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Pedunculopontine stimulation alters respiration and increases ACh release in the pontine reticular formation



The present study examined the hypothesis that cholinergic neurons in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) can cause the release of acetylcholine (ACh) in the pontine reticular formation and contribute to respiratory depression. In vivo microdialysis of the gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG) was performed in 10 adult male cats while respiration was being measured. In four intact, unanesthetized cats these measurements were obtained during states of quiet wakefulness and during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleeplike state caused by FTG microinjections of carbachol. The results demonstrate a simultaneous time course of enhanced ACh release in the FTG and respiratory rate depression. In six barbiturate-anesthetized cats similar measurements were obtained while PPT regions containing NADPH-positive neurons were electrically stimulated. PPT stimulation caused increased ACh release in the FTG and caused respiratory rate depression. Together, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis of a causal relationship between ACh release in the FTG and respiratory depression.
Pedunculopontine stimulation alters respi ration and
increases ACh release in the pontine retie ular fo rma
Anesthesia, College
Medicine, Pennsylvania State University,
Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033
Lydic, Ralph, and Helen A. Baghdoyan. Pedunculopon-
tine stimulation alters respiration and increases ACh release in
the pontine reticular formation. Am. J. Physiol. 264 (Regulatory
Integrative Comp. Physiol. 33): R544-R554,1993.-The present
study examined the hypothesis that cholinergic neurons in the
pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) can cause the re-
lease of acetylcholine (ACh) in the pontine reticular formation
and contribute to respiratory depression. In vivo microdialysis
of the gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG) was performed in
10 adult male cats while respiration was being measured. In
four intact, unanesthetized cats these measurements were ob-
tained during states of quiet wakefulness and during the rapid
eye movement (REM) sleeplike state caused by FTG microin-
jections of carbachol. The results demonstrate a simultaneous
time course of enhanced ACh release in the FTG and respira-
tory rate depression. In six barbiturate-anesthetized cats simi-
lar measurements were obtained while PPT regions containing
NADPH-positive neurons were electrically stimulated. PPT
stimulation caused increased ACh release in the FTG and
caused respiratory rate depression. Together, these findings
are consistent with the hypothesis of a causal relationship be-
tween ACh release in the FTG and respiratory depression.
microdialysis; respiration; control of breathing; sleep; cholin-
ergic; gigantocellular tegmental field; NADPH-diaphorase
(ACh) has been known for more than
50 years to be involved in the central nervous system
(CNS) regulation of respiration (8,
Subsequent lo-
calization studies demonstrated that the major drive to
breathe originates from CO2 receptors near the ventro-
lateral surface of the medulla (reviewed in Ref.
that CNS chemosensitivity is, at least in part, cholin-
ergically mediated (9,12,38,39). More than 20 years ago
ACh was also suggested to play a critically important
role in the generation of rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep (reviewed in Ref.
Since the
lines of evidence have localized cholinergic REM sleep-
generating mechanisms to the pontine brain stem (re-
viewed in Refs.
19, 28, 47).
In view of the foregoing observations, we wondered
whether alterations in CNS cholinergic neurotransmis-
sion contribute to the clinically significant problem of
sleep-dependent respiratory depression
A series
of investigations during the past 5 years has shown that
many of the respiratory changes occurring during REM
sleep are mimicked during the REM sleeplike state
caused by microinjecting cholinergic agonists into the
medial pontine reticular formation of intact, unanesthe-
tized cats. These studies discovered that, like natural
REM sleep, the cholinergically induced REM sleeplike
state is accompanied by upper airway muscle hypotonia
(33)) significant reductions in minute ventilation (27))
decreased discharge of parabrachial respiratory neurons
(14, 15),
a diminished ventilatory response to hyperoxic
(24, 32),
and increased ACh release in the
gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG) of the medial pon-
tine reticular formation
These findings raise the
question: By what mechanisms do FTG regions known
to be involved in REM sleep generation also cause state-
dependent changes in respiration?
Neurons in the FTG are not cholinergic because they
contain neither ACh nor the ACh synthetic enzyme cho-
line acetyltransferase (2
Because the FTG contains
receptors for ACh, this region of the pons is referred to
as cholinoceptive. In 1988, it was discovered that ACh
input to the FTG arises from the more rostrally and dor-
sally located laterodorsal tegmental (LDT) and pedun-
culopontine tegmental (PPT) nuclei (37,45). The potent
respiratory effects caused by injecting cholinergic ago-
nists into the FTG and the fact that cholinergic input to
the pontine FTG arises from the LDT/PPT led us to
hypothesize that the cholinergic LDT/PPT nuclei con-
tribute to state-dependent respiratory depression (3 1,
Here we describe two studies designed to test the
foregoing hypothesis. First, measurements of ACh and
respiration obtained during the cholinergically induced
REM sleeplike state quantify the time course of en-
hanced ACh release in the FTG and the parallel time
course of declining respiratory rate. Second, experiments
performed on barbiturate-anesthetized cats demonstrate
that electrical stimulation of the PPT causes enhanced
ACh release in the FTG while simultaneously depressing
respiration. Portions of these results have been presented
in preliminary form (29, 30, 31).
Chronic studies. As described in detail elsewhere (3l), four
adult male cats were anesthetized with halothane (2-3% in 0,)
and implanted with electrodes to permit the polygraphic record-
ing of sleep and wakefulness. Stainless steel guide tubes were
positioned 5 mm dorsal to the FTG, using the atlas of Berman
(6). These guide tubes made it possible to repeatedly position a
microinjection cannula into the left FTG and a microdialysis
probe into the right FTG at stereotaxic coordinates P3, Ll.5,
and H-5 to H-7. This region corresponds to plate 37 of Ber-
man’s stereotaxic atlas and is synonymously referred to as the
medial pontine reticular formation or the FTG. Throughout
this paper we retain Berman’s (6) FTG nomenclature and use it
to describe the pontine region specified by the foregoing ster-
eotaxic coordinates.
After surgical recovery, the cats were trained to sleep in a
head-stable position in the laboratory. After a 2- to 3-wk train-
ing period it was possible in these intact, unanesthetized cats to
microinject carbachol (0.4 or 4.0 pg/O.25 ~1) into the left FTG
while simultaneously microdialyzing the right FTG (see Fig. 1,
A and B). The two carbachol doses correspond to concentra-
tions of 8.8 and 88 mM, respectively. Rate of respiration was
measured using a thermistor placed at the nares.
R544 0363-6119/93 $2.00 Copyright 0 1993 the American Physiological Society
2 min
Schematic drawings of coronal sections
through the cat pons illustrating placement of
microinjection cannula and microdialysis probe
in gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG) of the
pontine reticular formation and placement of
stimulating electrode in pedunculopontine teg-
mental nucleus (PPT). A illustrates methods
used in conscious cat for microinjecting
while microdialyzing the contralateral FTG.
Horizontal arrow on dialysis probe indicates
output tube from which dialysis sample was col-
- lected in 30-4 volumes. B: high performance liq-
DCARB - uid chromatography (HPLC) chromatograms
measuring ACh during wakefulness and during
the carbachol-induced REM sleeplike state
(DCarb). Amount of ACh present was quantified
from area under ACh peaks. C and D schematize
experimental methods used for barbiturate-
anesthetized cats in which a stimulating elec-
trode was placed in the pedunculopontine teg-
mental (PPT) nucleus (C) and a microdialysis
probe was placed in the ipsilateral FTG (D).
Stereotaxic coordinates of posterior
1.0 (Pl)
3.0 (P3) are from the stereotaxic atlas of Berman
(6). 5N, trigeminal nerve; BC, brachium con-
junctivum; BP, brachium pontis; CS, superior
central nucleus; FTP, paralemniscal tegmental
field; LDT, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus; LL,
lateral lemniscus; IC, inferior colliculus; KF,
Kolliker-Fuse nucleus; P, pyramidal tract; PB,
parabrachial nucleus; V4, fourth ventricle.
studies. For the second set of experiments, six cats were
anesthetized with an intravenous injection of pentobarbital so-
dium (35 mg/kg) and placed in a stereotaxic frame. The cats
were allowed to breathe spontaneously, and core body temper-
ature was maintained at 37°C. A small hole was made in the
skull, permitting the insertion of a bipolar stimulating electrode
in the left PPT. The stereotaxic coordinates for the PPT-stim-
ulating electrode were PO.& L3.0, H-2.5, 30” posterior. A mi-
crodialysis probe was placed in the left FTG at P3, Ll.5, H-5
(see Fig. 1, C and 0). Respiratory measures in the anesthetized
cats were obtained with a thermistor at the nares
(n = 3)
or via
an endotracheal tube
(n =
3). The endotracheal tube was at-
tached to a pneumotachograph for measuring airflow, and tidal
volumes were obtained from a Grass 7PlO integrated flow sig-
Microdialysis and high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC). The microdialysis probe (CMA/lO, Carnegie Medicin,
Stockholm) had a 2-mm polycarbonate membrane with a mo-
lecular mass cutoff of ~20 kDa. The microdialysis probe was
continuously perfused (3 pl/min) with Ringer solution contain-
ing 10 PM neostigmine bromide. Neostigmine was necessary to
prevent the enzymatic degradation of ACh, and we have previ-
ously shown that 10 PM neostigmine does not alter the sleep-
wake cycle during microdialysis (31) or when microinjected into
the FTG (2). Microdialysis samples were collected on ice every
10 min and these 30-~1 samples were injected into an ampero-
metric detector (BAS LC-4B) with an applied potential of 500
mV on the platinum working electrode vs. Ag/AgCl. The sample
was carried to the analytic column in a 50 mM disodium hy-
drogen phosphate mobile phase (pH 8.5) at a flow rate of 1
ml/min and a pressure of 11.9- 12 MPa. The sample first passed
through a polymeric analytic column that separated ACh and
choline (Ch), and these two analytes then passed through an
immobilized enzyme reactor (IMER) column. Because ACh and
Ch are not normally electroactive, the IMER column containing
covalently bonded acetylcholinesterase and choline oxidase per-
formed enzyme catalysis, giving off H202 as an electroactive
product in amounts proportional to the ACh and Ch in the
microdialysis sample (42, 44). Electrochemical detection pro-
duced chromatograms (Fig. 1B) measured at 1 nA full scale.
For each experiment using chronically implanted cats, at
least four consecutive lo-min microdialysis samples were col-
lected from the FTG before microinjection of carbachol into the
contralateral FTG. During this preinjection period, animals
were in a state of quiet wakefulness. Carbachol microinjection
caused the onset of a REM sleeplike state. This desynchronized
(D) sleeplike state, caused by pontine administration of carba-
chol (Carb), is abbreviated using the term DCarb. After the
onset of the REM sleeplike state, the FTG was dialyzed for 40
min or more.
In each of the acute experiments, baseline microdialysis sam-
ples were collected from the FTG for 60 min before electrical
stimulation of the PPT nucleus was initiated. After the collec-
tion of these control data, the PPT was stimulated electrically
while the FTG was microdialyzed. The stimulus parameters
were identical to those previously shown to cause increased ACh
release in the cortex when applied to the nucleus basalis of
Meynert (22). PPT stimulation consisted of 0.5-ms pulses with
a frequency of 50 Hz, delivered in a lo-min train throughout the
course of each 10 min of microdialysis. Current amplitude was
systematically varied from 0.1 to 0.9 mA. For each PPT stim-
ulus level a corresponding lo-min microdialysis sample was ob-
tained from the FTG.
Quantitative chromatography and statistical analyses.
area under each chromatographic ACh peak (Fig. 1B) was in-
tegrated with a 386-based computer and the Inject software
package (Interactive Microware, State College, PA). A standard
curve was created before each experiment by injecting five
known concentrations of ACh (0.1-3 pmol) into the HPLC
machine. The amount of ACh in each pontine microdialysis
sample was calculated from
the area under the chromato-
graphic peak and 2) flow rate of the microdialysis pump. The
percent of ACh recovered by the probe was calculated by placing
it in a known ACh standard. For all of these experiments a 10%
recovery rate was typical for the dialysis probes. One-way anal-
ysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare ACh release and
respiratory frequency in wakefulness to similar measures ob-
tained during the carbachol-induced REM sleeplike state.
ANOVA and paired t tests were used to determine whether ACh
release in the FTG was significantly increased by electrical
stimulation in the PPT nucleus.
Histological analyses.
The 10 brain stems were each cut in
40-pm-thick sagittal sections. The sections were collected seri-
ally and stained with cresyl violet to visualize the three-dimen-
sional stereotaxic placement of the dialysis probes, the micro-
injection cannulas, and the stimulating electrodes. With the use
of a charge-coupled device camera, a computer-based imaging
system, and National Institutes of Health public domain soft-
ware (Image 1.43), the injection, stimulation, and dialysis sites
were localized with reference to the stereotaxic coordinates of
Berman (6). To localize the position of the stimulating electrode
relative to choline@ neurons in the PPT, selected alternate
sections were stained using the NADPH-diaphorase protocol
(49). In the cat PPT, all cholinergic neurons have been shown to
stain positively for NADPH-diaphorase (48, 49).
studies. The histological localization of typical
microinjection sites in one FTG and a dialysis site in the
contralateral FTG is illustrated in Fig. 2. For each of the
15 experiments performed using chronically implanted
cats, the microinjection sites were localized to the left
FTG and the dialysis probes were found to have been
positioned in the right FTG.
Fig. 2. HistologIcal localization of microinjection and microdialysis sites.
sagittal sections of cat brain stem at
lateral (L) = 1.9
and L = 1.2 (C), with rostra1 to the right. Bottom: enlarged photomicrographs of boxed areas in
and C. B: arrows show 2 glial scars used to identify 2 microinjection sites within the FTG.
arrow shows lesion in
contralateral FTG made by microdialysis probe. Calibration bar = 1 mm. 6, abducens nucleus; 6N, abducens nerve; 7G,
genu of facial nerve; TB, trapezoid body; TV, ventral tegmental nucleus.
Figure 3 illustrates the results obtained from one ex- lease returned to control levels when the animal awoke
periment designed to measure ACh release and respira- from the carbachol-induced REM sleeplike state (SPl-
tion in a chronically implanted cat during electrographi- SP5).
tally defined states of wakefulness and sleep. ACh release The time course of ACh release and respiration mea-
was stable at -4 pmol/lO min during 50 consecutive min sured across 880 min is illustrated in Fig. 4. Respiratory
of wakefulness
and the following 50 consecu- rate was significantly depressed during the carbachol-
tive min of non-REM sleep (Sl-S5). Microinjection of induced REM sleeplike state compared with waking (F =
carbachol (4 pg/O.25 ~1) into the FTG caused the REM 6.46; df = 1,54;
= 0.014). The number of breaths per
sleeplike state (Fig. 3, DCarb) and an increase in ACh minute (mean t SD) was greater during wakefulness
release in the contralateral FTG (DCl-DC5). ACh re- (38.21 t 12.99) than during the carbachol-induced REM
Wakefulness I
‘I’ “1. r
LGB 150
EOG 1 soo
EOG 1 500
EEG 3 50
16 -
E: 10 -
c 08 -
2 06-
A A *
.- 1
ilu O4
Fig. 3. Simultaneous recordings of respiration, states
of consciousness, and ACh release. Top
segment of wakefulness. Top right: desynchronized
(D) or REM sleeplike state (DCarb) caused by mi-
croinjection of carbachol. EEG, electroencephalo-
gram; EMG, electromyogram; EOG, electroocculo-
gram; I, inspiration; LGB, lateral geniculate body
recordings. Vertical calibration bars show pV.
histograms showing state-dependent changes in
ACh release during wakefulness (W), non-REM
sleep (S), REM sleeplike state (DC), and during a
dissociated state characterized by the presence of
occasional EEG spindles (S) and PGO waves (P) in
an awake animal. Since each histogram represents a
IO-min dialysis sample, these data summarize a 200-
min experiment.
0 ~1 ~2 ~3 w4 wfj s1 s2 ~3 S4 S5 DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 SPl SP2 SP3 SP4 SP5
E 1.6
E 1.2
lb 2'0 3'0 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 4. Time course of respiratory rate and ACh release in the FTG.
Circles, respiratory rate in breaths/min; ACh release in pmol/lO min
was measured simultaneously and is plotted here as a function of time
and state of consciousness (histograms). Each lo-min time bin repre-
sents a lo-min microdialysis interval. Open circles and cross-hatched
bars, measurements obtained during quiet wakefulness. After the 40th
min, carbachol was microinjected into the FTG contralateral to the
microdialysis probe. Closed circles and closed bars, measurements taken
during carbachol-induced REM sleeplike state. Respiratory rate was
obtained by counting no. of breaths/min for 3 min of recording during
the midportion of the dialysis samples. Each histogram represents av-
erage of
dialysis samples for waking and
samples during REM
sleeplike state. Because dialysis sample bins were each 10 min, histo-
grams compare ACh release for identical times during wakefulness (440
min) and during REM sleeplike state (440 min). All values plot means
t SD.
04% wg
Fig. 5. Dose-dependent ACh release measured in the FTG of 1 cat
during 100 min of wakefulness (wake) and during
min of carbachol-
induced REM sleeplike state (DCarb) caused by 0.4 and
pg carba-
chol. Compared with preinjection waking levels of ACh, the 0.4~pg dose
of carbachol caused a
increase in ACh release and the 4.0~pg dose
caused a
increase in ACh release. All values reflect mean + SD.
sleeplike state (30.45 t 9.57). As previously reported (31),
ACh release (mean t SD) in pmol/lO min was less during
waking (0.398 t 0.111) than during the REM sleeplike
state (0.695 t 0.284). Thus during the carbachol-induced
REM sleeplike state there was a 20% depression in res-
piratory rate and a 74.5% enhancement in ACh release
within the FTG.
Previous studies have shown that the carbachol-in-
Fig. 6. Chromatographic peaks representing ACh measured in FTG of
barbiturate-anesthetized cat. As described in
area under
curve of each chromatogram is proportional to amount of ACh mea-
sured during
min of microdialysis. A: ACh peaks of 5 consecutive
microdialysis samples obtained from FTG before electrical stimulation
of PPT (control). B: chromatograms from the same experiment during
electrical stimulation of PPT. Numbers below ACh peaks indicate cur-
rent amplitude (mA) used to stimulate the PPT.
Fig. 7. ACh release caused by PPT stimulation in 6 barbiturate-anes-
thetized cats. All levels of PPT stimulation except 0.1 mA caused ACh
release significantly greater than control (no PPT stimulation). Values
are means t SD; symbols indicate statistically significant differences.
duced REM sleeplike state is dose dependent (1). In the
present study, increased levels of ACh release were de-
tected in response to increased doses of carbachol (Fig. 5).
Acute studies.
The acute studies were performed to test
the hypothesis that ACh release and respiration would be
altered by stimulation of the PPT. In every one of the six
2 100
g 80
6\" 70
E 60
2 50
g ii? 30
k 20
z 10
CONTROL (0.0) 0.1 0.3 0.5
barbiturate-anesthetized cats, electrical stimulation of
the PPT increased ACh release in the ipsilateral FTG.
The chromatograms in Fig.
show ACh release within
the FTG before (Fig.
and during (Fig. 6B) PPT stim-
ulation in one experiment. The progressive increase in
peak height shows that more ACh was released in re-
sponse to increasing PPT stimulus amplitude.
presents average histograms reflecting ACh
release measured in the FTG of six cats, each of which
was exposed to five different levels of electrical stimula-
tion delivered to the PPT. There was a linear increase
(r = 0.992) in ACh release within the FTG caused by
increasing PPT stimulus amplitude (Fig.
vealed a statistically significant main effect due to PPT
stimulus amplitude on levels of ACh release (F =
12.29; df
P <
Levels of ACh release during differ-
ent amplitudes of PPT stimulation were compared by t
test to ACh release with no PPT stimulation (control).
There were statistically significant increases in ACh re-
lease within the FTG during PPT stimulation at
(t = 2.46;
df =
40; P =
0.018), 0.5
= 5.01;
df = 40;
< O.OOOl), 0.7 mA
= 6.36;
= 40;
< 0.0001) and
0.9 mA
= 7.09;
df = 40; P <
The acute experiments were also designed to test the
hypothesis that state-dependent changes in respiratory
frequency could be caused, at least in part, by electrical
stimulation of neurons within the PPT. Figure 8 illus-
trates the slowing of respiratory frequency and the pro-
longed apneas that were caused by PPT stimulation. For
the histograms shown at the bottom of Fig. 8, ANOVA
revealed that respiratory rate was significantly depressed
by PPT stimulation
(F = 70.45;
df =
3,76; P c
Histological evaluation demonstrated that for each of
the six acute experiments the dialysis probe was in the
FTG. Similar histological analyses showed that the stim-
ulating electrode was implanted in the PPT region of the
mesopontine tegmentum (20). The NADPH-diaphorase
stain was used to confirm that the stimulating electrode
was placed in the cholinergic portion of the PPT. This
stain colocalizes with choline acetyltransferase immu-
noreactivity in the PPT nucleus of both cat (48, 49) and
rat (25). Figure 9 shows that the PPT-stimulating elec-
trode was placed within a field of NADPH-positive neu-
Respiratory depression has been observed to accom-
pany the loss of waking consciousness in all mammals so
far studied. The biological ubiquity of this respiratory
depression suggests the existence of a potent functional
overlap between neuronal mechanisms regulating mam-
malian sleep and respiration. Although there are no major
Fig. 8. Polygraphic recordings and histograms illustrating effects of
PPT stimulation on respiration. A:
trace in each of the 4 respiratory
recordings indicates tidal volume (Vr) calibration bar = 20 ml;
trace in each shows airflow with inspiration indicated by an upward
deflection. Time moves
in all 4 recordings. Number below
each airflow tracing is stimulus amplitude (mA). * Onset of PPT stim-
ulation. B: respiratory rate as a function of PPT stimulus amplitude.
These histograms summarize 799 respiratory cycles and illustrate that
PPT stimulation significantly decreased respiratory frequency.
Fig. 9. Localization of stimulating electrode
placement in PPT of brain stem relative to
NADPH diaphorase-positive neurons. A: out-
line of a sagittal brain stem section at L3.5 (ros-
tral to right). Small box marked by arrow is
enlarged in the color plate shown below. B: X10
enlargement showing lesion caused by PPT-
stimulating electrode as a brown stain at top
margin. C: x40 enlargement of NADPH-posi-
tive neurons (dark blue to black), indicating
that they are clearly differentiated from sur-
rounding neurons, which did not stain posi-
tively for NADPH diaphorase. 5, trigeminal
motor nucleus; 7N, facial nerve; IO, inferior
clusters of respiratory neurons within the FTG (II), the
present results show that acetylcholine release in this
reticular region can contribute to respiratory depression.
These new data demonstrate that 1) the time course of
ACh release in the FTG paralleled the time course of
respiratory depression during the carbachol-induced
REM sleeplike state, and 2) electrical stimulation of the
PPT caused both respiratory depression and enhanced
ACh release in the FTG. This second finding documents
for the first time that ACh release within the FTG is
regulated by mesopontine cholinergic neurons localized to
the PPT. These data are discussed with regard to the
ability of the cholinoceptive FTG to cause state-depen-
dent respiratory depression and with regard to the newly
suggested role of the PPT in respiratory regulation.
The time course
respiratory rate depression parallels
ACh release in the FTG.
Cholinergic ma-
nipulation of the FTG (Fig. 1) caused the onset of a REM
sleeplike state (Fig. 3, DCarb) and increased ACh release
in the contralateral FTG (Fig. 3, histograms). As noted
previously, measurements of ACh release were site-spe-
cific within the pons (31). Site specificity (3) refers to the
fact that carbachol-induced increases in pontine ACh re-
lease only occurred when the microinjection and dialysis
probes were both in FTG regions shown to be effective for
causing the REM sleeplike state (Fig.
The site-spec-
ificity, chromatogram retention times (Fig. lB), and the
time course of ACh release (Figs. 3 and 4) ail indicate that
the FTG dialysis measurements reflect endogenous ACh
release and not carbachol or a carbachol reaction product
diffusing into the dialysis site.
The parallel time course for respiratory rate depression
and simultaneous enhancement of ACh release in the
FTG is summarized for the intact, unanesthetized cats in
Fig. 4. Previously published time course profiles have
demonstrated that the carbachol-induced REM sleeplike
state decreases as a function of time postinjection (see
Fig. 3B of Ref.
In the present study, carbachol was
microinjected into the FTG between the
and 50-min
time marks in Fig. 4. Note that the greatest depression in
respiratory rate occurred with the onset of the REM
sleeplike state, in association with the largest increase in
ACh release (50-min time bin). From 50 to 80 min, as
ACh release declined, rate of breathing returned toward
waking levels. Thus the time course data of Fig.
our earlier report of an overall correlation
(r =
0.93) be-
tween respiratory frequency and FTG levels of ACh re-
lease (31) by showing that state-dependent respiratory
depression and FTG levels of ACh are also dynamically
related in the time domain. Because pontine microinjec-
tions of carbachol cause a REM sleeplike state and cause
respiratory depression, the time course relationships of
are consistent with our hypothesis that FTG levels
of ACh causally alter sleep and respiration.
Functional evidence
reciprocal connections between
the cholinoceptive pontine reticular formation and cholin-
ergic neurons in the mesopontine tegmentum.
histochemical studies of cat brain have consistently
shown that neurons in the FTG region of the pontine
reticular formation do not produce ACh (21, 48). Retro-
grade tracing studies identified the PPT and LDT nuclei
within the mesopontine tegmentum as the source of cho-
linergic input to the pontine reticular formation
(37, 45).
Subsequent anterograde labeling studies have revealed
projections from the pontine FTG to the PPT (see Fig.
of Ref. 18). Thus the finding that unilateral pontine
carbachol administration caused increased ACh release in
the contralateral pons provided the first functional evi-
dence suggesting a reciprocal projection from the FTG to
the LDT/PPT (31).
In vitro intracellular recordings have shown that most
neurons in the medial pontine reticular formation are
depolarized by carbachol
(16, 17).
Therefore, we hypoth-
esized that carbachol-induced enhancement of FTG neu-
ron discharge is relayed back to the LDT/PPT, which
then increases ACh release in the pontine reticular for-
If this concept is correct, then lower doses of
carbachol should exert less of a depolarizing effect within
the pontine reticular formation. Such a diminished influ-
ence within FTG should be relayed to the LDT/PPT, and
there should be a diminished release of ACh measured in
the contralateral FTG.
Physiological data supporting the existence of a pro-
jection from FTG to LDT/PPT and the foregoing func-
tional concepts are presented in Fig. 5. Unilateral FTG
microinjection of carbachol at a dose of
pg caused a
smaller enhancement in ACh release in the contralateral
FTG than a 4.0-pg dose of carbachol (Fig. 5). This finding
is consistent with previous studies showing that the per-
cent of time spent in the REM sleeplike state after pon-
tine microinjections of carbachol is dose dependent (see
Fig. 4 of Ref. 1). When the dose of pontine carbachol was
increased from
pg to
pg there was a
in the REM sleeplike state
Considered together, these data provide further physi-
ological evidence for a projection from the pontine retic-
ular formation to the LDT/PPT. These data also suggest
that an exciting agenda for future studies will include
specifying the feedforward and feedback parameters be-
tween the cholinoceptive neurons in the pontine reticular
formation and the cholinergic neurons in the LDT/PPT.
Because the LDT/PPT nuclei comprise the only concen-
tration of cholinergic neurons in the pontine tegmentum
of cat
(21, 47, 48)
and because the LDT and PPT have
been shown to provide cholinergic terminals to the FTG
it is probable that the stimulation-evoked in-
crease in ACh release in the present study arose from
neurons localized to the PPT/LDT. The next section
discusses results obtained from barbiturate-anesthetized
cats. These acute studies represent a crude, but essential,
first step aiming to specify the synaptic relationship be-
tween cholinergic neurons in the PPT and cholinoceptive
neurons in the pontine reticular formation.
The PPT regulates ACh release in the FTG and influ-
ences respiration.
The data discussed in the previous sec-
tion encouraged us to test the hypothesis that electrical
stimulation of the PPT would cause increased ACh re-
lease in the FTG and cause respiratory depression. Figure
6 illustrates typical chromatograms obtained from FTG
microdialysis with no PPT stimulation (control) and
with increasing amplitudes of electrical stimulation in the
PPT. In every experiment, we observed increased ACh
release in the FTG caused by PPT stimulation (r =
0.992). ACh release as a function of PPT stimulus am-
plitude is shown for six anesthetized cats in Fig. 7. The
data summarized by Figs. 6 and 7 represent the first
evidence that the PPT to FTG projections identified by
anatomic studies (37, 45) can functionally alter levels of
ACh release within the FTG.
The potent respiratory effects caused by injecting cho-
linergic agonists into the FTG and the anatomic data
noted above led us to hypothesize that the cholinergic
LDT/PPT can influence respiratory regulation (27, 33,
31). Figure 8 presents evidence showing that, in addition
to causing increased ACh release in the FTG, electrical
stimulation of the PPT can cause respiratory depression.
Respiratory rate depression was observed in four of six
animals. In two cats PPT stimulation onset also caused
the respiratory cycle to abruptly switch from inspiration
to expiration or from expiration to inspiration.
The neuronal groups surrounding the pontine brachii
conjunctivi are structurally interwoven with borders that
are impossible to demarcate strictly. The ability to accu-
rately ascribe functional roles to these neuronal groups is
further hindered by an anatomic nomenclature that has
made it difficult to differentiate PPT neurons from the
parabrachial nuclei. It has been emphasized that PPT
neurons are peribrachial in location, and the PPT should
not be confused with nearby parabrachial nuclei (46,47).
A cellular substrate for Lumsden’s (26) notion of pontine
respiratory regulation was first localized to the parabra-
chial nuclei by Cohen and Wang (7), but PPT neurons
have not been previously suggested to play a role in res-
piratory control.
Although respiratory changes paralleled changes in
ACh release within the FTG, this does not unequivocally
confirm that these respiratory changes are limited only to
increased ACh release within the FTG. It is possible that
LDT/PPT neurons provide parallel cholinergic input to
both the FTG and to pontomedullary respiratory neu-
rons. We are presently investigating this possibility, and
preliminary results from fluorescent retrograde tracing
studies in our laboratory have identified reciprocal con-
nections between the parabrachial nuclei and cholinocep-
tive regions of the FTG (23).
PPT neurons are not cytoarchitecturally distinct in the
cat (47), but they are known to correspond to the cholin-
ergic cell group designated by Mesulam et al. (35) as Ch5
(20,48). Because Ch5 cholinergic neurons in the cat stain
positively for NADPH-diaphorase (49), we used this
stain to confirm that our stereotaxic coordinates for the
PPT corresponded to a neuronal group that was NADPH
positive and therefore likely to be cholinergic (Fig. 9). To
the best of our knowledge, these are the first data sug-
gesting that putatively cholinergic neurons localized to
the PPT can alter breathing.
Limitations and conclusions. The present results dem-
onstrating respiratory rate depression and increased pon-
tine ACh release caused by PPT stimulation confirm for
the first time through in vivo measurement a previously
suggested relationship between pontine ACh and respira-
tory control (36). The present microdialysis measure-
ments obtained from intact, unanesthetized cats further
specify that ACh release in the FTG, known to be in-
volved in REM sleep generation (47), can contribute to
state-dependent respiratory depression. Although the res-
piratory measures were limited to rate of breathing, the
results encourage future studies using intact, unanesthe-
tized animals to quantify respiratory cycle timing, tidal
volume, and minute ventilation in relationship to ACh
release in the FTG.
A long-appreciated limitation of all microinjection
studies concerns the relationship between diffusion of the
injected compound and the ability to spatially resolve the
central site of drug action. The diffusion issue has been
discussed in detail elsewhere (4)) and calculated diffusion
profiles are known to be a complex function of drug con-
centration, injection volume, and microinjection site.
Systematic evaluation of the cholinergic model of REM
sleep shows that the carbachol dose (0.4 or 4 pg), concen-
tration (8.8 or 88 mM), and injection volume (0.25 ~1)
used in the present study are comparable to these vari-
ables reported by five recent investigations (see Table 4 of
Ref. 5). Thus the technical limitations of the present
microinjections are not significantly different from the
generalized use of this technique.
Two additional limitations should be clear for the acute
studies. First is the issue of anesthesia. Pentobarbital has
long been known to significantly disrupt cardiopulmon-
ary regulation (43). The finding that PPT stimulation
caused respiratory depression in anesthetized animals
cannot be directly interpreted to represent sleep-depen-
dent respiratory depression. Because anesthetics hyper-
polarize neurons (40), however, we anticipate that future
PPT stimulation experiments can be performed with in-
tact, unanesthetized cats with the use of much lower cur-
rent amplitudes. In these future studies it will be impor-
tant to examine the hypothesis that PPT-stimulated
enhancement of ACh release in the FTG varies as a func-
tion of state-dependent changes in neuronal excitability
(34). If the data ultimately support this concept, state-
dependent changes in neuronal excitability may provide
an important interpretive framework concerning the
mechanisms that contribute to state-dependent respira-
tory depression.
A second but related limitation of the acute experi-
ments concerns the electrical stimulation in the PPT.
The goal of the acute studies was not to mimic physio-
logical conditions but to determine whether ACh release
in the FTG could be causally manipulated from the PPT.
As noted in
similar stimulation parameters
previously have been shown to be useful for functional
pathway mapping (22). One can clearly anticipate current
spread with higher levels of electrical stimulation. It has
been noted elsewhere, however, that most of the fibers
passing through the PPT originate from neurons in the
LDT nucleus that are also cholinergic
Even with
these acknowledged limitations, the stimulation data
demonstrate that peribrachial neurons regulate ACh re- 18.
lease in the pontine FTG and can contribute to cholin-
ergically mediated alterations in respiratory control.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of J. F. Biebuyck and the 19.
Department of Anesthesia. For expert technical assistance we thank
2. Lorinc, M. A. Royles, J. Spotts, R. Spayde, M. Bogdan, and Bio-
analytical Systems of West Lafayette, IN.
R. Lydic was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti- 20.
tute Grants HL-47749 and HL-40881 and H. A. Baghdoyan by National
Institute of Mental Health Grant MH-45361. 21 .
Received 11 May 1992; accepted in final form 15 October 1992.
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... The PPTg also participates in regulation of motor control (Garcia-Rill, 1991;Winn, 2006), modulation of sensation (Reese et al., 1995), and attention (Rostron et al., 2008), reaction time, learning and memory (Datta, 1997;Datta and Hobson, 1995;Garcia-Rill, 1991) and autonomic and respiratory regulation (Saponjic et al., 2005(Saponjic et al., , 2006Topchiy et al., 2010;Lima et al., 2019). Electrical stimulation of the PPTg produced reduction in respiratory activity (Lydic and Baghdoyan, 1993), whereas pharmacological manipulation of the PPTg increased respiratory instability during sleep in conscious rats (Radulovacki et al., 2004). ...
... Our results are in agreement with the literature, since PPTg neurons seem to activate the pontine respiratory centers such as the Kölliker-Fuse and Parabrachial Complex that are involved in expiratory activity (Saponjic et al., 2006). In addition, other studies have shown that the electrical stimulation of PPTg was able to increase the release of acetylcholine in the gigantocellular tegmental region and cause respiratory rate depression (Lydic and Baghdoyan, 1993). ...
... Our data showed that the cholinergic stimulation of PPTg elicited a reduction of breathing frequency. In a more general perspective, stimulation of the PPTg elicits respiratory behavior reminiscent of REM sleep, i.e., suppressed respiratory output (Lydic and Baghdoyan, 1993) and/or irregular breathing patterns (Saponjic et al., 2003). This is not unexpected since stimulation of the PPTg is known to promote wakefulness and REM sleep-like behavior. ...
... Data from previous studies demonstrated that pharmacologic activation of the PPT can modulate respiration, but these investigations did not monitor RSNA [15,16,38,39]. The location of PPT activation has been associated with distinct respiratory responses in anesthetized animals [15,16], and respiratory-modulating neurons have been found throughout the PPT. ...
... The location of PPT activation has been associated with distinct respiratory responses in anesthetized animals [15,16], and respiratory-modulating neurons have been found throughout the PPT. Lydic and Baghdoyan demonstrated respiratory depression in response to electrical stimulation of NADPH-d-positive PPT neurons in Nembutal-anesthetized cats [39]. In a study by Saponjic et al., microinjections of glutamate into the PPT caused anesthetized rats to alternate between tachypnea and bradypnea/apnea [16]. ...
... The neurotransmitter systems involved in the central regulation of sympathetic activities have not been fully defined. Acetylcholine plays a critical role in the regulation of respiration in the PPT and other brainstem nuclei [39]. Because cholinergic neurotransmission is Paxinos and Watson, 2006 [31], corresponding with Figs 49, 50, and 52 in that reference (-7.3, -7.6, and -8.0 mm from the bregma, respectively). ...
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Elevated renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) accompanies a variety of complex disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease. Understanding pathophysiologic renal mechanisms is important for determining why hypertension is both a common sequelae and a predisposing factor of these disorders. The role of the brainstem in regulating RSNA remains incompletely understood. The pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT) is known for regulating behaviors including alertness, locomotion, and rapid eye movement sleep. Activation of PPT neurons in anesthetized rats was previously found to increase splanchnic sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure, in addition to altering breathing. The present study is the first investigation of the PPT and its potential role in regulating RSNA. Microinjections of DL-homocysteic acid (DLH) were used to probe the PPT in 100-μm increments in Nembutal-anesthetized rats to identify effective sites, defined as locations where changes in RSNA could be evoked. A total of 239 DLH microinjections were made in 18 rats, which identified 20 effective sites (each confirmed by the ability to evoke a repeatable sympathoexcitatory response). Peak increases in RSNA occurred within 10–20 seconds of PPT activation, with RSNA increasing by 104.5 ± 68.4% (mean ± standard deviation) from baseline. Mean arterial pressure remained significantly elevated for 30 seconds, increasing from 101.6 ± 18.6 mmHg to 135.9 ± 36.4 mmHg. DLH microinjections also increased respiratory rate and minute ventilation. The effective sites were found throughout the rostal-caudal extent of the PPT with most located in the dorsal regions of the nucleus. The majority of PPT locations tested with DLH microinjections did not alter RSNA (179 sites), suggesting that the neurons that confer renal sympathoexcitatory functions comprise a small component of the PPT. The study also underscores the importance of further investigation to determine whether sympathoexcitatory PPT neurons contribute to adverse renal and cardiovascular consequences of diseases such as obstructive sleep apnea and heart failure.
... In the present study, we confirmed previous evidence indicating that one of the major source of cholinergic drive to the ventral lateral medulla, including the RTN region, comes from cholinergic PPTg neurons (Yasui et al. 1990). These neurons exhibit wake-and REM-dependent firing behaviour (Kubin & Fenik, 2004) and are known to participate in a wide range of state-regulating functions, including the control of breathing (Lydic & Baghdoyan, 1993;Saponjic et al. 2003;Boutin et al. 2017). Consistent with previous work (Saponjic et al. 2003(Saponjic et al. , 2005Topchiy et al. 2010), we found that that stimulation of PPTg region with glutamate elicited an increase in ventilation. ...
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Key points Cholinergic projections from the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) to the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) are considered to be important for sleep–wake state‐dependent control of breathing. The RTN also receives cholinergic input from the postinspiratory complex. Stimulation of the PPTg increases respiratory output under control conditions but not when muscarinic receptors in the RTN are blocked. The data obtained in the present study support the possibility that arousal‐dependent modulation of breathing involves recruitment of cholinergic projections from the PPTg to the RTN. Abstract The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) in the mesopontine region has important physiological functions, including breathing control. The PPTg contains a variety of cell types, including cholinergic neurons that project to the rostral aspect of the ventrolateral medulla. In addition, cholinergic signalling in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), a region that contains neurons that regulate breathing in response to changes in CO2/H⁺, has been shown to activate chemosensitive neurons and increase inspiratory activity. The present study aimed to identify the source of cholinergic input to the RTN and determine whether cholinergic signalling in this region influences baseline breathing or the ventilatory response to CO2 in conscious male Wistar rats. Retrograde tracer Fluoro‐Gold injected into the RTN labelled a subset of cholinergic PPTg neurons that presumably project directly to the chemosensitive region of the RTN. In unrestrained awake rats, unilateral injection of the glutamate (10 mm/100 nL) in the PPTg decreased tidal volume (VT) but otherwise increased respiratory rate (fR) and net respiratory output as indicated by an increase in ventilation (VE). All respiratory responses elicited by PPTg stimulation were blunted by prior injection of methyl‐atropine (5 mm/50–75 nL) into the RTN. These results show that stimulation of the PPTg can increase respiratory activity in part by cholinergic activation of chemosensitive elements of the RTN. Based on previous evidence that cholinergic PPTg projections may simultaneously activate expiratory output from the pFRG, we speculate that cholinergic signalling at the level of RTN region could also be involved in breathing regulation.
... e8 Neurology | Volume 92, Number 3 | January 15, 2019 or inhibit breathing 28,29 and are involved in central CO 2 chemoreception. 30 Another critical brainstem component is the periaqueductal gray (PAG), which is an integrative center for breathing responses. ...
Objective: To characterize peri-ictal apnea and postictal asystole in generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) of intractable epilepsy. Methods: This was a prospective, multicenter epilepsy monitoring study of autonomic and breathing biomarkers of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) in patients ≥18 years old with intractable epilepsy and monitored GCS. Video-EEG, thoracoabdominal excursions, nasal airflow, capillary oxygen saturation, and ECG were analyzed. Results: We studied 148 GCS in 87 patients. Nineteen patients had generalized epilepsy; 65 had focal epilepsy; 1 had both; and the epileptogenic zone was unknown in 2. Ictal central apnea (ICA) preceded GCS in 49 of 121 (40.4%) seizures in 23 patients, all with focal epilepsy. Postconvulsive central apnea (PCCA) occurred in 31 of 140 (22.1%) seizures in 22 patients, with generalized, focal, or unknown epileptogenic zones. In 2 patients, PCCA occurred concurrently with asystole (near-SUDEP), with an incidence rate of 10.2 per 1,000 patient-years. One patient with PCCA died of probable SUDEP during follow-up, suggesting a SUDEP incidence rate 5.1 per 1,000 patient-years. No cases of laryngospasm were detected. Rhythmic muscle artifact synchronous with breathing was present in 75 of 147 seizures and related to stertorous breathing (odds ratio 3.856, 95% confidence interval 1.395-10.663, p = 0.009). Conclusions: PCCA occurred in both focal and generalized epilepsies, suggesting a different pathophysiology from ICA, which occurred only in focal epilepsy. PCCA was seen in 2 near-SUDEP cases and 1 probable SUDEP case, suggesting that this phenomenon may serve as a clinical biomarker of SUDEP. Larger studies are needed to validate this observation. Rhythmic postictal muscle artifact is suggestive of post-GCS breathing effort rather than a specific biomarker of laryngospasm.
... Injections of cholinergic agonists into the pontine reticular formation have been found to depolarize pontine reticular formation neurons (Greene et al. 1989) and to induce REM sleep whether injected into anterodorsal pons (Baghdoyan et al. 1987;Yamamoto et al. 1990), or into more posterior pontine regions, although with lowered effectiveness (Baghdoyan et al. 1987). Electrical stimulation of the PPN increases the release of acetylcholine in the pontine reticular formation (Lydic and Baghdoyan 1993), as well as enhances REM sleep (Thakkar et al. 1996). Interest-ingly, the parameters of PPN stimulation used to elicit acetylcholine release in the pontine reticular formation are similar to those used for inducing locomotion [i.e., continuous 0.5-ms pulses at 50 Hz (Lydic and Baghdoyan 1993) vs. continuous 0.5-ms pulses at 20 -60 Hz (Garcia-Rill 1991;Garcia-Rill et al. 1987), respectively], but different from those used to induce suppression of muscle tone [i.e., short trains of 0.2-ms pulses at 100 Hz (Lai and Siegel 1990)]. ...
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Stimulation of the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) is known to induce changes in arousal and postural/locomotor states. Previously, PPN stimulation was reported to induce prolonged responses (PRs) in extracellularly recorded PnC neurons in the decerebrate cat. The present study used intracellular recordings in semihorizontal slices from rat brain stem ( postnatal days 12–21) to determine responses in PnC neurons following PPN stimulation. Two-thirds (65%) of PnC neurons showed PRs after PPN stimulation. PnC neurons with PRs had higher amplitude afterhyperpolarizations (AHP) than non-PR (NPR) neurons. Both PR and NPR neurons were of mixed cell types characterized by “A” and/or “LTS,” or neither of these types of currents. PnC cells showed decreased AHP duration with age, due mostly to decreased AHP duration in NPR cells. The longest mean duration PRs were induced by stimulation at 60 and 90 Hz compared with 10 or 30 Hz. Maximal firing rates in PnC cells during PRs were induced by PPN stimulation at 60 Hz compared with 10, 30, or 90 Hz. BaCl 2 superfusion blocked PPN stimulation-induced PRs, suggesting that PRs may be mediated by blockade of potassium channels, in keeping with increased input resistance observed during PRs. Depolarizing pulses failed to elicit, and hyperpolarizing pulses failed to reset, PPN stimulation-induced PRs, suggesting that PRs may not be plateau potentials. Pharmacological testing revealed that nifedipine superfusion failed to block PPN stimulation-induced PRs; i.e., PRs may not be calcium channel-dependent. The muscarinic cholinergic agonist carbachol induced depolarization in most PR neurons tested, and the muscarinic cholinergic antagonist scopolamine reduced or blocked PPN stimulation-induced PRs in some PnC neurons, suggesting that some PRs may be due to muscarinic receptor activation. The nonspecific ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonist kynurenic acid failed to block PPN stimulation-induced PRs, as did the metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist (R, S)-αmethyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine, suggesting that PRs may not be mediated by glutamate receptors. These findings suggest that PPN stimulation-induced PRs may be due to increased excitability following closing of muscarinic receptor-sensitive potassium channels, allowing PnC neurons to respond to a transient, frequency-dependent depolarization with long-lasting stable states. PPN stimulation appears to induce PRs using parameters known best to induce locomotion. This mechanism may be related to switching from one state to another (e.g., locomotion vs. standing or sitting, waking vs. non-REM sleep or REM sleep).
... While an individual is in either natural or artificially induced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a surge of acetylcholine occurs in the pontomedullary reticular field of the brain stem, which inhibits respiration. Animal studies have shown the inhibition of respiration and a decrease in phrenic nerve output upon injection of acetylcholine in the exposed brainstem [6][7]. Vagus is the major neural pathway that interconnects the brain and lung. ...
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Organophosphates (OPs) account for a large portion of suicides globally. OP manifests as cholinergic crises, which underlie respiratory failure. There are many pathways by which respiration is inhibited secondary to organophosphate poisoning. These include central as well as peripheral mechanisms, with central mechanisms predominating. We conducted a literature review in June 2017. PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar were searched for studies that reported acute organophosphate poisoning in humans. In our review, data were collected from studies published during the years 2001 to 2016. The data consisted of 1,996 patients with organophosphate poisoning, of which 491 (24.6%) required ventilatory support secondary to respiratory failure. Treatment offered to OP poisoning patients should focus on its pathophysiology to benefit from the future outcomes. Recent advances direct the need for a central nervous system (CNS) protective strategy for future prevention and treatment of events associated with cholinergic crises.
The newborn ventilatory response to acute isocapnic hypoxaemia is biphasic. An initial increase in breathing (phase 1), mediated by stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors, is followed 1-3 minutes after the onset of hypoxia by a decline to, or to, below pre-hypoxic levels (phase 2). The mechanism(s) underlying phase 2 are not known. This thesis pursues the hypothesis that phase 2 is mediated by CNS mechanisms. First, this hypothesis was tested by investigating the effects of isocapnic hypoxia on respiratory reflexes in anaesthetized newborn rabbits. These experiments showed that (1) Phase 2 cannot be attributed to a failure in peripheral chemoreceptor function during isocapnic hypoxia. (2) Carotid chemoreflex effects on respiratory output during normoxia are inhibited during isocapnic hypoxia, even though the afferent limb of the reflex is maintained (3) Somatophrenic reflexes are not affected by isocapnic hypoxia. These findings support the idea that isocapnic hypoxia causes a centrally mediated inhibition of breathing, which is not attributable to global hypoxic depression. These findings led to the neurophysiological investigation of CNS function, in a novel in vivo decerebrate rabbit preparation. Electrical stimulation in the mesencephalon identified a discrete area (the red nucleus), and its efferents, as mediating apnoea; chemical microinjections supported the idea that cell bodies mediate an inhibition of breathing from such a locus. Furthermore, this inhibitory area was also shown to be involved in mediating the newborn biphasic ventilatory response, since the fall in ventilation was abolished by placing lesions bilaterally in the red nuclei. Pontine inhibitory influences on breathing were also demarcated by electrical stimulation and chemical microinjection, indicating that pontine structures are probably also involved directly in mediating the newborn biphasic ventilatory response. These results suggest that suprapontine CNS mechanisms play a key role in shaping the newborn biphasic ventilatory response, and that hypoxia activates these descending projections to inhibit breathing. The newborn mechanism that decreases breathing in hypoxia is considered likely to be operative in the fetus, and to account also for the adult breathing response to hypoxia. Potential cellular mechanisms for the initiation of this inhibition, and precedents for CNS mechanisms being involved in adaptive strategies to cope with hypoxia, are discussed.
Background: Dysfunction of the mesencephalic locomotor region has been implicated in gait disorders. However, the role of its 2 components, the pedunculopontine and the cuneiform nuclei, in locomotion is poorly understood in primates. Objectives: To analyze the effect of cuneiform lesions on gait and balance in 2 monkeys and to compare them with those obtained after cholinergic pedunculopontine lesions in 4 monkeys and after lesions in both the cuneiform and pedunculopontine nuclei in 1 monkey. Methods: After each stereotactic lesion, we performed a neurological examination and gait and balance assessments with kinematic measures during a locomotor task. The 3-dimensional location of each lesion was analyzed on a common brainstem space. Results: After each cuneiform lesion, we observed a contralateral cervical dystonia including an increased tone in the proximal forelimb and an increase in knee angle, back curvature and walking speed. Conversely, cholinergic pedunculopontine lesions increased tail rigidity and back curvature and an imbalance of the muscle tone between the ipsi- and contralateral hindlimb with decreased knee angles. The walking speed was decreased. Moreover, pedunculopontine lesions often resulted in a longer time to waking postsurgery. Conclusions: The location of the lesions and their behavioral effects revealed a somatotopic organization of muscle tone control, with the neck and forelimb represented within the cuneiform nucleus and hindlimb and tail represented within the pedunculopontine nucleus. Cuneiform lesions increased speed, whereas pedunculopontine lesions decreased it. These findings confirm the complex and specific role of the cuneiform and pedunculopontine nuclei in locomotion and suggest the role of the pedunculopontine in sleep control. © 2020 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
The interest in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg), a structure located in the brainstem at the level of the pontomesencephalic junction, has greatly increased in recent years because it is involved in the regulation of physiological functions that fail in Parkinson's disease and because it is a promising target for deep brain stimulation in movement disorders. The PPTg is highly interconnected with the main basal ganglia nuclei and relays basal ganglia activity to thalamic and brainstem nuclei and to spinal effectors. In this review, we address the functional role of the main PPTg outputs directed to the basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum and spinal cord. Together, the data that we discuss show that the PPTg may influence thalamocortical activity and spinal motoneuron excitability through its ascending and descending output fibers, respectively. Cerebellar nuclei may also relay signals from the PPTg to thalamic and brainstem nuclei. In addition to participating in motor functions, the PPTg participates in arousal, attention, action selection and reward mechanisms. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the PPTg may be involved in excitotoxic degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra through the glutamatergic monosynaptic input that it provides to these neurons.
Dravet syndrome (DS) is a severe childhood-onset epilepsy commonly due to mutations of the sodium channel gene SCN1A. DS patients have a high risk of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP), believed to be due to cardiac mechanisms. Here we show that DS patients have peri-ictal respiratory dysfunction. One patient who had severe and prolonged postictal hypoventilation later died of SUDEP. Mice with an Scn1aR1407X/+ loss of function mutation died after spontaneous and heat-induced seizures due to central apnea followed by progressive bradycardia. Death could be prevented with mechanical ventilation after seizures induced by hyperthermia or maximal electroshock. Muscarinic receptor antagonists did not prevent bradycardia or death when given at doses selective for peripheral parasympathetic blockade, whereas apnea was prevented at doses known to be high enough to cross the blood brain barrier. Anoxia causes bradycardia due to a direct effect on the heart. We conclude that SUDEP in DS may result in some cases from primary central apnea, which can cause bradycardia presumably via an effect of hypoxemia on cardiac muscle.
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Serotonergic suppression of cholinergic neuronal activity implicated in the regulation of rapid eye movement sleep and its associated phenomenon, pontogeniculooccipital waves, has long been postulated, but no direct proof has been available. In this study, intracellular and whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques were combined with enzyme histochemistry to examine the intrinsic electrophysiological properties and response to serotonin (5-HT) of identified cholinergic rat laterodorsal tegmental nucleus neurons in vitro. Sixty-five percent of the recorded neurons demonstrated a prominent low-threshold burst, and of these, 83% were cholinergic. In current-clamp recordings 64% of the bursting cholinergic neurons tested responded to the application of 5-HT with a membrane hyperpolarization and decrease in input resistance. This effect was mimicked by application of the selective 5-HT type 1 receptor agonist carboxamidotryptamine maleate. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings revealed that the hyperpolarizing response was mediated by an inwardly rectifying K+ current. Application of 5-HT decreased excitability and markedly modulated the discharge pattern of cholinergic bursting neurons: during a 5-HT-induced hyperpolarization these neurons exhibited no rebound burst after hyperpolarizing current input and a burst in response to depolarizing current input. In the absence of 5-HT, the relatively depolarized cholinergic bursting neurons responded to an identical hyperpolarizing current input with a burst and did not produce a burst after depolarizing current input. These data provide a cellular and molecular basis for the hypothesis that 5-HT modulates rapid eye movement sleep phenomenology by altering the firing pattern of bursting cholinergic neurons.
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As originally named for the ostensibly contradictory appearance of rapid eye movements and low voltage fast cortical activity during behavioral sleep, paradoxical sleep or rapid eye movement sleep, represents a distinct third state, in addition to waking and slow wave sleep, in mammals and birds. It is an internally generated state of intense tonic and phasic central activation that is contemporaneous with the inhibition of sensory input and motor output. In early studies, it was established that the state of paradoxical sleep was generated within the brainstem, and particularly within the pons. Pharmacological studies indicated an important role for acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter in the generation of this state. Local injections of cholinergic agonists into the pontine tegmentum triggered a state of paradoxical sleep marked by phasic ponto-geniculo-occipital spikes in association with cortical activation and neck muscle atonia. Following the immunohistochemical identification of choline acetyl transferase-containing neurons and their localization to the dorsolateral ponto-mesencephalic tegmentum, neurotoxic lesions of this major cholinergic cell group could be performed to assess its importance in paradoxical sleep. Destruction of the majority of the cholinergic cells, which are concentrated within the laterodorsal tegmental and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei but extend also into the locus coeruleus and parabrachial nuclei in the cat, resulted in a loss or diminishment of the state of paradoxical sleep, ponto-geniculo-occipital spiking and neck muscle atonia. These deficits were correlated with the loss of choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons in the region, so as to corroborate results of pharmacological studies and single unit recording studies indicating an active role of these cholinergic cells in the generation of paradoxical sleep and its components. These cells provide a cholinergic innervation to the entire brainstem reticular formation that may be critical in the generation of the state which involves recruitment of massive populations of reticular neurons. Major ascending projections into the thalamus, including the lateral geniculate, may provide the means by which phasic (including ponto-geniculo-occipital spikes) and tonic activation is communicated in part to the cerebral cortex. Descending projections through the caudal dorsolateral pontine tegmentum and into the medial medullary reticular formation may be involved in the initiation of sensorimotor inhibition. Although it appears that the pontomesencephalic cholinergic neurons play an important, active role in the generation of paradoxical sleep, this role may be conditional upon the simultaneous inactivity of noradrenaline and serotonin neurons, evidence for which derives from both pharmacological and recording studies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
A monograph communicating the current realities and future possibilities of unifying basic studies on anatomy and cellular physiology with investigations of the behavioral and physiological events of waking and sleep. Steriade established the Laboratory of Neurophysiology at Laval U., Quebec; McCarl
Choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry has identified a large group of cholinergic neurons in the pontine tegmentum. By combined immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical studies this particular cholinergic cell group was found to contain an enzyme, NADPH-diaphorase, that can be visualized histochemically. Thus NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry provides a simple, reliable method to selectively stain the cholinergic neurons of the brainstem reticular formation. The resolution obtained by this novel histochemical technique is similar to that found with the Golgi stain, and it should therefore be of great value in morphological studies of this cholinergic cell group.
The mechanism of neuronal excitation by H+ in the medullary chemosensitive structures was analyzed in brains slices of the rat in vitro. Responses of neurons to H+ in the ventral surface layer were compared with responses to various transmitter substances. Neurons excited by H+ were always also excited by acetylcholine (ACh). ACh increased the activity of 70% of superficial ventral medullary neurons. Effects of noradrenaline and serotonin on the activity of neurons were largely opposite to that of H+. Cholinergic blocking agents like atropine, hexamethonium and mecamylamine depressed the H+-elicited excitation of neurons. The cholinesterase inhibitor, eserine, increased the neuronal activity. In the presence of eserine, a solution of low pH caused further increase in discharge of most neurons. The low pH solution prolonged and augmented the excitatory action of ACh on the ventral medullary neurons. It is concluded that the H+-elicited excitation of neurons in the ‘chemosensitive’ structures is dependent upon intact cholinergic transmission in the surface layer. This may be interpreted as resulting from facilitation and/or prolongation of such a chemical transmission by H+.
1. Cholinomimetic and adrenomimetic substances were tested on the chemosensitive zones of the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata using a plexiglas ring method. Tidal volume and respiratory frequency, arterial pressure and heart frequency were observed. 2. The increase of ventilation and the depression of arterial blood pressure by locally applied acetylcholine could be blocked by previous local application of atropine. It is therefore assumed that the acetylcholine receptors have muscarinic properties. 3. Nicotine in a small dose raises arterial pressure and with higher doses a drop is observed. The responses of respiration and of arterial pressure to nicotine were blocked by previous intravenous administration of hexamethonium. 4. Local application of atropine in the caudal (L) and rostral (M) chemosensitive zones reduced resting ventilation and the slope of the ventilatory response to CO2-inhalation. Physostigmine in these areas enhanced resting ventilation leaving unchanged the slope of the ventilatory response to CO2-inhalation. 5. With high concentrations of (L)-noradrenaline and (L)-adrenaline a slight increase of arterial pressure was seen while serotonin caused a drop. 6. These results together with those of Fukuda and Loeschcke (1978) suggest that a cholinergic transmission in the surface layer of the ventral medulla is a component in the respiratory and circulatory control systems.
The Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) is a mesopontine structure containing predominantly cholinergic neurons, and physiological data indicate its neurons transfer eye-movement gated ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) waves to thalamus during the rapid eye movement phase of sleep. The present study, using anterograde and retrograde tracing of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase, found that the medullary nucleus Prepositus hypoglossi (PH), whose neurons are known to have eye-movement-related information, projects densely to PPT, and PPT has reciprocal projections to PH. The PH-PPT projection has some topographic organization, with rostral PH to rostral PPT and caudal PH to caudal PPT projections dominating. The PH-PPT projection may furnish the anatomical substrate for input of eye movement-related information into the rostral PGO wave system.