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Dustminer: Troubleshooting Interactive Complexity Bugs in Sensor Networks


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a tool for uncovering bugs due to inter- active complexity in networked sensing applications. Such bugs are not localized to one component that is faulty, but rather result from complex and unexpected interactions be- tween multiple often individually non-faulty components. Moreover, the manifestations of these bugs are often not repeatable, making them particularly hard to find, as the particular sequence of events that invokes the bug may not be easy to reconstruct. Because of the distributed nature of failure scenarios, our tool looks for sequences of events that may be responsible for faulty behavior, as opposed to localized bugs such as a bad pointer in a module. An ex- tensible framework is developed where a front-end collects runtime data logs of the system being debugged and an of- fline back-end uses frequent discriminative pattern mining to uncover likely causes of failure. We provide a case study of debugging a recent multichannel MAC protocol that was found to exhibit corner cases of poor performance (worse than single channel MAC). The tool helped uncover event sequences that lead to a highly degraded mode of operation. Fixing the problem significantly improved the performance of the protocol. We also provide a detailed analysis of tool overhead in terms of memory requirements and impact on the running application.
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Dustminer: Troubleshooting Interactive Complexity Bugs
in Sensor Networks
Mohammad Maifi Hasan Khan, Hieu Khac Le, Hossein Ahmadi, Tarek F. Abdelzaher,
and Jiawei Han
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,,,
This paper presents a tool for uncovering bugs due to inter-
active complexity in networked sensing applications. Such
bugs are not localized to one component that is faulty, but
rather result from complex and unexpected interactions be-
tween multiple often individually non-faulty components.
Moreover, the manifestations of these bugs are often not
repeatable, making them particularly hard to find, as the
particular sequence of events that invokes the bug may not
be easy to reconstruct. Because of the distributed nature
of failure scenarios, our tool looks for sequences of events
that may be responsible for faulty behavior, as opposed to
localized bugs such as a bad pointer in a module. An ex-
tensible framework is developed where a front-end collects
runtime data logs of the system being debugged and an of-
fline back-end uses frequent discriminative pattern mining
to uncover likely causes of failure. We provide a case study
of debugging a recent multichannel MAC protocol that was
found to exhibit corner cases of poor performance (worse
than single channel MAC). The tool helped uncover event
sequences that lead to a highly degraded mode of operation.
Fixing the problem significantly improved the performance
of the protocol. We also provide a detailed analysis of tool
overhead in terms of memory requirements and impact on
the running application.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: [Testing and Debugging-
Distributed Debugging]
General Terms
Design, Reliability, Experimentation
Protocol debugging, Distributed automated debugging, Wire-
less sensor networks
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not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
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SenSys’08, November 5–7, 2008, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-990-6/08/11 ...$5.00.
DustMiner is a diagnostic tool that leverages an extensible
framework for uncovering root causes of failures and perfor-
mance anomalies in wireless sensor network applications in
an automated way. This paper presents the design and im-
plementation of Dustminer along with two case studies of
real life failure diagnosis scenarios. The goal of this work is
to further contribute to automating the process of debug-
ging, instead of relying only on manual efforts, and hence
reduce the development time and effort significantly.
Developing wireless sensor network applications still re-
mains a significant challenge and a time consuming task.
To make the development of wireless sensor network applica-
tions easier, much of the previous work focused on program-
ming abstractions [27, 7, 25, 17, 11]. Most wireless sensor
network application developers would agree, however, to the
fact that most of the development time is spent on debug-
ging and troubleshooting the current code, which greatly
reduces productivity.
Early debugging and troubleshooting support revolved aro-
und testbeds [8, 36], simulation [18, 35, 34] and emula-
tion environments [29, 12]. Recent source level debugging
tools [38, 37] have greatly contributed to the convenience of
the troubleshooting process. They make it easier to zoom in
on sources of errors by offering more visibility into run-time
state. Unfortunately wireless sensor network applications
often fail not because of a single node coding error but as
a result of improper interaction between components. Such
interaction may be due to some protocol design flaw (e.g.,
missed corner cases that the protocol does not handle cor-
rectly) or unexpected artifacts of component integration. In-
teraction errors are often non-reproducible since repeating
the experiment might not lead to the same corner-case again.
Hence, in contrast to previous debugging tools, in this pa-
per, we focus on finding (generally non-deterministically oc-
curring) bugs that arise from interactions among seemingly
individually sound components.
The main approach of Dustminer is to log many differ-
ent types of events in the sensor network and then analyze
the logs in an automated fashion to extract the sequences
of events that lead to failure. These sequences shed light on
what caused the bug to manifest making it easier to under-
stand and fix the root cause of the problem.
Our work extends a somewhat sparse chain of prior at-
tempts at diagnostic debugging in sensor networks. Sym-
pathy [30] is one of the earliest tools in the wireless sensor
networks domain that addresses the issue of diagnosing fail-
ures in deployed systems in an automated fashion. Specif-
ically, it infers the identities of failed nodes or links based
on reduced throughput at the basestation. SNTS [15] pro-
vides a more general diagnostic tool that extracts conditions
on current network state that are correlated with failure, in
hopes that they may include the root cause. A diagnostic
simulator (an extension to TOSSIM) is described in [14]. Be-
ing a simulator extension, it is not intended to troubleshoot
deployed systems. It is based on frequent pattern mining
(to find event patterns that occur frequently when the bugs
manifest). Unfortunately, the cause of a problem is often an
infrequent pattern; a single “bad” chain of events that leads
to many problems.
We extend the diagnostic capability of the above tools
by implementing a new automated discriminative sequence
analysis technique that relies on two separate phases to find
root causes of problems or performance anomalies in sensor
networks; the first phase identifies frequent patterns corre-
lated to failure as before. The second focuses on those pat-
terns, correlating them with (infrequent) events that may
have caused them, hence uncovering the true root of the
problem. We apply this technique to identify the sequences
of events that cause manifestations of interaction bugs. In
turn, identifying these sequences helps the developer un-
derstand the nature of the bug. Our tool is based on a
front-end that collects data from the run-time system and a
back-end that analyses it. Both are plug-and-play modules
that can be chosen from multiple alternatives. We identify
the architectural requirements of building such an extensi-
ble framework and present a modular software architecture
that addresses these requirements.
We provide two case studies of real life debugging using
the new tool. The first case study shows how our tool iso-
lates a kernel-level bug in the radio communication stack in
the newly introduced LiteOS [6] operating system for sensor
networks that offers a UNIX-like remote filesystem abstrac-
tion. The second case study shows how the tool is used to
debug a performance problem in a recently published mul-
tichannel Media Access Control (MAC) protocol [16]. For
both case studies we used MicaZ motes as target hardware.
It is important to stress what our tool is not. We spe-
cialize in uncovering problems that result from component
interactions. Specifically, the proposed tool is not intended
to look for local errors (e.g., code errors that occur and man-
ifest themselves on one node). Examples of the latter type of
errors include infinite loops, dereferencing invalid pointers,
or running out of memory. Current debugging tools are, for
the most part, well-equipped to help find such errors. An
integrated development environment can use previous tools
for that purpose.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec-
tion 2, we describe recent work on debugging sensor net-
work applications. In Section 3, we describe the main idea
of our tool. In Section 4, we describe the design challenges
with our proposed solution. Section 5 describes the system
architecture of Dustminer. Section 6 describes the imple-
mentation details of the data collection front-end and data
analysis back-end that are used in this paper along with their
system overhead. To show the effectiveness of our tool, in
Section 7, we provided two case studies. In the first, we
uncover a kernel-level bug in LiteOS. In the second, we use
our tool to identify a protocol design bug in a recent multi
channel MAC protocol [16]. We show that when the bug is
fixed, the throughput of the system is improved by nearly
50%. Section 8 concludes the paper.
Current troubleshooting support for sensor networks (i)
favors reproducible errors, and (ii) is generally geared to-
wards finding local bugs such as an incorrectly written line of
code, an erroneous pointer reference, or an infinite loop. Ex-
isting tools revolve around testing, measurements, or step-
ping through instruction execution. Marionette [37] and
Clairvoyant [38] are examples of source debugging systems
that allow the programmer to interact with the sensor net-
work using breakpoints, watches, and line-by-line tracing.
Source level debugger is more suitable to identify program-
ming errors which is contained in a single node. It is dif-
ficult to find distributed bugs using source level debugger
due to the fact that source level debugging interferes heav-
ily with the normal operation of the code and may prevent
the excitation of distributed bugs in the first place. It also
involves manual checking of system states which is not scal-
able. SNMS [32] presents a sensor network measurement
service that collects performance statistics such as packet
loss and radio energy consumption. Testing-based systems
include laboratory testbeds such as Motelab [36], Kansei [8],
Emstar [12] etc. These systems are good at exposing mani-
festations of errors, but leave it to the programmer’s skill to
guess the cause of the problem.
Simulation and emulation based systems include TOSSIM
[18], DiSenS [35], S2DB [34], Atemu [29] etc. Atemu provides
XATDB which is a GUI based debugger that provides inter-
face to debug code at line level. S2DB is a simulation based
debugger that provides debugging abstractions at different
levels such as the node level and network level. It provides
the concept of parallel debugging where a developer can set
breakpoints across multiple devices to access internal system
state. This remains a manual process, and it is very hard
to debug a large system manually for design bugs. More-
over the simulated environment prevents the system from
exciting bugs which arise due to peculiar characteristics of
real hardware, and deployment scenarios such as clock skew,
radio irregularities, and sensing failures, to name a few.
For offline parameter tuning and performance analysis,
record and replay is a popular technique which is imple-
mented by Envirolog [26] for sensor network applications.
Envirolog stores module outputs (e.g., outputs of sensing
modules) locally and replays them to reproduce the original
execution. It is good at testing performance of high-level
protocols subjected to a given recorded set of environmental
conditions. While this can also help with debugging such
protocols, no automated diagnosis support is offered.
In [31], the authors pointed out that sensor data, such as
humidity and temperature, may be used to predict network
and node failure, although they do not propose an auto-
mated technique for correlating failures with sensor data.
In contrast, we are focused on automating the trobuleshoot-
ing of general protocol bugs which may not necessarily be
revealed by analyzing sensor measurements.
Sympathy [30] presents an early step towards sensor net-
work self-diagnosis. It specializes in attributing reduced
communication throughput at a base-station to the failure
of a node or link in the sensor network. Another example
of automated diagnostic tools is [15] which analyzes pas-
sively logged radio communication messages using a clas-
sification algorithm [10] to identify states correlated with
the occurrence of bugs. The diagnostic capability of [15] is
constrained by its inability to identify event sequences that
precipitate an interaction-related bug. The tool also does
not offer an interface to the debugged system that allows
logging internal events. The recently published diagnostic
simulation effort [14] comes closest to our work. The present
paper extends the diagnostic capability of the above tools by
implementing an actual system (as opposed to using simu-
lation) and presenting a better log analysis algorithm that
is able to uncover infrequent sequences that lead to failures.
Machine learning techniques have previously been applied
to failure diagnosis in other systems [5, 3, 22]. Extensive
work in software bug mining and analysis studies includes
a software behavior graph analysis method for back-tracing
noncrashing bugs [22], a statistical model-based bug local-
ization method [19], which explores the distinction of run-
time execution distribution between buggy and nonbuggy
programs, a control flow abnormality analysis method for
logic error isolation [23], a fault localization-based approach
for failure proximity [20], a Bayesian analysis approach for
localization of bugs with a single buggy run, which is espe-
cially valuable for distributed environments where the bug
can hardly be reproduced reliably [21], and a dynamic slicing-
based approach for failure indexing which may cluster and
index bugs based on their speculated root cause and locality
[24], as well as discriminative frequent pattern analysis [9].
We extend the techniques of discriminative pattern analy-
sis to a two-stage process for analyzing logs to pinpoint the
cause of failure; the first stage identifies all the “symptoms”
of the problem from the logs, while the second ties them to
possible root causes.
Formal methods [33, 13, 4, 28] offer a different alterna-
tive based on verifying component correctness or, conversely,
identifying which properties are violated. The approach is
challenging to apply to large systems due to the high degree
of concurrency and non-determinism in complex wireless
sensor networks, which leads to an exponential state space
explosion. Unreliable wireless communication and sensing
pose additional challenges. Moreover, even a verified sys-
tem can suffer poor performance due to a design flaw. Our
tool automatically answers questions that help identify the
cause of failure that manifests during run time.
Most previous debugging approaches for sensor networks
are geared at finding localized errors in code (with prefer-
ence to those that are reproducible). In contrast, we focus
on non-deterministically occurring errors that arise because
of unexpected or adverse distributed interactions between
multiple seemingly individually-correct components. The
non-localized, hard-to-reproduce nature of such errors makes
them especially hard to find.
Dustminer is based on the idea that, in a distributed wire-
less sensor network, nodes interact with each other in a
manner defined by their distributed protocols to perform
cooperative tasks. Unexpected sequences of events, subtle
interactions between modules, or unintended design flaws
in protocols may occasionally lead to an undesirable or in-
valid state, causing the system to fail or exhibit poor perfor-
mance. Hence, in principle, if we log different types of events
in the network, we may be able to capture the unexpected
sequence that leads to failure (along with thousands of other
sequences of events). The challenge for the diagnostic tool
is to automatically identify this culprit sequence. Our ap-
proach exploits both (i) non-determinism and (ii) interactive
complexity to improve ability to diagnose distributed inter-
action bugs. This point is elaborated below:
Exploiting non-reproducible behavior: We adapt data
mining approaches that use examples of both “good”
and “bad” system behavior to be able to classify the
conditions correlated with good and bad. In particu-
lar, note that conditions that cause a problem to occur
are correlated (by causality) with the resulting bad be-
havior. Root causes of non-reproducible bugs are thus
inherently suited for discovery using such data mining
approaches; the lack of reproducibility itself and the
inherent system non-determinism improve the odds of
occurrence of sufficiently diverse behavior examples to
train the troubleshooting system to understand the rel-
evant correlations and identify causes of problems.
Exploiting interactive complexity: Interactive complex-
ity describes a system where scale and complexity cause
components to interact in unexpected ways. A failure
that occurs due to such unexpected interactions is typ-
ically hard to “blame” on any single component. This
fundamentally changes the objective of a troubleshoot-
ing tool from aiding in stepping through code (which
is more suitable for finding a localized error in some
line, such as an incorrect pointer reference), to aid-
ing with diagnosing a sequence of events (component
interactions) that leads to a failure state.
At a high level, our tool first uses a data collection front-end
to collect runtime events for post-mortem analysis. Once
the log of runtime events is available, the tool separates the
collected sequence of events into two piles - a “good” pile,
which contains the parts of the log when the system performs
as expected, and a “bad” pile, which contains the parts of
the log when the system fails or exhibits poor performance.
This data separation phase is done based on a predicate that
defines “good” versus “bad” behavior, provided by the appli-
cation developer. For example the predicate, applied offline
to logged data, might state that a sequence of more than 10
consecutive lost messages between a sender and receiver is
bad behavior (hence return “bad” in this case). To increase
diagnostic accuracy, experiments can be run multiple times
before data analysis.
A discriminative frequent pattern mining algorithm then
looks for patterns (sequences of events) that exist with very
different frequencies in the two piles. These patterns are
called discriminative. Later, such patterns are analyzed for
correlations with preceding events in the logs, if any, that
occur less frequently. Hence, it is possible to catch anomalies
that cause problems as well as common roots of multiple
error manifestations.
A well-known algorithm for finding frequent patterns in
data is the Apriori algorithm [2]. This algorithm was used
in previous work on sensor network debugging [14] to ad-
dress a problem similar to ours where Apriori algorithm is
used to determine the event sequences that lead to problems
in sensor networks. We show that the approach has serious
limitations and extend this algorithm to suite purposes of
sensor network debugging. The original Apriori algorithm,
used in the aforementioned work, is an iterative algorithm
that proceeds as follows. At the first iteration, it counts the
number of occurrences (called support) of each distinct event
in the data set (i.e., in the “good” or “bad” pile). Next, it
discards all events that are infrequent (their support is less
than some parameter minSup). The remaining events are
frequent patterns of length 1. Assume the set of frequent
patterns of length 1 is S1. At the next iteration, the algo-
rithm generates all the candidate patterns of length 2 which
is S1×S1. Here ‘×’ represents the Cartesian product. It
then computes the frequency of occurrence of each pattern
in S1×S1and discards those with support less than minSup
again. The remaining patterns are the frequent patterns of
length 2. Let us call them set S2. Similarly, the algorithm
will generate all the candidate patterns of length 3 which is
S2×S1and discard infrequent patterns (with support less
than minSup) to generate S3and so on. It continues this
process until it cannot generate any more frequent patterns.
We show in this paper, how the previous work is extended
for purposes of diagnosis. The problems with the algorithm
and our proposed solutions are described in section 4.
Performing discriminative frequent pattern mining based on
frequent patterns generated by Apriori algorithm poses sev-
eral challenges that need to be addressed before we can apply
discriminative frequent pattern mining for debugging. For
the purposes of the discussion below, let as define an event
to be the basic element in the log that is analyzed for failure
diagnosis. The structure of an event in our log is as follows:
< N odeI d, EventT y pe, attribute1, attribute2, ...attribute n,
T imestamp >
NodeId is used to identify the node that records the event.
Ev entT ype is used to identify the event type (e.g., message
dropped, flash write finished, etc). Based on the event type,
it is possible to interpret the rest of the record (the list of
attributes). The set of distinct E ventT ypes is often called
the alphabet in an analogy with strings. In other words, if
events were letters in an alphabet, we are looking for strings
that cause errors to occur. These strings represent event
sequences (ordered lists of events). The generated log can
be thought of as a single sequence of logged events. For
example, S1=(< a >, < b >, < b >, < c >, < d >, < b >, <
b >, < a >, < c >)is an event sequence. Elements < a >,
< b >, ..., are events. A discriminative pattern between two
data sets is a subsequence of (not necessarily contiguous)
events that occurs with a different count in the two sets. The
larger the difference, the better the discrimination. With the
above terminology in mind, we present how the algorithm is
extended to apply to debugging.
4.1 Preventing False Frequent Patterns
The Apriori algorithm generates all possible combinations
of frequent subsequences of the original sequence. As a re-
sult, it generates subsequences combining events that are
“too far” apart to be causally correlated with high proba-
bility and thus reduces the chance of finding the “culprit
sequence” that actually caused the failure. This strategy
could negatively impact the ability to identify discrimina-
tive patterns in two ways; (i) it could lead to the generation
of discriminative patterns that are not causally related, and
(ii) it could eliminate discriminative patterns by generating
false patterns. Consider the following example.
Suppose we have the following two sequences:
S1= (< a >, < b >, < c >, < d >, < a >, < b >, < c >, < d >)
S2= (< a >, < b >, < c >, < d >, < a >, < c >, < b >, < d >
Suppose the system fails when < a > is followed by < c >
before < b >. As this condition is violated in sequence S2,
ideally, we would like our algorithm to be able to detect
(< a >, < c >, < b >)as a discriminative pattern that distin-
guishes these two sequences.
Now, if we apply the Apriori technique, it will generate
(< a >, < c >, < b >)as an equally likely pattern for both
S1, and S2. As in both S1and S2, it will combine the first
occurrence of < a > and the first occurrence of < c > with
the second occurrence of < b >. So it will get canceled out
at the differential analysis phase.
To address this issue, the key observation here is that the
first occurrence of < a > should not be allowed to combine
with the second occurrence of <b>as there is another
event < a > after the first occurrence of < a > but before
the second occurrence of < b > and the second occurrence
of < b > is correlated with second occurrence of < a > with
higher probability.
To prevent such erroneous combinations, we use a dy-
namic search window scheme where the first item of any can-
didate sequence is used to determine the search window. In
this case, for any pattern starting with < a >, the search win-
dow is [1,4] and [5,8] in S1and S2. With this search window,
the algorithm will search for pattern (< a >, < c >, < b >)
in window [1,4] and [5,8] and will fail to find it in S1but
will find it in sequence S2only. As a result, the algorithm
will be able to report pattern (< a >, < c >, < b >)as a
discriminative pattern.
This dynamic search window scheme also speeds up the
search significantly. In this scheme, the original pattern (of
size 8 events) was reduced to windows of size 4 making the
search for patterns in those windows more efficient.
4.2 Suppressing Redundant Subsequences
At the frequent pattern generation stage, if two patterns,
Siand Sj, have support minSup, the Apriori algorithm
keeps both sequences as frequent patterns even if one is a
subsequence of the other and both have equal support. This
makes perfect sense in data mining but not in debugging.
For example, when mining the “good” data set, the above
strategy assumes that any subset of a “good” pattern is also a
good pattern. In real-life, this is not true. Forgetting a step
in a multi-step procedure may well cause failure. Hence,
subsequences of good sequences are not necessarily good.
Keeping these subsequences as examples of “good” behavior
leads to a major problem at the differential analysis stage
when discriminative patterns are generated since they may
incorrectly cancel out similar subsequences found frequent
in the other (i.e., “bad” behavior) data pile. For example,
consider two sequences below:
S1= (< a >, < b >, < c >, < d >, < a >, < b >, < c >, < d >)
S2= (< a >, < b >, < c >, < d >, < a >, < b >, < d >, < c >)
Suppose, for correct operation of the protocol, event < a >
has to be followed by event < c > before event < d > can
happen. In sequence S2this condition is violated. Ideally,
we would like our algorithm to report sequence:
S3= (< a >, < b >, < d >)as the “culprit” sequence. How-
ever, if we apply Apriori algorithm, it will fail to catch this
sequence. This is because it will generate S3as a frequent
pattern both for S1and S2with support 2 and will get can-
celed out at the differential analysis phase. As expected, S3
will never show up as a “discriminative pattern”. Note that
with the dynamic search window scheme alone, we cannot
prevent this.
To illustrate, suppose a successful message transmission
involves the following sequence of events:
Now although sequence:
(< enabl eRadio >, < messag eSent >, < disableRadio >)
is a subsequence of the original “good” sequence, it does not
represent a successful scenario as it disables radio before
receiving the “ACK” message.
To solve this problem, we need an extra step (which we call
sequenceCompression) before we perform differential analy-
sis to identify discriminative patterns. At this step, we re-
move the sequence Siif it is a subsequence of Sjwith the
same support1. This will remove all the redundant subse-
quences from the frequent pattern list. Subsequences with
a (sufficiently) different support, will be retained and will
show up after discriminative pattern mining.
In the above example, pattern (< a >, < b >, < c >,< d >)
has support 2 in S1and support 1 in S2. Pattern (< a >, <
b >, < d >)has support 2 in both S1and S2. Fortunately, at
the sequenceCompression step, pattern (< a >, < b >, < d >)
will be removed from the frequent pattern list generated for
S1because it is a subsequence of a larger frequent pattern
of the same support. It will therefore remain only on the
frequent pattern list generated for S2and will show up as a
discriminative pattern.
4.3 Two Stage Mining for Infrequent Events
In debugging, sometimes less frequent patterns could be
more indicative of the cause of failure than the most frequent
patterns. A single mistake can cause a damaging sequence
of events. For example, a single node reboot event can cause
a large number of message losses. In such cases, if frequent
patterns are generated that are commonly found in failure
cases, the most frequent patterns may not include the real
cause of the problem. For example, in case of node reboot,
manifestation of the bug (message loss event) will be re-
ported as the most frequent pattern and the real cause of
the problem (the node reboot event) may be overlooked.
Fortunately, in the case of sensor network debugging, a so-
lution may be inspired by the nature of the problem domain.
The fundamental issue to observe is that much computation
in sensor networks is recurrent. Code repeatedly visits the
same states (perhaps not strictly periodically), repeating the
same actions over time. Hence, a single problem, such as a
node reboot or a race condition that pollutes a data struc-
ture, often results in multiple manifestations of the same
unusual symptom (like multiple subsequent message losses
or multiple subsequent false alarms). Catching these re-
current symptoms by an algorithm such as Apriori is much
easier due to their larger frequency. With such symptoms
identified, the search space can be narrowed and it becomes
1This mechanism can be extended to remove subsequences
of a similar but not identical support.
easier to correlate them with other less frequent preceding
event occurrences. To address this challenge, we developed
a two stage pattern mining scheme.
At the first stage, the Apriori algorithm generates the
usual frequent discriminative patterns that have support
larger than minSup. For the first stage, minSup is set larger
than 1. It is expected that the patterns involving mani-
festations of bugs will survive at the end of this stage but
infrequent events like a node reboot will be dropped due to
their low support.
At the second stage, at first, the algorithm splits the log
into fixed width segments (default width is 50 events in our
implementation). Next, the algorithm counts the number of
discriminative frequent patterns found in each segment and
ranks each segment of the log based on the count (the higher
the number of discriminative patterns in a segment, the
higher the rank). If discriminative patterns occurred consec-
utively in multiple segments, those segments are merged into
a larger segment. Next, the algorithm generates frequent
patterns with minSup reduced to 1 on the Khighest-ranked
segments separately (default Kis 5 in our implementation)
and extracts the patterns that are common in these regions.
Note that the initial value of Kis set conservatively. The
optimum value of Kdepends on the application. If with the
initial value of K, the tool failed to catch the real cause,
the value of Kis increased iteratively. In this scheme, we
have a higher chance of reporting single events such as race
conditions that cause multiple problematic symptoms. Ob-
serve that the algorithm is applied on data that is the total
logs from several experimental runs. The race condition may
have occurred once at different points of some of these runs.
This scheme has a significant impact on the performance
of the frequent pattern mining algorithm. Scalability is one
of the biggest challenges in applying discriminative frequent
pattern analysis to debugging. For example, if the total
number of logged events is of the order of thousands (more
than 40000 in one of our later examples), it is computation-
ally impossible to generate frequent patterns of non-trivial
length for this whole sequence. Using two stage mining, we
can dramatically reduce the search space and make it fea-
sible to mine for longer frequent patterns which are more
indicative of the cause of failure than shorter sequences.
4.4 Other Challenges
Several other changes need to be made to standard data
mining techniques. For example, the amount of logged events
and the corresponding frequency of patterns can be different
from run to run depending on factors such as length of exe-
cution and system load. A higher sampling rate at sensors,
for example, may generate more messages and cause more
events to be logged. Many logged event patterns in this case
will appear to be more frequent. This is problematic when
it is desired to compare the frequency of patterns found in
“good” and “bad” data piles for purposes of identifying those
correlated with bad behavior. To address this issue, we need
to normalize the frequency count of events in the log. In the
case of single events (i.e., patterns of length 1), we use the
ratio of occurrence of the event instead of absolute counts.
In other words, the support of any particular event, < e >
in the event log is divided by the total number of events
logged, yielding in essence the probability of finding that
event in the log, P(e). For patterns of length more than
1, we extend the scheme to compute the probability of the
pattern given recursively by P(e1).P (e2|e1).P (e3|e1.e2), ....
The individual terms above are easy to compute. For ex-
ample, P(e2|e1) is obtained by dividing the support of the
pattern (< e1>, < e2>) by the total support of patterns
starting with < e1>.
Finally, there are issues with handling event parameters.
Logged events may have parameters (e.g., identity of the re-
ceiver for a message transmission event). Since event param-
eter lists may be different, calling each variation a different
event will cause a combinatorial explosion of the alphabet.
For example, an event with 10 parameters, each of 10 pos-
sible values will generate a space of 1010 possible combina-
tions. To address the problem, continuous or fine-grained
parameters need to be discretized into a smaller number of
ranges. Multi-parameter events need to be converted into se-
quences of single-parameter events each listing one parame-
ter at a time. Hence, the exponential explosion is reduced to
linear growth in the alphabet, proportional to the number of
discrete categories a single parameter can take and the aver-
age number of parameters per event. Techniques for dealing
with event parameter lists were introduced in [14] and are
not discussed further in this paper.
We realize that the types of debugging algorithms needed
are different for different applications, and are going to evolve
over time with the evolution of hardware and software plat-
forms. Hence, we aim to develop a modular tool architecture
that facilitates evolution and reuse. Keeping that in mind,
we developed a software architecture that provides the nec-
essary functionality and flexibility for future development.
The goal of our architecture is to facilitate easy use and ex-
perimentation with different debugging techniques and fos-
ter future development. As there are numerous different
types of hardware, programming abstractions, and operat-
ing systems in use for wireless sensor networks, the architec-
ture must be able to accommodate different combinations
of hardware and software. Different ways of data collec-
tion should not affect the way the data analysis layer works.
Similarly we realize that for different types of bugs, we may
need different types of techniques to identify the bug and
we want to provide a flexible framework to experiment with
different data analysis algorithms. Based on the above re-
quirements, we designed a layered, modular architecture as
shown in Figure 1. We separate the whole system into three
subsystems; (i) a data collection front-end, (ii) data prepro-
cessing middleware and (iii) a data analysis back-end.
5.1 Data Collection Front-End
The role of data collection front-end is to provide the de-
bug information (i.e., log files) that can be analyzed for di-
agnosing failures. The source of this debug log is irrelevant
to the data analysis subsystem. As shown in Figure 1, the
developer may choose to analyze the recorded radio commu-
nication messages obtained using a passive listening tool, or
the execution traces obtained from simulation runs, or the
run-time sequences of events obtained by logging on actual
application motes and so on. With this separation of con-
cerns, the front-end developer could design and implement
the data collection subsystem more efficiently and indepen-
Application Specific
“Bad” Behavior
Data Labeling Function
Labeled Data File
Parsed Data File
Front-End Specific
Raw Data Storage
Front-End Specific
Data Cleaning Algorithm
Data Parsing Algorithm
Application Specific
Header File Describing
Event Format
Front-End –I:
Passive Listener
Front-End –III:
Diagnostic Simulation
Front-End –II:
Runtime Logging
Recorded Log
Data Analysis Tool -I:
Data Analysis Tool-II:
Discriminative Frequent
Pattern Miner
Data Analysis Tool-III:
Graphical Visualizer
Set of Data Collection Front-End
Data Analysis Tool
Specific Data Converter
Set of Data Analysis
Data Preprocessing Middleware
Figure 1: Debugging framework
dently. The data collection front-end developer merely needs
to provide the format of the recorded data. These data are
used by the data preprocessing middleware to parse the raw
recorded byte streams.
5.2 Data Preprocessing Middleware
This middleware that sits between the data collection front-
end and the data analysis back-end provides the necessary
functionality to change or modify one subsystem without af-
fecting the other. The interface between the data collection
front-end and the data analysis back-end is further divided
into the following layers:
Data cleaning layer: This layer is front-end specific.
Each supported front-end will have one instance of it.
The layer is the interface between the particular data
collection front-end and the data preprocessing mid-
dleware. It ensures that the recorded events are com-
pliant with format requirements.
Data parsing layer: This layer is provided by our frame-
work and is responsible for extracting meaningful records
from the recorded raw byte stream. To parse the
recorded byte stream, this layer requires a header file
describing the recorded message format. This infor-
mation is provided by the application developer (i.e.,
the user of the data collection front-end).
Data labeling layer: To be able to identify the proba-
ble causes of failure, the data analysis subsystem needs
samples of logged events representing both “go od” and
“bad” behavior. As “good” or “bad” behavior seman-
tics are an application specific criterion, the applica-
tion developer needs to implement a predicate (a small
module) whose interface is already provided by us in
the framework. The predicate, presented with an or-
dered event log, decides whether behavior is good or
Data conversion layer: This layer provides the inter-
face between the data preprocessing middleware and
the data analysis subsystem. One instance of this layer
exists for each different analysis back-end. This layer is
responsible for converting the labeled data into appro-
priate format for the data analysis algorithm. The in-
terface of this data conversion layer is provided by the
framework. As different data analysis algorithms and
techniques can be used for analysis, each may have dif-
ferent input format requirements. This layer provides
the necessary functionality to accommodate supported
data analysis techniques.
5.3 Data Analysis Back-End
At present, we implement the data analysis algorithm and
its modifications presented earlier in Section 4. It is respon-
sible for identifying the causes of failures. The approach is
extensible. As newer analysis algorithms are developed that
catch more or different types of bugs, they can be easily
incorporated into the tool as alternative back-ends. Such
algorithms can be applied in parallel to analyze the same
set of logs to find different problems with them.
In this section, we describe the implementation of the data
collection front-end and the data analysis back-end that are
used for failure diagnosis in this paper. We used two differ-
ent data collection front-ends for two different case studies.
The first one is implemented by us and used for real time
logging of user defined events on flash memory in MicaZ
motes, and the second front-end was a built-in logging sup-
port functionality provided by LiteOS operating system for
MicaZ motes. At the data analysis back-end, we used dis-
criminative frequent pattern analysis for failure diagnosis.
We describe the implementation of each of these next.
6.1 The Front-End: Acquiring System State
We used two different data collection front-ends to col-
lect data: (i) event logging system implemented for MicaZ
platform in TinyOS 2.0 and (ii) kernel event logger for Mi-
caZ platform provided by LiteOS. The format of the event
logged by the two subsystems are completely different. We
were able to use our framework to easily integrate the two
different front-ends and use the same back-end to analyze
the cause of failures, which shows modularity. We briefly
describe each of these front-ends below.
6.1.1 Data Collection Front-End for TinyOS
The event logger for MicaZ hardware is implemented us-
ing the TinyOS 2.0 BlockRead and BlockWrite interfaces
to perform read and write operations respectively on flash.
BlockRead and BlockWrite interfaces allow accessing the
flash memory at a larger granularity which minimizes the
recording time to flash.
To minimize the number of flash accesses we used a global
buffer to accumulate events temporarily before writing to
flash. Two identical buffers (buffer A and B) are used alter-
nately to minimize the interference between event buffering
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Event Interval (ms)
Succes Rate (%)
Two Buffers of 16 Bytes Each
Two Buffers of 32 Bytes Each
Two Buffers of 64 Bytes Each
Two Buffers of 128 Bytes Each
Two Buffers of 256 Bytes Each
One Buffer of 32 Bytes
One Buffer of 64 Bytes
One Buffer of 128 Bytes
One Buffer of 256 Bytes
One Buffer of 512 Bytes
Figure 2: Impact of buffer size and event rate on
logging performance
Meta Data
Record 1 Record 2
Record 3
Record Length
Flash Space
for Application
Flash Space
for Logging
Figure 3: Flash space layout
and writing to flash. When buffer A gets filled up, buffer B is
used for temporary buffering and buffer A is written to flash
and vice versa. In Figure 2 we show the effect of buffer size
on logging performance for single buffer and double buffer
respectively. Using two buffers increases the logging per-
formance substantially. As shown in figure, for event rate
of 1000 events/second, using one buffer of 512 bytes has a
success ratio (measured as the ratio of successfully logged
events to the total number of generated events) of only 60%
whereas using two buffers of 256 bytes each (512 bytes in
total) can give almost 100% success ratio. For a rate of 200
events/second, two buffers of 32 bytes each is enough for
100% success ratio.
The sizes of these buffers are configurable as different ap-
plications need different amounts of runtime memory. It is
to be noted that if the system crashes while some data are
still in the RAM buffer, those events will be lost. The flash
space layout is given in Figure 3.
A separate MicaZ mote (LogManager) is used to commu-
nicate with the logging subsystem to start and stop log-
ging. Until the logging subsystem receives the “StartLog-
ging” command, it will not log anything and after receiv-
ing “StopLogging” command it will flush the remaining data
that is in the buffer to flash and stop logging. This gives the
user the flexibility to start and stop logging whenever they
want. It also lets the user to run their application without
enabling logging, when needed, to avoid the runtime over-
head of logging functionality without recompiling the code.
We realize that occasional event reordering can occur due
to preemption, interrupts, or task scheduling delays. An
occasional invalid log entry is not a problem. An occasional
incorrect logging sequence is fine too as long as the same
occasional wrong sequence does not occur consistently. This
is because common sequences do not have to occur every
time, but only often enough to be noticed. Hence, they can
be occasionally mis-logged without affecting the diagnostic
Time Synchronization:
We need to timestamp the recorded events so that events
recorded on different nodes can be serialized later during
offline analysis. To avoid the overhead of running a time
synchronization protocol on the application mote, we used
an offline time synchronization scheme. A separate node
(TimeManager) is used to broadcast its local clock periodi-
cally. The event logging component will receive the message
and log it in flash with a local timestamp. From this infor-
mation we can calculate the clock skew on different nodes
in reference to TimeManager node, adjust the timestamp of
the logged events and serialize the logs. We realize that the
serialized log may not be exact but it is good enough for
pattern mining.
The only part of the data collection front-end that is ex-
posed to the user is the interface for logging user defined
events. Our design goal was to have an easy-to-use interface
and efficient implementation to reduce the runtime overhead
as much as possible. One critical issue with distributed log-
ging was to timestamp the recorded events so that events on
different nodes can be serialized later during offline analysis.
To make event logging functionality simpler, we defined the
interface to the logging component as follows:
log(EventId,(void *)buffer,unit8_t size)
log(E ventId, (v oid)buf fer, unit8tsize) is the key inter-
face between application developers and the logging subsys-
tem. To log an event, the user has to call the log() function
with appropriate parameters. For example, if the user wants
to log the event that a radio message was sent and also wants
to log the receiverId along with the event, he/she needs to
define the appropriate record structure in a header file (this
file will also be used to parse the data) with these fields,
initialize the record with appropriate values and call the log
function with that record as the parameter. This simple
function call will log the event. The rest is taken care of by
the logging system underneath. The logging system will pad
the timestamp with the recorded event and log as a single
event. Note that NodeId is not recorded during logging.
This information is added when data is uploaded to PC for
offline analysis.
System Overhead:
The event logging support requires 14670 bytes of pro-
gram memory (this includes the code size for BlockRead
and BlockWrite interface provided by TinyOS 2.0) and 830
bytes of data memory when 400 bytes are used for buffering
(two buffers of 200 bytes each) data before writing to flash.
User can choose to use less buffer space if the expected event
rate is low. To instrument code, the program size increase
is minimal. To log an event with no attributes, it needs a
single line of code. To log an event with nattributes, it
takes n+ 1 lines of code, nlines are to initialize the record
and 1 line to call the log () function.
6.1.2 Data Collection Front-End for LiteOS
LiteOS [6] provides the required functionality to log ker-
nel events on MicaZ platforms. Specifically, the kernel logs
events including system calls, radio activities, context swit-
ches and so on. An event log entry is a single 8-bit code
without attributes. In Figure 4, we present a subset of
events logged for the LiteOS case study presented in our pa-
per. We used an experimental set up of a debugging testbed
with all motes connected to a PC via serial interfaces. In
pre-deployment testing on our indoor testbed, logs can thus
be transmitted in real-time through a programming board
via serial communication with a base-station. When a sys-
tem call is invoked or a radio packet is received on a node,
the corresponding code for that specific event is transmitted
through the serial port to the base station (PC). The base
station collects event codes from the serial port and records
it in a globally ordered file.
6.2 The Data Analysis Back-End
At the back-end, we implement the data preprocessing
and discriminative frequent pattern mining algorithm. To
integrate the data collection front-end with the data pre-
processing middleware, we provided a simple text file de-
scribing the storage format of the raw byte stream stored
on flash for each of the front-ends. This file was used to
parse the recorded events. The user supplied different pred-
icates as a Java function. These were used to annotate data
into good and bad segments. The rest of the system is a
collection of data analysis algorithms such as discriminative
frequent pattern mining, or any other tool such as Weka [1].
To test the effectiveness of the tool, we applied our tool
to troubleshoot two real life applications. We present the
case studies where we have used our tool successfully. The
first was a kernel level bug in the LiteOS operating sys-
tem. The second was to debug a multichannel Media Access
Control(MAC) protocol [16] implemented in TinyOS 2.0 for
MicaZ platform with only one half-duplex radio interface.
7.1 Case Study - I: LiteOS Bug
In this case study, we troubleshoot a simple data collection
application where several sensors monitor light and report
it to a sink node. The communication is performed in a
single-hop environment. In this scenario, sensors transmit
packets to the receiver, and the receiver records received
packets and sends an “ACK” back. The sending rate that
sensors use is variable and depends on the variations in their
readings. After receiving each message, depending on its
sequence number, the receiver decides to record the value or
not. If the sequence number is older than the last sequence
number it has received, the packet is dropped.
This application is implemented using MicaZ motes on
LiteOS operating system and is tested on an experimen-
tal testbed. Each of the nodes is connected to a desktop
computer via an MIB520 programming board and a serial
cable. The PC acts as the base station. In this experiment,
there was one receiver (the base node) and a set of 5 senders
(monitoring sensors). This experiment illustrates a typical
experimental debugging set up. Prior to deployment, pro-
grammers would typically test the protocol on target hard-
ware in the lab. This is how such a test might proceed.
7.1.1 Failure Scenario
When this simple application was stress tested, some of
the nodes would crash occasionally and non-deterministically.
Each time different nodes would crash and at different times.
Perplexed by the situation, the developer (a first-year grad-
uate student with no prior experience with sensor networks)
decided to log different types of events using LiteOS support
and use our debugging tool. These were mostly kernel-level
events along with a few application-level events. The built-
in logging functionality provided by LiteOS was used to log
the events. A subset of the different types of logged events
are listed in Figure 4.
Recorded Events Attribute List
Context_Switch_To_User_Thread Null
Get_Current_Thread_Index Null
Get_Current_Radio_Info_Address Null
Get_Current_Radio_Handle_Address Null
Post_Thread_Task Null
Get_Serial_Mutex Null
Get_Current_Serial_Info_Address Null
Get_Serial_Send_Function Null
Disable_Radio_State Null
Packet_Received Null
Packet_Sent Null
Yield_To_System_Thread Null
Get_Current_Thread_Address Null
Get_Radio_Mutex Null
Get_Radio_Send_Function Null
Mutex_Unlock_Function Null
Get_Current_Radio_Handle Null
Figure 4: Logged events for diagnosing LiteOS ap-
plication bug
7.1.2 Failure Diagnosis
After running the experiment, “good” logs were collected
from the nodes that did not crash during the experiment
and “bad” logs were collected from nodes that crashed at
some point in time. After applying our discriminative fre-
quent pattern mining algorithm to the logs, we provided two
sets of patterns to the developer, one set includes the high-
est ranked discriminative patterns that are found only in
“good” logs as shown in Figure 5, and the other set includes
the highest ranked discriminative patterns that are found
only in “bad” logs as shown in Figure 6.
Based on the discriminative frequent pattern, it is clear
that in “good” pile, < P acket R eceived > event is highly
correlated with the < Get Current Radio Handle > event.
On the other hand, in the “bad” pile, though < P acket
Received > event is present, the other event is missing. In
the “bad” pile, < P acket R eceived > is highly correlated
with < Get serial S end F unction > event. From these
observations, it is clear that proceeding with a < Get serial
Send F unction > when < Get Current Radio H andle >
is missing is the most likely cause of failure.
To explain the error we will briefly describe the way a
<Packet_Received>,<Packet_Sent >,<Get_Current_Radio_Handle>
Figure 5: Discriminative frequent patterns found
only in “good” log for LiteOS bug
Figure 6: Discriminative frequent patterns found
only in “bad” log for LiteOS bug
received packet is handled in LiteOS. In the application,
receiver always registers for receiving packets, then waits
until a packet arrives. At that time, the kernel switches
back to the user thread with appropriate packet information.
The packet is then processed in the application. However,
at very high data rates, another packet can come when the
processing of the previous packet has not yet been done. In
that case, LiteOS kernel overwrites the radio receive buffer
with new information even if the user is still using the old
packet data to process the previous packet.
Indeed, for correct operation, < P ack et Receiv ed > event
always has to be followed by < Get Current Radio Handle >
event before < Get Ser ial Send F unction > event. Other-
wise it crashes the system. Over-writing a receive buffer
for some reason is a very typical bug in sensor networks.
This example is presented to illustrate the use of the tool.
In section 7.2 we present a more complex example that ex-
plores more of the interactive complexity this tool was truly
designed to uncover.
7.1.3 Comparison with Previous Work
To compare the performance of our discriminative pattern
mining algorithm with previous work on diagnosing sensor
network bugs [15, 14], we implemented the pure Apriori
algorithm, used in [14], to generate frequent patterns and
perform differential analysis to extract discriminative pat-
terns. We did not compare with [15] because that work
did not look for sequences of events that cause problem but
rather looked for current state that correlates with immi-
nent failure. Hence, it addressed a different problem. For
this case study, when we applied the Apriori algorithm to
the “good” log and the “bad” log, the list of discriminative
patterns missed the < P acket Receiv ed > event completely
and failed to identify the fact that the problem was corre-
lated with the timing of packet reception. Moreover, when
we applied the Apriori algorithm to multiple instances of
“good” logs and “bad” logs together, the list of discrimina-
tive patterns returned was empty. All the frequent patterns
generated by Apriori algorithm were canceled at the differ-
ential phase. This shows the necessity of our extensions as
described in section 4.
7.2 Case Study - II: Multichannel MAC Pro-
In this case study we debug a multichannel MAC protocol.
The objective of the protocol used in our study is to assign
a home channel to each node in the network dynamically in
such a way that the throughput is maximized. The design
of the protocol exploits the fact that in most wireless sensor
networks, the communication rate among different nodes is
not uniform ( e.g., in a data aggregation network). Hence,
the problem was formulated in such a way that nodes com-
municating frequently are clustered together and assigned
the same home channel whereas nodes that communicate
less frequently are clustered into different channels. This
minimizes overhead of channel switching when nodes need to
communicate. This protocol was recently published in [16].
During experimentation with the protocol, it was noticed
that when data rates between different internally closely-
communicating clusters is low, the multi-channel protocol
outperforms a single channel MAC protocol comfortably as
it should. However, when the data rate between clusters
was increased, while the throughput near the base station
still outperformed a single channel MAC significantly, nodes
further from the base station were performing worse than in
the single channel MAC. This should not have happened in
a well-designed protocol as the multichannel MAC proto-
col should utilize the communication spectrum better than
a single channel MAC. The author of the protocol initially
concluded that the performance degradation was due to the
overhead associated with communication across clusters as-
signed to different channels. Such communication entails
frequent channel switching as the sender node, according to
the protocol, must switch the frequency of the receiver be-
fore transmission, then return to its home channel. This
incurs overhead that increases with the transmission rate
across clusters. We decided to verify this conjecture.
As a stress test of our tool, we instrumented the proto-
col to log events related to the MAC layer (such as message
transmission and reception as well as channel switching) and
used our tool to determine the discriminative patterns gen-
erated from different runs with different message rates, some
of which performing better than others. For better under-
standing of the failure scenario detected, we briefly describe
the operation of the multichannel MAC protocol below.
7.2.1 Multichannel MAC Protocol Overview
In the multichannel MAC protocol, each node initially
starts at channel 0 as its home channel. To communicate
with others, every node maintains a data structure called
“neighbor table” that stores the neighbor home channel for
each of its neighboring nodes. Channels are organized as
a ladder, numbered from lowest (0) to highest (12). When
a node decides to change its home channel, it sends out a
“Bye” message in its current home channel which includes
its new home channel number. Receiving a “Bye” message,
each other node updates its neighbor table to reflect the new
home channel number for the sender of the “Bye” message.
After changing its home channel, a node sends out a “Hello”
message in the new home channel which includes its nodeID.
All neighboring nodes on that channel add this node as a
new neighbor and update their neighbor tables accordingly.
To increase robustness to message loss, the protocol also
includes a mechanism for discovering the home channel of
a neighbor when its current entry in the neighbor table be-
comes stale. When a node sends a message to a receiver
on that receiver’s home channel (as listed in the neighbor
table) but does not receive an “ACK’ after ’n’ (n is set to 5)
tries, it assumes that the destination node is not on its home
channel. The reason may be that the destination node has
changed its home channel permanently but the notification
was lost. Instead of wasting more time on retransmissions
on the same channel, the sender starts scanning all chan-
nels, asking if the receiver is there. The purpose is to find
the receiver’s new home channel and update the neighbor
table accordingly. The destination node will eventually hear
this data message and reply when it is on its home channel.
Since the above mechanism is expensive, as an optimiza-
tion, overhearing is used to reduce staleness of the neigh-
bor table. Namely, a node updates the home channel of a
neighbor in its neighbor table when the node overhears an
acknowledgement (“ACK”) from that neighbor sent on that
channel. Since the “ACK”s are used as a mechanism to infer
home channel information, whenever a node switches chan-
nels temporarily (e.g., to send to a different node on the
home channel of the latter), it delays sending out “ACK”
messages until it comes back to its home channel in order to
prevent incorrect updates of neighbor tables by recipients of
such ACKs.
Finally, to estimate channel conditions, each node periodi-
cally broadcasts a “channelUpdate” message which contains
the information about successfully received and sent mes-
sages during the last measurement period (where the period
is set at compile time). Based on that information, each
node calculates the channel quality (i.e., probability of suc-
cessfully accessing the medium), and uses that measure to
probabilistically decide whether to change its home channel
or not. Nodes that sink a lot of traffic (e.g., aggregation
hubs or cluster heads) switch first. Others that communi-
cate heavily with them follow. This typically results into a
natural separation of node clusters into different frequencies
so they do not interfere.
7.2.2 Performance Problem
This protocol was executed on 16 MicaZ motes implement-
ing an aggregation tree where several aggregation cluster-
heads filter data received from their children, significantly
reducing the amount forwarded, then send that reduced data
to a base-station. When the data rate across clusters was
low, the protocol outperformed the single channel MAC.
However, when the data rate among clusters was increased,
the performance of the protocol deteriorated significantly,
performing worse than a single channel MAC in some cases.
The developer of the protocol assumed that this was due to
the overhead associated with the channel change mechanism
which is incurred when communication happens among dif-
ferent clusters heavily. Much debugging effort was spent on
that direction with no result.
7.2.3 Failure Diagnosis
To diagnose the cause of the performance problem, we logged
different types of MAC events as listed in Figure 7.
The question posed to our tool was “Why is the perfor-
mance bad at higher data rate?”. To answer this question,
we first executed the protocol at low data rates (when the
performance is better than single channel MAC) to collect
Recorded Events Attribute List
Ack_Received Null
Home_Channel_Changed oldChannel, newChannel
TimeSyncMsg referenceTime, localTime
Channel_Update_Msg_Sent homeChannel
Data_Msg_Sent_On_Same_Channel destId, homeChannel
Data_Msg_Sent_On_Different_Channel destId, homeChannel, destChannel
Channel_Update_Msg_Received homeChannel, neighborId, neighborChannel
Retry_Transmission oldChannelTried, nextChannelToTry
No_Ack_Received Null
Figure 7: Logged events for diagnosing multichannel
MAC protocol
<Data_Msg_Sent_On_Same_Channel: homechannel:0>,
<Retry_Transmission: nextchanneltotry:1>,
<Retry_Transmission: oldchanneltried:1>,
<Data_Msg_Sent_On_Same_Channel: homechannel:0>,
<Retry_Transmission: nextchanneltotry:1>,
<Retry_Transmission: nextchanneltotry:2>
<Data_Msg_Sent_On_Same_Channel: homechannel:0>,
<Retry_Transmission: nextchanneltotry:1>,
<Retry_Transmission: oldchanneltried:2>,
<Retry_Transmission: nextchanneltotry:3>,
<Retry_Transmission: oldchanneltried:3>
Figure 8: Discriminative frequent patterns for mul-
tichannel MAC protocol
logs representing “good” behavior. We then again executed
the protocol with a high data rate (when the performance is
worse than single channel MAC) to collect logs representing
“bad” behavior.
After performing discriminative pattern analysis, the list
of top 5 discriminative patterns that were produced by our
tool is shown in Figure 8.
The sequences indicate that, in all cases, there seems to
be a problem with not receiving acknowledgements. Lack
of acknowledgements causes a channel scanning pattern to
unfold. This is shown as the < Retr y T r ansmission >
event on different channels, as a result of not receiving ac-
knowledgements. Hence, the problem does not lie in the
frequent overhead of senders changing their channel to that
of their receiver in order to send a message across clusters.
The problem lied in the frequent lack of response (an ACK)
from a receiver. At the first stage of frequent pattern min-
ing < No Ack Received > is identified as the most frequent
event. At the second stage, the algorithm searched for fre-
quent patterns in top K(e.g., top 5) segments of the logs
where < N o Ack Received > event occurred with highest
frequency. The second stage of the log analysis (correlat-
Success ful Send Success ful Receive
Number of Messages
Multichannel MAC
(with bug)
Multichannel MAC
(with bug fix)
Figure 9: Performance improvement after the bug
ing frequent events to preceding ones) then uncovered that
the lack of an ACK from the receiver is preceded by a tem-
porary channel change. This gave away the bug. As we
described earlier, whenever a node changes its channel tem-
porarily, it disables “ACK”s until it comes back to its home
channel. In a high intercluster communication scenario, dis-
abling the “ACK” is a bad decision for a node that spends a
significant amount of time communicating with other clus-
ters on channels other than its own home channel. As a
side effect, nodes which are trying to communicate with it
fail to receive an “ACK” for a long time and start scan-
ning channels frequently looking for the missing receiver.
Another interesting aspect of the problem that was discov-
ered is the cascading effect of the problem. When we look
at generated discriminative patterns across multiple nodes
(not shown for space limitations), we see that the scanning
patterns revealed in the logs shown in fact cascades. Chan-
nel scanning at the destination node often triggers channel
scanning at the sender node and this interesting cascaded
effect was also captured by our tool.
As a quick fix, we stopped disabling“ACK”when a node is
outside its home channel. This may appear to violate some
correctness semantics because a node may now send an ACK
while temporarily being on a channel other than its home.
This, one would think, will pollute neighbor tables of nodes
that overhear the ACK because they will update their tables
to indicate an incorrect home channel. In reality, the perfor-
mance of the MAC layer improved significantly (up to 50%),
as shown in Figure 9. In retrospect, this is not unexpected.
As intercluster communication increases, the distinction be-
tween one’s home channel and the home channel of another
with whom one communicates a lot becomes fuzzy, as one
spends more and more time on that other node’s home chan-
nel (to send messages to it). When ACKs are never disabled,
the neighbor tables of nodes will tend to record with a higher
probability the channel on which each neighbor spend most
of its time. This could be the neighbor’s home channel or
the channel of a node downstream with which the neighbor
communicates a lot. The distinction becomes immaterial
as long as the neighbor can be found on that channel with
a high probability. Indeed, complex interaction problems
often seem simple when explained but are sometimes hard
to think of at design time. Dustminer was successful at
uncovering the aforementioned interaction and significantly
improve the performance of the MAC protocol in question.
7.2.4 Comparison with Prior Work
As before, we compare our results with the result of the
algorithm in [14], which uses the Apriori algorithm. As we
mentioned earlier, one problem with the previous approach
is scalability. Due to huge numbers of events logged for this
case study (about 40000 for “good” logs and 40000 for “bad”
logs), we could not generate frequent patterns of length more
than 2 using the approach in [14]. To generate frequent pat-
terns of length 2 for 40000 events in the “good” log, it took
1683.02 seconds (28 minutes) and to finish the whole compu-
tation including differential analysis it took 4323 seconds (72
minutes). With our two-stage mining scheme, it took 5.547
seconds to finish the first stage and finishing the whole com-
putation including differential analysis took 332.924 seconds
(6 minutes). In terms of quality of the generated sequences
(which is often correlated with the length of the sequence),
our algorithm returned discriminative sequences of length
upto 8, that was enough to understand the chain of events
causing the problem as illustrated above. We tried to gen-
erate frequent patterns of length 3 with the approach in [14]
but terminated the process after one day of computation
that remained in progress. We used a machine of 2.53 GHz
speed and 512 MB RAM. The generated patterns of length
2 were insufficient to give insight into the problem.
7.3 Debugging Overhead
To test the impact of logging on application behavior, we
ran the multichannel MAC protocol with logging enabled
and without logging enabled with both moderate data rate
and high data rate. The network was set as a data aggrega-
tion network.
For moderate data rate experiment, the source nodes (node
that only sends messages) were set to transmit data at a
rate of 10 messages/sec, the intermediate nodes were set to
transmit data at a rate of 2 messages/sec and one node was
acting as the base station (which only receives messages).
We tested this on a 8 nodes network with 5 source nodes,
2 intermediate nodes and one base station. Over multiple
runs, after we take the average to get a reliable estimate,
average number of successfully transmitted messages was
increased by 9.57% and average number of successfully re-
ceived messages was increased by 2.32%. The most likely
reason for this minor improvement is writing to flash was
creating a randomization effect which probably helped to
reduce interference at the MAC layer.
At high data rate, source nodes were set to transmit data
at a rate of 100 messages/sec and intermediate nodes were
set to transmit data at a rate of 20 messages/sec. Over
multiple runs, after we take the average to get a reliable es-
timate, average number of successfully transmitted messages
was reduced by 1.09% and average number of successfully
received messages was dropped by 1.62%. The most likely
reason is the overhead of writing to flash kicked in at a such
high data rate and eventually reduced the advantage expe-
rienced at a low data rate.
The performance improvement of the multichannel MAC
protocol reported in this paper is obtained by running the
protocol at the high data rate to prevent over estimation.
We realize that this effect on application may change the
behavior of the original application slightly, but that effect
seems to be negligible from our experience and did not af-
fect the diagnostic capability of the discriminative pattern
mining algorithm which is inherently robust against minor
statistical variance.
As multichannel MAC protocol did not use flash memory
to store any data, we were able to use the whole flash for
logging events. To test the relation between quality of gener-
ated discriminative patterns and the logging space used, we
used 100KB, 200KB and 400KB of flash space in three dif-
ferent experiments. The generated discriminative patterns
were similar. We realize that different application has dif-
ferent amount of flash space requirements and the amount
of logging space may affect the diagnostic capability. To
help in severe space constraints, we provide the radio inter-
face so users can choose to log at different times instead of
logging continuously. User can also choose to log events at
different resolutions (e.g., instead of logging every message
transmitted, log only every 50th message transmitted).
For LiteOS case study, we did not use flash space at all as
the events were transmitted to basestation (PC) directly us-
ing serial connection and eliminate the flash space overhead
completely which makes our tool easily usable for testbeds
which often provides serial connections.
In this paper, we presented a sensor network troubleshoot-
ing tool that helps the developer diagnose root causes of er-
rors. The tool is geared towards finding interaction bugs.
Very successful examples of debugging tools that hunt for
localized errors in code have been produced in previous lit-
erature. The point of departure in this paper lies in focus-
ing on errors that are not localized (such as a bad pointer
or an incorrect assignment statement) but rather arise be-
cause of adverse interactions among multiple components
each of which appears to be correctly designed. The cascad-
ing channel-scanning example that occurred due to disabling
acknowledgements in the MAC Protocol illustrates the sub-
tlety of interaction problems in sensor networks. With in-
creased distribution and resource constraints, the interac-
tive complexity of sensor networks applications will remain
high, motivating tools such as the one we described. Future
development of Dustminer will focus on scalability and user
interface to reduce the time and effort needed to understand
and use the new tool.
The authors thank the shepherd, Kay R¨
omer, and the anony-
mous reviewers for providing valuable feedback and improv-
ing the paper. This work was supported in part by NSF
grants DNS 0554759, CNS 0626342, and CNS 0613665.
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... Compared to the other three categories, active fault detection methods for WSNs have received limited attention [9]. In [11] and [12], the authors adopted an active approach to fault detection in WSNs. However, both tools were meant for pre-deployment testing of WSNs software rather than a health status monitoring mechanism. ...
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With its growing number of deployed devices and applications, the Internet of Things (IoT) raises significant challenges for network maintenance procedures. In this work, we address a problem of active fault detection in an IoT scenario, whereby a monitor can probe a remote device to acquire fresh information and facilitate fault detection. However, probing could significantly impact the system’s energy and communication resources. To this end, we utilize the Age of Information to measure the freshness of information at the monitor and adopt a semantics-aware communication approach between the monitor and the remote device. In semantics-aware communications, the processes of generating and transmitting information are treated jointly to consider the importance of information and the purpose of communication. We formulate the problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process and show analytically that the optimal policy is of a threshold type. Finally, we use a computationally efficient stochastic approximation algorithm to approximate the optimal policy and present numerical results that exhibit the advantage of our approach compared to a conventional delay-based probing policy.
... In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) the fault detection algorithms being cited in recent works [1], [13] fall in the passive, reactive, and proactive categories, with the majority of them being passive fault detection algorithms. In [14] and [15] the authors adopted an active approach to fault detection in WSNs. However, both of these tools were meant for pre-deployment testing of WSNs software rather than a health status monitoring mechanism. ...
... And, moreover, clarifying in subtlety what kind of plot is a more capable inefficient energy/ cost-effective with its points of merits and demerits. Proactive Approaches-As per the literature of fault-tolerant, the most accessible planning is of proactive type [10]. These schemes handle a large amount of data regardless of the residual-power status of the sensor-nodes [11] or summaries of the adjacent nodes [12]. ...
Conference Paper
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Wireless-sensor-networks are made up small sensor-nodes with their own computation and communication capability, for example, to detect temperature, pressure, sound, etc. The nodes of the sensor are of an ad-hoc nature and are moved to a brutal environmental condition equipped with a limited power supply that may lead to high chances of failure occurrence. In addition, the Faulty node may degrade the quality/performance of the overall network environment. so proper environment and complete strategies are required to function properly and maintain reliability while protecting the level of WSN detection. In this paper, we reviewed the identification and strategic fault-tolerant scheme with their ability to handle the fault in a brutal environment and improving the overall quality and functionality of the system.
... Active fault detection methods for WSNs have received limited attention [6] compared to the other three categories. In [8] and [9] the authors adopted an active approach to fault detection in WSNs. However, both of these tools were meant for pre-deployment testing of WSNs software rather than a health status monitoring mechanism. ...
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With its growing number of deployed devices and applications, the Internet of Things (IoT) raises significant challenges for network maintenance procedures. In this work we address a problem of active fault detection in an IoT scenario, whereby a monitor can probe a remote device in order to acquire fresh information and facilitate fault detection. However, probing could have a significant impact on the system's energy and communication resources. To this end, we utilize Age of Information as a measure of the freshness of information at the monitor and adopt a semantics-aware communication approach between the monitor and the remote device. In semantics-aware communications, the processes of generating and transmitting information are treated jointly to consider the importance of information and the purpose of communication. We formulate the problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process and show analytically that the optimal policy is of a threshold type. Finally, we use a computationally efficient stochastic approximation algorithm to approximate the optimal policy and present numerical results that exhibit the advantage of our approach compared to a conventional delay-based probing policy.
Energy efficiency is an important criterion to judge the quality of mobile apps, but one third of our arbitrarily sampled apps suffer from energy issues that can quickly drain battery power. To understand these issues, we conduct an empirical study on 36 well-maintained apps such as Chrome and Firefox, whose issue tracking systems are publicly accessible. Our study involves issue causes, manifestation, fixing efforts, detection techniques, reasons of no-fixes and debugging techniques. Inspired by the empirical study, we propose a novel testing framework for detecting energy issues in real-world mobile apps. Our framework examines apps with well-designed input sequences and runtime context. We develop leading edge technologies, e.g. pre-designing input sequences with potential energy overuse and tuning tests on-the-fly, to achieve high efficacy in detecting energy issues. A large-scale evaluation shows that 90.4% of the detected issues in our experiments were previously unknown to developers. On average, these issues can double the energy consumption of the test cases where the issues were detected. And our test achieves a low number of false positives. Finally, we show how our test reports can help developers fix the issues.
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Solar insecticidal lamps Internet of Things (SIL-IoTs) is a novel physical agricultural pest control implement, which is an emerging paradigm that extends Internet of Things technology towards Solar Insecticidal Lamp (SIL). SIL-IoTs is composed of SIL nodes with functions of preventing and controlling of agricultural migratory pests with phototaxis feature, which can be deployed over a vast region for the purpose of ensuring pests outbreak area location, reducing pesticide dosage and monitoring agricultural environmental conditions. SIL-IoTs is widely used in agricultural production, and a number of studies have been conducted. However, in most current research projects, fault diagnosis has not been taken into consideration, despite the fact that SIL-IoTs faults have an adverse influence on the development and application of SIL-IoTs. Based on this background, this research aims to analyze the characteristics and challenges of fault diagnosis in SIL-IoTs, which naturally leads to a great number of open research issues outlined afterward. Firstly, an overview and state-of-art of SIL-IoTs were introduced, and the importance of fault diagnosis in SIL-IoTs was analyzed. Secondly, faults of SIL nodes were listed and classified into different types of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) faults. Furthermore, WSNs faults were classified into behavior-based, time-based, component- based, and area affected-based faults. Different types of fault diagnosis algorithms (i.e., statistic method, probability method, hierarchical routing method, machine learning method, topology control method, and mobile sink method) in WSNs were discussed and summarized. Moreover, WSNs fault diagnosis strategies were classified into behavior-based strategies (i.e., active type and positive type), monitoring-based strategies (i.e., continuous type, periodic type, direct type, and indirect type) and facility- based strategies (i. e., centralized type, distributed type and hybrid type). Based on above algorithms and strategies, four kinds of fault phenomena: 1) abnormal background data, 2) abnormal communication of some nodes, 3) abnormal communication of the whole SIL-IoTs, and 4) normal performance with abnormal behavior actually were introduced, and fault diagnosis tools (i.e., Sympathy, Clairvoyant, SNIF and Dustminer) which were adapted to the mentioned fault phenomena were analyzed. Finally, four challenges of fault diagnosis in SIL-IoTs were highlighted, i. e., 1) the complex deployment environment of SIL nodes, leading to the fault diagnosis challenges of heterogeneous WSNs under the condition of unequal energy harvesting, 2) SIL nodes task conflict, resulting from the interference of high voltage discharge, 3) signal loss of continuous area nodes, resulting in the regional link fault, and 4) multiple failure situations of fault diagnosis. To sum up, fault diagnosis plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability, real-time data transmission, and insecticidal efficiency of SIL-IoTs. This work can also be extended for various types of smart agriculture applications and provide fault diagnosis references.
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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We present nesC, a programming language for networked embedded systems that represent a new design space for application developers. An example of a networked embedded system is a sensor network, which consists of (potentially) thousands of tiny, low-power "motes," each of which execute concurrent, reactive programs that must operate with severe memory and power constraints.nesC's contribution is to support the special needs of this domain by exposing a programming model that incorporates event-driven execution, a flexible concurrency model, and component-oriented application design. Restrictions on the programming model allow the nesC compiler to perform whole-program analyses, including data-race detection (which improves reliability) and aggressive function inlining (which reduces resource consumption).nesC has been used to implement TinyOS, a small operating system for sensor networks, as well as several significant sensor applications. nesC and TinyOS have been adopted by a large number of sensor network research groups, and our experience and evaluation of the language shows that it is effective at supporting the complex, concurrent programming style demanded by this new class of deeply networked systems.
Technical Report
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We present nesC, a programming language for networked embedded systems that represent a new design space for application developers. An example of a networked embedded system is a sensor network, which consists of (potentially) thousands of tiny, low-power "motes," each of which execute concurrent, reactive pro- grams that must operate with severe memory and power constraints. nesC's contribution is to support the special needs of this domain by exposing a programming model that incorporates event-driven execution, a flexible concurrency model, and component-oriented application design. Restrictions on the programming model al- low the nesC compiler to perform whole-program analyses, including data-race detection (which improves reliability) and aggressive function inlining (which reduces resource consumption). nesC has been used to implement TinyOS, a small operating sys- tem for sensor networks, as well as several significant sensor applications. nesC and TinyOS have been adopted by a large number of sensor network research groups, and our experience and evaluation of the language shows that it is effective at supporting the complex, concurrent programming style demanded by this new class of deeply networked systems.
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Advanced wireless sensor network algorithms pose challenges to their formal modeling and analysis, such as modeling probabilistic and real-time behaviors and novel forms of communication, and analyzing both correctness and performance. In this paper, we propose using Real-Time Maude to formally model, simulate, and further analyze such algorithms. The Real-Time Maude formalism is expressive yet intuitive, and the tool provides a spectrum of analysis methods, including simulation, reachability analysis, and temporal logic model checking. We have used Real-Time Maude to formally model and analyze the sophisticated OGDC algorithm. We could perform all the analyses performed by the OGDC developers using the simulation tool ns-2, as well as further analyses which are beyond the capabilities of simulation tools. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a formal tool has been applied to such a complex wireless sensor network algorithm.
Sensor networks open a new frontier for embedded-distributed computing. Paradigms for sensor network programming-in-the-large have been identified as a significant challenge toward developing large-scale applications. Classical programming languages are too low-level. This paper presents the design, implementation, and evaluation of EnviroSuite , a programming framework that introduces a new paradigm, called environmentally immersive programming , to abstract distributed interactions with the environment. Environmentally immersive programming refers to an object-based programming model in which individual objects represent physical elements in the external environment. It allows the programmer to think directly in terms of environmental abstractions. EnviroSuite provides language primitives for environmentally immersive programming that map transparently into a support library of distributed algorithms for tracking and environmental monitoring. We show how nesC code of realistic applications is significantly simplified using EnviroSuite and demonstrate the resulting system performance on Mica2 and XSM platforms.
Sensor network computing can be characterized as resource-constrained distributed computing using unreliable, low bandwidth communication. This combination of characteristics poses significant software development and maintenance challenges. Effective and efficient debugging tools for sensor network are thus critical. Existent development tools, such as TOSSIM, EmStar, ATEMU and Avrora, provide useful debugging support, but not with the fidelity, scale and functionality that we believe are sufficient to meet the needs of the next generation of applications.In this paper, we propose a debugger, called S2DB, based on a distributed full system sensor network simulator with high fidelity and scalable performance, DiSenS. By exploiting the potential of DiSenS as a scalable full system simulator, S2DB extends conventional debugging methods by adding novel device level, program source level, group level, and network level debugging abstractions. The performance evaluation shows that all these debugging features introduce overhead that is generally less than 10% into the simulator and thus making S2DB an efficient and effective debugging tool for sensor networks.
Conference Paper
As wireless sensor networks have emerged as a exciting new area of research in computer science, many of the logistical challenges facing those who wish to develop, deploy, and debug applications on realistic large-scale sensor networks have gone unmet. Manually reprogramming nodes, deploying them into the physical environment, and instrumenting them for data gathering is tedious and time-consuming. To address this need we have developed MoteLab, a Web-based sensor network testbed. MoteLab consists of a set of permanently-deployed sensor network nodes connected to a central server which handles re programming and data logging while providing a Web interface for creating and scheduling jobs on the testbed. MoteLab accelerates application deployment by streamlining access to a large, fixed network of real sensor network devices; it accelerates debugging and development by automating data logging, allowing the performance of sensor network software to be evaluated offline Additionally, by providing a Web interface MoteLab allows both local and remote users access to the testbed, and its scheduling and quota system ensure fair sharing. We have developed and deployed MoteLab at Harvard and found ft invaluable for both research and teaching. The MoteLab source is freely available, easy to install, and already in use at several other research institutions. We expect that widespread use of MoteLab will accelerate and improve wireless sensor network research.
Conference Paper
Simulation is widely used for developing, evaluating and analyz- ing sensor network applications, especially when deploying a large scale sensor network remains expensive and labor intensive. How- ever, due to its computation intensive nature, existent sim ulation tools have to make trade-offs between fidelity and scalabili ty and thus offer limited capabilities as design and analysis tool s. In this paper, we introduce DiSenS (DIstributed SENsor network Simula- tion) - a highly scalable distributed simulation system for sensor networks. DiSenS does not only faithfully emulates an extensive set of sensor hardware and supports extensible radio/power models, so that sensor network applications can be simulated transparently with high fidelity, but also employs distributed-memory par allel cluster system to attack the complex simulation problem. Combin- ing an efficient distributed synchronization protocol and a sophisti- cated node partitioning algorithm (based on existent research), DiS- enS achieves greater scalability than even many discrete event sim- ulators. On a small to medium size cluster (16-64 nodes), DiSenS is able to simulate hundreds of motes in realtime speed and scale to thousands in sub-realtime speed. To our knowledge, DiSenS is the first full-system sensor network simulator with such scalab ility. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.6 (Simulation and Model- ing)