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Lightweight Authentication for Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks


Abstract and Figures

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) suffer from a wide range of security attacks due to their limited processing and energy capabilities. Their use in numerous mission critical applications, however, requires that fast recovery from such attacks be achieved. Much research has been completed on detection of security attacks, while very little attention has been paid to recovery from an attack. In this paper, we propose a novel, lightweight authentication protocol that can secure network and node recovery operations such as re-clustering and reprogramming. Our protocol is based on hash functions and we compare the performance of two well-known lightweight hash functions, SHA-1 and Rabin. We demonstrate that our authentication protocol can be implemented efficiently on a sensor network test-bed with TelosB motes. Further, our experimental results show that our protocol is efficient both in terms of computational overhead and execution times which makes it suitable for low resourced sensor devices.
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AbstractWireless sensor networks (WSNs) suffer from a
wide range of security attacks due to their limited processing
and energy capabilities. Their use in numerous mission critical
applications, however, requires that fast recovery from such
attacks be achieved. Much research has been completed on
detection of security attacks, while very little attention has been
paid to recovery from an attack. In this paper, we propose a
novel, lightweight authentication protocol that can secure
network and node recovery operations such as re-clustering
and reprogramming.
Our protocol is based on hash functions and we compare the
performance of two well-known lightweight hash functions,
SHA-1 and Rabin. We demonstrate that our authentication
protocol can be implemented efficiently on a sensor network
test-bed with TelosB motes. Further, our experimental results
show that our protocol is efficient both in terms of
computational overhead and execution times which makes it
suitable for low resourced sensor devices.
Keywords-Wireless sensor network, hash function,
Wireless sensor networks are deployed in many mission
critical applications and for monitoring of critical areas of
national defence.
With their development, various novel security attacks
have appeared. The aims of these attacks are usually to take
over nodes in the network, destroy nodes or to disrupt data
flow. Since the base station can easily detect if only a few
nodes are sending anomalous data (there are many protocols
for this in the literature- see for example [13]), attacks are
usually based on compromise of a large part of the network.
Detection and recovery from these attacks have become
major challenges in protecting sensor networks.
In this paper, we focus on recovery after an attack has been
detected. We assume that the network is low resourced but
has the capability to self-organize (cluster), detect an attack
on the nodes, determine which nodes have been
compromised (with high probability) and make a decision to
reprogram compromised nodes.
Numerous papers have been written on clustering,
re-clustering, attack detection and reprogramming [4], [13],
[11], [7], however, this is not the focus of our paper.
Manuscript submitted March 31, 2009. This work was supported by the
National Security Science and Technology Branch of the Australian
Government under grant 070030.
In a recovery operation, it is critical that messages from the
base station requesting re-clustering or reprogramming be
authenticated, as otherwise, a denial of service attack can be
launched by anyone intending to cause havoc in the WSN.
Our focus is on ensuring that authentication is effective and
efficient. In the protocols presented here, we are assuming
only that authentication has been implemented, and ignore
other means of securing data such as encryption.
In particular, the contributions of this paper are:
An efficient authenticated reprogramming request
protocol from the base station to a compromised node.
An efficient authenticated reprogramming request
protocol from an aggregator node to the base station on
behalf of a compromised node.
An efficient authenticated re-clustering protocol from
the base station to the network.
A comparison of two lightweight well-known hash
functions used in the authentication protocols and
implemented with TelosB motes
The rest of the paper is outlined as follows. After an
overview on related work in Section II, we present the system
assumptions in Section III. Three authentication protocols
are then presented in Section IV. These protocols are based
on the use of a hash function and so, in Section V the two
hash functions used are compared and tested in settings
varying between 8 and 64-bit input. In Section VI, we
examine attack scenarios and the security of our proposed
scheme against them. The performance of the scheme is
discussed in Section VII and includes comparison with other
authentication schemes used in WSN recovery. Section VIII
concludes the paper.
A number of authentication methods have been proposed in
WSNs. In this section, we give an overview of this work.
Perrig et. al. [17] proposed the μTESLA protocol to
securely broadcast messages in a WSN. This protocol uses a
one-way hash chain (OHC) to authenticate broadcast
messages. To tolerate packet losses, μTESLA has been
extended by introducing multi-level OHCs [14]. A
higher-level OHC is used to bootstrap low-level OHCs.
These methods require time synchronization which is not
practical in a low-resource WSN. Hu et. al. [8] proposed a
secure on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks, in
which an OHC is used to thwart malicious routing request
Lightweight Authentication for Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
B. Li, L.M. Batten, Senior Member, IEEE and R. Doss, Member, IEEE
School of Information Technology
Deakin University
Email: {libai, lmbatten, rchell}
2009 Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
978-0-7695-3935-5/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/MSN.2009.47
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floods. OHCs were used in INSSENS to limit broadcast
floods for control routing updates in WSNs [4]. In using
OHCs, problems unique to unicast messages must be
addressed, for example, maintaining OHCs when many
packets are lost, and generating and storing OHCs in a highly
resource-constrained node.
General cryptographic authentication methods based on
public-key cryptosystems tend to be unreasonable for use in
WSNs because of the very low calculation capability and
small memory [10]. Nevertheless, some researchers have
suggested using such security mechanisms in sensor
networks and the TinySec development of Karlof, Sastri and
Wagner in 2004 [9] was developed to tackle the problems
head on. It aims at providing all of access control, message
authentication, data confidentiality and avoidance of replay
attacks. However, TinySec does not specify any key
pre-distribution method but assigns a global key to the
system, stored always in the same location. “Thus, an
attacker seeking the TinySec key need only target a
well-known address or area of memory.” [6].
In all schemes using authentication, some kind of key is
needed and the question of key storage is critical to
maintaining a WSN. In virtually all known schemes for
WSNs, keys are stored on nodes and thus require a tamper
resistant location or an assumption that an attacker is unable
to retrieve the keys. An exception to this is given, for
example in the paper [5] where the authors use public key
cryptography for authentication in which the private key is
stored on a PC. A hash chain is produced by the PC and the
nodes must verify all messages from the PC itself. This is a
time-consuming undertaking and needs each node to be able
to communicate with the PC at all times. In addition, it is
important that messages be received sequentially so that they
can be reconstructed. In an attack scenario, this is not an
assumption that can be made.
Our aim is to provide authentication for recovery message
transmissions in a WSN in an efficient and effective manner
with the goal of extending the life of the WSN for as long as
possible. An examination of the above work leads us to
implementation of a hash function method in a protocol
which also provides protection against message content
changes, message authorship changes and replay attacks. As
we include remote location of the WSN without possibility of
key update, we make the standard assumption that nodes
contain a tamper-proof module to store secrets. We describe
these attack scenarios in Section VI.
WSNs can be built in a number of ways depending on the
desired application [15]. Often, several types of nodes are
present, classified in terms of the role they play, such as
gathering data, analyzing data, deploying applications etc.
An intuitive analysis of the sensor network activities of a
simple network leads to mapping tasks to roles as follows:
Member node – senses and transmits data
Aggregator node – controls member nodes and senses,
collects, aggregates, analyses and transmits data
Base station – controls the system and collects, analyses,
transmits and stores data.
Since all sensor nodes in the network are essentially
deployed to collaboratively sense target events, all nodes
must assume the functions of a member node. Aggregator
nodes, in addition, take on the responsibility of coordinating
the sensing activities in their neighbouring region (also
known as a sensing zone) and aggregate and forward the
information to the base station. The task of coordination is
not a simple one and it is also not a short term job. In order to
provide instantaneous sensing and reporting capability
(dependent upon sensing applications) each aggregator node
may need to systematically rotate its responsibilities
transparently among neighbouring nodes without much
communication overhead.
For the purposes of an attack situation in which nodes can
be lost or compromised, detection and recovery can only take
place efficiently if the network can function as normally as
possible. We propose to therefore retain connectivity and
maximize flexibility in the network. This is achieved by
allowing each node to play the role of either a member or
aggregator node as appropriate under the conditions arising,
and at the same time, for the entire network to efficiently
re-organize itself in order to remain connected.
Our platform is TinyOS Version 2.1 implemented on
Crossbow’s TelosB sensor nodes [21].
A. Assumptions
Before proceeding further we present out system
assumptions. These are:
We assume the existence of a globally unique ID for
each sensor node. The base station keeps track of all IDs.
We assume that every node in the WSN is in
transmission range of the base station, while it is not
necessarily the case that each node can transmit to the
BS. Because some nodes may not be in range of other
nodes, all reprogramming and re-clustering commands
will therefore be run through the base station.
We assume that each sensor node has a secret value
which can be used for authentication. This secret is
known only to the base station and the node and is
allocated when the WSN is set up. We also assume that
this secret is stored in a tamper-resistant section of the
node. (Note that while tamper resistance might be a
viable defence for physical node compromise for some
networks, we do not see it as a general purpose solution.
Thus, we assume that an attacker may be capable of
retrieving the entire set of codes residing in the node.
However, in order to implement authentication, it is
important to have some item residing on the node which
cannot be retrieved or identified as being a ‘secret’.)
We assume that the base station is trustworthy in the
sense that it is never compromised and always behaves
correctly. (Most, but not all routing protocols depend on
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nodes to trust messages from base stations.)
We assume that an essentially infinite timer is available
to each of the nodes and the base station. (In practice,
timers on nodes may overflow and re-use previous times
which invalidates our protocol.)
We assume that the same hash function code is
programmed into each node at set-up. This code will be
used for authentication.
Figure 1 illustrates the topology of the envisioned WSN. It
comprises a large number of low-resource sensor nodes that
are connected to a base station (BS) in order to analyze the
sensed data. By partitioning the WSN topology into a set of
clusters, a hierarchical network topology is obtained that is
power-efficient, scalable, and resilient to security attacks [1].
Each cluster comprises one aggregator (AG) and in general
several cluster members (CMs). Each CM is always
connected to a single associated AG to exchange data and
control packets.
In transmitting critical messages between nodes and the
base station, in particular, commands to re-cluster or to
reprogram nodes in response to an attack, message
authentication is critical as a denial of service attack can
easily be implemented without it.
In this section, we describe each of the protocols of Section
1 in detail. In each case, a node with ID n contains secret Sn,
R represents a random value but is in fact the local time
obtained from the LocalTime.get() command in TinyOS, M
represents a message to reprogram or re-cluster or a request
that another node be reprogrammed. All messages
transmitted include node ID of both sender and receiver,
including that of the BS.
A simple hash function check achieves authentication of a
message. We use two well-known functions, SHA-1 and
Rabin for the purposes of comparison. SHA-1 is a preferred
hash in government authentication protocols [3; Section
3.9.12], [16] and has been employed by several researchers in
TinyOS applications ([10], [12]). Our second choice is the
Rabin encryption system [19] adapted for use as a hash
function as proposed by Shamir in [20]. While Shamir
suggests an adaptation of Rabin’s scheme to what he calls
SQUASH, based on improved methods of computing the
hash output, our implementation is constrained by TinyOS
requirements and so we use smaller values than those
proposed to ensure the security of SQUASH. Such smaller
values do not warrant use of the improved SQUASH
computations, and so we use Rabin’s scheme as proposed in
[19]. Shamir points out [20] that, used as a hash function, the
Rabin encryption scheme can be implemented securely on
many fewer bits than needed for encryption. The drawback
of Rabin’s scheme is that up to four input messages can result
in the same ciphertext. Since we use the scheme only for
authentication based on a small set of standard message
inputs, this is not a problem for us.
We take data input of 8 bits, 32 bits and 64 bits for SHA-1
and 64 bits for Rabin.
A. Reprogramming Protocol from the Base Station to a
Compromised Node
Because the BS monitors network communications, it can
detect an attack. It would deal with it in the early stages by
authenticated reprogramming and re-clustering. The
objective is to prolong the life of the WSN for as long as
possible; compromise of over 50% of the nodes would be
deemed failure.
The BS has determined that node with ID n needs
reprogramming. If a set of nodes is to be reprogrammed, each
node must receive a separate message as each contains the
secret known only by that node and by the base station. H
represents a hash function. We assume that n, M and R are
the appropriate size for input to H.
Figure 2: Authenticating a reprogramming request
Figure 1: Clustered topology of wireless sensor network
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(a) BS XORs the secret Sn, the reprogramming message M
and the local time R to obtain m.
(b) BS computes H(m) = c.
(c) BS transmits c, M and R which are received by n.
(d) Node n re-computes H of the XOR of n with Sn, M and R
and checks that it is c.
(e) If the check is ‘true’ AND the time R has not been used in
a reprogramming request earlier, the node reprograms.
(f) The node updates its secret to Sn= m.
(g)The node informs the BS that it has successfully
reprogrammed and the BS then updates the node’s secret in
its table.
B. Reprogramming Protocol from an Aggregator Node to
the Base Station on Behalf of a Compromised Node.
In this protocol, an aggregator node A has determined that
one of the nodes in its cluster must be reprogrammed. Since
reprogramming is intensive from the initiator side, only the
BS can implement it. Thus, A requests reprogramming from
the BS.
(a) A retrieves the ID n of the node to be reprogrammed.
(b)A XORs n, its own secret SA, the request for
reprogramming message M and the local time R to obtain m.
(c) A computes H(m) = c.
(d) A transmits c, n, M and R to the BS.
(e) The BS retrieves SA, re-computes the hash and checks if it
is c.
(f) If the check is ‘true’ AND the time R has not been used in a
reprogramming request earlier, BS initiates protocol A.
Figure 3: Authenticating a reprogramming request from an aggregator
C. Re-clustering Protocol from the Base Station to the
Re-clustering may need to be implemented after an attack
on a WSN in case several nodes are no longer trust-worthy.
The BS makes this decision, based on information gathered
from the network. Once it has been made, it sends a
re-clustering message to all aggregator nodes to begin the
procedure. In this protocol, we describe the authenticated
message to re-cluster which must be sent to each node
separately, identifying it by its ID and its secret.
(a) The BS retrieves the secrets S1,… Sc of each node and for
each node ID n, XORs its secret Sn, the re-clustering message
M and the local time R to obtain mn.
(b) The BS then computes H(mn) for each n and transmits it
with M and R to the corresponding node n.
(c) Each node XORs its secret Sn, M and R to obtain mn.
(d)Each node computes H(mn) and compares with the
messages received from the BS. If there is a match AND if no
such message with time R has been used in a re-clustering
request earlier, n accepts this as a valid re-clustering
(e) Once all nodes have received and verified such a
message, re-clustering commences.
Figure 4: The BS authenticates re-clustering messages to nodes
When running this protocol, the timing must be managed.
A Timer.startOneShot(2000) command is set to fire in 2000
ms from the time of invocation at the base station. This
cancels any previously running timer and will only fire once,
then stop. This gives enough time for the node in the network
to receive and verify the hash message before the base station
starts another timer. The protocol is complete when the last
node verifies the hash message. Timing synchronization is
not required. We require only that the timer value
(independently scheduled at node) be set to a value (we use
2000msec) that allows for the hash computation to complete.
We tested all three protocols on TinyOS Version 2.1 with
the results presented in the following tables. Table 1 shows
the time, ROM and RAM used by the reprogramming
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protocol for four applications of hash function. Although the
execution time does not vary, Rabin uses only 83 to 85% of
the RAM and ROM used by SHA-1 on 64 bits.
Primitives Execution
Time (sec)
SHA-1 (8 bits) 6.0 1230 19802
SHA-1 (32 bits) 6.0 1262 20178
SHA-1 (64 bits) 6.0 1334 21034
Rabin (64 bits) 6.0 1100 17972
Table 1. Performance of reprogramming protocol from the base station to a
compromised node
The same distinctions are apparent when running protocol
II. Again, while execution time does not vary, ROM and
RAM for Rabin are only 84 to 86% that of SHA-1 on 64 bits.
Primitives Execution
Time (sec)
SHA-1(8 bits) 10.0 1262 20556
SHA-1 (32 bits) 10.0 1296 20948
SHA-1 (64 bits) 10.0 1368 21796
Rabin (64 bits) 10.0 1142 18830
Table 2. Performance of reprogramming protocol from an aggregator node
to the base station on behalf of a compromised node
Protocols I and II were run 100 times with no substantial
difference in results. Tables 1 and 2 average these results.
For protocol III, because the distribution of messages needs
to be associated with timers, the implementation is
significantly more complex than that for the previous
protocols; therefore we ran this protocol only five times.
Table 3 presents the average results of running protocol III
five times with a set of 5 TelosB motes. In each case, time
starts when the BS issues its first message and stops when the
last node verifies the hash message.
Primitives Execution
Time (sec)
SHA-1 (8 bits) 30.0 1350 22978
SHA-1 (32 bits) 30.0 1382 23968
SHA-1 (64 bits) 30.0 1454 26340
Rabin (64 bits) 30.0 1220 21686
Table 3. Performance of re-clustering protocol from the base station to the
Once again, execution time does not vary. We believe that
this is because the actual execution time of the hash function
is significantly smaller than that of the rest of the protocol
and therefore has negligible influence. (We show the hash
times in the next section.) It may be that in a large network
with thousands of nodes, the execution time of the hash
function begins to play a role.
In all cases, Rabin uses less memory, both RAM and ROM,
than SHA-1. This is particularly useful in applications
requiring small memory usage. The security of the
algorithms is likely to be comparable as both have been
available for some time and are well understood by the
cryptographic community. While Rabin on 64 bits is not
acceptably secure as an encryption mechanism, it is
sufficiently strong as a hash function. Therefore, we
recommend the use of Rabin to generate hashes in
lightweight environments.
It is worthwhile to compare, independently of the
protocols, the performance of our two hash functions. While
SHA-1 is a standard choice, it is clear from Table 4 below
that Rabin is faster with smaller RAM and ROM.
SHA-1 and Rabin are implemented as follows on TinyOS
Version 2.1. For comparison, we take data input of 8 bits, 32
bits and 64 bits for SHA-1 and 64 bits for Rabin. As shown in
Table 4, for SHA-1 the code consumes 126 bytes of RAM,
3892 bytes for 8 bits, 3896 bytes for 32 bits and 3900 bytes
for 64 bits of ROM, and takes approximately 7 ms to produce
a 160-bit hash of different sizes of messages. Rabin produces
a consecutive 32-bit hash window for a 64-bit calculated
hash. The code consumes 46 bytes of RAM and 1870 bytes of
ROM, and takes approximately 2 ms to hash a message of
Primitives Execution
Time (msec)
SHA-1 (8 bits) 7 126 3892
SHA-1 (32 bits) 7 126 3896
SHA-1 (64 bits) 7 126 3900
Rabin (64 bits) 2 46 1870
Table 4. Comparison of the Rabin and SHA-1 hash functions
Lee, Choi and Kim [12] have introduced a Hash component
for TinyOS, designed to be used as an independent hash
module with TinySec. According to the authors, this hash
module accepts any hash function, and can be implemented
on 8, 16 and 32 bit words.
We compared time and memory for our implementation of
SHA-1 against theirs and also against an implementation in
[10]. While we found that our results, from Table 4, are better
than those in [12], 2005, and [10], 2008, for 8 or 32 bit input,
we note that their papers do not specify the TinyOS version
used and we believe that the difference is due to their use of
an earlier version of TinyOS or different coding structure or
The standard attack scenarios in a WSN setting are known
as the passive and active attack [18] models for
communication compromises. In a passive attack, the
intruder is able to capture and interpret data, thus extracting
information; our protocols are not designed to protect against
a passive attack.
In an active attack, both the integrity and the availability of
the communication are threatened. An intruder
implementing an active attack may destroy the integrity of a
communication in two ways: by changing the content of the
communication and by changing the authorship of the
communication. An intruder implementing an active attack
may also
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- capture a communication and delete it altogether
- resend it at a later time, or
- resend several communications many times in a flooding
An additional active attack which we will consider here is a
situation where a compromised node which has received a
reprogramming message sends an acknowledgement without
actually reprogramming. In other words, it lies about having
Here we discuss how each of these attacks is managed in
the network
Passive Attack Scenarios
We assume here that a set of intruders or compromised nodes
collaborate to implement a passive attack by capturing
communications. Our architecture allows this to happen and
allows such colluders to read data as it is all sent in the clear.
The colluders may hope to capture WSN secrets Sn shared by
the BS and node n. These are never sent in the clear, but only
in hashed communications; if colluders capture the hashes,
they cannot determine the secrets. Even if the colluders
include compromised nodes in the WSN, these share no
secrets with other nodes and therefore are unable to capture
secrets of nodes not in the collusion.
Active Attack Scenarios
We identified several types of active attack earlier in this
section. Here, we consider each of them. Note that as our
protocol is designed only to provide recovery message and
source authentication in this paper; and we cannot
necessarily guarantee protection against all attacks
mentioned here.
(i) Message Content Changes
In this attack a set C of colluders of intruders and
compromised WSN nodes attempt to change the content of a
captured recovery message M broadcast from the BS. Such a
message was intended for node n. C changes M to M’ and
produces c and R. However, in order to compute a valid
hash, C needs to have the valid secret Sn of the target node.
Thus our protocol protects against such an attack: h(m)
(ii). Message Authorship changes
Assume that a set of colluders C comprising intruders and
compromised nodes wishes to send a recovery message to a
node n and pretends that such a message originates from the
BS. In this case, as in scenarios (i), C needs access to the
secret Sn shared by the BS and node n. It does not have this
information. A similar problem arises in protocol III where
the message originates from an aggregator and is directed to
the BS. Thus, our architecture protects against a message
authorship attack.
(iii). Message Deletion
Assume that a set C of intruders and compromised nodes
colludes to delete recovery messages in the WSN. A key
assumption (see the Introduction) is that the network, via the
BS, has the ability to detect compromised nodes. This is
usually done by monitoring network message flow. Thus the
BS can detect interruption of communications within the
network, but our architecture for authentication does not have
the capability of recovering deleted messages. In dealing
with such a disruption the BS would attempt to recover
compromises nodes by, for instance, reprogramming.
(iv) Message Replay
A set C of intruders and compromised nodes attempts to
replay a valid recovery message M, R and h(m) = issued by
an aggregator or the BS. If C sends M, R and h(m) = c
captured earlier, the node (or BS) receiving the information
checks if it has previously received such a message with the
same value for R. If it has, it drops the corresponding packets.
If C computes the current time R and sends this along with
the captured M and h(m) = c, the recipient will compute
h(SnMR) c. Thus our protocol protects against replay
(v) Flooding
Assume a collusion C of intruders and compromised nodes
captures and resends network messages in a flooding attack.
Because the BS monitors network communications, it can
detect such an attack. It would attempt to deal with it by
reprogramming and reclosing but there is no guarantee of
success. Our authentication architecture alone cannot protect
against such an attack.
(vi) A compromised node lies
In this attack, we assume that a compromised node has
received a reprogramming request from the BS. It attempts to
send an acknowledgement to the BS confirming that it has
reprogrammed and re-instated its original code. In order to do
this, it must compute a hash of its secret along with the
current time and an acknowledgement M: h(SnMR).
However, we assume that the attacker does not have access to
the tamper-proof section of the node and so cannot compute
In this section, we compare our results with those of other
researchers who have developed authentication protocols for
a similar situation.
In [2], Benenson, Gedicke and Raivio establish an
authentication protocol for a WSN based on elliptic curve
cryptography. This paper is the only other paper in the
literature proposing a WSN authentication protocol without a
key-discovery phase: a user in a fixed location broadcasts
identity and a certificate. A node responds with a nonce. The
user replies with a hash.
1 hash and 2 verifications are needed while in our protocol
only 1 hash and 1 verification are needed. The authors of [2]
rely on the existence of a third party trusted certificate
authority while we assume only that the BS is trusted. In
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summary, we avoid the need for a trusted third party and
reduce the number of verifications.
Benenson, Gedicke and Raivio implemented their protocol
on five TelosB motes using TinyOS. The hash function
SHA-1 on 64 bits was used in [2] to hash the identities of the
sender and receiver along with a random number. We see in
Table 5 that our protocol is more than 10 times faster and
requires almost 50% less in terms of memory requirements.
Primitives Execution
Time (sec)
Benenson, Gedicke, Raivio [2] 440 2000 45500
Our protocol III with SHA-1 30 1454 26340
Our protocol III with Rabin 30 1220 21686
Table 5. Comparison of two implementations of protocol C
They point out that the execution time is disappointing due
to the long execution times of the elliptic curve cryptography
routines. Note also, that in their protocol, motes must be
capable of executing both symmetric and public key
cryptographic protocols and must be able to securely store
secret keys.
In this paper, we focus on recovery after an attack has been
detected and provide lightweight protocols for re-clustering
and for reprogramming nodes in a WSN. We provide a
message authentication protocol for limited resource sensor
networks enabling the network to securely implement
recovery strategies efficiently and effectively. The protocol
is based on hash functions and we compare the performance
of two well-known lightweight hash functions, SHA-1 and
Rabin. We demonstrate that our authentication protocol can
be implemented efficiently with TelosB motes in comparison
with existing protocols.
[1] Basagni, S., Petrioli, C. and Petroccia, R. 2007. “Fail-Safe
Hierarchical Organization for Wireless Sensor Networks”.
Proceedings of MILCOM 2007. IEEE, 1-7.
[2] Benenson, Z., Gedicke, N. and Raivio, O. 2005. “Realizing
robust user authentication in sensor networks”. In Workshop
on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks, 2005, Stockholm,
Sweden. 5 pages. Available at
[3] Defence Signals Directorate Information and
Communications Technology Security Companion,
September 2007.
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... The first approach is not very reasonable, due to the large number of nodes in WSNs. Hence, the over-the-air programming (OTAP) of the code updates in wireless sensor networks have been researchers' point of interest in the past few years [1,[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Many OTAP schemes or protocols have been proposed (e.g., Deluge [7], Multihop Network Programming Service (MNP) [8], Multihop Over-the-Air Programming (MOAP) [9], Aqueduct [10]), and most assume non-malicious nodes. This assumption is inadequate in many applications, since for these applications, we need to maintain four security aspects (confidentiality, integrity, authentication and availability) in OTAP protocols [16]. ...
... Integrity can also be threatened if an adversary modifies update packets before they arrive at the receiver end. Additionally, replay attacks, battery-drain attacks and wormhole attacks are also possible on OTAP protocols and their existing proposed security models [1,6,[11][12][13][14][15]. ...
... This procedure takes place, until all the hash values of the packets from the last page to the first page are created and placed in their relative packets. Seluge proposes to attach all the hash values of page 1 sequentially to create HashV alues = H(P kt 1,1 ) · · · H(P kt 1,N ), and then, these values will be split into M = 2 k fragments, where K will be the minimum value that fits in Equation (1). Note that resulting M is the number of leaf nodes of the Merkle hash tree ( Figure 2). ...
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Over-the-air dissemination of code updates in wireless sensor networks have been researchers' point of interest in the last few years, and, more importantly, security challenges toward the remote propagation of code updating have occupied the majority of efforts in this context. Many security models have been proposed to establish a balance between the energy consumption and security strength, having their concentration on the constrained nature of wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes. For authentication purposes, most of them have used a Merkle hash tree to avoid using multiple public cryptography operations. These models mostly have assumed an environment in which security has to be at a standard level. Therefore, they have not investigated the tree structure for mission-critical situations in which security has to be at the maximum possible level (e.g., military applications, healthcare). Considering this, we investigate existing security models used in over-the-air dissemination of code updates for possible vulnerabilities, and then, we provide a set of countermeasures, correspondingly named Security Model Requirements. Based on the investigation, we concentrate on Seluge, one of the existing over-the-air programming schemes, and we propose an improved version of it, named Seluge++, which complies with the Security Model Requirements and replaces the use of the inefficient Merkle tree with a novel method. Analytical and simulation results show the improvements in Seluge++ compared to Seluge.
... Our Base Station is a more computationally rich system than a CWSN node. At the SU side we have implemented the SHA-1 hash function [11], on TinyOS version 2.1.2. We take data input of 64 bit for SHA-1 to generate a 160 bit Message Authentication Code (MAC). ...
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Primary User Emulation (PUE) attack is a type of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack which is commonly faced by Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSNs). In CWSNs, malicious secondary users try to emulate primary users to maximize their own spectrum usage or to obstruct secondary users from accessing the spectrum. In this paper we have proposed a base station controlled spectrum allocation protocol for the secondary users to deal with PUE attacks in CWSNs. We have used the well-known lightweight hash function SHA-1 for the authentication process of a secondary user to the base station. We demonstrate that our authentication protocol can be implemented efficiently on CWSN nodes. Our experimental results show that the Base Station controlled Primary User Emulation Attack performs well in CWSN scenario.
... All code updates and reclustering /reprogramming commands are authenticated and supported by a lightweight authentication protocol that uses a shared secret between the base station and each sensor device and a hash function (we propose the use of SHA-1 or Rabin). A detailed security analysis of the authentication protocols for supporting network reclustering and node reprogramming is presented in our previous work [15]. The authentication protocol ensures that malicious nodes cannot compromise the reclustering or reprogramming process. ...
Conference Paper
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are susceptible to a wide range of security attacks in hostile environments due to the limited processing and energy capabilities of sensor nodes. Consequently, the use of WSNs in mission critical applications requires reliable detection and fast recovery from these attacks. While much research has been devoted to detecting security attacks, very little attention has been paid yet to the recovery task. In this paper, we present a novel mechanism that is based on dynamic network reclustering and node reprogramming for recovering from node compromise. In response to node compromise, the proposed recovery approach reclusters the network excluding compromised nodes; thus allowing normal network operation while initiating node recovery procedures. We propose a novel reclustering algorithm that uses 2-hop neighbourhood information for this purpose. For node reprogramming we propose the modified Deluge protocol. The proposed node recovery mechanism is both decentralized and scalable. Moreover, we demonstrate through its implementation on a TelosB-based sensor network testbed that the proposed recovery method performs well in a low-resource WSN.
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of lightweight devices with low cost, low power, and short-ranged wireless communication. The sensors can communicate with each other to form a network. In WSNs, broadcast transmission is widely used along with the maximum usage of wireless networks and their applications. Hence, it has become crucial to authenticate broadcast messages. Key management is also an active research topic in WSNs. Several key management schemes have been introduced, and their benefits are not recognized in a specific WSN application. Security services are vital for ensuring the integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality of the critical information. Therefore, the authentication mechanisms are required to support these security services and to be resilient to distinct attacks. Various authentication protocols such as key management protocols, lightweight authentication protocols, and broadcast authentication protocols are compared and analyzed for all secure transmission applications. The major goal of this survey is to compare and find out the appropriate protocol for further research. Moreover, the comparisons between various authentication techniques are also illustrated.
Conference Paper
This paper proposes Efficient & Robust Reprogramming Architecture for Multihop Code Generation in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to provide more energy efficient & robust code dissemination protocol for multihop network. Supporting the capability for remote reprogramming of sensor nodes via wireless network has highlighted the importance of research in this area. In this diverse field researchers are struggling to identify the most appropriate solutions for their application requirements. Various key issues for designing and implementing adaptive reprogramming for multihop code generation in WSN has been considered in this research work.
Implementation of certain types of protocols on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be difficult due to the architecture of the motes. Identification of these issues and recommendations for workarounds can be very useful for the WSN research community testing hardware. In recent work, the authors developed and implemented clustering, reprogramming and authentication protocols involved in recovering WSNs with low resources. In attempting to integrate these protocols, several issues arose in the implementation phase connected to pre-set configurations of the motes used. In this paper, we describe the issues arising in integrating our protocols using Zigbee with IEEE 802.15.4 and the reprogramming module Deluge, and compare our challenges and solutions with those faced by other researchers in this area. Finally, we provide recommendations for consideration by researchers who may in future consider integrating several protocols on these platforms.
Conference Paper
In wireless sensor networks, message authentication needs higher computation efficiency and lower communication cost since specific nodes are more vulnerable to various attacks due to the nature of wireless communication in public channel whereas sensor nodes are equipped with limited computing power, storage, and communication modules. Designated verifier signature scheme enables a signer node to convince the designated verifier that a signed message is authentic where neither the signer nor the verifier can convince any other party of authenticity of that message. In this paper, we explore a dual designated verifier signature scheme with message recovery for dual routing paths in a fault-tolerant manner. It supports the redundant routing path based message authentication under a dual route path to the goal base stations. The message is hidden in the signature that protects the privacy of both the sender’s identity and message, thus only designated receivers can extract and verify the message. The proposed scheme can be applied to tiny and short signature requirements for lightweight message authentication in wireless sensor networks.
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In recent years, it has been proposed security architecture for sensor network.(2)(4). One of these, TinySec by Chris Kalof, Naveen Sastry, David Wagner had proposed Link layer security architecture, considering some problems of sensor network. (i.e : energy, bandwidth, computation capability,etc). The TinySec employs CBC_mode of encryption and CBC-MAC for authentication based on SkipJack Block Cipher. Currently, This TinySec is incorporated in the TinyOS for sensor network security. This paper introduces TinyHash based on general hash algorithm. TinyHash is the module in order to replace parts of authentication and integrity in the TinySec. it implies that apply hash algorithm on TinySec architecture. For compatibility about TinySec, Components in TinyHash is constructed as similar structure of TinySec. And TinyHash implements the HMAC component for authentication and the Digest component for integrity of messages. Additionally, we define the some interfaces for service associated with hash algorithm. Keywords—sensor network security, nesC, TinySec, TinyOS, Hash, HMAC, integrity
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ABSTRACT A number of multi-hop wireless reprogramming systems have emerged for sensor network retasking but none of these sys- tems support a cryptographically-strong, public-key-based system for program authentication or any form of recovery from authenticated, but Byzantine, programs. The tradi- tional techniques for authenticating a program and recover- ing from Byzantine user programs, namely a digital signa-
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While sensor network deployment is becoming more commonplace in environmental, business, and military applications, security of these networks emerges as a critical concern. Without proper security, it is impossible to completely trust the results reported from sensor networks deployed outside of controlled environments. Much of the current research in sensor networks has focused on protocols and authentication schemes for protecting the transport of information. However, all of those schemes are useless if an attacker can obtain a node from the network and extract the appropriate information, such as security keys, from it. We focus our research on the area of secure systems. In this paper we demonstrate the ease with which nodes can be compromised as well as show exactly what information can be obtained and how it can be used to disrupt, falsify data within, or eavesdrop on sensor networks. We then suggest mechanisms to detect intrusions into individual sensor nodes. Finally, we come up with security measures that can be implemented in future generation nodes to improve security.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the definition and evaluation of a new protocol for providing a wireless sensor network (WSN) with a hierarchical organization. Differently from previously proposed solutions, our protocol, termed CC ("double c," for clique clustering), includes in its operation a fail-safe mechanism for dealing with node failure or removal, which are typical of WSNs. More specifically, the network is partitioned into clusters that are cliques, i.e., nodes in each clusters are directly connected to each others. An efficient mechanism for building a connected backbone among the clique clusters is provided. Clustering, backbone formation and backbone maintenance are completely localized, in the precise sense that only nodes physically close to a failing node are involved in the reconfiguration process. We compare the performance of CC with that of DMAC, a protocol that has been previously proposed for building and maintaining clusters and backbones in presence of node removal. Our comparison concerns metrics that are central to WSN research, such as time for clustering and backbone reorganization, corresponding overhead (in bytes and transmission energy), backbone size, extent of the reorganization (i.e., the number of nodes involved in it), and backbone route length. Our ns2-based simulation results show that the design criteria chosen for CC are effective in producing backbones that can be reconfigured quickly (63% faster than DMAC's) and with remarkably lower overhead.
We introduce a new class of public-key functions involving a number n = pq having two large prime factors. As usual, the key n is public, while p and q are the private key used by the issuer for production of signatures and function inversion. These functions can be used for all the applications involving public-key functions proposed by Diffie and Hellman, including digitalized signatures. We prove that for any given n, if we can invert the function y = E (x1) for even a small percentage of the values y then we can factor n. Thus, as long as factorization of large numbers remains practically intractable, for appropriate chosen keys not even a small percentage of signatures are forgeable. Breaking the RSA function is at most hard as factorization, but is not known to be equivalent to factorization even in the weak sense that ability to invert all function values entails ability to factor the key. Computation time for these functions, i.e. signature verification, is several hundred times faster than for the RSA scheme. Inversion time, using the private key, is comparable. The almost-everywhere intractability of signature-forgery for our functions (on the assumption that factoring is intractable) is of great practical significance and seems to be the first proved result of this kind.
We investigate how to organize access control to the WSN data in such a way that an unauthorized entity (the adver-sary) cannot make arbitrary queries to the WSN. We call this problem authenticated querying. Roughly, this means that whenever the sensor nodes process a query, they should be able to verify that the query comes from a legitimate user. Authenticated querying is especially challenging if the ad-versary can gain full control over some sensor nodes through physical access (node capture attack). We propose first so-lution to this problem and present our experiments with an implementation of the first step of this solution.
Self-organization of wireless sensor networks, which involves network decomposition into connected clusters, is a challenging task because of the limited bandwidth and energy resources available in these networks. In this paper, we make contributions towards improving the efficiency of self-organization in wireless sensor networks. We first present a novel approach for message-efficient clustering, in which nodes allocate local “growth budgets” to neighbors. We introduce two algorithms that make use of this approach. We analyze the message complexity of these algorithms and provide performance results from simulations. The algorithms produce clusters of bounded size and low diameter, using significantly fewer messages than the earlier, commonly used, Expanding Ring approach. Next, we present a new randomized methodology for designing the timers of cluster initiators. This methodology provides a probabilistic guarantee that initiators will not interfere with each other. We derive an upper bound on the expected time for network decomposition that is logarithmic in the number of nodes in the network. We also present a variant that optimistically allows more concurrency among initiators and significantly reduces the network decomposition time. However, it produces slightly more clusters than the first method. Extensive simulations over different topologies confirm the analytical results and demonstrate that our proposed methodology scales to large networks.