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Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration: The Case of the Greek Public Administration


Abstract and Figures

A great number of recent studies in the e-government area focus on investigating how technology-induced changes in the public sector connect with the New Public Management (NPM) reform, envisioned by many politicians. Researchers in this field contend that e-government denotes a structural and process-oriented change of governmental organizations, with the objective of getting them to run more efficiently. Adopting this perspective, this paper revisits a well-established business process change (BPC) methodology for the public sector and applies it to analyse the Greek initiative of Citizens Service Centers (CSCs) towards a one-stop hybrid (physical and electronic) government model. Considering the particularities of public organizations, we position our research as dealing fundamentally with ex-ante planned incremental changes at the micro level, being part of either a revolutionary or evolutionary transformation program at the macro level. We argue in favor of extending the six stages of the initially prescribed BPC methodology with an additional stage, named 'institutionalize change'. This serves the need of applying BPC to implement changes that enable multi-agency collaboration at a national level.
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Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement
Multi-agency Collaboration: The Case of the Greek Public
Adamantia Pateli1 and Sofia Philippidou2
1 Ionian University, Department of Informatics,
2 Athens University of Economics & Business, Department of Management Science and Technology,
Received 29 July 2010; received in revised form 11 November 2010; accepted 22 December 2010
A great number of recent studies in the e-government area focus on investigating how technology-induced
changes in the public sector connect with the New Public Management (NPM) reform, envisioned by many
politicians. Researchers in this field contend that e-government denotes a structural and process-oriented
change of governmental organizations, with the objective of getting them to run more efficiently. Adopting this
perspective, this paper revisits a well-established business process change (BPC) methodology for the public
sector and applies it to analyse the Greek initiative of Citizens Service Centers (CSCs) towards a one-stop
hybrid (physical and electronic) government model. Considering the particularities of public organizations, we
position our research as dealing fundamentally with ex-ante planned incremental changes at the micro level,
being part of either a revolutionary or evolutionary transformation program at the macro level. We argue in favor
of extending the six stages of the initially prescribed BPC methodology with an additional stage, named
‘institutionalize change’. This serves the need of applying BPC to implement changes that enable multi-agency
collaboration at a national level.
Keywords: E-government, Business process change, Integration, Multi-agency collaboration,
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
1 Introduction
The growth of the public sector in the 1970s and early 1980s has set the scene for subsequent pressures for reforms.
Therefore, governments worldwide have engaged in ongoing high-profile and comprehensive reform plans.
Implemented through a wide range of different change programmes, reform plans usually encompass a wide
spectrum of changes, such as changes in the relationships between the central, regional and local level of
administration as well as changes in the organizational design of public services [34].
From Sweden to Spain and from Portugal to Greece, reform policies have been put on the map in favor of new
managerial practices in order to become more efficient and better respond to the needs of citizens ([48], [55]). Most
reforms are oriented towards structural and process redesign of the public organizations with the aid of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The use of information technology can provide powerful additions to the
communication infrastructure of governmental agencies [22], generating significant information efficiencies and
synergies [11]. Moreover, the use of telecommunications helps to promote the multiplicative gain that can be
obtained through multi-agency collaboration.
The great majority of early e-government projects focused on redesigning a single governmental institution’s services
and information delivery, and thus generated internal efficiencies. Nevertheless, the latest developments in
eGovernment at EU level have shown that there is value to be created through integration of services across the
boundaries of departments and governmental agencies. These cross-governmental initiatives yield great promise for
producing “better public services” and shift attention to processes, structures and information flows across the
national governmental enterprise. Working at the national level allows sufficient scope and authority for redesign
efforts [47].
Based on a progress study of the i2010 eGovernment Action Plan [13], an important issue of concern for the
European Commission is the overall “flatlining” of citizen use of eGovernment services. More specifically, while
almost all indicators of citizen online activity continue to show a year-on-year increase from 2004 to 2008, the
interaction with the public administration presents a downturn. An explanation provided concerns the need for a more
deep-seated transformation in the way governments use ICT to provide services. A similar finding has been made by
the OECD [40] which points to the need to shift the eGovernment focus from a government- and silo-centric to a
user-centric approach. Many other commentators express the need for a transition from an eGovernment 1.0
government-centric phase, to a second-generation e-government 2.0 user-centric or user-driven phase before further
significant take-up and impacts will be seen.
Within the last decade, several researchers have been interested in describing the evolution of e-government with
the use of stage models ([5], [27], [30], [32]). Layne and Lee [32] have provided one of the most widely cited e-
government evolution models. This includes the following stages; (1) catalogue, (2) transaction, (3) vertical
integration and (4) horizontal integration. Contrasting the previous model, Andersen and Henriksen [5] have
developed a four-stage model (cultivation, extension, maturity and revolution) that shifts focus from what is
technologically feasible to what is beneficial for the end-users, emphasizing the need for streamlining processes and
improving communications with citizens. Taking a national perspective rather than that of single organizations,
Klievink and Janssen [30] have proposed a five-stage model, defined based on two parameters; customer-
orientation and flexibility. This model consists of the following stages; (1) stovepipes, (2) integrated organizations, (3)
nation-wide portal, (4) inter-organizational integration and (5) customer-driven, joined-up government.
Combining the i2010 Action Plan [13] imperative towards e-government 2.0 with the above research on stage
models, one could argue over the requirement for more research regarding multi-agency integration and
collaboration. Current research in this area could be primarily divided into studies investigating the interoperability
issues raised (e.g. [9], [18]), and studies discussing the management and strategic aspect of this integration (e.g.
[31], [36]). A middle level of integration, concerning processes and structures of public organizations that are
transformed with the contribution of ICT technologies, is less commonly investigated.
This paper aims at closing this gap by applying a well-established business process change methodology, proposed
by Kettinger et al. [28], in analyzing the implementation process of Citizens Service Centers, or KEP in their Greek
abbreviation [43], a hybrid (physical and electronic) one-stop-government case. It contributes to existing BPR
research by extending the traditional BPC methodology with the “Institutionalize Change” stage, which involves
macro-level interventions concerning inter-department and inter-agency transactions. Moreover, it contributes to e-
government research by providing a change management approach for governmental organizations that wish to
implement changes in a multi-agency collaboration level. Existing BPR approaches and tools that have been
proposed for the public sector are limited and concern the individual level of governmental organizations.
This paper is structured as follows. The next section provides an introduction to the literature of business process
change (methodologies, techniques, tools), as well as to the literature of change models, which is important in order
to identify the particularities of e-government programs. Section 3 presents the research settings and methodology
applied to achieve the primary research purpose of this paper. Section 4 applies the BPC methodology of Kettinger
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
et al. [28] in analyzing the CSC implementation in the Greek public administration and argues in favor of its extension
with a new stage. Section 5 discusses the main lessons learnt from the case study analysis, while the last section of
this paper raises the main implications of this study for practitioners and researchers in the field.
2 Business Process Change Literature
The literature on business process change is rich and mostly dated within the 1990s decade. In their great majority,
existing research studies concern the application of changes on business processes of the private sector. Within the
last decade, the research interest on applying BPR in the public sector has increased. Moreover, several
researchers are investigating the theoretical but also implementation links that seem to exist between BPR projects
and the contemporary requirement for organizations to continuously change and innovate. Following, we present
prime research conducted during the previous decade on frameworks/methodologies for redesigning business
processes, more recent empirical research on applying BPR in the public sector as well as primary concepts of the
organizational change literature.
2.1 A Business Process Redesign Framework
Business process change (BPC) has been defined as a strategy-driven organizational initiative to improve and (re-
)design business processes in order to achieve competitive advantage in performance through changes in the
relationships among management, information technology, organizational structure, and people [21]. After that, it
integrates a strategy-driven change effort and a method of process improvement with Information Technology (IT)
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has arguably been the most popular and sweeping change management
approach of the 1990s decade. The widespread attention, indeed hype, surrounding BPR can, at least partly, be
attributed to the fact that BPR advocates an alternative perspective on how organizations should be studied and
improved [25]. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) aims at improving the productivity of an organization by
altering the organization’s processes (intrafunctional, cross-functional, interorganizational). Information technology is
seen as an enabler for reorganization [20].
In the literature, there has been some confusion regarding the use of terms like re-engineering, process change and
redesign. Most BPR researchers use the term ‘re-engineering’ to refer to radical changes and the term ‘process
change’ or ‘process improvement’ to refer to incremental [61]. Both re-engineering and change are included in the
definition of redesign.
Like most managerial innovations, BPR has passed from a long period of testing and experimentation with a wide
range of methodologies, techniques and tools. A number of methodologies, techniques, and tools for BPR projects
have been proposed by researchers and practitioners alike for modeling, analyzing and redesigning business
processes. Several researchers in the BPR field have invested their efforts in reviewing and classifying such
methodologies and techniques ([1], [2], [16], [19], [38], [61]). Nevertheless, using as criteria the scope of their
analysis as well as the number of citations made so far, Kettinger et al.’s [28] study is discerned for providing an
excellent summary and review of BPR instruments. Based on a literature review of BPR methodologies, techniques
and tools, and interviews with 25 BPR consultants and vendors, Kettinger et al. [28] proposed a BPR Stage-Activity
(S-A) Framework, including six stages, each of which was then subdivided into a number of activities, followed by
their respective techniques and tools.
1. Envision: This stage typically involves the establishment of management commitment and vision, a review
of business strategy and IT opportunities for improving the firm’s overall performance. Some typical
techniques and tools used in this stage include; Process/ CSF Matrix, Delphi Technique, IT/Process
Analysis and Force Field Analysis.
2. Initiate: This stage encompasses the assignment of a reengineering project team, setting of performance
goals, project planning, and stakeholder/employee notification and persuasion. Most commonly applied
techniques and tools in this stage are; Project Scheduling and Quality Function Deployment.
3. Diagnose: This stage comprises classification of current practices and processes, in terms of activities
taking place, resources used, communication exchanges, roles, IT infrastructure and costs. Characteristic
techniques and tools in the diagnose stage comprise; Fishbone Diagram, IDEF0,3, Role Activity Diagrams
and Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets.
4. Redesign: In the redesign stage, a new process design is developed, under the concern of meeting the
strategic objectives set up at the envision stage and fitting with the existing human resource and IT
architectures. If necessary, new structures and information systems are proposed. Typical techniques and
tools used in this stage include; Force Field Analysis, IDEF0,3, Data Flow Diagrams, Role Activity Diagrams,
and Simulation.
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
5. Reconstruct: This stage applies change management techniques to ensure smooth migration to the new
process model. During this stage, the necessary IT platforms and systems are implemented, and the users
go through training and transition. In this stage, we come across the following techniques and tools; Force
Field Analysis, Instruction-based Training and Socio-Technical System Design.
6. Evaluate: This last stage involves monitoring of the new process model to determine if it meets its goals and
often involves linkage to a firm’s total quality programs. Common techniques and tools in this last stage
include; Activity-based Costing, Pareto Diagrams, Fishbone Analysis, Employee and Team Attitude
Assessment and Total Quality Management (TQM) programs.
Later BPR research emphasized the limitations of existing methodologies in taking a holistic view of the organization
([54], [61]). Specifically, Valiris & Glykas [61] identified the need for a methodology that views BPR from an
organizational theoretic perspective. Their proposed methodology, called Agent Relationship Morphism Analysis
(ARMA), included the following five stages: 1) Establishing the vision and objectives, the scope and mode of BPR, 2)
Business modeling, 3) Business analysis, 4) Redesign, 5) Continuous improvement. Nevertheless, the stages of this
methodology could fit the six stages of the S-A framework. Particularly, stages 1 corresponded to the ‘Envision’ and
‘Initiate’ stage, stage 2 and 3 discerned the activities involved in the ‘Diagnose’ stage into those concerning modeling
and those concerning analysis of existing processes, stage 4 summarized the ‘Redesign’ and ‘Reconstruct’ stages,
while stage 5 matched to the description of the ‘Evaluate’ stage. In the same vein, the five stages of the consolidated
methodology proposed by Muthu et al. [37] could absolutely fit the S-A framework. After that, we consider the
Kettinger et al. [28] framework as rather complete and, thus, appropriate for describing our BPR project for the public
2.2 Business Process Change and E-government
While BPC has been widely investigated to analyze the impact of information systems introduction in the private
sector, less research attention has been provided for applying this theoretical perspective in studying IT
implementation in the public sector. Several researchers have identified a number of obstacles in applying BPC to
the public sector ([4], [8], [52]). Besides cultural barriers, which are commonly stressed in literature, the difficulties in
applying BPC to the public sector are founded in the nature of the political decision and production process [51].
Moreover, the democratic principles of legal equality, legal security and the rule of law impede the application of
creative strategies in redesigning policy processes [56]. While an improved productivity may be the ultimate goal of
BPC in the private sector, redesigning policy processes cannot aim solely to productivity.
Τhe different principles of governance in the public sector make BPC projects for the public sector intrinsically more
complex [52]. Due to the distribution of powers, such projects seemingly necessitate far higher degrees of consensus
among salient stakeholders than is typical in the private sector. Scholl [52] identifies the imminent need for applying
BPC as more vertical and horizontal integration occurs through e-government.
While several researchers have discussed the conceptual inter-connection of BPC and e-government, empirical
research in this field is still in its infancy. In the recent literature, BPC has been applied to study a process change
project at one of the Slovene ministries [53]. Nevertheless, the business process change project involved only one
institution, which resulted in low potential for IT enablement and thus e-government implementation. Instead, in the
case of BPC projects including inter-organizational processes, and thus more state institutions, the potential for IT
enablement is quite high. After that, the need for, and subsequently the value of, applying BPC becomes even
2.3 Types of Change for the Public Sector
The literature review on organizational change theories has shown that research in this field is complicated, as it is
lacking common language and most of the times each scholar adapts his terminology for explaining change.
A great distinction in the change management literature is made between ‘revolutionary’ and ‘evolutionary’ types of
change. Revolutionary change can comprise dramatic modification of mission, strategy and deep structure due to
changes that have occurred by external and internal factors [15]. On the contrary, evolutionary change typically aims
at improving activities within the organization in order to achieve higher levels of performance over time [7]. The
fundamental factors distinguishing revolutionary from evolutionary change include the scale/magnitude and the pace
of change. Revolutionary change is wide in scale, while the magnitude of evolutionary change is limited. Moreover,
whereas evolutionary change occurs slowly and gradually, revolutionary change happens swiftly and in a multitude
of organizational parameters simultaneously ([17], [60]).
Similarly to revolutionary change, ‘radical’ change is important in magnitude and happens suddenly [3]. Its
distinguishing factor is that radical change is planned as a major change effort following analysis of whatever
relevant new conditions have intervened in the life of the organization ([3], [23]). Thus, it is more inward looking,
while revolutionary change is more externally driven from evolutionary forces [43]. Opposed to radical change,
‘incremental’ change is defined as ongoing, evolving and cumulative [62], concerning narrowly focused and bounded
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
improvements of organizational parameters [60]. The pace of the change process comprises the fundamental
distinguishing factor of radical versus incremental change [24].
Porras and Silver [49] provide another distinction of change; ‘planned’ versus ‘emergent’ change. Planned change is
defined as deliberate, conscious and purposeful decision to improve the organization in some way or perhaps
change the organization in a deeper, more fundamental way. Planned change has specific goals and it is
manageable during its unfolding [45]. On the other hand, emergent change is described as the result of an ongoing
adaptation of organizations in response to some unanticipated external change (e.g. the emergence of a new
technology) [49].
The stable environment of public organizations necessitates the adoption of a planned incremental change with the
purpose to reduce conflicting events that arise from the strong evidence of bureaucratic norms and rules [46]. A
planned incremental change has the purpose to set new goals and actions aiming at moving the organization to a
new equilibrium. Within public organizations, public managers set out to accomplish specific objectives and have
clear vision of what kind of change they want to achieve, with the purpose to implement major reforms in the long run.
Moreover, public organizations often come across evolutionary changes that may be part of other radical or
revolutionary changes, as planned or emerging modifications at the micro level. For instance, wishing to transform to
the New Public Management model, governments may set up a sequence of evolutionary change projects, including
changes at internal business processes first, and then to external or inter-organizational processes, which inevitably
result in structural changes [46]. Under this vein, the management literature has so far been preoccupied by the
practice and outcomes of approaching public management to the managerial frameworks used in private
organizations. The need for adopting more flexible, strategic and business oriented approaches to public
organizations has led scholars to extract management practices from the business literature and try to apply them to
public organizations. The ‘New Public Management’ (NPM) school of thought has broadly influenced public
management reforms and introduced new managerial practices that put more emphasis on the market and on
replacing the bureaucratic structures of public organizations with more flexible ones, as found in the private sector
[50]. In general, this movement could be seen as a transformation from public bureaucracy to a model of more
flexible administration [48] applying business process redesigns frameworks. New Public Management principles
include redesign of key procedures for serving citizens, setting of quality standards for public services, efficiency
improvements of human resources management procedures, and introducing a number of initiatives inspired by the
business world ([44], [59]).
In this context, our research set out to address the challenge of applying a business process redesign framework in
the case of Citizens Services Centers. We position our research as dealing fundamentally with an ex-ante planned
incremental change at the micro level, being part of either a revolutionary or evolutionary change program at the
macro level. We see some form of intentionality as a necessary but not sufficient condition for explaining the
unfolding of the BPC project in the Greek government. Moreover, technology is seen as an enabler rather than
cause of the transition from the traditional government model to the one-stop government model.
3 Research Setting and Methodology
For many years, the Greek public administration was functioning based on the bureaucratic model ([39], [57]), away
from any business model. Slow integration of technology combined with non-adherence to EU regulations and lack
of decision making at management level included the principal causes accounted for the inefficiency of the Greek
public sector. These shortcomings in the operation of the Greek public sector had a strong negative impact on the
interaction between the Greek state and citizens. Facing the citizen’s displeasure towards public sector institutions,
the Greek government had to set new standards for public services and include more business models into its
operation. The objective was to improve the cost-benefit ratios and enhance public servants' skills to contribute to
modernization of the administration. The key guiding vision behind the changes that were about to take shape was a
strong orientation of the public services towards citizens [46].
The Citizen Service Centers (CSCs) constituted a change initiative of the Ministry of Internal, Public Administration
and Decentralization (M.I.P.A.&D.), aimed at importing a new model of transactions in the Greek public
administration based on the NPM principles [42]. The main purpose of this initiative was the progressive
simplification of administrative processes and their integration into a system of transactions, which was shared
among multiple public administrations agencies. More specifically, the basic objective was to separate the
“production” from the “services” in order to deliver more efficient information to citizens and, and thus be
characterized as the cohesive ring between state and citizens. The CSCs were designed based on the “one-stop-
shop” philosophy. Compared to the previous situation, people no longer had to interact with dispersed
administrations, both local and central with, sometimes, unclear boundaries of intervention and responsibility, to
obtain information, authorisations or other services. In 2002, five pilot one-stop-offices were established - three in the
Athens region, one in Crete and one more in Thessalonica. From the end of 2002 to 2005, almost a thousand CSC
offices were established nationwide, with more than 870 transactional processes integrated in the system.
In this research, the choice of the CSC case was made on the basis that it constitutes an innovative change effort for
the Greek government and a best practice e-government case for the European government. Evidence for that
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
constitutes its participation in the 52 finalists selected for the European eGovernment Awards 2007 [12].
This research has employed a longitudinal exploratory study, taking place from 2001 till 2006, which provided data
and insight on the technical, organizational, social, legal/regulatory and business challenges and complexities of this
multi-year integration e-government project. In order to describe the CSC implementation, we employed three
research methods: archival research, interviews and observation. Such triangulation reduces bias and is
recommended in case study research [63]. First an archival search was conducted, such as mission statements,
consultant’s reports and official documents were analyzed. Second, individual interviews with executives of the
M.I.P.A.&D., being responsible for the implementation of CSCs, as well as technologists and public servants working
in CSCs were accomplished. The total number of the interviews was 51 (31 provided by executive officers; 5 from
technologists; and 15 from directors and employees in CSC) and the average time of each interview was about 40-
60 minutes in length. It was presumed that face-to-face interviews, rather than the use of structured questionnaires,
would provide better understanding of this implementation effort. The interviews were semi-structured, which
enabled us to better organize the natural flow of interviews. The interview questions focused on such issues as
interviewees’ perceptions about the CSC implementation process, the importance of e-government use and the
necessity of introducing business process change methodologies in the Greek public sector.
According to the interview provided by the ex-Vice Minister of M.I.P.A&D., “the main driving forces that led the Greek
government to implement changes in the public administration included the technological innovation. The evolution
of IT drove them to adopt more business oriented approaches and plan changes that should be effective,
strategically oriented and efficient; in fact that would help to reduce cost”. This can be seen as an institutional
evolution and an evolution of management logics. The institutionalized change emphasizes the need of deep
changes in the structure of public organizations in order to assure the full adoption of any technological project.
4 A BPC Methodology Guiding Transition to E-government
As mentioned above, this research employs a case study in order to analyse the way in which a Business Process
Change methodology could be applied to describe the transition to a multi-agency collaboration model for the public
sector. To this end, the Kettinger et al. [28] framework of IT-enabled change was adopted as a framework for the
research. Nevertheless, their proposed BPC methodology focuses on establishing changes in micro-level
organizational elements. BPC projects where more than one agency is involved may require for additional activities
handling the multi-agency nature of such changes. To meet this requirement, an additional stage, addressing
changes in the macro-level, is proposed in this paper. Macro-level changes are those that affect inter-agency and
inter-branch relations [58]. The scope of such changes is so wide that interventions in the national legislation may be
4.1 Envision
The financial instability of Greece in relation to other E.U. countries was obvious during the 1980s, and Greece was
obliged to create new paths of reforms and implement them rapidly. The 1980s and 1990s were characterized not
only by structural changes to reduce state control in Public administration and the labour market, but also by the
intensification of the New Public Management (NPM) style reforms. In 1990s, the Greek government was enforced
by the European Union to follow the E.U. directives for public sector modernization and change. They were afraid
that, if the Greek public organizations never changed, they would eventually lose synchronization with their
environment and with the rest European countries. The vice minister that was in power in that period generated the
idea of providing more efficient services from a single point of interaction (one-stop-shop). In this stage, ideas were
made explicit, named and incorporated into a cognitive map that related the new idea to existing conditions and to
the external environment.
As soon as the ex-vice minister set the initial goals, the creation of a Steering Committee (SC), including a group of
individuals coming from inside the ministry and from the broader governmental environment, took place. They had to
understand and analyze the idea, but also propose specific actions for the implementation of the one-stop
government initiative.
The SC members, being civil servants (middle management employees), were facing the challenge of implementing
a new concept within the area of public administration. In the beginning, each individual (member) of the group
conceived this new vision from a different perspective, because of their different educational and experience
background. This diversity had as result the SC members to resist and even confront each other, thus causing the
new vision not to be accepted in a broader consensus. The acceptance of the new vision by the SC members was a
long process and the vice-minister maintained close contact with them in order to explain them the details of the
realization of his vision. Therefore, much time was spent in building relationships and trust between the SC members
and the vice-minister.
As soon as the implications of change were fully recognized among the SC members, the need for formal planning
(planned change) and goal-setting emerged. Decisions on planned and coordinated actions for the implementation of
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
the change effort were made. The SC defined a number of goals for the CSC implementation and operation.
Operational goals were mainly set based on the opportunities that existed for changing the current process model.
Table 1 illustrates the results of an IT/Process Analysis, conducted under the purpose of identifying the key
opportunities for redesigning key processes of the public administration with the aid of the available Information and
Communication Technologies.
Table 1: IT/process analysis (envision stage)
Process Type Typical BPR Requirements Capabilities of the Enabling ICT
Processes (e.g. change of
residence and registration in
the new municipal)
Unify processes with overlapping
steps taking place in different
A national backbone network (SYZEUXIS)
connecting all institutions of the public
administration was under construction;
Inter-organizational Information Systems
Inter-functional Processes
(e.g. payment of municipal
Transfer information across
different departments of the same
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
systems; Local Networks (WANs,
Ethernet); Workflow & Document
Management Systems; Data-warehouses
Interpersonal Processes
(e.g. electronic submission
of tax income statement)
Remove intermediary and connect
two parties within a process.
Web-based Applications; Portals; Self-
Service Kiosks
Informational Processes
(e.g. information for benefits
that are eligible for families
having many children)
Disseminate vast amounts of
information and guide citizens to
the process steps.
Web-based Applications; Portals; Self-
Service Kiosks
4.2 Initiate
In this stage, the SC decided the next steps, divided the work, set goals, figured out who else to involve and made
public their commitments and timetable. The most important activities planned and executed were; a) selection of the
external technology provider that should implement the technological infrastructure of the CSCs, b) simplification of
certain processes, c) coordination of the municipalities, prefectures, and regions and d) management of the local
agencies’ communication with the ministries.
Additionally, specific actions and goals were set, so that implementation of the first five (5) pilot CSCs could begin.
Sometimes, though, decisions and actions had to be taken in a group level between the SC and the technological
provider. More specifically, the goal was to implement five (5) pilot CSCs, while the main actions to conduct included;
finding the space to accommodate the first pilot CSCs in cooperation with the prefectures, municipalities and regions,
defining the employment policies they had to follow in order to staff the CSCs, and achieving early adoption of the
new software by the public servants.
4.3 Diagnose
The activities at this stage involved definition and classification of the principal causes for citizens’ dissatisfaction
from the Greek public administration services. Confronted with the inflexibility and inefficiency of the public sector,
the Greek citizens had lost trust in it. Based on data provided through the archival research, the main problems faced
by citizens in their everyday interactions with the state were the following:
Lack of knowledge. Civil servants were not always aware of the precise number of documents and the exact
process to follow that were required for the execution of a transaction, thereby causing confusion and
unnecessary delays for the Greek citizens.
Lack of the appropriate competencies and skills. Often, citizens had to confront the phenomenon of public
servants’ ignorance on who is responsible for what.
Process Inconsistency. Similar departments of the Greek public institutions located in different regions of
Greece, often differed in the number and type of documents required for the implementation of a specific
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
Lack of coordination. The lack of an appropriate mechanism for the coordination of activities among different
public institutions wasted citizens’ time and caused them to lose trust in the public sector.
Lack of electronic communication. The Greek public government had lagged behind in the implementation
of a backbone network connecting all public institutions.
Figure 1 illustrates a fishbone diagram designed at this stage to facilitate diagnosis of the main causes of the Greek
citizens’ dissatisfaction.
Figure 1: Fishbone diagram (diagnose stage)
4.4 Redesign
As mentioned above, the CSCs change initiative was organised by the Ministry of Internal, Public Administration and
Decentralization (M.I.P.A.&D.) in cooperation with all the municipalities, the regions and the prefectures of the
country as well as with the associated technological providers. The structure was determined by the Greek Law
3013/2002. Each CSC followed a top-down structure, with an office manager at the top and several permanent and
temporary employees in the back and front offices. The managers and directors of the CSC were permanent
employees (public servants), authorised by the municipalities of the specific region to sign official documents and to
make decisions on the daily operation of the CSCs.
Figure 2 illustrates the CSC operation as it was designed in order to serve citizens’ requests. This includes the
Redesign model proposed for the implementation of the one-stop government model in the Greek public
4.5 Reconstruct
During the implementation of the five (5) pilot CSCs, the SC was relying on particular “sequenced steps” of
implementation and was seeking to maintain consistency between action outlines in the plan with the actual progress
of this change project. This meant that change started with a current time frame, then tackled the future and
continued with linkages across time. The implementation progress was restrained by several difficulties, such as
conflicts between the employees of the different entities.
Based on data of the archival research, the lack of efficient collaboration and communication between the pilot CSCs
and the public administration (i.e. municipalities, ministries, prefectures) was the greatest problem that appeared in
the change process. This was due to delay in introducing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the
public sector, and more specifically due to delay in the accomplishment of the SYZEUXIS project. The objective of
this project was to develop and implement a broadband communication infrastructure enabling effective and speed
connection of the Greek public administration to Internet. The absence of electronic communication, such as
electronic mail, between the institutions, delayed the whole process as all the needed information was transferred by
other means, such as courier, post mail and fax. Another problem that the pilot CSC faced concerned the operation
of the “Thiseas” software to automate the CSC processes. Under these conditions, the SC carefully monitored
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
difficulties in order to formulate the problems that appeared, to suggest corrective actions and to interact with the
responsible players for providing solutions.
Figure 3 provides the results of a force field analysis conducted at the reconstruct stage of the CSC business
process change program. The top part of the figure illustrates the main restraining forces that hindered the
implementation of the CSC initiative. Instead, the bottom part of the figure illustrates the solutions that were worked
out in order to drive the CSC initiative to success.
Figure 2: Flow chart (redesign stage)
Contract Employees provide services like:
-ASEP applicati ons
-Employees check if the citizen has brought
the correct papers in order to proceed to the
E-CSC system, if not the citizen return to
STEP1, other wise go to STEP 2.1
-E- CSC application (the employee enters the
application into the system and gives to the
citizen the filing number)
Employees store applications to the mailing
boxes according to the case:
-BOX 1 (Ministry of Justice)
-BOX 2 (Ministry of Transportation)
-BOX 3 (Municipalities)
STEP 2.1
The Citizen got:
-ASEP applicati ons
-The filing number from the E-CSC
system in order to come back after a
week or so to get his/her application
Permanent Employees provide services like:
-Legitimate signatures
-Make telephone calls to the appropriate
departments to solve delays, general problems
or to the citizens if a problem appears etc.
-They ship applications to the appropriate
departments, ministries, municipalities etc.
-Applications reach the appropriate department
according to the case
-Examines the application for mistakes
STEP 4.1
-Problem to the application process
STEP 4.2
-The employee communicate with the
CSC back office to inform the problem/
mistak e
STEP 4.3
-Employee end the application process and
send it back to STEP3 (CSC BACK OFFICE)
80% of the citizens
return to end task and
go toSTEP 1
20% of the citizen
have ended task
and they don’t come
-Employees inform citizens
to come to collect their
applications and end task to
the E-CSC system
-They put final applications
to a Box until citizen comes
and collect them
-Employee collects
applications and forward
them to STAGE 2
-Citizens collects their final
applications from the Front
Office by signing the
application- end of task
STEP 3.1
- End of Task
Contract Employees provide services like:
-ASEP applicati ons
-Employees check if the citizen has brought
the correct papers in order to proceed to the
E-CSC system, if not the citizen return to
STEP1, other wise go to STEP 2.1
-E- CSC application (the employee enters the
application into the system and gives to the
citizen the filing number)
Employees store applications to the mailing
boxes according to the case:
-BOX 1 (Ministry of Justice)
-BOX 2 (Ministry of Transportation)
-BOX 3 (Municipalities)
STEP 2.1
The Citizen got:
-ASEP applicati ons
-The filing number from the E-CSC
system in order to come back after a
week or so to get his/her application
Permanent Employees provide services like:
-Legitimate signatures
-Make telephone calls to the appropriate
departments to solve delays, general problems
or to the citizens if a problem appears etc.
-They ship applications to the appropriate
departments, ministries, municipalities etc.
-Applications reach the appropriate department
according to the case
-Examines the application for mistakes
STEP 4.1
-Problem to the application process
STEP 4.2
-The employee communicate with the
CSC back office to inform the problem/
mistak e
STEP 4.3
-Employee end the application process and
send it back to STEP3 (CSC BACK OFFICE)
80% of the citizens
return to end task and
go toSTEP 1
20% of the citizen
have ended task
and they don’t come
-Employees inform citizens
to come to collect their
applications and end task to
the E-CSC system
-They put final applications
to a Box until citizen comes
and collect them
-Employee collects
applications and forward
them to STAGE 2
-Citizens collects their final
applications from the Front
Office by signing the
application- end of task
STEP 3.1
- End of Task
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
Figure 3: Force field analysis (reconstruct stage)
4.6 Evaluate
After the implementation of the five (5) pilot CSCs, an evaluation process concerning the CSC structure and
operation began. This was a critical point in the change process, as the funding of the E.U. for the five pilot CSCs
came to an end. Therefore, the SC had to critically evaluate the effectiveness of this initiative and decide its
continuation, including modifications on its structural operation.
The evaluation process was based on statistical analysis data provided by the “Thiseas” software. Through the use
of the “Thiseas” software, the SC had the opportunity to record; a) the number of transactions accomplished through
the system, b) the number of citizens (in a daily rate) that successfully fulfilled their task, and c) the number of public
institutions that provided resistance. The first results were very positive, as the follow-up mechanism showed that
many processes were effectively executed through the CSCs and a large number of citizens used the facilities of the
CSC offices. The positive reaction of citizens towards this effort encouraged the future plans of the SC and
constituted a strong driving force for the expansion of this effort. It was the first time that citizens were positively
positioned towards a technology-based innovation introduced by the Greek government. Undoubtedly, citizens had
also some negative feelings towards the CSC operation, because it did not always respond to their requests.
Considering all the negative aspects that appeared, the SC decided to move towards the expansion of this effort.
Nevertheless, before proceeding to expansion, in order to limit the inefficiencies that appeared during the
implementation of the first pilot CSCs, some modifications were made on the current CSCs’ operation.
Figure 4 illustrates a fishbone diagram designed at this stage to assess the effectiveness of the CSC change effort
taking into consideration four different perspectives; public servants, public institutions, citizens and processes.
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
Figure 4: Fishbone diagram (evaluate stage)
4.7 Institutionalize Change
As soon as the evaluation process of the first pilot ones was over, and decisions on expansion were set, the SC
decided to move towards the expansion of this change effort around Greece. Taking into account both the difficulties
of the implementation of the five pilot CSCs and the positive and negative criticism provided by the Greek citizens,
the public administration agencies and their employees, the SC proceeded to planning the CSC project’s nationwide
In the “Institutionalize Change” stage, the Greek government decided to transfer the CSC’s management under the
financial coordination of the municipalities and prefectures, while the M.I.P.A.&D. would hold the position of the
coordinator. The principal modification of the CSCs’ operation concerned the development of new employment
policies, to which the Greek municipalities and prefectures had to comply. The new operational framework gave a
“breath” to the financial difficulties of the M.I.P.A.&D. to support this effort for any longer.
The decisions made at this stage triggered a new BPC effort, reengineering relations between multiple agencies of
the Greek public sector. The existence of this additional step was justified by the need to assure continuance of the
BPC programme implemented within the Greek public administration, leading to evolutionary transform of the Greek
public sector.
A new stage of the BPC methodology is here in after proposed to assure successful implementation of this public
change effort at the national level. This stage is defined to include modification of formal structures and HR
management practices, diffusion of the innovation through trial runs and pilot projects, engagement of employees of
all the involved governmental agencies in active participation tactics. Following the Kettinger et al. framework [28],
we have identified a list of typical tools and techniques that could apply in this stage. These include Employee and
Team Attitude Assessment, Job Design, Team-based Organizational Design, Simulation, Brainstorming, Visioning
and Strategic Planning. Most of them are sourced from the Kettinger et al. [28] repository of BPC techniques and
tools. The simulation technique has been previously proposed as a useful approach towards describing and
understanding the dynamics of the collaboration involved in the case of information integration across governmental
agencies [33]. Finally, the strategic planning technique is added in order to handle the requirement for planning
incremental inter-agency changes in the public sector.
By including the “Institutionalize Change” stage within the BPC methodology, we wished to emphasize the need for
changes in the wider scale, such as change of public organizations’ structure or regulatory interventions, to assure
full adoption and implementation of an inter-agency e-government project. Previous research in the public
administration area has identified the importance of the activity “Institutionalize Change” by including it in the list of
critical success factors of organizational change in the public sector [14]. Institutionalizing organizational change has
emerged as an important issue among organization researchers and managers alike [29]. The literature argues that
institutionalizing organizational change appears to be the best way to describe the relative perseverance of planned
change efforts ([10], [26]). Perseverance means that the change effort has received sufficient acceptance by
individuals and groups over a period of time to achieve the intended goals ([6], [35]) and in our case the introduction
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
of a business change framework. However, of concern here is whether the desired change becomes part of the
organization’s ongoing activities to replace what existed beforehand.
5 Lessons Learnt
Facing the citizen’s displeasure towards public sector institutions, the Greek government had to employ new
managerial practices in order to provide more efficient services to citizens. More specifically, it had to set new
standards for public services by improving the relationship between citizens and government, dealing with citizens in
a helpful and courteous manner, reducing the time taken for fulfilling requests, simplifying procedures, and
eliminating redundant formalities. The CSCs were designed based on the “one-stop-shop” philosophy with the
purpose to deliver more efficient services to citizens from a single point of interaction. The main purpose of this
reform was the progressive simplification of administrative processes and their integration into a system of
transactions, which was shared among public administrations with as singular interface for the citizens the CSC
Offices. From the citizen’s point of view, the new system provided a significant advantage in terms of accessibility
and reliability of public services. Compared to the previous situation, people no longer had to interact with several
administrations, both local and central with sometimes unclear boundaries of intervention and responsibility, to obtain
information, authorisations or other services. More specifically, the Greek Citizens Service Centers offered a wide
variety of public services to citizens, resulting in streamlining more than 870 transactional processes.
The CSCs initiative was governed by the Ministry of Internal, Public Administration and Decentralization (M.I.P.A.&
D.) in cooperation with all the Municipalities, the Regions and the Prefectures of the country as well as with the
technological companies responsible for the design, implementation, maintenance and development of the IT
applications supporting the transaction processes. The involvement of many diverse agencies comprised an
innovative feature of the Greek public sector, which resulted in conflicts between the different entities. In order to
resolve them, the establishment of an experienced project team was required.
The M.I.P.A.&D. was trying to import a new model of transactions in the public sector based on the NPM principles.
More specifically, the basic objective of this effort was to separate the “production” from the “services” in order to
deliver more efficient information to citizens. To achieve that, the M.I.P.A.&D. required from the CSC’s employees to
have a more technology-based profile. Hence, there was a need for training existing employees that were moved
from municipalities to CSCs but mainly recruiting new younger employees, who were more competent at using new
According to an executive officer of the M.I.P.A.&D., after a theoretical review of different approaches of managerial
practices and one-stop-offices concepts, they concluded that they should apply models and methods to the public
sector inspired from the private sector. Also, the participation of executive officers in public administration seminars
and conferences within the European Union widened their perspectives and provided important input in their search
for applied models that would transform the Greek public administration successfully. The key guiding vision behind
the changes that were about to take shape was a strong orientation of the public sector towards a process and
structural reform that involved more than one governmental organization.
Our research aimed to describe the implementation of CSCs in the Greek public administration through the analysis
of a business change management framework. CSCs constituted an innovative change effort for the Greek Public
administration that tried to introduce new managerial and administrative practices, harmonized to the European
Union directives along with private sector practices. The use of new technologies resulted in simplifying many
processes for the advantage not only of the citizens but also towards minimization of the public sector’s
administrative costs. Taking advantage of ICT, many services were integrated while there were actions for
decentralizing service delivery and monitoring.
The main changes that CSC change effort brought in the Greek public administration can be summarized as the
Changes in the relationships between the central, regional and local level of administration,
Changes in the organizational design of public services,
Changes in the principles of financial management,
Changes in the design of public policies,
Changes in the evaluation of administrative outcomes and outputs,
Changes in the relationship between state and society or between public services and citizens,
Changes in internal but also inter-organizational processes of public administration bodies.
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
6 Conclusion and Further Research
The present paper describes the application of a BPC methodology to describe an effort for reengineering
information and service delivery processes in the public sector. Towards this aim, it employs a case study analysis
on the Greek government’s initiative for the implementation of one-stop offices serving citizens’ requests from the
public administration. Previous efforts in implementing BPC in the public sector have focused on redesigning
processes of a single institution. In our case, BPC concerns changes of wider scale and scope. They are related to
both processes and structure and target multiple agencies rather than a single organization. Particularly, the main
challenges posed for the application of the BPC methodology in this case study included; a) implementation of
planned and incremental changes regarding the citizen service process of the Greek public administration agencies,
and b) requirement for transforming the inter-agency relations of the involved actors, by implementing macro-level
structural changes (i.e. setting CSCs under the coordination and control of municipalities).
In its prescribed form, the BPC methodology applied in this research ends with an activity called “link to continuous
improvement programs”. Since this methodology was primarily designed to address changes in the private sector,
this last activity concerns connection with the TQM programs planned by the management of firms. This paper raises
the need for adding one more stage, named “Institutionalize Change”, to link the BPC effort with changes
implemented at the multi-agency collaboration level. Activities in this stage involve both managers of public
organizations and civil servants. In most cases, governments’ intervention is required to modify formal structures and
procedures as well as human resource management practices. Such interventions may be accomplished through
appropriate legal regulations. This stage also includes the activity of strategic planning by governments, which wish
to adhere to external calls for transform (i.e. European guidelines). Hence, by introducing this new stage, we aimed
at providing a BPC methodology that adapts to national but also European recommendations for organizational
interoperability between multiple public agencies [41]. After that, the present paper contributes to existing BPR
research by extending the traditional BPC methodology with the “Institutionalize Change” stage, which involves
macro-level interventions concerning inter-department and inter-agency transactions, but also by demonstrating the
applicability of business process management methodologies for the implementation of evolutionary change
initiatives in the public sector.
Applying BPC in the public sector, and more specifically for implementing an e-government model, does not
comprise a widely investigated area. The small number of relevant studies focuses on applying BPC for changing the
internal processes of a single public organization ([8], [52-53]). Employing a case study analysis, the present paper
comprises an attempt to provide evidence for the applicability of BPC in describing and monitoring changes at a
wider, inter-organizational and national level. Hence, it contributes to e-government research by providing a business
process management tool for governmental organizations that wish to implement changes in a multi-agency
collaboration level.
In addition, the present paper raises a number of worth to be considered and investigated research questions, such
as: a) Which are the critical success factors in conducting activities included in each stage of the proposed BPC
methodology?, b) Is the BPC methodology appropriate for handling emergent or radical changes invoked in the
public sector?, c) How the use of BPC can contribute to increasing European citizens’ acceptance of online public
administration services? Following, we provide several ideas for further investigating the above research questions.
The analysis provided in this paper is based on a single case study. Hence, there is an opportunity for raising more
knowledge from the examination of more relevant case studies, or even from their crossover analysis. Particularly,
research based on multiple–case analysis would enable raising insight on critical success factors for each stage of
BPC. Further research into other case studies would also assist in evaluating the extended BPC methodology and its
efficiency in analyzing multi-agency collaboration projects.
In the present paper, BPC has been applied to analyze a change effort concerning evolutionary, incremental and
planned changes. However, recent research is focused on identifying the relationship between e-government and
New Public Management (NPM), involving radical and revolutionary changes of the public sector. Thus, it would be
of high research interest to investigate the applicability of BPC in analyzing an e-government initiative involving
emergent and radical changes (e.g. changes of the regulatory framework concerning the public sector) in the
processes as well as in the structure of public organizations.
Last but not least, this research provides governmental people (managers, servants and committees), being
responsible for the national e-government reforms, with a useful change management tool. This could be applied for
managing the process of implementing planned and incremental changes on the service and information delivery
processes of multiple agencies. In the present paper, we have chosen the Greek public administration case to
employ the proposed BPC methodology. Since the citizen use of online public administration services presents a
downturn at European level, the methodology could be provided as such for monitoring and guiding the change
process for other European countries as well.
Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
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Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
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Adamantia Pateli
Sofia Philippidou
Applying Business Process Change (BPC) to Implement Multi-agency Collaboration:
The Case of the Greek Public Administration
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
ISSN 0718–1876 Electronic Version
VOL 6 / ISSUE 1 / APRIL 2011 / 127-142
© 2011 Universidad de Talca - Chile
This paper is available online at
DOI: 10.4067/S0718-18762011000100009
[62] K. E. Weick and R. E. Quinn, Organizational Change and Development, Annual Review Psychology, vol. 50, pp.
361-386, February 1999.
[63] R. K. Yin, Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: Sage Publications, 2003.
... The stages in the Business Process Change (BPC) approach (Pateli and Philippidou, 2011) and the taxonomy of organisational factors in Nurdin, Stockdale and Scheepers' (2011) work were used as template themes. Due to the nature of one-stop e-government, organisational issues in the BPC approach (reflecting stages) and in Nurdin, Stockdale and Scheepers' (2011) taxonomy were found to be complementary and important in ...
... The BPC approach emphasises re-organising processes as crucial for one-stop e-government and reflects this through seven stages. The BPC approach was found to be informative as it gives an account of what takes place at particular stages and outlines aspects of change in business processes (Kettinger,Teng and Guha, 1997;Pateli and Philippidou, 2011) which are not explicitly mentioned in Nurdin, Stockdale and Scheepers 's (2011) taxonomy. ...
... This sub-section gives a brief account of the development so far of one-stop e-government in Rwanda. The Business Process Change (BPC) approach is used as an approach to specify what each stage entails in terms of the implementation of an e-government project requiring changes in processes (Indihar, Jaklic;Pateli and Philippidou, 2011. The approach consists of seven stages; six from Indihar and Jaklic (2007) and the seventh added by Pateli and Philippidou (2011): 1) Envision, 2) Initiate, 3) Diagnose, 4) Redesign, 5) Reconstruct, 6) Evaluate and 7) Institutionalise change. ...
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One-stop e-government holds potential benefits in all contexts and especially in the context of developing countries and in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Implementation of one-stop e-government can be challenging as it normally requires addressing a number of organisational issues including those related to the integration of the individual government information systems of different departments which traditionally function as silos; tackling organisational issues can be difficult due to the nature of the public sector. However, the contemporary literature paints a picture of scarce research on the organisational issues that impede the implementation of one-stop e-government initiatives in LDCs. This paper explores the organisational issues underlying the implementation of 'one-stop' e-government initiatives in Rwanda, an LDC. The study explores the status of these elements as of and up to March 2017. The qualitative case study methodology used for this study involved data collection by means of documents and interviews with key managers from central government organisations, from a private company, and from local government service clerks. Template analysis was used as a method for data analysis. Even though the number of online services for citizens, businesses, and other agencies is growing rapidly and easy payment of service fees is available, a number of organisational issues were identified. These include the lack of a clear plan of 'to-be' service processes and a corresponding change management strategy. Service redesign was taking place very much ad hoc. There were also unclear systematic organisational learning mechanisms and unclear operational goals in the local government. Addressing these issues would contribute towards improving the implementation of one-stop e-government and its corresponding services in such a context. The paper contributes to research by providing insights into organisational issues in a country currently in an early stage of e-government development. For Rwandan e-government professionals, the paper suggests a way forward. It also helps decision makers in Rwanda and similar countries undertaking one-stop initiatives to understand the problem context of actions taken towards IT-driven institutional reform.
... At this stage, a feasibility study and gathering of baseline data are performed, followed by a decision for implementation. Normally, a vision is set, management commitment is established, stakeholder notification is done, and project plan and performance goals related to the benefits of stakeholders are developed (eg, service demand side and supply side) and defined (Hatsu & Ngassam, 2016;Pateli & Philippidou, 2011). ...
... In the case of implementing a one-stop e-government information system, business process redesign would be performed (Hughes et al., 2006). This activity consists of "diagnosing" "as-is" processes, "re-designing" the processes, and "reconstructing" them for real implementation (Pateli & Philippidou, 2011). Eventually, the product is deployed for use. ...
Taking the case of the “one‐stop” e‐government initiative in Rwanda, the present study aims to find out how the “one‐stop” e‐government initiative is monitored at different government levels and stages and the extent to which the initiative is monitored. Furthermore, the study also aims to identify potential areas for improvement in the monitoring process. An exploratory qualitative study was undertaken in Rwandan agencies. The findings show that the monitoring of the process of implementing and improving one‐stop e‐government is partly formal at central government level and informal at local government level. Furthermore, the focus of the monitoring at the stage of use and maintenance leans more towards the benefits of end users as service consumers than those of the service providers. Incorporating formal methodological approaches at local government level and in all stages of the implementation and improvement process at central government level, as well as paying increased attention to back‐end process performance aspects, could introduce additional improvements into the monitoring practice and, in turn, increase project benefits.
... The task of facilitating effective change can be a challenge for the government sector, not least when it comes to enhancing capabilities by introducing new IT applications to re-engineering processes in its operations (Grover and Otim, 2009;Harmon, 2014;Luo and Tung, 1999;Stemberger and Jaklic, 2007). Some government sector organisations are reluctant to adopt technology in carrying out tasks such as BPC (Pateli and Philippidou, 2011). While a recent survey by Jurisch et al. (2013) shows increasing of BPC project implementations in the public sectors. ...
... In the current environment, the business manager is not directed to a suitable configuration of business processes by the prevailing business process models and management approaches, although decision support systems have a significant role (Harmon, 2014;Pateli and Philippidou, 2011). Numerous external factors can influence change on business processes, e.g., innovative technologies, compliance with industry standards and government rules, changes in the business field, competitive environment, shareholders' needs, or economic factors pertaining to globalisation (Al-Mashari and Zairi, 1999;Amiyo, 2012;Bandara et al., 2005;Fan and Zhao, 2017;Goedertier and Vanthienen, 2006;Grover and Otim, 2009;Jurisch et al., 2012;Kaplan et al., 1991;Kettinger and Teng, 1998;Neumann, 2014;Wang et al., 2017). ...
The hierarchical elicitation workshop (HEW) is a new initiative designed and developed to address common shortcomings in business process change (BPC) initiatives in organisations, particularly those with tight temporal constraints imposed by exogenous bodies. This paper presents a systematic solution to deal with dramatic BPC under tight temporal constraints in large business and government organisations. In an empirical case study, the hierarchical elicitation workshop is developed and trialled. Based on the Software Engineering Institute's Quality Attribute Workshop methodology, a step-by-step process was carried out to elicit and validate the required BPC factors. Engaging internal stakeholder teams to consider implications for BPC with respect to factors such as organisational objectives and strategies, governance, business process architecture and applications, a prioritised list of change actions was systematically elicited and then implemented. The HEW framework and process was successfully applied to elicit BPC factors in this case study, with an immediate and effective implementation of process change. This paper will be of particular interest to researchers of change management and business development.
... Patel and Philippidou revised the Business Process Change (BPC) methodology considering the structural and process-oriented change of governmental (public) organizations to increase their efficiency. Since this methodology was primarily designed to the private sector, it is worthy to note the need of the author to add an additional stage called "Institutionalize change" that aims to link BPC effort with changes implemented at the multi-agency collaboration level which involves both managers of public organizations and civil servants [24]. Another application of re-engineering to public administration is described by McCullough and Sims that provide a five-phase process of re-engineering to implement human resource information management system (HRIMS) in PA, namely a civil service agency. ...
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Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is a technique based on a radical redesign of the structure of an organization to improve its efficiency by optimizing processes and reducing costs. It has been proven effective over a plethora of private applications however, not many studies based on the public sector have been reported even though it is known to be inefficient. This is mainly due to an overall smaller market exposure of public administrations compared to private companies. However, nowadays, in the age of digitalization, the growing global competition is requiring PA to improve the efficiency of their processes. This paper offers a real case-study of an application of BPR in a PA namely the Genoa Port in Italy, one of the biggest ports in Europe. The following analysis has been carried out through an AS IS / TO BE approach and the outcome of the re-engineering process has been validated through Discrete Event Simulation. The results show how BPR can improve the efficiency of PAs and, particularly, how the port environment can drastically turn into an efficient and optimized system.
... However, there is still very little scientific understanding of these matters in urban computing and SCD context. For instance, while Business Process Change (BPC 1 ) is central for systems integration [7]- [9], to date, very little attention has been given to the role of 'BPC in SCD'. 2 The little research regarding BPC in public sector that has been conducted, mainly discusses BPC V. Javidroozi et al.: Urban Computing and Smart Cities: Towards Changing City Processes for e-Government [10]- [12], while BPC is a fundamental feature of SCD, in order to align cross-sectoral city processes with the integration objective of urban computing [13], [14]. This alignment requires changing existing business processes across city systems. ...
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For developing smart cities, it is necessary to integrate all components of a city as a system of systems. This is facilitated by urban computing as a technology to address the complexity of providing adequate services to citizens through various city sectors/systems. Since business processes across city sectors/systems should be aligned with the objectives of urban computing, Business Process Change (BPC) is also a significant prerequisite of city systems integration for Smart City Development (SCD). However, there is limited research on understanding of BPC and its challenges in SCD, while in the private sector, the BPC best practices for Enterprise Systems Integration (ESI) have already been recognised and implemented. By considering city as an enterprise, this research aims at providing an understanding of similarities and differences between BPC challenges in the two contexts: SCD and ESI. This study collects data through literature analyses, interviews, and document analyses and suggests that many BPC challenges in SCD have an equivalent from the ESI context. In addition, the findings provide new insights through some challenges that are only relevant to the SCD context, so-called unsolved challenges. Consequently, the study developed a comparison framework, which indicates that the learnings from ESI could be utilised for the SCD context, in order to address BPC challenges. This will assist city authorities in designing their SCD roadmap, prioritising BPC challenges based on the efforts employed for ESI, and thinking about addressing unsolved challenges; as well as smart city solution providers to develop solutions for changing city processes.
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Purpose: The paper points out a novel approach to e-Government back-office reengineering based on creating a Shared-Services Center at the sectorial level. Design/Methodology/Approach: To prove the Shared-Services Center as a proper solution for e-Government back-office reengineering, the authors used the case study of the Housing Facilities Sector in the Republic of North Macedonia. The research process follows Kettingers et al.'s framework of IT-enabled change with a holistic data-driven approach. Findings: The study indicates a complex information flow between stakeholders, an abundance of the same information and data collected from local stakeholders, and enormous citizen and institutional burden. The e-Government back-office reengineering solution for the specific case study based on creating a Shared-Services Center overcomes the problem of data redundancy, radically simplifies the information flow, and reduces citizen burden in line with the "Once-Only" principle. Practical Implications: The paper shows that by observing the network of all relevant stakeholders at the sectorial level, based on the information flow of core data, back-office problems can be identified, whereby the Shared-Services Center proves itself as a suitable solution. It may be a prerequisite for further studies on back-office process reengineering at the sectorial level. Originality/Value: Publications concerning back-office research at the sectorial level and, as in our case, within the House Facility Sector are almost non existing in scientific literature. Considering that there is a lack of analyses based on information flow and visualization of the information-flow network at the sectorial level (before and after the reforms), this paper will add original value to scientific literature.
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Although there are few reports in the literature, in recent years the focus on process improvements has become popular in the public sector, and this includes the higher education environment. It is possible that universities debate, based on principles and quality concepts, on the prospects of improving their processes. In this sense, the objective of this article is to evaluate to what extent the process management initiatives of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) through the fundamentals of Business Process Management (BPM) need to be improved by analyzing two (2) criteria (People and Processes) of the Self-Assessment Tool of the Management of the Extinct GesPublica in the perception of managers. In the data collection phase, a semi-structured interview was applied. In order to evaluate the information, content analysis was performed with data triangulation to understand the meanings of the managers' speeches. The results show that these in the current administrative structure are looking for improvements in the processes that compete for their management. However, it will be a great challenge for UFT managers to strengthen the positive points, as well as to adjust the difficulties, negative points, that can prevent successful BPM steps.
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Since the implementation of regional autonomy in 1999, the health sector has shifted a government function carried out by the regions. Consequently, the Ministry of Health no longer owns a Regional Office like the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry of Religion. However, as a follow-up to regional autonomy, President Abdurrahman Wahid issued a Presidential Decree on Non-Departmental Government Institutions, which regulates the Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM). BPOM functions as a central agency that has regional apparatus. In 2018, BPOM carried out administrative reforms by establishing 40 new Echelon IV-level units in Loka Pengawas Obat dan Makanan. This research portrays administrative reform from the New Public Service perspective using an evaluation of the business process change framework, namely civil servants, citizens, public institutions, and processes. Loka POM's presence through BPOM administrative reform shows several New Public Service values in civil servants, citizens, public institutions, and processes. Several performance data show the expansion of drug and food control scope allows citizens to feel protected from drugs and foods that pose health risks and support this transformation. It requires comprehensive tools to measure outcomes, especially for citizens' elements. Through those tools, BPOM can identify their roles for citizens accurately.
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Embora haja poucos relatos na literatura, nos últimos anos o foco em melhorias de processos vem se popularizando no setor público, e isto inclui o ambiente de ensino superior. É possível que as universidades debatam, com base em princípios e conceitos de qualidade, sobre as perspectivas de aprimorar seus processos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é avaliar em que medida as iniciativas de gerenciamento de processos da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), por meio dos fundamentos do Business Process Management (BPM) precisam ser melhoradas a partir da análise de 2 (dois) critérios (Pessoas e Processos) do Instrumento de Autoavaliação da Gestão do Extinto GesPública na percepção de gestores. Na fase de coleta de dados foi aplicada uma entrevista semiestruturada. Para a apreciação das informações foi realizada análise de conteúdo com triangulação de dados a fim de compreender os significados das falas dos gestores. Os resultados mostram que estes na atual estrutura administrativa estão à procura de melhorias nos processos que competem à sua gestão. No entanto, será um grande desafio para os gestores da UFT fortalecer os pontos positivos, bem como ajustar as dificuldades, os pontos negativos, que podem impedir as etapas do BPM se realizarem com sucesso.
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I propose four ideal types of planned change processes, each with distinct temporal and nontemporal assumptions, and each associated with altering a distinct organizational element. These types are commanding, engineering, teaching, and socializing. I then argue that large-scale change involves an alteration of multiple organizational elements, thus requiring enactment of multiple intervention ideal types. This requires change agents to display temporal capability skills to effectively sequence, time, pace and combine various interventions.
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The administrative prescriptions promoted by the National Performance Review were targeted toward intra-agency organizational elements such as work processes, group structures, culture, and job scope. The traditional, top-down implementation strategy employed was not well suited, however, to this set of "microlevel" prescriptions. Despite the various executive orders and directives that were issued, there was a high degree of variation across agencies in the extent to which the various prescriptions were adopted. This study finds that this variation was attributable to both agency attributes and elements of agency context. A conclusion is that top-level policy makers seeking microlevel change need to take an enabling rather than a directive approach to implementation.
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I propose four ideal types of planned change processes, each with distinct temporal and nontemporal assumptions, and each associated with altering a distinct organizational element. These types are commanding, engineering, teaching. and socializing. I then argue that large-scale change involves an alteration of multiple organizational elements, thus requiring enactment of multiple intervention ideal types. This requires change agents to display temporal capability skills to effectively sequence, time, pace, and combine various interventions
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The purpose of this research was to explore how the pace, sequence, and linearity of change can affect the outcome of radical transformations. Real-time data collected over 12 years showed that, contrary to popular belief, wide-scale rapid change was not a determining factor. However, early change to specific "high-impact" elements was found to be necessary for completing radical transitions. Further, analysis conducted at the suborganization level provided insight into the ways in which change unfurls in a nonlinear manner.
A number of governments, falling along a range of political pursuations, are pursuing service quality initiatives. A focus on service quality is part of the general direction of public sector management reform. Quality policies are responsive to economic progresss and social needs. Although service quality is affected by many things, citizen-publc service relationships are fundamental. The social need for a modernized Greek public administration has been posed many times. Public polices seeking to reform public administrtion in Greece have been designed with a particular emphasis on the complex policy space of the relationships between state services and the citizens. Using the New Public Management as a theoretical framework, this paper examines critically how these relationships have been organized. Methodologically, the paper is based on the content analysis of relevant official reports, documents and administrative archives. The paper reveals that the discussion of this reform, the measures adopted and the reforms themselves are often recycled.
This book is written for managers in organizations that practice western style of management. The central theme of the book is the importance of generating core values, vision and mission within an organization, extending core values of work into practical and concrete ways of infusing them into day-to-day activities at work. Many of the central ideas and theories of western style of management are questioned, and readers are introduced to theories of contemporary writers in the field. Based on a critical interpretation of theory, this practical book is distilled from the authors’ experience in developing core values within a variety of organizations over the last decade. © 2007 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent analyses of organizational change suggest a growing concern with the tempo of change, understood as the characteristic rate, rhythm, or pattern of work or activity. Episodic change is contrasted with continuous change on the basis of implied metaphors of organizing, analytic frameworks, ideal organizations, intervention theories, and roles for change agents. Episodic change follows the sequence unfreeze-transition-refreeze, whereas continuous change follows the sequence freeze-rebalance-unfreeze. Conceptualizations of inertia are seen to underlie the choice to view change as episodic or continuous.