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Requirements, design and implementation of an e-voting system.



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Ghassan Z. Qadah
American University of Sharjah
United Arab Emerites
The rapid advancement in database, web and wireless technologies have given rise to new applications that were
impossible just few years ago. One of these applications is e-Voting. The term “e-Voting” is defined as the process of
casting votes in an election using electronic means. This paper details the requirements, design and implementation of a
generic and secure electronic voting system where voters can cast their votes anytime, any place and using a number of
electronic devices including Web and mobile phones.
e-Voting, web technology, mobile phones, system requirements, databases, software development.
Voting and elections are essential ingredients of modern democratic societies. Unlike any other transactional
event, the result of elections can have many effects on societies and their economic and financial wellbeing.
Recent elections have seen a gradual decline in the overall percentage of the electorate exercising their right
to vote. This is worrying from a democratic point of view in that, if the reasons of the decline are left
unchecked, the mandate of those elected to hold the positions might eventually be questionable. Moreover, it
is interesting to note here that traditional/manual voting systems are slow, complex, inaccurate and
To counter these drawbacks, Governments have proposed a number of possible methods for re-engaging
the electorate in the voting process. One of these methods is the modernization of the way in which the
elections are being conducted. These methods include the use of electronic voting (e-Voting) as a new and
modernized way to carry out the election process. e-Voting extends polling hours (anytime voting) and
enables casting of votes from any place (anywhere voting) using different electronic means (any device
voting) such as mobile devices and Internet-based voting.
In this technological age, it is imperative to explore and encourage greater use of information technology
(IT) in most forms of service delivery. The ability to cast a vote through a multitude of choices such as web
and mobile technologies is instantly attractive. Such facilities should also overcome constraints associated
with the current voting process and engage more young voters. There is no doubt that remote electronic
voting offers a convenience that would be appreciated by many people. E-voting enables citizens to
participate electronically in democracy and provides them with more information about candidates and the
election they are being asked to participate in.
This paper details the requirements, design and implementation of a generic e-Voting System, where
voters can cast their votes anytime, anywhere and using a number of electronic devices including Web and
mobile phones. Section 2 details a high-level set of requirements that an e-Voting system must satisfy. The
architecture of an e-voting system that satisfies the stated requirements is presented in section 3. Section 4
outlines the implementation of a prototype for the e-Voting system. Finally, section 5 presents some
concluding remarks.
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2005
Prior to e-Voting System design, a comprehensive and detailed set of requirements have been developed.
These requirements are divided into two groups, namely, generic and system-specific. The generic
requirements are those requirements that apply to any voting system [1]. The generic requirements, as shown
in Figure 1, include:
Voting System
Candidate Y
Person X voted
Candidate Z
Fig. 1. A generic set of requirments
Privacy: after casting a vote, no one should be able to link the voter to this vote;
Authenticity: only eligible voters can cast their votes;
Integrity/accuracy: once a voter cast a vote, no alternation to this vote is permitted. Moreover, all
valid votes must be counted, whereas all invalid votes must not be counted;
Security: throughout the voting process, a vote can’t be tampered with;
Democracy: all eligible voters must be able to vote, one person - one vote and no one can vote more
than once or vote for others.
The system-specific requirements, on the other hand, are those requirements that are specific to the
electronic-voting systems. The system-specific requirements include:
Multi-user: a number of voters can vote simultaneously;
Multi-campaign: a number of elections can be running simultaneously;
Accessibility: the system can be accessed by voters from any location using secure Internet and/or
mobile devices;
Availability: the system must have high-availability during an election campaign.
To accommodate these requirements, an architecture, presented in Figure 2, for the e-Voting system has been
developed. The main elements of this architecture include:
The databases: two databases have been developed for the e-Voting system, namely the election
and Meta databases. The election database keeps track of campaigns, candidates and voters. The
Meta database, on the other hand contains information about the structure and format of the different
type of election campaigns as well as the applicable voting rules;
The database management system (DBMS): the DBMS [2] manages the election and Meta
The web server: the web sever interfaces the e-Voting system to web voters. In addition, it stores
the different web pages containing the code required to interact with the user as well as the database
The SMS (Short Message Service) server: the SMS sever, as shown in Figure 2, interacts with
voters that use their mobile telephone set and the SMS messaging service to access the e-Voting
system. At the lowest level, the SMS server interfaces to a number of GSM (Global System for
Mobile Communications) modems that receive voters’ SMS messages through an SMS service
Figure 1. A generic set of requirements
ISBN: 972-99353-6-X © 2005 IADIS
provider (mobile operator). Once an SMS message is received by a modem, the SMS server grap
this message, perform, on its content, the required checks and then respond to the voter accordingly,
by either placing a vote in the database or informing the voter about the occurrence of an error (e.g.
invalid user name and/or password or multiple voting). After the voting campaign is completed, the
SMS server sends all registered mobile voters (whether they have actually cast a vote or not) a
message with the election results.
Following the architecture presented in section 3, a prototype for an e-Voting system has been developed.
The developed prototype makes use of two hardware (Pentium) servers, the database and the e-Voting ones.
Both of these servers run Windows NT as an operating system. The details of these servers are presented
4.1 The database Server Implementation
The database server runs Oracle 9i [3] as a DBMS. In addition, the database server runs a newly
implemented software tool, namely, the database creator. This tool, as shown in Figure 3, creates the election
and Meta databases, according to the proper schema, and populates them with the initially needed
information. In addition to database creation, the tool is used to clear the database tables and/or dropping the
databases. The database creator tool makes use of Microsoft (MS) Visual Basic (VB.Net) framework to
implement its interface to users. In addition, this tool uses ADO.NET technology to connect to Oracle to
perform the different database creation/deletion activities.
Figure 2. An architecture for the e-Voting system.
Figure 3. The database creator.
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2005
4.2 The e-Voting Server Implementation
The e-Voting server, on the other hand, runs the following components, namely:
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), as a web server. It stores and manages the web
pages that implement the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Internet voters;
The Web Voters Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the associated web pages. These pages are
implemented using Java Server Pages (JSP) technology and connect to the database system using
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) library;
The GSM modems: these modems connects mobile voters to the e-Voting system;
The SMS service/process: this is an NT software process/service that monitors the GSM modems,
process the received SMS messages and interact with the database server accordingly. In
implementing this process, MS ADO.Net technology is used to connect the SMS process to the
Oracle 9i database;
The administrative utility: this tool, as shown in Figure 4, permits the administrator of the e-
Voting system to carry out a number of activities, such as election campaign configuration and
candidates, voters and the SMS service administration. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the
administrative utility is implemented using Visual Basic (VB) technology. The different components
of the administrative utility are presented next.
o The campaign configurator: this tool, as presented in Figures 5, is used to create, delete
and/or edit election campaigns. The creation of a campaign is carried out using the form
presented in Figure 6, whereas, the form presented in Figure 7 adds a new candidate to an
election. Figure 8 presents a form that is used to add a voter to the system;
o The SMS administrative tool: this tool, as shown in Figure 9, is used to configure, run
and stop the SMS service and initialize the GSM modem.
Figure 4. The administrative Utility. Figure 5. The campaign Configurator
Figure 6. Creating a new Campaign
ISBN: 972-99353-6-X © 2005 IADIS
This paper details the requirements, design and implementation of a generic e-Voting System, where voters
can cast their votes anytime, anywhere and using a number of electronic devices including Web and mobile
Saleh, K., 2003. Specifications of a mobile electronic voting system and a mobile agent platform. Proceedings of IADIS
e-Societ. Lisbon, Portugal.
Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S. B 2004. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fourth Edition, Pearson/Addison Wesley
Morrison J. and Morrison M. 2003. Guide to Oracle9i, Thomson Course technology Publisher.
Figure 7. Add Candidates Figure 8. Add Voters
Figure 9. The SMS server administrator
IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2005
... However, there have been countless reported cases of eligible voters being unable or prevented from exercising their right to vote as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, sometimes due to violence, intimidation, ballot stuffing, under-age and multiple voting, counting error, complicity of the security agencies and the absence or late arrival of election materials etc (Boniface, 2008). Recent elections worldwide have seen a gradual decline in the overall percentage of the electorate exercising their right to vote (Qadah, 2005). This is worrying from a democratic point of view in that, if the reasons of the decline are left unchecked, the mandate of those elected to hold the positions might eventually be questionable (Qadah, 2005). ...
... Recent elections worldwide have seen a gradual decline in the overall percentage of the electorate exercising their right to vote (Qadah, 2005). This is worrying from a democratic point of view in that, if the reasons of the decline are left unchecked, the mandate of those elected to hold the positions might eventually be questionable (Qadah, 2005). Moreover, it is interesting to note here that traditional/manual voting systems are slow, complex, inaccurate and inefficient. ...
... One of these methods is the modernization of the way in which the elections are being conducted. These methods include the use of electronic voting (e-voting) as a new and modernized way to carry out the election process (Qadah, 2005). The term e-voting is being used from casting the vote by electronic means to asking the internet community for an opinion on a political issue, as well as from tabulating the votes by electronic means to integrated electronic systems from voters' and candidates' registration to the publication of election results (Buchsbaum, 2004). ...
... Sebelum merancang Aplikasi sistem Pendaftaran Pemilih tetap dan Sistem e-Voting, beberapa persyaratan secara komprehensif harus terpenuhi agar aplikasi berjalan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Persyaratan ini dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu generik dan khusus sistem [5]. Persyaratan umum adalah persyaratan yang berlaku untuk sistem pemungutan suara secara umum. ...
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Dalam rangka menuju era teknologi 5.0 yang sangat semakin maju baik dari sisi teknologi maupun perangkat teknologi yang dimiliki diharapkan pemerintah mampu meningkatkan fasilitas publik secara baik , efesien, aman. Pemilu merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi berlangsunya penyelenggaraan negara. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi negara menfasilitasi masyarakat dan seluruh element negara untuk meberikan solusi alternatif dalam rangka melakukan sistem pendataan dan pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden secara online dan realtime (evote) namun tetap memegang prinsip langsung, umum, bebas, dan rahasia (LUBER). Pemilu dengan sistem online (e-vote) ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan efesiensi resource, biaya, dan keamanan karena diharapkan juga bisa mempermudah masyarakat secara umum dalam berpartisipasi pada pesta dekmokrasi 5 tahunan tersebut. Index Terms-pemilu pilpres, e-vote, pemilihan umum online, kebutuhan perangkat lunak
... Each robust voting system, either traditional or digital, should satisfy obligatory requirements. Depending on source [1][2][3][4][5][6], the set of requirements may vary, but most of them intersects on following requirements: ...
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In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving i-voting system based on the public Stellar Blockchain network. We argue that the proposed system satisfies all requirements stated for a robust i-voting system including transparency, verifiability, and voter anonymity. The practical architecture of the system abstracts a voter from blockchain technology used underneath. To keep user privacy, we propose a privacy-first protocol that protects voter anonymity. Additionally, high throughput and low transaction fees allow handling large scale voting at low costs. As a result we built an open-source, cheap, and secure system for i-voting that uses public blockchain, where everyone can participate and verify the election process without the need to trust a central authority. The main contribution to the field is a method based on a blind signature used to construct reliable voting protocol. The proposed method fulfills all requirements defined for i-voting systems, which is challenging to achieve altogether.
... Unlike any other transactional event, the result of elections can have consequential effects on the wellbeing of any society. Recent elections have seen a gradual decline in the overall percentage of the electorate exercising their right to vote [14]. This is worrisome from a democratic point of view in that, if the reasons of the decline are left unchecked, the mandate of those elected to hold the positions might eventually be questionable. ...
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This paper, we present a performance evaluation of a multifaceted electronic voting framework. The electronic voting model that was developed on the framework is capable of handling electronic ballots with multiple scopes simultaneously via three different electronic voting means. The model catered for probity of an election process in terms of generic and functional requirements. The performance evaluation detailed the degree to which the framework meets the generic and functional requirements of electronic voting systems using a five-point psychometric scale. The results of the quantitative analysis showed that the framework is capable of ensuring voters’ privacy and authenticity while the integrity, accuracy and verifiability of ballots casted are guaranteed.
... Le serveur envoie ensuite une réponse à l'électeur soit pour l'enregistrement du 24. Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés vote dans la base de données soit en indiquant qu'il y a erreur [217]. ...
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Cette thèse vise à définir des techniques pour mieux exploiter les connaissances du domaine dans l’objectif de rendre compte de la réalité de systèmes qualifiés de complexes et critiques. La modélisation est une étape indispensable pour effectuer des vérifications et exprimer des propriétés qu’un système doit satisfaire. La modélisation est une représentation simplificatrice, mais réductionniste de la réalité d’un système. Or, un système complexe ne peut se réduire à un modèle. Un modèle doit s’intégrer dans sa théorie observationnelle pour rendre compte des anomalies qu’il peut y contenir. Notre étude montre clairement que le contexte est la première problématique à traiter car principale source de conflits dans le processus de conception d’un système. L’approche retenue dans cette thèse est celle d’intégrer des connaissances du domaine en associant le système à concevoir à des formalismes déclaratifs qualifiés de descriptifs appelés ontologies. Notre attention est portée au formalisme Event-B dont l’approche correct-par-construction appelée raffinement est le principal mécanisme dans ce formalisme qui permet de faire des preuves sur des représentations abstraites de systèmes pour exprimer/vérifier des propriétés de sûreté et d’invariance. Le premier problème traité concerne la représentation et la modélisation des connaissances du contexte en V&V de modèles. Suite à l’étude des sources de conflits, nous avons établi de nouvelles règles pour une extraction de connaissances liées au contexte par raffinement pour la V&V. Une étude des formalismes de représentation et d’interprétation logiques du contexte a permis de définir un nouveau mécanisme pour mieux structurer les modèles Event-B. Une deuxième étude concerne l’apport des connaissances du domaine pour la V&V. Nous définissons une logique pour le formalisme Event-B avec contraintes du domaine fondées sur les logiques de description, établissons des règles à exploiter pour l’intégration de ces connaissances à des fins de V&V. L’évaluation des propositions faites portent sur des études de cas très complexes telles que les systèmes de vote dont des patrons de conception sont aussi développés dans cette thèse. Nous soulevons des problématiques fondamentales sur la complémentarité que peut avoir l’intégration par raffinement des connaissances du domaine à des modèles en exploitant les raisonnements ontologiques, proposons de définir de nouvelles structures pour une extraction partiellement automatisée
... Many researchers have described the security requirements for voting systems [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25], these requirements are presented by their formal definitions as follows. a) Eligibility: Only valid voters who meet certain predetermined criterion are eligible to vote. ...
There has been a fundamental change in the genesis of political-economic trust, with the arrival of a decentralized but structured way to reach consensuses and automatically implementing decisions through self-executable contracts. Blockchain technology (BT) is a distributed, consensus-based, and secure way for individuals to make enforceable censorship-resistant quantifiable agreements. Every vote is a transaction, and BT is paving the way for decentralizing politics, defending privacy, and streamlining voting procedures. It has the potential to provide much more granular governance that hopefully will preserve freedom and defend democracy. However, especially in an embarrassing post-COVID-19 world, BT's centralization can, instead, pave the way for citizens' control, turning cryptographic protocols into an authoritarian digital corset tightened by some to menace the privacy and freedom of many.
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Citizens everywhere are continuously demanding to be given the chance to participate more in the democratic process. Mobile technology is seen as a new method to fulfill such a demand. A remote voting using mobile device is considered an effectual way in enabling citizens to get involved in the voting process, especially in developing countries. In spite of the the perceived benefits of applying m-voting, it is not widely used by governments in several countries. This chapter identifies the factors that affect citizens' intentions of adopting a mobile voting system by introducing a prototype of an m-voting system to citizens in Egypt. Findings show that ease of use, usefulness, trust, and mobility have significant impact on citizens' willingness to use an m-voting system.
In modern societies, information and communication technology is used to increase citizens’ participation in the democracy process. In developing countries, to enhance the democracy, there is need to utilize the ICT to enhance citizens’ participations in the elections. This created through making the voting easier for eligible voters and grant that their votes will be counted. This research identifies the factors that affect citizens’ intentions of adopting mobile voting systems by introducing a prototype of m-voting system to citizens in Egypt. Findings show that ease of use, usefulness, trust, and mobility have significant impact on citizens’ intention to use m-voting system.
Guide to Oracle9i, Thomson Course technology Publisher. Figure 7. Add Candidates Figure 8. Add Voters Figure 9
  • J Morrison
  • M Morrison
Morrison J. and Morrison M. 2003. Guide to Oracle9i, Thomson Course technology Publisher. Figure 7. Add Candidates Figure 8. Add Voters Figure 9. The SMS server administrator IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2005