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Direct fetal glucocorticoid treatment alters postnatal adaptation in premature newborn baboons


Abstract and Figures

Abnormalities of premature newborn adaptation after preterm birth result in significant perinatal mortality and morbidity. We assessed the effects of short-term (24 h) fetal betamethasone exposure on preterm newborn baboon pulmonary and cardiovascular regulation and renal sodium handling during the first 24 h after birth. Male fetal baboons (Papio) (124-day gestation, term 185 days) received ultrasound-guided intramuscular injections of saline (n = 5) or betamethasone (0.5 mg/kg; n = 5). Fetuses were cesarean delivered 24 h later, treated with 100 mg/kg surfactant, and ventilated by adjusting peak inspiratory pressures to maintain PCO2 values of 35-50 mmHg for 24 h. Betamethasone- vs. saline-treated mean +/- SE newborn body weights (0.45 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.41 +/- 0.01 kg) were similar. Although prenatal betamethasone did not affect postnatal lung function (PCO2, arterial/alveolar O2 gradient, or dynamic compliance), plasma hormone (cortisol or thyroxine), or catecholamine levels, mean arterial pressure (25 +/- 1 vs. 32 +/- 1 mmHg), plasma sodium concentration (132 +/- 2 vs. 138 +/- 1 meq/l), glomerular filtration rate (0.07 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.16 +/- 0.02, and renal total sodium reabsorption (1.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 16.0 +/- 3.0 mu values were significantly lower in saline-treated than in betamethasone-treated newborns at 24 h. We conclude that despite the fact that there are no pulmonary and endocrine effects, antenatal glucocorticoid exposure alters premature newborn baboon vascular and renal glomerular function and improves sodium reabsorption after preterm delivery.
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Direct fetal glucocorticoid treatment alters postnatal
adaptation in premature newborn baboons
1Perinatal Research Laboratories, Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics,
University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,
Torrance, California 90502; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center
at San Antonio, San Antonio 78284-7812; and 3Department of Physiology and Medicine,
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, Texas 78227
Ervin, M. Gore, Steven R. Seidner, M. Michelle Le-
land, Machiko Ikegami, and Alan H. Jobe. Direct fetal
ture newborn baboons. Am. J. Physiol. 274 (Regulatory
Integrative Comp. Physiol. 43): R1169–R1176, 1998.—
Abnormalities of premature newborn adaptation after pre-
term birth result in significant perinatal mortality and
morbidity. We assessed the effects of short-term (24 h) fetal
betamethasone exposure on preterm newborn baboon pulmo-
nary and cardiovascular regulation and renal sodium han-
dling during the first 24 h after birth. Male fetal baboons
(Papio) (124-day gestation, term 185 days) received ultra-
sound-guided intramuscular injections of saline (n55) or
betamethasone (0.5 mg/kg; n55). Fetuses were cesarean
delivered 24 h later, treated with 100 mg/kg surfactant, and
ventilated by adjusting peak inspiratory pressures to main-
tainPCO2values of 35–50 mmHg for 24h. Betamethasone- vs.
saline-treated mean 6SE newborn body weights (0.45 60.02
vs.0.4160.01kg)weresimilar.Although prenatal betametha-
sone did not affect postnatal lung function (PCO2, arterial/
alveolar O2gradient, or dynamic compliance), plasma hor-
mone (cortisol or thyroxine), or catecholamine levels, mean
arterial pressure (25 61 vs. 32 61 mmHg), plasma sodium
concentration (132 62 vs. 138 61 meq/l), glomerular
filtration rate (0.07 60.02 vs. 0.16 60.02 ml·min21·kg21),
and renal total sodium reabsorption (1.5 60.5 vs. 16.0 63.0
µeq·min21·kg21) values were significantly lower in saline-
treated than in betamethasone-treated newborns at 24 h. We
conclude that despite the fact that there are no pulmonary
and endocrine effects, antenatal glucocorticoid exposure al-
ters premature newborn baboon vascular and renal glomeru-
lar function and improves sodium reabsorption after preterm
lung; kidney; blood pressure; betamethasone
THE MAJOR CAUSES OF INFANT morbidity and mortality in
the United States are diseases associated with prema-
turity. Because lung immaturity is the principal con-
tributor to premature newborn mortality, the lungs
have been the primary focus of strategies to improve
premature newborn survival (7). Although glucocorti-
coid-induced fetal lung maturation was demonstrated
in a large clinical trial over two decades ago (20),
widespread application of this therapy has occurred
only recently (12, 13). In addition to their pulmonary
effects, prenatal glucocorticoids improve postnatal out-
comes with their pleiotropic effects, including reduced
incidences of patent ductus arteriosus and intraven-
tricular hemorrhage and improved postnatal blood
pressure regulation (22). We have demonstrated that
antenatal glucocorticoid treatment significantly en-
hances renal sodium reabsorption in premature new-
born sheep (9). Kidney immaturity and the resulting
inability to limit excessive fluid and electrolyte losses is
a common problem in the clinical management of the
preterm newborn and is a significant source of postna-
tal morbidity (12, 13). Thus, in contrast to term new-
borns in which postnatal renal adaptations include
marked increases in glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
and sodium reabsorption (33), preterm newborns (par-
ticularly those ,30 wk gestation) do not appropriately
increase renal sodium reabsorption at birth (3) and
retain a fetal pattern of excessive natriuresis. The
effects of prenatal glucocorticoids on postnatal adapta-
tion have been examined in detail in preterm sheep,
and limited, nonrandomized observations regarding
steroid effects on renal function in preterm newborns
are available. However, renal function and its hor-
monal regulation have not been evaluated in prema-
ture humans or other primates. Preterm baboons can
be delivered as early as 125 days (0.67 of total length of
gestation, with term 185 days) and will survive with
the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia if
surfactant treated at birth (29). The purpose of the
present study was to determine the effect of antenatal
steroid administration on postnatal lung, kidney, and
endocrine function in the premature newborn primate.
Animal Selection and Fetal Treatment
The fetal treatments and delivery studies were performed
at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San
Antonio, Texas. All animal husbandry, animal handling, and
procedures were reviewed and approved to conform with the
American Association forAccreditation of Laboratory Animal
Care guidelines as detailed in the Guide for the Care and Use
ofLaboratoryAnimals (National Research Council). Pregnan-
cies were dated using cycle dates and growth parameters
from prenatal ultrasounds at 70 and 120 days estimated fetal
gestational age. The pregnant baboons were sedated with
intramuscular ketamine (10 mg/kg) for each of the prenatal
ultrasounds. Amniocentesis was performed under ultrasound
guidance at 70 days fetal gestational age, and Y-specific DNA
amplification of cultured amniocytes was used to determine
fetal gender (27). Male fetuses were used in an attempt to
minimize variation due to possible differential maturation
between males and females. At 124 62 days gestation (term
185 days), the fetuses were again imaged using ultrasound
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after maternal sedation with 10 mg/kg ketamine. Each
animal was randomly assigned to receive betamethasone
(Celestone Soluspan; Schering Pharmaceuticals, Kenilworth,
NJ) at a fetal dose of 0.5 mg/kg estimated fetal weight in 1 ml
or an equivalent volume of vehicle (0.15 M saline). Each
treatment was injected under ultrasound guidance into the
fetal thigh with a 22-gauge spinal needle. The female baboon
was then returned to her cage.
The pregnant baboons were sedated with ketamine (10
mg/kg im) 24 h after fetal injection, intubated, and anesthe-
tized with 1.5% halothane. The preterm fetuses were deliv-
ered by cesarean section, weighed, and intubated using 2.0-
or 2.5-mm endotracheal tubes. The newborns received 100
mg/kg surfactant (Survanta, Ross Products, Columbus, OH)
by tracheal instillation, and ventilation was initiated using
pressure-limited infant ventilators. After delivery of the fetus
and repair of the maternal incisions, recovery of the female
baboons was monitored daily for 2 wk, with all animals
released to outside gang cages after 4 wk.
The newborn baboons were maintained sedated with intra-
muscular ketamine (10 mg/kg) and intravenous diazepam
(0.1–0.2 mg/kg) if needed. An arterial catheter was placed
either by percutaneous insertion into the radial artery or via
an umbilical artery into the descending aorta for blood
pressure monitoring and blood gas sampling. A deep venous
catheter was placed percutaneously via the saphenous vein
into the inferior vena cava for administration of fluids and
drugs. All animals received a single intravenous injection of
[3H]inulin (6 µCi) for measurements of GFR (9). The animals
were cared for on servo-controlled infrared warmers. The
animals were not fed and were given parenteral fluids
containing amino acids and multivitamins. Intravenous flu-
ids were administered with appropriate electrolytes at 12.5
ml·kg21·h21initially, with infusion rates increased when
heart rates were .180 beats/min or for hematocrit increases
of .10% or with a small cardiac silhouette on the chest
radiograph and an increasing base deficit. Sodium bicarbon-
ate was administered (2 meq/kg) when the base deficit
exceeded 28 meq/kg. Ampicillin (50 mg·kg21·day21in 2
divided doses) and gentamicin (5 mg·kg21·day21in 2 divided
doses) were given intravenously. Local anesthesia with 2%
lidocaine and additional ketamine were administered for any
invasive procedures.
Blood sampling and cardiovascular measurements. Inaddi-
tion to routine arterial blood samples for assessments of pH,
PO2,PCO2, and hematocrit, blood samples (4–5 ml) were
collected from the umbilical cord at delivery and at 2, 6, 12,
18, and 24 h for plasma electrolytes, osmolality, [3H]inulin
concentrations, and hormone analysis. Not all measurements
were made at all times to minimize blood sampling. An
additional plasma sample (1 ml) for determination of plasma
catecholamine levels was collected 30 min after delivery.
Blood gases and hematocrit values also were monitored at
regular intervals. Blood samples were replaced volumetri-
cally with heparinized adult baboon blood. Arterial blood
pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and electrocardio-
gram were monitored continuously with a Gould P23 pres-
sure transducer (Gould Instrument Systems, Cleveland, OH)
and a cardiorespiratory monitor (model 700; Biomedical
Systems, Branford, CT).
Pulmonary management and measurements. To standard-
ize management, ventilatory rate was held constant at 40
breaths/min, and the peak end-expiratory pressure was set at
4 cmH2O, with an inspiratory time of 0.6 s. Arterial PCO2
values within the target range of 35–45 mmHg were main-
tained by adjusting peak inspiratory pressures. Oxygenation
was regulated by adjusting inspired oxygen content. The
arterial/alveolar (A/a) gradient was calculated as PO2/[(FIO23
713) 2(PCO2/0.8)], where FIO2is the fractional concentrat-
ion of inspired O2, 713 is the atmospheric pressure corrected
for the partial pressure of water vapor at physiological
temperature, and 0.8 is the respiratory quotient. Tidal vol-
Vital Station Neonatal Plethysmograph (Vitaltrends Technol-
ogy, Wallingford, CT). The dynamic compliance was calcu-
lated as C 5dP/dV, where dP is the difference between the
airway pressures at the end and beginning of inspiration and
dV is the difference between the airway volumes at the end
and beginning of inspiration.
At 22 h, each newborn received a single intravascular
injection of 125I-labeled albumin for postnatal assessment of
lung protein leak. After 24 h of ventilation, each baboon
received 50 mg/kg pentobarbital sodium to achieve deep
anesthesia and was ventilated for 2 min with 100% O2. The
endotracheal tube was disconnected from the ventilator to
allow passive deflation of the lungs and was clamped. Cardiac
activity continued for 2 min to permit absorption atelectasis
tion. Static deflation pressure-volume curves were measured
in situ in the open chest by inflating the lungs with air to 35
cmH2O, followed by sequential volume measurements with
incremental decreases in pressure as previously outlined in
premature newborn lambs (6). The lungs were then removed,
weighed, and thoroughly lavaged with cold saline (16). Alveo-
lar wash protein and lung homogenate protein and hemoglo-
bin levels were assessed to determine postnatal lung protein
leak (17).
ously into an inverted syringe barrel placed around the
newborn penis, and the total volume of urine produced was
measured at 4-h intervals during the 24 h of study. Urine
samples were assessed for osmolality, electrolytes (Na, K, and
Cl) and [3H]inulin specific activity. The GFR was determined
from the calculated plasma [3H]inulin clearance.
Analytic Techniques
Blood pH, PO2, and PCO2values were determined with a
model 995 blood gas analyzer (AVL Scientific, Roswell, GA).
Plasma and urine osmolalities were measured by freezing
point depression (Advanced Digimatic Osmometer, model
MO; Advanced Instruments, Needham Heights, MA). Blood
and urine electrolyte (Na, K, and Cl) concentrations were
determined with a Nova electrolyte analyzer (Nova Biomedi-
cals, Waltham, MA). Plasma and urine [3H]inulin specific
activities were assessed by measuring radioactivity in ali-
quots (0.1 ml) of plasma and urine.
Blood samples were divided immediately after withdrawal
into chilled test tubes, vortexed, and centrifuged immedi-
ately. Plasma aliquots were frozen (220°C) for determina-
tions of cortisol, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), argi-
ninevasopressin(AVP), aldosterone, and plasma renin activity
(PRA) (lithium heparin, 40 µg/ml blood), angiotensin II (ANG
II), and atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) levels (aprotinin, 500
KIU/ml blood and K2EDTA, 1 mg/ml) and catecholamines (4
mmol/l EGTA and 3 mmol/l reduced glutathione). Plasma
cence kits (Nichols Diagnostics, San Juan Capistrano, CA)
standardized for fetal plasma. Plasma AVP extraction and
radioimmunoassay (RIA) were performed as previously de-
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Copyright © 1998 American Physiological Society. All rights reserved.
scribed (10, 36); assay sensitivity is 0.8 pg of AVP per tube,
with intra- and interassay coefficients of variation of 6 and
9%,respectively. PlasmaANF levels were determined by RIA,
with an assay sensitivity of 2 pg/tube and intra-assay and
interassaycoefficientsof variation of 11and 13%, respectively
(11). Plasma ANG II levels were determined from the ANF
plasma extracts by use of RIA kits obtained from Peninsula
Laboratories (Belmont, CA). Intra-assay and interassay coef-
ficients of variation for the ANG II assay averaged 6 and 9%,
respectively, with an overall assay sensitivity of 2 pg/tube.
PRA was determined with commercially available reagents,
and plasma aldosterone levels were determined by use of RIA
kits obtained from ICN Radiochemicals (Costa Mesa, CA).
Plasma catecholamine levels were determined by radioenzy-
matic assay (30).
Data Analysis
All values are expressed as means 6SE. Differences over
time and differences between saline and betamethasone-
treated groups were assessed by two-way repeated-measures
analysis of variance (ANOVA), with time as the between-
subjects factor and treatment as the among-subjects factor.
Multiple comparisons to identify differences among groups
were conducted with the Student-Neuman-Keuls procedure.
Paired or unpaired t-tests were also used as appropriate.
Statistical significance was accepted at P,0.05.
There were no differences in mean body weights
betweenthecontrol (0.41 60.01 kg)andbetamethasone-
treated (0.45 60.02 kg) preterm newborn baboons.
Indexes of ventilatory status (arterial PCO2, A/a gradi-
ent, and dynamic compliance) did not differ between
control and betamethasone-treated preterm newborn
baboons over the 24-h study period (Fig. 1). At 24 h,
there were no differences, respectively, between control
and betamethasone-treated values for arterial pH
(7.27 60.03 vs. 7.27 60.03), PO2(59 68 vs. 62 64
mmHg), PCO2(43 65 vs. 42 62 mmHg), peak inspira-
tory pressure (25 62 vs. 25 62 cmH2O), or maximal
lung volumes measured at 35 cmH2O (17 64 vs. 15 64
ml/kg body wt). Radiolabeled albumin accumulated
equivalently in alveolar wash (0.6%) and lung tissue
(,2%), indicating minimal development of lung injury.
Dry-to-wet lung weights were 0.141 60.119 and
0.14160.005 g/g in control andbetamethasone-treated
animals, respectively. Prenatal betamethasone expo-
sure did not alter overall postnatal lung function.
Cardiovascular, Electrolytes, and Catecholamines
Mean blood pressure values were not different be-
tween control and betamethasone-treated newborns 2
h after delivery (Fig. 2). However, by 12 h, mean blood
pressurewas significantly higher inthe betamethasone-
treated group and remained higher at 24 h (Fig. 2).
Mean heart rate values significantly increased in both
groups between 2 and 12 h of life and remained
elevated at 24 h. Over the 24-h observation period,
least-squares regression analysis revealed an inverse
relationship between heart rate and mean blood pres-
sure in both groups, suggesting the presence of an
intact baroreflex response in these very premature
newborn baboons. Although heart rate values were
significantly higher in the control animals after 12 h of
ventilation, heart rate values were not different be-
tween the two study groups at 24 h.
At delivery, umbilical cord blood hematocrit and
plasma osmolality, sodium, and potassium values were
similar between control and betamethasone-treated
preterm newborn baboons (Table 1). However, plasma
chloride concentrations were significantly higher in the
betamethasone-treated lambs. Because plasma sodium
and chloride concentrations decreased significantly in
Fig. 1. Arterial PCO2, arterial/alveolar (A/a) gradient, and dynamic
compliance in control and betamethasone-treated premature new-
born baboons ventilated for 24 h.
Fig. 2. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and plasma sodium
values in control and betamethasone-treated premature newborn
baboons ventilated for 24 h. *Different from 2-h value, P,0.05;
**different from control, P,0.05.
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the control newborns during the 24 h of ventilation,
plasmasodium and chloride concentrationswere signifi-
cantly higher in the betamethasone-treated baboons
relative to controls (Fig. 2 and Table 1). There were no
differences in total fluid administered, hematocrit,
plasma osmolality, or plasma potassium concentrations
betweencontrol and betamethasone-treated baboons at
any time during the 24 h of ventilation.
Mean umbilical cord plasma epinephrine and norepi-
nephrine levels were low and were not different be-
tweencontrol and betamethasone-treatedanimals (Fig.
3). Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels sig-
nificantly increased in both groups by 30 min after
delivery, remained elevated at 2 h, and were further
elevated by 24 h. Plasma epinephrine and norepineph-
rine levels were similarly elevated in both groups from
The measurements of renal function are summarized
in Table 2 and Fig. 4. During the first 12 h, GFR values
were not different between groups. By 16 h, GFR was
significantlyhigherin the betamethasone-treatedlambs
and remained above the control values at 24 h. Urine
flow values also were significantly higher in the beta-
methasone-treated baboons during the final urine col-
lection period (20–24 h), and urine osmolalities and
sodium concentrations were significantly lower than in
the control animals (Table 2). In the betamethasone-
treated baboons, total sodium reabsorption was signifi-
cantlyhigher (Fig. 4), and osmolar clearance per100 ml
GFR values were significantly below (Table 2) the
control animal values. Free water clearance also was
significantly elevated in the betamethasone-treated
Table 1. Control and betamethasone-treated preterm
newborn baboon plasma osmolality, electrolyte, and
hormone values at delivery and after 24 h of ventilation
Control Betamethasone
Cord 24 h Cord 24 h
Hematocrit, % 43.460.7 40.861.5 46.060.9 41.262.5
Osmolality, mos-
mol/kgH2O 29265 28965 29461 29463
Sodium, meq/l 13762 13262* 14161 13861†
Potassium, meq/l 4.460.2 4.560.3 4.960.6 4.360.2
Chloride, meq/l 10861.2 10461* 11261 111 61†
µg/dl 55.168.2 41.263.9 66.9611.1 48.663.6
Atrial natriuretic
factor, pg/ml 376863614 17610 83613*
Plasma renin
activity, ng ANG
I·ml21·h216.461.8 131627* 19610 90631*
Aldosterone, pg/ml 65617 90629 2156104 398690†
Values are means 6SE; n55 animals for both control and
betamethasone. *Different from umbilical cord (Cord) value, P,
0.05; †different from control value, P,0.05.
Fig. 3. Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels in control and
betamethasone-treated premature newborn baboons ventilated for
24 h.
Table 2. Control and betamethasone-treated
preterm newborn baboon renal parameters
after 24 h of ventilation
Control Betamethasone
Flow, ml·min21·kg212.8461.4 5.5961.25*
Osmolality, mosmol/kgH2O 30866 213633*
Sodium, meq/l 1376688614*
Potassium, meq/l 7.1360.46 5.0461.09
Potassium excretion,
µeq·min21·kg213.0461.06 4.4861.01
Osmolar clearance, ml/100 ml
GFR 44610 2065*
Free water clearance, ml/min 0.01560.017 0.06360.016*
Values are means 6SE; n55 animals for both control and
betamethasone. GFR, glomerular filtration rate. *Different from
control, P,0.05.
Fig. 4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and total sodium reabsorp-
tion in premature newborn baboons delivered 24 h after fetal saline
or betamethasone (0.5 mg/kg) treatment and ventilated for 24 h.
*Different from control, P,0.05.
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animals (Table 2).Although control animal urine potas-
sium concentration and urinary potassium excretion
values were 40% higher and 32% lower, respectively,
than the betamethasone-treated animal values, the
values were not statistically different between groups
(Table 2).
Plasma cortisol levels were similar between groups
at delivery (Fig. 5). By 24 h, there were similar signifi-
cant decreases in plasma cortisol levels in both groups.
T4levels also were similar between control and beta-
methasone-treated newborns at delivery, and in both
groupsplasma T4levels significantly decreased.Umbili-
cal cord plasma T3levels were similar in both groups
after delivery and did not change in either group at
24 h.
Umbilical cord plasma endocrine values including
AVP, ANF, and ANG II and aldosterone and PRA values
were not different between control and betamethasone-
treated newborns (Fig. 5 and Table 1). Relative to the
umbilical cord values, plasma AVP, ANG II, and PRA
levelsincreased significantly in both groupsat 24 h, but
there were no differences between control and beta-
methasone-treated groups. Plasma ANF levels were
not different between groups at delivery. Although
there was a statistically significant increase in plasma
ANF levels in the betamethasone-treated group by 24
h, plasma ANF levels did not differ between groups.
Mean umbilical cord and 24-h plasma aldosterone
levels did not differ between groups. However, plasma
aldosterone levels were significantly elevated in the
betamethasone-treated newborns compared with con-
trols at 24 h (Table 1).
In these very premature newborn baboons given
prenatal glucocorticoids as a single fetal dose 24 h
before delivery, an increase in postnatal blood pressure
and improved kidney function were evident after 12 h
postnatal age and were sustained to 24 h of postnatal
life. However, the anticipated effect of improved lung
function consistently observed after prenatal glucocor-
ticoid exposure in preterm sheep was absent. Several
possible explanations for this apparent absence of
pulmonary effects in the premature baboon model
warrant consideration. First, the present preterm new-
born baboon studies are unique because the animals
were studied very early in gestation (0.67), earlier than
previously reported for most other species. In preterm
sheep, prenatal glucocorticoids improve renal, cardio-
vascular, and lung function after maternal or fetal
treatments after ,0.8 of gestation (6, 32). Postnatal
effects of prenatal glucocorticoid treatment before 120
days (0.8) gestation have not been evaluated in sheep
because survival is limited. Thus pulmonary effects
may not have been detected in the present studies
because the preterm baboons at 0.67 of gestation were
too immature to respond. In apparent contradiction to
this hypothesis, striking alterations in lung structure
follow preterm or term delivery of monkeys exposed to
high-dose glucocorticoids over 3 days at midgestation
(4).Although speciesdifferencesintiming of responsive-
ness might be one explanation, a second possibility is
that a treatment-to-delivery interval of 24 h may be
insufficient in the baboon to manifest lung matura-
tional effects. In sheep delivered at 0.85 of gestation,
glucocorticoid-induced effects on lung function occur
within 15 h of fetal or maternal treatment with 0.5
mg/kg betamethasone. In both baboons and monkeys,
glucocorticoids also enhance lung function, but only
paradigmsof 3 daysof prenatal maternalglucocorticoid
exposure have been studied (18, 19). Thus glucocorti-
coid treatment-to-delivery intervals of .24 h may be
necessary to initiate improvements in lung function in
primates. In favor of this explanation is the lack of
Fig. 5. Plasma cortisol, thyroxine (T4), arginine vaso-
pressin (AVP), and ANG II concentrations from umbili-
cal cord (Cord) blood and after 24 h of ventilation in
control and betamethasone-treated (0.5 mg/kg) prema-
ture newborn baboons. *Different from Cord value, P,
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effect of prenatal glucocorticoids on the incidence or
severity of respiratory distress syndrome in the human
(7) and the observation that the blood pressure and
renal effects detected in the current studies were not
apparent until 12 h after delivery. It is possible that the
postnatal cardiovascular and renal responses observed
were delayed relative to the time of delivery because of
the short treatment-to-delivery interval.
A third explanation for the absence of pulmonary
effects is that lung function in both glucocorticoid-
treatedand control animalswas favorably influencedto
asimilar degree by the stress associated withrepetitive
maternal anesthesia and ultrasound examination. In
theovine model, a single maternalexposure to anesthe-
sia and laparotomy can increase circulating fetal corti-
sol levels sufficiently to induce fetal lung maturation
(34). Thus, in our attempt to optimize the quality
control of the pregnant baboons through ultrasound
examinations performed at 70 and 120 days for mea-
surements of fetal growth, and again at 124 days for
fetal therapy, the procedures alone may have been
sufficient to evoke a stress response in both groups.
Consistent with this hypothesis, the umbilical cord
cortisol levels (Fig. 5) in the control animals were high
relative to reported newborn sheep or human values
and also higher than anticipated values for early
gestationcontrols in this species, giventhe limited fetal
potential for cortisol production at this early gestation
(25). Another indicator consistent with chronic fetal
stress was the high umbilical cord plasma T3value.
Thus handling and anesthesia of the pregnant baboons
may have been sufficient to evoke similar elevations in
cortisol and T3values in both control and betametha-
sone-treated animals, thereby enhancing lung matura-
tion in both groups. The predominant source of the
cortisol in the umbilical cord blood may have been from
the mother via placental transfer (25). Assuming the
latter hypothesis is correct (induced lung maturation in
both groups), it is interesting to note that a single fetal
dose of betamethasone was associated with marked
effects on preterm newborn blood pressure and kidney
Despite a lack of differences in lung function, the
betamethasone-treated preterm baboons were charac-
terized by significantly higher mean arterial blood
pressure values by 12 h after delivery, and this trend
continued through 24 h. The higher plasma sodium
concentration in these animals may have been suffi-
cient to sustain intravascular volume better than that
of the control animals (22). Because fluid administra-
tion was similar in both groups, the higher plasma
sodium concentration and larger urinary losses in the
betamethasone-treated animals suggest that dehydra-
tion might account for the higher plasma sodium
concentration. However, the similar hematocrit values
and higher rate of sodium reabsorption suggest that
overall sodium management was altered in favor of a
higherplasma sodium concentration.Thus one specula-
tion is that glucocorticoid-induced changes in vascular
permeability may have contributed to a decrease in
extravascular fluid volume, consistent with the postna-
tal adaptation pattern in term newborns.
Glucocorticoids also affect vascular reactivity and
vasomotortone.For example, glucocorticoidadministra-
tion increases overall cardiac contractility, vascular
tone, and cardiovascular receptor expression for cate-
cholamines and ANG II (28, 35). In premature newborn
sheep,single-dosefetal or maternal prenatalbetametha-
sone treatment increases mean arterial blood pressure
despitecausing marked suppression of circulatingcate-
cholamines and ANG II levels. Thus, in the lamb,
betamethasone-inducedincreases in catecholamine and
ANG II receptor expression and/or postreceptor re-
sponse mechanisms may augment overall vascular
responsiveness to circulating vasoactive agents even
when circulating levels are reduced. However, the
response pattern was different in these premature
newborn baboons. The betamethasone-treated new-
borns had higher mean blood pressure values with no
differences in circulating catecholamine and ANG II
levels between betamethasone and control groups.
Rather than being suppressed as in the lamb, catechol-
amine and ANG II levels increased over 24 h.
At birth, the kidneys must rapidly shift from a fetal
pattern of high fractional excretion of water and so-
diumto highly efficientwater and sodium conservation.
In term human newborns, adaptations including
marked increases in GFR and sodium reabsorption are
well underway within 24–48 h after delivery. Although
preterm newborns also will eventually adapt appropri-
ately if maintained viable for a sufficient period of time
(3), delays in shifting from the fetal pattern of excessive
water and sodium losses relative to the low GFR often
predispose preterm infants to hyponatremia and hypo-
volemia.Glucocorticoid-induced kidney maturation(in-
creases in GFR and sodium reabsorption) has been
reported previously in fetal (15) and near-term new-
bornsheep (31) inresponse to prolonged cortisol admin-
istration. We have also reported increases in GFR and
sodium reabsorption in preterm newborn lambs deliv-
ered24 or 48 hafter single fetalor maternal betametha-
sone treatment (2, 9). An acute effect of glucocorticoids
to increase GFR is widely accepted and principally
reflects selective renal near-parallel afferent and effer-
ent vessel vasodilation to increase glomerular plasma
flow and filtration fraction (1). Although postnatal
increases in GFR also reflect increases in filtration
fraction, the exact mechanism(s) have not been defined.
The two- to threefold increase in GFR noted in the
betamethasone-treated baboons (Fig. 4) is not attribut-
able to the higher blood pressure in these animals
because blood pressure did not increase concurrently
with the increase in GFR.
Prenatal glucocorticoid treatment in sheep also in-
creases postnatal sodium reabsorption (31, 32). Proxi-
mal rather than distal tubular function appears to be
the principal location limiting fetal and perhaps pre-
termnewborn sodium reabsorption (21).Glucocorticoid-
inducedincreases in preterm newbornsodium reabsorp-
tion may reflect a direct effect to increase proximal
tubular sodium transporter function and expression
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Copyright © 1998 American Physiological Society. All rights reserved.
(14) and an indirect effect to increase basolateral
Na-K-ATPase activity (8). Thus glucocorticoid-induced
changes in proximal tubular function may also be
important in the premature newborn baboon. However,
thesignificantlyhigher plasma aldosteronelevels(Table
1) measured in the betamethasone-treated fetuses sug-
gest that increases in distal tubular function may have
contributed to the overall increase in renal sodium
reabsorption (Fig. 4). Given the higher mean blood
pressure and GFR observed in the betamethasone-
treated premature newborn baboons and the marked
suppression of the renin-ANG II-aldosterone axis ob-
served in newborn lambs after prenatal glucocorticoid
treatment, the basis for the heightened renin-ANG
II-aldosteroneaxis activity measuredin the betametha-
sone-treated preterm newborns is not clear. Nonethe-
less, the present results indicate that glucocorticoid
exposure for as little as 24 h before delivery can
significantly improve preterm newborn baboon renal
sodium handling and plasma electrolyte regulation.
The umbilical cord plasma cortisol levels were not
suppressed in the betamethasone-exposed fetuses, a
surprising result suggesting lack of feedback inhibi-
tion, a long plasma cortisol half-life at this gestation, or
perhapssimply placental cortisol transfer.Thevery low
umbilical cord plasma catecholamine and AVP levels
(Figs. 3 and 5) indicate that the preterm baboons were
not ‘‘stressed’’at the time of delivery. The absence of an
effect of antenatal betamethasone exposure on umbili-
cal cord plasma ANG II levels is consistent with fetal
sheepdatademonstrating that cortisol-induced suppres-
sion of fetal angiotensinogen production is gestation
dependent (23). The pronounced increases in catechol-
amines, AVP, and ANG II levels and PRA at 24 h
indicate the significant stress associated with preterm
delivery and postnatal ventilation. In contrast, cortisol
and T4levels had decreased similarly in both groups by
24 h, with no changes in plasma T3levels. In fetal
sheep, the thyroid axis response to glucocorticoids
differs in that T3levels increase with little change in T4
levels (5, 26). However, a thyroid response to exogenous
corticosteroidexposure is variably seen in humans (24).
Although changes in cortisol and thyroid hormone
metabolism were likely important to the changes in
circulating levels noted between delivery and 24 h of
postnatal life, these patterns did not appear to be
influencedby prenatal betamethasone exposure(Fig. 5).
In summary, these are unique data in very preterm
baboons for which there is no comparison information
available. A limitation to studies in the baboon is the
maternal response to handling and the need for seda-
tion and/or anesthesia associated with procedures.
Nonetheless, these studies provide the first integrative
information regarding premature newborn pulmonary,
cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine responses during
postnatal adaptation and the effects of fetal therapy in
the severely premature (0.67 gestation) newborn pri-
mate. A single fetal dose of betamethasone as little as
24 h before delivery can have pronounced effects on
preterm newborn GFR, sodium reabsorption, plasma
sodium regulation, and blood pressure stability. The
interpretative difficulty is that we do not know how the
fetal environment (high cortisol and T3) may have
modulated the betamethasone effects. This difficulty is
also common to clinical situations in which many
preterm deliveries are associated with chronic and/or
acutefetal stress. Theclinically important conclusionis
that prenatal glucocorticoids may augment postnatal
adaptation even if the fetus has been stressed in utero
and is at a decreased risk of respiratory distress
Thenowwidely accepted practiceofprenatal glucocor-
ticoid administration in cases of threatened premature
labor has profoundly improved postnatal outcomes in
premature infants. Nonetheless, prematurity-associ-
ateddiseases remain the leadingcause of infant morbid-
ity and mortality in the United States. Studies assess-
ing prenatal glucocorticoid exposure in the premature
newborn model may provide insight into why some
infants apparently fail to respond to prenatal glucocor-
ticoid exposure. In addition, glucocorticoids influence a
diverse array of systems and functions. However, the
actual effect(s) and the sequence of events that improve
or augment postnatal adaptation are not known. Thus
studies of preterm newborn adaptation and the diverse
effects of prenatal glucocorticoid exposure on this pro-
cess represent an important step toward optimizing
therapeutic approaches to improve postnatal outcomes
in premature infants.
This work was supported in part by National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute Grants HL-052635 and HL-53636 (The Southwest
Foundation for Biomedical Research BPD Resource Center) and an
Established Investigatorship Award to M. G. Ervin from the Ameri-
can Heart Association.
Address for reprint requests: M. G. Ervin, Dept. of Biology, Box 60,
Middle Tennessee State Univ., Murfreesboro, TN 37132.
Received 15 May 1997; accepted in final form 12 January 1998.
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... The use of antenatal betamethasone reduces complications related to prematurity: respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis (27). Glucocorticoid therapy increases mean arterial pressure, kidney blood flow, and GFR in preterm lambs, baboons, and human neonates (28)(29)(30), indicating induction of kidney maturity. However, this may incur a long-term cost, with animal models showing alterations in the renin-angiotensin system, reduction of nephron number, and long-term hypertension (31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36). ...
... Demographics of the overall cohort of AWAKEN with and without early AKI and stratified into gestational age cohorts(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35), ‡36 wk) and dopamine; and NSAID medications: indomethacin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ...
Background and objectives Neonatal AKI is associated with poor short- and long-term outcomes. The objective of this study was to describe the risk factors and outcomes of neonatal AKI in the first postnatal week. Design, setting, participants, & measurements The international retrospective observational cohort study, Assessment of Worldwide AKI Epidemiology in Neonates (AWAKEN), included neonates admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit who received at least 48 hours of intravenous fluids. Early AKI was defined by an increase in serum creatinine >0.3 mg/dl or urine output <1 ml/kg per hour on postnatal days 2–7, the neonatal modification of Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria. We assessed risk factors for AKI and associations of AKI with death and duration of hospitalization. Results Twenty-one percent (449 of 2110) experienced early AKI. Early AKI was associated with higher risk of death (adjusted odds ratio, 2.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 4.7) and longer duration of hospitalization (parameter estimate: 7.3 days 95% confidence interval, 4.7 to 10.0), adjusting for neonatal and maternal factors along with medication exposures. Factors associated with a higher risk of AKI included: outborn delivery; resuscitation with epinephrine; admission diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia, inborn errors of metabolism, or surgical need; frequent kidney function surveillance; and admission to a children’s hospital. Those factors that were associated with a lower risk included multiple gestations, cesarean section, and exposures to antimicrobials, methylxanthines, diuretics, and vasopressors. Risk factors varied by gestational age strata. Conclusions AKI in the first postnatal week is common and associated with death and longer duration of hospitalization. The AWAKEN study demonstrates a number of specific risk factors that should serve as “red flags” for clinicians at the initiation of the neonatal intensive care unit course. Clinical Trial registry name and registration number Assessment of Worldwide AKI Epidemiology in Neonates (AWAKEN), NCT02443389
... The use of antenatal betamethasone reduces complications related to prematurity: respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis (27). Glucocorticoid therapy increases mean arterial pressure, kidney blood flow, and GFR in preterm lambs, baboons, and human neonates (28)(29)(30), indicating induction of kidney maturity. However, this may incur a long-term cost, with animal models showing alterations in the renin-angiotensin system, reduction of nephron number, and long-term hypertension (31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36). ...
... Demographics of the overall cohort of AWAKEN with and without early AKI and stratified into gestational age cohorts(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35), ‡36 wk) and dopamine; and NSAID medications: indomethacin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ...
Background and objectives: Neonatal AKI is associated with poor short- and long-term outcomes. The objective of this study was to describe the risk factors and outcomes of neonatal AKI in the first postnatal week. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: The international retrospective observational cohort study, Assessment of Worldwide AKI Epidemiology in Neonates (AWAKEN), included neonates admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit who received at least 48 hours of intravenous fluids. Early AKI was defined by an increase in serum creatinine >0.3 mg/dl or urine output <1 ml/kg per hour on postnatal days 2-7, the neonatal modification of Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria. We assessed risk factors for AKI and associations of AKI with death and duration of hospitalization. Results: Twenty-one percent (449 of 2110) experienced early AKI. Early AKI was associated with higher risk of death (adjusted odds ratio, 2.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 4.7) and longer duration of hospitalization (parameter estimate: 7.3 days 95% confidence interval, 4.7 to 10.0), adjusting for neonatal and maternal factors along with medication exposures. Factors associated with a higher risk of AKI included: outborn delivery; resuscitation with epinephrine; admission diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia, inborn errors of metabolism, or surgical need; frequent kidney function surveillance; and admission to a children's hospital. Those factors that were associated with a lower risk included multiple gestations, cesarean section, and exposures to antimicrobials, methylxanthines, diuretics, and vasopressors. Risk factors varied by gestational age strata. Conclusions: AKI in the first postnatal week is common and associated with death and longer duration of hospitalization. The AWAKEN study demonstrates a number of specific risk factors that should serve as "red flags" for clinicians at the initiation of the neonatal intensive care unit course.
... The effect of glucocorticoids on the developing kidney has been studied in animal models including: the rat [88][89][90], sheep [91][92][93] and baboon [17,94]. The findings suggest that exposure to glucocorticoids can affect nephron endowment and renal maturation. ...
... However, there was a 9% increase in developed glomeruli in the renal cortex in the betamethasone-exposed neonates, and a reduction in the width of the nephrogenic zone when compared to age-matched gestational controls. This suggests that there is accelerated renal maturation in response to glucocorticoid exposure and this is in accordance with other studies that show accelerated organ maturation as a result of glucocorticoid exposure [94,97]. ...
Full-text available
Preterm birth (defined as birth prior to 37 completed weeks of gestation), occurs in approximately 10% of all births and is one of the leading causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Preterm infants are born at a time when kidney development is still ongoing, and consequently can lead to renal impairment (in both the short-term and long-term), as well as severe glomerular abnormalities in some preterm infants. Since the glomerular abnormalities are not present in all preterm kidneys, this suggests that it is not preterm birth per se that leads to the glomerular abnormalities, but may relate to factors associated with the etiology of the premature delivery, or factors in neonatal care. In this review, we provide an overview of what is currently known of how prenatal and postnatal factors can potentially impact on the immature kidneys of infants born preterm.
... The administration of betamethasone to pregnant baboons, in doses equivalent to those administered to pregnant women at risk of preterm delivery, results in significant cardiovascular changes in the fetus, and in particular, increased blood pressure [111]. Elevated blood pressure consequent to antenatal glucocorticoid treatment has been observed in other nonhuman primate studies of the premature neonate and in juvenile offspring [112][113][114]. These findings are supported by glucocorticoid increased fetal blood pressure and altered basal cardiovascular function after fetal exposure to exogenous glucocorticoids in sheep [96,115,116]. ...
Full-text available
Preterm birth coincides with a key developmental window of cardiac growth and maturation, and thus has the potential to influence long-term cardiac function. Individuals born preterm have structural cardiac remodelling and altered cardiac growth and function by early adulthood. The evidence linking preterm birth and cardiovascular disease in later life is mounting. Advances in the perinatal care of preterm infants, such as glucocorticoid therapy, have improved survival rates, but at what cost? This review highlights the short-term and long-term impact of preterm birth on the structure and function of the heart and focuses on the impact of antenatal and postnatal glucocorticoid treatment on the immature preterm heart.
... ELBW infants (at risk of BPD) are currently also exposed to surfactant and caffeine treatment, and most of them have had a course of antenatal steroids as well, since these interventions are all part of the current standard of care. It is likely that the widespread availability of these interventions has changed the phenotype of BPD, in terms of survival of more preterm children and lessinvasive supportive requirements ("new BPD" [37,39]), but maybe also in terms of altered physiology [83][84][85]. In the context of drug development, these current pharmacological therapies, might also affect the pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of an investigated drug. ...
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains a frequent and disabling consequence of preterm birth, despite the recent advances in neonatal intensive care. There is a need to further improve outcomes and many novel therapeutic or preventive strategies are therefore investigated in animal models. We discuss in this review the aspects of human BPD pathophysiology and phenotype, which ideally should be mimicked by an animal model for this disease. Prematurity remains the common denominator in the heterogeneous spectrum of human BPD, and preterm animal models thus have a clear translational advantage. Additional factors, like excessive oxygen, mechanical ventilation and infection, which frequently have been studied in animal models, can contribute to preterm lung injury however are not indispensable to develop BPD. The phenotype of human BPD is characterized by alveolar developmental arrest with extracellular matrix remodeling, signs of obstructive airway disease and pulmonary vascular disease. Many animal models mimic this phenotype and have their place in BPD research, but results should be interpreted bearing in mind the specific advantages and disadvantages of the model. Term mice and rats are well suited for basic explorative research on specific disease mechanisms, essential for the generation of new hypotheses, while the larger ventilated preterm baboons and lambs provide a good platform for the ultimate translation of these strategies towards clinical application. The preterm rabbit model seems a promising model as it the smallest model that includes a factor of prematurity and has a unique position between the small and large animal models.
... A recent report from Edwards et al. (28) did not demonstrate improved postnatal lung function of preterm monkeys after antenatal glucocorticoid treatments or increased surfactant. We found no effects of fetal or maternal treatments on postnatal lung function or on postnatal surfactant metabolism of premature baboons (29,30). However, the high levels of maternal cortisol that resulted from handling the animals crossed into the fetal circulation, which may have masked any effects of the antenatal treatments. ...
... In a randomized animal study on lambs the prenatal betamethasone group compared to the controls were found to have a more mature renal and cardiovascular system [149]. These effects stabilize fluid and electrolyte balance during postnatal adaptation [148][149][150][151][152]. There are no adverse or harmful effects on fluid balance reported. ...
The sudden disruption of excessive placental supply with fluids and electrolytes is challenging for neonatal physiology during the period of postnatal adaptation. Different from many other nutrients, the body experiences large changes in daily requirements during the first 7-14 postnatal days, and on the other hand does not tolerate conditions of excess and deficiency very well. Imbalances of fluid and electrolytes are common in neonates, which - in addition - might be further aggravated by NICU treatment procedures. Therefore, fluid and electrolyte management can be one of the most challenging aspects of neonatal care of the premature infant. An understanding of the physiological adaptation process to extrauterine life - and how immaturity effects that transition - is the basis which is needed to understand and manage fluid and electrolyte balance in premature infants. This chapter addresses the physiology of postnatal adaptation and other aspects of fluid and electrolyte management (concerning potassium, sodium and chloride) of the preterm infant. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The aim of the study was to establish the influence of dexamethasone on the growth of long bones such as the femur and humerus in piglets during the last 24 days of prenatal life. The experiment was conducted during the final 24 days of prenatal life. Using a quantitative computed tomography (QCT) method and Somatom AR.T - Siemens apparatus, the volumetric bone density of the trabecular and cortical bones was determined separately. The mechanical properties were determined using a three-point bending test according to the method of Ferretti et al. Using Norland XP-43 apparatus and the DEXA method the bone mineral content was estimated. The obtained results indicate that maternal administration of dexamethasone decreased the volumetric mineral density, BMC and mechanical and geometric parameters of humeri and femora. This model of maternal administration of dexamethasone indicates that dexamethasone treatment at the dose of 3.0 mg per sow significantly inhibits bone growth and volumetric bone density in newborn piglets compared with control ones.
Premature infants develop hyperglycemia shortly after birth, increasing their morbidity and death. Surviving infants have increased incidence of diabetes as young adults. Our understanding of the biological basis for the insulin resistance of prematurity and developmental regulation of glucose production remains fragmentary. The objective of this study was to examine maturational differences in insulin sensitivity and the insulin-signaling pathway in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of 30 neonatal baboons utilizing the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp. Preterm (67% gestation) baboons had reduced peripheral insulin sensitivity shortly after birth (M value 12.5±1.5 vs. 21.8±4.4 mg/kg·min in term baboons) and at 2 weeks of age (M value 12.8±2.6 vs. 16.3±4.2, respectively). Insulin increased Akt phosphorylation, but these responses were significantly lower in preterm baboons during the first week of life (3.2-fold versus 9.8-fold). Preterm baboons had lower GLUT1 protein content throughout the first 2 weeks of life (8-12% of term). In preterm baboons, serum free fatty acids (FFA) did not decrease in response to insulin whereas FFA decreased by >80% in term baboons; the impaired suppression of FFA in preterm animals was paired with decreased GLUT4 protein content in adipose tissue. In conclusion, peripheral insulin resistance and impaired non-insulin dependent glucose uptake play an important role in hyperglycemia of prematurity. Impaired insulin signaling (reduced Akt) contributes to the defect in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal. Counter-regulatory hormones are not major contributors.
Objective. To determine if antenatal steroids decrease the amount of blood pressure support required by extremely premature infants between 23 and 27 weeks' gestation. Design. Retrospective cohort study. Setting. Texas Children's Hospital neonatal intensive care unit from January 1986 to December 1991. Participants. Two hundred forty premature infants between 23 and 27 weeks' gestation who survived at least 48 hours. Main outcome measures. The amount of blood pressure support received in the form of dopamine and colloid. Secondary analysis investigated differences in mortality, respiratory support requirements, the incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, infection, retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgery, and the length of hospitalization. Results. During the first 48 hours of life, premature newborns exposed to antenatal corticosteroids were less likely to receive dopamine for blood pressure support (47% vs 67%), and if they did, the amount of dopamine expressed as a dopamine score was less than that received by those infants not exposed to antenatal corticosteroids (281 ± 240 vs 407 ± 281). Those exposed to antenatal corticosteroids also had a lower mortality rate (8% vs 24%) and lower respiratory support requirements. The incidence of grade 3 or 4 intraventricular hemorrhage was 8% in infants exposed to antenatal corticosteroids and 17% in infants not exposed. No difference was found in the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis, infection, or retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgery, or length of hospitalization. Conclusion. Receipt of antenatal corticosteroids is associated with less need for blood pressure support during the first 48 hours after birth in premature infants between 23 and 27 weeks' gestation.
Objectives:Although antenatal corticosteroids improve outcomes for preterm newborns, negative effects could result if present delivery does not occur. We investigated whether betamethasone treatment of preterm fetal sheep would alter cardiovascular, renal, and lung function after delivery at term.
Objective. —To develop a consensus on the use of antenatal corticosteroids for fetal maturation in preterm infants.Participants. —A nonfederal, nonadvocate, 16-member consensus panel including representatives from neonatology, obstetrics, family medicine, behavioral medicine, psychology, biostatistics, and the public; 19 experts in neonatology, obstetrics, and pharmacology presented data to the consensus panel and a conference audience of approximately 500.Evidence. —An extensive bibliography of references was produced for the consensus panel and the conference audience using a variety of on-line databases including MEDLINE. The consensus panel met several times prior to the conference to review the literature. It also commissioned an updated meta-analysis, a neonatal registry review, and an economic analysis that were presented at the conference. The experts prepared abstracts for distribution at the conference, presented data, and answered questions from the panel and audience. The panel evaluated the strength of the scientific evidence using the grading system developed by the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination and adapted by the US Preventive Services Task Force.Consensus. —The consensus panel, answering predefined consensus questions, developed their conclusions based on the scientific evidence presented in open forum and the scientific literature.Consensus Statement. —The consensus panel composed a draft statement that was read in its entirety at the conference for comment. The panel released a revised statement at the end of the conference and finalized the revisions a few weeks after the conference.Conclusions. —Antenatal corticosteroid therapy is indicated for women at risk of premature delivery with few exceptions and will result in a substantial decrease in neonatal morbidity and mortality, as well as substantial savings in health care costs. The use of antenatal corticosteroids for fetal maturation is a rare example of a technology that yields substantial cost savings in addition to improving health.(JAMA. 1995;273:413-418)
The National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on the Effect of Corticosteroids for Fetal Maturation on Perinatal Outcomes brought together specialists in obstetrics, neonatology, pharmacology, epidemiology, and nursing, basic scientists in physiology and cellular biology, and the public to address the following questions: (1) For what conditions and purposes are antenatal corticosteroids used, and what is the scientific basis for that use? (2) What are the short-term and long-term benefits of antenatal corticosteroid treatment? (3) What are the short-term and long-term adverse effects for the infant and mother? (4) What is the influence of the type of corticosteroid, dosage, timing and circumstances of administration, and associated therapy on treatment outcome? (5) What are the economic consequences of this treatment? (6) What are the recommendations for use of antenatal corticosteroids? and (7) What research is needed to guide clinical cars? After 1 1/2 days of presentations by experts and discussion by the audience, a consensus panel weighed the evidence and prepared its consensus statement. The consensus panel concluded that antenatal corticosteroid therapy for fetal maturation reduces mortality, respiratory distress syndrome, and intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants. These benefits extend to a broad range of generational ages (24 to 34 weeks) and are not limited by gender or race. Although the beneficial effects of corticosteroids are greatest more than 24 hours after beginning treatment, treatment less than 24 hours in duration may also improve outcomes. The benefits of antenatal corticosteroids are additive to those derived from surfactant therapy. In the presence of preterm premature rupture of the membranes, antenatal corticosteroid therapy reduces the frequency of respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and neonatal death, although to a lesser extent than with intact membranes. Whether this therapy increases either neonatal or maternal infection is unclear. However, the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage and death from prematurity is greater than the risk from infection. Data from trials with follow-up of children up to 12 years of age indicate that antenatal corticosteroid therapy does not adversely affect physical growth or psychomotor development. Antenatal corticosteroid therapy is indicated for women at risk of premature delivery with few exceptions and will result in a substantial decrease in neonatal morbidity and mortality, as well as substantial savings in health care costs. The use of antenatal corticosteroids for fetal maturation is a rare example of a technology that yields substantial cost savings in addition to improving health. The full text of the consensus panel's statement follows.
Continuing differences of opinion among obstetricians and neonatologists about the place of corticosteroid administration before preterm delivery have prompted us to carry out a systematic review of the relevant controlled trials, using methods designed to minimize systematic and random error. Data from 12 controlled trials, involving over 3000 participants, show that corticosteroids reduce the occurrence of respiratory distress syndrome overall and in all the subgroups of trial participants that we examined. This reduction in respiratory morbidity was associated with reductions in the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and neonatal death. There is no strong evidence suggesting adverse effects of corticosteroids. The risks of fetal and neonatal infection may be raised if they are administered after prolonged rupture of the membranes, but this possibility is not substantiated by the results of the available trials. The available data on long-term follow-up suggest that the short-term beneficial effects of corticosteroids may be reflected in reduced neurological morbidity in the longer term.
Renal function was measured in seven premature lambs delivered spontaneously after a fetal injection of betamethasone, four near term lambs delivered via cesarean section after a fetal injection of a placebo and in ten spontaneously delivered full term lambs. Glomerular filtration rates were significantly higher in the premature betamethasone treated than in the near term placebo treated and the full term lambs. Fractional sodium excretions were significantly lower in the betamethasone treated preterm than the placebo treated near term lambs. This suggests that glucocorticoid accelerates renal glomerular and possibly tubular maturation. As in the lung, fetal administration of glucocorticoid stimulates functional maturation of the kidney.
Intra-amniotic betamethasone (6 mg.) given to six immature fetal baboons, at four and again at three days prior to delivery by cesarean section, between 147 and 158 days' gestation (term = 180 days), significantly increased the amniotic fluid lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio. At delivery, treated animal lungs were more mature in that they had a significantly increased deflation stability and significantly decreased minimum surface tension in minced lung when compared to five control animals. Changes in maximum air distensibility lagged behind changes in deflation stability. The major molecular species of pulmonary phosphatidylcholine were analyzed by gas liquid chromatography as the diacylglycerol derivatives. The proportions of 14:0/16:0, 16:0/16:0, and 16:0/18:0, were significantly increased over control proportions while unsaturated species tended to decrease in animals exposed to intra-amniotic betamethasone. The immature fetal baboon pulmonary system responded to intra-amniotic betamethasone with a synchronous increase in the L/S ratio, improved pulmonary stability, and a more mature pulmonary lecithin composition, but did not demonstrate a synchronous increase in tissue distensibility.
Four groups of twin sheep fetuses were catheterized at 121 days of gestational age and intravenously infused with saline, 0.75 cortisol for 60 h, five intermittent bolus injections of 5 micrograms/kg thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) at 12-h intervals, or both hormones before delivery at 128 days. At birth, the lambs were randomized to receive surfactant or no treatment. Surfactant treatment improved lung function of all the groups. Corticosteroids alone and in combination with TRH improved compliance and gas exchange as well as pressure-volume curves. Corticosteroids alone dramatically decreased the recovery of intravenously administered radiolabeled albumin in the lung tissue and air space and improved the pulmonary response to surfactant treatment. There were no additional effects of TRH when given with corticosteroids on lung function or albumin leak. There were no changes in alveolar surfactant-saturated phosphatidylcholine pool sizes after any hormone treatment. The single significant effect of combined corticosteroid and TRH treatment was a fivefold increase in surfactant protein A in alveolar lavage fluid relative to all other groups.
Continuing differences of opinion among obstetricians and neonatologists about the place of corticosteroid administration before preterm delivery have prompted us to carry out a systematic review of the relevant controlled trials, using methods designed to minimize systematic and random error. Data from 12 controlled trials, involving over 3000 participants, show that corticosteroids reduce the occurrence of respiratory distress syndrome overall and in all the subgroups of trial participants that we examined. This reduction in respiratory morbidity was associated with reductions in the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and neonatal death. There is no strong evidence suggesting adverse effects of corticosteroids. The risks of fetal and neonatal infection may be raised if they are administered after prolonged rupture of the membranes, but this possibility is not substantiated by the results of the available trials. The available data on long-term follow-up suggest that the short-term beneficial effects of corticosteroids may be reflected in reduced neurological morbidity in the longer term.
Glucocorticoids given acutely or chronically at physiological/pharmacological doses increase GFR in both experimental animals and humans. Glomerular micropuncture studies have shown that in the normal rat kidney, glucocorticoids vasodilate both the preglomerular and efferent resistances and result in an increase in glomerular plasma flow, which is the sole factor responsible for the increase in GFR. However, the mechanism(s) initiating these alterations in the glomerular microcirculation remain obscure. The glucocorticoid-induced increase in GFR does not appear to be due to volume expansion or alteration in tubulo-glomerular feedback activity. Chronic glucocorticoid administration has been shown to increase renal prostaglandin synthesis in some but not all species; however, a link between increased prostaglandin production and glucocorticoid-induced increase in GFR has not been established. A number of studies have examined glucocorticoid-induced alterations in renal vascular reactivity to vasoconstrictor agonists and the data have been conflicting. The suggestion that glucocorticoid-stimulated ANP production evokes the increase in GFR is unlikely to be correct based on substantial differences in the glomerular hemodynamic changes seen with ANP or glucocorticoids. An interesting proposal that appears well worth exploring is that glucocorticoids may increase GFR through their effects on catabolism of proteins to increase production of amino acids. Amino acid infusion markedly elevates GFR and has a similar glomerular hemodynamic profile as that of glucocorticoids. By virtue of their action to increase GFR, glucocorticoids increase the rate of electrolyte and water delivery into the nephron. Therefore, glucocorticoid-induced alterations in electrolyte and water excretion may be secondary to an elevation in GFR, in addition to direct actions of glucocorticoids on the tubule. Also, by determining the hemodynamic state of the kidney, and hence, rate of fluid delivery through the nephron, glucocorticoids may influence the sensitivity of the nephron to regulatory influences. Glucocorticoids have their most profound effect (especially clinically) by modifying the immunological or cellular mechanisms responsible for glomerular injury. Less important is their ability to increase GFR. In view of some evidence that suggests increasing glomerular pressure accelerates the progression of established renal disease, some might speculate that glucocorticoids actually increase glomerular damage under certain conditions.