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Rumen and Abomasal Cannulation of Sheep with Specially Designed Cannulas and a Cannula Insertion Instrument


Abstract and Figures

Rumen and abomasal cannulas for sheep and an instrument that facilitates rapid insertion of the cannulas were developed. The cannulas were made from epoxy-filled polyurethane and were supported by outer support rings held in place by nuts screwed onto the threaded tops of the cannula barrels. The insertion device was used to pull the cannula through a separately made incision in the abdominal wall and to stretch the skin and other tissues over a cone and onto the barrel of the cannula, thus ensuring a tight fit and the formation of a ring of scar tissue that virtually eliminated digesta leakage. Expansion plugs, used to seal the cannulas, were designed to eliminate a twisting force that could be transferred to the cannula when the plugs were secured or released. The plugs were also designed to protrude minimally from the side of the animal. More than 75 sheep were cannulated, and the preparations proved to be relatively maintenance free and resistant to mechanical disturbance by the animal. The cannulas had a long functional life and permitted convenient sampling of digesta and introduction of liquid and solid materials, including digestion bags.
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R. J. Komarek
Designed Cannulas and a Cannula Insertion Instrument
Rumen and Abomasal Cannulation of Sheep with Specially
1981, 53:790-795.J ANIM SCI
services, is located on the World Wide Web at:
The online version of this article, along with updated information and
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
R. J. Komarek 1,2
Research Laboratories, Tennessee Eastman Company,
Eastman Chemicals Division, Eastman Kodak Company,
Rocbester, NY 14603
Rumen and abomasal cannulas for sheep and
an instrument that facilitates rapid insertion of
the cannulas were developed. The cannulas
were made from epoxy-filled polyurethane and
were supported by outer support rings held in
place by nuts screwed onto the threaded tops
of the cannula barrels. The insertion device
was used to pull the cannula through a separate-
ly made incision in the abdominal wall and to
stretch the skin and other tissues over a cone
and onto the barrel of the cannula, thus en-
suring a tight fit and the formation of a ring of
scar tissue that virtually eliminated digesta
leakage. Expansion plugs, used to seal the
cannulas, were designed to eliminate a twisting
force that could be transferred to the cannula
when the plugs were secured or released. The
plugs were also designed to protrude minimally
from the side of the animal. More than 75
sheep were cannulated, and the preparations
proved to be relatively maintenance free and
resistant to mechanical disturbance by the
animal. The cannulas had a long functional
life and permitted convenient sampling of
digesta and introduction of liquid and solid
materials, including digestion bags.
(Key Words.. Sheep, Rumen Cannula, Abomasal
Cannula, Cannulation.)
Our knowledge of the function of the rumen
and abomasum has been greatly enhanced
1 Biochemistry Research Laboratory, Health and
Nutrition Research Division, Tennessee Eastman
Research Laboratories, Box 1911, Rochester, NY
2The surgical assistance of R. A. Jandzinski and
G. Hume and the art work of P. J. Komarek are
gratefully acknowledged.
through the use of surgically constructed
fistulas. Cannulation is needed to maintain an
open fistula and to minimize its interference
with normal digestive function. A variety of
rumen and abomasal cannulas have been used
and many have been described in reviews and
texts (Dougherty, 1955; Markowitz
et al.,
1964; Johnson, 1966; Willes, 1972; Hecker,
1974). The cannulas have varied from rigid
forms made from metal or plastic (Phillipson
and Innes, 1939; Hill and Gregory, 1951;
Komarek and Leffel, 1961; Markowitz
et al.,
1964; Hecker, 1974) to pliable forms made
from poly(vinylchloride)plastisols, vinyl tubing
and silicone elastomer tubing (Yarns and
Putnam, 1962; Stewart and Nicolai, 1964;
Stewart, 1967; Driedger
et al.,
1970; Alonso
et al.,
et al.,
Cannulas made of flexible materials are
generally easy to fabricate and to insert into
the animal. Rigid cannulas, however, can be
inserted tightly into the abdominal wall,
because the skin and other tissues are suffi-
ciently elastic to stretch over the rigid cannula.
Although a tight fit is difficult to accomplish
consistently, when it is achieved, the resultant
formation of a tight ring of scar tissue seals
the cannula in the abdominal wall and produces
an essentially maintenance-free preparation
1960; Komarek and Leffel,
1961 ; Markowitz
et al.,
Ideally, a cannulated preparation should
seal the fistula and eliminate leakage. It should
not protrude from the side of the animal or
be vulnerable to mechanical disturbances, and
it should be easily opened and sealed and
avoid any twisting action that may disturb
the cannula. Rigid cannulas designed to satisfy
these criteria were prepared for the rumen and
abomasum of sheep, along with a device for
inserting the cannulas and a cannula closure or
plug. The cannulas described in this report
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
were relatively leak-free, did not protrude
from the side of the animal and were easily
sealed with a low profile expansion plug.
Materials and Methods
Surgery was performed on lambs
that weighed between 27 and 40 kilograms.
Some rumen cannulas were inserted into
larger sheep. The sheep were crossbreds, with
Dorset and Hampshire blood predominating.
The cannulas were designed with a
bottom flange, a barrel or tubular portion and
a threaded top with matched nuts that secured
the outer rings to the top of cannulas (figure 1).
The rumen and abomasal cannulas were of the
same design, but they were different in size
and proportion (figure 1). The internal diam-
eter of the barrel of the abomasal cannula was
12 mm, and that of the rumen cannula was
33 millimeters. The cannulas were made from a
rigid, epoxy-filled polyurethane 3 , and the
tissue contact areas were coated with a medical-
grade silicone elastomer 4. The cannulas were
sealed with expandable neoprene plugs, or
closures (figure 1), operated by cam action
levers from commercial closures s . An inner
peritoneal support ring, made from a foamed
poly(fluoroformal) material, was used with
the abomasal cannula (figure ld).
Insertion Instrument.
The cannula insertion
instrument was designed to utilize the drawing
action of a Tyding tonsil snare 6. The instru-
ment consisted of a stainless steel cone, which
was attached to the top of the cannula; a rod,
which was attached to the cone and drew the
cone into the instrument, and two floating
foot pads that slid over the cone when the
operator squeezed the handle of the instrument
(figures 2 and 3). A special pair of calipers
was used during this procedure to bridge the
gap between the two foot pads (figure 6d).
The animals were clipped, washed
the day before surgery and fasted for 24
ho0rs. Surgery was performed under general
3850 Adiprene, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.,
Wilmington, DE.
4 Silastic 382, Dow Corning, Midland, MI.
s Moeller Manuracturing Co., Greenville, MS.
6No. 683 310, Dittmar and Penn Corp., Phila-
7Equithesin, Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories, Kansas
City, MO.
s Fluothane, Ayerst Laboratories, Inc., New York.
9 VML-Fraser Sweatman, Inc., Lancaster, NY.
b ~ r~
C ~1///~ r//w/J
I" 70rnm
~,- 34mm-,-t
I' 67mm =[
I" ?Omm "1
Figure 1. Abomasal and rumen cannulas made
from epoxy-filled polyurethane, along with respective
closures or plugs: (a) cam-activated expansion plug for
the abomasal cannula, (b) retaining nut, (c) outer
flange, (d) inner peritoneal support ring, (e) abomasal
cannula, (f) rumen cannula plug, (g) retaining nut,
(h) outer flange, (i) rumen cannula.
anesthesia produced either by IV infusion of
a mixture of chloral hydrate and pentobarbital
sodium 7 or, preferably, with halothane s
administered in a closed circuit inhalation
anesthetic unit 9. Atropine was given to inhibit
salivation and the motility of the rumen and
abomasal musculature, and to increase respira-
tory efficiency. With halothane, anesthesia
could be induced by masking, thus eliminating
the need for an IV anesthetic. After the induc-
tion of anesthesia, the trachea was intubated
with a cuffed endotracheal tube and anesthesia
was maintained with halothane. The animals
were positioned in either a left (abomasal
cannula) or a right (rumen cannula) lateral
recumbency. The operating table was con-
structed so that the thorax was elevated in
relation to the head and abdomen (Komarek
et al.,
1960; Hecker, 1974). In this position, the
saliva and digesta drained away from the
trachea, preventing inhalation of these fluids,
and the viscera were directed caudally to
reduce the pressure on the diaphram and the
operating field. Entrance to the peritoneal
cavity was achieved by a paracostal laparotomy
(see figures 4a and 4b). Standard aseptic
surgical procedures were used (Markowitz
et al.,
After the site of the rumen or abomasal
incision was located and the surgically exposed
tissues and peritoneal cavity were isolated and
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
Figure 3. Insertion instrument assembled with
cone and calipers for the abomasal cannula. A larger
endpiece, presser feet, cone and calipers were used
for the rumen cannula.
Figure 2. Parts of the cannula insertion instrument
that must be fabricated to convert the Tydings tonsil
snare into the insertion device: (a)upper segment of
the drawing rod, (b) endpiece assembly with presser
feet and the lower segment of the drawing rod,
(c) cone with attaching neoprene plug, (d) presser
foot, (e) support calipers.
protected with sterile towels, an incision was
made (preferably by electrocautery) in either
the dorsal sack of the rumen between the
terminal left ruminal artery and the dorsal
branch of the right ruminal artery, which
extends around to the left side (figure 4c), or
the pyloric region of the abomasum, 10 to 12
cm from the pyloric sphincter (figure 4d). The
incision was only large enough to allow intro-
duction of the bottom flange of the cannula
into the organ. It was necessary to aspirate
excess rumen or abomasal fluid from the organ
after the incision was made. A Murphy purse-
string suture was used to close the incision
around the barrel or the cannula, and, when
necessary for proper inversion, this suture was
oversewn with a regular purse-string suture
(figure 5a). For added strength in the region of
the abomasal cannula, an inner peritoneal ring
(figure 5b) was slipped over the barrel.
The insertion cone was then slid over the top
of the cannula and the neoprene plug slid into
the barrel. The plug in the cannula was ex-
panded by a clockwise turning of the cone
(figure 5c). The cone served to seal the cannula
and prevent contamination of the operating
field. The cannula and cone were loosely
secured with a long piece of suture before
being returned to the peritoneal cavity (figure
5c), thus allowing easy retrieval after the
second skin incision was made.
Either a stab incision no longer than 12 mm,
for the abomasal cannula, or a circular incision
22 mm in diameter (figure 5d), for the rumen
cannula, was made in the skin adjacent to the
opening incision. A stab incision penetrating
the muscle layers and peritoneum was then
made. With the insertion instrument partially
disassembled, the drawing rod from the instru-
ment was passed down alongside the scalpel
through the abdominal wall (figure 6a) and
Figure 4. (a) Positions of the (1) laparotomy and
(2) rumen cannula in a sheep. (b) Positions of the
(1) laparotomy and (2) abomasal cannula in a sheep.
(c) Position of the (1) ruminal incision. (d) Position of
the (1) abomasal incision.
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
Figure 5. (a) Introduction of the abomasal cannula
with an Ailis forceps; drawing shows the Murphy
purse-string suture in place. (b) Peritoneal ring is
slipped over the barrel of the cannula and lies on the
serosal surface of the abomasum. (c) Cone is attached
to the cannula: plug portion is inserted into the
barrel and the cone over the barrel, and plug is ex-
panded by turning the cone. The cannula must be
held firmly while the cone is attached. (d) A circular
section of skin is removed with a specially designed
circular scalpel before the larger rumen cannula is
Figure 6. Insertion of the cannula in the abdominal
wall. (a) Lower segment of the drawing rod is slid
down alongside a small-bladed scalpel that has pene-
trated the muscle layers and peritoneum; (b) rod
is screwed into the top of the cone; (c) body of the
instrument is slid over the lower segment of the rod
and the upper segment is screwed into the lower
segment; (d) after movable portion of the handle is
attached and calipers are set in place, handle of the
instrument is squeezed, forcing the muscle layers
and skin over the cone and onto the barrel.
screwed into the top of the cone (figure 6b).
After the rod was attached to the instrument
(figure 6c), the calipers were set in place
under the foot pads (figure 6d). A steady
squeezing action on the handles of the instru-
ment was then used to pull the cone through
the abdominal wall. The tissues were stretched
over the cone and forced onto the barrel of the
cannula (figure 6d). The cone was removed,
and the outer support ring. was slipped over
the top and secured with the cannula nut
(figure 7). After the cannula was sealed with
an expandable plug, the opening incision
was closed.
The use of IV anesthetic occasionally
required the infusion of a plasma extender'to
treat surgical shock. A 5% glucose solution was
used, postoperatively, to enhance detoxif-
ication of the anesthetic. IV therapy was not
necessary when the animals were anesthetized
with halothane. A mixture of penicillin and
dehydrostreptomycin was injected IM at
.06 ml/kg body weight immediately after
surgery and daily at .03 ml/kg for 5 days
to Combiotic, Pfizer Inc., New York.
Results and Discussion
More than 60 sheep were abomasally can-
nulated, and 15 were ruminally cannulated.
Recovery from surgery was rapid, and the
animals consumed feed and water within 12
hours. Except in three Iambs found to have
serious respiratory lesions, all surgical attempts
produced functional cannulated preparations.
No excessive swelling around the cannulas or
infections were encountered. The absence of
swelling and the minimal protrusion of the
cannula from the side of the lamb, a day
after abomasal cannulation, can be seen in
figure 7. All sheep resumed normal levels of
feed consumption within 7 to 10 days after
The abomasal cannula was used both to
introduce solid or liquid material and to sample
abomosal fluid. The manipulations were easily
accomplished, and, in addition, the rumen
cannula was large enough to permit convenient
introduction and recovery of rumen digestion
The low external profile of the cannula
enabled sheep to lie on the cannula or to be
grouped with other sheep, without any danger
of their mechanically disturbing the cannula.
The dimensional stability of the rigid cannula
allowed insertion in a manner whereby the
elastic recoil of the skin and other tissues was
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
Figure 7. An abomasally cannulated sheep the day
after surgery; note the lack of swelling and the minimal
protrusion of the external portion of the cannula.
Figure 8. Function of a cannula plug with a bullet-
shaped extension designed to keep the mucosal folds
from closing off the end of the cannula.
used to ensure formation of a tightly sealing
scar ring around the device. The difficulties
associated with this type of insertion prompted
the development of the insertion instrument.
The instrument accomplished the insertion
quickly and easily and consistently produced
a tight fit. The rigid cannulas also allowed the
use of effective expansion plugs for convenient
The scar ring that formed around the can-
nula produced a liquid-tight seal, and no digesta
leakage occurred for 3 to 6 months after the
operation. The scar tissue around the neck of
the cannula was flexible, and eventually
stretched away from the device and allowed a
small amount of abomasal or rumen fluid to
seep by during movements of the animal.
The quantity of fluid was not sufficient to
require daily care. No leakage of digesta into
the peritoneal cavity was encountered.
Subsequent experimentation indicated that
the leakage could be eliminated by the insertion
of an inner peritoneal flange into a tightly
fitting groove in the cannula just above the
purse string suture (Komarek, 1981). This
procedure has not yet been used for rumen or
abomasal cannulation.
Collection of abomasal fluid through the
abomasal cannula often became difficult 3 to
6 months after surgery. Autopsy indicated that
the abomasum migrated back toward the
omasum while attached to the abdominal
wall by the cannulation and formed a tubular
passage from the abdominal wall to the aboma-
sal lumen (figure 8). The folded mucosa tended
to act as a valve, and, although test material
could be introduced, abommasal fluid samples
were difficult to collect. The problem was
solved by the design of a cannula plug with a
bullet-shaped endpiece which kept the channel
open and allowed easy collection of fluid
during the life of the preparation (figure 8).
Collection was facilitated by the insertion of
a hollow tube through the cannula and past
the mucosal folds.
Abomasal cannulas commonly remained
functional for about 2 years. They were even-
tually rejected by a general weakening and
stretching of the abdominal wall in the region
of insertion. The weight of the viscera seemed
to be an important factor in this hernial pro-
trusion of the cannula. Experience indicated
that positioning the cannula higher on the side
of the animal increased the longevity of the
In ruminally cannulated animals, the weight
of the viscera did not bear upon the cannula.
Consequently, these preparations usually lasted
as long as the animals were experimentally
The rumen and abomasal cannulas ful-
filled the original design objectives. They
effectively sealed the fistula and were essen-
tially maintenance-free. They did not protrude
from the side of the animal and, consequently,
were not vulnerable to mechanical disturbance
by the animal. The cannulas were long
lasting and were easily used for the sam-
piing of digesta or administration of test
The success of the preparation was due in
large part to the use of the cannula insertion
instrument, which, with relative ease, stretched
the tissues and pulled the cannula through
the abdominal wall, thus ensuring the forma-
tion of a tight scar ring.
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
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by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
... Ruminal cannulation is a fistulation procedure between the dorsal sac of the rumen and the body surface on the left paralumbar fossa, with experimental purposes or to relieve of chronic bloat (SAEED et al., 2007). The placement of cannulas in the digestive system is often required for experimental studies of digestibility, especially in farm animals (STEDILE et al., 2008) and knowledge of the rumen function has evolved through these fistulas (KOMAREK, 1981). ...
... Cannulation is necessary to maintain the fistula open and minimize its interference on the normal digestive function (KOMAREK, 1981). Cannulas prevent gas and rumen contents leakage during sampling intervals and are used in several species and portions of the digestive tract (STEDILE et al., 2008). ...
... The ideal fistula is one that seals around the cannula, preventing rumen fluid leakage in the experimental period (MUZZI et al., 2009). Ideally, in addition, the cannulation should not protrude from the side of the animal, or be vulnerable to mechanical disturbances, as well as being easy to open and close without twisting (KOMAREK, 1981). ...
Full-text available
This study describes a one-stage rumenostomy technique with placement of permanent flexible silicone cannula, performed in seven Santa Inês ewes used in a research on ruminal acidosis for six months. The surgical procedure proved to be easy to perform, with few postoperative complications and effective to carry out the ruminal fluid sampling during the period of study.
... The one stage rumen cannulation involves implantation of a silicon cannula in a fistulated procedure between the dorsal sac of the rumen and the body surface of the left paralumbar fossa, for experimental purposes or to treat persistent bloat, is known as one stage cannulation (Saeed et al., 2007). Cannulation is required to keep the fistula open and prevent it from interfering with regular digestion (Komarek, 1981). Cannulas are utilized in a variety of species and parts of the digestive tract to avoid gas and rumen contents leaking during sampling intervals (Stedile et al., 2008). ...
... In this study, RI was obtained via stomach tubing rather than from rumen-cannulated cows, which is typically regarded as the standard method (Komarek, 1981). The utilization of rumen-cannulated cows in our research was restricted due to the potential for gas leakage through the rumen cannula during CH 4 measurements via the GreenFeed (GF) system, thus resulting in inaccurate gas data (Hristov et al., 2015). ...
... Para a realização da técnica os animais devem estar em jejum alimentar e hídrico, alguns autores citam 24 horas para ambos (Komarek, 1981), outros de 36 e 12 horas, respectivamente (Muzzi et al., 2009), os animais são mantidos em posição quadrupedal, de preferência em tronco de contenção, com acesso à região da fossa paralombar esquerda, realiza-se tricotomia da linha média dorsal até a base do úbere. O animal deve ser sedado e anestesiado e o campo deve ser esterilizado e mantido estéril com a utilização de pano de campo fenestrado. ...
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A fistulação e canulação do rúmen em bovinos é uma técnica que possui grande importância nos estudos de nutrição animal. Com a implantação de cânulas, é possível avaliar o metabolismo e a fisiologia do pré-estômago, pesquisar a degradabilidade de alimentos e forragens in situ, além de serem importantes no processo de transfaunação que consiste na transferência de microbiota ruminal de um animal saudável para um doente. A fistulação do rúmen e a implantação da cânula são realizadas mediante intervenção cirúrgica, que variam conforme o tipo de cânula utilizada. Além disso, a fistulação pode ser realizada em um ou dois estágios operatórios, com diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas descritas na literatura. Complicações pós-operatórias e implicações éticas vem sendo relatadas no presente trabalho, além da importância de estudos realizados com a microbiologia ruminal, principalmente avaliando-se as interações entre os micro-organismos e hospedeiros. Conclui-se que a técnica de canulação em bovinos, bem realizada cirurgicamente com menor sofrimento animal, sendo certificado pelo Comitês de Ética na Utilização de Animais, são importantes para pesquisas na área de nutrição animal e emergências na clínica de ruminantes.
... The surgical details of the procedure were based on the method reported by R. J. Komarek and Santra on sheep fistula (2,20), the method of One-step installation was adopted by using Tshaped fistula (21). In addition, the post-operative care procedure referred to sheep fistula surgery concepts and techniques from Durmic's (22) study, of this second stage are described elsewhere. ...
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This experiment was to study the impact of rumen fistula surgery on the rumen microbios in sheep. Six male adult Hu sheep (48.8 ± 0.23 kg, 0.5 years) were fed at 0700 and 1,800 with ad libitum access to water. The rumen fistula was installed in the same batch from 0600 to 0900. Monitoring the dry mater intake and the output of dry mater faces 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 days after fistulated surgery. The collection of rumen fluid was arranged at 1d during rumen surgery (DRS1), 3d after rumen surgery (ARS3), and 14d after rumen surgery (ARS14) for volatile fatty acid (VFA) and DNA extraction for sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. There was no difference in DMI, the pH apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber both before and 14 days after surgery. Increases were observed in the acetate and total VFA at ARS3. There was no difference in digestion of dry material, organic material, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber before and after surgery. The relative abundance of Bacteroides decreased from 61.96% at DRS1 to 28.85% at ARS3. In comparison with the DRS1 and ARS3, the relative abundance of Firmicutes in the ARS14 increased to 44.58% (P < 0.01). Proteobacteria increased from 11.33% at DRS1 to 51.66% at ARS3 and then decreased to 11.39% at ARS14. Prevotella decreased form 61.06% at DRS1 to 28.04% in the ARS3. Succinivibrio increased from 8.32% at DRS1 to 48.58% at ARS3, but decreased to 10.43% in the ARS14. Compared with DRS1 and ARS3, the ARS14 was higher in the Simpson and Shannon index. As for the BugBase function prediction, rumen fistula surgery increased the microorganism abundance of aerobic and facultative anaerobic phenotype, and anaerobic phenotype was decreased in the ARS3. There was higher microorganism abundance of aerobic phenotype in the ARS14 than before fistula installation. In conclusion, the rumen fistula surgery destroys the anaerobic environment of rumen, leading to differences in rumen microbial diversity and function, but the apparent digestibility and total VFA were not affected.
... Since then, cannulation of the fistula has become standard to maintain the opening and reduce the impact of oxygen exposure on rumen function. 2 Two of the major surgical methods used by veterinary surgeons for rumen cannulation are the one-step and two-step techniques. The onestep surgical procedure involves making a circular incision in the left paralumbar fossa and a subsequent incision in the rumen wall. ...
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Objective: To determine the influence of two methods of rumen cannulation on postoperative animal welfare. Study design: Experimental study. Animals: Twelve commercial wethers (n = 6 per group). Methods: Group 1 wethers underwent a one-step procedure to place a cannula immediately after fistulation of the rumen to the skin. Group 2 wethers underwent a two-step procedure in which a portion of the rumen was externalized and held with a clamp for 9 days, after which the cannula was placed into the fistula created by removal of the clamped rumen tissue. Feed intake and vital signs were monitored daily for 24 days postoperatively. Plasma fibrinogen and serum cortisol were measured daily for 14 days postoperatively to estimate inflammatory and stress responses, respectively. Change in body weight was also assessed. Results: Cannulation method did not affect (P > .05) body weight, temperature , heart rate, respiratory rate, fibrinogen level, or cumulative cortisol level. Feed intake was lower (0.82 vs 1.2 kg/d; P < .0001), and mean cortisol level was greater (124.2 vs 121.5 ng/mL; P = .038) in group 2 compared with group 1. Conclusion: Although both cannulation methods mostly elicited similar physiological responses, animals seemed to experience more discomfort and stress when undergoing the two-step procedure. Clinical significance: Rumen cannulation performed in one step is recommended to improve postoperative welfare.
... Rumen cannulation can result in various postsurgery complications, such as loose fit of the cannula due to stretching or necrosis of the incision site (Komarek, 1981). This leads to leakage of rumen contents and loss of CO 2 , CH 4 , and H 2 from the gas cap of the rumen (Moate et al., 2013). ...
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Rumen cannulation is a widely employed technique in ruminant nutrition research. However, the gap between skin and rumen cannula can cause leakage of fermentation gases and influx of atmospheric air, which may adversely affect the anaerobic environment in the rumen. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of rumen cannulation on headspace gases, dissolved gases, fermentation end products, and methanogen community in the rumen of dairy cows. Eight Holstein cows were used in the experiment. Four cows were surgically fitted with rumen cannulas, whereas the other 4 intact cows were used as control. Rumen cannulation decreased gaseous hydrogen and methane concentrations, dissolved carbon dioxide concentration, and relative abundances of Methanosphaera, and increased the saturation factor of dissolved hydrogen and dissolved methane, dissolved methane concentration, volatile fatty acid concentration, 16S ribosomal RNA gene copies of methanogens, and Simpson index of methanogen community. In summary, rumen cannulation causes a reduction in headspace gaseous hydrogen and gaseous methane, which may not decrease dissolved gas concentrations due to an increase in saturation factors. Furthermore, rumen cannulation alters methanogen community with increased methanogen population and decreased relative abundances of Methanosphaera.
... The technique also allows repeated sampling and exhaustive monitoring of rumen fermentation parameters (Terr e et al., 2013). Therefore, the technique has been widely used in ruminant nutrition research, ruminal fermentation assessment, and rumen microbial community analysis (Komarek, 1981;Geishauser and Gitzel, 1996;Duffield et al., 2004;Kristensen et al., 2010). ...
The main objective of this study was to determine the impact of rumen cannulation on the microbial community of goat rumens using 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing. Twelve Boer crossbred goats were used in the experiment: six goats were surgically fitted with rumen cannula, and the other six were used as controls. All goats were fed the same diet for 20 days, after which their rumen digesta were sampled once per week for three consecutive weeks. Total microbial DNA was extracted from the collected rumen fluid and was used as a template to amplify the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene. High-throughput sequencing was performed using an Illumina MiSeq platform, and the sequences were analyzed primarily using the Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology pipeline software. The results showed that the Chao 1 index, the observed species index and the Shannon-Wiener index were not significantly different (p > 0.05) between the two groups. Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Tenericutes were the predominant phylum in both groups, and their relative abundance was 60.63%, 29.48%, 2.24% (n = 6, CT group) and 61.17%, 26.92%, 1.66% (n = 6, RC group) respectively. At the phylum level, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the microbial communities of RC goats, and Planctomycetes and Chloroflexi were significantly lower (p = 0.02). The abundances of other phyla were not significantly different between treatments. A total of 19 lower-level taxa also exhibited significant differences (p < 0.05) in relative abundance between the groups. In addition, there were 18 genera shared within the control group, 26 shared within the rumen-cannulated group, and 16 shared by both groups. Prevotella was the most abundant shared genus, although its abundance was not significantly different (p > 0.05) between the groups. In conclusion, although the most abundant microbes kept stable, rumen cannulation had the potential to significantly change rumen microbial communities in goats.
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1 ‫الموتی‬ ‫اسدی‬ ‫علی‬ ، 2 ، ‫فتحی‬ ‫سمیه‬ 3 1-‫استادیار‬ ‫موسسه‬ ‫تحق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫قات‬ ‫علوم‬ ‫دام‬ ‫ی‬ ‫کشور‬ ‫کشاورزی‬ ‫ترویج‬ ‫و‬ ‫آموزش‬ ‫تحقیقات،‬ ‫سازمان‬ ، 2 ٍ 3-ٍ ‫استادیار‬ ‫ارضذ‬ ‫کارضٌاسی‬ ‫داًطجَی‬ ‫داهی‬ ‫علَم‬ ‫تْزاى‬ ‫داًطگاُ‬ ‫اتَریحاى‬ ‫پزدیس‬ * ‫کرج‬-‫همراه:‬ ‫تلفه‬ ‫اول.‬ ‫ویالی‬ ‫دهقان‬ ‫روبروی‬ ‫بهشتی‬ ‫شهید‬ ‫خ‬ 09122633566 Email: ‫چکیده‬ : ‫ؿذ.‬ ‫اًجام‬ ‫گَػفٌذ‬ ‫ؿکوبِ‬ ‫اکَػیؼتن‬ ‫بِ‬ ‫هؼتقین‬ ‫دػتشػی‬ ‫هٌظَس‬ ‫بِ‬ ‫پظٍّؾ‬ ‫ایي‬ ‫گزاسی‬ ‫فیؼتَل‬ ‫اص‬ ‫پغ‬ ‫البتِ‬ ‫باؿذ.‬ ‫هی‬ ‫الصم‬ ‫ای‬ ‫ٍیظُ‬ ‫ّای‬ ‫هشاقبت‬ ‫گَػفٌذاى،‬ ‫دس‬ ‫ؿکوبِ‬ ‫ایي‬ ‫با‬ ‫آصهایؾ‬ 2 ‫ػالِ‬ ‫چْاس‬ ‫تا‬ ‫(ػِ‬ ‫ًش‬ ‫گَػفٌذ‬ ‫ساع‬ ‫تقشیبی‬ ‫ٍصى‬ ‫با‬ 01 ± 51 ‫دس‬) ‫داهی‬ ‫ػلَم‬ ‫گشٍُ‬ ‫آصهایـگاُ‬ ‫اص‬ ‫فیؼتَل‬ ‫ؿذ.‬ ‫اًجام‬ ‫تْشاى‬ ‫داًـگاُ‬ ‫ابَسیحاى‬ ‫پشدیغ‬ ‫پَلک‬ ‫بذًِ،‬ ‫ؿاهل‬ ٍ ‫اتیلي‬ ‫پلی‬ ‫جٌغ‬ ‫آصهایؾ‬ ‫ؿشٍع‬ ‫اص‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫بَد.‬ ‫دسپَؽ‬ ٍ ‫هْشُ‬ ‫داخلی،‬ ‫پَلک‬ ‫خاسجی،‬ ‫گَاسؿی‬ ‫ػالهتی‬ ‫ًظش‬ ‫اص‬ ‫گَػفٌذّا‬ ٍ ‫بشسػی‬ ‫دًذاى‬ ٍ ‫اًجام‬ ‫ػَصی‬ ‫ؿاخ‬ ، ‫کشدى‬ ‫اختِ‬ ‫چیٌی،‬ ‫ػن‬ ‫ػول‬ ٍ ‫هَی‬ ‫لگي‬ ‫اػتخَاى‬ ‫بیي‬ ‫فضای‬ ‫دس‬ ‫چپ‬ ‫ػوت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ًاحیِ‬ ‫دً‬ ٍ ‫فقشات‬ ‫ػتَى‬ ، ‫قؼوت‬ ‫آى‬ ‫پَػت‬ ٍ ‫تشاؿیذُ‬ ‫ّا‬ ‫ذُ‬ ‫ضذ‬ ‫دام‬ ‫ابتذا‬ ‫ؿذ.‬ ‫ػفًَی‬ ‫اص‬ ‫ؿکوبِ‬ ‫اص‬ ‫قؼوتی‬ ‫ؿکاف‬ ‫یک‬ ‫ایجاد‬ ٍ ‫جشاحی‬ ‫هیض‬ ‫بِ‬ ‫اًتقال‬ ‫اص‬ ‫پغ‬ ٍ ‫ؿذًذ‬ ‫بیَْؽ‬ ‫ّا‬ ‫بؼذ‬ ‫هشحلِ‬ ‫دس‬ ‫ؿذ.‬ ‫جذا‬ ‫پَػت‬ ‫اص‬ ٍ ‫ًکشٍصُ‬ ‫ؿذُ‬ ‫هْاس‬ ‫قؼوت‬ ‫ّفتِ‬ ‫دٍ‬ ‫اص‬ ‫پغ‬ ‫ؿذ.‬ ‫هْاس‬ ٍ ‫خاسج‬ ‫بذى‬ ‫تـکیل‬ ‫با‬ ‫ی‬ ‫هزکَس،‬ ‫قؼوت‬ ‫سٍی‬ ‫حفشُ‬ ‫یک‬ ‫فیؼتَل‬ ‫گزاسی‬ ‫ؿکوبِ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ًصب‬ ‫اص‬ ‫پغ‬ ‫کِ‬ ‫داد‬ ‫ًـاى‬ ‫ًتایج‬ ‫ؿذ.‬ ‫اًجام‬ ‫یؼتَل‬ ‫ای‬ ‫هشحلِ‬ ‫دٍ‬ ‫سٍؽ‬ ‫بِ‬ ‫گَػفٌذ‬ ‫ؿکوبِ‬ ‫خَساک‬ ‫ّضن‬ ‫قابلیت‬ ٍ ‫پزیشی‬ ‫تخویش‬ ‫هیکشٍبیَلَطی،‬ ‫آصهایـات‬ ‫تَاى‬ ‫هی‬ ، ‫صیاد‬ ‫دقت‬ ‫با‬ ٍ ‫ساحتی‬ ‫بِ‬ ‫سا‬ ‫داد‬ ‫اًاجن‬. ‫ثاًَی‬ ‫ّای‬ ‫هشاقبت‬ ِ ‫ػباستٌذاص‬ ‫فیؼتَل‬ ‫اطشاف‬ ‫ًاحیِ‬ ‫هَی‬ ٍ ‫پـن‬ ‫تشاؿیذى‬ ‫دٍ‬ ‫هاُ‬ ‫یک‬ ‫ّش‬ ‫دس‬ ‫هشتبِ‬ ‫اًفشادی‬ ‫تغزیِ‬ ، ‫دُ‬ ‫با‬ ‫گَػفٌذاى‬ ‫چْاس‬ ‫طی‬ ‫دس‬ ‫ًگْذاسی‬ ‫خَساک‬ ‫بِ‬ ‫ًیاص‬ ‫افضایؾ‬ ‫دسصذ‬ ‫ٍػذُ‬ ‫پ‬ ‫دس‬ ‫ًیض‬ ٍ ‫سٍص‬ ‫ّش‬ ‫دس‬ ‫آصهایؾ‬ ‫دٍسُ‬ ‫ّش‬ ‫ایاى‬ ، ‫گَػفٌذاى‬ ‫اص‬ ‫هضسػِ‬ ‫پؼچش‬ ‫داسای‬ ‫کٌٌذ‬ ‫اػتفادُ‬ ‫ّفتِ‬ ‫یک‬ ‫بشای‬. ‫ّوچٌیي‬ ‫ٍاکؼیٌاػیَى‬ ‫اًجام‬ ‫جیشُ،‬ ‫ػشیغ‬ ‫تغییش‬ ‫ّای‬ ‫صهاى‬ ‫دس‬ ‫باؿذ.‬ ‫هی‬ ‫هْن‬ ‫بؼیاس‬ ‫بشای‬ ‫تجضیِ‬ ‫آصهایـات‬ ‫اًجام‬ ‫پزیشی‬ ، ‫اص‬ ‫تؼذا‬ ‫د‬ ‫کیؼِ‬ ‫هحذٍدی‬ ٍ ‫کن‬ ‫ًایلًَی‬ ‫ّای‬ ‫پزیشی)‬ ‫تجضیِ‬ ‫(صهاى‬ ‫اًکَباػیَى‬ ‫ّش‬ ‫دس‬ ‫ؿَد‬ ‫اػتفادُ‬ ٍ ‫ّوچٌیي‬ ‫فیؼتَل‬ ‫بذًِ‬ ‫سٍی‬ ‫هْشُ‬ ، ‫ًـَد.‬ ‫بؼتِ‬ ‫هحکن‬ ‫خیلی‬ ‫ا‬ ‫با‬ ً ‫ج‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ایي‬ ‫م‬ ‫ّا‬ ‫هشاقبت‬ ‫دس‬ ‫فیؼتَل‬ ‫هاًذگاسی‬ ، ‫یابذ.‬ ‫هی‬ ‫افضایؾ‬ ‫گَػفٌذاى‬ ‫ؿکوبِ‬ ‫گذاری‬ ‫فیستول‬ ‫کلیدی:‬ ‫کلمات‬-‫شکمبه‬-‫گوسفند‬-‫مزاقبت‬ ‫ثانویه‬ ‫های
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طريقة جديدة لإستخدام كانيولا معدلة (محورة )Modified cannula وهى عبارة عن الجزء العلوى من عبوة بلاستيك (بولى بروبيلين ) polypropylene plastic مع غطاءها screwed cap مع إستعمال خيط غير ممتص قوى.حيث تم قطع الجزء العلوى من العبوة البلاستيك والتى تشمل على عنق العبوة وجزء من أعلى العبوة حيث يغلق هذا الجزء من العبوة بغطاء حلزونى للحصول على كانيولا صغيرة الحجم والوزن وبعدها تم تعديل الجزء العلوى منها بإزالة جزء من الجانبين لتغيير الشكل من دائرى إلى مستطيل تقريبا وذلك لمحاولة إدخالها من الجانب الضيق حتى يتسنى لنا إدخالها خلال فتحة صغيرة فى الكرش ومن مميزاتها أنها خفيفة الوزن حيث تم وضعها وإظهارها وتثبيتها ولم تسبب أى ألم ميكانيكى للحيوان الذى أجريت له العملية وأجريت العملية فى وقت قصير وظلت الكانيولا فى مكانها دون أى مشاكل ودون مضاعفات أو حدوث أى تسرب لمحتويات الكرش من حولها مما يساعد على إستمرارية الحصول على الغازات والسوائل طول فترة الإختبارات.والوزن الخفيف للكانيولا بالإضافة إلى صغر الجزء البارز من العنق والظاهر من الخاصرة يقلل من إحتمالية حدوث أى خلل ميكانيكى للكانيولا.
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An intestinal cannula was prepared that was designed to have the advantages of a reentrant cannula without permanently exteriorizing digesta flow or adding significantly to the resistance of digesta flow. The cannula was fabricated in the shape of a T from a Teflon fluorocarbon polymer. Total passage of digesta through the lumen of the cannula was accomplished by suturing a support boot around the outside of the intestine at the cannulation site. The support boot prevented the intestine from stretching away from the cannula. Digesta leakage around the barrel of the cannula was eliminated by a special peritoneal ring attached to the cannula in a position that interrupted the continuity of the tubular scar tissue that formed from the intestine alongside the barrel to the skin. The cannula was supported by an outer ring held in place by a simple stainless steel retaining ring. The low external profile of the cannula minimized mechanical disturbance of the cannula and cannula site. Diet consumption and growth rates were normal, and no blockage was encountered in either the duodenal or the ileal cannula with a wide variety of diets, indicating that the cannula added no significant resistance to digesta flow. Total digesta collection or simultaneous collection and addition were easily accomplished with special collection gates. The cannula preparation has a long functional life; in one case, the cannula remained functional for more than 2 1/2 years.
A quick and simple method for establishing permanent rumimal fistulae is described. A frozen cannula is forced into the rumen in a manner similar to the use of a trocar. Minimal equipment is required, and the entire operation can be performed in 15 to 20 min in sheep or 30 min in cattle. The technique has been used successfully to fistulate seven sheep and two cows.