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Failure to thrive.


Abstract and Figures

To the Editor.—In their article "Categorization of Etiology of Failure to Thrive" in the September issue (Journal 1981;135:848-851), Drs Homer and Ludwig nicely documented how careful attention to historic and physical examination data can trim the costs of unnecessary laboratory testing and "acute-care" hospitalization. However, I believe that their initial identification of the study population by admitting diagnosis may have underestimated and oversimplified their failure-to-thrive population. We recently conducted a retrospective study of infants and children between 6 months and 6 years of age who were admitted to the inpatient service of a university hospital. The admission weights of 51 of the 330 patients were less than the fifth percentile. The low weights could not be accounted for by prior diagnoses. Twenty-nine of these patients (57% ) had associated developmental delays. Forty-one of these patients (80% ) had acute complaints. Only 16 patients (31%) were identified as having failure to thrive
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NCHS growth chart or if it crosses two major
percentile lines.
Recent research has validated
that the weight-for-age approach is the sim-
plest and most reasonable marker for FTT.
Other growth parameters that can assist in
making the diagnosis of FTT are weight for
height and height for age. FTT is diagnosed if
a child falls below the 10th percentile for
either of these measurements.
Etiology and Differential Diagnosis
Historically, FTT has been classified as
organic or nonorganic. Usually, this distinction
is not useful because most children have mixed
For example, a child may have a
medical disorder that causes feeding problems
and family stress. The stress can compound the
feeding problem and aggravate FTT. A more
useful classification system is based on patho-
physiology—inadequate caloric intake, inade-
quate absorption, excess metabolic demand,or
defective utilization. This classification leads to
a logical organization of the many conditions
that cause or contribute to FTT (Table 1).
Stress and other psychosocial factors fre-
quently contribute to FTT. For example, a
depressed mother may not feed her infant
adequately. The infant may become with-
The recognition of growth and
developmental problems in
infants and children is one of the
major challenges facing primary
care physicians. Failure to thrive
(FTT) is a common condition of varying eti-
ologies that has been associated with adverse
effects on later growth and cognitive develop-
Primary care physicians need to be
able to diagnose and manage FTT promptly to
reduce the risk of long-term sequelae.
FTT is best defined as inadequate physical
growth diagnosed by observation of growth
over time using a standard growth chart. The
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
recently released improved growth charts that
can be found at While defini-
tions of FTT have varied, most practitioners
diagnose FTT when a child’s weight for age
falls below the fifth percentile of the standard
Failure to thrive is a condition commonly seen by primary care physicians. Prompt diag-
nosis and intervention are important for preventing malnutrition and developmental
sequelae. Medical and social factors often contribute to failure to thrive. Either extreme
of parental attention (neglect or hypervigilance) can lead to failure to thrive. About
25 percent of normal infants will shift to a lower growth percentile in the first two years
of life and then follow that percentile; this should not be diagnosed as failure to thrive.
Infants with Down syndrome, intrauterine growth retardation, or premature birth follow
different growth patterns than normal infants. Many infants with failure to thrive are not
identified unless careful attention is paid to plotting growth parameters at routine check-
ups. A thorough history is the best guide to establishing the etiology of the failure to
thrive and directing further evaluation and management. All children with failure to
thrive need additional calories for catch-up growth (typically 150 percent of the caloric
requirement for their expected, not actual, weight). Few need laboratory evaluation.
Hospitalization is rarely required and is indicated only for severe failure to thrive and for
those whose safety is a concern. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended when fail-
ure to thrive persists despite intervention or when it is severe. (Am Fam Physician 2003;
68:879-84,886. Copyright© 2003 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
Failure to thrive is diagnosed when a child’s weight for age is
below the fifth percentile or crosses two major percentile lines.
Failure to Thrive
SCOTT D. KRUGMAN, M.D., Franklin Square Hospital Center, Baltimore, Maryland
HOWARD DUBOWITZ, M.D., M.S., University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
OA patient informa-
tion handout about
failure to thrive, writ-
ten by the authors of
this article, is provided
on page 886.
See page 785 for defi-
nitions of strength-of-
evidence levels.
drawn, responding to the mother’s depres-
sion, and feed less well. Another example is
when parents are overly anxious about a
child’s feeding. Coercive practices can lead to
feeding behavior problems and FTT.
Growth variation in normal infants can
confound the diagnosis of FTT. Approximately
25 percent of children will shift down their
weight or height by more than 25 percentile
points in the first two years of life.
These chil-
dren are falling to their genetic potential or
demonstrating constitutional growth delay
(slow growth with a bone age less than
chronologic age). After shifting down, these
infants grow at a normal rate along their new
percentile and do not have FTT.
Specific infant populations with growth
variations also need to be considered when
making the diagnosis of FTT. Infants who
have had intrauterine growth retardation or
premature infants may appear to have FTT
when they grow at less than the fifth per-
centile. As long as the child is growing along a
curve with a normal interval growth rate, FTT
should not be diagnosed.
In addition, using
modified growth charts for specific popula-
tions, such as premature infants,
breastfed infants, specific ethnicities (e.g.,
Asian), and infants with genetic syndromes
(e.g., Down syndrome),
can help reassure the
physician that these children are growing
The key to diagnosing FTT is finding the
time in busy clinical practice to accurately
measure and plot a child’s weight, height, and
head circumference, and then assess the trend.
One study
from England demonstrated that
54 percent of general practitioners had not
diagnosed FTT although a child’s weight for
age fell below two major percentile lines. In
addition, a pilot study
performed at a family
practice residency clinic found that of 29 chil-
dren diagnosed with FTT, 100 percent of the
charts contained measurements that were
incorrectly plotted. The diagnosis was delayed
in 41 percent of the patients.
After determining that FTT is a concern, the
evaluation should focus on a careful history,
including an assessment of diet and feeding or
eating behaviors, and past and current med-
ical, social, and family history. Ta b le 2 details
items that should be covered in each category.
It is important to ascertain the child’s devel-
opmental status at the time of diagnosis because
children with FTT have a higher incidence of
developmental delays than the general popula-
Physicians should still be concerned
about a child without developmental delays
who is failing to thrive. FTT is primarily a
growth disorder, not a developmental problem.
A complete physical examination is essen-
tial, with four main goals: (1) identification of
dysmorphic features suggestive of a genetic
disorder impeding growth; (2) detection of
underlying disease that may impair growth;
Selective Differential Diagnosis of Failure to Thrive
Inadequate caloric intake
Incorrect preparation of formula (too diluted, too concentrated)
Unsuitable feeding habits (food fads, excessive juice)
Behavior problems affecting eating
Poverty and food shortages
Disturbed parent-child relationship
Mechanical feeding difficulties (oromotor dysfunction, congenital anomalies,
central nervous system damage, severe reflux)
Inadequate absorption
Celiac disease
Cystic fibrosis
Cow’s milk protein allergy
Vitamin or mineral deficiencies (acrodermatitis enteropathica, scurvy)
Biliary atresia or liver disease
Necrotizing enterocolitis or short-gut syndrome
Increased metabolism
Chronic infection (human immunodeficiency virus or other immunodeficiency,
malignancy, renal disease)
Hypoxemia (congenital heart defects, chronic lung disease)
Defective utilization
Genetic abnormalities (trisomies 21, 18, and 13)
Congenital infections
Metabolic disorders (storage diseases, amino acid disorders)
(3) assessment for signs of possible child
abuse; and (4) assessment of the severity and
possible effects of malnutrition.
The sever-
ity of a child’s undernutrition can be deter-
mined most easily by using the Gomez criteria.
By comparing the child’s current weight for
age with the expected weight (50th percentile)
at that age, the degree of malnutrition can be
assessed. If the weight is less than 60 percent of
expected, the FTT is considered severe, 61 to
75 percent denotes moderate FTT, and 76 to
90 percent is mild.
Evaluation of Failure to Thrive: History
History Implication
Dietary history
Important to be as specific as possible (one-day log of all foods Quantify total caloric intake.
given and eaten)
Amount of food and/or formula
Attempt to quantify total caloric intake (for infants)
Is the formula prepared correctly? Too diluted = too few calories; too concentrated
= unpalatable, infant may refuse to drink
Types of food
Beverage consumption–specifically milk, juice, sodas, and water Excess fruit juice as cause for F TT
Feeding history
When does the child eat? Where? With whom? Distracted infants, inappropriate supervision
How is the child fed–self, spoon, other? Positioning? Inappropriate feeding techniques for developmental stage
Feeding battles Food refusal
Snack intake–what, how often is the child grazing? Poor mealtime eating caused by snacking and early satiety
Past and current medical history
Birth history–complications, small for gestational age, prematurity Differentiate FTT from small for gestational age.
Recent acute illnesses–otitis media, gastroenteritis, recurrent Growth may improve shortly on own, but needs close follow-up.
viral infections
Chronic medical conditions–anemia, asthma, congenital heart disease Organic causes of FTT
Past hospitalizations, injuries, accidents Evaluate for neglect or child abuse.
Stool pattern–frequency, consistency, blood, mucus Rule out malabsorption (cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), infection,
and allergy.
Vomiting, reflux, or other gastrointestinal symptoms Evaluate for milk protein allergy, gastroesophageal reflux,
and infection.
Social history
Who lives in the home? Identify those caring for the child.
Who are the caregivers?
Who helps support the family? Assess adequate quantity of food.
What is the child’s temperament? High-strung, colicky children may have feeding difficulty.
Any important stressors–economic, intrafamilial, major life events? May lead to inadequate food supply, depressed parents, neglect
Does anyone at home have a problem with alcohol or drugs? Neglect
Other children with neglect, FTT, Children’s Protective Service reports? History of neglect
Family history
Medical conditions or FTT in siblings Predisposition to organic or genetic causes of FTT
Family members with short stature Check midparental height formula.*
Differentiate between falling to expected height and true FTT.
Mental illness Caretakers with mental illness who may be unable to care
for child
FTT = failure to thrive.
*—[(dad’s height in cm + mom’s height in cm) ± 13 cm] ÷ 2.
NOTE: Add 13 cm for boys, subtract 13 cm for girls. For example, if a girl has a mother who is 5 ft, 5 in (165 cm) tall and a father who is 5 ft,
10 in (178 cm) tall, her expected adult height is [(178 + 165) –13] ÷ 2, or 165 cm. This height falls between the 50th and 75th percentiles
for an 18-year-old girl, and this curve is followed to the actual age to predict the expected height.
FTT often involves psychosocial problems
compromising the relationship or fit between
parent and child. Observing the interaction
between a parent and child, especially during
a feeding session in the office, may provide
valuable information about the etiology of
Parents can be asked to feed an infant
or bring in a snack for a toddler. The assess-
ment should be done at a time when the child
is hungry. It is important to pay attention to a
caregiver’s ability to recognize the child’s cues,
the child’s responsiveness, and the parental
warmth and appropriate behavior toward the
It is similarly important to observe the
nature of the child’s cues (clear or not), the
child’s temperament, and responses toward
the parent. Developing a portrait of the rela-
tionship is key to guiding intervention.
Laboratory evaluation should be guided by
history and physical examination findings
only.There are no routine laboratory tests that
should be performed on every child, because
the majority of children with FTT have no
laboratory abnormalities. In a classic study of
hospitalized children with FTT, only 1.4 per-
cent (36 of 2,607 tests) were of diagnostic
[Evidence level B, historical,
uncontrolled study] A practical approach to
laboratory studies is to not order any at the
time of diagnosis, unless suggested by the his-
tory or physical examination. For example, a
history of steatorrhea (greasy, malodorous
stools) should prompt the physician to send a
stool sample for fecal fat and perhaps order a
sweat test if there is suspicion of cystic fibrosis.
If the child’s growth has not improved, screen-
ing tests to consider at the next visit include a
complete blood count and a urinalysis. If FTT
persists despite an adequate diet, malabsorp-
tion can be further investigated by obtaining
stool for fat and reducing substances, and pos-
sibly obtaining a celiac antibody profile.
Management Tools
The first rule for treating FTT is to identify
the underlying cause and correct it. This
requires a stepwise approach that is guided by
history and response to therapy. Most cases
can be managed by nutrition intervention or
feeding behavior modification. Children who
do not respond may require further evalua-
tion. Two principles that hold true irrespective
of the etiology are that all children with FTT
need a high-calorie diet for catch-up growth,
and all children with FTT need close follow-
up. Usually, children should be followed at
least monthly until catch-up growth is demon-
strated and the positive trend is maintained.
It may seem surprising that undernutrition
is a common factor in FTT, but with an energy
need that is almost triple that of adults (in
calories per kg) it becomes easier to under-
stand how quickly infants can fall behind on
Having parents write down the
types of food and amounts a child eats over a
three-day period is one way of quantifying
caloric intake. In some instances, it can make
The Authors
SCOTT D. KRUGMAN, M.D., is chair of the pediatrics department at Franklin Square Hos-
pital Center, Baltimore, and faculty for the family practice residency program. In addition,
he is clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Med-
icine, Baltimore. After graduating from Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, N.H., Dr.
Krugman completed his pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.
HOWARD DUBOWITZ, M.D., M.S., is professor of pediatrics and co-director of the
Center for Families at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore. He
received his medical degree from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. After
completing a pediatrics residency at Boston Medical Center, he completed a child mal-
treatment fellowship at Children’s Hospital Boston.
Address correspondence to Scott D. Krugman, M.D., Dept. of Pediatrics, Franklin
Square Hospital Center, 9000 Franklin Square Dr., Baltimore, MD 21237 (e-mail: scott. Reprints are not available from the authors.
No routine laboratory tests are ordered in the initial work-up
of failure to thrive unless suggested by the history or physical
parents aware of how much the child is or is
not eating.
Limit fruit juice to 8 to 16 oz per day. Fruit
juice is an important contributor to poor
growth by providing relatively empty carbo-
hydrate calories and diminishing a child’s
appetite for nutritious meals, leading to
decreased caloric intake.
Children with FTT will need 150 percent of
their recommended daily caloric intake,
based on their expected, not actual, weight
(Table 3
In infants, this increased calorie
intake may be accomplished by concentrating
formula or adding rice cereal to pureed foods.
To ddlers can receive more calories by adding
taste-pleasing fats such as cheese, sour cream,
butter, and peanut butter to common toddler
foods. The government’s supplemental food
program for women, infants, and children
(WIC) also provides high-calorie milk drinks
(e.g., PediaSure). One or two cans per day can
be used instead of milk, providing 30 calories
per oz instead of the 19 calories per oz in whole
milk. Adding a multivitamin helps ensure that
a child receives the minimum recommended
vitamins and minerals. Some practitioners add
zinc to reduce the energy cost of weight gain
during catch-up growth, though the data
about its benefit are mixed.
Parental anxiety about a child’s FTT can be
helped by reassurance. Parents should encour-
age, but not force, their child to eat. Meals
should be pleasant, regularly scheduled, and
not rushed. It often helps if the parents eat
with the child. The child should be positioned
so that the head is up and the child is com-
fortable (e.g., in high chair). Starting with
small amounts of food and offering more is
preferable to beginning with large quantities.
Parents should consider foods that the child
likes (e.g., it is not important for children to
eat four different green vegetables, but it is
important to encourage some variety and to
cover the basic food groups). Snacks need to
be timed in between meals so that the child’s
appetite will not be spoiled.
Hospitalization is rarely required, and most
children with FTT are managed as outpa-
tients. The lack of benefit to hospitalization in
most cases has been apparent for decades.
Hospitalization may be necessary when the
safety of the child is a concern, outpatient
management has failed, or the FTT is severe.
For children who do not respond to initial
management, it may be necessary to seek assis-
tance from a subspecialist. Traditionally, a mul-
tidisciplinary approach to FTT—using physi-
cians, nurses, dietitians, social workers, and
psychologists—has produced better outcomes.
This approach may not be practical in all cases,
but for children who are not improving because
of an undiagnosed medical condition or a par-
ticularly challenging social situation, a multidis-
ciplinary approach may be the best answer.
Children with FTT are at risk for adverse out-
comes such as short stature, behavior problems,
and developmental delay.
FTT is more
Failure to Thrive
Children diagnosed with failure to thrive need to receive
150 percent of the recommended daily caloric intake for
their expected, not actual, weight for age.
Recommendations for Energy Intake
Energy (kcal per kg per
day) guidelines for
Age average replacement
10 days to one month 120
One to two months 115
Two to three months 105
Three to six months 95
Six months to five years 90
Adapted with permission from Hay WW. Current
pediatric diagnosis and treatment. 15th ed. Nor-
walk, Conn.: Appleton & Lange, 2001:250.
Failure to Thrive
likely a contributing or associated factor to these
adverse outcomes, rather than the exclusive
cause. There are a limited number of outcome
studies on children with FTT, each with differ-
ent definitions and designs, so it is difficult to
comment with certainty on the long-term
results of FTT.
In addition, it is often difficult
to disentangle the effects of FTT from those of
the high-risk environments in which FTT often
occurs (e.g., poverty, high family stress, and
poor parental coping skills).
To decrease the risk of adverse effects, it is
important to recognize and treat FTT promptly.
Early childhood is a critical period for growth
and development, and early intervention for
any child with FTT will maximize the poten-
tial for better outcomes.
Given the evidence
of long-term problems, all children who have
been diagnosed with FTT need to be followed
carefully for possible later sequelae.
The authors indicate that they do not have any con-
flicts of interest. Sources of funding: none reported.
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In parallel with the increase in pediatric esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) procedures since the 1970s, the incidence of disorders that require EGD for diagnosis in children has increased. The aim of this study was to identify changes in subject characteristics and endoscopic procedures during a 20-year interval in children undergoing EGD at a single center. All of the children undergoing first EGD with biopsy in 1985, 1995, or 2005 were identified. Details of the clinical presentation and EGD were abstracted from medical records in a random sample of subjects within each time point. The number of first-time EGDs rose dramatically from 107 in 1985 to 1294 in 2005. The proportion of subjects that were younger than 1 year of age varied significantly from 13% in 1985 to 23% in 1995 and 8% in 2005 (P < 0.001). The proportion of subjects with gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding declined from 34% to 5% during the 20-year interval (P < 0.001), whereas the proportion with abdominal pain increased from 23% to 43% (P < 0.01). During the same interval, the proportion of subjects with complete EGD (biopsies from the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum) increased from 18% of EGDs in 1985 to 95% in 2005 (P < 0.001). This study of children undergoing first-time EGDs with biopsy during a 20-year interval demonstrated significant differences in subject characteristics and endoscopy practices. The inclusion of children with less severe clinical presentation and the collection of greater numbers of biopsies per procedure may contribute to the rising incidence rates of pediatric GI disorders.
Reviews and interprets the current research regarding the effects of undernutrition on physical growth and development and assesses the implications of this research for the treatment of pediatric undernutrition, also known as failure to thrive. The chapter begins with a definition of terms and a discussion of the importance of growth and development. Evidence that undernutrition can account for physical growth delay and behavior alterations in undernourished populations is presented. In addition, proposed mechanisms of these effects are discussed. Although most of the research in this area has been conducted in low-income countries in which undernutrition is endemic, the implications of results found in such populations for children presenting with undernutrition in industrialized countries are addressed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
One hundred eighty-five patients hospitalized for evaluation to thrive were reviewed retrospectively. Eighteen percent had proven organic etiologies. The specific organic diagnosis was strongly suggested by the history and physical examination in all of these patients. Fifty percent of the patients were failing to thrive on the basis of environmental deprivation. Only 1.4% of the laboratory studies performed were of positive diagnostic assistance. No study was of positive value without a specific indication from the clinical evaluation. The history and physical examination are the most valuable tools in the evaluation of failure to thrive. Laboratory investigations are rarely helpful without a specific indication from the clinical evaluation.
Although the diagnosis of "failure to thrive" (FTT) is made frequently, both the meaning of the term and its value as a diagnosis remain debatable. Because any serious disease can cause growth failure, the term FTT has little diagnostic usefulness. Classically, the etiology of FTT has been divided into organic and nonorganic types, with nonorganic FTT defined as growth deficiency without a diagnosable medical etiology and organic FTT defined as growth failure caused by a specific medical illness. A number of authors have questioned the adequacy of this dichotomous view, suggesting the need for a third category: "mixed" etiology. In this group of children, chronic, mild problems, such as recurrent otitis media in concert with behavioral problems, result in aberrant behaviors, such as difficult temperament, sleep disorders, and altered eating behavior, which together impair growth. Even in cases in which the growth deficiency is primarily due to organic or nonorganic causes, the problems seen in the children are often multiple (eg, infants who have cardiac failure also have feeding disorders). Given the multiple contributory factors to FTT and the lack of diagnostic specificity of the term, we recommend that it be abandoned in favor of the term "growth deficiency," which describes the presentation of this entity: An underweight, often stunted, undernourished child.
The objective of this study was to determine whether zinc deficiency is one of the factors involved in nutritional failure to thrive in infants and toddlers. Participants were selected on the basis of anthropometric criteria, particularly a decline in weight velocity preceding changes in length gains. The investigation was designed as a double-blind, randomized, pair-matched, controlled study of dietary zinc supplementation of 6 months' duration. Anthropometric data were collected at 0, 1, 3, and 6 months. Twenty-five pairs of infants completed the project. When compared with placebo-treated control children, the zinc-supplemented group (combined sexes) and the supplemented boys showed significant improvements in standard deviation scores for weight for all three intervals, the largest differences occurring for the 0- to 3-month interval (P less than or equal to .0001). The zinc-supplemented girls demonstrated a trend toward improvements in changes in standard deviation scores for weight (P = .056). There were no differences in length gains for either boys or girls. This improvement in weight gains after zinc supplementation demonstrates that mild zinc deficiency can be one of the etiologic factors in nutritional failure to thrive during infancy.
Centile charts for assessment of stature and weight reflecting expected deficient size and growth rate of home-reared children with Down syndrome are presented for two age intervals, 1 to 36 months and 2 to 18 years, based on 4650 observations on 730 children. Data were pooled and used to estimate five centiles which were smoothed using a flexible mathematical function. These data corroborate other studies of growth in children with Down syndrome demonstrating deficient growth rate throughout the growing period, but most marked in infancy and again at adolescence. Children with Down syndrome in the present sample were taller than those from institutionalized samples at all ages throughout the growing period. Children with moderate or severe congenital heart disease on average were 1.5 to 2.0 cm shorter and about 1 kg lighter than those without or with only mild disease. Mean weight and weight divided by stature squared show that children with Down syndrome have a tendency to be overweight beginning in late infancy and throughout the remainder of the growing years.
Failure to thrive (FTT) has been defined in a number of ways, but most definitions include a weight less than the 5th percentile on the growth chart or a decreasing rate of weight gain. Nonorganic failure to thrive (NOFTT), i.e., FTT not due to organic disease, is the most common category of FTT in the United States and is associated with delayed growth and development and abnormal behaviors. Factors extrinsic to the infant are primarily responsible for NOFTT. That acute undernutrition may be a cause of the poor weight gain is suggested by anthropometric studies and by the observation that NOFTT infants often gain weight when food is supplied. Yet, decreased caloric intake has been documented in only a few infants, and not all infants immediately gain weight when given adequate calories. Current thinking attributes lack of weight gain in NOFTT to probably mixed interacting causes, including decreased nutrition, and abnormal hormonal mechanisms associated with abnormal behavior. That behavior and nutrition are related is recognized, but their interactions have not been adequately documented or explained. It is unknown whether behavior affects growth directly through nutrition or independently of nutrition. Until the cause or causes of poor growth and development in NOFTT are understood, permanently reversing the process will be difficult. This report reviews what is presently known about nutrition and growth in NOFTT.
Fifty-five children previously investigated for failure to thrive (a rate of weight gain below -2 SD) during at least 6 weeks at 4-18 months of age were followed up and reinvestigated at the age of 4 years. The children were studied in two groups: children with organic causes (OFTT) (n = 21); and children for whom no organic cause was found (nonorganic failure to thrive, NFTT) (n = 34). In children with OFTT, normalization of growth was found for both weight and height attained, as most of the diseases were either amenable to treatment or spontaneously subsided. The only exception was a child with severe encephalopathy. In children with NFTT, much lower values were found, particularly for weight, p less than .01 for both weight and height. Children with a low psychosocial score (less than or equal to 3 adverse factors) showed partial catch-up growth, although significantly lower than that of children with OFFT. Among 13 children with high psychosocial scores (greater than or equal to 4), 6 children had been subjected to strong social and/or psychological intervention. These children showed a more favorable growth pattern compared to children with comparable psychosocial scores where no intervention had been undertaken. The children with NFTT continued to grow slowly, remained meager and seemed to maintain a suboptimal growth pattern, particularly those with higher numbers of risk factors.
Fourteen children admitted to the hospital at an average age of 12.5 years previously were reviewed in comparison with a group of children matched for age, sex, social class, and ethnic group. The children in the study group were smaller in height and weight, than children in the comparison group. They had lower scores on the verbal intelligence scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised, poorer language development, and less well-developed reading skills. They had lower social maturity and a higher incidence of behavioral disturbances. There were no differences between the study and comparison groups in family size, maternal age, family health, social isolation, and mothers' childhood experiences. The study group mothers had less knowledge about their children's education, were more anxious, and had a tendency toward concrete thinking. To prevent the long-term adverse effects of nonorganic failure to thrive, a more active, practical, and long-term program, begun at the time of presentation, is recommended.
Growth in weight, length, and head circumference was measured through the first year of life in three groups of low-birth-weight infants: very premature, moderately premature, and mature but severely undersized. Curves of growth for each group were compared to those considered normal for the fetus and newborn infant. When corrected for gestational age, growth curves for weight and length of the study groups paralleled but remained below the standard curves. Head size in the premature infants regained the standard curves; in the undergrown term infant, only part of the difference existing at birth was made up.