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Neurology and bone marrow


Abstract and Figures

Human bone marrow is a fascinating and complex organ. Its major function is to produce and sustain normal haemopoiesis, and in a normal adult this entails the production of more than 1011cells/day. The marrow contains most of the multipotent haemopoietic stem cells, and provides an environment for these cells to differentiate into each of the well recognised peripheral blood cells (erythroctes, leucocytes, and platelets). In addition, the marrow nurtures the development of B lymphocytes and provides T cell progenitors which migrate to the thymus and differentiate there into mature T cells. This brief review is selective and focuses on the neurological aspects of several bone marrow disorders—namely, multiple myeloma, paraproteinaemia, Waldenstrom’s macroglobulin, cryoglobulinaemia, and lymphoma. Neurological aspects of bone marrow transplantation and chemotherapy are also considered. Multiple myeloma is the most common of the plasma cell dyscrasias, which also include monoclonal gammopathies of unknown significance (MGUS or paraproteinaemias), plasmacytomas, and plasma cell leukaemia. These terms represent a range of diseases characterised by a monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells, and associated with a corresponding diversity in clinical behaviour. Antibody molecules, the product of plasma cells, are composed of two heavy and two light chains. There are five heavy chain isotypes (G, M, A, D, and E) and two light chain isotypes (κ and λ). Each chain consists of a constant region and a variable region. The second provides the recognition site for the antibody molecule; its structural uniqueness or idiotype derives from a particular clone of cells as each antibody is produced by a single clone. Serum electrophoresis produces a broad peak in the γ region, which is composed of a very large number of immunoglobulin molecules each specified by a unique plasma cell clone. In patients with multiple myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasias a sharp spike or …
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Neurology and the bone marrow
J D Pollard, GARYoung
Human bone marrow is a fascinating and com-
plex organ. Its major function is to produce and
sustain normal haemopoiesis, and in a normal
adult this entails the production of more than
The marrow contains most of the multipo-
tent haemopoietic stem cells, and provides an
environment for these cells to diVerentiate into
each of the well recognised peripheral blood
cells (erythroctes, leucocytes, and platelets). In
addition, the marrow nurtures the develop-
ment of B lymphocytes and provides T cell
progenitors which migrate to the thymus and
diVerentiate there into mature T cells.
This brief review is selective and focuses on
the neurological aspects of several bone
marrow disorders—namely, multiple myeloma,
paraproteinaemia, Waldenstrom’s macroglobu-
lin, cryoglobulinaemia, and lymphoma.
Neurological aspects of bone marrow trans-
plantation and chemotherapy are also consid-
Multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is the most common of the
plasma cell dyscrasias, which also include
monoclonal gammopathies of unknown signifi-
cance (MGUS or paraproteinaemias), plasma-
cytomas, and plasma cell leukaemia. These
terms represent a range of diseases character-
ised by a monoclonal proliferation of plasma
cells, and associated with a corresponding
diversity in clinical behaviour.
Antibody molecules, the product of plasma
cells, are composed of two heavy and two light
chains. There are five heavy chain isotypes (G,
M, A, D, and E) and two light chain isotypes (ê
and ë). Each chain consists of a constant region
and a variable region. The second provides the
recognition site for the antibody molecule; its
structural uniqueness or idiotype derives from
a particular clone of cells as each antibody is
produced by a single clone. Serum electro-
phoresis produces a broad peak in the ã region,
which is composed of a very large number of
immunoglobulin molecules each specified by a
unique plasma cell clone. In patients with mul-
tiple myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasias
a sharp spike or monoclonal (M) component is
found within the ã region; this M protein rep-
resents a single protein, the product of a single
clone of cells. Immunoelectrophoresis may be
used to show that the M component is
composed of a single light and heavy chain
type—that is, it is truly monoclonal. The
amount of M protein in a given patient
provides a reliable measure of tumour burden
and is thus a useful measurement. Bence Jones
proteins, which represent free light chains, are
produced in excess and excreted in the urine in
50% of cases of multiple myeloma.
Multiple myeloma is a relatively rare cancer,
which occurs predominantly in patients over
60 years of age, although a few patients can
present in their 20s and 30s. The disease is
characterised by a triad of features; lytic bone
lesions, the production of a monoclonal parap-
rotein, and an increase in abnormal plasma
cells in the bone marrow. Associated features
may be bone pain, renal impairment, anaemia,
and hypercalcaemia. Even with modern treat-
ment regimens, including bone marrow trans-
plantation, the disease is essentially incurable,
with median survival being about three years,
although some patients will succumb very
quickly and a few will survive beyond 10 years.
Patients with multiple myeloma are com-
monly referred for neurological opinion be-
cause of frequent involvement of the nervous
The commonest presenting symptom of multi-
ple myeloma is bone pain. It has been reported
in 80% of cases and in 60% it is located in the
back, most commonly in the lumbosacral
region (fig 1).
Radicular pain aZicts one in
five patients. Compression of the spinal cord or
nerve roots also aVects about 20% of cases.
The thoracic region of the spinal cord is
involved more often than the other areas and
patients with IgA myeloma seem to be at
greater risk of spinal cord compression. Spinal
cord compression with consequent
neurological emergency results from vertebral
collapse or from tumour mass deriving from
vertebrae or an epidural site (fig 2). Solitary
plasmacytomas may occasionally compress the
spinal cord or even a nerve root in which case
severe root pain results with radiographic signs
similar to acute disc prolapse.
Management of cord compression requires
immediate diagnosis so that appropriate treat-
ment may be given before permanent motor or
sensory deficits result. To detect early evidence
of spinal cord compression and to define the
area of involvement neurological assessment
should be followed by emergency radiography
(MRI). Immediate radiotherapy with steroid
cover is usually appropriate therapy and
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1997;63:706–718706
Institute of Clinical
J D Pollard
Laboratories, Royal
Prince Alfred Hospital,
NSW, 2006 Australia
G Young
Correspondence to:
Professor JD Pollard,
Institute of Clinical
Neurosciences, University of
Sydney, Blackburn Building
D06, NSW, 2006 Australia.
Received 13 June 1997 and
in revised form 17
September 1997
Accepted 17 September
decompressive surgery is rarely required,
except when the diagnosis is uncertain. Local
control of disease can usually be obtained with
a tumour dose of 2000 cGy given over five days
from a
Co source.
Although the skull bones are commonly
aVected by myeloma, involvement of the brain
is relatively rare. It may, however, result from
lesions within the bony vault or by metastases
in cases of plasma cell leukaemia. Rarely will
the brain or its coverings be the site of solitary
The clinical features of intracranial
myeloma depend on the site of involvement but
may include the symptoms and signs of
increased intracranial pressure, papilloedema,
impairment of consciousness, and focal
neurological deficit including cranial nerve
Cranial nerve signs may result from the
involvement of cranial nerve foramina in
myelomatous skull base lesions, or from
compression or distortion of nerves by tumour
masses arising from the sphenoid or petrous
The most often involved cranial nerves
are VI, II, V, VII, and VIII.
The diagnosis, if not apparent from the radi-
ology, is facilitated by the examination of the
CSF as all patients with meningeal involvement
show plasma cells within the CSF and the CSF
protein is usually greatly increased.
meningeal involvement has resulted in im-
paired consciousness or cranial nerve signs, the
outlook is poor but intrathecal drug therapy
may prove beneficial.
Neuropathy in myeloma is uncommon with a
prevalence in retrospective series of less than
but Walsh
found clinical evidence of
neuropathy in 13% in a prospective study, and
electrophysiological evidence in 39%.
The neuropathy is most commonly sensori-
motor in type but purely sensory or relapsing
and remitting forms occur.
Neuropathy of
gradual onset is usual but it may be acute or
Cranial nerves may occasionally be
aVected and upper limbs more than lower.
Figure 1 Spinal MRI showing compression collapse of the
vertebral body of T11 and a lytic lesion within T12. The
patient complained of lower back pain.
Figure 2 Spinal cord MRI of a patient with multiple
myeloma showing compression of the cord after collapse of
the third thoracic vertebral body (arrow).
Neurology and the bone marrow 707
Some patients have systemic amyloidosis and
Kyle and Dyck
have emphasised the im-
portance of examining appropriate biopsy
tissue as this complication may be the cause of
neuropathy. The diagnosis may be suspected
by the finding of postural hypotension, impo-
tence, pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or dissoci-
ated sensory loss.
Nerve conduction studies and nerve biopsy
most commonly show changes consistent with
axonal degeneration although demyelination
has been occasionally reported.
Infiltration of
nerve with plasma cells or amyloid may be
Neuropathy in osteosclerotic myeloma
(POEMS syndrome)
Unlike the rarity of neuropathy in the common
osteolytic variety of myeloma, about half the
patients with osteosclerotic myeloma (2% of
cases) present with neuropathy and do so at
any earlier age. The neuropathy is mainly
motor and similar to those of chronic inflam-
matory demyelinating polyneuropathy
(CIDP); it may be part of a syndrome
designated by the acronym POEMS
(polyneuropathy, organomegally, endocrinopa-
thy, M protein, and skin changes). POEMS
syndrome is usually seen in the purely sclerotic
or mixed sclerotic and lytic types of myeloma,
but may occur in the lytic form, in patients with
M protein alone (without myeloma), polyclo-
nal protein alone, and rarely in patients with
extramedullary plasmacytomas.
Men are aVected more than women (2:1), the
average age of onset being 47 and one in five
cases are younger than 40.
13 14
Patients usually
present with neuropathy, symptoms of which
may precede the diagnosis by one to two years.
The neuropathy is usually a dominantly motor,
sensorimotor neuropathy, which commences
distally and symmetrically and progresses
slowly with proximal spread. Severe weakness
results with more than half the patients being
unable to walk.
Cranial nerves are not
aVected but papilloedema may occur. Periph-
eral (pitting) oedema and hyperpigmentation
are common features as are hypertrichosis (the
development of stiV black hair on the extremi-
ties) and skin thickening. Hepatomegaly is a
frequent finding but splenomegaly and lym-
phadenopathy less so. Gynaecomastia, amen-
orrhoea, impotence, and testicular atrophy
occur, finger clubbing and white nails may be
seen in about 50%, and ascites and pleural
eVusion are occasionally seen. Weight loss
occurs early and patients are often wasted and
appear cachectic. Facial lipoatrophy may be
Haemangiomatous proliferation of
small blood vessels in the skin, kidney, brain,
and lymph nodes has been reported.
Nerve conduction studies show moderate to
pronounced slowing of conduction velocity,
and the changes within sural nerve biopsy are
of mixed segmental demyelination and axonal
Other laboratory findings are unlike my-
eloma; anaemia is rare and polycythaemia may
be present.
Hypercalcaemia and renal insuY-
ciency are uncommon, the bone marrow is
rarely infiltrated with plasma cells, and M
components are of modest amount in the
serum and rarely present in urine.
The M
protein is usually of the IgG or IgA heavy chain
class and of the ë light chain type.
Tests of endocrine function have shown
diabetes mellitus to be present in 50% of
and evidence of thyroid, adrenal, or
gonadal failure less commonly. Low serum tes-
tosterone is common and increased oestrogen
has been reported in impotent men.
Radiographic skeletal survey is most impor-
tant diagnostically, particularly as 25% of these
patients show no serum or urine protein.
Osteosclerotic lesions, or a mixture of sclerotic
and lytic lesions, are usually seen, or a sclerotic
rim around a lytic lesion.
Lymph node biopsy in some patients has
shown the features of Castleman’s disease or
angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia.
17 20 21
The cause of neuropathy in patients with
myeloma remains unclear. Binding of immu-
noglobulin to neural components has been
described in only some cases.
22 23
Reactivity of
M components to myelin would be an
attractive hypothesis in the demyelinating neu-
ropathy seen in osteosclerotic myeloma, but
has been shown infrequently.
Recent evidence implicates a role for cy-
tokines in some aspects of POEMS syndrome.
Bone destruction in myeloma is contributed to
by cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor â
(TNF-â) and interleukin 1b (IL-1b), which act
as osteoclastic activating factors.
24 25
concentrations of TNF-á have been found in
the serum of patients with POEMS and early
weight loss
and have been proposed as a pos-
sible cause of the pronounced wasting. In-
creased concentrations of IL-1 and IL-6 have
also been found in POEMS syndrome
and in
Castleman’s disease increased serum concen-
trations and production of IL-6 by lymph node
cells have been found.
Several workers have
proposed an angioproliferative factor to ac-
count for the proliferative changes described in
small blood vessels.
17 27
These factors may also
play a part in the neuropathy as TNF-á and
IL-1 have been implicated in increased vascu-
lar permeability and TNF-á has been shown to
be eVective in blood-nerve barrier
Compromise of the blood-nerve
barrier is clearly a prerequisite for circulating
immunoglobulin to react with myelinated
nerve fibres.
The neuropathy complicating multiple my-
eloma does not usually respond to therapy with
either plasmapheresis, cytotoxic drugs, or a
combination of these
although there are
occasional reports of benefit.
Some cases
associated with solitary plasmacytoma have
improved after radiotherapy.
16 30
Kyle and Dyck
recommend radiotherapy
(40–50 cGy) for patients with single or
multiple osteosclerotic lesions in a limited area
708 Pollard, Young
and have found substantial improvement of the
neuropathy in more than 50%. The improve-
ment may be slow. In patients with widespread
lesions chemotherapy is advised (melphalan
and prednisone).
The combination of pred-
nisone and cyclophosphamide has also been
documented to benefit the neuropathy in some
patients with POEMS syndrome.
13 17 31
Neurological complications of
Monoclonal components may be detected in
patients with conditions other than multiple
myeloma or plasma cell dyscrasias. They may
occur in lymphoid and non-lymphoid neopla-
sia and various autoimmune conditions.
Moreover, they may be seen in the absence of
any recognisable disease. These cases are clas-
sified as MGUS. The second phrase recognises
the need for long term follow up of these
patients. Such benign paraproteins occur in
about 3% of the population but the incidence
increases with age.
Peripheral neuropathy associated with
Several early case reports described an associ-
ation between neuropathy and IgM parapro-
teins. Kahn et al
first demonstrated a clear
statistical relation between neuropathy and the
presence of paraproteins. They studied 14000
serum samples from patients referred to a
neurological centre. Fifty six patients had
MGUS and 16 of these had neuropathy. The
report by Latov et al
which showed binding of
IgM to the myelin sheath in a patient with a
demyelinating neuropathy stimulated intense
interest and was confirmed by other
Although IgG paraproteins are the
most common, neuropathy is more often seen
in patients with IgM paraproteinaemia. In a
series of 7004 patients with MGUS from the
Mayo Clinic 74% had IgG, 15% IgM, and 11%
IgA paraproteins. In this group 65 patients had
neuropathy; 48% of those patients had IgM
paraprotein, 37% IgG, and 15% IgA.
62 patients with neuropathy and MGUS
reported by Yeung et al,
the paraprotein class
was IgM in 46, IgG in 11, and IgA in five. Kelly
et al
found that 10% of 279 patients with neu-
ropathy without underlying systemic disease
(alcohol, diabetes, etc) had an M protein on
serum electrophoresis. Six per cent had
MGUS, 2.5% primary amyloid, 1.1% my-
eloma, and there was one patient each with
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia and heavy
chain disease.
Neuropathy associated with IgM
The neuropathy usually presents as a slowly
progressive distal sensorimotor neuropathy,
predominantly aVecting men
36 38 39
in the sixth
or seventh decade. Very occasionally the course
is relapsing and remitting and the symptoms
and signs purely sensory. Multifocal neu-
ropathy has rarely been found.
symptoms predominate at onset and ataxic and
upper limb postural tremor are prominent
36 38 39
The CSF protein is often raised and motor
conduction velocity reduced to levels within
the demyelinating range.
A characteristic
finding is that of considerable prolongation of
distal motor latencies representing a large distal
accentuation of conduction slowing.
Pathological changes in peripheral nerve are
characterised by demyelination and fibre loss.
Fibre loss is often considerable. Inflammatory
infiltrate as usually lacking but hypertrophic
changes are occasionally seen.
37 42
Electron microscopy has shown in many
cases widened myelin lamellae between major
dense lines, most pronounced in the outer
myelin lamellae (fig 3).
36 37 42
The evidence
suggests that this change results from the
deposition of the paraprotein, and it is particu-
larly pronounced in perinodal regions and
Schmidt Lantermann incisures, where the
antigenic target, myelin associated glycopro-
tein, is located.
An interesting finding is that
on teased fibre preparations tomacula (focal
areas of hypermyelination) may be seen,
finding characteristic of hereditary sensitivity
to pressure palsy, due to a deletion within the
gene for PMP-22.
IgM binding to surviving myelin sheaths has
been shown by both direct and indirect
immunofluorescent techniques.
22 45
Latov et al
first showed that the antigenic target of some
IgM paraproteins was myelin associated glyco-
protein ,
a finding confirmed by others.
37 47 48
These antibodies have a similar specificity to
the murine monoclonal antibody HNK-1
which recognises a carbohydrate epitope on
other glycoprotein and glycolipid molecules
within nerve
: PO glycoprotein,
glycoprotein, the glycolipids sulphated glu-
curonic acid paragloboside (SGPG), sulphated
glucuronic acid and lactosaminyl paraglobo-
side (SGLPG),
and several cell adhesion
molecules, N-CAM, LI, and JI glycoprotein.
However the patients’ IgM antibodies have a
higher aYnity for myelin associated glycopro-
tein than the other glycoproteins
and react
poorly with several of the other molecules. The
use of specific antihuman IgM antibodies to
detect the IgM paraproteins deposited in vivo
has shown these mainly in the periaxonal and
the outer rim of the myelin sheath, Schmidt-
Lantermann incisures, and paranodal loops—
that is, the region of myelin associated
glycoprotein localisation. About 50% of IgM
paraproteins associated with sensorimotor
neuropathy react with myelin associated
IgM paraproteins may also react with GM-I
gangliosides. Monoclonal or polyclonal IgM
anti-GM-1 antibodies have been reported in
association with a motor neuropathy with con-
duction block and motor neuron disease.
Most of these antibodies show specificity for
the terminal Gal (â1–3) Gal Nac structure.
Neurology and the bone marrow 709
Other antibodies show specificity for the
disialosyl groups on gangliosides GD1b,
GT1b, GQ1b, and others. Patients with these
antibodies present with a progressive ataxic
neuropathy with involvement of large sensory
Patients with chronic sensory neu-
ropathy have also been described with parapro-
teins reacting to chondroitin sulphate
The pathological changes in these
cases is axonal degeneration.
The mechanism by which these antibodies
cause demyelination may not be clearly under-
stood until the role of myelin associated glyco-
protein is more clearly defined. However there
is accumulating evidence that the antibodies
are pathogenic. As described above IgM can be
demonstrated in situ in regions of myelin asso-
ciated glycoprotein localisation. Focal demyeli-
nation was produced by intraneural injection of
antibody into the sciatic nerve of the appropri-
ate species.
has produced the electro-
physiological and pathological features of the
disease by passive transfer studies into new-
born chicks, which have a defective blood-
nerve barrier. The question of how the
antibodies cross the blood-nerve barrier in
humans remains unanswered, but the electro-
physiological findings of Kaku et al
of distal
slowing, suggest that the antibody leaks into
nerve preferentially from the region of the neu-
romuscular junction where the blood nerve
barrier is known to be deficient. There is there-
fore mounting evidence that the neuropathy
associated with anti-MAG antibody can be
regarded as an autoimmune disorder of nerve.
Although IgG paraproteins are more common
in the community then IgM, neuropathy is
more commonly associated with the IgM.
22 39 45
The course of neuropathy associated with IgG
paraproteins may be chronic progressive or
relapsing and remitting. Five cases of IgG
paraproteinaemia and neuropathy were de-
scribed by Bleasel et al
; they followed a
relapsing and remitting course and were in all
respects, apart from the monoclonal protein,
similar to cases of chronic inflammatory demy-
elinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Although
binding of IgG or IgG light chain fragments to
the myelin sheath has been demonstrated in a
few cases
22 61
evidence for reactivity to defined
myelin antigens is lacking. Three cases with
sensorimotor axonal neuropathies have been
described with IgG antibody reactive to neuro-
filament determinants.
Relatively few cases of neuropathy associated
with IgA paraproteinaemia have been de-
scribed. In the series of Gosselin et al
were 10 patients in whom the clinical features
were similar to cases of IgG and IgM parapro-
teinaemia neuropathy. Three separate patients
have been described in whom IgA paraprotein-
aemia was associated with a motor neuron-like
22 63 64
Hays et al
reported a similar
patient in whom the IgA paraprotein reacted to
a neurofilament antigen.
There is general agreement that patients with
neuropathy associated with IgG and IgA para-
proteins respond to therapy—either plasma
exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin, or
immune suppression (steroids with or without
azathioprine or cyclophosphamide).
eYcacy of treatment in patients with IgM asso-
ciated neuropathy remains controversial. Ben-
efit has been reported in several uncontrolled
29 33 63
but not in a controlled trial.
Other centres with considerable experience
confirm the disappointing results of treatment
in IgM paraprotein associated neuropathy.
39 67
These patients fortunately progress very slowly
and many may be managed conservatively
without the introduction of potentially danger-
ous therapies (corticosteroids or immune sup-
pression). In patients who progressively dete-
riorate it is our practise to try plasma exchange
or intravenous immunoglobulin and introduce
immunosuppressive agents on a trial basis
(pulse cyclophosphamide or melphalan) only
Figure 3 Electron micrograph of a sural nerve biopsy specimen from a patient neuropathy
associated with IgM paraprotein. Note that outer myelin lamellae (wl) are widened. Bar =
1 µm.
710 Pollard, Young
when the first treatment has failed and if
patients are becoming seriously incapacitated.
Patients in whom monoclonal or polyclonal
antibodies against GM-1 ganglioside are asso-
ciated with a clinical syndrome of multifocal
motor neuropathy with conduction block may
respond to therapy with either intravenous
immunoglobulin or cyclophosphamide.
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia
Macroglobulinaemia results from an uncon-
trolled proliferation of lymphocytes and plasma
cells which produce excessive circulating
monoclonal IgM protein; the bone marrow is
extensively infiltrated with lymphocytes and
plasma cells. Other causes of macroglobulinae-
mia include IgM monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance, lymphoma, chronic
lymphatic leukaemia, and amyloid and IgM
myeloma. The clinical features usually include
weakness, fatigue, and bleeding often of the
oronasal region. Impaired vision, mental con-
fusion, neuropathy and other neurological
symptoms may occur. Dyspnoea and conges-
tive cardiac failure may be evident and enlarge-
ment of spleen, liver, and lymph nodes.
Patients may present with sudden fatal cerebral
haemorrhage or with focal brain syndromes, as
a result of the bleeding tendency or from
cerebral ischaemia.
The M protein interferes
with the clotting cascade, but a more important
mechanism seems to be an abnormality of the
platelet plug and its formation.
Bing and Neil
first described the association
of diVuse CNS disease and hyperglobulinae-
mia. Numerous CNS manifestations have been
described in macroglobulinaemia including
pyramidal tract dysfunction, dizziness, head-
ache, ataxia, tremors, hearing loss, lethargy,
organic psychosis, and coma.
Many of these
cases showed retinal change including haemor-
rhages, venous engorgement, papillitis, and
Pathological studies showed lym-
phocyte and plasma cell infiltration of Virchow
Robin spaces,
multiple small haemorrhages
within the brain, and plasma (IgM) exudation
into brain parenchyma and perivascular
Because of these findings it has been
proposed that these symptoms of diVuse CNS
involvement result from increased viscosity and
altered vascular permeability.
The hyperviscosity syndrome is character-
ised by bleeding, ocular, neurological, and,
rarely, cardiovascular manifestations.
symptoms include diplopia, blurred vision, and
visual failure. The retinal veins are distended
and tortuous and may assume the form of a
string of sausages. Haemorrhages, exudates,
and papilloedema may occur. Symptoms of
CNS involvement include headache, dizziness,
deafness, unsteadiness, and vertigo, and im-
pairment of consciousness which may progress
to coma or death. The importance of recognis-
ing this syndrome is that treatment of the
hyperviscosity by plasmapheresis can relieve
most symptoms.
Spinal cord syndromes (spastic paraparesis or
tetraparesis) may result from the hyperviscosity
changes described above, in addition to the
more common cerebral symptoms and signs.
The spinal cord may be compromised by bony
compression or cellular infiltration. Patients
with macroglobulinaemia and lower motor
neuron syndromes have been described and in
one case signs and symptoms of primary mus-
cular atrophy reversed after treatment with
Sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy occurs
commonly in macroglobulinaemia.
75 76
symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings are
essentially the same as those already discussed
for IgM paraprotein associated neuropathies.
Plasmapheresis is indicated for the symptoms
of the hyperviscosity syndrome. It has been
reported in uncontrolled studies to improve
patients with neuropathy
29 77
but other reports
are unfavourable.
Occasional patients have
reportedly benefited from chemotherapy
and also from a combination of chemo-
therapy (chlorambucil) and plasmapheresis.
There have been no controlled trials.
Cryoglobulins are serum immunoglobulins
which precipitate when cooled and redissolve
when heated. The temperature at which they
precipitate varies but this variable rather than
the amount of protein present, determines
clinical expression of disease.
They have been
classified as type 1 (a single monoclonal
protein, IgM, IgG, or IgA), type 2 (a mixture of
monoclonal and polyclonal immunoglobulins),
and type III (polyclonal immunoglobulins
only). Cryoglobulins may occur without evi-
dence of underlying disease (essential cryoglob-
ulinaemia) or be secondary to a lymphoprolif-
erative disorder or a chronic inflammatory or
infective process. A high incidence of antibodies
to hepatitis C virus has been reported in patients
with essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia.
The clinical symptoms relate to cold sensi-
tivity and include Raynaud’s phenomenon,
cyanosis or skin ulceration; skin rashes espe-
cially purpura, bleeding from mucous mem-
branes, arthralgia, glomerulonephritis, retinal
haemorrhage, and neurological complications.
Transient ischaemic attacks manifested as
transient altered consciousness and coma,
blindness, hemiplegia, and seizures have been
81 82
In such cases stenosis and
occlusion of cerebral vessels without atheroma
have been shown, or changes consistent with
CNS vasculitis. Cerebral infarction has also
been described
83 84
and thrombi of hyaline
acidic material within blood vessels with,
perivascular haemorrhage or multiple throm-
botic occlusions.
Neurology and the bone marrow 711
Peripheral neuropathy usually presents in the
setting of the typical manifestations of cry-
oglobulinaemia, Reynaud’s phenomenon, cya-
nosis, skin ulceration, and neuropathic symp-
toms are often precipitated by cold weather.
85 86
Neuropathy has been reported in up to 50% of
87 88
It most commonly presents as a sym-
metric mainly sensory neuropathy with promi-
nent pain and hypaesthesia. Occasionally a
multifocal neuropathy may occur and this may
be superimposed on a symmetric sensory neu-
ropathy. Cranial nerves may occasionally be
aVected and although slowly progressive some
patients show a seasonal remitting and relaps-
ing course.
Electrophysiological studies show
impaired sensory conduction and mild slowing
of conduction velocity.
Neuropathological studies show mostly ax-
onal degeneration, or axonal degeneration with
some segmental demyelination in teased fibre
Cryoprecipitation may be seen
within endoneurial blood vessels and within
the vaso nervorum
and endoneurial and
perineurial vasculitis have been described.
Hence the neurological symptoms and signs in
cryoglobulinaemia probably have an ischaemic
basis, due either to immune complex mediated
vasculitis, or the precipitation of cryoglobulins
within vessels.
Plasmapheresis is indicated when severe mani-
festations of cryoglobulinaemia are present,
particularly in the early stages. Sustained clini-
cal improvement and reduction of cryoglobulin
concentrations are the end points of therapy.
Improvement of both encephalopathy and
neuropathy has been described after treatment
with corticosteroids; combined therapy may be
indicated if vasculitis is suspected. Cold expo-
sure should be minimised.
Treatment with
interferon-á may be beneficial in patients with
serological evidence of hepatitis C infection.
Malignant lymphoma
Malignant lymphoma is a term used to
describe a heterogenous group of diseases
characterised by a malignant proliferation of
cells of the lymphoid system. Traditionally, two
separate disorders are recognised—Hodgkin’s
disease and the more common non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma. Hodgkin’s disease typically aVects
lymph nodal tissue, and is characterised by the
presence of large, often multinucleated cells—
the so called Reed-Sternberg cell—which is the
hallmark of this disease. The disease can aVect
the liver and spleen, and, rarely, other organs
such as the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, and
the nervous system. In general, Hodgkin’s dis-
ease represents one of the outstanding success
stories of modern cancer therapy, and even
patients with advanced stage disease can now
expect an 80% chance of 10 year survival.
On the other hand, non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma is a very heterogenous disease with
a wide variety of clinical presentations and very
varied clinical outcomes. Although lymph
nodal presentation is most common, patients
can often present with extranodal involvement
or, more rarely, with leukaemic manifestations
and marrow failure. Patients may have a very
indolent course requiring little therapy over
periods in excess of 20 years, or have a very
aggressive course with short survival. Currently
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is going through yet
another classification debate, epitomised by
proponents of the revised European American
lymphoma (REAL) classification.
Neurological complications may occur when
the disease is active or seems to be in remission.
They result from infiltration of the meninges or
neural parenchyme, compression of spinal cord
or nerve roots, infections of the CNS, or as
complications of treatment. Neurological com-
plications are more common when leukaemic
conversion has occurred and are often seen in
Burkitt’s lymphoma.
Involvement of the meninges usually occurs in
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of diVuse rather
than nodular histology
and with undiVerenti-
ated cell type.
It is more often seen when the
bone marrow or peripheral blood is involved
and in younger patients.
Tumour cells may
invade the meninges by haematogenous spread
or by infiltration along perforating blood
vessels from the medullary bone marrow.
Tumour masses involving the dura may invade
the subarachnoid space and be disseminated
throughout the spinal fluid pathway.
meninges of the base of brain and spinal cord
are often involved.
The symptoms and signs include those of
increased intracranial pressure and meningitis
aVecting the base of brain and spinal roots;
headache, vomiting, irritability, confusion,
papilloedema, seizures, and cranial nerve and
spinal radicular involvement. Cranial nerves
VII, VI, and III are most commonly aVected.
Involvement of spinal roots may cause pain,
paraesthesiae, or weakness, most often at the
lumbar or sacral level and sphincter dysfunc-
tion and impotence result.
Examination of the spinal fluid is mandatory
in making the diagnosis, in particular the dem-
onstration of malignant cells in the CSF.
Raised CSF protein may be found and the glu-
cose may be decreased, but both may be
The demonstration of meningeal
enhancement or of enhancing nodules on
nerve roots by MRI, provides suggestive
evidence of meningeal lymphoma, particularly
if infective meningitis can be excluded.
Steroids, intrathecal chemotherapy, and
focal irradiation may each play a part in
therapy. Methotrexate or cytosine arabinoside
are usually given intraventricularly by means of
a CSF reservoir. Radiotherapy may be directed
to clinically or radiographically demonstrated
focal lesions and a combination of radiotherapy
and intrathecal chemotherapy has been shown
to improve survival.
Intracranial, epidural, and subdural lymphoma
occur in less than 10% of cases of Hodgkin’s
disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
lesions may be located over the hemispheres
712 Pollard, Young
but are commonly found at the skull base. Epi-
dural masses may cause focal cerebral lesions,
which will depend on their site (hemiparesis,
dysphasia, altered cognition, or seizures).
There may be headache and other signs of
increased intracranial pressure. Basal
lymphoma may compress cranial nerves or
involve the pituitary and hypothalamus. Sub-
dural lymphoma may present as subdural hae-
matoma as it may be accompanied by fluid
Spinal cord involvement by lymphoma
derives either from tumour which invades the
epidural space from paravertebral lymph nodes
through intervertebral foramina, or extension
from lymphomatous vertebral bodies. Com-
pression of the spinal cord by the tumour mass
is usually accompanied by symptoms and signs
of nerve root compression at this level.
Occasional intramedullary invasion may result
from tumour growth along nerve roots. The
symptoms and signs are those of back and
nerve root pain followed by the features of spi-
nal cord compression: weakness, sensory, and
sphincter disturbances. Early diagnosis and
treatment are essential to prevent permanent
disability, and to provide the optimum chance
for recovery. MRI and CSF examination are
indicated to confirm the diagnosis and localise
the area of involvement; therapy consists of
high dose steroids when this complication is
suspected followed by radiotherapy on radio-
graphic confirmation. Surgical decompression
is rarely indicated except when the diagnosis is
uncertain or other complications—for exam-
ple, epidural abscess—are suspected.
Mass lesions intracranially are more common
in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but
the overall incidence is low.
96 98
They mostly
derive from meningeal deposits but haematog-
enous metastases do occur.
The symptoms and signs depend on the site
of the lesion and the diagnosis should be con-
firmed by CT and MRI and sometimes
stereotactic biopsy. These lesions are often
responsive to steroids and radiotherapy but if
the meninges are involved intrathecal chemo-
therapy may be indicated.
Clinical evidence of neuropathy is uncommon
(8%) but when electrophysiological studies are
used a higher incidence (35%) may be shown.
Several diVerent clinical types of neuropathy
are recognised.
Acute polyneuropathy of the Guillain-Bar
type occurs in patients with lymphoma, more
commonly in patients with Hodgkin’s
Lisak et al
found abnormal im-
mune responses in their patients and suggested
that immune suppression predisposed to the
occurrence of the neuropathy. The pathologi-
cal changes are typical of Guillain-Bar
syndrome. Subacute neuropathy has been
described mainly in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
and is usually accompanied by lymphomatous
infiltration of peripheral nerves and nerve
Relapsing and remitting neuropathy is rare
in patients with lymphoma. Pathological stud-
ies in these cases have shown macrophage
mediated demyelination and axonal loss. Sen-
sorimotor neuropathy associated with
lymphoma usually follows a chronic progres-
sive course. It may precede or follow the diag-
nosis of lymphoma.
Axonal degeneration and
segmental demyelination have been reported,
with occasional evidence of microvasculitis.
A subacute asymmetric lower motor neuron
syndrome, aVecting primarily the lower limbs,
has been described. It may spontaneously
remit. Pathological studies showed anterior
horn cell degeneration and motor root
but no tumour infiltration or
Few cases of sensory neuropathy complicating
lymphoma have been described. The patho-
logical changes are similar to those described in
sensory neuropathy complicating carcinoma.
Because mediastinal lymph nodes are often
involved in Hodgkin’s disease the recurrent
laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve, and sympa-
thetic chain may be compromised by local
tumour masses.
The neurological manifestations of HIV/AIDS
infection are protean, and can involve any
component of the nervous system.
disorders include HIV dementia, CNS infec-
tion and neoplasms, vascular complications,
peripheral neuropathies, and myopathies.
The primary CNS lymphoma associated
with HIV/AIDS infection has attracted consid-
erable attention
not only because of its
increasing incidence but also because of its
interesting biology. It seems that all cases of
primary lymphoma associated with HIV have
integration of the EBV genome into the malig-
nant cells,
raising the prospect of an
aetiological role for the EBV virus. Patients
often present with memory loss, confusion, and
lethargy, but may also present with epilepsy.
Radiology shows one or more contrast enhanc-
ing lesions which may be diYcult to diVerenti-
ate from toxoplasmosis. In practical terms this
disease continues to have a poor prognosis.
Bone marrow transplantation
Neurological complications occur in about
70% of patients with allogeneic bone marrow
The immunosuppressive regime which usu-
ally consists of cyclophosphamide and low dose
total body irradiation rarely produces
neurological complications. However, because
of the underlying disease process and myeloab-
lative therapy, patients undergoing bone mar-
row transplantation are usually severely immu-
nosuppressed and hence prone to infection.
Within the first month, when patients are
Neurology and the bone marrow 713
granulocytopenic, bacterial, viral, or fungal
infections may occur. Despite engraftment
patients remain immunologically compro-
mised for up to one year and are prone to viral
(particularly cytomegalovirus) and protozoan
infection (especially toxoplasmosis).
A major complication after allogeneic bone
marrow transplantation is graft versus host dis-
ease (GVHD), in which immunologically com-
petent donor lymphocytes attack host tissue.
Chronic rather than acute GVHD is associated
with neurological complications. Chronic neu-
romuscular disorders are prominent among
these. Polymyositis indistinguishable from idi-
opathic polymyositis is well described.
110 111
responds to treatment directed to the
GVHD—that is, immunosuppression.
Myasthenia gravis, accompanied by raised
concentrations of acetylcholine receptor anti-
body and responsive to anticholinesterase
and immunosuppressive agents is also well
Peripheral neuropathy has also been re-
ported. The features described are those of
113 114
and most cases have responded to
immunosuppressive agents.
Although there have been reports in which
the patients with GVHD have shown lym-
phocytic infiltration within the brain no recog-
nised pattern of disease has emerged for CNS
An interesting animal model of
GVHD has been described in which massive
lymphocytic infiltration occurs within the brain
accompanied by pronounced upregulation of
MHC class I and II molecules.
No human
equivalent of this condition has been de-
Cerebral infarction resulting from infective
endocarditis or non-bacterial thrombotic en-
docarditis has been reported in about 10% of
necropsy series of patients with BMT. The rea-
sons for this complication are unknown.
Neurological complications of treatment
It is important to remember that neurological
signs and symptoms in patients with haemato-
logical disorders may result from infection or
complications of therapy.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy which is so eVective in the
management of lymphoma, unfortunately has a
wide variety of neurological adverse reactions.
The brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerve may
be aVected. Tissue damage is to some degree
dose dependent but there is also an idiosyn-
cratic element. Concomitant chemotherapy
and systemic illness may increase the suscepti-
bility to radiation damage.
The combination
of cranial irradiation with high dose
intravenous or intrathecal methotrexate is par-
ticularly associated with an increased occur-
rence of encephalopathy, which may take the
form of a disseminated necrotising leukoen-
cephalopathy. This is seldom seen with doses of
irradiation <2000 cGY.
Encephalopathy is more likely to develop if
methotrexate is given during or after cranial
irradiation and it has been proposed that the
second damages the blood-brain barrier allow-
ing methotrexate more ready access to the
brain parenchyma.
Acute, subacute, or
chronic encephalopathy, myelopathy, or pe-
ripheral neuropathy may occur. Acute en-
cephalopathy usually occurs within the first
week of therapy and produces lethargy, fever,
headache, nausea, and vomiting. It responds to
corticosteroid therapy and may be due to
radiation induced cerebral oedema. A subacute
encephalopathy occurring after several weeks is
much less common and presents with head-
ache, drowsiness, seizures, nausea, vertigo and
ataxia, and brain stem or cerebellar features. It
usually improves spontaneously but may be
aided by corticosteroid therapy. White matter
changes are evident on MRI or CT. Delayed or
chronic encephalopathy is more common and
may present with focal defects, progressive
dementia, apraxia, or seizures. PET is helpful
in diVerentiating this condition from intracra-
nial malignancy. The pathological changes
include mineralising microangiopathy, dis-
seminated necrotising. leukoencephalopathy,
calcification, axonal degeneration, and
94 96
An early transient myelopathy occurring six to
12 weeks after treatment is uncommon and
usually recovers within three to 12 months.
Delayed progressive myelopathy is more com-
mon and may occur from six months to six
years after radiotherapy. Sensory, motor, and
sphincteric symptoms and signs develop re-
lated to the site of involvement. The incidence
may be as high as 15% in patients with Hodg-
kin’s disease.
The course is usually inexora-
bly progressive.
Peripheral nerves are relatively resistant to ion-
ising radiation. The brachial plexus, however,
may be involved after irradiation of the axilla or
cervical nodes. The clinical features are of
painless progressive sensorimotor changes
within the distribution of the plexus. These
changes usually occur from six months to 15
years after irradiation and are usually very
slowly progressive. Pathological changes are
characterised by dense epineurial fibrosis, with
demyelination and axonal loss. Blood vessels
within the area are thickened and hyalinised
with lumen reduction or occlusion.
Patients with lymphoma have an increased sus-
ceptibility to infection for several reasons;
disease associated impaired immunity, immu-
nosuppressive therapy, splenectomy, and the
insertion of CSF reservoirs and shunts.
There is a well documented association be-
tween lymphoma and Listeria monocytogenes.
It usually presents as an acute meningitis but
may be accompanied by brain stem signs.
Gram negative organisms, E coli, Pseudomonas,
714 Pollard, Young
Proteus, and Pneumococcus may also be
121 122
Fungal and bacterial infections account for
about 40% of CNS infections in lymphoma.
Candida, aspergillus, and cryptococcus are the
most frequent fungi involved.
Herpes zoster is the most common viral infec-
tion in patients with lymphoma, aVecting about
20% of patients with Hodgkin’s disease at some
time during its course.
It may present as
meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, peripheral
neuritis particularly aVecting the thoracic root
zones, and ophthalmic zoster. The symptoms
and signs are similar to those of zoster in the
general population except that generalised
infection is seen more commonly in patients
with lymphoma.
Infection with cytomegalovirus, and toxo-
plasmosis have been reported.
The first may
produce encephalitis and retinitis and the sec-
ond encephalitis or focal signs due to mass
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
has often been associated with lymphoma,
and was first described by Aström et al
patients with chronic lymphatic leukaemia and
Toxic eVects of chemotherapy
Acute encephalopathy may occur with several
antineoplastic agents used in the treatment
of lymphoma and other bone marrow
malignancies. It is a common side eVect of
L-asparaginase. It may be seen with high dose
intravenous or intrathecal cytosine arabinoside
and methotrexate. Methotrexate therapy may
result in acute, subacute, or chronic encepha-
lopathy. Acute encephalopathy results in confu-
sion, lethargy, and seizures within 24 hours of
treatment and usually recovers fully. BrainMRI
usually shows no change. Subacute encepha-
lopathy presents similarly except that focal signs
may be evident and it occurs days to weeks after
MRI usually shows increased signal
intensity in the periventricular regions of the
white matter on T2 weighted images and recov-
ery usually occurs spontaneously over a few
days. Encephalopathy after chronic high dose
methotrexate or intrathecal therapy is usually of
gradual onset and neurological deficits persist.
This complication limits the dose or further
treatment. Encephalopathy after vincristine
therapy is rare. SIADH is another rare
Acute and subacute cerebellar dysfunction
(and encephalopathy) may follow high dose
intravenous cytosine arabinoside. Presenting
features include nystagmus and truncal ataxia
followed by dysarthria, confusion and lethargy.
Symptoms usually resolve after stopping the
drug. Loss of Pürkinje cells may be evident on
histological sections of the cerebellum.
similar syndrome may be seen with
Transient and permanent spinal cord damage
have been reported after intrathecal adminis-
tration of methotrexate and cytosine arabino-
side but this is a rare complication.
Peripheral neuropathy is well known as a com-
plication of vinca alkaloid therapy and its
occurrence is dose related. It is the dose limit-
ing factor in the use of this drug. Sensory
abnormalities may occur but weakness which
develops rapidly is the major manifestation of
the neuropathy. The pathological findings are
those of axonal degeneration.
Vinca alkaloids
bind to tubulin, and the antimitotic eVect
results from their action on spindle microtu-
bules in dividing cells. In nerve they cause
microtubular breakdown and hence reduce
axonal transport and result in a “dying back”
Occasional cases of subacute neuropathy
after high dose intravenous methotrexate have
been described. This neuropathy seems to
resolve over a few days.
Neurological complications are commonly
encountered in disorders of the bone marrow
and they result from various pathological proc-
esses. Compression of nervous tissue, brain,
spinal cord, or nerve may occur from tumour
masses—lymphoma, myeloma, or after bone
destruction as in myeloma. Neurological dys-
function may result indirectly from aberrant
immune responses. Impaired immunity, which
commonly accompanies bone marrow disease
permits the development of opportunistic
infection within the nervous system of which
herpes zoster radiculitis and progressive multi-
focal leukoencephalopathy are two well recog-
nised examples in patients with lymphoma. On
the other hand, autoantibodies produced by a
dysregulated bone marrow are responsible for
the neuropathy seen in association with parap-
roteinemia, myeloma, and macroglobulinae-
mia. Excess immunoglobulin may result in
hyperviscosity causing multifocal and diVuse
central nervous system symptoms in patients
with macroglobulinaemia. Cryoglobulins may
cause ischaemic symptoms and signs in the
central and peripheral nervous systems due to
precipitation within vessels or because of
immune complex mediated vasculitis. An
increased production of cytokines in addition
to immunoglobulins contribute to the
neurological features associated with POEMS
syndrome. In “graft versus host” disease after
bone marrow transplantation, immunologically
competent donor lymphocytes attack host
tissue, producing chronic neuromuscular dis-
orders including polymyositis, myasthenia
gravis, and chronic inflammatory demyelinat-
ing polyradiculoneuropathy. The treatment of
bone marrow disorders may itself be toxic to
the nervous system; radiation myelitis or neuri-
tis and vincristine neuropathy are examples
Neurology and the bone marrow 715
commonly encountered by the neurologist.
These treatments may also impair a depressed
immune system further favouring opportunis-
tic nervous system infection. Understanding
the mechanism of neurological symptom pro-
duction in bone marrow disorders has in some
instances permitted the development of ra-
tional therapy.
We thank the National Health and Medical Research Council of
Australia and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of
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Neurology and the bone marrow 717
... Plasma neoplasms are a group of hematological disorders defined by the clonal proliferation of plasma cells [2]. Plasmacytoma, the localized form (<4%), originates from osseous/intramedullary sites, called "BP," or from non-osseous/ extramedullary sites, called "extramedullary plasmacytoma" (EMP) [3]. ...
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Plasmacytoma is a rare plasma cell neoplasm. Whether solitary or associated with multiple myeloma (MM), it rarely involves the skull base, particularly the sphenoid bone. We present a unique case of sphenoid bone plasmacytoma secondary to MM, highlighting diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. A 56-year-old female presented with headaches, vomiting, epistaxis, and cranial nerve deficits. Cerebral imaging revealed a 65-mm tumor infiltrating the sphenoid bone and adjacent structures. Subtotal resection was performed using an endoscopic nasal approach. Histopathology revealed plasmacytoma, and diagnostic workup confirmed MM. By the end of biological exploration, relapse of the sphenoid plasmacytoma was observed, and the patient was successfully treated with radiotherapy, immunochemotherapy, and autologous stem cell transplantation. After 18-month follow-up, sustained complete remission was confirmed. Although rare, the diagnosis of plasmacytoma should be considered in cases of skull base tumors. This localization is highly predictive of MM, warranting comprehensive investigations to initiate prompt and adequate management.
... Multiple myeloma, also known as Kahler's disease, is an allied malignancy of reticuloendothelial cells. It is a relatively rare disease, occurring mainly in individuals over 60 years of age [1]. This malignant plasma cell proliferation mainly affects the bone marrow and skeletal system. ...
... Multiple myeloma, also known as Kahler's disease, is an allied malignancy of reticuloendothelial cells. It is a relatively rare disease, occurring mainly in individuals over 60 years of age [1]. This malignant plasma cell proliferation mainly affects the bone marrow and skeletal system. ...
... Multiple myeloma, also known as Kahler's disease, is an allied malignancy of reticuloendothelial cells. It is a relatively rare disease, occurring mainly in individuals over 60 years of age [1]. This malignant plasma cell proliferation mainly affects the bone marrow and skeletal system. ...
... Multiple Myeloma (MM) is relatively a rare hematological malignancy that predominantly occurs in patients over 60years of age. 1 The disease is probably somewhat more common in men than in women. 2 It is a malignant proliferation of plasma cells predominantly affecting bone marrow and skeletal system. It is quiet commonly diagnosed late due to wide modes of presentation and clinically apparent stage is usually preceded by an asymptomatic period of variable duration. ...
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Myeloma is a malignancy of terminally differentiated B cells (plasma cells) that produce a complete and / or partial monoclonal immunoglobulin protein. Myeloma accounts for approximately 1% of all malignancies and 10% of haematological tumors. It becomes difficult to arrive at early diagnosis because myeloma manifests itself in different forms. The disease usually presents as bone pains, pathological fractures and anemia but can also present as swelling in jaw, orbit, rib, sternoclavicular area, scalp, paraspinal region and tonsil. We present a case of multiple myeloma in 63 year old male which presented as a soft tissue mass on anterior chest wall and diagnosed by FNAC . This case is presented because diagnosis was made on cytology and not many cases have been reported in literature where FNAC helped in making the diagnosis. This increases the hope of early diagnosis so that treatment can be advocated
Multiple myeloma is one of several plasma cell dyscrasias with central and peripheral nervous system involvement. Neurological complications occur through the direct effect of plasma cells, indirectly through secreted proteins, or as a side effect of treatment. Early diagnosis is critical, as prompt initiation of treatment significantly improves outcomes. Detailed characterization of the neuropathy along with laboratory, imaging, and histopathological analysis can aid in diagnosis and treatment. Herein, we provide a comprehensive overview of the central and peripheral nervous system aspects of multiple myeloma and associated plasma cell disorders.
Introduction: Primary chest wall tumours are infrequent, but wide variety of tumours arise within the chest wall and comprise 7 to 8% of all intrinsic bone tumours. Tumours that arise from the chest wall include from the bony structures (sternum, scapula, ribs) or from the adjacent soft tissue. Aim: To analyse the clinical details, imaging reports, histological findings of the tumour and its correlation with Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Materials and Methods: A prospective study was conducted from December 2017 to December 2019 at Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal (India). Sixteen cases were evaluated in terms of clinical history, imaging and histological findings, the treatment provided. GraphPad InStat 3 was used to analyse the results. Results: Of the 16 cases of chest wall tumours, 10 (62.5%) were malignant and 6 (37.5%) were benign. Patients with benign and malignant tumours had overlapped age ranges considerably, similar to the ranges of duration of symptoms. The sex distribution did not reveal any marked predilection for males (eight males, eight females). All the patients underwent treatment and are under follow-up. Conclusion: Chest wall neoplasms are group of heterogeneous lesions with varied pathology. Any tumour arising from chest wall should be inspected properly to ascertain the origin of the tumour for a definitive diagnosis. Clinical and imaging correlation along with histopathology and IHC aids in proper diagnosis.
Affective, cognitive, and behavioral changes are all seen quite frequently in the intensive care unit (ICU) (Cassem 1995). All of these states may be associated with agitation, putting the patient at risk due to inability to maintain important intravenous and arterial lines, pacing wires, and other modern technologies such as the intra-aortic balloon pump.
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Objective. To study pain syndrome characteristics in the trunk and extremities of patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Material and methods. The study involved 120 patients with MM, aged from 34 to 83 years. The duration of disease was 2–37 months. Results and conclusion. The pain syndrome of trunk and extremity localization was revealed in 94% patients, its intensity according to the VAS was 65.5±25.4 mm. At all stages of disease, moderate to severe pain, predominantly related to polyneuropathy (PNP), radiculopathy and osteodestruction, was more frequent. Radicular pain syndrome was revealed in 46% of all MM patients, and in the majority of cases (92%), there were bone destruction lesions. The character of pain in MM should be specified to optimize further management of the patient.
Affektive, kognitive und Verhaltensveränderungen sind auf Intensivstationen recht häufig zu beobachten (Cassem 1995). All diese Zustände können mit Agitiertheit verbunden sein, die den Patienten einem Risiko aussetzen, weil er dann nicht imstande ist, wichtige intravenöse und arterielle Infusionsschläuche, Drähte von Herzschrittmachern und andere moderne technische Geräte wie etwa eine Ballonpumpe in der Aorta an Ort und Stelle zu behalten.
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Human myeloma cells were purified from bone marrow aspirates from four patients having advanced myeloma, including one with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen-positive myeloma. All of these myelomas had marked bone lytic lesions. From the culture supernatants of these purified myeloma cells, bone-resorbing activities were significantly revealed by 45Ca-release bone resorption assay, and IL-1 activities were also detected by IL-1 bioassay (mouse thymocyte comitogenic assay). Sandwich enzyme immunoassay for IL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta revealed that IL-1 beta was responsible for IL-1 activity of these culture supernatants. Furthermore, the bone resorbing activities of these culture supernatants were completely neutralized by pretreatment of anti-IL-1 beta, but not anti-IL-1 alpha antibody. By Northern blot analysis, IL-1 beta mRNA was identified from these myeloma cells. Therefore, it is concluded that myeloma cells produce IL-1 beta, which acts as bone-resorbing activity in multiple myeloma.
The secretion of the antidiuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin, has been studied in a patient who developed peripheral neuropathy and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis during therapy with vincristine sulfate. The patient's plasma arginine vasopressin concentration, determined by a radioimmunoassay technique, was markedly increased despite profound hyponatremia and rose even higher following correction of the electrolyte imbalance. In six other vincristine-treated patients, in whom neither neuropathy nor inappropriate antidiuresis was observed, plasma arginine vasopressin concentration was in the normal range. These findings indicate that the inappropriate antidiuresis, which can occur during vincristine therapy, is associated with an abnormal increase in arginine vasopressin secretion. This complication appears to be related to the other neurotoxic effects of the drug and may be due to an alteration in the normal osmoreceptor control of vasopressin secretion.
Peripheral nerve biopsies of 22 patients who were seen with a peripheral neuropathy were studied. On each occasion an ultrastructural study was performed and on 12 occasions an immunopathologic study was done. Ten patients had Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia and 12 had multiple myeloma. Cellular infiltrates were observed in three cases of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia by light microscopy. A widening of the myelin sheath, corresponding to an accumulation of macroglobulin, was found in three cases of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. The presence of abundant deposits of amyloid was noted in one case of multiple myeloma. These diverse features show the various possible mechanisms that can produce peripheral nerve damage during the course of malignant dysglobulinemias. The segmental demyelination is probably of immunologic origin. The axonal lesions cannot be explained satisfactorily except in those rare cases where amyloid deposits are present in the endoneurium.