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Erosion and Dilation on 2-D and 3-D Digital Images: A New Size-Independent Approach .


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a new approach to achieve ele- mentary neighborhood operations on both 2D and 3D binary images by using the Extreme Vertices Model (EVM), a recent orthogonal polyhedra repre- sentation applied to digital images. The operations developed here are erosion and dilation. In contrast with previous techniques, this method do not use a voxel-based approach but deal with the inner sec- tions of the object. It allows to build an image size- independent algorithm. The proposed method also admits the use of structuring elements of arbitrary size and allows to treat 2D and 3D images in iden- tical way using the same algorithm.
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Erosion and Dilation on 2D and 3D Digital Images: A new
size-independent approach
J. Rodriguez and D. Ayala
Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Software Department (Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform`atics)
Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Email: [jrodri,dolorsa]
This paper presents a new approach to achieve ele-
mentary neighborhood operations on both 2D and
3D binary images by using the Extreme Vertices
Model (EVM), a recent orthogonal polyhedra repre-
sentation applied to digital images. The operations
developed here are erosion and dilation. In contrast
with previous techniques, this method do not use a
voxel-based approach but deal with the inner sec-
tions of the object. It allows to build an image size-
independent algorithm. The proposed method also
admits the use of structuring elements of arbitrary
size and allows to treat 2D and 3D images in iden-
tical way using the same algorithm.
1 Introduction
A 3D digital image (or volume dataset) can be rep-
resented as a map , in such a
way that every point is assigned a value represent-
ing its color. In a binary image the image set is
. In [10] a 3D digital image is defined as an
union of voxels i.e. upright unit cubes whose ver-
tices have integer coordinates. Analogously, a 2D
digital image is defined as a union of pixels. In or-
der to generalize this term, we will call the elements
in a n-dimensional digital image n-voxels.
The most extensive class of binary images pro-
cessing operations is sometimes collectively de-
scribed as morphological operations [5]. This in-
cludes erosion and dilation which are the base of
most morphological operations such as opening,
closing or hit-or-miss transform. The operations are
used in several tasks such as elimination of small
spurious objects, smoothing of object boundaries,
This author has been supported by a grant from CONICIT
(VenezuelanCouncil of Research in Science and Technology)
object separation and elimination of small holes in
objects. All of the published algorithms for these
elementary operations have a voxel-based approach
and, therefore, their performance depends on the
size of the image.
In this work we propose a new approach to per-
form erosion and dilation operations using the Ex-
treme Vertices Model (EVM) as a representation
scheme of binary data. This representation model
allows to describe 2D and 3D binary images in a
very concise way and to build erosion and dilation
algorithms which are capable to process both 2D
and 3D digital images in identical way. Our pro-
posal admits the use of box-shaped structuring ele-
ments of arbitrary size. Finally, the algorithms de-
veloped have a performance which is independent
of the amount of n-voxels of the input set.
The section below surveys previous work to im-
prove erosion and dilation algorithms and intro-
duces coarsely our proposal. Then, in Section 3
we review the EVM, showing those definitions and
properties used in this work and discussing the abil-
ity and performance of the EVM as a concise de-
scription of digital images. The following section
describes our proposal for both erosion and dila-
tion operations, using the EVM. Finally, some ex-
perimental results, conclusions and future work are
2 Review of Erosion and Dilation
2.1 Erosion and dilation
Let A and B be sets in . Let de-
note the translation of B by x and let denote the
reflection of B with respect to its origin.
The erosion of A by B, , is defined as [5]:
VMV 2001 Stuttgart, Germany, November 21–23, 2001
which, in words, says that the erosion of A by B is
the set of all points x such that B, translated by x, is
contained in A.
The dilation of A by B, , is defined as [5]:
Thus, the dilation of A by B is the set of all x
displacements of the origin of such that and A
overlap by at least one nonzero element.
Set B is commonly referred to the structuring ele-
ment in erosion, dilation and in other morphological
operations. These operations can also be expressed
in terms of the Minkowski operators [11].
From the above definitions, erosion and dilation
can be described simply in terms of adding or re-
moving n-voxels from the binary image, according
to certain rules which depend on the pattern of the
neighboring n-voxels and the size and shape of the
structuring element. Therefore, erosion can be ex-
plained as a process where the interior of the object
is shrunk as much as the size of the structuring el-
ement, whereas dilation is a process that elongates
the interior of the object.
2.2 Related work
A number of different approaches to improve 2D
algorithms have been reported. All of them use
a more suitable representation of the image data
to improve the performance. Boomgaard and van
Balen [14] use a bitmap representation of binary im-
ages because the CPU operates on 32 pixels in par-
allel. Verwer and van Vliet [15] use a queue of the
contour pixels to avoid traversing all the image each
time. Parker [8] uses maps of distance and Young
et al. [16] used a run-length representation of the
There are also 3D approaches. Zuiderveld [17]
proposes a method for successive dilation opera-
tions of 3D images by using a queue of contour
voxels, following the idea of Verwer and Vliet [15].
Nevertheless, this proposal demands anoverhead of
memory. Thurfjell et al. [12] proposes a method for
fast erode and dilate using the semiboundary repre-
sentation [13]. These two proposals only traverse
the contour n-voxels in the 3D data set. However,
they can not use structuring elements of arbitrary
size. Furthermore, the algorithms for 2D and 3D
data sets vary radically. In other words, they need
different algorithms for each case. Finally, in all of
these methods the cost, both in terms of memory
requirements and in terms of algorithmic efficiency,
increases when the binary data size increases. In
[7] the authors present an approach to improve the
efficiency of erosion and dilation algorithms. The
cost of these algorithms increases with square (cu-
bic) complexity with respect to the size of the struc-
turing element in the 2D (3D) case. Their approach,
then, reduces the complexity by decomposing the
structuring element into several smaller ones.
2.3 Our proposal
The conventional techniques and their improve-
ments perform the process using a voxel-based ap-
proach. In contrast, our proposal identifies the inner
sections of the object directly from the EVM rep-
resentation, then it operates (shrinks or elongates)
these sections and, afterwards, computes the new
EVM representation of the transformed object.
In contrast with previous implementations of ero-
sion and dilation, our method treats 2D and 3D im-
ages with the same algorithm. The algorithm is a
recursive process where the recursion is done over
the dimension. It decomposes the 3D image into 2D
sections which are themselves considered 2D im-
ages and, then, decomposes these 2D images into
1D sections. This is the base case of the recursion
and the algorithm actually performs 1-dimensional
transformations. Our approach admits the use of
box-shaped structuring elements of arbitrary size.
The visualization of the resulting object is as easy
as the visualization of the original one, with no
overhead of memory. Finally, the cost of these op-
erations is independent of the amount of n-voxels of
the input data set. Instead, it is associated with the
orthogonal shape of the object allowing to operate
large sets of co-planar adjacent n-voxels in a single
step. Moreover, our approach is alsoindependent of
the size of the structuring element.
3 Review of the EVM
Orthogonal polyhedra (OP) are polyhedra with all
their faces oriented in three orthogonal directions
and are also named rectangular or isothetic. Or-
thogonal Pseudo-polyhedra (OPP) will refer to reg-
ular and orthogonal polyhedra with a non-manifold
boundary. Figure 1 shows an OPP with a non-
manifold vertex and three non-manifold edges.
The Extreme Vertices Model (EVM) is a very con-
cise representation scheme in which any OP or OPP
can be described using only a subset of its vertices.
A digital image is geometrically analogue to an or-
thogonal polyhedron and can therefore be repre-
sented by the EVM. The EVM is actually a com-
plete (non-ambiguous) solid model: it is an implicit
boundary representation (B-Rep) model, i. e., all
the geometry and topological relations concerning
faces, edges and vertices of the represented OPP can
be obtained from the EVM.
In the following we review some definitions and
properties that are needed in this paper. All con-
cepts are more extensively explained and proved in
a previous paper [2].
3.1 Definitions
Let be an orthogonal pseudo-polyhedron (OPP).
Abrink is the maximal uninterrupted segment built
out of a sequence of collinear and contiguous two-
manifold edges of . The ending vertices of a brink
are called extreme vertices (EV). Figure 1 shows an
OPP with a brink from vertex A to vertex E (both
extreme vertices). In this brink, vertices B, C and D
are non-extreme vertices.
The EVM is a representation scheme in which
any OPP is described by its (an only its) set of EV.
Aplane of vertices () is the set of vertices ly-
ing on a plane perpendicular to a main axis of .A
slice is the region between two consecutive planes
of vertices. A section () is the resulting polygon
from the intersection between and an orthogonal
plane. Each slice has its representing section. Fig-
ure 1 shows an OPP with its planes of vertices and
sections perpendicular to the axis.
All these definitions can be extended to any di-
mension [4]. In this paper we are concerned with
dimension . Planes of vertices and sections
obtained from a 3D object are, then, 2D orthogo-
nal polygons. From them, we can obtain their 1D
lines of vertices and their 2D slices with their corre-
sponding 1D sections. Finally, lines of vertices and
1D sections are 1D objects which are composed of
one or several brinks.
In the EVM model the set of EV can be ordered
in six possible ways depending on the coordinate
values: XYZ, XZY, YXZ, YZX, ZXY, and ZYX.
In an XYZ ordered EVM, planes of vertices per-
pendicular to the X axis appear ordered from low
values to high values and, in each of them, lines
of vertices parallel to the Y axis appear also ordered
from low values to high values.
S1 S2
Plv1 Plv2 S3 S4 S5 S6 = φS0 = φPlv3 Plv4 Plv5 Plv6
Figure 1: An OPP with a marked brink from vertex
A to vertex E. Its planes of vertices and sections
perpendicular to the X axis are shown in dark and
light grey respectively.
3.2 Properties of the EVM
The first property concerning the EVM is that co-
ordinate values of non-extreme vertices may be ob-
tained from EV coordinates.
The second property allow sections to be com-
puted from planes of vertices and vice-versa:
where and denote the projections of
and onto a main plane parallel to ,
is the number of planes of vertices and de-
notes the regularized XOR operation. Note that in
order to operate with the projections we need not
take into account the coordinate of the extreme ver-
tices that corresponds to the projecting plane.
Applying the definition of the operation, this
last equation can be expressed as:
and, thus, we can decompose any plane of vertices
into two terms that we will call forward difference
and backward difference (FD and BD for short).
The following property, based on and ,
guarantees that the correct orientation of all faces of
can be obtained from its EVM: is the set
of faces on whose normal vector points to
one side of the main axis perpendicular to ,
while is the set of faces whose normal vec-
tor points to the opposite side. Figure 2 shows an
OPP with its sections and with its FD and BD. This
property together with the second one (equations 3
and 4) provide proof that the EVM is a complete
B-Rep model.
Plv1 Plv2 Plv3 Plv4 Plv5 Plv6
Figure 2: Sections are shown in dark grey, FD in
black (pointing to the right) and BD in light grey
(pointing to the left).
The following property concerns the XOR oper-
ation: Let and be two d-D (d 3) OPP, having
and as their respective mod-
els, then,
This property means that the XOR operation
works in 0D, because it is applied to the EV of
the model. Therefore, sections are obtained from
planes of vertices and vice-versa by applying the
XOR operation to the extreme vertices.
General Boolean operations between OPP can
be carried out by applying recursively the same
Boolean operation over the corresponding OPP sec-
tions. This algorithm is presented in [1] and con-
sists in a geometric merge between the EVM of
both operands which involve as a basic operation
the XOR between EV.
3.3 Conversion algorithms
In a previous work [9] a conversion algorithm from
a 3D digital image to the EVM is presented. This
algorithm consists in a traversal of the set of voxels
in the image detecting in a very simple way all the
EV, which are stored in the EVM.
The EVM is a B-Rep model which contains the
information of all the boundary in an implicit way.
Therefore, we can compute the boundary of an
EVM representad object from the EVM. In [3] a
conversion algorithm from the EVM to a hierar-
chical B-Rep is presented. A hierarchical B-Rep
contains the geometric information of all vertices
(coordinates) and faces (oriented normal vectors)
and the topological relations and
. The obtained B-Rep nodel
is composed by a relatively few large orthogonal
faces instead of a large number of little triangular
faces, as in marching cubes like approaches [6], or
a large number of little quadrangular faces, as in
other block-form approaches as the semiboundary
representation (see Figures 3, 4 and 5).
3.4 Performance of the EVM
EVM is a very concise model but, for storage
and transmission purposes, it can be further com-
pressed. In [9] several compression techniques
applied to EVM have been presented and evalu-
ated. We compared the EVM with the semibound-
ary representation (SB) [13] because SB was the
block-form representation that best performed as
we concluded from the consulted literature. Now
we present two tables that sum up the comparison
between EVM and SB showing that EVM is more
concise than SB. The models referred in these tables
are shown in Figures 3, 4 and 5.
Table 1 compares the SB and EVM models in
terms of memory (bytes).
Table 2 compares the number of faces obtained
when the EVM and the SB models are converted
to a B-Rep model. In this table also is shown the
number of triangular faces for the marching cubes
representation (MC).
Memory (bytes) SB EVM
boxes(16x16x10) 3438 720
skull(96x96x69) 105979 60924
ctHead(256x256x94) 453016 291136
Table 1: Memory comparisons
BRep(faces) MC-BRep SB-BRep EVM-BRep
boxes(16x16x10) 1349 1236 36
skull(96x96x69) 97467 49030 16407
ctHead(256x256x94) 336283 180288 54570
Table 2: Number of faces
4 Erosion and Dilation using the EVM
Let be the EVM representation of an
OPP, . Let and be the plane of ver-
tices and section of respectively , .
The erosion (dilation) of using the EVM is a
sequential process that, for each coordinate axis,
traverses all the planes of vertices of
and computes all its sections of ; then,
it shrinks (or elongates) these sections and recom-
putes the new planes of vertices obtaining the EVM
of the eroded (dilated) .
The shrink and elongate operations are recur-
sive processes which transform the sections only
when they become one-dimensional, i.e., a list of
collinear brinks. The shrink operation, Shrink(P),is
defined by:
where dim is the dimension of P, is the sec-
tion of P and Shrink-1D (P) consists in shrinking
each brink of the one-dimensional . The shrink-
Figure 3: SB-BRep and EVM-BRep of boxes
Figure 4: SB-BRep and EVM-BRep of skull
Figure 5: SB-BRep and EVM-BRep of ctHead
ing operation depends on the size of structuring ele-
ment. An identical recursive process can be defined
for Elongate(P).
Applying the properties described by equations 3
to 5 (see 3.2), it is clear that Shrink(P) recomputes
all the planes of vertices of P in terms of its trans-
formed sections. All of these recomputed planes
of vertices together define the eroded . Figure 6
illustrates the recursion for the erosion of a single
polyhedron in one of the three needed directions.
Figure 6: Single-direction erosion of a polyhedron
In this process the structuring element is simply
the measure to shorten (or elongate) the brinks at the
lowest dimension. The structuring element is not a
mask as in the voxel-based approaches. Instead, it
is one measure for each dimension of the object.
Thus, we can define structuring elements of arbi-
trary size and also, with different ratios for each di-
rection. Nevertheless, the structuring elements are
The following algorithm shows this recursive
process for the erosion operation along one of
the main axes (the C axis). Dilation only differs
in the implementation of the 1D-transformation,
changing the call to Shrink-1D for Elongate-1D.
PROCEDURE C-shrink (INPUT p: EVM, dim: int, ratio: int
plv, S0, S1, ShrunkS0, ShrunkS1, New-plv: EVM; nc: int
IF (dim = 1) THEN
Shrink-1D (p, ratio, ShrunkS1);
dim:= dim - 1;
S0:= ;
ShrunkS0:= S0;
DOplv:= ReadPlv (p, dim);
nc:= GetCoord (plv, dim);
S1:= S0 plv;
C-shrink (S1, dim, ratio, ShrunkS1);
New-plv:= ShrunkS0 ShrunkS1;
SetCoord (New-plv, nc);
PutPlv (New-plv, q, dim);
S0:= S1;
ShrunkS0:= ShrunkS1;
This algorithm uses the basic operations of the
EVM: ReadPlv (p, dim) returns the current plane of
vertices of p.PutPlv (p, q, dim) adds the plane or
line of vertices pto the EVM q.EndEVM () detects
the end of the model. The operation between two
sections produces a plane or line of vertices and be-
tween a section and a plane or line of vertices pro-
duces the next section (see 3.2). Finally,GetCoord
(p, dim) gets the constant coordinate of ,
which is a plane or a line of vertices, according to
its dimension, dim, and SetCoord (plv, nc) sets the
corresponding coordinate of as nc.
It is important to note that the recursive algorithm
above is called once for each ABC ordering (ABX,
ABY and ABZ) of the EVM. Thus, the trans-
formation of the 1D sections done by the proce-
dure Shrink-1D (or Elongate-1D), shrinks (or elon-
gates) only the corresponding C-coordinate each
time. Procedure Shrink-1D shrinks a 1D section
which consists of one or more brinks. All brinks
of this line are shortened in both extreme vertices
by the specified ratio and some of them may be-
come null. Alternatively, in the C-elongate proce-
dure, Elongate-1D, elongates all brinks and some
of them can merge (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Procedures (a) Shrink-1D and (b)
Elongate-1D applied to a 1D section composed by
three brinks. In (a) the first brink becomes null and
in (b) the two last brinks are merged
5 Experimental Results
Now we present some results obtained with our
EVM oriented approach. Figure 8 shows an orig-
inal image with its corresponding eroded image and
Figure 9 shows a progressive erosion of a picture
(magallanes). Figure 10 shows another example of
erosion and dilation using a square structuring el-
ement (test2D) in which the erosion operation has
eliminated a thin part. Figure 11 presents a non-
uniform dilation of a CT slice called testCT. The di-
lation is applied only in the direction and, there-
fore, the object appears more and more broader in
each dilation step but its height remains unchanged.
Finally, Figure 12 shows dilation of the frontal part
of a skull obtained from CT data (skull).
Figure 8: Original image (above) with the corre-
sponding eroded one (below). In the middle, gray
pixels would be the eliminated pixels in a voxel-
oriented approach
Figure 9: Progressive erosion (Magallanes)
Figure 10: Erosion and dilation of test2D
Table 3 presents, for each data set, its resolu-
tion, the number of boundary n-voxels of the im-
age, the number of brinks within its EVM represen-
tation and the processing time for both erosion and
dilation operations. We can note that the process-
ing time increases only when the number of brinks
Table 4 shows a double-size copy of the former
data sets. For each one, we have obtained the EVM
representation again. We can note that the number
of boundary elements has increased a lot. However
the processing time remains almost the same be-
cause the number of brinks is almost the same too.
It proves that our algorithm’s performance is image
Figure 11: Non-uniform dilation testCT
Figure 12: Two views of the dilation of a skull ex-
tracted from a CT data set (skull)
Data set #bound #brinks Erosion Dilation
400x159 9692 1173 0.19 0.19
100x100 2516 14 0.01 0.01
96x96 2158 224 0.04 0.02
96x41x69 36184 6839 12.39 13.42
Table 3: Processing time (in seconds)
6 Conclusions and future work
Previous authors have presented important im-
provements of the morphological operations ero-
sion and dilation by using suitable representation
of the data, but they must to use different schemes
to represent 2D and 3D images. Therefore, they
had to build different algorithms for each case. We
have developed an algorithm which deals with both
cases in identical way because of its recursive be-
havior. Our proposal, also admits the using of ar-
bitrary size structuring elements and works directly
on the EVM representation without using any aux-
iliary data structure. Furthermore, these operations
become image-size independent in our approach.
The EVM representation, in our experience, has
become a useful representation scheme for digital
Doubles #bound #brinks Eros. Dilat.
(767x318) 37124 1173 0.22 0.21
(200x200) 10064 14 0.01 0.01
(192x192) 8632 224 0.04 0.03
(192x82x138) 187592 6859 13.9 14.78
Table 4: Processing time for double-sized images
2D and 3D images and the developed morphologi-
cal operations increase the potential of this model.
We hope, in the future, to complete this work by
studying operations as connected component label-
ing, thinning, detection of non-manifold zones and
holes and computing the genus of 2D and 3D digital
images, using the EVM model.
This work has been partially supported by a CICYT
grant TIC99-1230-C02-02.
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... For detecting members, it is essential to preserve the structure/shape of the highlighted pixels. Hence, a combination of dilation and erosion algorithm [75] is used to enhance the suggestion features/shape and then a threshold is applied to get rid of the extra noise. Applying these processing techniques have shown to be useful while extracting meaningful features from an image [75] and showed improvements in inference results for the current work. ...
... Hence, a combination of dilation and erosion algorithm [75] is used to enhance the suggestion features/shape and then a threshold is applied to get rid of the extra noise. Applying these processing techniques have shown to be useful while extracting meaningful features from an image [75] and showed improvements in inference results for the current work. ...
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... Member: For detecting members it is essential to preserve the structure/shape of the highlighted pixels. Hence a combination of dilation and erosion algorithm [75] is used to enhance the suggestion features/shape and then a threshold is applied to get rid of the extra noise. Applying these processing techniques have shown to be useful while extracting meaningful features from an image [75] and showed improvements in inference results for the current work. ...
... Hence a combination of dilation and erosion algorithm [75] is used to enhance the suggestion features/shape and then a threshold is applied to get rid of the extra noise. Applying these processing techniques have shown to be useful while extracting meaningful features from an image [75] and showed improvements in inference results for the current work. ...
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Humans as designers have quite versatile problem-solving strategies. Computer agents on the other hand can access large scale computational resources to solve certain design problems. Hence, if agents can learn from human behavior, a synergetic human-agent problem solving team can be created. This paper presents an approach to extract human design strategies and implicit rules, purely from historical human data, and use that for design generation. A two-step framework that learns to imitate human design strategies from observation is proposed and implemented. This framework makes use of deep learning constructs to learn to generate designs without any explicit information about objective and performance metrics. The framework is designed to interact with the problem through a visual interface as humans did when solving the problem. It is trained to imitate a set of human designers by observing their design state sequences without inducing problem-specific modelling bias or extra information about the problem. Furthermore, an end-to-end agent is developed that uses this deep learning framework as its core in conjunction with image processing to map pixel-to-design moves as a mechanism to generate designs. Finally, the designs generated by a computational team of these agents are then compared to actual human data for teams solving a truss design problem. Results demonstrates that these agents are able to create feasible and efficient truss designs without guidance, showing that this methodology allows agents to learn effective design strategies.
... Member: For detecting members it is essential to preserve the structure/shape of the highlighted pixels. Hence a combination of dilation and erosion algorithm [75] is used to enhance the suggestion features/shape and then a threshold is applied to get rid of the extra noise. Applying these processing techniques have shown to be useful while extracting meaningful features from an image [75] and showed improvements in inference results for the current work. ...
... Hence a combination of dilation and erosion algorithm [75] is used to enhance the suggestion features/shape and then a threshold is applied to get rid of the extra noise. Applying these processing techniques have shown to be useful while extracting meaningful features from an image [75] and showed improvements in inference results for the current work. ...
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Humans as designers have quite versatile problem-solving strategies. Computer agents on the other hand can access large scale computational resources to solve certain design problems. Hence, if agents can learn from human behavior, a synergetic human-agent problem solving team can be created. This paper presents an approach to extract human design strategies and implicit rules, purely from historical human data, and use that for design generation. A two-step framework that learns to imitate human design strategies from observation is proposed and implemented. This framework makes use of deep learning constructs to learn to generate designs without any explicit information about objective and performance metrics. The framework is designed to interact with the problem through a visual interface as humans did when solving the problem. It is trained to imitate a set of human designers by observing their design state sequences without inducing problem-specific modelling bias or extra information about the problem. Furthermore, an end-to-end agent is developed that uses this deep learning framework as its core in conjunction with image processing to map pixel-to-design moves as a mechanism to generate designs. Finally, the designs generated by a computational team of these agents are then compared to actual human data for teams solving a truss design problem. Results demonstrates that these agents are able to create feasible and efficient truss designs without guidance, showing that this methodology allows agents to learn effective design strategies.
... The theory of morphology is built on two basic operators: the erosion and dilation [1], which are the base of most morphological operations such as opening and closing [4]. Generally, the morphological operators transform the original image into another image through the interaction with the other image of certain shape and size, which is known as the structure element. ...
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Abstract Morphological filtering is a useful technique for processing and analyzing binary and grayscale images. These filters are effective in impulsive noise filtering, feature extracting, and images enhancing. So it is important to find out method for applying morphological technique on color image and keep the colors unchanged at the same time. This paper deals with the use of morphological filters for suppression "salt & pepper" noise in color images. We have used "component-wise approach", in which grayscale morphological operations are applied to each of the three colors image components independently. We present experimental results of applying this approach for the application of noise suppression in color images.
... First, we extract the skeleton of the reconstructed point cloud [21] and segment the skeleton based on its curvature. Second, we dilate the sub-skeletons [22] to yield the sub-point-clouds, which are the results of the topological segmentation. ...
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The depth estimation of the 3D deformable object has become increasingly crucial to various intelligent applications. In this paper, we propose a feature-based approach for accurate depth estimation of a deformable 3D object with a single camera, which reduces the problem of depth estimation to a pose estimation problem. The proposed method needs to reconstruct the target object at the very beginning. With the 3D reconstruction as an a priori model, only one monocular image is required afterwards to estimate the target object’s depth accurately, regardless of pose changes or deformability of the object. Experiments are taken on an NAO robot and a human to evaluate the depth estimation accuracy by the proposed method.
... Die zwei Basisoperatoren sind Dilation 6 und Erosion 7 , aus denen sich komplexere Operationen zusammensetzen lassen. Die Anwendung eines strukturierenden Elementes B auf ein binäres Bild A lässt sich mathematisch wie folgt ausdrücken, wobei (B) x die Translation von B um x bezeichnet,B ist die Spiegelung von B um den Ursprung (Rodriguez und Ayala 2001). ...
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The given diploma thesis deals with the design as well as the implementation of a system for videobased, monoculare position determinition of objects, provided that their movement can be assumed to be on an area surface. Mathematical principles to transform and to build up camera models were developed, in order to choose a virtual viewport relative to the model in such a way, that the virtual view onto the model corresponds to the picture taken by the real camera. This allows the assignment between two-dimensional points in image space and three-dimensional points on the area surface in world space, so that the world space coordinates of the bottom of an object can be detected by means of image processing. In conclusion such a system was built up and evaluated in sports applications, mainly ski races.
... There are well specified procedures under the nD-EVM which allow performing Regularized Boolean Operations, Polytopes Splitting, Discrete Compactness Computation, Morphological Operations, Connected Components Labeling, Boundary Extraction, among others. In [1], [14], [17], [18], [19] & [24] there are described with enough detail algorithms based in the nD-EVM which are useful and efficient for performing these interrogations and/or manipulations. ...
In this paper we are going to describe the steps that conform a novel approach for representation of multidimensional datasets through the proposed Framework nD-EVM/Kohonen. In this sense two phases are going to be taken in account: 1) the application of 1-Dimensional Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (1D-KSOMs) in order to achieve (n-1)D hypervoxelizations' segmentations, n ≥ 2, taking in account their geometrical and topological properties to characterize the information contained in the datasets. 2) The segmented multidimensional datasets are specified as Orthogonal Polytopes whose n-th Dimension is associated to a 1D-KSOM classification. Subsequently, the nD representation is concisely expressed via the Extreme Vertices Model in the n-Dimensional Space (nD-EVM). There is presented a comparative analysis based on the use of False Color Maps in order to understand they way our considered 1D-KSOMs distribute appropriately their weights vectors along the classification space, even better than classifications based exclusively on color intensity. Additionally, we present some arguments to sustain that a 1D-KSOM is an adequate option in terms of temporal complexity and, on the other hand, that our representation is concise in terms of spatial complexity because of the nD-EVM properties.
... Furthermore, there are well specified procedures under the D-EVM which allow performing Regularized Boolean Operations, Polytopes Splitting, Discrete Compactness Computation, Morphological Operations, Connected Components Labeling, Boundary Extraction, among others. In [9,10,12,21,24,25] there are described with enough detail algorithms based in the D-EVM which are useful and efficient for performing these interrogations and/or manipulations. ...
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A new framework intended for representing and segmenting multidimensional datasets resulting in low spatial complexity requirements and with appropriate access to their contained information is described. Two steps are going to be taken in account. The first step is to specify ()D hypervoxelizations, , as Orthogonal Polytopes whose th dimension corresponds to color intensity. Then, the D representation is concisely expressed via the Extreme Vertices Model in the -Dimensional Space (D-EVM). Some examples are presented, which, under our methodology, have storing requirements minor than those demanded by their original hypervoxelizations. In the second step, 1-Dimensional Kohonen Networks (1D-KNs) are applied in order to segment datasets taking in account their geometrical and topological properties providing a non-supervised way to compact even more the proposed -Dimensional representations. The application of our framework shares compression ratios, for our set of study cases, in the range 5.6496 to 32.4311. Summarizing, the contribution combines the power of the D-EVM and 1D-KNs by producing very concise datasets’ representations. We argue that the new representations also provide appropriate segmentations by introducing some error functions such that our 1D-KNs classifications are compared against classifications based only in color intensities. Along the work, main properties and algorithms behind the D-EVM are introduced for the purpose of interrogating the final representations in such a way that it efficiently obtains useful geometrical and topological information.
Conference Paper
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is the model that gives elevation of each point of the earth surface in discrete form in a 3-D space. Image registration, implies registration of multi-temporal, multi-modal, multi-resolution, images of the same area. Registration of DEMs is now a days gaining a lot of popularity among the research community. DEM registration, in this case, is the registration of multi-temporal DEMs. Popular techniques for feature extraction and matching include wavelet approach, robust SIFT, or are based "super-points". This paper presents the DEM registration scheme based on watershed transformation, followed by two post-processing steps of clustering and morphological operations which is applied on both the DEMs – candidate, as well as, reference DEM. Chain coding based matching is concluding step of the complete process. The system is semi-automatic i.e. expert input is considered before the final registration. Experimental results give good outcomes as shown from the error matrix analysis of RMSE, and PSNR. The system may be extended by using fuzzy classification and context-sensitive learning.
The Extreme Vertices Model (EVM) has been presented as a concise and complete model for orthogonal pseudo-polyhedra (OPP) in the solid modeling field. This model exploits the simplicity of its domain by allowing robust and simple implementations. In this paper we use the EVM to represent and process images and volume data sets. We will prove that the EVM works as an efficient scheme of representation for binary volumes as well as a powerful block-form surface renderer which avoids the redundancy of primitives on the extracted isosurface. In addition, to achieve more realism, the normal vectors at vertices can be added to the model. Furthermore, an efficient tessellator of non-convex orthogonal faces is presented. Useful operating and manipulating tools can be implemented over the EVM, like editing operations via Boolean operators, non voxel-based morphological operations and an improved connected component labeling algorithm. The well-composedness property of the volume can be detected easily.
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Computer image-processing techniques are often used in, for example, the analysis of thin sections of reservoir rock because of the large amounts of data contained in a single digitized section image. Erosion and dilation are operations frequently used in this type of work to iteratively smooth the pore perimeters and in estimating pore radii, volume, and roughness. Because of the size of each image, erosion and dilation of pore complex images is a time-consuming process. A recent method calledglobal erosion is much faster whether used on small, in-memory images or large images residing on a file. Use of this method should allow processing of larger images, or a greater number of small images, than do the standard methods.
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In this paper we investigate orthogonal polyhedra, i.e. poly- hedra which are nite unions of full-dimensional hyper-rectangles. We dene representation schemes for these polyhedra based on their ver- tices, and show that these compact representation schemes are canonical for all (convex and non-convex) polyhedra in any dimension. We then develop ecien t algorithms for membership, face-detection and Boolean operations for these representations.
Set membership classification and, specifically, the evaluation of a CSG tree, are problems of a certain complexity. Several techniques to speed up these processes have been proposed. This include Active Zones, Geometric Bounds and the Extended Convex Differences Tree. Boxes are the most commonly studied geometric bounds, although other bounds such as spheres, convex hulls and prisms have also been proposed. On the other hand, there is an extended bibliography dealing with convex polyhedra and solving problems for this class of polyhedra. Orthogonal polyhedra are also a class of polyhedra and several problems have been solved for them. In this work we propose orthogonal polyhedra as geometric bounds in the CSG model. CSG primitives are approximated by orthogonal polyhedra, and the orthogonal bound of the object is obtained by applying the corresponding boolean algebra. A specific model for orthogonal polyhedra is presented that facilitates a simple and robust boolean operations algorithm between orthogonal polyhedra. This algorithm has linear complexity (is based on a merging process) and avoids floating-point computation.
A three-dimensional digital object is a union of voxels, i.e., upright unit cubes whose vertices have integer coordinates. The surface of such an object thus consists of surface pixels, i.e., unit squares parallel to the coordinate planes and whose vertices have integer coordinates. This paper discusses some basic properties of digital surfaces.
In this paper new fast algorithms for erosion dilation, propagation and skeletonization are presented. The key principle of the algorithms is to process object contours. A queue is implemented to store the contours in each iteration for the next iteration. The contours can be passed from one operation to another as well. Contour filling and object labelling become available by minor modifications of the basic operations. The time complexity of the algoriths is linear with the number of contour elements to be processed. The algorithms prove to be faster than any other known algorithm.
The binary and Minkowski operators are considered here to be the set of Boolean functions on binary pictures that perform the functions AND, OR, NOT, EXCLUSIVE-OR, SHRINK, DILATE, OPEN, CLOSE, and MEDIAL-AXIS TRANSFORM. Through proper coding of the objects in a binary picture we show that these operators can be implemented in such a way as to decrease significantly computational complexity. The complexity is measured here as the number of primitive operations that must be executed on a picture of sizeN × N. A primitive operation is, for example, the algebraic comparison of two integer numbers. Except for pathological conditions, our implementation leads to complexities on the order of N; conventional implementations lead to complexities on the order ofN2.
In this paper we present new implementations for morphological binary image processing on a general-purpose computer, using a bitmap representation of binary images instead of representing binary images as bitplanes inserted in gray value images. The bitmap data representation is a very efficient one, both in terms of memory requirements and in terms of algorithmic efficiency because of the CPU operates on 32 pixels in parallel. The algorithms described in this paper are capable of performing the basic morphological image transforms using structuring elements of arbitrary size and shape. In order to speed up morphological operations with respect to commonly used, large, convex structuring elements, the logarithmic decomposition of structuring elements is used. Experiments indicate that the new algorithms are more than 30 times faster for pixelwise operations and about an order of magnitude faster for the basic morphological transforms than the fastest known software implementations.
Conference Paper
In recent published papers we presented the Extreme Vertices Model (EVM), a concise and complete model for representing orthogonal polyhedra and pseudopolyhedra (OPP). This model exploits the simplicity of its domain by allowing robust and simple algorithms for set-membership classification and Boolean operations that do not need to perform floating-point operations. Several applications of this model have also been published, including the suitability of OPP as geometric bounds in Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG). In this paper, we present an algorithm which converts from this model into a B-Rep model. We also develop the application of the Alternating Sum of Volumes decomposition to this particular type of polyhedra by taking advantage of the simplicity of the EVM. Finally we outline our future work, which deals with the suitability of the EVM in the field of digital images processing.