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Face recognition in human extrastriate cortex



1. Twenty-four patients with electrodes chronically implanted on the surface of extrastriate visual cortex viewed faces, equiluminant scrambled faces, cars, scrambled cars, and butterflies. 2. A surface-negative potential, N200, was evoked by faces but not by the other categories of stimuli. N200 was recorded only from small regions of the left and right fusiform and inferior temporal gyri. Electrical stimulation of the same region frequently produced a temporary inability to name familiar faces. 3. The results suggest that discrete regions of inferior extrastriate visual cortex, varying in location between individuals, are specialized for the recognition of faces. These "face modules" appear to be intercalated among other functionally specific small regions.
Vol. 7 1. No.
2. Febr-uary lW4. l’l.lrlrcYl III ( ‘.S.. I.
Face Recognition in Human Extrastriate Cortex
Neuropsychologv Laboratory, Veterans Administration Medical Center, West Haven 06516; and Department
Newologv and iection ofNeurosurgerv, Ya/e Universit v School o/Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510
. w e .
I. Twenty-four patients with electrodes chronically implanted
on the surface of extrastriate visual cortex viewed faces, equilu-
minant scrambled faces, cars, scrambled cars, and butterflies.
2. A surface-negative potential, N200, was evoked by faces but
not by the other categories of stimuli. N200 was recorded only
from small regions of the left and right fusiform and inferior tem-
poral gyri. Electrical stimulation of the same region frequently
produced a temporary inability to name familiar faces.
3. The results suggest that discrete regions of inferior extrastri-
ate visual cortex, varying in location between individuals, are spe-
cialized for the recognition of faces. These “face modules” appear
to be intercalated among other functionally specific small regions.
Recognition of faces is a complex but normally effortless
task. However, patients with lesions in the occipitotem-
poral region of cerebral cortex may lose the ability to recog-
nize familiar faces-even those of family members, famous
faces, and their own mirror-image-suggesting that a re-
gion of visual cortex is specialized for processing facial in-
formation (Bodamer 1947; Damasio et al. 1982; Hecaen
and Angelergues 1962; Whitely and Warrington 1977).
Here we report the first study of face recognition with elec-
trophysiological recordings made directly from the surface
of occipitotemporal cortex. We find that discrete regions of
inferior extrastriate visual cortex are activated by faces but
not by other visual stimuli, suggesting a substantial degree
of anatomic and functional specificity in the processing of
this important class of visual stimuli. A preliminary report
of these results has appeared (Allison et al. 1993b).
Recordings were obtained from 24 patients ( 1 1 males, 13 fe-
males, 15-49 years of age) with intractable epilepsy who were
being evaluated for possible surgery (Spencer et al. 1982). With
two exceptions they scored within normal limits on the Benton
face recognition test (Benton et al. 1983).
Under general anesthesia, 8- 12 contact strips of electrodes were
placed subdurally on the cortical surface. The exposed surface of
each stainless steel electrode was 2.2 mm diam; interelectrode
spacing was 1 .O cm. Electrodes were localized by magnetic reso-
nance images using a combination of axial and coronal images
and by images reconstructed along the axis of electrode strips.
Patients were studied 2- 10 days after implantation.
Several categories of black-and-white images were displayed on
a video monitor. I) Photographs of faces were digitally scanned
from a college yearbook. Females and males (cleanshaven) were
equally represented, and none had extraneous features such as
eyeglasses or jewellery. 2) Using graphics software, each photo-
graph was rearranged such that all elements of the original image
were retained (thus the scrambled image was equiluminant with
the original image), but their location and orientation was modi-
fied until the face was unrecognizable. 3) Photographs of front
views of cars were scanned from automotive magazines. 4) Images
of cars were scrambled in the same manner as for faces. 5) Butter-
flies were scanned from a field guide. The average luminance was
not significantly different for faces and scrambled faces (94 t 26
cd/m2) compared with cars and scrambled cars ( 107 ~fr 30 cd/
m2). Each set of 1 10 stimuli consisted of 25 stimuli of each cate-
gory (faces, scrambled faces, cars, and scrambled cars) and 10
butterflies, to which the patient pressed a key to ensure attention.
Three such sets were presented. The images subtended 7.2
of visual angle. Stimulus duration was 250 ms, and the interstimu-
lus interval varied randomly between 1.8 and 2.2 s. In separate
recordings, patients viewed content words (e.g., apple) or non-
words (e.g., aplep). Local field potentials generated by these stim-
uli were recorded simultaneously from 32 or 64 locations using a
gain of 10,000 and filter settings of 0. l- 100 Hz ( -3 dB points) and
were digitized at a sampling rate of 250 Hz. Recordings were refer-
ential to a mastoid.
Electrical stimulation of adjacent electrodes was carried out in
14 cases using 5-s trains of constant-current pulses (50 Hz, 0.1 ms
duration). Stimulus intensity was increased in steps between 2
and 10 mA: stimulation was discontinued if afterdischarges were
noted in the electroencephalogram. Patients were not told what
perceptual changes they might experience during stimulation.
However, once a disturbance was noted the stimulus was repeated
and the patient was questioned further about the characteristics of
the change. Most relevant to this study were tests, immediately
before and during stimulation, of object recognition (the patient
viewed drawings of common objects such as a hat or bird), retino-
topic disturbances ( localized phosphenes, usually flickering),
changes in color vision (the patient viewed Ishihara plates), and
tests of the ability to name famous (politicians and celebrities) or
family faces that the patient had quickly and correctly named on
prior testing. The protocols used in this study were approved by
the Human Investigation Committees ofthe West Haven VA Med-
ical Center and Yale University School of Medicine. Informed
consent was obtained.
In patient RCN a strip of electrodes spanned right infe-
rior cortex from the lingual gyrus medially to the inferior
temporal gyrus laterally (Fig. 1,
and B). From locations
3 and 4 on the fusiform gyrus a large-amplitude ( 150-200
pV) negativity with a peak latency of -200 ms (N200) was
evoked only by faces but not by other types of stimuli (Fig.
1 C). Similar potentials were recorded from the fusiform
400 800
400 800
___._ ____-__---
scramoled faces
------ cars
scrambled cars
A : magnetic resonance images ( MRls) of the inferior surface of
the brain in patient RCN. This reconstructed oblique axial view shows the
locations of electrodes of right hemisphere strip RTTP. B: reconstructed
coronal MRI of strip RTTP. C: potentials recorded from strip RTTP.
Reconstructed oblique axial (D) and reconstructed oblique coronal (E)
MRI of strip LPTP. F: potentials recorded from strip LPTP. Stimulus
onset at 0 ms.
gyrus of the left hemisphere (Fig. 1, D-F). N200 was not
generated by equiluminant nonface images (scrambled
faces), by familiar complex objects with some face-like
properties (cars), or by equiluminant scrambled cars. N200
was also not generated by complex biological objects (but-
terflies). However, because butterflies were targets to which
the patient responded with a key press, longer-latency deci-
sion-related potentials (McCarthy et al. 1989) were re-
corded from some locations.
The typical anatomic specificity of N200 is illustrated in
a patient in whom it was recorded only from location LTTP
5 on the inferior temporal gyrus (Fig. 2, A-C). Words and
nonwords (“letterstrings”), in contrast, evoked a large nega-
tivity at - 150 ms only from location LTTP 4 on the fusi-
form gyrus (Fig. 2, A,
and 0). However, this regional
specificity was not absolute; in two of the seven patients in
whom face and letterstring recordings were obtained, N200
was recorded from three sites on the fusiform gyrus, which
also recorded letterstring potentials like those at LTTP 4.
Figure 3 summarizes the locations from which N200 was
recorded across patients. With one exception in the left lat-
eral lingual gyrus the active sites were in the fusiform and
inferior temporal gyri (a total of 626 inferior surface loca-
tions were studied). The borders and centers of the active
regions are given in Talairach and Tournoux ( 198 8 ) coordi-
nates in Table 1. No active sites were found on the lateral
surface of the temporal lobes (291 locations), occipital
lobes ( 175 locations), parietal lobes ( 164 locations), or
frontal lobes ( 155 locations). Nor were active sites found
on the occipital mesial wall (cuneus and precuneus; 16 lo-
cations) or white matter (depth probes; 73 locations).
Across patients the peak latency of N200 was 193 + 18 ms
(left hemisphere), and 192 + 19 ms (right hemisphere).
N200 did not vary significantly in latency, amplitude, or
responsiveness to the categories of stimuli among the four
regions (left and right fusiform and inferior temporal gyri)
from which it was recorded.
Cortical stimulation produced in seven patients a tempo-
rary inability to name faces that the patient had previously
identified correctly. A striking example was seen in patient
a state attorney who knew the governor well. Shown
a photograph of the governor during stimulation at LPTP
3-4 (Fig. 2,
and E), he hesitated and said “President
Bush?’ Upon termination of stimulation he gave the
correct name and was surprised at his inability to do so
earlier. Results of stimulation of this electrode strip are
given in Table 2. Object naming was not affected in this and
other cases in which stimulation induced a transient inabil-
ity to identify familiar faces. However, stimulation occa-
sionally affected other functions at the same locations that
produced an inability to name faces. In patient
example, N200 was recorded from electrodes LPTP 2 and 3
(located on the fusiform gyrus). Stimulation of these elec-
trodes produced only an inability to name famous faces,
whereas stimulation of electrodes 3 and 4 (on the inferior
temporal gyrus) produced an inability to name famous
faces and desaturation of color. In patient
BME, N200
recorded only from electrode RPTP 3 (on the fusiform
gyrus); stimulation of electrodes 2-3 and 3-4 produced only
an inability to name family faces. However, stimulation of
electrodes 1 (on the lateral lingual gyrus) and 2 (on the
fusiform gyrus) produced. both a mild inability to name
family faces and retinotopically appropriate colored phos-
phenes; this was the only exception to the finding that stimu-
lation sites that produced an inability to name familiar
faces included at least one electrode that also recorded an
2. Axial (A) and coronal (B) MRIs of strip LTTP in patient MKY.
C and D: potentials recorded from strip LTTP.
, &OP”
800 0 400 800
N200. For the locations from which N200 was recorded
and which were stimulated, inability to name famous faces
occurred in 86% (6 / 7 ) of cases in the left hemisphere and
43% (3 /7) of cases in the right hemisphere. Patients did not
report distorted perception of the face; they simply could
not attach a name to it.
The major conclusion to be drawn from these recordings
is that discrete regions of inferior extrastriate visual cortex
are activated specifically by faces and not by the other cate-
gories of images tested. It is not possible to state categori-
cally that no other type of visual stimulus would be effective
in activating the same regions. For example, it is possible
that other human body parts (e.g., hands) would also be
effective; this and other categories of objects need to be
tested. However, it is clear that N200 is not due to a lumi-
nance or luminance-contrast effect, nor is it evoked by
complex biological or nonbiological objects per se.
The active region of the fusiform gyrus is somewhat ante-
rior to the posterior portion of the gyrus, which appears on
anatomic (Clarke and Miklossy 1990), metabolic (Cor-
betta et al. 199 1; Lueck et al. 1989)) and electrophysiologi-
cal (Allison et al. 1993a) grounds to be involved in the
perception of color. Comparison with the latter study shows
that across patients there is overlap in the location of color
and face regions. However, within a patient no overlap has
been observed. In the 11 patients of the present study who
were also tested with color recordings, no location that gen-
FIG. 3. Summary of locations from which a surface-negative potential
(N2OO) was (0) and was not (- - -) recorded. The inferior view was made
of a brain obtained at autopsy. Both hemispheres are shown as identical,
but there is considerable variation in the morphology of this cortex. cs,
collateral sulcus; fg, fusiform gyrus: itg. inferior temporal gyrus; lg, lingual
gyrus: ots, occipitotemporal sulcus.
erated an N200 also showed a significant color effect. On
the other hand, the results of cortical stimulation summa-
rized above occasionally suggested either some overlap of
these functional regions or current spread to nearby func-
tionally different regions. Taken as a whole the results indi-
cate that I) neurons responsive to color are located mainly
in the posterior fusiform gyrus, 2) neurons responsive to
faces are located mainly in the middle portion of the fusi-
form gyrus, and 3) a border region is occasionally respon-
sive to both kinds of stimuli.
A region of the inferior temporal gyrus, posterior to the
face region of fusiform gyrus and lateral to the color region
of the posterior fusiform gyrus, also responded selectively
to faces (Figs. 2 and 3: Table 1). Whether this region is
anatomically contiguous and functionally similar to the fu-
siform region is unclear. N200 did not differ in its charac-
teristics in inferior temporal compared with fusiform sites,
but electrode sites in this region of the inferior temporal
gyrus were relatively sparse. Although the entire region
from which N200 was recorded was fairly large, only a
small portion of it appears to be activated in a given individ-
ual. This implies a considerable degree of individual vari-
ability in the location of “face modules.” Stimulation of
perisylvian cortex also suggests individual variability in the
Tulairwh cwrdinutcs of’ N200 locat ions
Center Range
Location .Y
Left fusiform -34 -38 -231-46
Right fusiform 33 -46 26139 -231-63
Left inferior temporal -48 -73 -431-Q -56/-80
Right inferior temporal 45 -58 42149
-421-7 1
2. Rmdts of’I.rwticd stirmlution (IO mA) in putimt RCN
Location Effect
LPTP l-2 fg
No retinotopic effect; color perception normal;
identification of famous faces normal
LPTP 2-3 fg
No retinotopic effect; color perception normal;
unable to name Pres. Kennedy, hesitation
in naming Benjamin Franklin; object
naming normal
LPTP 3-4 fg. itg
No retinotopic effect; color perception normal:
unable to name Michael Jackson; misnamed
state governor as Pres. Bush; object naming
LPTP 4-5 itg No retinotopic effect; color perception normal:
stimulation terminated due to afterdischarge
in EEG
For electrode locations see Fig. 1, D and E. fg, fusiform gyrus: itg, infe-
rior temporal gyrus; EEG, electroencephalogram.
location of discrete language-related regions (Ojemann et
al. 1989).
N200 occurs - 100 ms after PlOO, the first prominent
potential recorded from the posterior scalp and thought to
be generated in occipital extrastriate cortex (Halliday and
Michael 1970; Jeffreys and Axford 1972). In our recordings
the faces were unfamiliar to patients, and no explicit identi-
fication or memory task was involved. N200 may thus re-
flect an early stage in the processing of facial information,
such as the initial “structural encoding” stage in the model
of Bruce and Young ( 1986) or the “template formation”
stage in the model of Damasio et al. ( 1982), in which tem-
plates of newly encountered faces are thought to be formed
and stored in the lingual and fusiform gyri. Identification
and naming of faces presumably occurs at later stages of
processing. The transient disruption of face naming pro-
duced by cortical stimulation (Table 2) may be due to
disruption of the flow of information to these modules, be-
cause stimulation did not appear to affect the perception of
Two groups have studied face recognition by positron
emission tomography (PET) using a variety of face-match-
ing and face-discrimination tasks (Haxby et al. 1993; Ser-
gent et al. 1992). The tasks used by Sergent et al. activated
several cortical regions. Of most relevance here, the centers
of activation of the left and right fusiform gyrus were poste-
rior and lateral to the N200 fusiform locations but were
very close to the centers of the combined fusiform and infe-
rior temporal locations, suggesting that the active PET re-
gions were a combination of the fusiform and inferior tem-
poral regions from which N200 was recorded. The centers
of the active regions of the left and right anterior fusiform
gyrus reported by Haxby et al. are within the range of N200
locations. Their posterior fusiform active regions are
slightly medial to the regions of inferior temporal cortex
from which N200 was recorded. Both PET studies found
additional activation of inferior occipital cortex. This activ-
ity is apparently not manifested as N200 potentials; how-
ever, we had few electrode sites in this region (Fig. 3 ).
It has been argued that face recognition is carried out by
special brain mechanisms (Bodamer 1947; Farah 1990;
Hecaen and Angelergues 1962; Whitely and Warrington
1977). However, face recognition can be thought of simply
as an important example of a general process of object recog-
nition (Critchley 1986; Damasio et al. 1982), based on stud-
ies of patients who have lost the ability to identify familiar
faces and often exhibit other types of visual agnosia as well.
Our results suggest that small regions of the fusiform and
inferior temporal gyri are indeed devoted specifically to
face recognition. These face modules may be homologous
with regions of monkey temporal cortex that respond prefer-
entially to faces (e.g., Bruce et al. 198 1; Desimone 199 1;
Harries and Perrett 199 1) and may be intercalated with
other functionally specific regions (e.g., a “letterstring mod-
ule” at location 4 of Fig. 2). Given the apparent mosaic of
functions parcelled out to small regions of this cortex, it is
not surprising that bilateral large lesions might disturb iden-
tification of various categories of objects, giving rise to the
impression that face recognition is part of a unitary process
of object recognition.
We thank H. Cohen, C. Faulkner, J. Jasiorkowski, and K. McCarthy for
This work was supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs and
National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH-05286.
Address for reprint requests: T. Allison, Neuropsychology Laboratory
1 16B1, VA Medical Center, West Haven, CT 065 16.
Present addresses: H. Ginter, University of Maryland Medical School,
Baltimore, MD 2 1202; A. C. Nobre, Dept. of Neurology, Beth Israel Hospi-
tal, Boston, MA 022 15.
Received 30 August 1993; accepted in final form 4 November 1993.
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... Thus, it is important to acknowledge what is not novel in these observations and put them in context. Indeed, several studies performed in the 1990s already described face-selective human intracranial (ECoG) activity in the VOTC of the population of epileptic patients (e.g., [70][71][72][73]). These original studies appeared at about the same time as metabolic neuroimaging studies reporting face-selective activity, first with positron emission tomography (PET; [74]) and then with fMRI [67,[75][76][77]. ...
... These face-selective responses have been primarily found in the ventral surface of the brain, in various regions of the VOTC, as illustrated above. They have been described in terms of phase-locked low-frequency activity in the time-domain (i.e., face-selective potentials such as the N200; [70]) or more recently broadband activity most visible in the gamma frequency range (i.e., high frequencies; 'broadband gamma range'; [84][85][86][87]) or both [37,80,81,83,88]. ...
... This issue can be addressed by the complementary application of small electrical currents to electrode contacts-Direct Electrical Stimulation (DES)-an approach typically used for clinical purposes (i.e., determining the critical functionality of brain regions candidate for surgery). Early ECoG studies noted facial hallucinations and transient disruption of famous face naming in several individuals following DES to various VOTC sites [70,73]. However, it is fair to say that behavioral FIR during DES with ECoG (see also [91,243,244]) has not been thoroughly studied, objectively quantified, and related to neural measures of FIR (but see [245,246] for quantified behavioral effects of DES to the FFA on generic face recognition). ...
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Understanding how the human brain recognizes faces is a primary scientific goal in cognitive neuroscience. Given the limitations of the monkey model of human face recognition, a key approach in this endeavor is the recording of electrophysiological activity with electrodes implanted inside the brain of human epileptic patients. However, this approach faces a number of challenges that must be overcome for meaningful scientific knowledge to emerge. Here we synthesize a 10 year research program combining the recording of intracerebral activity (StereoElectroEncephaloGraphy, SEEG) in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex (VOTC) of large samples of participants and fast periodic visual stimulation (FPVS), to objectively define, quantify, and characterize the neural basis of human face recognition. These large-scale studies reconcile the wide distribution of neural face recognition activity with its (right) hemispheric and regional specialization and extend face-selectivity to anterior regions of the VOTC, including the ventral anterior temporal lobe (VATL) typically affected by magnetic susceptibility artifacts in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Clear spatial dissociations in category-selectivity between faces and other meaningful stimuli such as landmarks (houses, medial VOTC regions) or written words (left lateralized VOTC) are found, confirming and extending neuroimaging observations while supporting the validity of the clinical population tested to inform about normal brain function. The recognition of face identity – arguably the ultimate form of recognition for the human brain – beyond mere differences in physical features is essentially supported by selective populations of neurons in the right inferior occipital gyrus and the lateral portion of the middle and anterior fusiform gyrus. In addition, low-frequency and high-frequency broadband iEEG signals of face recognition appear to be largely concordant in the human association cortex. We conclude by outlining the challenges of this research program to understand the neural basis of human face recognition in the next 10 years.
... Moreover, our unit activation analyses revealed the emergence of face units among object units, similar to discrete face regions interspersed among other functionally specific cortical areas in primates (Allison et al., 1994;Bao et al., 2020). Likewise, our observation of distinct activation patterns within these units when representing different stimuli aligns with the multifunctionality of neuronal processing (Garg et al., 2019). ...
Whether face processing depends on unique, domain-specific neurocognitive mechanisms or domain-general object recognition mechanisms has long been debated. Directly testing these competing hypotheses in humans has proven challenging due to extensive exposure to both faces and objects. Here, we systematically test these hypotheses by capitalizing on recent progress in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that can be trained without face exposure (i.e., pre-trained weights). Domain-general mechanism accounts posit that face processing can emerge from a neural network without specialized pre-training on faces. Consequently, we trained CNNs solely on objects and tested their ability to recognize and represent faces as well as objects that look like faces (face pareidolia stimuli).... Due to the character limits, for more details see in attached pdf
... Visuospatial and self-related processing involve co-activation of precuneus with TP areas (Blondiaux et al., 2021;De Ridder et al., 2007;Cavanna et al., 2006;Northoff et al., 2006). Functional connections between the precuneus/superior parietal lobule (SPL) and posterior parts of the ITG have been implicated in own-face recognition, self-location, and self-perception (Blondiaux et al., 2021;Cavanna et al., 2006;Allison et al., 1994;Ungerleider et al., 1994;Conway, 2018). ...
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Introduction The connectivity of the temporoparietal (TP) region has been the subject of multiple anatomical and functional studies. Its role in high cognitive functions has been primarily correlated with long association fiber connections. As a major sensory integration hub, coactivation of areas within the TP requires a stream of short association fibers running between its subregions. The latter have been the subject of a small number of recent in vivo and cadaveric studies. This has resulted in limited understanding of this network and, in certain occasions, terminology ambiguity. Research question To systematically study the vertical parietal and temporoparietal short association fibers. Material and methods Thirteen normal, adult cadaveric hemispheres, were treated with the Klinger's freeze-thaw process and their subcortical anatomy was studied using the microdissection technique. Results Two separate fiber layers were identified. Superficially, directly beneath the cortical u-fibers, the Stratum proprium intraparietalis (SP) was seen connecting Superior Parietal lobule and Precuneal cortical areas to inferior cortical regions of the Parietal lobe, running deep to the Intraparietal sulcus. At the same dissection level, the IPL-TP fibers were identified as a bundle connecting the Inferior Parietal lobule with posterior Temporal cortical areas. At a deeper level, parallel to the Arcuate fasciculus fibers, the SPL-TP fibers were seen connecting the Superior Parietal lobule to posterior Temporal cortical areas. Discussion and conclusion To our knowledge this is the first cadaveric dissection study to comprehensively study and describe of the vertical association fibers of the temporoparietal region while proposing a universal terminology.
... In face cognition, several ERP components corresponding to face images are induced. Allison et al (1994) first found that faces evoked a negative peak at a latency of approximately 192 msec (N200). Subsequently, Bentin et al (1996) found that face images evoked a negative peak at 172 msec (N170) in the posterior temporal area absent when a non-face image was shown. ...
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Face masks became a part of everyday life in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Previous studies showed that the face cognition mechanism involves holistic face processing, and the absence of face features could lower cognition ability. This is opposed to the experience during the pandemic, when people were able to correctly recognize faces, although the mask covered a part of the face. This paper shows a strong correlation in face cognition based on the EEG and eye-tracking data between the full and partial faces. We observed two event-related potentials, P3a in the frontal lobe and P3b in the parietal lobe, as subcomponents of P300. Both P3a and P3b were lowered when the eyes were invisible, and P3a evoked by the nose covered was larger than the full face. The eye-tracking data showed that 16 out of 18 participants focused on the eyes associated with the EEG results. Our results demonstrate that the eyes are the most crucial feature of facial cognition. Moreover, the face with the nose covered might enhance cognition ability due to the visual working memory capacity. Our experiment shows the possibility of people recognizing faces using both holistic face processing and structural face processing. Furthermore, people can recognize the masked face as well as the full face in similar cognition patterns due to the high correlation in the cognition mechanism.
Nearly 50 years of research has focused on faces as a special visual category, especially during development. Yet it remains unclear how spatial patterns of neural similarity of faces and places relate to how information processing supports subsequent recognition of items from these categories. The current study uses representational similarity analysis and functional imaging data from 9- and 10-year-old youth during an emotional n-back task from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive DevelopmentSM Study® 3.0 data release to relate spatial patterns of neural similarity during working memory to subsequent out-of-scanner task performance on a recognition memory task. Specifically, we examine how similarities in representations within face categories (neutral, happy, and fearful faces) and representations between visual categories (faces and places) relate to subsequent recognition memory of these visual categories. Although working memory performance was higher for faces than places, subsequent recognition memory was greater for places than faces. Representational similarity analysis revealed category-specific patterns in face-and place-sensitive brain regions (fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus) compared with a nonsensitive visual region (pericalcarine cortex). Similarity within face categories and dissimilarity between face and place categories in the parahippocampus was related to better recognition of places from the n-back task. Conversely, in the fusiform, similarity within face categories and their relative dissimilarity from places was associated with better recognition of new faces, but not old faces. These findings highlight how the representational distinctiveness of visual categories influence what information is subsequently prioritized in recognition memory during development.
Direct electrical stimulation (DES) is an old and powerful technique to causally inform about the localization of human brain function for clinical and research purposes. However, DES faces important challenges particularly in research: poorly known mechanisms and localization of the effects, methodological limitations due to clinical settings, etc. Through contributions of DES studies performed in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex, in particular to understand human face recognition, this chapter illustrates how future DES studies can overcome these challenges. At the methodological level, increasing the value of DES in cognitive neuroscience will depend on the use of well-controlled and diverse experimental paradigms across enough trials and stimulations to objectively evaluate DES effects. The combination of DES with independent or simultaneous measurements with functional magnetic resonance imaging and intracranial electroencephalography, particularly with frequency-tagging, offers new promises for causal objective mapping of brain function. Single or multiple subjects’ studies are both well suited to this purpose, depending on the evaluated function and the frequency of observed effects. At a theoretical level, since it is now well established that DES affects remote brain regions, future DES studies should focus on assessing the connectivity of the critical sites to identify the network affected by the stimulation.
Scalp and intracranial electroencephalography are both based on the recording of field potentials, i.e., electrical potentials in the extracellular space. Thanks to recent technological developments, simultaneous recordings of EEG and iEEG provide complementary information to understand brain functions. The relationship of the cortical source activity with their scalp and intracranial EEG correlates is still not very well known. Since some cortical sources are not directly visible in scalp EEG recordings, it gives the false impression of no electrical contribution and thus that scalp electrodes are unnecessary. In this chapter, I illustrate the importance to record and precisely analyze scalp EEG in combination with intracranial EEG. First, the technical challenges imposed by combination of the two EEG methods are described. Then, historical aspects and the main findings of the first simultaneous scalp and intracranial EEG recordings since the mid-1950s are presented. Finally, applications and future perspectives in cognitive, clinical, and computational neuroscience are discussed.KeywordsScalp EEGMulti-scale EEGEEG biomarkersBiophysicsCognition
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The notion of a neuron that responds selectively to the image of a particular complex object has been controversial ever since Gross and his colleagues reported neurons in the temporal cortex of monkeys that were selective for the sight of a monkey's hand (Gross, Rocha-Miranda, & Bender, 1972). Since that time, evidence has mounted for neurons in the temporal lobe that respond selectively to faces. The present paper presents a critical analysis of the evidence for face neurons and discusses the implications of these neurons for models of object recognition. The paper also presents some possible reasons for the evolution of face neurons and suggests some analogies with the development of language in humans.
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Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to identify the neural systems involved in discriminating the shape, color, and speed of a visual stimulus under conditions of selective and divided attention. Psychophysical evidence indicated that the sensitivity for discriminating subtle stimulus changes in a same-different matching task was higher when subjects selectively attended to one attribute than when they divided attention among the attributes. PET measurements of brain activity indicated that modulations of extrastriate visual activity were primarily produced by task conditions of selective attention. Attention to speed activated a region in the left inferior parietal lobule. Attention to color activated a region in the collateral sulcus and dorsolateral occipital cortex, while attention to shape activated collateral sulcus (similarly to color), fusiform and parahippocampal gyri, and temporal cortex along the superior temporal sulcus. Outside the visual system, selective and divided attention activated nonoverlapping sets of brain regions. Selective conditions activated globus pallidus, caudate nucleus, lateral orbitofrontal cortex, posterior thalamus/colliculus, and insular-premotor regions, while the divided condition activated the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The results in the visual system demonstrate that selective attention to different features modulates activity in distinct regions of extrastriate cortex that appear to be specialized for processing the selected feature. The disjoint pattern of activations in extravisual brain regions during selective- and divided-attention conditions also suggests that preceptual judgements involve different neural systems, depending on attentional strategies.
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The existence and neuroanatomical locations of separate extrastriate visual pathways for object recognition and spatial localization were investigated in healthy young men. Regional cerebral blood flow was measured by positron emission tomography and bolus injections of H2(15)O, while subjects performed face matching, dot-location matching, or sensorimotor control tasks. Both visual matching tasks activated lateral occipital cortex. Face discrimination alone activated a region of occipitotemporal cortex that was anterior and inferior to the occipital area activated by both tasks. The spatial location task alone activated a region of lateral superior parietal cortex. Perisylvian and anterior temporal cortices were not activated by either task. These results demonstrate the existence of three functionally dissociable regions of human visual extrastriate cortex. The ventral and dorsal locations of the regions specialized for object recognition and spatial localization, respectively, suggest some homology between human and nonhuman primate extrastriate cortex, with displacement in human brain, possibly related to the evolution of phylogenetically newer cortical areas.
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Human area 17 is known to contain a single (the primary) visual area, whereas areas 18 and 19 are believed to contain multiple visual areas (defined as individual representations of the contralateral visual hemifield). This is known to be the case in monkeys, where several boundaries between visual areas are characterized by bands of callosal afferents and/or by changes in myeloarchitecture. We here describe the pattern of callosal afferents in (human) areas 17, 18, and 19 as well as their cortical architecture and we infer the position of some visual areas. Sections from occipital lobes of 6 human brains with unilateral occipital infarctions have been silver‐impregnated for degenerating axons, thereby revealing callosal afferents to the intact occipital cortex. Their tangential distribution is discontinuous, even in cases with large lesions. A band of callosal afferents straddles the area 17/18 boundary, whereas the remainder of area 17 and a 15–45 mm wide stripe of area 18 adjacent to the callosal band along the 17/18 border are free of them. Patches of callosal afferents alternate with callosal‐free regions more laterally in area 18 and in area 19. We conclude that, in man, a second visual area (analogue of V2) lies in area 18, horseshoe‐shaped around area 17, and includes the inner part of the acallosal stripe adjacent to the callosal band along the 17/18 boundary. The outer part of this acallosal stripe belongs to a third visual area, which may contain dorsally the analogue of V3 and ventrally that of VP. Thus the lower parts of the second and third visual areas lie on the lingual gyrus, whereas the analogue of the macaque's fourth visual area probably lies on the fusiform gyrus. Although the proposed subdivision of the occipital cortex relies largely on the pattern of callosal afferents, some putative human visual areas appear to have distinct architectonic features. The analogue of V2 is rather heavily myelinated and its layer III contains large pyramidal neurons. Its upper part is not well delimited laterally since adjacent “V3” has similar architecture. Its lower part, however, differs clearly from the adjacent “VP,” which is lightly myelinated and lacks the large pyramids in layer III. The cortex lateral to “VP” is heavily myelinated and contains fairly large pyramids in layers III and V. The myeloarchitecture of the lateral part of the occipital cortex is not uniform; a very heavily myelinated region stands out in the lateral part of area 19, near the occipito‐temporal junction. This region is likely to be the analogue of the macaque's area V5‐MT.
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Task-dependent field potentials were recorded from implanted electrodes located in the hippocampus and other medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures of epileptic patients undergoing evaluation for possible surgery. In 2-alternative categorization tasks, low-probability auditory, somatic, and visual stimuli elicited potentials with large amplitudes and sharp spatial gradients having the following characteristic spatial distribution: positive posterior to the hippocampus, negative within the hippocampus, and positive anterior to the hippocampus. The sharp spatial gradients within the MTL suggest that these potentials were locally generated, probably by hippocampal pyramidal cells. The MTL potentials were also reliably elicited by exemplars of semantic categories and by stimulus omissions and were sensitive to the sequence of preceding stimuli. However, they were not elicited by the same stimulus sequences when the patient's attention was directed elsewhere and categorization was not required. These results indicate that the MTL potentials reflect endogenous as opposed to obligatory processes. The time course and task dependence of the MTL potentials suggest that MTL structures could contribute to P300 and related event-related potentials on the scalp.
Physiological recordings along the length of the upper bank of the superior temporal sulcus (STS) revealed cells each of which was selectively responsive to a particular view of the head and body. Such cells were grouped in large patches 3-4 mm across. The patches were separated by regions of cortex containing cells responsive to other stimuli. The distribution of cells projecting from temporal cortex to the posterior regions of the inferior parietal lobe was studied with retrogradely transported fluorescent dyes. A strong temporoparietal projection was found originating from the upper bank of the STS. Cells projecting to the parietal cortex occurred in large patches or bands. The size and periodicity of modules defined through anatomical connections matched the functional subdivisions of the STS cortex involved in face processing evident in physiological recordings. It is speculated that the temporoparietal projections could provide a route through which temporal lobe analysis of facial signals about the direction of others' attention can be passed to parietal systems concerned with spatial awareness.
Three patients with prosopagnosia are described of whom two had right occipital lesions. An analysis of visual and perceptual functions demonstrated a defect in perceptual classification which appeared to be stimulus-specific. A special mechanism for facial recognition is postulated, and the importance of the right sided posterior lesion is stressed.
Studies of brain-damaged patients have revealed the existence of a selective impairment of face processing, prosopagnosia, resulting from lesions at different loci in the occipital and temporal lobes. The results of such studies have led to the identification of several cortical areas underlying the processing of faces, but it remains unclear what functional aspects of face processing are served by these areas and whether they are uniquely devoted to the processing of faces. The present study addresses these questions in a positron emission tomography (PET) study of regional cerebral blood flow in normal adults, using the 15 oxygen water bolus technique. The subjects participated in six tasks (with gratings, faces and objects), and the resulting level of cerebral activation was mapped on images of the subjects' cerebral structures obtained through magnetic resonance and was compared between tasks using the subtraction method. Compared with a fixation condition, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) changes were found in the striate and extrastriate cortex when subjects had to decide on the orientation of sine-wave gratings. A face-gender categorization resulted in activation changes in the right extrastriate cortex, and a face-identity condition produced additional activation of the fusiform gyrus and anterior temporal cortex of both hemispheres, and of the right parahippocampal gyrus and adjacent areas. Cerebral activation during an object-recognition task occurred essentially in the left occipito-temporal cortex and did not involve the right hemisphere regions specifically activated during the face-identity task. The results provide the first empirical evidence from normal subjects regarding the crucial role of the ventro-medial region of the right hemisphere in face recognition, and they offer new information about the dissociation between face and object processing.
The localization of cortical sites essential for language was assessed by stimulation mapping in the left, dominant hemispheres of 117 patients. Sites were related to language when stimulation at a current below the threshold for afterdischarge evoked repeated statistically significant errors in object naming. The language center was highly localized in many patients to form several mosaics of 1 to 2 sq cm, usually one in the frontal and one or more in the temporoparietal lobe. The area of individual mosaics, and the total area related to language was usually much smaller than the traditional Broca-Wernicke areas. There was substantial individual variability in the exact location of language function, some of which correlated with the patient's sex and verbal intelligence. These features were present for patients as young as 4 years and as old as 80 years, and for those with lesions acquired in early life or adulthood. These findings indicate a need for revision of the classical model of language localization. The combination of discrete localization in individual patients but substantial individual variability between patients also has major clinical implications for cortical resections of the dominant hemisphere, for it means that language cannot be reliably localized on anatomic criteria alone. A maximal resection with minimal risk of postoperative aphasia requires individual localization of language with a technique like stimulation mapping.
Anatomical and physiological studies have shown that there is an area specialized for the processing of colour (area V4) in the prestriate cortex of macaque monkey brain. Earlier this century, suggestive clinical evidence for a colour centre in the brain of man was dismissed because of the association of other visual defects with the defects in colour vision. However, since the demonstration of functional specialization in the macaque cortex, the question of a colour centre in man has been reinvestigated, based on patients with similar lesions in the visual cortex. In order to study the colour centre in normal human subjects, we used the technique of positron emission tomography (PET), which measures increases in blood flow resulting from increased activity in the cerebral cortex. A comparison of the results of PET scans of subjects viewing multi-coloured and black-and-white displays has identified a region of normal human cerebral cortex specialized for colour vision.