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Scattering and small data completeness for the critical nonlinear Schroediger equation

IOP Publishing


We prove Asymptotic Completeness of one dimensional NLS with long range nonlinearities. We also prove existence and expansion of asymptotic solutions with large data at infinity.
arXiv:math/0602571v1 [math.AP] 27 Feb 2006
Scattering and small data completeness for the critical nonlinear
Schr¨odinger equation
Hans Lindbladand Avy Soffer
University of California at San Diego and Rutgers University
February 2, 2008
We prove Asymptotic Completeness of one dimensional NLS with long range nonlinearities. We
also prove existence and expansion of asymptotic solutions with large data at infinity.
1 Introduction
We consider the problem of scattering for the critical nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in one space
(1.1) i∂tv+2
xvβ|v|2vγ|v|4v= 0
For related results in higher dimensions see e.g.[D1, G-V1, G-V2, G-V3, G-V4, GO] and cited references.
In one dimension the scattering problem for NLS and/or Hartree long range type were studied before
in [HKN,ST,Oz]. There are many other works in this direction, most are cited in the above references.
The work closest to ours, as far as the results are concerned is [HN]. In this paper the asymptotic
completeness is proved, and the Ldecay of the solution is shown. We use a different method, much
simpler, and we get an explicit construction of the phase function and the asymptotic form of the
solution as well. We also prove by the same method the existence theory of wave operators for large
data in the repulsive case, and small data in the general nonlinear case. In the work of [G-V4], the
Hartree equation in 3 or more dimensions is considered; the analysis uses, among other things the
representation of the solution in hyperbolic coordinates which we also use. But the approach used in
this paper is very different and much more involved than the work presented here. See also [Nak].
Recall first that a solution of the linear Schr¨odinger, i.e. β=γ= 0, with fast decaying smooth
initial data satisfies
(1.2) u(t, x)t1/2eix2/4tbu(0, x/t)
where bu(t, ξ) = Ru(t, x)eixξ dx denotes the Fourier transform with respect to xonly.
Part of this work was done while H.L. was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, supported by
the NSF grant DMS-0111298 to the Institute. H.L. was also partially supported by the NSF Grant DMS-0200226.
Also a member of the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton.Supported in part by NSF grant DMS-0100490.
We make the following ansatz for the solution of the nonlinear problem
(1.3) v(t, x) = t1/2eix2/4tV(t, y), s =t, y =x/t
Plugging this into (1.1) gives, since (i∂t+2
x)t1/2eix2/4t= 0,
(1.4) (i∂t+2
x)v(t, x) = (i∂t+2
x)t1/2eix2/4tV(s, y)=t1/2eix2/4ti∂t+2
x+i(x/t)x)V(s, y)
y)V(s, y)
Hence (1.1) becomes
(1.5) Ψ(V) = i∂sVβs1|V|2Vγs2|V|4V+s22
yV= 0
It is easy to check that the general solution to the ODE
L(g) = id
s2|g|4g= 0
is of the form
g=ae,where φ=βa2ln |s|+γa4
for some constants aand b.
It is therefore natural with the following ansatz for the solution of the nonlinear problem
(1.6) V(s, y)V0(s, y) = a(y)e(s,y), φ(s, y) = βa(y)2ln |s|+b(y)
where a(y) and b(y) are any smooth sufficiently fast decaying functions of y=x/t.
First we show scattering, i.e. given any a(y) and b(y) as above we show that there is a solution V
as above.
Theorem 1.1. Suppose that a(y)and b(y)are polynomially decaying smooth real valued functions and
let v0(t, x) = t1/2eix2
/4tV0(t, x/t), where V0is given by (1.6). Then if β0or βis small (1.1) has a
smooth solution vv0as t→ ∞, satisfying
(1.7) k(vv0)(t, ·)kL+k(vv0)(t, ·)kL2C(1 + ln(1 + t))2(1 + t)1
We then show asymptotic completeness for small initial data, i.e. that there is a an asymptotic
expansion of the form (1.6).
Theorem 1.2. Suppose that fC
0. Then if ε > 0is sufficiently small (1.1) has a global solution
with data v(0, x) = εf(x). Moreover there are functions a(y)and b(y)such that with v0(t, x) =
/4tV0(t, x/t), where V0is given by (1.6),vv0as t→ ∞;
(1.8) k(vv0)(t, ·)kLC(1 + t)3/2+
2 The first order asymptotics and small data existence at infinity
The ansatz we use is an approximate solution of the form
v0(t, x) = s1/2eix2
/4tV0(s, y),where V0(s, y) = a(y)e(s,y), φ(s, y) = βa(y)2ln |s|+b(y)
where a(y) and b(y) are any smooth sufficiently fast decaying functions of y=x/t and s=t.
(2.1) i ∂t+2
xβ|v0|2γ|v0|4v0=t1/2eix2/4ti ∂s+s22
Assuming that a(y) and b(y) decay polynomially we have
yv0| ≤ CN(1 + βln |s|)j
s(1 + |y|)1/2(1 + |y|)N
(2.2) |i
yF0| ≤ CN(1 + βln |s|)2+j
s(1 + |y|)5/2(1 + |y|)N
for any N. It follows that
xv0| ≤ CN
t+|x|1/2(1 + |x/t|)N
(2.3) |i
xF0| ≤ CN(1 + βln |t|)2
t+|x|5/2(1 + |x/t|)N
for any N.
We now consider
(i ∂t+2
x)w=G(v0, w) + F0
G(v0, w) = β|v0+w|2(v0+w)− |v0|2v0+γ|v0+w|4(v0+w)− |v0|4v0
The solution of the PDE
(2.4) (i ∂t+2
with vanishing final data at infinity is given by
w(t, x) = Z
tZE(ts, x y)F(s, y)dyds
where Eis the forward fundamental solution of i∂t+2
Lemma 2.1. Suppose that
(2.5) i∂tw+2
(2.6) kw(t, ·)kL2≤ kw(t0,·)kL2+Zt
kF(s, ·)kL2ds
Proof. The energy identity for this equation is
(2.7) d
dt Z|w(t, x)|2dx = 2 Z(Fw)(t, x)dx
where is the imaginary part.
The energy estimate is therefore
(2.8) kw(t, ·)kL2Z
kF(s, ·)kL2ds
From differentiating the equation it also follows that
(2.9) X
kαw(t, ·)kL2Z
kαF(s, ·)kL2ds
We will now use the above inhomogeneous estimate together with an iterative procedure to get existence
for the equation in the previous section, of a solution wdecaying at infinity to zero fast, in a sense
having vanishing data at infinity. We therefore put up an iteration
x)wk+1 =G(v0, wk) + F0
where the solutions are defined as convolution with the fundamental solution that vanishes at infinity
(more precise later on). We must now first find the right estimates for w0and thereafter make an
assumption that the other iterates have similar bounds. It follows from (2.3) that
kαF0(t, x)kL2C(1 + βln |1 + t|)2
and hence Z
kαF0(t, ·)kL2dt K(1 + βln |1 + t|)2
for some fixed constant K. We therefore make the inductive assumption that
(2.10) X
kαwk(t, ·)kL22K(1 + βln |1 + t|)2
Lemma 2.2.
(2.11) kw(t, ·)k2
L≤ kw(t, ·)kL2kxw(t, ·)kL2
Proof. Follows by H¨older’s inequality w22R|w||wx|dx 2kwkL2k∂wkL2.
It follows that
kwk(t, ·)kL2K(1 + βln |1 + t|)2
Also using the estimates for v0,X
|αv0| ≤ C0/t1/2
we get X
kαG(v0, wk)kL2C1β
kαwkkL2,if tt0
for some number t0=t0(β)<.t0is chosen such that the r.h.s. of equation (2.10) is smaller than
1. Hence by the energy inequality and the inductive assumption we get for tt
(2.12) X
kαwk+1(t, ·)kL2Z
kαwk(s, ·)kL2ds +K(1 + ln |1 + t|)2
C1β2K(1 + βln |1 + s|)2ds
s2+K(1 + ln |1 + t|)2
t(C2β+ 1)K(1 + ln |1 + t|)2
Hence (2.10) follows also for kreplaced by k+1, if βis so small that C2β1. This proves the theorem
for small β.
3 Global existence and decay for the initial value problem
Here we show that (1.1) has a global solution for small initial data and that the solution decays like
t1/2. Let us suppose we are given initial data when s=t= 1,say in C
Lemma 3.1. Suppose that gis real valued and
(3.1) i∂sVgV =F.
(3.2) |V(s)| ≤ |V(s0)|+Zs
Proof. Multiplying with the integrating factor eiG(s), where G=Rg ds gives sV eiG=i F eiG and
the lemma follows from integrating this.
It now follows that if (1.5) holds then
(3.3) |V(s, y)| ≤ |V(1, y)|+Zs
yV(σ, y)|
Hence the desired bound for Vwould follow if we can prove that for some fixed δ < 1;
(3.4) |2
yV(s, y)| ≤ Cε(1 + s)δ.
We will now derive this bound from energy bounds. We will assume that
(3.5) |V| ≤ C0ε
Writing (1.5) in the form
(3.6) i∂sVs22
and differentiating the above equation with respect to ygives
(3.7) i∂ss22
yV(k)=F(k), V (k)=k
yV, F (k)=k
We claim that
(3.8) kF(k)(s, ·)kL2Cs11 + s1kV(s, ·)k2
LkV(s, ·)k2
LkV(k)(s, ·)kL2, k = 0,1,2,3.
In fact
|F(0)| ≤ C s1(1 + s1|V|2)|V|3
|F(1)| ≤ C s1(1 + s1|V|2)|V|2|yV|(3.10)
|F(2)| ≤ C s1(1 + s1|V|2)|V|2|2
yV|+|V| |yV|2
|F(3)| ≤ C s1(1 + s1|V|2)|V|2|3
yV|+|V| |yV| |2
For k= 0,1 this is obvious and for k2 this follows from interpolation (proved by just integrating by
Lemma 3.2.
(3.13) kj
L2k/j CkVkk/j1
For k= 2 we have
(3.14) kyV(t, ·)k2
L4CkV(t, ·)kLk2
yV(t, ·)kL2,
Similarly for k= 3 we have
kyV(t, ·)k3
L6CkV(t, ·)k2
yV(t, ·)kL2,(3.15)
yV(t, ·)k3/2
L3CkV(t, ·)k2
yV(t, ·)kL2.(3.16)
Lemma 3.3. Suppose that
(3.17) i∂sWs22
(3.18) kW(s, ·)kL2≤ kW(s0,·)kL2+Zs
kF(σ, ·)kL2.
Assuming the bound
(3.19) kV(s, ·)kL=δ
with a constant independent of swe have hence proven, using the above lemma and equations (3.7)-
(3.16) that
(3.20) kV(k)(t, ·)kL2≤ kV(k)(1,·)kL2+Zt
Dk(δ+δ2)kV(k)(τ, ·)kL2τ1,
from which it follows that
(3.21) kV(k)(t, ·)kL2Ckε(1 + t)Dk(δ+δ2), k = 0,1,2,3.
and by Lemma 2.2
(3.22) kV(k)(t, ·)kLCk+1ε(1 + t)Dk(δ+δ2), k = 0,1,2
where Ckis a constant such that PjkkV(j)(1,·)kL2Ckε. Now suppose that ε > 0 is so small that
(3.23) D34C3ε+ (4C3ε)21/4.
It then follows from (3.3) that
(3.24) kV(s, ·)kL4C3εand k2
yV(s, ·)kLC3ε(1 + t)1/2.
This is more than needed in (3.4).
4 The completeness
Lemma 4.1. Suppose that gis real valued and
(4.1) i∂sVgV =F
Then with G(s, y) = Rs
s0g(τ, y)
(4.2) s|V|+s(V eiG)2|F|
Proof. Multiplying with Vgives
(4.3) i∂s|V|2=FV
and it follows that |s|V|| ≤ |F|. Multiplying with the integrating factor eiG(s), where G=Rg ds gives
sV eiG=i F eiG and the lemma follows.
In the application g=βs1|V|2γs2|V|4and F=s22
yV. We already have proven that
(4.4) |F(s, y)| ≤ Cεs2+Cε2
in the previous section. It therefore follows from the above lemma that the limit exists
(4.5) |V(s, y)| − a(y)Cεs1+C ε2,where a(y) = lim
s→∞ |V(s, y)|
It therefore also follows from the lemma that
(4.6) |G(s, y)φ(s, y)| ≤ C εs1+C ε2,where φ(s, y) = a(y)2βln |s|+b(y)
and b(y) is defined as the limit of G(s, y)a(y)2βln |s|as s→ ∞. Hence
(4.7) V(s, y)a(y)e(s,y)C εs1+2
5 Higher order asymptotics and large data existence at infinity
We now want to construct a higher order asymptotic expansion at infinity. Therefore, we want to
linearize the operator
L(g) = id
s2G2(g), G1(g) = |g|2g, G2(g) = |g|4g
We have Gi(V0+W) = Gi(V0) + G
i(V0)W+O(|W|2), where
1(V0)W= 2|V0|2W+V2
0W , G
2(V0)W= 3|V0|4W+ 2|V0|2V2
V0=a(y)e(s,y)φ(s, y) = βa(y)2ln |s|+b(y)
Hence the linearized operator is
Observe that L0is not complex linear. If Zis constant it therefore follows that (k1)
L0eln j|s|
skZ=eln j|s|
sk+1 (2βa2ik)Zβa2Z+i j eln j1|s|
sk+1 Z+eln j|s|
sk+2 3γa2Z2γa4Z
The inverse of
is given by
k2+ 3β2a42βa2+i kY+1
k2+ 3β2a4βa2Y
and hence
L0eln j|s|
sk(k2+ 3β2a4)2βa2+i kY+βa2Y=eln j|s|
sk+1 Y+i j elnj1|s|
sk+1(k2+ 3β2a4)2βa2+i kY+βa2Y
+eln j|s|
sk+2(k2+ 3β2a4)γa2(2βa2i k)[3Y+ 2a2Y] + βa2(2a2Y3Y)
It follows that
Lemma 5.1. Let Skdenote a finite sum of the form (k1)
(5.2) X
kk, j 0
ckj(y)eln j|s|
sk, φ =βa(y)2ln |s|+b(y),
with coefficients decaying polynomially in y. More precisely |αcjk (y)| CN(1 + |y|)N, for any N
and cjk = 0 for k,jsufficiently large. Here ln0|s|= 1.
Then if k1and ψk+1 ∈ Sk+1 there is φk∈ Skand ψk+2 ∈ Sk+2 such that
(5.3) L0φk=ψk+1 +ψk+2
Recall that Ψ(V) = L(V) + s22
yVand that L0=L(V0). We have
Lemma 5.2. Let Ψn= Ψ (Vn)and suppose that VnV0∈ S1. Then if k1and ψk+1 ∈ Sk+1 there
is φk∈ Skand ψk+2 ∈ Sk+2 such that
(5.4) Ψnφk=ψk+1 +ψk+2
Proof. First, let φk∈ Skbe as in the previous lemma. Then (Ψ0L0)φk=s22
yφk∈ Sk+2.
Furthermore ΨnΨ0=s1βG (Vn)s1β G (V0) = s1O(VnV0)∈ S2so ΨnΨ0φk∈ Sk+2.
By the results of previous sections, Ψ(V0)∈ S2. See e.g. equation (2.1). We will now inductively,
for n1 construct Vnsuch that VnV0∈ S1and Ψ(Vn)∈ Sn+2. Assume that this is true for nk.
Then by the above lemma ( with ψk+1 = Ψ(Vk)∈ Sk+2) we can find Vk+1 such that
(5.5) Ψ(Vk) + Ψ(Vk)(Vk+1 Vk)∈ Sk+3, Vk+1 Vk∈ Sk+1.
Furthermore, there are bilinear forms in (X, Z ); G′′
i(U, V )(X, Z ) such that
(5.6) Gi(U) = Gi(V) + G
i(V)(UV) + G′′
i(U, V )(UV , U V)
(5.7) Ψ(U) = Ψ(V) + Ψ (V)(UV)β
1(U, V )(UV , U V)γ
2(U, V )(UV , U V).
(5.8) Ψ(Vk+1) = Ψ(Vk) + Ψ (Vk)(Vk+1 Vk)
1(Vk+1, Vk)(Vk+1 Vk, Vk+1 Vk)γ
2(Vk+1, Vk)(Vk+1 Vk, Vk+1 Vk)∈ Sk+3.
(5.9) vk(t, x) = t1/2eix2/4tVk(t, y), s =t, y =x/t
Then (see equation (2.1))
(5.10) i∂tvk+2
xvkβ|vk|2vkγ|vk|4vk=t1/2eix2/4tΨ(Vk) = Fk
It follows that
(5.11) |αFk| ≤ Ck
and hence X
kαFN(t, ·)kL2KN
for some constant KN. We then define w0= 0 and for k1:
(5.12) (i∂t+2
x)wk+1 =βG(vN, wk)wk+FN, k 0.
We will inductively assume that
(5.13) k∂wk(t, ·)kL2+kwk(t, ·)kL24KN
Since by H¨older’s inequality
w22Z|w||wx|dx 2kwkL2k∂wkL2≤ kwk2
we also get
kwk(t, ·)kL4KN
N tN
Since also
|V0|=|a(y)| ≤ C0
it follows that
kvN(t, ·)kL=t1/2kVN(t, ·)k ≤ t1/2[kV0k+CNt1]2C0
t1/2, t tN=CN
since by construction, VNV0∈ S1. So C0is independent of N, if tNis sufficiently large. It follows
(5.14) kG(v1, wk)(t, ·)kL8C0
t, t t
Hence by the energy inequality (2.9), (5.12-14)
k∂wk+1(t, ·)kL2+kwk+1(t, ·)kL2Z
sN+1 ds =32β C0
NtN, t t′′
if β > 0 is sufficiently small and t′′
Nis sufficiently large. Hence (5.13) follows also for k+ 1.
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... Using complete integrability, modified scattering was proven in the seminal work of Deift-Zhou [6] without size restriction on the solutions; see also [7]. Without making use of complete integrability, proofs of modified scattering for small solutions were given by Ozawa [31], Hayashi-Naumkin [13], Lindblad-Soffer [21], Kato-Pusateri [15] and Ifrim-Tataru [14]. Generic potentials or symmetric solutions. ...
... In the context of the Klein-Gordon equation similar norms are employed as well, with small modifications (e.g., using the norms in (1.12)) see for example [10,11]. Essentially equivalent norms expressed in the physical space are used in other works on the subject, see for example [8,21,22,25]. ...
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We consider the 1d cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with an external potential V that is non-generic. Without making any parity assumption on the data, but assuming that the zero energy resonance of the associated Schrödinger operator is either odd or even, we prove global-in-time quantitative bounds and asymptotics for small solutions. First, we use a simple modification of the basis for the distorted Fourier transform (dFT) to resolve the (possible) discontinuity at zero energy due to the presence of a resonance and the absence of symmetry of the solution. We then use a refined analysis of the low frequency structure of the (modified) nonlinear spectral distribution, and employ smoothing estimates in the setting of non-generic potentials.
... One can found argument relying on a bootstrap estimate involving the energy-type norm in the work [32]. We also mention the work [39], where the author introduce a new variable similar to the profile of the solution and then using energy estimates on this new variable. Another method used in [33], consists in a wave packet decomposition, using a factorization of the Schrödinger linear group as seen in [26]. ...
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We consider the Hartree-Fock equation in 1D, for a small and localised initial data and a finite measure potential. We show that there is no long range scattering due to a nonlinear cancellation between the direct term and the exchange term for plane waves. We employ the framework of space-time resonances that enables us to single out precisely this cancellation and to obtain scattering to linear waves as a consequence.
... (B) Asymptotic equation in the physical space, introduced by Lindblad-Soffer [16]; here the goal is to derive an asymptotic equation in the physical space along rays, ...
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Modified scattering phenomena are encountered in the study of global properties for nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations in situations where the decay of solutions at infinity is borderline and scattering fails just barely. An interesting example is that of problems with cubic nonlinearities in one space dimension. The method of testing by wave packets was introduced by the authors as a tool to efficiently capture the asymptotic equations associated to such flows, and thus establish the modified scattering mechanism in a simpler, more efficient fashion, and at lower regularity. In these expository notes we describe how this method can be applied to problems with general dispersion relations.
... The question of obtaining scattering, global in time solutions for one-dimensional dispersive flows with quadratic/cubic nonlinearities has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, and many global well-posedness results have been proved for a number of models under the assumption that the initial data is both small and localized; without being exhaustive, see, for instance, [12,13,21,18,14]. The nonlinearities in these models are primarily cubic, though the analysis has also been extended via normal form methods to problems which also have nonresonant quadratic interactions; several such examples are [1,15,9,16,20]; see also further references therein. ...
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This article is devoted to a general class of one-dimensional NLS problems with a cubic nonlinearity. The question of obtaining scattering, global in time solutions for such problems has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, and many global well-posedness results have been proved for a number of models under the assumption that the initial data are both small and localized . However, except for the completely integrable case, no such results have been known for small but not necessarily localized initial data. In this article, we introduce a new, nonperturbative method to prove global well-posedness and scattering for $L^2$ initial data which are small and nonlocalized . Our main structural assumption is that our nonlinearity is defocusing . However, we do not assume that our problem has any exact conservation laws. Our method is based on a robust reinterpretation of the idea of Interaction Morawetz estimates, developed almost 20 years ago by the I-team. In terms of scattering, we prove that our global solutions satisfy both global $L^6$ Strichartz estimates and bilinear $L^2$ bounds. This is a Galilean invariant result, which is new even for the classical defocusing cubic NLS. ¹ There, by scaling, our result also admits a large data counterpart.
... Since then, the modified scattering theory for (1.16) or NLS with more general critical nonlinearities has been extensively studied by using the methods of the aforementioned papers (see, for instance, [13,14,31,25,26]). We also refer to [23,18,16] for different methods. ...
We study the final state problem for the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a critical long-range nonlinearity and a long-range linear potential. Given a prescribed asymptotic profile which is different from the free evolution, we construct a unique global solution scattering to the profile. In particular, the existence of the modified wave operators is obtained for sufficiently localized small scattering data. The class of potential includes a repulsive long-range potential with a short-range perturbation, especially the positive Coulomb potential in two and three space dimensions. The asymptotic profile is constructed by combining Yafaev's type linear modifier [41] associated with the long-range part of the potential and the nonlinear modifier introduced by Ozawa [32]. Finally, we also show that one can replace Yafaev's type modifier by Dollard's type modifier under a slightly stronger decay assumption on the long-range potential. This is the first positive result on the modified scattering for the nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation in the case when both of the nonlinear term and the linear potential are of long-range type.
We consider a class of one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations of the form $$ \begin{align*} & (i\partial_{t}+\Delta)u = [1+a]|u|^{2} u. \end{align*}$$For suitable localized functions $a$, such equations admit a small-data modified scattering theory, which incorporates the standard logarithmic phase correction. In this work, we prove that the small-data modified scattering behavior uniquely determines the inhomogeneity $a$.
We consider the codimension one asymptotic stability problem for the soliton of the focusing cubic Klein-Gordon equation on the line under even perturbations. The main obstruction to full asymptotic stability on the center-stable manifold is a small divisor in a quadratic source term of the perturbation equation. This singularity is due to the threshold resonance of the linearized operator and the absence of null structure in the nonlinearity. The threshold resonance of the linearized operator produces a one-dimensional space of slowly decaying Klein-Gordon waves, relative to local norms. In contrast, the closely related perturbation equation for the sine-Gordon kink does exhibit null structure, which makes the corresponding quadratic source term amenable to normal forms (see Lührmann and Schlag [Duke Math. J. 172 (2023), pp. 2715–2820]). The main result of this work establishes decay estimates up to exponential time scales for small “codimension one type” perturbations of the soliton of the focusing cubic Klein-Gordon equation. The proof is based upon a super-symmetric approach to the study of modified scattering for 1D nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations with Pöschl-Teller potentials from Lührmann and Schlag [Duke Math. J. 172 (2023), pp. 2715–2820], and an implementation of a version of an adapted functional framework introduced by Germain and Pusateri [Forum Math. Pi 10 (2022), p. 172].
This article is concerned with one dimensional dispersive flows with cubic nonlinearities on the real line. In a very recent work, the authors have introduced a broad conjecture for such flows, asserting that in the defocusing case, small initial data yields global, scattering solutions. Then this conjecture was proved in the case of a Schrödinger dispersion relation. In terms of scattering, our global solutions were proved to satisfy both global \(L^6\) Strichartz estimates and bilinear \(L^2\) bounds. Notably, no localization assumption is made on the initial data. In this article we consider the focusing scenario. There potentially one may have small solitons, so one cannot hope to have global scattering solutions in general. Instead, we look for long time solutions, and ask what is the time-scale on which the solutions exist and satisfy good dispersive estimates. Our main result, which also applies in the case of the Schrödinger dispersion relation, asserts that for initial data of size \({\varepsilon }\), the solutions exist on the time-scale \({\varepsilon }^{-8}\), and satisfy the desired \(L^6\) Strichartz estimates and bilinear \(L^2\) bounds on the time-scale \({\varepsilon }^{-6}\). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result to reach such a threshold.
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We study the asymptotic behaviour of the modified two-dimensional Schrödinger equation ( D t − F ( D ) ) u = λ | u | u in the critical regime, where λ ∈ C with ℑ λ ⩾ 0 and F ( ξ ) is a second order constant coefficients elliptic symbol. For any smooth initial datum of size ε ≪ 1 , we prove that the solution is global-in-time, combining the vector fields method and a semiclassical analysis method introduced by Delort. Moreover, we present the pointwise decay estimates and the large time asymptotic formulas of the solution.
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We consider the scattering problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in 1+1 dimensions: where ∂ = ∂/∂x,λ∈R∖{0},μ∈R,p>3. We show that modified wave operators for (*) exist on a dense set of a neighborhood of zero in the Lebesgue spaceL 2(R) or in the Sobolev spaceH 1(R)., The modified wave operators are introduced in order to control the long range nonlinearity λ|u|2u.
We continue the study of scattering theory for the system consisting of a Schr"odinger equation and a wave equation with a Yukawa type coupling in space dimension 3. In a previous paper we proved the existence of modified wave operators for that system with no size restriction on the data and we determined the asymptotic behaviour in time of solutions in the range of the wave operators, under a support condition on the asymptotic state required by the different propagation properties of the wave and Schr"odinger equations.Here we eliminate that condition by using an improved asymptotic form for the solutions.
Let Q 1 ,Q 2 be two quadratic forms, and u a local solution of the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation (i∂ t +Δ)u=Q 1 (u,∇ x u)+Q 2 (u ¯,∇ x u ¯). We prove that if Q 1 and Q 2 do depend on the derivatives of u, and if the Cauchy datum is small enough and decaying enough at infinity, the solution exists for all times. The difficulty of the problem originates in the fact that the nonlinear perturbation is a long range one: by this, we mean that it can be written as the product of (a derivative of) u and of a potential whose L ∞ space-norm is not time integrable at infinity.
We study the scattering problem and asymptotics for large time of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear schrödinger and Hartree type equations wit h subcritical nonlinearities [Formula] where the nonlinear interaction term is F(|u|²) = V * |u|², V(x) = λ|x|− δ, λ ∈ R, 0 < δ < 1 in the Hartree type case, or F(|u|²) = λ|t|1 −δ|u|² in the case of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We suppose that the initial data eβ|x|u0 ∈ L², β > 0 with sufficiently small norm ε = ||eβ|x|u0||L². Then we prove the sharp decay estimate ||u(t)||Lp ≤ C ϵt 1/p − 1/2, for all t ≥ 1 and for every 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Furthermore we show that for 1/2 < δ < 1 there exists a unique final state û + ∈ L² such that for all t ≥ 1 [Formula] and uniformly with respect to x [formula] where ϕ ^ denotes the Fourier transform of ϕ. Our results show that the regularity condition on the initial data which was assumed in the previous paper [9] is not needed. Also a smoothing effect for the solutions in an analytic function space is discussed.
We continue the study of scattering theory for the system consisting of a Schr"odinger equation and a wave equation with a Yukawa type coupling in space dimension 3. In previous papers, we proved the existence of modified wave operators for that system with no size restriction on the data and we determined the asymptotic behaviour in time of the solutions in the range of the wave operators, first under a support condition on the Schr"odinger asymptotic state and then without that condition, but for solutions of relatively low regularity. Here we extend the latter result to the case of more regular solutions.
We consider the scattering problem for the non-linear Schrödinger (NLS) equation with a power interaction with critical powerp=1+2/n in space dimensionsn=2 and 3 and for the Hartree equation with potential |x|−1 in space dimensionn≥2. We prove the existence of modified wave operators in theL 2 sense on a dense set of small and sufficiently regular asymptotic states.
We study scattering theory for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with cubic and quadratic nonlinearities in one and two space dimensions, respectively. For example, the nonlinearities are the sum of the gauge-invariant term and non-gauge-invariant terms such as λ 0 |u| 2 u+λ 1 u 3 +λ 2 uu ¯ 2 +λ 3 u ¯ 3 in the one-dimensional case, where λ 0 ∈ℝ and λ 1 ,λ 2 ,λ 3 ∈ℂ. The scattering theory for these equations belongs to the long-range case. We show the existence and uniqueness of global solutions for those equations which approach a given modified free profile. The same problem is considered for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Stark potentials.
We study the asymptotic behavior in time of solutions to the Cauchy problems for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a critical power nonlinearity and the Hartree equation. We prove the existence of modified scattering states and the sharp time decay estimate in the uniform norm of solutions to the Cauchy problem with small initial data. This estimate is very important for the proof of the existence of modified scattering states to the nonlinear Schrodinger equations with a critical nonlinearity and the Hartree equation. In order to derive the desired estimates we introduce a certain phase function since the previous methods, based solely on a priori estimates of the operator x + it acting on the solution without specifying any phase function, do not work for the critical case under consideration. The well-known nonexistence of the usual L 2 scattering states shows that our result is sharp.
We study the theory of scattering for a class of Hartree type equations with long range interactions in space dimension n > 2, including Hartree equations with potential V(x) = lambda |x|^{- gamma}. For 0 < gamma < or =1 we prove the existence of modified wave operators with no size restriction on the data and we determine the asymptotic behaviour in time of solutions in the range of the wave operators,thereby extending the results of a previous paper with the same title (math.AP/9807031) which covered the range 1/2 < gamma <1. Comment: TeX, 55 pages, available