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Climate change and agriculture: Adaptation and mitigation stategies

  • Vasant Rao Naik Maratwada Krishi Vidya Peeth , Parbhani , India


Changes in climate can be expected to have significant impacts on crop yields through changes in temperature and water availability. The purpose of mitigation and adaptation measures is therefore to attempt a gradual reversal of the effects caused by climate change and sustain development. There are several mitigation and adaptation practices that can be effectively put to use to overcome the effects of climate change with desirable results. These methods fall into the broad categories of under crop/cropping system-based technologies, resource conservation-based technologies and socio-economic and policy interventions. These measures are discussed to suggest effective strategies among them to combat climate change with specific reference to India.
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Indian Journal of Agronomy 54(2): 226__230 (June 2009)
Climate change is a complex alteration of climate,
subtle and continuous, yet extremely important through its
consequences on vegetation of various types that thrived
under constant or relatively unchanged climates. The ef-
fects of climate change have reached such an extent that
irreversible changes in the functioning of the planet are
feared. Some of the main effects of climate change with
specific reference to agriculture and food production espe-
cially during the last decade are: increased occurrence of
storms and floods; increased incidence and severity of
droughts and forest fires; steady spreading out of frost-free
intervals and potential growing season; increased fre-
quency of diseases and insect pest attacks; and vanishing
habitats of plants and animals.
Apparently, these modifications of previously stable
climates imply an obvious warming trend and a growing
climatic variability impacting the exiting ecosystem. It is
important for the international scientific community to use
all accessible knowledge to stop or reverse this trend to the
maximum extent possible. There have been various at-
tempts and viable measures in the past to bring down at-
mospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) to slow down cli-
mate change (Boer et al., 2000). However, if the warming
trend continues at its current pace, these may soon prove
inadequate. The early impacts of climate change already
are being felt worldwide. Future impacts will affect a
broad array of human and natural systems, with conse-
quences for human health, food and fiber production, wa-
ter supplies, and many other areas vital to economic and
social well being. While certain impacts may in the nearer
term prove beneficial to some, in the long-term, the effects
will be largely detrimental.
Carbon dioxide emissions from agriculture are small;
but other important GHGs are emitted from agriculture.
Agriculture accounts for about 60% of all nitrous oxide,
mainly from fertilizer use and about 50% of methane
mainly from natural and cultivated wetlands and enteric
fermentation. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions are
projected to further increase from 35 to 60% by 2030,
driven by growing nitrogen fertilizer use and increased
livestock production in response to growing food demand.
Changes in climate can be expected to have significant
impacts upon crop yields through changes in both tem-
perature and moisture. As climate patterns shift, changes
in the distribution of plant diseases and pests may also
have adverse effects on agriculture. At the same time, ag-
riculture proved to be one of the most adaptable human
activities to varied climate conditions (Mendelsohn et al.,
2001). Many investments are relatively short-term and
crops and cultivars can be quickly changed to suit new
conditions. For these reasons, agriculture at the global
level can probably adapt to a moderate amount of global
warming up to 2.5OC above current levels, assuming no
dramatic change in climate variability. Crops in low lati-
tudes (tropical and sub-tropical) are more often close to
their limits of heat tolerance, while growing conditions are
likely to improve in higher latitudes (temperate), where
agriculture might gain in competitive advantage. As in
other sectors, adaptive capacity is likely to be a major fac-
tor in determining the relative distribution of adverse im-
The purpose of mitigation and adaptation measures is
Climate change and agriculture: Adaptation and mitigation stategies
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santosh Nagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500 059
Changes in climate can be expected to have significant impacts on crop yields through changes in
temperature and water availability. The purpose of mitigation and adaptation measures is therefore to attempt a
gradual reversal of the effects caused by climate change and sustain development. There are several mitigation
and adaptation practices that can be effectively put to use to overcome the effects of climate change with
desirable results. These methods fall into the broad categories of under crop/cropping system-based
technologies, resource conservation-based technologies and socio-economic and policy interventions. These
measures are discussed to suggest effective strategies among them to combat climate change with specific
reference to India.
Key words:
Agroforestry, Carbon, Food insecurity, Intercropping, Pollutants, Rainfed farming, Rice fields,
Zero tillage
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therefore to attempt a gradual reversal of the effects
caused by climate change and sustain development under
the inescapable effects of climate change. Here is it impor-
tant to note and understand the subtle difference between
mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation and adaptation are
related to the temporal and spatial scales on which they are
effective. The benefits of mitigation activities carried out
today will be evidenced in several decades because of the
long residence time of greenhouse gases in the atmo-
sphere, whereas the effects of adaptation measures should
be apparent immediately or in the near future (Kumar and
Parikh, 2001). Besides, mitigation has global in addition
to local benefits, whereas adaptation typically takes place
on a local or regional scale.
Vulnerability to food security has (difficult phase in)
grown global. Global and local food security vulnerability
patterns will be modified by climate change. Small-scale
rainfed farming systems, pastoralist systems, inland and
coastal fishing and aquaculture communities and forest-
based systems are particularly vulnerable to climate
change. It is imperative to improve preparedness to future
and uncertain impacts through preventive and planned
adaptation and innovation, technical adaptation measures
range from change in production systems like adjusting
planting or fishing dates, rotations, multiple cropping/spe-
cies diversification, crop-livestock pisciculture systems,
agroforestry investing in soil, water and biodiversity con-
servation and development by building soil biomass, re-
storing degraded lands, rehabilitating rangelands, harvest-
ing and recycling water, planting trees, developing adapted
cultivars and breeds, protecting aquatic ecosystems to
maintain long-term productivity. Adaptation measures also
take account of establishing disaster risk management
plans and risk transfer mechanisms, such as crop insurance
and diversified livelihood systems (Reilly and John, 1996).
Mitigation options include carbon sequestration in agricul-
ture and forestry. Mitigation of climate change is a global
responsibility. Agriculture, forestry, fisheries/aquaculture
provide in principle, a significant potential for greenghouse
gases mitigation. The IPCC estimates that the global tech-
nical mitigation potential for agriculture will be between
5,500 and 6,000 Mt CO2-equivalent per year by 2030,
89% of which are assumed to be from carbon sequestra-
tion in soils. The potential benefits of carbon sequestration
are: (i) Mitigation is done when CO2 is removed from the
atmosphere; ii) Adaptation is achieved when higher organic
matter levels in soil increase agroecosystem resilience and
iii) Income generation and livelihood is sustained when
improved soil fertility leads to better yields.
New scope is foreseen in increasing carbon sinks in soil
and in above- and below-ground biomass, and thus con-
tributing to soil carbon sequestration under the post-2012
climate change regime by organic agriculture and conser-
vation agriculture.
Adaptation and mitigation through improved
The twin pillars under mitigation and adaptation are
strategies (i) mitigation and adaptation through novel tech-
nologies in crop production and management under pro-
jected climate change scenario and (ii) sound governmen-
tal policy and political will to overcome the projected ill
effects of climate change in agriculture.
The first is by successful manipulation of the direct
effects of climate change on grain crops, viz. reduction in
duration, embryo abortion, spikelet sterility, effects on
grain number and grain size, anthesis interval etc. The
strategy involved here is the efficient use of conventional
breeding and molecular/ mutation breeding by the use of
biotechnological tools including marker assisted selection,
whole genome expression analysis and its subsequent elu-
cidation and gene finding by bioinformatics. The indirect
effects, viz. decline in water resources, increased pests and
disease incidence, loss of soil organic carbon should be
tackled by conservation and efficient use of water, inte-
grated pest management and conservation farming.
Crop/cropping system based technologies
These will be mainly centered on promoting the culti-
vation of crops and varieties that fit into new cropping
systems and seasons, development of varieties with
changed duration that can overwinter the transient effects
of change, release of varieties for high temperature,
drought and submergence tolerance, evolving varieties
which respond positively in growth and yield to high CO2.
Besides varieties with high fertilizer and radiation use ef-
ficiency and also novel crops and varieties that can toler-
ate coastal salinity and salt water inundation are needed.
Agricultural biodiversity and crop germplasm explora-
tion for favorable traits is an important area that needs to
be tapped to the fullest extent. Seeds, plants and plant
parts exhibiting tolerance to temperature, water and other
atmospheric stresses caused by climate change needs to
collected and conserved to aid crop breeding research. A
thorough revisit and re-evaluation of all the wild relatives,
land races, extant varieties, modern varieties and breeding
stocks could help in unraveling previously unknown or
ignored traits than could prove more useful in the present
scenario. Genetic resources could well prove to be the
most important cost effective basic raw material which
will allow agriculture to adapt to climate change. In India,
considerable progress has been made in the genetic dissec-
tion of flowering time, inflorescence architecture, tem-
perature, and drought tolerance in certain model plant sys-
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tems and by comparative genomics in crop plants.
CRIDA, Hyderabad has come out with a transformed Sor-
ghum bicolor L. Moench cv. SPV462 with the mtlD gene
encoding for mannitol -1- phosphate dehydrogenase from
E.coli with an aim to enhance tolerance to water deficit
and NaCl stresses (Maheswari et al., 2006). Germination
potential of these transgenic seeds was several folds higher
when challenged with salt and water stresses. In addition,
they have remarkably robust root system in terms of root
biomass and length. Strategies for genetic enhancement of
heat tolerant genotypes especially in pulses by identifying
and validating markers for high temperature tolerance
coupled with yield potential is one of the key technologi-
cal advances that can prove to be a significant strategy for
adapting to climate change. An additional strategy is to
take advantage of faster growth under higher tempera-
tures, the new varieties, especially of the rabi cropping
season should have characteristics of early flowering
(photo- and temperature-insensitivity, but development-
related onset of flowering) and early maturity and high
Improved and novel agronomic and crop production
practices like adjustment of planting dates to minimize the
effect of high temperature increase-induced spikelet steril-
ity can be used to reduce yield instability, by avoiding
flowering to coincide with the hottest period (Gadgil,
1995) . Adaptation measures to reduce the negative effects
of increased climatic variability as normally experienced
in arid and semi-arid tropics may include changing the
cropping calendar to take advantage of the wet period and
to avoid extreme weather events during the growing sea-
son. Crop varieties that are resistant to lodging may with-
stand strong winds during the sensitive stage of crop
growth. In addition, improved crop management through
crop rotations and intercropping, integrated pest manage-
ment, supplemented with agroforestry and afforestation
schemes will be an important component in strategic ad-
aptation to climate change in India. In grazing lands, pas-
ture improvement is essential to combat impeding changes
through planned grazing processes, enclosures for recov-
ery, or enrichment planting.
Intercropping is an efficient strategy that can be fol-
lowed with desirable outcome in the present climate
change scenario. Grain-legume intercrops have many po-
tential benefits such as stable yields, better use of re-
sources, weeds, pest and disease reductions, increased
protein content of cereals, reduced N leaching as com-
pared to sole cropping systems. Establishment of seed
banks are of crucial importance in highly variable and
unpredictable environments. This facility will provide a
practical means to re-establish crops obliterated by major
disasters and extreme climate events. This will also help in
plant community dynamics, as differential plant germina-
tion strategies to buffer against inter-annual variability in
growing conditions.
The promotion of scientific agroforestry forms a key
component in the war against climate change.
Agroforestry systems buffer farmers against climate vari-
ability, and reduce atmospheric loads of greenhouse gases.
Agroforestry can both sequester carbon and produce a
range of economic, environmental, and socio-economic
benefits. For example, trees in agroforestry systems im-
prove soil fertility through control of erosion, maintenance
of soil organic matter and physical properties, increased N
accretion, extraction of nutrients from deep soil horizons,
and promotion of more closed nutrient cycling.
Resource conservation-based technologies
The key resource conservation-based technologies are
in situ moisture conservation, rainwater harvesting and
recycling, efficient use of irrigation water, conservation
agriculture, energy efficiency in crop production and irri-
gation and use of poor quality water. The suggested strat-
egies are: characterization of bio-physical and socio-eco-
nomic resources utilizing GIS and remote sensing; inte-
grated watershed development; developing strategies for
improving rainwater use efficiency through rainwater har-
vesting, storage, and reuse; contingency crop planning to
minimize loss of production during drought/flood years
(Kapoor, 2006). Zero tillage (ZT) has effectively reduced
the demand for water in rice-wheat cropping systems in
more than 1 million ha of area in the Indo-Gangetic Plains.
With ZT technology, farmers can realize higher yields and
reduce production costs. In addition, ZT has a direct miti-
gation effect as it converts the green house gases like CO2
into O2 in the atmosphere and carbon, and enriches soil
organic matter. Bed-planting is widely adopted in the Indo-
Gangetic Plains, proved to be a successful conservation
technology. The main advantages are: increased water
use efficiency, reduced water logging, better access for
inter-row cultivation, weed control and banding of fertil-
izers, better stand establishment, less crop lodging and re-
duced seed rates.
In coastal salinity, the Doruvu/Kottai technology for
managing seawater intrusion in coastal areas was practised
effectively in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in India.
This mainly involves digging of deep (upto 6 m) open
wells, which allows horizontal flow of underground water
enabled in to the well through pipes. This technology
helps in increased fresh water storage in comparatively
lesser area giving more water to pump and irrigate crops.
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has key benefits
under the present climate situation. This technology pri-
marily consists of keeping the rice fields moist rather than
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continuously saturated, thereby minimizing anaerobic con-
ditions, and improving root growth and diversity of aero-
bic soil organisms; rice plants are spaced optimally to per-
mit more growth of roots and canopy and to keep all
leaves photosynthetically active; and rice seedlings are
transplanted when young with two leaves, quickly, shallow
and carefully, to avoid trauma to roots and to minimize
transplant shock. SRI offers a potential strategy to counter
climate related risk because it uses less water. The resis-
tance of SRI plants to lodging caused by wind and/or rain,
given their larger root systems and stronger stalks, is a
useful trait for extreme floods. SRI method reduce the
agronomic and economic risks that farmers face with the
advent of climate change.
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) and Site-Spe-
cific Nutrient Management (SSNM) also have the poten-
tial to mitigate effects of climate change. Demonstrated
benefits of these technologies are; increased rice yields
and thereby increased net CO2 assimilation, 30-40% in-
crease in nitrogen use efficiency. This offers important
prospect for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions linked
with N fertilizer use in rice systems. It is critical to note
here that higher CO2 concentrations in future will result in
temperature stress for many rice production systems, but
will also offer a chance to obtain higher yield levels in
environments where temperatures are not reaching critical
levels. This effect can only be tapped under sufficient in-
tegrated and site directed nutrient supply particularly nitro-
gen (N). Phosphorus (P) deficiency, for example, not only
decreases yield, but also triggers high root exudation and
increases CH4 emissions. Judicious fertilizer application, a
principal component of SSNM approach, thus has 2-fold
benefit i.e. reducing GHG emissions; at the same time
improving yields under high CO2 levels. One of the key
emerging technologies to reduce GHG emissions from
paddy fields is the use of zymogenic bacteria, acetic acid
and hydrogen-producers, methanogens, CH4 oxidizers, and
nitrifiers and denitrifiers in rice paddies which help in
maintain the soil redox potential in a range where both N2O
and CH4 emissions are low (Hou et al., 2000). The appli-
cation of urease inhibitor, hydroquinone (HQ), and a nitri-
fication inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD) together with urea
also is an effective technology for reducing N2O and CH4
from paddy fields. Use of neem-coated urea is another
simple and cost effective technology which can be prac-
tised in the entire South Asia by small farmers. Promotion
of integrated farming systems for marginal and small
farmers will also be a viable and effective alternative in
combating climate change. Multiple-enterprise agriculture
wherein crop, livestock, poultry, fish farming and trees in
a single unit of land will minimize risk.
Policy interventions
Apart from the use of technological advances to com-
bat climate change related impacts on crop production,
there has to be sound policy framework and strong politi-
cal will on the part of the government to effectively battle
climate change. A sound policy framework should ad-
dress the issues of redesigning social sector with focus on
vulnerable areas/ populations, introduction of new credit
instruments with deferred repayment, liabilities during ex-
treme weather events, and weather insurance as a major
vehicle to transfer risk. Governmental initiatives should be
undertaken to identify and prioritize adaptation options in
key sectors, viz. storm warning systems, water storage
and diversion, health planning and infrastructure needs.
Focus on integrating national development policies into a
sustainable development framework that complements ad-
aptation should accompany technological adaptation meth-
ods. Emphasis should also be given on tapping financial
resources to strengthen adaptation efforts within coun-
tries. Besides the role of local institutions in strengthening
capacities e.g. SHGs, banks and agricultural credit societ-
ies should be promoted. Role of community institutions
and the role of private sector in relation to agriculture
should be a matter of policy concern. There should be
political will to implement economic diversification in
spreading diverse livelihood strategies, migrations and fi-
nancial mechanisms (Schneider et al., 2007). Policy initia-
tives in relation to access to banking, micro-credit/insur-
ance services before, during and after a disaster event,
access to communication and information services is im-
perative in the envisaged climate change scenario.
Some of the key policy initiatives, to be considered, are:
(i) mainstreaming adaptations by considering impacts in
all major development initiatives. (ii) facilitate greater adop-
tion of scientific and economic pricing policies, especially
for water, land, energy and other natural resources. (iii)
consider financial incentives and package for improved
land management and explore CDM benefits for mitigation
strategies and (iv) establish “Green Research Fund” for
strengthening research on adaption, mitigation and impact
It is concluded that even though climate change in India
is a reality and impending negative consequences are pre-
dicted, a more certain assessment of impacts and vulner-
abilities and a comprehensive understanding of adaptation
options across the full range of warming scenarios, sec-
tors and regions would go a long way in preparing the
nation for climate change.
The following researchable issues are identified for
(i) Breeding for improved crop varieties with specific
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reference to growth and flowering phenology, photo
sensitivity/insensitivity, stability in response to inputs
viz., lodging resistant, optimum tillering, harvest in-
dex etc.
(ii) Evolving efficient water and soil management prac-
tices in addition to identification of crops and varieties
with high water use efficiency, dry matter conver-
sion ratio, positive response to temperature extremes
and elevated CO2.
(iii) Identifying new intercropping and novel farming sys-
tem combinations including livestock and fisheries,
which can withstand predicted climate change situa-
tions and can be economically viable.
(iv) Identifying cost effective methods for reducing
greenhouse gas emission from rice paddies and also
from cropping systems with livestock components.
(v) Promoting conservation agriculture practices espe-
cially in water harvesting, nutrient, pest and disease
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... Intercropping: It is an efficient strategy to safeguard against climate aberrations. Grain-legume intercrops have many potential benefits such as stable yields, better use of resources, weeds, pest and disease reductions, increased protein content of cereals, reduced N-leaching as compared to sole cropping systems (Venkateswarlu and Shanker, 2009). ...
... Novel biotechnological tools enable faster transfer of desirable genes with greater precision than conventional breeding methods, and are of greater importance in channelizing the desirable traits from wild and weedy species. Crop germplasm explorations for collecting and conserving seeds, plants and plant parts exhibiting desirable traits particularly tolerance to temperature, water and other atmospheric stresses caused by climate change needs to get greater attention as these would constitute the most important cost effective basic raw material for crop breeding which will allow agriculture to adapt to climate change (Venkateswarlu and Shanker, 2009). ...
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Global warming is causing climate change (CC) characterized by increased frequency of heatwaves, droughts, erratic rains, hailstorms, cloudbursts, floods, landslides etc. The CC has already adversely affected ecosystems. In spite of efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which lead to warming, the global temperature during 2011–20 was 1.1°C above that during pre-industrial era. The projections are that warming will continue to increase and adverse effects will intensify particularly in developing countries like India. In India a number of studies have recorded wide spatial variability in rainfall, though, many reported a general overall negative trend since mid-20th century. Further, varying pattern of rainfall has been recorded in three agroclimatic regions of Punjab state, the granary of India. Unseasonal rains followed by spiked temperature during winter (rabi) season of 2021–22 reduced wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in Punjab by 651 kg/ha and by 301 kg/ha in Haryana compared to 2020–21. Further, the grain was of lower quality. During rainy (kharif) season of 2022, Southern Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Virus (SRBSDV), appeared for the first time in Punjab and Haryana. Some farmers ploughed the affected fields. Adverse weather during rabi 2022–23 also, reduced the wheat yield (143–150 kg/ha) in these states. At the national level, erratic weather during rabi 2021–22 and kharif 2022 caused losses of about 3 mt of grain of each of wheat and rice (Oryza sativa L.). The projected increased adverse effects due to intensified CC include food insecurity. Thus, there is an emergent need to accelerate implementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. The adaptation options include cultivar improvement, conservation agriculture altering growing seasons, crop diversification and sustainable soil, and water resource management. In the process of adaptive management of crop production, adjusting sowing dates and breeding cultivars having varying duration in consonance with CC has been one of the central aspects. Shifting sowing dates to find appropriate crop cultivation season is a low-cost measure. However, cultivar development is time and resource consuming. Novel biotechnological tools enable fast cultivar development with precision, and facilitate mobilization of genes from wild-weedy relatives, which are rich in genes conferring resistance/tolerance to biotic and biotic stresses, required to combat CC challenge. In view of CC stress on water resources, improving water-use efficiency (WUE) has gained importance. Sensor-based micro-irrigation/fertigation has great potential to enhance water and fertilizer-use efficiency. Similarly, the application of other smart technologies like nanotechnology, sensor-based pesticide application, bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, need to be mobilised. In view of agro-ecological diversity in India, right-sized regionspecific technology packages have to be developed implying that crop research will expand exponentially. This needs strengthening of human resources and institutional infrastructure, expanding and linking basic and applied researches, and fortifying inter-disciplinary/inter-institutional collaborations to develop and diffuse technology innovations. Enabling factors include enhanced funding and international cooperation. All-out efforts are needed to have more climate-resilient agriculture.
... This indicates that treatments combining mitigation and adaptation qualities should be the main focus. The primary techniques for adaptation and mitigation fall into three categories: technology for cropping systems, technologies for resource conservation, and socioeconomic or policy interventions [76]. Because they are less aware of the effects of climate change, small and marginal farmers are more vulnerable to losses and are unable to adapt [77]. ...
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Aim: This review aims to synthesize current understanding of the multifaceted impacts of climate change on agriculture, examine adaptive strategies to maintain food security, and offer insights into sustainable farming practices. Objectives: The objectives are to: (1) identify the potential causes of climate change, (2) assess its effects on agriculture, and (3) discuss mitigation strategies and sustainable farming practice. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature has been performed. We conducted an in-depth study of previous research, reports, and related literature. Sources were selected based on relevance and credibility to provide a thorough examination of the impacts of climate change on agriculture. Analysis: The analysis focused on categorizing the direct and indirect effects of climate change on agricultural systems, understanding changes in crop yield, plant physiology and metabolism, and evaluating the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies. Result Findings: The findings indicate that the greenhouse effect, driven by gases such as CO2, CH4, and H2O, leads to global temperature increases. The concentration of these gases is rising, with the global average temperature expected to increase by 2°C by 2100, causing significant economic losses. While this increase has boosted plant growth and productivity through enhanced photosynthesis, the associated rise in temperature counteracts these benefits. Therefore, mitigation strategies such as nutrient management, drip and sprinkler irrigation, and sustainable agricultural practices are essential. Natural farming is a sustainable agricultural practice that offers chemical-free, healthy food while promising to increase farmers' income, improve environmental health, restore soil fertility, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Conclusion: Climate change poses a significant threat to global food and nutritional security by altering agricultural productivity and sustainability. Understanding these impacts and developing effective mitigation strategies is crucial. This review provides valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to address these challenges and ensure resilient agricultural systems capable of sustaining future food security.
... Globally, research is being done to develop methods for managing abiotic stress, including the production of salt and drought-tolerant cultivars, resource management techniques, changing the timing of planting crops, etc. (Venkateswarlu and Shanker, 2009). ...
... Thus, maintaining rapid and health field germination is necessary to give a high yield of good quality. To cope with drought stress, the breeding of tolerant varieties, exogenous application of growth regulators, osmoprotectants and plant mineral nutrients, and alteration in cropping patterns, etc. are being followed (Venkateswarlu and Shanker, 2009;Vurukonda et al., 2016). However, most of these practices are highly technical and the breeding of drought tolerant varieties is quite difficult due to the complex genetic nature of drought stress, inadequate knowledge on drought responsive genes/QTLs, and involvement of multidimensional stresses (Khan et al., 2019). ...
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Drought is a serious threat to cotton growing. This study aims to evaluate effect of hydropriming on seed germination of two varieties of cotton, STAM 129A and STAM 190, under drought stress. Seeds are primedfor3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 hours. The germination test was carried out in 90 mm Petri dishes, at 0,-3,-6 and-9 bar adjusted by PEG-6000, and lasted 7 days. Germination percentage (GP), mean germination time (MGT), germination index (GI) and the relative PEG injury rate (RPIR) was then calculated. The results show that drought stress damage on seed germination was significantly reduced by priming seeds for 12 hours for both cotton varieties. Under drought stress, 12H-hydropriming increased the GP by 206.25% for STAM 129A and 179.26% for STAM 190. Germination, previously nil at-6 bar and-9 bar for unprimed seeds, becomes possible with priming and better with 12H-hydropriming. Increases of 250.76% and 289.55% of GI for respectively STAM 129A and STAM 190 are noted, when MGT did not vary significantly from the control. RPIR was reduced 35.89 % for STAM 129A and 27.10 % for STAM 190.Thus, seed hydropriming of STAM 129A and STAM 190 for 12 hours can be recommended to maintain germinative vigor whatever rainfall conditions may arise.
... This indicates the need to concentrate on programmes that include mitigation and adaptation elements [101]. [102] have grouped the primary adaptation strategies of mitigation into three categories: resourceconservation technologies, cropping-system technologies, and socio-economic or policy initiatives. Small and marginal farmers are particularly vulnerable to losses because they lack the awareness necessary to adapt to climate change [103]. ...
Risks are always present in agriculture for a variety of reasons. Climate-related risks are the most significant among them since they can occur unexpectedly and cannot be avoided. The main climatic factors influencing crop productivity are rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and rising atmospheric CO2. The average global temperature is expected to rise by 2oC until 2100, which would result in significant global economic losses. The average global temperature is currently rising steadily. The concentration of CO2, which makes up a large amount of greenhouse gases, is rising alarmingly. Climate change, with rising temperatures and increased greenhouse gas emissions, impacts agriculture significantly, leading to varied crop yields and potentially catastrophic economic consequences. While some regions may experience favorable effects, overall, climate variability poses challenges such as reduced crop productivity, increased pest activity, and elevated food costs, particularly affecting underdeveloped nations. Environmental policies must be adaptable and flexible to mitigate these impacts effectively. Farmers' responses to climate change, influenced by perceptions and data accessibility, drive both mitigation and adaptation efforts. Sustainable agriculture, conservation practices, and technological innovations play key roles in mitigating climate change impacts and enhancing resilience in farming communities, though success depends on multiple factors including local perceptions, technical feasibility, and economic viability. This paper reviews the causes of climate change, the climate variables affecting crop production and the mitigation and adaptation strategies against climate change.
... Since the publication of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007, emissions from the agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) sector have remained stable, but this sector's share of anthropogenic emissions has declined to 24% (in 2010) as emissions from the energy sector have increased (Smith et al., 2014). By 2030, emissions of methane (CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O) are predicted to increase from 35 to 60% owing to increasing use of nitrogenous fertilizers and increasing livestock production in response to rising food demand (Venkateswarlu & Shanker, 2009). Additionally, overgrazing, deforestation, and the extensive use of technologies that degrade the soil have all been caused by intensive agriculture. ...
In this chapter, the potential of organic agriculture for climate change mitigation and adaptation is addressed. Through soil carbon sequestration, organic agriculture has a great potential to lower atmospheric carbon. According to various studies, the potential to reduce emissions by eliminating chemical fertilizers is about 20% and the potential to sequester carbon is around 40–72% of present yearly greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture worldwide. Organically managed systems can help to mitigate climate change through careful regulation of soil nutrients, resulting in reduced nitrous oxide emissions from soils. Organic agriculture offers many opportunities to develop sustainable systems of food production for climate change adaptation uncertainties because it diversifies farms and enriches soils with organic matter. In addition, organic farming offers an alternative to energy-intensive inputs such as synthetic fertilizers, whose use by the rural poor is likely to be further restricted as energy prices rise. Organic farming systems provide yields that are comparable to or even higher than those produced by conventional agricultural systems in underdeveloped nations, making it a potentially critical option for sustainable livelihoods and food security of the rural poor in the context of climate change. Authorized organically produced products offer farmers more income opportunities and can thus support climate-friendly farming methods worldwide.
Crop production stands as a pivotal pillar of global food security, but its sustainability faces complex challenges from plant diseases, which pose a substantial threat to agricultural productivity. Climate change significantly alters the dynamics of plant pathogens, primarily through changes in temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns, which can enhance the virulence and spread of various plant diseases. Indeed, the increased frequency of extreme weather events, which is a direct consequence of climate change, creates favorable conditions for outbreaks of plant diseases. As global temperatures rise, the geographic range of many plant pathogens is expanding, exposing new regions and species to diseases previously limited to warmer climates. Climate change not only affects the prevalence and severity of plant diseases but also influences the effectiveness of disease management strategies, necessitating adaptive approaches in agricultural practices. This review presents a thorough examination of the relationship between climate change and plant pathogens and carefully provides an analysis of the interplay between climatic shifts and disease dynamics. In addition to insights into the development of effective strategies for countering the adverse impacts of climate change on plant diseases, these insights hold significant promise for bolstering global crop production resilience against mounting environmental challenges.
Agriculture production is greatly impacted by abiotic stresses, which affect the plant growth by ion toxicity, hormonal and nutritional imbalance, and physiological and metabolic changes. Plant-associated plant growth-promoting (PGP) microbes help in plant growth promotion and mitigation of the abiotic stress-induced changes and maintain agricultural productivity. The implementation of PGP microbes into the agricultural production system can be a profitable alternative for abiotic stress management. PGP microbes have a great potential in managing abiotic stress through different mechanisms such as the production of the phytohormones, accumulation of the osmolytes, significant changes in the root morphology and activation of the antioxidant defense systems against oxidative stress. PGP microbes induced changes result in improved plant–water relations and nutritional status in plants. Thus, PGP microbes can be exploited to enhance plant growth and productivity of the plants under stress conditions.
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This study estimates the relationship between farm level net-revenue and climate variables in India using cross-sectional evidence. Using the observed reactions of farmers, the study seeks to understand how they have adapted to different climatic conditions across India. District level data is used for the analysis. The study also explores the influence of annual weather and crop prices on the climate response function. The estimated climate response function is used to assess the possible impacts of a ‘best-guess’ climate change scenario on Indian agriculture.
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A selection of the potential impacts of climate change – on agriculture,forestry, unmanaged ecosystems, sea level rise, human mortality, energyconsumption, and water resources – are estimated and valued in monetaryterms. Estimates are derived from globally comprehensive, internallyconsistent studies using GCM based scenarios. An underestimate of theuncertainty is given. New impact studies can be included following themeta-analytical methods described here. A 1 °C increase in the globalmean surface air temperature would have, on balance, a positive effect onthe OECD, China, and the Middle East, and a negative effect on othercountries. Confidence intervals of regionally aggregated impacts, however,include both positive and negative impacts for all regions. Global estimatesdepend on the aggregation rule. Using a simple sum, world impact of a1 °C warming would be a positive 2% of GDP, with a standarddeviation of 1%. Using globally averaged values, world impact would be anegative 3% (standard deviation: 1%). Using equity weighting, worldimpact would amount to 0% (standard deviation: 1%). Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002
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This paper examines whether a country s stage of development affects its climate sensitivity. The paper begins with a model of agriculture that shows that the effect of development on climate sensitivity is ambiguous, depending on the substitution between capital and climate. To resolve this issue, the climate sensitivity of agriculture in the United States, Brazil, and India is measured using a Ricardian approach. Relying on both intertemporal as well as cross-country comparisons, the empirical analysis suggests that increasing development reduces climate sensitivity.
A global assessment of the potential impact of climate change on world food supply suggests that doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will lead to only a small decrease in global crop production. But developing countries are likely to bear the brunt of the problem, and simulations of the effect of adaptive measures by farmers imply that these will do little to reduce the disparity between developed and developing countries.
 The potential climatic consequences of increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration and sulfate aerosol loading are investigated for the years 1900 to 2100 based on five simulations with the CCCma coupled climate model. The five simulations comprise a control experiment without change in GHG or aerosol amount, three independent simulations with increasing GHG and aerosol forcing, and a simulation with increasing GHG forcing only. Climate warming accelerates from the present with global mean temperatures simulated to increase by 1.7 °C to the year 2050 and by a further 2.7 °C by the year 2100. The warming is non-uniform as to hemisphere, season, and underlying surface. Changes in interannual variability of temperature show considerable structure and seasonal dependence. The effect of the comparatively localized negative radiative forcing associated with the aerosol is to retard and reduce the warming by about 0.9 °C at 2050 and 1.2 °C at 2100. Its primary effect on temperature is to counteract the global pattern of GHG-induced warming and only secondarily to affect local temperatures suggesting that the first order transient climate response of the system is determined by feedback processes and only secondarily by the local pattern of radiative forcing. The warming is accompanied by a more active hydrological cycle with increases in precipitation and evaporation rates that are delayed by comparison with temperature increases. There is an “El Nino-like” shift in precipitation and an overall increase in the interannual variability of precipitation. The effect of the aerosol forcing is again primarily to delay and counteract the GHG-induced increase. Decreases in soil moisture are common but regionally dependent and interannual variability changes show considerable structure. Snow cover and sea-ice retreat. A PNA-like anomaly in mean sea-level pressure with an enhanced Aleutian low in northern winter is associated with the tropical shift in precipitation regime. The interannual variability of mean sea-level pressure generally decreases with largest decreases in the tropical Indian ocean region. Changes to the ocean thermal structure are associated with a spin-down of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation together with a decrease in its variability. The effect of aerosol forcing, although modest, differs from that for most other quantities in that it does not act primarily to counteract the GHG forcing effect. The barotropic stream function in the ocean exhibits modest change in the north Pacific but accelerating changes in much of the Southern Ocean and particularly in the north Atlantic where the gyre spins down in conjunction with the decrease in the thermohaline circulation. The results differ in non-trivial ways from earlier equilibrium 2 × CO2 results with the CCCma model as a consequence of the coupling to a fully three-dimensional ocean model and the evolving nature of the forcing.
Mitigating natural disasters through preparedness measures on Ad-aptation to Climate Variability and Change, 5-7 January 2006, New Delhi, organized by Institute for Social and Environmen-tal Transition and Winrock International India
  • A Kapoor
Kapoor, A. 2006. Mitigating natural disasters through preparedness measures. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ad-aptation to Climate Variability and Change, 5-7 January 2006, New Delhi, organized by Institute for Social and Environmen-tal Transition and Winrock International India. 184 pp
Metabolic engineering for abiotic stress tolerance in soghum using mtlD gene
  • M Maheswari
  • Y Varalaxmi
  • A Vijayalashmi
  • S K Yadav
  • P Sharmila
  • B Venkateswarlu
  • P Saradhi
Maheswari, M., Varalaxmi,Y., Vijayalashmi, A., Yadav, S.K. Sharmila P., Venkateswarlu, B., Pardha Saradhi, P. 2006. ‘Metabolic engineering for abiotic stress tolerance in soghum using mtlD gene’. Paper presented in the International Symposium on Frontiers in Genetics and Biotechnology- Retrospect and Prospect at Osmania University, Hyderabad, January 8-9 2006