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Deliberate Learning and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities



This paper investigates the mechanisms through which organizations develop dynamic capabilities, defined as routinized activities directed to the development and adaptation of operating routines. It addresses the role of (1) experience accumulation, (2) knowledge articulation, and (3) knowledge codification processes in the evolution of dynamic, as well as operational, routines. The argument is made that dynamic capabilities are shaped by the coevolution of these learning mechanisms. At any point in time, firms adopt a mix of learning behaviors constituted by a semiautomatic accumulation of experience and by deliberate investments in knowledge articulation and codification activities. The relative effectiveness of these capability-building mechanisms is analyzed here as contingent upon selected features of the task to be learned, such as its frequency, homogeneity, and degree of causal ambiguity. Testable hypotheses about these effects are derived. Somewhat counterintuitive implications of the analysis include the relatively superior effectiveness of highly deliberate learning processes such as knowledge codification at lower levels of frequency and homogeneity of the organizational task, in contrast with common managerial practice.
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... According to Zollo and Winter (2002), the DC interrelate with the activities that organizations develop and adapt to their routines in a systematic and relatively predictable fashion. In this way, while the common capacities incorporate the efficiency of daily activities based on the best technology and qualified staff (Winter, 2003), the DC focus on improving organizational efficiency, aligning operational routines to the external environment and the broader sweep of organizational objectives. ...
... In this way, while the common capacities incorporate the efficiency of daily activities based on the best technology and qualified staff (Winter, 2003), the DC focus on improving organizational efficiency, aligning operational routines to the external environment and the broader sweep of organizational objectives. Thus, Zollo and Winter (2002) describe DC as a stable pattern of learning of a collective activity through which the company generates and systematically modifies its operational routines and seeks to leverage improvements in its levels of efficiency. Learning is a process through which the organization acquires new knowledge and adapts to the internal and external changes of the environment to remain sustainable and developing (Chen, 2005;Costa et. ...
... Knowledge articulation is a fundamental path for the evolution of the dynamic competitiveness of a company. Teece et al. (1997) also argue that DC should be developed based on the articulation of knowledge and the learning process, and the articulation of knowledge has been increasingly recognized as an important mechanism for DC development in organizational routines (Teece, 2016, Zollo & Winter, 2002, and can promote competitive capacities that can evolve to unique advantages (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). ...
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In all sectors, whether public or private, the current organizational context is characterized by technological, economic, political, social, and cultural changes, which affect the ongoing relations between countries and companies. In the public sector, the political factor and its political cycles are more present, as well as social and human responsibilities in health allow us to differentiate our study environment from all the others. Currently, during the pandemic phase, according to the need for adaptation and dynamics of the Health Units, this was even more visible. Dynamic capabilities (DCs) need to be renewed to respond to emerging changes in the environment, and organizations must develop their capabilities to sustain good levels of performance. Therefore, CDs play an essential role in the performance of organizations. The main objectives of this study are to study the HC in Health Units during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the objective of developing a mapping of indicators that would allow a more efficient response to the organizational and structural changes of the Health Units, users' needs (whether COVID or non-COVID). This article presents preliminary data from an investigation still ongoing on the topic. As contributions, we highlight how the study helps to identify the relationships between the various capacities, relating the importance of technological capacity, human resources capacity and the special importance given to learning resources (through routine activities).
... Reforça a ideia de rotinas e processos para suporte à tomada de decisão de modo a promover a descentralização das decisões de investimento (Meirelles;Camargo, 2014). Uma organização é vista como um conjunto de rotinas operacionais e administrativas, que evoluem ao longo do tempo por meio do feedback do desempenho (Zollo;Winter, 2002). Apresentam-se a renovação de rotinas e capacidades, o desenvolvimento de capacidades e rotinas de alto desempenho, as configurações de recursos novos, a adaptação e desenvolvimento de rotinas organizacionais e a remodelação da base de recursos e capacidades organizacionais Bitencourt, 2014). ...
... Reforça a ideia de rotinas e processos para suporte à tomada de decisão de modo a promover a descentralização das decisões de investimento (Meirelles;Camargo, 2014). Uma organização é vista como um conjunto de rotinas operacionais e administrativas, que evoluem ao longo do tempo por meio do feedback do desempenho (Zollo;Winter, 2002). Apresentam-se a renovação de rotinas e capacidades, o desenvolvimento de capacidades e rotinas de alto desempenho, as configurações de recursos novos, a adaptação e desenvolvimento de rotinas organizacionais e a remodelação da base de recursos e capacidades organizacionais Bitencourt, 2014). ...
... Existe um conjunto de mecanismos que abrange os processos que são responsáveis pela evolução no tempo de dois conjuntos das atividades organizacionais: aquela voltada para o funcionamento operacional da empresa (atividades de equipe) às quais podemos definir como rotinas operacionais; e o outro dedicado à modificação de rotinas operacionais, que identificamos com a noção de CD (Zollo;Winter, 2002). Maior exploração de mecanismos que promovam a replicação e a reconfiguração da base de conhecimento, inclusive a coespecialização de ativos (Meirelles; Camargo, 2014). ...
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O objetivo do estudo foi compreender o processo de desenvolvimento de capacidades dinâmicas em empresa de comércio varejista, localizada na cidade de Panambi, no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. É de natureza aplicada, abordagem qualitativa, realizada por meio de estudo de caso; os dados foram coletados por meio de documentos e entrevista semiestruturada com integrantes da empresa; a análise dos dados foi feita a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Justifica-se pela relevância teórica, uma vez que pode apresentar evidências sobre o desenvolvimento de CD no contexto organizacional do varejo, a partir das proposições de Meirelles e Camargo (2014). A empresa se preocupa em estar atenta as atualidades e ao dinamismo do mercado, busca uma visão de oportunidade no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, serviços e novos processos; é perceptível os comportamentos, capacidades e habilidades que o capital humano da empresa possui, além da busca por interação com clientes e entendimento das suas necessidades; a empresa investe em uma gestão empreendedora que procura criar novas abordagens e modelos de gestão para gerar vantagem competitiva; observa-se indícios de capacidades dinâmicas na empresa, nas quais se referem a práticas eficientes, comunicação e participação de pessoas que desempenham papel chave na ativação destes conhecimentos. Esta pesquisa apresenta a operacionalização dos elementos componentes e mecanismos organizacionais de desenvolvimento de CD propostos por Meirelles e Camargo (2014) no segmento de varejo.
... In this sense, this study is empirical, and its context of analysis is the organic agriculture in Southern Brazil. In this sector, Mazzoleni & Oliveira (2010) identified characteristics that resemble the dynamic capabilities of Zollo & Winter (2002) when studying the technological capabilities of the vegetable processing agribusiness of an organic production enterprise in the Brazilian Midwest. Burton et al. (1998) investigated potential determinants of producers' decisions to adopt or not adopt organic/biodynamic technologies. ...
... The concept seeks to explain the firm's adaptive capacity, through changes in its set of resources and current capacities, to deal with environmental changes and sustain competitive advantages. It reflects how an organization can seize opportunities in its business environment through value creation processes that enable it to change and renew its current processes and foster innovation to achieve a better fit with its environment (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000;Zollo & Winter, 2002;Helfat et al., 2007). ...
... It is not only in highly dynamic environments that dynamic capabilities manifest themselves, but some companies also integrate, build, and reconfigure their skills in low-dynamic environments with low rates of change (Zollo & Winter, 2002;Meirelles & Camargo, 2014). Eisenhardt & Martin (2000) cite that dynamic capabilities can take on different characteristics according to two types of markets: a) in moderately dynamic markets companies depend on existing knowledge, with problem-solving processes and activities focusing on organizational routines; b) in high-speed markets focuses on the rapid creation of new situation-specific knowledge. ...
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This study aims to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of knowledge-based dynamic capabilities in innovation performance, operationalized by organizational innovation measures, in organic food production units. The research was carried out using a seven-point Likert questionnaire that measures the relationship between dynamic knowledge-based capabilities (Zheng et al., 2011) and organizational innovation (Camisón & Villar-López, 2010) in a sample of 154 organic food production units collected at ecological fairs in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For data analysis, structural equation modeling was used. The results indicated that knowledge acquisition, generation and combination skills are important positive determinants for organizational innovation. The approach is groundbreaking in the literature as it addresses and broadens knowledge about the process of building knowledge resources and organizational innovation and adds an analysis model for studies in the interdisciplinary field of dynamic capabilities based on resource knowledge and organizational innovations. It contributes to the theory by reporting on empirical quantitative data through a measurement scale adapted and validated based on the proposal of Zheng et al. (2011).
... Uma capacidade dinâmica é estruturada, recorrente e persistente. Nesse sentido, uma organização que se adapta ao meio externo de forma criativa, mas desordenada, não exerce uma capacidade dinâmica (Zollo;Winter, 2002). Cabe à liderança desenvolver mecanismos para evoluir em seu ambiente de forma a tentar antecipar-se aos macrofatores que afearão ao macroambiente, ao invés de reagir por ruptura aos estímulos externos e inevitáveis mudanças (Calvosa, 2020;Dolor dos Santos et al., 2020). ...
... Uma capacidade dinâmica é estruturada, recorrente e persistente. Nesse sentido, uma organização que se adapta ao meio externo de forma criativa, mas desordenada, não exerce uma capacidade dinâmica (Zollo;Winter, 2002). Cabe à liderança desenvolver mecanismos para evoluir em seu ambiente de forma a tentar antecipar-se aos macrofatores que afearão ao macroambiente, ao invés de reagir por ruptura aos estímulos externos e inevitáveis mudanças (Calvosa, 2020;Dolor dos Santos et al., 2020). ...
Agilidade Organizacional é um tema tranversal e multidisciplinar, que pode ser utilizada como recurso estratégico e ferramenta para fomentar resultados em ambientes dinâmicos e alterar as capacidades gerenciais. Nesse trabalho houve um esforço para integrar e realcionar os temas cultura organizacional e capacidades gerenciais com agilidade organizacional. O objetivo do estudo foi propor um modelo conceitual que englobou a oportunidade de líderes e gestores repensarem as suas organizações rumo à agilidade organizacional, promovendo agentes internos de mudança dentro de seus atuais escopos. O modelo conceitual proposto congrega práticas de incentivos gerenciais, associando variáveis de cultura e de agulidade organizacional. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura com base nas teorias de cultura, comportamento e motivação (Goal-Framing).
... Dynamic capabilities allow the company to change (Winter, 2003;Zollo and Winter, 2002), forming part of the organization's global resource base (Banerjee et al., 2018). Dynamic capabilities create business opportunities for new value-creation strategies through the modification of common capabilities (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000), and an organization that balances these two dimensions will be better prepared to face the challenges market challenges. ...
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Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi strategi bisnis untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif melalui pemanfaatan inovasi, transformasi digital, dan keberlanjutan di era modern. Dengan fokus pada literatur dan studi kasus, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pendekatan strategi bisnis yang efektif diterapkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka seperti Apple, Walmart, Google, Amazon, dan Patagonia. Strategi utama yang diulas termasuk diferensiasi, kepemimpinan biaya, dan fokus, seperti yang diuraikan oleh Michael Porter. Tulisan ini menyoroti pentingnya inovasi dalam produk, proses, dan model bisnis sebagai kunci untuk mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif. Transformasi digital juga dibahas sebagai elemen penting yang memungkinkan perusahaan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan menciptakan nilai baru bagi pelanggan. Selain itu, integrasi prinsip keberlanjutan dan Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) dalam strategi bisnis diidentifikasi sebagai faktor yang meningkatkan reputasi dan daya tarik investasi perusahaan. Tulisan ini juga mengkaji peran agilitas dan ketahanan dalam strategi bisnis modern, menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan yang mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat terhadap perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan pulih dari gangguan eksternal memiliki keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih kuat. Rekomendasi yang diusulkan meliputi pengembangan budaya inovasi, peningkatan transformasi digital, penguatan keberlanjutan dan praktik ESG, pembangunan agilitas dan ketahanan, serta fokus pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan hubungan pelanggan. Melalui penerapan praktik terbaik dari perusahaan-perusahaan sukses, tulisan ini menyarankan bahwa perusahaan lain dapat mencapai dan mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan di pasar global yang semakin kompleks dan dinamis.
... For instance, the aviation industry drastically reduced flights in response to rising infection rates and travel restrictions. Many industries have experienced significant distress, with stock markets showing signs of collapse [82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91]. Governments have responded by increasing stimulus funding to mitigate the economic disruptions caused by supply chain blockages and lost business. ...
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Research has identified factors like dynamic capabilities and distinctive competencies that contribute to competitive advantages. However, these factors often underperform in turbulent situations like the current global pandemic, making it hard to maintain a competitive edge. This study aims to establish a new foundation for competitive advantage post-pandemic. We hypothesize that pandemic leadership and resilience systems enhance the link between distinctive competencies and competitive advantage. Using structural equation modeling on a sample of 200 ASEAN multinational firms, we found a positive relationship between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage via distinctive competencies. Additionally, pandemic leadership and resilience systems beneficially moderate this relationship. The study contributes to the literature by 177 highlighting the critical roles of pandemic leadership and resilience systems in sustaining competitive advantage during crises.
... La administración pública en México, destacada por Teece (2009), Pisano (1997), Zollo & Winter (2002) y Porter (1980, enfrenta transformaciones continuas donde la innovación tecnológica es clave para su relevancia. Aunque la evolución tecnológica y las expectativas (2008) subrayan su papel vital para la innovación y la alineación de políticas. ...
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En entornos de constante cambio y desafíos complejos característicos de la administración pública, la adopción de tecnologías innovadoras es fundamental para garantizar la eficiencia, transparencia y satisfacción de las necesidades de la ciudadanía, ya que las capacidades dinámicas se erigen como un componente crítico en la consecución de estos objetivos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación es destacar la importancia de las capacidades dinámicas en los procesos de innovación tecnológica en la administración pública, proporcionando un entendimiento profundo de cómo estas capacidades son esenciales para promover la sustentabilidad, eficiencia y mejora de los servicios gubernamentales. Este análisis se fundamenta en una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura especializada, así como en ejemplos concretos de implementación de capacidades dinámicas en agencias gubernamentales a nivel internacional, destacando casos de éxito prácticos como evidencia de la aplicación efectiva de estas capacidades para la innovación tecnológica dentro de la administración pública.
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Manajemen sumber daya keuangan organisasi termasuk uang kas yang sesuai dapat mengarahkan organisasi untuk mencapai visi organisasi yang lebih baik melalui berbagai program yang efektif, efisien dan ekonomik sehingga memberikan dampak terhadap setiap organiasi, termasuk Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES). Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian ini adalah agar dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap Pengurus Bumdes Cahaya Binatang di Kabupaten Gorontalo dalam pengelolaan keuangan yang baik dan benar. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif, yaitu dengan memberikan materi kepada pengurus Bumdes Cahaya Bintang kemudian dilakukan diskusi. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan memberikan kasus untuk diselesaikan oleh pengurus Bumdes. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian, diperoleh pengurus Bumdes sudah mulai paham bagaimana cara mengelola keuangan Bumdes yang ditandai dengan adanya kemampuan pengurus untuk menyusun rencana penggunaan angaran melalui penggunaan sumber daya keeuangan organisasi yakni uang kas. Tindak lanjut dari pengabdian ini adalah dalam bentuk kerjasama antara Jurusan Akuntansi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo dengan Bumdes Cahaya Bintang dalam melakukan pendampingan dalam pengelolaan keuangan Bumdes.
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El desarrollo económico y la competitividad, origina que las empresas conozcan con claridad sus elementos, recursos y capacidades para el diseño estratégico, constituyendo ventajas competitivas, perdurables a través del tiempo, articulándose con algún aspecto vinculado con la sostenibilidad y sustentabilidad. La presente investigación busca analizar las ventajas competitivas de empresas agrícolas desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad y sustentabilidad. La metodología de investigación utilizada en este estudio fue el análisis descriptivo y enfoque cuantitativo, a fin de indagar las especificidades de procesos, experiencias trayectorias de empresas agrícolas de Colombia. Los resultados evidencian un rango medio de conocimiento de elementos, recursos y capacidades. Esto podría exponer, por lo permeable que son este tipo de organizaciones, a cambios o sucesos que frecuentemente acontecen en el ambiente externo, especialmente en tiempos de incertidumbre económica. Se concluye lo necesario de la claridad de los agronegocios sobre los elementos, recursos y capacidades, para saber qué estrategia implementar, posibilitando la generación de ventajas competitivas.
Purpose This study aims to identify the strategic factors and their effects on the post-cross-border acquisitions (CBA) technological innovation performance of the acquiring firms. It develops a hierarchical model to examine the interrelationship between identified strategic factors such as strategic flexibility, strategic ambidexterity, environmental dynamism, etc. Design/methodology/approach This study uses modified total interpretive structural modeling qualitative methodology (m-TISM) to develop a hierarchical model and conducts a Matrice d’impacts croisés multiplication appliquée á un classment (MICMAC) analysis to show the interrelationship between strategic factors affects the acquirer’s post-CBA technological innovation performance. It determines the autonomous, dependent, linkage and independent strategic factors. It further uses comparative case analysis to empirically examine the strategic factors in real-time CBA situations. Findings This study shows the m-TISM-based hierarchical model highlighting the interrelation, level of autonomy, dependence and linkage among strategic factors affecting the acquirer’s post-CBA technological innovation performance. It suggests that strategic factors such as environmental dynamism, R&D competence, innovation capability and technological capability are largely autonomous and have significant driving power, whereas strategic ambidexterity and strategic flexibility are the connecting factors. post-M&A integration is the governing factor for technological innovation performance in CBA. Research limitations/implications The strategists and practitioners could evaluate the key strategic factors having significant driving power for strategy formulation and implementing efficient policies. By implementing the m-TISM model acquiring a firm’s post-CBA performance can be enhanced. Future researchers might utilize quantitative methods like regression and structural equation modeling in the CBA context. Originality/value This study uses a novel m-TISM and MICMAC approach to identify the driving and dependent factors affecting post-CBA technological innovation performance. It further provides a detailed theoretical and conceptual understanding relating to the philosophy and establishes an interrelation amongst these under-researched strategic factors in CBA.
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How do firms create strategically relevant capabilities? In this study, insights from evolutionary economics and organizational learning theories are combined to explore the mechanisms behind the creation of organizational capabilities in the context of infrequent, heterogeneous, and complex administrative tasks. More specifically, the investigation covers the effects of both tacit and codified knowledge accumulation mechanisms on the development of a practice specialized in the management of post-acquisition integration processes. Hypotheses about the performance implications of pre-acquisition resources, post-acquisition integration decisions, and knowledge accumulation and codification processes are tested with primary data collected from a sample of 51 bank holding companies in the United States and Canada, for a total of 577 completed acquisitions. Results show that codification and routinization processes play a key role in shaping the evolution of post-acquisition integration practices, and that both mechanisms have a positive influence on acquisition performance, within specific limitations. The effectiveness of tacit knowledge accumulation is constrained by the degree of homogeneity of past experiences, whereas knowledge codification impacts performance only when high levels of integration are to be achieved. Results also show that greater level of integration have positive implications for acquisition performance and that decisions to replace top management affect performance negatively. Conclusions are drawn about necessary refinements of current theoretical approaches to accommodate complex learning conditions, and the potential implications for the management of acquisitions, as well as other infrequent and complex organizational events, such as strategic alliances and internal reorganizations, are discussed.
How has Japan become a major economic power, a world leader in the automotive and electronics industries? What is the secret of their success? The consensus has been that, though the Japanese are not particularly innovative, they are exceptionally skilful at imitation, at improving products that already exist. But now two leading Japanese business experts, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hiro Takeuchi, turn this conventional wisdom on its head: Japanese firms are successful, they contend, precisely because they are innovative, because they create new knowledge and use it to produce successful products and technologies. Examining case studies drawn from such firms as Honda, Canon, Matsushita, NEC, 3M, GE, and the U.S. Marines, this book reveals how Japanese companies translate tacit to explicit knowledge and use it to produce new processes, products, and services.
This paper focuses on dynamic capabilities and, more generally, the resource‐based view of the firm. We argue that dynamic capabilities are a set of specific and identifiable processes such as product development, strategic decision making, and alliancing. They are neither vague nor tautological. Although dynamic capabilities are idiosyncratic in their details and path dependent in their emergence, they have significant commonalities across firms (popularly termed ‘best practice’). This suggests that they are more homogeneous, fungible, equifinal, and substitutable than is usually assumed. In moderately dynamic markets, dynamic capabilities resemble the traditional conception of routines. They are detailed, analytic, stable processes with predictable outcomes. In contrast, in high‐velocity markets, they are simple, highly experiential and fragile processes with unpredictable outcomes. Finally, well‐known learning mechanisms guide the evolution of dynamic capabilities. In moderately dynamic markets, the evolutionary emphasis is on variation. In high‐velocity markets, it is on selection. At the level of RBV, we conclude that traditional RBV misidentifies the locus of long‐term competitive advantage in dynamic markets, overemphasizes the strategic logic of leverage, and reaches a boundary condition in high‐velocity markets. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper focuses on dynamic capabilities and, more generally, the resource-based view of the firm. We argue that dynamic capabilities are a set of specific and identifiable processes such as product development, strategic decision making, and alliancing. They are neither vague nor tautological. Although dynamic capabilities are idiosyncratic in their details and path dependent in their emergence, they have significant commonalities across firms (popularly termed ‘best practice’). This suggests that they are more homogeneous, fungible, equifinal, and substitutable than is usually assumed. In moderately dynamic markets, dynamic capabilities resemble the traditional conception of routines. They are detailed, analytic, stable processes with predictable outcomes. In contrast, in high-velocity markets, they are simple, highly experiential and fragile processes with unpredictable outcomes. Finally, well-known learning mechanisms guide the evolution of dynamic capabilities. In moderately dynamic markets, the evolutionary emphasis is on variation. In high-velocity markets, it is on selection. At the level of RBV, we conclude that traditional RBV misidentifies the locus of long-term competitive advantage in dynamic markets, overemphasizes the strategic logic of leverage, and reaches a boundary condition in high-velocity markets. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The dynamic capabilities framework analyzes the sources and methods of wealth creation and capture by private enterprise firms operating in environments of rapid technological change. The competitive advantage of firms is seen as resting on distinctive processes (ways of coordinating and combining), shaped by the firm's (specific) asset positions (such as the firm's portfolio of difficult-to-trade knowledge assets and complementary assets), and the evolution path(s) it has adopted or inherited. The importance of path dependencies is amplified where conditions of increasing returns exist. Whether and how a firm's competitive advantage is eroded depends on the stability of market demand, and the ease of replicability (expanding internally) and imitatability (replication by competitors). If correct, the framework suggests that private wealth creation in regimes of rapid technological change depends in large measure on honing internal technological, organizational, and managerial processes inside the firm. In short, identifying new opportunities and organizing effectively and efficiently to embrace them are generally more fundamental to private wealth creation than is strategizing, if by strategizing one means engaging in business conduct that keeps competitors off balance, raises rival's costs, and excludes new entrants. © 2003 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.