ArticleLiterature Review

Intrinsic motivation in sport

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... The theory has three components: competence, relatedness, and autonomy (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Competence refers to the need to attain valued outcomes (Deci & Ryan, 2010). It suggests that learners make efforts to achieve their learning goals and expected learning outcomes, which in turn increases their motivation level (Martin et al., 2018). ...
... It suggests that learners make efforts to achieve their learning goals and expected learning outcomes, which in turn increases their motivation level (Martin et al., 2018). Relatedness refers to the need to connect and interact with others, seeking care and a sense of belonging (Deci & Ryan, 2010). This means that learners have the desire to communicate and interact with others during online learning, and be part of the learning community. ...
... In other words, LMOOC learners have psychological demands to be connected to other distance learners, and be able to learn, co-create and share knowledge with others in the same learning community (Martin et al., 2018). Autonomy refers to the need to act in harmony with one's integrated sense of self, and is concerned with the experience of integration and freedom (Deci & Ryan, 2010). It can be seen that learners need to select and adjust their learning goals and learning modes, adjust their learning pace, take control of their online learning process, and use learning strategies and resources based on their actual needs (Martin et al., 2018). ...
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The benefits of using social annotations to promote collaborative learning experiences have been investigated in the context of digital reading and listening, while its implications in multimedia learning contexts remain unclear. To investigate the influence of social annotations on multimedia language learning, we invited 16 African participants who were learning Chinese as a second language through a MOOC platform in China. They were given full autonomy to study and to shift instructional videos between three modes: no visual aids, linguistic captions, and social annotations. Guided by self-determination theory, the qualitative data were collected through one-to-one interviews, while quantitative data, such as the duration of watching and the number of questions raised by participants, were obtained from observations. Statistical analysis suggests that MOOC learners demonstrated a higher level of engagement and motivation in the social annotation mode than in the other two modes. These statistical findings can be explained from the following three perspectives: content and emotion-related social annotations by other L1 viewers can assist in (1) checking their comprehension of the video by comparing their understanding with others; (2) adjusting learning goals at both the linguistic and content level and therefore using self-regulated learning strategies to a greater extent, especially in actively seeking assistance and other learning resources, and (3) relating the video content to the teaching curriculum/personal experience/learning goals, therefore creating a sense of belonging to a larger language learner community as language learners, interpreters and contributors to the video social annotations.
... It is significant to note that although integrated regulation shares many of the same attributes of intrinsic motivation , it is still considered extrinsic because the instrumental action is performed to achieve a personal goal. 2 The final regulation embedded in the self-determination framework is termed amotivation and is assumed to be similar to learned helplessness (Seligman, 1975). Amotivation is manifested when individuals do not perceive contingencies between their behaviors and subsequent outcomes (Seligman, 1975), do not value the activity (Ryan, 1995), or feel incompetent (Deci, 1975). Amotivated individuals lack the intention to act and are neither intrinsically nor extrinsically motivated. ...
... The relative strength of the autonomy path was, however, weak. Recently, Ferrer-Caja and Weiss (2000) reported similar findings 5 in their attempt to integrate aspects of achievement goal (Nicholls, 1989) and cognitive evaluation 6 (Deci, 1975;Deci & Ryan, 1985) theories. The relationship between autonomy and self-determined motivational types should be reexamined in future work, as disparity appears to exist with reference to the implications of perceived autonomy present in PE. ...
... The path was ␤ ϭ .22 for girls and ␤ ϭ .14 (nonsignificant) for boys.6 Cognitive evaluation theory(Deci, 1975;Deci & Ryan, 1985) is a subtheory embraced within the self-determination framework(Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991. ...
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Assessing the motivational responses of 328 secondary school students, this study examined a model of student motivation in physical education that incorporated constructs from achievement goal and self-determination theories. The focus was on the prediction of students' intention to partake in physical activity outside of physical education. Structural equation modeling analysis supported a model in which an autonomy-supportive climate, and to a lesser extent perceptions of a mastery climate, positively impacted hypothesized mediating variables (i.e., autonomy, competence, relatedness) to foster self-determined motivation. Self-determined motivation was found to positively predict, whereas amotivation was a negative predictor of leisure-time physical activity intentions.
... Intrinsic motivation refers to any activity for itself, with the pleasure and satisfaction derived from the individual's participation (Deci, 1975). Ideally, intrinsic motivation plays a key role in achievement, competence and academic learning in universities and other learning institutions because intrinsic motivation stems from the innate psychological need for competence and self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 1985). ...
... However, numerous pieces of literature advocating intrinsic motivation reveal the presence of three categories of intrinsic motivation, namely, to know, to experience stimulation, and to achieve possessions, although worth knowing is that intrinsic motivation imparts several hypotheses such as exploration, curiosity, intellectuality achievement of knowledge, and inspiration of learning (Gottfried, 1985). Conversely, researchers in the field of psychology as well as in educational research development, have universally denoted the achievement of intrinsic motivation and suggested that individual interaction with the environment creates a unique influence to accomplish desired goals of an individual employee (Deci & Ryan, 1985;Deci, 1975). ...
... Extrinsic motivation, as the term suggests, implies external reward and has been defined as influencing a wide range of human behaviours as a means to an end rather than for their own sake (Deci, 1975). While extrinsic motivation is generally used to entice employees, in modern business management, looking at the current status of their employees, managers are fully aware of the significant magnitude of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation because the two types of motivation affect the success of the company if the company's goals are not appropriately aligned. ...
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Purpose: This research study examined the fit of top leadership commitment in mediating the relationship between employee motivation and employee performance in the railway sector. The study attempted to fill the gap in the literature by providing more insight into the nature of the relationship between employee motivation and performance.Study design/methodology/approach: The study adopted a quantitative research approach with sample data collected from 337 TAZARA employees. Validity, reliability and model fit were tested using factor analysis, principal component analysis and regression analysis in Jamovi software.Findings: The results show a significant positive relationship between employee motivation and employee performance and between top leadership commitment and employee performance. Top leadership commitment was found to fully mediate the relationship between employee motivation and employee performance.Originality/value: This was the first study to empirically test the mediating effect of top leadership commitment on employee motivation and performance in the railway sector. The research findings may help decision-makers in the railway industry to be committed to motivating employees to promote high performance in their organisations. Researchers are also strongly encouraged to replicate this research in other sectors and are advised to include other contingency variables as moderating variables.
... So, in CET, the impact of the reward on intrinsic motivation depends on how this reward affects the need for autonomy and competence. The activity that influences perceived competence (challenging activity, self-efficacy) and autonomy (free choice, self-determination) will increase intrinsic motivation (Deci, 1975). The employees' feeling of autonomy influences their sense of self-direction or self-determination which can facilitate worker's intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000b). ...
... The employees' feeling of autonomy influences their sense of self-direction or self-determination which can facilitate worker's intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000b). Deci (1975) found that an individual's behavior depends on an individual's perception, so if they perceive that they will get external rewards by participating in an activity, then they will only do that activity to receive that reward. As a result, this will decrease the individual's intrinsic motivation to do the activity (Deci, 1975). ...
... Deci (1975) found that an individual's behavior depends on an individual's perception, so if they perceive that they will get external rewards by participating in an activity, then they will only do that activity to receive that reward. As a result, this will decrease the individual's intrinsic motivation to do the activity (Deci, 1975). Therefore, it is not about the reward itself as much as it is about the receivers' perception of the meaning and the effect of the reward. ...
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Intrinsic motivation has a great impact on employees' performance and attitude. The purpose of this paper is to find all factors that enhance or undermine workers' intrinsic motivation. One hundred twenty-six articles were reviewed in this study. These articles were found from ERIC (ProQuest), ProQuest Education Journals, ABI/INFORM Collection, and Google Scholar database. 31 articles were selected because they met all the inclusion criteria. It is found that extrinsic rewards, time in receiving rewards, non-controlled distribution rewards, a safe and supportive environment, cultural socialization, self-awareness, satisfaction on job design, an opportunity for blended working, positive and negative feedback, and interesting and challenging activity are factors that play a critical role in enhancing or undermining workers' intrinsic motivation. The recommendations, suggestions, and applications based on the findings were provided for educators, OD practitioners, and HR professionals to promote workplace learning and predict employees' performance and attitude.
... Ryan and Deci (2000) proposed the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 1985), distinguishing two types of motivation depending on the reasons or goals that drive an action: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to an individual's internal cognitive and affective conditions that can induce positive or negative feelings and trigger behavior (Deci, 1975). In turn, extrinsic motivation refers to external conditions (such as other people or the environment) that generate feelings of pleasure or displeasure in the individual (Deci, 1975;Soriano, 2001). ...
... Intrinsic motivation refers to an individual's internal cognitive and affective conditions that can induce positive or negative feelings and trigger behavior (Deci, 1975). In turn, extrinsic motivation refers to external conditions (such as other people or the environment) that generate feelings of pleasure or displeasure in the individual (Deci, 1975;Soriano, 2001). ...
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Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar perfiles característicos de la generación de los millennials basados en características sociodemográficas y preferencias motivacionales relacionadas con su trabajo. El estudio pretende contribuir a la literatura sobre la motivación de los millennials y proporcionar ideas para las organizaciones que buscan comprender y gestionar mejor esta generación. Diseño/Metodología: Se llevó a cabo en una muestra de 197 respuestas a un cuestionario proporcionadas por individuos de la generación de los millennials con experiencia laboral. La selección de la muestra no fue probabilística y no incluyó aspectos relacionados con el nivel socioeconómico o educativo para ampliar la cobertura del estudio. Los datos se recopilaron a través de una encuesta en línea en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Dichos datos se examinaron mediante un procedimiento analítico que incluye un algoritmo de agrupación (para determinar el número óptimo de grupos) y un análisis de regresión (para identificar variables significativas que puedan explicar el comportamiento de cada grupo). Resultados: Se encontraron dos perfiles motivacionales distintos entre los millennials: (1) un grupo motivado por el logro y el poder y (2) otro inspirado por la afiliación y supervisión. El estudio también encontró que estos perfiles están relacionados con ciertas características sociodemográficas, como la edad y ser cabeza de hogar. Conclusiones: Comprender los perfiles motivacionales de los millennials puede ayudar a las organizaciones a adaptar mejor sus prácticas de gestión y entornos laborales para satisfacer las necesidades de esta generación. Igualmente, las organizaciones deberían proporcionar diferentes incentivos y recompensas para motivar a diversos grupos de millennials. Investigaciones futuras en esta área podrían explorar la relación entre estos perfiles motivacionales y otros resultados, como la satisfacción laboral y la rotación de personal. Originalidad: Este estudio contribuye a la literatura sobre la motivación de los millennials al proporcionar una metodología cuantitativa para identificar diferentes perfiles motivacionales y explorar su relación con características sociodemográficas. El uso de un algoritmo de agrupación y análisis de regresión también es una contribución a los enfoques metodológicos utilizados en esta área de investigación. Enfocado en el contexto mexicano, también presenta información sobre factores culturales y económicos únicos que pueden influir en la motivación de los millennials en esta región.
... Motivation is the fundamental question of 'Why' in human behavior [McClelland 1987;Deci 1975;Vroom 1964]. We find it hard to explain complex causes and results of motivation with an early simple theory of human motivation such as Taylor's [1972] 'One best way theory' . ...
... As people have different individual needs [Deci 1975;Katz & Kahnm 1978] and different environments and situations affect people [David-Blake & Pfeffer 1989;Skinner 1969;Zucker 1983], the understanding of this complex context and their interaction is critical to understanding motivation [Mitchell & James 1989]. Anglo-Saxon countries lead much of the motivation research, and therefore the discussion is not sufficiently broad enough in coverage to be used in a multi-national (let alone global) setting, which means these theories do not necessarily apply in different institutional arrangements [Gunkel 2006]. ...
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This paper examines the importance of employee-centred Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) considerations in exploring CSR's effect on employee work motivation. It is our contention that beyond CSR's link to external factors (e.g. PR, philanthropy, environment and NGOs) predominantly discussed in theory and practice of contemporary business, we should also consider employee-centred CSR in searching for CSR identity in international business. By employing motivational factors drawing upon McClelland's [ 1961 ] idea of three motives of individuals - the needs for achievement, affiliation and power - this paper highlights CSR's impact on employee motivation. An in-depth qualitative research method approach with the extensive data of the UK and Korea is used to unfold the differences of this phenomenon between different institutional settings. The results suggest that although businesses seldom initiate CSR mainly with the aim of facilitating staff motivation, when businesses evaluate the results, the issue of individual motivation emerges as one of the main benefits for engaging in CSR. More importantly, our empirical analysis reveals the importance of complex cultural, institutional and political factors which influences the link between CSR and motivation across nations. (original abstract)
... Motivation is the fundamental question of 'Why' in human behavior [McClelland 1987;Deci 1975;Vroom 1964]. We find it hard to explain complex causes and results of motivation with an early simple theory of human motivation such as Taylor's [1972] 'One best way theory' . ...
... As people have different individual needs [Deci 1975;Katz & Kahnm 1978] and different environments and situations affect people [David-Blake & Pfeffer 1989;Skinner 1969;Zucker 1983], the understanding of this complex context and their interaction is critical to understanding motivation [Mitchell & James 1989]. Anglo-Saxon countries lead much of the motivation research, and therefore the discussion is not sufficiently broad enough in coverage to be used in a multi-national (let alone global) setting, which means these theories do not necessarily apply in different institutional arrangements [Gunkel 2006]. ...
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The objective of this paper is to explore the attitudes of business students towards family firms and family entrepreneurship. The culture of Poland is profoundly family-oriented and entrepreneurship is found more and more as an attractive career path in society. These factors might indicate that this environment may be particularly fertile for family-owned firm development. Business students though display reluctance towards family firms and family entrepreneurship. The research method applied in this study is focus group interviews, as qualitative data provide particularly rich information and grounds for conclusions. This study also implies the need for inclusion of family enterprise issues in business education, as well as developing skills essential for working in such an environment. (original abstract)
... Motivation is the fundamental question of 'Why' in human behavior [McClelland 1987;Deci 1975;Vroom 1964]. We find it hard to explain complex causes and results of motivation with an early simple theory of human motivation such as Taylor's [1972] 'One best way theory' . ...
... As people have different individual needs [Deci 1975;Katz & Kahnm 1978] and different environments and situations affect people [David-Blake & Pfeffer 1989;Skinner 1969;Zucker 1983], the understanding of this complex context and their interaction is critical to understanding motivation [Mitchell & James 1989]. Anglo-Saxon countries lead much of the motivation research, and therefore the discussion is not sufficiently broad enough in coverage to be used in a multi-national (let alone global) setting, which means these theories do not necessarily apply in different institutional arrangements [Gunkel 2006]. ...
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This paper has used the findings of the recent World Bank Enterprise Survey to provide some, admittedly tentative, further evidence on the relationship between financial development and economic growth, by incorporating the impact of internal finance. The inclusion of the variable internal finance should go some way to mitigate the possible bias due to the omission of an important variable from empirical work. By doing so, we aimed at providing some further evidence either in favour or against two puzzling results emerging from recent empirical works. The first puzzle regards the negative impact of banks upon growth in the short-term, although the impact reverts to positive on the long-term. This puzzle is reinforced by seemingly contradictory evidence stemming from micro-level studies, which indicate a positive impact of external finance on firms' growth, while empirical tests at macro level do not unanimously support this positive impact. The second puzzle, concerns the relatively stronger impact of stock markets upon growth. Given the objective difficulties and costs encountered in accessing both bank credit and equity as documented in the paper, the above puzzles required further tests. Our, tentative, results provide some evidence that banks still have a negative impact upon short-term growth, while stock markets do not appear to contribute to growth in a significant manner once the effect of internal finance is included. Finally, internal finance itself does not appear to boost growth in a statistically significant manner. These tentative findings are in need of further research. (original abstract)
... Employee motivation can be extrinsic or intrinsic, meaning it can come from internal or external sources. Intrinsic motivation has been suggested as an explanation for behavior prompted by the need for achievement (McClelland et al., 1953), need to be competent and self-determining (Deci, 1975;Deci & Ryan, 1985) and a desire to be a causal agent (deCharms, 1968). In these situations, the behavior is not affected by any external control or influence (Cameron & Pierce 1992). ...
... The MWS instrument is organized into four factors: intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation. The instrument was validated using the selfdetermination theory framework (SDT) by Deci andRyan (1985, 2000). According to Gagné et al. (2010), SDT gives a multilateral conceptualization of motivation that allows for the assessment of different levels of motivation and types of motivation. ...
This research was a cross-cultural study where we explored the impact of ethical leadership on employee job performance. We evaluate the direct relationship and the indirect relationship whereby employee motivation was used as a mediating construct. The aim was to determine if group differences existed between the two groups of the study: US participants and Nigerian participants. Three research questions guided this study: Is there a direct relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance? What impact does employee motivation have on the relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance? Does the relationship differ across cultural boundaries? Path analysis and multi-group analysis were used to test the hypotheses. Our results showed that there was a statistically significant direct relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance for the combined group and the Nigerian group. However, the direct relationship was not significant for the US group. Further, the results showed that employee motivation mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and employee job performance for the combined group, the US group, and the Nigerian group. Our results were consistent with the results from other researchers who showed that cultural norms have a significant impact on employee job performance, and the type of leadership style implemented that may promote high employee job performance with one culture may have negative impact with another.
... Motivation is a driving force that prompts an individual to act and can be classified as intrinsic or extrinsic, depending on the reasons or objectives that underlie the action [Deci and Ryan, 2010]. In the self-determination theory, Deci and Ryan [1980] differentiates between these types of motivation. ...
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The rapid expansion of the internet has led to a growing worldwide user base, with Brazil alone having approximately 83% of households connected to the network, equating to around 61.8 million households. Crowdsourcing, a production model that harnesses collective wisdom for problem-solving, has gained prominence in this digital landscape. Challenges in crowdsourcing include improving people's motivation and engagement and verifying the quality of a high number of contributions. In our research, we investigated the hypothesis that using gamification techniques, including recognition badges, feedback mechanisms, and user rankings, improves users' engagement and motivation in crowdsourcing micro-tasks applications. This paper presents ConTask, a crowdsourcing micro-task application, and two studies conducted to investigate the impact of using gamification techniques and contribution filtering as motivational factors in crowdsourcing. The first was a case study comparing two versions of ConTask: the original version and a gamified one. The second was an experimental study to evaluate the developed contribution filtering mechanism. Findings suggest that the use of gamification and contribution filtering can improve user participation in crowdsourcing micro-task applications.
... Historically, structured research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and the growing understanding of the dominant role that intrinsic motivation plays in individual behavior dates back to the 1970s (Lepper & Nisbett, 1973 Today, SDT is widely applied in several areas, such as social sciences, social psychology, education, and human resources. The Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET) emerged as a subproduct of SDT (Deci & Ryan, 2001). Deci and Ryan also developed the Organismic Integration Theory (OIT) as a sub-theory of SDT to explain how extrinsically motivated behavior is regulated (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999;Deci, Olafsen, & Ryan, 2017) and how these extrinsically regulated inducers are internalized and therefore integrated into the sense of self (Ryan & Deci, 2002). ...
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Assessing the impact of personality traits and sociodemographic factors on employee motivation: a study in the sugarcane and bioenergy industry.
... An adequate motivational climate is dependent on self-determination (Escriva-Boulley et al., 2018;White et al., 2021). Self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 1975, 1985, 2000, 2002 can be defined as an individual's ability to engage in a behavior or action due to a personal commitment to do so. For example, athletes may join a sport organization because they want to learn new skills, understand the importance of being physically active, and see value in engaging with peers. ...
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Based on the tenets of self-determination theory, the Sport Motivation Scale-II is an 18-item instrument that consists of six subscales. Despite the numerous studies that have been conducted using self-determination theory in organized youth sport contexts, measures available to assess self-determined forms of motivation across socio-cultural contexts are scarce. This is particularly important because there are socio-cultural contexts that have diverse reward systems, competitive structures, and convey different social norms, values, and cultural nuances. The existence of measures available to assess self-determined forms of motivation across socio-cultural contexts may enable the development of a robust knowledge base that informs research-to-practice partnerships and potential changes across a complex youth sport landscape. The present study aimed to validate the factor structure of the Sport Motivation Scale-II with a sample of 239 Portuguese adolescent athletes. The participants’ ages ranged between 12 and 17 years old (M = 14.39; SD = 1.35). Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to achieve the aim of this study. Findings showed that the six-factor model used by the authors presents a good adjustment concerning sports participants’ level of motivation toward sports practice. Moving forward, the Sport Motivation Scale-II may be used in future studies to help provide an understanding about athletes’ self-determination. Several practical and theoretical implications are provided.
... The dream process of valuation: a method of interpretation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53 (1), , 163-175. 195 Deci E. L. (1975). Intrinsic motivation, New York: Plenum Press, , p. 247. ...
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Post-and transhumanism postulate the end of anthropocene, and advocate the necessity of reflecting on the role of technology, status of non-human animals or machines in human life. In the forecasts of post-and transhumanists, one can identify possible future participants, the character, and the way of conducting modern wars. It was hypothesized that there is probably no consensus in the minds of post-and transhumanists about the definitional considerations of the concepts of "posthumanism" and "transhumanism," as is the vast majority about the nature of future wars and the "morale" of their participants.
... This seems to be explained by the prevalence of a passive pattern based on beliefs and motivational orientation, which is not connected with learning actions. According to White (1959) and Deci (1975), intrinsic motivation is based in the need to be effectively self-determining and to have a meaningful impact on one's environment. When students learn things that are useful to a task that they are undertaking, learning will be more active; in other words, there will be a fuller engagement with the material. ...
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Introduction. In the present study, components related to learning patterns and socio-emotional learning are measured in a sample of adolescents from the Balkan Peninsula in order to understand the relationship between these two constructs. Method. High school students from Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo (N = 240) completed surveys designed to measure learning patterns and social-emotional competencies. Participants responded to a modified version of Vermunt's Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) and the Panorama’s SEL Measures survey. Results. The results show that the responses of high school students in the Balkan peninsula are organized in a three-pattern structure: the first factor is a saturation of the components of the MD and AD patterns; the second factor groups the components of the RD and UD patterns. The third factor is the so-called passive pattern and the result of the combination of several beliefs (conceptions and learning orientations). Moreover, the results suggest that there is an overt connection between learning patterns and social and emotional learning and its interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies. Discussion and Conclusion. The connection between learning patterns and social-emotional learning seems to be relevant for improving future learning strategies and the development of healthier relationships. Moreover, the results suggest that Educational Psychology researchers and educators must understand and work together in the design of learning and teaching models that go beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
... Students motivated to succeed in academics often have a higher internal drive. This internal motivation occurs when individuals participate in an activity for the satisfaction that comes with it (Deci & Ryan, 1975). Intrinsic motivation impacts students' academic achievement, competency, and learning (Deci & Ryan, 1985). ...
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There are over six million community college students in the United States. Many non-traditional students face unique obstacles as they balance work, school, and familial responsibilities. As a result, community college students can become unmotivated in their classes, and this lack of internal drive can negatively impact their success and longevity in school. Therefore, college faculty must learn new strategies to cultivate motivation in their classrooms, whether in person or online. One technique instructors can utilize is charismatic teaching, which includes teachers’ professional knowledge, positive character traits, sense of humor, and quality teaching techniques. This quantitative predictive correlational study examined if, and to what extent, a predictive relationship existed between charismatic teaching and students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in community colleges in the Northwest United States. The results indicated that the global score of charismatic teaching (professional knowledge, positive character traits, sense of humor, and quality instruction techniques) was the highest predictor of intrinsic motivation (R2=.51). Educators can cultivate intrinsic motivation in community college classes, whether in person or online, through charismatic teaching techniques. However, charismatic teaching did not significantly predict students’ extrinsic motivation. College faculty may consider employing charismatic teaching techniques to improve community college students’ intrinsic motivation in their classes.
... Mô hình tự hệ thống về phát triển động lực (SSMMD) (Connell và cộng sự, 1991;Skinner và cộng sự, 2008) là một mô hình lý thuyết, dựa trên lý thuyết về quyền tự quyết định (Deci, 1975;Deci và Ryan, 1985), giải thích quá trình mà thông qua đó các yếu tố liên quan đến bối cảnh xã hội tác động đến các quá trình hệ thống tự thân của cá nhân và sau đó thúc đẩy hoặc làm giảm sự tương tác của cá nhân với một sự việc nhất định. Mô hình về phát triển động lực giúp nâng cao Số 183/2023 kiến thức và cung cấp hiểu biết hữu ích về cơ chế của trò chơi có tác động đến sự tham gia của người dùng trong bối cảnh ứng dụng dành cho thiết bị di động. ...
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là xác định các đặc tính trò chơi như yếu tố nhập vai, yếu tố thành tích và yếu tố xã hội có tác động đến lòng trung thành của người dùng ví điện tử. Đặc biệt là xem xét mức độ tác động của các yếu tố này đến tương tác người dùng thông qua ba khía cạnh cảm xúc, nhận thức và xã hội. Nghiên cứu được thực hiện với 365 mẫu khảo sát và dữ liệu được thu thập bằng phương pháp chọn mẫu thuận tiện phi xác suất thông qua các kênh mạng xã hội tiêu biểu. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy các đặc tính trò chơi bao gồm yếu tố nhập vai, thành tích và xã hội đều có tác động tích cực đến lòng trung thành của người dùng ví điện tử. Đồng thời, tác giả đưa ra một số hàm ý quản trị giúp nâng cao lòng trung thành của người dùng ví điện tử thông qua cải thiện các đặc tính trong trò chơi để phù hợp với nhu cầu của người dùng.
... Después de preguntar sobre el uso de recompensas por buen comportamiento o la competencia para fomentar el progreso en el estudio, propone renunciar a ambos en favor de centrarse en la "satisfacción interna del niño (...) en la conciencia de su fuerza y progreso a medida que ejercita y desarrolla su carácter moral y su inteligencia" (preguntas 86, 88 y 90, Fraser, 63). Uno puede sentirse tentado a proponer que esta idea extrañamente moderna se popularizó muchos años después y resurgió más recientemente, en la década de 1970, bajo los auspicios de la motivación intrínseca (Deci y Ryan, 1975). ...
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El auge de los bancos de datos internacionales en la economía digital exige una investigación sobre cómo contextos enormemente diferentes se hacen comparables. El método de formular las mismas preguntas o, según la terminología del siglo XXI, de utilizar el mismo conjunto de indicadores combinados con la información sobre variables del sistema, es clave para entender el despliegue de la comparación. El artículo examina la investigación sobre indicadores durante tres periodos de tiempo centrándose en sus actores influyentes: el Esquisse d’un ouvrage sur l’Éducation Comparée de Jullien de Paris (1817); las “encuestas” de Paul Monroe en Filipinas (1912-1914) y el trabajo de Isaac Kandel en torno a la comparabilidad y la Teoría de la Civilización; la colaboración del Instituto de Estadística de la UNESCO con otras partes interesadas en el desarrollo de indicadores educativos para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 (2015-2016). Estos tres periodos reflejan los cambios en el uso de los indicadores educativos: modernización / construcción nacional, colonización / desarrollo y estandarización / globalización. Jullien de Paris propuso preguntas estandarizadas para comparar características claves de los sistemas educativos, dio forma al método comparativo de investigación transnacional y contribuyó a justificar la necesidad de la comparación para extraer lecciones, tomar prestadas políticas o aprender de las “buenas prácticas” y las normas internacionales. Este enfoque mantiene su pertinencia en el contexto actual, marcado por el auge de los regímenes de cuantificación que promueven el uso de evidencia derivada de la investigación para la política y la planificación.
... The new transformational manager (Bass, 1998) represents "feminine" and positive values. The new manager is cooperative, flexible, open, warm, and facilitates personal and organizational efficacy, individual growth and development as well as open learning, delegation and participation processes and teamwork (Argyris, 1976;Deci, 1975;DeCharms, 1968;Hollander, 1986;Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). According to these assumptions, the human capital manager should represent a pragmatic and effective attitude which helps to create conditions and an organizational environment enabling effective work. ...
The purpose of this paper is identification of psychological problems, diagnosis of workers´ ideas and initiatives aimed at solving those problems, and diagnosis of readiness of workers to change. There is an assumption that organizational behaviour is multilevel, involves multiple variables, and requires multivariate measurement. In this paper I ask questions about the level of different psychosocial and emotional dimensions, the main problems experienced by organization members, and the greatest barriers in the process of change. I also examine what should be done to solve existing problems. I constructed and used the Organizational Assessment Questionnaire (OAQ) that is composed of 15 sections and 190 questions covering different sectors of organizational functioning. The OAQ was completed by 432 workers from organizations in the highly industrialised Upper Silesia region of Poland. On the basis of OAQ, interviews and discussions with employees I divided the results into positive and negative factors. Positive factors are those that can be treated as opportunities; employees’ emotional engagement and self-perceptions of competence and ambition. Negative factors were psychological barriers in the process of organizational transition; functioning in area of HRM that badly need to be changed. In conclusion I proposed some solutions in the area of Human Resources, management trust and workers’ self- assessment.
... Motivation can be of two basic types: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Brown, 2000: 160-161). Deci (1975: 23, cited in Brown, 2000 defines an intrinsically motivated activity as one "for which there is no apparent reward except the activity itself". People seem to engage in the activity for its own sake and not because it leads to an extrinsic reward. ...
This study surveyed students’ attitudes towards a Resourcing Task in a Fundamental English Course at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). The study looked at the positive factors that influenced their attitudes and the problems that the students encountered during the process of doing such tasks. The subjects were 4 groups of 135 undergraduate students enrolled in a Fundamental English course, Fundamental English II (LNG 102), at KMUTT. The results showed that most subjects had positive attitudes towards the Resourcing Task. The main factor that motivated them to do the task was they had freedom to do what interested them and work freely outside the classroom. However, it was found that the subjects were not prepared in terms of planning or working skills, and some group members did not assist their groups in finishing the task and did not take responsibility for their own work, so they could not finish their work on time. They also had some conflicts among themselves. For these reasons, it can be said that, if the subjects did something that they were interested in and if they were psychologically and methodologically well prepared for the task, they could complete their task successfully.
... The GWA items are antecedents of personal job satisfaction and other affective constructs. As Kahn (1990) suggested, broadly defined constructs such as job involvement (Lawler & Hall, 1970;Lodahl & Kejner, 1965), organizational commitment (Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 1982), or intrinsic motivation (Deci, 1975) add to understanding employee perceptions of themselves, their work, and their organization. However, these understandings are too general to be easily applied in practice because they exist at a distance from the day-to-day experiences of employees within their work situation. ...
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Based on 7,939 business units in 36 companies, this study used meta-analysis to examine the relationship at the business-unit level between employee satisfaction–engagement and the business-unit outcomes of customer satisfaction, productivity, profit, employee turnover, and accidents. Generalizable relationships large enough to have substantial practical value were found between unit-level employee satisfaction–engagement and these business-unit outcomes. One implication is that changes in management practices that increase employee satisfaction may increase business-unit outcomes, including profit.
... First, we did not assess the full range of techniques that adults may use to enhance intrinsic interest in academic tasks. We did not examine adults' preference for praise in comparison to reward and other strategies, for instance, because of the conflicting findings in the literature on the effect of praise on intrinsic motivation (Deci & Ryan, 1985), depending on the function served by praise (Harackiewicz, Manderlink, & Sansome, in press;Harter, 1983), the manner in which it is presented (Harackiewicz & Larson, 1986;, the extent to which it is expected (Smith, 1975), and the gender and motivational orientation of the child to whom it is offered (Barrett & Boggiano, in press;Boggiano & Barrett, 1985;Deci, 1975). ...
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The present research examined the hypothesis that in contrast to theory and research indicating that tangible reward decreases subsequent interest in enjoyable academic activities, rewards are perceived by adults as effective techniques to maximize long- and short-term subsequent interest for academic tasks of both high and low initial interest level. The results of our first three studies demonstrated that college students and parents view tangible reward as more effective than other less controlling techniques to enhance intrinsic motivation and value rewards more for intrinsically interesting academic behaviors in comparison with others (e.g., prosocial behaviors). Our fourth study supported the hypothesis that adults do not subscribe to the minimal-sufficiency analysis of increasing intrinsic motivation but prefer a maximal-operant principle in which the likelihood of producing long-term interest in academic tasks is assumed to vary positively with the size of a reward. Our fifth and sixth studies investigated illusory correlation as one mechanism that may perpetuate beliefs about the assumed positive relation between tangible reward and intrinsic interest in academic tasks.
... It is one of the extrinsic motivation tools but it has an inadequate short-term effect on employee's performance. Deci (2013) further suggests that many organizations have formal appreciation and reward plans and this usually include rewards for good performance. ...
... Empowerment is a complex process by which individuals lacking power in a specific context take action to generate a sense of power . The concept aligns with motivational power (Zimmerman 1995), which proposes that an intrinsic human need for selfdetermination drives empowerment (Deci 1975;Zhang and Bartol 2010). Unfortunately, despite the numerous initiatives to promote gender equality (e.g., in education or employment), gender stereotypes persist (Charles and Bradley 2002). ...
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While prior research has gleaned important insight into consumers' social media engagement, an important literature-based tension exists that warrants further attention. On the one hand, females are increasingly empowered (e.g., through their rising spending power). On the other hand, advertising-based gender stereotypes persist, thus limiting female consumers' empowerment and decelerating advertising-based inclusion, equity, and diversity. Deploying regulatory mode theory, we propose that the adoption of a locomotion (vs. assessment) orientation, which emphasizes the initiation, and continuation, of the consumer's goal pursuit (vs. focuses on the individual's arrival at "the right" decision), respectively, can be leveraged to empower female consumers and boost their engagement with social media-based advertising. These predictions are tested across field studies 1a-1b and experiments 2-3. These findings can benefit marketers in developing effective communication strategies that resonate positively with female consumers, thus boosting their advertising-based inclusion, equity, and diversity.
... Selfdetermination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2002 elaborates on various types of extrinsic and intrinsic motivations, and they are incorporated to conceptualize L2 motivation. While intrinsic motivation pertains to internal rewarding consequences, such as feelings of self-determination and competence, extrinsic motivation involves external rewards, such as good grades or feedback from instructors (Deci, 1975). ...
Second language (L2) motivation is the driving force behind L2 learning. It is of great pedagogical significance to explore how motivation factors, directly and indirectly, impact L2 oral proficiency. Based on data for all L2 learners as a composite group, Lin proposed and verified a conceptual model revealing the structural relations among L2 motivation factors (i.e. L2 interest, and perceived importance of speaking), behavioral variable (i.e. out-of-class L2 contact), and L2 oral proficiency. However, since gender differences and other learner subgroup differences in L2 motivation have been found by previous research, it is imperative to test whether this model is applicable across various learner subgroups. Based upon a dataset of 631 college students taking Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish language classes in the United States, this study used multiple-group structural equation modeling (MG-SEM) to test the applicability of the model for L2 learners of diverse backgrounds. Key findings suggest adequacy of the model across the following subgroups: females vs. males; learners with vs. without at least two years of high school target language learning experience; and learners of commonly taught languages (i.e. Spanish and French) vs. less commonly taught languages (i.e. Chinese and Russian). However, pronounced differences in the applicability of the model are evident in comparisons of heritage and non-heritage language learners. There are significant differences in the relationships between L2 interest, perceived importance of speaking, and L2 oral proficiency, which are stronger for non-heritage learners. More research efforts are needed to fully understand the uniqueness of heritage learners' motivation constructs and motivation process.
... Motivasi intrinsik merupakan sebuah tipe motivasi yang berasal dari minat alami seseorang dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya yang memberikan kebaruan dan tantangan (Deci & Ryan, 2010). Seseorang yang telah termotivasi secara intrinsik tidak membutuhkan penghargaan dari orang lain, tetapi tindakan tersebutlah yang merupakan bentuk ekspresi dari orang tersebut. ...
The puspose of this study is to analyze the impact of personal and social norms on tax morale with educational level as moderating variable. This study uses 150 taxpayers in Jabodetabek as respondents. This quantitative research is using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method to process the data and SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that social norm (patriotism) has a positive and significant effect on tax morale, personal norm (religiosity) has a positive effect on tax morale too but insignificant. On the other hand, all socio-economic variables in this research show no significant effect on tax morale. Educational level, as moderating variable, also shows no significant effect and categorized as homologiser moderation. Based on these conclusions, one thing that can be taken into consideration by DJP is to ask religious leaders for help to socialize tax regulations to improve the tax compliance.
... Thus in this study, the limitations observed in different literatures were well addressed and alternative models were developed to well explain the guided discovery method. To support the modification of guided-discovery self-determination theory was used (Deci, 1975;Deci& Ryman, 1987). According to this theory, students have needs for proficiency, independency, and connection, which require the attention of the teacher. ...
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To investigate the present trends and gaps in science/physics laboratory work, a thorough literature review was conducted. Additionally, list the typical generic elements seen in science lab projects. Create alternative learning models as well to direct the choice, incorporation, and application of general science/physics laboratory session components. Additionally, to modify pedagogies, particularly guided-discovery, and to present alternate techniques of triangulating with other generic components of laboratory works and of deriving and choosing study variables. The study used a variety of techniques. First, a quick introduction to science and science/physics education, educational theories, and four fundamental learning theories, with an emphasis on how these relate to science laboratory practice.
... The causal property of controllability is incorporated within the concept of learned helplessness (Seligman, 1975) and is captured in various aspects of self-determination theory, where a central issue is whether a behavior is undertaken of free-will or is "forced" (Deci, 1975). Controllability also is related to blame, intentionality, and responsibility, which are integral concepts tied to moral judgments and legal decisions. ...
... Hence, computer self-efficacy will decide the completion of learning using the computer. A learner with high computer selfefficacy may use the computer to complete a complex task and feel good about having high computer competence as this may also lead to higher intrinsic motivation (Deci, 1975;Deng et al., 2004). This may hold good even in the E-learning context as it showcases computer mastery. ...
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This study aimed to identify the factors, which affect the continuance of mobile learning. The study has looked at epistemological, social, and security risk factors based on Magsayo (Interact Technol Smart Educ 20(2):177–208) and how they affect the perceived functional benefits (PFB) and perceived learner value (PLV). Further locus of control and self-efficacy are two personal factors that are investigated in the study to understand mobile learning acceptance continuance. 260 respondents of the study were students and professionals from India who have used mobile for learning. Based on previous research, hypotheses were formulated and tested empirically by building a model using smart PLS structure equation modeling. It was observed that epistemological, security risk and social factors did affect the computer self-efficacy and locus of control of the learners. Epistemological and social factors do contribute to developing PFB and PLV leading to higher mobile learning acceptance continuance. PFB and PLV also showed mediating effects. Based on Magsayo's (2023) previous work, the study has a unique contribution in showing that epistemological and social factors along with security risk do help in developing PFB and PLV leading to higher mobile learning acceptance continuance. These findings can help us understand ways to the development of mobile learning content and context for higher impact.
... It concerns about a sense of psychology of being in a secure bond of transmission (Ryan, R. & Deci, E. 2002). To care others and being cared by others-these two mutual senses maintain a feel of attachment between both individuals and with one's community (Baumeister & Leary, 1995;Bowlby, 1979;Harlow,1958;Ryan, 1995 (Deci, 1975;Deci & Ryan, 1980). Second, Organismic integration theory covers amalgamation and globalization of norms and ethics. ...
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Work life balance is a matter of concern in the current scenario. The balance of work and life domain is in high demand that requires inner strength to be maintained. An imbalanced life between both the domains can mark negative impacts deeply on the work performances and handling of family relationships. The study is based on exploratory and descriptive research including concept of work life balance and self-determination theory by following secondary data with content analysis. It has been revealed by this study that a person who can manage their job and professional lives will be better able to manage their time and keep a healthy balance in their professional lives. In addition to being a psychological process, motivation is a key determinant of behaviour that is interwoven with an individual's perception, personality, learning, and attitude. This study has been focused on the concept of self-motivation and motivation theory of self-determination by balancing both domains of work and life. A well managed life on both ends leads a way towards more productivity and growth. The current research paper can enlighten the path of working individuals to examine their level of self motivation and determination in the process of maintaining work-life balance. This study is based on conceptual facts with the help of descriptive and theoretical study, the significance of motivation to workers and different people, as well as the connection between work-life balance and the self-determination theory of motivation, have been developed.
... Anokhin also ascribed the primary role in this process to motivation. The middle position, to some extent, between the "inness" and "outness" nature of motivation is occupied by one of the most significant theories of motivation in the current period, based on the concept of psychological self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 2010, 2012. However, the main discussions that pitted "personologism" against "situationism" were between Activity Theory (AT) in its various forms versus behavioristic perspectives (e.g., Cong Lem, 2022). ...
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This paper explores whether human proactivity can be considered an expression of free will. The discussion involves two paradigms, which are mutually complementary and encompass psychological proactivity and reactivity. Both paradigms raise the question of linear and non-linear determinism, which inevitably leads to the issue of free will. The analysis attempts to find a compromise between linear and non-linear determinism through human dialectical complexity (Lebed & Bar-Eli, 2013). This refers to the relationships of two types of complex subsystems within a human: the perceptual-motor dynamic system (PMDS), which is mainly determined by linear impacts and expressed through reactive behavior, and the "free-will" complex system (FCS), which is determined mainly by non-linear redundant determinism and expressed through proactive dynamics. In summary, it is concluded that there cannot be a categorical assertion of the permanent existence of free will in human functioning. The human dialectical complexity expressed by both proactivity and reactivity causes the "floating" presence of free will depending on the prevalence of proactive control factors and the non-linear determination of a living human system.
... Information in its variety of forms (visual, verbal, and written) is an essential part of an individual's environment and influences cognition (thinking), affect (emotions and feelings), and conation (behaviour/actions). Speaking to the wide-ranging impact of information, Deci (1975) reasoned that people use a wide array of information, including information from environment, memory, and internal states to make decisions (p. 93). ...
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Introduction. Extremism—distinct from activism—poses a serious threat to the healthy functioning of a society. In the contemporary world, the ability of extremists to spread their narratives using digital information environments has increased tremendously. Despite a substantial body of research on extremism, our understanding of the role of information and its properties in shaping extremist content is sketchy. Method. To fill this gap, the current research has used ‘content analysis’ and ‘affective lexicon’ to identify and categorise terms from the publicly available online content of four extremists – two groups and two individuals. The property of information skewness provided the deciphering lens through which the categorised content was assessed. Analysis. Contextual categories of information relevant to all the extremists were developed to analyse the content meaningfully. Six categories of religion, ideology, politics-history, cognition, affection, and conation provided the framework used to analyse and deductively categorise the data using content analysis. The affective lexicon developed by Ortony et al. (1987) was used to identify words belonging to the categories of cognition, affection (emotions and feelings), and conation (behaviour/actions). Results. The findings reveal that the property of information skewness plays a significant role in shaping extremist content and two aspects of this property (a) intensity and (b) positivity or negativity can be used to (1) classify extremists into meaningful categories and (2) identify generalisable information strategies of extremists. Conclusions. It is hoped that the findings of this research will inform future enquiries into the role of information and its properties in shaping extremist content and help security agencies to effectively engage in information warfare with extremists.
... Intrinsic motivation is the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from participating in an activity for its own sake . Extrinsic motivation refers to behaviors engaged in as a means to an end rather than for their own sake Deci, 1975). Another motivational construct, amotivation, was later introduced by to explain human behavior further. ...
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In recent years, social networking sites (SNSs) have experienced a surge in popularity, particularly among college students. These online platforms offer diverse functionalities that facilitate connections with friends and family, information sharing, and resource exchange. This study aimed to determine the effects of SNSs needs and academic stressors on the academic motivation of college students in one private schools in Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines during the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023. Using a simple random sampling procedure, 511 first, second, and third-year college students participated and responded to the adapted Likert-type instruments assessing the study variables. The result showed that most college students used Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and YouTube daily. It was also revealed that both SNSs and academic stressors positively affect extrinsic motivation. However, only SNSs have a positive impact on intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, academic stressors positively affect amotivation. Hence, educators and school administrators should consider incorporating SNSs to enhance motivation and engagement among college students. Specifically, educators can leverage the features of SNSs to promote collaboration, communication, and information sharing among students. Additionally, educators may consider designing academic activities encouraging students to use SNSs to explore and apply course content.
... Il bisogno di competenza consiste nel desiderio di sentirsi in grado di agire sull'ambiente e di essere efficaci nel farlo. Fin dai primi studi sperimentali è stato osservato come i feedback sui comportamenti positivi aumentino la motivazione intrinseca, mentre quelli su performance negative la diminuiscano, e come tutto ciò sia mediato dalla percezione delle proprie competenze (Deci, 1975). Ulteriori studi specifici (Ryan, 1982) hanno mostrato come il senso di competenza possa accrescere la motivazione intrinseca solo se accompagnata da un senso di autonomia, da cui emerge il bisogno di autonomia, che riguarda appunto la volontà di scegliere quale attività svolgere e come svilupparla. ...
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Il presente contributo ha l’obiettivo di indagare la possibile influenza dell’apprendimento capovolto, una metodologia didattica innovativa di ampia diffusione, sui fattori motivazionali nell’insegnamento-apprendimento della matematica. È stata svolta un’analisi dei testi narrativi prodotti da circa 200 studenti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado al termine di una sperimentazione della durata di circa 20 ore. Si è così giunti ad alcune rilevanti conclusioni che sembrano riconoscere nell’apprendimento capovolto una metodologia in grado di creare un ambiente di apprendimento con influenza positiva sui fattori motivazionali.
... Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand refers to motivation to engage in an activity as a means to an end. Extrinsically motivated individuals are regulated by external forces such as tangible rewards (i.e., money and medals), prais e and punishment (Deci, 1980). Traditionally, extrinsically-motivated individuals were characterised as being non-autonomous, which is antithetical to self-determined (de Charms, 1968). ...
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The quantitative research was conducted among seventy two (72) English teachers from six universities and academies in Hanoi to find out the most frequently used motivational teaching strategies that these teachers employ during their teaching practices. Forty five (45) teachers came from private-funded universities, namely Thang Long University, Dai Nam University and Nguyen Trai University. Twenty seven (27) teachers were from state-funded universities; Hanoi National Economic University, Banking Academy and Financial Academy. The questionnaire for was adapted from Dörnyei (2001: 137-144) which consists of 20 items to measure the frequency uses of motivational strategies. The findings showed that the most frequently used strategies were “I use a short and interesting opening activity to start each class” (M=4.1). “I give clear instructions by showing examples” (M= 4.04). “I encourage students to use English language outside the classroom” (M=3.86). “I establish good relationship with students” (M=3.86). Meanwhile, the least used strategies included “I give students choices in deciding how and when they will be graded” (M=1.93). “I let students suggest class rules” (M=2.26). The study also examines the discrepancies in the uses of motivational strategies among teachers of English state-funded and private funded universities. The group statistics showed that teachers in private funded universities employ strategies more often than those from state funded universities M= 3.64; M=3.05 respectively.
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This study presents a systematic review investigating the interplay between sports participation and academic performance in Nigeria. Utilizing a comprehensive approach, the review synthesizes existing literature and theoretical frameworks such as Self-Determination Theory, Social Learning Theory, Achievement Goal Theory, and Psychological Needs Theory. The findings highlight a positive link between sports engagement and academic achievement, revealing benefits like improved time management, enhanced social interactions, physical fitness, transferable skills, mental well-being, and cognitive functioning. Consequently, incorporating sports into the curriculum, facilitating professional development for educators and coaches, providing sporting facilities, fostering collaboration between sports associations and educational institutions, and recognizing academic achievements among student-athletes are recommended strategies for educational enhancement.
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Music Culture is one of the subjects for which many students are not particularly motivated, thus the interest of this research was establishing possible factors that are in positive correlation with motivation for this subject. Major problem of this research was to determine correlation of certain variables with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for Music Culture teaching, as well as what are the best predictors of this motivation. The differences between the students show that intrinsic motivation is higher with female respondents (F (1.311) = 5.39, p < .05), that it declines with age (F (2.313) = 11.97, p < .01) and that it is higher in classes where democratic educational style is applied (r = .274). Only the scale of learning presented appeared as a significant predictor of intrinsic motivation (β = .513, p < .001), while the scale of self-esteem (β = .316; p < .001) and sub-scale of performance goals focused on achieving success (β = .388; p < .001) appeared as significant predictors of extrinsic motivation. A positive correlation was also noticed between singing activity during the lesson and intrinsic motivation and between listening to music and extrinsic motivation as well as negative correlation regarding presentations and intrinsic motivation.
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هدفت المداخلة الحالية إلى عرض نتائج مشروع فرقة البحث الرابعة المنتمية إلى مخبر التربية. العمل والتوجيه التابع لكلية العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية بجامعة البويرة (الجزائر)، حيث تطرق البحث إلى الكشف عن العلاقة التي تربط بين الذكاء الوجداني وبعض الانفعالات التي يتصف بها الطلبة الجامعيون، ومحاولة الكشف من خلال ذلك عن تأثير هذه العلاقة في دافعية الإنجاز لديهم.
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The study analyzed the perceptions of high-achieving students regarding the reasons behind their academic success. Conducted in Punjab, Pakistan, the research involved students from three different education boards in cities like Gujranwala, Faisalabad, and Lahore. The sample consisted of 36 students, equally divided between genders, randomly selected from each board. These students attributed their achievements to factors like determination, hard work, and proficiency. The primary reasons for their success were identified as dedication, effort, and ability. Notably, high achievers tended to avoid tasks related to success, as they believed their accomplishments were a result of their inherent skills and hard work, and failures were attributed to bad luck. Despite some limitations, the study revealed that successful individuals emphasized the influence of internal factors after achieving success. The research highlighted the importance of capable individuals not only controlling outcomes but also taking responsibility for their accomplishments. The study aimed to explore the factors, both internal and external, that high achievers attribute to their success.
The pursuit of a sustainable fitness program is viewed as a global issue and mission. Clearly, this is a global problem, and it should be prioritized as the first step in any health-care program. It is the value, knowledge, talents, and experiences obtained via physical activity in order to achieve and maintain health-related fitness and maximize health. This study examines what factors motivate MAPEH instructors to exercise. There are 72 MAPEH teachers from Zamboanga City's top eight (8) schools participated in the research. The findings reveal that respondents demonstrated above-average level on Identified Regulation motivating component. MAPEH teachers choose to exercise freely because they appreciate the benefits of exercise. They like exercise sessions, regard physical activity as a pleasurable pastime, and receive pleasure and fulfillment from physical activity. The respondents in this study do not believe they should exercise because other people, such as friends/family/partner, have pushed them to do so. This study revealed that exercising is a personal responsibility of someone for health, social belonging, and personal development. This study is very vital in analyzing the features of exercise and how active participants are motivated to consistently doing the practice. The information from this study can help program fitness programs for the faculty and other employees of organizations with similar profile.
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El objetivo de la investigación fue realizar un análisis sobre el rol que la gamificación puede cumplir como estrategia de evaluación formativa en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se ha recabado información concerniente a estudios previamente realizados acerca de ambas variables misma que se encuentra en un apartado denominado estado del arte se desarrolló una fundamentación teórica sobre la relación que tiene la gamificación con la motivación extrínseca en el estudiante. Se partió de una metodología con un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo con un diseño documental bibliográfico por medio de la utilización de fichas en las cuales se recopiló la información. Se realizó una revisión de las herramientas que componen el proceso de gamificación desarrollando una explicación sobre la implementación de la gamificación en la educación y, específicamente, en la enseñanza-aprendizaje. De igual manera, se explicaron los fundamentos de la evaluación formativa y el aporte que la gamificación puede realizar sobre la misma.
The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of democratic leadership behaviors of school principals on school management skills. Quantitative research method was used in this study. This study aimed to determine whether there is a meaningful relationship with the effect of the democratic leadership of Anatolian vocational high school principals on school management skills. relational screening model; These are exploratory models whose purpose is to Decipher the existence and/or degree of covariance between two or more variables. The research was conducted in Adana province. The universe of the research consists of 85 participants working in vocational high schools located in Adana province. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using the SPSS 22 program and the statistical data were converted into tables. The surveys were collected online through Google Forms. The data collected during the study were analyzed using the SPSS program. A normality test was performed to determine whether the data were distributed normally. In the study, Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis-H test were used to examine the differences in terms of reliability test, factor analysis, frequency analysis and demographic factors. In addition, the Spearman correlation test was used to determine the relationship between the effect of the democratic leadership of vocational and technical Anatolian secondary school principals on school management skills. Dec. The school administration does not allow political, religious, ethnic and gender discrimination among the school staff, announces the orders and Decrees of the senior management to the teachers on time, avoids offensive and humiliating behavior, respects the decisions of the team. However, the school administration does not stand up to criticism. It does not encourage teachers to conduct self-assessment and does not develop informal relationships Decoupled between teachers. It does not define the vision and mission of the school with the teachers, does not share information about the program and work of the school with the teachers. According to the results of the regression analysis (R=0.79, R2=0.63, p<0.01), the democratic attitudes and behavior levels of school administrators explain 63% of the total distribution of their perceptions F (1,404) = 704.45. According to this result, it predicts the democratic attitudes and behaviors of the school administration. Key Words: School, Administrator, Democratic Leadership
In modern Japanese companies, employees are required to demonstrate creativity in various aspects of their work. On the other hand, in recent years, the phrase “job-based employment” has been appearing in newspapers and magazines. Based on this, it seems that the former characteristic of “mind to organization (the mind of working hard to contribute to the organization)” has weakened, and “mind to job (the mind of working hard because one likes the job) ” has been strengthened (emphasized). Based on this situation, this research focused on the above two minds and examined the relationship between these minds and creativity. Specifically, we investigated the influence of each mind on creativity and compared the degree of influence. As a result, it was found that the degree of influence by “mind to organization” was stronger than that by “mind to job”. This result casts doubts on the recent trends mentioned above, and it also suggest that companies should first improve their “mind to organization”, and then improve their “mind to job”.
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The overjustification hypothesis proposes that expectation of reward for an inherently interesting activity produces less interest in the activity when reward is subsequently unavailable. 2 experiments, with a total of 41 kindergarten and 1st-grade Ss, designed to test this hypothesis are reported. Exp I replicated previous findings that a single trial of noncontingent, promised reward undermines young children's interest in the rewarded play activity (see record 1974-10498-001). Exp II disconfirmed the overjustification hypothesis by demonstrating that a multiple-trial, contingent reinforcement procedure did not produce an overjustification effect. Findings are understandable in terms of a competing response hypothesis but not in terms of overjustification. Accordingly, previous findings of an overjustification effect are reinterpreted as having demonstrated that curiosity in a novel play activity can be undermined by presentation of distracting stimuli. The following additional conclusions are drawn: (a) The overjustification hypothesis is conceptually vague. (b) Self-perception theory seems to have been concerned with variables relatively unimportant for understanding effects of tangible reward procedures on overt behavior. (c) Recent criticisms that token economies undermine intrinsic interest were based on a failure to appreciate differences between single-trial, noncontingent reward and multiple-trial, contingent reinforcement procedures. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The present study examined the effects of competitive outcome—either a win or a loss—on intrinsic motivation. Winning was hypothesized to facilitate both performance and intrinsic motivation. Fifty-four participants, 29 females and 25 males, competed against a same-gender confederate in a puzzle-solving contest. Following the competition, participants'' intrinsic motivation was surreptitiously measured by the amount of time spent playing with the puzzle while alone. Results showed that winning facilitated both actual competitive performance and intrinsic motivation relative to losing. The importance of considering the outcome when predicting intrinsic motivation after competition is discussed.
14 adult coaches and 71 male youth league basketball players aged 8–12 yrs were evaluated in naturalistic settings. Coach–player interactions were observed for both high- and low-expectancy children (HEs and LEs) with the Coaching Behavior Assessment System as an observational tool. Results demonstrate that whereas HEs received more reinforcement, LEs experienced fewer incidences of nonreinforcement and received more general technical instruction. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Suggests that if the sport psychologist is to conduct socially significant research that will make contributions to those involved in youth sports, 3 issues must be addressed: (1) Critical questions of practical significance must be identified; (2) the use of varied types of research in studying youth sports should be considered; and (3) the need for a shift in methodological approaches when conducting youth sports research must be examined. In an effort to identify these issues, the results of a survey on psychological topics of practical significance to youth sport personnel are presented. (51 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Two studies investigating the effects of pay on the intrinsic motivation of subjects varying along the dimension of locus of control were conducted. It was hypothesized that internals, who should assign greater weight to the competency aspect of rewards they receive, would manifest increasing intrinsic motivation as pay increased. Externals, who should be more likely to focus on the controlling aspects of rewards, were expected to show decreases in intrinsic motivation as rewards increased. In Study 1, where both the controlling and competency aspects of the rewards offered were deliberately kept vague, the hypotheses were supported. In Study 2, where the controlling aspect of the pay offered was made salient by making pay contingent upon performance, high pay undermined the intrinsic motivation of both internals and externals. It was suggested that only when the controlling aspect of pay is not salient will the intrinsic motivation of externals and internals be differentially affected. Support for the hypothesis that internals and externals differentially weight available information when making causal attributions was also noted.
Recent studies have demonstrated that positive verbal feedback enhances males' intrinsic motivation for a task, while decreasing that of females. This result has been attributed to differential socialization forces which make the controlling aspects of rewards more salient for females as opposed to males, for whom the informational aspects are prepotent. A weakness in this conclusion stems from the use of a masculine sex-linked task in prior experiments, producing a result which may be due to gender congruence/incongruence rather than to socialization differences. Two laboratory experiments were performed to examine the effects of verbal praise on intrinsic motivation, controlling for sex-typing of the experimental activity. Experiment I found that verbal praise increased females' and males' intrinsic motivation on both a feminine and masculine task, and intrinsic motivation was higher for sex-appropriate than sex-inappropriate tasks. The sexes did not show a differential pattern of response to praise. In Experiment 2, verbal praise also enhanced sex-role traditional females' intrinsic motivation on the same activity used in prior research. These results suggest that socialization content has changed sufficiently to make concerns about competence and self-determination equally salient for females and males.
The study examined Deci's (Deci, E. L. Intrinsic motivation. New York: Plenum Press, 1975) hypotheses regarding the effects of contingent rewards on intrinsic task interest. Seventy-two male university students worked on a series of puzzles and were given either a high value reward ($1.50) or a low value reward ($.45). The money was given either contingent upon the simple execution of the task (task-contingent), contingent upon the ostensible attainment of a performance criterion level (criterion-contingent), or noncontingent and unexpected (control). Compared to the high payment control subjects, subjects who received the task-contingent high reward rated the task as less interesting, while subjects who received the criterion-contingent high reward rated it as more interesting. Also, subjects expressed less interest in the task after receiving the high task-contingent reward than the low task-contingent reward, but indicated greater interest after receiving the high criterion-contingent reward than the low criterion-contingent reward. It was concluded that substantial support was obtained for Deci's (1975) cognitive evaluation theory.
Two behavioristic theories of motivation are reviewed in terms of their implications for intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation theory and methods. One of the theories suggests a category of task-person relations which can be expected to violate a fundamental proposition from cognitive evaluation theory: Extrinsic monetary rewards will decrease the level of intrinsically motivated behavior subsequent to their application and termination. Evidence supporting the behavioristic theory is drawn from three sources: (1) reanalysis of an experiment of E. L. Deci, (2) J. L. Farr's programmatic analysis of the Deci after-only paradigm, and (3) D. J. Bernstein and M. Dearborn's recent experiments involving control of human ecologies for extended time periods (24 hr/day for 16 and 25 days consecutively). The evidence reviewed supports the behavioristic theory and suggestions concerning its theoretical and practical implication for work motivation theory, method, and application are discussed.
Recently a number of cognitive theorists have prescribed widely against the use of reinforcement procedures in organizations, citing as evidence those studies in which contingent extrinsic reinforcers seemed to impair intrinsically motivated behavior. However, a review of those studies reveals that (a) there is no acceptable evidence that extrinsic reinforcers inevitably disrupt behavior maintained by other, but perhaps less obvious, reinforcing events and (b) the meaning of “intrinsic motivation” remains obscure. Unfortunately, the postulation of autonomous central processes continues to produce studies that neither clarify those processes nor increase our knowledge of the manner in which human task performance is acquired and maintained. A reinforcement analysis is proposed as a more fruitful alternative.
The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effect of different types of competition and success/failure on intrinsic motivation of males and females performing on a motor task. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following competition conditions: (a) face-to-face competition, (b) competition against a standard of excellence, or (c) a noncompetitive condition (control). In addition, subjects received either success or failure feedback while performing on the pursuit rotor. Results indicated that subjects receiving success exhibited more intrinsic motivation than subjects receiving failure. Subjects also displayed more intrinsic motivation during competition than when not in competition. In addition, the Sex × Competition interaction indicated that males exhibited more intrinsic motivation when competing than when not competing, whereas females displayed no differences between these conditions. Results are discussed in light of previous research by Deci (1975) and Deaux (1977) and future direction is offered.
The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effect of monetary rewards and success/failure on intrinsic motivation and causal attributions of males and females competing on a motor task. Multivariate analysis of variance produced a significant overall main effect for feedback, with subjects exhibiting more intrinsic motivation after success than after failure. The Sex × Feedback interaction (p < .09) indicated that males exhibited more intrinsic motivation than females after success, whereas females displayed more intrinsic motivation than males after failure. Attribution results showed that success was primarily attributed to high ability, high effort, and good luck while failure was attributed to low ability, low effort, and bad luck. Correlational analysis revealed that success was related to high ability, high effort, good luck, and high intrinsic motivation. Conversely, failure was associated with low ability, low effort, bad luck, and low intrinsic motivation. In addition, ability and effort were the causal attributes most related to changes in intrinsic motivation. The relationship between causal attributions and intrinsic motivation is discussed in terms of the self-enhancement hypothesis and Deci's cognitive evaluation theory. Implications for competitive physical activity are drawn.
Female high school students participated in a motor task to assess the effects of success/failure and extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. A questionnaire was administered to check for the degree of satisfaction after participation under each experimental condition. A significant change in intrinsic motivation was found to be due to the effects of success and failure, but not to the effect of the tangible reward. Those groups receiving success feedback persisted longer at the voluntary play situation than did those receiving failure feedback. As well, the task was deemed more satisfying for the success feedback groups. Results tend to indicate the potency of success over failure feedback in inducing intrinsic motivation and are interpreted in terms of cognitive evaluation versus the overjustification hypothesis.