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Real-world sound recognition: A recipe


Abstract and Figures

This article addresses the problem of recognizing acoustic events present in unconstrained input. We propose a novel approach to the processing of audio data which combines bottom-up hypothesis generation with top-down expectations, which, unlike standard pattern recognition techniques, can ensure that the representation of the input sound is physically realizable. Our approach gradually enriches low-level signal descriptors, based on Continuity Preserving Signal Processing, with more and more abstract interpretations along a hierarchy of description levels. This process is guided by top-down knowledge which provides context and ensures an interpretation consistent with the knowledge of the system. This leads to a system that can detect and recognize specific events for which the evidence is present in unconstrained real-world sounds.
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Real-World Sound Recognition:
Tjeerd C. Andringa and Maria E. Niessen
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen,
Gr. Kruisstr. 2/1, 9712 TS Groningen, The Netherlands
Abstract. This article addresses the problem of recognizing acoustic
events present in unconstrained input. We propose a novel approach
to the processing of audio data which combines bottom-up hypothesis
generation with top-down expectations, which, unlike standard pattern
recognition techniques, can ensure that the representation of the input
sound is physically realizable. Our approach gradually enriches low-level
signal descriptors, based on Continuity Preserving Signal Processing,
with more and more abstract interpretations along a hierarchy of descrip-
tion levels. This process is guided by top-down knowledge which provides
context and ensures an interpretation consistent with the knowledge of
the system. This leads to a system that can detect and recognize spe-
cific events for which the evidence is present in unconstrained real-world
Key words: real-world sounds, sound recognition, event perception,
ecological acoustics, multimedia access, Continuity Preserving Signal Pro-
cessing, Computational Auditory Scene Analysis.
1 Introduction
Suppose you claim you have made a system that can automatically recognize the
sounds of passing cars and planes, making coffee, and verbal aggression, while
ignoring sounds like speech. People might react enthusiastically and ask you for
a demonstration. How impressive would it be if you could start-up a program on
your laptop, and the system recognizes the coffee machine the moment it starts
percolating? You might then bring your laptop outside where it starts counting
passing cars and it even detects the plane that takes off on a nearby airfield. In
the meanwhile you tell your audience that the same system is currently alerting
security personnel whenever verbal aggression occurs at public places like train
stations and city centers. Your audience might be impressed, but will they be
as impressed if you show a system that works with sound recorded in studio
conditions but that does not work in the current environment? Or that only
works in the absence of other sound sources, or only when the training data base
is sufficiently similar to the current situation, which it, unfortunately, is not?
Learning the Semantics of Audio Signals (LSAS) 2006
Apart from the coffee machine detector, detectors similar to those described
above are actually deployed in the Netherlands by a spin-off of the University
of Groningen called Sound Intelligence [16]. But although these systems reliably
monitor the activities in a complex and uncontrollable acoustic environment,
they require some optimization to their environment and cannot easily be ex-
tended to recognize and detect a much wider range of acoustic events or to reason
about their meaning.
The one system that does have the ability to function reliably in all kinds of
dynamic environments is, of course, the human and animal auditory system. The
main attribute of the natural auditory system is that it deals with unconstrained
input and helps us to understand the (often unexpected) events that occur in
our environment. This entails that it can determine the cause of complex, un-
controllable, in part unknown, and variable input. In the sound domain we can
call this real-world sound recognition.
A real-world sound recognition system does not put constraints on its input:
it recognizes any sound source, in any environment, if and only if the source is
present. As such it can be contrasted to popular sound recognition approaches,
which function reliably only with input from a limited task domain in a spe-
cific acoustic environment. This leads to systems for specific tasks in specific
environments.Forexample,astudybyDefr´eville et al. describes the automatic
recognition of urban sound sources from a database with real-world recordings
[6]. However, the goals of our investigation do not allow for the implicit assump-
tion made in Defr´eville’s study, namely that at least one sound source on which
the system is trained is present in each test sample.
Apart from being able to recognize unconstrained input, a real-world sound
recognition system must also be able to explain the causes of sounds in terms of
the activities in the environment. In the case of making coffee, the system must
assign the sounds of filling a carafe, placing the carafe in the coffee machine, and
a few minutes later the sound of hot water percolating through the machine, to
the single activity of making coffee.
The systems of Sound Intelligence approach the ideal of real-world sound
recognition by placing minimal constraints on the input. These systems rely on
Continuity Preserving Signal Processing, a form of signal processing, developed
in part by Sound Intelligence, which is designed to track the physical develop-
ment of sound sources as faithfully as possible. We suspect that the disregard of
a faithful rendering of physical information of, for example, Short Term Fourier
Transform based methods, limits traditional sound processing systems to appli-
cations in which a priori knowledge about the input is required for reasonable
recognition results.
The purpose of our research is the development of a sound processing system
that can determine the cause of a sound from unconstrained real-world input
in a way that is functionally similar to natural sound processing systems. This
paper starts with the scientific origins of our proposal. From this we derive a
research paradigm that describes the way we want to contribute to the further
development of a comprehensive theory of sound processing on the one hand,
and the development of an informative and reliable sound recognition system
on the other hand. From this we spell out a proposal for a suitable architecture
for such a system from an example of a coffee making process. Finally we will
discuss how our approach relates to other approaches.
2 Real-World Sound Recognition
2.1 Event Perception
Ecological psychoacoustics (see for example [10, 9, 18, 3]) provides part of the
basis of our approach. Instead of the traditional focus on musical or analytical
listening, in which sensations such as pitch and loudness are coupled to phys-
ical properties such as frequency and amplitude in controlled experiments (for
a short historical overview, see Neuhoff [13]), ecological psychoacousticians in-
vestigate everyday listening, introduced by Gaver [9]. Everyday or descriptive
listening refers to a description of the sounds in terms of the processes or events
that produced them. For example, we do not hear a noisy harmonic complex in
combination with a burst of noise, instead we hear a passing car. Likewise we
do not hear a double pulse with prominent energy around 2.4 and 6 kHz, but
we hear a closing door. William Gaver concludes:
“Taking an ecological approach implies analyses of the mechanical physics
of source events, the acoustics describing the propagation of sound through
an environment, and the properties of the auditory system that enable us
to pick up such information. The result of such analyses will be a char-
acterization of acoustic information about sources, environments, and
locations which can be empirically verified.” ([9], p. 8)
Gaver links source physics to event perception, and since natural environ-
ments are, of course, always physically realizable, we insist on physical realizabil-
ity within our model. This entails that we aim to limit all signal interpretations
to those which might actually describe a real-world situation and as such do not
violate the physical laws that shape reality.
Physical realizability, as defined above, is not an issue in current low-level
descriptors [5], which focus on mathematically convenient manipulations. The
solution space associated with these descriptors may contain a majority of phys-
ically impossible, and therefore certainly incorrect, signal descriptions. In fact,
given these descriptors, there is no guarantee that the best interpretation is phys-
ically possible (and therefore potentially correct). For example, current speech
recognition systems are designed to function well under specific conditions (such
as limited background noise and adapted to one speaker). However, when these
systems are exposed to non-speech data (such as instrumental music) that hap-
pen to generate an interpretation as speech with a sufficiently high likelihood,
the system will produce nonsense.
2.2 Continuity Preserving Signal Processing
We try to ensure physical realizability of the signal interpretation by apply-
ing Continuity Preserving Signal Processing (CPSP, [2, 1]). Compared to other
signal processing approaches CPSP has not been developed from a viewpoint of
mathematical elegance or numerical convenience. Instead it is a signal processing
framework designed to track the physical development of a sound source through
the identification of signal components as the smallest coherent units of physical
information. Signal components are defined as physically coherent regions of the
time-frequency plane delimited by qualitative changes (such as on- and offsets
or discrete steps in frequency). Although CPSP is still in development, indica-
tions are that it is often, and even usually, possible to form signal component
patterns that have a very high probability to represent physically coherent in-
formation of a single source or process. This is especially true for pulse-like and
sinusoidal components, such as individual harmonics, for which reliable estima-
tion techniques have been developed [2]. For example, estimated sinusoidal signal
components (like in voiced speech) signify the presence of a sound source which
is able to produce signal components with a specific temporal development of
energy and frequency content. This analysis excludes a multitude of other sound
properties; the system is one step up toward a correct interpretation.
CPSP is a form of Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA). Modern
CASA approaches typically aim to identify a subset of the time-frequency plane,
called a mask, where a certain target sound dominates [17, 4]. The advantage of
such a mask is that it can be used to identify the evidence which should be
presented to a subsequent recognition phase. One major disadvantage is that
it requires a hard decision of what is target and what not before the signal is
recognized as a certain instance of a target class. In contrast, CPSP does not
aim to form masks, but aims to identify patterns of evidence of physical pro-
cesses that can be attributed to specific events or activities. CPSP is based on
the assumption that sound sources are characterized by their physical proper-
ties, which in turn determine how they distribute energy in the time-frequency
plane E(f,t). Furthermore it assumes that the spatio-temporal continuity of the
basilar membrane (BM) in the mammalian cochlea, where position corresponds
to frequency, is used by the auditory system to track the development of phys-
ically coherent signal components. Typical examples of signal components are
pulses, clicks, and bursts, or sinusoids, narrowband noises, wavelets, and broad-
band noises. A sinusoid or chirp may exist for a long time, but is limited to a
certain frequency range. In contrast pulses are short, but they span a wide range
of frequencies. Noises are broad in frequency, persist for some time, and show a
fine structure that does not repeat itself.
CPSP makes use of signal components because they have several character-
istics which are useful for automatic sound recognition: The first characteristic
is the low probability that the signal component consists of qualitatively dif-
ferent signal contributions (for instance periodic versus aperiodic), the second
is the low probability that the signal component can be extended to include a
larger region of the time-frequency plane without violating the first condition,
and the third is the low probability that the whole region stems from two or
more uncorrelated processes. Together these properties help to ensure a safe and
correct application of quasi-stationarity and as such a proper approximation of
the corresponding physical development and the associated physical realizability.
Signal components can be estimated from a model of the mammalian cochlea
[7]. This model can be interpreted as a bank of coupled (and therefore overlap-
ping) bandpass-filters with a roughly logarithmic relation between place and
center-frequency. Unlike the Short Term Fourier Transform, the cochlea has no
preference for specific frequencies or intervals: A smooth development of a source
will result in a smooth development on the cochlea. A quadratic, energy-domain
rendering of the distribution of spectro-temporal energy, like a spectrogram, re-
sults from leaky integration of the squared BM excitation with a suitable time
constant. This representation is called a cochleogram and it provides a rendering
of the time-frequency plane E(f,t) without biases toward special frequencies or
intervals ([2], chapter 2). Although not a defining characteristic, signal compo-
nents correspond often to the smallest perceptual units: it is usually possible
to hear-out individual signal components, and in the case of complex patterns,
such as speech, they stand out when they do not comply with the pattern.
2.3 An Example: Making Coffee
Figure 1 shows a number of cochleograms derived from a recording of the coffee
making process in a cafeteria1. The upper three cochleograms correspond to
filling the machine with water, positioning the carafe in the machine, and the
percolation process, respectively. The lower row shows enlargement of the last
two processes. The positioning of the carafe in the machine (a) results in a
number of contacts between metal and glass. The resulting pulses have significant
internal structure, do not repeat themselves, and reduce gradually in intensity.
Some strongly dampened resonances occur at different frequencies, but do not
show a discernible harmonic pattern. The whole pattern is consistent with hard
(stiff) objects that hit each other a few times in a physical setting with strong
damping. This description conveys evidence of physical processes which helps
to reduce the number of possible, physically meaningful, interpretations of the
signal energy. Note that signal components function as interpretation hypotheses
for subsets of the signal. As hypotheses, they may vary in reliability. A context
in which signal components predict each other, for instance through a repetition
of similar components, enhances the reliability of interpretation hypotheses of
individual signal components. In this case the presence of one pulse predicts the
presence of other more or less similar pulses.
The lower right cochleogram (b) corresponds to a time 6 minutes after the
start where the water in the coffee machine has heated to the boiling point
and where it starts to percolate through the coffee. This phase is characterized
1The sounds can be found on our website,
Time (s)
coffee machine percolating
Frequency (Hz)
368.5 369 369.5 370 370.5 371 371.5 372
29 0
Time (s)
Frequency (Hz)
coffee carafe
5.9 6.15 6.4 6.65
29 10
Time (s)
coffee machine percolating
369 370 371 372 0
Time (s)
coffee carafe
5.9 6.4
Time (s)
Frequency (Hz)
fililng coffee machine
1.05 1.55 2.05 2.55 3.05 3.55
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Cochleograms of different sound events involved in making coffee. The top
three cochleograms are of the sound of, from left to right, the filling of the water
compartment of a coffee machine, the placing the coffee carafe, and the coffee machine
percolating, respectively. These three cochleograms have the same energy range, as
shown by the right color bar. The bottom two cochleograms are enlargements of the
two top right cochleograms. (Note that the energy ranges and time scales of the bottom
two cochleograms do not correspond to each other.)
by small droplets of boiling water and steam emerging from the heating sys-
tem. This produces a broadband signal between 400 and 800 Hz with irregular
amplitude modulation and, superimposed, many not-repeating wavelet-like com-
ponents that probably correspond to individual drops of steam driven boiling
water that emerge from the machine. Again it is possible to link signal details
to a high level description of a complex event like percolating water.
3 Research Paradigm
We propose a novel approach to real-world sound recognition which combines
bottom-up audio processing, based on CPSP, with top-down knowledge. The top-
down knowledge provides context for the sound event and guides interpretations
of the hypotheses. Succeeding description levels in a hierarchy gradually include
more semantic content. Low levels in the hierarchy represent much of the details
of the signal and are minimally interpreted. High levels represent minimal signal
detail, but correspond to a specific semantic interpretation of the input signal
which is consistent with the systems knowledge of its environment and its current
input. Before we present the model for real-world sound recognition, we first
propose a paradigm, comprising of seven focus points, to guide the development
of the model, inspired by considerations from the previous section:
Real-world sound recognition The model should recognize unconstrained
input, which means there is no a priori knowledge about the input signal
such as the environment it stems from. The system will use knowledge, but
this knowledge is typically of the way we expect events to develop through
time and frequency, used a posteriori to form hypotheses. Besides this the
knowledge can also be about the context, for example an interpretation of the
past which may need updating, or about the environment, which may have
changed as well. Matching top-down knowledge with bottom-up processing
helps to generate plausible interpretation hypotheses. However, top-down
knowledge does not pose restrictions on the bottom-up processing and the
generation of hypotheses; it will only influence activation and selection of
Domain independent Techniques that are task or environment specific are to
be avoided, because every new task or environment requires the development
of a new recognizer. In particular, optimizing on closed tasks or closed and
constrained environments should be avoided. This excludes many standard
pattern recognition techniques such as neural networks, and Hidden Markov
Models (HMM’s), based on Bayesian decision theory (see for example Knill
and Young [11]). Note that specifying a general approach toward a specific
task is allowed, but including a task specific solution in the general system
is not.
Start from the natural exemplar Initially the model should remain close to
approaches known to work in human and animal auditory systems. The prob-
lem in this respect is the multitude of fragmented and often incompatible
knowledge about perception and cognition, which (by scientific necessity)
is also based on closed domain research in the form of controlled experi-
ments. Nevertheless domains such as psycholinguistics have reached many
conclusions we might use as inspiration.
Physical optimality Because the auditory systems of different organisms are
instances of a more general approach to sound recognition, we may try to gen-
eralize these instances toward physical optimality or physical convenience.
We might for example ignore physiological non-linearities which may be nec-
essary only to squeeze the signal into the limited dynamic range of the
natural system. Physical optimality rules out the application of standard
frame-based methods in which quasi-stationarity, with a period equaling the
frame size, is applied on an yet unknown mixture of sound sources. Physi-
cally, the approximation of a sound source as a number of different discrete
steps is only justified with a suitable (inertia dependent) time-constant. For
closed domains with clean speech this might be guaranteed, but for open
domains quasi-stationarity can only be applied on signal evidence which,
firstly, is likely to stem from a single process, and secondly, is known to
develop slowly enough for a certain discrete resampling. Signal components
comply with these requirements, while in general the result of frame blocking
does not. ([2], chapter 1)
Physical realizability The model should at all times only consider those so-
lutions which are physically plausible. This is important because we want to
link the physics of the source of the sound to the signal, which only makes
sense if we actually consider only plausible sound events as hypotheses. An
extra advantage of this rule is the reduction of the solution space, since so-
lutions which are not physically plausible will not be generated. Again this
is different from standard pattern recognition techniques, which consider
mathematically possible (that is, most probable) solutions.
Limited local complexity To ensure realizability, the different steps in the
model should neither be too complex, nor too large. This can be ensured
through a hierarchy of structure which is not imposed by the designer, but
dedicated by the predictive structures in the environment.
Test i n g The model should not remain in the theoretical domain, but should be
implemented and confronted with the complexities of unconstrained input.
This also means the model should not be optimized for a target domain, but
confronted with input from many other domains as well.
4 Model of Real-World Sound Recognition
Figure 2 captures the research paradigm of the previous section. The system pro-
cesses low-level data to interpretation hypotheses, and it explicates semantically
rich, top-down queries to specific signal component expectations. The top-down
input results from task specific user queries, like “Alert me when the coffee is
ready” or “How many times is the coffee machine used in the cafeteria every
day?”, and contextual knowledge, like the setting, for example a cafeteria, and
the time of day, for example 8:30 am. However, the system recognizes sounds
and updates its context model even without top-down input: The more the sys-
tem learns about an environment (that is, the longer it is processing data in an
environment), the better its context model is able to generate hypotheses about
what to expect and the better and faster it will deal with bottom-up ambiguity.
The bottom-up input is continuous sound input, which can be assigned to signal
components with a delay of less then a few hundred milliseconds (in part de-
pendent on the properties of the signal components). Subsequent levels generate
interpretation hypotheses of each signal component combination which complies
with predictions about the way relevant sound events, such as speech, combine
signal components.2. Several levels match top-down expectations with bottom-
up hypotheses. This ensures consistency between the query and the sound (set
2The bottom-up hypotheses generation from signal component patterns will be hard-
coded in the first implementations of the system, but eventually we want to use
machine learning techniques so that the system learns to classify the signal com-
ponent patterns. A similar approach is chosen for top-down queries and contextual
sound event
SC pattern
sound signal
sound event
SC pattern
(through matching)
output: best hypothesis
Fig. 2. The sound is analyzed in terms of signal components. Signal component pat-
terns lead to sound event hypotheses. These hypotheses are continuously matched
with top-down expectation based on the current knowledge state. The combination of
bottom-up hypotheses and top-down expectations results in a best interpretation of
the input sound.
of signal components) which is assigned to it. When top-down knowledge is suf-
ficiently consistent with the structure of reality (that is, potentially correct) the
resulting description of the sound is physically realizable.
Top-down combinations of query and context lead to expectations of which
instances of sound events might occur and what the current target event is.
Although important, the way queries lead to expectations is not yet addressed in
this coffee-making detection system. The event expectations are translated into
probability distributions of (properties of) the signal component combinations to
expect. For example, knowledge about the type of the coffee machine, for instance
filter or espresso, leads to a reduction of the signal components to expect. The
derivation to top-down expectations through a top-down process ensures that
the expectations are always consistent with our knowledge.
The continuous matching process between the bottom-up instances and the
top-down probability distributions ensures that bottom-up hypotheses which are
inconsistent with top-down expectations will be deactivated (or flagged irrelevant
for the current task, in which case they might still influence the context model).
input; we first hard-code the knowledge between sound events and signal component
patterns, but eventually we plan to use machine learning techniques here as well.
"impact sounds"
"damped, structured
SC patterns
"pouring water"
event hypothesis
sound classes
"making coffee"
sound classes
"liquid sounds"
SC patterns
broadband sound"
sound classes
"percolating sounds"
SC patterns
"confused AM
abstraction level
physical world
representational world
coffee can"
event hypothesis
at work"
event hypothesis
"coffee machine
broadband noise"
knowledge scheme
Fig. 3. Different stages in the process of recognizing coffee making. The top level is
the highest abstraction level, representing most semantic content, but minimal signal
detail. The bottom level is the lowest abstraction level, representing very little or no
interpretation, but instead reflecting much of the details of the signal. From left to right
the succeeding best hypotheses are shown, generated by the low-level signal analysis,
and matched to high-level expectations, which follow from the knowledge scheme.
Vice versa, signal component combinations which are consistent with top-down
expectations are given priority during bottom-up processing. The consistent hy-
pothesis that fits the query and the context best is called the best hypo thesi s,and
is selected as output of the system. The activation of active hypotheses changes
with new information: Either new top-down knowledge or additional bottom-up
input changes the best interpretation hypothesis whenever one hypothesis be-
comes stronger than the current best hypothesis. Similar models for hypothesis
selection can be found in psycholinguistics [12, 14]. For example, the Shortlist
model of Norris [14] generates an initial candidate-list on the basis of bottom-up
acoustic input; a best candidate is selected after competition within this set. The
list of candidates is updated whenever there is new information.
Let us turn back to the example, the process of making coffee. Figure 3 depicts
the coffee making process at three levels: a sequence of activities, a sequence of
sound events to expect, and a series of signal component combinations to expect.
These three levels correspond to the top-down levels of the system. The lowest
level description must be coupled to the signal components and the cochleogram
(see figure 1) from which they are estimated. We focus on the second event
hypothesis, the sound of a coffee carafe being placed on the hot plate (a).
Previously, the system found some broadband irregularly amplitude modu-
lated signal components with local, not repeating, wavelet-like components su-
perimposed. Particular sound events with these features are liquid sounds [9].
However, the system did not yet have enough evidence to classify the liquid
sound as an indication of the coffee machine being filled; the same evidence
might also correspond to filling a glass. But since the signal component pattern
does certainly not comply with speech, doors, moving chairs, or other events,
the number of possible interpretations of this part of the acoustic energy is lim-
ited, and each interpretation corresponds, via the knowledge of the system, to
expectations about future events. If there are more signal components detected
consistent with the coffee making process, the hypothesis will be better sup-
ported. And if the hypothesis is better supported, it will be more successful in
predicting subsequent events which are part of the process. In this case addi-
tional information can be estimated after 6 minutes where the water in the coffee
machine has heated to the boiling point and starts percolating through the coffee
5 Discussion
This article started with a description of a sound recognition system that works
always and everywhere. In the previous sections we have sketched an architecture
for real-world sound recognition which is capable of exactly that. Our general
approach is reminiscent to the prediction-driven approach of Ellis [8]. However,
the insistence on physical realizability is an essential novelty, associated with the
use of CPSP.
The physical realizability in our approach ensures that the state of the context
model in combination with the evidence is at least consistent with physical laws
(insofar reflected by the sounds). In the example of the coffee making detection
system only a minimal fraction of the sounds will match the knowledge of the
system and most signal component patterns will be ignored from the moment
they are flagged as inconsistent with the knowledge of the system. This makes
the system both insensitive to irrelevant sounds as well as specific for the target
event, which helps to ensure its independence of the acoustic environment. A
richer system with more target events functions identically, but more patterns
will match the demands of one or more of the target events. An efficient tree-
like representation of sound source properties can be implemented to prevent a
computational explosion.
Our approach is an intelligent agent approach [15] to CASA. The intelli-
gent agent approach is a common within the fields of artificial intelligence and
cognitive science, and generally involves the use of explicit knowledge (often
at different levels of description). The intelligent agent based approach can be
contrasted to the more traditional machine learning based approaches, such as
reviewed in Cowling [5], and other CASA approaches [4, 8, 17]. An intelligent
agent is typically assumed to exist in a complex situation in which it is ex-
posed to an abundance of data, most of which irrelevant — unlike, for example,
the database in Defr´eville’s study [6], where most data is relevant. Some of the
data may be informative in the sense that it changes the knowledge state of
the agent, which helps to improve the selection of actions. Each executed action
changes the situation and ought to be in some way beneficial to the agent (for
example because it helps the user). An intelligent agent requires an elaborate
and up-to-date model of the current situation to determine the relevance of the
More traditional machine learning and CASA approaches avoid or trivialize
the need for an up-to-date model of the current situation and the selection of
relevant input by assuming that the input stems from an environment with par-
ticular acoustic properties. If the domain is chosen conveniently and if sufficient
training data is available, sophisticated statistical pattern classification tech-
niques (HMM, Neural Networks, etcetera) can deal with features like Mel Fre-
quency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Linear Predictive Coefficients (LPC),
which represent relevant and irrelevant signal energy equally well. These features
actually make it more difficult to separate relevant from irrelevant input, but
a proper domain choice helps to prevent (or reduce) the adverse effects of this
blurring during classification. CASA approaches [4, 17] rely on the estimation of
spectro-temporal masks that are intended to represent relevant sound sources,
only after information in the masks is presented to similar statistical classifica-
tion systems. These approaches require an evaluation of the input in terms of
relevant/irrelevant befo re the signal is classified. This entails that class-specific
knowledge cannot be used to optimize the selection of evidence. This limits these
approaches to acoustic domains in which class-specific knowledge is not required
to form masks that contain sufficiently reliable evidence of the target sources.
6 Conclusions
Dealing with real-world sounds requires methods which do not rely on a conve-
niently chosen acoustic domain as traditional CASA methods do. Furthermore,
these methods do not make use of explicit class and even instance specific knowl-
edge to guide recognition, but rely on statistical techniques, which, by their
very nature, blur (that is, average away) differences between events. Our intel-
ligent agent approach can be contrasted to traditional CASA approaches, since
it assumes the agent (that is, the recognition system) is situated in a complex
and changing environment. The combination of bottom-up and top-down pro-
cessing in our approach allows a connection with the real world through event
physics. The insistence on physical realizability ensures that each event specific
representation is both supported by the input and consistent with the systems
knowledge. The reliability of a number of CPSP-based commercial products for
verbal aggression and vehicle detection, which function in real-live and therefore
unconstrained acoustic environments, is promising with respect to a success-
ful implementation of our approach. We have a recipe, and a large number of
ingredients. Let us try to proof the pudding.
This work is supported by SenterNovem, Dutch Companion project grant nr:
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... The ability of human listeners to use context to disambiguate sounds, which we demonstrated in the experiment, should also be present in the model. Therefore, a dynamic network is added that uses knowledge of the event and the context to limit the search space of the bottom-up input [1]. We will describe the network's behavior through one of the sound events that was also used in the experiment, the mix of a bouncing basketball and a closing door, which can be identified as both in the absence of context information. ...
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A central problem in automatic sound recognition is the mapping between low-level audio features and the meaningful content of an auditory scene. We propose a dynamic network model to perform this mapping. In acoustics, much research has been devoted to low-level perceptual abilities such as audio feature extraction and grouping, which have been translated into successful signal processing techniques. However, little work is done on modeling knowledge and context in sound recognition, although this information is necessary to identify a sound event rather than to separate its components from a scene. We first investigate the role of context in human sound identification in a simple experiment. Then we show that the use of knowledge in a dynamic network model can improve automatic sound identification, by reducing the search space of the low-level audio features. Furthermore, context information dissolves ambiguities that arise from multiple interpretations of one sound event.
... These statistical methods rely on the availability of training databases that are representative for the test and eventual deployment condition: the more data and the narrower the domain the better the classification results will be. These methods are unsuitable for verbal aggression detection in unconstrained environments [1]. A first reason is that it is very difficult to acquire realistic training examples of the target event (acquiring a few realistic samples may require many months of recording and manual annotation). ...
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The paper presents a knowledge-based system designed to detect evidence of aggression by means of audio analysis. The detection is based on the way sounds are analyzed and how they attract attention in the human auditory system. The performance achieved is comparable to human performance in complex social environments. The SIgard system has been deployed in a number of different real-life situations and was tested extensively in the inner city of Groningen. Experienced police observers have annotated ~1400 recordings with various degrees of shouting, which were used for optimization. All essential events and a small number of nonessential aggressive events were detected. The system produces only a few false alarms (non-shouts) per microphone per year and misses no incidents. This makes it the first successful detection system for a non-trivial target in an unconstrained environment.
Authoring tools for sketching the motion of characters to be animated have been studied. However the natural interface for sound editing has not been sufficiently studied. In this paper, I present a novel method that sound sample is selected by speaking sound-imitation words(onomatopoeia). Experiment with the method based on statistical models, which is generally used for pattern recognition, showed up to 97% in the accuracy of recognition. In addition, to address the difficulty of data collection for newly enrolled sound samples, the GLR Test based on only one sample of each sound-imitation word showed almost the same accuracy as the previous method.
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This chapter addresses the functional requirements of auditory systems, both natural and artificial, to be able to deal with the complexities of uncontrolled real-world input. The demand to function in uncontrolled environments has severe implications for machine audition. The natural system has addressed this demand by adapting its function flexibly to changing task demands. Intentional processes and the concept of perceptual gist play an important role in this. Hearing and listening are seen as complementary processes. The process of hearing detects the existence and general character of the environment and its main and most salient sources. In combination with task demands these processes allow the pre-activation of knowledge about expected sources and their properties. Consecutive listening phases, in which the relevant subsets of the signal are analyzed, allow the level of detail required by task and system-demands. This form of processing requires a signal representation that can be reasoned about. A representation based on source physics is suitable and has the advantage of being situation independent. The demand to determine physical source properties from the signal imposes restrictions on the signal processing. When these restrictions are not met, systems are limited to controlled domains. Novel signal representations are needed to couple the information in the signal to knowledge about the sources in the signal.
A central problem in automatic sound recognition is the mapping between low-level audio features and the meaningful content of an auditory scene. We propose a dynamic network model to perform this mapping. In acoustics, much research is devoted to low-level perceptual abilities such as audio feature extraction and grouping, which are translated into successful signal processing techniques. However, little work is done on modeling knowledge and context in sound recognition, although this information is necessary to identify a sound event rather than to separate its components from a scene. We first investigate the role of context in human sound identification in a simple experiment. Then we show that the use of knowledge in a dynamic network model can improve automatic sound identification by reducing the search space of the low-level audio features. Furthermore, context information dissolves ambiguities that arise from multiple interpretations of one sound event.
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Sound recognition systems aim to determine what source produced a sound event. Until now, such systems lack explicit knowledge about sound sources; they rely on crude signal descriptions and large annotated training databases. These databases, hopefully for such systems, allow a reliable correlation between signal descriptions and annotations. Some modern perception approaches are based on the concept of gist, which suggest that a signal is first analyzed crudely, not unlike conventional sound recognition systems, but that the crude analysis is followed by a more detailed knowledge driven approach. In this work I explore a way of involving explicit knowledge about sound sources and audition, resulting in a more cognitive approach to sound recognition. I find that this approach is complementary to conventional sound recognition systems, as it leads to higher classification performance on a single sound event recognition task and it gives more insight into recognitions. For example, in addition to answering what source produced a sound event, my approach can also precisely tell where (in time and frequency the evidence stems from) and why the sound event was recognized as being such. Also, this approach is extensible, as knowledge can be added and specialized, possibly increasing its performance beyond that of conventional sound recognition systems.
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This paper presents a comprehensive comparative study of artificial neural networks, learning vector quantization and dynamic time warping classification techniques combined with stationary/non-stationary feature extraction for environmental sound recognition. Results show 70% recognition using mel frequency cepstral coefficients or continuous wavelet transform with dynamic time warping.
Within the context of interest in analyzing ‘active’ and nonlinear processes in the cochlea we have been studying a model cochlea in which the local membrane impedance is described by a Van der Pol-oscillator. The behaviour of the undriven and sinusoidally driven discretized model is examined numerically. The undriven model describes the behaviour of a discrete number of coupled oscillators, which, if uncoupled, would have limit cycles gradually differing in frequency. In the coupled case the limit cycle behaviour is less predictable: it appears to exhibit quasi stochastic properties. In the driven model a sufficiently strong stimulus causes entrainment to the stimulus, and odd order harmonics appear. In the range where the driven response is small compared with the average limit cycle, the response is almost linear. The strict Van der Pol-damping function, which is parabolic in velocity, produces strong saturation. A generalized Van der Pol-damping term, which causes small-amplitude instability and large-amplitude stability, produces much the same general behaviour, but the intensity response can be modelled more realistically.
In his famous treatise of computational vision, Marr (1982) makes a compelling argument for separating different levels of analysis in order to understand complex information processing. In particular, the computational theory level, concerned with the goal of computation and general processing strategy, must be separated from the algorithm level, or the separation of what from how. This chapter is an attempt at a computational-theory analysis of auditory scene analysis, where the main task is to understand the character of the CASA problem. My analysis results in the proposal of the ideal binary mask as a main goal of CASA. This goal is consistent with characteristics of human auditory scene analysis. The goal is also consistent with more specific objectives such as enhancing ASR and speech intelligibility. The resulting evaluation metric has the properties of simplicity and generality, and is easy to apply when the premixing target is available. The goal of the ideal binary mask has led to effective for speech separation algorithms that attempt to explicitly estimate such masks.
Speech is typically perceived against a background of other sounds. Listeners are adept at extracting target sources from the acoustic mixture reaching the ears. The auditory scene analysis (ASA) account holds that this feat is the result of a two-stage process. In the first-stage, sound is decomposed into collections of fragments in several dimensions. Subsequent processes of perceptual organization reassemble these fragments, based on cues indicating common source of origin which are interpreted in the light of prior experience. In this way, the decomposed auditory scene is processed to extract coherent evidence for one or more sources. Auditory scene analysis in listeners has been studied for several decades and recent years have seen a steady accumulation of computational models of perceptual organization. The purpose of this review is to describe the evidence for the nature of auditory organization in listeners and to explore the computational models which have been motivated by such evidence. The primary focus is on speech rather than on sources such as polyphonic music or non-speech ambient backgrounds, although all these domains are equally amenable to auditory organization. The review includes a discussion of the relationship between auditory scene analysis and alternative approaches to sound source segregation.
Previous work has shown a back-propagation network with recurrent connections can successfully model many aspects of human spoken word recognition (Norris, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1993). However, such networks are unable to revise their decisions in the light of subsequent context. TRACE (McClelland & Elman, 1986), on the other hand, manages to deal appropriately with following context, but only by using a highly implausible architecture that fails to account for some important experimental results. A new model is presented which displays the more desirable properties of each of these models. In contrast to TRACE the new model is entirely bottom-up and can readily perform simulations with vocabularies of tens of thousands of words.