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Normal anatomy of the hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe: high-resolution fast spin-echo MR Images in volunteers correlated with cadaveric histologic sections


Abstract and Figures

This essay illustrates the appearances of sections of the normal hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe on high-resolution heavily T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR images and correlates them with histologic sections. We found that this MR examination showed the detailed anatomy of the normal hippocampus in a much shorter time than is possible with conventional spin-echo techniques. The information provided in this essay can be used as a baseline for distinguishing between normal and abnormal hippocampi in a variety of disease states.
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AJR 159:i309-13i3, December 1992 0361-803X/92/1596-1309 0American Roentgen Ray Society
Pictorial Essay
Normal Anatomy of the Hippocampus and Adjacent
Temporal Lobe: High-Resolution Fast Spin-Echo MR
Images in Volunteers Correlated with Cadaveric Histologic
Robert D. Tien,1 Gary J. Felsberg,1 and Barbara Cram2
This essay illustrates the appearances of sections of the nor-
mel hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe on high-resolution
heavily T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR images and correlates
them with histologic sections. We found that this MR examination
showed the detailed anatomy of the normal hippocampus in a
much shorter time than is possible with conventional spin-echo
techniques. The information provided in this essay can be used
as a baseline for distinguishing between normal and abnormal
hippocampi in a variety of disease states.
The hippocampus is an important structure in the brain that
is involved in numerous diseases. Visualization of the hippo-
campus with MR imaging has therefore been extremely useful
in detecting such pathologic entities as hippocampal sclerosis
or atrophy in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and Alz-
heimer’s disease [1 ]. Although gross estimates of hippocam-
pal size and signal abnormality have clinical value [2], we
think that more precise imaging can help to further delineate
the fine anatomic detail of the hippocampus and thus provide
more sensitive detection and localization of lesions in this
structure. Anatomic details of the hippocampus shown on Ti -
weighted images (5-mm-thick sections) correlate closely with
anatomic findings in cadaveric sections [3]. However, imaging
can be improved by using a recently described MR pulse
sequence, fast spin echo, a method that allows acquisition of
heavily T2-weighted (long TR/long TE) images and large-
matrix examinations in clinically acceptable time periods. With
this technique, anatomic detail is improved because thin
sections (2 mm), a high-resolution matrix (256 x 256), and
four excitations can be used. In addition, it may be possible
to detect signal abnormalities involving the hippocampus. We
correlated the fast spin-echo images of the hippocampus and
medial temporal lobe structures in eight healthy volunteers
with histologic sections from a normal cadaveric brain.
Fast Spin-Echo MR Imaging in Healthy Volunteers
MR images of the brains of eight healthy young adult
volunteers (mean age, 32 years) were obtained with a 1 .5-T
superconducting magnet (Signa, General Electric, Milwaukee,
WI). A sagittal localizer sequence was used first. This gener-
ated parasagittal images through the long axis of the hippo-
campus, from which orthogonal coronal fast spin-echo images
were prescribed to cover the entire length of the hippocampus
(Fig. 1). Each person was then imaged by using a standard
quadrature head coil and fast spin-echo techniques with the
following image parameters: 2-mm-thick sections with inter-
leave (the minimal slice thickness in our current fast spin-echo
software), 256 x 256 matrix, 1 8-cm field of view, 4000/i 00/
4 (TR/TE/excitations) sequences, echo train length of 16, and
Received March 20, 1992; accepted after revision June 24, 1992.
1Department of Radiology, Box 3808, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
2Department of Pathology. Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710. NC 2771 0. Address reprint requests to A. D. Tien.
A 1
13i 0 TIEN ET AL. AJR:159, December 1992
Fig. 1.-Drawing shows left lateral view of lim-
bic system. Hippocampus (green) is located in
medial temporal lobe and has an arclike configu-
ration ending in region of splenium of corpus cal-
losum. Fimbria of hippocampus (yellow), which is
formed by alveus, in turn becomes fornix (yellow)
at level of hippocampal tail. Amygdala (blue) is
immediately rostral to hippocampal head.
Fig. 2.-A and B, Histologic section (A) through anterior hippocampal head (Hh) and corresponding
slightly anterior fast spin-echo coronal MR image (B). Gray matter of hippocampal head is inferior to
temporal horn; gray matter of amygdala (A) is superior and anterior to hippocampal head. Lateral
aspect of hippocampal head is limited by temporal horn; medially, entorhinal cortex (cc) can be
identified within parahippocampal gyrus.
Fig. 3.-A and B, Histologic section (A) through
hippocampal head (Hh) slightly posteriorto Fig. 2A
and corresponding fast spin-echo coronal MR im-
age (B). Hippocampal head can be seen consist-
ently on MR by identification of hippocampal digi-
tations, which give a characteristic waviness to
hippocampus at this level. Hippocampal head is
separated from gray matter of amygdala (A) (mid
to posterior portions) by temporal horn. Note sub-
iculum (5), which is lateral continuation of ento-
rhinal cortex (ec). Subiculum in gyrus uncinatus
(su)joins hippocampal head to amygdala.
i6-kHz bandwidth. With this method, 30 sections can be
obtained in i 2 mm so sec. The rationale for choosing an echo
train length of i6 instead of eight was as follows: Although
an echo train length of eight may offer a better signal-to-noise
ratio with lower resolution matrices (256 x i 28), with a higher
resolution matrix size such as 256 x 256, the gain in the
signal-to-noise ratio when an echo train length of eight is used
rather than one of 16 is minimal and results in a doubling of
image time. Although not shown in this essay, proton density-
weighted fast spin-echo images can also be obtained that in
our experience are comparable to conventional spin-echo
images. However, there is an additional time penalty if proton-
density images are to be obtained.
The fast spin-echo technique is a hybrid based on a rapid-
acquisition relaxation-enhanced method initially described by
Hennig et al. [4]. This fast spin-echo sequence consists of a
i 6-echo Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-GiII train with an echo spacing
between iS and i8 msec. In this technique, a single RF pulse
is followed by an echo train in which each echo is individually
phase encoded and then read in the presence of a frequency-
encoding gradient. T2-weighted images are acquired in sub-
stantially less time than when conventional spin-echo tech-
niques are used (in our case, 12 mm so sec for fast spin echo
compared with i 37 mm 4 sec for conventional spin-echo
technique with similar parameters).
Histologic Sections from a Cadaver
A brain from a person with no history of neurologic disease
and no neuropathologic findings at autopsy was selected for
examination. After 2 weeks’ fixation in 20% formalin, the
temporal lobe was removed and cut perpendicular to its long
axis in order to mimic the angle used for MR imaging. Blocks
3-4 mm thick were obtained throughout the entire length of
the temporal lobe. These were embedded in paraffin and
sectioned at 8 m. Sections from each block were stained
with either cresyl violet or hematoxylin and eosin with a Luxol
fast blue counterstain for myelin. The stained sections were
matched to the MR images, and individual temporal lobe
structures were then determined both on MR images and
cadaveric histologic sections according to anatomic refer-
ences [5].
MR-Histologic Correlation
Fast spin-echo MR images of the brain showed excellent
anatomic detail, with no significant variance in the shape of
Fig. 4.-A and B, Histologic section (A) through
junction of hippocampal head (H)and body slightly
posterior to Fig. 3A and corresponding fast spin-
echo coronal MR Image (B). At this level, hippo-
campus gradually loses characteristic waviness of
hippocampal digitations that mark hippocampal
head. Posterior portion of amygdala (A) Is sepa-
rated from hippocampus by temporal horn. Subi-
culum (s) between entorhinal cortex and first field
of hippocampus (cornu Ammonis 1) can be easily
identified, as can subiculum in gyrus uncinatus
(su) between hippocampal head and amygdala.
the hippocampus among the eight persons examined. Figures
2-7 are a representative anterior to posterior series of images,
matched as closely as possible with the corresponding his-
tologic sections.
Anatomy of the Hippocampus and Adjacent Temporal
Lobe Structures
The hippocampus consists of two major parts, the cornu
Ammonis (hippocampus proper) and the dentate gyrus, which
are separated by the hippocampal sulcus (Fig. SC). Below the
hippocampal sulcus or fissure is the subiculum, which occu-
pies the medial/superior curvature of the parahippocampal
Fig. 5.-A and B, Histologic section (A) through hippocampal body (Hb) and corresponding fast spin-echo coronal MR image (B). At level of hippocampal
body, waviness characteristic of hippocampal head is completely absent. Temporal horn can be identified defining lateral aspect of hippocampal body,
whereas choroidal fissure defines cranial aspect of hippocampal body. Also note absence of gray matter of amygdala at level of hippocampal body. MR
Image shows some persistence of hippocampal sulcus at lateral/inferior aspect of body (arrow); this normal structure is commonly identified and should
not be mistaken for pathologic change. S =subiculum, cc =entorhinal cortex.
C, Higher magnification of area of hippocampal body in A. The four regions of the cornu Ammonis (CAl, CA2, CA3, CA4), comprising pyramidal neurons,
are well seen. CAl field is the largest cellular field and represents lateral continuation of subiculum (5). CA2 field appears at cranial aspect of comu
Ammonis before curving into region of dentate gyrus. CA3 field is transitional portion of comu Ammonis, with CA4 field surrounded by dentate gyrus.
Alveus (a) is a compact white matter tract of efferent axons separating hippocampus from temporal horn. Fimbna (Fl) represents free edge of this white
matter tract and appears at cranial limit of hippocampus; fimbria ultimately forms fornix in region of hippocampal tail. Dentate gyrus has two layers: the
densely packed granular layer (gD) above the adjacent, loosely packed neuropil of the molecular layer (mD). Hippocampal sulcus (Hs) represents
embryonic fissure between dentate gyrus and comu Ammonis; it is usually obliterated during development, although commonly traces may remain (see
i 3i 2 TIEN ET AL. AJR:159, December 1992
Fig. 6.-A and B, Histologic section (A) through
hippocampal body (Hb) slightly posterior to Fig. 5A
and corresponding fast spin-echo coronal MR im-
age (B). Although temporal horn in region of hip-
pocampal head lacks choroid plexus, choroid
plexus is commonly identified in temporal horn at
level of hippocampal body. Fimbria attains its
greatest size at this level before forming fornix at
tail of hippocampus. s =subiculum.
Fig. 7.-A and B, Histologic section (A) through
hippocampal tail (Ht) and corresponding fast spin-
echo coronal MR image (B). Tail is characterized
by alveus/fimbria forming fornix (Fo) covering its
cranial aspect. Hippocampal tail bulges into cho-
roid plexus containing atrium of lateral ventricle.
gyrus and runs superolaterally to its border with the hippo-
campus. The hippocampus, which represents primitive or
allocortex, is therefore separated from the temporal neocortex
(specifically, the entorhinal cortex and the rest of the parahip-
pocampal gyrus) by the transistional zone (periallocortex) of
the subiculum.
The hippocampus proper consists of six layers: the alveus,
stratum oriens, stratum pyramidale, stratum radiatum, stra-
tum lacunosum, and stratum moleculare. The alveus (Fig. SC)
covers the portion of the hippocampus that protrudes into the
temporal horn of the lateral ventricle and is the main efferent
path followed by hippocampal and subicular axons. The al-
veus continues medially to form the fimbna of the hippocam-
pus, which in turn joins the fomix. Stratum lacunosum con-
tains some of the efferent fibers to the hippocampus. The
remaining four layers of the hippocampus are gray matter
consisting primarily of pyramidal neurons, dendrites, and col-
lateral axons. Because of the different appearances and
different connections of the pyramidal neurons, the cornu
Ammonis is usually divided into four fields, CAi ,CA2, CA3,
and CA4, which are labeled in Figure SC. CAl is adjacent to
the subiculum and is by far the largest of these areas. It
contains small, scattered neurons, which are roughly divided
into two sublayers. CA2 contains pyramidal cells packed into
a single dense layer; it generally appears at or near the
superior aspect of the cornu Ammonis. CA3 is located at or
near the curve of the cornu Ammonis as it enters the hilum
of the dentate gyrus. CA4 consists of a dispersed population
of pyramidal cells scattered within this hilum.
The dentate gyrus envelops field CA4 of the cornu Ammonis
and is separated from CAl -CA3 and the subiculum by the
hippocampal fissure (Fig. SC). The hippocampal fissure is
usually obliterated during development, although a persistent
cavity often remains (Fig. SB). The two most prominent layers
within the dentate gyrus are the densely packed layer of cell
bodies called the granular layer and the adjacent neuropil
called the molecular layer (Fig. SC).
Specific Anatomic Features of the Hippocampus and
Adjacent Temporal Lobe Structures Important for
Interpretation of MR Images
With continuing refinements in MR technology, finer ana-
tomic details of the hippocampus can be identified. While the
cellular structures of the hippocampus proper are currently
beyond the resolution of current techniques, some anatomic
structures can be identified consistently. The hippocampus,
like the caudate nucleus, forms an arc running roughly rostral
to caudal in the medial temporal lobe with a head (also known
as the pes hippocampi), body, and tail that are approximately
4 cm long [5] (Fig. i). The hippocampal head (pes hippocampi)
(Figs. 2 and 3) is marked by the hippocampal digitations,
which are sagittally oriented enfoldings of the various layers
of the hippocampus proper, each surrounding a digital exten-
sion of the dentate gyrus. The amygdala is directly anterior/
superior to the hippocampal head and the uncal recess is
directly anterior to the hippocampal head. Laterally, the head
bulges into the temporal horn; this region of the ventricle is
free of choroid plexus. Medially, the pes hippocampi continues
into the posterior portion of the uncus. (The uncus is the
anterior segment of the parahippocampal gyrus. It includes
the entorhinal cortex, Brodmann’s area 28.)
The hippocampal body lacks the digitations of the hippo-
campal head (Figs. S and 6). The deep aspect of the hippo-
campal body forms a portion of the floor of the temporal horn;
it protrudes into the ventricle and is covered by the alveus
and the ependyma. Choroid plexus in the temporal horn
covers this surface, which is composed primarily of fields
CAl -CA3. The superficial aspect of the body is adjacent to
the fimbria, which extends superiorly and medially over the
dentate gyrus.
The hippocampal tail (Fig. 7) forms an arc posteriorly and
occupies a portion of the floor of the atrium and curves along
the inferior surface of the splenium. It is covered by the white
matter of the alveus and by ependyma superolaterally. The
alveus is continuous with the fimbria, which in turn forms the
thin crura of the fornices.
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2. Jack CR, Sharbrough FW, Twomey CK. et al. Temporal lobe seizures:
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tion. Radiology 1990;175:423-429
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5. Duvernoy HM. The human hippocampus. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 1988
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gen Ray Society 93u1 Annual Scientific Meeting at
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February 12, 1993, to: 1891 Preston White l)rive
Rt’sloii, Virginia 2209 1
... The hippocampal formation (HF) is a relevant brain structure that is involved in many neurological and psychiatric diseases. The main components of the HF are the subiculum, the hippocampus proper (also called cornu ammonis, CA), and the dentate gyrus (DG) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13). These components are highly folded into and around each other. ...
... The ventricular surface of the HF is covered by a thin layer of white fibers, the alveus hippocampi (1,5,10,13,14). The subiculum is the transition region from the CA to the parahippocampal gyrus (12). It would be better named as the subicular complex, because it can be divided into subregions. ...
... (41) used T2-weighted and also T1-weighted MR sequences in their protocol for dogs, but their hippocampal volume measurement was made on the basis of the T2-weighted images, because the delineation was easier. Only a few authors recommended and used other sequences for examination of the HF (5,12,42). This matches the findings of this study, as most anatomical structures were best visible in the T2-weighted sequences. ...
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The hippocampal formation (HF) is a relevant brain structure that is involved in several neurological and psychiatric diseases. In cats, structural changes of the HF are associated with epilepsy. The knowledge of a detailed anatomy of this brain region may lead to the accurate diagnosis and development of better therapies. There are, however, discrepancies among the research findings, which may be due to different definitions being used, according to anatomical guidelines and boundaries, as well as different magnetic resonance (MR) protocols. The aim of this study is to evaluate the anatomical borders of the HF on transverse MR images and the correlated anatomic sections in three cats. The boundaries of the HF were mostly visible in the formalin fixed anatomic sections, except in the areas where the hippocampus proper exchanges into the subicular complex. Also, the delineation of the anteroventral part and the latero-caudal borders of the HF were not clearly defined. Based on our preliminary results these problems are reinforced on MR images, and further histological and anatomical research must be done to find a way to delineate these neurological structures accurately.
... Grossly, the H can be divided into three parts: head, body, and tail [4]. The hallmarks of the head are digitations, which are coronal-oriented infoldings of the various layers [5]. Digitations are not found in the body and tail. ...
... Using a 1.5 T scanner, MRI anatomy of the normal H in the coronal plane was reported by several researchers [5,7,8]. The most typical representation of the head of the H is three or four digitations separated by two or three small sulci [9]. ...
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PurposeThe head of the hippocampus (H) is classically described as having two to four digitations both in ex vivo specimens and in vivo MR coronal images. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a new MR-based classification of the anatomical variants of the hippocampal head in a large sample population of healthy subjects.MethodsMR images of the brain of 238 young healthy subjects (138 men and 100 women; age range 18–39) were analyzed. The head of the H was identified on coronal reformatted 3D T1 weighted MR images. The frequencies were reported for hemisphere and sex. Inter-rater reliability was assessed.ResultsEight variants of the hippocampal head were described. Class 0 (11.4%) indicated a total absence of sulci. This class was further subdivided as follows: 0A (one digitation, 10.1%) and 0B (no digitations or “null variant”, 1.3%). Class 1 (25.6%) presented a single sulcus and was further subdivided into four types according to the location and the width of the sulcus [1A (8.8%), 1B (12.8%), 1C (1.3%), and 1D (2.7%)]. Class 2 (63.0%, the most frequent and the classical variant) had two symmetrical sulci and three digitations. Statistically significant differences between the two hemispheres were observed only in women and overall. Differences in prevalence between sexes were not observed.Conclusions The large study population allowed the description of a novel morphological classification of the different anatomical variants of normal H in the coronal plane. This classification could reduce the risk of misinterpreting normal anatomical variants as pathological.
Background: Nitric oxide (NO) levels in brain nuclei, such as the hippocampus and brainstem, are involved in morphine analgesia, but the relationship between the dorsal hippocampus (dH) and the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray matter (dlPAG) needs to be clarified, which is our goal. Methods: Wistar rats were simultaneously equipped with a stereotaxic device with unilateral guide cannula at dH and dlPAG. After recovery, they were divided into control and experimental groups. Formalin (50 μL of 2.5%) was inoculated into the left hind paw of rat. Morphine (6 mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) 10 min before formalin injection. L-Arginine (0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 μg/rat), and L-NAME (0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 μg/rat), unrelatedly or with the respect in the order of injection were used in the nuclei before morphine injection (i.p.). Activation of the neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) in the brains of all animals was measured using NADPH-diaphorase, a selective biochemical marker of nNOS. Results: Morphine reduced inflammatory pain in the early and late stages of the rat formalin test. The morphine response was attenuated by before injection of single L-arginine but not L-NAME in the two target areas. However, the acute phase result was stopped due to L-NAME pretreatment. When L-NAME was injected into dlPAG before injecting L-arginine at dH, the morphine response did not decrease at all, indicating a modulatory role of NO in dlPAG, which was confirmed by NADPH-d staining. Conclusions: High levels of NO in dlPAG may regulate pain process in downward synaptic interactions.
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PURPOSE: To determine the usefulness of fluid attenuated inversion recovery(FLAIR) imaging for the in detection of high signal intensity of hippocampus or amygdala in mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS), compared with that of turbo spin-echo T2-weighted imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two neuroradiologists independently analyzed randomly mixed MR images of 20 lesions of 17 patients in whom MTS had been diagnosed, and ten normal controls. All subjects underwent both who performed both FLAIR and turbo spin-echo T2-weighted imaging, in a blind fashion. In order to determine hippocampal morphology, oblique coronal images perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus were obtained. The detection rate of high signal intensity in hippocampus or amygdala, the radiologists 'preferred imaging sequence, and intersubject consistency of detection were evaluated. Signal intensity in hippocampus or amygdala was considered high if substantially higher than signal intensity in the cortex of adjacent temporo-parietal lobe. RESULTS: In all normal controls, FLAIR and spin-echo T2-weighted images showed normal signal intensity in hippocampus or amygdala. In MTS, the mean detection rate of high signal intensity in hippocampus or amyg-dala, as seen on FLAIR images was 93%, compared with 43% on spin-echo T2-weighted images. In all cases in which signal intensity on FLAIR images was normal, signal intensity on spin-echo T2-weighted images was also normal. The radiologists preferred the contrast properties of FLAIR to those of spin-echo T2-weighted images. CONCLUSION: In the diagnosis of MTS using MRI, FLAIR images are more useful for the detection of high signal intensity of hippocampus or amygdala than are spin-echo T2-weighted images. In the diagnosis of MTS, FLAIR imaging is therefore a suitable alternative to spin-echo T2-weighted imaging.
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging plays a pivotal role in every aspect of the diagnosis and management of temporal lobe epilepsy. Mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) is the most common epileptogenic lesion in human epilepsy. This review focuses on the 1) normal anatomy of the hippocampus; 2) MR features of MTS and its mimics; 3) functional MR imaging as well as newer modalities such as MR spectroscopy and diffusion tensor imaging; 4) the role of MR in surgery of temporal lobe epilepsy; and 5) other lesions that may cause temporal lobe epilepsy, such as tumors, vascular malformations, and dysplasias. MR techniques are crucial for a complete workup of a patient with seizures because the ultimate goals of treatment are relief from intractable symptoms and prevention of disastrous postresection complications, such as speech and memory loss.
Neuroimaging techniques have improved the understanding, diagnosis, and management of intractable epilepsy. By providing excellent structural information, MRI is the technique of choice in evaluating patients with intractable seizures, potential candidates for surgical treatment. Hippocampal sclerosis, which is the most frequent cause of temporal lobe epilepsy, can be reliably identified with an optimal MR protocol. Tumors, neuronal migration disorders, vascular malformations or sclerosis from brain injury are seen on MRI with an exquisite sensitivity. Specific MR pulse sequences are recommended to increase the diagnostic value of MRI in intractable epilepsy : thin slices performed perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampal formation, three dimensional acquisition with multiplanar post processing, FLAIR sequences. However, in some patients, MRI remains normal. Other imaging techniques under investigation (high resolution MRI with phased array surface coils, T2-relaxometry, magnetoencephalographie, MR- spectroscopy) could be used to localize the epileptogenic focus, which is the surgical target. MR can also be used to guide the placement of intra-cerebral electrodes, performed in selected patients. By localizing the functional cerebral areas that have to be spared during surgery, functional MRI should gained more importance in the non invasive presurgical work-up.
Background and Objective: Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles are widely used in the medical, industrial, pharmaceutical and nutritional fields and contradictory results in neurological studies of these compounds in comparison with the conventional pattern demand further investigation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histology of hippocampus (an area involved in memory) following chronic administration of ZnO nanoparticles in comparison with the conventional pattern. Materials and Methods: NMRI adult male mice weighing 25 ± 5 g were assigned to five groups: control (saline), recipient of nano ZnO and conventional ZnO in doses of 1 and 5 mg/kg. After one month of treatment with these, animals were euthanized and their brains were removed from the hippocampus for histological study. Results: While ZnO nanoparticles led to necrosis of cells in some areas of the hippocampus, conventional ZnO did not exhibit such considerable damage. These changes were more pronounced at a dose of 1 mg/kg of ZnO nanoparticles. Conclusion: ZnO nanoparticles may pass through the blood-brain barrier and induce harmful effects on cells in hippocampus. It is recommended to take necessary precautions while using combinations of nano drugs. © 2015, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
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The hippocampus is a structure located in the depths of the temporal lobe, extending the full length of the floor of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle. This structure is involved in learning, memory, emotional behavior, and motor control, making it a focus of great interest. Hippocampal volumetry is an imaging method used to determine the volume of the hippocampus, to support diagnosis of certain disorders. The hippocampus can be segmented in several ways, ranging from manual to fully automated methods; however, the manual method remains the reference standard. There are several manual segmentation protocols, and efforts are being made to establish an international consensus on standardization of this method. The hippocampal volume is obtained using the three viewing planes of T1 weighted images in volumetric sequences. Hippocampal volume is an aid in diagnosis of epilepsy of the temporal lobe, Alzheimer’s disease, and mild amnesic cognitive disorder, among other conditions.
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Based on the principles of echo imaging, we present a method to acquire sufficient data for a 256 X 256 image in from 2 to 40 s. The image contrast is dominated by the transverse relaxation time T2. Sampling all projections for 2D FT image reconstruction in one (or a few) echo trains leads to image artifacts due to the different T2 weighting of the echo. These artifacts cannot be described by a simple smearing out of the image in the phase direction. Proper distribution of the phase-encoding steps on the echoes can be used to minimize artifacts and even lead to resolution enhancement. In spite of the short data acquisition times, the signal amplitudes of structures with long T2 are nearly the same as those in a conventional 2D FT experiment. Our method, therefore, is an ideal screening technique for lesions with long T2.
We evaluated the ability of preoperative radiologic imaging to detect hippocampal sclerosis in 31 patients who underwent surgery for intractable epilepsy. Hippocampal sclerosis is commonly associated with surgically treatable temporal lobe epilepsy. It is pathologically described as neuronal cell loss with associated gliosis in the hippocampus. While previous reports have correlated imaging results with clinical or qualitative histologic findings, this study used quantitative pathologic criteria (neuronal cell density) to diagnosis hippocampal sclerosis. We focused our study on the 11 patients with cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy. Of these, nine had hippocampal sclerosis by pathologic criteria. MR findings included unilateral hippocampal atrophy, an increased signal in the hippocampus on long TR scans, and atrophy in the adjacent white matter and temporal lobe. Hippocampal atrophy was most frequently seen in the red nucleus plane on coronal scans, corresponding to the body of the hippocampus. We also compared hippocampal size on MR with neuronal density in surgical specimens of the 11 patients with cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy. A statistically significant correlation was found between MR size and neuronal density in CA3 and CA4 of the cornu ammonis and the granular cell layer of the hippocampus. Since temporal lobectomy eliminated seizures in seven of nine patients with hippocampal sclerosis, preoperative diagnosis by MR has important therapeutic consequences.
A retrospective magnetic resonance (MR) imaging study was performed in 41 right-handed patients with presumed mesial sclerosis who underwent surgery for medically intractable, complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin. The ability of each of five different MR imaging-based tests to lateralize the seizure disorder was determined. In order of decreasing usefulness the tests were (a) hippocampal formation (HF) volume measurements, (b) visual grading of MR images for unilateral HF atrophy, (c) anterior temporal lobe (ATL) volume measurements, (d) visual grading of MR images for unilateral ATL atrophy, and (e) evidence of unilateral medial temporal lobe signal intensity abnormalities on long repetition time MR images. A right-side minus left-side volume (designated DHF) was obtained to quantify unilateral HF atrophy with a single number. Patients with right-sided seizures had a median DHF of -0.4 cm3, while those with left-sided seizures had a median DHF of 0.8 cm3, consistent with atrophy of the HF ipsilateral to the seizure disorder. Conservative volumetric threshold values (-0.2 cm3 and 0.6 cm3), separating individual DHF measurements into right-side abnormal, indeterminate, and left-side abnormal, allowed DHF measurements to be 76% sensitive and 100% specific for correct seizure lateralization.
Magnetic resonance (MR) images in the sagittal plane display the lengths of the parahippocampal gyrus, subiculum, dentate gyrus, hippocampus, fimbria, fornix, hippocampal fissure, choroidal fissure, and temporal horn, and the anatomic relationships of these structures to the surrounding brain. Correlation of these images with anatomic specimens provides criteria for identifying these structures confidently on routine clinical MR imaging.