
An Introduction to Health Psychology.



This text sharply focuses on the cutting edge issues in health psychology today. Its renowned author team offers a broad range of knowledge and expertise in the behavioral sciences. Together they present a balanced treatment of basic research and applied issues, theory, assessment, treatment and biopsychosocial and clinical approaches. The case studies feature real people dealing with illness and illuminate text material.
... Although the scientific study of stress is relatively recent, stress has been o f concern to physicians for centuries. For instance, Hippocrates separated suffering caused by disease {pathos) fi*om the pressure involved in resisting and fighting it {panes) (Gatchel et al. 1989). ...
... ____________________________ r h a p t f f r 1 -PgyrV ingnrial f e r tn r g n f pogcihlff im p n rfa n rft 5Ŝ elye (1946) suggested that the body's response to a noxious or stressful stimulus occurs in three stages which he called the general adaptation syndrome (GAS concentrations of inflammatory corticosteroids may figure in the onset of arthritis (Gatchel et al. 1989). ...
... However, historically the research traditions have developed independently o f each other. Only recently have researchers been working to integrate physiological and psychological research (Gatchel et al. 1989). Lazarus' perspective is almost as exclusively psychological as Selye's is physiological, yet they show conq)atibility. ...
This thesis investigates some putative relationships between relevant psychosocial fectors (PSFs) and two types of dental disorder, namely, inflammatory periodontal diseases and tooth wear. The first study investigated possible associations between a number of PSFs and adult onset rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). It was shown that there was a significant relationship between the combined PSFs and the three periodontal diagnoses of RPP, routine chronic adult periodontitis (RCAP) and no significant periodontal destruction (control group). The RPP group presented significantly more depression and loneliness than the RCAP and control groups. The second study investigated whether a number of PSFs could predict dental plaque levels in a group of patients with two forms of chronic periodontitis (CP): RPP and RCAP. Because gender, smoking and education have been associated with neglect of oral hygiene, their role as predictors of plaque was also examined. In addition, this study investigated whether RPP and RCAP patients differ significantly on plaque and smoking, before their periodontal treatment. It was found that the PSFs were not significant predictors of plaque, and that only gender contributed significantly to the prediction of plaque. Females had significantly less plaque than males, and the RPP and RCAP patients did not differ significantly on plaque. However, RPP patients smoked significantly more than RCAP patients, and there was a marginally significant correlation between depression and smoking. The third study investigated putative associations between a number of PSFs and tooth wear with a significant component of attrition. The results suggested that attrition-tooth-wear patients differed significantly fi-om controls only on trait anxiety. Overall, it was concluded that the PSFs are not equally associated with different forms of CP, they may be of importance to periodontal destruction via a mechanism other than neglect of oral hygiene, and trait anxiety might worsen attrition. Suggestions were made for further research.
... Respecto a las tasas de adherencia y no adherencia, estas varían ampliamente, tanto al comparar entre diferentes acciones (controles, exámenes, medicamentos, etc.), como al considerar una misma acción (ejemplo, tomar los medicamentos). Considerando el tratamiento de una amplia variedad de enfermedades (hipertensión, diabetes, enfermedades cardiacas, etc.), se estima que sólo alrededor del 40 al 70 % de los pacientes siguen adecuadamente las prescripciones de los médicos, y estas tasas son menores aún en casos como tratamientos con antibióticos y controles de hipertensión (Baum, Gatchel & Krantz, 1997;Bernard & Krupat, 1994). ...
... Uno de los primeros estudios sistemáticos sobre este tema es el realizado por Janis hace alrededor de cuatro décadas (citado en Baum, Gatchel & Krantz, 1997). Sobre la base de una entrevista preoperatoria se clasificó a los pacientes en tres categorías, de acuerdo al nivel de temor manifestado (alto, moderado y bajo), encontrándose luego que los pacientes del grupo de temor moderado mostraban menos problemas emocionales postoperatorios. ...
... El segundo tipo es la información procedural, la cual no tiene que ver con el paciente y sus sensaciones, sino con la descripción objetiva de los procedimientos quirúrgicos o diagnósticos a los cuales será expuesto, de manera que el paciente pueda anticipar qué sucederá y por qué. Y un tercer tipo, mencionado sólo por algunos autores (Baum, Gatchel & Krantz, 1997), sería la información de afrontamiento, la cual consiste en proporcionar formar de tratar con el dolor y las molestias cuando estos tiene lugar. ...
... Stress is the process by which environmental events (stressors or challenges) threaten us, how these threats are interpreted, and how they make us feel (Baum et al, 1997) [4] . Lazarus (1966) [15] , conceived stress to be a threat of anticipation of future harm, either physical or psychological events that lower an individual self-esteem. ...
... Stress is the process by which environmental events (stressors or challenges) threaten us, how these threats are interpreted, and how they make us feel (Baum et al, 1997) [4] . Lazarus (1966) [15] , conceived stress to be a threat of anticipation of future harm, either physical or psychological events that lower an individual self-esteem. ...
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The study examines the factors that are influencing the seafarers' occupational stress based on the occupational stress indicators. The study investigates the work-related stress factors, physical stress factors and psychosocial stress factors in the process of assessing the stress levels of the seafarers who work on-board the ships. The occupational stress has been documented as one of the most important workplace health hazards for employees in developed and developing countries (Paul E. Spector, 2002 [18] ; Danna & Griffin, 2002 [8]). Stress or Stressor refers to any environmental, social, or internal demand which requires the individual to readjust his/her usual behaviour patterns (Holmes & Rahe, 1967) [10]. Stress rarely has a single source point, rather stress has been found to have many different sources. Stress can be caused by acute or chronic physical stressors, or by psychological and social stressors (Sapolsky, 1994) [19]. The majority of stressors tend to be those associated with psychological and social issues that are related to both personal and work lives. The study had analysed the work-related stress using student's t-test and also had classified the stressors into five manageable factors by using Factor analysis. The stresses incurred by the seafarers were then compared by testing the hypotheses by using one way ANOVA.
... Stres to czynnik, który zakłóca równowagę organizmu i wpływa pośrednio na zdrowie i chorobę jednostki [4,5]. To proces, za pomocą którego czynniki środowiskowe zagrażają równowadze organizmu lub ją naruszają i za pomocą którego organizm reaguje na zagrożenie [6]. Stres może być przyczyną chorób i cierpienia ludzi, zarówno w miejscu pracy, jak i w domu. ...
... Głównie są to przedstawiciele kadry zarządzającej (52%), właściciele firm (33%) lub osoby pracujące w tzw. wolnych zawodach (12% Table 3. Benefits for an enterprise coming out of physical activity of employees nik pracuje sprawniej 6 . Uprawiając sport, pracownicy czują się lepiej i lepiej rad zą sobie z wykonywaniem codziennych obowiązków, nie popełniają błędów oraz w pełni wykorzystują swoje możliwości. ...
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Stres zawodowy przyczynia się do powstawania i zaostrzania przebiegu wielu zaburzeń w stanie zdrowia, sprzyja powstawaniu wypadków przy pracy i obniża wydajność pracy, przez co zakłóca funkcjonowanie firm i niesie ze sobą straty materialne. Stres jest także niekorzystny dla państwa, gdyż ponosi ono koszty związane z leczeniem pracowników i wypłatami świadczeń z tytułu pogor-szenia stanu zdrowia pracujących. W artykule omówiono stres zawodowy w aspekcie podejmowania aktywności fizycznej przez pracowników, którzy w dobie pandemii zaczęli pracować zdalnie. Wyka-zano, że podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej sprzyja walce ze stresem, pomaga nabrać dystansu do problemów związanych z pracą, ale także pozytywnie wpływa na ogólną jakość życia pracowników. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wykazały również, że podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej, jaką jest bieganie, pozwala pracownikom odprężyć się, wypocząć i w ten sposób zadbać o higienę umysłu. Słowa kluczowe: stres zawodowy, aktywność fizyczna, pandemia Physical activity as a determinant for dealing with occupational stress Occupational stress contributes to the emergence and exacerbation of many health disorders, fosters accidents at work and reduces work efficiency, thus disrupting the functioning of companies and causing material losses. Stress is also unfavorable for the state, as a result of stress the state incurs costs related to the treatment of employees and the necessity to pay benefits due to the deterioration of the employed health. The paper discusses occupational stress in the aspect of taking up physical activity by employees who started working remotely during the pandemic. It has been shown that taking up physical activity promotes the fight against stress, helps to distance yourself from problems related to work, but also has a positive effect on the overall quality of employees' life. The results of the research also showed that taking up physical activity such as running allows employees to relax, rest and thus take care of mental hygiene. Wszyscy ludzie podlegają stresowi, a wypalają się tylko ci, którzy stawiali sobie wzniosłe cele, posiadali duże oczekiwania i silną motywację [1]
... Previous studies have shown that many consumers have tried to eat healthy food products in order to have a healthy lifestyle [7,8]. This behavior describes healthy practices brought by necessities and health-related inspiration [9]. It still requires a comprehensive understanding of factors that may encourage people to switch from fast food to healthy food products and services. ...
... Previous studies show that many customers try to eat healthy food products because they want to have a healthy lifestyle. Likewise, this behavior can be portrayed as healthy practices caused by necessities and inspiration to be healthy [9]. Another consideration is that the research was conducted in Indonesia, which has a culture of collectivism, and general decision-making is often based on the environment. ...
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This study aimed to examine the effect of customers’ attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control on their intention to switch to healthy food products. This research also tested brand awareness as a moderator of customers’ behavioral choices to switch to healthy food products by switching behavior. The study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire. It involved 318 participants and employed partial least square regression as the data analysis method. This study shows the significant influence of customers’ attitudes on their switching intentions toward healthy food products, and perceived behavior control significantly influences customers’ switching intentions toward healthy food products. Customers’ perceived behavior control, as well as their intentions to switch toward healthy food products, significantly influences their switching behavior. Brand awareness has a moderate influence on customers’ intentions to switching behavior on healthy food products. This study contributes to developing the model of customer behavior in switching from fast food products to healthy food products. This study reveals that subjective norms do not significantly influence the switching behavior of customers.
... CP is not an observable illness and as such can be difficult for patients and health care professionals to deal with. Patients with acute or chronic pain may exhibit what have been termed "pain behaviours" (Gatchel, Baum et al. 1989). These include taking time to lie down during the day, sighing, grimacing and rubbing. ...
... Many patients with chronic pain present with depressed mood (Williams 1998;Shapiro and Teasell 1997;Turk and Rudy 1992;Pearce and Erskine 1989;Gatchel, Baum et al. 1989). Psychological problems can be due to iatrogenic complications such as the overuse o f medication, or due to work disability, financial difficulties, inadequate social support and sleep disturbance (Turk and Rudy 1992). ...
The study aimed to identify non-specific aspects of a residential pain management programme that influenced the changes patients made whilst attending. Specific aspects of the programme consisted of input from psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors and nurses, in identifying non specific aspects of the programme, literature concerning therapeutic alliance and group therapeutic factors were reviewed. The prospective study recruited 13 patients with chronic pain who were attending the residential pain management programme. Patients eligible for the programme completed a comprehensive assessment and had had pain for longer than 12 months. Patients were interviewed during week 2 and week 4 of the programme. The interviews were recorded and subsequently transcribed. Open ended interview questions were administered in 3 areas: (i) what was/was not changing for the patient during the residential programme, and their perceptions of what had influenced these changes; (ii) how patients perceived the staff; and (iii) the experience of being in a group of people with chronic pain. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith 1997) was used to identify themes from the recorded interviews. Patients reported physical, behavioural and psychological changes whilst attending the programme. Emergent themes influencing change were; (i) the acceptance of patient's pain by staff and fellow patients (ii) group identity as patients with chronic pain, and as patients participating in the programme (iii) mutually supportive group environments, including altruism (iv) witnessing change in others and (v) staff perceived as giving time. Tentative conclusions suggested that patients felt sufficiently safe to attempt changes whilst attending the programme. Factors that contributed to this safe environment were staff attitudes, empathy and the therapeutic factors of universality and cohesion associated with being in a group of patients with chronic pain.
... can have a profound impact on quality of life and the utilization of medical care (Sobel, 1995). Although clinical health psychology is a relatively new and expanding Chapter One field, it is of vital importance to medical science and the health-care system due to the growing awareness that health and illness have many dimensions (Gatchel & Baum, 1995;Sheridan & Radmacher, 1992). It is also important for the health-care system that clinical health psychologists function as scientist-practitioners who conduct research into both applied and theoretical areas to inform their work with clients and generally add to a growing body of knowledge. ...
... The contributions of clinicians and academics from within this expanding field have encouraged a biopsychosocial perspective and helped facilitate a move towards multidisciplinary patient care within the NHS. As mentioned in Chapter One, the roles played by clinical health psychologists are important to medical sciences and the health-care system due to the growing awareness that health and illness have many dimensions (Sheridan & Radmacher, 1992;Gatchel & Baum, 1995). The acknowledgment in a recent government White Paper entitled. ...
Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) was first discussed in the literature during the early 1970s, but it was not until the late 1980s and early 1990s that a number of reliable PCA systems became available. PCA has since been deployed throughout most of the developed world for the treatment of post-operative acute pain. As an alternative to traditional intramuscular injections and oral treatments, PCA has achieved rapid acceptance in medical centres as a tool for administering analgesic medication to postoperative patients. However, PCA equipment is expensive and this ultimately places constraints on its availability. Published research in the area has suggested that an understanding of the psychological factors that make PCA beneficial to patients is important for their post-operative recovery, and to allocate the system effectively. Close examination of the published literature in the area generated the following review questions: Is PCA effective?; Is patient satisfaction with PCA important?; Can anxiety affect pain management with PCA? and; Does control influence pain with PCA? Due to controversy and inconsistency in the literature, the purpose of the study contained in this academic thesis was to partially replicate previous findings, as well as assess the role of self-efficacy beliefs in post-operative pain management with PCA. Forty five women undergoing elective, non-malignant total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) operations at a central London teaching hospital volunteered to participate. PCA with morphine sulphate as the analgesic drug was used as standard procedure for treating the post-operative pain of TAH patients. A longitudinal design was employed with each participant assessed on two occasions. Self-report questionnaires with known psychometric properties were used to assess generalised self-efficacy beliefs, state anxiety, emotional distress and pain expectations prior to surgery. The post-operative assessment conducted 24-36 hours after surgery included self-report questionnaires of pain, pain coping strategies, and PCA satisfaction. The total volume of morphine consumed by participants while using PCA was also recorded. Firstly, the results indicated that participants who experienced post-operative analgesic side effects reported significantly lower PCA satisfaction and used more maladaptive pain coping strategies than those without side effects. Secondly, after controlling for dimensions of pain, maladaptive pain coping strategies helped predict pain intensity scores. Thirdly, after controlling for pain, state anxiety helped predict the total volume of morphine consumed during PCA use. Finally, none of the pre and post-operative variables helped to predict PCA satisfaction scores as measured in this study. Although this study partially replicated the previous finding that state anxiety helped predict morphine consumption, there was no empirical support to suggest that self-efficacy beliefs helped to understand acute post-operative pain management with PCA. The results were discussed in terms of the review questions presented above. The discussion focused upon the clinical implications of patient education to reduce anxiety and maladaptive pain coping strategies, as well as encourage the autonomy and control that PCA allows. The limitations of this study and directions for future consideration were also discussed.
... Walter Cannon, fisiologista americano, descreveu em 1932 a resposta de luta ou fuga observada no organismo a partir de manifestações fisiológicas reguladas pelo sistema nervoso simpático e pelo sistema endócrino quando o indivíduo sentese ameaçado [24]. ...
... A partir da década de 60, psicólogos vêm estudando a experiência do estresse principalmente do ponto de vista de como ele é percebido pelas pessoas, as diversas formas de se lidar com ele e de como o estresse pode afetar a saúde [24]. ...
... Extant studies indicate that numerous consumers eat nutritious food for the sake of a healthy life (Jones, 2010;Suki, 2013). Such healthy practices behavior notifies the consumers' requirements and inspirations regarding health (Baum et al., 1997). The elements of consumers' actual behavior paved the way for behavioral intention because intention refers to the ability to engage in their behavior and actions. ...
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The unsettling fear of COVID-19 infections has caused a new trend in consumer behavior in the food and beverage industry. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has shifted consumers' preferences from eat-in to online delivery. This research aims to measure the impact of consumers' motivation to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19, which explains why people switch from eat-in to online food delivery. We adopted the theory of protection motivation (PMT) to explain consumer switching behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study investigated the mediating effect of switching intention on the relationship between vulnerability, altruistic fear, anticipated regret, and switching behavior. Simultaneously, we examined the role of brand awareness as a moderator of behavioral choices of consumers switching from eat-in to online delivery. We collected data from 681 eatery consumers in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, using scenario-based survey questionnaires (327 eat-in respondents and 354 online delivery respondents). Then, the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). This new generation analysis was conducted using the analysis of moment structure (AMOS) (v.24.0) and the statistical package for social science (SPSS-version 25.0). The results indicated that consumer vulnerability, altruistic fear, and anticipated regret of COVID-19 increased consumers' propensity to shift from eat-in to online food delivery. Allegedly, consumer behavioral control and intention of switching toward online delivery were pointedly affected by switching behavior. The results indicated that consumer vulnerability, altruistic fear, and anticipated regret of COVID-19 increased the shifting of restaurant dine-in patterns and made the intention to switch to online delivery. Consumers' alleged behavioral control and their intention of switching toward online delivery were pointedly affected by switching behavior. We also found that brand awareness moderately affects switching behavior toward restaurant settings. The present research contributes to developing the consumer behavior model of switching from eat-in to online delivery. This study also provides eatery customers and the business community with a safer and healthier proposition of shifting to online food delivery during the pandemic.
... Theorists and researchers have proposed that a number of factors are involved in the development and elaboration of hypochondriacal tendencies, including sensitivity to pain, deviant health beliefs, and the early reinforcement of "sick role" behavior (e.g., Gatchel & Baum, 1983). The present results, along with previous findings (Karoly & Lecci, 1993), suggest that motivation, as represented by the cognitive appraisal of daily goals, may play a role in undergirding hypochondriacal thinking. ...
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A national sample of 60 male and 61 female adults completed a telephone interview that included measures of hypochondriacal tendencies, psychological distress, and symptom manifestation. They also provided cognitive evaluations for their most important health goal on scales measuring self-efficacy, value, planning, self-reward, self-criticism, self-monitoring, social comparison, and positive and negative goal-based arousal. Health goal cognition significantly predicted hypochondriacal tendencies measured 15 to 30 days after the goal assessment, even after controlling for chronic illness diagnosis. Correlations between goal cognition and hypochondriacal tendencies differed from those observed for psychological distress, and no significant correlations emerged with symptom manifestation. Results support a motivational account of hypochondriacal tendencies and extend previous goals research.
... In both eustress and distress the physiological responses are similar. Baum, Gatchel, and Krantz (1996) discussed two separate, but interacting, systems responsible for these responses. The first is a result of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation. ...
... The mental health is not merely the absence of mental disorders, but rather a state of wellness in which everyone can realize their own potential, adapt to normal stress situations, work productively and meaningfully, and contribute to their local community (The World Health Organization). In addition, studies of (Gatchel et al., 1989;Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 1987, 1995 have confirmed that stress may have negative effects on the physiological, psychological, cognitive, behavioral, and social aspects of humans. (WHO) has referred to several conclusions related to mental health in the work environment. ...
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Indoor environment quality is considered a vital factor in the success of occupants and in achieving high productivity. In this context, there has been a substantial growth over the past two decades in the studies conducted worldwide examining the relationship between Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) and occupant’s productivity. This study focuses on the impact of IEQ on Occupant Productivity (OP), as well as its role in facing and overcoming the threats posed by COVID−19. Furthermore, the study paves the way for research on IEQ and OP after returning to work during COVID−19. The researcher conducted a closed-ended questionnaire with telecommunication companies in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from May to December 2019. The total number of completed and collected questionnaires was 385. The data collected were analysed using structural equation modelling technique with the AMOS 23 V software. The findings demonstrate that IEQ has a positive and significant influence on OP. Specifically, the office layout, location and amenities, indoor air quality and ventilation, noise and acoustics, and lighting and day lighting were found to have positive and significant effects on OP. However, biophilia and views were found to have no significant effect on OP. These findings could be used by designers, architectures, facilities managers, and office occupiers to formulate their IEQ strategy to overcome COVID−19 and to increase productivity. The strength of this paper lies in its focus on analyzing and developing a comprehensive and integrated perspective of IEQ elements that contribute to increasing occupants’ productivity upon their return to work during COVID−19. This is accomplished by providing knowledge and training for occupants, in addition to implementing precautionary measures related to the IEQ elements that influence productivity.
... Extant studies indicate that numerous consumers eat nutritious food for the sake of a healthy life (Jones, 2010;Suki, 2013). Such healthy practices behavior notifies the consumers' requirements and inspirations regarding health (Baum et al., 1997). The elements of consumers' actual behavior paved the way for behavioral intention because intention refers to the ability to engage in their behavior and actions. ...
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The unsettling fear of COVID-19 infections has caused a new trend in consumer behavior in the food and beverage industry. The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has shifted consumers’ preferences from eat-in to online delivery. This research aims to measure the impact of consumers’ motivation to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19, which explains why people switch from eat-in to online food delivery. We adopted the theory of protection motivation (PMT) to explain consumer switching behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study investigated the mediating effect of switching intention on the relationship between vulnerability, altruistic fear, anticipated regret, and switching behavior. Simultaneously, we examined the role of brand awareness as a moderator of behavioral choices of consumers switching from eat-in to online delivery. We collected data from 681 eatery consumers in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, using scenario-based survey questionnaires (327 eat-in respondents and 354 online delivery respondents). Then, the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). This new generation analysis was conducted using the analysis of moment structure (AMOS) (v.24.0) and the statistical package for social science (SPSS—version 25.0). The results indicated that consumer vulnerability, altruistic fear, and anticipated regret of COVID-19 increased consumers’ propensity to shift from eat-in to online food delivery. Allegedly, consumer behavioral control and intention of switching toward online delivery were pointedly affected by switching behavior. The results indicated that consumer vulnerability, altruistic fear, and anticipated regret of COVID-19 increased the shifting of restaurant dine-in patterns and made the intention to switch to online delivery. Consumers’ alleged behavioral control and their intention of switching toward online delivery were pointedly affected by switching behavior. We also found that brand awareness moderately affects switching behavior toward restaurant settings. The present research contributes to developing the consumer behavior model of switching from eat-in to online delivery. This study also provides eatery customers and the business community with a safer and healthier proposition of shifting to online food delivery during the pandemic.
... amelynek csak addig van hatása, amíg egészségesek vagyunk (Baum et al. 1997). A legtöbb fogalom meghatározás egy magatartásformát jelöl meg, melynek célja a betegségek elkerülése, és amit a preventív egészségmagatartás és az egészségkockázati magatartás kettőssége jellemez (Pikó 2006). ...
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Az értekezésemben arra keresem a választ, hogy milyen szerepet játszanak a hivatástudat, a presztízs a különböző értékpreferenciák illetve az intézményi hatások szerepe a pedagógusok szupportív attitűdjeinek kialakulásában. Az egészséges életmódra nevelést és az egészségtudatosság megalapozását és tudatosítását, a protektív tényezők megismerését a tanterv mellett további hazai és nemzetközi stratégiai intézkedések is erősítik. Az egészséges életmódra, egészségtudatosságra nevelés elsődleges szociális színtereiként a köznevelési intézmények, elsősorban az iskolák kerültek a társadalmi és szakmai figyelem fókuszába. A reformfolyamatban előfeltevésként fogalmazódott meg, hogy a kötelező iskolai testnevelés óra megalapozhatja a tanulók egészség- és szabadidőtudatának kialakítását, illetve fejlesztését. A tantervi dokumentumok a legfontosabb célként tételezték egy új minőségű testnevelés megvalósítását. Az implementáció folyamatát vizsgáló kutatások széles spektrumú értelmezési keretei meghatározzák annak az oktatáspolitikai beavatkozásnak a folyamatát, amelynek következtében 2012. szeptemberétől bevezetésre került a mindennapos testnevelés. A tantervi implementáció revolutív jellege indokolttá teszi a folyamatban részt vevő aktorok percepcióinak és véleményének elemzését. Kutatásomban a pedagógusok társadalmi megítélését, a testnevelők presztízsét is vizsgálom több társadalmi ágens és változó mentén. Az értékpreferenciákat a nem, kor, a sportolási szokások, beosztás, és a település típusa alakították. Olyan intézményi hatásokat és jellemzőket is bevonok a vizsgálatba, mint az infrastruktúra, a tanuló- és pedagógus létszám. Vizsgálom a folyamatban résztvevő aktorok (szülők, pedagógusok, testnevelő munkaközösségek, intézményvezetők) illetve a többdimenziós skálázással kialakított pedagógus csoportok szupportív attitűdjét a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetéséről, megvalósulásáról, a testnevelők presztízséről és a testnevelés tantárgy megítéléséről a különböző preferenciaváltozók mentén. Az implementációs folyamat szereplőitől kapott válaszok elemzésekor arra a megállapításra jutottam, hogy a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetésével való egyetértés minden aktor véleményében pozitív attitűddel jelenik meg. Az intézményvezetők és a szülők a legerősebb támogatói a folyamatnak. Habár a testnevelés munkaközösségek véleményét legnagyobb arányban a teljes egyetértés jellemzi, válaszaik átlagai mégis alatta maradtak az előbb említett két csoport értékeinél. A várakozással szemben a jó infrastruktúra hatása fordított összefüggést mutat az elégedettséggel. A jobban felszerelt intézményeknél kisebb az elfogadás a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetésével kapcsolatban. Az ilyen intézmények általában a megyeszékhelyen vagy nagyobb településeken találhatóak és magasabb tanulói létszámmal is rendelkeznek. A pedagógusok válaszainak vizsgálata alapján, a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetéséhez kapcsolódó kérdések vizsgálata kapcsán megállapítható, hogy a 2012-ben az alap- és középfokú oktatási intézményekben, felmenő rendszerben bevezetett mindennapos testnevelés folyamatának a legfontosabb feladata a diákok egészségtudatosságra nevelése, amely kijelentés esetében a gyermekkorukban, illetve jelenleg is sportoló tanárok szignifikánsan magasabb arányban értenek egyet nem sportoló kollégáikkal szemben. A vélemények alapján az is kijelenthető, hogy a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetéséhez szükséges infrastrukturális feltételek nem állnak maradéktalanul rendelkezésre az intézményekben, ebben teljes az egyetértés a minta tagjai között. Az infrastruktúra, mint független változó azonban befolyásolta a jobb sporteredmények elvárhatóságát, a tantárgyi presztízs felértékelődését, illetve a testnevelők tanórán kívüli szerepét. A logisztikus regresszió eredményei a pedagógusok szakjának és sportolási gyakoriságának a magyarázó erejét megerősítették a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetését szakmailag támogató pedagóguscsoport esetében a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetését elutasító referenciacsoporttal szemben. Megállapítható, hogy a mindennapos testnevelés bevezetését dokumentáló Nemzeti Alaptantervben és az arra épülő kerettantervben meghatározott célok megvalósulását a pedagógusok attitűdjei alapvetően befolyásolják. Ezek az eredmények igazolják a pedagógusok hivatástudatának, elköteleződésének szerepét az implementáció folyamatában. A sikeresség szerepében az intézmények infrastrukturális ellátottsága is kimutatható, a pozitív célok megvalósulása esetében hatása megkérdőjelezhetetlen a kisebb települések iskoláinak illetve a kiemelkedő infrastruktúrával rendelkező iskolák esetében. A gyermekkori sportolási aktivitás meghatározza a felnőttkori véleményeket a testneveléshez kapcsolódó célok megvalósításában és a legnagyobb értékben a pozitív célok megvalósulásával mutatott összefüggést.
... Dengan makin berkembangnya teknologi dan akses informasi, banyak anak dan remaja yang juga mengetahui bahaya dari merokok namun tidak menghindari perilaku tersebut. Menurut Gatchel (1989), krisis aspek psikososial yang dialami remaja saat berkembang dan mencari jati diri merupakan salah satu pemicu perilaku merokok. Hal ini merupakan "kompensasi" atas adanya ketidaksesuaian antara perkembangan fisik yang sudah matang dengan perkembangan psikis dan sosial yang belum matang. ...
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Everyone agrees that smoking has a negative impact on health, including adolescents. The prevalence of adolescent smoking, which is still high, higher than the target of the Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN), is a problem that has not been resolved from 2013 to the present. This problem solving difficulty is also driven by one of the elements of communication that occurs in adolescent smokers, namely cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is a feeling of discomfort experienced by a person when cognitive elements in him collide or are inconsistent. Adolescent smokers with cognitive dissonance are faced with the fact that smoking is harmful to health, but their behavior is inconsistent with this knowledge. The efforts made by teenagers to reduce discomfort are carried out in various ways. This study discusses two ways or concepts used by adolescent smokers to reduce cognitive dissonance that occurs using a systematic review method of previous literatures. The first concept is compensatory health belief (CHB) and self-exempting belief.
... o Sense of control: an individual"s perception of his or her own ability to have power over what they do (Gatchel et al., 1989;Ulrich, 1999) o Access to privacy: the likelihood that the garden provides places for individuals to be alone without others" scrutiny (Ulrich, 1999) o Social support: the perceived emotional help individuals receive through interacting with other people in the garden (Brannon & Feist, 1997;Ulrich, 1999) o Movement and exercise: the opportunity for individuals to engage in physical activity within the garden (Ulrich, 1999) o Natural distractions: the opportunity to reduce stress through natural environmental features that have restorative influence (Ulrich, 1999) Healing gardens are intended to be places for individuals to relax, connect with nature, and ease the negative feelings that are often associated with the hospital environment (Whitehouse et al., 2001). ...
... Berdasarkan data persentase, tingkat kepatuhan pasien yang tinggi paling banyak adalah pada pasien dengan pendapatan terendah (24 orang) dan kepatuhan terendah pada kelompok pasien dengan pendapatan menengah dengan total bobot 0,57. Hasil ini tidak sesuai teori Gatchel [17] yang menyatakan tingkat pendapatan berhubungan dengan tingkat kepatuhan seseorang untuk minum obat secara teratur. Penelitian di Puskesmas di Kota Manado menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pendapatan dan kepatuhan minum obat (p = 0, 27). ...
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Backgroumd: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease which is until now has not been able to be threated, i.e., because of patient non-adherence in taking anti-tuberculosis drug (ATD) Objective: The objective of this research is to study the relationship between patients adherence in taking ATD determined by MMAS-8 questionnaire with QoL of patient determined by WHOQOL questionnaire. Method: Tuberculosis patients who undergo treatment for at least 4 weeks are the subjects in this study. This study was conducted by a cross-sectional method using the MMAS-8 and WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire of tuberculosis patients at Ibrahim Adjiand Gumuruh primary health care during March - August 2018. Result: Based on MMAS-8 questionnaire filled out by 75 patients, there was 69% of high adherence, 15% moderate, and 16% has low adherence in taking ATD. Of the 6 characteristic factors (i.e., age, sex, occupation, income, education and length of treatment), only gender (p0.01) and occupation (p0.03) factors that influence the patient adherence significantly. Based on MMAS-8 and WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire analyses, there is only psychological health aspect (domain two) that have a significant (p = 0.01) correlated with patient adherence. Conclusion: Based on the results,the psychological health of tuberculosis patients play an important role in patient adherence.
... Por otra parte, en acuerdo con la medicina psicosomática y conductual, y con la psicología de la salud, se definen como trastornos psicofisiológicos a las alteraciones físicas que son provocadas, agravadas o perpetuadas por factores psicológicos y psicosociales. Algunos de estos trastornos pueden ser cardiovasculares, respiratorios, inmunológicos, gastrointestinales, cefaleas, síndromes premenstruales, asma y problemas dermatológicos, entre otros (Gatchel, Baum y Krantz, 1989; Piqueras Rodríguez, Ramos Linares, Martínez González y Oblitas Guadalupe, 2009; Cano-Vindel y Miguel-Tobal, 1999). Desde estas perspectivas, se apoya la aproximación multicausal de la enfermedad bajo el concepto de trastorno psicofisiológico. ...
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Presentar un análisis de los resultados obtenidos en estudios empíricos realizados durante las últimas décadas, en Europa y América, en relación al impacto negativo del estrés asociado a la depresión, la alexitimia y los trastornos psicofisiológicos, en adultos mayores cuidadores de enfermos crónicos.
... An aerobically fit individual will have a lower heart rate at rest and lower blood pressure, less reactivity to stressors and quicker recovery to stressors (Auerbach, Stephen, Grambling & Sandra, 2008;Brannon & Feist, 2010). Relaxation and meditation have also been used successfully to treat stress-related disorders, including hypertension, migraine headaches, tension headaches and chronic pain (Andrasik, 2006). ...
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Teaching is often identified as one of the most stressful professions today. School teachers face high amount of stress during teaching and handling young adults especially in developing countries, where classrooms are overcrowded and teaching methods are mostly teacher-centred. Unhealthy diet, low level of physical activity and occupational stress are common among school teachers. These factors often caused cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) as documented by many studies. Although there is scarcity of studies that directly or indirectly measure CVR among Nigerian teachers during teaching, however, the increasing high blood pressure among the teachers might be preceded by prolonged CVR occurrences. Hypertension among school teachers is an emerging occupational health problem that requires urgent attention not only by the healthcare providers, but by the educational administrators and policy makers. This paper recommends: (i) enlighten teachers to practice good stress coping skills and relaxation to reduce the risk of stress related illnesses. (ii) Controlled studies are needed to standardize stress-free teaching skills, assess CVR during teaching, develop sound polices/strategies to lessen redundancy and assess the response of various exercise models. (iii) Encourage child-centered methodologies among school teachers, reduce teachers load per period, verbal communication and prolonged standing. (iv) Reduce congestion in classrooms and facility-related problems. (v) Improve teachers’ general welfare and good working conditions.
... Since the body's responses to stress are numerous (e.g., increased pulse and heart rate, heightened blood pressure, scanty secretion of salivary glands, increased sweating, cold and clammy hands, …), there are several different physiological measures to assess physiological arousal (Gatchel, Baum, & Krantz, 1989;Zeidner & Matthews, 2011). The focus in the third Paper of the current dissertation was therefore only on measures that are typically and currently used to examine anxiety (Hodges, 2015). ...
... After 2 years, it was limited to 10 items by the researchers. The scale was translated into Turkish by Yeşilay (1993);Schwarzer (2004). The scale is a four likert scale and the range of it is between 20 and 80. ...
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... Az ember egészségi állapotát leginkább saját maga képes karban tartani és -ha szükség van rá -megváltoztatni, ezért különösen fontos az egészség-magatartás kérdésköre, amelyet Szakály megfogalmazása szerint a következőképpen értelmezhetünk: "az egészség-magatartáson az egészséggel kapcsolatos magatartásformák összességét értjük, amelyek az egészséges életmód elemeként az egészségügyi szükségletek és az egészségindítékok következtében létrejövő viselkedésben nyilvánulnak meg" (1). Baum és munkatársai szerint idetartozik minden olyan cselekvés és viselkedésmód, amelynek az egészséges állapot megteremtése és fenntartása a célja (2). ...
Az egészséges életmód egyik legfontosabb összetevője a táplálkozásunk helyes kialakítása. Ennek során rengeteg információra van szükségünk, hogy a különféle élelmiszerekből és ételekből megfelelő étrendet állíthassunk össze, ami hozzájárul egy egészségesebb életmódra való áttéréshez vagy annak fenntartásához. E cikkben a legfőbb célkitűzés, az online marketing azon sajátosságainak a meghatározása és példákkal történő alátámasztása, amelyek segíthetnek a fogyasztóknak az egészséges életmódra való tudatos áttérésben. A különböző tényezők közül hangsúlyos szerepet kap az egészséggel kapcsolatos információk online közegben való megjelenése. A kutatás elméleti háttere releváns szakirodalmi áttekintésre épül. A primer vizsgálatot egy 1000 fős, országos kérdőíves felmérés jelentette, amely régió, településtípus, nem és kor szerint reprezentatívnak tekinthető. A kérdőívezés során általánosságban az online fogyasztók attitűdjei és vásárlási szokásai kerültek górcső alá. Kutatási eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy az egészséges életmódhoz kötődő információknak fontos szerepük van az online felületeken. Ebből adódóan az internet kiemelt információforrásnak tekinthető az egészséges életmódra való tudatos áttérés tekintetében.
... Alleviating stress experienced by these groups is an important goal because stress is a negative outcome itself and has a wide variety of detrimental psychological, physiological, and behavioral effects that worsen other clinical outcomes and markers of safety and quality (Gatchel, Baum, & Krantz, 1989;Mealer et al., 2009). Considerable research has identified hospital design features that can reduce patient stress (e.g., Andrade & Devlin, 2015;Andrade et al., 2017;Devlin et al., 2016;Hagerman et al., 2005;Ulrich, Bogren, Gardiner, & Lundin, 2018). ...
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Objectives Measure the immediate change in intensive care unit (ICU) family members’ state stress levels from the beginning to the end of a person’s visit to a hospital garden and compare the changes produced by the garden with those associated with spending time in indoor hospital environments intended for respite and relaxation. Background No previous research has compared the efficacy of different physical environments as interventions to foster stress reduction in family members of ICU patients, a group of hospital visitors known to experience high levels of distress. Method A convenience sample of 42 ICU patient family (from 42 different families) completed the Present Functioning Visual Analogue Scales (PFVAS) before and after each visit (128 total visits) to a garden, an atrium/café, or ICU waiting room. Results Stress scores significantly declined (i.e., improved) from the start to the end of a break on all PFVAS subscales ( p < .0001) in both the garden and indoors locations. However, it is noteworthy that garden breaks resulted in significantly greater improvement in the “sadness” scale than breaks in indoor locations ( p = .03), and changes in all five other PFVAS scores showed somewhat more reduction of stress for breaks spent in the garden than indoors, although these differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion Creating an unlocked garden with abundant nature located close to an ICU can be an effective intervention for significantly mitigating state stress in family members of ICU patients and can be somewhat more effective than indoor areas expressly designed for family respite and relaxation.
... modelleket alkalmaznak együtt vagy külön-kü-lön az egészségre ható tényezők súlyának megismerésére. Az egészségmagatartás értel-mezésénél több szakirodalom úgy összegezi, hogy körébe tartozik minden viselkedéselem, attitűd, amelyet a személy azért képvisel, hogy megvédje, elősegítse vagy fenntartsa egészsé-gét (HARMATH, 1978;HARRIS és GUTEN, 1979;BAUM et al., 1997;SZAKÁLY, 2008;DÖRNYEI et al., 2014;BRÁVÁCZ, 2015), akár tudatosan teszi mindezt, akár rutinból (HAR- MATH, 1978). Ez a MATARAZZO (1984) által preventív egészségmagatartásnak nevezett tí-pus. ...
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Az elmúlt hetven év az emberiség számára történelme talán leggyorsabb fejlődési szakaszát jelentette. Az emberek széles rétegei tudták maguk mögött hagyni a szegénység és éhezés kínzó kötelékeit, miközben a kommunikáció, kereskedelem és közlekedés terén végbement robbanásszerű technológiai előrelépések megnyitották az utat a fogyasztás, a szabadság és a tudomány demokratikus térnyerése előtt. Ennek a folyamatnak viszont kétségtelenül azonosíthatók az árnyoldalai is: paradox módon egyre szélesedő ismereteink és tudásunk ellenére egyre kétségesebb az, hogy hagyományos kulturális értékeink, egészségi állapotunk és a természeti környezetünk hosszú távon javulni tudnak.Szakirodalmi áttekintésünkben annak a lehetőségét vizsgáljuk, hogy a hosszú távú gazdasági fejlődés fentebb bemutatott „káros mellékhatásai” közül lehetséges-e érdemben többet együttesen „kezelni”. A fenntartható fejlődéssel – vagy újabban körkörös (cirkuláris) gazdasággal – foglalkozó szakirodalom egyre inkább összpontosít a különböző ökológiai és társadalmi problémák közötti kapcsolatra az igen összetett fenntarthatósági kérdésekre adott hibás környezetpolitikai reakciók elkerülése érdekében. Cikkünkben az egyik legnagyobb jelentőségű ilyen kapcsolatrendszer bemutatására teszünk kísérletet, ez az élelmiszerfogyasztás, és annak a természeti erőforrásokkal, valamint az egészségmegőrzéssel fennálló kölcsönhatásai. A fogalmakat önmagukban, majd a szakirodalomban fellelhető, őket összekapcsoló modellek mentén mutatjuk be. JEL-kódok: F64, I12, O13, Q4, Q5
... A prática médica de então implicava a compreensão da natureza do ecossistema humano (NOACK, 1987) . O próprio médico era mais do que um técnico, era também filósofo, professor e sacerdote, o que facilitava a compreensão holística da relação Homem, Ambiente, Saúde e Doenças (GATCHEL; BAUM; KRANTZ, 1989) . Na Idade Média, a saúde ainda era concebida numa perspectiva ecológica, com uma concepção holística: é disso exemplo a definição de saúde apresentada por São Tomás de Aquino, na Summa Theologica, como um hábito ou uma disposição habitual relativamente à natureza . ...
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... Az egészségmagatartás körébe tartozik minden viselkedéselem, attitűd, amelyet a személy azért képvisel, hogy megvédje, elősegítse vagy fenntartsa egészségét, 3,4,5,6,7,8 akár tudatosan teszi mindezt, akár rutinból. 9 Ez a MATARAZZO (1984) által preventív egészségmagatartásnak nevezett típus. ...
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The young generation-as the economic and social engine of our future-deserves a special attention in social and marketing viewpoint. They are the members of the so-called Z generation who differ from the previous ones not only in the field of the digital skill proficiency, but their attitudes are more differentiated as well. In current study we examined secondary school students, and we were curious about their food consuming habits from the perspective of health consciousness and market demands. The research was based on a questionnaire survey of 1002 members. Our current results came into existence with the help of the statements selected from the category of risk behaviour within health behaviour. We created groups with the method of factor-and cluster analysis. Among the particular lifestyle groups there can be seen a significant difference in the field of consciousness together with the follow-up of the food market trends.
... Stressful situations have a positive correlation with stress level, whereas social support has a negative correlation with the stress level. Social support helps individuals coping with (Gatchel, Baum & Krantz, 1989) and prevents them from experiencing the negative effects of stress (Jenkins, 1991). Mothers with low SES often experience stressful events, such as divorce, death of a child, dangerous situations, and criminal acts in their residential areas (Rice, 1999). ...
... Faktor dari dalam diri remaja dapat dilihat dari kajian perkembangan remaja. Dikatakan oleh Erikson ( Gatchel, 1989), hal tersebut berkaitan dengan adanya krisis aspek psikososial yang dialami pada masa perkembangannya yaitu masa ketika mereka mencari jati diri. Pada masa ini sering dilukiskan sebagai masa badai dan topan karena ketidaksesuaian antara perkembangan fisik yang sudah matang dengan perkembangan psikis dan sosial yang belum matang. ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between peer and parental control factors and smoking behaviour of adolecents among junior high school students in Mataram. Observational study was used to collect data from 108 students aged 12 to 17 on their own smoking status and parental controls. The result showed secondary students who smoke are subjected to peer group pressures and they have fewer parental controls with regard to smoking. More pressures on smoking within the peer groups were associated with a greater likelihood of smoking behaviour (p>0.05; p=0.642). However, parental controls on smoking have also been found to have influence to decreasing the likelihood of smoking behaviour among 7th and 8th students (p>0.05; p=0.440). In general, peers has stronger effects on initiation of adolecents smoking behavior than parental control influences. This findings suggest that more extensive controls on smoking at home may reduce adolecents smoking behaviour. Thus, smoking prevention for adolecents might be focused on social context such as, resisting to peer pressure and enhacing parental communication. Keywords: adolescent; smoking behavior; parental control; peer
... Stress is the process by which environmental events (stressors or challenges) threaten us, how these threats are interpreted, and how they make us feel (Baum et al, 1997). Lazarus (1966), conceived stress to be a threat of anticipation of future harm, either physical or psychological events that lower an Effects of Job Stress on Health, Personal and Work Behaviour of Nurses in Public Hospitals in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria 347 ...
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The study aims at knowing the neural networks, their components, neuron cells and their mechanism. One of these networks types is the most common in digital systems, Perception that is Perceptron network or as called touch networks. An equation of how these networks work was studied in order to design new system.
... Em todo o caso, constata-se que muitos operacionais tendem a ficar mais indiferentes, mais desligados emocionalmente e menos simpáticos para com o público à medida que os anos de exercício profissional se vão acumulando (Banton, 1964;Niederhoffer, 1967;Symonds, 1972 (Greenglass, 1988). São indivíduos que costumam evidenciar níveis elevados de hostilidade, que pode ser direccionada para o interior ou para o exterior (Gatchel, Baum & Krantz, 1989 Como se pode constatar, os traços de personalidade até agora focados são fortemente influenciados pela cultura organizacional da Polícia, produzindo o espírito de missão no agente (Waddington, 1999). De acordo com os trabalhos de Reiser (1973), Arcuri (1976), Lester (1983) Além disso, todos estes traços se potenciam uns aos outros, criando padrões de personalidade típicos do polícia (Davidson & Veno, 1980;Skolnick, 1973). ...
... Huszka and Kozma investigated health-consciousness and the complex system of health behavior in the dimension of food consumption [5] [1]. Conscious nutrition, value system, "time pressure", financial status and possibilities can be found among several other components. ...
... Mereka berada dalam situasi ketidakpastian terutama dalam kehidupannya di masa mendatang. Copyright@2016 Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang Menurut Lazarus dan Cohen(Gatchel, Baum & Krantz, 1989), sumber stres dapat digolongkan menjadi tiga yaitu: Pertama, Perubahan menyeluruh (cataclymic stressor). Kejadian yang dapat menimbulkan stres dan terjadi secara tiba-tiba serta dirasakan oleh banyak orang secara bersamaan seperti bencana alam.Kedua, Sumber stres dari pribadi (personal stressor). ...
Family is the smallest unit in the community that has a very strong influence into our life. If the family experiences stress, it will affect the system in the family itself. Dr. Thomas H. Holmes and Dr. Richard H. Rahe give a definition of stress -a complicated condition or situation which can endanger people and has exceeded the resources of the individual to cope. Furthermore, they also develop a stress measuring scale called "Social Readjusment Rating Scale". Family stress model was then developed with more complex explanation by McCubbin and Patterson (1980), known as the Model T double ABCX.
... Stress is a psychobiological process that begins with the perception (an aspect of P) of a threat or challenge in the form of physical or psychological stimuli (aspects of E) (Baum, Gatchel, & Krantz, 1997;Lazarus & Folkman, 1984;Mason, 1971;McEwen, 2007;Selye, 1946). If the stimuli (i.e., aspects of E) are perceived to demand physical and psychological resources (aspects of P), then there is an integrated psychological and biological response by the organism (aspects of B) that acts to preserve or maintain physical or psychological well-being (i.e., aspects of P). ...
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Many leader types have been described and are useful. Because so many leader types have been identified, they may be interpreted as competing with each other rather than as complementary or alternative types that depend on individual leaders, the groups that are being led, or the situations in which leadership occurs. This chapter suggests that it is valuable to identify a leader type that can serve as an umbrella term and concept to capture principles relevant to all types of effective leadership. The identification of an overarching, effective leader type is based on a psychobiosocial perspective that draws from field theory in the social sciences and from the stress literature. Based on these literatures, the term “allostatic leader” is offered to describe an ideal leader who responds, adapts, learns, and changes with experience to become even more effective in subsequent situations. Consequently, a clear operational and holistic definition can best focus leader education and development programs to optimally grow effective leaders.
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Monografia składa się z trzech części, jak: „Człowiek i instytucja jako składowe kultury bezpieczeństwa”, „Dysfunkcje społeczne jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa publicznego”, „Stres jako identyfikator czynności zawodowych”, które zawierają trzynaście tekstów naukowych młodych adeptów nauki – studentów, absolwentów i doktorantów Wydziału Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Akademii Sztuki Wojennej. Autorzy reprezentują różne perspektywy badawcze, przyjmują odmienne założenia teoretyczne i metodologiczne, ale także korzystają z różnej aparatury pojęciowej, lokującej się w tradycji badań społecznych. W prezentowanych opracowaniach dominują podejścia psychologiczne i socjologiczne, ale także reprezentowane są analizy pedagogiczne, filozoficzne, historyczne oraz prawne, dla których tym co wspólne, jest refleksja nad bezpieczeństwem. Jednocześnie monografia ukazuje, jak ważne w naukach o bezpieczeństwie są rozważania nad psychospołecznymi uwarunkowaniami zachowań pojedynczych jednostek i całych społeczności.
Interdisciplinary pain management is an important part of spine pain treatment. This chapter summarizes the important information about interdisciplinary pain treatment and the rational and evidence for this treatment.KeywordsInterdisciplinary pain managementCognitive behavioral therapyChronic painMultidisciplinary pain management
A nurse's work scope varies with the department she is employed in. This scope depends on the particular features of dealing with different patient populations. Work in a pediatric inpatient department involves some specific features that distinguish it from operations in any other healthcare facility, which determined the relevance and choice of the scientific research topic.
Pain is a complex emotional and sensory experience that is influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. The longer pain persists, the more important the psychosocial factors become in the maintenance and aggravation of pain. This chapter describes the rationale for a biopsychosocial approach to pain, including the historical context of the biopsychosocial approach to pain and the state of the current neuroscience research involving psychological factors and pain. Furthermore, relevant psychological constructs when evaluating individuals with chronic pain are explored. Finally, a brief discussion of psychological approaches for pain and interventions based on these approaches is provided.
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Objectives: Pregnancy is considered as one of the most enjoyable events although it is one of the most stressful periods of women’s lives. The pregnant women’s stress is harmful to maternal and fetal health and thus can lead to various complications including preterm labor. In this regard, social support is the most important and known force to deal with such stressful situations. Accordingly, this research aimed to assess the relationship between perceived stress and perceived social support in pregnant women. Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was performed on 200 pregnant women who visited the health centers of Ardebil during February-August 2018. Cluster sampling method was used for sampling and perceived Stress Scale and perceived social support questionnaire were utilized for data collection. Finally, Pearson correlation, independent t test, one-way ANOVA test, and general linear model (GLM) were applied to analyze the data. Results: The mean (SD) total scores of the perceived stress and the social support were obtained 24.22 (7.33)/56 and 134.67 (18.47)/175, respectively. Based on the GLM (after adjusting the socio-demographic variables), a significant inverse association was observed between perceived social support and perceived stress (P
Job Stress or Occupational Stress is considered to be the daily aspect of modern day work in the organizations. The job stress is an area which has been extensively researched around the world in the modern day industrial era. Most of the organizations around the world have started giving importance to job stress right from the operational level of management until the top level of management. Every researcher has dealt with the job stress to identify the occupational hazards that are prevailing in the work spot and the ways to mitigate them. One of the most important aspects of the employees working in an organization is the satisfaction level of employees towards the job and also towards the organization. The factor which is predominantly responsible for the job satisfaction would be the job stress. Specifically when the employees who are working as production engineers in the automobile companies and when they are incurred with the job stress then it will definitely affect the job satisfaction. Moreover, a dissatisfied production engineer will tend to change jobs which will lead to frequent attrition. There are many parameters which are directly and indirectly responsible for job stress of production engineers since they are made to do a variety of jobs. The production engineers who are working in automobile companies are incurred with more psychological stress than the physical stress. The multitude of factors tends to be those associated with psychological and social issues that are related to both personal and work lives. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the factors of job stress of production engineers in the automobile companies in Chennai.
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A társadalomkutatásokban egyre hangsúlyosabbá válik az életminőség társadalmi és egyéni szintű vizsgálata. Az életminőségnek az objektív tényezők mellett vannak szubjektív összetevői, és ezek mérésével kaphatunk teljes képet a fogyasztók érzékelt jóllétéről. A kutatás célja annak feltárása, hogy milyen értékelési mechanizmus jellemző a fiatalok életminőség-megítélésére, és ebben milyen szerepe van az egészség szubjektív értékelésének. A kutatási célkitűzésnek megfelelően először betekintést nyerünk a téma szakirodalmába, majd értékeljük az empirikus kutatás eredményeit.
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