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Pornographic imagery and prevalence of paraphilia



The authors classified 1,760 heterosexual pornographic magazines according to the imagery of the cover photographs. Covers depicting only a woman posed alone predominated in 1970 but constituted only 10.7% of the covers in 1981. Bondage and domination imagery was the most prevalent nonormative imagery and was featured in 17.2% of the magazines. Smaller proportions of material were devoted to group sexual activity (9.8%), tranvestism and transsexualism (4.4%), and other nonnormative imagery. The authors suggest that pornographic imagery is an unobtrusive measure of the relative prevalence of those paraphilias associated with preferences for specific types of visual imagery and for which better data are lacking.
... Wade et al. (2022) suggest that the pain and damage is a trade-off for an increase in perceived attractiveness. High heels were also found to be heavily represented in pornographic imagery (Dietz and Evans, 1982), which may suggest that they have become a cultural symbol of sexuality. ...
... Although high heels may be associated with sexuality in the pornographic imagery (Dietz and Evans, 1982), our respondents do not appear to use them as a common means of beautification. High heel shoes are much more associated with formal events and the need to comply with social norms. ...
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The 2020 study entitled ‘Wearing high heels as female mating strategy’ by Pavol Prokop and Jana Švancárová claimed that when females imagined an interaction with an attractive male, their preference for high heels steeply increased, compared with an imagined interaction with an unattractive male. The authors concluded that wearing high heels seem to be a form of sexual signaling by females in intersexual interactions. The present paper revisits this study through a psychological standpoint, rather than a biological one. In addition to proposing hypothetical dating scenarios, as in the original study, we also asked participants about how they went about getting ready to go on a date, the significance of dating to them, and their thinking behind choosing particular outfits for a date. We conducted ten focus groups (N = 50), recruiting from a similar sample of participants to those in the original study. For our study we followed principles of Thematic Analysis to identify the key themes in the narratives related to dating and beautification. We also used the photo elicitation methodology to observe what footwear our participants own. Our data interpretation from these two sources suggests that young women tend to see dates as social events not necessarily leading to sex; that they do not regard high heel shoes as a means of beautification; and that they take account of practical considerations when getting dressed up for a date. Moreover, young women tend to use beautification with caution. We conclude that the relationship between the tendency to use beautification and attractiveness of a potential partner is far from straightforward; and relying on binary responses to hypothetical scenarios does not provide convincing evidence.
... Rapists have been found to masturbate to a variety of sadomasochistic themes, to be aroused by descriptions of a variety of inappropriate sexual behaviors, and to have been charged with a variety of sex offenses (Abel, Becker, & Skinner, in press;Freund, Scher, & Hucker, 1983;Langevin, 1983;Quinsey, in press). But responsiveness to sadomasochistic themes is not unusual in the general population as well if the types of available pornography are any guide (Deitz & Evans, 1982), and real life sadomasochistic activities may or may not be a legal or clinical problem depending on whether real damage is done to the victim/partner and whether the victim/partner consents. With respect to arousability to sadomasochistic cues, therefore, rapists may differ from non-sex-offenders either in their responsiveness to sadomasochistic themes in general or only in instances where the victim does not consent or is physically damaged. ...
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Measured the penile tumescence of 20 heterosexual rapists (mean age 28.6 yrs), 10 non-sex-offenders (mean age 25.8 yrs) from the same psychiatric institution, and 10 males (mean age 24.6 yrs) with low SES recruited from the local community as they listened to audiotaped narrations. Story categories of the tapes were as follows: female victim and/or partner (neutral situation, consenting sex, rape, nonsexual violence, consenting bondage and spanking, masochistic bondage and spanking, and nonconsenting bondage and spanking) and male victim and/or partner (neutral situation, consenting sex, rape, and nonsexual violence). Results show no differences between the non-sex-offender group and control Ss. Rapists showed more sexual arousal to rape descriptions and less to consenting sex stories than control Ss; rapists were sexually aroused by stories involving nonsexual violence with female but not male victims. (13 ref)
... Kadın ve yüksek topuklu ayakkabı arasında erotizmi temsil ettiğine dair yaygın bir ilişkinin varlığı ifade edilmektedir. Bir çalışmada (Dietz, P., & Evans, B. 1982: 1493-1495 pornografik dergilerin kapağında yer alan kadınların % 50'sinden fazlasının topuklu ayakkabı giydikleri tespit edilmiştir. Yüksek topuklu giymek kalıcı ayak hasarlarına ve ciddi incinmelere yol açtığı bilgisi kadınlarca bilinmesine rağmen neden bundan vazgeçemediklerini içerdiği cinsel çekicilik, erotizm sayesinde anlayabiliyoruz. ...
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ZET İçinde bulunduğumuz yüzyıl belki de bireyin en fazla tehdit ve saldırıya maruz kaldığı dönemdir. Hızlı toplumsal değişim, bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmelerdeki iler-lemeler ve buna bağlı olarak toplumsal yapıdaki hızlı değişmeler sadece bireyi dönüş-türmekle kalmamış, insanların dünya görüşleriyle birlikte değer yargılarını da farklı-laştırmıştır. Teknolojik ve ekonomik gelişmeler, kitle iletişim araçları eliyle tüketimin bir "değer" haline getirilmesi aynı zamanda bireylerde değer yoksunluğu, ahlaksızlık, köksüzlük, boşluk, umutsuzluk, inanılacak ve uğruna adanılacak şeylerin eksikliğini de beraberinde getirmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı: medya, bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerinin insan psikolojisi ve değerler üzerinde nasıl bir etkiye sahip olduğunu tartışmaktır. Yöntem: Konu ile ilgili alan yazın taraması yapılıp elde edilen verilerin psikolojik değerlendirilmesine yer ve-rilecektir. Medya, bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerinin insan varoluşuna, değerler dün-yasına, içsel psikolojik yaşantısına yönelen ve onu her yönden kuşatan sürecin hangi psikolojik saiklerle gerçekleştirildiği, Normal Üstü Uyarıcıların (Supernormal Stimuli) nasıl sunulduğu deneysel çalışmalardan örnekler sunularak aktarılacaktır. Bu bağlam-da medya, bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerinin değer çözülmeleri üzerinde oluşturduğu psikolojik etkiler çalışmanın sınırlılığını oluşturacaktır. Muhtemel bulgu olarak normal üstü uyarıcıların, hipnotik telkin olarak da adlandırılabilecek olumsuz psikolojik etki-lerinin değerlerin çözülmesindeki katkısına değinilecektir.
... One interesting approach is to use an unobtrusive measure of sexual interest. Dietz and Evans (1982) looked at pornographic imagery on magazine covers, and found that 17.6% depicted BDSM themes. This method is useful to the extent that the pornography marketplace is efficient, i.e., that the material being produced and distributed corresponds to the interests of consumers, within the limits of legal restrictions on pornography. ...
... We would be remiss if we did not highlight the point that just because some serial offenders amass a collection of fantasy materials does not mean that all who amass collections of fantasy materials will eventually offend. Judging by the occasional cases of non-offenders whose collections become available for study, the large number of pornographers who specialize in materials appealing to one or another paraphilia, and the even larger market for paraphilic pornography (Dietz & Evans, 1982;Dietz & Sears, 1987), there must be very large numbers of non-offenders who amass sizable collections that fit their interests and who never offend against another. In these situations, the collections are still sexual in nature but not associated with violence, at least toward a real victim. ...
... Since high heels are attractive even in the absence of gait cues (Guéguen and Stefan 2015;Guéguen et al. 2016;Lewis et al. 2017;Morris et al. 2013), there must be other reasons that high heels increase women's attractiveness. Lumbar curvature could partly account for the attractiveness of women in the static postures presented in popular magazines (Dietz and Evans 1982;Graff et al. 2013). However, the attractiveness of women with high heels in a sitting/lying position and in pornographic films (Albury 2009) has apparently nothing to do with lumbar curvature. ...
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Abstract Women's physical attractiveness is associated with health and fertility, but various fashion accessories could act, however, as supernormal stimuli and may enhance physical attractiveness to the opposite sex. Wearing high heels could contribute to women’s physical attractiveness in various ways. Across three independent studies, I investigated whether high heels influence the perception of leg length and consequently their physical attractiveness in both sexes and their role in women's intrasexual competition. Heeled legs were more attractive than non-heeled legs and heeled legs were also viewed as longer than non-heeled legs. Furthermore, high heels promote women's mates guarding of their own partners as well as their perception of the sexual receptivity of the target wearing high heels. In conclusion, visually prolonged leg length by wearing high heels make legs more sexually attractive and high heels promote competition between women for access to the opposite sex.
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In two experiments we assessed the impact of aggression on nonrapists' sexual arousal. In the first, both male subjects (n = 37) and female subjects (n = 43) reported more sexual arousal in response to nonaggressive than to aggressive depictions when the portrayals were sexually explicit, but the opposite occurred when the portrayals were nonsexual. Only male subjects (N = 359) participated in the second experiment. On the basis of their self-reported sexual arousal to the use of force, they were classified into the no arousal, moderate arousal or high arousal from force groups. To evaluate the verdicality of this classification, we assessed some subjects' (n = 118) penile tumescence in response to various depictions. The findings generally replicated those of the first experiment and confirmed the accuracy of the arousal-from-force classification. The no arousal and the moderate arousal from force subjects were less sexually aroused by aggressive than by nonaggressive portrayals, but the opposite was found for the high arousal from force group. Using the entire sample (N = 359), we also assessed differences on various factors among these three groups. We found strong differences on ideological factors, including acceptance of violence against and dominance over women. We also found differences in acceptance of nonsexual aggression and in subjects' beliefs that they might actually use force against women. In contrast, differences were not found on sexuality factors. The data's implications for theories on the causes of rape are discussed.
Paraphilia is a condition in which the sexual excitement rely on fantasizing and/or participating in unusual sexual behaviours although the line between “normal” and “abnormal” has been disputed. The project aimed to explore which sexual fantasies and behaviours are common and uncommon in the general population. Furthermore, the relationship between sexual fantasies, sexual behaviours and problematic pornography consumption was examined. Finally, the impact of gender was assessed. Analyses were conducted on a sample of 139 participants. Correlations were found between fantasies, behaviours and problematic pornography consumption. Furthermore, gender differences were found for both sexual fantasies and problematic pornography consumption. Finally, multiple regression revealed that age, gender [Men], fantasies and behaviours were significant predictor of problematic pornography consumption. Those findings are in-line with previous studies which highlighted that the threshold to consider a sexual practice as being abnormal needs to be reconsidered on the basis of self-reported fantasies and behaviours in the general population.
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