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The Ariadne Debugger: Scalable Application of Event-Based Abstraction.

The Ariadne Debugger:
Scalable Application of Event-Based Abstraction
Janice Cuny,
George Forman,
Alfred Hough,
Joydip Kundu,
Calvin Lin,
Lawrence Snyder,
and David Stemple
Revised June 1993
1 Introduction
Massively parallel computations are dicult to debug. Users are often overwhelmed by large amounts of trace
data and confused by the eects of asynchrony. Event-based behavioral abstraction provides a mechanism
for managing the volume of data by allowing users to sp ecify models of intended program behavior that
are automatically compared to actual program behavior [2, 3, 5, 14, 16]. Transformations of logical time
ameliorate the diculties of coping with asynchrony by allowing users to see behavior from a variety of
temporal persp ectives [7, 15, 19, 21]. Previously, we combined these features in a debugger that automatically
constructed animations of user-dened abstract events in logical time [14]. However, our debugger, like
many others, did not always provide sucient feedback nor did it eectively scale up for massive parallelism.
Our modeling language required complex recognition algorithms which precluded informative feedback on
abstractions that did not correspond to observed behavior. Feedback on abstractions that did match behavior
was limited because it relied on graphical animations that did not scale well to even moderate numbers of
processes (such as 64). We address these problems in a new debugger, called Ariadne.
Ariadne uses a simple language to specify behavioral abstractions as patterns of events in logical time.
These patterns are detected in traces of program b ehavior by collections of small nite-state recognizers which
allow substantive feedback on match failures. There are three salient features of Ariadne: The rst is the
ability to provide feedback on failures, the second is the scalability of its patterns and non-graphical output,
and the third is the conciseness of its modeling language. These features, however, are accompanied by some
loss of expressivity. The loss of expressivity means that patterns are often too coarse, matching behaviors
in unintended ways. Ariadne comp ensates for this by providing functions that return the characteristics
of matched behaviors. As an example, a user might match a number of multicasts in an execution trace
and then use functional queries to determine which processes actually wrote values or where those values
were sent. Ariadne's combination of pattern matches and functional queries allows the user to investigate
an execution trace thoroughly.
Section 2 provides an overview of our approach and Section 3 provides several sample debugging
sessions illustrating its capabilities.
2 Our Approach
Ariadne is a
post mortem
debugger for massively parallel, MIMD message-passing systems. It is designed for
correctness debugging, and it supports the user in investigating global interprocess communication patterns.
Ariadne operates on traces produced by parallel programs.
Within these traces, processes, identied
by integer process ids (PIDs), execute sequences of primitive events. The debugger currently supports four
primitive event types: Read, Write, Multicast, and Phase Marker. Reads, Writes, and Multicasts denote
interprocess communication, and Phase Markers denote the ends of logical phases of computation. The
traces are stored internally in an
execution history graph
where the nodes represent events and the edges
Partial support for this work was provided by the Oce of Naval Research under contract N00014-89-J-1368, by the National
Science Foundation under grant CCR-9023256, and by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under DARPA pro ject
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
Department of Computer Science and Engineering FR-35, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Amerinex Articial Intelligence Inc., Amherst, MA 01002
In Greek mythology, Ariadne provided Theseus with the thread that enabled him to nd his way through the Labyrinth to
slay the Minotaur.
Currently our traces are taken from a simulator or generated by hand.
represent communication events; from these traces we can derive Lamport's
happened before
relation [17]. A
number of debuggers provide visualizations of execution history graphs [9, 11, 12, 21] but such visualizations
do not scale well for massively parallel systems. Ariadne allows the user to view the graph but it does not
rely on visualization. Instead, it supports interactive, textual explorations of the graph.
Here we briey describe three aspects of this support: the modeling language, the facilities for manip-
ulating logical temporal orderings, and the functions that are available for investigating the characteristics
of pattern matches and mismatches.
2.1 The Ariadne Mo deling Language
As mentioned above, previous attempts at using event-based abstraction in debugging have been limited
by the complexity of the modeling language. Ariadne's language is quite simple. It employs a three level
description of communication patterns in terms of
, and
are patterns representing \local views" of communication. They are described by extensions
of regular expressions. When they are matched against an execution history graph, all events in the
chain must occur exactly in the order specied with the exception of communication events that are
not physically realized b ecause of \edge eects" on process array boundaries [1].
are patterns representing the concurrent execution of a chain by a set of processes. They are
described by binding a chain to a process set. When a p-chain is matched against a b ehavior, a copy
of its chain is matched on each element of its process set (events can be shared across, but not within,
are patterns representing the logical, temporal composition of a set of p-chains. They are
matched in a two step process: rst events matching the p-chains are located in the graph and then
the specied logical relations between those events are veried. When a pt-chain has been successfully
matched, it returns an
abstract event
which is a structure containing the matched instances of events;
these instances are removed from the trace and are unavailable for further matching unless explicitly
These three denitional levels appear to form a natural mechanism for describing parallel systems,
as evidenced by their use in other contexts such as the XYZ levels of Phase Abstractions [24] and the
LaRCS specication language [22]. The matching algorithm for our language is straightforward: a pt-chain
is recognized by a nite state machine that invokes copies of other nite state machines to recognize chains
on specic pro cesses. This matching can be done eciently, avoiding the costliness of pattern matching
approaches [3, 13] and the expensive implementations of previous languages [16]. At the same time, our
matching algorithm can provide precise information on the reasons for a match failure.
2.2 Logical Time Manipulation in Ariadne
Programmers are often confused by the results of asynchronous executions because they can not foresee all
possible interleavings of events. In fact, most of these interleavings are irrelevant: the programmer do es
not care about the arbitrary orderings of events by physical time. Instead, the programmer is concerned
with the
logical ordering of events
. At the primitive event level, this ordering is captured by Lamport's
happened before
relation. Other debuggers have used temporal logic to express assertions about
[6, 10] but they do not use behavioral abstraction. We extend the relation to abstract events, dening
three relations:
, and
[15]. Informally, if
are abstract events, then
) i there is some dependency from an event in
to an event in
no dependency from an event in
to an event in
) i there is no dep endency from an event in
to an event in
and no
dependency from an event in
to an event in
, and
) i there is both a dep endency from an event in
to an event in
a dependency from an event in
to an event in
Similar extensions have been prop osed [8, 16, 18] but we have found our denitions to be more appropriate
for debugging. In particular, our
relation captures the notion that just some part of a complex
happens before
some part of another event; other denitions require a total ordering which is rarely
found in the programs we have examined.
Abstract events may interact in complex ways and often the programmer wishes to focus on particular
aspects of that interaction, excluding all other aspects. Thus, for example, when debugging a program that
used a parallel queue, we were surprised to nd that the
relation held between
operations on the same queue location. This interdependence was the result of logical orderings imposed
by the mechanisms used to resolve competition for queue locations; these orderings had nothing to do with
the correctness of the implementation. When we asked the debugger to ignore all orderings except those
imposed by accesses to queue locations, we were able to correctly interpret the behavior of the program [7].
Ariadne, like our previous debugger, allows the user to selectively ignore some logical orderings and thus
manipulate logical time to create dierent
on program behavior [15].
2.3 Ariadne Queries
In the design of our language, we traded expressivity for simplicity, so we cannot always describe the intended
behaviors precisely. To compensate, Ariadne provides a set of functions that return characteristics of a match.
The user can explore a match with queries such as
Did all matching events occur in parallel?
Which processes were the destinations of a Write in this match?
Which processes matched the rst Read of the pattern?
Why did the match fail on process 12?
At this time, Ariadne provides only rudimentary feedback. Our current work is aimed at expanding its
repertoire. Although simple, Ariadne has proved eective in nding a variety of parallel program bugs. We
have found it exible in allowing the user to examine program behavior from dierent viewpoints. The next
section describes several Ariadne debugging sessions illustrating its modeling language and functionality.
3 Sample Ariadne Debugging Sessions
In this section, we illustrate the power of our modeling language, the use of logical time, and our query
facilities. We describe four sample debugging sessions using the Ariadne prototype.
3.1 Permutation
Our rst example involves a simple permutation of values, stored one per process: each process computes
its receiving process, sends its value to the appropriate destination, and reads a new value. The program we
debugged worked correctly on small processor arrays but failed on an array of 512 processes.
Summary of Debugging Session.
In examining an execution history graph from the 512 process system,
we rst tried to match the expected pattern for a permutation (that is, a Write followed by a Read on
each process). The pattern was not found and we were told that only processes with PIDs less than 256
completed their
chain. In examining the behavior of the remaining pro cesses, we discovered that all
of the processes wrote their values to the lower 256 processes. This pointed us to an error in the address
The Ariadne prototype is only partially implemented. The matching faciltities and many of the query functions have been
implemented but the syntax we use here is not yet available in the prototype. In addition, several recent modications to the
language including the use of
clauses as lters and the shue operator on the chain level have not yet been implemented.
The examples in this paper, with the exception of the triangulation session, have been run on the prototype although in a few
cases, we had to hand compute values returned by query functions.
Debugging Session.
We began by dening chain and p-chain patterns to be used in matching.
Chains are described by a slight extension to regular expressions. Our expressions, over primitive
event types, use operations of concatenation (denoted by adjacency), alternation (
), shue (
), and Kleene
Star (
For this example, we modeled the activity of a pro cess with the pattern
which describes a
followed by a
on a single process. For future reference, we also named the
components of the pattern and the pattern itself. The complete chain denition was thus
? PermutationChain = send: W receive: R
name the event matched by
respectively. The Ariadne prompt {
{ is
used in this paper to distinguish between lines of user input and debugger output. p-Chains are described
by binding a chain to a set of processes. In this case,
was bound by
? Permutation = PermutationChain ONALL PROCS
to the set of all processes (denoted
). The keyword
indicates that a copy of the chain must
originate on each member of that set.
pt-Chains are used to describe the temporal composition of p-chains. In this example, we are looking
for a single instance of
and thus the specication is trivial. We ask for a match with
? PermuteEvent = match Permutation
If the match had succeeded,
would have been set to the resulting abstract event. In this
case, however, it failed;
was set to
and the following feedback was given
Match failed: Search failure.
Looking for Permutation.
Found 256 chains on
; using 256 pro cesses.
This indicates that the search failed while looking for the p-chain
and that during the search,
256 complete chains were recognized, one initiating on each of the processes numbered 0 through 255. The
last part of the message gives the number of processes that had primitive events matched by the completed
This information told us that no process ab ove 255 did both a
and a
. To investigate
further, we asked for additional information about the behavior of a specic pro cess using the
attempts to recognize a single chain on a single process and provides feedback on
the reason for a failure. In this case, it rep orted
? matchchain PermutationChain ON 256
Match failed: Chain failure.
Expecting an R but encountered the Right Cursor.
Right Cursor
marks the right end of the portion of the execution history graph that we are examining.
Thus this response indicated that process 256 wrote a value but did not read one. Since this did not seem
to help in locating the error, we tried another tactic.
We broke the pattern into two simple pieces, rst matching all of the
s and then matching all
of the
s. The dialogue went as follows:
? WriteEvents = match PWrite
Match succeeded.
Found 512 p-chains on
; using 512 pro cesses.
? ReadEvents = match PRead
Match failed: Search failure.
Looking for PRead.
Found 256 chains on
; using 256 pro cesses.
Note that the shue operator is expensive to implement. We included it to model the behavior of guarded input commands;
thus in practice, we would expect that only a few items will get shued at a time. We allow its use only on the chain level.
This is more helpful. It indicates that all
s occurred as expected but no pro cess above 255 received a
value. Where did the missing values go? We found out by asking
? destinations (WriteEvents)
This is our rst example of a function returning the characteristics of a match. Each such function takes
an abstract event as its argument and recursively searches the structure of that event. In the case of the
function, the structure is searched for
and the set of destinations for those
events is returned. The feedback was
Values written to 256 processes:
indicating that
of the values written by the 512 processes were directed at the lower 256 pro cesses. Clearly
there was some problem in the address calculation code. In fact, the variable holding the destination PID
was mistakenly allocated to be an 8-bit quantity; larger values were truncated. Thus, only processes whose
identier was less than 256 could complete correctly.
If the same address truncation had occurred in a program for compression rather than permutation,
it would have b een harder to detect. A compression is very much like a permutation except that not all of
the processes write or read values. During compression, the nonzero elements of an array (stored one value
per process) are moved to the beginning of that array. Only processes with nonzero data values
only processes at the b eginning of the array that are to receive a value
. Thus, the chain denition
used above,
, would not work because it is a
chain that follows the activity of a single
process. Instead, we must use a
pattern that follows the path of a communication. This is
described by the pattern
? CompressionCh = send: W
receive: R
moves the
context of the match
{ that is it changes the process and the location for matching { to
the receiving process. Thus this pattern matches a
on the initiating pro cess and then follows that
communication edge to continue matching on the process that is its destination.
Not all of the processes execute the
pattern (only those initially holding nonzero
values), so we can not determine
a priori
the set of processes for binding. Instead we use
? Compression = CompressionCh ONSOME PROCS
where the keyword
indicates that a successful match need only occur on a nonempty subset
of the given process set. Now, however, when we do the match, it succeeds despite the presence of the
truncation error:
? CompressionEvent = match Compression
Match succeeded.
Found 256 p-chains on
139,141,143..149,156,158,160..189,196,197..234,241,245..258, 267,269,276,
using 362 processes.
Note that the process set is not consecutive because chains are only found on those processes that initially
have nonzero values. This result looks correct; there is no indication that some values were written but never
read. We could detect this sort of error only by asking if anything remained in the trace after the match.
(Remember that a match removes the matching events from the execution history graph.) This can be done
? Left = match REMAINDER
is a predened pattern that matches anything. In our example, where the specic
trace we were using had 290 processes with nonzero PIDs, the result was
Match succeeded.
Found 34 p-chains on
using 34 processes.
meaning that 34 \extra" events were found that had not been matched by the
chains. What
were these events? We can nd out with
? eventtypes (Left)
34 Writes
0 Multicasts
0 Reads
0 Phase Markers
is again a function that returns a match characteristic. In this case, it counts the number
of primitive events of each type. The answer indicated that all of the unmatched events were
. We
now are in the same position that we reached in the p ermutation example: we know that only processes
below 256 completed and that some of the values that were written were never read. The
function would lead us to the error in the same manner as ab ove.
3.2 Gaussian Elimination
Our next example comes from a parallel Gaussian elimination program. The program operated on an input
matrix stored one row per process. In reducing that input to an upper triangular matrix, it executed a
number of iterations (one for each process), each beginning with the broadcast of a pivot row. The program
produced incorrect results when run on large systems of equations; we report here on an instance with 256
equations, running on a 256 pro cessor system.
Summary of Debugging Session.
In tracking down the bug, we rst determined that all 256 broadcasts
occurred and that each process performed exactly one broadcast. We then attempted to ascertain that
each broadcast logically
the next, but this turned out to be untrue, leading us to the error: the
programmer had omitted necessary barrier synchronizations between broadcasts.
Debugging Session.
We dened a broadcast chain as
? BroadcastChain = senders: M
receivers: R
In this case, because the send operation was a multicast rather than a single write, the read in the pattern
of the
s associated with that
, enabling us to uniformly handle single writes, multicasts,
and broadcasts.
The p-chain specication created a separate broadcast event for each process. Using a for-loop, we
dened an array of
? for (i=0; i
P-1; i++) do Broadcast[i] = BroadcastChain ONALL
is a dened constant giving the number of processes in the system. Each of these p-chains will
match a process performing a single write that is read by all other processes.
To ascertain that the correct number of broadcasts were performed, we attempted to match a set of
broadcasts with
? BCseries = match (Broadcast[])
The missing index in
indicates that any element can be used, making it a shorthand for
(Broadcast[0] + Broadcast[1] + ... + Broadcast[255])
means alternation in our expressions. The match was successful, resulting in
Match succeeded.
Found 256 p-chains on
; using 256 pro cesses.
matches a p-chain, it could potentially match all
occurrences on the same process, so we
have to look at the output carefully. In this case, the
events o ccurred on 256 processes and thus,
that each process must have initiated one. We then used
? owners (BCseries WRT
256 owners: on processes
is again a function that determines the characteristics of a match. In this case, its argument is an
abstract event that is modied by a
clause acting as a lter.
makes only events of
(as dened in the chain pattern) visible to the search; thus this query determines the set of
processes executing
. It told us that every process executed a receive. We determined
the total number of receives with
? count (BCseries WRT
65,280 occurrences: on processes
which told us that every process read every broadcast (255
256 = 65
280). We now knew that the correct
number of events occurred and so we attempted to verify that the correct logical relation {
{ had
held between them.
events have already been removed from the trace because they were successfully
matched above. We could check for the
relation in two ways. We could restore the
to the trace and rematch them with
? restore (BCseries)
? OrderedBCseries = match
Broadcast[] *
where the angular brackets indicate that the
must hold between matched events. Alternatively,
we could use a predicate over abstract events
? e precedes (BCseries)
In either case the relation
is checked in the matched abstract event
using its search order
; the
result is
Precedes failed.
It tells us that the rst 135 broadcasts occurred correctly but the 135th
with the 136th meaning
did not hold between them. This must mean that some process { either
{ read
the broadcast values out of order. This observation led us to the bug: a missing synchronization between
3.3 Delaunay Triangulation
This example demonstrates that Ariadne can model complex behaviors. The program is a parallel version
of Bowyer's algorithm to construct a Delaunay Triangulation [4]. In Bowyer's algorithm, points are inserted
into an existing mesh one at a time; in our version, they are inserted in parallel. Each point is managed by
its own process which communicates with surrounding pro cesses looking for triangles with circumcircles
that contain its point. The triangles located in this search are \lo cked" to prevent concurrent access by
other insertions, and the p olygonal region they form is modied to add the new point. To avoid deadlock,
conicting requests for locks on triangles are resolved by ab orting one of the insertions.
Summary of Debugging Session
When our program ran, it completed but the triangles it formed did
not meet the Delaunay criteria. The sequences of insertions app eared to be correct. We hypothesized that
despite the locking mechanism, some of the insertions interfered with each other. We checked this by looking
for insertions that
. We found three such pairs and, in examining the processes that executed
those insertions, we determined that our locking mechanism essentially lo cked the sides of triangles but not
their vertices.
Debugging Session
In the current version of Ariadne, we do not have access to the contents of a message
or its type. It is not practical to include the contents of all messages in every trace, but it is possible to use
a replay mechanism [20, 23] to acquire additional trace information. We expect to include access to such
information in future versions of our debugger. For purposes of this example, we achieved the same aect by
modifying the program so it sends dierent message types on dierent, named channels. Thus, for example,
the request for a lock is sent on p ort
and the response to that request is sent either on
or on
The debugger detects this use of ports. Within patterns, port names are appended to communication events
with an underscore; matched instances of these events must have the correct port names.
The prex
indicates that this is a predicate over a single abstract event, other versions of this same predicate
operate over sequences of events.
The circumcircle of a triangle is the circle that can be drawn through all of the vertices of that triangle.
For expository reasons, we model only the part of the behavior relevant to the error, that is, we model
only point insertions. These insertions begin with some number of attempts to lock relevant triangles:
initiating process sends a multicast requesting the relevant locks on
, the recipients respond on either
, and the initiating process collects the responses. A simple form of this pattern might be
R (W
R + W
where the control of matching begins on the initiating process with the multicast and splits at the rst
proceed independently on each of the receiving processes.
This simple expression, however, is not sucient because we must also model subsequent behavior
on the initiating process. In the case of an unsuccessful attempt, the initiating process subsequently sends
an \abort" message and then retries the lock attempt; in the case of a successful attempt, it subsequently
attempts to get all relevant triangles to commit to the update. Thus, we must return the control of matching
to the initiating process. We indicate this by marking the point of the split with the symbol
) and the point of the return with the symbol
. Thus a lock attempt is dened as
LockAttempt = M
R (W
R + W
Similarly, we dene an abort, an unsuccessful attempt to commit, and a successful attempt to commit
Abort = M
CommitNo = M
CommitYes = M
R start:W
where the
includes a tag on events that essentially marks the beginning of the critical region
for the insert. The initial, unsuccessful attempts are matched by
Unsuccessful = ( (LockAttempt Abort) * LockAttempt CommitNo Abort) *
and the ultimately successful attempt by
Successful = (LockAttempt Abort) * Lo ckAttempt CommitYes
Once the locking attempt succeeds, the initiating pro cess performs the actual insertion of its point by sending
a multicast on port
and waiting for acknowledgments on port
. The pattern is
Addition = M
R end:W
where the tag
is used to mark the end of the critical region for this insert. The entire chain and the
needed p-chains are as follows
? Insert = Unsuccessful Successful Addition
? for (i=0; i
P-1; i++) do AddPoint[i] = Insert ONALL
We successfully matched the expected behavior with the command:
? Triangulation = match (AddPoint[]) *
This led us to conclude that all of the needed transactions had occurred. We hypothesized that there must
have been some interference between insertions. To check this, we used the following query, looking just at
the \successful" p ortion of the matched additions.
? e
overlaps(Triangulation WRT
Assertion Failed.
AddPoint[17] overlaps AddPoint[13]
AddPoint[55] overlaps AddPoint[54]
AddPoint[100] overlaps AddPoint[98]
The feedback on the failure of this assertion led us to investigate the pairs of points that had overlapping
insertions. We discovered that processes in each pair shared common triangle vertices. This led us to an
error in our locking mechanism: in eect, we were locking the sides of the triangle but not their vertices.
Ariadne was designed as a testbed for investigating the utility and limitations of various types of match
feedback. The above examples demonstrate successful uses of its current features. In the next section, we
give an example of a program for which it was not successful.
Processes recompute the set of relevant triangles immediately before each lock attempt but that b ehavior is not modeled
4 The Limitations of Textual Feedback
In this example, we consider a program that implements a dictionary search in which queries are pipelined
from a host to a database of key-ordered records stored in a hypercube. Queries are routed within the cube
to the proper node using binary search. More than one query is active at a time. The program as written
contained a routing error.
We consider an 8 processor cube with processes having PIDs 0 through 7 and a host process with PID
8. We model the behavior of the program as a series of queries, each query starting at the host, traversing
the cube and eventually returning to the host. The chain query uses two features we have not encountered
thus far: the denition of a set of processes (
) and the limitation of a communication event to a set of
processes (denoted by
followed by a process set).
? Cub e =
? QueryChain = W#
R#Cube ( W#Cube
R#Cube ) * W
? Query = QueryChain ON
? match Query *
Match Succeeded.
Found 2 p-chains on
; using 8 pro cesses.
The match succeeds but it does not give us any information about the error. Further investigations using
Ariadne did not help. We had better success in debugging this program with our previous animating
debugger, Belvedere [14].
In using Belvedere, we also dened an abstract event that matched the entire set of messages associated
with a query; the query itself was much more complex (Belvedere uses the EDL modeling language [3]).
Initially, the animation was incomprehensible, as shown in Figure 1
because the
events overlapped
in logical time: each query follows data-dependent paths through the cube, arriving in dierent orders
at dierent processes. To separate the events, we created a perspective on the animation that included
only dependencies caused by
events on the host process (this is the same functionality provided by
clauses). Two snapshots from these perspective views are shown in Figure 1
. They
portray the same execution trace that we used above with Ariadne. Now, however, the erroneous behavior
is easy to spot: in Figure 1
, a query crosses a dimension of the cub e twice.
As the programmers of this code, we knew that message transmissions should follow the path of a
binary search. Once half of the remaining cube is eliminated by a comparison, the search should never go
back to that subtree by crossing the same dimension of the cube again. Investigations of this behavior, led
us to discover a routing error in the initial calculations of the return path for a query.
Figure 1: Snapshots from the an animation of the Dictionary Search. Concurrent abstract events (
); a
perspective view of an abstract events showing the path taken by an individual request (
); and a perspective
view of a second query showing an extra communication from the front to the back plane of the cube (
The routing error was immediately apparent from the animation but we could not nd it with Ariadne.
It is not possible to concisely describe a query that nds this anomaly; worse, it is unlikely that the pro-
grammer would even think to ask such a query. The anomaly was detected as a deviation in a visual pattern.
This example serves as an indicator that we will not b e able to completely avoid graphical output. In an
independent eort, we are developing scalable graphical representations of massively parallel computations
and eventually, we expect to combine the two eorts.
5 Conclusion
We have introduced a new approach to the application of event-based abstraction to massively parallel
computing. Previous methods were limited by their modeling languages: Suciently expressive languages
required very complex matching algorithms that admitted only very limited feedback on the extent of a
match. In some cases, the feedback was graphically presented in ways that did not scale to massively parallel
systems. Our approach uses a simple modeling language that describ es global patterns of communication in
terms of parallel compositions of local patterns. This pro duces concise, scalable denitions and it allows for
more informative feedback. We compensate for the loss of expressivity by allowing the user to interactively
explore the extent to which a model matches the execution trace. We do not rely on graphical renderings
and thus our techniques work well for even mo derately large numbers of pro cesses. We have implemented a
prototype called Ariadne and have illustrated the eectiveness of this approach by presenting sample Ariadne
debugging sessions involving actual parallel programs.
Ariadne was designed as a testbed for exploring the scalable application of event-based behavioral
abstraction. We are currently evaluating the expressivity of its language and functional queries. In addition,
because programmers are reluctant to learn new modeling languages for the sake of debugging, we are
considering graphical languages that might make the description of patterns less onerous. We are also
designing techniques for producing graphical displays of program b ehavior that would scale well. Finally,
because Ariadne will eventually have to be intergrated into a more complete debugging system, we are
investigating extensions to aspects of program behavior other than communication.
6 Acknowledgements
We thank a number of people for their contributions to this work. The Ariadne Development Team designed
and implemented the prototype: Ruth Anderson, Sung-Eun Choi, Jerey Dean, Donald A. Lobo, Ton Anh
Ngo, and W. Derrick Weathersby. Lee Delaney and Patrick Donohue tracked down some of its lingering
bugs. Bruce Leban commented on earlier versions of the pap er.
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... Ariadne [11], PVaniM [40], and Growing Squares [14] animated message events between processes in logical time for debugging and program comprehension purposes, but did not include physical time information needed for performance analysis. Furthermore, these visualizations portrayed at most tens of processes. ...
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With the continuous rise in complexity of modern supercomputers, optimizing the performance of large-scale parallel programs is becoming increasingly challenging. Simultaneously, the growth in scale magnifies the impact of even minor inefficiencies – potentially millions of compute hours and megawatts in power consumption can be wasted on avoidable mistakes or sub-optimal algorithms. This makes performance analysis and optimization critical elements in the software development process. One of the most common forms of performance analysis is to study execution traces, which record a history of per-process events and interprocess messages in a parallel application. Trace visualizations allow users to browse this event history and search for insights into the observed performance behavior. However, current visualizations are difficult to understand even for small process counts and do not scale gracefully beyond a few hundred processes. Organizing events in time leads to a virtually unintelligible conglomerate of interleaved events and moderately high process counts overtax even the largest display. As an alternative, we present a new trace visualization approach based on transforming the event history into logical time inferred directly from happened-before relationships. This emphasizes the code's structural behavior, which is much more familiar to the application developer. The original timing data, or other information, is then encoded through color, leading to a more intuitive visualization. Furthermore, we use the discrete nature of logical timelines to cluster processes according to their local behavior leading to a scalable visualization of even long traces on large process counts. We demonstrate our system using two case studies on large-scale parallel codes.
... Following our previous work [1,3], we use an eventbased model of system actions, where events are used to characterize the dynamic behavior of a system in terms of identifiable, instantaneous actions, such as sending a message, beginning an activity, or invoking a development tool. The use of events to characterize behavior is already widely accepted in diverse areas of software engineering, such as program visualization [4], concurrent-system analysis [5], and distributed debugging [6,7]. ...
Understanding the dynamic behavior of a workflow is crucial for being able to modify, maintain, and improve it. A particularly difficult aspect of some behavior is concurrency. Automated techniques which seek to mine workflow data logs to discover information about the workflows must be able to handle the concurrency that manifests itself in the workflow executions. This paper presents techniques to discover patterns of concurrent behavior from traces of workflow events. The techniques are based on a probabilistic analysis of the event traces. Using metrics for the number, frequency, and regularity of event occurrences, a determination is made of the likely concurrent behavior being manifested by the system. Discovering this behavior can help a workflow designer better understand and improve the work processes they are managing.
As more and more computer systems “invade” our daily life, the rapidly growing field of software engineering needs to address ever more and new areas for analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of software. At the same time, existing software is extended by changing requirements, such as the addition of new features, the increasing demand of interoperability with other systems, or the partial or complete redesign for altered application areas. This imposes a heavy burden on the human software engineer, who has to cope with the often changing and challenging software development processes while focusing on the solution of a particular goal. For this reason, many past and on-going projects attempt to support the user during all aspects of the software lifecycle.
Up to now, the designer has checked code quality and particular functional correctness aspects of the system model using static analysis. Now, the first executable version of the model can be compiled and simulated. This version may only comprise a subsystem of the final system. In place of static tests dynamic analysis in terms of observation techniques support the designer in debugging the simulatable design description. If the simulation produces an erroneous outcome the simulation state is observed at interesting moments in time. Therefore, a debugging and exploration approach at a higher abstraction level is proposed (see Figure 4.1).
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ix 1 Introduction : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 1. Background : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 2. Problems in developing parallel debuggers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 1. Quantity of state information : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 2. Nondeterminism : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 3. Architectural variation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 3. Related work : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 1. Program replay : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 2. Visualization : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8 3. Extensibility : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 4. Portability : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 4. Goals of this research : : : : : : : : : : : : : ...
Conference Paper
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Performance visualization comprises techniques that aid developers and analysts in improving the time and energy efficiency of their software. In this work, we discuss performance as it relates to visualization and survey existing approaches in performance visualization. We present an overview of what types of performance data can be collected and a categorization of the types of goals that performance visualization techniques can address. We develop a taxonomy for the contexts in which different performance visualizations reside and describe the state of the art research pertaining to each. Finally, we discuss unaddressed and future challenges in performance visualization.
This work presents a debugging system built for the Object Request Broker (ORB) used in the construction of Solaris MC, a multicomputer OS. Even though it has been built and tested on a particular ORB, we believe similar ideas could be employed on other ORBs with similar structure and goals. The goal of this system is to provide a means to stress the ORB behavior in a controlled manner while logging the events occurred during its execution. The tool, called the Fault Injection and Event Logging Tool (FIELT) helps system programmers to find possible inconsistencies in the code by means of a post-mortem analysis of the collected trace data. The approach taken to design the event logging follows the event-driven techniques to monitorize distributed systems. Failures in the ORB are injected by software instrumentation and these injected failures are considered as special events. This allows us to reason about the correctness of the ORB in a broad sense, where its expected behavior includes to gracefully cope with failures. The number of potentially relevant events produced during the ORB execution is unmanageably high. There is, thus, a need to find a minimum subset of those events which, without losing relevant system behavior, allows us to infer its correctness (or lack of). We address this problem using a new model for ORB computations, assigning each event produced by the ORB to one of the high level objects it manages.
Conference Paper
Understanding the behavior of a system is crucial in being able to modify, maintain, and improve the system. A particularly difficult aspect of some system behaviors is concurrency. While there are many techniques to specify intended concurrent behavior, there are few, if any, techniques to capture and model actual concurrent behavior. This paper presents a technique to discover patterns of concurrent behavior from traces of system events. The technique is based on a probabilistic analysis of the event traces. Using metrics for the number, frequency, and regularity of event occurrences, a determination is made of the likely concurrent behavior being manifested by the system. The technique is useful in a wide variety of software engineering tasks, including architecture discovery, reengineering, user interaction modeling, and software process improvement.
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This paper addresses the design and implementation of an integrated debugging system for parallel programs running on shared memory multi-processors (SMMP). We describe the use of flowback analysis to provide information on causal relationships between events in a program's execution without re-executing the program for debugging. We introduce a mechanism called incremental tracing that, by using semantic analyses of the debugged program, makes the flowback analysis practical with only a small amount of trace generated during execution. We extend flowback analysis to apply to parallel programs and describe a method to detect race conditions in the interactions of the co-operating processes.
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This work deals with some issues concerned in the debugging of concurrent programs. A set of desirable characteristics for a debugger for concurrent languages is deduced from a review of the differences between the debugging of concurrent programs and that of sequential ones. A debugger for a concurrent language, based upon CSP, is then described. The debugger makes it possible to compare a description of the expected program behavior to the actual behavior. The description of the behavior is given in terms of expressions composed by events and/or assertions on the process state. The developed formalism is able to describe behaviors at various levels of abstraction. Lastly, some guidelines for the implementation of the debugger are given and a detailed example of program debugging is analyzed.
This work discusses some issues in the debugging of concurrent programs. A set of desirable characteristics of a debugger for concurrent languages is deduced from an examination of the differences between the debugging of concurrent programs and that of sequential ones. A debugger for a concurrent language, derived from CSP, is then presented. It is based upon a semantic model of the supported language. The debugger enables to compare a description of the program behaviour to the actual behaviour as well as to valuate assertions on the process state. The description of the behaviuor is given by a formalism whose semantics is also specified. The formalism can specify program behaviuors at various abstraction levels. Lastly some guidelines for the implementation of the debugger are shown and a detailed example of program description is analyzed.
This paper introduces a modified version of path expressions called Path Rules which can be used as a debugging mechanism to monitor the dynamic behaviour of a computation. Path rules have been implemented in a remote symbolic debugger running on the Three Rivers Computer Corporation PERQ computer under the Accent operating system.
Conference Paper
This paper introduces a modified version of path expressions called Path Rules which can be used as a debugging mechanism to monitor the dynamic behaviour of a computation. Path rules have been implemented in a remote symbolic debugger running on the Three Rivers Computer Corporation PERQ computer under the Accent operating system.
Debugging is an activity that attempts to locate the sources of errors in the specification and coding of a software system and to suggest possible repairs that might be made to correct the errors. Debugging complex distributed programs is a frustrating and difficult task. This is due primarily to the predominance of a low level, computation-unit view of systems. This extant perspective is necessarily detail intensive and offers little aid in dealing with the higher level operational characteristics of a system or the complexities inherent in distributed systems. This dissertation develops a high level debugging approach in which debugging is viewed as a process of creating models of actual behavior from the activity of the system and comparing these to models of expected system behavior. The differences between the actual and expected models can be used to characterize errorful behavior. The basis for the approach is viewing the activity of a system as consisting of a stream of significant, distinguishable events that may be abstracted into high-level models of system behavior. An example is presented to demonstrate the use of event based model building to investigate an error in a distributed program.
We propose a debugging language, Data Path Expressions (DPEs), for modeling the behavior of parallel programs. The debugging paradigm is for the programmer to describe the expected program behavior and for the debugger to compare the actual program behavior during execution to detect program errors. We classify DPEs into five subclasses according to syntactic criteria, and characterize their semantics in terms of a hierarchy of extended Petri Net models. The characterization demonstrates the power of DPEs for modeling parallelism. We present predecessor automata as a mechanism for implementing the third subclass of DPEs, which expresses bounded parallelism. Predecessor automata extend finite state automata to provide efficient event recognizers for parallel debugging. We briefly describe the application of DPEs to race conditions, deadlock and starvation.