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Abstract and Figures

The study of quantum phase transitions, which are zero-temperature phase transitions between distinct states of matter, is of current interest in research since it allows for a description of low-temperature properties based on universal relations. Here we show that the crystal green dioptase Cu_6Si_6O_18 . 6H_2O, known to the ancient Roman as the gem of Venus, has a magnetic crystal structure, formed by the Cu(II) ions, which allows for a quantum phase transition between an antiferromagnetically ordered state and a quantum spin liquid. Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, EPL, in press
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arXiv:cond-mat/0208106v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 6 Aug 2002
Europhysics Letters PREPRINT
Quantum phase transition in the dioptase magnetic lattice
Claudius Gros1, Peter Lemmens 2, K.-Y. Choi 3, G. G¨
untherodt3, M. Baenitz4
and H.H. Otto 5
1Fachbereich Physik, Postfach 151150, Universit¨at des Saarlandes, 66041 Saarbr¨ucken,
2IMNF, TU Braunschweig, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany
3II. Physikalisches Institut, RWTH-Aachen, Templergraben 55, 52056 Aachen, Ger-
4Max-Planck-Institut ur Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, MPI-CPfS, D-01187 Dres-
den, Germany
5Institut fr Mineralogie und Mineralische Rohstoffe, TU Clausthal, D-38678 Clausthal-
Zellerfeld, Germany
PACS. 71.20.Be Transition metals and alloys.
PACS. 73.43.Nq Quantum phase transitions.
PACS. 75.10.Jm Quantized spin models.
Abstract. The study of quantum phase transitions [1], which are zero-temperature phase
transitions between distinct states of matter, is of current interest in research since it allows for
a description of low-temperature properties based on universal relations. Here we show that
the crystal green dioptase Cu6Si6O18 ·6H2O, known to the ancient Roman as the gem of Venus,
has a magnetic crystal structure, formed by the Cu(II) ions, which allows for a quantum phase
transition between an antiferromagnetically ordered state and a quantum spin liquid.
The gem-stone dioptase Cu6Si6O18·6H2O is a transparent green mineral build up from
Si6O18 single rings on a lattice, which sandwiches six-membered water rings down the (crys-
tallographic) c-direction [2–4]. The magnetic Cu(II) ions are located between the Si6O18 rings
and form chiral chains along c, placed on an ab-honeycomb net and are there edge-sharing
connected forming Cu(II) dimers.
We illustrate in fig. 1 the sublattice of the magnetic Cu(II)-ions. This three-dimensional
magnetic lattice is characterized by only two coupling constants in between the spin-1/2
Cu(II)-moments. The magnetic sublattice is characterized by an antiferromagnetic intra-
chain J2, which couples the Cu(II)-chains and an antiferromagnetic inter-chain coupling J1,
leading for small J1/J2to a AB-type Ne´el ordered state with doubling of the unit-cell along c.
Alternatively one might consider the dioptase magnetic lattice as made up by in-plane dimers
of Cu(II)-ions, with an intra-dimer coupling strength of J1and an inter-dimer coupling along
cof J2. For small J2/J1a singlet-dimer state with a spin-gap and no long-range magnetic
order is then realized.
EDP Sciences
Fig. 1 An illustration of Cu-sublattice of the dioptase crystal structure. The rhombohedral unit-
cell contains 18 equivalent Cu atoms arranged in six chains with three atoms down the cperiod.
The inter/intra-chain magnetic coupling with strength J1and J2are indicated by white/black sticks.
Left: An ab-plane. Not shown are the Si6O18 rings, located inside the 12-membered Cu-rings. The
rhombus denotes the in-plane hexagonal unit-cell. Right: two chiral chains along c.
In fig. 3 we present the phase-diagram of the dioptase magnetic lattice, which we obtained
from Quantum-Monte-Carlo (QMC) simulations, using the stochastic series expansion with
worm-updates [5, 6]. We used the parameterization J1,2=J(1 ±δ).
In order to determine the phase-diagram, an accurate estimate of the transition temper-
ature to the ordered state is necessary. For this purpose we evaluated by QMC one of the
Binder-cumulants [7], namely hm2
AF i/h|mAF |i2, where mAF is the antiferromagnetic-order pa-
rameter (the staggered magnetization). The temperature at which the cumulants for different
finite cluster intersect provide reliable estimates for the Ne´el temperature [7], see fig. 2. For
the numerical simulations we used (n, n, m) clusters with periodic boundary conditions, were
n2and mare the number of unit-cells in the ab-plane and along the c-axis respectively. We
performed simulations for (2,2,20), (3,3,30) and (4,4,40) clusters containing 1440, 4860 and
11520 Cu(II) sites respectively.
The linear raise of TNin fig. 3 occurring for small inter-chain couplings J1is a consequence
of the quantum-critical nature of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain realized for J1= 0. The
magnetic correlation length ξ(T) diverges as ξ(T)T1for a Heisenberg-chain at low-
temperature. For small interchain couplings J1a chain-mean-field approach is valid [8] and
the transition occurs when J2J1ξ(TN)J1/TN. Consequently TNT J1/J2for small
The critical temperature for the transition, which is in the 3D-Heisenberg universality
Claudius Gros, Peter Lemmens, K.-Y. Choi, G. G¨
untherodt, M. Baenitz and H.H. Otto :Quantum phase transition in the
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Binder cummulant
11520 sites
4860 sites
1440 sites
Fig. 2 QMC-results for the dimensionless Binder-cumulant hm2
AF i/h|mAF |i2for (nnm)-clusters with
periodic boundary conditions. The lines are guides to the eye, the MC-estimates for the statistical
errors are given. Shown are the results for n= 2,m= 20 (1440 sites), n= 3,m= 30 (4860 sites) and
n= 4,m= 40 (11520 sites) and two value of δ(J1,2=J(1 ±δ)).
class, is maximal for δ 0.1 and vanishes at a quantum critical point δc0.3. Long-range
magnetism is absent beyond this point and the ground-state is a quantum spin-liquid. For
J2= 0 the dioptase magnetic lattice decomposes into isolated dimers.
The magnitude of the singlet-triplet gap in the spin-liquid state can be estimated by a
fit of the low-temperature QMC-susceptibility to χ(T)(kBT /∆)d/21e/(kBT), where d
is the dimensionality of the triplet-dispersion above the gap. For an isolated dimer d= 0, for a
spin-ladder d= 1 [9]. This analysis would predict d= 3 for the dioptase magnetic sublattice,
but fits of the QMC-results for χ(T), presented in fig. 3, favor d= 0.
In fig. 4 we present the susceptibility of green dioptase (using a crystal from Altyn Tyube,
Kazakhstan) down the He-temperatures measured with a commercial SQUID magnetometer
(Quantum Design). The data for magnetic field aligned parallel and perpendicular to the
c-axis presented in the Inset of fig. 4 show clearly a transition to Ne´el-ordered stated at
N= 15.5 K. The moments are aligned along cfor T < T (exp)
The QMC results for the susceptibility are to be compared, due to spin-rotational in-
variance, with the directional averaged of the experimental susceptibility, presented in the
main panel of fig. 4. We have determined the Hamiltonian parameters J1=J(1 + δ) and
J2=J(1 δ) appropriate for dioptase in the following way. For every δ < δcthe overall
coupling constant Jwas determined by fixing the transition temperature to the experimental
N= 15.5 K. The spin-susceptibility in experimental units is then
χ(exp)= 0.375 Z(g2/J)Λmm ,(1)
where Z= 3 is number of Cu2+ -ions in the primitive unit-cell. The dimensionless
magnetization-fluctuation is Λmm = (Jβ)< m2>< m >2, where mis the magnetiza-
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
phase diagram of Dioptase−lattice
Fig. 3 Phase diagram of the dioptase magnetic sublattice as obtained by Quantum Monte Carlo
simulations. The lines are guides to the eye. The magnetic coupling constants are J1,2=J(1 ±δ)
for inter/intra-chain couplings J1/J2. At δc0.3 a quantum phase transition occurs. The Ne´el
temperature of the antiferromagnetically ordered phase for δ < δcis give by the left y-axis. The
antiferromagnetic order is of A-B type, with a doubling of the unit-cell along c. For δ > δca gap,
given by the right y-axis, opens in the magnetic excitation spectrum and the state is a quantum
tion. The g-factor was then determined, for every δ < δc, by adapting the right-hand-side of
eq. 1 to the experimental susceptibility at high temperatures. The results are shown in fig. 4
together with the optimal values for Jand g. We see that the optimal value g2.1 for the
g-factor is relatively independent of δ.
We find two possible values for the ratio of the two-coupling (antiferromagnetic) constants
J1and J2namely δ= 0.1 and δ=0.1 which fit the experimental data equally well. Note
that δ=0.2 does not agree well for T < T (exp)
C. We attribute the residual discrepancies in
between the theory and the experimental data to residual interactions, in addition to J1and
It has been suggested previously [10] that the in-chain coupling J2might actually be
ferromagnetic. We have studied therefore also the case for negative J2and found a quantum-
phase-transition to a state with alternating ferromagnetic chains for J2 0.7J1. We have
performed the corresponding analysis to the one shown in fig. 4 for the the case of ferromag-
netic J2. We found very large deviations in between experiment and theory in this case, due
to the fact that the susceptibility of ferromagnetic chains diverges for T0.
To settle the ambiguity concerning the δparameter we investigated the magnetic Raman
Claudius Gros, Peter Lemmens, K.-Y. Choi, G. G¨
untherodt, M. Baenitz and H.H. Otto :Quantum phase transition in the
0 50 100 150
T [K]
susceptibility [emu/mol]
experiment (averaged)
δ= 0.2, J=66.0, g=2.12
δ= 0.1, J=56.6, g=2.09
δ= 0.0, J=53.4, g=2.1
δ=−0.1, J=53.3, g=2.1
δ=−0.2, J=56.1, g=2.14
0 100 T [K]
Fig. 4 QMC-results for the susceptibility (in emu/mol) for various δin comparison to the directional-
averaged experimental susceptibility (solid line). Inset: The susceptibility χfor magnetic fields
parallel/orthogonal to the c-axis (lower/upper) curve. The vertical dashed lines in the main panel
and in the inset indicates the location of the Ne´el temperature.
spectrum of dioptase as a function of temperature, as shown in fig. 5. The Raman scattering
experiments were performed in quasi-backscattering geometry with a triple grating optical
spectrometer (DILOR XY) with the λ= 514 nm laser line. Two modes at 48 and 85 cm1
(69 and 122 K) are magnetic as they exhibit a temperature dependence related to the
transition. They show no anisotropy concerning the scattering selection rules. The excitation
energies 69 K and 122 K correspond, for δ= +0.1, to one and two inter-chain dimer excitation
energy J1=J(1+δ), as expected for one- and two-magnon scattering processes. The lineshape
of the magnetic two-magnon 122 K mode is very unusual, it is symmetric and not substantially
broaded by either magnon-magnon scattering or density-of-states effects, in contrast to usual
two-magnon scattering in normal 3D antiferromagnets [11]. This behavior indicates a very
small dispersion of the underlying magnon branch. We consequently conclude that dioptase
is relatively close to a quantum-critical point.
In conclusion we have presented a novel magnetic lattice structure, the dioptase magnetic
lattice, which allows for a quantum-phase transition. This lattice is realized in green dioptase
Cu6Si6O18 ·6H2O and in the recently synthesized isostructural germanate Cu6Ge6O18 ·6H2O
[12,13], a promising candidate to study further aspect of the phase diagram presented in detail
fig. 3.
We acknowledge fruitful discussions with Matthias Troyer on the stochastic series expan-
sion and Felicien Capraro for data analysis.
Fig. 5 Low energy Raman spectrum of dioptase in xx-polarization. The modes at 48 and 85 cm1
(69 and 122 K) show a strong increase of intensity for T <TN= 15.5 K and correspond to one-
and two-magnon processes. The temperature independent modes at 70 and 100 cm1are phonons.
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... They are ordered AFM in the chains and ferromagnetically (FM) between them ( Fig. 1) [9]. This is in agreement with the theoretical work of Janson et al. [16] and the inelastic neutron scattering report of Podlesnyak et al. [19], which indicate J c > 0 and J ab < 0. It is, however, in disagreement with the Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of Gros and coworkers who obtained only AFM couplings [20]. Nonetheless, even if the right sign was obtained, the magnitudes of the derived exchange constants (as well as the ratio between them) vary significantly. ...
... The magnetic properties of green dioptase have been reported by a number of authors [14,[16][17][18]20]. We have performed bulk characterization of our sample, and the results agree with those reported in Refs. ...
... We have performed bulk characterization of our sample, and the results agree with those reported in Refs. [16,20]. Figure 4 displays the temperature dependence of the static spin susceptibility M /B measured in magnetic fields of 0.1 and 7 T applied both parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis. ...
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The high-field magnetic properties and magnetic order of the gem mineral green dioptase Cu$_6[$Si$_6$O$_{18}]\cdot 6$H$_2$O have been studied by means of single-crystal neutron diffraction in magnetic fields up to $21~$T and magnetization measurements up to $30~$T. In zero field, the Cu$^{2+}$-moments in the antiferromagnetic chains are oriented along the $c$-axis with a small off-axis tilt. For a field applied parallel to the $c$-axis, the magnetization shows a spin-flop-like transition at $B^*=12.2~$T at $1.5~$K. Neutron diffraction experiments show a smooth behavior in the intensities of the magnetic reflections without any change in the periodicity of the magnetic structure. Bulk and microscopic observations are well described by a model of ferromagnetically coupled antiferromagnetic $XXZ$ spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ chains, taking into account a change of the local easy-axis direction. We demonstrate that the magnetic structure evolves smoothly from a deformed N\'eel state at low fields to a deformed spin-flop state in a high field via a strong crossover around $B^*$. The results are generalized for different values of interchain coupling and spin anisotropy.
... Each Cu 2+ ion has two Cu nearest neighbors (NN) in a helical chain along the c axis and only one Cu in-plane neighbor forming a threefold spin-1 2 network. Two exchange interactions thus have major importance and determine the magnetic structure, namely, NN intrachain coupling J c along the spiral chain and NN interchain coupling J ab which forms Cu dimers in the ab plane ( Fig. 1) [10,11]. Depending on the J ab /J c ratio, different kinds of the magnetic ordering can be expected, going from one-dimensional (1D) helical chainlike ordering for |J c | |J ab | to magnetic dimer * Corresponding author: ...
... These conclusions were supported by extended Hückel tight-binding calculations which found that black dioptase is an S = 1 2 uniform AFM chain system in which the interchain spin exchange is weaker than the intrachain exchange by two orders of magnitude [12]. On the other hand, Gros and co-workers proposed that for fully hydrated green dioptase both J c and J ab are positive, corresponding to AFM coupling within and between the chains [10]. Their quantum Monte Carlo calculations predict that the system is close to a quantum critical point (QCP) between an AFM ordered state (J ab /J c < 1.86) and a quantum spin liquid (J ab /J c > 1.86). ...
... Our study proves that the magnetic ground state features spiral AFM spin chains along the hexagonal c axis with FM interchain coupling, in agreement with Refs. [9,11], and it disagrees with the picture of green dioptase as an antiferromagnet close to a quantum critical point, as suggested by Ref. [10]. ...
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In this paper, we report inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the magnetic excitations of green dioptase Cu6[Si6O18]·6H2O. The observed spectrum contains two magnetic modes and a prominent spin gap that is consistent with the ordered ground state of Cu moments coupled antiferromagnetically in spiral chains along the c axis and ferromagnetically in ab planes on the hexagonal cell. The data are in excellent agreement with a spin-12 Hamiltonian that includes antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor intrachain coupling Jc=10.6(1) meV, ferromagnetic interchain coupling Jab=−1.2(1) meV, and exchange anisotropy ΔJc=0.14(1) meV. We calculated the sublattice magnetization to be strongly reduced, ∼0.39μB. This appears compatible with a reduced Néel temperature, TN=14.5K≪Jc, and can be explained by a presence of quantum spin fluctuations.
... It is isotypic to CuGeO 3 but does not show the spin-Peierls transition, instead an antiferromagnetic ordering below T N = 7.9 K (Baenitz et al., 2000 [6]; Wolfram et al., 2004 [7]). Dioptase itself is interesting because it allows for a quantum phase transition between an anti-ferromagnetically ordered state and a quantum spin liquid (Gros et al., 2002) [8]. Also, the germanate analogue, Cu 6 Ge 6 O 18 ·6H 2 O (Brand and Otto, 1997 [9]), is recently the object of detailed magnetic and structural investigations (Law et al., 2010) [10]. ...
... It is isotypic to CuGeO 3 but does not show the spin-Peierls transition, instead an antiferromagnetic ordering below T N = 7.9 K (Baenitz et al., 2000 [6]; Wolfram et al., 2004 [7]). Dioptase itself is interesting because it allows for a quantum phase transition between an anti-ferromagnetically ordered state and a quantum spin liquid (Gros et al., 2002) [8]. Also, the germanate analogue, Cu 6 Ge 6 O 18 ·6H 2 O (Brand and Otto, 1997 [9]), is recently the object of detailed magnetic and structural investigations (Law et al., 2010) [10]. ...
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IIt is reported on a new cost-efficient ambient pressure synthesis of the Vesuvius mineral litidionite, KNaCuSi4O10, via a two-step synthesis route. X-ray powder data were recorded with our IP double-radius Guinier diffractometer. The lattice parameters of the triclinic compound with space group P¯1 are a = 9.7971(12) Å, b = 8.0149 (8) Å, c = 6.9679(7) Å, α = 114.027(4)°, β = 99.603(6)°, and γ = 105.678(6)°. From the X-ray powder data, one obtains by the Rietveld method structural parameters in agreement with those previously determined on single crystals of the mineral. In addition, a first UV-VIS spectrum of the light blue compound is presented, and antiferromagnetic super-exchange is discussed. The d-d excitations were assigned via bond strengths calculations and compared to excitations of similar compounds like dioptase. Some possible applications of the weather-proof synthetic pigment were indicated
... The rhombohedral title compound Cu 6 (Ge,Si) 6 O 18 ·6H 2 O represents a hexacyclo-germanate (silicate) that contains copper-oxygen spiral chains along the c-axis, which are connected (intra-chain) by edgesharing dimers (Figure 1). This structure is interesting because it allows for a quantum phase transition between an anti-ferromagnetically ordered state and a quantum spin liquid [9]. Large quantum fluctuations in green dioptase have been described [10]. ...
... Finally, the assignment of the dd excitations can be compared with results of EPR measurements. For 3d 9 ions in (nearly) tetragonal ligand symmetry one can apply the following two formulas for the principal components g || and g ﬩ , if the ground state is 2 B 1g : ...
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It is reported on growth of mm-sized single-crystals of the low-dimensional S = ½ spin compound Cu6(Ge,Si)6O18•6H2O by a diffusion technique in aqueous solution. A route to form Si-rich crystals down to possibly dioptase, the pure silicate, is discussed. Further, the assignment of dd excitations from UV-VIS spectra of the hexahydrate and the fully dehydrated compound is proposed in comparison to dioptase and selected Cu(II) oxo-compounds using bond strength considerations. Non-doped cuprates as layer compounds show higher excitations energies than the title compound. However, when the antiferromagnetic interaction energy as Jz•ln(2) is taken into account for cuprates, a single linear relationship between the Dqe excitation energy and equatorial Cu(II)-O bond strength is confirmed for all compounds. A linear representation is also confirmed between 2A1g energies and a function of axial and equatorial Cu-O bond distances. The quotient Dt/Ds of experimental orbital energies deviating from the general trend to smaller values indicates the existence of H2O respectively Cl1- axial ligands in comparison to oxo-ligands, whereas larger Dt/Dqe values indicate missing axial bonds. The quotient of the excitation energy 2A1g by 2•2Eg-2B2g allows to check for correctness of the assignment and to distinguish between axial oxo-ligands and others like H2O or Cl1-.
... The mineral is a popular collector's piece due to the emerald-green color, the resistance against chemicals and its Mohs hardness of 5. We reported previously on magnetic property and quantum critical behaviour in the dioptase lattice [18] [19] and assigned, for the first time correctly, UV-VIS spectra [20]. Synthesis attempt were initiated by the easy synthesis of a similar lead germanate in the form of nanorods with the formula Pb 6 (Ge 6 O 18 )·2H 2 O [21] and the crystal structure determination of the hydrated and dehydrated phase [22] [23]. ...
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The microbially supported synthesis of • 6 (dioptase) by Rao and Krishna is very remarkable and opens further technological applications, when using the nano-crystalline decomposition product CuSiO 3 (orthorhombic) as an effective catalyst. The role of copper silicate nanotubes is acknowledged as catalysts respectively possible LED materials. A found structural relationship between chrysocolla and synthetic fibrous CuSiO 3 may show the way to solve the crystal structure of chrysocolla.
... ESR measurements showed a shift in the resonance frequency at 47006-p1 50 K where there was a maximum in the magnetic susceptibility, but there was the clear onset of an antiferromagnetic ground state with an energy gap of 350 GHz (∼17 K) [5]. Recent reports have, however, suggested that green dioptase is an ideal candidate to show quantum critical behaviour since the inter-and intra-chain exchange energies may be similar leading to frustration and a dynamic magnetic ground state [6]. Further work conducted suggested that strong quantum fluctuations were present in the broad maximum in the magnetic susceptibility but theoretical models suggested that the system is 3D and not frustrated [7]. ...
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Green dioptase is a naturally occurring antiferromagnetic mineral that in recent years has been suggested as a candidate to exhibit quantum fluctuations at both above and below T N. Our work uses muon spectroscopy to study the dynamic and static properties of the magnetism in zero applied field. We observe the antiferromagnetic transition through tracking out the evolution of the muon spin precession frequency as a function of temperature. T N is calculated to be 15 K and the critical exponent of the transition matches with that of a 3D Heisenberg system. We also note that no evidence for any quantum magnetic fluctuations is observed either above or below T N.
... The rhombohedral title compound Cu 6 (Ge,Si) 6 O 18 ·6H 2 O represents a hexacyclo-germanate (silicate) that contains copper-oxygen spiral chains along the c-axis, which are connected (intra-chain) by edgesharing dimers (Figure 1). This structure is interesting because it allows for a quantum phase transition between an anti-ferromagnetically ordered state and a quantum spin liquid [8]. Large quantum fluctuations in green dioptase have been described [9]. ...
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Low-dimensional quantum spin systems with the Cu2+ central ion are still in the focus of experimental and theoretical research. Here is reported on growth of mm-sized single-crystals of the low-dimensional S = ½ spin compound Cu6(Ge,Si)6O18•6H2O by a diffusion technique in aqueous solution. A route to form Si-rich crystals down to possible dioptase, the pure silicate, is discussed. Motivated by previously reported incorrect assignments of UV-VIS spectra, the assignment of dd excitations from such spectra of the hexahydrate and the fully dehydrated compound is proposed in comparison to dioptase and selected Cu(II) oxo-compounds using bond strength considerations. Non-doped cuprates as layer compounds show higher excitation energies than the title compound. However, when the antiferromagnetic interaction energy as Jz•ln(2) is taken into account for cuprates, a single linear relationship between the Dqe excitation energy and equatorial Cu(II)-O bond strength is confirmed for all compounds. A linear representation is also confirmed between 2A1g energies and a function of axial and equatorial Cu-O bond distances if auxiliary axial bonds are used for four-coordinated compounds. The quotient Dt/Ds of experimental orbital energies deviating from the general trend to smaller values indicates the existence of H2O respectively Cl1- axial ligands in comparison to oxo-ligands, whereas larger Dt/Dqe values indicate missing axial bonds. The quotient of the excitation energy 2A1g by 2•2Eg-2B2g allows to check for correctness of the assignment and to distinguish between axial oxo-ligands and others like H2O or Cl1-.
The high-field magnetic properties and magnetic order of the gem mineral green dioptase Cu6[Si6O18]·6H2O have been studied by means of single-crystal neutron diffraction in magnetic fields up to 21 T and magnetization measurements up to 30 T. In zero field, the Cu2+ moments in the antiferromagnetic chains are oriented along the c axis with a small off-axis tilt. For a field applied parallel to the c axis, the magnetization shows a spin-flop-like transition at B*=12.2 T at 1.5 K. Neutron diffraction experiments show a smooth behavior in the intensities of the magnetic reflections without any change in the periodicity of the magnetic structure. Bulk and microscopic observations are well described by a model of ferromagnetically coupled antiferromagnetic XXZ spin-12 chains, taking into account a change of the local easy-axis direction. We demonstrate that the magnetic structure evolves smoothly from a deformed Néel state at low fields to a deformed spin-flop state in a high field via a strong crossover around B*. The results are generalized for different values of interchain coupling and spin anisotropy.
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In his 85 th year of life, the author goes into the role of a witness of the past. He looks back at his childhood days during the Second World War over the student's days, and reports of his working life among geoscientists, crystallographers and physicists. He owes his scientific education to the well-known German professors Will Kleber at the Humboldt University Berlin, and later to Huge Strunz at the TU Berlin, who arranged international contacts to great Anglo-American as well as Russian colleagues. After a short industrial carrier with Didier-Werke AG, Wiesbaden, the author again did research at universities and met the amusing physicists at the University of Regensburg, and later the professorial community at the TU-Bergakademie Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Now, as a retired professor, he appreciates gratefully the contacts to and cooperation with some of the most pioneering physicists of our days from Egypt, China, Israel, and Russia. As a crystallographer, he worked on crystal syntheses (lead germanates, lead bismuth sulfides, ferroics, high-T c superconductors) as well as the determination of their crystal structures and physical properties, and constructed X-ray diffraction equipment, especially for powder diffraction measurements. Now he went into the field of cosmos physics and deals with unsolved problems around the electron, its spin and gyromagnetic factor. Nature is dominated by the famous number of the golden mean, you must only find out its secret. The motto of his continuing scientific activity is "Nature never puts all eggs in one basket" and "Science does not necessarily exclude politeness". Before the life power fades away forever, this contribution is constantly being continued, so that the reader may always see again what has been added.
The discovery of magnetism by the ancient Greeks was enabled by the natural occurrence of lodestone – a magnetized version of the mineral magnetite. Nowadays, natural minerals continue to inspire the search for novel magnetic materials with quantum-critical behaviour or exotic ground states such as spin liquids. The recent surge of interest in magnetic frustration and quantum magnetism was largely encouraged by crystalline structures of natural minerals realizing pyrochlore, kagome, or triangular arrangements of magnetic ions. As a result, names like azurite, jarosite, volborthite, and others, which were barely known beyond the mineralogical community a few decades ago, found their way into cutting-edge research in solid-state physics. In some cases, the structures of natural minerals are too complex to be synthesized artificially in a chemistry lab, especially in single-crystalline form, and there is a growing number of examples demonstrating the potential of natural specimens for experimental investigations in the field of quantum magnetism. On many other occasions, minerals may guide chemists in the synthesis of novel compounds with unusual magnetic properties. The present review attempts to embrace this quickly emerging interdisciplinary field that bridges mineralogy with low-temperature condensed-matter physics and quantum chemistry.
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Cu6[Ge6O18] · 6 H2O is obtained from aqueous solution as a crystalline, greenish-turquoise powder, having space group R3̄, lattice parameters a =15.0347(4) Å and c = 7.9493(2) Å, with Z = 18 CuGeO3 · H2O formula units per unit cell. The density is dx = 3.88 g cm-3. X-ray powder diffraction data revealed a crystal structure isotypic with that of the mineral dioptase, Cu6[Si6O18] · 6 H2O The structure was refined by the Rietveld method to a final residual of RF = 0.036 (Rp = 0.067, Rwp = 0.088). It consists of sandwiched rings with empty channels down [001]. Isolated and less expanded rings of six corner-sharing GeO4 tetrahedra alternate vertically with crown-shaped rings of six hydrogen-bonded water molecules. The two ring systems are bonded together by Cu2+ ions in elongated octahedral coordination of four oxygen atoms and two more distant water molecules. Water can be degassed by heating, leaving Cu2+ in at least square planar coordination. Once water is removed completely, the less dense compound with lattice parameters a = 14.8763(6) Å and c = 7.9761 (8) Å shows reversible thermochromism from denim-blue at room temperature to rich green at high temperatures, a color which can be frozen by rapid cooling. A crystal-chemical comparison is drawn between Cu6[Ge6O18]· 6 H2O and Cu6[Si6O18]· 6 H2O (dioptase) as well as Pb6[Ge6O18] · 6 H2O, which represents the first example observed with pure [Ge6O18]12- single sechser rings.
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The magnetic susceptibility chi and specific heat C versus temperature T of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic alternating-exchange (J1 and J2) Heisenberg chain are studied for the entire range 0 \leq alpha \leq 1 of the alternation parameter alpha = J2/J1. For the uniform chain (alpha = 1), detailed comparisons of the high-accuracy chi(T) and C(T) Bethe ansatz data of Kluemper and Johnston are made with the asymptotically exact low-T field theory predictions of Lukyanov. QMC simulations and TMRG calculations of chi(alpha,T) are presented. From the low-T TMRG data, the spin gap Delta(alpha)/J1 is extracted for 0.8 \leq alpha \leq 0.995. High accuracy fits to all of the above numerical data are obtained. We examine in detail the theoretical predictions of Bulaevskii for chi(alpha,T) and compare them with our results. Our experimental chi(T) and C(T) data for NaV2O5 single crystals are modeled in detail. The chi(T) data above the spin dimerization temperature Tc = 34 K are not in agreement with the prediction for the uniform Heisenberg chain, but can be explained if there is a moderate ferromagnetic interchain coupling and/or if J changes with T. By fitting the chi(T) data, we obtain Delta(T = 0) = 103(2) K, alternation parameter delta(0) = (1 - alpha)/(1 + alpha) = 0.034(6) and average exchange constant J(0) = 640(80) K. The delta(T) and Delta(T) are derived from the data. A spin pseudogap with a large magnitude \approx 0.4 Delta(0) is consistently found just above Tc, which decreases with increasing T. Analysis of our C(T) data indicates that at Tc, at least 77% of the entropy change due to the transition at Tc and associated order parameter fluctuations arise from the lattice and/or charge degrees of freedom and less than 23% from the spin degrees of freedom.
Magnon-pair modes have been studied in the quadratic layer antiferromagnet K2NiF4 at temperatures between 5 and 150°K (TN=97.1°K) using the technique of second-order Raman scattering. At low temperatures the effect of magnon-magnon interactions is observed to be in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. The temperature evolution of the pair-mode spectrum demonstrates striking differences between two and three dimensions in the frequency renormalization and damping of short-wavelength magnons.
The rhombohedral (R) compounds green dioptase, CuSiO3H2O, and black dioptase, CuSiO3, are both antiferromagnetic. Their Néel temperatures are respectively near 50 and 110 K. The magnetic structure of the anhydrous compound has been studied by powder neutron diffraction. The magnetic moment of Cu is of order 0.5 μB.
An introductory review of the Monte Carlo method for the statistical mechanics of condensed matter systems is given. Basic principles (random number generation, simple sampling versus importance sampling, Markov chains and master equations, etc) are explained and some classical applications (self-avoiding walks, percolation, the Ising model) are sketched. The finite-size scaling analysis of both second- and first-order phase transitions is described in detail, and also the study of surface and interfacial phenomena as well as the choice of appropriate boundary conditions is discussed. Only brief comments are given on topics such as applications to dynamic phenomena, quantum problems, and recent algorithmic developments (new sampling schemes based on reweighting techniques, nonlocal updating, parallelization, etc). The techniques described are exemplified with many illustrative applications.
A quantum Monte Carlo simulation scheme for spin systems is presented. The method is a generalization of Handscomb's method but applicable to any length of the spin, i.e., when the spin traces cannot be evaluated analytically. The Monte Carlo sampling is extended to the space of spin vectors in addition to the usual operator-index sequences. An important technical point is that the index sequences are augmented with the aid of unit operators to a constant, self-consistently determined length. The scheme is applied to the one-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin-S Heisenberg model. Results at low temperatures are reported for S=1 and S=3/2 and system sizes up to N=64. The computed magnetic structure factor in the S=1 chain is in agreement with earlier ground-state calculations. For S=3/2 we find the exponent gamma¯=0.49+/-0.04 for the divergence of the antiferromagnetic structure factor. Further, the susceptibility as a function of the wave number is computed. For S=1 the staggered susceptibility chi(pi) at T=0 is found to take the value 20.0+/-1.5 in units such that chi(q)-->T-1 at high temperatures (with the temperature scale defined by kB=1). For S=3/2 we obtain the exponent gamma=1.45+/-0.05 for the divergence of the staggered susceptibility.
Static and dynamical properties of weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chains are treated using a mean--field approximation for the interchain coupling and exact results for the resulting effective one--dimensional problem. Results for staggered magnetization, N\'eel temperature and spin wave excitations are in agreement with experiments on $\rm KCuF_3$. The existence of a narrow longitudinal mode is predicted. The results are in agreement with general scaling arguments, contrary to spin wave theory. Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX 3.0, uuencoded file, some refs added
A cluster update (the ``operator-loop'') is developed within the framework of a numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo method based on the power series expansion of exp(-BH) (stochastic series expansion). The method is generally applicable to a wide class of lattice Hamiltonians for which the expansion is positive definite. For some important models the operator-loop algorithm is more efficient than loop updates previously developed for ``worldline'' simulations. The method is here tested on a two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a magnetic field. Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
  • M Baenitz
  • M Dischner
  • H H Otto
  • F Steglich
  • H Wolfram
M. Baenitz, M. Dischner, H.H. Otto, F. Steglich and H. Wolfram, Z. Kristallogr. Suppl. 17, 167 (2001).