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Exercise and Iron Status



Total iron losses in feces, urine and sweat in endurance-trained athletes are approximately 1.75 mg/d (compared with the reference value of 1 mg/d) in males and approximately 2.3 mg/d (compared with the reference value of 1.4 mg/d) in females because of the additional iron losses with menses. Therefore, it is not surprising that many investigators report that iron deficiency is a common problem in athletes who do not increase their iron intake above that of the general population. Recently, several observations of iron deficiency associated with mild exercise have been reported. Investigation of the extent of iron loss and utilization in individuals exercising for fitness is needed. Because compromised iron status can affect athletic performance as well as general health, including immune functions, cognitive development and ability to thermoregulate, it is advisable to emphasize meeting the recommended dietary allowances for iron during exercise training.
Symposium: Nutrition and Exercise
Exercise and Iron Status1
Department of Foods and nutrition, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
ABSTRACT Total iron losses in feces, uriñeand sweat
in endurance-trained athletes are ~1.75 mg/d (com
pared with the reference value of 1 mg/d) in males and
~2.3 mg/d (compared with the reference value of 1.4
mg/d) in females because of the additional iron losses
with menses. Therefore, it is not surprising that many
investigators report that iron deficiency is a common
problem in athletes who do not increase their iron intake
above that of the general population. Recently, several
observations of iron deficiency associated with mild
exercise have been reported. Investigation of the extent
of iron loss and utilization in individuals exercising for
fitness is needed. Because compromised iron status
can affect athletic performance as well as general
health, including immune functions, cognitive devel
opment and ability to thermoregulate, it is advisable to
emphasize meeting the recommended dietary allow
ances for iron during exercise training. J. Nutr. 122:
782-787, 1992.
•exercise •iron status •athletic performance
•iron-deficiency anemia •humans
Iron-deficiency anemia is the leading nutritional
deficiency in the United States despite the widespread
use of iron enrichment and fortification programs. Iron
deficiency is usually attributed to inadequate iron in
takes,-high demands in some population groups, such
as during the adolescent growth spurt and women
during child bearing years; blood loss and inadequate
absorption. Increasingly, compromised iron status is
associated with exercise training. Whether this obser
vation is due solely to increased iron loss or partly to
an increased demand or represents a redistribution of
iron rather than a true deficiency is not entirely certain.
Whatever the phenomenon, signs of reduced iron sta
tus are occurring even after short periods of mild fit
ness-type exercise.
The reverse of the exercise-iron status relationship
might be that as iron status declines, athletic perfor
mance is reduced. There is convincing evidence from
both animal and human studies that iron deficiency
0022-3166/92 $3.00 ©1992 American Institute of Nutrition.
reduces physical work capacity. Both physical work
and exercise would require additional iron for oxygen
transport and cytochrome-mediated ATP production.
Iron deficiency progresses in three stages: 2) iron
stores in the bone marrow, liver and spleen are de
pleted; 2) erythropoiesis diminishes as the iron supply
to the erythroid marrow is reduced and 3) hemoglobin
production falls, resulting in anemia. The clinical
characteristics of these three stages are given in Table
1 as are methods for assessing associated iron status.
It is inadvisable to use a single status measurement
for detecting iron deficiency because of the enormous
intrasubject variability in these measurements. A
practical manual of procedures for measuring iron
status was prepared by the International Nutritional
Anemia Consultive Group (1).
The prevalence in the United States of the third
stage of iron deficiency, anemia, as assessed in the Sec
ond National Health and Nutrition Examination Sur
vey (NHANES II)3 from 1976 to 1980 (3), was 8.8%
of women 25-44 y of age when hemoglobin values of
< 120 g/L was used as the criterion for anemia. Inci-
1Presented as part of a symposium: Nutrition and Exercise,given
at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology, Atlanta, GA, April 22, 1991. This sym
posium was sponsored by the American Institute of Nutrition and
supported in part by grants from Proctor and Gamble Company,
the Coca Cola Company, the Quaker Oats Company, Ocean Spray
Cranberries, Inc., Bronson Pharmaceuticals, NPH, and Hoffman
LaRoche. Guest editors for this symposium were L. P. Packer, De
partment of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California,
Berkeley, CA and V. N. Singh, Clinical Nutrition, Roche Vitamins
and Fine Chemicals, Nutley, NJ.
2To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department of
Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, Stone Hall, West Lafayette,
IN 47907.
3Abbreviations: NHANES II, Second National Health and Nu
trition Examination Survey; TIBC, total iron-binding capacity; 2,3
BPG, 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate; TS, transferrin saturation; VOjm„,
maximal oxygen consumption; RDA, recommended dietary allow
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Assessing iron deficiency
Stage of deficiency Affected clinical indicator Measurement
I. Iron-deficient stores
II. Iron-deficiency erythropoiesis
III. Iron-deficiency anemia
Plasma ferritin <12 Mg/L
Transferrin saturation (TS) < 16%
Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) > 4000 ^g/L;
Serum iron < 500 fig/L, Red cell distribution
width > 15%
RBC protoporphyrin > 700 /
Hemoglobin < 120 gL
Hematocrit < 0.36%
Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA); Diagnostic
Products, Los Angeles, CA; Cat. # IK Fe 1,
Calculation (réf.1)
Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO Cat. # 565A
Coulter Counter
Fluorometric method (réf.2)
Cyanmethemoglobin assay; Sigma Chemical,
St. Louis, MO; Cat. # 525A
Heparinized capillary tubes
dence of stage I iron deficiency was 25.5% in women.
In response to concern over the connection between
dietary fat and cardiovascular disease, many individ
uals have reduced their consumption of beef and other
red meats. This trend may increase the incidence of
iron deficiency anemia in NHANES III.
Symptoms of iron deficiency include pallor, weak
ness, fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, reduced capacity
to thermoregulate, paresthesia and a reduced capacity
for work. An adaptive mechanism of anemia is in
creased cardiac output, as viscosity thins with a low
red blood cell concentration. This may ameliorate
some of the symptoms of anemia. However, with ex
ercise, a further increase in cardiac output to meet the
increased oxygen demands is not possible. Hypoxia
ensues, which can reduce work capacity and prolong
recovery from exercise.
Reduced iron status in athletes (primarily runners)
has been documented by Newhouse and Clement (4).
They reviewed 21 studies with a total number of 3730
subjects. Only one study failed to demonstrate a high
incidence of low hemoglobin values. Consistently, a
high incidence of decreased serum ferritin values are
reported in endurance athletes ranging from 3 to 82%.
Even nonendurance athletes exhibit low serum ferritin
values. In one study (5) 15.6% of 45 female college
athletes who had normal ferritin levels preseason
ended the season with a serum ferritin concentration
of < 12 ng/L. Total serum iron and total iron-binding
capacity (TIBC)decreased significantly after only 2 wk
and ferritin levels decreased 50% after 4 wk of inten
sive 8 h/d physical training in men and women aged
18-20 y (6).Similarly, after 6 wk of anaerobic strength
training, serum ferritin decreased significantly by 35%,
although serum iron and transferrin saturation (TS)
were unaltered (7).
There is some evidence that ferritin progressively
decreases with each training season. For example,
Diehl et al. (8)reported decreases in ferritin in female
field hockey players of 8, 37 and 30% in seasons 1, 2
and 3, respectively, which reduced serum ferritin con
centrations from 25 to 17 /¿g/Lover the 3 y. By the
third year, hemoglobin and hematocrit values had also
decreased significantly. Although serum ferritin levels
increased somewhat between seasons, the athletes
failed to adapt to training.
Premenopausal women and adolescent athletes are
of particular concern because of the blood loss asso
ciated with menses in the former and the extra demand
with increasing blood volume and lean muscle mass
in the latter. Iron depletion has been reported in up
to 50% of adolescent female athletes and 17% of male
runners (9). As with adult athletes, prevalence of iron
deficiency increases during a season of endurance ex
ercise training. Mean serum ferritin in adolescent girls
fell from 26.6 to 14.0 ng/L during a competitive season
of cross-country running (10). By contrast, nonendur
ance swimming did not result in changes in serum fer
ritin during the training season (11).
Few studies exist on the effect of exercise training
or fitness-type exercise on previously sedentary indi
viduals. Thus, it is not surprising that results are in
conclusive. Comparisons are difficult because the
studies vary considerably with regard to the age of the
subjects, type of exercise and the duration of exercise.
Kilbom et al. (12) found small decreases in hemoglobin
and hematocrit values and a 25% decrease in serum
iron in adult women 19-64 y of age as a result of bi
cycle ergometer training at 70% maximal aerobic
power. However, Wirth et al. (13) showed no signifi
cant change in hemoglobin, hematocrit or serum iron
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in previously untrained college women who were on
a training regimen of three 20-25 min. bicycle work-
outs/wk for 10 wk when data were compared with
values from control subjects. Serum ferritin was not
measured in this study.
In another study, a decrease in serum ferritin but
an increase in hemoglobin concentration was reported
after 6 wk of aerobic fitness-type exercise by previ
ously untrained women (14). However, despite the
initial increase in hemoglobin, levels returned to near
normal by week 13 of the exercise program. Serum
ferritin levels remained lower than initial values
throughout the study and hematocrit decreased only
between weeks 6 and 13. Changes in serum ferritin
suggested that a compromise in iron stores occurred
that seemed to stabilize after 6 wk of exercise. Because
stores did not further deplete and because none of the
subjects developed stage II or III iron deficiency, the
authors concluded that a physiological adaptation had
Similarly, serum ferritin and hemoglobin initially
dropped, then stabilized, after 4 of 12 wk of moderate
aerobic exercise intervention in college age women
(15). However, the initial drop in these values indi
cated that stage III iron deficiency had been reached
in 9 of 14 women. Thus, if a plateau in iron status
measurements occurs at a level of iron-deficiency ane
mia, a compensatory reaction rather than an adapta
tion is implied.
Use of an animal model allows study of iron in tis
sues not accessible in human studies, as well as careful
control over diet and exercise protocol. The effect of
exercise on the uptake, redistribution and excretion
of iron was studied by Strause et al. (16) in iron-suf
ficient rats. Strenuous exercise did not reduce hemo
globin concentrations but did increase iron absorption
and stimulated the redistribution of storage iron from
the liver and spleen to the heart and for myoglobin
synthesis in muscles. Similarly, lower iron stores in
the liver, spleen and gastrocnemius of exercising com
pared with sedentary rats were observed (17). Hemo
globin concentration and hematocrit levels were in
creased in male, but not female, rats compared with
sedentary controls (18). Contrary to the findings of
Strause et al. (16), total fecal iron increased and ap
parent iron absorption decreased. Exercise had no ef
fect on iron status or iron absorption in female rats
fed adequate diets. Thus, exercise has been reported
to decrease, to increase and to have no effect on iron
status in rats. These inconsistencies could be due to
differences in severity and duration of exercise, gender
studied and/or the length of the training regimen.
The production of a true iron deficiency by exercise
has been questioned. Some refer to the decrease in he
moglobin observed during exercise training, especially
an initial, transient anemia, as sports anemia. This
term refers to the apparent hemoglobin concentration
decrease by hemodilution when erythropoiesis cannot
keep pace with the expanding blood volume induced
by the oxygen demands of exercise. Although increases
in blood volume with endurance training has been
documented (19), changes in blood volume as reflected
in serum albumen concentrations have not always been
observed (15)or were too small to account for changes
in hemoglobin (6, 8). For example, if total iron stores
had remained constant in the female field hockey
players studied by Diehl et al. (8), blood volume ex
pansion would have had to have been 58% to account
for the observed 37% drop in serum ferritin over a
season. Schobersberger et al. (7) also ruled out hemo
dilution as an explanation for lowered hemoglobin
concentrations during 6 wk of strength training be
cause the drop in hemoglobin was not a rapid, initial
response and packed cell volumes and red cell counts
increased toward the end of the intervention. More
over, decreases in TS and increases in TIBC with
training (20) cannot be explained by hemodilution.
Another explanation for a decrease in hematological
values with exercise that could work in concert with
hemodilution to create an initial anemia is increased
intravascular hemolysis of mainly old red blood cells
due to the impact of exercise (foot strike hemolysis)
(21) or to contraction of large muscle masses such as
in swimming (22). Increased hemolysis stimulates
erythropoiesis. Higher concentrations of young red
blood cells in circulation, which have higher concen
trations of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG), which
in turn lowers the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen,
and decreased serum haptoglobin have been observed
in endurance-trained athletes (7). The impaired bind
ing of oxygen to hemoglobin can result in the same
tissue oxygen delivery as at higher hemoglobin levels
in nonexercising individuals in the short term. The
increased 2,3-BPG can suppress erythropoiesis. Hall-
berg and Magnusson (23) suggested that iron is not
lost due to hemolysis. Rather, haptoglobin-hemoglo-
bin complex formation prevents excretion of free he
moglobin in the urine. The complex is taken up by the
hepatocytes and the iron is conserved. This shift in
red cell catabolism from the reticuloendothelial system
to the hepatocytes may explain the observed reduced
serum ferritin concentrations in athletes. Magnusson
et al. (24) concluded from their study in runners that
a true iron deficiency did not exist because sideroblast
counts, red cell indices and red cell protoporphyrin
were normal, suggesting that erythropoiesis was not
limited. In opposition to this theory, others (7) have
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observed no change in hemoglobin affinity for oxygen,
red cell 2,3-BPG levels or mean red cell age as deter
mined by glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase activity
despite decreases in serum haptoglobin and ferritin
and hemoglobin during strength training.
A true iron deficiency associated with exercise
would exist if exercise increased losses from the body,
lowered the amount of iron that could be utilized
from the diet or increased demand from myoglobin
and iron-containing respiratory enzymes (Fig. 1). Al
though reduced serum haptoglobin concentration in
athletes does imply intravascular hemolysis, iron is
not necessarily lost from the body. However, iron
losses in the feces, which would indicate gastrointes
tinal bleeding, and hemoglobinuria from intravascular
hemolysis have been reported. Stewart et al. (25) used
the HemoQuant assay to assess fecal heme compounds
and found levels increased in 20 of 24 runners after a
race; 7 of these runners lost >3 mL of blood (2 mg of
Fe) per day, which would double usual iron losses.
Similarly, 9 of 20 female high school runners had in
creased fecal iron and 7 of these 9 had stage II iron
deficiency (26). No urinary iron losses were observed
in this study. Hematuria was observed after a mara
thon race in 9 of 50 subjects, however (27). Hematuria
may be the result of bladder wall trauma during ex
ercise; iron may also be lost in the urine due to in
creased transferrin excretion after exercise or brisk in
travascular hemolysis (28). Urinary iron losses aver
aging 0.18 mg/d have been reported (24). Sweat iron
losses could exceed 0.6 mg/d for athletes excreting 3
L of sweat at 0.21 mg/L (29).
Weak evidence exists that iron absorption by ath
letes may be lower than for nonathletes. Ehn et al. (30)
reported that endurance runners absorbed only 16%
of an oral 59Fedose compared with 30% of iron-defi
cient control subjects, but the difference was not sta
tistically significant with a sample size of only eight
per group. The biological half-life of the 59Fein athletes
was much shorter than for the control subjects; 2 mg
of Fe was eliminated per day in these athletes.
Anemia can impair exercise performance because
reduced hemoglobin concentration is associated with
a reduced blood oxygen content. As hemoglobin con
centration decreases, a nearly linear reduction in max
imal oxygen consumption (VO2max)and exercise ca
pacity ensues (31). Blood transfusions to correct ane
mia result in an almost immediate improvement in
work performance (32). Additionally, postexercise
láclatelevels increase and persist longer as hemoglobin
decreases (33), indicating reduced aerobic capacity.
Partially offsetting this for the short term is a decrease
FIGURE 1 Possible mechanism for exercise-induced iron
in hemoglobin-oxygen affinity due to an increase in
2,3-BPG. However, endurance performance requires
oxygen utilization for phosphorylation for prolonged
periods. Pate (34) suggested that hemoglobin concen
trations for optimal oxygen delivery should exceed
150-160 g/L.
Low serum ferritin values are not associated with
an impairment in exercise performance or work ca
pacity in adults (32). An exception to this generaliza
tion has been reported in adolescents (11).
In rats, anemia also affects performance. Edgerton
et al. (35) reported that on 12 of 13 occasions in four
separate experiments, the capacity of iron-depleted
rats to endure an exhaustive endurance test was di
rectly related to their hemoglobin concentration and
percentage packed cell volume. Treadmill performance
was more negatively affected by iron deficiency in male
than in female rats (36). Iron-deficient exercised rats
had a higher fractional iron turnover rate and VO2m«
than sedentary controls (37). Similarly, VO2 maxand
exercise endurance capacity was reduced in anemic
rats (38). Training improved endurance and muscle
oxidative enzymes.
To the extent that exercise increases iron losses,
athletes become more vulnerable to a negative iron
balance. The only practical approach to increasing iron
balance is to increase absorbable iron in the diet, which
may also improve athletic performance through in-
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creasing hemoglobin levels. Although dietary surveys
of male athletes as reviewed by Pate (34)have generally
concluded that athletes receive the recommended di
etary allowance (RDA) for iron, not all athletes do,
especially menstruating females. For example, the av
erage iron intake in female distance runners was 12.5
mg/d (39), which is well below the RDA of 15 mg/d.
Of the 21 female and 50 male recreational triathletes
studied by Worme et al. (40), 43% of the women and
2% of the men ingested less than the RDA for iron.
Iron intake averaged only 43% of the RDA in female
high-school runners (11). An increased demand in iron
due to exercise would increase the proportion of in
dividuals with a relative iron deficiency.
For individuals who have iron status indices indi
cating iron deficiency, improvement in these values
with iron supplementation would provide strong ev
idence for a true iron deficiency. In some studies, iron
supplementation has resulted in an improvement in
both hematological measurements and performance.
In Maharastrian women, 60% of whom were mildly
to moderately iron deficient, hemoglobin status im
proved by 50 g/L, serum ferritin by 35.6 Mg/L,TS by
16% and serum iron by 454 Mg/Lafter 10 wk of iron
supplementation at 115 mg/d (41). During this inter
vention period, performance on the Harvard step test
improved significantly. In a study of adolescent run
ners by Rowland et al. (42), 14 subjects with stage I
iron deficiency responded to supplementation with
improved ferritin values and improved treadmill en
durance values whereas control subjects decreased in
both. No change in VO2maxwas observed between the
groups. In contrast to this study, both serum ferritin
and VO2 maximproved in mildly exercising college
women given 50 mg Fe/d compared with control sub
jects (43).
In some studies, the increase in work capacity is
not matched by increases in hemoglobin (44). Thus, a
significant, but less dramatic, nonhemoglobin effect
on physical work capacity must be operational. Evi
dence in nonanemic iron-depleted rats (45) suggests
that decreased iron-dependent biochemical factors es
sential for aerobic metabolism may be the cause of
impaired work performance. However, in humans
made iron deficient but not anemic, no significant
changes in iron-dependent enzymes of skeletal muscle
were observed (46). Nevertheless, from evidence in
rats (37), training might improve tissue oxidative ca
pacity. A very rapid, although minor, response (<16
h) to iron injections in exercise endurance in iron-de
ficient rats is suggestive of a role for ionic iron as a
cofactor for an enzyme because hemoglobin and elec
tron transport iron enzymes would require more time
for synthesis (47).One such enzyme could be aconitase
hydratase of the trichloroacetic acid cycle.
Iron supplementation has been reported to improve
iron status without improving exercise performance
in other studies (48). However, 2 wk of 300 mg Fe/d
iron therapy did significantly reduce blood lactate lev
els after maximum exercise compared with control
Failure to show an improvement in iron status of
iron-deficient athletes may be explained by iron ther
apy that is insufficient in absorbable iron. Nickerson
et al. (26) found that 180 mg Fe/d, but not 50 mg Fe/
d, was adequate to prevent iron deficiency in female
adolescent runners. Supplementation of a residence
hall menu with meat snacks to bring the dietary iron
intake near the RDA was more effective than 50 mg
Fe/d as ferrous sulfate in ameliorating the sports ane
mia observed in mildly exercising women (15). This
observation and the lower ferritin values of vege
tarian (7.4 ±1.4 itg/L) compared with meat-eating
(19.8 ±4.2 Mg/L)runners (49) confirms the value of
meat with its heme iron content and nonheme-iron-
absorption-enhancing factor in supplying absorbable
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... 16,22,23 The consequences of this deficiency can take place in the short and long term, affecting appetite, immune response, learning capacity and neuropsychomotor development. [24][25][26] Thus, in athletes, anemia assumes clinical importance for both health and performance. 22,[24][25][26] According to Giudice et al., 27 in overweight/obesity, a lowgrade inflammation occurs in different tissues, and some studies have recently supported the idea that iron deficiency could be one of the comorbidities associated with the typical lowgrade inflammation in obese patients. ...
... [24][25][26] Thus, in athletes, anemia assumes clinical importance for both health and performance. 22,[24][25][26] According to Giudice et al., 27 in overweight/obesity, a lowgrade inflammation occurs in different tissues, and some studies have recently supported the idea that iron deficiency could be one of the comorbidities associated with the typical lowgrade inflammation in obese patients. However, the results of our study did not confirm the association between overweight/ obesity and anemia in adolescent athletes. ...
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Objective: To assess the association between anemia and nutritional aspects in adolescent athletes from a large sport club. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, involving 298 athletes aged between 10 and 17 years, submitted to measurement of skin folds, weight and height, and collection of capillary blood in duplicate to determine hemoglobin values. It was carried out in a random sample composed of athletes from eight sport modalities. Results: Regarding nutritional status, 10.1% of athletes were overweight based on body mass index and 70 (23.5%) athletes had a percentage of body fat classified as high or very high. The prevalence of anemia was 16.4%, being more prevalent in judo (37.1%), basketball (34%) and futsal (20.5%) athletes. Low hemoglobin levels were significantly associated with shorter stature (p=0.006). Conclusions: There was a significant association between anemia and short stature, suggesting that the athlete's height-weight development may be affected in suboptimal conditions of oxygen distribution.
... Compromised iron status is frequently observed in female athletes, especially endurance. Prevalence of iron deficiency for those women exercising regularly (15%-35%) is reported to be at least three times greater than their male counterparts (3%-11%) and substantially higher than in the general population (10%-14%) (2,3). For these exercising women, iron depletion is a consequence of several exercise-associated factors including hemolysis, hematuria, gastrointestinal bleeding, and sweating (3,4) and dietary factors such as suboptimal iron intake, likely associated with low energy intake (2,5). ...
... Prevalence of iron deficiency for those women exercising regularly (15%-35%) is reported to be at least three times greater than their male counterparts (3%-11%) and substantially higher than in the general population (10%-14%) (2,3). For these exercising women, iron depletion is a consequence of several exercise-associated factors including hemolysis, hematuria, gastrointestinal bleeding, and sweating (3,4) and dietary factors such as suboptimal iron intake, likely associated with low energy intake (2,5). However, over the past decade, research has focused on the exercise-induced response of the liver-derived iron regulatory hormone hepcidin in the postexercise period (6). ...
... Iron deficiency anemia was defined as the Hb<120g L -1 and ferritin concentration <12 microgram L -1 [14]. Decreased hemoglobin production leads to anemia(Hemoglobin < 120 gL, Hematocrit < 0.36%) [15].Iron equilibrium in the body regulated carefully to compensate for body losses of iron by the absorption. Body loss of iron quantitatively is as important as absorption and helps in maintaining iron equilibrium. ...
... Consumption of cereal-based diets provide non-haem iron of poor bioavailability, the main cause of iron deficiency [19],the prolonged negative imbalance between dietary intake of iron and body's physiological demand [20,21] and deficiency of other nutrients like vitamins A, C, B2, B12, and folic acid may also cause anemia [22]. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, there are following factors which lead to iron deficiency in women: hemolysis due to foot strike [23,24], increased iron loss due to the gastrointestinal tract, hematuria, sweat [15], inadequate dietary iron intake [25][26][27][28] or altered intestinal iron absorption, including the effects of inflammation resulting from training [24,[29][30][31]. The exercise-induced iron loss are mainly due to gastrointestinal bleeding, haematuria, sweating, and hemolysis [32][33][34], with inflammation and hormone activity also being relevant [35].During exercise, visceral blood flow can be reduced by more than 50%, due to increased sympathetic nervous system activity, in the function of exercise intensity [36], with possible necrosis and mucosal bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract [37,38]. ...
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Background: Iron deficiency is the most prevalent form of malnutrition and the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia in female athletes across worldwide. It has been shown to impact overall health as well as the physical performance of female athletes. Objective: To provide a literature review on the prevalence of iron deficiency with or without anemia in female athletes and to understand its effects on health and sports performance. Methods: International databases Google Scholar, PubMed and MEDLINE were searched using combinations of the keywords: ‘iron deficiency’, ‘iron status’, ‘iron-deficiency anemia’, ‘female athletes’, ‘sports performance’, ‘causes’, ‘health consequences’. Studies were conducted only on female athletes from 2000 to 2020 and published in English included in the present study. The present study included varied study designs like cross-sectional studies or surveys, controlled clinical trial studies, descriptive studies, comparative studies, retrospective, and correlational studies. Results: A total of 11 studies have been included in this review based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most of the studies had reported low hemoglobin levels and low iron status in female athletes (15 to 35 years) of different sports. It has been found that there was a high prevalence of iron deficiency with or without anemia in female athletes. Conclusion: It concluded that female athletes are at higher prevalence of developing iron-deficiency and anemia. Iron deficiency (with or without anemia) may severely affect an athlete’s ability to perform at an optimal level. Proper health education to increase knowledge about anemia, as well as its causative factors, iron store screening, appropriate nutritional education and iron supplementation are warranted.
... Hematuria may result from trauma to the bladder wall during physical exercise. Fe may also be excreted in the urine due to increased rapid intravascular hemolysis [67]. Bladder trauma in runners and intravascular hemolysis, especially in athletes subjected to capillary trauma [68,69], have been implicated as factors in urinary hemoglobin loss. ...
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Iron (Fe) metabolism and concentrations change during a sports season. Fe deficiency affects a significant number of women athletes. The aims of the present study were: (i) to analyze changes in hematological parameters of Fe status and (ii) to analyze changes in Fe concentrations in different biological matrices (serum, plasma, urine, erythrocytes, and platelets) during a sports season. Twenty-four Spanish semi-professional women's soccer players (23.37 ± 3.95 years) participated in the present study. Three assessments were performed throughout the sports season (beginning, middle and end of the season). Nutritional intake was evaluated and female hormones, hematological parameters of Fe status and Fe concentrations in plasma, serum, urine, erythrocytes and platelets were determined. There were no differences in Fe intake. Hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrations increased at the end of the season compared to initial values (p < 0.05). There were no significant changes in extracellular Fe concentrations (plasma, serum, and urine). However, erythrocyte Fe concentrations were lower at the end of the season (p < 0.05). Hematological parameters of Fe status and intracellular Fe concentrations change throughout the sports season in women's soccer players.
... In general, it is believed that individuals performing intense exercise training have higher iron requirements than nonexercisers due to loss from heavy sweating (including shed epidermal cells), reduced absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract [1], and blood cell destruction [2] due to severe physical impact to the legs and other parts of the body, depending on the exercise category [3][4][5][6][7]. However, female athletes often attempt to lose weight by reducing their dietary intake, as a thin body shape is often considered advantageous for performance and because they are concerned about esthetics [8]. Therefore, iron deficiency anemia, which is most frequently observed among female athletes, has been suggested to be due to an inadequate iron intake caused by a reduced food intake [9,10]. ...
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In many cases, athletes compensate for nutrient deficiencies due to a reduced dietary intake by taking supplements or other means. However, in what ways nutrients are utilized by the body when it is deficient in energy and yet receives adequate amounts of the required nutrients are unclear. We therefore examined the effect of the balance between available energy and iron intake on the iron nutritional status of athletes. The experiment was conducted in two parts. Four-week-old male rats were divided into two groups based on energy and iron sufficiency: Experiment 1 was energy-sufficient and iron-sufficient (ES-FeS) and energy-sufficient and iron-deficient (ES-FeD). Experiment 2 was energy-deficient and iron-sufficient (ED-FeS) and energy-deficient and iron-deficient (ED-FeD) groups. All rats were made to perform climbing exercises 3 days a week at 5 P.M. The results showed that a significantly higher hematocrit, hemoglobin, plasma iron concentration, and TfS were found in the iron-sufficient group than in the iron-deficient group, TIBC was significantly lower in the iron-sufficient group than in the iron-deficient group, and TfS was significantly higher in the iron-sufficient group than in the iron-deficient group, irrespective of energy intake. It was suggested that restricting both iron and energy intake may significantly decrease the amount of iron in the liver and accelerate the metabolic turnover of red blood cells, while restricting iron intake but providing adequate energy intake suggested that resistance exercise–induced tissue iron repartitioning was not altered by iron sufficiency or deficiency.
... So, certain issues are likely to emerge due to the lack of iron consumed in a diet or a change in the distribution of iron in the body. This also causes a change in protein bonding to iron synthesis during fasting (41)(42). Reduction of the level of serum iron is related to the decrease of the total iron binding capacity (TIBC), the level of reduction is not due to the decline of iron reserves, but it can be caused by the changes of the plasma proteins (43). ...
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Introduction: Hunger and reduction in regular energy intake can lead to a number of problems based on their intensity. For instance, low energy level can cause blood cell production to decline or it may pose a higher risk of anemia. It can also weaken the immune system and platelet aggregation or negatively affect clot formation. This study aimed to have a closer look at fasting and regular physical activity and their impacts on body composition and blood hematological-biochemical parameters among professional wrestlers. Method: In this semi-experimental study, 9 subjects were selected by convenience sampling. The selected training program included participation in this exerciseprogram, 90 min per session, 6 times per week for a period of one month. Blood samples were obtained four times: before the start of Ramadan, 2 weeks after the start, during the last week and 2 weeks after the end of Ramadan. To make intra-group comparison, repeated measure analysis of variance was used. For all statistical comparisons, the level of significance was considered at PResults: Body weight and red blood cell count (RBC) dropped significantly at the end of Ramadan (Respectively P= 0.001 and P=0.034). However, the number of white blood cells (WBC) and circulating platelets (PLT) significantly increased during fasting (Respectively P= 0.048 and P=0.042). As a matter of fact, PLT and WBC were the only factors which dramatically increased during fasting. Intra-group variations of tetracycline (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), LDL: high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglyceride (TG): HDL and TC: HDL reduced at the end of Ramadan. However, HDL levels drastically increased during fasting (P≤0.05). Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, despite being a regular activity and fasting has beneficial effects on lipid profile in athletes, however, they can with tangible changes in hematological factors may lead to weaken the immune system of athletes.
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Cytokines are released at the site of inflammation and facilitate an influx of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and other cells that participate in the clearance of the antigen and healing. The local inflammatory response is accompanied by a Madonna systemic response known as the acute phase response. Interleukin-6 is produced in larger amounts than any other cytokine in relation to exercise. IL-6 in response to long duration exercise is independent of muscle damage, whereas muscle damage as such is followed by repair mechanisms including invasion of macrophages into the muscle leading to IL-6 production. Interleukin 6 has a great association with iron through the regulatory mechanisms of hepcidin. The review used different research search engines such Google scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Clarivate analytics, etc. It was revealed the interleukin 6 and iron levels were raised in the volleyball players after playing due to inflammation of the muscles. Interleukin 6 and iron should be monitored in those playing volleyball.
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The current study investigated whether ambient heat augments the inflammatory and post-exercise hepcidin response in women, and if menstrual phase and/or self-pacing modulate these physiological effects. Eight trained females (age: 37±7 y; VO 2 max: 46±7 mL∙kg ⁻¹ ∙min ⁻¹ ; peak power output: 4.5±0.8 W∙kg ⁻¹ ) underwent 20 min of fixed-intensity cycling (100 and 125 W) followed by a 30-min work trial (≈75% VO 2 max) in a moderate (MOD: 20±1 °C, 53±8% relative humidity) and warm-humid (WARM: 32±0 °C, 75±3% relative humidity) environment in both their early follicular (days 5±2) and mid-luteal (days 21±3) phases. Mean power output was 5±4 W higher in MOD than in WARM (p=0.02) such that the difference in core temperature rise was limited between environments (-0.29±0.18 °C in MOD, p<0.01). IL-6 and hepcidin both increased post-exercise (198% and 38%, respectively), however, neither were affected by ambient temperature or menstrual phase (all p>0.15). Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the IL-6 response to exercise was explained by leukocyte and platelet count (r ² =0.72, p<0.01) and the hepcidin response to exercise was explained by serum iron and ferritin (r ² =0.62, p<0.01). During exercise participants almost matched their fluid loss (0.48±0.18 kg·h ⁻¹ ) with water intake (0.35±0.15 L·h ⁻¹ ) such that changes in body mass (-0.3±0.3%) and serum osmolality (0.5±2.0 mOsm·kg ⁻¹ ) were minimal or negligible, indicating a behavioral fluid-regulatory response. These results indicate that trained, iron sufficient women suffer no detriment to their iron regulation in response to exercise with acute ambient heat stress or between menstrual phases on account of a performance-physiological trade-off.
Objective Iron deficiency (ID) affects ∼30% of female athletes, and its consequences are highly relevant to athletic performance. Poor iron (Fe) uptake remains a major factor in the development of ID. While studies suggest that consumption of either prebiotics or probiotics may improve Fe uptake, consumption of synbiotics has not been well-studied. The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of synbiotic supplementation on the Fe status of female athletes during Fe repletion. Methods The Fe status of 32 female athletes was screened early in the season. Twenty eligible athletes (hemoglobin:12.3 ± 0.9g/dL; serum ferritin, sFer:18.1 ± 9.2 µg/L) were randomized to receive either a daily synbiotic supplement (5 g prebiotic fiber + 8 billion colony forming units, CFU probiotic B. lactis) or placebo, along with Fe supplementation (140 mg ferrous sulfate, FeSO4/d) for 8 weeks using a double-blind design. Fe status was assessed again at mid-point and after the trial. Results Nineteen athletes (n = 9 supplement, 10 placebo) completed the trial and there were no differences in compliance or GI symptoms reported between groups. After controlling for baseline Fe status, regression analyses revealed improvements in log sFer in the supplement group after both 4 and 8 weeks (p = 0.01 and p = 0.05, respectively), compared to placebo. Conclusions Synbiotic supplementation along with FeSO4 improved athletes’ Fe status over 8 weeks. This data is essential to advancing our understanding of how dietary and supplemental Fe uptake in active women can be enhanced by synbiotic supplementation, as well as by foods containing pre- and probiotics.
Available research indicates that anemia occurs in a small percentage of athletes and that a substantial number of athletes have hemoglobin concentrations that are less than optimal for endurance performance. Consequently, sports medicine practitioners should screen athletes for anemia and suboptimal hemoglobin and for the factors that apparently increase the risk of developing these conditions: (1) a diet that is low in iron, protein, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and/or folic acid; (2) high rates of iron loss through menstruation, heavy sweating, and/or intravascular hemolysis; and (3) very intense training, particularly at the outset of an exercise program. Dietary iron supplementation, though not recommended for all athletes, is an effective treatment for sports anemia and a prudent preventive measure in athletes who manifest low iron stores. More research is required to clarify the significance, etiology, and treatment of suboptimal hemoglobin.
This study of the nutritional intake and hematological parameters in 52 middle-distance and distance runners at Simon Fraser University showed that the mean energy intake was 3,020 kcal a day for men and 2,026 kcal a day for women. The women's mean iron intake was 12.5 mg a day, which is below the recommended daily intake of 14 mg a day. The men's intake was adequate at 18.5 mg a day. Although mean hemoglobin levels were 14.8 gm/100 ml for men and 13.3 gm/100 ml for women, 29% of the men and 82% of the women had plasma ferritin concentrations at risk for iron deficiency.
Etude comparative de 24 coureurs de longues distances et 24 temoins. Le dosage de l'hemoglobine dans les matieres fecales («Hemo-Quant») permet de deceler chez les coureurs faisant de la competition des pertes de sang dans le tube digestif, ce qui suffit a expliquer la carence en fer frequemment observee
Sequential urine specimens were obtained from 50 marathon runners before, immediately after, and on three successive days following a marathon race. All prerace samples were normal, but nine (18%) of the 50 postrace urinalyses showed gross (one specimen) or microscopic (eight specimens) hematuria. No formed elements other than RBCs were seen, and all abnormalities cleared by 48 hours. Exercise-related hematuria appears to be a frequent, self-limited, and benign condition. Physicians should be aware of its occurrence and reserve extended testing for cases in which abnormalities persist beyond 48 to 72 hours. (JAMA 241:391-392, 1979)
The effect of moderate aerobic exercise training and iron supplementation on iron status was studied in college-age women. Thirteen sedentary women, randomly assigned to a placebo group or an iron treatment group (50 mg iron/day as FeSO4, exercised at least three days per week at 70–80% of maximal heart rate for 12 weeks. Increases in maximal oxygen consumption in both groups indicated improved cardiovascular fitness. Venous blood samples were obtained for hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation, and ferritin determinations at weeks 0, 4, 8, and 12. Analysis of covariance using initial baseline values as the covariate showed that ferritin levels between groups were significantly different (P < 0.01), suggesting compromised iron stores in association with moderate exercise. Iron supplementation was beneficial in maintaining or improving the iron stores of moderately exercising women.
A hematological comparison was performed between 43 middle and long distance male runners and 119 male controls. The hematocrit, serum iron, transferrin saturation and serum ferritin values were significantly lower in the athletes. The amount of bone marrow hemosiderin was also lower in the athletes than in a group of non-athletic men of the same age. Even if these values were clearly lower than in the controls, they were not low enough to indicate iron deficiency. The observations that sideroblast counts in bone marrow smears were normal and that both red cell indices and red cell protoporphyrin were normal strongly support the conclusion that lack of iron had not limitated erythropoiesis or the formation of an optimal red cell mass. Low serum haptoglobin values in most athletes indicated an increased intravascular hemolysis. As the hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex formed is taken up by heptatocytes, this implies that there is a shift in the red cell catabolism in these athletes from the reticuloendothelial system to the hepatocytes. This shift may explain the paradoxical findings of low serum ferritin concentrations and reduced contents of bone marrow hemosiderin. This is consistent with the observed normal erythropoiesis. It was concluded that runners “anemia” is no true anemia and not caused by iron deficiency. “Sports anemia” is thus no indication for routine iron supplementation
CELSING, F., E. BLOMSTRAND, B. WERNER, P. PIHLSTEDT, and B. EKBLOM. Effects of iron deficiency on endurance and muscle enzyme activity in man. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 156-161, 1986. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of iron deficiency on enzyme activities and endurance. Iron deficiency was induced in 9 healthy male subjects by repeated venesections. After a period of 9 wk (range, 8-11 wk) when the subjects had become iron deficient as defined by laboratory parameters, blood was retransfused to reestablish the control hemoglobin concentration. In this state it was possible to evaluate the effect of iron deficiency isolated from anemia. In samples secured by muscle biopsies, glycolytic, oxidative, and iron depending enzymes were analyzed in the control (C) and anemic (A) states and after retransfusion (R). There were no significant changes in the maximal activities of any of the enzymes studied. The capillary/fiber ratio remained unchanged between C (1.92) and R (1.94). Times to exhaustion on treadmill tests were 49 min, 11 s in C, 26 min, 33 s in A, and 52 min, 3 s in R. [latin capital V with dot above]o2max was 4.55 1[middle dot]min-1 in C, 3.74 1[middle dot]min-1 in A, and 4.45 1[middle dot]min-1 in R. An artificially induced iron deficiency defined by conventional laboratory parameters did not affect endurance when transfusion of red blood cells was performed in order to exclude the influence of a low hemoglobin concentration. A 4-wk period of severely depleted or absent tissue iron stores did not affect the maximal activities of various enzymes in human skeletal muscle. (C)1986The American College of Sports Medicine
'Sports anemia' may best be regarded as a 'side-effect' of the hard training in endurance sports, a physiologic response of the regulatory systems controlling the hemoglobin concentration in blood to an unphysiologically heavy and prolonged exercise load.
The effect of exercise on the uptake, redistribution, and excretion of iron was studied in normal iron-sufficient rats. Rats were run to exhaustion in a “sprint” protocol seven times over a twentyone day period. Exercised rats did not differ significantly from sedentary rats in hemoglobin concentrations or in body or organ weights. Exercised rats absorbed more iron than sedentary rats in radioiron tracer studies. Radioiron accumulated mainly in heart, liver, and spleen. Strikingly, tracer iron accumulated significantly in hearts of exercised rats. Exercised rats had less total iron in liver and spleen than sedentary rats. Myoglobin concentrations in heart and soleus muscles were significantly higher in rats after the exercise regimen and decreased following fourteen days of rest. Brief, strenuous exercise appears to signal increased absorption of iron and to stimulate the redistribution of storage iron. This mobilization of iron during exercise may be directed towards the enhancement of oxygen-accepting ability in muscles at work.
The effect of iron supplementation (ferrous fumarate) on the iron status and physical work capacity was studied in anaemic middle class Maharastrian women. It was observed that 60% of the subjects were suffering from mild to moderate iron deficiency anaemia. The serum iron, ferritin, TIBC and transferrin saturation levels in the anaemic subjects were not only significantly lower than the levels observed in the non anaemics, but also lower than the normal values. Although the calorie and nutrient intake of the two groups was observed to be similar, it was significantly lower than the RDA suggesting no association between the diet intake and blood parameters observed. The non-anaemics had significantly better scores on the Harvard step test (used to assess the physical work capacity) in comparison to the anaemic subjects. After iron supplementation not only was a significant increase in the haematological and biochemical parameters noted (Hb + 5g/dl, serum ferritin + 35.6 ng/ml, transferrin saturation + 16%, serum iron + 45.4 mcg/dl), but also the anaemics physical work performance showed significant improvement. The above values (after supplementation) were also found to be significantly higher than the non anaemic values.