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Blue and fin whales observed on a seafloor array in the Northeast Pacific

  • WhaleAcoustics, LLC


Calling blue and fin whales have been tracked using relative travel times and amplitudes from both direct and multipath arrivals to a seafloor array of seismometers. Calls of three fin whales swimming in the same general direction, but several kilometers apart, are believed to represent communication between the whales because of signature differences in call character, an alternating call pattern, and coordination of call and respiration times. Whale call tracks, call patterns, call character, and swimming speeds were examined during periods with and without the presence of noise. Noise sources included airguns, when the whales were subject to sound levels of up to 143 dB P-P (peak-to-peak) re: 1 pPa over the 10 to 60-Hz band, and transits of merchant ships, when the whales received continuous levels up to 106 dB rms re: I / • Pa over the 10 to 60-Hz band (115 dB P-P). Whale responses associated with these noises remain arguable. ¸ 1995 Acoustical Society of America.
Blue and fin whales observed on a seafloor array
in the Northeast Pacific
Mark A. McDonald, John A. Hildebrand, and Spahr C. Webb
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
(Received 1 April 1994; accepted for publication 21 March 1995)
Calling blue and fin whales have been tracked using relative travel times and amplitudes from both
direct and multipath arrivals to a seafloor array of seismometers. Calls of three fin whales swimming
in the same general direction, but several kilometers apart, are believed to represent communication
between the whales because of signature differences in call character, an alternating call pattern, and
coordination of call and respiration times. Whale call tracks, call patterns, call character, and
swimming speeds were examined during periods with and without the presence of noise. Noise
sources included airguns, when the whales were subject to sound levels of up to 143 dB P-P
(peak-to-peak) re: 1 pPa over the 10 to 60-Hz band, and transits of merchant ships, when the whales
received continuous levels up to 106 dB rms re: I /•Pa over the 10 to 60-Hz band (115 dB P-P).
Whale responses associated with these noises remain arguable. ¸ 1995 Acoustical Society of
PACS numbers: 43.80.Jz, 43.80.Ka, 43.80.Nd
Many baleen whales produce loud low-frequency under-
water sounds a significant percentage of the time, providing
a practical tool with which to study whale distribution and
movements (Watkins and Wartzok, 1985; Nishimura and
Conlon, 1994; Clark, 1994). Studies of whales have used
arrays of acoustic sensors to determine swimming speed and
direction as well as to monitor call interaction between
whales (Patterson and Hamilton, 1964; Cummings etal.,
1968; Watkins and Schevill, 1977; Cummings and Holliday,
1985). Temporal patterns in acoustic call sequences provide a
measure of respiration times (Cummings et al., 1986) while
call characteristics may separate stocks or groups within the
species (Winn et al., 1981; Ford and Fisher, 1983). Further
study of whale calls may allow them to be used to monitor
behavioral changes associated with man-made noise sources.
The data used for this study were recorded with a seaf-
loor seismometer array having an aperture of about 10 km,
allowing measurement of directionality, apparent acoustic
velocity, relative amplitude and absolute amplitude of sig-
nals. Whale calls were detected during approximately 10%
of the eleven day recording period (a seismology experiment
provided these whale recordings incidentally). Whale calls
were most easily identified when observed in repetitive se-
quences, typically lasting for hours. With the 128-Hz sam-
pling rate used in our seafloor recording system, only low-
frequency sounds, such as those produced by blue and fin
whales, were recorded. Whale calls were detectable at ranges
up to 30 km during this study, although only calls within
about 15 km of the array were analyzed because of the
higher signal-to-noise ratio.
A. Recording instruments
The study site is about 500 km offshore from Astoria,
Oregon (Fig. 1), in 2400 m of water on the southern Juan de
Fuca Ridge, about 60 km north of the Blanco Fault Zone.
During August of 1990, eight seafloor seismometer recording
packages were deployed with 4 to 6 km between adjacent
instruments. Data were recorded internally on optical disks
and examined after instrument retrieval. There were two in-
strument deployments during the study, each for about 5.5
days. The location of the instruments on the seafloor was
known to within a few tens of meters and instrument clock
drifts were known to within about 10 ms, as discussed in
McDonald et al. (1994). Imprecision in the instrument tim-
ing and navigation is negligible relative to the errors in call
locations resulting from picking errors in the arrival times of
the whale calls. The call arrival time picking errors limit call
position accuracy to several hundred meters theoretically and
to some lesser accuracy, on the order of 1 km, as practiced in
these analyses. The number of instruments used in plotting
the call tracks varied, but was never less than four.
The primary sensor used for recording the signals under
discussion was the vertical component of a 3-axis seismom-
eter (Mark Products L-4, 1-Hz natural period). The response
for this sensor is nearly flat to particle velocity from 1 to
over 100 Hz. The electronics system response was low pass
filtered at 60 Hz because of the 128-Hz sampling rate used.
Background ambient ocean noise levels are higher at low
frequency, so the system gain was 20 dB lower at 1 Hz
relative to 10 Hz. The spectrograms and amplitude plots
shown in this paper are not corrected for system roll-off be-
low 10 Hz and above 60 Hz. Signal amplitudes were con-
verted to dB re: 1 /xPa using correlations between the seis-
mic sensor package and calibrated hydrophones (Benthos
AQ-1), as performed during previous seafloor experiments in
similar water depths where the hydrophones were attached to
the seafloor recording package. No hydrophones were de-
ployed during this study. Experiments using both vertical
seismometers and hydrophones have shown a higher signal-
to-noise ratio for whale calls on seismometers than on hy-
drophones. We suggest this is partially due to the direction-
712 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 98 (2), Pt. 1, August 1995 0001-4966/95/98(2)/712/10/$6.00 ¸ 1995 Acoustical Society of America 712
130øW 125øW 48 ø
46 ø
44 ø
42 ø
FIG. 1. The observation site was located on the Juan de Fuca Ridge about
500 km offshore Oregon in 2400 m of water.
ality of the vertical component seismometer and the high
incidence angles associated with the whale signallg.
B. Signal localization methods
Different methods are used to locate short transient
sound sources (fin whale calls), long transient somces (blue
whale calls) and earthquakes. The short (one second) tran-
sient sounds were most easily located, because multipath ar-
rivals are separated in time from the direct arriva;[ and from
each other. Figure 2(a) shows an example of the received
signal from a one second transient sound (fin whale call) on
'" 14
6 8 10 12 14 16
TIME (seconds)
FIG. 2. (a) The amplitude display of a 1-s duration fin whale pulse received
on each of four seafloor recorders at different ranges. The ear:test arrivals
are the direct water path and the later arrivals are bounce paths between the
seafloor and sea surface. (b) A cross-section diagram illustrating the direct
and bounce paths seen in (a).
150 [•. .... 3rd bounce
r•,•,,.•{•.• . . _. A 2nd b .....
145 + lstbounce
105 ambient with moderate %o'•
10 20 30 40
RANGE (km) 50
FIG. 3. The amplitude of an airgun source versus range for the direct water
path and bounce paths as received on a seafloor recorder during this study.
four array elements. Figure 2(b) shows the corresponding
raypaths for each arrival. Since most whale calls occurred
outside of the array, the relative travel time information al-
lows computation of the azimuth to the source. Relative am-
plitudes of the several multipath arrivals allow range estima-
tion from each instrument. The amplitude of the direct arrival
in Fig. 2(a) decreases steadily with range, while the first
bounce path amplitude reaches a maximum at about 12 km
and the second bounce path provides a relatively higher am-
plitude signal at longer ranges.
Direct and multipath amplitude ratios are plotted versus
range from airgun pulses. during this study in Fig. 3. The
airgun pulses are sufficiently similar to the whale calls under
discussion to expect similar reflection coefficients and simi-
lar multipath amplitude 'variations as a function of range.
Most of the energy in these airgun pulses is in a frequency
band between 10 and 35 Hz and has a duration of several
hundred milliseconds. The observed amplitude variation as a
function of range can be explained in terms of the downward
refraction of the direct path due to the water sound-speed
profile and by the change in seafloor reflection coefficient as
a function of incidence angle. We compared these airgun data
to whale data to estimate the range of the whale from each
instrument. Range information has been combined with rela-
tive arrival time information to determine best estimates for
call locations. Each location is overdetermined by using
range data from several instruments, resulting in better loca-
tion estimates. Because the reflection coefficients are site de-
pendent and the sound-speed profile is both site dependent
and time variant it was important that the airgun amplitude
data were gathered at the same site and at nearly the same
time as the fin whale calls.
Transient signals having durations greater than several
seconds (blue whale calls} have overlapping multipath arriv-
als making it more difficult to use multipath relative ampli-
tudes for range estimation. When the source is within 10 km
of the array or inside the array, relative arrival times locate
the source adequately. At ranges beyond 10 km from the
array, the bearing detemfination is quite accurate but the
range determination, using only arrival time data, becomes
poor. By calculating the average source level of well-located
calls of a given type, the amplitude versus range relationship
713 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1995 McDonald et el.: Whales observed on a seafloor array 713
derived from the airgun data was used to estimate range.
Earthquake ranges are readily determined using relative ar-
rival times of the compressional and shear wave energy trav-
eling in the rock (e.g., Mailick and Fraser, 1990) while their
bearing is determined by relative arrival times on multiple
A. Recorded sounds
The observed signals can be described in three catego-
ries; seismic, biologic, and man-made. The most common
signals are those in the seismic category, including those
from seafloor hydrothermal flow (Sohn et al., 1992), earth-
quake T-phases (Walker and Bernard, 1993) and earthquake
body waves. In the biologic category are whale calls and the
so called "fishbumps" (Buskirk etal., 1981), which can
sometimes be identified as biologic because they occur more
fi'equently at certain times of day and certain water depths.
Man-made signals observed were primarily those associated
with ships. Less common signals in this type of data include
tidal current flow noise (Duennebier etal., 1981; Ambos
et al., 1985) and volcanic tremor (Talandier and Okal, 1984;
Talandier and Okal, 1987).
We analyzed two sequences of repetitive, two part, ap-
proximately 20 Hz, whale calls from the eleven days of re-
cordings. These two part calls consist of: A 19-s signal (type
A) followed by a 24-s interval, a different 19-s signal (type
B), followed by a 60-s interval before the first signal (type A)
of the next pair occurs. These signals lasted for 10.5 h (Au-
gust 18, 0030 to 1100 Local) and 5.2 h (August 19, 0640 to
1150 Local), consisting of about 375 and 180 calls, respec-
tively. The 10.5-h sequence was in progress when data re-
cording began and continued until the whale was beyond the
detection range of the array. There were also other faint 19-s
signals which were not analyzed because of low signal-to-
noise ratio, but which have the same characteristics.
There were two sequences of 1-s duration whale calls
near 20 Hz, repeating at an average interval of 19 s, except
for pauses which typically last 150 s. These sequences lasted
2.2 h (August 21,0410 to 0620 Local) and 8.0 h (August 28,
2010 Local to August 29, 0410 Local), consisting of about
1000 and 4000 calls, respectively. Only the 8.0-h sequence
was analyzed because of the poor signal4o-noise ratio on the
2.2-h sequence. We also recorded signals from 65 regional
and local earthquakes, several of which occurred during a
whale call sequence.
A. Spectra
The 19-s duration signals are recognized as blue whales
because of a similarity to signals recorded in the presence of
blue whales (Cummings and Thompson, 1971; Edds, 1982;
Thompson et al., 1987; Ailing et al., 1991; Alling and Payne,
unpublished manuscript), and because of considerable un-
published navy research on these signals (Cummings and
Thompson, 1994). Similar recordings are reported that lack
60 t
)_ 40•
•- •o 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 80 70
TIME (seconds)
FIG. 4. The spectrogram and corresponding lime series record of a typical
blue whale call pair. The .speclrogram was made using a filler bandwidlh of
1.55 Hz and a Iime window of four seconds. The average duration and
slandard deviation for each portiou of the call pair sequence is shown from
one sequence of 132 call pairs. The call is divided inlo lwo portions, paris A
and B.
visual corroboration (Weston and Black, 1965; Kibblewhite
et al., 1967; Northrup et al., 1968; Northrup et al., 1971;
Thompson, 1965; Thompson etal., 19791 Thompson and
Friedl, 1982) and we understand that other recordings with
visual corroboration remain unpublished as this correlation is
well accepted in the whale acoustics field.
A typical two part blue whale call waveform and corre-
sponding spectrogram tire shown in Fig. 4. The first 19-s call
segment (part A) shows a series of six spectral lines about
1.5 Hz apart with the lowest at 17.5 Hz. Spectral lines like
this can be generated by a pulsed tone and have been referred
to as pulsive (Watkins, 1964). A pulselike amplitude modu-
lation is evident in the waveform display. Spectrograms com-
puted for more than 100 call pairs l'mm the August 18 se-
quence reveal remarkably little variability in character.
The second segment (part B) in the blue whale call pair
is probably not amplitude modulated. The amplitude vari-
ability seen in the records appears to be the result of con-
structive and destructive interference of sevmal reflected
paths and the direct travel path as evidenced by differences
in the tilne-versus-amplitude character of the same signal
observed at different ranges. The fundamental tone in this
call begins at 19 Hz and sweeps down in frequency to 18 Hz
in the first 3 to 4 s (Fig. 4). The 18-Hz tone is then carried
until the last 5 s where the dominant tone sweeps down to 17
Hz. Since the sampling rate was 128 Hz there may be seg-
ments or components of the call sequence above 60 Hz
which were not recorded. Higher frequency segments and
components have been reported by Cummings and Thomp-
son (1971), Thompson et al. (1979), and Ailing et al. (1991),
although the whales recorded by Ailing et al., may be pygmy
blue whales (B. musculus bt, vicauda).
B. Temporal pattern in calls
Only the August 18 blue whale call series was suitable
for analysis in terms of the gaps between calls, since airgun
shot noise made it difficult to pick the beginning and end of
714 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., VoL 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1995 McDonald et aL: Whales observed on a seafloor array 714
LU 120
< 6o
60 120 180
TIME (minutes)
FIG. 5. The time interval between successive blue whale call pairs is typi-
cally 60 s but after about five calls there is a longer 060 s) interval, iuter-
preted to be a breathing pause.
each call from the August 19 series. Spectrograms were com-
puted and call start and stop times were picked for 134 con-
secutive pairs having a high signal-to-noise ratio. All but one
of the 134 call pairs followed a stereotype pattern consisting
of a 19-s pulsive signal followed by a 24.5-s gap and a 19-s
monotonic signal. One unusual call was missing part B and
the next call pair began 45 s later.
A plot of interval time between call pairs (Fig. 5) shows
a longer time after every five or six calls, which may repre-
sent a respiration pattern. This would correspond to a typical
dive time of 660 s and a breathing time of 160 s. Similar
patterns in call intervals were reported by Thompson et aL
(1987) where call pairs occurred in series of two to six with
a median repetition interval (breathing time) of 131 s. Edds
(1982), however, reports exceptions to the pattern of calling
during dives and not calling during breathing and reports
surface slicks during the call sequences demonstrating the
whale to be at shallow depth during some calls.
C. Call tracking
Call locations were calculated [Fig. 6(a)] at regular time
intervals for a portion of the August 18 series by fitting
smoothed curves through the amplitude and relative arrival
time data from four seafloor instruments. Changes in both
bearing and received call amplitude [Fig. 6(b)] occur
smo6thly, suggesting relatively continuous movement of the
whale during the call series. Each track could have been
generated by either a single whale or a group of whales trav-
eling together if separations were less than one kin. This
series contains no overlapping calls which would be indica-
tive of a second whale at the same location. Other recordings
(Thompson, 1965, in Urick, 1983, p. 219) have shown over-
lapping calls.
The speed of the whale(s) was 6 km/h averaged over the
first track and. 10 km/h averaged over the second, while the
715 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1995
z 55
•' 50
ra 45
ß Position 0200 0030
ob Call Amplitude at Element 6
120 ., •6• ["
e u
110 P I t
0 2 4 6
tocol time (hours)
FIG. 6. (a) The track of a blue whale with local time shown adjacent to each
of the points for which position was calculated. (b) The blue whale call
amplitude changes with time. Each point plotled represents one blue whale
call pair, so the gaps iudicate breaks in the call sequence.
•-h interval ranged from 4.5 to 13 km/h.
average speed per
All speeds were computed between the points marked with
times on the track plot of Fig. 6(a). The whale(s) may be
swimming an irregular course between the computed points
implying a higher speed. Reported observed speeds for blue
whales are 2 to 6.5 km/h while feeding, 5 to 33 km/h while
cruising or migrating and a maximum speed of 20 to 48 km/h
when being chased or harassed (Yochem and Leatherwood,
A. Correlation of 1-s signal with fin whales
The l-s, frequency-downswept, pulses recorded during
this study (Fig. 7) are known to be typical fin whale calls
TIME (seconds)
FIG. 7. Spectrogram and time series for a typical fin whale call, the first
sound at 1.3 s is the direct water arrival and subsequent sounds are the
multipath arrivals of the same signal. The speclmgram was made using a
filter bandwidth of 6.19 H/and a time window of 2 s.
McDonald et al.: Whales observed on a seafloor array 715
(Schevill et al., 1964; Thompson et al., 1979; Watkins et al.,
1987; Richardson et al., 1991; Thompson et al., 1992). Iden-
tification of acoustic signals from the fin whale is primarily
from combined visual observations and recordings off the
east coast of the U.S. where there is a seasonal pattern of
signals common off Bermuda only in winter and common in
the St. Lawrence estuary and off the New England coast only
in summer (Edds, 1988; Watkins, 1981).
B. Temporal pattern in calls
We describe call series durations and rest intervals, as-
sociated with the respiration cycle of fin whales (Cummings
et al., 1986), using the terms: Pulse interval, rest, and gap, as
defined by Watkins et al. (1987). The average pulse interval
of the fin whales, excluding rests, is 19 s averaged over 467
calls from one continuous series, having no gaps (exception-
ally long rests), during the 28-29 August series. This 19-s
pulse interval is similar to prior observations (Watkins et al.,
1987). The rest durations, corresponding to breathing times
and the pulse series durations corresponding to dive times,
suggest typical dive times of 600 s and breathing times of
150 s, from this study. Pulse interval times of 900 and 720 s
with corresponding breathing times of 150 and 120 s have
been reported respectively by Patterson and Hamilton (1964)
and by Watkins et al. (1987). These acoustically interpreted
durations are longer than the 201 and 90 s average dive times
and the 90 and 55 s average breathing times from visual
observations, reported by Stone et al. (1992) and by Edds
and MacFarlane (1987), although, other factors such as the
activity of the whale and the water depth, make these com-
parisons difficult to interpret.
C. Call tracks and whale interaction
The 28-29 August series of fin whale calls indicates
repeat interactions among three whales located several kilo-
meters apart. Figure 8 shows the time series and correspond-
ing spectrogram from several minutes of a typical fin whale
call series with mt/itiple whales. At this compressed time
scale it is not possible to see the downsweep associated with
each pulse, but the frequencies and bandwidth show the dis-
tinctire signature a•socmted with each of three whales.
Whale "a" in Fig. 8 has a signature consisting of a down-
sweep from 18 to 14 Hz, while whale "b" has a 25- to 16-Hz
downsweep signature, and whale "c" a 37- to 22-Hz down-
sweep signatur e . These signatures were very consistent
throughout th'e sequence of 467 calls which were examined
in detail. That the whales are interacting, rather than just
independently calling, is suggested by the consistent alter-
nate spacing between calls with the calls never overlapping,
the distinctive call signature of each whale and the apparent
synchronization of respiration. The time series records from
the four seafloor instruments demonstrate the separation be-
tween these whales, with different instruments showing the
highest amplitude for the whale nearest that instrument.
For the sequence of 467 calls analyzed in detail, the
whale labeled "a" in Fig. 8 produced 46% of the total calls,
"b" produced 41% and "c" produced 13%. Within these 467
calls there are only six occasions when a whale called twice
60 120 180
TIME (seconds)
FIG. 8. Time series for elements S1, S4, S5, and S7, and spectrogram for
element S1 from several minutes of a typical fin whale call series with
multiple whales. The frequency and bandwidth differences make up the
distinctive signatures associated with three whales labeled "a," "b," and
"c." That the whales are interacting rather than just independently calling is
suggested by the consistent alternate spacing between calls with nonover-
lapping calls and a distinctive call signature for each whale. The time series
records from the four seafloor instruments demonstrate the separation be-
tween the three whales with different instruments showin• the highest am-
plitude for the nearest whale.
without an intervening countercall, including the rest gaps in
this sequence. Of these occasions, whale "a" called consecu-
tively only once, that after a particularly long rest gap, such
that the two calls were some 5 min apart. Whale "b" twice
called consecutively and whale "c" on three occasions. On
the occasions when whale "c" repeated its call without a
response, it called two, three, and five times consecutively.
Cursory examination of other similar data sets from the same
area suggest this to be a common patten], where calls of the
type produced by whale "c" are fewer in total number but
are most often repeated consecutively.
Figure 9 shows the tracks of the three whales over the
1.5 h while they were nearest the array. The whales traveled
side-by-side rather than single-file and no whale appeared to
be leading. The whales tracked in Fig. 9 were swimming at
speeds of 5 to 14 km/h as averaged over the «-h intervals
shown. Swimming speeds for fin whales from visual data are
reported as 10 to 16 km/h for long periods when in transit
and 20 km/h or more for shorter periods (Watkins, 1981).
The lowest frequency whale, "a," swam most quickly, called
most often and never called twice in a row; while the highest
frequency whale, "c," swam slowest, called least often and
called consecutively most often.
716 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1995 McDonald et al.: Whales observed on a seafloor array 716
•- 3o
20 30
o 4
35 40 45 50
Arroy Element s• Whole 'b" Pos;tion
FIG. 9. Tracks of the three fin whales ("a," "b." and "c") from Fig. 8 travel
together, showing their positions at equivalent times connected by dashed
lines. The whales appear to travel side by side rather than in a single file.
Whale "a" with the lowest frequency signature. travels the fas, est (circles),
whereas whale "c" with the highest frequency signature, travel4 the slowest
A. Significance
Concern for the welfare of marine mammals has focused
attention on the effects man-made noise may have on the
behavior, communication, or general welfare of wh;des. Un-
der the Marine Mammal Protection Act, increasingly strict
guidelines for the use of man-made noise in the oceans are
being applied as a precaution against disruption of whale
behavior (Holman, 1989; Green et al., 1994). Natural tran-
sient noises in the ocean are primarily associated with earth-
quakes and volcanic eruptions while man-made transients
include shipping, geophysical surveying with airguns, under-
water explosions and hydraulic sound sources such as are
used with acoustical oceanography experiments.
B. Airgun noise
We conducted a seismic refraction survey w th a four
airgun array having a total capacity of 1600 cubic in., fired at
1800 psi. These airguns are individually larger than those
typically used in oil exploration, resulting in lower maximum
sound levels at lower frequency, near 15 Hz. The airgun
array produced about 215 dB P-P re: I /.tPa at I m over a 10-
to 60-Hz band (a suboptimal sound-pressure level I:ecause of
depth and towing speed constraints) as estimated from seaf-
loor measurements. The array was nearly symmeU'iz in azi-
muth. The directionality of the airgun away was not mea-
sured, but this source level measurement is appropriate for
estimating received level at the whales because the seafloor
reflected paths will be the loudest received at the whales.
Figure 10 shows a blue whale track during airgun operations.
The dashed lines connect the airguns location with the whale
location for the matching time. This whale, in Fig. 10, was
z 50
• 40 -o ?:.._.•
-• 30 --- ;:.o
40 60 80
• 124[Coll Amplitude ol Element 8
6 8 10 12
Locol time •hours)
FIG. 10. (a) A blue wh•e tr•k during airgun operations. The dashed lines
connect the location of the airgan ship with the whale location at the core-
spuncling t, me. The whale sta•ed its call sequence well within the trachng
range of the •ay when the •rgun ship was 15 km distant (07•) h local
time). The wh•e lollowed a putreit track until it stopped calling at a r•ge
of 10 •. After a gap in the call •equence, the whale track moved diagongly
away from the ship. (b) The r•eived whale call amplitude changed with
time. Each point plotted •prescnts one blue whale call pair. so the gaps
in,cate pauses in the call sequcace.
moving slightly faster than the whale tracked in Fig. 6(a),
with an average speed of 10 km/h, varying from 7 to 13
km/h. The whale started its call sequence well within the
tracking range of the array when the airgun ship was 15 km
distant (0700 h local time). The whale closed on the ship
following a pursuit track until it stopped calling at a range of
10 km. At this point, the ship was moving about 10 km/h and
was beginning to increase its distance from the whale; the
sound level of the airguns then was 143 dB P-P re: 1 /xPa
over a 10- to 60-Hz band at the whale. After a gap in the call
sequence, a new call series, presumably by the same whale,
was again located 10 km from the ship, suggesting it had
taken a track generally paralleling the ship. The series of
positions after 0930 shows the whale moving diagonally
away from the ship. Comparing tt•is track with that ol' Fig.
6(a), it appears the whale may have been approaching the
ship intentionally, or perhaps was unaffected by the airgun
ship. More data of this type will be needed to draw conclu-
sions about the affect of such ndise on blue whale behavior.
Studies of bowhead and gray whale behavior in the presence
of airgun noise indicate avoidsthee at broadband levels of
about 160 to 170 dB 0-P re: I /.•Pa (Malme etal., 1984:
Richardson etaL, 1986; Richardson etal.. 1991; Tyack,
C. Ship-generated noise
Noise created by the research vessel did not significantly
increase the background noise level between 10 and 60 Hz at
the study site (except during airgun operations), but regular
passages of larger merchant ships were observed to increase
10- to 60-Hz noise levels by as much as a factor of 20 in
amplitude (26 dB) relative to times when no merchant ships
717 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1 [,95 McDonald et aL: Whales observed on a seafloor array 717
ß Max•. Amp. 64 Events
UI T-Phase 54 Events
105 115 125 135 145 155 165
P-P Pressure (dB re 1 gtPa)
FIG. 11. The peak amplitudes of body-phase or t-phase pressure signals,
whichever is greater, and the t-phase pressure signals from the 64 earth-
quakes observed in this study. At low amplitudes the smaller number of
detected events is attributed to detection limitations related to the variability
of background noise from local shipping.
were nearby. The blue whale track ill•ustrated in Fig. 6 could
not be located after 0800 h because an approaching merchant
vessel increased the noise level so that it was difficult to pick
the arrival times and amplitudes of the blue:wh•le calls. This
merchant vessel came from the north-northwest, passing
about 5 km west of the nearest array element •t 0940 h when
the whale was approximately 5 km west of the vessel. Sound
levels at the whale were about 106 dB rms re: 1/•Pa over the
10- to 60-Hz band (115 dB P-P), yet the blue whale contin-
ued to call as before. In contrast, avoidance behaviors have
been observed in beluga whales at ship noise levels of only
94 to 105 dB rms re: 1,/•Pa in the 20- to 1000-Hz band from
ships 35 to 50 km distant (Finley et el., 1990). Bowhead
whale avoidance behaviors have been observed in half the
animals when exposed to 115 dB rms re: 1 /•Pa broadband
drillship noises (Richardson eta!., 1990), but behavioral re-
actions are considered to vary depending on the characteris-
tics of the noise, whale activity and the physical situation
(Richardson and Greene, 1993).
D. Earthquake-generated noise
Earthquakes are believed to have generated ocean noise
at similar frequencies and magnitudes throug,hout the evolu-
tion of whales, and thus are a background noise to which the
whales are presumably adapted. The frequency of occurrence
of earthquakes producing transient sounds of given ampli-
tude in the ocean can be predicted using observations such as
were collected in this study together with the empirical rela-
tionship by which the frequency of earthquake occurrence
rises by a factor of l0 (a close approximation) for each de-
crease in eaxthquake magnitude (Frohlich and Davis, 1993).
The histogram shown in Fig. I 1 provides a reference level
upon which the empirical relationship is applied for this re-
glen of the north Pacific. Similar north Pacific data has been
reported by Johnson and Jones (1978), Jones and Johnson
(1978), Hyndman and Rogers (1981), and Fox et al. (1994)
and there are at least 20 similar published data sets for other
areas of the Pacific.
The data of Fig. 11 have been divided into two types,
tertiary-phase (T-phase) energy which is transmitted in the
water and b9dy-phase energy transmitted in the rock, enter-
ing the wate• near the receiver. The earthquakes that gener-
ated the signals recorded during this stud• occurred at ranges
as far as 170 km and as near as 1.1 km, with most at ranges
near 65 kin, the range from the study sii• to the Blanco
Transform Fault Zone. Body-phase energy provides the high-
est amplitude sound in the water at near ranges, while at
longer ranges the T-phases dominate.showing energy above
background levels from 3 to 35 Hz (Walker et al., 1992)
regardless of the earthquake range. Different regions in the
ocean will be dominated by one or the other, depending on
local seismicity levels.
Using this information,. it is possible to estimate the
earthquake sound level a whale will hear with a given fre-
quency of occurrence. If we assume whale hearing has
evolved to withstand the maximum level of earthquake gen-
erated sound, occurring once per lifetime, this level suggests
how loud a man-made sound might be w.i. thout causing per-
manent damage. For purposes of the calculation, we assume
our study site receives earthquake noise typical of that re-
ceived by the hypothetical whal$. We believe the earthquake
noise at our study site to be above average for the worlds
oceans, but not extremely so. We also assume for the calcu-
lation that the pressure amplitude produced in the ocean is
directly related, one to one on a 1ogarithn•ic scale, with
earthquake magnitude increase. Extrapolating from our
sound level of 140 dB P-P re: I /zPa in the 10- to 60-Hz
band, from earthquakes once per day (Fig. 11), we calculate
a sound level exposure of 204 dB P-P re: •/•Pa in the 10- to
60-Hz band for earthquakes occurring once per lifetime (50
years). In the less likely occurrence where the whale hap-
pened to be directly over the earthquake, the sound exposure
level would be 231 dB P-P re: 1 /xPa. We anticipate that
SOSUS data (Gagnon et ai., 1993; Nishimura and ConIon,
1994; Fox vt al., 1994) will soon provide direct answers to
the question of maximum earthquake sound pressure levels
detected over a period of years, avoiding the assumptions
implicit iri our calculation. Very distant earthquakes, such as
the very large and deep Bolivian event in 1994, have no
bearing on this calculation, as that event produced no signifi-
cant energy above 2 Hz in the region of this study. Possible
effects of an intermediate range earthquake on gray whales is
discussed by Maline et ai., 1989.
Figure 12 shows earthquake sound energies, both
T-phase and body-phase during a fin whale call series. There
is no disruption of the call interaction in this case when the
sound level from the earthquake is 121 dB P-P re: 1 /•Pa
over the 10- to 60-Hz band at the whale. When extrapolated
back to the Blanco Transform Fault Zone, sound levels from
this earthquake would be 27 dB higher (148 dB P-P re: 1
/xPa) within a few kilometers of the epicenter. The range
between the earthquake and the whales is practically the
same as the ear. t. hquake to recording instrument range at the
time scale of this plot.
718 J. Acoust. Sec. Am., VoL 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1995 McDonalc• et al.: Whales observed on a seafloor array 718
o 60 TIME (seconds)
FIG. 12. Earthquake noise, including both t-phase and body phases during a
fin whale call sequence. There appears to be no disruption of the call inter-
action in this case when the noise level from the earthquake is 121 dB
re: I /sPa over the 10- to 60-Hz band, at the whale.
A. Noise pollution of the deep ocean
Noise pollution, herein defined as anthropogenic noise,
in the deep sound channel is basically of two types: Transient
noises and background noise levels. Natural transients are
primarily associated with earthquakes and volcanic e•up-
tions, while manmade transients include geophysical survey-
ing with airguns, underwater explosions and hydraulic
sources such as those used for acoustical oceanography ex-
periments. First we discuss the possible anthropogenic ef-
fects on background noise levels in the deep sound channel.
It is impmtant to keep in mind during this discussion that the
sound channel has a profound effect: 20-Hz ambient noise
levels in the sound channel are about 30 times louder in
amplitude (30 dB) than noise levels at typical seafloor
depths, such that while local wind noise (associated with
breaking waves) may set the background noise level at the
seafloor (McCreery et aL, 1993; Shooter et al., 1990), the
background level in the deep sound channel is associated
with distant sources, including wind noise, shipping, seis-
micity and distant whale calls.
The analysis of Payne and Webb (1971) proposes that
propeller driven shipping has changed the background noise
levels of the entire worlds' oceans, negatively affecting the
ability of the 20-Hz whale calls to be heard at long range.
More recent work challenges that hypothesis, suggesting that
sources other than shipping may cause the observed back-
ground levels at 20 Hz. Ambient noise levels in the deep
ocean sound channel near the 20-Hz frequency range are
bounded on the low side (below 5 Hz) by nonlinear wave-
wave interaction, a phenomena which is relatively well mea-
sured and understood (Kibblewhite, 1985; Webb, 1992).
Noise levels between 5 and 50 Hz have traditionally been
attributed to shipping noise (Wenz, 1962), but may be alter-
natively and/or regionally sourced from high latitude winds
(Bannister, 1986). Some authors have suggested other noise
sources in this frequency range including atmospheric turbu-
lence (Wilson, 1979; Copeland, 1993), lightning (Du-
brovskiy and Kosterin, 1993), and glacial ice flow (Cope-
land, 1993), but we consider these sources improbable or
Many observations of ambient noise levels have a peak
at 20 Hz which is usually attributed to whale calls and as-
sumed to be caused by whales relatively local to the obser-
vation site even though the whale calls may not be distinc-
tive in the time series data (Kibblewhite etal., 1976;
Copeland, 1993). The important question is whether the
source of background noise near this 20-Hz peak is shipping,
a source the whales did not evolve with and may not be
readily adapting to. Our calculations of earthquake T-phase
noise levels in the sound channel, when extrapolated back to
a frequency of occurrence of nearly continuous noise (the
distinction between background and transient noise becomes
blurred), suggest seismicity may be the dominant noise
source at 20 Hz in some otherwise quiet regions of the ocean.
This is significant because earthquakes would have been
present throughout the period of whale evolution. A discus-
sion of the assumptions used in these calculations would be
too lengthy for this paper and recent SOSUS data may also
provide better data upon which to base this type of calcula-
A good example of transient noise pollution is that from
the seismic airgun array. Transient noises associated with
geophysical surveying off the California coast have been
readily recorded on land seismometer arrays 6100 km distant
in Polynesia after traveling via the deep sound channel with
little dispersion (Okal and Talandier, 1986). These noises,
however, were probably not even heard by a whale near the
surface in the mid-Pacific, because of the trapping of the
sound in the deep sound channel. This type of noise will be
heard only by the whales which dive below several hundred
meters depth and to those in the polar regions where the
sound channel shallows, assuming some land mass has not
blocked the path. Prediction of airgun noise propagation is
also complicated by the environment near the airguns, which
in this instance may have been well suited for introduction of
the airgun noise into the deep sound channel by downslope
conversion where the sound is reflected off the seafloor, pro-
viding an efficient means of entering the deep sound channel
(Jensen et aL, 1994).
B. Why blue and fin whales call
Speculations on why blue and fin whales call at 20 Hz
have focused primarily on the question of communication
with, or at least the broadcasting of relative location infor-
mation to other whales of like species (Payne and Webb,
1971). The use of 20-Hz signals for depth finding sonar is
somewhat discounted by the observation of calls when the
whales are moving slowly and calling frequently, making the
information content redundant. The whales would be ex-
pected to perceive the depth from the 20-Hz echos, but the
signal is louder than would be necessary and a higher fre-
quency signal would seem a more logical choice for this
purpose. Relative location infmmation is undoubtedly impor-
tant to survival of the species if breeding pairs are to meet.
Recent developments in long distance call tracking of blue
whales using navy hydrophone arrays (Gagnon et al., 1993)
has raised speculation that the whales are horizontally echo-
sounding the island of Bermuda from ranges up to 1000
miles (Clark, 1993).
719 d. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1995 McDonald et aL: Whales observed on a seafloor array 719
The information contained in the multipath amplitude
ratios, as used to track fin whales in this study, suggests that
fin whales could measure oceanic sound speed profiles by
countercalling among the pod. The direct path amplitude
relative to the bounce path amplitudes would provide a mea-
sure of the magnitude of downward refraction associated
with the shallow (upper 500 m) sound-speed profile. Suffi-
cient information could be obtained by the whale receiving
the signal if the source were at least several km distant from
the calling whale. Countercalls could provide measurements
of variability in the sound-speed profile which would not be
possible simply by listening to the echo of their own call,
because a horizontal travel path amplitude would be added
for comparison with reflected path amplitudes. Extraction of
water sound-speed and corresponding temperature profiles
may be possible using the principles of matched field pro-
cessing (Jensen etal., 1994). Changes in the depth and
sharpness of the thermocline may be estimated from these
amplitude ratios and may help the whale locate food.
The use of passive seafloor arrays to track and monitor
the calls of passing whales has advantages over other meth-
ods, such as radio tracking or visual observations, not only in
cost but also because seafloor recording arrays are unobtru-
sive, unlike methods, using ships or aircraft as observing
platforms, which may interfere with whale behavior. The re-
cordings from this study further show the use of signature
calls among fin whales, as suggested by Watkins (1981).
These recordings provide a minimum measure of how many
whales were present in an area and provide information on
the character and pattern of their calls, which may eventually
lead to association with specific behaviors and/or the separa-
tion of population groups by characteristic calls. Tracking of
the calls provides direction and speed of travel information
which may prove complementary to future efforts towards an
acoustic census of pelagic baleen whale populations.
As demonstrated during the eleven days of this study,
acoustic recordings provide a measure of the low-frequency
noise levels that whales are exposed to and observations of
any response to such noise. The observed noise levels at the
whale during this study were 143 dB P-P re: I /xPa over the
10- to 60-Hz band for airgun noise, 106 dB rms re: 1 ttPa
over the 10- to 60-Hz band for ship noise and 121 dB P-P re:
1 /zPa over the 10- to 60-Hz band for earthquake noise.
These observations may help set the minimum level at which
a response might be expected.
This research was supported by the NOAA Vents Pro-
gram. We thank LeRoy Dorman and Chris Fox for helpful
suggestions; Vince Pavlicek, Tom Deaton, and Jacques
Lemire for their assistance building the instruments, Paul
Wade for his encouragement in teaming about whales, John
Richardson, Sue Moore, Cyndy Tynan, and three anonymous
reviewers for their comments on the manuscript, and the of-
ricers and crew of the NOAA ship DISCOVERER.
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721 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 2, Pt. 1, August 1•95 McDonald eta/.: Whales observed on a seafloor arroy 721
... 2023, 11, 2057 2 of 15 whale calls are centered around the frequency of 20 Hz and are often defined as "20 Hz calls" [3][4][5][6]10]. These calls can be differentiated in two main types: "classic pulse" or "type A", a downswept signal from a maximum frequency of about [23][24][25] Hz to a minimum frequency around 17 Hz, lasting approximately 1 s, and "backbeat" or "type B", featuring a constant frequency of [18][19][20] Hz, lasting about 0.8-1 s [3,4,10]. The 20 Hz calls can be emitted in short, irregular series or in long, stereotyped sequences, i.e., "songs" [8]. ...
... In fin whales, songs are thought to be used by male individuals for courtship purposes [22]. Fin whales are also known to use irregular repetition calls with various frequency features to keep contact and convey information at distance [9,[23][24][25][26]. Long stereotyped 20 Hz note sequences are most certainly associated with male communication and courtship display [22]. ...
... Long stereotyped 20 Hz note sequences are most certainly associated with male communication and courtship display [22]. However, knowledge of what differentiates a general calling sequence (i.e., irregularly spaced, or isolated 20 Hz calls) [27] from a song intended as a male courtship display is still limited [10,17,23,26]. The definition of these call sequences has often been limited by the lack of direct behavioral observations which makes it impossible to establish whether these sounds have reproductive implications [8]. ...
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The Mediterranean fin whale emits two types of 20-Hz calls, known as “classic” and “backbeat”, that can be produced in irregular series or in patterned sequences called songs. The analysis of songs is recognized as a meaningful approach to study baleen whales and can be used to investigate populations’ identities. Mediterranean fin whale songs have been studied previously, but only in the western Mediterranean Sea. This work describes the structure of the songs recorded in the Ionian Sea. The inter-note intervals and the alternation of 20-Hz note types were considered to assess the occurrence of recurring patterns. Differences between patterned songs and irregular sequences were also investigated. Acoustic data were sampled continuously for about 10 months by the cabled observatory NEMO-SN1, deployed at 2100 m depth, 25 km offshore Catania; 28 call sequences were isolated and 10 of these were classified as either patterned songs or irregular sequences. Significant differences were observed in the spectral features of classic notes between songs and irregulars; four-note patterns were found repeatedly over different months, indicating a regular structure in detected songs. This work establishes a reference to interpret Mediterranean fin whale songs, and to assess the acoustic behavior of the population.
... INIs are relatively short for fin whales (usually less than 40 s), but longer gaps between notes also occur in a fin whale's song. These gaps average 115-150 s in duration and occur every 10-15 min (Watkins et al., 1987;McDonald et al., 1995;Nieukirk et al., 2004;Helble et al., 2020). These pauses may be surfacing events when fin whales are breathing and some even longer gaps may be related to whales joining each other or being disturbed (Watkins et al., 1987). ...
... This study adds support to the hypothesis that the gaps between song bouts correspond to surfacing events (Helble et al., 2020). The regularity of these gaps and their timing aligns with surfacing intervals that have been previously observed (Watkins et al., 1987;McDonald et al., 1995;Nieukirk et al., 2004). Occasionally these gaps occurred when two tracks approached each other similar to what was reported by Watkins et al. (1987). ...
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Fin whale song is a ubiquitous low-frequency pulsing that has been recorded in every ocean basin. In recent years, the complexity of fin whale song has been realized. In the North Atlantic, this song is made up of two low-frequency note types (A and B notes) and one higher-frequency note type (upsweeps). The A and B notes are produced with both singlet and doublet inter-note intervals. These song patterns are interwoven throughout an individual’s song and have been observed to shift over time, both gradually and suddenly. Like many baleen whales, the population size of fin whales is poorly defined. Passive acoustic monitoring has been suggested as a way to estimate abundance if a cue rate or calling rate can be determined. In this study, we used recordings from 119 fin whale tracks from 2013–2023 generated from passive acoustic recorders in the North Atlantic to define fin whale song patterns in this ocean basin, identify changes in these song patterns over time, and calculate cue rates. The fin whales recorded sang in 4 distinct patterns. Inter-note intervals were 25 s for A-A singlets, 13 s for B-B singlets, 12/20 s for B-B doublets, and 10/11 s for A-B doublets. B-B doublet inter-note intervals significantly increased from May 2019–April 2023 and A-B inter-note intervals showed an intra-annual increasing trend that reset each summer. Fin whale song in the North Atlantic also often includes higher frequency upsweep notes immediately prior to B notes. While A and B note peak frequency was steady over these years, upsweep peak frequency significantly decreased, continuing a similar trend that has been observed over 30 years. Despite these changes, the dominant song pattern remained consistent and cue rate for actively singing whales was relatively stable, which is in contrast to patterns observed in the North Pacific. Many of these nuances in fin whale singing behavior are newly described herein, and these findings are vital for monitoring baseline behavior, behavioral trends over time, and ultimately estimating abundance of a poorly understood species.
... The two types of calls could generate a regular song pattern with approximately constant inter-pulse intervals (IPIs, which are defined as the time separation between two subsequent calls within a 60-s time window from Watkins et al. (1987) or an irregular song pattern with widely distributed IPIs. When the two types of calls have irregular IPIs, researchers have observed that they were made by two fin whales separated by several kilometers to hundreds of meters, where each fin whale generates one type of call (e.g., McDonald and Fox, 1999;McDonald et al., 1995;Soule and Wilcock, 2013). However, the debate exists that these two types of calls often appeared alternately together and exhibited regular IPIs, making the source distinction of the two calls challenging. ...
... Our incorporation of the multiple data places tight constraints on the call depths and provides further clarification that the two types of calls are separated in depth. Our results support the conclusion that type-A and type-B calls are separated by several kilometers when they exhibit an irregular IPI value (e.g., McDonald and Fox, 1999;McDonald et al., 1995;Soule and Wilcock, 2013). However, our results reveal that these two types of calls are also separated when they exhibit regular IPIs, further strengthening the conclusion that they are made by two individual fin whales. ...
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The progress of fin whale study is hindered by the debate about whether the two typical type-A and type-B calls (characterized by central source frequencies of 17-20 Hz and 20-30 Hz, respectively) originate from a single fin whale or two individual fin whales. Here, hydroacoustic data is employed to study the type, vocal behavior, and temporal evolution of fin whale calls around the Southern Wake Island from 2010 to 2022. It is identified that (1) type-A and type-B calls come from two individuals based on the large source separation of the two calls through high-precision determination of source location; (2) type-A fin whales exhibit vocal influence on type-B fin whales, where type-B fin whales become paired with type-A calls and vocalize regularly when type-A fin whales appear, and type-A fin whales always lead the call sequences; and (3) some type-A fin whales stop calling when another type-A fin whale approaches at a distance of about 1.6 km. During 2010–2022, type-A calls occur every year, whereas type-B calls are prevalent only after November 2018. A culture transmission is proposed from type-A fin whales to type-B fin whales and/or a population increase of type-B fin whales in the region after November 2018.
... They dynamically control the direction, timing, and frequency of their 'biosonar' projections with respect to objects in the environment and the task at hand [149]. Similarly, returns from low-frequency infrasonic calls are used by baleen whales during migration or travel under ice [227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237], complemented by frequency-modulated and patterned counter-calling to maintain group unity (e.g., fin (Balaenoptera physalus) and blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) [233,236,238]; right whales (Baleanoptera glacialis) [237]). ...
... They dynamically control the direction, timing, and frequency of their 'biosonar' projections with respect to objects in the environment and the task at hand [149]. Similarly, returns from low-frequency infrasonic calls are used by baleen whales during migration or travel under ice [227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237], complemented by frequency-modulated and patterned counter-calling to maintain group unity (e.g., fin (Balaenoptera physalus) and blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) [233,236,238]; right whales (Baleanoptera glacialis) [237]). ...
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The behavioural, physiological, and energetic repercussions for wildlife that result from changes in their soundscapes are increasingly being realized. To understand the effects of changing acoustic landscapes, we first must establish the importance of the acoustic sense for species to transfer information between the environment, con- and heterospecifics, and a receiver, and the functional role of calling in behaviours such as foraging, navigation, mate attraction, and weaning. This review begins with a discussion of the use of calling and the acquisition of the vocal repertoire, before providing examples from multiple taxa on the functional applications of signals and communication. The acoustic sensory mode adds to, if not being inherent in, many critical life history stages over a range of species. The potential effects on an animal resulting from a change in its perceived soundscape and disturbance on its acoustics use is outlined. This can then be used to consider the implications of an altered acoustic niche or active space in the success and survival of an individual or species. Furthermore, we discuss briefly metrics that could be used to understand the implications of these changes, or could be used to guide mitigation action to lessen the impact.
... Such approaches can also monitor, over the long term, large portions of the oceans, but they are costly and large gaps in coverage remain (Wilcock & Hilmo, 2021). Ocean-bottom seismographs (OBSs) deployed for other purposes (e.g., seismic surveys, seismicity monitoring), can also provide complementary monitoring data (e.g., McDonald et al., 1995;Dunn & Hernandez, 2009;Brodie & Dunn, 2015). To contribute to the study of whales in the ETPO region, we take advantage of the deployment of OBSs and hydrophones close to the CRR in the Panama basin (Hobbs & Peirce, 2015) (Figure 1). ...
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Baleen whales use sounds of various characteristics for different tasks and interactions. This study focuses on recordings from the Costa Rica Rift, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, made by 25 ocean-bottom seismographs and a vertical array of 12 hydrophones between January and February 2015. The whale calls observed are of two kinds: more commonly, repetitive 4-5 s long signals separated into two frequency bands centered at ~20 and ~36 Hz; less commonly, a series of ~0.5-1.0 s long, lower amplitude signals with frequencies between 80 and 160 Hz. These characteristics are similar to calls attributed to Bryde’s whales which are occasionally sighted in this region. In this study, the repetitive calls are detected using both the STA/LTA approach and a network empirical subspace detector. In total, 188 and 1891 calls are obtained for each method, demonstrating the value of the subspace detector for highly similar signals. These signals are first localized using a non-linear grid search algorithm and then further relocalized using the double-difference technique. The high-resolution localizations reveal the presence of at least seven whales during the recording period, often crossing the instrument network from southwest to northeast.
... . (Nuuttila et al., 2013). (McDonald and Fox, 1999), (McDonald et al., 1995;Blackwell et al., 2007;Di Iorio and Clark, 2010;Thode et al., 2012;Thode et al., 2016). ...
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Vocalizations of the common dolphin Delphinus Delphis, were recorded from a single hydrophone while coastal visual survey was performed in the East Sea in March 2017. Like most Delphinidae, common dolphins produce whistles, echolocation clicks, and burst-pulsed calls, with repertoires that differ between species and geographically separated populations. This study focuses on using frequency analysis to classify sounds into three categories and to compare them with those of other common dolphin populations. The fundamental frequencies of the whistles were high in the 6 to 14 kHz range, while echolocation clicks were in the 40 to 90 kHz frequency band. These results are similar to high-energy distributions in the same frequency band in other regions. Based on this study of the acoustic characteristics of dolphins off the east coast of Korea, cetacean vocalizations can be classified using a database of cetacean sounds in Korea. In addition, this technique could improve data quality for visual whale surveys and could be applied to various other research subjects.
... [5,10,11] 그러나 목시 조사는 낮 시간과 비교적 좋은 기상상태에서만 수행할 수 있으며, 고래는 주로 수중에 존재하여 10 % 미만의 시간에서만 해수면에 서 관찰되므로 탐지 가능 시간이 제한된다. [5,7,[11][12][13] [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] 이 방법은 수동 시스템이 므로 고래류의 행동에 영향을 미치지 않는 비침습적 이라는 장점이 있다. [5,7] [25] 과도 유사하므로, 분석에 사용된 신호는 상괭이의 클릭이라고 할 수 있다. ...
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Due to the accelerated development and transformation of coastal waters by humans, damage to marine mammals is a concern. To understand how coastal development may affect marine mammals, it is essential to determine their distribution characteristics. In this study, the appearance of finless porpoises was confirmed by passive acoustic monitoring around the Southwest offshore wind farm in July, 2020. Although there were no visual observation results of finless porpoises in the research area, the clicks measured in the offshore wind farm were verified by comparing with acoustic characteristics of the clicks measured in the area with a high detection rate. During the experimental period, clicks of finless porpoises were recorded for ten consecutive days, and Clicks per Porpoise Positive Minute (CPPM) was 40.7 clicks min-1, Porpoise Positive Minutes (PPM) was 9.7 %, Encounter duration and waiting time were 18.2 min and 94.9 min respectively. This study provides information on the appearance of them in the Southwest offshore wind farm and this result may help to monitor the impact of marine mammals from wind farm operation.
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Subarctic baleen whales, including humpback ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), fin ( Balaenoptera physalus ), and gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ), migrate through the Bering Strait every summer to feed in the rich marine ecosystem of the Chukchi Sea. When and where the whales are found in the region likely reflects fluctuating environmental conditions. Using recordings collected between 2009–2018 from a hydrophone ~ 35 km north of the strait, we identified whale calls during the open-water season (May–December), examined the timing of migration, and investigated potential drivers of whale presence. The acoustic presence of fin and humpback whales varied across the years, with a peak for all three species in October through November. We observed the highest proportion of recordings with humpback whale calls for the peak months of October–November in 2009, 2017, and 2018 (66–80% of recordings); the highest proportion of recordings with fin whale calls in 2015, 2017, and 2018 (75–79% of recordings); and the highest proportion of recordings with gray whale calls in 2013 and 2015 (46 and 51% of recordings, respectively). Fin whales departed the Bering Strait ~ 3 days later per year over the study period ( p = 0.02). Both fin and humpback whales delayed their southward migration in years with warmer fall water temperatures (Pearson r ≥ 0.71, p < 0.03). Our models identified day of the year, water temperatures, and the lagged presence of a thermal front the previous month as drivers of the acoustic presence of all three species during the open-water season.
Ocean bottom seismometer networks can record opportunistic data sets of 20-Hz fin whale calls. Because networks are often too sparse for multi-station tracking, single-station methods are needed to estimate call density. We investigated a method to range to singing fin whales at full ocean depths using the spacing of water column multiples. Calls were detected by cross-correlating a spectrogram with a template call. To enhance multipath signals, we considered 20-min windows and either summed the spectrograms of all calls aligned on the strongest detection before measuring the multipath spacing or measured the spacing directly from the autocorrelation of the cross correlation time series. We evaluated the methods at five sites with contrasting seafloor and subsurface properties, bathymetric relief, and water depths of 4000–6000 m, using fin whale songs at four sites and a sei whale song at the fifth. The autocorrelation method works best, and ranges can be obtained to >15 km. Ranging at sedimented sites requires careful accounting for subsurface reflections. Ranges have considerable uncertainty in regions of bathymetric relief. The method requires that the time between calls is different from that of the multipaths and does not work reliably when more than one whale is singing nearby.
In November 1992 an innovative scientific program whales 93, was initiated utilizing the U.S. Navy's integrated undersea surveillance system's network of underwater hydrophone sensors in the Atlantic for the study of large marine cetaceans and low magnitude oceanic earthquakes. The signatures of the low-frequency vocalizations from four mysticetes (baleen whales) are presented to illustrate their unique characteristics. -from Authors
Measurements of ambient noise for very low frequencies (VLF) from 5 to 50 Hz indicate that wind‐generated noise is a significant source of the total ambient noise field during high‐wind/sea‐state conditions. Determining dominant physical mechanism(s) for transfer of energy from the wind field into the underwater acoustic field is very important in modeling the wind‐generated noise field at very low frequencies. Frequency dependence, wind speed dependence, directivity characteristics, and dependence on oceanographic parameters of the wind‐generated noise source can be established only after the physical mechanism is understood. The objective of this paper is to extend the development of the theory of turbulent pressure fluctuations initiated by lsakovich and Kur'yanov. The wave height spectra of Mitsuyasu and Honda is incorporated into the theory, since this is the accepted wave height spectra in the VLF acoustic region. (These wave height data were not available to lsakovich and Kur'yanov at the time of publication of their original theory.) The wind speed and frequency dependence of the resulting source spectrum level agrees well with data measured in the north‐eastern Pacific Ocean under low distant and local shipping noise conditions. [Work supported by NORDA Code 600.]
The UK MOD uses generalised omnidirectional ambient noise spectra for routine sonar performance calculations. The paper describes the development of revised low frequency spectra for the frequency range 1Hz to 100Hz, based on published theories and data. Several noise source mechanisms and predicted spectra were reviewed including wave-wave interaction, wind turbulence, ocean current turbulence and wind-wave interaction. It was concluded that wave-wave interaction was most likely to be the dominant mechanism below 5Hz and that wind turbulence was most likely to dominate (in the absence of shipping) in the range 5Hz to 100Hz. It was found that the assignment of noise levels at given wind speeds was not assisted by arguments in the literature over alleged errors of 20dB to 30dB. These problems were resolved at a practical level using published data. The resulting wind speed dependence was used to construct the generalised spectra for wind speeds from calm to 30m/s.
Results of measurements of ocean noise caused by strokes of lightning in specific conditions, allowing for the separation of acoustic impulses due to single discharges, are presented. The absence of rain, a calm, and the presence of a thundercloud have constituted the above conditions of the receiving hydrophone location. The cloud edge nearest to the research ship was at a 5 to 10 km distance. Spectral and temporal characteristics of single thunder pulses caused by lightning have been analyzed. It is shown that (1) short (~1 ms) impulses of sound pressure from elementary segments of lightning presented in the signals of thunder may be detected, (2) various thunderpulses differ mainly in the rate repetition of short elementary pulses, and (3) very low frequency components exist in the thunder spectra.
Signals of 20 Hz were recorded at SOFAR depth hydrophones of the Pacific Missile Range at Midway, Wake, Oahu, and Eniwetok Islands in the North Pacific. The signal strength, source movement, and seasonal peak (in winter) suggest a biological source.
Over 95 hours of observations on breathing and diving rates of individual fin whales were selected for analysis for data collected from the top of a lighthouse tower on Mount Desert Rock, Maine. Mean dive duration was 201s without boats and 173s with boats present. Mean surfacing duration was 55s without boats and 50s with boats present. Whales exhaled 3.12 times per surfacing sequence without boats and 2.80 times per surfacing sequence with boats present. Mean respiration rate was 48 breaths hr -1 without boats and 51 breaths hr -1 with boats present. Whales spent 13.6% of the time at or near the surface without boats and 13.1%, when boats were present. -from Authors