
Human Nature and The Social Order

... A short terminology about Grounded Theory refers to "developing analytic codes and categories from the data, and not from preconceived hypotheses"(Charmaz, 2004: 83). The former relates to "simultaneous involvement in data collection and analysis", whilst the latter is concerned with "constructing middle-range theories to explain behaviour and processes"(Charmaz, 2004: 83).5 Discourse analytic techniques illustrate the collaboration and negotiation of ideas, meanings, and presentations of personal experiences of the individual. ...
... "Symbolic interactionist approaches(Cooley, 1902; Felson, 1989; Mead, 1934;Shrauger & Schoeneman, 1979;Stryker & Statham, 1985) propose that the self develops and changes as people see themselves through the eyes of others(Cooley, 1902; Mead, 1934). Metaphorically, others' evaluations function as a mirror in which one sees oneself -thus reflected appraisals refer to perceptions of others' evaluations, and looking-glass self refers to the idea that people see themselves through (their perceptions of) the eyes of others(Cooley, 1902;Felson, 1981 Felson, , 1985 Felson, , 1989; Mead, 1934; Shrauger & Schoeneman, 1979)" (Jussim et al., 1992: 403). ...
... "Symbolic interactionist approaches(Cooley, 1902; Felson, 1989; Mead, 1934;Shrauger & Schoeneman, 1979;Stryker & Statham, 1985) propose that the self develops and changes as people see themselves through the eyes of others(Cooley, 1902; Mead, 1934). Metaphorically, others' evaluations function as a mirror in which one sees oneself -thus reflected appraisals refer to perceptions of others' evaluations, and looking-glass self refers to the idea that people see themselves through (their perceptions of) the eyes of others(Cooley, 1902;Felson, 1981 Felson, , 1985 Felson, , 1989; Mead, 1934; Shrauger & Schoeneman, 1979)" (Jussim et al., 1992: 403). ...
... Pemikiran Cooley (Cooley, 2010) memberikan pengaruh signifikan kepada Goffman atas Dramaturginya melalui Teori The Looking Glass Self. Teori Cooley sendiri terdiri atas proposisi menempatkan pengembangan diri untuk tampil kepada orang lain, menempatkan bayangan diri untuk mendapat penilaian dari orang lain, menempatkan pengembangan yang sama atas perasaan diri misalnya rasa malu, bangga yang menjadi dampak dari terkaan atas penilaian yang diberikan orang lain terhadap diri kita. ...
... Teori Cooley sendiri terdiri atas proposisi menempatkan pengembangan diri untuk tampil kepada orang lain, menempatkan bayangan diri untuk mendapat penilaian dari orang lain, menempatkan pengembangan yang sama atas perasaan diri misalnya rasa malu, bangga yang menjadi dampak dari terkaan atas penilaian yang diberikan orang lain terhadap diri kita. Menurut Cooley (Cooley, 2010) sikap yang dipertunjukan orang lain merupakan cermin sikap diri kita sendiri, yang mana memiliki kegunaan dalam memberi penilaian terhadap lingkungan sosial dengan segala objek yang ada di dalamnya. Selain oleh Mead (Mead, 1972) dan Cooley (Cooley, 2010), Goffman menerima pengaruh dari Blumer (Blumer, 1986) tentang konsep gambaran diri yang dihasilkan dari sebuah proses, di mana diri bukanlah termasuk ke dalam kategori benda, yang mendukung manusia lebih dari sekedar menghasilkan tanggapan dari reaksi yang berasal dari luar diri manusia. ...
... Menurut Cooley (Cooley, 2010) sikap yang dipertunjukan orang lain merupakan cermin sikap diri kita sendiri, yang mana memiliki kegunaan dalam memberi penilaian terhadap lingkungan sosial dengan segala objek yang ada di dalamnya. Selain oleh Mead (Mead, 1972) dan Cooley (Cooley, 2010), Goffman menerima pengaruh dari Blumer (Blumer, 1986) tentang konsep gambaran diri yang dihasilkan dari sebuah proses, di mana diri bukanlah termasuk ke dalam kategori benda, yang mendukung manusia lebih dari sekedar menghasilkan tanggapan dari reaksi yang berasal dari luar diri manusia. ...
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Dalam kaitannya dengan posisi manusia sebagai makhluk sosial, terma “konflik” kemudian dipahami sebagai terma “konflik sosial” yang dimaknai sebagai pertentangan yang terjadi antar anggota masyarakat yang sifatnya menyeluruh – maupun sebagian dalam struktur kehidupan bermasyarakat. Dengan pemahaman ini maka konflik dapat dimaknai sebagai suatu upaya atau proses sosial antar dua atau lebih individu dimana salah satu pihak berupaya untuk menyingkirkan pihak lain dengan cara menghancurkannya atau paling tidak membuatnya menjadi tidak berdaya.
... It is surprising because sociologists have cared (off and on) about child and adolescent socialization (Lareau, 2003;Parsons, 1951), with a growing resurgence capped by a recent review article pushing for a revival . Going back further, the notion of education as inextricably entwined with morality or moral socialization has a longstanding tradition in sociological theory (Cooley, 1902(Cooley, [1964; Dewey, 2007;Durkheim, 1925Durkheim, [1973; Elias, 1978;Martineau, 1938). Thus, it would seem that the cultivation of morality would be as important as the cultivation of, say, class interests, intrinsic motivation, or schema. ...
... It is surprising because sociologists have cared (off and on) about child and adolescent socialization (Lareau, 2003;Parsons, 1951), with a growing resurgence capped by a recent review article pushing for a revival . Going back further, the notion of education as inextricably entwined with morality or moral socialization has a longstanding tradition in sociological theory (Cooley, 1902(Cooley, [1964; Dewey, 2007;Durkheim, 1925Durkheim, [1973; Elias, 1978;Martineau, 1938). Thus, it would seem that the cultivation of morality would be as important as the cultivation of, say, class interests, intrinsic motivation, or schema. ...
... Across the Atlantic, however, a similar argument was being made by the nascent pragmatist movement in American sociology (Dewey, 2007), which translated into an intense interest in transforming theories of psychological development into theories of a social self and its socialization. Most famously, this interest emerged first with Cooley's (1902Cooley's ( [1964) assertion that human nature itself was a product of primary group socialization, which required not simply internalizing cognitive appraisals, but also core moral emotions like pride and shame. Mead (1934) also adopted this view, adding that the self is not completely developed without internalizing a generalized other, or an imagined other that reflects the community's moral authority. ...
In this chapter, we make the case that cooperation is at the center of moral behavior by presenting insights on youth morality from neuroscience, psychology, and evolutionary science. First, we discuss the gaps in the sociological literature concerning youth morality. Instead of studying youth morality explicitly, sociologists often use proxies for morality such as norms, values, and socialization that underplay both youth’s agency in shaping their moral worlds and their innate cooperative abilities. As such, we argue that sociologists’ neglect of youth morality obscures our understanding of the interaction between the socialized and the innate aspects of moral development and behavior. Next, we review existing bio-psychological research that points to the innate aspects of cooperation and why cooperation may have been evolutionarily adaptive. In looking at the moral behaviors of infants, we see that moral judgment, a preference for pro-social versus anti-social others, and the ability to coordinate action, precede norm following and norm enforcing behaviors. We conclude this chapter by discussing the exciting opportunities that could result from interdisciplinary work on the morality of youth, and present some ideas for future directions in the areas of socialization, property and politics, and moral judgment and decision-making.
... Using the same sample, in this study we assessed factors that mediate the relationship between girls' weight status and self-concept at ages 5 and 7 years. the social environment (Case, 1991;Cooley, 1902;Harter, 1998;Rosenberg, 1979). According to Cooley (1902), a child learns through the process of social interaction to distinguish the self from the other and, as a result, becomes cognizant of the opinions of others. ...
... the social environment (Case, 1991;Cooley, 1902;Harter, 1998;Rosenberg, 1979). According to Cooley (1902), a child learns through the process of social interaction to distinguish the self from the other and, as a result, becomes cognizant of the opinions of others. Such opinions are then internalized and used as a basis of social comparison. ...
... Such opinions are then internalized and used as a basis of social comparison. Hence, according to Cooley (1902), the attributions you make of yourself are a function of your perception of the attributions others make of you, which was defined as the looking glass self. A substantial body of research supports the validity of the theory of the looking glass self (see Harter, 1998, for a review). ...
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This study assessed the relationship between girls' weight status and self-concept and examined peer teasing and parent criticism as potential mediators of this relationship. Data were collected for 182 girls and their parents when the girls were 5 and 7 years old. At each age, girls' body mass index, self-concept, peer weight-related teasing (child report), and parents' criticism of girls' weight status (spouse report) were assessed. At ages 5 and 7, girls who were more overweight reported lower self-concept. Peer teasing and parent criticism mediated the relationship between weight status and self-concept at age 7, but not at age 5. In addition, the duration and timing of parent criticism across ages 5 and 7 mediated the association between girls' weight status at age 5 and perceived peer acceptance at age 7.
... Teori dramaturgi Erving Goffman tidak terlepas dari konsepsi diri Herbert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, dan Herbert Blumer dalam menjelaskan kehidupan individu atas harapan dan proses sosial. Imajinasi diri kita sebenarnya merasakan di dalam pikiran orang lain atas suatu penampilan kita, kelakuan kita, tujuan-tujuan kita, perbuatan-perbuatan kita, karakter kita, teman-teman kita, dan seterusnya yang dipengaruhi olehnya secara bervariasi (Cooley, 1964). Mahasiswa Kota Surabaya membentuk diri dengan membayangkan ekspektasi orang lain atas dirinya serta menyesuaikannya pada penampilan, sikap, tindakan, serta karakter dirinya. ...
... Berdasarkan penjelasan Mead (1962); Cooley (1964); dan Blumer (1969) mengenai konsepsi diri telah membantu mengklasifikasikan faktor penyebab budaya menongkrong mahasiswa sebagai ruang aktualisasi diri, representasi kemewahan, peningkatan prestise, serta penyesuaian diri terhadap tren populer. Faktor penyebab mahasiswa Kota Surabaya dalam rutinitas menongkrong dibagi menjadi dua faktor, yakni faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. ...
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Pelajar di Surabaya nongkrong di kafe dan restoran tidak hanya untuk mengkonsumsi produk yang ditawarkan tetapi juga untuk membentuk makna dan simbol yang memaknai identitas sosialnya. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang nongkrong dalam perspektif Dramaturgi Erving Goffman. Dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap mahasiswa di Surabaya, penelitian ini merumuskan beberapa temuan penting mengenai nongkrong di kafe atau restoran yang dilakukan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa mahasiswa Kota Surabaya menghabiskan waktu nongkrong 2-4 kali dalam seminggu di kafe dan restoran mewah. Budaya nongkrong di kalangan pelajar Kota Surabaya terlihat dari rangkaian sandiwara dramatis yang ditampilkan di atas panggung di depan media sosial. Serangkaian sandiwara dalam bentuk postingan media sosial dilakukan untuk mengaktualisasikan diri, merepresentasikan kemewahan, meningkatkan gengsi, dan mengikuti tren masa kini. Abstract Students in Surabaya hang out in cafes and restaurants not only to consume the products offered but also to form meanings and symbols that interpret their social identity. This research explains hanging out from Erving Goffman's Dramaturgical perspective. By conducting interviews involving students in Surabaya, the research formulated several important findings regarding hanging out in cafes or restaurants by students. The results of the research state that Surabaya City students spend time hanging out 2-4 times a week in luxury cafes and restaurants. The culture of hanging out among Surabaya City students is seen as a series of dramatic plays performed on the stage in front of social media. A series of skits in the form of social media posts are carried out to actualize oneself, represent luxury, increase one's prestige and follow current trends.
... Загальновідомий вислів Арістотеля «Людинаце соціальна тварина» можна вважати однією з аксіом соціології як науки, одним з головних стовпів, на яких вона тримається. Свого часу її досить широко розвинув Ч. Кулі [1]. Але заслугою Еліаса є артикуляція повсякденних людських практик як головного поля, де проявляється соціальна сутність людини, віддзеркалюється її структура особистості. ...
... Тому, щоб зловити та зрозуміти суть зміни людської природи в історичній перспективі, тобто дослідити психогенез людини, необхідно аналізувати й аспекти трансформації соціальної реальності, що її оточувала, тобто соціогенезу. Соціологія Норберта Еліаса -це міждисциплінарне поєднання психології, історії та власне соціології, яке передбачало дослідження психічних структур людини, структур людського суспільства та структур людської історії як «нерозривно взаємодоповнюючих, які треба вивчати лише у зв'язку одне з одним» [1]. ...
... Thus, SCD may be expected to increase from adolescence through middle adulthood as the number of social roles increases, and to decrease in later adulthood because of age-related role losses. On the other hand, some propositions of role theory suggest a U-shaped association between SCD and chronological age, because a person's self-concept is also shaped by comparisons with significant others and social reference groups (Cooley, 1902;Harter, 1999;Mead, 1934). These social comparisons may result in a general understanding that social norms for a coherent and consistent self-concept differ for different age periods and may be most explicit for middle adulthood. ...
... Although this pattern of association was not consistent with data reported by Labouvie-Vief et al. (1995) for the cognitive complexity of adults' self-representations, this pattern of association was consistent with assumptions derived from role and socialization theory (Hagestad, 1990;Stryker, 1987;Turner, 1978). Building on the grand theories of Cooley (1902) and Mead (1934), these approaches suggest that a person's self-concept is, to a certain extent, the result and reflection of social feedback and social comparison processes. Although we did not gather data on social comparison processes in the present study, the assumption that, compared with younger and older adults, middle-aged adults may experience greater socio-cultural pressures and may therefore strive for greater coherence among their role-specific selves is consistent with emerging data on midlife development (Lachman & James, 1997). ...
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This study used 2 measures to examine 158 adults' (80 men, 78 women; ages 20 to 88 years) self-concept differentiation (SCD) across 5 role-specific self-representations. Findings revealed that the 2 measures did not assess SCD in similar ways and that they showed different associations with age. Specifically, the 1st measure was not significantly related to age, whereas the 2nd measure showed a curvilinear, U-shaped association with age. The 2nd SCD index also showed significant associations with several measures of emotional adjustment and 6 dimensions of psychological well-being. Additional analyses showed that age moderated the associations between SCD and positive and negative psychological well-being. A high level of SCD was associated with lower positive and higher negative psychological well-being for both young and older adults. However, this effect was significantly more pronounced in older adults.
... Both positive and negative reference values have been described in the literature (see Carver & Scheier, 1990). Various self theories have described positive selves as reference values in self-regulation, such as the type of person individuals would like to be (e.g., Cooley, 1902Cooley, /1964Higgins, 1987;James, 1890James, /1948Markus & Nurius, 1986;Rogers, 1961;Schlenker & Weigold, 1989) or the type of person they believe they should be (e.g., Freud, 1923Freud, /1961Higgins, 1987;James, 1890James, /1948Schlenker & Weigold, 1989). Self theories have also described negative selves as reference values in selfregulation, such as Erikson's (1963) "evil identity," Sullivan's (1953) "bad me," and Markus and Nurius's (1986) "feared self." ...
... Both positive and negative reference values have been described in the literature (see Carver & Scheier, 1990). Various self theories have described positive selves as reference values in self-regulation, such as the type of person individuals would like to be (e.g., Cooley, 1902Cooley, /1964Higgins, 1987;James, 1890James, /1948Markus & Nurius, 1986;Rogers, 1961;Schlenker & Weigold, 1989) or the type of person they believe they should be (e.g., Freud, 1923Freud, /1961Higgins, 1987;James, 1890James, /1948Schlenker & Weigold, 1989). Self theories have also described negative selves as reference values in selfregulation, such as Erikson's (1963) "evil identity," Sullivan's (1953) "bad me," and Markus and Nurius's (1986) "feared self." ...
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Two studies using different paradigms activated either ideal self-guides (a person's hopes or wishes) or ought self-guides (a person's sense of duty and responsibility) and measured Ss' concern with different forms of self-regulation: approaching matches to desired end states or mismatches to undesired end states and avoiding mismatches to desired end states or matches to undesired end states. A 3rd study asked ideal versus ought discrepant Ss to select among alternative strategies for friendship. The results suggest that a concern with approach is greater for ideal than ought self-regulation, whereas a concern with avoidance is greater for ought than ideal self-regulation.
... Other classic sociological principles and dictums are similar. For example, social meanings are imbedded in and emerge from human interactions (Blumer 1969); from symbolic interactionism, meaning is created and recreated in the processes of human interactions and, in social contexts, shared meanings inform the actions of those who are involved (Cooley 1902;Mead 1913). Further, there is the concept of the "looking glass self" where individuals come to understand their identity and its social implications through their interactions with others (Cooley 1902). ...
... For example, social meanings are imbedded in and emerge from human interactions (Blumer 1969); from symbolic interactionism, meaning is created and recreated in the processes of human interactions and, in social contexts, shared meanings inform the actions of those who are involved (Cooley 1902;Mead 1913). Further, there is the concept of the "looking glass self" where individuals come to understand their identity and its social implications through their interactions with others (Cooley 1902). On this foundation, social construction theory proposes that collectives or groups are social artifacts that are created, recreated and mobilized in a socialhistorical context. ...
... Although elements of communicating social capital have underpinned self-presentation and identify formation for over a century (i.e., [29,30]), arguably, this has intensified through digital technology and social media [27,31]. The emergence of social media influencers as "taste makers" [4] is the evolution of celebrity capital [21] that has been at the fore of fashion movements-historically, from wealth, status, and royalty [32] to attributes relevant in various genres, i.e., music, sport, and fashion, for which celebrities are recognised [33]. ...
... As Alphons recognised, the relationship moves beyond the digital realm to "wear[ing] that jacket in real life, it's kind of mind blowing in that way [that's just] not possible in any part of the world, apart from the world we've created." Utilising this social capital not only provides a unique experience but can also generate excitement that is co-created between Wardrobe, the influencer/celebrity, and the consumers renting the fashion, especially through visual presentations on social media where hashtags (#) can be used to connect all co-created stakeholders and provide a visible external indication of an aspirational "good life" [15,25,[28][29][30]. ...
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With the threat of the climate emergency intensifying and limited time left to reduce irreversible consequences, the need to consider how natural resources are excavated and managed from cradle to grave intensifies. This positions the circular economy (CE) as being highly relevant, particularly for the fashion industry, which is criticised for encouraging continued frequent and impulsive consumption of inexpensive garments with limited longevity. Advancing the circular fashion economy (CFE) has received little attention. Limited research to date has found that consumers have not been socialised to consider fashion acquisition as a collaborative or sharing activity, revealing an established attitude–behaviour gap that prohibits the advancement of the sustainable-fashion agenda. Primarily, fashion is imbued with social and emotional capital, as experienced with the dominant social paradigm (DSP) of fast fashion. This paper argues that similar tactics can be adopted for sustainable fashion practices through the CFE by exemplifying a case study of a fashion-renting platform, “Wardrobe,” that enables consumers to rent fashion owned by influencers and celebrities. In doing so, the paper makes four contributions to the knowledge: Firstly, in developing a conceptual framework from research examining fashion, sustainable fashion, and the CFE, the paper illuminates how fashion marketing emphasises social and celebrity capital to appeal to consumer emotions, encouraging frequent impulsive consumption, and how this can be transferred to the CFE. Secondly, the DSP is contextualised alongside the theory of disruptive innovation to understand how social norms of fashion consumption can be disrupted. Thirdly, although there is an emerging literature stream examining the CE and CFE, this focuses more on consumer practice and behaviours, and little attention has been paid to how the CFE can be marketed to engage with consumers. Fourthly, this paper illuminates how similar marketing tactics used by fast fashion can be exploited to advance the CFE.
... Charles Horton Cooley (1922) in his introduction of the concept of the "looking-glass self" places significance on how an individual judges his/her self as a reaction to the perceived evaluation of others. George Herbert Mead (1923), likewise, stressed the interpretive understanding associated with role taking in response to the actions and expectations of others. ...
... Among the latter, two theories, although simplistic, stand out for the fact that they manage to stress the importance of social interaction for the human individual, a social being par excellence. The first of these theories, formulated at the beginning of the last century by the American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley (1902), is the 'looking-glass self' theory, which describes how the sense of self is derived from the perceptions of others. According to him, the social self, which "is simply any idea, or system of ideas, drawn from the communicative life, that the mind cherishes as its own" (Cooley, 1902, p. 147), develops in three stages. ...
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The identity crisis can be added to the long list of crises faced by individuals in today's societies, having serious and not entirely known or anticipated long-term consequences for both the individual and the society. This paper analyses the process through which individuals construct their self-identities and what is the role of socialisation in acquiring the culture, building social identities and gaining social status. At the same time, the paper presents some of the problems faced by the agents of socialisation in helping new members of society acquire a self-identity, define themselves and occupy social positions within the social structure. Not understanding the relationship between self-identity, status and culture, and how status is "created", can determine individuals to adopt maladaptive behaviours or adhere to harmful ideas, with destabilising potential both for society and for their own social identity and position in the groups they belong to.
... En este grupo encontramos autores como Cooley (1902) que afirma que "el líder es siempre el núcleo de una tendencia y por otro lado, todos los movimientos sociales, examinados de cerca, se encontrará que consisten en tendencias que tienen ese núcleo" (p. 324). ...
This work analizes the role of leadership in an industrial company during a process of cultural and business transformation in the context of social change in the 1980s in the industrial area of Greater Bilbao (Vizcaya). Specifically, it is studied whether the behaviors associated with transformational leadership factors based on Bass (1985) predominate in the leader of this organization. In the first part, a theoretical review of leadership is presented and, in greater detail, on the factors of transformational and transactional leadership in the work of Bass from 1985. Secondly, a review of research on the leadership relationship is included. transformational with satisfaction and effectiveness. Finally, the research carried out in which the perceptions of managers and middle managers about the president of this company are analyzed. This takes into account the responses of 87 company managers who were applied to a questionnaire based on Bass (1985). The hypotheses proposed are: (H1) The leader studied will show behaviors of transformational leadership factors and these will have more weight than the transactional leadership factors; (H2) The behaviors associated with transformational leadership factors will be perceived with more intensity among the most direct followers, than among those furthest away in the chain of command; (H3) Transformational factors will positively correlate more than transactional ones with perceived efficacy; (H4) The transformational factors will positively correlate more than the transactional ones with the perceived satisfaction. The results confirm these hypotheses. Therefore, is important to continue stimulating research in this field.
... From here arises symbolic interactionism as an approach that gave rise to psychosocial thinking. that has subsequently been developed in other theoretical approaches such as social phenomenology ethnomethodology, the scenario approach systemic theory, critical theory, liberation psychology, social constructionism and cognitive psychology among others [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. ...
... V sak posameznik se izgrajuje v notranjem dialogu s samim seboj in socialnem dialogu z drugimi (Cooley, 1902;James, 1890;Mead, 1934). Skladno z lastnimi čustvi, stališči, vrednotami, ocenami, željami, sposobnostmi in prepričanji ustvarja mentalne strukture, s pomočjo katerih rekonstruira lastno preteklost, vrednoti sedanjost in oblikuje načrte za prihodnost. ...
... The development of identity is a social process. People's thoughts and behaviors are shaped through relationships and reflected appraisals with others [7], [19], [24]. Identities are further derived through associations, affiliations, and identifications with groups [20], [25]. ...
... Self-esteem is the degree of a person's positive self-concept and is defined as how they feel about their own value or worth (Rosenberg, 1979). According to Cooley (1902) and Rosenberg (1979), an individual's sense of their own self-worth also reflects their perceptions of what others think of them. The selfesteem motive may be one of the most powerful of all human motives (Rosenberg 1979), which might even be strong enough to override a behavior's constraints (Hanley and Wilhelm, 1992). ...
Background: Despite its controversial features, compulsive buying is gaining increasing attention in recent scientific marketing literature. A particular emphasis is focused on the overlap between compulsive purchasing and addiction to the brand, as well as an analysis of the combined effects of these two forms of addictive consuming on consumers. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the connection between brand addiction and compulsive buying, as well as the individual and combined effects of these constructs on self-esteem and debt avoidance. Testing differences between consumers of different genders was also carried out. Study design/methodology/approach: Data were gathered using a questionnaire in the form of a self-assessment that included demographic questions as well as questions about compulsive buying, brand addiction, avoiding debt, and self-esteem. Upon gathering online data in Bosnia and Herzegovina, partial least squares analysis was performed to analyze the data using structural equation modeling. Findings/conclusions: The study's findings show that brand addiction and compulsive buying are positively associated. Brand addiction serves as a beneficial mediator between compulsive buying and the goals of debt avoidance and self-esteem, acting as a counterbalance to the detrimental effects of compulsive buying. The study's findings indicate that there are no appreciable differences in the aforementioned correlations between men and women. This study offers empirical proof that compulsive buying and brand addiction are separate but related behaviors. These findings improved the conceptual implications of these two crucial ideas and provided brand managers and marketers with a useful tool for strategic brand management and strategic marketing management in general. Limitations/future research: Future research can develop conceptual models that are more appropriate, containing characteristics that predict addictive behavior, as well as models for marketing strategies that are sensitive to addictive consumption.
... A remaining challenge was populating the identity of the object (caregiver) identity. Just as persons with dementia lose access to shared definitions of the situation, it also becomes more difficult for others to take the role of persons with dementia and see ourselves through their eyes (Cooley, 1902). We initially considered fixing the object for all interactions in the role of "nurse, " as most staff at Twin Elms could fit some variation of this identity. ...
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Introduction Assistive technology is increasingly used to support the physical needs of differently abled persons but has yet to make inroads on support for cognitive or psychological issues. This gap is an opportunity to address another—the lack of contribution from theoretical social science that can provide insights into problems that cannot be seen. Using Affect Control Theory (ACT), the current project seeks to close that gap with an artificially intelligent application to improve interaction and affect for people with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD). Using sociological theory, it models interactions with persons with ADRD based on self-sentiments, rather than cognitive memory, and informs a cellphone-based assistive tool called VIPCare for supporting caregivers. Methods Staff focus groups and interviews with family members of persons with ADRD in a long-term residential care facility collected residents’ daily needs and personal histories. Using ACT’s evaluation, potency, and activity dimensions, researchers used these data to formulate a self-sentiment profile for each resident and programmed that profile into the VIPCare application. VIPCare used that profile to simulate affectively intelligent social interactions with each unique resident that reduce deflection from established sentiments and, thus, negative emotions. Results We report on the data collection to design the application, develop self-sentiment profiles for the resident, and generate assistive technology that applies a sociological theory of affect to real world management of interaction, emotion, and mental health. Discussion By reducing trial and error in learning to engage people with dementia, this tool has potential to smooth interaction and improve wellbeing for a population vulnerable to distress.
... Cognition about the self in shame and guilt may also be instrumental to interpersonal functions. For example, feelings of worthlessness or low self-esteem in shame may echo actual reductions in the social value that other people impute to the focal individual (Eisenberger et al., 2011;Leary et al., 1995;Sznycer et al., 2016; see also Cooley, 1902). That the intensity of shame in the individual tracks the intensity of devaluation in the audience-within and between industrial societies (Durkee et al., 2019;Leroux et al., 2023;Sznycer et al., 2016) and small-scale societies and over millennia (Sznycer & Patrick, 2020)-is likely a design feature of the shame system, enabling the system to deploy anti-devaluation measures of the right magnitude and type. ...
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The emotions of guilt and shame play major roles in forgiveness, social exclusion, face-saving ploys, suicide, and honor killings. Understanding these emotions is thus of vital importance. The outputs of guilt and shame are already well understood: Guilt motivates amends; shame motivates evasion. However, the elicitors and functions of these emotions are disputed. According to attributional theory, guilt and shame are intrapersonal emotions elicited when negative outcomes are attributed to controllable/unstable (guilt) or uncontrollable/stable (shame) aspects of the self. By contrast, functionalist theory claims that guilt and shame are interpersonal emotions for minimizing the imposition of harm on valued others (guilt) and the cost of reputational damage on the self (shame). Although there is confirmatory evidence consistent with both theories, evidence ostensibly supporting one theory has been argued to actually support the other. To solve this problem of data interpretation, here we report contrastive critical tests of the two theories performed on online participant pools in the United States and India in 2021 (N = 853). Results in both countries support functionalist theory over attributional theory, suggesting that the intrapersonal effects reported in the emotion literature are tributary or incidental to the interpersonal functions of guilt and shame. Functionalist theory presents a promising framework for understanding the interpersonal and intrapersonal aspects of guilt, shame, and other self-conscious emotions.
... Slike diskurser skaper mening i folks liv, de er med på å konstituere vår sosiale virkelighet. Vi kan handle på bakgrunn av dem; fortellingene kan ha konsekvenser (Cooley, 1902;Goffman, 1959) og virke inn i maktrelasjoner (Fairclough, 2013). Dette kan vi bruke intervjudata til å finne ut interessante ting om. ...
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There are many barriers for researchers’ attempts to offer new insights. Categories, perspectives and the needs of the present play a part in forming what researchers see, think and write. In this chapter I present examples from my own and others’ research in order to explore the dynamics of how such impact plays out. Lack of recognition of how one’s thinking is shaped by definitions and assumptions derived from our present situation means that researchers easily end up acting as problem solvers instead of contributing by identifying new problems and offering new analysis and insights. There is thus much to gain, for both the researcher and society, if research is able to go beyond contemporary understandings, and I end the chapter by presenting possible avenues for realizing this potential.
... have the same primary emotions as humans (as do almost all mammals); but hominins appear to have more variants of them, which again gave blind natural selection a path to enhance and thereby increase the use of emotions as the fundamental force allowing hominins to forge stronger group ties Turner 2000Turner , 2002Turner , 2007Turner and Maryanski 2008 16. Empathy The ability to experience empathy facilitates in-depth role-taking for emotions experienced by conspecifics as it is a critical cognitive and emotional capacity for generating stronger social bonds; and its presence in low-sociality great apes provided yet another "hook" for natural selection to enhance as a means of creating stronger social bonds along the hominin line Call and Tomasello 2008;Cooley 1902;Damasio 2000;Emde 1962;Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia 2008;Scheff 1988 Note: Sources reflect data demonstrating the existence of these refined behavioral propensities as these provided a neurological base on which natural selection could "select" to strengthen social bonds among hominins and then humans. ...
... Manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa bermasyarakat sehingga manusia harus hidup dalam masyarakat demi keberadaan (eksistensi) dan kesejahteraannya (Hossain dan Ali, 2014). Cooley (1922) mengatakan bahwa bentuk-bentuk sederhana dari hubungan yang akrab atau "kelompok primer," dapat mengembangkan sifat sosial yang ada dalam diri manusia, terutama hubungan dengan keluarga dan lingkungan, yang kemudian ditemukan pada diri individu dengan cara yang terbilang sama. ...
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara social presence dengan sense of community pada anggota komunitas seni Universitas Sriwijaya. Hipotesis penelitian ini ialah social presence memiliki hubungan dengan sense of community pada anggota komunitas seni Universitas Sriwijaya. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan sampling kuota. Kuota sampel penelitian UKM Harmoni sebanyak 70 orang dan Komunitas X sebanyak 30 orang serta kuota sampel uji coba untuk UKM Harmoni adalah sebanyak 20 orang dan Komunitas X sebanyak 10 orang. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala social presence dan sense of community yang mengacu pada dimensi social presence dari Biocca, Harms, dan Gregg (2001) dan elemen sense of community dari McMillan dan Chavis (1986). Analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson-Product Moment. Hasil analisis Product Moment menunjukkan R = 0,455 dan P = 0,000 (p<0,05). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa social presence memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan sense of community sebesar 45,5%. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Kata kunci: Komunitas, Sense of Community, Social Presence. Abstract. The study objective is to determine the relationship between social presence and sense of community among members of art communities at Sriwijaya University. The hypothesis of the study is that social presence has a relationship with the sense of community among members of art community at Sriwijaya University. The research samples were 100 people chosen using quota sampling techniques. The quota for UKM Harmoni research sample was 70 people and Community X was 30 people and the quota of try out sample for UKM Harmoni was as many as 20 people and Community X as many as 10 people. The instruments used were social presence and sense of community scales that refer to the social presence dimensions from Biocca, Harms, and Gregg (2001) and sense of community elements from McMillan and Chavis (1986). Data analysis was using Pearson-Product Moment correlation. The results of the Pearson-Product Moment analysis show r = 0.455 and P = 0,000 (p<0.05). The results show that social presence has a significant relationship with sense of community of 45.5%. Thus the proposed hypothesis is accepted. Keywords: Community, Sense of Community, Social Presence.
... Helena Flam and Brigitte Beauzamy recall a few classic statements regarding the power of the human gaze, e.g. Cooley's (1970) 'looking-glass self' and point out that (…) our self-definition and emotional well-being is a composite of how we see ourselves, how others see us and how we think others see us, constituting our identity (Flam and Beauzamy, 2008, p. 222). In such understanding, staring or deliberately ignoring others might be an act of symbolic violence. ...
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The article describes the manifestations of non-physical hurt experienced by highly skilled female migrants from Belarus and Ukraine. Referring to intersectional approach, I show how three social categories: nationality, age and gender affect their everyday experience of living and working in the corporate sector in Poland with Polish colleagues. Using examples from in-depth interviews with migrants I analyse the occurrences of symbolic violence such as staring, ignoring, social rejection, double standards, being asked infuriating questions, hearing insulting tirades, conditional forms of acceptance, discourses of suspicion, pointing out foreign accent. Being young female foreign specialists but coming from the former USSR republics they go against the normative expectations of the host society representatives and distort the symbolic power structures, which results in them experiencing various forms and degrees of symbolic oppression. The paradox of their situation is that on the macro level, these migrants were encouraged to come to Poland and could benefit from certain institutional facilitations, but on the micro level these women experienced unequal treatment through interaction with the members of the host society.
... Un elemento ricorrente nelle teorie sociologiche è il riconoscimento dell'identità come costrutto processuale e metamorfico, che evolve in funzione di fattori socio-economici e culturali (Melucci 1991), ma anche in funzione del complesso dei ruoli interpretati nelle varie fasi di vita -fin dall'infanzia, come mostra Mead (2010) da una prospettiva interazionista. Proprio l'interazionismo simbolico sviluppa una teoria in grado di spiegare come il soggetto, assumendo il punto di vista degli altri su se stesso, sia capace di osservarsi dalla loro prospettiva, tramutandosi in oggetto della sua stessa riflessione (Cooley 1902). ...
... In sozialen Medien genügt es dagegen mitunter zu sehen, dass andere folgen, um sich anzuschließen. (5) Menschen lernen im Laufe ihrer Sozialisation sich selbst durch die Augen der anderen wahrzunehmen (Cooley 1902 Neben der Neigung positive Effekte zu betonen, wird in der Forschung zu Sozialem Kapital oftmals unhinterfragt angenommen, dass soziale Beziehungen freundschaftlich und positiv sind (Yang et al. 2020). Einige Untersuchungen zeigen jedoch, dass Beziehungen auch negativ geladen sein und schädlich wirken können. ...
... This theoretical framework also emphasizes the role of social interactions in shaping individuals' behaviours and identities. As individuals engage with one another, they actively negotiate and navigate the symbolic meanings attached to various objects, actions, and situations [7]. These interactions contribute to the formation of personal identities and the development of social roles within society. ...
This research study explores the emergence and development of reciprocal relationships within the car boot market in Guangzhou. Drawing upon the theoretical framework of Symbolic Interactionism, the motivation behind these relationships is examined. The study uses field research, including in-depth interviews and observations, to gather data on the motivations, interactions, and reciprocal exchanges among market participants. The research objectives include understanding the background and characteristics of the car boot market, exploring the establishment of reciprocal relationships from the perspective of Symbolic Interactionism, and investigating the implications of these relationships for social identities. The research methodology encompasses qualitative methods, such as participant observation and interviews, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the car boot market and its reciprocal dynamics. The research findings indicate that in the car boot market, reciprocal relationships are formed through the exchange of symbols and meaningful interactions among vendors and customers. These relationships contribute to the construction of social identities and foster economic development within the market. Through direct and indirect reciprocity, vendors build networks and expand their social identities beyond their existing relationships. The conclusions drawn from this study underscore the significance of interactional behaviors and symbolic exchanges in the car boot market. The research highlights the applicability of Symbolic Interactionism in analyzing and understanding the nuanced dynamics of reciprocal relationships within informal economies. It offers valuable insights for the development and management of the car boot market and recommends strategies for fostering and sustaining reciprocal relationships.
... Therefore, beyond motive, self-presentational strategy is based on the desirability of an image, whether it is beneficial or believable (Schlenker, 2012). On the contrary, self-presentation is also a symbolic communication of the self where both the anticipated and real self determine the temporality, form, and content of self-presentation (Cooley, 1983;Goffman, 1959;Mead, 1934). ...
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In the present qualitative study, we used self-presentation theory to examine how women from marginalized communities in India engage in self-presentation. Using semi-structured interviews of 18 Dalit women, including two Dalit transwomen, we explore factors shaping their self-presentation motivations and behavior. While most self-presentation research has focused on audience-pleasing motives, the current study is focused on self-construction motives. Using a grounded theory approach, we identify and explicate four themes: independent voices and bold choices, building solidarity through empathy and social capital, discriminatory practices and labeling, and mental wellbeing and self-care under discrimination. The narratives highlight the strategies these Dalit women and Dalit transwomen adopt to construct and present an authentic self in a complex and negotiated Dalit and Dalit trans activism space. Findings have implications for creating diversity awareness where a narrow understanding of intersectionality prevails, ensuring recognition of independent political expression and visibility of Dalit women and Dalit transwomen and the challenges thereof. These findings can inform policymakers, activists, and social workers on the changing psychosocial dynamics in the activism space and re-examine its structure and process.
... Albert and Whetten concluded on this basis 'that organizational identity is formed by a process of ordered inter-organizational comparisons and reflections upon them over time. ' Gioia (1998;Gioia et al., 2000) traced Albert and Whetten's foundational ideas to the theories of Cooley (1902/1964), Goffman (1959 and Mead (1934). While Cooley's idea of the 'looking glass self' and Goffman's impression management have been well represented in the literature that links organizational identity to image (e.g. ...
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Organizational Identity presents the classic works on organizational identity alongside more current thinking on the issues. Ranging from theoretical contributions to empirical studies, the readings in this volume address the key issues of organizational identity, and show how these issues have developed through contributions from such diverse fields of study as sociology, psychology, management studies and cultural studies. The readings examine questions such as how organizations understand who they are, why organizations develop a sense of identity and belonging where the boundaries of identity lie and the implications of postmodern and critical theories' challenges to the concept of identity as deeply-rooted and authentic. Includes work by: Stuart Albert, Mats Alvesson, Blake E. Ashforth, Marilynn B. Brewer, George Cheney, Lars Thoger Christensen, C.H. Cooley, Kevin G. Corley, Barbara Czarniawska, Janet M. Dukerich, Jane E. Dutton, Kimberly D. Elsbach, Wendi Gardner, Linda E. Ginzela, Dennis A. Gioia, E. Goffman, Karen Golden-Biddle, Mary Jo Hatch, Roderick M. Kramer, Fred Rael, G.H. Mead, Michael G. Pratt, Anat Rafaeli, Hayagreeva Rao, Majken Schultz, Howard S. Schwartz, Robert I. Sutton, Henri Taijfel, John Turner, David A. Wherren, and Hugh Willmott. Intended to provide easy access to this material for students of organizational identity, it will also be of interest more broadly to students of business, sociology and psychology.
... Однак інші фахівці, зокрема Річард Стогділл (Richard Stogdill) [6] вважають, що це сталося не раніше 1800 року. Одне з перших визначень лідерства дав Чарлз Хорто Кулі (Charles Horton Cooley) в 1902 році: лідерствоце фокус групових процесів [7]. На його думку, лідерствоце різновид влади, специфікою якої є спрямованість зверху вниз, а також те, що її носієм виступає не більшість, а одна людина або група осіб [8]. ...
A critical question on the minds of many researchers is whether local leadership can influence democratic governance. All societies are characterized by a division of labor, which in turn presupposes a certain form of leadership and an asymmetrical division of power. Moreover, modern democratic societies are built on a foundation of complex and specialized institutions and structures, interconnected by vast formalized hierarchies that must be effectively managed. Therefore, a kind of inevitable paradox arises: societies based on the principle of equality between citizens. At the same time, they assume the existence of elite groups that have greater powers to manage social processes and the state compared to ordinary citizens. The article examines the features of the influence of local leadership on public administration in different strategies, in particular, in the implementation of a pan-European policy. In addition, in adapting the European experience in Ukraine, we will use the following analogies: EU - Ukraine, national European leadership - local Ukrainian leadership. This can be done with a certain degree of assumption, since in both the first and second cases we are talking about the influence of leadership of a smaller territorial level on the politics of a larger territorial level. Of course, each national leadership has its own characteristics according to various indicators, ranging from gender ratio to management style, but analyzing the process of influence of national leadership on EU policy. Therefore, the author of the article, summarizing, focuses on the fact that the main instrument of influence of local leadership on public administration is lobbying, and almost exclusively in a formalized form. The European leadership discussed in the article is highly dynamic; its composition is often formed from temporary representatives of national leadership, which contributes in the future to the return of local leaders to public administration at the national level to defend the interests of their own state along with pan-European interests. It is advisable to use such experience both in conditions of martial law in Ukraine and in the context of integration processes into the European Union.
... The evaluating audience can be composed of other people or can even be oneself in cases of the private selfevaluation, judgment, and sanctioning of one's own conduct. The idea that people are audiences for their own conduct was a key proposition in symbolic interactionist thought (Cooley, 1902;Mead, 1934) and has become an important part of analyses of self-regulation (Bandura, 1982) and self-presentation (Cheek & Hogan, 1983;Greenwald & Breckler, 1985;Hogan, 1982;Schlenker, 1980Schlenker, , 1985. Different audiences may, of course, differ in their assessments of the relevant prescriptions, events, and actor's identity. ...
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Responsibility acts as a psychological adhesive that connects an actor to an event and to relevant prescriptions that should govern conduct. People are held responsible to the extent that (a) a clear, well-defined set of prescriptions is applicable to an event (prescription–event link); (b) the actor is perceived to be bound by the prescriptions by virtue of his or her identity (prescription–identity link); and (c) the actor is connected to the event, especially by virtue of appearing to have personal control over it (identity–event link). Studies supported the model, showing that attributions of responsibility are a direct function of the combined strengths of the 3 linkages (Study 1) and that, when judging responsibility, people seek out information that is relevant to the linkages (Study 2). The model clarifies prior multiple meanings of responsibility and provides a coherent framework for understanding social judgment.
... Some psychologists have argued that self-perceptions derive from essentially the same processes as do perceptions of others (e.g., Bern, 1972;Cooley 1902;Lewis & Brooks-Gunn, 1979;Mead, 1934). Mead (1934) was one of the first to emphasize the social origin of the self-concept: "The individual experiences himself as such, not directly, but only indirectly . . . ...
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Accuracy and bias in self-perceptions of performance were studied in a managerial group-discussion task. Ss ranked their own performance and were ranked by the 5 other group members and by 11 assessment staff members. Although the self-perceptions showed convergent validity with the staff criterion, Ss were less accurate when judging themselves than when judging their peers. On average, Ss evaluated their performance slightly more positively than their performance was evaluated by either the peers or the staff; however, this general self-enhancement effect was dwarfed by substantial individual differences, which ranged from self-enhancement to self-diminishment bias and were strongly related to four measures of narcissism. Discussion focuses on issues in assessing the accuracy of self-perceptions and the implications of the findings for individual differences in self-perception bias and the role of narcissism.
... Self-verification theory (e.g., Swann, 1983; for related formulations, see Aronson, 1968;Festinger, 1957;Lecky, 1945;Secord & Backman, 1965) assumes that people are predisposed to favor coherent, expectancy-consistent information. As they mature and form stable self-concepts, this predisposition for coherent information is reinforced and amplified by their social experiences (e.g., Cooley, 1902;Goffman, 1959;Mead, 1934). For example, people discover that their interactions unfold smoothly when others see them as they see themselves and that trouble arises when others appraise them incongruently. ...
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We proposed that married persons would want their spouses to see them as they saw themselves but that dating persons would want their relationship partners to evaluate them favorably. A survey of 176 married and dating couples tested these predictions. Just as married persons were most intimate with spouses whose evaluations verified their self-views, dating persons were most intimate with partners who evaluated them favorably. For married people with negative self-views, then, intimacy increased as their spouses evaluated them more negatively. Marriage apparently precipitates a shift from a desire for positive evaluations to a desire for self-verifying evaluations.
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Within the shifting and highly politicized accreditation of heroes in Zimbabwe, never has the investiture of hero status sparked as much public debate as has the posthumous honor of Zimdancehall artiste, Soul Jah Love. Traditionally applied to political luminaries, the conferment of hero status on arts icons is not novel in Zimbabwe; at least, the accreditation of seasoned artistes like Oliver Mtukudzi, Simon Chimbetu and Dickson Chinx Chingaira furnishes the proof. And now, Soul is also among the “prophets”! A young artiste, with a relatively lean musical career, and of a controversial moral clout, finds himself read in the same scope with the country’s elite liberation heroes—pamamonya ipapo (among the giants)! Soul Jah Love divided public opinion when he was alive just as he did on his death (Antonio 2021). This makes the bestowal of such an honor fiercely contentious. One questions the intelligence that comes up with such decisions and the integrity of the stencil used. Is it on merit? Is it political allegiance or even expediency? Are reality definers consistent in their award of such honors? Is this a redefinition or trivialization of heroic contribution? However, a patient navigation of the lyrical contours and the complexity of social and political messages embedded in Soul Jah Love’s music spurs a second thought for the artiste, the music, and for the award. A flawed genius, a case of golden messages stashed in cursed vessels—music’s version of Dambudzo Marechera? Few may have considered the referential weight of his music and the relevance of his style to his generation of audience and fellow musicians. Consequently, this paper discusses the dynamics of investiture of liberation hero emblem and the political currents that might have been considered in “liberalizing” the liberation stencil to accord Soul Jah Love access to the sacred space. Soul Jah Love’s song “Pamamonya ipapo” (among the giants) can be contrasted with the biblical allusion “Is Saul also among the prophets?” to project a sense of surprise at Saul’s prophetic debut in the company of a band of ‘seasoned’ prophets (1 Samuel 10:11, 12 N.I.V).
Introduction. Currently, there are scattered studies on the relationship between school adaptation and individual psychological phenomena. At the same time, the greatest attention is paid to the cognitive characteristics of primary schoolchildren. In our opinion, it is necessary to systematize the understanding of the correlates of this phenomenon, paying attention to personal and social ones. Objective. To analyze the information currently available in the scientific field on the correlates of school adaptation. Personal correlates of school adaptation. Among the personal factors interrelated with the success of adaptation measures in primary school, we can single out anxiety and self-esteem of the child. Entrance to school is in itself a crisis moment for a child, but it is also accompanied by personal transformation, the center of which is the transition from a concrete-situational type of self-esteem to a more generalized one. The analysis of studies suggests that the relationship between self-esteem and school adaptation is rather two-way, as the course and outcome of adaptation is influenced both by the initial level of self-esteem at school entry and the course of its transformation in the school environment. Social correlates of school adaptation. The central component among the social factors influencing a child’s adaptation to school is the child’s relationships with significant adults and classmates. The main direction of adaptation measures in this respect should be the building of trusting relations of the child with teachers and peers in order to manage the stress associated with the change of environment and to ensure more effective assimilation of the new social role of a primary school pupil. Discussion. The studies we reviewed are consistent with our findings that the correlates of school adaptation are not only cognitive, but also personal and social aspects. The research complements the picture of the correlates, and its results can be used to build adaptation programmes.
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The poetry of Rizwan Akhtar exhibits an extensive thematic scope, yet notably, it features a subtle and succinct feminine presence. Predominantly the poetry focuses on indigenous traditions and the cultural and social milieu of post-colonial Lahore. However, this paper explores a distinct facet of Akhtar's work: its treatment of gender dynamics. This study critically examines the portrayal of Pakistani women within Rizwan Akhtar's poetic landscape, as depicted in his poetry collection, Lahore I am Coming. It seeks to elucidate the pervasive phenomenon of objectification and subsequent self-objectification experienced by Pakistani women across diverse socioeconomic contexts. Akhtar's deliberate or inadvertent endeavor to imbue these women with agency and consciousness within society is ‫اإلنسا‬ ‫العلوم‬ ‫جملة‬ ‫اجمللد‬ ‫واالجتماعية‬ ‫نية‬ 07 ‫العدد‬ 01 (42) ‫بتاريخ‬ 15 / 03 / 2024 ISSN (ISSN-L):2617-9857 118 analyzed, contrasting prevalent objectification with his humanizing portrayal. Through meticulous analysis, this research aims to delineate the complexities of Pakistani women's lived experiences, shedding light on their struggles for agency and recognition amidst societal norms and expectations. Through close textual analysis, the paper elucidates various manifestations of objectification and their impact on the female psyche. Moreover, it endeavors to illuminate how women, despite enduring objectification, navigate avenues of resistance, revealing profound psychological insights and asserting individual agency against the backdrop of pervasive male dominance. This inquiry sheds light on pertinent contemporary issues concerning women, underscoring their resilience and quest for autonomy within patriarchal structures.
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The problem of shame in social sciences was mostly perceived as the subject of interest of psychologists. Contemporary research, especially that of Thomas Scheff , presents the productivity of a sociological approach to shame. Treating shame as a result of the violation of social bonds and discernment of two types of shame – unconscious and conscious – allow for a productive employment of the discussed approach in understanding the phenomena of violence, depression, and conflict. What is characteristic in the analysis of marital quarrels is that they tend to be of a repetitive and permanent character and include the components of abasement, alienation, and aggression. The triad of shame/anger constituting the explanatory fundament of the phenomenon is the basis of the analysis.
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Several scholars have studied the concept of social cohesion through several theories rooted in economics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, and communication literature. Due to the advancement of human civilisation and economic growth, social cohesion is needed to understand the fundamental bond of human society because it can instil a more civilised state and civilised culture. This review aims to explain the evolution of social cohesion as a causal system that determines a person's membership attitudes and behaviours. Fourteen interrelated theories within sociology, psychology, and communication were identified to predict the nature of human society and explain the communicative processes or exchanges between individuals in a group or community to foster social cohesion. The theoretical evolution of social cohesion demonstrates a shift from focusing on group mechanisms to emphasising individual viewpoints, trust, and shared values as critical factors in fostering cohesion within modern society. This evolution, from Ibn Khaldun's group solidarity to Durkheim's collective consciousness, reflects the increasing complexity of contemporary society due to population growth. The transition to examining social cohesion at the individual level underscores the modern emphasis on personal beliefs for promoting loyalty and unity. Abstrak Beberapa sarjana telah mengkaji konsep kejeleketan sosial melalui beberapa teori yang berasaskan ekonomi, sosiologi, antropologi, psikologi, sains politik, dan literatur komunikasi. Oleh kerana kemajuan tamadun manusia dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, kejeleketan sosial diperlukan untuk memahami ikatan asas masyarakat kerana ia dapat menyemai negara dan budaya yang lebih bertamadun. Tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk menyelami evolusi kejeleketan sosial sebagai sistem penyebab yang menentukan sikap dan tingkah laku keahlian seseorang. Empat belas teori yang berkaitan dalam bidang sosiologi, psikologi, dan komunikasi dikenal pasti untuk meramalkan sifat masyarakat dan menjelaskan proses atau pertukaran komunikatif antara individu dalam kumpulan atau komuniti untuk memupuk kejeleketan sosial. Evolusi teori kejeleketan sosial menunjukkan peralihan daripada memfokuskan pada mekanisme berkumpulan kepada penekanan sudut pandangan individu, kepercayaan, dan nilai bersama sebagai faktor penting dalam memupuk perpaduan dalam masyarakat moden. Peralihan ini, daripada solidariti kumpulan Ibn Khaldun ke kesadaran kolektif Durkheim, mencerminkan peningkatan kerumitan masyarakat kontemporari akibat pertumbuhan penduduk. Peralihan untuk mengkaji kejeleketan sosial di peringkat individu menggariskan penekanan moden terhadap kepercayaan peribadi untuk menggalakkan kesetiaan dan perpaduan.
This chapter examines the role of phenotype in the way Chineseness as an identity is constructed both in the public and private sphere. Essentialised constructions of Chineseness are contrasted with hybridised constructions of Chineseness. The chapter problematises the homogeneity of Chineseness yet recognises that stereotypes and ethnic group categories persist and inform our everyday lives. Framed around Rogers Brubaker’s Ethnicity without groups and Fredrik Barth’s Ethnic groups and boundaries, this chapter explores how bounded ethnic groups continue to be treated as entities and, at the same time, recognises that such ethnic boundaries are permeable. Phenotype or physical features are perpetuated and reinforced as markers of ethnic identity among Australian-born Chinese through the racialisation of identity, the perceived stigma of being Chinese, the fostering of stereotypes and being perceived as a perpetual outsider. How the individual reacts to the essentialisation of ethnic identity depends upon the intersectionality of a range of conditions and this chapter considers the various outcomes of ethnic identity construction.
Der Inszenierungsbegriff führt in der Wissenschaft ein merkwürdiges Doppelleben: Einerseits findet er sich abseits der Kulturwissenschaften bis heute in kaum einem Handbuch, Lexikon oder Wörterbuch, andererseits hat er in diversen Disziplinen seit etlichen Jahren Konjunktur. Der Eintrag zeichnet die kulturwissenschaftliche, soziologische und politikwissenschaftliche Begriffsgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Bezügen zu Zeitlichkeit und Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen nach und schließt mit einem Plädoyer für eine heuristische Kategorie „Inszenierung“, wie sie für die sozialwissenschaftliche Gedächtnisforschung interessante Potenziale bereithält.
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