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Nerve regeneration over a 25 mm gap in rat sciatic nerves using tubes containing blood vessels: The possibility of clinical application


Abstract and Figures

This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of including vessels in a tube used to promote nerve regeneration across a gap. A tube containing sural vessels was designed in a rat model and interposed between the proximal and distal stumps of a divided sciatic nerve, leaving a 25 mm gap. At 12 weeks, a few myelinated axons were seen at the most distal parts of regenerated nerves in 6 out of 10 rats, none of which evoked action potentials in the tibialis anterior muscle, but by 24 weeks all the rats had developed neural tissue in the tubes, which evoked action potentials in the muscle. The vessels within the tube enhanced nerve regeneration and its distance up 25 mm. This type of vessel-containing tube would be useful for the repair of divided human peripheral nerves with long gaps, almost equivalent to or slightly longer than the maximum length over which nerve fibres can regenerate through a unvascularised unmodified tube.
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Nerve regeneration over a 25 mm gap in rat sciatic nerves using
tubes containing blood vessels: the possibility of clinical application
R. Kakinoki, N. Nishijima, Y. Ueba, M. Oka, T. Yamamuro, T. Nakamura
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Accepted: 10 October 1996
Summary. This study was undertaken to in-
vestigate the effect of including vessels in a tube
used to promote nerve regeneration across a gap. A
tube containing sural vessels was designed in a rat
model and interposed between the proximal and
distal stumps of a divided sciatic nerve, leaving a
25 mm gap. At 12 weeks, a few myelinated axons
were seen at the most distal parts of regenerated
nerves in 6 out of 10 rats, none of which evoked
action potentials in the tibialis anterior muscle, but
by 24 weeks all the rats had developed neural tis-
sue in the tubes, which evoked action potentials in
the muscle. The vessels within the tube enhanced
nerve regeneration and its distance up 25 mm. This
type of vessel-containing tube would be useful for
the repair of divided human peripheral nerves with
long gaps, almost equivalent to or slightly longer
than the maximum length over which nerve fibres
can regenerate through a unvascularised un-
modified tube.
ReÂsumeÂ. Plusieurs auteurs ont rapporte que la
repousse maximum des axones du nerf sciatique de
rat, dans un tube, est d'environ 10 mm. La preÂsente
eÂtude a eÂteÂreÂaliseÂe pour confirmer que la mise en
place d'un tube dans un vaisseau permet aux fibres
nerveuses d'atteindre une reÂgeÂneÂration de plus de
10 mm par cette technique de tubulation. Chez un
rat, une veine surale contenant un tube a eÂte uti-
liseÂe et interposeÂe entre les moignons sectionneÂs
d'un nerf sciatique avec'un espace de 25 mm. A la
semaine, quelques axones myeÂliniseÂs ont eÂteÂ
observeÂs aÁ la partie la plus distale des nerfs reÂgeÂ-
neÂreÂs chez 6 rats sur 10. Aucun de ceux-ci n'a puÃ
donner de potentiels d'action dans les muscles ti-
biaux anteÂrieurs. ApreÁs 24 semaines, tous les rats
ont deÂveloppe une repousse neuronale dans les
tubes, qui ont donne des potentiels d'action dans
les muscles tibiaux anteÂrieurs. Cette chambre in-
travasculaire augmente la reÂgeÂneÂration des nerfs
ainsi que la distance de reÂgeÂneÂration jusqu'aÁ25mm
pour un nerf sciatique de rat. Un vaisseau conte-
nant un tube est consideÂre comme eÂtant clinique-
ment, utile pour la reÂparation de la section de nerf
peÂripheÂrique avec un espace important, qui sont
eÂquivalents ou leÂgeÁrement supeÂrieurs, au maximum
de longueur dont les nerfs peuvent repousser dans
des tubes nonvasculariseÂs classiques.
The repair of divided peripheral nerves with gaps
between the stumps presents a surgical problem.
Autogenous nerve grafting is widely accepted, but
there are drawbacks such as the defect created at
the donor site, the limits of length and thickness of
the graft, and the possibility of misdirection of the
axons. Furthermore, the results are not always sa-
tisfactory [22, 23].
Another method has been practised since the
beginning of the 19th century [4, 5, 7, 26]. Axons
can grow across a gap through a tube-like material
(tubulation) which does not produce the defects
associated with nerve grafting. Nerve fibres which
have regenerated through tubulation have been
Reprint request to: R. Kakinoki, Department of Orthopedic
Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
International Orthopaedics (SICOT) (1997) 21: 332 ± 336
Ó Springer-Verlag 1997
reported to show several specific qualities for re-
generation, such as tissue [12], topographic [20]
and motor-sensory [1, 2] specificities. Tubulation
may also reduce the possibility of axon misdirec-
There is a limit to the distance across which
nerves can regenerate in unmodified empty tubes
which is reported to be about 10 mm for rat sciatic
nerves [9, 10, 11]. The axons of these nerves can
extend across a gap of 15 mm to 20 mm using
tubes containing dialysed plasma [13], collagen-
glycosaminoglycan polysaccharide matrix [32],
laminin-containing gel [17, 18] or collagen matrix
We directed our attention to the value of vessels
in a tube designed to contain sural vessels and
which would encompass a 25 mm gap in sciatic
nerves in the rat, and studied whether axons could
regenerate through the tube for this distance. We
also discuss the possibility of using such a tube in
Materials and methods
Twenty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (15± 18 weeks old,
weighing 330 ±365 g) were used. After anaesthesia by an in-
traperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal,
40 mg/kg body weight), the left leg was shaved and prepared
for operation. The sural neurovascular bundle was exposed
333R. Kakinoki et al.: Nerve regeneration in rat sciatic nerves
Fig. 1 A ±C. Diagrams showing the operative procedures
involving the preparation of a silicone rubber tube for a
25 mm gap. SUV, sural vessels; SUN, sural nerve; SN, sciatic
nerve; PN, peroneal nerve; TN, tibial nerve, and F, monitor
Fig. 2. The sural vessels elevated at the popliteal fossa. SUV,
sural vessels; PN, peroneal nerve; TN, tibial nerve
Fig. 3. Photograph taken just before wound closure of a vessel-
containing tube with a 25 mm gap. Arrows show the sural
vessels inserted into a 28 mm silicone rubber tube
from the popliteal fossa to the ankle, and the nerve was se-
parated from its accompanying vessels and removed com-
pletely (Fig. 1 a). A 10´5 mm myocutaneous flap vascularised
by the sural vessels was harvested at the posterior surface of
the ankle and elevated from the lower leg (Fig. 2). The left
sciatic nerve was then exposed from piriformis to the popliteal
fossa through a gluteal muscle-splitting approach, and a 20 mm
segment removed (Fig. 2 B). The myocutaneous flap with its
pedicle was mobilised up to the thigh. The sural vessels were
inserted into the silicone tube through a preformed longitudinal
slit. The epineurium of the proximal and distal sciatic stumps
were sutured to the 28 mm silicone rubber tube leaving a gap
of 25 mm between the stumps using a 10 ± 0 monofilament
nylon (Fig. 1 C). The slit was sealed with a small amount of
silicone rubber (Fig. 3). The myocutaneous flap was sutured to
the buttock and the skin closed. The flap was used to monitor
the patency of the sural vessels in the tube, and its colour was
checked every day.
Electrophysiological study
Twelve and 24 weeks after operation, the animals were an-
aesthetised, the left sciatic nerve exposed distal to piriformis
and stimulated with a bipolar electrode. A pair of needle
electrodes was inserted into the tibialis anterior muscle and the
presence of an evoked action potential recorded.
Histological study
The tube and adjavent nerve were removed together and fixed
in 2.5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde, postfixed with 2% (v/v) osmic
acid and embedded in epoxy resin. Transverse sections,
1±2 mm thick, were taken from the most proximal part (Sp),
the middle part (Sm) and the most distal part (Sd) of each
regenerated nerve. Each was stained with 0.5% (w/v) toluidine
blue and examined by light microscopy.
No rat died during operation or in the follow up
period. Two developed necrosis of the monitor
flaps and were excluded. Ten and 8 rats were sa-
crificed at 12 and 24 weeks, respectively.
At 12 weeks, neural tissue had developed in
every silicone rubber tube (Fig. 4) and the vessels
were patent in all 10 rats. Myelinated axons were
present in the proximal and middle portions in
every rat, and in the distal part in 6 out of 10. No
action potentials were evoked in the tibialis ante-
rior muscle of any rat because the numbers of
axons which had regenerated in the 6 rats were too
At 24 weeks, the 8 rats examined had developed
neural tissue in the tubes, and action potentials
were evoked in their tibialis anterior muscles.
Myelinated axons were present in every part of
each regenerated nerve in every rat (Fig. 5). In 6 of
the 8, the vessels had become necrotic, although
the monitor flaps were viable.
334 R. Kakinoki et al.: Nerve regeneration in rat sciatic nerves
Fig. 4. The appearance of a nerve which has regenerated
through a vessel-containing tube with a 25 mm gap at
24 weeks. Sp, section of the proximal part; Sm, the middle
part; Sd, the distal part
Fig. 5 A, B. Light micrographs of transverse sections of the
most distal part of a nerve which has regenerated through a
vessel-containing tube with a 25 mm gap, 24 weeks after the
operation. A An arrow indicates the remnants of the necrotic
vessels, ´400. B ´800, the bar at the bottom right
corner = 10 mm
The present study has demonstrated that axons are
able to regenerate across a 25 mm gap and re-
innervate the tibialis anterior muscle 6 months
after operation using a silicone rubber tube con-
taining vessels. It is not possible to exceed this
distance in our model because the maximum
length of the sural vessels is about 30 mm.
Mackinnon and Dellon investigated spontaneous
nerve regeneration in rats, and the mean distance
across which axons regenerated was 23.7+6.4 mm
at 5 months, after removal of a 4.5 cm segment of
sciatic nerve [11]. The nerves had regenerated in a
tube-like space surrounded by well vascularised
muscle fascia. Vascularity enabled axons to extend
up to 45 mm.
Vascularity is one factor which is critical for
determining the distance of axon regeneration in
tubes. Comparing the results of a vessel-containing
tube with a 25 mm gap with a 10 mm gap in a
similar tube [6], the number and mean diameter of
axons in the 25 mm gap were 1500 and 1.9 mmat
24 weeks compared with 8000 and 2.4 mm in the
10 mm gap. This is due to the decrease of neuro-
tropism from the distal nerve stumps which de-
creases as the distance between the stumps in-
creases [10, 19, 21, 24]. Neurotropism is weaker in
tubes with a 25 mm gap than in those with a 10 mm
gap. Vessels within a tube enable axons to re-
generate for a longer distance, but cannot increase
their number or diameter of the axons [6].
Tubes containing vessels are considered to be
useful clinically for the repair of divided nerves.
As peripheral nerves usually accompany blood
vessels forming neurovascular bundles, it is not
difficult to include vessels in the tubulation, even
in the presence of scar tissue [25].
Regeneration is quicker in tubes containing
blood vessels; re-innervation can be achieved
earlier than through unvascularised tubes [6, 8],
and the axons will extend further. The distance will
vary in different species [13], and the length across
which axons can extend is 10 mm in rat sciatic
nerves [9, 10, 11]. Mackinnon et al. reported the
successful repair of 3 ± 5 cm gaps in primates [13,
16]. Other studies have shown that satisfactory
results follow repair of human digital nerve gaps of
less than 3 cm using unvascularised tubes, such as
autogenous veins or biodegradable PGA (poly-
glycolic acid) tubes [3, 15, 23, 14, 28]. A gap of
25 mm in rats corresponds to a longer distance in
man, and so gaps in nerves could be bridged over a
longer distance using tubes containing vessels.
Tang et al. used autogenous veins as nerve
conduits clinically and reported success with gaps
of 0.5 ± 3 cm in digital nerves, and of 2.5 ± 4.5 cm
in ulnar nerves, but failed with a 5 cm gap in a
median nerve [25]. The critical length with this
method was considered to be 3 cm for digital
nerves and 4.5 cm for trunk nerves. A tube con-
taining vessels should allow axons to bridge a gap
of more than 5 cm in human digital nerves, but the
number of axons will decrease as the gap in-
creases. These tubes should therefore be used in
man for repair of peripheral nerves with gaps less
than, or slightly longer, than the critical length for
axon regeneration in unvascularised tubes, the aim
being to accelerate the rate rather than improving
the distance of axon regeneration.
In the present study, the inserted vessels were
patent in every rat at 12 weeks, but they had be-
come necrotic in 75% at 24 weeks, although there
was good nerve regeneration within the tubes. The
blood supply of the neural tissue gradually swit-
ched from the previously inserted vessels to ca-
pillaries which spread from both stumps [6]. The
monitor flap survived with its blood supply from
the inserted vessels for up to 12 weeks, although it
began to be nourished by collateral vessels from
the surrounding tissue by 24 weeks. When this
type of tube is used in man, the blood flow in the
included vessels will not be reduced because per-
ipheral vessels connect with other vessels to form a
vascular network.
We have just begun to repair divided human
digital nerves using vessel-containing tubes. Re-
covery of the repaired nerves has been satisfactory,
although the longest follow up is less than
6 months.
We have used silicone tubes to act as a barrier
for immigrating scar tissue into the lumen of tubes,
for the emigration of neurochemical factors se-
creted from nerve stumps, and as a space for
forming fibrin matrix which would act as a scaf-
fold for nerve growth [29, 30]. Biodegradable or
biological tubes should be used clinically because
silicone rubber tubes have to be removed after
several months, since they might affect joint
movement and induce synovitis.
A longer follow-up and improvement of the
material used for the tubes is needed. Nevertheless,
we conclude that vessel-containing tubes can ac-
celerate nerve regeneration and extend its distance.
Clinically this can be useful for repairing divided
nerves with gaps which are almost the same, or
slightly longer, than the length across which re-
generation can occur in unvascularised unmodified
335R. Kakinoki et al.: Nerve regeneration in rat sciatic nerves
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336 R. Kakinoki et al.: Nerve regeneration in rat sciatic nerves
... Insertion of a subcutaneous artery and sciatic nerve in a silicone tube Rat 5 mm 4, 8 and 15 weeks -Silicone tube only as a control -Contain more capillaries than the control -More functional and morphological recovery of regenerating nerve (Kosaka, 1990) Silicone tube containing sural vessels Rat 25 mm 12 and 24 weeks -No control -Axons able to regenerate across the gap -Reinnervate the tibialis anterior muscle 6 months after operation (Kakinoki et al., 1997) Silicone tube with a subcutaneous artery adjacent to the injured nerve Human 30-50 mm 6-9 months -No control -Out of 9 nerves, with a follow-up of 6-9 months, the results were excellent in 5 nerves, good in 2 and poor in 2 (Yongxiang and Ti-pei, 1992) Silicone rod placed near a sciatic nerve for 8 weeks Rat 15 mm 8 weeks -Nonvascularised biological conduit as a control -Vascularised conduit had significantly improved mean peak amplitudes of the CMAPs -No statistical difference between the groups in terms of latencies (Yapici et al., 2017) 47 Vascularised biogenic conduits -The myelinated axonal counts was significantly higher In vivo formation of biogenic conduit after 4 weeks of implantation parallel to the sciatic nerve Rat 15 mm 1,2,3, and 4 weeks -Autologous nerve graft as a control -All groups showed an increase of SFI after 4 weeks with no significant difference -Significant higher intraneural amount of fibrous tissue in biogenic conduit -Myelin sheaths were thicker (Penna et al., 2011) Silicone rubber rod left in situ for at least 3 weeks Rat 10-12 mm 3 months -No control -Good functional recovery of motor fibres (Lundborg and Hansson, 1980) Pseudosheath formed around the silicone tube during the first stage is used as a tunnel to envelope the median nerve graft segment in the second stage Rat 15 mm 3,6, and 15 weeks -Conventional median nerve graft as a control -Reflex latency was significantly lower than the conventional nerve graft -Higher vascularity (Zadegan et al., 2015) Vascularised nerve grafts ...
... This technique includes native blood vessels directly within a nerve conduit to promote the vascularisation process. In a study conducted by Kakinoki et al. (1997), a silicone tube containing the sural vessels implanted in a longitudinal orientation was used to bridge a sciatic nerve gap of 25 mm in a rat. After 6 months, axons had regenerated across a 25 mm nerve gap in the rats and reinnervated the tibialis anterior muscle (Kakinoki et al., 1997); however, there was no control where tubes without blood vessels were tested, so it is difficult to determine the improvement that resulted from including blood vessels in the tube. ...
... In a study conducted by Kakinoki et al. (1997), a silicone tube containing the sural vessels implanted in a longitudinal orientation was used to bridge a sciatic nerve gap of 25 mm in a rat. After 6 months, axons had regenerated across a 25 mm nerve gap in the rats and reinnervated the tibialis anterior muscle (Kakinoki et al., 1997); however, there was no control where tubes without blood vessels were tested, so it is difficult to determine the improvement that resulted from including blood vessels in the tube. In another study, a subcutaneous artery adjacent to the injured nerve was mobilised and then inserted into a silicone tube (Kosaka, 1990). ...
Peripheral nerve injury can be debilitating and may result in loss of sensory or motor function. Nerve autograft remains the gold standard to repair damage that results in long gaps. The efficacy of nerve grafts, however, can be limited by necrosis at the central region. This is also a limitation in the effectiveness of cellular biomaterials developed as tissue engineered repair approaches. Although vascularised nerve grafts were introduced, some limitations such as availability of nerves and donor site morbidity need to be overcome. Therefore, there is a need for vascularised tissue-engineered nerve constructs. This study established an anisotropic nerve construct which contains self-aligned human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) that form tube-like structures with and without aligned Schwann cells within a tethered collagen matrix. In an in vitro model, aligned tube-like structures supported and enhanced Schwann cell migration when compared to aligned Schwann cell-only constructs. Additionally, their efficacy to promote axonal regeneration in vitro was comparable to that of aligned Schwann cell constructs. In a rat sciatic nerve injury model, the aligned HUVEC tube-like structure constructs supported robust neuronal regeneration. HUVEC-only constructs also showed significantly improved vascularisation and Schwann cell migration at the repair site. In addition, the gel aspiration-ejection (GAE) technique offers a rapid and robust approach to produce stable anisotropic hydrogel scaffolds. This work optimised the GAE technique to generate aligned Schwann cells in collagen scaffolds. These scaffolds were stable and exhibited similar linear viscoelastic behaviours to rat sciatic nerves. They supported and promoted axonal regeneration in vivo when compared to the empty conduit groups. Together, this study has developed for the first time pre-vascularised tissue-engineered nerve constructs and shown their potential in promoting vascularisation and axonal regeneration. A novel GAE technique has also been shown to be useful in producing aligned Schwann cell-containing hydrogel constructs. In the future, the GAE system can be potentially integrated with the pre-vascularisation concept to create vascularised engineered-nerve conduits.
... In the following sections, vascularized nerve constructs are reviewed, then future technological directions including engineered tissues and mathematical modeling are discussed using examples from our current research. (Shibata et al., 1988) Rat sciatic nerve with caudal femoral vessels Rat 15 mm 1-24 weeks -Free sciatic nerve graft as a control -Faster motor nerve conduction velocity -Greater density of regenerated axons (Koshima and Harii, 1985) Vascularized grafts by vascular implantation (Kosaka, 1990) Silicone tube containing sural vessels Rat 25 mm 12 and 24 weeks -No control -Axons able to regenerate across the gap -Reinnervate the tibialis anterior muscle 6 months after operation (Kakinoki et al., 1997) Silicone tube with a subcutaneous artery adjacent to the injured nerve Human 30-50 mm 6-9 months -No control -Out of nine nerves, with a follow-up of 6-9 months, the results were excellent in five nerves, good in two and poor in two (Yong-xiang and (Zadegan et al., 2015) "N/A" indicates that there is no results of an in vivo assessment of the construct. ...
... This technique includes native blood vessels directly within a nerve conduit to promote the vascularization process. One of the first studies was conducted by Kakinoki et al. (1997) where a silicone tube containing the sural vessels implanted in a longitudinal orientation was used to bridge a sciatic nerve gap of 25 mm in a rat. The proximal and distal end of the sciatic nerve were sutured to the silicone tube. ...
... The proximal and distal end of the sciatic nerve were sutured to the silicone tube. After 6 months, axons had regenerated across a 25 mm nerve gap in the rats and reinnervated the tibialis anterior muscle (Kakinoki et al., 1997); however, there was no control where tubes without blood vessels were tested, so it is difficult to determine the improvement that resulted from including blood vessels in the tube. In another study, a subcutaneous artery adjacent to the injured nerve was mobilized and then inserted into a silicone tube (Kosaka, 1990). ...
Full-text available
Vascularization plays a significant role in treating nerve injury, especially to avoid the central necrosis observed in nerve grafts for large and long nerve defects. It is known that sufficient vascularization can sustain cell survival and maintain cell integration within tissue‐engineered constructs. Several studies have also shown that vascularization affects nerve regeneration. Motivated by these studies, vascularized nerve grafts have been developed using various different techniques, although donor site morbidity and limited nerve supply remain significant drawbacks. Tissue engineering provides an exciting alternative approach to prefabricate vascularized nerve constructs which could overcome the limitations of grafts. In this review article, we focus on the role of vascularization in nerve regeneration, discussing various approaches to generate vascularized nerve constructs and the contribution of tissue engineering and mathematical modeling to aid in developing vascularized engineered nerve constructs, illustrating these aspects with examples from our research experience. Anat Rec, 2018. © 2018 The Authors. The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
... In a tubulation model using a silicone tube, capillaries extended into the fibrin matrix only from the nerve stumps joined to either end of the tube [4]. Previous researchers have attempted to promote capillary extension in tubulation in several ways: by transplantation of a thin vascular pedicle into the conduit lumen [6,7,[15][16][17][18][19]; by the use of capillary permeable tubes [8,20,21]; by the creation of prefabricated vascularized tubes [22,23]; and by intrachamber administration of chemical factors promoting capillary proliferation [24,25]. ...
... The rapid nerve regeneration in VCTs may result from the prompt capillary formation in the chamber space of VCTs. Using VCTs, the distance across which axons regenerated was extended to 25 mm in rat sciatic nerves [17]. Additional vascularity within the chamber space accelerated the rate of nerve regeneration and extended the axon regeneration distance. ...
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There are many commercially available artificial nerve conduits, used mostly to repair short gaps in sensory nerves. The stages of nerve regeneration in a nerve conduit are fibrin matrix formation between the nerve stumps joined to the conduit, capillary extension and Schwann cell migration from both nerve stumps, and, finally, axon extension from the proximal nerve stump. Artificial nerves connecting transected nerve stumps with a long interstump gap should be biodegradable, soft and pliable; have the ability to maintain an intrachamber fibrin matrix structure that allows capillary invasion of the tubular lumen, inhibition of scar tissue invasion and leakage of intratubular neurochemical factors from the chamber; and be able to accommodate cells that produce neurochemical factors that promote nerve regeneration. Here, we describe current progress in the development of artificial nerve conduits and the future studies needed to create nerve conduits, the nerve regeneration of which is compatible with that of an autologous nerve graft transplanted over a long nerve gap.
... There is a limit of length of axon extension, which is about 10mm through a silicone tube in rat sciatic nerves [24]. Capillary extension within a nerve conduit might be one of the factors determining axon extension distance within the conduit [10,25]. To increase the axon regeneration distance through a nerve conduit, a blood vascular bundle was inserted through the tubular lumen in several previous studies [2,13,25] and a capillary-permeable conduit accompanied by a vascular bundle was used in the present study. ...
... Capillary extension within a nerve conduit might be one of the factors determining axon extension distance within the conduit [10,25]. To increase the axon regeneration distance through a nerve conduit, a blood vascular bundle was inserted through the tubular lumen in several previous studies [2,13,25] and a capillary-permeable conduit accompanied by a vascular bundle was used in the present study. ...
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Previously, we showed silicone nerve conduits containing a vascular bundle and decellularized allogenic basal laminae (DABLs) seeded with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) demonstrated successful nerve regeneration. Nerve conduits should be flexible and biodegradable for clinical use. In the current study, we used nerve conduits made of polyglycoric acid (PGA) fiber mesh, which is flexible, biodegradable and capillary-permeable. DABLs were created using chemical surfactants to remove almost all cell debris. In part 1, capillary infiltration capability of the PGA tube was examined. Capillary infiltration into regenerated neural tissue was compared between the PGA tube with blood vessels attached extratubularly (extratubularly vascularized tube) and that containing blood vessels intratubularly (intratubularly vascularized tube). No significant difference was found in capillary formation or nerve regeneration between these two tubes. In part 2, a 20 mm gap created in a rat sciatic nerve model was bridged using the extratubularly vascularized PGA tube containing the DABLs with implantation of isogenic cultured BMSCs (TubeC+ group), that containing the DABLs without implantation of the BMSCs (TubeC- group), and 20 mm-long fresh autologous nerve graft (Auto group). Nerve regeneration in these three groups was assessed electrophysiologically and histomorphometrically. At 24 weeks, there was no significant difference in any electrophysiological parameters between TubeC+ and Auto groups, although all histological parameters in Auto group were significantly greater than those in TubeC+ and TubeC- groups, and TubeC+ group demonstrated significant better nerve regeneration than TubeC- group. The transplanted DABLs showed no signs of immunological rejection and some transplanted BMSCs were differentiated into cells with Schwann cell-like phenotype, which might have promoted nerve regeneration within the conduit. This study indicated that the TubeC+ nerve conduit may become an alternative to nerve autograft.
... In this approach, native blood vessels are wrapped with the nerve conduit. Kakinoki et al. bridged a sciatic nerve gap of 25 mm with a silicone tube encapsulating sural vessels in a rat model, demonstrating regeneration across the nerve gap and the reinnervation of the tibialis anterior muscle [269]. With the development of vascular tissue engineering, autologous blood vessels used in vascularized nerve grafts can be replaced with engineered small-diameter vascular grafts or micro-and mesoscale vasculature, avoiding the sacrifice of donor nerves and their blood supply, as well as the need for a two-stage surgery. ...
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Blood vessels not only transport oxygen and nutrients to each organ, but also play an important role in the regulation of tissue regeneration. Impaired or occluded vessels can result in ischemia, tissue necrosis, or even life-threatening events. Bioengineered vascular grafts have become a promising alternative treatment for damaged or occlusive vessels. Large-scale tubular grafts, which can match arteries, arterioles, and venules, as well as meso- and microscale vasculature to alleviate ischemia or prevascularized engineered tissues, have been developed. In this review, materials and techniques for engineering tubular scaffolds and vasculature at all levels are discussed. Examples of vascularized tissue engineering in bone, peripheral nerves, and the heart are also provided. Finally, the current challenges are discussed and the perspectives on future developments in biofunctional engineered vessels are delineated.
... a, Sural nerve; b, sural vascular pedicle; c, myocutaneous flap supplied by the sural vessels; d, sciatic nerve stump; e, tibial nerve; f, peroneal nerve; g, silicone tube; h, longitudinal slit (this was sealed with liquid silicone after vascular insertion) myelinated axons and the myelinated axon diameters measured on the sections harvested from the most distal part of each regenerated nerve [5]. We were able to successfully increase the nerve regeneration distance up to 25 mm through a vessel-containing tube in the rat sciatic nerve [6,7]. ...
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To promote nerve regeneration within a conduit (tubulation), we have performed studies using a tube model based on four important concepts for tissue engineering: vascularity, growth factors, cells, and scaffolds. A nerve conduit containing a blood vascular pedicle (vessel-containing tube) accelerated axon regeneration and increased the axon regeneration distance; however, it did not increase the number or diameter of the axons that regenerated within the tube. A vessel-containing tube with bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (BMSC) transplantation led to the increase in the number and diameter of regenerated axons. Intratubularly transplanted decellularized allogenic nerve basal lamellae (DABLs) worked as a frame to maintain the fibrin matrix structure containing neurochemical factors and to anchor the transplanted stem cells within the tube. For the clinical application of nerve conduits, they should exhibit capillary permeability, biodegradability, and flexibility. Nerbridge® (Toyobo Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan) is a commercially available artificial nerve conduit. The outer cylinder is a polyglycolic acid (PGA) fiber mesh and possesses capillary permeability. We used the outer cylinder of Nerbridge as a nerve conduit. A 20-mm sciatic nerve deficit was bridged by the PGA mesh tube containing DABLs and BMSCs, and the resulting nerve regeneration was compared with that obtained through a 20-mm autologous nerve graft. A neve-regeneration rate of about 70%–80% was obtained in 20-mm-long autologous nerve autografts using the new conduits. Graphical Abstract
... Though 10 mm is considered as the critical deficit of nerve regeneration, it was possible to regenerate the nerve in 25-mm rat sciatic nerve deficit when the blood vessel was induced into the inner lumen of nerve conduit. 21) From the histological evaluation, muscle weight and electrophysiological study, nerve regeneration was more accelerated by placing the blood vessel close to the lateral surface of nerve conduit if the low-molecular-weight molecules such as albumin are able to penetrate through the nerve conduit wall. 19) In this research, the bFGF slow-release system was combined for the purpose of creating more vascular networks around the biodegradable nerve conduit of which the permeability of albumin molecule through the luminal wall has already been confirmed. ...
Background A basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) slow‐release system was combined to a biodegradable nerve conduit with the hypothesis this slow‐release system would increase the capacity to promote nerve vascularization and Schwann cell proliferation in a rat model. Materials and Methods Slow‐release of bFGF was determined using Enzyme‐Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). A total of 60 rats were used to create a 10 mm gap in the sciatic nerve. A polyglycolic acid‐based nerve conduit was used to bridge the gap, either without or with a bFGF slow‐release incorporated around the conduit (n = 30 in each group). At 2 (n = 6), 4 (n = 6), 8 (n = 6), and 20 (n = 12) weeks after surgery, samples were resected and subjected to histological, immunohistochemical, and transmission electron microscopic evaluation for nerve regeneration. Results Continuous release of bFGF was found during the observation period of 2 weeks. After in vivo implantation of the nerve conduit, greater endothelial cell migration and vascularization resulted at 2 weeks (proximal: 20.0 ± 2.0 vs. 12.7 ± 2.1, P = .01, middle: 17.3 ± 3.5 vs. 8.7 ± 3.2, P = .03). Schwann cells showed a trend toward greater proliferation and axonal growth had significant elongation (4.9 ± 1.1 mm vs. 2.8 ± 1.5 mm, P = .04) at 4 weeks after implantation. The number of myelinated nerve fibers, indicating nerve maturation, were increased 20 weeks after implantation (proximal: 83.3 ± 7.5 vs. 53.3 ± 5.5, P = .06, distal: 71.0 ± 12.5 vs. 44.0 ± 11.1, P = .04). Conclusions These findings suggest that the bFGF slow‐release system improves nerve vascularization and Schwann cell proliferation through the biodegradable nerve conduit.
... Besides growth factors, implanted blood vessel demonstrated the ability to grow axons across a large nerve gap due to the effect of vascularisation. For an example, blood vessel incorporated silicone tube could develop neural tissue by 24 weeks, when implanted in the 25 mm sciatic nerve gap in rats[230].In recent studies, external ultrasound stimulation (U/S), a new, non-invasive method, has been combined with bi-layered coated conduits. It was reported that low-intensity U/S can lead to a paramount increase in nerve regeneration rates. ...
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Injuries to the peripheral nervous system (PNS) cause neuropathies that lead to weakness and paralysis, poor or absent sensation, unpleasant and painful neuropathies, and impaired autonomic function. In this regard, implanted artificial nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) used to bridge an injured site may provide appropriate biochemical and biophysical guidance cues required to stimulate regeneration across a nerve gap and restore the function of PNS. Advanced conduit design and fabrication techniques have made it possible to fabricate autograft-like structures in the NGCs with incredible precision. To this end, strategies involving the use of biopolymers, cells, growth factors, and physical stimuli have been developed over the past decades and have led to the development of varying NGCs, from simple hollow tubes to complex conduits that incorporate one or more guidance cues. This paper briefly reviews the recent progress in the development of these NGCs for nerve regeneration, focusing on the design and fabrication of NGCs, as well as the influence of biopolymers, cells, growth factors, and physical stimuli. The advanced techniques used to fabricate NGCs that incorporate cells/growth factors are also discussed, along with their merits and flaws. Key issues and challenges with regard to the development of NGCs have been identified and discussed, and recommendations for future research have been included.
The aim of this chapter is to comprehensively compile the current body of knowledge relating to the blood supply and microcirculation of the peripheral nerve. Key findings are summarized to convey to readers which important aspects have been discovered and which further studies could be of special interest. The complex anatomy of the peripheral nerve’s microcirculatory system, its physiology and pathophysiology as well as its crucial involvement in nerve regeneration are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the lymphatic system, the involvement of which in peripheral nerve injury and regeneration remains to be elucidated. This chapter focuses on experimental concepts and emerging techniques to deepen our understanding of the peripheral nerve vascular system, both in regard to its function and how it could be modified to enhance nerve regeneration. It concludes with an outlook on clinical applications to improve peripheral nerve (re)vascularization, ranging from vascularized nerve grafts and surgical angiogenesis to bioengineered conduits and the use of stems cells. With the help of this book chapter, researchers interested in tissue-engineering will be provided with a broad fundament of knowledge, intended as an aid for the development of new approaches to improve peripheral nerve regeneration.
Highly porous collagen-glycosaminoglycan (CG) membranes have been useful in the treatment of skin injuries including full-thickness burns in humans. It has been recently shown that by seeding these CG membranes with autologous epidermal cells, large full-thickness wounds of guinea pigs can be closed in less than two weeks. Studies with similar CG polymeric materials were used to bridge gaps of 15 mm in the rat sciatic nerve. Silicone tubes 25 mm length were either filled with a porous CG polymer (test grafts) or were left empty (control grafts). The CG polymer used in the sciatic nerve study differed from that used for full-thickness skin wounds in that the pore structure was oriented parallel to the axis of the tube (rather than random) and the degree of crosslinking was decreased. These grafts were vascularized along their length and were encased in dense multiple wrappings of perineurial tissue.
The spatial-temporal progress of nerve regeneration was examined in silicone chambers of three different volume capacities: 11, 25, and 75 μl. In all chambers, the stumps of a transected rat sciatic nerve were sutured into the ends of the chamber leaving a 10 mm gap between the stumps. Chambers were implanted empty (E chambers) or prefilled with saline (PF chambers). A coaxial and continuous fibrin matrix had formed in all chambers by 1 week. In E chambers, the matrices had a proximal-distal taper that was more pronounced in E25 and E75 chambers due to significantly larger matrix diameters in the proximal region. At 3 weeks, vascular and Schwann cell migration and axonal regeneration were less advanced in the E25 and E75 than in the control E11 chambers. The retardation correlated with the presence of an avascular organization of circumferential cells. Saline prefill-ing affected the caliber and density of fibrin fibers in the 1 week matrices of PF25 and PF75 chambers. The matrices did not have a prominent taper and diameters were progressively larger with increasing chamber volume. Saline prefilling did not affect regeneration progress in 3 week PF11 chambers but did enhance regeneration in the PF25 chambers; a 1.5-fold larger diameter nerve formed at 3 weeks that contained 2,6-fold more axons. Progress in the PF75 chamber was retarded. We conclude that the volume, timing, and nature of the fluid filling a silicone chamber have significant influence on the formation of fibrin matrices. Alterations in matrix formation correlate with substantial changes in the subsequent progress of intrachamber regeneration events.
Previous experiments have shown that motor axons regenerating in mixed nerve will preferentially reinnervate a distal motor branch. The present experiments examine the mechanism through which this sensory-motor specificity is generated. An enclosed 0.5 mm gap was created in the proximal femoral nerves of juvenile rats. Two, three or eight weeks later the specificity of motor axon regeneration was evaluated by simultaneous application of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to one distal femoral branch (sensory or motor) and Fluoro-Gold to the other. Motoneurons were then counted as projecting (i) correctly to the motor branch, (ii) incorrectly to the sensory branch, and (iii) simultaneously to both branches (double-labeled). Motor axon regeneration was random at 2 weeks, with equal numbers of motoneurons projecting to sensory and motor branches. However, the number of correct projections increased dramatically between 2 and 3 weeks. Twenty-six percent of neurons labeled at 2 weeks contained both tracers, indicating axon collateral projections to both sensory and motor branches. This number decreased significantly at each time period. Axon collaterals were thus 'pruned' from the sensory branch, increasing the number of correct projections at the expense of double-labeled neurons. These findings suggest random reinnervation of the distal stump, with specificity generated through trophic interaction between axons and the pathway and/or end organ.
Regeneration of rat sciatic nerve across a 5-mm excised gap was investigated after the proximal and distal stump were inserted into a silicone tubing including a native artery. Usual tubulation (silicone tube only) was used as the control. After 4, 8, and 15 weeks, the extent of nerve regeneration was evaluated electrophysiologically and histologically. The nerve regeneration and intraneural vascular reconstruction that occurred within silicone tubing with an arterial blood supply were more successful than those that occurred in the control. In the 4 weeks following implantation, the enhancement of maturation in the regenerating axons was especially noticeable. The advantages of the present procedure are (i) the provision of continuous guidance for neural outgrowth; (ii) an increased supply of nutrients for regenerating nerve fibers and Schwann cells; (iii) an increased supply of oxygen by arterial highly oxygenated blood; and (iv) the stimulation of an exchange effect within the tube due to the pumping action of artery.