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Detecting Cross-incompatibility of Three North American Apricot Cultivars and Establishing the First Incompatibility Group in Apricot


Abstract and Figures

Laboratory and orchard tests have shown that the apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars 'Hargrand', 'Goldrich', and 'Lambertin-1' are cross- incompatible. All three cultivars are from North American breeding programs and have 'Perfection' as a common ancestor. In orchard tests, compatible pollinations resulted in 19% to 74% fruit set, while incompatible pollinations resulted in <2% fruit set. Microscopic examination showed that, in incompatible pollinations, pollen tube growth was arrested in the style, most frequently in its third quarter, and that the ovary was never reached. It is proposed that self-incompatibility in apricot is of the gametophytic type, controlled by one S-locus with multiple alleles, and that these three cultivars are S1S2.
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1002 J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 121(6):1002–1005. 1996.
J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 121(6):1002–1005. 1996.
Detecting Cross-incompatibility of Three North
American Apricot Cultivars and Establishing the
First Incompatibility Group in Apricot
J. Egea and L. Burgos
Departamento de Mejora y Patología Vegetal, CEBAS–CSIC, Apd Correos 4195, 30.080–Murcia, Spain
Additional index words. Prunus armeniaca, fruit set, pollen tube growth, self-incompatibility
Abstract. Laboratory and orchard tests have shown that the apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars ‘Hargrand’,
‘Goldrich’, and ‘Lambertin-1’ are cross-incompatible. All three cultivars are from North American breeding programs
and have ‘Perfection’ as a common ancestor. In orchard tests, compatible pollinations resulted in 19% to 74% fruit set,
while incompatible pollinations resulted in <2% fruit set. Microscopic examination showed that, in incompatible
pollinations, pollen tube growth was arrested in the style, most frequently in its third quarter, and that the ovary was never
reached. It is proposed that self-incompatibility in apricot is of the gametophytic type, controlled by one S-locus with
multiple alleles, and that these three cultivars are S1S2.
probable kinship. Burgos et al. (1993) did not find cross-incompat-
ibility after crossing other self-incompatible cultivars from the
same Spanish population. Many Spanish apricot cultivars seem to
have originated from crosses between north African cultivars
(mainly self-incompatible) and European cultivars (mainly self-
compatible) (Egea et al., 1988). Hence, a great degree of heterozy-
gosity is to be expected and self-incompatibility might be ex-
In the present work, cross-compatibility between some North
American cultivars was studied by examining pollen tube growth
using fluorescence microscopy and fruit set from controlled polli-
nations in the orchard.
Materials and Methods
Plant material. Studies were conducted in the apricot collection
at the Departamento de Mejora y Patología Vegetal, CEBAS–
CSIC, Murcia, Spain. Five-year-old trees of ‘Lambertin-1’,
‘Hargrand’, ‘Harcot’, and ‘Goldrich’ were used in this study.
These cultivars were obtained from breeding programs in the
United States and Canada. Five-year-old trees of the self-incom-
patible ‘Moniquí’ (Burgos et al., 1993) and the self-compatible
‘Canino’ and ‘Bebeco’ (Audergon et al., 1988) were also used to
check experimental methodology.
The parentage of the cultivars used in this study is shown in Fig.
1. ‘Goldrich’ is a seedling from ‘Sun Glo’ x ‘Perfection’ (Toyama,
1971). ‘Sun Glo’ was developed by O.H. Heider as a seedling of
unknown parentage, which originated in Washington in 1942
(Brooks and Olmo, 1972a). ‘Perfection’ was introduced in 1937 in
Waterville, Wash. (Brooks and Olmo, 1972a), and has been used
widely in American breeding programs despite its self-incompat-
ibility. ‘Geneva’ and ‘Naramata’ are seedlings of unknown parent-
age. ‘Geneva’ originated in Italy and was planted, evaluated, and
selected in New York by R. Wellington in 1934 (Brooks and Olmo,
1972a). ‘Lambertin-1’ was initially selected by the U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service at Fresno, Calif., and
evaluated under the designation P32-18.
Pollen collection and controlled pollinations. Flowers in the
balloon stage were collected from all cultivars to be used as male
parents. Anthers were removed from the flowers and placed in a
petri dish. The anthers were desiccated in a petri dish in a calcium
chloride desiccator for 24 h. then the pollen was stored in small
bottles and kept at 4 °C.
Received for publication 29 Jan. 1996. Accepted for publication 24 Apr. 1996. We
acknowledge to Adela Martinez Adsuar for technical assistance. This paper has
been supported by U.E. project 8001-CT 90-016 (PL 90 0022). The cost of
publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under
postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely
to indicate this fact.
European apricot (Prunus armeniaca) cultivars have tradition-
ally been considered self-compatible (Mehlenbacher et al., 1991).
However, self-incompatible cultivars have been described by
several researchers. Schultz (1948) pointed out that ‘Riland’ and
‘Perfection’, two cultivars traditionally grown in the United States,
are self-incompatible. Later, many papers confirmed that, al-
though apricot populations in Europe and North America were
mainly self-compatible, self-incompatibility was more frequent
than had been thought. Lamb and Stiles (1983) found five self-
incompatible cultivars in a study of 19 cultivars suitable for
cultivation in New York, and Nyútjó et al. (1985) found one case
of self-incompatibility among 23 tested cultivars. Most recently,
several self-incompatible cultivars were found among those tradi-
tionally grown in Spain (Burgos et al., 1993; Egea et al., 1991).
Self-incompatibility in Prunus appears to be controlled by a
monogenic system with a multiallelic series (De Nettancourt,
1977). Data from almond (Dicenta and García, 1993; Socias i
Company, 1991) and sweet cherry (Crane and Brown, 1937) are
consistent with this hypothesis. Also, preliminary results indicates
the same system operates in apricot (Burgos, 1995). The locus
controls self-incompatibility and intraspecific cross-incompatibil-
ity (Kester et al., 1994; Socias i Company, 1991).
The increasingly narrow genetic base of breeding programs, a
consequence of using a small number of cultivars as parents, has
caused the frequent appearance of cross-incompatibility between
cultivars of some species. Early work by Tufts and Philp (1922)
established two incompatibility groups in almond. Much later, the
work of Kester and collaborators made it possible to establish new
incompatibility groups and assign additional cultivars to the groups
described earlier (Kester, 1963; Kester and Asay, 1975; Kester et
al., 1994). This was mainly due to the use of ‘Nonpareil’ and
‘Texas’ (‘Mission’) as common ancestors of many of these culti-
In apricot, only one case of cross-incompatibility has been
reported between Spanish cultivars: ‘Moniquí Fino’ and ‘Moniquí
Borde’ (Egea et al., 1991). The names of these cultivars indicate a
J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 121(6):1002–1005. 1996.
For controlled crosses in the orchard, several branches with a
total number of about 200 flowers in the balloon stage were chosen
on each parent tree. Open flowers and immature buds were
removed, and flowers at the balloon stage were emasculated to
prevent self- and cross-pollination. Controlled pollinations were
carried out using a small brush and the corresponding pollen from
each male parent. After 8 weeks, fruit were counted and fruit set
percentages were determined.
For laboratory testing, branches of the cultivars to be pollinated
with about 30 flowers each in the balloon stage were cut and placed
in plastic bags containing water. The bags were transported to the
laboratory in an insulated ice chest. Once in the laboratory, the
basal ends were placed in beakers containing a 5% sucrose solution
in a chamber where the temperature was maintained at 20 °C. The
flowers were emasculated and 24 h later they were self- or cross-
pollinated. Also, branches with a similar number of flowers in
balloon stage were marked on the tree and the flowers were
emasculated. After 24 h, the flowers were pollinated, for compari-
son with the laboratory controlled pollinations. Seventy-two hours
after controlled pollination of the flowers transported to the labo-
ratory and 192 h after controlled pollination of the flowers on the
tree, 15 pistils per combination were harvested and immersed in
FAA (90% alcohol at 70%, 5% formaldehyde at 40%, 5% glacial
acetic acid) in small glass bottles. The pistils were stored at 4 to 5
°C in this solution. According to Williams (1970), 192 h is a
sufficient time for the pollen tubes to reach the ovary in compatible
Fig. 1. Parentage of the apricot cultivars used in this study (Layne, Ledbetter, and
Howell, personal communication). Unless indicated otherwise, the female parent
is at the top and the male parent is at the bottom. OP = open-pollination.
Table 1. Apricot pollen tube growth 72 h after self- and cross-pollinations under laboratory controlled conditions.z
Ovaries reached Avg no. Percent of style length
Pollinated Pollinizing by pollen tubes of pollen tubes penetrated by the
cultivar cultivar (%) in the ovary longest pollen tube
Lambertin-1 Lambertin-1 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 76.1 ± 8.0
Goldrich 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 86.3 ± 6.1
Hargrand 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 69.7 ± 16.7
Harcot 100 ± 0.0 6.2 ± 3.2 100 ± 0.0
Goldrich Goldrich 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 72.5 ± 11.9
Lambertin–1 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 54.3 ± 12.3
Hargrand 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 82.9 ± 9.0
Harcot 100 ± 0.0 11.4 ± 1.5 100 ± 0.0
Hargrand Hargrand 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 69.2 ± 9.8
Lambertin-1 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 ---
Goldrich 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 74.8 ± 9.9
Harcot 100 ± 0.0 3.9 ± 2.0 100 ± 0.0
Harcot Harcot 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 53.9 ± 12.7
Lambertin-1 100 ± 0.0 3.7 ± 2.0 100 ± 0.0
Goldrich 100 ± 0.0 7 ± 2.9 100 ± 0.0
Hargrand 100 ± 0.0 4.2 ± 1.9 100 ± 0.0
zValues are means from 10 samples ± SD.
1004 J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 121(6):1002–1005. 1996.
combinations at the daily average temperatures of about 15 °C
occurring during our orchard pollinations. To remove the FAA, the
pistils were rinsed in distilled water for three times 1 h each, and
then placed in an autoclave for 30 min at 1 atmosphere in a 5%
sodium sulfite solution to soften the tissues and facilitate their
staining with 0.1% aniline blue in 0.1 N potassium phosphate. The
pistils were stained for 24 h. The epidermis was then removed, and
the pistils squashed for observation (Linskens and Esser, 1957).
An Olympus BH2 microscope (Olympus, Tokyo) was used
with a BH2-RFL-T2 ultraviolet light source, using an Osram HBO
100 W/2 high-pressure mercury lamp (Osram GmbH, Berlin–
Ten of the sixteen pollinations performed in the laboratory were
incompatible (Table 1). In incompatible crosses, pollen tube
growth was arrested about three-fourths of the way down the style.
The percentages of fruit set following self-pollination confirm that
‘Goldrich’, ‘Hargrand’, ‘Harcot’, and ‘Lambertin-1’ are self-
incompatible (Table 2) and that the first three are cross-incompat-
ible in all possible combinations. ‘Harcot’ was compatible with the
other three cultivars. No pollen tube reached the ovary in the six
different combinations between ‘Lambertin-1’, ‘Hargrand’, and
‘Goldrich’ (Table 1). Orchard cross-pollination confirmed the
laboratory results and no fruit set was obtained in those combina-
tions tested except for very low fruit set (1.9%) in the combination
‘Lambertin-1’ x ‘Hargrand’ (Table 2). Results of the incompatible
combinations (self- and cross-) strongly contrast, in laboratory and
field pollinations, with those from the compatible ones, where
100% of the ovaries had a high average number of pollen tubes
(Table 1) and large percentages of fruit set were obtained (Table 2).
Some differences were found in the length of the style that
pollen tubes were able to reach in the incompatible combinations.
The percentages of style reached by the longest pollen tube ranged
from 48.8% in the cross ‘Goldrich’ x ‘Lambertin-1’ to 86.3% in the
reciprocal cross. These differences are probably genotype-combi-
nation dependent. Table 3 shows self-compatible and self-incom-
patible cultivars that were self-pollinated in the orchard to assess
results from laboratory controlled-pollinations. Very clear differ-
ences in the growth of pollen tubes were seen. In self-compatible
cultivars, pollen tubes grew the entire length of the style and
entered the ovary, while in self-incompatible cultivars tube growth
stopped in different parts of the style, depending on the cultivar.
Pollen tube growth in flowers pollinated in the field and
collected and fixed 192 h later was the same as on flowers
pollinated in the laboratory (Table 3).
The three methods used to determine compatibility correlate
well and may be used interchangeably (Burgos et al., 1993),
although laboratory pollinations provide more controlled condi-
tions and help avoid uncontrolled cross-pollinations and unfavor-
able weather conditions.
The self-incompatibility of ‘Goldrich’ was previously described
by Lamb and Stiles (1983). No information on ‘Harcot’s’ self-
incompatibility was given when the cultivar was released (Layne,
1978) or by Lamb and Stiles (1983), who nevertheless included
‘Harcot’ in a study of apricot cultivars suitable for cultivation in
New York, where they described this trait for other apricot culti-
vars. In contrast with our results, ‘Hargrand’ was described as self-
compatible when released (Layne, 1981) as was ‘Lambertin-1’
(Audergon et al., 1988).
The first reported case of cross-incompatibility in apricot was
described between ‘Moniquí Fino’ and ‘Moniquí Borde’ (Egea et
al., 1991). However, their names and morphological similarity
indicate that they may be slightly different clones of the same
The self- and cross-incompatibility results cannot be explained
by a lack of pollen germination, since pollen germination took
place in all crosses and pollen tube growth was arrested in the style.
Also, all cultivars when crossed with ‘Harcot’ as female parent
showed good pollen germination on the stigma (data not shown),
and the number of pollen tubes reaching the ovary was high, as was
the percentage of fruit set.
The low percentage of fruit set obtained after self-pollination of
‘Lambertin-1’ (1.7%) and the combination ‘Lambertin-1’ x
‘Hargrand’ (1.9%) may have been caused by bees visiting the
flowers, despite the flowers’ being emasculated (Williams et al.,
1984). It could also be a case of pseudocompatibility, which has
been reported as a nongenetic condition that is environmentally
influenced by external (i.e., temperature) or internal (i.e., flower
age) conditions (Van Gastel, 1976). Examples of pseudo-compat-
ibility include young flower buds that have not yet developed the
incompatibility barriers or older flowers in which these are no
longer effective (Van Gastel, 1976; Williams and Maier, 1977).
Similar results have been obtained artificially by keeping the
flowers at specific temperatures during pollen tube growth (Wil-
liams and Maier, 1977) or by heating the pistil at specific periods
(Hiratsuka et al., 1989).
A model for the inheritance of incompatibility in Prunus has
Table 2. Fruit set percentages obtained from controlled self- and cross-
pollinations of apricot cultivars.
Pollinated cultivar Pollinizing cultivar Fruit set (%)
Lambertin-1 Lambertin-1 1.7
Harcot 73.7
Hargrand 1.9
Goldrich 0
Hargrand Hargrand 0
Harcot 19
Lambertin-1 0
Goldrich 0
Harcot Harcot 0
Goldrich 62.5
Lambertin-1 65.9
Hargrand 36.7
Goldrich Goldrich 0
Table 3. Percentage of pistil reached by the longest pollen tube 192 h after
self-pollination of self-compatible and self-incompatible apricot cul-
tivars in field conditions.z
Self-pollinated Percentage of style penetrated
cultivar by the longest pollen tube
Self-incompatible cultivar
Lambertin-1 69.2 ± 10.3
Harcot 57.7 ± 17.5
Moniquí 81.8 ± 7.6
Self-compatible cultivar
Bebeco 100 ± 0.0
Canino 100 ± 0.0
zValues are means from 10 samples ± SD.
J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 121(6):1002–1005. 1996.
been proposed as a homomorphic, monofactorial, and gameto-
phytic system (De Nettancourt, 1977). Preliminary results in
apricot (Burgos, 1995) seem to confirm this hypothesis, where a
locus with a multiallelic series would control the trait. Hence,
cross-incompatible cultivars would have the same genotype for the
trait. We propose designating those two alleles as S1 and S2.
The three cross-incompatible cultivars have ‘Perfection’ among
their ancestors. This is an old cultivar used extensively in North
American breeding programs because of its large size, attractive
orange color, and firm flesh. ‘Perfection’ is a parent or grandparent
of some recently introduced cultivars such as ‘Rival’ (Brooks and
Olmo, 1971), ‘Tracy’ (Brooks and Olmo, 1972b), ‘Skaha’,
‘Sundrop’, and ‘Westley’ (Brooks and Olmo, 1975) or ‘Castlebrite’
(Brooks and Olmo, 1978). It would be interesting to identify the
alleles in ‘Perfection’, but unfortunately this cultivar was not in our
apricot collection. ‘Goldrich’ (S1S2, as proposed) and ‘Perfection’
(S1S3) have an allele in common since ‘Goldrich’ was obtained
from the cross ‘Sun Glo’ x ‘Perfection’. If ‘Goldrich’ and ‘Perfec-
tion’ are cross-compatible, seedlings from this cross would be of
two different genotypes (i.e., two incompatibility groups) since S1
alleles would be arrested. One of these groups would be the same
as the male parent (S1S2 or S1S3 if ‘Goldrich’ or ‘Perfection’
respectively, are the male parent), while the other one would be
new (S2S3). These cultivars may also belong to the same incompat-
ibility group and be cross-incompatible if ‘Perfection’ and ‘Sun
Glo’ share one allele. Crosses of ‘Goldrich’ with unrelated culti-
vars would give genotypes representing four incompatibility groups.
It is only by making controlled crosses and identifying incompat-
ibility groups in these progenies that alleles can be assigned to
The narrow genetic base resulting from using a limited number
of parents has resulted in a small number of incompatibility groups
in almond or cherry (Kester et al., 1994). Incompatibility is
difficult to detect and is also undesirable, since incompatible
clones require pollenizers and render the yield dependent on
abundant pollen transfer among the trees (Frankel and Galun,
1977). The appearance of cross-incompatibility in this group of
cultivars indicates that greater attention should be given to this
character in breeding programs. The laboratory pollination proce-
dure described here would allow quick and easy identification of
self-incompatible genotypes.
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... S-genotyping has allowed classifying the cultivars in their corresponding incompatibility groups according to their compatibility relationships. Up to now, 26 incompatibility groups have been described (Szabó and Nyeḱi, 1991;Egea and Burgos, 1996;Halasz et al., 2010;Lachkar et al., 2013;Herrera et al., 2018a, b). ...
... However, no significant differences were found in the cross-pollinations between both groups (Table 1). Our results confirmed the self-incompatibility of 23 cultivars previously determined by the evaluation of the percentage of fruit set after self-pollinations in the field (Egea and Burgos, 1996;Burgos et al., 1997) or by the observation of pollen tube growth in pistils after self-and cross-pollinations (Egea and Burgos, 1996;Milatovic et al., 2013a,b;Herrera et al., 2018a). In addition, pollen germination in vitro showed that all the accessions analyzed had viable pollen. ...
... However, no significant differences were found in the cross-pollinations between both groups (Table 1). Our results confirmed the self-incompatibility of 23 cultivars previously determined by the evaluation of the percentage of fruit set after self-pollinations in the field (Egea and Burgos, 1996;Burgos et al., 1997) or by the observation of pollen tube growth in pistils after self-and cross-pollinations (Egea and Burgos, 1996;Milatovic et al., 2013a,b;Herrera et al., 2018a). In addition, pollen germination in vitro showed that all the accessions analyzed had viable pollen. ...
... I (S 1 S 2 ) AC1 [21], Castleton [16], Farmingdale [47], Giovanniello [47], Goldrich [48], Hargrand [48], Lambertin-1 [48] II (S 8 S 9 ) ...
... I (S 1 S 2 ) AC1 [21], Castleton [16], Farmingdale [47], Giovanniello [47], Goldrich [48], Hargrand [48], Lambertin-1 [48] II (S 8 S 9 ) ...
... I (S 1 S 2 ) AC1 [21], Castleton [16], Farmingdale [47], Giovanniello [47], Goldrich [48], Hargrand [48], Lambertin-1 [48] II (S 8 S 9 ) ...
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In recent years, an important renewal of apricot cultivars is taking place worldwide, with the introduction of many new releases. Self-incompatible genotypes tolerant to the sharka disease caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), which can severely reduce fruit production and quality, are being used as parents in most breeding programs. As a result, the self-incompatibility trait present in most of those accessions can be transmitted to the offspring, leading to the release of new self-incompatible cultivars. This situation can considerably affect apricot management, since pollination requirements were traditionally not considered in this crop and information is lacking for many cultivars. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the pollination requirements of a group of new apricot cultivars by molecular identification of the S-alleles through PCR amplification of RNase and SFB regions with different primer combinations. The S-genotype of 66 apricot cultivars is reported, 41 for the first time. Forty-nine cultivars were considered self-compatible and 12 self-incompatible, which were allocated in their corresponding incompatibility groups. Additionally, the available information was reviewed and added to the new results obtained, resulting in a compilation of the pollination requirements of 235 apricot cultivars. This information will allow an efficient selection of parents in apricot breeding programs, the proper design of new orchards, and the identification and solution of production problems associated with a lack of fruit set in established orchards. The diversity at the S-locus observed in the cultivars developed in breeding programs indicates a possible genetic bottleneck due to the use of a reduced number of parents.
... Agriculture 2023, 13, 1362 12 of 16 pollination and fruit set, or could be affected by lower than normal temperatures before or during blooming [58]. The concentric layers observed in 'Mars' shell are also considered a negative trait from an industrial point of view, as they may cause repetition of cracking, leading to kernel breakage and decreased nut quality. ...
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Almonds are one of the most popular nuts, cultivated in countries with Mediterranean climates. In an almond orchard of the self-incompatible cultivar ‘Ferragnes’ in Greece, a tree with different morphological characteristics and signs of self-compatibility was observed. The aim of this study was to study the phenotype, investigate the self-compatibility trait, and elucidate the phylogenetic background of this tree, named ‘Mars’. Morphological traits and kernel and nut characteristics were measured in ‘Mars’, ‘Ferragnes’, ‘Tuono’, and ‘Lauranne’ cultivars. The self-compatibility trait of almonds is attributed to the Sf allele; thus, its existence was investigated in ‘Mars’ by PCR amplification. Moreover, the S-RNase genes of all the cultivars were sequenced. The genetic profile of ‘Mars’ was identified using eight SSR molecular markers and compared with the ‘Ferragnes’, ‘Ferraduel’, ‘Texas’, ‘Tuono’, and ‘Lauranne’ cultivars. The morphological traits suggest that ‘Mars’ is more similar to the ‘Ferragnes’ cultivar, while it bears the Sf allele. S-RNases sequencing revealed that ‘Mars’ has the genotype S1Sf, and the SSR markers showed that it is differentiated genetic material, suggesting it is a cross between ‘Ferragnes’ and ‘Tuono’. Therefore, ‘Mars’ is evaluated as a self-compatible variety with interesting agronomic traits for use in new mono-cultivar almond plantations.
... Incompatibility relationships between cultivars were traditionally assessed by controlled pollination in the field (although pollen viability and pollination could be strongly influenced by the environment) or by histochemical evaluation of in vitro pollen tube growth [8,9]. PCR-based tools have been developed to determine the molecular determinants of SI, allowing the genotyping of allelic composition at S-locus [10][11][12][13]. Currently, at least 17 incompatibility groups and 33 S-alleles have been identified for S-RNase gene (including the SC allele) [14,15]. ...
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The apricot species is characterized by a gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system. While GSI is one of the most efficient mechanisms to prevent self-fertilization and increase genetic variability, it represents a limiting factor for fruit production in the orchards. Compatibility among apricot cultivars was usually assessed by either field pollination experiments or by histochemical evaluation of in vitro pollen tube growth. In apricots, self-compatibility is controlled by two unlinked loci, S and M, and associated to transposable element insertion within the coding sequence of SFB and ParM-7 genes, respectively. Self-compatibility has become a primary breeding goal in apricot breeding programmes, stimulating the development of a rapid and cost-effective marker assisted selection (MAS) approach to accelerate screening of self-compatible genotypes. In this work, we demonstrated the feasibility of a novel High Resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA) approach for the massive screening of self-compatible and self-incompatible genotypes for both S and M loci. The different genotypes were unambiguously recognized by HRMA, showing clearly distinguishable melting profiles. The assay was developed and tested in a panel of accessions and breeding selections with known self-compatibility reaction, demonstrating the potential usefulness of this approach to optimize and accelerate apricot breeding programmes.
... The cultivars Goldrich, Lambertin and Hargrand belong to such a group (Egea and Burgos, 1996). ...
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Evaluation of the cross- compatibility of different cultivar parental combinations is important for improving the plant breeding process. The proper choice of cross-compatible cultivars for the controlled hybridization is a prerequisite for obtaining more hybrid seeds and plants. In the present study an evaluation of the compatibility of 29 parental combinations, with 12 different apricot cultivars and 6 F1 hybrids (Modesto x Harcot) was done. For the period 2011-2019 in a collection orchard at the Fruit Growing Institute -- Plovdiv, a total number of 10 817 flowers were hand-pollinated and afterwards 750 hybrid seeds were obtained. The percentage of fruit set varied from 0 to 27.42{\%}, depending on the climatic factors of the year and the presence of the same S-alleles, determining cross- incompatibility in the used parental cultivars. The viability of some of the obtained seeds and plants was assessed. The presence of the same S-allele in both parents does not lead to a decrease in the number of obtained seeds, their germination and the percentage of obtained hybrid plants.
... Nonetheless, pollen-pistil interaction analyses should always be performed to confirm incompatibility relationships between cultivars. Observations of pollen-pistil interaction have been employed to study compatibility relationships in many crops [25,[65][66][67][68][69][70][71]. Studies of pollen germination on the stigma, pollen tube growth in the style, and fertilization success were extensively used to determine the compatibility relationships between olive cultivars [25]. ...
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The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is a wind-pollinated crop that exhibits an extreme alternate bearing habit. To improve fruit set, several methods have been used to determine the most successful compatible combinations of cultivars. In this study, priority is given to seed paternity analysis based on simple sequence repeats (SSRs), microsatellite markers used for the identification of potential pollen donors of cultivar ‘Oblica’ in a mixed olive orchard during two consecutive years. Seven microsatellite primers were successfully used to examine the paternity of olive embryos from ‘Oblica’ mother trees. Embryos were considered as a product of self-fertilization if only maternal alleles were present, but not a single case of self-fertilization was found among all the embryos analyzed. Two dominant pollen donors were not the closest nor the cultivars with the highest number of trees in the orchard, suggesting that cross-compatibility may have a key role in determining pollen donor success. In our earlier studies, pollen tube growth and fertilization success correlated with fruit set when controlled crosses between cultivars were performed; however, some discrepancy might appear compared to paternity analyses when mother trees have a free choice among different pollen sources from cultivars growing in their surroundings.
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In most breeding programs the pollen donor parents (pollinizers) are characterized by a strong flowering rate and very low fruit set, even after hand pollination. Hence, the notion of pollinizers in the argane species was born, first mentioned, checked, documented and confirmed like in the other conventional tree species. Since the argane tree is completely self-incompatible, the presence of compatible pollinizers is necessary for the fruit set. Indeed, pollinizers need to be selected accurately based on the synchronization of bloom periods and compatibility to receiver trees (females). The pollinizer is essential in any breeding program and as well as for any new orchard plantations. The current study was carried out on 13 argane genotypes including two pollinizers. The flowering period, bloom phenology, floral structure and fruit set of crossed genotypes were monitored, illustrated and a season phenogram was established. The pollen viability and germination were also evaluated. Concerning compatibility trials, the hand pollination, using two selected pollinizers pollens, was compared to open pollination. Then, the compatibility system was monitored and evaluated through the index of self-incompatibility. It has been observed that the flowering periods are genotype depending, that there is one to three blooms during the two years study (2018-2019) and that the argane tree is a tristylous species (Mesostylous, brevistylous and longistylous flowers). The in vitro tests showed that the pollen originated from crossed genotypes were viable and able to germinate. The cross-compatibility rate depends on cross associations and it varies from 39 to 84 %. It was observed, for the first time, that all compatible pollinizers have metaxenic effects of pollen on argane fruit.
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We compared the floral biology of two sympatric populations of closely related species over two seasons. In 2018, Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britton bloomed from April 23 to May 7 and Allium stellatum Nutt. Ex Ker Gawl bloomed from August 28 to October 4. Erect, white flowers of N. bivalve were scented and had septal nectaries. Erect, pink-purple flowers of A. stellatum had septal nectaries, no discernible scent, and a style that lengthened over the floral lifespan. Both species were pollinated by bees with the most common geometric mean of body dimensions between 2-3 mm. Most bees carried pure loads of the host plant’s pollen. Despite phenological isolation, the two herbs shared three bee species. Allium stellatum was also pollinated by the beetle Chauliognathus pensylvanicus DeGeer (Cantharidae). Tepal nyctinasty ensured mechanical self-pollination in N. bivalve. Protandry occurred in A. stellatum. In N. bivalve, the proportion of pollen tubes penetrating ovules was highest in bagged, self-pollinating flowers. However, in A. stellatum it was highest in exposed flowers and hand cross-pollinated flowers. Fruit set in N. bivalve was highest in exposed and bagged, self-pollinating flowers. In A. stellatum, fruit set was highest in both exposed and hand cross-pollinated flowers. Seed set was the same among all treatments for both species. We interpret these results as evidence that A. stellatum is a self-incompatible, obligate outcrosser. Nothoscodum bivalve is a self-compatible, obligate inbreeder employing mechanical and insect-mediated self-pollination. Outbreeding depression appears to occur in N. bivalve with a partial trend towards intraspecific cross-incompatibility.
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Bonza. -Orig. in Batlow, New South Wales, Australia, by B. Atkinson. Introd. in 1962. Chance sdlg., parentage unknown, disc, in 1953. Fruit: size medium to large; conical oblate, even; skin 80-100% bright crimson, lightly streaked, coarse and unattractive first few years, will subsequently fine up and in some localities resemble Jonathan; flesh pale, creamy white, firm texture crisp, fine-grained, flavor pleasant; good storage quality, approx 8 mo. at 30-32°F; ripens Mar. 25. Tree: vigor moderate; hardiness unknown; very productive, tip bearing; moderately tolerant to scab.
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Carma .Orig. in Carlos, Alberta, Canada, by Robert Erskine. Introd. in 1963. Parentage unknown. Fruit: crab; to 1 3/4 inch diam; globular; flesh juicy, spicy, core small. Tree: very hardy.
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Self-incompatibility of Easter lily ( Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) was overcome by heating the styles. Immersing detached prepollinated styles in distilled water at 45C for 5 min promoted the growth of incompatible pollen tubes. When heat-treated styles were kept at 25C for various periods before pollination, the effect of overcoming selfincompatibility diminished as the period between the heat treatment and pollination was increased. Heat treatment of styles within 2 hr after incompatible pollination promoted the growth of pollen tubes to a distance comparable to compatible ones. When the styles were heated during the period from 3 to 8 hr after incompatible pollination, the growth of pollen tubes was retarded to some extent as compared to those treated within 2 hr after pollination. Treatment at 12 or more hours after pollination no longer promoted the growth of incompatible pollen tubes. These results suggest that overcoming self-incompatibility by heating is temporary and the incompatibility machinery is already induced at ≈3 hr after pollination.
Experiments with flowers of Cox’s Orange Pippin apples have shown that semi- compatible pollen tubes produced by self-pollination may effect fertilization and therefore fruit set. Pseudocompatibility was maximized by pollinating old flowers with large quantities of pollen, and maintaining a temperature of about 20°C during the period of pollen tube growth. The evidence suggests that, with some or all of the above conditions, fertile flowers are able to set fruit with self-pollination.