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Cytokine RANTES, released by thrombin-stimulated platelet is a potent attractant for human eosinophils

Rockefeller University Press
Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM)

Abstract and Figures

Thrombin stimulation of human platelets results in the release of a preformed proteinaceous human eosinophil (Eo)-chemotactic activity. By the use of different high-performance liquid chromatography techniques, two Eo-chemotactic polypeptides (EoCPs), tentatively termed EoCP-1 and EoCP-2, were purified to homogeneity. Upon SDS-PAGE analysis, these chemotaxins showed molecular masses near 8 kD. NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis revealed identical sequences for both EoCP-1 and EoCP-2, which are also identical to that of RANTES, a cytokine that structurally belongs to the interleukin 8 superfamily of leukocyte selective attractants, and that is known to be a "memory-type" T lymphocyte-selective attractant. In the major Eo chemotaxin, EoCP-1, the residues 4 and 5, which in EoCP-2 were found to be serine residues, could not be identified. Electrospray mass spectrometry (ESP-MS) of EoCPs revealed for EoCP-2 a molecular mass of 7,862.8 +/- 1.1 daltons, which is 15.8 mass units higher than the calculated value of RANTES, indicating that EoCP-2 is identical to the full-length cytokine, and oxygenation, probably at methionine residue number 64, has taken place. Upon ESP-MS, EoCP-1 showed an average molecular mass of 8,355 +/- 10 daltons, suggesting O-glycosylation at these serine residues. Both natural forms of RANTES showed strong Eo-chemotactic activity (ED50 = 2 nM) with optimal chemotactic migration at concentrations near 10 nM, however, there were no significant migratory responses with human neutrophils. Chemotactic activity of RANTES for human Eos could be confirmed using recombinant material, which has been found to be as active as the natural forms. Since RANTES gene expression has been detected in activated T lymphocytes, and recombinant RANTES was shown to be a "memory" T lymphocyte-selective attractant, it is now tempting to speculate about an important role of RANTES in clinical situations such as allergene-induced late-phase skin reactions in atopic subjects or asthma, where in affected tissues both memory T cells and Eos are characteristic.
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Brief De~nltive Report
Cytokine RANTES Released by Thrombin-stimulated
Platelets Is a Potent Attractant for Human E inophils
By Yoshikazu Kameyoshi,* Albrecht D6rschner,~
Anthony I. MaUet,S Enno Christophers,* and Jens-M. Schr6der*
From the *Department of Dermatology, University of Kiel, D-W-2300 Kiel, Germany;
*Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg~ Germany; and the $Institute of Dermatology, St. Thomas' Hospital,
London, United Kingdom
Thrombin stimulation of human platelets results in the release of a preformed proteinaceous
human eosinophil (Eo)-chemotactic activity. By the use of different high-performance liquid
chromatography techniques, two Eo-chemotactic polypeptides (EoCPs), tentatively termed EoCP-1
and EoCP-2, were purified to homogeneity. Upon SDS-PAGE analysis, these chemotaxins showed
molecular masses near 8 kD. NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis revealed identical
sequences for both EoCP-1 and EoCP-2, which are also identical to that of R.ANTES, a cytokine
that structurally belongs to the interleukin 8 superfamily of leukocyte selective attractants, and
that is known to be a
T lymphocyte-selective attractant. In the major Eo
chemotaxin, EoCP-1, the residues 4 and 5, which in EoCP-2 were found to be serine residues,
could not be identified. Electrospray mass spectrometry (ESP-MS) of EoCPs revealed for EoCP-2
a molecular mass of 7,862.8 _+ 1.1 daltons, which is 15.8 mass units higher than the calculated
value of RANTES, indicating that EoCP-2 is identical to the full-length cytokine, and oxygenation,
probably at methionine residue number 64, has taken place. Upon ESP-MS, EoCP-1 showed
an average molecular mass of 8,355 _+ 10 daltons, suggesting O-glycosylation at these serine
residues. Both natural forms of RANTES showed strong Eo-chemotactic activity (EDs0 -- 2
nM) with optimal chemotactic migration at concentrations near 10 nM, however, there were
no significant migratory responses with human neutrophils. Chemotactic activity of RANTES
for human Eos could be confirmed using recombinant material, which has been found to be
as active as the natural forms. Since R.ANTES gene expression has been detected in activated
T lymphocytes, and recombinant RANTES was shown to be a
T lymphocyte-selective
attractant, it is now tempting to speculate about an important role of R.ANTES in clinical situations
such as allergene-induced late-phase skin reactions in atopic subjects or asthma, where in affected
tissues both memory T cells and Eos are characteristic.
nflammatory diseases are characterized histologically by im-
migration of different leukocyte subtypes, i.e., neutrophils,
monocytes/macrophages, T lymphocyte subsets, or eosinophils
(Eos). Tissue-oriented migration of certain inflammatory ceU
types assumes, apart from expression of adherence proteins
and other in vivo migration-fadlitating factors, the existence
of locally produced cell-selective chemotactic factors. Well-
described chemotaxins such as C5a or leukotriene B4 are
chemotactic for a wide variety of leukocytes and do not show
this specificity. Apart from these pan-leukotactic factors, re-
cently a number of leukocyte-selective chemotaxins have been
ID8 represents one of these selective leukocyte attractants,
which is chemotactic for neutrophils (1) and T lymphocytes
(2), but not for monocytes and Eos (3, 4). IL-8 comprises
a polypeptide mediator that is a member of a superfamily
of structurally related low molecular weight cytokines, which
contain four cysteines at identical relative positions with a
conserved -Cys-X-Cys-(C-X-C) or -Cys-Cys- (C-C-) motif.
Members of the C-X-C-subfamily, such as IL-8 (3-5), mela-
noma growth-stimulatory activity (MGSA/gro oe) (6, 7), and
neutrophil-activating protein 2 (NAP-2) (8), are potent
chemotactic factors for neutrophils and in part are also known
to be chemotactic for lymphocytes, however, not for mono-
cytes or Eos.
Members of the C-C-subfamily, monocyte chemotactic pro-
tein I(MCP-1) (9)/monocyte-chemotactic and -activating factor
(MCAF) (10), and the cytokine RANTES (11) represent
chemotactic factors for monocytes, but not for neutrophils.
Other members of this subfamily, the human equivalents of
587 J. Exp. Med. 9 The Rockefeller University Press 9 0022-1007/92/08/0587/06 $2.00
Volume 176 August 1992 587-592
macrophage inflammatory protein lc~ and 13, are chemotactic
for T lymphocyte subsets, cytotoxic T lymphocytes and naive
T lymphocytes, respectively, whereas RANTES shows an ap-
parent selectivity for memory T lymphocytes (12).
So far members of the II-8 superfamily have not been
reported to be Eo-chemotactic factors, and hence we address
the question whether the Ib8 supergene family of low mo-
lecular mass (6-10 kD) cytokines also contains Eo-selective
attractants. We report here that platelets stimulated with
thrombin represent a source of Eo-chemotactic proteins, which
structurally belong to the same superfamily of host defense
cytokines as a number of other cell-selective chemoattractant
cytokines do.
Materials and Methods
Recombinant Cytoleines.
Recombinant cytokines RANTES and
IL-8 were purchased from Pepro Tech Inc. (Rocky Hill, NJ). Purity
was >98% as shown by a single line upon SDS-PAGE analysis.
Isolation of Eosinophils and Neutrophils.
Blood was taken from
healthy donors or subjects with a mild eosinophilia (5-10% of pe-
ripheral blood leukocytes). Eos and neutrophils were isolated from
acidic citrate dextran-treated blood with the use of discontinuous
Percoll density gradient centrifugation as previously described (13).
Yielded cell preparations were >85% pure for Eos and >95% for
Production of Platelet-den'ved EoCPs.
Platelet-rich phsma obtained
from citrate/dextran blood was centrifuged at 2,000 g for 30 rain.
Phtelet pellets were washed twice with PBS containing 10 mM
EDTA and resuspended in PBS. Platdet suspensions were incubated
at 37~ for 30 rain in the presence of 2 U/m1 thrombin (Sigma
Chemical Co., Munich, FRG). After centrifugation at 4~ cell-
free supernatants were collected and stored below -70~ until
further use.
Purification of EoCPs.
EoCPs were purified by HPLC methods
similar to those used for purification of NAP-1/IL-8 (3), MGSA/gro
(6), and platelet-derived neutrophil attractant (NAP-4) (14). Pooled
superuatants of thrombin-stimulated phtelets acidified with tri-
fluoroacetic acid (TFA) to pH 3 were concentrated over filters (YM5;
Amicon Corp., Danvers, MA) and applied to a preparative wide-
pore reversed-phase (RP)-8 HPLC column (300 x 7 #m C8
Nucleosfl, 250 x 12.5 mm; Macherey-Nagel, Dfiren, FRG). Pro-
teins were eluted using a gradient of acetonitrih containing 0.1%
TFA. Fractions active in an Eo chemotaxis system off RP-8 HPLC
were pooled, concentrated by lyophilization, and applied to a TSK-
2000 size exclusion HPLC column (600 x 8 mm; LKB, Bromma,
Sweden) previously equilibrated with 0.1% TFA. Proteins were
duted with the same solvent. Eo-chemotactic fractions off TSK-
2000 HPLC were pooled and applied to a wide-pore CN-propyl
RP HPLC column (5/zm, 250 x 4 mm; J. T. Baker, Gross Gerau,
FRG) previously equilibrated with 0.1% aqueous TFA. Protein elu-
tion was performed with a gradient of n-propanol containing 0.1%
TFA. Thereafter, fractions off CN-propyI-RP-HPLC, which were
active in the Eo chemotaxis assay system, finally were applied to
a narrow-pore RP-18-HPLC column (100 x 7/zm, C18 Nucleosil,
250 x 10 mm; Macherey-Nagel), previously equilibrated with 0.1%
aqueous TFA containing 10% (vol/vol) acetonitrile, and polypep-
tides were duted with a gradient of acetonitrih containing 0.1%
SDS-PAGE analysis was performed with the Phast
system (Pharmacia, Freiburg, FRG) using high-density gels ac-
cording to the manufacturer's instructions. CNBr-cleavage prod-
ucts of myoglobin (Sigma Chemical Co.) as well as recombinant
human Ser72-Ib8 served as molecular mass standards.
Chemotaxis Assays.
Eo chemotactic activity was measured in
blind-well Boyden chambers as previously described (13). In some
experiments Eos were determined microscopically using a modi-
fication of Boyden's method as previously described in detail (3,
13). Chemotactic activity is expressed as chemotactic index, calcu-
lated as: stimulated migration/random migration.
Amino Acid Sequence Analysis.
Underivatized samples were ana-
lyzed using a gas phase sequencer (4701; Applied Biosystems, Inc.,
Foster City, CA) with on-line HPI.C analysis of the phenylthio-
hydantoin derivatives.
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry (ESP-MS).
For ESP-MS analysis,
a Trio-2 quadrupole (VG Biotech-Fisons Instruments
chester, UK) was used. The peptides were introduced into the ESP-
MS ion source as a solution in 50:50:1 methanol/water/acetic acid
(vol/vol/vol) at a flow rate of 5 #l/min. The electrospray needle
was held at 4 kV relative to the source. As an internal mass calibrant
ubiquitine was used.
Results and Discussion
To test the hypothesis that 8-1O-kD Eo-specific or -selective
attractants would exist, we originally used supernatants of
PBMC preparations that were stimulated with a mixture of
bacterial LPS and PHA, since these cell preparations are known
to produce a number of IL-8-1ike chemotactic cytokines such
as IL-8 itself (3-5, 15), MCP-1/MCAF (16), MGSA/gro c~
(6), and apparently also other chemotactic members of the
C-C-family (12).
In initial experiments we detected 6-10-kD Eo-chemotactic
activity in supernatants of stimulated PBMC (data not shown).
To determine its origin purified monocytes were stimulated
with LPS in one experimental series and lymphocyte prepa-
rations were treated with mitogens in another series. To our
surprise, in the monocyte supernatants, which contained high
amounts of neutrophil-chemotactic II:8, no Eo-chemotactic
activity could be detected. Instead Eo-chemotactic activity
was found in supernatants of PHA-stimulated monocyte-
depleted lymphocyte preparations (data not shown).
Because these lymphocyte preparations contained various
numbers of contaminating platelets, we tested whether these
cells are a possible source of Eo-chemotactic activity. Platelets
are known to produce members of the II.-8 supergene family
such as platelet basic protein and its truncation products, con-
nective tissue-activating peptide III (CTAP III) as well as
/3-thromboglobulin (17), which by enzymatic cleavage form
neutrophil-chemotactic NAP-2 (18). Moreover, platelet factor
4 (PF-4) (19), as well as a structurally related molecule we
tentatively termed NAP-4 (14), are stored in platelets. There-
fore, it seemed to be an attractive working hypothesis to as-
sume that platelets also are a source of other members of the
6-10-kD cytokine family.
When lysates of platelets were tested for Eo-chemotactic
activity in vitro, a high titer of the activity was observed (data
not shown). To investigate whether this Eo-chemotactic ac-
tivity is released by physiological stimulation, platelets were
incubated with thrombin (2 U/ml) for 30 min and superna-
tants were analyzed for Eo-chemotactic activity. As shown
588 Eosinophil Chemotactic RANTES
/ \
o~O~ ~
10 .3 l0 '2 16' ld ~ "
I~eciprocal dilution
Figure 1. Eo-chemotactic activity in supernatants of thrombin-
stimulated platelets. Platelets were incubated at 37~ for 15 rain in the
presence of thrombin (2 U/rrd). Cell-free supematants were collected, diluted
in PBS/BSA, and assayed in the Boyden chamber system for Eo-chemotactic
activity. The Eo chemotaxin PAF (100 riM) served as control. A typical
experiment is shown.
in Fig. 1, a dose-dependent bell-shaped Eo-chemotactic re-
sponse was observed. Since platelets are known to produce
PAF, a potent Eo chemotaxin of low molecular weight (20),
the relative molecular mass of this Eo-cbemotactic activity
was determined. By TSK-2000 size exclusion HPLC, the
majority of Eo-chemotactic activity was detected in fractions
corresponding to the molecular mass range between 5 and
15 kD (data not shown). To purify the Eo-chemotactic poly-
peptide(s) (EoCPs) present in supernatants of thrombin-
stimulated platelets, we used similar HPLC methods as those
with which we purified NAP-1/IL-8 (3), MGSA/gro (6), and
platelet-derived neutrophil attractant 4 (NAP-4) (14).
At the first step, pooled platelet supernatants were chro-
matographed on a preparative RP-8 HPLC column followed
by a TSK-2000 size exclusion HPLC (Fig. 2 A). Eo-chemotactic
material was further purified by wide-pore cyanopropyl HPLC
and finally purified by narrow-pore RP-18 HPLC (Fig. 2 B).
The last purification step led to a broad peak of Eo-chemotactic
activity corresponding to two peaks (EoCP-1 and EoCP-2)
absorbing at 215 nm (Fig. 2 B). The presence of a single silver-
stained band upon SDS-PAGE analysis for each EoCP, which
showed a mobility somewhat higher than that of authentic
72-residue II.-8 (molecular weight of 8,532), indicated that
the material in these EoCP preparations are 8-kD polypep-
tides (Fig. 2 C).
NHvterminal amino acid sequencing revealed a single se-
quence of 16 or 32 residues for each EoCP:
The only sequence obtained for both EoCPs in several in-
vestigations is identical to that reported for the cytokine
The molecular weight of EoCP-1 and EoCP-2 was deter-
mined by ESP-MS (Fig. 3), and obtained values were 8,355
_+ 10 and 7,862.8 _ 1.1, respectively. Although both EoCPs
showed the same amino acid sequence, EoCP-1 had a molec-
ular mass approximately 500 mass units higher than that of
Figure 2. Purification of EoCPs. Eo-chemotactic activity detected in
supernatants of thrombin-stimulated platelets was purified by a series of
HPLCs. The shaded area represents Eo-chemotactic activity in HPLC frac-
tions. Experimental conditions are detailed in Materials and Methods. (A)
TSK-2000 size exclusion I--IPLC of Eo-chemotactic fractions off RP-8-HPLC.
(B) Narrow pore R.P-18-HPLC of an EoCP preparation purified by CN-
RP-HPLC. A representative purification is shown. (C) SDS-PAGE of
purified EoCPs. SDS-PAGE analysis was performed with the Phast System
and proteins were silver stained. In lanes 1 and 7, CNBr cleavage products
of myoglobin were applied as Mr standards, whereas lanes 2 and 6 con-
mined 72-residue rlL-8, and lane 3 contained rKANTES. In lane 4, EoCP-2
was applied, and lane 5 contained EoCP-1.
EoCP-2. This difference could be attributed to O-glycosylation
presumably at serine residues 4 and 5, where sequence anal-
ysis of EoCP-1 failed. N-glycosylation sites are known to be
absent from RANTES (21). The measured molecular mass
of EoCP-2 agrees well with the calculated molecular mass
of R.ANTES. RANTES contains four cysteine amino acids,
and these are thought to exist in the reduced form, the pep-
tide being folded with two disulphide bridges, as has been
proven by 1H-NMR-analysis as well as x-ray crystallographic
analysis for other members of the KANTES/IL-8 family (22).
This reduces the calculated molecular weight from 7,851.06
to 7,847.03. This value differs from the measured value by
15.8 units, which can be accounted for by the assumption
of oxidation having taken place on the single methionine res-
idue number 67 in RANTES. Oxidation of methionine is
very common, especially in the case of samples that have been
exposed to the atmosphere for any length of time before
589 Kameyoshi et al. Brief Definitive Report
1311.oE 1572.8 E
1123.8 E
u952.41071 12u421
500 750 1000 1250 1500
zx. hL ., ,,..• .
1750 2000
Figure 3. ESP-MSofEoCP-2. The calcuhted molecular mass for EoCP-2
(E), corrected for Ubiquitin (U) as an internal standard, is 7,862.8 + 1.1
chitons. The charge states shown are +4 (1,965.6), +5 (1,572.8), +6
(1,311.0), and +7 (1,123.8).
Both EoCP-1 and EoCP-2 showed similar dose-dependent
Eo-chemotactic activity in the Boyden chamber system (Fig.
4 a), indicating that derivatization of serine residues 4 and
5 does not affect Eo-chemotactic activity either in potency
(EDs0) or efficacy (percent input migrating Eos upon op-
timal stimulation doses). Moreover, Eo-chemotactic activity
of RANTES could be confirmed with recombinant mate-
rial: rRANTES showed Eo-chemotactic activity at similar
doses than found for both natural forms (Fig. 4 b). In con-
trast with this, neither EoCP induced significant migratory
response of human neutrophils in the Boyden chamber system
(data not shown).
RANTES originally was identified as an apparently T
cell-spedfic inducible gene, which was found to be expressed
by cultured T cell lines that were antigen spedfic and growth
factor dependent (21). Furthermore, RANTES mRNA ex-
pression has been found to be inducible in PBL by antigen
or mitogen stimulation. It is therefore likely, but yet not
proven, that supernatants of mitogen-stimulated PBL con-
tain Eo-chemotactic RANTES.
The Eo is one of the predominant cell types found in late-
phase reactions or at the inflammatory sites in allergic dis-
eases (23, 24). Release of cytotoxic cationic Eo granule pro-
teins as well as synthesis of peptido-leukotrienes are believed
to contribute to such hypersensitivity diseases. Apart from
other cytokines such as II.-5 (25), GM-CSF (25), and "lym-
phocyte chemotactic factor LCF" (26), RANTES has been
identified as an Eo-selective attractant in vitro and might par-
{3 4 /.
~.3 2
0'.1 i 10 1()0
EoCP (nM)
9 41 - c HI d l i lb 160
Figure 4. Eo-chemotactic activity of EoCPs and rRANTES. (a) Both
RP-18-HPLC-purified fractions, EoCP-1 (Q) and EoCP-2 (O), were ana-
lyzed for Eo-chemotactic activity. Results are expressed as mean + SE
from six (EoCP-1) and five (EoCP-2) experiments. (b) Eo-ehemotactic ac-
tivity ofrRANTES. Results are expressed as mean _+ SE from five experi-
ments. PAF (100 nM) served as control.
ticipate in recruitment of Eos to T cell-mediated hypersensi-
tivity reactions in vivo. Since it is known that rRANTES
attracts T lymphocytes of the memory type (CD45RO +)
(11), RANTES may be a common mechanism in diverse im-
munological reactions, which culminate in the emigration
of T lymphocytes of this phenotype and Eos from the circu-
lation into sites of inflammation. The allergen-induced late-
phase skin reaction in atopic subjects, in which both memory
T cell infiltration and Eo accumulation are characteristic (24,
27), may represent a possible clinical example.
Our finding that platelets release upon stimulation Eo-
chemotactic RANTES serves as additional evidence for the
recent understanding that platelets contribute to inflamma-
tory reactions (reviewed in reference 28). From guinea pig
models it was suggested that platelets are a prerequisite com-
ponent in allergic asthma, since platelet depletion reduced
Eo infiltration into the lung after PAF or allergen exposure
to sensitized animals (29). Moreover, bronchial Eo accumula-
tion was reduced without a significant change in neutrophil
infiltration after antigen challenge in thrombocytopenic-
allergic rabbits compared with control animals (30). It is there-
fore tempting to speculate that RANTES released from
platelets might play a role for selective Eo infiltration after
antigen challenge in these situations.
We gratefully acknowledge Jutta Quitzau and Marlies Brandt for their excellent technical assistance and
Ilse Brandt for editorial help.
Part of this work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Schr 305/1-2).
590 Eosinophil Chemotactic ILANTES
Address correspondence to J.-M. Schr/Sder, Department of Dermatology, University of Kid, Schitten-
helmstraSe 7, D-W-2300, Kid, Germany.
Received for publication I April 1992 and in re,,ised form 1 June 1992.
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592 Eosinophil Chemotactic R.ANTES
... 44,45 Spurrell et al 46 in their study also suggest that increased levels of RANTES and IP-10 have been shown to correlate with in vivo virus replication. RANTES serves as a chemoattractant for eosinophils, 47 and GM-CSF is a potent activator of eosinophil survival and adhesion molecule expression, and is a cofactor for eosinophil superoxide production and de-granulation. 16,[48][49][50] It has been shown that the combination of RV infection and direct exposure to allergens cause epithelial cell production of IL-25 and IL-33 in the airways, mediators involved in T2 type inflammation and remodeling. ...
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Asthma is a common airway disease, affecting millions of people worldwide. Although most asthma patients experience mild symptoms, it is characterized by variable airflow limitation, which can occasionally become life threatening in the case of a severe exacerbation. The commonest triggers of asthma exacerbations in both children and adults are viral infections. In this review article, we will try to investigate the most common viruses triggering asthma exacerbations and their role in asthma immunopathogenesis, since viral infections in young adults are thought to trigger the development of asthma either right away after the infection or at a later stage of their life. The commonest viral pathogens associated with asthma include the respiratory syncytial virus, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza virus, metapneumovirus and coronaviruses. All these viruses exploit different molecular pathways to infiltrate the host. Asthmatics are more prone to severe viral infections due to their unique inflammatory response, which is mostly characterized by T2 cytokines. Unlike the normal T1 high response to viral infection, asthmatics with T2 high inflammation are less potent in containing a viral infection. Inhaled and/or systematic corticosteroids and bronchodilators remain the cornerstone of asthma exacerbation treatment, and although many targeted therapies which block molecules that viruses use to infect the host have been used in a laboratory level, none has been yet approved for clinical use. Nevertheless, further understanding of the unique pathway that each virus follows to infect an individual may be crucial in the development of targeted therapies for the commonest viral pathogens to effectively prevent asthma exacerbations. Finally, biologic therapies resulted in a complete change of scenery in the treatment of severe asthma, especially with a T2 high phenotype. All available data suggest that monoclonal antibodies are safe and able to drastically reduce the rate of viral asthma exacerbations.
... In this way, the virus and allergen-induced inflammation overlap, meaning that, during viral infections [40,49,[58][59][60], the cytokines and chemokines which are increased in airway secretion can recruit and activate inflammatory cells (activated T cells, eosinophils and neutrophils) [61,62], which have been linked to asthma. ...
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Allergic rhinitis is characterized by an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, being frequently associated with other airway conditions such as sinusitis, serous otitis media, nasal polyposis, sleep disorders and asthma in particular. Among the comorbidities of allergic rhinitis it counts asthma, being a risk factor for this disorder, in which, more than 75% of patients develop asthma (either allergic or nonallergic), whereas the patients with allergic rhinitis can be affected up to 40% by asthma. The classic symptoms for allergic rhinitis involves sneezing, nasal mucosal swelling and watery rhinorrhea; whereas the main symptoms which occurred in patients with asthma are wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, coughing, fast heartbeat, confusion, exhaustion or dizziness. Avoiding allergens is the first line of treatment for allergic rhinitis, followed by medication and allergen immunotherapy. Due to the strong connection between allergic rhinitis and asthma, one can affirm that the treatment for allergic rhinitis lead to the improvement of asthma symptoms. One can diagnose asthma by recognizing a certain pattern of respiratory symptoms and expiratory airflow restriction, which varies for each patient. In conclusion, accurate identification of the differences between allergic rhinitis and asthma depends on a thorough history, physical examination, and therapeutic treatments. This article provides an overview of the connection between these disorders, as well as of the diagnosis of these conditions and their current management options.
... Furthermore, inhibition of CXCL12-induced platelet activation has been shown by the presence of CCL5, which can also be released by platelets (107,108). CCL5 inhibits CXCL12 in a non-competitive manner (107), likely due to formation of a heterodimer (109). The carboxyterminal a-helix of CCL5 has been identified as an important region for this complex formation, and the generation of a bundled peptide of this sequence results in a peptide compound that binds to CXCL12 and CXCR4 at the same time (Figure 2), thereby partially preventing CXCR4-activation (31). ...
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Blood clotting is a finely regulated process that is essential for hemostasis. However, when dysregulated or spontaneous, it promotes thrombotic disorders. The fact that these are triggered, accompanied and amplified by inflammation is reflected in the term thromboinflammation that includes chemokines. The role of chemokines in thrombosis is therefore illuminated from a cellular perspective, where endothelial cells, platelets, red blood cells, and leukocytes may be both the source and target of chemokines. Chemokine-dependent prothrombotic processes may thereby occur independently of chemokine receptors or be mediated by chemokine receptors, although the binding and activation of classical G protein-coupled receptors and their signaling pathways differ from those of atypical chemokine receptors, which do not function via cell activation and recruitment. Regardless of binding to their receptors, chemokines can induce thrombosis by forming platelet-activating immune complexes with heparin or other polyanions that are pathognomonic for HIT and VITT. In addition, chemokines can bind to NETs and alter their structure. They also change the electrical charge of the cell surface of platelets and interact with coagulation factors, thereby modulating the balance of fibrinolysis and coagulation. Moreover, CXCL12 activates CXCR4 on platelets independently of classical migratory chemokine activity and causes aggregation and thrombosis via the PI3Kβ and Btk signaling pathways. In contrast, typical chemokine-chemokine receptor interactions are involved in the processes that contribute to the adhesiveness of the endothelium in the initial phase of venous thrombosis, where neutrophils and monocytes subsequently accumulate in massive numbers. Later, the reorganization and resolution of a thrombus require coordinated cell migration and invasion of the thrombus, and, as such, indeed, chemokines recruit leukocytes to existing thrombi. Therefore, chemokines contribute in many independent ways to thrombosis.
... Although all P-chemokines seem to act on cells of the monocyte lineage, individual P-chemokines can also act on other leukocyte subsets. For example, RANTES causes migration and activation of eosinophils and some T cell subsets (2,(27)(28)(29). MIP-la can also attract granulocytes, B cells, and CDS+-activated T cells (30,31), yet MIP-1P attracts CD4+ cells. ...
The murine beta-chemokine TCA3 was purified to homogeneity. The biologic activities of the purified glycoprotein were evaluated in vivo and in vitro. Mice injected i.p. with 1- to 100-ng purified rTCA3 exhibited a rapid influx of neutrophils and macrophages. Increased numbers of neutrophils and monocytes were observed in peripheral blood within 15 min and peak at 45 min. After 45 min neutrophil and macrophage levels were increased in the peritoneal exudate with peak levels occurring at 2 h, followed by a subsequent decline by 24 h. Inflammatory responses were induced in a dose-dependent fashion. The in vivo inflammatory responses were mirrored by the pattern of TCA3-induced chemotaxis in vitro. Neutrophils and macrophages responded to similar concentrations of TCA3 (3 x 10(-9) to 10(-8) M). Lymph node cells responded to other chemokines but did not migrate to TCA3. We also demonstrated that rTCA3 stimulates a transient increase in cytoplasmic free calcium in monocytic cells through a PTX-sensitive pathway. Cross-desensitization studies indicate that TCA3 acts independently of other beta-chemokines (MIP-1 alpha and RANTES) and the alpha-chemokine IL-8. Furthermore, TCA3 does not induce a Ca2 lux in cells transfected with cDNA for the C-C CKR-1 chemokine receptor, supporting the conclusion that there are distinct receptors for TCA3.
... Recent findings that the cytokine RANTES (a member of the interleukin-8 (IL-8) supergene family), released upon appropriate stimulation from platelets, is a potent chemoattractant for both monocytes [62] and eosinophils [63], serves as additional evidence for the contribution of platelets to the inflammatory response. ...
The platelet has traditionally been associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system; a well-recognized cell type actively involved in the maintenance of haemostasis and the initiation of repair following tissue injury. It has been accepted that the primary function of platelets is their adhesion to the endothelium or to other components at sites of the injured vessel wall in the initiation of haemostasis. However, it has been suggested that the fundamental physiological role of the platelet within the mammalian circulation is in the defence of the host against invasion by foreign organisms. Studies from several groups suggest an important role of the platelet in allergic processes and immunological mechanisms. In this review, we have summarized the origin, physiology, activation and function of the platelet, in addition to both experimental and clinical evidence implicating the involvement of this cell type in certain human lung diseases.
... The N-terminus region of the receptor forms predominantly ionic and ionic-backbone interactions with the chemokine residues; D2 and the two tyrosine sulfate residues Y10 and Y14 interact with lysine and arginine residues, r40, k68, and r70 from the chemokine. Several important residues in CCL5 that are post-translational modified, such as the s27 and s28 that can be glycated, m90 that can be sulfoxidated [65], and the s24-y26 tripeptide, that can be cleaved in many isoforms of CCL5, establish multiple contacts with CCR5. More details of the chemokine residues contacting CCL5 are also shown in S3 Fig Interestingly, residue Y251 6.51 , which is part of the OSS, interacts with the adjacent transmission switch. ...
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CC Chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), a member of the Superfamily of G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs), is an important effector in multiple physiopathological processes such as inflammatory and infectious entities, including central nervous system neuroinflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, recovery from nervous injuries, and in the HIV-AIDS infective processes. Thus, CCR5 is an attractive target for pharmacological modulation. Since maraviroc was described as a CCR5 ligand that modifies the HIV-AIDS progression, multiple efforts have been developed to describe the functionality of the receptor. In this work, we characterized key structural features of the CCR5 receptor employing extensive atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) in its apo form and in complex with an endogenous agonist, the chemokine CCL5/RANTES, an HIV entry inhibitor, the partial inverse agonist maraviroc, and the experimental antagonists Compound 21 and 34, aiming to elucidate the structural features and mechanistic processes that constitute its functional states, contributing with structural details and a general understanding of this relevant system.
... The two major receptors of CClS for mononuclear chemotaxis are CCR1 and CCRS, but it also binds to CCR3, CCR9 and DARC [Uguccioni et ai, 1995;Proudfoot et ai, 1995;loestcher et ai, 1996;Hadida et ai, 1998]. It has been demonstrated that CClS is produced by a variety of cells, including NK cells, Tlymphocytes [Conlon et ai, 1995], macrophages [Devergne et ai, 1994], endothelium [Thienel et ai, 1999], platelets [Kameyoshi et ai, 1992], fibroblasts [Monti et al,1996;Brouty-Boye et ai, 2000] smooth muscle cells [Jordan et ai, 1997], and epithelial cells [Robertson el, 2000]. ...
p>The aim of this work was to determine whether sequential changes in chemokine and/or chemokine receptor gene expression in the early post-transplant period of human renal allografts can be detected in PBMCs, and whether any such changes are predictive of clinical events. Blood samples from 106 renal transplant recipients and 29 donor nephrectomy patients were taken pre-operatively and then daily for 14 days. Within the two week study period 22 patients had biopsy proven acute rejection. From each blood sample the PBMCs were separated, their RNA extracted and a fixed quantity reverse transcribed to cDNA. Using real-time quantitative PCR (5’ nuclease assay by TaqMan® methodology), the gene expression levels for the chemokines CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CXCL10 and their receptors CCR1, CCR5 and CXCR3 were measured. The possible endogenous control genes tested were GAPDH, MLN51, YWHAZ, EF-1α and UbcH5B. Changes in chemokine and chemokine receptor gene expression by sequential monitoring in PBMCs were detected in the early post-transplant period. Furthermore, different expression patterns between rejector and non-rejector groups for some genes were demonstrated and some of these changes correlated with clinical events. In particular, CCR1 and CXCL10 showed increased expression prior to rejection and returned back to baseline levels with anti-rejection therapy. The search for a suitable endogenous control gene for use in the gene expression model used in this work was unsuccessfully, with significant changes in expression of all five genes tested at some time point post-transplantation. This work has demonstrated that changes in chemokine and chemokine receptor gene expression can be detected in PBMCs in the early post-transplant period, and in particular CXCL10 and CCR1 showed changes that correlate with rejection, and therefore may have potential use in immunomonitoring and as predictive factors of rejection prior to its clinical manifestation.</p
... Furthermore, PF4 promotes monocyte chemotaxis via CC chemokine receptor (CCR)-1 [100]. Platelet-released RANTES attracts human eosinophils and triggers shear-resistant monocyte arrest on inflamed endothelial cells [101,102]. Interestingly, PF4 and RANTES form heterodimers and amplify RANTES-triggered effects on monocytes and monocytic cells emphasized by enhanced arrests on activated endothelial cells [103]. Similarly to PF4, CXCL7 depicts structural properties allowing the formation of biologically active homo-and heterodimers. ...
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Platelets are among the most abundant cells in the mammalian circulation. Classical platelet functions in hemostasis and wound healing have been intensively explored and are generally accepted. During the past decades, the research focus broadened towards their participation in immune-modulatory events, including pro-inflammatory and, more recently, inflammatory resolution processes. Platelets are equipped with a variety of abilities enabling active participation in immunological processes. Toll-like receptors mediate the recognition of pathogens, while the release of granule contents and microvesicles promotes direct pathogen defense and an interaction with leukocytes. Platelets communicate and physically interact with neutrophils, monocytes and a subset of lymphocytes via soluble mediators and surface adhesion receptors. This interaction promotes leukocyte recruitment, migration and extravasation, as well as the initiation of effector functions, such as the release of extracellular traps by neutrophils. Platelet-derived prostaglandin E2, C-type lectin-like receptor 2 and transforming growth factor β modulate inflammatory resolution processes by promoting the synthesis of pro-resolving mediators while reducing pro-inflammatory ones. Furthermore, platelets promote the differentiation of CD4+ T cells in T helper and regulatory T cells, which affects macrophage polarization. These abilities make platelets key players in inflammatory diseases such as pneumonia and the acute respiratory distress syndrome, including the pandemic coronavirus disease 2019. This review focuses on recent findings in platelet-mediated immunity during acute inflammation.
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Objectives Fetal death is a complication of pregnancy caused by multiple etiologies rather than being the end-result of a single disease process. Many soluble analytes in the maternal circulation, such as hormones and cytokines, have been implicated in its pathophysiology. However, changes in the protein content of extracellular vesicles (EVs), which could provide additional insight into the disease pathways of this obstetrical syndrome, have not been examined. This study aimed to characterize the proteomic profile of EVs in the plasma of pregnant women who experienced fetal death and to evaluate whether such a profile reflected the pathophysiological mechanisms of this obstetrical complication. Moreover, the proteomic results were compared to and integrated with those obtained from the soluble fraction of maternal plasma. Methods This retrospective case-control study included 47 women who experienced fetal death and 94 matched, healthy, pregnant controls. Proteomic analysis of 82 proteins in the EVs and the soluble fractions of maternal plasma samples was conducted by using a bead-based, multiplexed immunoassay platform. Quantile regression analysis and random forest models were implemented to assess differences in the concentration of proteins in the EV and soluble fractions and to evaluate their combined discriminatory power between clinical groups. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to identify subgroups of fetal death cases with similar proteomic profiles. A p-value of <.05 was used to infer significance, unless multiple testing was involved, with the false discovery rate controlled at the 10% level (q < 0.1). All statistical analyses were performed by using the R statistical language and environment-and specialized packages. Results Nineteen proteins (placental growth factor, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, endoglin, regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and presumably secreted (RANTES), interleukin (IL)-6, macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha, urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, IL-8, E-Selectin, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2, pentraxin 3, IL-16, galectin-1, monocyte chemotactic protein 1, disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 12, insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 1, matrix metalloproteinase-1(MMP1), and CD163) were found to have different plasma concentrations (of an EV or a soluble fraction) in women with fetal death compared to controls. There was a similar pattern of change for the dysregulated proteins in the EV and soluble fractions and a positive correlation between the log2-fold changes of proteins significant in either the EV or the soluble fraction (ρ = 0.89, p < .001). The combination of EV and soluble fraction proteins resulted in a good discriminatory model (area under the ROC curve, 82%; sensitivity, 57.5% at a 10% false-positive rate). Unsupervised clustering based on the proteins differentially expressed in either the EV or the soluble fraction of patients with fetal death relative to controls revealed three major clusters of patients. Conclusion Pregnant women with fetal death have different concentrations of 19 proteins in the EV and soluble fractions compared to controls, and the direction of changes in concentration was similar between fractions. The combination of EV and soluble protein concentrations revealed three different clusters of fetal death cases with distinct clinical and placental histopathological characteristics.
p>The study presented in chapter 3 has applied an integrated bronchial explant tissue culture system to investigate the hypothesis that CD-28 mediated T cell costimulation is required for cytokine production in moderately severe asthma. Allergen stimulation of bronchial explant cultures from mild asthmatics induces the production of IL-5 and IL-13 that is reduced by the fusion protein. CTLA-41g, which inhibits CD28-mediated costimulation. In chapter 3, I have shown that Dermatophagoides pteronissinus (Der p) allergen stimulates the production of IL-5, but not IL-13 by bronchial explants of moderately severe asthmatics. However, in contrast to similar explant studies in mild asthma, allergen-induced IL-5 production was not inhibited by CTLA-4Ig. Allergen stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures from these subjects resulted in increased production of IL-5 and IL-13, which was inhibited by CTLA-4Ig. This suggests that IL-5 production in the airways of moderately severe asthmatics is less dependent on CD-28 mediated co-stimulation. The difference in requirements of CD28-mediated costimulation in PBMC cultures compared to explant cultures suggests that the tissue micro-environment influences the pulmonary inflammatory response in severe asthma. The study presented in chapter 6 has shown that exposure of bronchial epithelial cell cultures from normal subjects or allergic asthmatics to IL-4 or IL-13 for 24 hours leads to increased production of GM-CSF, IL-8 and RANTES, which can be reduced but not completely suppressed by the corticosteroid dexamethasone. A co-operative effect was noted for combined stimulation with IL-4 or IL-13 and Der p allergen for the production of GM-CSF, IL-8 and RANTES. IL-4 and IL-13 also stimulated the release of transforming growth factor-β, which promotes fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition. Exposure of bronchial epithelial cells to either Der p allergen, IL-4, IL-13 or TNF-α led to increased release of the structurally unrelated transforming growth factor-α, which is a potent ligand for the epidermal growth factor receptor, and has been linked with goblet cell metaplasia and airway remodelling. Although there was no significant difference in the basal or stimulated production of GM-CSF and IL-8 by bronchial epithelial cells of normal or asthmatic subjects, the increased production of RANTES, TGF-β, and TGF-α was confined to bronchial epithelial cells of asthmatic subjects. The ability of Der p allergen and Th2 cytokines to remote the release of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors by bronchial epithelial cells of asthmatic subjects provides a link between environmental allergen, Th2 mediated inflammation, and airway remodelling in asthma. The development of a reliable method for the culture of primary bronchial epithelial cells of atopic asthmatics paves the way for dissecting the involvement of the bronchial epithelium in airway inflammation, remodelling and mucus production atopic asthma.</p
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Lymphocyte chemoattractant factor (LCF) is a tetrameric glycoprotein of 56,000 relative molecular mass produced by activated T lymphocytes. LCF binds to CD4 and has previously been found to stimulate migration of CD4+ lymphocytes and monocytes. Because human eosinophils, like T cells and monocytes, express CD4, we examined functional responses of eosinophils to LCF. Recombinant LCF (rLCF) expressed in COS cells was purified on a CD4 affinity column. Migration of eosinophils was elicited by rLCF at low concentrations: the 50% effective dose (ED50) was 10(-12) to 10(-11) M, concentrations 100- to 1,000-fold lower than the ED50s for the recognized eosinophil chemoattractants C5a and platelet-activating factor. Two other ligands which bound to CD4, human immunodeficiency virus-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 and monoclonal antibody OKT4, also stimulated eosinophil migration. Monovalent OKT4 Fab competitively inhibited eosinophil responses to rLCF. rLCF did not influence other functional responses of eosinophils tested, including degranulation, superoxide generation, leukotriene C4 production, in vitro survival, or surface expression of the adherence receptor CR3 (CD11b), human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen DR, or interleukin 2 receptor p55 (CD25). We conclude that CD4 on eosinophils is capable of transducing a migratory stimulus and serves as a receptor for a chemoattractant lymphokine LCF. T cell-derived LCF may contribute to recruitment of eosinophils and CD4+ mononuclear cells concomitantly at inflammatory reactions.
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Purification of monocyte-derived NAP-1/IL-8 by preparative reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC led to the detection of a second peak with polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL)-activating (degranulation, chemotaxis) properties. The monokine responsible for this biological activity, which we tentatively termed NAP-3, could be purified to homogeneity by three different RP-HPLC steps. Tricine-SDS-PAGE analysis gave a single line at Mr 5.3 kD (NAP-1/IL-8 = 5.8 kD). NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis read as a major sequence (ASVATELRXCXLQT. .), which shows greater than 40% homology to that of NAP-1/IL-8. The sequence is identical to that found for the 13-kD moiety of melanoma growth stimulating activity (MGSA) and the product of the oncogene gro. Determination of neutrophil chemotactic activity of NAP-3 revealed a typical bell-shaped dose-response curve (ED50 = 2 ng/ml) with no significant neutrophil chemotactic activity at doses greater than 200 ng/ml. Also, in cytochalasin B-pretreated PMNL, NAP-3 elicited release of myeloperoxidase and beta-glucuronidase. Crossdesensitization studies in PMNL enzyme release revealed crossreactivities with the NAP-1/IL-8-R on PMNL. NAP-3 (MGSA/gro) appears to represent the first member of the novel supergene family of beta-thromboglobulin-like host defense cytokines, which expresses both mitogenic as well as proinflammatory properties at the nanogram level.
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We have used a cDNA library enriched for T cell-specific sequences to isolate genes expressed by T cells but not by other cell types. We report here one such gene, designated RANTES, which encodes a novel T cell-specific molecule. The RANTES gene product is predicted to be 10 kDa and, after cleavage of the signal peptide, approximately 8 kDa. Of the 68 residues, 4 are cysteines, and there are no sites for N-linked glycosylation. RANTES is expressed by cultured T cell lines that are Ag specific and growth factor dependent. RANTES expression is inducible in PBL by Ag or mitogen. In CTL, expression of RANTES decreases after stimulation with Ag and growth factors. Interestingly, RANTES was not expressed by any T cell tumor line tested. There is significant homology between the RANTES sequence and several other T cell genes, suggesting that they comprise a previously undescribed family of small T cell molecules.
Purified human eosinophils generate eosinophil chemotactic lipids (ECL), when incubated with arachidonic acid without any stimulus. Reversed phase HPLC of incubation supernatants revealed major lipid-like eosinophil chemotactic activity eluting in a peak containing 5(S), 15(S)dihydroxy-6,13-trans-8,11-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid (5,15-DiHETE) as well as a 8,15-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid. For further characterization of the ECL, some authentic dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids were tested for eosinophil chemotactic activity. Only 5,15-DiHETE as well as 8(S), 15(S)-dihydroxy-5,11-cis-9,13-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid were found to be chemotaxins for human eosinophils, however, with an ED50 near 0.3 microM and 1.5 microM, respectively. The presence of high titer eosinophil chemotactic activity in ECL preparations let us look for a contaminating ECL with higher specific activity. By using a different reversed phase HPLC-system 5,15-DiHETE as well as 8(R), 15(S)-dihydroxy-5,11-cis-9,13-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid could be separated from a highly potent ECL. Final purification of this ECL by the use of straight phase HPLC resulted in a single at 260 nm absorbing peak giving an UV spectrum different from that known for eosinophil chemotactic factors indicating a novel type of eosinophil chemotactic lipid. Eosinophil chemotactic activity of purified ECL has been found to be similar to that seen for platelet-activating factor, the most potent chemotaxin so far known, either in the number of migrating cells or the ED50. Cross-desensitization experiments with ECL, leukotriene B4, and platelet-activating factor revealed the existence of a separate ECL receptor on eosinophils. The production of potent ECL by the responder cells themselves supports the idea that there exists a self-sustaining mechanism of eosinophil accumulation.
A novel protein, NAP-4, could be isolated from human platelet lysates. NAP-4 preparations induced chemotaxis of human neutrophils with an ED50 near 400 ng/ml. Purification by anti NAP-1/IL-8 affinity chromatography and reversed phase HPLC revealed a single peak showing a single line upon SDS-PAGE corresponding to a Mr of 8000. NH2-terminal sequence analysis indicated an unique sequence showing strong homology to human platelet factor 4 and weak homology to tumor necrosis factor alpha as well. The most interesting finding is the absence of the first two cysteins, known to be strongly conserved in members of the family of platelet-factor 4-like host defense cytokines.
In these studies, we have used an allergic rabbit model to investigate the role of platelets in the late asthmatic response (LAR) by depleting platelets with a guinea pig antirabbit platelet antiserum (APAS). Allergen exposure of immunized rabbits pretreated with normal guinea pig serum (NGPS) to serve as a control resulted in an early- and late-phase obstructive airway response that persisted for 6 h. When the immunized animals were pretreated with APAS, the magnitude of the LAR in terms of dynamic compliance was reduced by 86.2% (p less than 0.03), but there was no difference in the early response curve. Allergen challenge of animals treated with NGPS resulted in an increased bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine: PD50 Cdyn geometric mean +/- SEM before, 2.36 mg/ml (3.43-1.64); after, 0.60 mg/ml (0.67-0.54) (p less than 0.01). PD50 RL before, 1.78 mg/ml (2.4-1.32); after, 0.58 mg/ml (0.81-0.47) (p less than 0.05). In contrast, when animals were treated with APAS, there was a significant inhibition of allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness to inhaled histamine: PD50 Cdyn geometric mean +/- SEM before, 1.42 mg/ml (2.06-0.98); after, 1.10 mg/ml (1.41-0.86) (p less than 0.4). PD50 RL before, 1.62 mg/ml (2.22-1.39); after, 1.05 mg/ml (1.35-0.82) (p greater than 0.4). Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid revealed an increase in the number of neutrophils and eosinophils after allergen exposure in control animals (p less than 0.01). However, in animals rendered thrombocytopenic, the number of eosinophils, but not neutrophils, was significantly reduced (p less than 0.03).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)