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Galactosyltransferase Acceptor Specificity of the Lactose Synthetase A Protein



The galactosyl acceptor specificity of the highly purified A protein (galactosyltransferase) isolated from bovine milk was examined in the absence and presence of α-lactalbumin. α-Lactalbumin inhibits the transfer of galactose to N-acetylglucosamine but does not appreciably inhibit the transfer to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine and other β-1,4 linked glycosides such as cellobiose, cellobiulose (glucosyl-β-1,4-fructose), β-d-methylglucose, glucosyl-β-1,4-mannose, indoxyl-β-d-glucose, and ovalbumin. α-Glycosides are poor substrates in the presence of α-lactalbumin but are not substrates in its absence. The biosynthesis of lactose and the formulation of the Gal-β-1,4-GlcNAc linkage in the carbohydrate side chain of glycoproteins are compatible and are carried out by the same galactosyltransferase.
Vol.245, No.19,Issue of October 10, pp.5057-5061, 1970
Printed in U.S.A.
Galactosyltransferase Acceptor Specificity of
the Lactose Synthetase A Protein*
(Received for publication, March 25, 1970)
F. L.
Ii. E.
From the Department of Biochemistry, Agricultural Experiment Xtation, Oklahoma &ate University, Xtillwater,
The galactosyl acceptor specificity of the highly purified A
protein (galactosyltransferase) isolated from bovine milk
was examined in the absence and presence of cY-lactalbumin.
cr-Lactalbumin inhibits the transfer of galactose to N-acetyl-
glucosamine but does not appreciably inhibit the transfer to
oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine and other p-1,4 linked
glycosides such as cellobiose, cellobiulose (glucosyl-p-1,4-
fructose), fl-D-methylghtcose, ghtcosyl-p-1,4-maMOSe, in-
doxyl+-D-glucose, and ovalbumin. oc-Glycosides are poor
substrates in the presence of oc-lactalbumin but are not sub-
strates in its absence. The biosynthesis of lactose and the
formulation of the Gal-/?-1,4-GlcNAc linkage in the carbohy-
drate side chain of glycoproteins are compatible and are
carried out by the same galactosyltransferase.
Lactose synthetase (UDP-galactose:n-glucose l-galactosyl-
transferase; EC catalyzes the biosynthesis of lactose
(Equation 1). The enzyme occurs in a soluble form in bovine
UDP-galactose + glucose + lactose + UDP (1)
milk (2,3) and was resolved by Brodbeck and Ebner (4) into two
protein fractions, designated as A and B, which were both re-
quired for significant enzymatic activity. The B protein was
identified as oc-lactalbumin, the common milk whey protein (5,
6). Furthermore, it has been shown that there is a high degree
of homology in the amino acid sequence (7) and tertiary struc-
ture (8) of bovine ar-lactalbumin and hen’s egg-white lysozyme,
although lysozyme has no effect on the lactose synthetase re-
action. Brew, Vanaman, and Hill (9) showed that the A pro-
tein in the absence of a-la&albumin catalyzes the following
reaction (Equation 2) which is appreciably inhibited by oc-lactal-
* This work was supported in part by Grant AM 10764 from the
National Institutes of Health, by Grant GB 7975 from the Na-
tional Science Foundation, and by Grant P-420 from the American
Cancer Society. A preliminary report has been published (1).
$ This work was submitted in partial fuE.llment for the Ph.D.
degree to the Graduate College, Oklahoma State University.
8 Career Development Awardee lK04 GM 42396 of the Na-
tional Institutes of Health.
UDP-galactose + N-acetylglucosamine -+
N-acetyllactosamine + UDP
The A protein occurs in many tissues and appears to act as a
galactosyltransferase to terminal N-acetylglucosaminyl residues
in the carbohydrate portion of glycoproteins (10). Hill
et al.
(10) have examined briefly the acceptor substrate specificity of
a partially purified bovine ,4 protein and concluded that the A
protein had limited specificity to a variety of galactosyl acceptors,
although it did transfer galactose to orosomucoid.
Recent studies in this laboratory have shown that a highly
purified A protein isolated from bovine milk can catalyze the
formation of lactose in the absence of ol-lactalbumin and that
there is a reciprocal relationship between ol-lactalbumin and the
concentration of glucose used in the assay (11). The observation
that the A protein acts as a galactosyltransferase to glycopro-
teins (10) and that ar-lactalbumin inhibits the formation of N-
acetyllactosamine (Reaction 2) suggested that it may be an
inhibitor of the transfer of galactose to glycoproteins. If this
were the case, then it would appear that lactose biosynthesis,
which requires or-lactalbumin for significant rates, and the trans-
fer of galactose to the carbohydrate portion of glycoproteins
would not be compatible in the mammary gland. Accordingly,
a detailed study of the substrate specificity of various galactosyl
acceptors and the effect of or-lactalbumin on these acceptors
was undertaken. These studies support the view that the A pro-
tein of lactose synthetase is a general galactosyltransferase and
that it transfers galactose to a variety of P-1,4-glycosides and
that ar-lactalbumin does not appreciably inhibit this reaction.
Also, certain cr-1,4-glycosides become poor substrates only in
the presence of oc-lactalbumin. Thus, in the mammary gland
the biosynthesis of lactose and the transfer of galactose to the
carbohydrate side chains of certain glycoproteins are compatible.
Materials-The A protein (11) and or-lactalbumin (6) were
prepared as previously described.’
Glucosamine, melibiose, gentiobiose, cellobiose, @-methyl-n-
glucoside, N-acetylmannosamine, N-acetylmuramic acid, and
indoxyl-P-n-glucoside were purchased from Sigma. Maltose
was obtained from Fisher. Mannose, n-fucose, cr-methyl-n-
glucoside, 2-deoxy-n-glucose, and ovalbumin (twice crystallized)
were purchased from Mann. Cellobiulose (glucosyl - ,8 - 1,4-
1 The authors thank Dr. R. Mawal and Dr. B. Colvin for prepa-
ration of the A protein.
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6058 Galactosyltransferase Specijkity
Vol. 245, No. 19
12 24 36
0 01 02 03
1. Linearity between the A protein of lactose synthetase and the formation of UDP whenN-acetylglucosamine was the substrate.
Lyophilized A protein was the source material (11) and the assay contained 20 mM N-acetylglucosamine and 0.1
KC1 (text).
2. Lineweaver-Burk plot of the galactosyltransferase activity of the A protein of lactose synthetase when N-acetylglucosamine
was the galactosyl acceptor. Eighteen units of the A protein were used in the standard assay (text). O-O, no or-lactalbumin;
O-0, 10 pg of oc-lactalbumin per ml;
25 pg of ol-lactalbumin per ml; and O-0, 50 pg of oc-lactalbumin per ml.
3. Tertiary plot of the reciprocal of the intercept (V is the observed intercept a,nd V, is the intercept when the concentration of
a-la&albumin is zero) against the reciprocal of the Lu-lactalbumin concentration. The data. were obtained from the secondary plot of
the intercept versus a-lactalbumin concentration (Fig. 2).
FIG. 4. Percentage of inhibition of N-acetylglucosamine, ovalbumin, and (G~cNAc)~ as galactosyl acceptors of the A protein of
lactose synthetase by a-lactalbumin. Eighteen units of A protein were used in each assa.y. *m, AT-acetylglucosamine, 20 mM,
1OOyh equals 14 units; O-O, ovalbumin, 0.4 mM, 1007, equals 4.9 units; O---O, (GlcNAc)s, 2.5 mM, 1007, equals 15 units.
fructose) and glucosyl-p-1,4-mnnnose were obtained chromato-
graphically pure from Dr. J. M. Leatherwood of the Department
of Animal Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
North Carolina. GlcNAc-ManAcZ was a gift from Dr. Nathan
Sharon, Weisman Institute, Rehovoth, Israel. The GlcNAc
oligomers, gifts from Dr. Patrick Guire of this department, were
prepared by molecular sieve chromatography. All other chem-
icals were of reagent grade quality. Maltose, gentiobiose, (Y-
methylglucoside, and P-methylglucoside were chromatographed
on Silica Gel Plates (MN-Polygram Silica Gel N-HR from
Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Westbury, New York) using pro-
panol-HZO, 7: 1, v/v, as the solvent and aniline phthalate as the
spray. There was no evidence for glucose in these compounds.
The technique could readily detect less than
The presence of glucose in a potential substrate could lead to
erroneous results when the reaction was performed in the pres-
ence of a-lactalbumin. If a potential substrate at 250 mM
contained lyO glucose, the rate due to this amount of glucose
in the presence of or-lactalbumin would be 5yc of the rate
when glucose was the saturating substrate.
Enzymatic activity of the A protein (LacNhc synthetase)
was assayed spectrophotometrically in a revised procedure by
measuring UDP formation enzymatically (12). In addition,
the assay cont,ained 0.1
KC1 which made the assay more
reproducible because pyruvate kinase in the coupling system
requires K+. Normally, 18 units of lyophilized A protein (11)
were added to each assay which had a final volume of 1.0 ml.
The various galactosyl acceptors were substituted for N-acetyl-
glucosamine in the assay. Enzymatic rates are initial velocities
and are normally expressed as millimicromoles of UDP formed
per min. Concentrations of oc-lactalbumin up to 1 mg per ml
did not inhibit the enzymatic coupling system used for the anal-
ysis of UDP. The
values and
are apparent constants
2 The abbreviation used is: LacNAc, N-acetyllactosamine.
and were determined under the conditions described. A unit of
enzyme is the amount required to form 1 mpmole of UDP per
min under the conditions described.
The linearity of the rate of the LacNAc synthetase assay
(Reaction 2) as a function of A protein concentration is pre-
sented in Fig. 1, and the assay is linear to at least 16 mpmoles of
UDP per min per ml or 36 pg of bovine A protein.
The inhibition of the LacNAc synthetase activity by oc-lactal-
bumin was investigated and preliminary experiments showed
that the activity was inhibited 82% by 100 pg of oc-lactalbumin
per ml at both 10 and 20 mM N-acetylglucosamine. The effect
of varying fixed levels of a-lactalbumin on the LacNAc syn-
thetase reaction is shown in a Lineweaver-Burk plot in Fig. 2.
The apparent
values of N-acetylglucosamine at 0, 10, 25,
and 50 pg of cr-lactalbumin per ml were 12.5, 2.2, 1.2, and 1.0
respectively. Thus, cY-lactalbumin lowers both the ap-
of the reaction (Fig. 2). The secondary
plots of the slope and the intercept versus ar-la&albumin from
Fig. 2 are nonlinear, but the tertiary plot of the reciprocal of
the slope and intercept versus l/oc-lactalbumin is linear (Fig. 3),
indicating that the inhibition by cY-lactalbumin is hyperbolic.
or-Lactalbumin is an efficient inhibitor of the LacNAc syn-
thetase reaction and approximately 15 pg per ml will inhibit the
reaction 50% (Fig. 4). These results suggest that the transfer
of a galactosyl group to GlcNAc could be controlled by cr-lactal-
bumin. However, additional experiments with polymers of
GlcNAc, all p-1,4 linked, indicated that this suggestion was in-
correct. With (GlcNAc)? the
K, was
the same in the presence
or absence of cr-lactalbumin (25 pg per ml) while the Ti,11,, was
slightly decreased from 132 to 121 mpmoles of UDP formed
per min (Table I). Similar results were obtained with tri- and
tetra-GlcNAc. The effect of a-lactalbumin when tri-GlcNAc
was the galactosyl acceptor is presented in Fig. 4 and shows that
1 mg of oc-lactalbumin per ml inhibited the reaction 327& -1
by guest, on July 15, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
Issue of October 10, 1970
F. L. Xchanbacher and K. E. Ebner 5059
Apparent K,,, and V,,,
of galactosyl acceptors in presence and
absence of &actalbumin Galactosyl acceptor activity of A protein of lactose synthetase in
presence and absence of a-lactalbumin
Each assay contained 18 units of the A protein of lactose syn-
thetase (see text).
(GlcNAc) 2.
GlcNAc-NAM. _.
Cellobiose. .
a-Lactal- + a-Lactal
bumin bumin
- a-Lac- + a-La
albumin talbumin
n,moles UDP/min
4mount of
number of other oligosaccharides were tested as galactosyl
acceptors and the apparent K, values and V,,,,, values were
determined in the absence and presence of ar-lactalbumin (Table
I). The reciprocal plots for the GlcNAc oligomers, glucose,
and ovalbumin were linear, whereas the plots for GlcNAc-N-
acetylmuramic acid and cellobiose were curvilinear at less than
0.25 mM. The apparent K, for ovalbumin was unaffected by
100 pg per ml of cr-lactalbumin; however, the maximum velocity
was slightly reduced. In a separate experiment, 600 pg of
cu-lactalbumin per ml inhibited the reaction 48% when the oval-
bumin concentration was 0.4
(Fig. 4).
Maltose (Table I) was not a substrate in the absence but was
a poor substrate in the presence of cr-lactalbumin. These results
prompted the investigation of other potential galactosyl acceptors
differing in structure and in the anomeric bond configuration.
These results, as well as the effect of cr-lactalbumin on these
reactions, are presented in Table II. Mannose, L-fucose, meli-
biose, and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine were not acceptors at
the concentrations tested. 2-Deoxyglucose, maltose, and
ar-methylglucose were acceptors only in the presence of cw-lactal-
bumin. A variety of p-1,4-linked glucose derivatives were
galactosyl acceptors and the rates were not appreciably affected
by cr-lactalbumin, and indeed ovalbumin was a good galactosyl
acceptor. Ovalbumin has a single carbohydrate chain which
terminates in a ,&linked GlcNAc residue (13) and based on the
above studies with model compounds it is not surprising to find
that it was a good galactosyl acceptor and relatively insensitive
to inhibition by ol-lactalbumin.
The observation that glucosyl (and derivatives) residues,
nonterminal and linked as a /3-1,4-glucoside, were relatively
insensitive to inhibition by a-la&albumin suggested that the
transfer of galactose to carbohydrate side chains of glycoproteins
and to glucose may occur concurrently. An experiment was
designed to determine whether galactosyl transfer from UDP-
galactose to glucose and ovalbumin in the presence of oc-lactal-
bumin could occur concomitantly. The concentration of sub-
strates used was less than their K, values which would be nearer
intracellular concentrations. Each standard assay contained 18
units of the A protein and 100 pg of a-lactalbumin per ml. When
the galactosyl acceptor was glucose (2.0 mrvr), the rate was 1.24
mpmoles per min; with ovalbumin (0.16 mM) the rate was 1.06
mpmoles per min; and with both glucose (2.0 mM) and ovalbumin
(0.16 mM) the rate was 2.30 mpmoles per min. Under these
GlcNAc .
2-Deoxy-o-glucose .
N-Acetylmuramic acid..
ol-Methylglucose .
Activity in
pg per ml 100 pg per
f la;ldd- ml of a-lpc-
18.7 3.15
0 17.4
0 18.0
0 1.72
0 0
0 0
0.13 0.55
0.19 0.66
8.26 6.85
0 1.12
1.54 1.62
4.34 3.24
0 4.23
2.17 2.17
0.76 0.72
0.23 0.26
1.04 6.7
0 0
0 0
conditions the rates are additive suggesting that in the mam-
mary gland the same enzyme is able to carry out concomitantly
the synthesis of lactose in the presence of cu-lactalbumin and
the transfer of galactose t.o the carbohydrate side chains of
The studies on the galactosyl acceptor specificity of the
galactosyltransferase of lactose synthetase provide further
insight into the mechanism of the lactose synthetase reaction.
In addition to catalyzing the synthesis of lactose in the presence
of ac-lactalbumin, the galactosyltransferase of the lactose syn-
thetase reaction appears to have its major role in the biosyn-
thesis of certain carbohydrate side chains of glycoproteins.
oc-Lactalbumin is a good inhibitor of the transfer of galactose
to GlcNAc and the inhibition appears to be hyperbolic. How-
ever, /3-1,4-glycosides of GlcNAc (di-, tri-, and tetra-GlcNAc,
GlcNAc-N-acetylmuramic acid, and ovalbumin) were not ap-
preciably inhibited by oc-lactalbumin at concentrations of 100
pg per ml (Table I). However, the concentrations of cr-lactal-
bumin required to inhibit the transfer of galactose by 50% to
tri-GlcNAc was 1500 pg per ml; to ovalbumin, 700 pg per ml,
whereas to GlcNAc it was 15 pg per ml (Fig. 4). The intra-
cellular concentration of cu-lactalbumin in bovine mammary
tissue is at least 35 pg per g of tissue (6) and the concentration
of GlcNAc in tissues is very low (14) if it is present at all. Hence,
the physiological function of the galactosyltransferase is most
likely to transfer galactose to the nonreducing end of a heterosac-
charide of a glycoprotein terminating in GlcNAc, particularly
because the linkage Gal-GlcNAc (/l-1,4) is the most prevalent
one in the carbohydrate side chains of glycoproteins (15).
by guest, on July 15, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
Galactosyltransferase Specificity
Vol. 245, No. 19
Derivatives of GlcNAc (/3-1,4 linked) are the best galactosyl
acceptors in the galactosyltransferase reaction. The a-l,4
derivatives are not substrates but did exhibit very poor activity
in the presence of a-lactalbumin.
A variety of P-linked glucosides were tested as acceptors in
the presence and absence of or-lactalbumin. All of these were
acceptors and P-indoxylglucose was the best but none was as
good as GlcNAc or its oligomers. In general, these compounds
were not affected appreciably by cr-lactalbumin. Glucose is
a very poor substrate but in the presence of cr-lactalbumin it
becomes a good substrate because oc-lactalbumin drastically
lowers the K, of glucose (11). Other galactosyl acceptors (2-
deoxy-n-glucose, glucosamine, N-acetylmannosamine, a-l,4
glucosides, and gentiobiose) exhibit higher rates in the presence
of cr-la&albumin.
p-1,4-Glycosides of GlcNAc are the best galactosyl acceptors.
2-Deoxy-n-glucose is not an acceptor in the absence of Lu-lactal-
bumin, whereas glucosamine and N-acetylmannosamine are
poor acceptors. The acetamido group as in GlcNAc is highly
essential for good acceptor activity. N-Acetylmuramic acid
is a fairly good acceptor which suggests that the bulky 3’-O-
lactyl group reduces the specificity for the GlcNAc conformation.
However, in the presence of cr-la&albumin the specificity for
the GlcNAc conformation in position 2 is greatly reduced. Thus,
cY-lactalbumin modifies the galactosyltransferase so that glucose
and some of its derivatives become better substrates.
The galactosyltransferase of lactose synthetase appears to
have an absolute specificity for the 4-hydroxy in the glucose
conformation of the terminal nonreducing residue because fucose
and melibiose were not acceptors.
The observation that ovalbumin is a good acceptor is predict-
able from the specificity studies because the oligomers of GlcNAc
glycosides act in a similar manner. Also, a carbohydrate oli-
gomer (minus sialic acid) obtained from an ovarian cyst (16)
was an excellent substrate. These studies clearly implicate
that the galactosyltransferase is involved in the synthesis of
Gal+l,4-GlcNAc residues in the carbohydrate side chains of
In the mammary gland, the same galactosyltransferase ap-
pears to be involved in the biosynthesis of lactose and glycopro-
teins. The present study shows that both of these syntheses
may occur concurrently because both glucose and ovalbumin are
equally good acceptors in the presence of or-lactalbumin at a
concentration which allows sufficient synthesis of lactose and
no appreciable inhibition of the transfer of galactose to oval-
bumin. It is possible that there may be two independent sites
on the galactosyltransferase, but this appears to be rather un-
likely because both activities are lost in a parallel manner by
heat inactivation (9) and the conditions for measuring activities
are similar (12).
Several galactosyltransferases have been described and par-
tially purified from several sources and these have properties in
common with the galactosyltransferase isolated from bovine
milk. The galactosyltransferase isolated from goat colostrum
by McGuire et al. (17) was active with a variety of P-linked
GlcNAc acceptors including GlcNAc, P-methyl-GlcNAc,
(G~cNAc)~, and (GlcNAc)z, although glucose was reported not
to be an acceptor. This enzyme transferred galactose to a
variety of glycoprotein acceptors having a /3-N-acetylglucos-
aminyl end group including ovalbumin and orosmucoid pre-
viously treated with sialidase and P-galactosidase. Iyer and
Carlson (16) also showed transfer of galactose to GlcNAc and
to an ovarian cyst glycoprotein previously treated with sialidase.
The galactosyltransferase from bovine milk also transfers
galactose to this protein and to the carbohydrate side chain
derived from this protein. Zinderman et al. (18) showed that
particles prepared from rabbit gastric mucosa would transfer
galactose to GlcNAc, (G~cNAc)~, and P-methyl-GlcNAc. Spiro
and Spiro (14) partially purified a galactosyltransferase from
calf thyroids and reported a K, for GlcNAc of 1.9 X lo-* M
and a K, for a sialic acid and galactose-free peptide from thyro-
globulin as 3.3 x lop3 M which is similar to the results obtained
with the bovine milk galactosyltransferase (Table II) with a
variety of substrates. However, Spiro and Spiro (14) suggest
the existence of two separate enzymes (one transferring galactose
to GlcNAc and the other transferring to a glycopeptide acceptor)
based on differing ratios of activity during purification. They
do suggest that if there was one enzyme the N-acetylglucosamine
present in glycopeptides is probably the natural substrate. The
present study with the bovine milk galactosyltransferase shows
that this enzyme catalyzes both reactions and that the N-acetyl-
glucosaminyl-P-1,4 glycosides are the best substrates for the
enzyme because GlcNAc is probably not a physiologically sig-
nificant substrate.
Babad and Hassid (3) showed that GlcNAc, cellobiose, and
glucose were galactosyl acceptors with the mammary enzyme
from milk but their preparation probably contained unspecified
amounts of cY-lactalbumin because it was not separated into the
two proteins. Brew et al. (9) and Hill et al. (10) reported
that a
partially purified galactosyltransferase from bovine milk would
transfer galactose to GlcNAc and this reaction was inhibited
by a-lactalbumin. In addition, they showed galactosyl transfer
to orosomucoid previously treated with sialidase and P-galac-
tosidase but studies with other acceptors were inconclusive.
These studies suggest that the principal function of the galac-
tosyltransferase isolated from bovine milk is to transfer galactose
to a heterosaccharide of a glycoprotein terminating in p-1,4-
linked GlcNAc. The mammary gland is unique in that it has
the ability to synthesize or-lactdlbumin which allows glucose to
become an effective galactosyl acceptor but the presence of
cr-lactalbumin does not appreciably inhibit the transfer of
galactose to heterosaccharides of glycoproteins.
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by guest, on July 15, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
... The way in which a-lactalbumin modifies the catalytic activity (14), but also on the acceptor concentration in relation to its K, value. Thus for the reaction Mu* UDP-galactose + N-acetylglucosamine M (1) N-acetyllactosamine + UDP c&ctalbumin acts as an inhibitor when N-acetylglucosamine is varied in the region of its K, value (4,6,8) and as an activator when the carbohydrate acceptor is used at concentrations well below the K, value (4,8). ...
... A reaction sequence of the above type provides a potentially efficient mechanism for the utilization of the limited amounts of Mn* available in mammalian cells. It also accounts, in part, for the high concentrations of Mn* (40 mM) that were used to obtain apparent optimum enzyme activity under conditions where the concentration of UDP-gala&se was relatively low (1,4,8,14,21). about the mechanism of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is usually obtained by determining the types of inhibition pattern given by the reaction products. ...
Full-text available
The forward reaction catalyzed by galactosyltransferase has been studied kinetically at pH 8.0 with N-acetylglucosamine as the galactosyl group acceptor. From the results of initial velocity studies, as well as investigations of the deadend inhibition by UDP-glucose and the substrate inhibition by higher concentrations of N-acetylglucosamine, it has been concluded that the reaction has an ordered mechanism with the reactants adding in the order: Mn²⁺, UDP-galactose, N-acetylglucosamine. A further conclusion is that Mn²⁺ reacts with the free enzyme under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium and does not dissociate after each catalytic cycle. Values are reported for the various kinetic parameters.
... Although this was reported over twenty years ago, the concept of glycosyltransferases being present on the cell surface remained controversial acceptor only in the presence of a-lactalbumin when lactose is formed as the end product (Schanbacher and Ebner 1970 1974, Ebner and Magee 1975, Wong and Wong 1984. Although it had been suggested that the reactive sulfhydryl group is near the UDP-Gal binding site (the inhibition is prevented by the presence of UDP-Gal but not by GlcNAc or glucose, Ebner and Magee 1975), a study using site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the cysteine at position 340 is the only cysteine residue that reacts with the suphhydryl reagents and it is also located in that part of the pl,4-GalTase peptide chain where UDP-Gal binding occurs (Wang at al 1994). ...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with an increase in the level of serum IgG glycoforms lacking terminal galactose residues (i.e., agalactosyl IgG). The agalactosyl IgG shows altered effector functions and there is evidence that it may be pathogenic. Furthermore, levels of agalactosyl IgG have been shown to have a predictive value in RA. There is evidence that the decreased galactosylation of IgG occurs as a pre-secretory event and there are several reports relating this defect to aberrant control of the enzyme β1,4-galactosyltransferase (β1,4-GalTase). This project aimed to examine the structure and expression of the β1,4-GalTase gene in human RA and also in a murine model of arthritis, MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr (MRL lpr/lpr), which shows the same defect in IgG galactosylation. No gross structural alteration of the gene was observed in human RA nor in the MRL lpr/lpr mice, using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. An RNase protection assay established that there are similar levels of β1,4-GalTase gene expression in CD19+ cells isolated from peripheral blood of RA patients and normal healthy individuals. IgG-expressing lymphocytes isolated from spleens and lymph nodes of MRL lpr/lpr and CBA/Ca (which exhibit normally galactosylated IgG) mice also showed comparable levels of β1,4-GalTase mRNA. The known pregnancy associated increase in IgG galactosylation was examined in the Balb/c mice. Although the β1,4-GalTase transcription was highly upregulated in the mammary gland in the third trimester of pregnancy and into lactation, no changes in the mRNA and enzyme levels were observed in the lymphocytes isolated from spleens of these mice. The cytokines IL-6 and TNF-? are proposed as glycosylation regulating factors. In addition, IL-6 has been shown to be associated with increased agalactosyl IgG. Therefore, the level of β1,4-GalTase gene expression was measured in IL-6 and TNF-α transgenic mice in relation to the IgG galactosylation level. In these studies, comparable levels of β1,4-GalTase mRNA were observed in the transgenics and their littermates in both cases. Peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated in vitro with the mitogens PHA, phorbol ester and pokeweed, with the cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α, with the calcium ionophore ionomycin and with the cAMP-inducer forskolin, did not show altered levels of β1,4-GalTase mRNA. However, the addition of prolactin to peripheral blood B cells cultured in the presence of anti-IgM plus IL-2 resulted in a small increase in mRNA levels but with no concomitant increase in IgG galactose. In conclusion, these studies indicate that IgG galactosylation is not regulated at the level of β1,4-GalTase gene expression.
... The Gal unit is transferred by a β-(1-4)-galactosyltransferase (β4GalT-1) (Funderburgh 2002). Interestingly, two types of β4GalT-1 have been identified up to now, of which one is able to catalyze the transfer of Gal to a nonreducing terminal GlcNAc acceptor, producing the non-sulfated poly-N-acetyl-lactosamine (Brew et al. 1968;Schanbacher and Ebner 1970), whereas the other recognizes the nonreducing terminal GlcNAc-6-sulfate as acceptor (Seko et al. 2003) and is responsible for the production of mono-and disulfated disaccharide subunits in the KS chain. ...
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and keratan sulfate) are a family of complex polysaccharides ubiquitously, but not exclusively, distributed among mammals, found both in extracellular matrices and on cell surfaces. They play key roles in a myriad of physiological and pathological processes, including, among others, angiogenesis, cancer, immunity, and infectious diseases. Here the main issues concerning their chemical structure, biosynthesis, extraction, and purification from natural sources, structural characterization, as well as their most important biological functions are discussed.
... Several families of galactosyltransferases (Gal-T) have been identified (Amado et al. 1999). β4GalT-1 catalyzes the addition of UDP-Gal to a non-reducing terminal GlcNAc acceptor, via a β1-4 glycosidic linkage generating the non-sulfated poly-N-acetyllactosamine domains which comprise the basic unit of the KS molecule (Brew et al. 1968;Schanbacher and Ebner 1970). Another galactosyl transferase, β4 GalT-4, is the only galactosyl transferase which catalyzes transfer of Gal to a non-reducing terminal GlcNAc-6-sulfate acceptor residue (Seko et al. 2003) and is essential for the production of monoand disulfated disaccharides in the KS chain. ...
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From an evolutionary perspective keratan sulphate (KS) is the newest glycosaminoglycan (GAG) but the least understood. KS is a sophisticated molecule with a diverse structure, and unique functional roles continue to be uncovered for this GAG. The cornea is the richest tissue source of KS in the human body but the central and peripheral nervous systems also contain significant levels of KS and a diverse range of KS-proteoglycans with essential functional roles. KS also displays important cell regulatory properties in epithelial and mesenchymal tissues and in bone and in tumour development of diagnostic and prognostic utility. Corneal KS-I displays variable degrees of sulphation along the KS chain ranging from non-sulphated polylactosamine, mono-sulphated and di-sulphated disaccharide regions. Skeletal KS-II is almost completely sulphated consisting of disulphated disaccharides interrupted by occasional mono-sulphated N-acetyllactosamine residues. KS-III also contains highly sulphated KS disaccharides but differs from KS-I and KS-II through 2-O-mannose linkage to serine or threonine core protein residues on proteoglycans such as phosphacan and abakan in brain tissue. Historically, the major emphasis on the biology of KS has focused on its sulphated regions for good reason. The sulphation motifs on KS convey important molecular recognition information and direct cell behavior through a number of interactive proteins. Emerging evidence also suggest functional roles for the poly N-acetyllactosamine regions of KS requiring further investigation. Thus further research is warranted to better understand the complexities of KS.
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Investigations have been made of the kinetic effects of α-lactalbumin on the reactions catalyzed by galactosyltransferase using both N-acetylglucosamine and glucose as galactosyl group acceptors. The results indicate that α-lactalbumin can cause (a) the reactions to occur via alternative pathways, (b) reductions in the apparent Michaelis constant values for both substrates, (c) a decrease in the apparent maximum velocity of the reaction with N-acetylglucosamine, and (d) an increase in the apparent maximum velocity of the reaction with glucose. Further, it has been shown that α-lactalbumin enhances the substrate inhibition by N-acetylglucosamine and glucose, as well as the dead-end inhibition by l-arabinose and N-acetylgalactosamine. The general conclusion has been reached that α-lactalbumin is a special type of modifier which combines with the enzyme only after the addition of a carbohydrate reactant.
β1,4-galactosyltransferase (β1,4-GalTase) is a glycosyltransferase localized in the trans Golgi of most mammalian cells where it is involved in the galactosylation of glycoconjugates, transferring galactose from UDP-galactose to the non-reducing end of exposed GlcNAc residues. This project examined β1,4-GalTase expression in various B cells and its ability to galactosylate different acceptor substrates in vitro and in situ. B cells, isolated from the peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and controls, were assayed for β1,4-GalTase activity in a newly developed ELISA- based assay which utilized the neoglycoprotein, GlcNAc-pITC-BSA, as the acceptor substrate. The previously reported decrease in B cell β1,4-GalTase activity from patients with RA was not apparent with the GlcNAc-pITC-BSA substrate, but could be detected using ovalbumin as an acceptor. A number of anti-β1,4-GalTase monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were produced against soluble human milk β1,4-GalTase. These mAbs were purified, conjugated and extensively characterized enabling the immunodetection of β1,4-GalTase in different assay systems. The binding affinities of the anti-β1,4-GalTase mAbs were measured against several different types of purified β1,4-GalTase using surface plasmon resonance and were all found to be of moderately high binding affinity (KB approximately 108 M-1 against human milk β1,4-GalTase). All the anti-β1,4-GalTase mAbs cross-reacted with bovine milk β1,4-GalTase although to different extents. Two anti-β1,4-GalTase mAbs against non-competing epitopes were used to develop a sensitive (>1 ng/ml) β1,4-GalTase protein quantification ELISA which could measure β1,4-GalTase protein from cell lysates and extracellular sources. Preliminary data suggested that there was no apparent difference between the β1,4-GalTase protein levels in the B cells from controls and patients with RA. B cells which differed in their levels of β1,4-GalTase activity were produced following the stable transfection of IgG-secreting B cells, from the same cell line, with human β1,4-GalTase cDNA in the sense and antisense orientations. The β1,4-GalTase sense transfected B cells had higher levels of β1,4-GalTase expression and secreted IgG with more galactosylated structures than those B cells transfected with the antisense. However, factors other than β1,4-GalTase expression levels influenced the galactosylation of IgG. Experiments and results presented in this thesis were discussed with particular reference to the under-galactosylated IgG observed in patients with RA.
The hepatocyte is a highly differentiated mammalian cell whose functions are carried out to a large extent on the subcellular level by a number of membranous organelles. Over the last 15 years much attention has been focussed on the isolation of highly purified preparations of these organelles in order to study their composition and enzymic capacities with the hope that such information would help us understand their role in cell function.
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As part of a detailed study of the biosynthesis of the glycoprotein, thyroglobulin, a galactosyltransferase has been shown to be present in calf thyroid particles. This galactosyltransferase is believed to be involved in the assembly of the oligosaccharide chains of the carbohydrate units of thyroglobulin. These chains have the sequence, sialic acid (or fucose) → galactose → N-acetylglucosamine. The enzyme has been purified approximately 1000-fold by release from the particles in soluble form through ultrasonic treatment and by gel filtration of the solubilized protein. This galactosyltransferase catalyzes the transfer of galactose from uridine diphosphate galactose to glycopeptides from thyroglobulin or fetuin from which both sialic acid and galactose have been removed, and which therefore contain terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues. It shows little or no activity toward carbohydrate units with sialic acid, galactose, or mannose in terminal positions. The linkage formed by this thyroid galactosyltransferase between galactose and the N-acetylglucosamine residues of glycopeptides was shown to be 4-O-β. The enzyme could also transfer galactose from UDP-galactose to free N-acetylglucosamine to form 4-O-β-D-galactosyl-N-acetylglucosamine, but was inactive toward glucose. Free N-acetylglucosamine was not as effective an acceptor as the glycopeptides with terminal N-acetylglucosamine; its Km was 1.9 × 10⁻², compared to a Km value of 3.3 × 10⁻³M for the glycopeptides. The Km for UDP-galactose was similar regardless of the acceptor used, being 7.3 × 10⁻⁵M with N-acetylglucosamine and 6.1 × 10⁻⁵M when the glycopeptides were used. The enzyme could not use UDP-glucose as a glycosyl donor, and other galactose nucleotides which were tested (adenosine, cytidine, guanosine, and thymidine diphosphate galactose) were not effective in the transfer of galactose to either the glycopeptides or N-acetylglucosamine. The pH optimum for the reaction with the glycopeptides was 6.6, whereas that for the reaction with N-acetylglucosamine was 6.0. The enzyme had optimal activity in the presence of manganese, and was completely inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate.
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Some of the properties of a 70-fold purified bovine milk lactose synthetase have been determined. The enzyme preparation appears to be specific for uracil nucleoside diphosphate d-galactose derivatives. Adenosine, thymidine, cytidine, or guanosine diphosphate derivatives cannot serve as galactosyl donors for d-glucose to form lactose. The enzyme preparation will not transfer the galactosyl residue from uridine diphosphate d-galactose to α-d-glucose 1-phosphate, α-d-galactose 1-phosphate, d-xylose, maltose, α-methyl-d-glucoside, or l-glucose. N-Acetyl-d-glucosamine can serve as an acceptor for d-galactose but is only 25% as effective as d-glucose; the product of this reaction appears to be an analogue of lactose in which N-acetyl-d-glucosamine is substituted for d-glucose. It is not known whether these galactosyl transfer reactions are catalyzed by the same or a different enzyme. No reversal of the enzymatic reaction could be shown when lactose and UDP were used as substrates. The bovine milk lactose synthetase is activated by several divalent cations. The enzyme shows a maximum activation by Mn++, and an inhibition by ethylenediaminetetraacetate or Hg++. The enzyme has a 42° temperature optimum, and a pH optimum of 7.5, with maximum activity in sodium cacodylate-HCl or β,β'-dimethylglutarate-NaOH buffer. Phosphorylated compounds structurally related to the nucleoside diphosphate moiety of UDP-d-galactose strongly inhibit the enzymatic reaction whereas neutral hexoses or hexose phosphates produce little or no inhibition. The Km for UDP-d-galactose is 5.0 x 10-4 m, and that for d-glucose is 2.5 x 10-2 m.
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An improved procedure for the isolation of the A protein of lactose synthetase is presented. The Km for UDP-galactose is not influenced by the concentration of glucose or α-lactalbumin but these compounds alter the maximum velocity of the reaction. There is a reciprocal relationship between the concentration of glucose and α-lactalbumin in the lactose synthetase assay and α-lactalbumin lowers the apparent Km of glucose. It is suggested that the physiological function of α-lactalbumin is to lower the Km of glucose so that it may be used maximally for the synthesis of lactose. Lactose may be synthesized at maximum rates by the A protein in the absence of α-lactalbumin but in the presence of high concentrations of glucose. Different preparations of the A protein have variable activities.
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Bovine α-lactalbumin and hen egg-white lysozyme have closely similar amino acid sequences. A model of α-lactalbumin has been constructed on the basis of the main chain conformation established for lysozyme. The side chain interactions of lysozyme are listed (Table 2) and the consequences of the side chain replacements in α-lactalbumin examined. Changes in internal side chains are generally interrelated in a convincing manner, suggesting that the model is largely correct, but there are some regions where it has not been possible to deduce the conformation unequivocally. Glu 35, which acts as a proton donor in lysozyme, is absent in α-lactalbumin, in which a neighbouring histidine residue may assume a similar function. The surface cleft, which is the site of substrate binding in lysozyme, is shorter in α-lactalbumin. While this would be consistent with α-lactalbumin having a mono- or disaccharide as substrate, the biochemical evidence shows that the role of α-lactalbumin in the synthesis of lactose is a complex one requiring direct interaction with the A protein.
The enzymic assay for the A protein of lactose synthetase (galactosyl transferase) was carefully evaluated using bovine α-lactalbumin to assay for purified bovine A protein and the A protein in rat mammary homogenates. With purified bovine proteins, the maximum activity was found with 200 μg α-LA/ml with higher levels being inhibitory. With the rat A protein in mammary homogenates, 1 mg bovine α-LA/ml gave the maximum rate. The assay parameters for maximum lactose synthetase and N-acetyllactosamine formation were similar.The enzymic assay for the B protein (α-lactalbumin) of lactose synthetase has been thoroughly investigated using purified bovine α-LA and α-LA present in rat mammary gland homogenates. A correction was necessary for the endogenous lactose synthetase activity of the A protein alone which was dependent on the glucose concentration in the assay. A standard curve of bovine α-LA was necessary for each set of assays since there was variation in the properties of different preparations of the A protein. Under the assay conditions described the amount of α-lactalbumin in the assay (0.02–1.0 μg) per milliliter was quantitatively related to the amount of standard bovine α-lactalbumin.