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Business process mining: an industrial application. J Inf Syst

Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732
Business process mining: An industrial application
W.M.P. van der Aalst
, H.A. Reijers
, A.J.M.M. Weijters
, B.F. van Dongen
A.K. Alves de Medeiros
, M. Song
, H.M.W. Verbeek
Department of Technology Management, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Industrial Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, San 31 Hyoja-Dong, Nam-gu,
Pohang 790-784, South Korea
Received 28 July 2005; accepted 31 May 2006
Recommended by F. Carino Jr.
Contemporary information systems (e.g., WfM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems) record business events in so-called
event logs.Business process mining takes these logs to discover process, control, data, organizational, and social structures.
Although many researchers are developing new and more powerful process mining techniques and software vendors are
incorporating these in their software, few of the more advanced process mining techniques have been tested on real-life
processes. This paper describes the application of process mining in one of the provincial offices of the Dutch National
Public Works Department, responsible for the construction and maintenance of the road and water infrastructure. Using a
variety of process mining techniques, we analyzed the processing of invoices sent by the various subcontractors and
suppliers from three different perspectives: (1) the process perspective, (2) the organizational perspective, and (3) the case
perspective. For this purpose, we used some of the tools developed in the context of the ProM framework. The goal of this
paper is to demonstrate the applicability of process mining in general and our algorithms and tools in particular.
r2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Process mining; Social network analysis; Workflow management; Business process management; Business process analysis;
Data mining; Petri nets
1. Introduction
Today, many enterprise information systems
store relevant events in some structured form. For
example, Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs)
typically register the start and completion of
activities [1]. ERP systems like SAP log all transac-
tions, e.g., users filling out forms, changing docu-
ments, etc. Business-to-business (B2B) systems log
the exchange of messages with other parties. Call
center packages but also general-purpose CRM
systems log interactions with customers. These
examples show that many systems have some kind
of event log often referred to as ‘‘history’’, ‘‘audit
trail’’, ‘‘transaction log’’, etc [2–5]. The event log
typically contains information about events refer-
ring to an activity and a case. The case (also named
process instance) is the ‘‘thing’’ which is being
handled, e.g., a customer order, a job application,
an insurance claim, a building permit, etc. The
0306-4379/$ - see front matter r2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 40 2474295.
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(W.M.P. van der Aalst).
activity (also named task,operation,action,orwork-
item) is some operation on the case. Typically,
events have a timestamp indicating the time of
occurrence. Moreover, when people are involved,
event logs will characteristically contain informa-
tion on the person executing or initiating the event,
i.e., the performer.
Besides the availability of event logs there is an
increased interest in monitoring business processes.
On the one hand, new legislation such as the
Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Act [6] and increased
emphasis on corporate governance are forcing
organizations to follow their business activities
more closely [7]. On the other hand, there is a
constant pressure to improve the performance and
efficiency of business processes. This requires more
fine-grained monitoring facilities as is illustrated by
today’s buzzwords such as business activity mon-
itoring (BAM), business operations management
(BOM), and business process intelligence (BPI).
However, the functionality offered by tools such as
Cognos and BusinessObjects is limited to simple
performance indicators such as flow time and
utilization. Unfortunately, most of these systems
do not focus on causal and dynamic dependencies in
processes and organizations. One of the few
commercial software tools adopting a more pro-
cess-oriented view on monitoring is the ARIS
Process Performance Monitor (ARIS PPM) [8].
Business process mining,orprocess mining for
short, aims at the automatic construction of models
explaining the behavior observed in the event log.
For example, based on some event log, one can
construct a process model expressed in terms of a
Petri net. Over the last couple of years many tools
and techniques for process mining have been
developed [2,3,5,8–15]. Although process mining is
very promising, most of the techniques make
assumptions which do not hold in practical situa-
tions. For example, some techniques assume that
there is no noise and have difficulties dealing with
exceptions. Other approaches are limited to pro-
cesses having a particular structure. Therefore, it is
important to confront existing tools and techniques
with event logs taken from real-life applications. In
this paper we describe a case study based on a log of
the process of handling invoices in a provincial office
of the Dutch National Public Works Department.
This office is one of 12 offices, employing about
1000 civil servants. The office is responsible for the
construction and maintenance of the road and water
infrastructure in its province, and in order to do this
it subcontracts work to various parties such as road
construction companies, cleaning companies, and
environmental bureaus. Also, the provincial office
purchases services and products to support its
construction, maintenance, and administrative ac-
tivities. We have used an event log containing
information on more than 14,000 invoices as a
starting point for mining the process perspective
(How?), the organizational perspective (Who?), and
the case perspective (What?). (These perspectives
are presented in detail in Section 3.) The results are
reported in this paper and demonstrate the applic-
ability of our tools in an industrial setting.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 briefly discusses related work.
Section 3 introduces the concept of business process
mining and Section 4 discusses the ProM frame-
work used for the case study. Section 5 describes the
case study. Sections 6–8 present the results of
mining the process, organizational, and case per-
spective of the invoice handling process. Section 9
reflects on these results and concludes the paper.
2. Related work
In our case study we analyze the event log
generated by the WfMS of the organization
involved. Clearly, most of the workflow literature
[1,16,17] has been focusing on modeling, verifica-
tion, simulation, and enactment rather than process
mining. The idea of applying process mining in the
context of workflow management was first intro-
duced in [3]. Cook and Wolf [12] have investigated
similar issues in the context of software engineering
processes using different approaches. Herbst [13]
and Karagiannis also address the issue of process
mining in the context of workflow management
using an inductive approach. They use stochastic
task graphs as an intermediate representation and
generate a workflow model described in the
ADONIS modeling language. The aalgorithm [11]
can be seen as the first algorithm to truly capture
concurrency in business processes. This algorithm
was proved to be correct for a large class of
processes [11], but like most other techniques it
has problems in dealing with noise and incomplete-
ness. Therefore, we developed the heuristic ap-
proach used in this paper [18,15].
The focus of this paper is not limited to the
control-flow perspective. In the case study we also
investigate the organizational perspective. This
work uses social network analysis (SNA) [19,20]
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732714
techniques and tools. SNA can be seen as part of
sociometry, the roots of which can be found in the
early work of Moreno [21]. Although SNA has been
around for a long time, recently its application
increased because of the availability and widespread
use of electronic communication and information
facilities. For example, several studies have gener-
ated sociograms from email logs [22–26] to analyze
the communication structure inside or between
organizations. Such studies have resulted in the
identification of relevant, recurrent aspects of
interaction in organizational contexts [27,24]. How-
ever, these studies are unable to relate the derived
social networks to a particular business process, as
the analyzed data does not reveal to what activity or
case it applies. This paper builds on the results
presented in [28,10] where SNA is related to process
As indicated in the Introduction, business process
mining can be seen in the broader context of BPI
and BAM. In [4,5,29] a BPI toolset on top of HP’s
process manager is described. The BPI toolset
includes a so-called ‘‘BPI process mining engine’’.
In [14] zur Mu
¨hlen describes the PISA tool which
can be used to extract performance metrics from
workflow logs. Similar diagnostics are provided by
the ARIS Process Performance Manager (PPM) [8].
The latter tool is commercially available and a
customized version of PPM is the Staffware Process
Monitor (SPM) [30] which is tailored towards
mining Staffware logs.
For more information on process mining we refer
to a special issue of Computers in Industry on
process mining [31] and a survey paper [2]. Given
the scope of this paper, we are unable to provide a
complete listing of the many papers on process
mining published in recent years. However, in the
next section we give a brief overview of the field.
3. Business process mining: an overview
The goal of process mining is to extract informa-
tion about processes from transaction logs [2].We
assume that it is possible to record events such that
(i) each event refers to an activity (i.e., a well-defined
step in the process), (ii) each event refers to a case
(i.e., a process instance), (iii) each event can have a
performer also referred to as originator (the person
executing or initiating the activity), and (iv) events
have a timestamp and are totally ordered. Table 1
shows an example of a log involving 19 events, five
activities, and six originators. In addition to the
information shown in this table, some event logs
contain more information on the case itself, i.e.,
data elements referring to properties of the case. For
example, the case handling system FLOWer [32]
logs every modification of every data element.
Event logs such as the one shown in Table 1 are
used as the starting point for mining. We distinguish
three different perspectives: (1) the process perspec-
tive (‘‘How?’’), (2) the organizational perspective
(‘‘Who?’’), and (3) the case perspective (‘‘What?’’).
The process perspective focuses on the control
flow, i.e., the ordering of activities. The goal of
mining this perspective is to find a good character-
ization of all possible paths, e.g., expressed in terms
of a Petri net [33] or event-driven process chain
(EPC) [34].
The organizational perspective focuses on the
originator field, i.e., which performers are involved
and how are they related. The goal is to either
structure the organization by classifying people in
terms of roles and organizational units or to show
relations between individual performers (i.e., build a
social network [19–21,35]).
The case perspective focuses on properties of
cases. Cases can be characterized by their path in
the process or by the originators working on a case.
However, cases can also be characterized by the
values of the corresponding data elements. For
example, if a case represents a replenishment order,
Table 1
An event log
Case id Activity id Originator Timestamp
Case 1 Activity AJohn 9-3-2004:15.01
Case 2 Activity AJohn 9-3-2004:15.12
Case 3 Activity ASue 9-3-2004:16.03
Case 3 Activity BCarol 9-3-2004:16.07
Case 1 Activity BMike 9-3-2004:18.25
Case 1 Activity CJohn 10-3-2004:9.23
Case 2 Activity CMike 10-3-2004:10.34
Case 4 Activity ASue 10-3-2004:10.35
Case 2 Activity BJohn 10-3-2004:12.34
Case 2 Activity DPete 10-3-2004:12.50
Case 5 Activity ASue 10-3-2004:13.05
Case 4 Activity CCarol 11-3-2004:10.12
Case 1 Activity DPete 11-3-2004:10.14
Case 3 Activity CSue 11-3-2004:10.44
Case 3 Activity DPete 11-3-2004:11.03
Case 4 Activity BSue 14-3-2004:11.18
Case 5 Activity EClare 17-3-2004:12.22
Case 5 Activity DClare 18-3-2004:14.34
Case 4 Activity DPete 19-3-2004:15.56
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 715
it may be interesting to know the supplier or the
number of products ordered.
To illustrate the first two perspectives consider
Fig. 1. The log shown in Table 1 contains
information about five cases (i.e., process instances).
The log shows that for four cases (1–4) the activities
ADhave been executed. For the fifth case only
three activities are executed: activities A,E, and D.
Each case starts with the execution of Aand ends
with the execution of D. If activity Bis executed,
then also activity Cis executed. However, for some
cases activity Cis executed before activity B. Based
on the information shown in Table 1 and by making
some assumptions about the completeness of the log
(i.e., assuming that the cases are representative and
a sufficient large subset of possible behaviors is
observed), we can deduce the process model shown
in Fig. 1(a). The model is represented in terms of a
Petri net [33]. The Petri net starts with activity A
and finishes with activity D. These activities are
represented by transitions. After executing Athere
is a choice between either executing Band Cin
parallel or just executing activity E. Note that for
this example we assume that two activities are in
parallel if they appear in any order. By distinguish-
ing between start events and complete events for
activities it is possible to explicitly detect true
parallelism, i.e., concurrent execution of tasks.
Fig. 1(a) does not show any information about
the organization, i.e., it does not use any information
on the people executing activities. However,
Table 1 shows information about the performers.
For example, we can deduce that activity Ais
executed by either John or Sue, activity Bis
executed by John, Sue, Mike, or Carol, Cis executed
by John, Sue, Mike, or Carol, Dis executed by
Pete or Clare, and Eis executed by Clare. We
could indicate this information in Fig. 1(a).
The information could also be used to ‘‘guess’’ or
‘‘discover’’ organizational structures. For example, a
guess could be that there are three roles: X,Y,andZ.
For the execution of Arole Xis required and John
and Sue have this role. For the execution of Band C
role Yis required and John, Sue, Mike, and Carol
have this role. For the execution of Dand Erole Zis
required and Pete and Clare have this role. For
five cases these choices may seem arbitrary but for
larger data sets such inferences capture the dominant
roles in an organization. The resulting ‘‘activity–
role–performer diagram’’ is shown in Fig. 1(b).
The three ‘‘discovered’’ roles link activities to
performers. Fig. 1(c) shows another view on the
John Sue Mike Carol Pete Clare
role X role Y role Z
John Sue
(b) (c)
Fig. 1. Some mining results for the process perspective (a) and organizational (b and c) perspective based on the event log shown in Table
1: (a) the control-flow structure expressed in terms of a Petri net, (b) the organizational structure expressed in terms of an
activity–role–performer diagram, and (c) a sociogram based on transfer of work.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732716
organization based on the transfer of work from one
individual to another, i.e., not focusing on the
relation between the process and individuals but on
relations among individuals (or groups of indivi-
duals). Consider, for example, Table 1. Although
Carol and Mike can execute the same activities (B
and C), Mike is always working with John (cases 1
and 2) and Carol is always working with Sue (cases 3
and 4). Probably Carol and Mike have the same role
but based on the small sample shown in Table 1 it
seems that John is not working with Carol and Sue is
not working with Mike.
the event log can be used to derive relations between
performers of activities, thus resulting in a socio-
gram. For example, it is possible to generate a
sociogram based on the transfers of work from one
individual to another as is shown in Fig. 1(c). Each
node represents one of the six performers and each
arc represents that there has been a transfer of work
from one individual to another. There is a ‘‘transfer
of work from Ato B’’ if, for the same case, an
activity executed by Ais directly followed by an
activity executed by B. For example, both in cases 1
and 2 there is a transfer from John to Mike. Fig. 1(c)
does not show frequencies. However, for analysis
purposes these frequencies can be added. The arc
from John to Mike would then have weight 2.
(Typically, we do not use absolute frequencies but
weighted frequencies to get relative values between 0
and 1.) Fig. 1(c) shows that work is transferred to
Pete but not vice versa. Mike only interacts with
John and Carol only interacts with Sue. Clare is the
only person transferring work to herself.
Besides the ‘‘How?’’ and ‘‘Who?’’ question (i.e.,
the process and organization perspectives), there is
the case perspective that is concerned with the
‘‘What?’’ question. Fig. 1 does not address this. In
fact, focusing on the case perspective is most
interesting when also data elements are logged but
these are not listed in Table 1. The case perspective
looks at the case as a whole and tries to establish
relations between the various properties of a case.
Note that some of the properties may refer to the
activities being executed, the performers working on
the case, and the values of various data elements
linked to the case. Using clustering algorithms it
would, for example, be possible to show a positive
correlation between the size of an order or its
handling time and the involvement of specific
Orthogonal to the three perspectives (process,
organization, and case), the result of a mining effort
may refer to logical issues and/or performance
issues. For example, process mining can focus on
the logical structure of the process model (e.g., the
Petri net shown in Fig. 1(a)) or on performance
issues such as flow time. For mining the organiza-
tional perspectives, the emphasis can be on the roles
or the social network (cf. Fig. 1(b) and (c)) or on the
utilization of performers or execution frequencies.
4. ProM: a process mining framework
As indicated in the Introduction the functionality
of commercial tools is typically limited to measuring
and analyzing performance indicators such as flow
times, failure rates, and frequencies. As shown in
the previous section, process mining involves the
construction of models and is not limited to simple
metrics. Although buzzwords such as BAM, BOM,
and BPI suggest differently, commercial systems are
typically unable to discover non-trivial models. In
the last five years, several mining tools have been
developed at Eindhoven University of Technology,
e.g., EMiT [9], Thumb [15], and MiSoN [10]. These
tools refer to different perspectives and use different
mining techniques. However, they work on the same
type of event logs and may create similar types of
models. Therefore, these tools have been integrated
in the ProM framework [36].
The ProM framework has been developed as a
completely plug-able environment. It can be ex-
tended by simply adding plug-ins, i.e., there is no
need to know or recompile the source code.
Currently, more than 90 plug-ins have been added.
The most interesting plug-ins are the mining plug-
ins and the analysis plug-ins. The architecture of
ProM allows for five different types of plug-ins:
Mining plug-ins which implement some mining
algorithm, e.g., mining algorithms that construct a
Petri net based on some event log.
Export plug-ins which implement some ‘‘save as’’
functionality for some objects (such as graphs). For
example, there are plug-ins to save EPCs, Petri nets,
spreadsheets, etc.
Import plug-ins which implement an ‘‘open’’
functionality for exported objects, e.g., load in-
stance EPCs from ARIS PPM.
Clearly, the number of events in Table 1 is too small to
establish these assumptions accurately. However, for the sake of
argument we assume that the things that did not happen will
never happen.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 717
Analysis plug-ins which typically implement some
property analysis on some mining result. For
example, for Petri nets there is a plug-in which
constructs place invariants, transition invariants,
and a coverability graph.
Conversion plug-ins which implement conversions
between different data formats, e.g., from EPCs to
Petri nets.
Earlier tools such as EMiT [9], Thumb [15], and
MiSoN [10] have been refactored as plug-ins in the
ProM framework. Fig. 2 shows a screenshot of
ProM. Note that one plug-in shows the discovered
process model in terms of a Petri net. This Petri net
is identical to the one shown in Fig. 1(a). The other
plug-in shows the sociogram also depicted in Fig.
1(c). Both models have been constructed automati-
cally from the event log shown in Table 1.
The ProMimport can be used to import event logs
from various systems (e.g., Staffware and FLOWer)
such that they can be analyzed using ProM. ProM uses
a standard XML format, named MXML [37]. In our
case study the proprietary format of the WfMS used by
provincial office was mapped onto the XML format.
Therefore, we discuss the format in some more detail.
Understanding the format is also important for under-
standing the applicability of ProM.
Fig. 3 illustrates the standard XML format. The
Source element contains the information about
software or system that was used to record the
log. The Process element represents one process
holding multiple cases. The ProcessInstance ele-
ments correspond to cases. One ProcessInstance
element may hold multiple AuditTrailEntry ele-
ments. Each of these elements represents an event,
i.e., one line in a table like Table 1. Each
AuditTrailEntry element may contain WorkflowMo-
delElement,EventType,Timestamp, and Originator
elements. The WorkflowModelElement and Event-
Type are mandatory elements as shown in Fig. 3.
The WorkflowModelElement element refers to an
activity, a subprocess, or some other routing
element in the process model. The EventType
element can be used to record the type of event
(e.g., the start or completion of an activity or some
exceptional behavior like the cancellation of a case).
Table 1 does not show any event types. However,
one can always use the default event type complete.
The Timestamp element can be used to record the
time of occurrence. The Originator element refers to
the performer, e.g., the person executing the
corresponding activity. To make the format more
expressive, we define Data element that can be used
at various levels (i.e., WorkflowLog,Process,Pro-
cessInstance,andAuditTrailEntry level). If users
want to specify additional information, this can be
recorded using the Data element (e.g., data elements
linked to cases).
In the subsequent sections we will provide more
information on the mining tools we are using in this
case study but first we provide more information on
the case study itself.
5. The Public Works Department
The industrial application in this paper involves
one of the 12 provincial offices of the Dutch
Fig. 2. Screenshot of ProM showing two plug-ins applied to the event log shown in Table 1.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732718
National Public Works Department. In The Nether-
lands this department is referred to as ‘‘Rijkswater-
staat’’, abbreviated as ‘‘RWS’’. Like all other RWS
offices, the particular office studied here is primarily
responsible for the construction and maintenance of
the road and water infrastructure in its province.
About 1000 civil servants work for this office. To
perform its functions, the RWS office subcontracts
various parties such as road construction compa-
nies, cleaning companies, and environmental bu-
reaus. Also, it purchases services and products to
support its construction and maintenance activities
on the one hand (e.g., mechanical tools, fuel, and
rasters) and its administrative activities on the other
(e.g., office supplies). In 2001, the RWS office
processed 20,000 invoices from various subcontrac-
tors and suppliers.
Before 2001, the 12 provincial offices maintained
18 different process versions to handle the various
invoices. This diversity made it difficult and time
consuming to update all local payment processes to
adhere to changing national regulations. In addi-
tion, the performance of all these different process
versions varied. An important performance indica-
tor for the processing of invoices is the timeliness of
payment. For legitimate invoices hold that payment
should take place within 31 days from the moment
the invoice was received. After this period, the
creditor is entitled (on the basis of Dutch law) to
receive interest over the outstanding sum. Clearly, a
slack payment attitude negatively influences the
financial position of an RWS office. For the office
studied in this particular case, it became clear that
the norms for payment timeliness were not met (see
Table 2). As shown, the norm states that 90% or
more of the invoices must be paid before the
appointed time of 31 days, a maximum of 5%
should be paid within 31–62 days, and again up to a
maximum of 5% may be paid after 62 days. In the
second column, the actual performance of the RWS
office in question is given.
In response to these issues, the national RWS
management decided to unify invoice processing
Fig. 3. The MXML format for process mining (XML schema).
Table 2
The time until invoices are paid (i.e., norms and actual
performance before the implementation of a workflow manage-
ment system)
Payment duration (days) Norm (%) Actual (%)j
0–31 90 70
32–62 5 22
63 5 8
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 719
across the various provincial offices in search of
efficiency gains. The momentum of change was
seized to develop a proprietary WfMS to support
and further optimize the processing of invoices. One
of the main promises of workflow technology is that
it supposedly speeds up the processing, by liberating
workers from routine work they need for coordina-
tion and by handing out work to exactly the right
resources at the right time [38]. In 2002, the WfMS
was implemented at the RWS office involved in our
case study.
The contact with the RWS office was established
in 2001, when Eindhoven University of Technology
in a joint effort with Deloitte management con-
sultancy initiated a longitudinal study into the
effectiveness of WfMSs. The aim of the study—
which is still running—is to quantify the contribu-
tion of workflow technology to improved business
process performance with respect to lead time, wait
time, service time, and utilization of resources.
More information on this study including its
preliminary results can be found in [39].
The RWS office expressed its interest in the
mentioned study and participated as one of the 10
Dutch organizations where workflow management
effectiveness would be measured. During the years
2001 and 2002, information was gathered for
comparison purposes on the performance of
the invoice processing, both before and after the
implementation of the WfMs. The data which
is analyzed and mined in this paper involves
the situation after which the WfMs was implemen-
ted. This data was gathered after the system
had been running for a number of months (to avoid
any startup effects). The management of the
provincial office supported this analysis and
was interested to see how mining techniques could
contribute to a better understanding of the
performance of the process and perhaps identify
opportunities for improvement. Therefore, RWS
provided us with the logs of the invoice payment
The invoice process analyzed in this paper
consists of 17 real activities, aside from logistic
steps and splits. The RWS event log (or ‘‘RWS
log’’ for short) contains 14,279 cases. The total
number of logged events is 147,579 and 487
employees participated in the process execution.
Fig. 4 shows a snippet of the RWS log. The left-
hand side shows the native format of the WfMs
used by the RWS office. The right-hand side shows
the same log in the MXML format described in
Section 4.
6. Mining the process perspective
As indicated before, we will analyze the RWS log
from three perspectives. In this section, we focus on
the process perspective, also known as the control-
flow perspective. Before presenting the results of
applying process mining in the case study, we first
need to tell more about the particular process
mining technique being used.
For the process perspective, we only consider the
case and activity attributes of an event log, e.g., in
Table 1 we only need to consider the first two
Fig. 4. A snippet of the RWS log in its native format (left) and the MXML format (right).
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732720
columns. To construct a process model like in Fig.
1(a), we need to be able to discover causal
dependencies and decide on the types of splits and
joins. A!WBdenotes the casual dependency
between activities Aand B, i.e., Ais (directly)
followed by Bbut Bis not (directly) followed by A.
This is indeed the case in Table 1. Moreover,
A!WC,A!WE,B!WD,C!WD, and E!WD.
For this simple example it is easy to discover the
causal dependencies, however, for more realistic
logs (such as the RWS log) there are two
complicating factors:
Completeness: For larger or more complicated
processes the log will typically not contain all
possible routes. Consider 10 activities which can
be executed in parallel. The total number of
interleavings is 10!¼3;628;800. It is not realistic
that each interleaving is present in the log. More-
over, certain paths through the process model may
have a low probability and therefore remain
undetected. As a result the log is not complete in
the sense that it does not capture all possible
Noise: Parts of the log may be incorrect,
incomplete, or refer to exceptions. Events can
be logged incorrectly because of human or technical
errors. Events can be missing in the log if
some of the activities are manual or handled by
another system/organizational unit. Events can
also refer to rare or undesired events. Clearly,
exceptions which are recorded only once should not
automatically become part of the regular process
To tackle these problems we have chosen to use
the heuristic approach described in [15,18]. This
approach is relatively robust (i.e., it can deal with
noise and incompleteness) and has options to focus
on the main process instead of trying to model the
full details of the behavior reported in the event log.
For a better understanding of the approach we
shortly discuss the ideas to discover causal depen-
dencies in the presence of noise.
We use a frequency-based metric to indicate how
certain we are that there is a dependency relation
between two activities Aand B(notation A)WB).
The basic idea is that if activity Ais often directly
followed by activity B, but the opposite (Bdirectly
followed by A) never occurs, then there is a high
probability that there is a dependency relation
between Aand B. Below, we first define the )W
metric. After that we will illustrate how we can use
this metric in a simple heuristic in which we search
for reliable dependency relations (the A!WB
Let Tbe a set of activities, Wbe an event log over
T, and a;b2T:
ja4Wbjis the number of times a4Wboccurs in
W(i.e., the number of times event ais directly
followed by event b),
First, note that the value of a)Wbis always
between 1 and 1. Some simple examples demon-
strate the rationale behind this definition. If we use
this definition in the situation that, in five cases,
activity Ais directly followed by activity Bbut the
other way around never occurs, the value of
6¼0:833 indicating that we are not
completely sure of the dependency relation. After
all, there are only five observations and these may
correspond to noise. However, if there are 50 cases
in the event log in which Ais directly followed by B
but the other way around never occurs, the value of
51 ¼0:980 indicates that we are more
confident about the causality relation. If there are 50
traces in which activity Ais directly followed by B
and noise caused Bto follow Aonce, the value of
A)WBis 49
52 ¼0:94 indicating that we are pretty
sure of a causal relation.
A high A)WBvalue strongly suggests that there
is a causal relation between activities Aand B. But
what is a high value? What would be a good
threshold to take the decision that Btruly depends
on A(i.e., A!WBholds)? Such a threshold appears
sensitive for the amount of noise, the degree of
concurrency in the underlying process, and the
frequency of the involved activities.
On closer inspection, it appears unnecessary to
use a threshold value. After all, we know that each
non-initial activity must have at least one other
activity that is its cause, and each non-final activity
must have at least one dependent activity. Using this
information in a heuristic approach we can limit the
search and take the best candidate (with the highest
This simple heuristic helps us
enormously in finding reliable causality relations
even if the event log contains noise.
Or the best candidate plus all candidates with an A)WBscore
close (default 95%) to the value of the best candidate.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 721
Although the heuristic formulated above is not
complete and has to be extended to recognize (i)
recursion, (ii) short loops, and (iii) the type of joins
and splits (i.e., AND or XOR) we can now
understand the meaning of a statement like
‘‘A)WB¼0:98’’ (i.e., the dependency value be-
tween activity Aand Bcalculated equals 0:98).
Applying the approach described above (with
default parameter settings) to the RWS log results in
the dependency graph of Fig. 5. Each node in the
dependency graph represents an activity. Note that
the activity names are in Dutch. Since these are the
names that appear in the log, we cannot change
them without changing the entire log. (Fig. 5is
generated automatically on the basis of the event log
containing 147,579 events.) The arcs in the graph
represent the causal dependencies.
Activities bBb and eEe in Fig. 5 are artificially
added begin and end activities. Adding the extra end
activity eEe makes it clear that not all instances end
with the intended end activity 220_Afsluiten; also,
activities 030_1e_Vastlegging, 070_PV, and
050_Adm_akkoord appear as end activities. The
number in the activity box indicates the frequency
of that activity (e.g., the frequency of the first real
activity 020_Contr_betstuk is 14,280). The string
1:000j14029jclose to the arrow from activity
020_Contr_betstuk to activity 030_1e_Vastlegging
means that in the RWS log there are 14,029
registrations of activity 020_Contr_betstuk directly
followed by activity 030_1e_Vastlegging; for this
reason the calculated dependency value between
these two activities is very high (i.e., 1:000).
A close observation of Fig. 5 reveals that there
are many loops in the model, specifically around the
activity 170_Parkeer. The way this activity is
connected with other activities indicates the special
status of this activity; after some discussion with the
owners of the process it appears that 170_Parkeer is
not really an activity but a way to suspend the
processing of the case temporarily. With respect to
the other loops, many of these reflect how cases are
at times classified incorrectly at the start of the
process, which then after some time requires a
reevaluation of the case. For example, the case is
routed to a department supposedly managing the
involved contract. Furthermore, this process in-
volves a number of checks (e.g., activity 180_
Verificatie, 080_Contract_akkoord) that lead to
reiterations in case the quality of processing is not
After discussing the various issues with the
process owners of the RWS the decision was taken
to concentrate on the main process and to ignore
the suspension facility 170_Parkeer and all low-
frequent activities (i.e., activities with a frequency
below 1% of the total number of events (147,579)).
This results in ignoring the following six
activities: 190_Wachten_op_PV (frequency ¼17),
200_Wachten_op_CF (129), 160_Wachten_op_VPL
Fig. 5. The resulting dependency graph of applying the mining algorithm with default parameter settings.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732722
(189), 210_Afvoeren_betstuk (1226), 130_Aanpas-
sen_code (1236), and 110_Afhandelen_afw (1439).
The dependency graph resulting from this abstrac-
tion is presented in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 gives a good impression of the main flow
(the vertical axis of the graph) in the RWS process.
The relatively high values between vertical bars (i.e.,
the ‘‘direct followed by’’ measure) indicate that the
process has a strong sequential character with some
alternative paths and some loops. During the
mining of the process also the type of each split
and join is discovered. For instance, the first split
(i.e., after 020_Contr_betstuk) is an XOR-split and
the last join (i.e., before 220_Afsluiten) is an XOR-
join. This information is not shown in Fig. 6 but is
present and can be used to generate a process model
in terms of a Petri net or EPC. Using the
information on splits and joins we can easily check
the quality of the model by trying to parse the
material in the log. An incomplete model (i.e., a
model with missing causal dependencies) or errors
in the type of splits and joins will result in parsing
errors. The mined model partly presented in Fig. 6
(the AND/XOR information is not presented in the
figure) is able to parse 13,465 of the 14,279 cases
completely correct. With 814 cases there are parsing
problems (i.e., 812 of them leave some enabled
activities and in 101 cases there are activities that
cannot be parsed). Note that the total sums up to a
higher value than 814 because a case can have more
than one parsing problem.
From the perspective of RWS, the mining
analysis delivered a highly informative process
model. In comparison with the predefined process
model that the WfMS uses to operate, the mined
model clearly shows the same main flow of invoices
being handled. In this way, infrequently executed
activities can be left out for a better understanding
Fig. 6. The resulting dependency graph after ignoring the artificial activity 170_Parkeer and six other low-frequent activities.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 723
of the process. Furthermore, the mined model
indicates that many cases will go through loops
during their life-cycle. This in particular cannot be
deduced from the predefined process model which,
by its very nature, lacks information on actual
In the remainder, we no longer focus on the
process perspective and direct our attention towards
the organizational perspective and the case perspec-
tive. We show how we used additional mining
analyses to provide more insight into the nature of
the loops shown in Fig. 6 and their effect on the
performance of the process.
7. Mining the organizational perspective
In this section, we examine the organizational
perspective. In other words, we focus on ‘‘who’’
performs the different steps and how performers are
related. One of the basic ideas is that relationships
between workers may be derived from the frequency
of passing a case from one performer to another.
For analyzing such relationships, the tool MiSoN
has been developed [10]. The functionality of
MiSoN has been embedded in the ProM framework
(see Fig. 2 for a screenshot). Based on the event logs
extracted from these systems, our tool constructs
sociograms that can be used as a starting point for
SNA [19,20]. The derived relationships can be
exported in a matrix format and used by most
SNA tools, such as AGNA and NetMiner. With an
SNA tool, several techniques can be applied to
analyze social networks, e.g., find interaction
patterns, evaluate the role of an individual in an
organization, etc.
When we consider the RWS log, an obvious way
to start is to look for direct handovers of work
within cases between performers (see the discussion
of Fig. 1(c) in Section 3). From an analysis of the
RWS log, we can derive a social network as shown
in Fig. 7. A directed arc between user32 and user28,
for example, represents that on some occasion a
case was handed over from user32 to user28.
It can
easily be verified that the presented network
contains no isolated nodes.
Fig. 7. Social network based on the handover of work metric.
Note that, throughout the paper, the real user names are
changed into anonymous identifiers like userXX to ensure
confidentiality and privacy.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732724
Note that the represented network contains only
43 nodes, all representing human users, while the
original RWS log contains 487 performers. For the
purpose of clarity, we have decided to select the
users that are responsible for the core of the process.
The 43 users as shown take care of 15 out of 17
activities. The activities not considered in this initial
analysis are 070_PV and 170_Parkeer. The former
of the two is only performed by project leaders,
whose only responsibility in the project is to
approve project-related invoices. This is not a major
part of their regular work, while the inclusion of
these dozens of project leaders would make the
diagram unreadable. The latter activity, 170_Park-
eer, is not a real activity, as we explained in the
previous section.
Some SNA diagnostics look at the social network
as a whole while others focus on a single node (i.e.,
performer). For example, if all other individuals are
in short distance to a given node and all geodesic
paths (i.e., the shorted paths in the graph between
two nodes) visit this node, clearly the node is very
central—like a spider in the web. There are different
metrics for this intuitive notion of centrality, such as
betweenness, in and out closeness, and power [40] of
each node. Table 3 shows both the top and bottom
ranked performers based on the betweenness
metric (note that the bottom performers in the
table all share the same value). Betweenness
expresses the extent to which a node lies between
all other pairs of nodes on their geodesic paths.
Formally, for a node i:
betweennessðiÞ¼ X
where gis the size of the network, GPATHSj!k
is the total number of geodesic paths from
node jto node kand GPATHSj!i!kis the
number of geodesic paths from node jto node k
involving node i. In other words, the betweenness
value for a node becomes higher when it is visited
more often on a shortest path between two other
From the responses of the RWS process owners
to this analysis, we learned that, typically, perfor-
mers with high scores (e.g., user1 and user4 in Table
3) work for the administrative department in
supportive functions. This confirms a general in-
sight that highly connected people often are
assistants. Because the administrative department
is responsible for both the preparation and comple-
tion of the handling of each invoice, its staff is
involved in the handling of each case, giving them
strong ties with other performers. The managers of
RWS indicated, however, that not all of the people
in these positions were present in the top of the lists,
indicating that having a supportive function is not
sufficient in itself to become highly connected.
The performers with bottom scores could be
categorized as follows. First of all, project leaders
were highly represented in the bottom of the lists
(e.g., user9). They play an isolated role in the
handling of invoices, normally they are not involved
in any steps other than approving invoices related to
their own projects. Second, performers with limited
formal verification responsibilities could be identi-
fied as well (e.g., user22).
The second category of relatively unconnected
performers could be traced back to auxiliary logins
(e.g., user30), used by system administrators and
management to deal with exceptional circum-
stances. An example of an exception is an invoice
that is being withdrawn while its processing has
already started. The isolated ‘‘participation’’ of this
category of users is therefore not very surprising. It
did, however, make the managers conscious of the
visibility of this type of irregular interference. One
manager remarked: ‘‘So, auditors can derive this
type of information too...’’.
Table 3
Performers having high and low values for betweenness when
analyzing the social network shown in Fig. 7
Ranking Name Betweenness
1 user1 0.152
2 user4 0.141
3 user23 0.085
4 user5 0.079
5 user16 0.065
6 user13 0.057
7 user18 0.052
8 user2 0.049
9 user7 0.04
.. .. ..
35 user9 0
36 user20 0
37 user22 0
38 user30 0
39 user35 0
40 user36 0
41 user39 0
42 user41 0
43 user42 0
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 725
The third category turned out to be more
surprising, as it involved senior positions in the
contractual and financial departments (e.g., user41).
At least nominally, they are expected to be actively
involved in the process. Their low position could
indicate that a large amount of work being executed
with a WfMS is delegated to their juniors. Also, one
of these performers was about to retire in a couple
of weeks, explaining her current low centrality.
So far we only looked at sociograms based on the
transfer of work metric (i.e., the frequency of
passing work from one performer to another).
However, we can also use the subcontracting metric
which is related to the transfer of work metric. The
main idea behind the subcontracting metric is to
count the number of times individual jexecuted an
activity in between two activities executed by
individual i. In a sense, there is a loop of work
between such individuals. This may indicate that
work was subcontracted from ito j. To find
subcontracting relationships between people, we
analyzed the occasions where a direct succession
of contractor and subcontractor takes place with
only one event in between the steps performed by
the contractor. Fig. 8 shows the resulting social
network. In this network, the direction of arcs is
important. The start node of an arc represents a
contractor, while the end node of an arc represents a
The displayed network has 43 nodes and 146
links. It also contains eight nodes that are isolated
from the network, which means they are not
involved in a direct subcontracting relation.
Triggered by the many loops uncovered in the
process mining analysis (see Section 6) and the
social network based on the subcontracting metric,
the RWS process owners were interested to learn
more about the places in the process where work
seemed to circle. After some discussion, they
selected four places in the process where going
‘‘back-and-forth’’ is particularly undesirable. The
four loops of interest, which can all be clearly
distinguished in Fig. 6, are as follows:
030_1e_Vastlegging !050_Adm_akkoord !
050_Adm_akkoord !080_Contract_akkoord
050_Adm_akkoord !070_PV !050_Adm_
080_Contract_akkoord !070_PV !080_
Each occurrence of this pattern is highly undesir-
able, as it slows down the processing of the invoice
without any progress being made. Note that from
an organizational perspective, it is just as undesir-
able when the work package is routed back to the
Fig. 8. Social network based on subcontracting metric.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732726
original contractor as to a colleague with a similar
organizational role.
In extending our analysis, it turned out that in the
handling of over 17% of all invoices, at least once
an undesired subcontracting takes place at either of
the four identified places in the process. The exact
distribution is shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen, there
are cases where 10 or more erroneous routings take
place. As this figure seemed rather excessive, we
carried out a further analysis.
As it turned out, from the 4592 cases of undesired
loops/subcontracting it happened 2087 times (45%)
that the routing back was initiated by the WfMS
without any human performer initiating this action.
This could be seen in the RWS log, since no human
performer of an activity was registered, but instead
a time-out message appeared. The WfMS had been
configured in such a way that whenever a step
becomes ready to be executed because a preceding
step is completed, it starts keeping track of the time
the case is idle. When this time exceeds a time period
of two weeks, the system passes the case back to the
last performer being active on the case. In the
extreme case of the loop 050_Adm_akkoord !
070_PV !050_Adm_akkoord, this active involve-
ment of the WfMS was responsible for 57% of the
iterations. So, at least in part, the loops can be
explained by an overly long passivity of performers
in combination with the particular configuration of
the WfMS to act on that automatically. It is
interesting to note here that the performers respon-
sible for 070_PV are the project leaders, who
normally operate outside the main RWS building
where the invoice processing takes place. As we
mentioned before, the approval of invoices amounts
to only a very small part of their work, which is
focused on the execution of infrastructural projects.
Based on these insights, the RWS management
took steps to improve the process. Before we discuss
these steps, we will first show the additional analyses
from a case perspective in the following section. As
will be shown, the case perspective helped to
develop an even better understanding of the looping
8. Mining the case perspective
In this section we will illustrate business process
mining from the third and last perspective: the case
perspective. In other words, the emphasis is on the
‘‘what’’ question in the handling of invoices.
Focusing on the case perspective is most interesting
when different properties of individual cases are
available. Some properties may refer to the activities
being executed and the performers working on a
specific case. Other properties are directly linked to
a case (i.e., independent of the way the case has been
processed in the WfMS), such as, for instance, the
amount of money of an invoice. However, there are
possibly interesting correlations between the prac-
tical processing of a case and properties directly
linked to case. As the mining of data already has a
long tradition, standard knowledge discovering
techniques can be used to search for this kind of
Information that could be directly distilled from
the RWS log relates to the timeliness of payments
now that a WfMS is operational (see Table 4). The
third column reports the invoice payment results as
registered in the RWS log. The other information
Percentage of total invoices
Number of undesired subcontracting occurences within
the handling of a single invoice
Fig. 9. Distribution of undesired loops within the handling of invoices.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 727
has been already presented in Table 2, but is
repeated for clarity.
As can be seen, the implementation of the WfMS
has accelerated the payment of invoices, but the
norms are still not met. This triggers the following
question: ‘‘Is there a relation between the time that
an invoice is being paid and the amount of money
being involved with the invoice?’’. Suppose that the
payment of invoices with a small amount of money
are the ones that are delayed the most, perhaps
because they are considered as less important. If this
is the case, the negative financial effects would not
be so bad for the financial position of the RWS
office. After all, the interest is proportional to the
invoice sum. To address this specific question, the
SPSS tool Answer Tree was used, resulting in five
categories (automatically generated by Answer
Tree) with values as reported in Table 5.
Unfortunately for the RWS office in question, it
appears that specifically invoices with a high
payment sum—the ones above 1618K euro—are
delayed more strongly than others. It follows from
the table that 20% of the cases between 1618K and
8377K euro are paid too late and this is the case for
even 24% of the cases above 8377K euro. For the
categories with lower payment sums (below 1618K
euro), overly late payments are between 13% and
14%. An explanation for this phenomenon may be
that people are reluctant to accept the responsibility
for approving an invoice involving a high sum of
money. Be it as it may, this clearly illustrates the
kind of insight that can be gained from a case
analysis. It also once more emphasizes the need to
improve the invoice handling process.
Here, we present the further steps taken in the
case analysis of the RWS log that follow up on the
results of the analyses as presented before. As we
identified from the mining of the process control
flow, various loops are a significant part of the main
process, as many cases follow these paths (see
Section 6). Furthermore, we took a closer look at
the performers responsible for the various steps
involved in these loops, in particular considering
four specific parts in the process (see Section 7).
By taking a case perspective, in particular by
combining the information on the execution history
of specific cases and their corresponding processing
times, we try to gain a deeper understanding of the
impact of these loops. We will once more focus on
the loop behavior involving the four activities
030_1e_Vastlegging, 050_Adm_akkoord, 070_PV,
and 080_Contract_akkoord. Note that the loops
prioritized by the RWS process owners themselves
are composed of precisely these activities. Again, we
used Answer Tree with the three payment classes
(A:p31, B:X32 and p62, C:X63) as the target
classification on the one hand and the number of
times a case visits one of the four activities as
predictors on the other. All other Answer Tree
parameters are set to default values. Below, we
discuss the information in the automatically gener-
ated decision tree.
Table 4
The time until invoices are paid (i.e., norms and actual
performance before and after the implementation of a workflow
management system)
Payment duration
Norm (%) Before
WfMS (%)
WfMS (%)
0–31 90 70 84
32–62 5 22 12
63 584
Table 5
The time of payment related to the amount of money
Time of payment Overall p24 424p172 4172p1618 41618p8377 48377
0–31 84% 86% 87% 86% 80% 76%
32–62 12% 10% 11% 11% 15% 15%
63 4% 3% 2% 3% 5% 9%
#n14,043 1403 2810 5619 2807 1404
Table 6
The time of payment distribution related to the number of times
activity 050_Adm_akkoord is processed
Time of payment Overall 0 1 2 42
0–31 84% 99% 91% 77% 36%
32–62 12% 1% 8% 18% 40%
63 4% 0% 1% 5% 24%
#n14,043 364 10,680 1782 1218
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732728
First of all, activity 050_Adm_akkoord appears
the best predictor for the payment classification (see
Table 6). This is the activity where the registration
takes place of the invoice’s payment sum, the
relevant budgets for paying it, and the required
distribution over these budgets. The actual verifica-
tion whether the payment should be done needs
then yet to take place. Normally, such a verification
is either done by a project leader in the case that the
payment involves a specific project or by a clerk if
the invoice falls within the conditions of a long-
running contract.
From Table 6 it clearly follows that when activity
050_Adm_akkoord is executed twice for a particu-
lar case, the probability of the involved payment
being delayed beyond the 31 day limit is much
higher (23%) than when this activity is not executed
at all (1%) or just once (9%). If the activity
050_Adm_akkoord is processed more than two
times, the probability of a payment being too late
even increases to 64%. Note that considering the
four places of undesired subcontracting identified
earlier, the repeated execution of activity 050_
Adm_akkoord may indicate occurrences of either
the loop 050_Adm_akkoord !080_Contract_ak-
koord !050_Adm_akkoord or 050_Adm_akkoord
!070_PV !050_Adm_akkoord.
It is now interesting to find out whether it is
activity 080_Contract_akkoord or activity 070_PV
that is most related to late payments. These are the
two alternatives for a loop involving 050_Adm_ak-
koord, being the two principal ways that the actual
verification of the invoice can take place. By
examining the lower leaves of the decision tree, we
found that it is in fact activity 070_PV that best
explains these delays in the case that 050_Adm_ak-
koord is processed more than two times. It is exactly
this activity that needs to be executed by the project
leaders, who often work remotely from the RWS
main office. If the activity 070_PV is processed more
than two times, the probability of the payment
being too late increases to 75%.
The analysis presented in this section clearly
identifies how multiple executions of specific activ-
ities contribute to the late processing of invoices. In
response to this insight, the RWS process owners
informed the project leaders responsible for execut-
ing 070_PV on how their purported passivity
affected the overall performance of the payment
process. Recall that the analysis from the organiza-
tional perspective already indicated that the WfMS
often acted by itself to hand back a case to a
previous performer, because the intended performer
of an activity did not respond in time. As it turned
out, the project leaders were not aware of the impact
of their actions. They agreed to give the invoice
approval a higher priority in their work load, even
though it is not a core part of their daily work. This
nicely illustrates the phenomenon that performers
often do not have a good insight into the wider
context of a business process [41].
9. Reflection and conclusions
In this paper, we presented a case study illustrat-
ing the practical application of process mining. To
present the case study we used three perspectives:
the process, organization, and case perspective. As a
starting point, we used an industrial event log
extracted from an operational WfMS. This proprie-
tary WfMS is being used (amongst others) to
support the process of handling invoices at a local
RWS office in The Netherlands. We described how
one can use a mixture of standard and specific
mining tools to carry out this analysis.
The most important outcome from a process
mining perspective was the discovery of the main
flow in the invoice handling process. Because the
generated process model incorporated information
on the execution frequencies of activities, it could
clearly be seen that loops in this process are far from
exceptional. Inspired by this observation, process
mining from an organizational perspective focused
on the subcontracting metric in particular, leading
to the identification of places in the process where
the circling of work is undesirable. By inspecting
these places more closely, the specific roles of two
kinds of process performers were identified: the
WfMS itself and the project leaders. Additional
mining from the case perspective revealed that the
various loops indeed have a great impact on the
process performance. It confirmed that the activity
that needs to be executed by project leaders, who
often work remotely, is strongly affecting the
performance of the process in terms of timeliness.
Based on this industrial application of process
mining, we can make three important observations.
First of all, the practical application of business
process mining is already feasible using the techni-
ques embedded in the ProM framework. None-
theless, it seems necessary to take realistic
characteristics of event logs into account, such as
e.g., the existence of noise. The successful applica-
tion of our heuristics-based mining approach
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713 –732 729
illustrates this point. Second, business process
mining is a promising and potentially effective
way to deal with real organizational challenges.
The results from our analyses enabled the involved
management to formulate and target specific
organizational measures. The mining results could
be used as an objective support for these measures.
As a side effect, process mining made the manage-
ment aware of the visibility of irregular behavior.
Finally, the case study showed that it is worthwhile
to combine different mining perspectives to reach a
richer understanding of the process. In this case, for
example, the control flows revealed the various
loops, but it took an organizational perspective to
identify the key players, and a case-oriented analysis
to understand the impact of these loops on the
process performance.
In performing this business process mining
project, we learned an important lesson. It seems
crucial to be closely involved with the people of the
organization itself to carry out a meaningful
analysis. As a small illustration of this point, it
would have been impossible to determine the real
value of the oddly connected activity 170_Parkeer
on the basis of the event log itself (i.e., without
direct involvement of the process owner). This
activity turned out not to be an activity at all, but
rather a WfMS facility to suspend an operation.
More importantly, it took the input of the RWS
process owners to identify and prioritize four
locations of the process that seemed of interest to
subject to a closer analysis. This certainly helped to
speed up the identification of relevant results.
Furthermore, the case study also showed that
process mining also has a number of obvious
limitations. First of all, we can only monitor the
events that are actually logged. This implies that
some interactions may not be visible. Moreover,
people may find ways to work around the system.
Second, the system may enforce certain interaction
patterns. If workers are completely controlled by
the system, the discovered process models and
sociograms reflect the system rather than the
organization. Fortunately, most systems offer a lot
of flexibility when it comes to the selection and
ordering of work-items. Even WfMSs allow for a
pull mechanism where workers select work-items
from a shared pool in any order. Moreover, other
types of process-aware information systems (e.g.,
ERP, CRM, PDM systems) tend to allow for even
more flexibility. Finally, it is clear that there are
privacy issues that may complicate the application
of process mining (in particular the organizational
perspective). It would have been relatively easy on
the basis of the logged information to determine
which specific individual performers are responsible
for the slow processing of invoices. Although this
might be important information to optimize the
process further, we did not carry out this analysis.
Privacy issues, labor contracts, and other agree-
ments are crucial to determine to what level
practical mining analyses may proceed.
To conclude this paper, we briefly discuss our
plans for future work. We are currently extending
and improving our mining techniques and continue
to do so given the many challenges and open
problems. For example, we are developing genetic
algorithms to improve the mining of noisy logs.
Recently, we added a lot of new functionality to the
ProM framework.
Therefore, our first priority is to
apply process mining in a wide variety of practical
situations. Interesting application domains that we
would like to target (and where we already have
some limited experiences) are:
Health care: The flow of patients in a hospital and
other health-care-related processes could be discov-
ered using process mining. Just measuring perfor-
mance indicators such as flow times and frequencies
does not provide enough insight in the actual
process. Effective health-care management requires
more fine-grained information that is truly process-
oriented. Hence process mining could really help to
improve processes here.
Web services: Cross-organizational workflows are
enabled by web-services technology, but also
require an agreement on a common process.
However, one party cannot force the other party
to work in a certain way. Therefore, one can make
agreements and check these or try to discover the
behavior of the other parties involved. Process
mining can be used to discover the ‘‘choreography’’
of web services and detect deviations. This is a way
to operationalize the notion of abstract processes in
BPEL [42] and choreographies in [43].
Case handling: Case handling systems such as
FLOWer [32] extend existing workflow technology
with more flexibility. As a result, users can deviate
from the ‘‘normal’’ flow of work. Process mining
can be used to discover and quantify these devia-
tions. ProM is already able to mine from FLOWer
logs and we applied this in a Dutch social security
See for more information and to
download the tools used in this paper.
W.M.P. van der Aalst et al. / Information Systems 32 (2007) 713–732730
agency. However, we would also like to apply our
tools to change the logs of systems such as ADEPT
Related to the application of the ProM frame-
work in real-life situations is the transfer of ideas to
commercial tools. In our collaboration with IDS
Scheer some of our results have been incorporated
in ARIS PPM, e.g., the ‘‘Organizational Analysis’’
module of ARIS PPM borrowed several ideas from
the Social Network Miner in ProM. We hope that
more software vendors will adopt more of the ideas
presented in this paper.
The authors would like to thank Andriy Aniko-
lov, Laura Maruster, Anne Rozinat, Christian
¨nther, Huub de Beer, Monique Jansen-Vullers,
Michael Rosemann, and Peter van den Brand for
their on-going work on process mining techniques
and tools at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Minseok Song visited Eindhoven University of
Technology with funding by the BK21 program.
He would like to thank the Ministry of Education of
Korea for its financial support through the BK21
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... Other studies report on simulating or testing recommended proposed changes [8,25,43,51]. Other kinds of follow-up investigation are related to investigating or discussing root-causes of the insights [3,11,64]. For example, in [11], the authors investigated the causes of a high ticket resolution time variance. ...
... Actions regarding communication include challenging conventional beliefs, increasing awareness about the process, or creating an ad-hoc custom visualization for communicating findings [22,36,46]. Regarding information sharing, reported actions are related to providing feedback on performance measurements [3,27]. For example, in [3], the authors provide feedback regarding specific detected loops in the process under investigation. ...
... Regarding information sharing, reported actions are related to providing feedback on performance measurements [3,27]. For example, in [3], the authors provide feedback regarding specific detected loops in the process under investigation. Other papers report on discussing the likelihood of partial findings [46,52], informing the manager about specific findings [3], or improving information sharing [5,52,64] to, for example, improve coordination between collaborating stakeholders [64]. ...
Organizations from various domains use process mining to better understand, analyze, and improve their business processes. While the overall value of process mining has been shown in several contexts, little is known about the specific actions that are taken to move from process mining insights to process improvement. In this work, we address this research gap by conducting a systematic literature review. Specifically, we investigate which types of actions have been taken in existing studies and to which insights these actions are linked. Our findings show that there exists a large variety of actions. Many of these actions do not only relate to changes to the investigated process but also to the associated information systems, the process documentation, the communication between staff members, and personnel training. Understanding the diversity of the actions triggered by process mining insights is important to instigate future research on the different aspects of translating process mining insights into process improvement. The insights-to-action realm presented in this work can inform and inspire new process mining initiatives and prepare for the effort required after acquiring process mining insights.
... One of the main tasks of PM is the discovery of process models from business software event logs [2]. Typically, PM is applied to transaction-processing information systems such as workflow management, ERP, or supply chain management systems [3]. ...
... The more LL activities are generated, the longer the duration. 3 ECSEA framework: 4 Experiment setup: ...
... One of the main tasks of PM is the discovery of process models from business software event logs [2]. Typically, PM is applied to transaction-processing information systems such as workflow management, ERP, or supply chain management systems [3]. ...
... The more LL activities are generated, the longer the duration. 3 ECSEA framework: 4 Experiment setup: ...
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One aim of Process Mining (PM) is the discovery of process models from event logs of information systems. PM has been successfully applied to process-oriented enterprise systems but is less suited for communication- and document-oriented Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). ECS event logs are very fine-granular and PM applied to their logs results in spaghetti models. A common solution for this is event abstraction, i.e., converting low-level logs into more abstract high-level logs before running discovery algorithms. ECS logs come with special characteristics that have so far not been fully addressed by existing event abstraction approaches. We aim to close this gap with a tailored ECS event abstraction (ECSEA) approach that trains a model by comparing recorded actual user activities (high-level traces) with the system-generated low-level traces (extracted from the ECS). The model allows us to automatically convert future low-level traces into an abstracted high-level log that can be used for PM. Our evaluation shows that the algorithm produces accurate results. ECSEA is a preprocessing method that is essential for the interpretation of collaborative work activity in ECS, which we call Social Process Mining.
... The absence of studies related to the business layer is due to the missing direct relationships and differing abstraction levels between observable technical data in the systems and potential target elements of models in the business layer (Farwick et al., 2013, Pérez-Castillo et al., 2020. With process mining, the possibility to abstract from technical log data to business processes was introduced (van der Aalst et al., 2007). Other researchers apply methods of semantic technology to abstract from high to low granular data (Leopold et al., 2015, Pérez-Castillo et al., 2014, Zhu et al., 2019. ...
... The last category (D) of papers provides an overview of potential data sources for automated EA modeling. As for the business layer, payroll and human resource systems (Johnson et al., 2016), BPMs (Farwick et al., 2013, event logs (Perez-Castillo et al., 2019, van der Aalst et al., 2007, and sales, customer and product management systems (Johnson et al., 2016) have been identified as useful data sources. Hauder et al. (2012) evaluate the requirements and challenges that are associated with the integration of various data sources for the automated modeling of EA views. ...
Conference Paper
Business capability models are widely used in enterprise architecture management to generate an abstract overview of an organization's business activities for reaching its business objectives. The creation and maintenance of these models are associated with a huge manual workload. Research provides insights into opportunities for automated modeling of enterprise architecture models. However, most papers address the application and technology layer and leave the business layer largely unexplored. Particularly, no research has been conducted on the automated generation of business capability models. This research uses 19 semi-structured interviews to identify possible automated modeling opportunities of business capabilities and related challenges. Based on this a business capability mining approach is developed. This research benefits both, practice and theory, by describing a situation-based business capability mining approach and identifying implementation scenarios.
... Among others, this requires commitment from both the process manager and the process participants, proper communication of the changes, an allocation of the required resources, additional training, etc. While several authors discuss the importance of communication [2,26,44] and also training in such contexts [43], these concerns are generally only superficially considered. As a result, it remains unclear which challenges need to be overcome to translate insights (or recommendations based on insights) into process improvements. ...
Many organizations have adopted process mining to analyze their business processes, gain insights into their performance, and identify improvement opportunities. Several academic case studies and reports from practice leave no doubt that process mining tools can deliver substantial value to organizations and help them to realize improvements. However, both organizations and academics have also realized that the path from obtaining insights via process mining to realizing the desired improvements is far from trivial. Existing process mining methodologies pay little to no attention to this matter and mainly focus on how to obtain insights through process mining. In this paper, we address this research gap by conducting a qualitative study based on 17 semi-structured interviews. We identify seven challenges pertaining to translating process mining insights into process improvements. Furthermore, we provide five specific recommendations for practitioners and stakeholders that should be considered before starting a new process mining initiative. By doing so, we aim to close the gap between insights and action and help organizations to effectively use process mining to realize process improvements.
Conference Paper
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This paper reviews the importance of the stickiness effect of tourism websites in increasing customers' motivation to use services. The concept of stickiness refers to a website's ability to attract visitors and encourage them to explore further. This article discusses how factors such as user interface design, content quality, and interactive features can help enhance the stickiness of tourism websites. It also examines the impact of stickiness on customer motivation and interaction with tourism services. These findings highlight the importance of creating an engaging and user-friendly online experience to attract and retain customers in the competitive tourism industry. Understanding and utilizing the stickiness effect can help tourism businesses stand out in the competitive market and drive growth in customer interaction and retention.
This paper reviews the importance of the stickiness effect of tourism websites in increasing customers' motivation to use services. The concept of stickiness refers to a website's ability to attract visitors and encourage them to explore further. This article discusses how factors such as user interface design, content quality, and interactive features can help enhance the stickiness of tourism websites. It also examines the impact of stickiness on customer motivation and interaction with tourism services. These findings highlight the importance of creating an engaging and user-friendly online experience to attract and retain customers in the competitive tourism industry. Understanding and utilizing the stickiness effect can help tourism businesses stand out in the competitive market and drive growth in customer interaction and retention.
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Organizations struggle to achieve insight in however their business processes square measure conducted actually. Method mining allows organizations to extract this data} by analyzing business events recorded in their information systems. However, the business events recorded in these systems don't forever mirror constant level of abstraction because the desired method model that's employed by the business. Current method mining approaches offer light attention to the current gap. This paper proposes many information preparation strategies that apply provision domain information for method mining the fabric movements among a corporation additionally, associate degree custom-made method mining project methodology is bestowed that expressly includes these preparation strategies.
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Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated time-consuming process and typically, there are discrepancies between the actual workflow processes and the processes as perceived by the management. Therefore, we propose a technique for rediscovering workflow models. This technique uses workflow logs to discover the workflow process as it is actually being executed. The workflow log contains information about events taking place. We assume that these events are totally ordered and each event refers to one task being executed for a single case. This information can easily be extracted from transactional information systems (e.g., Enterprise Resource Planning systems such as SAP and Baan). The rediscovering technique proposed in this paper can deal with noise and can also be used to validate workflow processes by uncovering and measuring the discrepancies between prescriptive models and actual process executions.
Conference Paper
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Workflow management systems enable the exact and timely analysis of automated business processes through the analysis of logged audit trail data. Within the research project CONGO, we develop a process analysis tool (PISA) that can be employed to analyze the audit trail data of different workflow management systems in conjunction with target data from business process modeling tools. A working prototype has been completed that integrates data of the ARIS Toolset and IBM MQSeries Workflow. The analysis focuses on three different perspectives: processes and functions, involved resources, and process objects. We outline the economic aspects of workflow based process monitoring and control and the current state of the art in monitoring facilities provided by current workflow management systems and existing standards. After a discussion of the three evaluation perspectives, sample evaluation methods for each perspective are discussed. The concept and architecture of PISA are described and implementation issues are outlined before an outlook on further research is given.
Conference Paper
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Technology is increasingly being incorporated into people's day-to-day social relationships, particularly for people whose friendships occupy the center of their social lives. In the following paper we discuss a co-located social group's tendency to integrate planning and re-experiencing around social events with tools for persistent conversations. Through a questionnaire study we found that emails and mailing lists were used as much as phone conversations to plan social activities, and that said usage was positively correlated with measures of friendship satisfaction, sense of community, and percentage of time spent socializing. In response to our observations, we designed a sharing and communication application, Wallop, to enrich the co-located social group's planning and sharing around social events. Wallop provides both communication and social awareness tools, enabling users to build conversations in the context of shared content and browse their implicit social networks. Initial responses to Wallop from a focus group and limited deployment to test users have been positive.
This paper reports on the development of social network analysis, tracing its origins in classical sociology and its more recent formulation in social scientific and mathematical work. It is argued that the concept of social network provides a powerful model for social structure, and that a number of important formal methods of social network analysis can be discerned. Social network analysis has been used in studies of kinship structure, social mobility, science citations, contacts among members of deviant groups, corporate power, international trade exploitation, class structure, and many other areas. A review of the formal models proposed in graph theory, multidimensional scaling, and algebraic topology is followed by extended illustrations of social network analysis in the study of community structure and interlocking directorships.