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Overview of Opinion Analysis Pilot Task at NTCIR-6


Abstract and Figures

Abstract This paper describes an overview,of the Opinion Analysis Pilot Task from 2006 to 2007 at the Sixth NT- CIR Workshop. We created test collection for 32, 30, and 28 topics (11,907, 15,279, and 8,379 sentences) in Chinese, Japanese and English. Using this test col- lection, we conducted opinion extraction subtask. The subtask was defined from four perspectives: (a) opin- ionated sentence judgment, (b) opinion holder extrac- tion, (c) relevance sentence judgment, and (d) polarity judgment. 21 run results were submitted by 14 partici- pants with five results submitted by the organizers. We show the evaluation results of the groups participating in opinion extraction subtask. Keywords: Opinion Extraction, Opinion Holder, Rel- evance, Polarity, and NTCIR.
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Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Overview of Opinion Analysis Pilot Task at NTCIR-6
Yohei Seki, David Kirk Evans, Lun-Wei Ku§,
Hsin-Hsi Chen§, Noriko Kando, Chin-Yew Lin
Dept. of Information and Computer Sciences, Toyohashi University of Technology
Aichi 441-8580, Japan
National Institute of Informatics
Tokyo 101-8430, Japan
{devans, kando}
§Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
Taipei 10617, Taiwan
{lwku, hhchen}
Microsoft Research Asia
Beijing 100080, P.R. China
This paper describes an overview of the Opinion
Analysis Pilot Task from 2006 to 2007 at the Sixth NT-
CIR Workshop. We created test collection for 32, 30,
and 28 topics (11,907, 15,279, and 8,379 sentences)
in Chinese, Japanese and English. Using this test col-
lection, we conducted opinion extraction subtask. The
subtask was defined from four perspectives: (a) opin-
ionated sentence judgment, (b) opinion holder extrac-
tion, (c) relevance sentence judgment, and (d) polarity
judgment. 21 run results were submitted by 14 partici-
pants with five results submitted by the organizers. We
show the evaluation results of the groups participating
in opinion extraction subtask.
Keywords: Opinion Extraction, Opinion Holder, Rel-
evance, Polarity, and NTCIR.
1 Introduction
This paper describes an overview of the Opinion
Analysis Pilot Task [5] from 2006 to 2007 at the Sixth
NTCIR Workshop [4] (NTCIR-6 Opinion). This was
the first effort to produce a multi-lingual test collection
for evaluating opinion extraction at NTCIR.
Opinion and sentiment analysis has been receiving
a lot of attention in the natural language processing re-
search community recently [2, 9, 7]. With the broad
range of information sources available on the web,
and rapid increase in the uptake of social community-
oriented websites that foster user-generated content
there has been further interest by both commercial and
governmental parties in trying to automatically ana-
lyze and monitor the tide of prevalent attitudes on the
web. As a result, interest in automatically detecting
sentences in which an opinion is expressed ([12] etc.),
the polarity of the expression ([13] etc.), targets, and
opinion holders ([1] etc.) has been receiving more at-
tention in the research community. Applications in-
clude tracking response to and opinions about com-
mercial products, governmental policies, tracking blog
entries for potential political scandals and so on.
In the Sixth NTCIR Workshop, a new pilot task for
opinion analysis has been introduced. The pilot task
has tracks in three languages: Chinese, English, and
Japanese. In this paper, we present an overview of the
test collection, task design, and evaluation results us-
ing the test collection across the Chinese, Japanese,
and English data.
We believe that this pilot task presents a unique op-
portunity to expand the study of opinionated text anal-
ysis across languages due to the comparable nature of
the corpus. The documents have been carefully se-
lected based on the manual relevance judgments as-
signed in a cross-lingual Information Retrieval task,
ensuring a high quality corpus that is relevant in all
three languages.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we explain the task design for the opinion extraction
subtask. Section 3, we briefly introduce the test col-
lection used in NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis Pilot Task.
Section 4 presents the annotation methodology. Sec-
tion 5 details the evaluation methodology used, and
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
explains the differences in the aproaches taken with
examples. Section 6 describes participant system de-
scription. Section 7 presents evaluation results for the
opinion extraction subtask in Chinese, Japanese and
English. Finally, we present our conclusions in Sec-
tion 8.
2 Task Design
2.1 Schedule
The time schedule for the NTCIR-6 Opinion Analy-
sis Pilot Task is as follows.
2006-08-01 : Start of Registration
2006-10-30 : Registration Due
2006-11-21 : TestingSets Release
(Chinese and Japanese opinion extraction)
2006-11-30 : Submission of Results
(Chinese and Japanese opinion extraction)
2006-12-11 : TestingSets Release
(English opinion extraction)
2006-12-20 : Submission of Results
(English opinion extraction)
2007-02-08 : Delivery of Evaluation Results
2007-03-08 : Paper Due (for Proceedings)
2007-05-15 : NTCIR Workshop-6 (Conference in Tokyo)
2.2 Participants
Results for the opinion extraction subtask have been
collected. Five, three, and six teams participated in
the Chinese, Japanese and English opinion extraction
subtask. Two runs at most were accepted from each
2.3 Opinion extraction subtask
Four Evaluation Categories
The opinion extraction subtask has four categories in
evaluation, two of which are mandatory and two of
which are optional. In Table 3, the two mandatory cat-
egories are to decide whether each sentence expresses
an opinion or not. The two optional categories are
whether the sentences are relevant to the set topic or
not, and to decide the polarity of the opinionated sen-
1. Opinionated sentences
The opinionated sentences judgment is a bi-
nary decision, but in the case of opinion hold-
ers we allow for multiple opinion holders to be
recorded for each sentence in the case that mul-
tiple opinions are expressed.
2. Opinion holders
For the Chinese data, all potential opinion hold-
ers are annotated whether the sentence in which
the entity occurs is an opinionated sentence or
not. In Japanese and English, opinion holders
are only annotated for sentences that express an
opinion, however, the opinion holder for a sen-
tence can occur anywhere in the document. The
assessors performed a kind of co-reference reso-
lution by marking the opinion holder for the sen-
tence, and if the opinion holder is an anaphoric
reference noting the target of the anaphora.
3. Relevant sentences
Each set contains documents that were found to
be relevant to a particular topic, such as the one
shown in Figure 1. For those participating in
the relevance category evaluation, each sentence
should be judged as either relevant (Y) or non-
relevant (N) to the topic.
4. Opinion polarities
Polarity is determined for each opinionated sen-
tence, and for sentences where more than one
opinion is expressed the assessors were in-
structed to determine the polarity of the main
opinion expressed. In addition, the polarity is to
be determined with respect to the set topic de-
scription if the sentence is relevant to the topic,
and based on the attitude of the opinion if the
sentence is not relevant to the topic.
Sample (Training) Data
Of 32, 30 topics in NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis Pilot
Task test collection, four topics were provided as a
sample (training) data to participants in Chinese and
Japanese. For English, only one topic was provided as
a sample data because MPQA opinion corpus [11] was
available for opinion extraction researchers in English.
Evaluation Metrics
Results for precision, recall, and F-measure will be
presented for opinion detection and opinion holders,
and optionally for sentence relevance and polarity for
those participants that elected to submit results for
those optional portions. In Chinese, Japanese, and En-
glish since all sentences were annotated by three as-
sessors there is both a strict (all three assessors must
have the same annotation) and a lenient standard (two
of three assessors have the same annotation) for evalu-
ation, both of which are being computed for all but the
opinion holder evaluation, which require some manual
judgment and will only be performed once for each
participating group. Formal definition provided for
evaluation is as follows.
1. Mandatory evaluation
(a) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Opinion
Holder using lenient gold standard.
(b) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Opinion
Holder using strict gold standard.
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
(c) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Opinion us-
ing lenient gold standard.
(d) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Opinion us-
ing strict gold standard.
2. Option 1 evaluation
If Relevance information is provided, extra informa-
tion will be reported including:
(a) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Relevance
using lenient gold standard.
(b) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Relevance
using strict gold standard.
3. Option 2 evaluation
If Polarity information is provided, extra information
will be reported including:
(a) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Polarity us-
ing lenient gold standard.
(b) Precision, Recall and F-measure of Polarity us-
ing strict gold standard.
3 Test collection
3.1 Document Sets
The test collection is based on the NTCIR-3, 4, and
5 CLIR test collection [6] documents and relevance
It consists of Japanese data from 1998 to 1999
from the Yomiuri and Mainichi newspapers.
The Chinese data contains data from 1998
to 1999 from the United Daily News, China
Times, China Times Express, Commercial
Times, China Daily News, Central and Daily
The English data also covers from 1998 to 1999
with text from the Mainichi Daily News, Korea
Times, and some data from Xinhua.
The test collection was created using about thirty
queries over data from the NTCIR Cross-Lingual In-
formation Retrieval test collection covering docu-
ments from 1998 to 2001. Document relevance for
each set (query) had already been computed for the IR
evaluation, so relevant documents for each language
were selected based on the relevance judgments. For
the Japanese and English portion of the test collection,
a maximum of twenty documents were selected for
each topic, while the Chinese portion might contain
more than twenty documents for a topic. As an ex-
ample of the topics in the NTCIR-6 opinion analysis
pilot task, please see Figure 1, which shows topic 010,
“History Textbook Controversies, World War II”.
Table 1 shows the number of topics, the number of
documents, and the number of sentences for each lan-
guage. The percentage of sentences that are opinion-
ated and relevant are also computed for both the strict
and lenient standards.
3.2 Topics
Table 2 lists the titles of all the topics in the data
set. While only the English title is given, the topics
and related meta-data as shown in Figure 1 have all
been translated into each language.
4 Annotation
The NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis Pilot Task extends
previous work in opinion analysis [3, 8, 10] to a multi-
lingual corpus. The initial category focuses on a sim-
plified sentence-level binary opinionated or not opin-
ionated classification as opposed to more complicated
contextual formulations, but we feel that starting with
a simpler task will allow for wider participation from
groups that may not have existing experience in opin-
ion analysis. Table 3 summarizes the annotation cate-
gories, which are all being performed for all three lan-
guages. All categories were annotated by three annota-
tors in each language: Chinese, Japanese, and English.
One sample topic was used for inter-coder session to
improve the agreement between assessors.
4.1 Chinese Annotation Strategy
In the Chinese annotation effort, a pool of seven
annotators were used to annotate the documents, with
three annotators per document. Prior to annotation, the
annotators underwent an hour-long orientation period
where the purpose of the annotation was explained,
and examples of sentences and their annotation were
given. After the hour-long orientation session, the an-
notators were free to ask the annotation coordinator
questions about specific sentences if they were unsure
of the labelling, but no special care was taken to ensure
consistency between the annotators in those cases.
4.2 Japanese Annotation Strategy
The Japanese data was annotated by three annota-
tors, who were given basic instructions about the an-
notation task, and then annotated a sample topic. They
held a meeting about six hours afterwards to discuss
discrepancies with the explicit goal of trying to im-
prove agreements between annotators. The general or
common knowledge and future plans were not counted
as opinions. The Japanese annotators agreed on a spe-
cific format for writing out opinion holder description
strings. The three annotators were magazine or news-
paper related editorials or translators.
4.3 English Annotation Strategy
Three annotators were used to mark the English
data. One of the annotators was a journalist, another
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 1. Test collection size at NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis Pilot Task
Language Topics Documents Sentences Opinionated (Lenient / Strict) Relevant
Chinese 32 843 11,907 62% / 25% 39% / 16%
Japanese 30 490 15,279 29% / 22% 64% / 49%
English 28 439 8,528 30%/7% 69% / 37%
Table 2. Opinion Analysis Task Topic Titles
Number Title
001 Time Warner, American Online (AOL), Merger, Impact
002 President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, scandal, bribe
003 Kim Dae Jun, Kim Jong Il, Inter-Korea Summit
004 the US Secretary of Defense, William Sebastian Cohen, Beijing
005 G8 Okinawa Summit
006 Wen Ho Lee Case, classified information, national security
007 Ichiro, Rookie of the Year, Major League
008 Jennifer Capriati, tennis
009 EP-3 surveillance aircraft, F-8 fighter, aircraft collision
010 History Textbook Controversies, World War II
011 Tobacco business, accusation, compensation
012 Tiger Woods, sports star
013 ”Chiutou” (Autumn Struggle), Appeal, Laborer, Protest, Taiwan
014 Expert, Opinion, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian countries
015 Find articles dealing with a teenage social problem
016 Divorce, Family Discord, Criticisms
017 China, Reaction, Taiwan, Diplomatic Relations
018 China, Stationing, Weapons, Taiwan
019 Animal Cloning Technique
020 Sexual Harassment, Lawsuits
021 Olympic, Bribe, Suspicion
022 North Korea, Daepodong, Asia, Response
023 Joining WTO
024 China Airlines Crash
025 Province-refining
026 Economic influence of the European monetary union
027 President Kim Dae-Jung’s policy toward Asia
028 Clinton scandals
029 War crimes lawsuits
030 Nuclear power protests
031 College Admission Policy
032 Counseling for Youths
Table 3. Four annotation categories at NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis Pilot Task
Categories Values Req’d?
Opinionated Sentences YES, NO Yes
Opinion Holders String, multiple Yes
Relevant Sentences YES, NO No
Opinionated Polarities POS, NEG, NEU No
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
<TITLE>History Textbook Controversies, World War II</TITLE>
<DESC>Find reports on the controversial history textbook about the Second World War approved
by the Japanese Ministry of Education.</DESC>
<BACK>The Japanese Ministry of Education approved a controversial high school history text-
book that allegedly glosses over Japan’s atrocities during World War Two such as the Nanjing
Massacre, the use of millions of Asia women as ”comfort women” and the history of the annex-
ations and colonization before the war. It was condemned by other Asian nations and Japan was
asked to revise this textbook.</BACK>
<REL>Reports on the fact that the Japanese Ministry of Education approved the history textbook
or its content are relevant. Reports on reflections or reactions to this issue around the world are
partially relevant. Content on victims, ”comfort women”, or Nanjing Massacre or other wars and
colonization are irrelevant. Reports on the reflections and reactions of the Japanese government
and people are also irrelevant.</REL>
<CONC>Ministry of Education, Japan, Junichiro Koizumi, textbook, comfort women, sex-
ual slavery, Nanjing Massacre, annexation, colonization, protest, right-wing group, Lee Den
Figure 1. Topic title, description, and relevance fields for set 010
was a translator, and the profession of the third annota-
tor was unknown. Prior to annotation, there was a two
hour meeting between the annotators and the English
coordinator explaining the purpose of the annotation,
and introducing them to the task with some sample an-
notations. Afterwards all three annotators annotated a
sample topic, and later a four-hour meeting was held to
discuss discrepancies and general approaches to anno-
tation. By consensus, expression of common or gen-
eral knowledge were not labeled as opinions, nor were
statements from officials or companies about future
plans or schedules.
4.4 Inter-annotator agreement
For the Japanese and English corpora all topics
were annotated by the same three annotators, so it
was possible to compute Cohen’s Kappa for agreement
over all topics between the annotators. Table 5 lists the
pairwise agreement for annotators for the opinionated
tagging subtasks.
Table 4 gives a summary of the Kappa agreement
for annotators in each language. More specific agree-
ment values for each language are given below. of
determining whether a sentence contains opinionated
language is open to individual interpretation regard-
less of the language.
In general, Japanese has the highest average agree-
ment numbers for opinionated sentence detection. As
the annotators for each language underwent different
training and instruction, and come from different back-
grounds, it is likely that much of the variation in agree-
ment is not due to differences inherent in the language,
Table 4. Kappa summary
Language Minimum Maximum Average
CH Opinionated 0.0537 0.4065 0.2328
JA Opinionated 0.5997 0.7681 0.6740
EN Opinionated 0.1704 0.4806 0.2947
Table 5. Pairwise Inter-annotator agree-
ment using Cohen’s Kappa for Japanese
and English
Language Annotator Pair Task Kappa
J 1-2 Opinionated 0.6541
J 1-3 Opinionated 0.5997
J 2-3 Opinionated 0.7681
E 1-2 Opinionated 0.4806
E 1-3 Opinionated 0.1704
E 2-3 Opinionated 0.2332
but instead is due to differences in the annotators.
In Chinese, since there is a total set of seven anno-
tators, not all topics were annotated by the same three
annotators. It was thus not possible to compute agree-
ment of three annotators over all topics, since the an-
notators change for each topic. Instead, for each topic
the agreement between the three annotators was com-
puted, and the average for each topic is shown in Ta-
ble 6.
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 6. Inter-annotator agreement using
Cohen’s Kappa for Chinese
Topic Opinionated Topic Opinionated
1 0.4009 17 0.1608
2 0.3772 18 0.2747
3 0.2327 19 0.3166
4 0.2210 20 0.0938
5 0.4065 21 0.2617
6 0.1046 22 0.1956
7 0.2355 23 0.3663
8 0.0706 24 0.1427
9 0.2254 25 0.3634
10 0.1228 26 0.2698
11 0.2367 27 0.3667
12 0.2351 28 0.1285
13 0.1942 29 0.3207
14 0.2714 30 0.0537
15 0.1344 31 0.2009
16 0.3119 32 0.1523
5 Evaluation Approach
In each language we tried to take a similar approach
to evaluation, using precision, recall, and f-measure to
report results. Each language had slight differences in
how those measures were computed though. Details
for each language are given below, but as a quick sum-
1. Opinionated and Relevant: Precision, recall,
and f-measure was computed in the same man-
ner for all languages.
2. Polarity: Three different approaches were used.
We present results from all three approaches in
each language in this overview paper.
3. Opinion Holder: The English and Japanese
evaluations were similar, with a semi-automatic
evaluation that relied on human judgments, and
estimates the recall. The Chinese evaluators
also used a semi-automatic approach but manu-
ally examined all instances where opinion hold-
ers were not exact string matches, and possi-
bly skips some sentences similar to the polarity
In the following sections, we will provide a descrip-
tion of the three evaluation approaches taken.The Chi-
nese evaluation followed the LWK approach, the En-
glish evaluation followed the DKE approach, and the
Japanese evaluation followed the YS approach.
5.1 LWK Evaluation Approach
5.1.1 Opinionated / Relevance
Under the strict evaluation, all three annotators must
agree on the classification of the sentence to be
counted as either an opinionated or relevant sen-
tence. Under the lenient evaluation, two of the three
annotators must agree on the classification of the
sentence for it to be counted. Precision is com-
puted as #systemcorrect
#systemproposed . Recall is computed as
#sentences where the number of sentences is ei-
ther the number of opinionated or relevant sentences
according to the strict or lenient criteria.
5.1.2 Polarity
The LWK approach evaluates only opinionated sen-
tences that match the definitions for either the strict
or lenient gold standards. For the strict standard, sen-
tences on which all three annotators agree about the
polarity, either all POS, all NEU, all NEG, or all “not
opinionated”. For the lenient evaluation two of the
three annotators must agree that the sentence is opin-
ionated to be included in the evaluation. All other sen-
tences will not be included in the evaluation.
The polarity for the sentence is the polarity with the
largest number of votes by the annotators. In cases
where the polarity of the sentence is ambiguous, POS
+ NEU the gold standard is POS, for NEG + NEU the
gold standard is NEG, for POS + NEG the gold stan-
dard is NEU, and for POS + NEU + NEG the gold
standard is NEU.
5.1.3 Opinion Holder
The LWK evaluation approach for opinion holders is
semi-automatic. All possible aliases of each opinion
holder are generated manually first, for example, the
names of holders with or without their titles. The re-
sults then are evaluated according to this information
by keyword matching. At last, to ensure the correct-
ness of the evaluation, every record which is different
from all aliases of the correct holders is checked man-
ually again.
Notice that if we are not sure the proposed answer
is the same entity as the correct answer, it is treated as
a wrong answer. For example, if the correct holder is
”the president of America” but the participant reports
”the president”, there will not be a match. And also
the resolution of the anaphor or the correference has
not been evaluated yet, as we have mentioned earlier.
That is, the holders of the sentence proposed by the
participant should be the same as the form it appears
in this sentence.
5.2 DKE Evaluation Approach
5.2.1 Opinionated / Relevance
The DKE evaluation approach for opinionated and
relevant sentences is the same as described in Sec-
tion 5.1.1.
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
5.2.2 Polarity
The general idea of the DKE approach is to weight
system scores based on their agreement with the an-
notated data. The sentences that are evaluated for po-
larity are determined according to the lenient or strict
standard: for lenient, only sentences in which at least
two annotators have marked the sentence as opinion-
ated are evaluated, for strict only sentences in which
all three annotators marked the sentence as opinion-
ated are evaluated.
The evaluation script creates a contingency ta-
ble for the categories POS, NEU, NEG, and NONE,
where NONE is category that is used when a sen-
tence is not opinionated. For each sentence, the in-
dividual votes for each annotator are added to the
appropriate cell based on the system’s categoriza-
tion. If, for example, the system assigned a sen-
tence a polarity of NEG, and the annotators assign
polarities of NONE (not an opinionated sentence),
NEG, and NEU, the contingency table will be updated
with 1 added to t[GOLDNEG][SY STEMNEG],
and t[GOLDNONE][SY STEMNEG]. Precision and
recall is then calculated in the normal way over the
contingency table.
One advantage of this approach is that all of the an-
notations are taken into account, and the method scales
well to any number of annotators. In addition, for sen-
tences which are truly ambiguous for human annota-
tors, the systems are partially rewarded based on how
ambiguous a sentence is. For example, if one hundred
annotators marked a sentence with 50 POS polarity an-
notations, and 50 NEU polarity annotations, a system
that labels the sentence POS or NEU would benefit by
agreeing with half of the annotators. Other schemes
run the risk of declaring one of either POS or NEU
to be correct, penalizing the system when the sentence
is clearly difficult for humans to label one way or the
5.2.3 Opinion Holder
Opinion Holder evaluation under the DKE strategy
used a perl script to implement a semi-automatic eval-
uation. For each document, an equivalence class is
created for each opinion holder, and system opinion
holders for a given sentence are matched using exact
string matches to the opinion holders in the equiva-
lence class. Matches are counted as correct opinion
holders, if no matches are found then a human judge1
is asked to determine if the system opinion holder
matches ones of the opinion holders in the equiva-
lence class for the sentence given the opinion holders
in the equivalence class and the sentence text. If there
is match, the system opinion holder is added to the
1For this evaluation, the co-author David Kirk Evans
equivalence class, otherwise it is marked as a known
incorrect opinion holder.
The initial database of opinion holder equivalence
classes is created by adding the opinion holders
marked by the annotators. The database grows with
each evaluated system, and after the first run for each
system subsequent runs can be done automatically us-
ing the opinion holder database to match opinion hold-
Precision is computed as the number of correctly
matched opinion holders divided by the number of of-
fered opinion holders. Recall is only an approxima-
tion though: the evaluation script assumes one opinion
holder for each opinionated sentence. While the spec-
ification allows for multiple opinion holders per sen-
tence, only 3.5% of English annotations actually had
more than one opinion holder annotated in the gold
5.3 YS Evaluation Approach
5.3.1 Opinionated / Relevance
The YS evaluation approach for opinionated and rel-
evant sentences is the same as described in Sec-
tion 5.1.1. We provide the evaluation script in Perl on
December, 2006 and participants could conduct post
submission analysis using this script.
5.3.2 Polarity
The most important point of YS approach is consis-
tency in evaluation strategies within four categories
(opinionated sentence, relevance, polarity, and opin-
ion holder). In polarity evaluation, the recall, preci-
sion, and F-value was computed based on leniently or
strictly agreed results between assessors for positive,
negative, and neutral values. Therefore, the evaluation
results were slightly more strict than other two evalu-
ation approaches. This evaluation script was also pro-
vided in Perl to participants on January, 2007.
5.3.3 Opinion Holder
Opinon holder evaluation strategy was also consistent
with other three category evaluation strategies: they
were evaluated based on leniently or strictly agreed
opinion holders between assessors.
We only applied a sentence-based evaluation to
evaluate the opinion holders. If multiple holders ex-
isted in one sentence, and the system detected one
of them, then we regarded the system’s extraction as
In addition, we also applied a five-grade evaluation
of the agreement between the system’s and the asses-
sor’s detection, as follows. This strategy was useful
to estimate the effectiveness of coreference resolution
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
1. Agreed semantically and strings were matched
almost completely.
2. Agreed semantically and strings were matched
partially, but a proper name was not detected.
3. Agreed semantically but strings were not
4. Agreed partially in some aspect, but proper en-
tity could not be specified.
5. Not agreed.
We counted the results using the above three grades
for valid extractions and computed the precision, re-
call, and F-measure values. Opinion holder evaluation
was conducted semiautomatically by combining per-
fect strict matching approach and manually conducted
five graded estimation.
5.4 Comparison
Table 7 and Table 8 list a number of cases and the
behavior of the three evaluation approaches.
Note that in the last example in Table 8 the Chinese
score actually increases. This is due to the heuristic
that says that under a lenient evaluation, a POS and
NEU score by two annotators is treated as a POS sen-
6 Participant System Descriptions
6.1 Chinese (in alphabetic order)
Five teams participated in Chinese side. The Chi-
nese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) implemented
the system with five modules based on knowledge
learned from unsupervised web data. University of
Sheffield (GATE) implemented SVM-based Chinese
and English opinion extraction system based on sam-
ple four topics and MPQA corpus. Chinese Academy
of Sciences (ISCAS) applied Conditional Random
Filed (CRF) to find the opinion holders as a sequen-
tial labeling task. National Taiwan University (NTU)
calculated polarity scores to decide the opinion polari-
ties and strengths of words from composed characters.
University of Maryland (UMCP) implemented the sys-
tem based on sentiment lexicons and explored the ef-
fect of the lexicon size, etc.
6.2 English (in alphabetic order)
Six teams participated in English side. Cornell
Univesity (Cornell) developed the system by using
components and features from their previous work.
University of Sheffield (GATE) used an SVM sys-
tem to train a classifier over MPQA corpus and com-
pare the differences between the MPQA corpus and
the NTCIR-6 English corpus. Information and Com-
munication University (ICU-IR) system was a hybrid
machine-learning and rule-based system. They took a
semi-supervised learning methods based on fourteen
strong clue words and six seed rules. Illinois Institute
of Technology (IIT) system uses a lexicon of words
and phrases used to express appraisal attitudes. For
opinion holders, they determine the subject or agent of
the communication verb list and combine that with ev-
idence from quote positions. National Institute of In-
formatics (NII) uses a machine-learning approach with
shallow parsing to generate features used to train clas-
sifiers in the WEKA. Toyohashi University of Tech-
nology (TUT) system was based on SVM classifier
trained over surface features and semantic primitives
for predicates and subjects from a thesaurus.
6.3 Japanese (in alphabetic order)
Three teams participated in Japanese side. NEC
Internet Systems Research Laboratory (NEC) took a
SVM machine larning approach with four type fea-
tures and related author and non-author opinion holder
candidates to opinionated sentences. National Insti-
tute of Information and Communications Technology
(NICT) implemented SVM-based opinion sentence
classification and applied a pairwise classification with
majority voting to polarity classification. Toyohashi
University of Technology (TUT) implemented two-
way opinion classification systems: an author and an
authority opinion classificaition system crosslingualy
in Japanese and English.
7 Evaluation Results
7.1 Chinese
Table 9 lists the evaluation results in Chinese opin-
ion analysis based on lenient and strict standards.
Though the CFP shows that the evaluation results of
opinions and opinion holders together should be listed,
they are separated evaluated because of the partial cor-
rect issue of opinion holders.
For opinion holder evaluation, we applied both the
sentence-based evaluation and the holder-based eval-
uation, as shown in Table 12 and Table 13. In the
sentence-based evaluation, because there may be mul-
tiple opinion holders in one opinion sentence, the num-
ber of Correct (With holder), Correct (Without holder),
Partial Correct, Incorrect, Miss, False-alarm, preci-
sion, recall and f-measure are listed. The field ”Par-
tial Correct” shows the number of sentences in which
participants did not find all holders, while the field ”In-
correct” shows the number of sentences in which par-
ticipants propose wrong holders. In the holder-based
evaluation, the evaluation unit is one holder. The num-
ber of Correct, Incorrect, Miss, False-alarm, Proposed
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 7. Comparison of Polarity Evaluation Approaches (Strict)
Annotation System Behavior
3 0 0 0 POS LWK +, DKE +, YS +
2 0 1 0 POS LWK sent. skipped, DKE -, YS -
0 0 0 3 POS LKW -, DKE -, YS -
0 0 1 2 POS LWK sent. skipped, DKE -, YS -
Table 8. Comparison of Polarity Evaluation Approaches (Lenient)
Annotation System Behavior
3 0 0 0 POS LWK +, DKE +, YS +
2 0 1 0 POS LWK+,DKE+by 2
0 0 0 3 POS LWK -, DKE -, YS -
0 0 1 2 POS LWK -, DKE -, YS -
1 0 2 0 POS LWK-,DKE+by 1
1 1 0 1 POS LWK+,DKE+by 1
3, YS P. down R. no change
Table 9. Chinese Opinion Analysis LWK Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance OpAndPolarity
CUHK L 0.818 0.519 0.635 0.797 0.828 0.812 0.522 0.331 0.405
ISCAS L 0.590 0.664 0.625 0.232 0.261 0.246
Gate-1 L 0.643 0.933 0.762 — — — — — —
Gate-2 L 0.746 0.591 0.659 — — — — — —
UMCP-1 L 0.645 0.974 0.776 0.683 0.516 0.588 0.292 0.441 0.351
UMCP-2 L 0.630 0.984 0.768 0.644 0.936 0.763 0.286 0.446 0.348
NTU L 0.664 0.890 0.761 0.636 1.000 0.778 0.335 0.448 0.383
CUHK S 0.341 0.575 0.428 0.468 0.900 0.616 0.197 0.596 0.296
ISCAS S 0.221 0.662 0.331 0.059 0.314 0.099
Gate-1 S 0.253 0.979 0.402 — — — — — —
Gate-2 S 0.330 0.696 0.448 — — — — — —
UMCP-1 S 0.245 0.986 0.393 0.404 0.565 0.471 0.085 0.615 0.150
UMCP-2 S 0.239 0.993 0.385 0.354 0.953 0.516 0.081 0.604 0.143
NTU S 0.258 0.921 0.404 0.343 1.000 0.511 0.104 0.662 0.180
Table 10. Chinese Opinion Analysis YS Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
CUHK L 0.819 0.520 0.636 0.797 0.828 0.813 0.480 0.431 0.454
NTU L 0.630 0.890 0.738 0.603 1.000 0.752 0.269 0.537 0.358
UMCP-1 L 0.645 0.974 0.776 0.683 0.516 0.588 0.256 0.547 0.349
UMCP-2 L 0.630 0.984 0.768 0.644 0.936 0.763 0.248 0.548 0.341
ISCAS L 0.590 0.664 0.625 0.170 0.271 0.209
GATE-1 L 0.643 0.933 0.761 — — — — — —
GATE-2 L 0.747 0.591 0.660 — — — — — —
CUHK S 0.340 0.575 0.428 0.468 0.900 0.616 0.197 0.596 0.296
NTU S 0.245 0.921 0.387 0.326 1.000 0.491 0.099 0.662 0.172
UMCP-1 S 0.245 0.987 0.393 0.404 0.565 0.471 0.086 0.615 0.150
UMCP-2 S 0.239 0.993 0.385 0.354 0.953 0.517 0.081 0.603 0.143
ISCAS S 0.221 0.662 0.331 0.059 0.314 0.099
GATE-1 S 0.253 0.979 0.402 — — — — — —
GATE-2 S 0.330 0.696 0.448 — — — — — —
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 11. Chinese Opinion Analysis DKE Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
CUHK L 0.819 0.520 0.636 0.797 0.828 0.813 0.480 0.431 0.454
NTU L 0.667 0.888 0.762 0.636 1.000 0.777 0.286 0.538 0.374
UMCP-1 L 0.645 0.976 0.777 0.683 0.519 0.590 0.256 0.549 0.349
UMCP-2 L 0.630 0.986 0.769 0.644 0.943 0.765 0.248 0.549 0.341
ISCAS L 0.590 0.664 0.625 0.170 0.271 0.209
GATE-1 L 0.643 0.933 0.761 — — — — — —
GATE-2 L 0.747 0.591 0.660 — — — — — —
CUHK S 0.340 0.575 0.428 0.468 0.901 0.616 0.197 0.595 0.296
NTU S 0.265 0.922 0.412 0.342 1.000 0.509 0.108 0.666 0.186
UMCP-1 S 0.245 0.988 0.393 0.404 0.570 0.473 0.086 0.615 0.150
UMCP-2 S 0.239 0.994 0.385 0.354 0.963 0.518 0.081 0.603 0.143
ISCAS S 0.221 0.662 0.331 0.059 0.314 0.099
GATE-1 S 0.253 0.979 0.402 — — — — — —
GATE-2 S 0.330 0.695 0.448 — — — — — —
Holders, Correct Number (the total number of hold-
ers in the correct opinion sentences which participants
proposed), precision, recall, and f-measure are listed.
Opinion holders are only meaniningful and extracted
in opinion sentences. Therefore to avoid the propogate
errors from the opinion sentence extraction, only the
holders reported in correct opinion sentences proposed
by participants are further evaluated.
7.2 English
Table 14 lists results using the lenient and strict
standards. Of the nine submitted runs, six contained
relevance information (four of the six groups) and
seven contained polarity information (five of the six
groups.) While there is no difference in the GATE
runs reported in these results, the two runs took dif-
ferent strategies for opinion holder identification, but
only the first priority run was evaluated for opinion
holders. The polarity results differ slightly for the two
TUT runs.
For the opinion holder analysis, the English co-
organizer determined whether the system-predicted
opinion holder matched one of the annotated opinion
holders given the context of the sentence. The process
was automated to some extent by looking for exact
string matches, quite common with the -author- opin-
ion holder, and memoization of previous human-made
Table 17 lists the precision, recall, and F-measure
for both the lenient and strict evaluations of opinion
holders. The script used to compute the results lists
both precision and recall over all sentences — penal-
izing systems for suggesting opinion holders on non-
opinionated sentences — and over only the sentences
that are marked as opinionated according to the gold
standard data. Table 17 lists results over all opinion-
ated sentences to conform more closely with how the
Chinese and Japanese evaluation was performed.Of
the 6319 sentences marked with opinion holders, only
208 have more than one opinion holder, so I felt that
this was a reasonable approximation.
7.3 Japanese
Table 18 lists the evaluation results of a Japanese
opinion analysis based on lenient and strict standards.
For opinionated sentence classification, NICT
system performed best in precision and TUT
performed best in recall.
For opinion holder extraction, EHBN-2 best
performed in precision and TUT performed best
in recall.
For relevance judgment, NICT-2 performed best
in precision and NICT-1 performed best in re-
For polarity classification, NICT performed best
in precision and TUT performed best in recall.
In summary, EHBN system got advantage in opin-
ion holder extraction. NICT implemented balanced
precision-focused system. TUT implemented recall-
focused system and attained best F-values.
8 Discussions and Conclusions
8.1 Overview of Results in NTCIR-6
Performance across languages varies greatly, and
due to both corpora and annotator differences are dif-
ficult to compare directly. In this pilot task, each
language was evaluated independently, and actually
different formulations for precision and recall were
used under each language. The task overview paper
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 12. Chinese Opinion Holders Analysis: Sentence-Based Results
Group L/S CRT-w CRT-wo P-CRT InCRT Miss F-A P R F
CUHK L 1086 1070 189 84 81 319 0.647 0.754 0.697
ISCAS L 665 1724 175 354 447 257 0.458 0.405 0.430
GATE-1 L 364 2685 100 345 1551 44 0.427 0.154 0.227
GATE-2 L 76 1554 5 112 1463 11 0.373 0.046 0.082
UMCP-1 L 1000 916 232 964 243 1955 0.241 0.410 0.303
UMCP-2 L 471 317 103 405 96 628 0.221 0.376 0.278
NTU L 388 2564 57 120 1692 30 0.652 0.172 0.272
CUHK S 550 371 81 41 29 106 0.707 0.785 0.744
ISCAS S 293 544 84 157 188 89 0.470 0.406 0.436
GATE-1 S 165 933 47 171 677 11 0.419 0.156 0.227
GATE-2 S 42 617 3 66 694 3 0.368 0.052 0.091
UMCP-1 S 917 950 213 1051 257 1976 0.293 0.438 0.351
UMCP-2 S 441 327 95 442 97 631 0.274 0.410 0.329
NTU S 179 863 27 53 753 12 0.661 0.177 0.279
Table 13. Chinese Opinion Holders Analysis: Holder-Based Results
CUHK L 1375 92 1 386 1854 1476 0.742 0.932 0.826
ISCAS L 871 422 0 396 1689 1958 0.516 0.445 0.478
GATE-1 L 475 363 0 66 904 2774 0.525 0.171 0.258
GATE-2 L 82 112 0 12 206 1943 0.398 0.042 0.076
UMCP-1 L 1232 964 0 1955 4151 2875 0.297 0.429 0.351
UMCP-2 L 1130 1051 0 1976 4157 2874 0.272 0.393 0.321
NTU L 452 121 0 34 607 2672 0.745 0.169 0.276
CUHK S 678 48 1 127 854 841 0.794 0.806 0.800
ISCAS S 391 189 0 162 742 857 0.527 0.456 0.489
GATE-1 S 218 182 0 22 422 1244 0.517 0.175 0.262
GATE-2 S 46 66 0 4 116 952 0.397 0.048 0.086
UMCP-1 S 574 405 0 628 1607 1266 0.357 0.453 0.400
UMCP-2 S 536 442 0 631 1609 1266 0.333 0.423 0.373
NTU S 209 53 0 13 275 1197 0.760 0.175 0.284
Table 14. English Opinion Analysis DKE Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
IIT-1 L 0.325 0.588 0.419 0.120 0.287 0.169
IIT-2 L 0.259 0.854 0.397 0.086 0.376 0.140
TUT-1 L 0.310 0.575 0.403 0.392 0.597 0.473 0.088 0.215 0.125
TUT-2 L 0.310 0.575 0.403 0.392 0.597 0.473 0.094 0.230 0.134
CornellL 0.317 0.651 0.427 0.073 0.197 0.107
NII L 0.325 0.624 0.427 0.510 0.322 0.395 0.077 0.194 0.110
GATE-1 L 0.324 0.905 0.477 0.286 0.632 0.393
GATE-2 L 0.324 0.905 0.477 0.286 0.632 0.393
ICU-IR L 0.396 0.524 0.451 0.409 0.263 0.320 0.151 0.264 0.192
IIT-1 S 0.070 0.578 0.125 0.027 0.322 0.049
IIT-2 S 0.056 0.840 0.105 0.016 0.359 0.031
TUT-1 S 0.065 0.553 0.117 0.171 0.605 0.266 0.016 0.195 0.029
TUT-2 S 0.065 0.553 0.117 0.171 0.605 0.266 0.019 0.229 0.034
CornellS 0.069 0.662 0.125 0.010 0.135 0.018
NII S 0.073 0.642 0.131 0.242 0.355 0.287 0.014 0.185 0.027
GATE-1 S 0.070 0.940 0.130 0.112 0.579 0.188
GATE-2 S 0.070 0.940 0.130 0.112 0.579 0.188
ICU-IR S 0.102 0.616 0.175 0.177 0.266 0.213 0.034 0.301 0.061
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 15. English Opinion Analysis LWK Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
IIT-1 L 0.326 0.585 0.419 0.136 0.238 0.173
IIT-2 L 0.260 0.844 0.397 0.108 0.343 0.164
TUT-1 L 0.311 0.572 0.402 0.395 0.595 0.475 0.129 0.232 0.166
TUT-2 L 0.311 0.572 0.402 0.395 0.595 0.475 0.125 0.226 0.161
CornellL 0.326 0.524 0.402 0.128 0.200 0.156
NII L 0.327 0.625 0.429 0.511 0.321 0.395 0.122 0.228 0.159
GATE-1 L 0.324 0.821 0.465 0.291 0.609 0.394
GATE-2 L 0.324 0.821 0.465 0.291 0.609 0.394
ICU-IR L 0.397 0.532 0.454 0.408 0.262 0.319 0.189 0.247 0.214
IIT-1 S 0.073 0.579 0.129 0.028 0.321 0.051
IIT-2 S 0.058 0.832 0.108 0.017 0.348 0.032
TUT-1 S 0.067 0.551 0.120 0.173 0.603 0.268 0.016 0.195 0.030
TUT-2 S 0.067 0.551 0.120 0.173 0.603 0.268 0.019 0.225 0.035
CornellS 0.072 0.516 0.127 0.010 0.106 0.019
NII S 0.075 0.638 0.135 0.242 0.353 0.288 0.015 0.181 0.027
GATE-1 S 0.071 0.804 0.131 0.115 0.558 0.191
GATE-2 S 0.071 0.804 0.131 0.115 0.558 0.191
ICU-IR S 0.103 0.615 0.177 0.178 0.265 0.213 0.035 0.300 0.062
Table 16. English Opinion Analysis YS Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
IIT-1 L 0.326 0.583 0.418 0.120 0.284 0.169
IIT-2 L 0.260 0.842 0.397 0.086 0.370 0.140
TUT-1 L 0.311 0.571 0.403 0.393 0.598 0.474 0.088 0.214 0.125
TUT-2 L 0.311 0.571 0.403 0.393 0.598 0.474 0.095 0.229 0.134
CornellL 0.317 0.500 0.388 0.073 0.152 0.098
NII L 0.326 0.619 0.427 0.512 0.322 0.395 0.077 0.193 0.110
GATE-1 L 0.327 0.792 0.463 0.287 0.593 0.387
GATE-2 L 0.325 0.813 0.464 0.286 0.612 0.390
ICU-IR L 0.392 0.493 0.437 0.409 0.261 0.318 0.149 0.247 0.186
IIT-1 S 0.070 0.578 0.126 0.027 0.321 0.049
IIT-2 S 0.056 0.835 0.105 0.016 0.355 0.031
TUT-1 S 0.066 0.555 0.118 0.171 0.605 0.267 0.016 0.194 0.029
TUT-2 S 0.066 0.555 0.118 0.171 0.605 0.267 0.019 0.229 0.034
CornellS 0.069 0.499 0.121 0.001 0.102 0.018
NII S 0.074 0.641 0.132 0.242 0.353 0.287 0.014 0.184 0.027
GATE-1 S 0.071 0.788 0.130 0.113 0.541 0.186
GATE-2 S 0.070 0.804 0.129 0.113 0.561 0.188
ICU-IR S 0.100 0.576 0.170 0.178 0.263 0.212 0.032 0.270 0.057
Table 17. English Opinion Holders Analysis results
Group Lenient Strict
IIT-1 0.198 0.409 0.266 0.054 0.461 0.097
TUT-1 0.117 0.218 0.153 0.029 0.241 0.051
Cornell0.163 0.346 0.222 0.041 0.392 0.074
NII 0.066 0.166 0.094 0.018 0.169 0.032
GATE-1 0.121 0.349 0.180 0.029 0.398 0.055
ICU-IR 0.303 0.404 0.346 0.085 0.515 0.146
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Table 18. Japanese Opinion Analysis YS Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Holder
(S/A/B/C/D/OE/LE) Relevance Polarity
EHBN-1 L 0.531 0.453 0.489 0.138 0.085 0.105 - - - - - -
EHBN-2 L 0.531 0.453 0.489 0.314 0.097 0.149 - - - - - -
NICT-1 L 0.671 0.315 0.429 0.238 0.102 0.143 0.598 0.669 0.632 0.299 0.149 0.199
NICT-2 L 0.671 0.315 0.429 0.238 0.102 0.143 0.644 0.417 0.506 0.299 0.149 0.199
TUT L 0.552 0.609 0.579 0.226 0.224 0.225 0.630 0.646 0.638 0.274 0.322 0.296
EHBN-1 S 0.414 0.479 0.444 0.079 0.094 0.086 - - - - - -
EHBN-2 S 0.414 0.479 0.444 0.183 0.110 0.137 - - - - - -
NICT-1 S 0.546 0.348 0.425 0.133 0.110 0.120 0.470 0.693 0.560 0.168 0.150 0.158
NICT-2 S 0.546 0.348 0.425 0.133 0.110 0.120 0.525 0.446 0.482 0.168 0.150 0.158
TUT S 0.414 0.620 0.497 0.131 0.251 0.172 0.505 0.681 0.580 0.161 0.339 0.218
S/A/B/C/D = Five graded evaluation
OE = Over Estimation
LE = Lack of Estimation
Table 19. Japanese Opinion Analysis DKE Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
EHBN-1 L 0.531 0.453 0.488 - - - - - -
EHBN-2 L 0.531 0.452 0.488 - - - - - -
NICT-1 L 0.671 0.315 0.429 0.598 0.669 0.632 0.298 0.149 0.199
NICT-2 L 0.671 0.315 0.429 0.644 0.417 0.506 0.298 0.149 0.199
TUT-1 L 0.552 0.609 0.589 0.630 0.645 0.638 0.274 0.322 0.296
EHBN-1 S 0.414 0.479 0.444 - - - - - -
EHBN-2 S 0.414 0.479 0.444 - - - - - -
NICT-1 S 0.545 0.348 0.425 0.470 0.693 0.560 0.168 0.150 0.158
NICT-2 S 0.545 0.348 0.425 0.525 0.446 0.482 0.168 0.150 0.158
TUT-1 S 0.414 0.620 0.497 0.505 0.681 0.580 0.161 0.339 0.218
Table 20. Japanese Opinion Analysis LWK Approach results
Group L/S Opinionated Relevance Polarity
EHBN-1 L 0.531 0.453 0.489 - - - - - -
EHBN-2 L 0.531 0.452 0.489 - - - - - -
NICT-1 L 0.669 0.313 0.426 0.596 0.666 0.629 0.308 0.140 0.192
NICT-2 L 0.669 0.313 0.426 0.644 0.420 0.509 0.308 0.140 0.192
TUT-1 L 0.550 0.614 0.580 0.628 0.646 0.637 0.287 0.311 0.298
EHBN-1 S 0.412 0.476 0.442 - - - - - -
EHBN-2 S 0.412 0.476 0.442 - - - - - -
NICT-1 S 0.542 0.343 0.420 0.475 0.690 0.563 0.165 0.143 0.154
NICT-2 S 0.542 0.343 0.420 0.527 0.446 0.483 0.165 0.143 0.154
TUT-1 S 0.411 0.621 0.495 0.510 0.680 0.583 0.160 0.331 0.216
Proceedings of NTCIR-6 Workshop Meeting, May 15-18, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
presents the differences between the evaluation ap-
proaches, and also presents evaluations for each lan-
guage using each approach, but the numbers reported
here are the official results. Opinion Holder evaluation
for English was performed semi-automatically, but
due to the manual effort involved only the first priority
run from each participant was evaluated. The Chinese
and Japanese evaluation also used semi-automatic ap-
proaches to opinion holder evaluation, but were able
to evaluate all submitted runs.
Of the groups that participated, one group (GATE)
participated in both the Chinese and English task, and
one group (TUT) participated in both the English and
Japanese task. Despite using similar approaches, their
results differ in each language in part due to the differ-
ence in annotation between the languages. An inter-
esting question for future work is whether these differ-
ences stem more from annotator training, differences
in the documents that make up the corpus, or cultural
and language differences.
8.2 DirectionsforNTCIR-7Opinion Analysis
We plan to conduct the Opinion Analysis Task
again in NTCIR-7 and NTCIR-8. The NTCIR meet-
ings are held every year and a half. For NTCIR-7 we
plan to add a new genre to the task, reviews, in ad-
dition to the news genre used in NTCIR-6. We are
currently exploring using review web sites as a source
of data. NTCIR-7 and 8 will both continue to use Chi-
nese, English, and Japanese, and while no further lan-
guages are slated for addition at this time, Korean is a
possible candidate since relevance judgments for some
of the topic already exist. NTCIR-7 will also add a
strength of opinion and stakeholder evaluation in ad-
dition to the subjectivity, polarity, and opinion holder
evaluation performed in NTCIR-6. NTCIR-8 will add
a temporal evaluation, and possibly expand to clause-
level subjectivity.
We greatly appreciate the efforts of all the partici-
pants in the Opinion Analysis Pilot Task at the Sixth
NTCIR Workshop. We also greatly appreciate Prof.
Janyce Wiebe at the University of Pittsburgh for her
advisory comments.
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C., 2005.
... Sentiment analysis (sometimes called "opinion mining") is a research topic that has been actively discussed and developed for some 20 years, particularly in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) (Pang and Lee 2008). In this paper, we introduce the multilingual opinion analysis task (MOAT ) (Seki et al. 2010(Seki et al. , 2008(Seki et al. , 2007, which was included in NTCIR-6, 7, and8 (2006-2010). We then discuss the role and novelty of the task in sentiment analysis research. ...
... NTCIR MOAT was held at NTCIR-6 (Seki et al. 2007), NTCIR-7 (Seki et al. 2008), and NTCIR-8 (Seki et al. 2010. The task definition evolved through the three sessions, as shown in Table 6.1. ...
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At NTCIR-6, 7, and 8, we included a new multilingual opinion analysis task (MOAT) that involved Japanese, English, and Chinese newspapers. This was the first task that compared the performance of sentiment retrieval strategies with common subtasks across languages. In this paper, we introduce the research question posed by NTCIR MOAT and present what has been achieved to date. We then describe the types of tasks and research that have involved our test collection both previously and in current research. Finally, we summarize our contributions and discuss future research directions.
... Different from the Blog track, the MOAT task focused on opinionated text analysis across languages, including English, Chinese and Japanese. [6,7,8] In NTCIR8 MOAT, there are five subtasks: opinionated/relevance sentence judgment, polarity judgment, and opinion holder/target identification [8]. We only participate in the opinion sentence judgment subtask, in both English side and Simplified Chinese side. ...
... This can be seen from the low inter-annotator agreement Kappa values reported both in NTCIR6 [6] and NTCIR7 [7]. Therefore, it makes us have to give up deeply analyzing the samples and designing elaborate solutions. ...
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In this paper, we briefly describe our machine-learning based method used in the NITCIR8 MOAT task, particularly, the opinioned sentence judgment subtask on both English side and Chinese side. We view this subtask as a binary classification problem and build a supervised-learning based framework. To extract meaningful sentiment features, we propose several n-gram patterns to assemble basic words and part-of-speech tags. Meanwhile, our basic classifiers are trained merely on the previous NTICR annotated corpus, in which samples are inadequate and unbalanced. Thus, we adopt a few self-learning strategies to utilize the NTCIR8 testing corpus to adjust our basic classifiers. Using the same learning framework in both language sides, we get similar performances.
... Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is an important task that has gained a lot of attention through a multitude of related shared tasks organized as part of NT-CIR (Seki et al., 2007(Seki et al., , 2008(Seki et al., , 2010 and SemEval workshops (Nakov et al., 2013(Nakov et al., , 2019Rosenthal et al., 2014Rosenthal et al., , 2015Rosenthal et al., , 2017Pontiki et al., 2014Pontiki et al., , 2015Pontiki et al., , 2016Ghosh et al., 2015). Customer sentiment analysis has gained traction in commercial product and brand name monitoring (Liu et al., 2017). ...
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Sentiment analysis and opinion mining are essential tasks with many prominent application areas, e.g., when researching popular opinions on products or brands. Sentiments expressed in social media can be used in brand name monitoring and indicating fake news. In our survey of previous work, we note that there is no large-scale social media data set with sentiment polarity annotations for Finnish. This publication aims to remedy this shortcoming by introducing a 27,000-sentence data set annotated independently with sentiment polarity by three native annotators. We had three annotators annotate the whole data set, which provides a unique opportunity for further studies of annotator behavior over the sample annotation order. We analyze their inter-annotator agreement and provide two baselines to validate the usefulness of the data set.
... Then, we list some other multilingual data sets in chronological order grouped by the domain of the texts. Seki et al. (2007Seki et al. ( , 2008Seki et al. ( , 2010 give overviews of the Opinion Analysis Pilot Tasks at the NT-CIR Workshops. Nakov et al. (2013Nakov et al. ( , 2019 and Rosenthal et al. (2014Rosenthal et al. ( , 2015Rosenthal et al. ( , 2017 describe the data sets used in SemEval Sentiment Analysis in Twitter tasks 2013-2017. ...
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Sentiment analysis and opinion mining is an important task with obvious application areas in social media, e.g. when indicating hate speech and fake news. In our survey of previous work, we note that there is no large-scale social media data set with sentiment polarity annotations for Finnish. This publications aims to remedy this shortcoming by introducing a 27,000 sentence data set annotated independently with sentiment polarity by three native annotators. We had the same three annotators for the whole data set, which provides a unique opportunity for further studies of annotator behaviour over time. We analyse their inter-annotator agreement and provide two baselines to validate the usefulness of the data set.
... We used both independent t-test and ManneWhitney U test to determine a statistically significant difference between the patient and control groups. 27 ...
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Background: This study aimed to examine social-cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia using the Eyes test. In contrast to previous methods using the correct answers, we developed the Taiwanese version of the Eyes test and constructed the response network to explore impairments in the emotional aspects of theory of mind in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Eighteen patients with schizophrenia and 18 healthy controls were recruited to examine their performance of the Eyes test. To explore the internal structures of mental states, we used network analysis to construct the networks of choice patterns (i.e. participants' answers) by using two network indicators, including density (an index of structure diversity of a network) and centrality (an index of the choice patterns within a network). Moreover, we divided all the choices into negative, positive, and neutral item groups based on emotion polarity. Results: The patient group was slower and less accurate than the control group. Moreover, there was a negative correlation between accuracy and blunted affect, and there were positive correlations between reaction time and emotional withdrawal and apathetic social withdrawal. As compared to healthy controls, patients with schizophrenia showed larger density in the network structure and higher centrality than controls. Also, patients showed poorer performance on negative words than healthy controls. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated more diversity to recognize negative emotions from patients' choice patterns as compared to those in the control group. These findings suggest that deficits on recognizing negative emotions might be associated with the dysfunctions of mental states in schizophrenia.
... The NTCIR-6 dataset (Seki et al., 2007) contains newspaper articles on 32 topics in Chinese, Japanese, and English. We extracted only the sentences attached with three-class sentiment labels. ...
... In addition, there are related approaches that describe themselves as opinion analysis. For instance the NTCIR shared tasks OPINION and MOAT on opinion analysis also annotate a polarity towards sets of up to 32 topics to newspaper articles (Seki et al., 2007(Seki et al., , 2008(Seki et al., , 2010. ...
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Stance can be defined as positively or negatively evaluating persons, things, or ideas (Du Bois, 2007). Understanding the stance that people express through social media has several applications: It allows governments, companies, or other information seekers to gain insights into how people evaluate their ideas or products. Being aware of the stance of others also enables social media users to engage in discussions more efficiently, which may ultimately lead to better collective decisions. Since the volume of social media posts is too large to be analyzed manually, computer-aided methods for understanding stance are necessary. In this thesis, we study three major aspects of such computer-aided methods: (i) abstract formalizations of stance which we can quantify across multiple social media posts, (ii) the creation of suitable datasets that correspond to a certain formalization, and (iii) stance detection systems that can automatically assign stance labels to social media posts. We examine four different formalizations that differ in how specific the insights and supported use-cases are: Stance on Single Targets defines stance as a tuple consisting of a single target (e.g. Atheism) and a polarity (e.g. being in favor of the target), Stance on Multiple Targets models a polarity expressed towards an overall target and several logically linked targets, and Stance on Nuanced Targets is defined as a stance towards all texts in a given dataset. Moreover, we study Hateful Stance, which models whether a post expresses hatefulness towards a single target (e.g. women or refugees). Machine learning-based systems require training data that is annotated with stance labels. Since annotated data is not readily available for every formalization, we create our own datasets. On these datasets, we perform quantitative analyses, which provide insights into how reliable the data is, and into how social media users express stance. Our analysis shows that the reliability of datasets is affected by subjective interpretations and by the frequency with which targets occur. Additionally, we show that the perception of hatefulness correlates with the personal stance of the annotators. We conclude that stance annotations are, to a certain extent, subjective and that future attempts on data creation should account for this subjectivity. We present a novel process for creating datasets that contain subjective stances towards nuanced assertions and which provide comprehensive insights into debates on controversial issues. To investigate the state-of-the-art of stance detection methods, we organized and participated in relevant shared tasks, and conducted experiments on our own datasets. Across all datasets, we find that comparatively simple methods yield a competitive performance. Furthermore, we find that neuronal approaches are competitive, but not clearly superior to more traditional approaches on text classification. We show that approaches based on judgment similarity – the degree to which texts are judged similarly by a large number of people – outperform reference approaches by a large margin. We conclude that judgment similarity is a promising direction to achieve improvements beyond the state-of-the-art in automatic stance detection and related tasks such as sentiment analysis or argument mining.
... El interés que despiertan estas tareas puede verse reflejado en la aparición de recursos, como una variante de WordNet que refleja aspectos relativos a sentimientos en las palabras [12] (Esuli & Sebastiani, 2006) o corpus destinados a ser usados como base para la experimentación en técnicas de minería de opiniones y análisis de sentimientos, como el corpus multilíngüe de NTCIR [13] ...
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Personalized recommendation systems have become ubiquitous in our digital lives, shaping our interactions with online platforms and services. This paper explores the advancements in recommendation algorithms, delving into their efficacy, and examines the ethical considerations surrounding their implementation. Through a comprehensive review of literature and case studies, this research paper aims to provide insights into the evolving landscape of personalized recommendation systems and the ethical dilemmas they pose.
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Opinion retrieval aims to tell if a document is positive, neutral or negative on a given topic. Opinion extraction further identifies the document's supportive and the non-supportive evidence. This paper defines the annotation of opinionated material. The algorithm employs opinion holders, a topic's conceptual words, sentiment words, opinion operators, and negation operators to recognize opinions. An opinion extraction system is developed and then reflects the major views of selected information sources. The text-based evidence extracted is ready for opinion summarization and opinionated question answering.
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Subjectivity in natural language refers to aspects of language used to express opinions, evaluations, and speculations. There are numerous natural language processing applications for which subjectivity analysis is relevant, including information extraction and text categorization. The goal of this work is learning subjective language from corpora. Clues of subjectivity are generated and tested, including low-frequency words, collocations, and adjectives and verbs identified using distributional similarity. The features are also examined working together in concert. The features, generated from different data sets using different procedures, exhibit consistency in performance in that they all do better and worse on the same data sets. In addition, this article shows that the density of subjectivity clues in the surrounding context strongly affects how likely it is that a word is subjective, and it provides the results of an annotation study assessing the subjectivity of sentences with high-density features. Finally, the clues are used to perform opinion piece recognition (a type of text categorization and genre detection) to demonstrate the utility of the knowledge acquired in this article.
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Recent systems have been developed for sentiment classification, opinion recognition, and opinion analysis (e.g., detecting polarity and strength). We pursue another aspect of opinion analysis: identifying the sources of opinions, emotions, and sentiments. We view this problem as an information extraction task and adopt a hybrid approach that combines Conditional Random Fields (Lafferty et al., 2001) and a variation of AutoSlog (Riloff, 1996a). While CRFs model source identification as a sequence tagging task, AutoSlog learns extraction patterns. Our results show that the combination of these two methods performs better than either one alone. The resulting system identifies opinion sources with 79.3% precision and 59.5% recall using a head noun matching measure, and 81.2% precision and 60.6% recall using an overlap measure.
Human Language Technology (HLT) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems have typically focused on the “factual” aspect of content analysis. Other aspects, including pragmatics, opinion, and style, have received much less attention. However, to achieve an adequate understanding of a text, these aspects cannot be ignored. The chapters in this book address the aspect of subjective opinion, which includes identifying different points of view, identifying different emotive dimensions, and classifying text by opinion. Various conceptual models and computational methods are presented. The models explored in this book include the following: distinguishing attitudes from simple factual assertions; distinguishing between the author’s reports from reports of other people’s opinions; and distinguishing between explicitly and implicitly stated attitudes. In addition, many applications are described that promise to benefit from the ability to understand attitudes and affect, including indexing and retrieval of documents by opinion; automatic question answering about opinions; analysis of sentiment in the media and in discussion groups about consumer products, political issues, etc. ; brand and reputation management; discovering and predicting consumer and voting trends; analyzing client discourse in therapy and counseling; determining relations between scientific texts by finding reasons for citations; generating more appropriate texts and making agents more believable; and creating writers’ aids. The studies reported here are carried out on different languages such as English, French, Japanese, and Portuguese. Difficult challenges remain, however. It can be argued that analyzing attitude and affect in text is an “NLP”-complete problem.
An interactive information retrieval system that provides different types of summaries of retrieved documents according to each user’s information needs, situation, or purpose of search can be effective for understanding document content. The purpose of this study is to build a multi-document summarizer, “Viewpoint Summarizer With Interactive clustering on Multidocuments (v-SWIM)”, which produces summaries according to such viewpoints. We tested its effectiveness on a new test collection, ViewSumm30, which contains human-made reference summaries of three different summary types for each of the 30 document sets. Once a set of documents on a topic (e.g., documents retrieved by a search engine) is provided to v-SWIM, it returns a list of topics discussed in the given document set, so that the user can select a topic or topics of interest as well as the summary type, such as fact-reporting, opinion-oriented or knowledge-focused, and produces a summary from the viewpoints of the topics and summary type selected by the user. We assume that sentence types and document genres are related to the types of information included in the source documents and are useful for selecting appropriate information for each of the summary types. “Sentence type” defines the type of information in a sentence. “Document genre” defines the type of information in a document. The results of the experiments showed that the proposed system using automatically identified sentence types and document genres of the source documents improved the coverage of the system-produced fact-reporting, opinion-oriented, and knowledge-focused summaries, 13.14%, 34.23%, and 15.89%, respectively, compared with our baseline system which did not differentiate sentence types or document genres.
This paper describes a corpus annotation project to study issues in the manual annotation of opinions, emotions, sentiments, speculations, evaluations and other private states in language. The resulting corpus annotation scheme is described, as well as examples of its use. In addition, the manual annotation process and the results of an inter-annotator agreement study on a 10,000-sentence corpus of articles drawn from the world press are presented.
This article describes a spatial model for matching semantic values between two languages, French and English. Based on semantic similarity links, the model constructs a map that represents a word in the source language. Then the algorithm projects the map values onto a space in the target language. The new space abides by the semantic similarity links specific to the second language. Then the two maps are projected onto the same plane in order to detect overlapping values. For instructional purposes, the different steps are presented here using a few examples. The entire set of results is available at the following address:
MPQA: Multi-Perspective Question Answering Opinion Corpus Version 1.2
  • J M Wiebe
  • E Breck
  • C Buckley
  • C Cardie
  • P Davis
  • B Fraser
  • D Litman
  • D Pierce
  • E Riloff
  • T Wilson
J. M. Wiebe, E. Breck, C. Buckley, C. Cardie, P. Davis, B. Fraser, D. Litman, D. Pierce, E. Riloff, and T. Wilson. MPQA: Multi-Perspective Question Answering Opinion Corpus Version 1.2, 2006. [cited 2007-1-26]. Available from: <>.