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Observations covering 4 years of consumption of Plasma Activated Water (PAW) with concomitant total rejuvenation and reversal of failing rehabilitation efforts.



Plasma Activated Water (PAW) represents a discovery in a Physics Laboratory in Southern California, Hydro Enterprises, Inc. (HEI) The innovative properties of PAW that were discovered included the fact that when eventually consumed by humans, it appeared to offer better hydration of the body. Following its discovery, HEI initially documented the many uses of PAW (apart from human consumption) Subsequently the introduction of the newly discovered water to humans has led to dramatic and rapid results for many trying this new water. A single case study is reported herein with some supplementary data.
Observations covering 4 years of consumption of Plasma Activated Water (PAW) with concomitant
total rejuvenation and reversal of failing rehabilitation efforts.* (From "The Science of Healing
Outcomes," July 2009, Co-Editor, Dr. Rustum Roy. Dr. Roy is "...arguably one of the
foremost experts of water in the world," Professor Rustum Roy:
Burton N. Danet, Ph.D.1
1Clinical Psychologist/Psychoanalyst (Retired), Co-Founder A Better Community for All (ABC4All),
Manhattan Beach, California, USA
Plasma Activated Water (PAW) represents a discovery in a
Physics Laboratory in Southern California, Hydro Enterprises, Inc. (HEI) The
innovative properties of PAW that were discovered included the fact that when eventually consumed by
humans, it appeared to offer better hydration of the body. Following its discovery, HEI initially
documented the many uses of PAW (apart from human consumption) Subsequently the introduction of the newly discovered water to
humans has led to dramatic and rapid results for many trying this new water. A single case study is
reported herein with some supplementary data.
Background and introduction to Plasma Activated Water
Hydro Enterprises, Inc. (HEI) discovered a breakthrough biotechnology that alters the molecular
composition of tap water into an activated state or Plasma Activated Water (PAW) through an
innovative non-thermal plasma process. Anti-bacterial features of PAW provide many valuable
applications and cost saving solutions for the agriculture industry including the treatment, disinfecting,
sanitizing and storage of food products. HEI's plasma treatment of water and/or water solutions can be
used for obtaining highly active micro-cluster liquids like antibacterial solutions etc. The apparatus for
plasma treatment includes at least one plasma reactor, which contains coaxial cylindrical and perforated
electrodes, a quartz tube, a grounded cylindrical body, and a diaphragm installed between the body and
the quartz tube.
The plasma process can produce both low and high levels of pH water depending upon the application.
Lower pH levels will result in water used for anti-bacterial and sanitizing needs. Higher pH levels will
result in water used for feeding and drinking. Patent number 7291314 awarded to HEI states:
“An apparatus subjects water to waves from an RF plasma. This allows continuous production of
“activated water” characterized by cluster sizes below about 4 molecules per cluster, water having pH
below 4 or above 10, or water having ORP of less than −350 mV or more than +800 mV. The basic
frequency of the plasma is preferably between 0.44 MHz and 40.68 MHz, and the plasma is preferably
modulated at a frequency between 10 kHz and 34 kHz. Flow rates typically range from 20 l/hr to about
2000 l/hr. Activated water can be used for many purposes, including antimicrobial cleaning of
worktable, floor, wall, knife, transport and other surfaces, for example, in meat processing facilities and
Multiple examples of independent laboratory data and field tests conducted by HEI are available upon
Observed benefits from human consumption of PAW
Upon establishing through independent laboratory testing and field studies the many uses of PAW, the
scientists began sharing it among themselves and their families. One of the earliest observations was
that a grandchild of one team member no longer became sick like other children in his school. In 2004,
Robert Chew, ABC4All Co-Founder, introduced PAW to the writer. The author had been a crusader in
rehabilitation for much of his life following an initial life-altering MVA with a series of subsequent
MVAs and AVPs. Cumulative effects caused many health professionals to recognize an “eggshell”
condition with total body pain (eventually formally diagnosed as fibromyalgia).
Personal consumption of PAW started with 3 gallons of this new type of water. The result: Unexpected
rejuvenation from failing rehabilitation efforts.
Background and introduction to the condition
The myriad medical diagnoses and associated medications are recorded here:
Description of treatment
Many modalities of therapy had been employed prior to PAW consumption. Difficulty breathing, for
example, was correctly identified as failure of the breathing muscle apparatus to function properly
(fibromyalgia), with physical therapy finally prescribed involving various muscle stretches. Such
therapy improved, however, did not eliminate the breathing difficulty with exercise (lightheadedness).
A series of various types of infections (some repeated) no longer responded to antibiotic therapy.
During one year, 30 doctor visits had failed to reverse declining physical trends excluding the partial
improvements achieved with physical therapy. Among the myriad medications being used, Ultram and
ibuprofen (among others) were used for temporary pain relief with many other modalities sought out in
the struggle for relief.
Once the consumption of PAW began, it was possible to record startling observations. These included
the fact that withdrawing PAW from the diet led to a return of symptoms while reintroduction of PAW
led to symptom elimination. This has been duplicated on four occasions over the past 5 years. Another
“healthy” alkaline water (pH 9.34) did not sustain the health benefits as did PAW.
The process of rejuvenation that occurred caused the author to coin terms over a 4-year period to
describe the phenomena being noticed. Starting with the development of “Unimagined Health Heights
(UHH)," this term proved insufficient to account for continued improvement. Next noted were
"Improvements Upon Improvements (IUI)." More recently, a series of “Benchmark Comparisons
(BC)” have been made with a concomitant decision to continue exclusive consumption of PAW.
The present, third, case report was initially recorded in 2008, nearly 2 years after the second of 2
previous case reports authorized for publication in June 2004 and June 2006. The sequence of reports
documents careful observations, supplemented by before/after medical laboratory data. With the new
lease on life that has been achieved, there now is a personal commitment to bring Global Humanitarian
Relief to the world:
The author did not experience side effects of any type from consuming the water. After starting with a
mixture of 50% oxygenated water suggested by a treating doctor that was being consumed prior to
PAW, when such obvious improvements were occurring, only PAW was then consumed.
Guidelines were developed, however, since less than 1% of the hundreds of people with whom the
water has been shared did report what might be considered “detoxification effects.” These have been
recorded in a “brochure” developed to share with anyone trying the
water for the first time (PAW is not presently available commercially). The guidelines included
examples such as persons with sensitive stomachs who needed to drink smaller amounts and build up
over time, breaking out into a sweat, the need to urinate and/or defecate quickly (diarrhea developed in
some instances). Many noticed a “thirst” reaction upon drinking the water, with the need to drink even
more PAW to counter such quasi-dehydration. Changes in electrolyte balance have been identified and
The original case report was authorized for publication in June 2004, 3 months after starting
A Case Report on the Effects of Consumption, Cessation of Consumption, and Reintroduction of
Plasma Activated Water (PAW)
The simple drinking of Plasma Activated Water (PAW) water has eased muskuloskeletal pain quickly
and consistently. Additionally topical application of PAW to facial actinic keratoses (a precancerous
skin condition related to sun exposure) has resulted in improvements which had not occurred with
traditional medical/dermatological treatment (freezing of lesions with liquid nitrogen). While one might
lean towards the thought that PAW is “Miracle” Water, in fact, the sound scientific basis for its origin
and application potential is well documented from the scientific developmental work and the research
findings of Hydro Enterprises Inc.
The second case report was authorized for publication in June 2006, 2 years 3 months after starting
Rejuvenation, Unimagined "Health Heights," "Improvements Upon Improvements" and a Decision to
Continue Consumption: A Case Report Following Two Years of Consumption of Plasma Activated
Water (PAW).
In March 2004, an introduction to a Team responsible for the discovery of Plasma Activated Water
(PAW) allowed for personal consumption of this new type of water. The result: Rejuvenation, the
development of Unimagined "Health Heights," then "Improvements Upon Improvements" and finally a
Decision to Continue Consumption. The present case report is recorded two years following the
original case report authorized for publication in June 2004:
At the present writing (April 2009), it is more than 5 years since starting to consume PAW. Repeated
medical laboratory data over time continues to reconfirm the return to “normal.” Recent tests, formerly
positive, are now negative and include such clinical medical tests as: Electrocardiogram (resting and
exercise), Echocardiogram (resting and exercise), Measurement of Blood Pressure (now normal),
Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) (now normal), Standard laboratory testing (CBC, UA, etc.). Details
of the medical diagnosis reversals, relevant laboratory data, former necessary medications, etc. may be
found at
A description of “Before” versus “After” phenomena, including the reports of two treating doctors, may
be found at Included are 2 pictures, one from 2003 Driver’s
License, the other taken in 06/2004 3 months after the start of PAW consumption.
An example of the rejuvenation process observed by a treating doctor is from Steven Tunnell, D.C.,
offering soft tissue manipulation for muskuloskeletal injuries since 1995:
Mr. Burt Danet has been under my care intermittently for various musculoskeletal injuries since 1995.
During this time I have evaluated Mr. Danet on numerous occasions and have followed his
rehabilitation closely. I have seen Mr. Danet’s physical limitations grow in the recent years.
Mr. Danet’s past history includes four motor vehicle accidents that have produced cervical and lumbar
pathology, including herniated L4-5 and L5-S1 discs that produced narrowing of the neural foramina at
these same levels as well as a moderate narrowing of the central canal at L4-5. This has been
confirmed on multiple MRI and CT scans. Mr. Danet has spent long hours typing and transcribing for
years. This has produced repetitive stress injuries in the hands, wrists, forearms, arms, and shoulders,
as well as neck pain, low back pain and headaches. The patient had a serious fall several years ago in
which he was hospitalized with head, neck, back, leg, and arm injuries. To make matters worse, Mr.
Danet suffered a minor stroke during the past couple of years.
I have not seen Mr. Danet in many months up until this recent reevaluation. Mr. Danet requested an
evaluation. If I had not received a brief history over the phone I would have assumed he had an
additional injury that required treatment, but he told me he was feeling great. I evaluated Mr. Danet on
January 15, 2006. I was surprised to see him in the best physical condition in my years of knowing
him. Mr. Danet was strong and without loss of motion in any of the previous regions of injury. His
only loss of function was a light sensory loss from his stroke. He requested that I watch him speed
walk following the assessment, and I could not keep with his pace unless I jogged.
Mr. Danet stated he has been feeling more alive, vibrant and energetic than he did at 26 years old. He
reported an increase in energy, cardiovascular endurance, exercise capacity and focus in the recent
months. He stated that he could now sit upright for over two hours without pain. He previously had
lain in a semi recumbent position for less time prior to the onset of pain. Mr. Danet reported he no
longer has headaches and he has not had a need to take Advil. He also stated that he has an increased
healing response that has helped in resolution of his actinic keratoses, and a correction of his blurred
The supplements the patient has been taking include: Hyland's Magnesium Phosphate, Yerba Prima
Daily Fiber Capssules, Vitamin C 1000 mg, Red Yeast 600 mg, Boluoke (Lumbrokinase), Folic Acid
800 mcg, Saw Palmetto Extract 320 mg, Pygeum Africanum extract 50 mg and Supreme Greens 1925
mg. Mr. Danet states that his health has been maintained with the supplements. The recent addition of
Plasma Activated Water has corresponded to all the previously stated positive changes in his health.
I am amazed at the dramatic transformation in Mr. Danet. With Mr. Danet’s history of a degenerative
spine and the many other injuries, I expected that his physical limitation would continue to grow. I can
only say that the changes in Mr. Danet’s musculoskeletal condition appear to be miraculous.
What has evolved above and beyond the observations reported in the first two case reports is that the
improvements have not ended with the achievement of “Unimagined Health Heights” and
“Improvements Upon Improvements.” The third term referenced to explain the continued and repeated
confrontation with renewed capabilities, “Benchmark Comparisons”refers to the ability to do now what
used to be physically impossible.
Examples abound. Only four are provided here:
1. My wife and I used to shop in a moderately sized Whole Foods. This store was negotiable for us.
Together, my wife and I would do the shopping, come home with the groceries. She would have to rest
and then put the groceries away in spurts of activity interspersed with more rest. One time we traveled
a few additional miles to another Whole Foods Store. This one, however, proved to be one of the
largest stores, and shopping there required much more distance to traverse within the store in order to
complete the shopping tasks. That overwhelming and exhausting experience for both of us led to the
decision to shop only at the smaller store. More than 4-1/2 years ago, we moved to the community
with the larger store. Since then we have shopped regularly at this store without any such exhaustion
setting in, come home with the groceries, and my wife then puts them away without any resting periods
2. All the activity surrounding Plasma Activated Water (PAW) has included transporting the filled
bottles of water (3 and 5 gallon sizes) as well as shipping water samples throughout USA/Canada. It
used to be necessary for the author to request assistance in order to transport the 5-gallon containers of
the water (3-gallon containers were handled). The challenge of lifting and moving such heavy
containers was not something that would have been advised for a person with 3 herniated disks (low
back), neck osteophytes and other muskuloskeletal injuries. However, with the continued rejuvenation
process achieved since consuming PAW, it is now possible to lift and carry the 5-gallon containers
filled with PAW. This is done without strain and without pain! No assistance needed!
3. With the accrued benefits since consuming PAW, when recently severe right knee pain / clicking
was experienced (having been among the first in the country to have a torn meniscus repaired
arthroscopically when that type of surgery was being developed) such that it seemed it might be
necessary to give up walking and/or to consider knee replacement surgery, an Herbal Scientist sharing
PAW with clients shared information about a natural supplement which has been shown to stimulate
stem cell production:
With the apparent benefit of consuming PAW water with superior absorption of anything ingested, after
2 weeks of taking the StemTech supplement, the SEVERE knee pain disappeared. 2 weeks later, the
SEVERE clicking stopped entirely. With this further renewal now, with no pain and no clicking, it has
been possible to return to power walking: This is a person who used
to faint and/or experience lightheadedness with inability to walk even a half a block without stopping
and pausing 20 seconds to recover from the apparent inability for the breathing apparatus to work
4. A new, recent diagnosis of a full thickness rotator cuff tear after a fall - R shoulder –was confirmed
on MRI. The orthopedist recommended surgery. Instead of surgery, continued PAW consumption and
the StemTech supplement have been concurrent with improvement in both the pain and dysfunction of
the right shoulder. Recent examination showed almost normal function with minor loss of strength, no
pain with any portion of the exam. All function relating to the right shoulder is experienced as normal.
A repeat MRI has not been obtained to see what it would show (no clinical reason to undergo an exam
which therefore would not be covered by insurance).
While it is never possible to draw any conclusions from just one individual’s experience, the following
is true. It is not necessary to acquire any clinical experience or systematic study of the water at all in
order to know, based on validity data already established by Hydro Enterprises, Inc., that the potential
for Plasma Activated Water (PAW) to provide Global Humanitarian Relief exists. This is easily seen
from the Power Point Presentation: "The Hydro Enterprises Story"
More information is available at the “Quick Review:” and
in a thesis on PAW created for a degree in Psychobiological Medicine: and
In fact, since it became apparent that the grandson of one of the inventing team is the only child in his
school who avoids getting sick, observations of the response to PAW have been received from hundreds
of individuals. Clinical study in scientific and university laboratories can be done with PAW.
However, it is not necessary to wait for these results to come in before PAW is made available in any
situation where survival is compromised (lack of potable water) that exists in so many locations in the
As previously reported, Plasma Activated Water (PAW), as a prototype in the laboratory not yet
available commercially, has been shared with others including via shipments in 3-gallon bottles
throughout USA/Canada (via donation from local UPS stores). After receiving feedback from those
able to sample the water, including the examples offered in links provided at the PAW Quick Review, it
has become clear that the benefits of human consumption of PAW can be further documented in future
clinical studies in research and university settings.
While additional healing capabilities of PAW can be further documented, many different types of
benefits and applications of PAW have been studied by the scientific research team at HEI apart from
human consumption. While visiting the HEI Laboratory 2004, the question was raised as to whether
PAW could introduce such obvious and immediate benefits for someone so ridden with muskuloskeletal
injuries. The Chief Scientist and physicist, George Paskalov's response was simply to smile and
acknowledge that PAW could certainly be of great assistance to those suffering from muskuloskeletal
*The author thanks Co-Editor Rustum Roy, Ph.D., Physicist George Paskalov, Ph.D., PAW inventor for
their editorial suggestions.
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