a SOAP message, it is tunneled through
a POST operation. For example, getCapital() function in Figure
2(a) could be GET, PUT or DELETE. The argument is that in
order for SOAP to correctly leverage the HTTP protocol in a
RESTful manner, the operation in Figure 2(b) would actually be
bound to the HTTP GET operation, not an HTTP POST as
required by the SOAP/HTTP binding. Figure 2(a) and 2(b) show
the differences between service invocation in RESTful and
SOAP-based services. SOAP ignores the semantics of the
underlying protocol like HTTP and contains extra XML content in
the request.
2.2 RESTful Services
REST is an architectural style for network-based systems [21]. In
REST approach, resources are consumed by the clients using
HTTP methods. A resource is accessed via a Universal Resource
Locator (URL). The state of a resource is transferred using its
representation. A resource provides a set of design constraints,
such as identification of resources, manipulation of resources
through representations, self-descriptive messages, and the use of
hypermedia as the engine of application state [22]. Such
constraints are intended to make services scalable, reliable,
reusable, resilient, and other desired features of the Web as a
network-based system. RESTful services are self-descriptive and
hypermedia control, which allow us to treat an application as a
state machine. For example, for the request of getting a blog post,
the response embeds URIs to create a comment and edit the post.
Therefore, an application can be considered as a state machine
with a page representing a state and links representing every
possible transition from the current state. WSDL2.0 and Web
Application Description Language (WADL) [35] can be used to
describe RESTful services. RESTful services must fulfill the
following concepts of resource, representation, and unified
Complex Type
Name of the Elements
Name of the Complex Type
Figure 1: Different parts of WSDL document
A resource is a relevant abstraction within the domain. The
service designer may choose any domain objects, from concrete to
abstract ones. Resources are unique and identified using URL
Theoretically, a representation is any useful information about the
state of a resource. Technically, a representation is a resource
serialization in a given format, such as XML, JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON), and Resource Description Framework (RDF).
Table 1: Different HTTP-method and their characteristics
Unified Interface
In the RESTful paradigm, an action is defined by a HTTP method.
The HTTP protocol mainly offers four principal methods, namely
GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. A HTTP method can have two
i. safe property means that the invocation of a HTTP
method does not cause modifications to any resources;
ii. idempotent property means that the side effect of one or
more than one identical requests is the same as a single
Despite the simplicity of REST, the properties are extremely
powerful, since REST defines a unified interface to all possible
services. Table 1 lists the properties of HTTP methods. If a client
knows the resources offered by a given service, the client can
automatically know how to retrieve, create, update, and delete
these resources.
GET /country/capital?x0=Nepal HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
POST /country/capital HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="
soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd=""
<GetCapital xmlns="http://org.myservice">
(a) RESTful Request
(b)Soap based Request
Figure 2: Requests in Operation-oriented and resource-
oriented service Invocation
Figure 3 shows the overall steps for migrating SOAP-based
services to RESTful services. Initially, we analyze the WSDL
document of a SOAP-based service and build a dependency graph
which describes the relations between operation names, input and
output parameters of an operation defined in the interface of a
SOAP-based service. We identify and group similar operations
from the dependency graph. Each cluster of operations is analyzed
to identify resources and the HTTP methods associated with the
resource. Furthermore, we manually refine the identified
resources and HTTP methods. Once the resources are validated
and verified by a user, the wrappers and configuration files are
automatically generated. The migrated RESTful service is ready
for deployment.
3.1 Identification of Similar Operations
Each resource in a RESTful service is associated with four
opeations (i.e., GET, PUT, POST and DELETE). We need to
identify the operations that manipulate the same resource. We
build a dependency graph which connects input and output
parameters of each operation along with the semantics (i.e., nouns
found in an operation-name) of an operation. Figure 4(a) shows
the dependency graph between operations, input and output
parameters. A circle denotes an operation. A square represents an
input or an output parameter. A triangle means a noun in the
name of an operation. For the operations and parameters, the
edges pointing to the operations denote message input and the
edges pointing to the parameters represent the message output.
Cluster analysis is the process of organizing objects into groups
whose members are similar in a certain way [3]. We use cluster
analysis to group the operations that manipulate the same
resource. Each cluster represents a resource. Cluster analysis helps
to narrow down the number of resources to be identified and helps
to identify the HTTP methods related to the resource.We use the
distance metrics between the operations to similar operations. The
distance metric is defined in Equation (1). Similarity between two
operations is calculated as the ratio of the sum of common
parameters and the common nouns in the name of the operation to
the sum to the total number of parameters and the total number of
nouns in the operation name.
We group operations with the value of the simlarity metric greater
than or equal to some threshold value. We choose the threshold
value by manually varifying different threshold values for the
same WSDL document. Given a dependency graph, we form the
clusters of similar operations. Figure 4(b) shows the three
different clusters identified from the dependency garph shown in
Figure 4(a). For example, the function getCapital in Figure 4(a)
takes input as country and returns capital as a result. The noun of
the name of the function is capital. Similarly, the function
addCapital has country and capital as input and status as output.
Using Equation (1), the similarity between addCapital and
getCapital is
As operations, addCapital and getCapital fall above threshold
value, they belong to the same cluster. We perform a similar
approach on all operations and group the similar operations.
Based on this criterion, the cluster of operations dealing with the
same resource is formed as shown in Figure 4b. We analyze each
cluster to find the name of the resource and the HTTP method
associated with it. The next state is shown by the links between
the operations. The clusters show the element that can be included
as the link. For example, when a user calls a service to add the
city, the link about updating the city, getting all the cities of that
country and deleting city links are provided to the user.
3.2 Identification of Resources
Each resource is uniquely identifiable by a URI. Nouns are used
to represent resources. The maximum of four operations (i.e.,
GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE) can be associated with each
resource. For each cluster, we identify the name for the resource.
Natural language processing (NLP) provides the techniques to
find the root word by stemming [9]. NLP also provides techniques
to identify part-of-speech (POS) to identify lexical categories
(e.g., nouns, verbs, and adjectives). We filter nouns and ignore
other lexical forms. Input and output parameters represent the data
entities and are considered as nouns. Semantic relationships
between the operations, input parameters, and output parameters
help to link words to form the resource. We use WordNet [10] to
find relationship between words. WordNet is a rich set of lexical
knowledge. It defines different kinds of relationships between the
Files Cluster of
Wrapper and
in WSDL Identify
methods Resources
and HTTP
Wrapper and
Figure 3: Overall approach of identifying the resources
where x, y are the operation., is the number of common input and output parameters between x; and
is the number of common nouns between name of x and y, is the total noun in the name of
operation x, is total input and output parameter of operation y.
(a)Dependency graph
(b) Clusters of Operation
Figure 4: Clustering operation based dependency graph
Hypernym represents a “kind of” relation. For example, car is
a hypernym of vehicle. A hyponym relation is converted as a
subclass relation in the ontology.
Hyponym means that a word is a super name of another. For
example, vehicle is a hyponym of car. Hyponym is the inverse
of hypernym.
Holonym describes a whole-part (i.e., partOf) relation. For
example, city is a holonym of country.
Meronym is the inverse of holonym and represents part-whole
relation. For example, window is a meronym of building.
For each cluster as shown in Figure 4(b), we separate words in the
operation name, remove the stop words (e.g., a, an, and the), use
stemming to find the root word and identify the lexical categories
to filter nouns. Each clustered words are categorized into three
sections: nouns used in the name of the operation (i.e., called as
semantic-relation), the input parameters and output parameters of
the operation. We use the rules listed in
Table 2 to decompose the words in an operation name.
Table 2: Rules used to decompose the words
Suffix Containing
Underscore Separator
From the initial set of words, we choose the common words from
the semantic part of an operation, the input parameters and the
output parameters of the operation. For example shown in Table
3, we take the cluster {addCity, updateCity, getCities, deleteCity}
shown in Figure 4(b). The operations contain common word, i.e.,
city. The input parameters have the word, country in common.
Therefore, the initial set of words is {city, country}. We organize
these words to form a resource. The organization is done on the
basis of the position of the word in the name of an operation, the
semantic relations between the words. For example, parental
words (e.g., country in {country, city}), words that already are
resources are given a higher priority as shown in Figure 5. The
following steps rank the elements in operation-name and input-
output parameters.
1. Rank the words according to the place of occurrences.
Words in a semantic region are given the highest
priority, input parameters as second and output
parameters as third.
2. Check if the word is already used to name a resource. If
so, such a word is given a higher priority.
3. Check the relations between the words and prioritize
them according to the relationship.
4. Combine the words in the initial set to form the
Table 3: Semantic, Input Parameters and Output Parameters
in a cluster
Rank 1
Rank 2
Step 1
Rank 1
Rank 2
Step 2
& swap
Figure 5: Ranking between different words
For the name of the operation that is not able to categorized, we
put the name of the operation in the semantic region and form the
URL for the operation as /operation-name/{input} and turn the
flag for editing. The editing flag helps the user to clearly
distinguish such resources before generating REST equivalent
In case of more than one word for the same position in the
resource name hierarchy, we examine the semantic relations
between the words and the frequency of words in the WSDL
document. For example, two words that exist as resources have
the same priority. We use semantic relations between the words to
identify the position. If no relation exits, we order the words
according to the frequency of the word in the WSDL document.
To illustrate the process, let us take a cluster shown in Figure 4(b).
Table 3 shows the semantic, input, and output parameters in the
cluster. The common elements among them are {city, country}. A
city is a-part of country. Therefore, there is a semantic relation
between city and country and country comes before city in the
resource name. Since country occurs in input parameters, we
denote country within {}. Hence, the resource for this cluster is
3.3 Identification of Resource Methods
In this step, we identify allowable HTTP-methods for each
resource. Ideally, each cluster should contain four operations that
are mapped to a single resource and four HTTP-methods.
Resource methods are identified by analyzing the verb part of the
operation name. We identify the HTTP method associated with
operation by analyzing the semantics of the operation name. If
HTTP methods cannot be identified by analyzing the semantics of
an operation name, we calculate the fan-in and fan-out of the
operations. Fan-in and fan-out give the number of parameters
taken as an input and the number of the output parameters given
by the operation. If the ratio of fin-in to fan-out is less than one,
we assume the operation is the retrieval of a resource and hence is
associated to GET. If the ratio of the fin-in to the fan-out is less
than one, we assume it as the modification or the creation of a
resource and further encourage the user to validate the judgment.
It is important to note that a resource cannot have the repetition of
the same method name.
Application Server
Receive the
Form the request
for Web service
Resource Not Found/
Method Not supported
Parse Result
Map Data
mapping information
WSDL Operation to
Resource Mapping
Link Formation/
Prepare Response
Resource Relations
Figure 6: Process of transforming messages between the
In case where two operations in the same cluster have the same
HTTP method, we revisit the resource identification to check if
the cluster contains two different resources. For example, in case
of two operations getLatestBlogs() and getBlog(),our approach
may identify the same resource blog and the same method GET.
In such case we revisit the resource identification process and
include the excluded part in the semantics of the operation name
called the latest to form a new resource blog/latest for
getLatestBlogs(). If different resources cannot be formed, we
tunnel the operation through the POST attaching the name of the
operation in the resource. POST is considered unsafe and
idempotent. It is the best to use this method when we are not sure
which method can be associated with the resource. Such resources
are flagged, so that it can be easily identified in the user interface
and allows the service provider to modify it.
For example shown in Figure 4(b), the cluster {getCity, addCity,
deleteCity, updateCity} contains the resource identified as
{country}/city, we analyze the semantic meaning of the operation
and identify the corresponding resource methods (i.e., GET,
POST, DELETE, and PUT). There is no conflict. The exact match
is found, and hence the fan-in and fan-out of the operation are not
3.4 Message Conversion
Our migration approach utilizes the SOAP-based service and
gives it the capability of RESTful services. Our approach does not
affect the operation of traditional services. Instead, all the
RESTful requests are converted to corresponding SOAP-based
service operations. We convert the message back and forth. The
RESTful client gives the input as HTTP parameters which are
converted to the SOAP-based service format. Correspondingly,
the output of the SOAP-based service is converted into the one as
required by the client in the content-type attribute of a HTTP
header. For example, we convert the input shown in Figure 2(a) to
Figure 2(b) before sending it to a Web service. The link formation
is completed at this stage to guide the client to the next state.
Figure 6 shows the framework to convert the message passing
between a SOAP-based Web service and RESTful services.
A SOAP operation is looked up by the “WSDL operation to
Resource mapping” module shown in Figure 6 for the resource
requested. The mapped SOAP-based operation is invoked and the
received result is parsed and changed to a web form as requested
by client in content-type header. The framework uses the standard
HTTP Error messages if error occurs. For example, if a user uses
a HTTP method that is not supported by the resource, the error
called “405 Method Not Allowed” is generated. The Prepare
Response module in the framework shown in Figure 6 is
responsible for correct response code and adding the cache related
headers in the response. If the information regarding resource
relationships is available, the link formation between resources is
prepared in this step.
Ambiguities among resources need to be removed. Such
ambiguities include more than one resource competing for the
same name or HTTP methods. In addition, our approach may
misidentify the resource or HTTP-methods. A user can manually
validate and modify the resource, HTTP method and cache related
information. HTTP has the standard way for caching validation
using Entity tag (E-Tag) which allows a client to make a
conditional request. The service provider may additionally set a
header called “expires” to denote the content is stale after the
given time frame.
Figure 7: Screenshot for listing all the predict resources
We provide a simple Graphic User Interface (GUI) where the user
can examine the resource names and methods along with the
corresponding the WSDL operations. Figure 7 shows a screenshot
of the prototype. The GUI provides the functionality to generate
the WSDL2.0/WADL description of the corresponding RESTful
service. We may need to modify the resources that do not exactly
match and are tunneled through the HTTP POST operation. We
highlight all the resources that are tunneled and have
inappropriate naming as identified in Section 3.2. Moreover, the
GUI also shows the links of other resources that the representation
of a resource may contain. The service provider can modify the
link to other resources.
If the service provider wants the resource to be different, the GUI
can be used to edit the resource name and HTTP methods. The
name in {} , however, has to match to one of the input parameters.
Figure 8 shows the user interface where a user can edit the fields
except the ID of the resource. If the service provider has a cache-
related specific requirement, the requirement can be modified. We
provide more readable means for describing caching terms in
terms of hour, day, week, month and year along with the specific
time of a day. Once all information is verified and the user
confirms the resource name and HTTP method, the prototype
automatically generates the necessary configuration files, servlets
and wrappers. The RESTful service is ready for deployment.
Figure 8: Screenshot for allowing user to edit the predicted
Table 4 lists our initial survey of 713 service descriptions. It
shows the existence of both types of services. Based on our
observation while collecting services from the Internet, we found
that RESTful services are more popular than SOAP-based
services. Especially, RESTful services are popular in data-
oriented services. In most of the RESTful services, the developer
network is maintained in the form of blogs, social-network, and
forums engaging developers around the world. The involvement
and interaction with different developers is one of the reasons of
growing importance of RESTful services.
Table 4: Different types of Services
RESTful Services
To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct a case
study to 1) assess accuracy of our approach of identifying
resources from existing SOAP based services; and 2) evaluate if
the migrated RESTful services can fully use the benefit of the
REST architecture. We compare the benefits in terms of response
time of the migrated RESTful services and the response time of
the SOAP-based services.
5.1 Setup for Case Study
To validate our approach for identifying the resources from
SOAP-based Web services, we collect 61 WSDL documents from
various categories, such as finance, government, travel/tourism,
and e-commerce. Table 5 list the categories, the number of WSDL
document in each category and a short description of the category.
Our classification of categories is based on an online Web service
listing site [31]Error! Reference source not found.. We
identified resources and HTTP methods from each WSDL as
discussed in Section 3. We analyzed the WSDL documents
manually to examine the accuracy of the identified resources and
the corresponding HTTP methods.
Table 5: Service used in used in case study
Services related to financial
management and banks.
Services provided by government
Services that are related to travel and
tourism e.g., flight book, hotel
booking, and taxi reservation.
Services provided by online business
e.g., Amazon, BestBuy and EBay.
Services from domains such as
weather, music search, content
sharing and aggregation.
Table 6: Mapping between SOAP-based operations and
WSDL Methods
HTTP Methods
To test the performance of our REST wrappers for the SOAP-
based services, we first used our approach to find the resources
and HTTP methods. There are three different clusters shown in
Figure 4 (b). We identified the resources and the HTTP methods
for each cluster as described in Section 3. Table 6 shows the result
of the identified resources, HTTP methods and the WSDL
operations of a SOAP-based service. We generated the necessary
wrappers and configuration files to deploy the RESTful service.
Both RESTful and SOAP-based services can be invoked. We
deployed both services on the same computer. The computer has
Intel Core 2 Duo of 2.66 GHz, and RAM 4 GB. The server is
Apache Tomcat server of version 6.0.29 and AXIS of version 1.3.
We developed client applications for each service. The clients
are executed in a network other than the one used to host the
services. The client invokes the services at the fixed number of
5.2 Evaluation Criteria
We measure the effectiveness of our approach on identifying
resources using precision and recall. Precision can be seen as a
measure of exactness or fidelity [15]. Precision is defined in
Equation (2). It measures if any irrelevant resources are
misidentified as the resource. Recall is a measure of completeness
[15]Error! Reference source not found.. Recall is defined in
Equation (3). It evaluates whether our approach can correctly
identify all resources without omissions. We could not compare
the precision and recall with other work. To the best of our
knowledge, there is not publicly available experimental data in
migrating SOAP-based services to RESTful services.
We are interested in evaluating the accuracy of our approach for
identifying resources and the performance of the migrated
RESTful services. Equation (4) gives the measure of our
accuracy. Accuracy of our approach is given by the ratio of the
difference between the number of identified resources and the
number of resources modified to the total number of resources.
where is the total number of resources obtained
manually, is the number of resource indentified from
our approach and is the number of resources modified
after manually examining
For the performance, we measure the time difference between
sending a request and receiving the response from the server for
both types of services. Performance is the ratio of difference
between response time taken by a SOAP-based service and a
RESTful service by the response time taken by the SOAP-based
service. Equation (5) gives the performance measure.
where is the average response time for SOAP
operation and is average response time for REST
5.3 Analysis of the Results
Table 7 lists the result for identifying resources from SOAP-based
services. The average precision is above 84%, meaning that our
approach can correctly identify the services most of the times. The
recall of our approach is 75%. The recall shows that our approach
Table 7: Results of Identifying Resources from WSDL
# Methods
may fail to identify the resources correctly. We were not able to
identify the resource correctly when the names of the input and
output parameters are very generic. Due to unclear name in the
operation, tunneling the operation name through the post
operation was identified. The uses of ambiguous words and words
not available in WordNet cause difficulties in identifying the
resources correctly. Table 8 summarizes the results of accuracy of
the identified resources. The accuracy is 74% showing that our
approach can successfully identify the resources in most of the
cases. There are 410 operations in those 61 WSDL documents, for
which there are 284 resources. Therefore, each resource may not
always have four operations exposed for the users. We found most
of Web services in our study to be read centric as most of the
resources expose retrieval HTTP-verb (i.e., GET).
.Table 8: Summary of WSDL to RESTful Resource
Number of WSDL documents
Total Number of Operations
Number of Resources Identified
Misidentified Resources
Total Number of Resources
Average Accuracy
Table 9 shows the result of the service response time for both
SOAP-based and RESTful services. The performance
improvement is calculated using Equation (5). Even with the
delay introduced by the wrappers, the performance of RESTful
services is faster than of the corresponding SOAP-based services.
The faster response time for the RESTful services favor mobile
and thin clients. It is clear from the results that RESTful services
have performance benefits compared to WSDL/SOAP based
5.4 Threats for Validity
In this subsection, we discuss the limitations of our approach and
the different types of threats which may affect the validity of the
results of our case study.
External Validity: External validity handles the issue of the
generalization of the results of our study. The main threat of our
experiment that could affect the generalization of the presented
results relates to the number of WSDL documents analyzed. We
have analyzed 61 SOAP-based services from a wide variety of
industries. Nevertheless, further validation of our approach
requires analyze a larger set of WSDL documents. A service
provider may have multiple interdependent WSDL documents;
analysis of the dependent files together may affect the resource
identification results.
Internal Validity: Internal validation is concerned to the issues
related to the design of our case study. There are different ways to
denote a resource. We used a way to make resources more
readable, following the hierarchical rule in NLP, but resources can
be denoted in other ways as well. The network congestion and
traffic are not taken into account for the performance evaluation
of the invocation of SOAP-based and RESTful services.
A few approaches for migrating legacy systems to Service-
Oriented Architectures (SOA) in general have been proposed in
[13][11][1]. These approaches use static reverse engineering
techniques for identifying potential services. RESTful services are
relatively new in the area of SOA and do not have much work
done in migration. There are a few approaches [2, 14, 20] to
model the REST based services. Kopecky et al. [14] present
hRESTS as a solution for missing machine-readable Web APIs of
RESTful services. They argue that a microformat is the easiest
way to enrich existing human-readable HTML documentation.
They introduce a model for RESTful services, but with a focus on
documentation and discovery. Alarcon and Wilde [20] introduce a
metamodel for describing RESTful services as the basis for the
Resource Linking Language. The authors identify links as first
class citizens and focus on service documentation and
composition. There are a number of work providing guidelines on
designing RESTful services [16, 25, 32] which provide some
basis for our migration.
Charles et al. [4] present an industrial case study to migrate a
transportation Web service to a RESTful service. Charles et al.
also describe the issues encountered in designing and
implementing a set of RESTful services to extend and replace the
traditional Web services. Markku et al. [18] describe an approach
of abstracting application interfaces to REST-like services in three
major steps: analyzing a legacy API, abstracting it to a canonical
form with constraints in place, and generating adapter code for the
abstraction. Michael et al. [17] provide a model-driven approach
in identifying REST-like resources from legacy service
descriptions. Using the information contained in the descriptions
of the available functionality (in the form of WSDL or message
schema specifications), authors propose a way to model service
operation signatures into a MOF model, called Signature Model.
All the approaches of identifying the resources, methods, and
message conversion between the RESTful services and traditional
Web services are limited to identifying the resources. Our work is
a semi-automatic technique, which helps to migrate the traditional
Web services to RESTful services. The presence of RESTful
Table 9: Performance of using WSDL client and RESTful version of the same WSDL service
Identified RESTful Service
Service Average
Response Time (ms)
RESTful Service
Average Response
Time (ms)
Improvement in
Response time
Operation Name
services does not affect the operation of traditional Web services
allowing both the services to co-exist.
Several messaging optimization approaches have been introduced
[8, 19, 24, 26 and 27] to address Web service performance
overhead for mobile clients. Current Web Service communication
models in mobile computing may result in unacceptable
performance overheads. A typical Web application requires the
transmission of four to five times more bytes if it is implemented
as a Web service compared to the same service implemented as a
traditional dynamic program using ASP or PHP [19]. In our
research, we migrate SOAP-based services to RESTful services
and hence reduce the XML overheads during the service
In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic technique for
migrating a SOAP-based service to RESTful services. We use
cluster analysis and natural language processing to identify
resources and the associated HTTP methods. The result of the
case study shows that our approach can identify the resources with
high precision. The case studies also show that our RESTful
approach has more performance benefits compared to SOAP
based services.
In future, we plan to improve the performance of our resource
identification approach. We will validate our approach with a
large set of WSDL documents. We will also extend our approach
for migrating other legacy systems to RESTful services.
This work is financially supported by NSERC and the IBM
Canada Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) Research.
IBM and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation in the United States,
other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service
names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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... Many Middleware Framework are created to solve interoperability problem in heterogeneous environment, such as Internet of thing (IoT) environment in [19]. In [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15], we did a global study about interoperability issues between SOAP web service client and REST web service Cloud provider, clarifying the problem with a case study. We have proposed a Middleware as Service (MaaS) as shown in fig. 1, which is an extension to our previous work [1]. ...
... Migration of SOAP-based services to RESTful services: "An approach generates automatically the configuration files needed to deploy the RESTful services and wrappers for accessing SOAP based services in the REST architecture" [12]. This is to allow the interaction between SOAP-based services and RESTful services; this approach convert dynamically messages between SOAP and REST web services. ...
... As mentioned in [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15], WSDL/WADL Converter is the main component of our architecture. It guarantees interoperability and standardization in heterogeneous middleware. ...
Web services refer to a paradigm consisting on communication between applications interfaces. They are the main key to communicate between different environments, such as Cloud Computing based architectures, and constrained environment. SOAP web services are more used then REST web services in education and industrial environment; contrariwise, Media data in web applications used REST web services. The main aim of this paper is to make alive and complete a previously proposed middleware SaaS solution, to enable unattached WSDL and WADL file translation. The Maas architecture is strengthen by developing Converter component and mapping rules component used in our previous work.
... A web service is a software system intended to promote machine-to-machine communication over a network, according to W3C [25]. There are two popular existing web service technologies; SOAP-based services and REST-based services [26]. Most of the web services are using traditional simple object access protocol (SOAP), based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) protocol which is responsible for information transfer; Web Services Description Language (WSDL) that describes the functions of a web service, how it communicates and where it can be found, including the web service registry, which is the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) [27]. ...
... Theoretically, a resource representation reflects almost any details about the state of a resource. This paper focuses on the REST services to cater the migration of platforms among many service providers from the SOAP-based services to REST-based services [26]. ...
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Most active research in Host and Network Intrusion Detection Systems are only able to detect attacks on the computer systems and at the network layer, which are not sufficient to counteract SOAP/REST or XML/JSON-related attacks. In dealing with the problem of anomaly detection in web service message datasets, this paper proposes an anomaly detection system called the Online Adaptive Deep-Packet Inspector (O-ADPI) for web service message attacks classification. The proposed approach relies on multiple statistical methods which use Unigram-based Weighting Scheme (UWS) that combines text mining techniques with a set of different statistical criteria for Feature Selection Engine (FSE) to effectively and efficiently explore optimal subspaces in detecting anomalies embedded deep in the high dimensional feature subspaces. We utilize a supervised intrusion detection algorithm based on Mahalanobis Distance Map classifier. As web service attacks can be classified into anomaly and normal, the task of anomaly detection can be modeled as a classification problem. The O-ADPI model was assessed for F-value, true positive rate (TPR), and false positive rate (FPR) in order to evaluate the detection performance of O-ADPI against different type of feature selections engines with corresponding PCs for each message-specific service. The experiments were performed using the REST-IDS Dataset 2015 and the results demonstrated that the proposed O-ADPI model achieved the best results in each message-specific service.
... There are also studies on migrating SOAP services to REST. Upadhyaya et al. [23] identify resources from a SOAP web service by analyzing the service description and migrating each service to a REST architecture. Their approach consists on the identification of similar operations, resources, and methods. ...
Conference Paper
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GraphQL is a novel query language for implementing service-based software architectures. The language is gaining momentum and it is now used by major software companies, such as Facebook and GitHub. However, we still lack empirical evidence on the real gains achieved by GraphQL, particularly in terms of the effort required to implement queries in this language. Therefore, in this paper we describe a controlled experiment with 22 students (10 undergraduate and 12 graduate), who were asked to implement eight queries for accessing a web service, using GraphQL and REST. Our results show that GraphQL requires less effort to implement remote service queries, when compared to REST (9 vs 6 minutes, median times). These gains increase when REST queries include more complex endpoints, with several parameters. Interestingly, GraphQL outperforms REST even among more experienced participants (as is the case of graduate students) and among participants with previous experience in REST, but no previous experience in GraphQL.
... The previously mentioned drawbacks in ExplorViz Legacy and recent experience reports in literature about successful applications of alternative technologies, e.g., Representational State Transfer (REST or RESTful) Application Programming Interfaces (API) [16], [17], were triggers for a modularization and modernization. In [18], we gave a very brief description on the modernization process of ExplorViz towards a microservice architecture. ...
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Software systems evolve over their lifetime. Changing conditions, such as requirements or customer requests make it inevitable for developers to perform adjustments to the underlying code base. Especially in the context of open source software where everybody can contribute, requirements can change over time and new user groups may be addressed. In particular, research software is often not structured with a maintainable and extensible architecture. In combination with obsolescent technologies, this is a challenging task for new developers, especially, when students are involved. In this paper, we report on the modularization process and architecture of our open source research project ExplorViz towards a microservice architecture. The new architecture facilitates a collaborative development process for both researchers and students. We describe the modularization measures and present how we solved occurring issues and enhanced our development process. Afterwards, we illustrate our modularization approach with our modernized, extensible software system architecture and highlight the improved collaborative development process. Finally, we present a proof-of-concept implementation featuring several developed extensions in terms of architecture and extensibility.
... REST is easy to implement and is supported by most M2M cloud platforms. Other features supported by REST are caching, authentication and content type negotiation [67] . This protocol, however, does not offer high energy efficiency since polling must be performed in order to check the availability of data. ...
Transport and security protocols are essential to ensure reliable and secure communication between two parties. For IoT applications, these protocols must be lightweight, since IoT devices are usually resource constrained. Unfortunately, the existing transport and security protocols – namely TCP/TLS and UDP/DTLS – fall short in terms of connection overhead, latency, and connection migration when used in IoT applications. In this paper, after studying the root causes of these shortcomings, we show how utilizing QUIC in IoT scenarios results in a higher performance. Based on these observations, and given the popularity of MQTT as an IoT application layer protocol, we integrate MQTT with QUIC. By presenting the main APIs and functions developed, we explain how connection establishment and message exchange functionalities work. We evaluate the performance of MQTTw/QUIC versus MQTTw/TCP using wired, wireless, and long-distance testbeds. Our results show that MQTTw/QUIC reduces connection overhead in terms of the number of packets exchanged with the broker by up to 56%. In addition, by eliminating half-open connections, MQTTw/QUIC reduces processor and memory usage by up to 83% and 50%, respectively. Furthermore, by removing the head-of-line blocking problem, delivery latency is reduced by up to 55%. We also show that the throughput drops experienced by MQTTw/QUIC when a connection migration happens is considerably lower than that of MQTTw/TCP.
... REST is easy to implement and is supported by most M2M cloud platforms. Other features supported by REST are caching, authentication and content type negotiation [75]. This protocol, however, does not offer high energy efficiency since polling must be performed in order to check the availability of data. ...
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Transport and secure layer protocols are essential to ensure reliable and secure communication between two parties. These protocols must be lightweight, since IoT devices are usually resource constrained. Unfortunately, the existing transport and secure layer protocols -- namely TCP/TLS and UDP/DTLS -- fall short in terms of connection overhead, latency, and connection migration when used in IoT applications. In this paper, after studying the root causes of these shortcomings, we show how utilizing QUIC in IoT scenarios results in a higher performance. Based on these observations, and given the popularity of MQTT as an IoT application layer protocol, we integrate MQTT with QUIC. By presenting the main APIs and functions developed, we explain how connection establishment and message exchange functionalities work. We evaluate the performance of MQTTw/QUIC versus MQTTw/TCP using wired, wireless, and long-distance testbeds. Our results show that MQTTw/QUIC reduces connection overhead in terms of the number of packets exchanged with the broker by up to 56%. In addition, by eliminating half-open connections, MQTTw/QUIC reduces processor and memory usage by up to 81% and 48%, respectively. Furthermore, by removing the head-of-line blocking problem, delivery latency is reduced by up to 55%. We also show that the throughput drops experienced by MQTTw/QUIC when a connection migration happens is considerably lower than that of MQTTw/TCP.
Over the past few years, we have witnessed a paradigm shift on the programming models and on architectural styles, which have been used to design and implement large-scale service-oriented systems. More specifically, the classic message-oriented and remote procedure call paradigm has gradually evolved to the resource-oriented architectural style, inspired by concepts pertinent to the World Wide Web. This shift has been primarily driven by multifaceted functional and non-functional requirements of Web enabled large-scale service offering systems. These requirements include enhanced interoperability, lightweight integration, scalability, enhanced performance, even looser coupling, and less dependence on shifting technology standards. As a consequence, several, and sometimes antagonistic, architectures, design patterns, and programming paradigms have emerged on a quest to overcome the constantly expanding enterprise software needs. In the context of resource-oriented architectures, the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style has gained considerable attention due to its simplicity, uniformity, and flexibility. More specifically, the potential for scalability and loose coupling, the uniformity of interfaces, and the efficient bridging of enterprise software systems with the Web are significant factors for software architects and engineers to consider REST when designing, implementing, composing, and deploying service-oriented systems. These issues stir discussion among academics and practitioners about how to properly apply REST constraints both with respect to the development of new enterprise systems and to the migration and adaptation of existing service-oriented systems to RESTful architectures. In this chapter, the authors discuss issues and challenges related to the adaptation of existing service-oriented systems to a RESTful architecture. First, they present the motivation behind such an adaptation need. Second, the authors discuss related adaptation theory, techniques, and challenges that have been recently presented in the research literature. Third, they identify and present several considerations and dimensions that the adaptation to REST entails, and the authors present frameworks to assess resource-oriented designs with regard to compliance to REST. Fourth, the authors introduce an adaptation framework process model in the context of enterprise computing systems and technologies, such as Model Driven Engineering and Service Component Architecture (SCA). Furthermore, they discuss open challenges and considerations on how such an adaptation process to REST can be extended, in order to yield systems that best conform to the REST architectural style and the corresponding REST constraints. Finally, the chapter is concluded with a summary and a discussion on the points raised and on some emerging trends in this area.
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One of the tasks of a university is teaching. To keep the quality by improving the teaching qualifications, materials, teaching facilities, and infrastructure. but, one of the important things is to keep the quality of teaching. The quality of teaching can be measured from the feedback of the students. Informatics Department of Mataram University has a system to get feedback from its students called SIKBM (a questioner system for teaching). Unfortunately, not of all the students will fill this questioner because there is no interest for the students. So, we apply a web service system that connects SIKBM and SIA (academic information system). It will force the students to access SIKBM as a requirement to fill KRS (Course selection sheet) on SIA. The result shows that on even semester of 2017, we gain feedback for all of the courses we did not get in the previous years.
Conference Paper
Today, there are more than 7 billion connected devices including resource-constrained devices which are capable of participating in service collaborations. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is prominent as a result of loose coupling and platform independence, not to mention the business-IT alignment of service-oriented solutions. Also, loose coupling and platform independence match mobile device connection intermittence and platform diversity, respectively. Concerns about implementation arise as a result of the resource constraints of mobile devices. Besides, service composition plays a crucial role in the achievement of business-IT alignment by service-oriented solutions that need to be concerned. The most common implementation of a SOA service is the SOAP web service, which is supported by several service composition standards and tools such as WS-BPEL, WS-CDL, BPML, ebXML, OWL-S and WSMF, but suffers from SOAP verboseness and text serialization/deserialization overheads. SOAP computational and communicational overheads make SOAP inefficient for service collaborations of mobile devices which have resource constraints and experience connection intermittences. In contrast with the SOAP web service, Thrift service is a computationally efficient binary implementation for SOA services. Thrift services benefit greatly from binary serialization/deserialization, they lack sufficient standards and tools for service composition to achieve business-IT alignment. This study proposes an architecture to provide service composition capabilities for thrift services, so that the architecture enables users to either combine Thrift services as a composite Thrift service and to invoke the resultant Thrift services directly from BPEL or to orchestrate Thrift services and SOAP web services together and to invoke the resultant service in the same way. The initial implementation was promising and is discussed in this paper.
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Research on Semantic Web Services has pursued the automation of tasks on the Web by enriching Web ser- vices technologies with semantics. Thus far, however, Semantic Web Services have failed to gain a significant uptake due to a big extent to the complexity of the so- lutions proposed and the limited amount of high quality data and ontologies that were available until recently. In this report we explore the relationship between Se- mantic Web Services and the Web of Data. We iden- tify the potential benefits that could be obtained by ad- equately integrating these so far disconnected worlds. We present a vision outlining how this integration could take place by using simpler vocabularies for describing services, through the adoption of linked data principles for publishing services on the Web, and by reusing prin- ciples originating research on Knowledge Based Sys- tems and Knowledge Engineering such as the Black- board model and Problem-Solving Methods. The vi- sion presented herein represents at the same time the outline of a research roadmap we are pursuing and we shall, where appropriate, illustrate some of these ideas through concrete examples and prototypes we have al- ready developed.
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The Web 2.0 wave brings, among other aspects, the programmable Web: increasing numbers of Web sites provide machine-oriented APIs and Web services. However, most APIs are only described with text in HTML documents. The lack of machine-readable API descriptions affects the feasibility of tool support for developers who use these services. We propose a microformat called hRESTS (HTML for RESTful Services) for machine-readable descriptions of Web APIs, backed by a simple service model. The hRESTS microformat describes main aspects of services, such as operations, inputs and outputs. We also present two extensions of hRESTS: SA-REST, which captures the facets of public APIs important for mashup developers, and MicroWSMO, which provides support for semantic automation.
The SOAP web services stack (SOAP, WSDL, WS-*) described in the previous chapter delivers interoperability in both message integration and RPC style. With the rise of Web 2.0, new web frameworks such as Rails have emerged, and a new kind of web service has gained in popularity: the RESTful web service.
Although Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has become popular in recent years, the majority of legacy systems are still not SOA enabled. The increase in the amount of information that companies must handle has resulted in a considerable increase in the complexity of the legacy systems that store this information. While moving to a service-oriented architecture platform can help in handling this increase, at the same time it is important to preserve the investment of many years of tuning and debugging of the legacy assets as much as possible. Several techniques exist for modernizing legacy systems towards service-oriented architecture. In this paper we present a survey of the various approaches to moving legacy systems to the SOA environment. We discuss the var-ious approaches and methods and highlight their strengths and weak-nesses, with an eye to assisting the decision process when undertaking a new modernization project.
Sometimes, Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style proponents describe it as being easy, but this in no way implies that REST is trivial or simplistic, nor does it mean that RESTful systems lack sophistication. REST's relative simplicity comes from the fact that it not only clearly defines its trade-offs and constraints but also distinctly separates concerns, such as resource identification, resource interfaces, and definitions for interchanged data. This delineation makes it relatively easy for developers designing and building RESTful services to consider and track important issues that can profoundly impact system flexibility, scalability, and performance. REST isn't the answer to all distributed computing and integration problems by any stretch of the imagination, but it can yield highly practical solutions to a variety of such problems, not only on the Web but also within the enterprise.
Conference Paper
Service-oriented systems mainly follow two principles for accessing data and invoking back end applications: Remote Procedure Calls and Message-Orientation. However, a number of researchers and practitioners have criticized these paradigms as too complex and rigid. Instead, Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style has lately gained significant attention as an alternative means for accessing services and data. RESTful HTTP systems depend on Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to uniquely identify and denote data and services as “resources”. In this paper, we discuss a technique to analyze the descriptions of legacy data and services in order first, to model their roles and relationships and second, to use the discovered dependencies for extracting Unique Resource Identifiers and the available HTTP methods, so that these legacy service elements and data can be accessed using lightweight requests.
The performance and efficiency of Web Services in conversational and streaming message exchanges can be greatly increased by streaming the message exchange paradigm. In this paper, we describe our design and implementation of a novel approach to message exchange optimization. This area is particularly important for applications in physically constrained mobile computing environments, but there is great potential for other applications. The verboseness of the XML-based SOAP representation imposes possible overheads in mobile Web Service applications. In order to help minimize such overheads, we separate data content from the syntax and use streaming message exchanges. The redundant or static message parts are stored in a shared metadata space—the Context-store. Therefore, the streamed messages themselves are not self descriptive, but the combination of the message and the negotiation captured in the Context-store is self descriptive. We describe our architecture and evaluate our approach by testing the performance of the resulting system. The empirical results show that our framework outperforms conventional Web Services in both conversational and streaming message exchanges with mobile clients. We demonstrate how to find the breakeven point at which our methods overtake conventional SOAP messaging for a particular application.