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A new stimulus approach in the search for biological nonlocality

  • Independent Researcher


Preliminary research in the area of biophysics appears to indicate the existence of quantum entanglement and nonlocality at the biological level, both for human subjects and for neurons derived from human neural stem cells. The lack of clear and replicable findings, especially where human subjects are concerned, results in conflicting and marginal correlations between stimulated and nonstimulated subject's brainwaves. It is proposed to go beyond the use of just patterned photostimulation, to encompass either transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or acupuncture, so that one can achieve a simultaneity of several different brain events in both stimulated and nonstimulated subjects, rather than just one EEG-type event. Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Additional material added regarding the proposed use of either heavy ion beams from accelerators or cosmic rays as alternate stimulus sources. This is based on existing research involving the effect of heavy ions on the EEGs of mice and brain tumor patients and of cosmic rays on the EEGs of astronauts
The proposed use of ion beams or cosmic rays as a new stimulus
technique in the search for biological nonlocality
Fred H. Thaheld
Research over the last several decades appears to suggest the possibility of the existence of
biological nonlocality between human subjects. This is based on photostimulation and resulting
EEG correlations between stimulated and non-stimulated subjects. Replication of results has
proven to be difficult due to the low microvoltages generated and the lack of clarity in the
correlated brain waves. It is proposed to use either heavy ion beams from accelerators or cosmic
rays as alternate stimulus sources. This is based on existing research derived from irradiating
mice and brain tumor patients with heavy ions and with astronauts exposed to cosmic rays.
A counterintuitive body of research has been slowly accumulating over the last several
decades which seems to suggest the possibility of the existence of biological nonlocality between
human subjects [1,2]. This can be considered as the biological equivalent, or analogous to, the
original physics experiment by Aspect, which revealed the existence of quantum mechanical
nonlocality, by passing one photon of an entangled pair through a polarizer, and having the
second entangled photon respond in a similar polarized fashion [3]. I.e., a measurement was
made on the first photon and conveyed in nonlocal fashion to the second photon which was
several meters distant.
The usual research technique involving the humans, has been to subject one of a pair of
individuals to regular or patterned photostimulation, thereby altering their electroencephalogram
(EEG), and observing correlated EEG effects in the non-stimulated subject who is located
several meters away, usually in a separate room or Faraday cage [1,2]. Other related research
has involved recording the fMRI of a non-stimulated subject. The problem with these
experiments has been the limited number of subjects involved and the lack of replication, due to
the low microvoltages generated by the non-stimulated subjects in their EEGs in comparison to
the microvoltages in the EEGs of the stimulated subjects. That is one of the reasons that the
author has proposed some additional stimulus techniques over and above photostimulation, such
as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), where one gets several different and simultaneous
EEG responses in addition to the appearance of phosphenes [1-2,4]. For the purposes of this
proposal it is important to mention here that in a similar vein, it has been noticed that patients
undergoing ion therapy for brain tumors, simultaneously observe phosphenes [5,6]. Astronauts
in space also observe phosphenes or light flashes (LF) as a result of cosmic rays impinging on
the retina [6].
Experiments have also been conducted with neurons adhering to two separate microelectrode
arrays (MEAs), both of which are in Faraday cages, where one MEA is stimulated with a laser
and correlated electrical signals appear in the non-stimulated MEA [7,8]. Future experiments
are planned with more stringent shielding to rule out any possible ultraweak electromagnetic
influences in the case of neurons grown on MEAs.
In addition to proposing experiments involving the use of human subjects, the author has
proposed the stimulation of monkeys and dolphins with patterned photostimulation and TMS [2].
He would now like to broaden the stimulus technique to include ions from accelerators and
cosmic rays utilizing both human subjects and mice.
In the case of mice we would have one pair, with both hooked up to separate
electroretinogram (ERG), EEG and visual evoked potential (VEP) [9]. Only one of the pair is
irradiated with
C ions or is stimulated with light from a white LED, either simultaneously or
separately. We now want to determine if the other mouse, which is several meters distant or in
an adjacent room, reveals any simultaneous correlated or anomalous responses or overlap in the
areas of the ERG, EEG or VEP. For initial experimental purposes there would be no need to
have the non-stimulated mouse in a Faraday cage to rule out any possible electromagnetic
influences. It is only if we observe some type of correlations that one could proceed to this step.
Any evidence for any type of correlation over the period of ion bombardment would be evidence
for biological nonlocality.
Essentially the same arrangement could be made for patients undergoing radiation therapy for
tumors, using a pair with both hooked up to separate ERGs, EEGs and VEPs and, with a white
LED for separate or simultaneous light stimulation. Once again they are separated by several
meters without a Faraday cage i.e., the non-stimulated subject can be in an adjacent room. We
want to determine if, while one of them is being subjected to ion radiation, we get some
correlated response in either the ERG, EEG or VEP of the non-stimulated subject. In addition,
we will want to see if the non-stimulated subject also reports on seeing any phosphenes! If any
correlations are observed one can then place the non-stimulated subject in a Faraday cage to rule
out any extraneous influences.
The final proposal has to do with astronauts in space and human subjects on the ground. At
the present time astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are utilizing what is referred
to as the Anomalous Long Term Effects on Astronauts (ALTEA) facility (6,9). ALTEA consists
of a silicon detector system (SDS) positioned around the astronaut’s head on a helmet shaped
holder containing a 32 electrode EEG cap, including 3 floating electrodes for ERG
measurements. It also has a visual stimulator unit (VSU) which delivers the light stimulation
paradigm for the VEP. The VSU can also be used at any time to create additional stimuli in
conjunction with that arising from the cosmic rays. The SDS is able to reconstruct the
trajectories of specific cosmic ray particles and ascertain what type, while correlating this with
electrophysiological readings such as ERG, EEG and VEP. ALTEA measures the particles
passing through the astronaut’s eyes/brain, their electrophysiological brain dynamics and the
visual system status and, each perception of a LF is signaled with a pushbutton.
On any given day thousands of EEGs are being taken around the world. The objective will be
to see if we can observe any correlations of an ERG, EEG, VEP or LF nature between the
astronauts and subjects undergoing EEGs on earth, just as in the previous mice and tumor patient
experiments. Since the ISS is in motion around the earth at an altitude of 350 miles, any ERGs,
EEGs, VEPS and LF on the earth would have to be coordinated in real time with the ERGs,
EEGs, VEPs and LF originating from the ISS. This should be able to be done no matter where
the ISS is in its orbit with regards to any chosen site on earth.
The argument can be made that if we are having difficulty observing any of these effects on
earth, where the participants are only a few meters apart, that it will be many times over more
difficult to observe these effects between subjects that are several hundred to several thousand
miles apart! Except that in the case of entangled photon experiments, nonlocality has been
observed where the photons have been over 10 km apart and more [10]. Distance is no criteria
where nonlocality is involved as has already been amply demonstrated [3].
We do not know what effect the heavy ion beams on earth or the cosmic rays in space will
have as a stimulus but, it could be of an unusual and unexpected nature. It is of interest to note
here that the heavy ion beam intensity at GSI/Darmstadt is of the order of 10
ions s
, and that
ALTEA has had a collaboration with GSI/Heidelberg to measure the EEG of the patients while
they are being irradiated [6]. One cannot begin to predict what effect this will have on the
nervous system. As regards the cosmic rays as a stimulus source, they are high energy charged
particles that travel at nearly the speed of light, and are the nuclei of atoms ranging from the
lightest to the heaviest in the periodic table. They also include high energy electrons, positrons
and other subatomic particles such as muons and pions. Approximately 89% of the nuclei are H
(protons), 10% He and 1% heavier elements [11,12].
In addition, the rare possibility of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), with energies of
eV and above, impinging upon the retina or the brain/visual cortex and eliciting an
unusual ERG, EEG, VEP or LF, cannot be ruled out [13]. This might be the analogous
equivalent of the rare events which are recorded in neutrino, super heavy element and collider
experiments where, from trillions of bombarding particles one is lucky to get 2-3 recordable
events over a period of days or weeks. We are proceeding into uncharted territory and should be
prepared to see events of an electrophysiological nature which, even if they are rare, may
dramatically stand out, thereby more than making up for their rarity. And, we should be
prepared that certain rare individuals may be capable of revealing this effect.
Lest you think that this proposal might be stretching credulity to the extreme, for several
decades now scientists have been conducting a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) by
monitoring and analyzing radio signals emanating from space. This search is now being pursued
under the auspices of what is referred to as SETI@home [14]. This is a distributed or grid
computing project using internet-connected computers to analyze radio signals to determine if
they come from intelligent life outside the earth. At the present time over 250,000 computers
around the world are engaged in this search, with over 10
bytes (10 petabytes!) having been
analyzed so far, with an input from the radio signal receiving dishes of 5 x 10
bits/sec. While
the viability and practicality of the distributed grid computing concept has been proven, to date
no evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence signals has been shown via SETI@home.
[1] Thaheld, F.H., 2003. Biological nonlocality and the mind-brain interaction problem:
Comments on a new empirical approach. BioSystems 70, 35-41 (q-bio/0510039).
[2] Thaheld, F.H., 2004. A method to explore the possibility of nonlocal correlations between
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[3] Aspect, A., Dalibard, J., Roger, G., 1982. Experimental test of Bell’s inequalities using time
varying analyzers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1804-1807.
[4] Thaheld, F.H., 2006. A new stimulus approach in the search for biological nonlocality (q-
bio/0606027; q-bio.NC/0606027).
[5] Schardt, D., Kramer, M., 2002. Particle induced visual sensations in heavy-ion tumor
therapy. GSI Scientific Report.
[6] Narici, L., 2008. Heavy ions light flashes and brain functions: recent observations at
accelerators and in spaceflight. New Journal of Physics 10, 075010.
[7] Pizzi, R., Fantasia, A., Gelain, F., Rosetti, D., Vescovi, A., 2004. Non-local correlations
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A.R. Pirich, H. Brandt. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5436.
[8] Pizzi, R., Cino, G., Gelain, F., Rosetti, D., Vescovi, A., 2007. Learning in human neural
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[9] Sannita, W.G. et al, 2007. Electrophysiological responses of the mouse retina to
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[11] Mewaldt, R.A., 1996. Cosmic rays. Macmillan Encylopedia of Physics.
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Full-text available
Over a period of several decades a concerted effort has been made to determine whether intelligent life exists outside of our solar system, known as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence or SETI. This has been based primarily upon attempting to intercept possible radio transmissions at different frequencies with arrays of radio telescopes. In addition, astrophysical observations have also been undertaken to see if other worlds or solar systems exist with similar conditions such as ours, which might be conducive to life. And, numerous papers have been written exploring different possibilities for the existence of life or why we have not observed it as of yet, since none of these approaches have been successful. It may now be possible to explore this issue from another standpoint. Recent theoretical and experimental results in the field of biophysics appear to indicate the possibility of quantum entanglement and nonlocality at the biological level, between spatially separated pairs of human subjects and also between basins containing neurons derived from human neural stem cells. If this research continues to be upheld in a more replicable fashion, this could have very important implications in the area of controllable superluminal communication. Experiments are proposed in an attempt to address the issue of whether controllable superluminal communication is possible and, if it is, to utilize it in an attempt to determine if extraterrestrial intelligence really exists, within the framework of astrobiological nonlocality.
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Interactions between ionizing radiation in space and brain functions, and the related risk assessments, are among the major concerns when programming long permanence in space, especially when outside the protective shield of the Earth's magnetosphere. The light flashes (LF) observed by astronauts in space, mostly when dark adapted, are an example of these interactions; investigations in space and on the ground showed that these effects can originate with the action of ionizing radiation in the eye. Recent findings from ALTEA, an interdisciplinary and multiapproach program devoted to the study of different aspects of the radiation–brain functions interaction, are presented in this paper. These include: (i) study of radiation passing through the astronauts' eyes in the International Space Station (≈20 ions min−1, excluding H and fast and very slow He), measured in conjunction with reporting of the perception of LF; (ii) preliminary electrophysiological evidence of these events in astronauts and in patients during heavy ion therapy; and (iii) in vitro results showing the radiation driven activation of rhodopsin at the start of the phototransduction cascade in the process of vision. These results are in agreement with our previous work on mice. A brief but complete summary of the earlier works is also reported to permit a discussion of the results.
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Phosphenes ("light flashes") have been reported by most astronauts on space missions and by healthy subjects whose eyes were exposed to ionizing radiation in early experiments in particle accelerators. The conditions of occurrence suggested retinal effects of heavy ions. To develop an in vivo animal model, we irradiated the eyes of anesthetized wild-type mice with repeated bursts of 12C ions delivered under controlled conditions in accelerator. 12C ions evoked electrophysiological retinal mass responses and activated the visual system as indicated by responses recorded from the visual cortex. No retinal immunohistological damage was detected. Mice proved a suitable animal model to study radiation-induced phosphenes in vivo and our findings are consistent with an origin of phosphenes in radiation activating the retina.
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We experimentally investigate the robustness of maximal and non-maximal Time-Bin entangled photons over distances up to 11 km. The entanglement is determined by controllable parameters and in all cases is shown to be robust, in that the photons maintain their degree of entanglement after transmission. Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table
Correlations of linear polarizations of pairs of photons have been measured with time-varying analyzers. The analyzer in each leg of the apparatus is an acousto-optical switch followed by two linear polarizers. The switches operate at incommensurate frequencies near 50 MHz. Each analyzer amounts to a polarizer which jumps between two orientations in a time short compared with the photon transit time. The results are in good agreement with quantum mechanical predictions but violate Bell's inequalities by 5 standard deviations.
Up to now, we have been faced with an age old fundamental dilemma posed by the mind-brain interaction problem, i.e. how is it that the mind which is subjective and immaterial, can interact with the brain which is objective and material? Analysis of recent experiments appears to indicate that quantum mechanics may have a role to play in the resolution of the mind-brain interaction problem in the form of biological entanglement and nonlocality. In addition to this analysis, when coupled with ongoing and proposed experiments, may help us to simultaneously resolve related issues such as whether mental events can initiate neural events, the transference of conscious subjective experience, the measurement problem and the binding problem.
It now appears possible to design an experiment which might reveal whether nonlocal correlations exist between brain electrical activities of spatially separated animal subjects, with initial emphasis on primates and dolphins. This would have the advantage of being based upon research presently being conducted at the University of Washington-Bastyr University and the University of Freiburg, which appears to reveal that a visual evoked potential elicited in the brain of one human subject via patterned photostimulation, can induce a nonlocal transferred potential in the brain of a second human subject, without any apparent classical neural or electromagnetic intervention, since both subjects are in Faraday chambers. An observation of nonlocality may also make it possible to investigate if consciousness or mental experiences exist in various nonhuman animal subjects.
This paper describes experiments involving the growth of human neural networks of stem cells on a MEA (microelectrode array) support. The microelectrode arrays (MEAs) are constituted by a glass support in which a set of tungsten electrodes are inserted. The artificial neural network (ANN) paradigm was used by stimulating the neurons in parallel with digital patterns distributed on eight channels, then by analyzing a parallel multichannel output. In particular, the microelectrodes were connected following two different architectures, one inspired by the Kohonen's SOM, the other by the Hopfield network. The output signals have been analyzed in order to evaluate the possibility of organized reactions by the natural neurons.f The results show that the network of human neurons reacts selectively to the subministered digital signals, i.e., it produces similar output signals referred to identical or similar patterns, and clearly differentiates the outputs coming from different stimulations. Analyses performed with a special artificial neural network called ITSOM show the possibility to codify the neural responses to different patterns, thus to interpret the signals coming from the network of biological neurons, assigning a code to each output. It is straightforward to verify that identical codes are generated by the neural reactions to similar patterns. Further experiments are to be designed that improve the hybrid neural networks' capabilities and to test the possibility of utilizing the organized answers of the neurons in several ways.
Many models for ultra-high energy cosmic rays postulate exotic scenarios to explain the sources or the nature of these particles. A characteristic feature of these models is the prediction of a significant flux of photons at ultra-high energy. The Pierre Auger Observatory offers a great potential to search for such photons. We present shower observables with sensitivity to photons and the search strategy employed. An upper limit to photon primaries is derived from first Auger data. Prospects for constraining theoretical source models are discussed.