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During maintenance developers cannot read the entire code of large systems. They need a way to get a quick understanding of source code entities (such as, classes, methods, packages, etc.), so they can efficiently identify and then focus on the ones related to their task at hand. Sometimes reading just a method header or a class name does not tell enough about its purpose and meaning, while reading the entire implementation takes too long. We study a solution which mitigates the two approaches, i.e., short and accurate textual descriptions that illustrate the software entities without having to read the details of the implementation. We create such descriptions using techniques from automatic text summarization. The paper presents a study that investigates the suitability of various such techniques for generating source code summaries. The results indicate that a combination of text summarization techniques is most appropriate for source code summarization and that developers generally agree with the summaries produced.
On the Use of Automated Text Summarization
Techniques for Summarizing Source Code
Sonia Haiduc1, Jairo Aponte2, Laura Moreno2, Andrian Marcus1
1Department of Computer Science
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI, USA
2Dept. de Ing. de Sistemas e Industrial
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia;;;
Abstract— During maintenance developers cannot read the
entire code of large systems. They need a way to get a quick
understanding of source code entities (such as, classes,
methods, packages, etc.), so they can efficiently identify and
then focus on the ones related to their task at hand. Sometimes
reading just a method header or a class name does not tell
enough about its purpose and meaning, while reading the
entire implementation takes too long. We study a solution
which mitigates the two approaches, i.e., short and accurate
textual descriptions that illustrate the software entities without
having to read the details of the implementation. We create
such descriptions using techniques from automatic text
summarization. The paper presents a study that investigates
the suitability of various such techniques for generating source
code summaries. The results indicate that a combination of
text summarization techniques is most appropriate for source
code summarization and that developers generally agree with
the summaries produced.
Keywords-text summarization, program comprehension
During software maintenance, developers often can not
read and understand the entire source code of a system and
rely on partial comprehension, focusing on the parts strictly
related to their task at hand [1]. Recent studies have shown
that developers spend more time reading and navigating the
code than writing it [2-3]. During these activities developers
often only skim the source code [4] (e.g., read only the
header of a method and maybe the leading comments when
available). When the code is well documented internally
(e.g., good preceding comments, meaningful names and
parameters), this is often sufficient to determine if it is
relevant or not. However, more often than not, good
comments are missing and method headers contain words
that the developer is not familiar with. In such cases,
developers have little choice but to read the implementation
of the artifact and even more than that, other related artifacts.
This takes significant effort and time.
The two activities (i.e., skimming and reading the whole
implementation) are two extreme tactics; the former is very
quick yet it can lead to misunderstanding, while the later is
time consuming. An obvious option is something in the
middle, i.e., offering developers a description of the source
code, which can be read fast and leads to better
understanding than the header alone. With such descriptions
(or summaries), developers could look over software entities
fast and would make more informed decisions on which
parts of the source code they need to analyze in detail. Two
main challenges emerge in this context: determining what
should be included in these summaries and how to generate
them automatically.
The domain semantics of a source code fragment (i.e., its
purpose) are often encoded in comments and identifiers.
When developers are searching for code with a specific
functionality, textual clues can help them determine which
parts of the code they need to investigate. We advocate for
including such textual clues in source code summaries. To
that end we propose adapting and using techniques from the
field of automated text summarization [5], in order to
automatically generate source code summaries.
In this paper we are investigating the suitability of
several summarization techniques, mostly based on text
retrieval (TR) methods, to capture source code semantics in a
way similar to how developers understand it. We present a
case study that aims at determining how each technique
impacts the quality of the summaries produced.
Automatic text summarization is concerned with the
production of a brief but accurate representation, called a
summary, of one or more source documents, with the help of
a computer program. Summaries need to be significantly
shorter than the original document, while preserving the
most important information in the document. The summary
of a source code entity we are investigating is a term-based
summary, which contains the most relevant terms for the
entity found in the code. Summaries can be divided in two
main categories: extractive and abstractive. Extractive
summaries are obtained from the contents of a document by
selecting the most important information in that document.
Abstractive summaries, on the other hand, are meant to
produce important information about the document in a new
way, at a higher level of abstraction, and usually include
information which is not explicitly present in the original
document. In this paper, we focus on extractive summaries
2010 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
1095-1350/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/WCRE.2010.13
and we also investigate a light variant of abstractive
A wide variety of techniques have been proposed for
producing summaries in text summarization. Some of the
most successful ones include techniques based on the
position of words or sentences in the source document, and
techniques based on text retrieval (TR). Among the
techniques based on the position of terms, the lead
summaries are the most frequently used and most successful,
being often selected as a baseline for assessing new
techniques. Lead summaries are based on the idea that the
first terms that appear in a document (i.e., the leading terms)
are the most relevant to that document.
Statistical based TR techniques have also been
successfully used for text summarization [6-8]. We
developed a framework that allows us to use these
techniques to generate automated source code summaries.
While obtaining the lead summaries is straight-forward, the
framework for the generation of TR summaries is more
complex, having two main components, with the following
1. Extract the text from the source code of the system and
convert it into a corpus.
2. Determine the most relevant terms for documents in the
corpus and include them in the summary.
Each of the two components can be implemented in
various ways, which we discuss here.
A. Source code corpus creation
Source code contains a lot of text, yet it is not entirely
natural text. In order to use text retrieval techniques on
source code, we need to convert it into a document
collection. What is a document? For OO software, the
obvious choices are methods and classes, though one can
think of files and packages as well. In each case, the
identifiers and comments in the source code entities are
extracted. The next step, which is optional, is splitting the
identifiers according to common naming conventions. For
example, “setValue”, “set_value”, and “SETvalue”, are all
split into “set” and “value”. If identifiers are split, there is a
choice whether to keep the original (unsplit) version of the
identifier or not. The last step (typical in all TR applications)
is using a stop-words list to filter out terms which do not
carry specific meaning. Such terms are conjunctions,
prepositions, articles, common verbs, pronouns, etc. (e.g.,
“should”, “may”, “any”, etc.) and programming language
keywords (e.g., if, else, for, while, float, char, void, etc.).
B. Generating source code summaries using text retrieval
Once a corpus a created, several TR techniques can be
used to generate the summaries. We implemented two
variants: one based on the Vector Space Model (VSM) [9],
and the second on Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [10]. Both
techniques have been shown to work well for the
summarization of natural language documents [6-8, 11-12].
They have also been used to index software corpora in a
variety of comprehension applications [13-16].
While the two techniques generate summaries differently,
the first step is the same in each case: represent the terms and
documents in the corpus in a matrix where each row
represents a term and each column represents a document.
The content of a cell in this matrix represents the weight of a
term (the row) with respect to a document (the column).
These weights are generally a combination between a local
weight and a global weight. The local weight captures the
relationship between a term and a particular document and it
is usually derived from the frequency of the term in the
document. The global weight refers to the relationship of a
term with the entire corpus and it is usually derived from the
distribution of the term in the corpus. There are several
options to choose from for both the local and global weights,
resulting in numerous combinations. We identified the three
combinations that perform the best in natural language
summarization: log, tf-idf, and binary-entropy, for both LSI
[6-7, 17] and VSM [8, 12] and used them in our study.
For generating a summary using VSM, the terms in the
document (i.e., class or method) are ordered according to the
chosen weight and the top K terms are included in the
summary. LSI does not operate on the original term by
document matrix, but it projects it to a smaller one which
approximates it, corresponding to the highest Eigen values in
the original matrix. Thus, LSI allows the representation of
terms and documents in the same coordinates. In
consequence, it allows computing similarities between terms
and documents. These similarities are used to obtain the list
of the most similar, i.e., most relevant terms to a document,
which are then included in the summary. First, the cosine
similarities between the vectors of each term in the corpus
and the vector of the document to be summarized are
computed. Then the terms are ordered based on this
similarity and the top K terms, having the highest similarity
to the document are included in the summary. One particular
feature of the top K list of terms generated in this manner
with LSI is that it can contain also terms that do not appear
in the summarized method or class, but appear somewhere
else in the corpus. When a summary contains such terms, it
can be interpreted as a lightweight abstractive summary, as it
produces information about the original document in a new
form, i.e., which is not contained in the document.
To evaluate the quality of the automatically produced
source code summaries and to measure their capability to
capture the developers’ understanding of the code, we
performed a study in which developers judged the quality of
a large set of summaries for methods and classes. The study
was particularly aimed at assessing the impact of the various
factors affecting the generation of code summaries (e.g.,
corpus creation, TR technique, term weight used, summary
length, etc.) on the summary quality.
A. Subjects and objects of the study
In this study we asked four computer science students
(coded as D1-D4) to evaluate code summaries automatically
generated using VSM and LSI for methods and classes from
two Java software systems. Each student has several years
of programming experience.
The two Java systems we used in the case study are both
available for download from Sourceforge. The first system,
ATunes1 (version 1.6), is a full-featured media player and
manager having 221 classes, 1,852 methods, and 25,000
non-blank lines of text in its source code (including 5,000
lines of comments). The second system, Art of Illusion2
(version 2.7.2), is a 3D modeling, rendering, and animation
studio. It has 597 classes, 7,057 methods, and almost
100,000 non-blank lines of text (including 15,000 lines of
For each system, we chose a set of 10 methods and their
corresponding classes from the source code. The methods
were chosen in such a way that they form a heterogeneous
set for each system, based on the following characteristics of
their implementation: length in lines of text (we chose
methods from three categories: less than 20 lines, between 20
and 50 lines, and more than 50 lines), presence of comments,
presence of parameters, type of class they belong to (entity,
control, boundary), the presence of a return statement, the
number of actions the method implements (one or more than
one), and the stereotype of the method (accessor, mutator,
creational, other). Detailed statistics about the selected
methods and classes are available on our website3.
B. Types of summaries
We generated summaries for each class and method
using four different summarization techniques: lead, VSM,
LSI, and a baseline technique, i.e., random summaries. The
random summaries are formed by randomly selecting K
terms from the identifiers and comments of a method or class
and including them in the summary. For each of these
techniques, we varied a series of parameters and observed
the effect that these variations have on the quality of the
generated summaries.
For all techniques we varied the number of terms (K)
included in the summary. We generated summaries with 5
and 10 terms for each technique, as we believe that fewer
than 5 terms capture too little information and having more
than 10 terms pushes our short term memory limits [18].
For VSM and LSI we used the three weighting schemes
mentioned before (i.e., log, tf-idf, and binary-entropy) for the
terms in the term-by-document matrix. The terms and order
of these terms in the summaries depend on the weight used.
For the lead and random summaries there is no need to use
such weights.
We also used three different ways to generate the
corpora: (1) splitting identifiers and discarding the original
form; (2) splitting identifiers and keeping the originals; (3)
not splitting the identifiers.
Applying all these variations lead to the generation of 66
different summaries for each of the 40 methods and classes
in the two systems, for a total of 2,640 summaries. These
summaries were then analyzed and evaluated by the
C. The evaluation of summaries
To measure the quality of the automatic summaries, we
performed an intrinsic online evaluation, which is one of the
standard evaluation approaches used in the field of text
summarization [5]. This evaluation involves the active
participation of human judges, who rate each of the
automatic summaries based on their own perception of its
internal quality.
In a first phase, the developers spent three days to
familiarize themselves with the two software systems,
focusing specifically on the methods and classes that were
going to be summarized. Three of them had previous
experience with adding features and fixing bugs in one of the
two systems.
In the next phase, the four developers were presented
with the 66 summaries for each method and each class and
asked to answer the question “How much do you agree with
this automated summary of the method/class?” In order to
limit the possibility of a placebo effect on the participants,
they were not presented with any information that would
disclose the summarization technique or the parameters used
to produce any of the summaries.
The developers had four options to choose from to
answer the question, each being assigned a score: strongly
agree (assigned a score of 4), agree (score of 3), disagree
(score of 2), and strongly disagree (score of 1). This set of
possible answers represents a four level Likert scale [19].
We decided not to use a five level scale with a middle option
(i.e., “neither agree nor disagree”) in order to exclude the
situation of central tendency in the answers due to non-
committal answers (i.e., users choose the middle option
because they do not want to choose a side).
In order to be able to understand the results better, in
addition to choosing one of the above options for rating each
summary, we also asked the developers to tag each of the
terms that appear in a summary as either relevant or
irrelevant for the method or class under analysis. The
developers were provided with a form for each method or
class, which contained the summaries, each followed by the
list of terms in the summary. Next to each term in this list
there was an empty box where developers were asked to
write a 0 when they considered the term irrelevant, and a 1
when the term was relevant. The developers had access to
the source code of both systems at all times and they were
not given a time limit to finish the evaluation. To minimize
the evaluation bias, developers were not given any other
instructions on assessing the summaries or the relevance of
the terms.
D. Follow-up questionnaire
In order to understand how the developers performed the
evaluation and get more insight into the results of the study,
we asked the developers to answer three follow-up questions.
We report here on the answers we received from developers
in the follow-up questionnaire in order to better understand
the results that follow.
The first question we asked was: What was the process
you followed when rating the summaries?
Two of the developers, D1 and D2, followed very similar
processes when rating summaries. They started by
extracting a list of relevant words from the source code, i.e.,
the words they considered should appear in the summary.
Then, they rated all the summaries based on the terms they
had in mind and at the end they marked the terms as relevant
or irrelevant.
D3 and D4 did not extract the relevant terms from the
source code. D3 analyzed each summary and its terms
individually, rating the summary first and then marking each
of the terms as relevant or irrelevant. D4, on the other hand,
first compiled the list of unique terms found in all summaries
of a class/method and marked in this list the ones that were
relevant. Based on this list, D4 then marked all terms in all
summaries as relevant or irrelevant and then rated the
summaries. All developers reported changing the initial
ratings of some of the summaries when they compared
summaries between them.
We observed that there is no connection between the
process followed by developers to rate summaries and the
scores they gave. For example, the pairs of developers (D2,
D4), and (D1, D3), who followed different processes, had
more similar ratings than (D1, D2), who followed a similar
process for rating summaries.
The second question was: What criteria did you use for
rating the summaries?
D1 considered the number of irrelevant terms contained
in a summary as an important factor in the evaluation,
whereas D2, D3, and D4 did not. This is corroborated by the
data we collected, which reveals that D1 gave higher scores
more often to 5-term summaries than to 10-terms summaries
(10 times more often than D2, 12 times more often than D3,
and 4 times more often than D4), as the latter contained more
irrelevant terms. The other developers were less influenced
by the noise in the summaries and focused on the relevant
terms hence they rarely gave higher ratings to 5-terms
summaries than to 10-terms summaries. The fact that D1
considered the irrelevant terms in his ratings led to a
decrease in the average score, mode and sum of scores of his
ratings for all summaries. For example, even if he gave the
highest scores to the lead summaries among all
summarization techniques, the highest average score for
classes was 2.47, compared to 3, 3.06 and 3.59, as given by
the other developers. In average, he did not consider any
type of summary very good. For methods, his average rating
of the lead summaries was 2.75, compared to 3.25, 3.10, and
3.70, as given by the other developers. More details on these
scores are presented in the next section.
D4 reported that the order of the terms in the summary
was important at times, as the summary was clearer when the
relevant terms followed one another and when they were
positioned at the beginning of the summary. D4 used the
position of the relevant terms to differentiate between good
and very good summaries. The other developers said the
order of the terms in the summary did not impact their
When analyzing method summaries, all developers
considered the method name to be the most relevant piece of
information and ranked summaries having this idea in mind.
When scoring class summaries, D2 and D4, considered
that the class name and attribute names were the most
relevant information for a class and therefore should be
present in the summary of a class. The other two developers
considered that the names of the methods defined in the class
are more relevant. By analyzing the scores given by each
developer to the methods and classes in the case study, we
found that D2 and D4, agreed the most in their ratings
among all pairs of developers, for both classes and methods.
All developers reported noticing changes in their rating
criteria between different scoring sessions and attributed
them to changes in mood and fatigue. Also, D2 reported that
once during the same session, when he did not order the
summaries according to their first terms, he sometimes
assigned slightly different scores to the same summary, when
this appeared more than once among provided summaries
(this happens when two different techniques generate the
same summary for a method or class). For example, he
remembered scoring the same summary with both a score of
3 and a score of 4 before ordering the summaries according
to their content, but then realizing his inconsistency and
synchronizing the scores.
The third question we asked was: What was missing (if
anything) from the summaries you analyzed?
This question helps us understand what should be
included in a summary, besides what was already mentioned
as important in Question 2.
D1, D2, and D4 reported that they would always include
good comments that appear before the class/method
definition in the summaries. D3 thinks that if the identifiers
are good, the comments are not needed. Even if this type of
comments were mostly included in the lead summaries when
available, they were generally not found in the other types of
summaries. The fact that developers appreciate the leading
comments could be one of the reasons for the good scores
obtained by lead summaries, as discussed in the next
All developers reported that they would always include at
least a verb and an object in method summaries, which
describe the action performed by the method and the object
on which it is performed. Our future work on automatic
summarization of source code will take these observations
into account, as it will try to produce summaries as close as
possible to what developers would like to see.
E. Results and discussion
The six lead summaries scored higher than any other
individual technique (see Table I). This indicates that the
terms found at the beginning of a class or method are
generally relevant terms for the artifact. The maximum
average score obtained by lead summaries when considering
both methods and classes is 3.09, which is achieved for 10
term-summaries and unsplit identifiers. The minimum score
obtained by lead summaries for both methods and classes is
2.68, and is achieved for summaries having 5 terms and
where the identifiers were split and the originals were not
The format of the technique name: AaNnBbbCc
Aa=technique (Le=Lead, Ls=LSI, Vs=VSM)
NN=number of terms (5 or 10)
Bbb=corpus splitting technique (Spn=Split No Originals,
SpO= Split Keep originals, NSp=No Split)
Cc=weighting (Tf=tf-idf, Lg=log, Be = binaryEntropy)
M = methods, C= classes, MC = methods and classes
Average score St. deviation Median
name M C MC
1 Le10Nsp 3.25 2.94 3.09 0.77 0.97 0.89 3 3 3
2 Le10Spn 3.28 2.90 3.09 0.73 1.04 0.91 3 3 3
3 Le10Spo 3.21 2.86 3.04 0.76 1.00 0.90 3 3 3
4 Le5Nsp 3.08 2.45 2.76 0.88 1.01 0.99 3 2 3
5 Le5Spo 2.98 2.40 2.69 0.98 0.95 1.00 3 2 3
6 Le5Spn 2.98 2.39 2.68 0.94 0.93 0.98 3 2 3
7 Vs10SpoBe 2.43 2.34 2.38 0.82 0.99 0.91 2 2 2
8 Vs10SpoLg 2.40 2.31 2.36 0.89 0.92 0.91 2 2 2
9 Vs10NspTf 2.35 2.36 2.36 0.89 0.83 0.86 2 2 2
10 Vs10SpnLg 2.35 2.31 2.33 0.96 0.80 0.88 2 2 2
11 Vs10NspLg 2.33 2.28 2.30 0.85 0.86 0.85 2 2 2
12 Vs10SpnBe 2.39 2.19 2.29 0.83 0.90 0.87 2 2 2
13 Vs10SpoTf 2.30 2.24 2.27 0.88 0.83 0.85 2 2 2
14 Vs10SpnTf 2.26 2.23 2.24 0.81 0.84 0.82 2 2 2
15 Vs10NspBe 2.25 2.19 2.22 0.95 0.99 0.97 2 2 2
16 Ls10SpoTf 2.38 2.06 2.22 1.00 0.99 1.00 3 2 2
17 Ls10NspLg 2.39 2.01 2.20 1.05 0.91 1.00 2 2 2
18 Ls10NspTf 2.33 1.96 2.14 1.02 0.95 1.00 2 2 2
19 Ls10NspBe 2.29 1.95 2.12 1.01 0.90 0.97 2 2 2
20 Ls10NspLg 2.10 2.04 2.07 0.92 0.91 0.91 2 2 2
21 Ls10SpoLg 2.24 1.84 2.04 1.07 0.88 1.00 2 2 2
22 Vs10SpoBe 2.03 2.03 2.03 0.73 0.95 0.85 2 2 2
23 Ls10SpoTf 1.95 2.09 2.02 0.84 1.00 0.92 2 2 2
24 Ls10SpoBe 2.21 1.79 2.00 0.95 0.84 0.92 2 2 2
After analyzing the summaries and the developers’
answers to the post-experiment questionnaire, we concluded
that the high scores of the lead summaries are due to the
terms in the headers of methods, the names of classes, and
sometimes good leading comments, which are included in
these summaries and considered important by developers.
Among the TR techniques, the top 9 average scores (for both
methods and classes) are obtained by the 10-term VSM
generated summaries with a variety of options (see rows 7 to
15 in Table I).
For analyzing the difference in performance of the
techniques over the entire data, we averaged the scores over
all artifacts, developers, and parameter configurations. Lead
summaries got an average of 2.89, VSM summaries 2.11,
LSI summaries 1.75, and the random summaries 1.56
(remember that 1 corresponds to the strongly disagree rating
and 4 to the strongly agree rating). We applied a statistical
test to compare the means of the different techniques. Based
on the characteristics of the arrays of values for the different
summarization techniques (normal distribution, dependent
values), we used a two-tailed paired t-test for this purpose.
The resulted p-values were 0.02 for the pair of LSI-random
summaries and 0.00 for all the other pairs, indicating that the
differences between summarization techniques are
statistically significant.
We also looked at the differences in the ratings given by
developers between the two software systems. We found
that the differences in ratings were minor and that there was
a very high correlation between the scores assigned to
artifacts in the two systems (0.98).
1) Combining the lead and VSM summaries
While the scores of the lead summaries are good, they
also indicate there is room for improvement, i.e., there is
relevant information not captured by the lead summaries.
The TR summarization technique with the highest scores,
VSM, is also far from perfect. However, the data support the
observation that the VSM summaries contain relevant
information valued by the developers, even if not as much
and not the same as lead summaries do. One obvious
missing term, for example, is the method name. VSM favors
terms with high frequency in the document and in most cases
method names, for example, appear only once in a method.
It is likely that a VSM based summary will not include them.
We analyzed the VSM and lead summaries to see if any
of the relevant terms they capture are not included in the
other type of summaries. More specifically, we computed
the intersection and union of the relevant terms between each
VSM configuration and each lead configuration (see Table
II) across all the summarized methods and classes in the two
systems. We found that the number of relevant terms in the
union is always greater than in each of the two techniques
considered individually (in average, twice as many relevant
terms as the lead summaries) and the intersection of relevant
terms between VSM and lead summaries is empty in 1/3 of
the cases. This fact strongly suggests that lead and VSM
summaries capture different relevant information about the
methods and classes.
M = methods, C= classes, MC = methods and classes
Lead VSM Lead U VSM Lead  VSM
M 6.26 5.68 10.14 1.80
C 5.50 5.53 9.81 1.22
MC 5.88 5.60 9.98 1.51
As the number of relevant terms in summaries is strongly
correlated with the scores obtained by the summaries (0.82
Spearman rank correlation), we expect that if the number of
relevant terms in a summary increases, so does its score.
Based on the observations we made, our hypothesis was
that combining the lead and VSM summaries will lead to
better summaries and higher rankings from the developers
compared to the individual summaries. In order to study if
this is indeed the fact, we combined the lead and VSM
summaries by concatenating to the lead summaries the terms
in the VSM summaries which did not already exist in the
lead one. We obtained 18 new summaries for each artifact,
as we performed every combination between lead and VSM
summaries having the same number of terms. The same four
developers ranked each of the new summaries using the
same procedure they used for ranking the individual
summaries. The results (see Table III) show that our
expectations were met and that the combined summaries
obtained higher scores than the individual summaries, some
coming close to the maximum score. The highest average
score across all methods and classes was 3.54, achieved for
the union of the 10-term lead and VSM summaries, without
splitting the identifiers and using tf-idf as the weight for
VSM. The improvement in score was almost half a point,
which made the transition from a good summary to an
excellent summary.
The format of the technique name: AaNnBbbCc
Aa=technique (Le=Lead, Ls=LSI, Vs=VSM)
NN=number of terms (5 or 10)
Bbb=corpus splitting technique (Spn=Split No Originals,
SpO= Split Keep originals, NSp=No Split)
Cc=weighting (Tf=tf-idf, Lg=log, Be = binaryEntropy)
M = methods, C= classes, MC = methods and classes
Average score St. deviation Median
# Technique
name M C MC M C MC M C MC
1 LeVs10NspTf 3.66 3.43 3.54 0.59 0.74 0.68 4 4 4
2 LeVs10NspLog 3.61 3.4 3.51 0.58 0.81 0.71 4 4 4
3 LeVs10NspBe 3.59 3.38 3.48 0.61 0.82 0.73 4 4 4
4 LeVs10SpoBe 3.55 3.28 3.41 0.61 0.83 0.74 4 3 4
5 LeVs10SpoTf 3.55 3.26 3.41 0.61 0.82 0.74 4 3 4
6 LeVs10SpoLg 3.48 3.29 3.38 0.64 0.78 0.72 4 3 4
7 LeVs5NspBe 3.35 3.04 3.19 0.66 0.79 0.74 3 3 3
8 LeVs10SpnLg 3.26 3.08 3.17 0.63 0.74 0.69 3 3 3
9 LeVs10SpnTf 3.25 3.08 3.16 0.65 0.78 0.72 3 3 3
10 LeVs10SpnBe 3.28 3.05 3.16 0.64 0.78 0.72 3 3 3
11 LeVs5NspTf 3.36 2.96 3.16 0.68 0.75 0.74 3 3 3
12 LeVs5NspLg 3.28 2.91 3.09 0.71 0.75 0.75 3 3 3
13 LeVs5SpoBe 3.19 2.81 3 0.62 0.80 0.74 3 3 3
14 LeVs5SpoTf 3.16 2.8 2.98 0.63 0.74 0.70 3 3 3
15 LeVs5SpoLg 3.1 2.8 2.95 0.63 0.70 0.68 3 3 3
16 LeVs5SpnLg 3.01 2.74 2.88 0.58 0.71 0.66 3 3 3
17 LeVs5SpnTf 3.01 2.71 2.86 0.61 0.68 0.66 3 3 3
18 LeVs5SpnBe 3.01 2.63 2.82 0.63 0.75 0.72 3 3 3
In all cases, the combined summaries obtained higher
average scores than each of the individual summaries, and at
times the improvement was substantial. The lead summaries
benefitted from the addition of the terms from the VSM
summaries and the improvement averaged 0.28 over all
artifacts and all six types of lead summaries. The highest
improvement was in the case of the 10-terms summaries
without identifier splitting, which had previously scored the
highest among the individual summaries. In this case, the
score of the new, combined summary indicates that
developers agree highly with the new summary, suggesting
that lead+VSM summaries are a good baseline for the
automatic summarization of software artifacts.The
lead+VSM summaries gained most over the lead summaries
in the cases of classes and less in the case of methods (see
Table III). This can be explained by the fact that the method
lead summaries already contain parts of the header of a
method and/or explanatory leading comments, which are all
considered very relevant by developers. In the case of
classes, on the other hand, the lead summaries contain the
name of the class and/or leading comments and the first few
attributes in the class, which are not always the most relevant
for the class. Adding extra relevant terms by the addition of
the VSM summaries increases the quality of the summaries.
Theoretically, the learning resulted from the first
summarization session could lead in a difference in the
judging and rating of summaries in the second
summarization session and impact the results. However, the
time passed between the session when they rated the
individual summaries and the one when they rated the
combined summaries was significant (almost four months),
which was enough to mitigate the effect of learning. This
was corroborated also by the fact that two of the developers
reported having some difficulties understanding one class
and one method, respectively, before the second
summarization session, even though they had no problems
understanding them before the first session. They eventually
understood the class and method well, but they spent
considerably more time understanding them in the second
session than in the first one. This indicates that the learning
effect, if any, was neutralized between the two sessions.
2) Methods vs. classes
Lead summaries received better scores for methods than
for classes (see Table I). This can be explained by the fact
that for the lead method summaries, the four developers
agreed more on the type of terms that should be included in
the summary. In the case of classes, however, besides the
name of the class, which was considered important by all
four developers, there were different opinions on what
should be in the summary. D2 and D4 put emphasis on the
name of class attributes, while D1 and D3 considered the
name of methods to be more important. The name of the
methods, though, were rarely included in the class lead
summaries, as opposed to the attribute names, which led to
the lower rating of these summaries by D1 and D3. For
example, for the class AmazonService in ATunes, we found
that D2 and D4 gave a score of 3 to all the lead summaries
having 5 terms, which contained the name of the class and
one or two of the names of attributes in the class. On the
other hand, developers D1 and D3 both assigned a score of 2
to all these summaries.
The other summarizing techniques also performed better
on methods than on classes, even though the differences
between methods and classes were not as high as in the case
of lead summaries, where this difference was 0.47 on
average. In the case of VSM, the difference was 0.08 on
average, for LSI this difference was 0.17, and 0.34 for
random summaries.
For the lead+VSM summaries we observed the same
phenomenon: the summaries for methods received higher
scores than the summaries for classes, for all combinations of
lead and VSM summaries. This is not surprising, due to the
higher scores for methods received by each of the techniques
independently. We also noticed that the difference between
the scores of the method summaries and the scores of the
class summaries are higher for the union of the short
summaries, i.e., 5-term summaries. This is because, in the
case of methods, 5 terms are often enough for the lead
summaries to include most of the header of a method, which
contains relevant terms according to the developers. In the
case of classes, however, the first 5 terms are often not
enough to capture the most relevant information, hence the
lower scores.
3) 5-term vs. 10-term summaries
By construction, the 10 terms summaries always contain
the 5 terms summaries, followed by other 5 terms. When
comparing two summaries obtained using the same
technique and the same parameters, the 10 terms summaries
are always ranked higher than the 5 terms summaries. Table
IV shows an aggregated view of these results, presenting the
average scores for all techniques across all artifacts for 5 and
10 terms, respectively. The last column shows the results of
the union between lead and VSM summaries, when each of
them contains 5 or 10 terms.
Lead VSM LSI Random Lead+VSM
10 terms 3.07 2.30 1.93 1.76 3.24
5 terms 2.71 1.91 1.57 1.37 3.11
One reason for the fact that 10-term summaries get
higher scores is that they contain more relevant terms than
the 5-term ones. Since three of the four developers reported
in the post-experiment questionnaire that they put emphasis
on the relevant terms rather than the irrelevant ones when
ranking summaries, the 10-term summaries get higher
scores. This observation is supported also by the high
correlation we found between the number of relevant terms
contained in the summaries and the scores of they received
(0.82 Spearman rank correlation).
According to these results, one could say that summaries
should have as many terms as possible, since the scores of
the summaries increase with the number of relevant terms,
and the number of relevant terms increases with the total
number of terms in the summary. However, the purpose of
the summaries is to offer developers a short description of
the software artifact, which would take less to read than the
original artifact.
4) Splitting techniques
When analyzing the results for individual summaries, we
observed that the versions containing only full identifiers
obtained the highest score in 60% of the cases, followed by
the summaries containing both the terms resulted after
splitting the identifiers and the original identifiers, in 40% of
the cases. The summaries containing only the terms by
splitting the identifiers never had the highest score and in
80% of the cases they were assigned the lowest scores.
We found the same tendency for the lead+VSM
summaries, where the version of the summaries having the
full identifiers always received the highest scores (on
average the score was 3.33), followed in all cases by the
version containing both the full identifiers and the words
resulted after splitting the identifiers (on average they got a
score of 3.19). The summaries containing only the terms
after splitting the identifiers were always the ones developers
assigned the lowest score to, i.e., 3.01 on average.
These findings were confirmed also by the developers,
which reported that they preferred the summaries containing
the full identifiers. All developers reported that the
summaries containing only the terms resulted after splitting
the identifiers were last in their preferences. They explained
their choice by the fact that it is harder to understand what
the method or class is doing when the phrases appearing in
identifiers are split, especially when these are phrases
containing a verb and its direct object.
5) Weights
For both TR techniques we used three of the most
popular weighting schemes used in text summarization,
namely binary-entropy, tf-idf, and log (see [20] for the
formulas and more information about each weight). In order
to determine which weight is most appropriate for source
code summarization, we computed the averages for each
weighting scheme for methods, classes and over all the
artifacts. The aggregated results for all summarization
techniques using a particular weight are presented in Table
V. The weighting scheme with the lowest scores for VSM
across all data is td-idf. This weight obtained the lowest
score for both 5-term summaries and 10-terms summaries, in
the case of methods, classes, and overall. Binary-entropy
was the weight which resulted in the highest ratings for VSM
over the entire data, and for methods as well. However, in
the case of classes, it was surpassed by log.
For LSI, the situation was the opposite. Tf-idf obtained
the highest scores among the weights for classes and over all
artifacts. However, for methods, log performed better.
One curious thing was that, even though tf-idf received
the lowest scores for VSM summaries, the lead+VSM
summaries got the highest scores when this weight was used.
Sometimes, however, binary-entropy or log were on the
same level as tf-idf.
Avg. scores VSM LSI Lead+VSM
Tf-Idf 2.07 1.81 3.19
Log 2.12 1.78 3.16
Binary-entropy 2.13 1.67 3.18
Even though there are slight differences between the
performances of TR summarization techniques using
different weighting schemes, this difference proved to be not
statistically significant. It is hard to draw any clear
conclusion on this issue at this point. Future studies
involving larger and more varied corpora are most likely
needed in order to reach a conclusion.
6) Agreement between developers
Subjectivity is unavoidable in this type of evaluations. It
is desirable to estimate its effect on the results and it is
common to measure the agreement of the evaluators in order
to understand the results better. Light variations in rating
between developers are normal and expectable, for example
one developer agreeing highly with a summary (score 4) and
a second one still agreeing, but less intensely (score 3).
However, situations when a developer agrees or highly
agrees with a summary, and another one disagrees, or highly
disagrees with it can indicate misunderstandings of the class
or method. In consequence, we focused on finding such
cases and analyzing their causes.
The agreement measure we used for a pair of developers
is defined as the number of times the two developers either
both agreed with the summary to some degree (they assigned
it a score of 3 or 4) or they both disagreed with it (they
assigned it a score of 1 or 2). Note that if a developer gives a
summary a score of 1 and a second developer gives the
summary a score of 2, we consider the two developers to be
in agreement, as they both disagreed, even though to a
different degree. We found that the pairs of developers
agreed on average in 76.8% of the cases. This is similar to
the level of agreement found in studies involving the
assessment of natural language summaries [21]. The
agreement for each type of summary and number of terms is
shown in Table VI.
For all summaries not involving the lead summaries, the
5-term summaries had a higher agreement than the 10-term
summaries. Among these, the highest agreement was in the
case of the random summaries, which had a 92.8%
agreement for the 5-term summaries. These observations are
explained by the fact that in the case of VSM, LSI, and
random summaries, the 5-term summaries were often of poor
quality (see Table IV), containing few relevant terms, thus
making it easy for developers to assign them a low score and
to agree on this. One could also say that since the 5-term
summaries contain less terms, there is less to disagree about.
Avg. agreement 5 terms 10 terms All
Lead 63.8% 73.6% 68.7%
VSM 76.2% 61.8% 69%
LSI 86.6% 75.2% 80.9%
Random 92.8% 80.4% 86.6%
Lead+VSM 70.2% 81.6% 75.9%
The lead and lead+VSM summaries, on the other hand,
had a higher agreement for the 10-term summaries. In this
case the situation is exactly the opposite: the 10-term
summaries were often very good, especially in the case of
methods. It was easier for developers to agree on assigning
those good scores, as opposed to the lead 5-terms summaries,
which contained fewer relevant terms.
Overall, however, for the individual summaries
developers agreed more on rating the bad summaries than the
good ones. The random summaries got the highest
agreement, followed by the LSI summaries, then VSM, and
lead as last. This is the reverse order of the types of
summaries according to their score. In fact, we found a
strong negative correlation (-0.75) between the scores
received by a summary and the agreement of developers in
scoring it.
7) Relevant terms
Table VII presents the number and ratio of relevant terms
(number of relevant terms/total number of terms in a
summary) in the 5-term and 10-term summaries for the
summaries with the highest scores, i.e., lead, VSM, and
lead+VSM. As we can observe, the lead+VSM summaries
contain always a higher number of relevant terms than the
lead or the VSM summaries alone, even though the ratio of
relevant terms decreases compared to the highest ratio in the
two individual summaries. However, the lead+VSM
summaries always received a higher rating from developers
than any other summarization technique alone. This
indicates that the number of relevant terms in a summary is
more important than the ratio of relevant/irrelevant terms,
i.e., relevant terms bare more weight than the irrelevant ones
in rating a summary. This was confirmed by three of the
developers, i.e., D2, D3, and D4 during the post-experiment
questionnaire. D1 was the only developer which considered
the number of irrelevant terms as an important factor in his
Methods Classes All
terms L V LV L V LV L V LV
No. 4.70 4.07 7.58 3.82 4.02 7.14 4.19 4.04 7.36
Ratio 0.91 0.81 0.86 0.76 0.80 0.78 0.84 0.81 0.82
No. 7.95 7.29 12.40 7.18 7.05 12.32 7.57 7.17 12.36
Ratio 0.80 0.73 0.77 0.72 0.71 0.70 0.76 0.72 0.74
From the same table we can notice that for methods the
lead summaries always have a higher number and ratio of
relevant terms than the VSM summaries. For classes,
however, the lead summaries have a lower number of
relevant terms for the 5-term summaries, and a comparable
number of terms for the 10-terms summaries. This is
because often few of the first 5 or 10 terms in a class are
relevant terms for the class. For methods, however, the lead
summaries often contain the header of the method, among
other things, which contains terms considered relevant by the
developers. Even though in the case of classes the VSM
summaries have more or almost the same number of relevant
terms as the lead summaries, the lead always received a
higher rating. This indicates that not only the number of
relevant terms is important, but also which these terms are.
For example, the lead summaries contain often the names of
classes, considered very important by all developers, which
tend to give them high ratings.
F. Threats to validity
As with any case study, generalization of the results has
to be done with care. Several factors influence our ability to
produce analytical generalizations.
Due to the high time demand, we were not able to
involve more developers at this stage. With other developers
providing the ratings the results may be somewhat different.
We plan to perform studies involving significantly more
developers in our future work.
The developers did not agree in some cases about the
ratings of the summaries. However, the level of
disagreement was not higher than observed during the
assessment of natural language text summaries [21]. We
expect that similar agreement levels would be observed
among any set of developers.
During the evaluation sessions, developers had to rate
several summaries of the same artifacts. In consequence, the
presence of a learning effect is possible. We did not try to
measure it or mitigate it.
We selected only ten methods and ten classes from each
of the systems. While we tried to vary their properties, they
may not necessarily be the most representative of the two
systems and even less so of other systems. More than that,
the two systems have high quality, self explanatory
identifiers. It is hard for us to estimate what the results
would be for systems with poor identifier naming.
The automatic summarization of natural language text
has been widely investigated by researchers [5]. The
summarization of software artifacts, however, is only at the
beginning. Rastkar et al. [22] studied recently the
summarization of bug reports and used an approach based on
machine learning to create summaries of bug discussions. In
[23], the same authors proposed a process for summarizing
software concerns. The TR based approaches for source
code summarization, first introduced in [24], which we
evaluate in this study, focus on summarizing whole software
artifacts, with the purpose of aiding developers in
comprehension tasks. In [23], however, the goal is to
summarize concerns, which can be spread across many
artifacts, and can occupy only parts of each artifact. TR
based summarization approaches are more lightweight than
the ones adopted by Rastkar et al., as they are mostly
extractive techniques and do not require the use of an
ontology, as in [23], nor training data, as in [22].
A form of structural summarization of source code has
also been proposed in [25], which presented two techniques,
i.e., the software reflection model and the lexical source
model extraction for a lightweight summarization of
software. These two techniques are complementary to the
approaches we investigated and we envision combining them
in the near future.
Other related work includes [26], where TR techniques
are used to cluster source code and relevant terms from each
cluster are extracted to form labels. A similar approach is
used in [27], where TR is also used to extract the most
relevant set of terms to a group of methods returned as
results to a search. These terms are treated as attributes used
to cluster the methods. In each case, the labels and attributes
can be considered as (partial) summaries.
Another related research thread is on source code tagging
and annotations [28]. These mechanisms could support
developers to create and represent manual summaries of the
code (in addition to comments).
We investigated the use of automatic text summarization
techniques to generate source code summaries. We found
that a combination between techniques making use of the
position of terms in software and TR techniques capture the
meaning of methods and classes better than any other of the
studied approaches. Developers generally agree with the
summaries produced using this combination.
When analyzing the parameters that impact the
production of source code summaries, we found that the
weights used for the TR techniques do not impact the
produced summaries considerably. On the other hand,
longer summaries seem to be preferred by developers over
short ones. However, the summaries have to remain short, as
a developer should be able to read them faster than the
source code. Developers also preferred the summaries
containing the full identifiers, as opposed to the ones where
the identifiers are split.
The results we obtained represent a very good starting
point for the summarization of source code entities and our
future work will focus on developing more complex
techniques which will also include structural information
from the source code. We also plan to investigate multi-
document approaches for the summarization of source code
packages and classes. Last but not least, we plan to study
how the generated summaries impact program
comprehension by running studies where developers make
use of such summaries during their daily tasks.
We are grateful to Fabio Navarrete for his help with the
evaluation. This work was supported in part by grants from
the US National Science Foundation: CCF-1017263, CCF-
0845706, and CCF-0820133.
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... Existing methods often treat code summarization as a translation task like natural language processing, where a code snippet (programming language) is input as the source language into a translation model to obtain the target natural language (usually English). However, traditional machine translation models struggle with long-distance dependencies and performance limitations [6][7][8][9][10][11]. Additionally, with the exponential growth of code files in open-source software repositories like GitHub, it has become easier to access code snippets with high-quality natural language summarization [12], which increases the demand for larger datasets and better performance in neural machine translation models. ...
... Traditional code summarization approaches typically involve extracting textual information from code, such as keywords and APIs [6][7][8][9][10]. These methods, while saving time by not requiring training, face challenges in understanding both code and natural language semantics. ...
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Summarizing source code by natural language aims to help developers better understand existing code, making software development more efficient. Since source code is highly structured, recent research uses code structure information like Abstract Semantic Tree (AST) to enhance the structure understanding rather than a normal translation task. However, AST can only represent the syntactic relationship of code snippets, which can not reflect high-level relationships like control and data dependency in the program dependency graph. Moreover, researchers treat the AST as the unique structure information of one code snippet corresponding to one summarization. It will be easily affected by simple perturbations as it lacks the understanding of code with similar structure. To handle the above problems, we build CogCol, a Code graph-based Contrastive learning model. CogCol is a Transformer-based model that converts code graphs into unique sequences to enhance the model’s structure learning. In detail, CogCol uses supervised contrastive learning by building several kinds of code graphs as positive samples to enhance the structural representation of code snippets and generalizability. Moreover, experiments on the widely used open-source dataset show that CogCol can significantly improve the state-of-the-art code summarization models under Meteor, BLEU, and ROUGE.
... The summary provides a quick way for the programmer to understand what the method does without having to read the code itself. The benefits of summaries in documentation have been studied for decades (Haiduc et al. 2010), and Software Engineering (SE) research has long sought to automate the process of writing them, to reduce manual effort by programmers, support under-documented legacy programs, and build accessibility tools (Robillard et al. 2017). Code summaries form the backbone of much documentation for programmers, and the dream of automatic generation of these summaries has been described as a "holy grail" of SE research (Allamanis et al. 2018a;Forward and Lethbridge 2002;. ...
... The term "source code summarization" was coined in 2010 by Haiduc et al. (2010) Bender et al. (2021) introduce the technique to fine-tune Large Language Models (LLM) for code summarization. Although some proprietary LLM such as OpenAI's ChatGPT has demonstrated the great capability on program comprehension, we cannot avoid data leak problems because of the inaccessibility of training data on these models. ...
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A code summary is a brief natural language description of source code. Summaries are usually only a single sentence long, and yet form the backbone of developer documentation. A short descriptions such as “changes all visible polygons to the color blue” can give a programmer a high-level idea of what code does without the effort of reading the code itself. Recently, products based on Large Language Models such as ChatGPT have demonstrated a strong ability to write these descriptions automatically. However, to use these tools, programmers must send their code to untrusted third parties for processing (e.g., via an API call). This loss of custody is not acceptable to many organizations. In this paper, we present an alternative: we train an open source model using sample output generated by GPT-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$-$$\end{document}3.5 in a process related to knowledge distillation. Our model is small enough (350 m parameters) to be run on a single 16gb GPU, yet we show in our evaluation that it is large enough to mimic GPT-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$-$$\end{document}3.5 on this task.
... Over the years, source code summarization [17,24,25] has been studied extensively, aiming to produce a high-level summary of a given code snippet. Several pre-trained language models specifically developed for code understanding tasks [13,15,57] have shown promising results on code summarization and a significant improvement over classical text-only summarization algorithms [32]. ...
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Understanding Bash code is challenging for developers due to its syntax flexibility and unique features. Bash lacks sufficient training data compared to comment generation tasks in popular programming languages. Furthermore, collecting more real Bash code and corresponding comments is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this study, we propose a two-module method named Bash2Com for Bash code comments generation. The first module, NP-GD, is a gradient-based automatic data augmentation component that enhances normalization stability when generating adversarial examples. The second module, MASA, leverages CodeBERT to learn the rich semantics of Bash code. Specifically, MASA considers the representations learned at each layer of CodeBERT as a set of semantic information that captures recursive relationships within the code. To generate comments for different Bash snippets, MASA employs LSTM and attention mechanisms to dynamically concentrate on relevant representational information. Then, we utilize the Transformer decoder and beam search algorithm to generate code comments. To evaluate the effectiveness of Bash2Com, we consider a corpus of 10,592 Bash code and corresponding comments. Compared with the state-of-the-art baselines, our experimental results show that Bash2Com can outperform all baselines by at least 10.19%, 11.81%, 2.61%, and 6.13% in terms of the performance measures BLEU-3/4, METEOR, and ROUGR-L. Moreover, the rationality of NP-GD and MASA in Bash2Com are verified by ablation studies. Finally, we conduct a human evaluation to illustrate the effectiveness of Bash2Com from practitioners’ perspectives.
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The research described in this paper is concerned with the application of information retrieval to software maintenance, and in particular to the problem of recovering trace-ability links between the source code of a system and its free text documentation. We introduce a method based on the general idea of vector space information retrieval and apply it in two case studies to trace C++ source code onto manual pages and Java code onto functional requirements. The case studies discussed in this paper replicate the studies presented in references [3] and [2], respectively, where a probabilistic information retrieval model was applied. We compare the results of vector space and probabilistic models and formulate hypotheses to explain the differences.
Conference Paper
To understand developers' typical tools, activities, and practices and their satisfaction with each, we conducted two surveys and eleven interviews. We found that many problems arose because developers were forced to invest great effort recovering implicit knowledge by exploring code and interrupting teammates and this knowledge was only saved in their memory. Contrary to expectations that email and IM prevent expensive task switches caused by face-to-face interruptions, we found that face-to-face communication enjoys many advantages. Contrary to expectations that documentation makes understanding design rationale easy, we found that current design documents are inadequate. Contrary to expectations that code duplication involves the copy and paste of code snippets, developers reported several types of duplication. We use data to characterize these and other problems and draw implications for the design of tools for their solution.
With the explosion in the quantity of on-line text and multimedia information in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in automatic summarization. This book provides a systematic introduction to the field, explaining basic definitions, the strategies used by human summarizers, and automatic methods that leverage linguistic and statistical knowledge to produce extracts and abstracts. Drawing from a wealth of research in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and information retrieval, the book also includes detailed assessments of evaluation methods and new topics such as multi-document and multimedia summarization. Previous automatic summarization books have been either collections of specialized papers, or else authored books with only a chapter or two devoted to the field as a whole. This is the first textbook on the subject, developed based on teaching materials used in two one-semester courses. To further help the student reader, the book includes detailed case studies, accompanied by end-of-chapter reviews and an extensive glossary.Audience: students and researchers, as well as information technology managers, librarians, and anyone else interested in the subject.
In this paper, we use simple techniques de-rived from on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to provide a simple and robust way of generating extractive summaries for TAC 2008 Update Summarization task.
The experimental evidence accumulated over the past 20 years indicates that text indexing systems based on the assignment of appropriately weighted single terms produce retrieval results that are superior to those obtainable with other more elaborate text representations. These results depend crucially on the choice of effective termweighting systems. This article summarizes the insights gained in automatic term weighting, and provides baseline single-term-indexing models with which other more elaborate content analysis procedures can be compared.
Many of the existing approaches in Software Comprehension focus on program structure or external documentation. However, by analyzing formal information the informal semantics contained in the vocabulary of source code are overlooked. To understand software as a whole, we need to enrich software analysis with the developer knowledge hidden in the code naming. This paper proposes the use of information retrieval to exploit linguistic information found in source code, such as identifier names and comments. We introduce Semantic Clustering, a technique based on Latent Semantic Indexing and clustering to group source artifacts that use similar vocabulary. We call these groups semantic clusters and we interpret them as linguistic topics that reveal the intention of the code. We compare the topics to each other, identify links between them, provide automatically retrieved labels, and use a visualization to illustrate how they are distributed over the system. Our approach is language independent as it works at the level of identifier names. To validate our approach we applied it on several case studies, two of which we present in this paper.Note: Some of the visualizations presented make heavy use of colors. Please obtain a color copy of the article for better understanding.
This paper reviews research on automatic summarising in the last decade. This work has grown, stimulated by technology and by evaluation programmes. The paper uses several frameworks to organise the review, for summarising itself, for the factors affecting summarising, for systems, and for evaluation.The review examines the evaluation strategies applied to summarising, the issues they raise, and the major programmes. It considers the input, purpose and output factors investigated in recent summarising research, and discusses the classes of strategy, extractive and non-extractive, that have been explored, illustrating the range of systems built.The conclusions drawn are that automatic summarisation has made valuable progress, with useful applications, better evaluation, and more task understanding. But summarising systems are still poorly motivated in relation to the factors affecting them, and evaluation needs taking much further to engage with the purposes summaries are intended to serve and the contexts in which they are used.