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Cyanobacteria-dominated biofilms: A high quality food resource for intertidal grazers

  • Technological University of Shannon: Midlands Midwest

Abstract and Figures

Hong Kong rocky shores are dominated by cyanobacterial biofilms composed of a diversity of species. Thirteen common species, belonging to seven genera, were isolated in pure culture in MN+ and MN– media under defined growth conditions from a semi-exposed shore in Hong Kong. The nutritional values (i.e., protein, carbohydrate and calorific value) of these 13 species were determined. All species showed high nutritional quality in terms of protein, carbohydrate and calorific value, however, overall nutritional value varied between the species. Species of Spirulina and Phormidium were most nutritious (highest nutritional values) whereas species of Calothrix and Lyngbya were the least nutritious. Microphagous molluscan grazer density and diversity were relatively high at the study site, despite the seemingly low biomass (as assessed by chlorophyll a concentration) of the biofilm. It is suggested that the high nutritional quality of cyanobacteria, together with their fast turnover rates can support high levels of secondary production (biomass of grazers). The high nutritional quality of cyanobacteria on tropical, cyanobacteria-dominated, rocky shores is therefore of great importance in the benthic food web.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Hydrobiologia 512: 89–95, 2004.
P.O. Ang, Jr. (ed.), Asian Pacific Phycology in the 21st Century: Prospects and Challenges.
© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Cyanobacteria-dominated biofilms: a high quality food resource for
intertidal grazers
Sanjay Nagarkar1, Gray A. Williams1,,G.Subramanian
1Department of Ecology & Biodiversity and The Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China
2National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India
Author for correspondence; E-mail:
Key words: cyanobacteria, biofilm, nutritional value, protein, carbohydrate, calorific value, tropical rocky shore
Hong Kong rocky shores are dominated by cyanobacterial biofilms composed of a diversity of species. Thirteen
common species, belonging to seven genera, were isolated in pure culture in MN+ and MNmedia under defined
growth conditions from a semi-exposed shore in Hong Kong. The nutritional values (i.e., protein, carbohydrate
and calorific value) of these 13 species were determined. All species showed high nutritional quality in terms of
protein, carbohydrate and calorific value, however, overall nutritional value varied between the species. Species
of Spirulina and Phormidium were most nutritious (highest nutritional values) whereas species of Calothrix and
Lyngbya were the least nutritious. Microphagous molluscan grazer density and diversity were relatively high at
the study site, despite the seemingly low biomass (as assessed by chlorophyll aconcentration) of the biofilm. It
is suggested that the high nutritional quality of cyanobacteria, together with their fast turnover rates can support
high levels of secondary production (biomass of grazers). The high nutritional quality of cyanobacteria on tropical,
cyanobacteria-dominated, rocky shores is therefore of great importance in the benthic food web.
Intertidal, epilithic biofilms are 3-dimensional struc-
tures, mainly composed of bacteria, cyanobacteria,
diatoms, microalgae, protozoa and spores and sporel-
ings of macroalgae embedded in a mucopolysaccha-
ride matrix (Anderson, 1995). Rocky shores around
the world are typically covered with these biofilms
throughout the year. Temperate rocky shore biofilms
are dominated by diatoms or cyanobacteria (MacLu-
lich, 1987; Hill & Hawkins, 1991; Thompson et
al., 1996). On tropical rocky shores, in contrast, the
biofilms are mainly composed of cyanobacteria with
only sporadic patches of bacteria, diatoms, proto-
zoa and juvenile stages of macroalgae (Potts, 1980;
Whitton & Potts, 1982; Nagarkar & Williams, 1999).
Cyanobacteria are important primary producers, many
species of which are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen
(Stewart, 1973; Whitton & Potts, 1982). Cyanobac-
terial biofilms, therefore, form the energy base of the
benthic food web and are very important in terms of
overall productivity and community organization on
tropical rocky shores (Nagarkar, 1996).
Although the importance of cyanobacteria as a
food source for microphagous grazers such as inter-
tidal molluscs (Foster, 1964; Raffaelli, 1985; Quinn,
1988) and zooplankton (Schmidt & Jónasdóttir, 1997;
Repka, 1998) has long been realized, little attention
has been paid to the nutritional quality of cyanobac-
teria (but see Ahlgren et al., 1992; Kaehler & Ken-
nish, 1996). Many studies have found planktonic and
benthic cyanobacteria to be a poor food source due
to their nutritional inadequacy and toxicity (Lampert,
1987; Ahlgren et al., 1990; Thacker et al., 1997), but
no such information is available for intertidal, epi-
lithic cyanobacteria (but see Nicotri, 1977). The main
reason for this nutritional inadequacy of cyanobacteria
is the absence of long-chain, polyunsaturated, fatty
acids (PUFA), which are known to be essential com-
ponents of zooplankton diets and are an indicator of
high nutritional quality (Jónasdóttir & Kiørboe, 1996).
In contrast, no information is available on the nutri-
tional requirements of intertidal molluscs’ diet. The
importance of cyanobacteria as a high quality food
source, however, is mainly based on their protein con-
tent and the presence of essential amino acids, which
has become a focus of biotechnological exploitation
of cyanobacteria (Venkataraman, 1993). Chemical
screening of many laboratory grown, commercially
viable, marine cyanobacteria has revealed that they
have a high nutritional value, especially in terms of
protein (Venkataraman, 1993). The nutritional value
of ecologically significant cyanobacteria has, however,
received little attention.
Hong Kong rocky shores are dominated by cy-
anobacterial biofilms throughout the year (Nagarkar
& Williams, 1999). During winter, macroalgal growth
is common on Hong Kong shores (Kaehler & Willi-
ams, 1996). Several rocky shores, however, remain
free of macroalgae and are only covered with a cy-
anobacterial biofilm (Nagarkar, pers. obs.). On visual
observation, these shores appear bare, but chloro-
phyll aand microscopic analyses reveal the presence
of these cyanobacteria-dominated biofilms (Williams,
1994; Nagarkar & Williams, 1997). Cyanobacteria
are the only available food source on these shores
which support a wide variety of microphagous grazers
(Williams, 1993; Nagarkar, 1996). No information
is available, however, on the nutritional quality of
these cyanobacteria (except for one species, Kyrtu-
thrix maculans, Umezaki, 1996; Kaehler & Kennish,
1996) to their molluscan grazers. This paper, there-
fore, presents preliminary work on nutritional quality
(i.e., protein, carbohydrate and calorific value) of cy-
anobacteria present naturally in the intertidal, epilithic
biofilm on rocky shores in Hong Kong.
Materials and methods
Study site
The study site was an 100 m long, gently slop-
ping granodiorite heterogeneous rock platform, with
few crevices, on a semi-exposed rocky shore at Mo
Tat Wan (22 13N, 11410E), Lamma Island,
Hong Kong. This site was located in a remote area
far from anthropogenic activities and was relatively
clean compared to other polluted shores. Absence of
visually conspicuous macroalgae and thick biofilm
at this site resulted in a bare appearance of the
shore. This site, however, supports a wide variety
and high density of intertidal grazers such as limpets,
Cellana grata Gould, Cellana toreuma Reeve, the
chiton Acanthopleura japonica Lischke and topshell
Monodonta labio Linné (Nagarkar, pers. obs.).
Isolation and purification of cyanobacteria
Samples were collected during March 1999, from the
intertidal zone between 1.25 m and 2.00 m above
Chart Datum. Rock chips (2cm
2) with firmly at-
tached cyanobacterial growth were removed using a
hammer and chisel and thin biofilms were scraped
from the rock with a single-sided razor blade. All
the samples were transferred into plastic vials with a
few drops of seawater. In the laboratory, within 6 h,
each sample was divided into four parts which were
inoculated into liquid MN+, MN, ASN III+ and
ASN IIImedia (Rippka et al., 1979). To support
the growth of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, NaNO3
was omitted from the MNand ASN IIImedia.
In all the media, 50 µgml
1cycloheximide (antibi-
otic) was added to inhibit eukaryotic growth especially
macroalgal spores and microalgae. Bacterial growth
was reduced by adding 25 µgml
1ampicillin and
15 µgml
1tetracycline. Samples were incubated at
25 C in continuous low white fluorescent, diffuse
light (<1000 Lux) for about seven days. Later, light
intensity was gradually increased to 1200–1500 Lux.
After 3 weeks, cyanobacterial growth was observed
in the respective media. Individual filaments or cells
were isolated using a long neck glass capillary pipette
under a dissecting microscope (Leitz Diaplan, U.S.A.)
and inoculated into respective fresh liquid MN and
ASN III (+ or ) media; incubated again for another
3–4 weeks. Pure cultures were obtained by repeating
this procedure several times.
Nutritional quality
Thirteen ecologically common cyanobacterial species
which were isolated in pure culture were selected for
nutritional analysis (i.e., protein, carbohydrate and
calorific value). Qualitative microscopic observations,
based on the number of filaments or cells under each
microscopic field of view at a fixed magnification
(×40), revealed that these 13 cyanobacterial species
were abundant at the study site. To investigate the nu-
tritional quality of laboratory cultured cyanobacteria,
all the non-heterocystous species (absence of hetero-
cyst, a special cell which performs nitrogen fixation)
were maintained in MN+ media and heterocystous
species (presence of heterocyst) in MNmedia. Cy-
anobacterial cells were harvested at the log growth
phase (rapid cell multiplication stage) by centrifuging
at 10 000 rpm for 10 min. The resultant cyanobacterial
pellet was rinsed with distilled water several times and
blotted on blotting paper, air dried over night, ground
into a powder and then extracted for analysis.
Protein estimation
Protein was estimated by the Coomassie Brilliant Blue
(Bio-Rad Laboratories) dye-binding method of Brad-
ford (1976). One millilitre of 0.5 M NaOH was added
to 20 mg of dried powder of each species, incubated
for 10 min in a water bath at 80 C and then centri-
fuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was
removed, to which 4 ml of distilled water was ad-
ded and then 1 ml of the reagent Coomassie Brilliant
Blue and finally mixed with a vortex mixer. The ab-
sorbence of the sample was measured immediately
using a Pye Unicam spectrophotometer at 595 nm. A
similar procedure was repeated for the solid residue
and the absorbance of the supernatant was again meas-
ured at 595 nm. Protein was estimated by comparison
with a standard bovine serum-albumin curve (Kochert,
Carbohydrate estimation
Carbohydrate was estimated using the phenol sul-
phuric acid method (Dubois et al., 1956). Ten mil-
ligrams of sample were mixed with 3 ml of distilled
water, added to 50 µl of 90% phenol, mixed and then
finally 5 ml of concentrated H2SO4was added onto
the surface of the liquid. Treated samples were placed
in a water bath at 60 C for 30 min and then centri-
fuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The absorbance of the
supernatant was measured spectrophotometrically at
485 nm. Carbohydrate was measured by comparison
with a standard curve prepared using glycogen (Sigma
Calorific value
To estimate calorific value of each cyanobacterial
species, dry powder (800 mg) of each species was
combusted in a Parr 1261 semi-micro isoperibol bomb
calorimeter, calibrated using benzoic acid.
Data analysis
To investigate trends in the nutritional value of the 13
cyanobacterial species, Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) was performed on the appropriate correlation
matrix (MVSP, Ver. 3.01, 1998, Kovach Computing
Services, Wales).
Thriteen cyanobacterial species (Calothrix contarenii
(Zanard.) Born. ex Flah., Calothrix crustacea Thuret,
Gloeocapsa crepidinum Thuret, Lyngbya martensiana
Menegh. ex Gomont, Lyngbya semiplena (C. Ag.)
J. Ag. ex Gomont, Oscillatoria formosa Bory ex
Gomont, Oscillatoria salina Biswas, Oscillatoria sub-
brevis Schmidle, Phormidium corium (Ag.) Gomont,
Phormidium tenue (Menegh.) Gomont, Spirulina
labyrinthiformis (Menegh.) Gomont, Spirulina sub-
salsa Oerst. ex Gomont and Synechococcus sp.) were
isolated in pure culture. Of the 13 species, only two
were unicellular forms (spherical or ellipsoidal shape,
i.e., G. crepidinum and Synechococcus sp.) and of
the remaining 11 filamentous forms (unbranched fil-
ament shape), two were heterocystous (i.e., C. crus-
tacea and C. contarenii) and the other nine were
non-heterocystous species (Table 1).
Most of the cyanobacteria species contained a high
percentage of protein (total dry weight). Protein values
ranged from 18.9% for L. martensiana to a maximum
of 70.8% for S. subsalsa (Table 1). Cyanobacteria be-
longing to Lyngbya and Calothrix genera contained
the lowest protein concentrations (<28%) as com-
pared to other species which contained >40% protein
(Table 1).
Carbohydrate values ranged from a minimum of 5.4%
for L. martensiana to a maximum of 16.6% of the total
dry weight for S. subsalsa (Table 1). Cyanobacterial
species belonging to Phormidium and Spirulina gen-
era contained the highest carbohydrate concentrations
(>14%) as compared to species belonging to other
genera (<11.5%; Table 1).
Table 1. Mean (±S.D) protein, carbohydrate and calorific values of 13 cyanobacterial
species isolated from a Hong Kong rocky shore (n=3). (HF) Heterocystous filament-
ous cyanobacteria; (F) Non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria; (C) Unicellular
Species Protein Carbohydrate Calorific value
(% DW) (% DW) (kJ 10 g1DW)
Calothrix crustacea (HF) 21.50 ±0.40 7.60 ±0.50 25.16 ±0.30
Calothrix contarenii (HF) 27.43 ±0.47 8.23 ±0.65 29.00 ±0.45
Gloeocapsa crepidinum (C) 56.46 ±0.25 7.63 ±0.55 20.53 ±0.55
Lyngbya martensiana (F) 18.86 ±0.65 5.43 ±0.41 21.73 ±0.56
Lyngbya semiplena (F) 27.50 ±0.45 8.93 ±0.15 23.30 ±0.36
Phormidium corium (F) 49.56 ±0.55 16.46 ±0.45 32.56 ±0.41
Phormidium tenue (F) 62.96 ±0.55 15.46 ±0.40 31.33 ±0.20
Spirulina subsalsa (F) 70.76 ±0.90 16.63 ±0.56 34.83 ±0.20
Spirulina labyrinthiformis (F) 68.03 ±0.85 14.73 ±0.66 34.16 ±0.37
Synechococcus sp. (C) 63.56 ±0.60 8.56 ±0.56 27.60 ±0.45
Oscillatoria formosa (F) 50.85 ±0.79 9.46 ±0.45 15.30 ±0.36
Oscillatoria salina (F) 41.80 ±0.81 11.20 ±0.36 19.30 ±0.20
Oscillatoria subbrevis (F) 45.16 ±0.41 11.53 ±0.68 21.43 ±0.30
Calorific values
Calorific values for cyanobacteria ranged from 15.30
kJ 10 g1DW for O. formosa to a maximum of 34.8
kJ 10 g1DW for S. subsalsa (Table 1). Species be-
longing to Phormidium and Spirulina genera had the
highest calorific values (>31.3 kJ 10 g1DW) as com-
pared to species belonging to other genera (<29 kJ
10 g1DW).
Overall nutritional value
Principal Component Analysis revealed a clear sepa-
ration of three groups of species on axis 1 (Principal
Component 1) which accounted for 90.11% of the
total variance and axis 2 accounted only for 8.67%
of the variance (Fig. 1). The first Principal Compon-
ent has a high positive loading for protein and low
positive loading for carbohydrate and calorific value
(Fig. 1). Species on the positive side of axis one (a
group containing S. labyrinthiformis, S. subsalsa and
P. tenue), have the highest nutritional values, whereas
species (C. contarenii, C. crustacea, L. martensiana
and L. semiplena) on the negative side have the low-
est nutritional values whilst the remaining species (G.
crepidinum, O. formosa, O. salina, O. subbrevis and
P. c o r i u m ) fall in between these extremes (Fig. 1).
A great diversity of cyanobacterial species, belong-
ing to various morphological and functional groups,
have been reported from various rocky shores around
Hong Kong (Nagarkar, 1998a,b). In the present study,
13 species belonging to seven genera were isolated in
pure culture from one shore, Mo Tat Wan. These 13
species were the most common cyanobacteria found
in the biofilm on the study site. Most of these spe-
cies are abundant components of the intertidal, epi-
lithic biofilm in Hong Kong (Nagarkar & Williams,
1999). Similar species have also been reported on
rocky shores from other geographical locations (Ja-
pan, Umezaki, 1961; Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula, Potts,
1980; India, Thajuddin & Subramanian, 1992; Red
Sea, Saudi Arabia, Hussain & Khoja, 1993).
The nutritional value of a species is known to
be influenced by culture media (Ben-Amotz et al.,
1985), cell harvesting stage (Whyte, 1987), temper-
ature (James et al., 1989), light intensity (Thompson
et al., 1990) and pH (James et al., 1989). To com-
pare the nutritional value of these cyanobacteria, all
13 species were grown under similar laboratory con-
ditions and harvested at the same growth phase. Two
different culture media were, however, used to support
nitrogen fixing (i.e., Calothrix spp.) and non-nitrogen
fixing cyanobacteria. Differences in protein, carbo-
hydrate and calorific values between Calothrix and the
Figure 1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on nutritional values (i.e., protein, carbohydrate and calorific value) of 13 isolated
cyanobacterial species from a Hong Kong rocky shore.
other species may, therefore, be partially influenced by
the culture media and hence this comparison should be
interpreted with caution.
All the cyanobacterial species isolated from Hong
Kong rocky shores showed high nutritional quality.
Protein content was usually high and contributed up to
70.8% of the total dry weight. Calothrix crustacea had
the lowest percentage of protein whereas S. subsalsa
had the highest value. The protein content of Hong
Kong species was similar to values for planktonic cy-
anobacteria (30–40%, Ahlgren et al., 1992) and those
isolated in pure culture for biotechnology purposes
from various sources such as freshwater, terrestrial or
marine environments (65–71%, Venkataraman, 1993;
Subramanian, 1998; Sujatha & Kaushik, 1998). Pre-
viously, K. maculans (one of the dominant encrusting
cyanobacteria on tropical rocky shores) was, however,
reported as a poor source of protein (7.0%, Kaehler
& Kennish, 1996). The protein content of most of
the cyanobacteria (>41%) in the present study was
in contrast, much higher than planktonic microal-
gae (12–35%) used in mariculture except for species
of Calothrix and Lyngbya which contained protein
(21.5–27.5%) within the range of protein values of
microalgae (Brown, 1991).
Carbohydrate values ranged from 5.4 to 16.6%
of the total dry weight. Most of the isolates showed
<11.5% carbohydrate, except species belonging to
Phormidium and Spirulina genera.The maximum car-
bohydrate recorded in the present study was 16.6% for
S. subsalsa. Carbohydrate values previously reported
for K. maculans (>30%, Kaehler & Kennish, 1996)
were much higher than the values recorded for all the
13 cyanobacterial species in the present study. Cy-
anobacterial species cultured for biotechnological pur-
poses (Venkataraman, 1993) and microalgal species
used in mariculture (Brown, 1991), however, contain
a similar range of carbohydrate levels (6.0–16.0%) as
reported in the present study.
The calorific values of the 13 cyanobacteria species
ranged from 15.3 to 34.8 kJ 10 g1DW which fall
within the range of values previously recorded (Ven-
kataraman, 1993; Kaehler & Kennish, 1996). The cal-
orific value of K. maculans, for example, was 17.5 kJ
10 g1DW (Kaehler & Kennish, 1996). In the present
study, G. crepidinum,O. formosa and O. salina had
calorific values (15.3–20.5 kJ 10 g1DW) close to that
of K. maculans. The calorific values of many commer-
cially viable species such as Spirulina, however, fall
towards the higher side of calorific values recorded
in the present study. Most of the Spirulina species,
for example, have calorific values between 30 and 36
kJ 10 g1DW (Venkataraman, 1993). In the present
study, only P. c o r i u m ,P. tenue,S. subsalsa and S.
labyrinthiformis had calorific values between 31.3 and
34.8 kJ 10 g1DW.
When considering protein, carbohydrateand calor-
ific values together, P. tenue,S. labyrinthiformis and S.
subsalsa contained the greatest concentration as com-
pared to the other species. These results suggest that
due to their high protein content and calorific values,
and in some cases high carbohydrate content, cy-
anobacterial species are nutritionally superior to other
micro- and macroalgal food resources available on
rocky shores (Dawes et al., 1974; McQuaid, 1985;
Kaehler & Kennish, 1996). The importance of inter-
tidal, epilithic cyanobacteria as a high quality food
source, however, should be interpreted with caution
because the present comparison is made on the basis of
nutritional values of laboratory cultured cyanobacteria
which may vary from the field situation. Although
cyanobacteria contained high nutritional values, nutri-
tional adequacy of cyanobacteria for intertidal grazers
needs further investigation based on their PUFA and
During winter, Hong Kong has favourable con-
ditions for macroalgal growth (Kaehler & Williams,
1996) and shores can support a dense cover of
filamentous cyanobacteria, macroalgae and diatoms
(Kaehler & Williams, 1996; Nagarkar & Williams,
1999) and chlorophyll avalues can reach 40 µgcm
(Nagarkar & Williams, 1999). The study site at
Mo Tat Wan did not support macroalgae in March
1999 and had very low, patchy, chlorophyll avalues
(2.6 µgcm
2±1.9 S.D., n=25) resulting in the
shore being visually bare (Nagarkar, pers. obs.). This
patchy, sparse biofilm might appear insufficient as a
food supply to support the wide variety and high dens-
ity of intertidal grazers which are present at this site.
The present results, however, show that all the cy-
anobacterial species were highly nutritious, especially
in terms of protein, although these species were not
tested for their nutritional adequacy and toxicity. Since
cyanobacteria were the only food source available on
the study site, this suggests the low biomass of the
biofilm together with the known high production rate
of cyanobacteria was probably able to supply enough
nutrition to support the large population of grazers
at this site (Nagarkar, 1996). Cyanobacteria are im-
portant primary producers and often form the energy
base of the benthic food web on tropical rocky shores,
therefore, the nutritional value of these species could
play an important role in the energetics of intertidal
coastal ecosystems.
We would like to thank Dr Richard Corlett and Mr
A. D. Weerasooriya (HKU) for their advice on stat-
istics. This work was supported by a RGC grant (RGC
project no. HKU 7231/98M) to Dr G. A. Williams.
Mr S. K. Saha was supported by a Department of
Biotechnology, Government of India, fellowship.
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... In aquatic environments, surfaces rapidly become colonised by micro-organisms (Bakker et al. 2003;Bhosle et al. 2005). Biofilms are characterised by the assemblage of photosynthetic eukaryotic microalgae, cyanobacteria, protozoa and macrophyte spores that form a biofilm at the surface of the soft sediment or hard substrate (Kromkamp et al. 1995;Nagarkar et al. 2004;Pan et al. 2017). After macroalgae, microphytobenthos is one of the main sources of carbon for benthic and pelagic trophic webs along intertidal rocky shores (Bulleri 2005). ...
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This study aimed to assess the influence of nutrient enrichment on the development of microal-gal biofilm on concrete and PVC cubes. Three mesocosms were utilized to create a nutrient gradient over a period of 28 days. Various parameters including biomass, photosynthetic activity, microtopography, and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were measured. Imaging PAM techniques were employed to obtain surface-wide data. Results revealed that nutrient availability had no significant impact on Chl a biomass and the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII (F v /F m). The photosynthetic capacity and efficiency were minimally affected by nutrient availability. Interestingly, the relationship between microphytobenthic (MPB) biomass and photosyn-thesis and surface rugosity exhibited distinct patterns. Negative reliefs showed a strong correlation with F v /F m , while no clear pattern emerged for biomass on rough concrete structures. Overall, our findings demonstrate that under conditions of heightened eutrophication, biofilm photosynthesis thrives in the fissures and crevasses of colonized structures regardless of nutrient levels. This investigation provides valuable insights into the interplay between nutrient availability and surface rugosity.
... Moreover, pyrosequencing bacterial 16S rRNA method showed that cyanobacteria represented 40% of the communities found in the gut of Anopheles gambiaein during the larval and pupal stages (Wang et al., 2011). Although, cyanobacteria have good nutritional values with high amount of protein (between 18 and 70 % of dry weight (Nagarkar et al., 2004)), necessary for primary consumers like insects, some cyanobacteria can kill the insect larvae when ingested in large quantities or due to their toxicity (Frouz et al., 2004a(Frouz et al., , 2004b. ...
... The findings on a sufficient quantity of lipids in the cells of cyanobacteria Croococcidiopsis sp. [126][127][128][129][130]. ...
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Cyanobacteria have great potential as a platform for biofuel production because of their fast growth, ability to fix CO 2 gas, and genetic tractability. They also preserve the sustainability of an ecosystem without harming the environment. High-performance biofuels made from cyanobacteria can be utilized as a base for the production of green energy. Although a lot of studies have been conducted where plants and crops are used as the source of energy, cyanobacteria have been reported to have a more efficient photosynthetic process strongly responsible for increased production with limited land input along with affordable cost. The production of cyanobacteria-based biofuels can be accelerated through genetic engineering or genomics research, which may help to meet the global demand for these fuels on a large scale. Cyanobacterial strains that have undergone genetic modifications have been developed as part of a green recovery approach to transform membrane lipids into fatty acids to produce cheap and eco-friendly green energy. Cyanobacteria also produce different biofuels such as butanol, ethanol and isoprene. The four different generations of biofuel production to meet the energy requirement have been discussed in this review. This review presents a comprehensive strategy for the commercial viability of green energy production utilizing cyanobacteria to achieve a price for biofuels that can compete with the present or future market.
... SIA indicates that parrotfish have depleted δ 15 N signatures (Cocheret de la Morinière et al., 2003;Page et al., 2013;Plass-Johnson et al., 2013;Dromard et al., 2015), a trophic marker for cyanobacteria consumption (Carpenter et al., 1997;Yamamuro, 1999). Cyanobacteria are high in protein (Ciferri, 1983;Cohen, 1997;Nagarkar et al., 2004;Becker, 2007;González López et al., 2010) and low in refractory structural carbohydrates which require lengthy hindgut fermentation (Mountfort et al., 2002;Clements et al., 2017). Consequently, the identity and quantity of coral reef cyanobacteria predated by these parrotfish is a key research question. ...
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Parrotfish are key agents of bioerosion and sediment production in coral reef ecosystems; however, their dietary targets and therefore potential sources of variation in carbonate cycling lack resolution. Here we address this knowledge shortfall in our current understanding of parrotfish diets by testing the concept that protein-rich micro-photoautotrophs are the target prey for many Scarinine parrotfishes. We focus at fine spatial scales on the feeding substrata of 12 syntopic Indo-Pacific parrotfish species at mid-shelf sites around Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. We followed individual parrotfish on snorkel until biting was observed, and then extracted a reef core around each bite. The surface of each bite core was scraped to ~1 mm for quantitative microscopic analysis (up to 630 × magnification) and for 16S and 18S rRNA metabarcoding. The most dominant photoautotrophic group in terms of surface cover was filamentous cyanobacteria, followed by crustose coralline algae. Epiphytic, epilithic, endophytic and endolithic filamentous cyanobacteria were consistent bite core biota. Although the density of filamentous cyanobacteria on bite cores was largely consistent among the 12 parrotfish species, the quantitative microscopic data and rRNA metabarcoding revealed distinct differences between parrotfish species in the taxonomic composition of core biota. Our data provide further evidence that these syntopic parrotfish species partition feeding resources.
... While thin biofilms covering coral fragments may be an important source for different consumers (especially grazers; e.g. Nagarkar et al., 2004), their effects on invertebrate assemblages would be limited, compared to the impact of overgrowing secondary engineering species, and less likely to explain the differences between rubble habitats. ...
Fast-growing and reproducing sun corals have successfully invaded rocky reefs around the Atlantic Ocean, markedly reducing the diversity of fouling invertebrates and macroalgae, and profoundly changing the composition of reef-associated mobile invertebrates. Here, we address sun-coral rubble depositions and report, for the first time, the effects of sun corals on near-reef soft-bottom invertebrate assemblages. Abundance, richness and diversity were higher at rubble habitats compared to bare sandy grounds, which could be a positive effect of substrate complexity. All those parameters were also higher at rubble patches dominated by sun-coral fragments compared to rubble patches dominated by pebbles or shell fragments, also suggesting possible additive effects of coral-borne chemical attraction (sun-coral specific, as inputs of other coral species were virtually absent). Different epifaunal groups were exclusive of rubble habitats and a subset of those exclusive of sun-coral rubble, explaining the incremental richness across habitats. The relative abundance of the two dominant groups – polychaetes (p) and amphipods (a) – contributed the most to the observed contrasts on community structure, as their proportion (p:a) changed from 10:1 in bare sand to nearly co-dominance in coral rubble. While previous research suggested that spreading sun corals reduce prey supply for fish foraging on reef walls, our results suggest they may increase prey abundance and diversity at the adjacent non-consolidated habitat, possibly reshaping trophic pathways connecting the benthic and the pelagic environment.
... Heterotrophic bacteria, together with microalgae (diatoms and cyanobacteria), protozoa and macrophyte spores are the main components of biofilms developed on soft or hard substrates [48][49][50][51][52][53]. Heterotrophic microorganisms provide important nutrients acting as organic matter decomposers and mineralizers [8]. ...
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Very few studies have investigated marine microbial colonization in polar regions, but climate-changing scenarios stress the importance of these investigations to protect life in such extremely vulnerable ecosystems. In two different coastal sites of the Ross Sea (Road and Tethys Bays, Antarctica) exposed to different stressors, the microbial biofilm colonizing the surface of plastic (polyvinyl chloride, PVC, and polyethylene, PE) panels left submerged in two experiments at different timescales (“short-term”: 3 months, and “long-term”: 9 and 12 months) was studied. The abundance and metabolic enzymatic activities [leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), beta-glucosidase (GLU) and alkaline phosphatase (AP)] of the prokaryotes and the microalgal abundance and species composition were analyzed, in parallel with the main environmental parameters. The prokaryotic community showed higher abundance and metabolic activities on PVC than on PE as opposed to microalgae. A peak in the microfouling prokaryotic abundance and metabolic functions was frequently recorded after 3 months of immersion, corresponding to the late austral summer period. LAP and AP were the most active enzymes, suggesting that microbial metabolic profiles were modulated by labile organic substrates. Our results suggest that the composition and function of microbial biofilm could be considered as sentinels of natural or anthropic-related disturbances.
... The largest lipid production was obtained during weekly cultivation of Microcystis proteolysis in stress conditions, and the lipid percentage was about 41.5%, while Microcystis panniformis contains 35.8% lipid by dry weight, according to Cordeiro et al. [82]. According to Nagarkar et al. [83], among the N2-fixing strains, the Calothrix crustacea cell accumulates 5% lipid, while the non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria Limicolariam artensiana accumulates 5% lipid by dry weight. Table 1 summarizes the lipid percentage present in various cyanobacteria. ...
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Due to the finite nature of fossil fuels, it is essential to discover affordable and clean renewable energy resources and thereby attain UN-Sustainable Development Goals. This book chapter discusses cyanobacteria, a third-generation renewable energy resource that does not conflict with our food supply. Cyanobacteria are a complex collection of microbes that, as members of marine and freshwater phytoplankton, contribute significantly to atmospheric carbon fixation through photosynthesis. Pyrolysis can transform the biomass of contemporary cyanobacteria into bio-oil. As membrane components, storage products, metabolites, and energy sources, microalgae comprise about 2-40% lipids and fatty acids. Cyanobacteria grow quickly, do not compete for agricultural areas and resources, and efficiently convert large volumes of carbon dioxide into biomass, allowing them to participate in both carbon fixation and the creation of organic chemicals. Eukaryotic algae and other photosynthetic organisms are 72 Rupanshee Srivastava, Nidhi Singh, Tripti Kanda et al. more difficult to genetically alter than cyanobacterial species. As a result, the photosynthesis of cyanobacteria might be guided to produce carbohydrates, fatty acids, or alcohols as sustainable biofuels. This chapter will discuss recent advances in the creation and production of cyanofuels, which are biofuels made from cyanobacterial biomass. The importance of cyanobacteria's primary metabolic pathways is underlined, and the prospect of influencing these pathways to boost the generation of various types of energy is the focus of this chapter.
... The largest lipid production was obtained during weekly cultivation of Microcystis proteolysis in stress conditions, and the lipid percentage was about 41.5%, while Microcystis panniformis contains 35.8% lipid by dry weight, according to Cordeiro et al. [82]. According to Nagarkar et al. [83], among the N2-fixing strains, the Calothrix crustacea cell accumulates 5% lipid, while the non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria Limicolariam artensiana accumulates 5% lipid by dry weight. Table 1 summarizes the lipid percentage present in various cyanobacteria. ...
Due to the finite nature of fossil fuels, it is essential to discover affordable and clean renewable energy resources and thereby attain UN-Sustainable Development Goals. This book chapter discusses cyanobacteria, a third-generation renewable energy resource that does not conflict with our food supply. Cyanobacteria are a complex collection of microbes that, as members of marine and freshwater phytoplankton, contribute significantly to atmospheric carbon fixation through photosynthesis. Pyrolysis can transform the biomass of contemporary cyanobacteria into bio-oil. As membrane components, storage products, metabolites, and energy sources, microalgae comprise about 2-40% lipids and fatty acids. Cyanobacteria grow quickly, do not compete for agricultural areas and resources, and efficiently convert large volumes of carbon dioxide into biomass, allowing them to participate in both carbon fixation and the creation of organic chemicals. Eukaryotic algae and other photosynthetic organisms are 72 Rupanshee Srivastava, Nidhi Singh, Tripti Kanda et al. more difficult to genetically alter than cyanobacterial species. As a result, the photosynthesis of cyanobacteria might be guided to produce carbohydrates, fatty acids, or alcohols as sustainable biofuels. This chapter will discuss recent advances in the creation and production of cyanofuels, which are biofuels made from cyanobacterial biomass. The importance of cyanobacteria's primary metabolic pathways is underlined, and the prospect of influencing these pathways to boost the generation of various types of energy is the focus of this chapter.
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In streams, phototrophic biofilms are considered to be a good‐quality resource for consumers and are essential to support secondary production. However, with the increasing occurrence of flow intermittency as a consequence of global climate change, limited information exists regarding the impact of drying and rewetting events on biofilm nutritional quality indicators and their consequences for consumers. This study aims at understanding how river intermittency affects the nutritional quality of phototrophic biofilms. Specifically, we examine the effects of drying and rewetting events on their capacity to support secondary production. Our hypothesis was that the capacity of biofilms to support secondary production relies on their nutritional quality: biofilms characterised by higher contents of long‐chain fatty acids, nitrogen and phosphorus are expected to provide a better‐quality resource for consumers. We also hypothesised that the nutritional quality of biofilms undergoes changes over time during drying events, and that these changes are influenced by their initial algal composition. This is because the algal composition within biofilms may shift in response to drying events, subsequently impacting the nutritional quality of the biofilms. We grew four phototrophic biofilms in flowing water, each with a different nutritional quality, and then exposed them to a short (3 days) or a long dry period (14 days). Biofilms were sampled 3 days and 18 days after rewetting (post‐disturbance and post‐recovery) to assess alterations in nutritional indicators relative to their pre‐disturbance state through pigment, fatty acid and stoichiometric analyses. We fed these biofilms to Gammarids ( Gammarus fossarum ) for 29 days and measured individual growth, feeding rate and locomotor activity. We also calculated a secondary production index to assess the biofilms' capacity to support higher trophic levels. Our findings revealed that the nutritional quality of biofilms was significantly reduced during the post‐disturbance phase. The duration of the dry period had minimal effect on this decline. Subsequently, during the recovery phase, nutritional quality indicators improved for biofilms initially dominated by cyanobacteria, while they either remained unchanged or decreased for biofilms initially dominated by diatoms, in comparison to the pre‐disturbance state. As a result, biofilms that initially exhibited a high nutritional quality were disrupted by the dry period, depending on the duration. However, the overall effects of dry period on gammarid's response and on secondary production were less pronounced, which is likely to have resulted from changes in the quantity of available resources. Our study demonstrates that a disturbance can modify the expected and effective qualities of biofilms. It highlights that biochemical parameters cannot reliably predict biofilm capacity to support secondary production. Biofilm history of disturbance, among other parameters, must be taken into account.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
Eighty-four species of blue-green algae were recorded from the intertidal zone of the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba) and four hypersaline coastal pools. Heterocystous forms (sixteen) were restricted to the intertidal, although significant rates of nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) were measured in non-heterocystous communities in coastal pools. Species distribution, the colour and surface morphology of thick mats are determined by salinity, frequency of wetting and desiccation. Distinct horizontal zonation patterns occur in coastal pools. Coccoid and non-filamentous forms such as Entophysalis and Pleurocapsa grow associated with gypsum crusts around the periphery of the pools, while filamentous forms (Lyngbya, Microcoleus) become abundant towards the central regions. Complex stratification is apparent in many communities. In different coastal pools mat communities have a similar structure; Lyngbya aestuarii and pennate diatoms at the surface, then coccoid blue-green algae (Aphanorhece, Synechococcus), a bright green layer of Microcoleus chthofloplastes and finally deeper layers of phototrophic bacteria. In mangrove forests, Scytonema and a number of species of Rivulariaceae form conspicllous growths on aerial pneumatophores while non-heterocystous forms are restricted to the sediment surface. Complex stratification is apparent in many communities. In different coastal pools mat communities have a similar structure; Lyngbya aestuarii and pennate diatoms at the surface, then coccoid blue-green algae (Aphanorhece, Synechococcus), a bright green layer of Microcoleus chthofloplastes and finally deeper layers of phototrophic bacteria. In mangrove forests, Scytonema and a number of species of Rivulariaceae form conspicllous growths on aerial pneumatophores while non-heterocystous forms are restricted to the sediment surface.