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Comparison of Echinostoma caproni Mother Sporocyst Development In vivo and In vitro Using Biomphalaria glabrata Snails and a B. glabrata Embryonic Cell Line


Abstract and Figures

Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cells have previously been shown to permit a successful cocultivation of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum from miracidia to mother sporocysts (MS) and then to the production of daughter sporocysts (DS). To investigate further the properties of the Bge culturing system we used Echinostoma caproni under identical in vitro conditions. In vitro-derived miracidia were used either for experimental infections of B. glabrata snails, or for in vitro cultivation with Bge cells. Histological analysis showed that the development of MS in B. glabrata was similar to the previously described development in Biomphalaria pfeifferi in terms of final site of infection, development dynamics, growth dynamics, reproduction intensity, and life spans. Only short delays in migration dynamics were observed in B. glabrata. When cultivated under in vitro conditions, E. caproni MS could live for up to 17 wk in the presence of Bge cells, as compared with 2 wk in cell-free Bge medium. The presence of Bge cells also permitted significant growth of MS and development through complete embryogenesis of the next intramolluscan stage (embryos of 100-110 cells). However, degeneration of MS consistently occurred before production of this second generation. During the entire cultivation period, no visible contact was observed between MS and Bge cells, suggesting that development of MS was only triggered by soluble factors released by Bge cells.
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The Journal of
Comparison of Echinostoma caproni Mother Sporocyst Development In vivo and In vitro Using
Biomphalaria glabrata Snails and a B. glabrata Embryonic Cell Line
Author(s): Gennady L. Ataev, Annie Fournier and Christine Coustau
The Journal of Parasitology,
Vol. 84, No. 2 (Apr., 1998), pp. 227-235
Published by: The American Society of Parasitologists
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Accessed: 04-04-2015 15:58 UTC
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J. Parasitol., 84(2), 1998 p. 227-235
? American Society of Parasitologists 1998
Gennady L. Ataev, Annie Fournier*,
and Christine Coustau*t
Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Saint-Petersburg University, 7/9, Univeritetskaja nab., Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia
ABSTRACT: Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cells have previously been shown to permit a successful cocultivation of
Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum from miracidia to mother sporocysts (MS) and then to the production of
daughter sporocysts (DS). To investigate further the properties of the Bge culturing system we used Echinostoma caproni under
identical in vitro conditions. In vitro-derived miracidia were used either for experimental infections of B. glabrata snails, or for
in vitro cultivation with Bge cells. Histological analysis showed that the development of MS in B. glabrata was similar to the
previously described development in Biomphalaria pfeifferi in terms of final site of infection, development dynamics, growth
dynamics, reproduction intensity, and life spans. Only short delays in migration dynamics were observed in B. glabrata. When
cultivated under in vitro conditions, E. caproni MS could live for up to 17 wk in the presence of Bge cells, as compared with
2 wk in cell-free Bge medium. The presence of Bge cells also permitted significant growth of MS and development through
complete embryogenesis of the next intramolluscan stage (embryos of 100-110 cells). However, degeneration of MS consistently
occurred before production of this second generation. During the entire cultivation period, no visible contact was observed
between MS and Bge cells, suggesting that development of MS was only triggered by soluble factors released by Bge cells.
The life cycle of digeneans is characterized by a complex
intramolluscan phase giving rise to the successive production
of sporocyst or redial generations or both. Although these
stages have been described for a tremendous number of species,
many important questions remain regarding specific events of
the development and the nature of host factors regulating par-
asite development.
Two methodological approaches are available to date for
studying intramolluscan development of digeneans. The first
approach consists of analyzing histological sections of infected
molluscs through time. These in vivo observations have pro-
vided essentially all the information constituting our present
knowledge on digenean development. The second approach in-
volves in vitro cultivation techniques (see review by Smyth,
1990). Although development of parasites under in vitro con-
ditions is usually suboptimal, this approach facilitates obser-
vations on certain events such as the transformation of mira-
cidia (Mi) to mother sporocysts (MS), or the emergence of
daughter sporocysts (DS) or rediae from MS. Furthermore, in
vitro cultivation permits the investigation of the nutritional,
physicochemical, and hormonal factors regulating developmen-
tal changes and determining host suitability. The main difficulty
with this approach is to elaborate in vitro systems suitable for
development, and current efforts are being made to attain this
A successful cultivation of a digenean species from Mi to
MS, and then to DS, was reported for the first time using the
human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni (Yoshino and Laursen,
1995). In this work, MS were cultivated in the presence of a
snail cell line derived from embryos of Biomphalaria glabrata
(Hansen, 1976), a natural host for S. mansoni. Interestingly, this
B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line also permitted compar-
able development of another human schistosome, Schistosoma
Received 12 August 1997; revised 5 November 1997; accepted 5 No-
vember 1997.
* Centre de Biologie et d'Ecologie tropicale et m6diterran6enne, UMR
5555 du CNRS, Universite, 52 Ave de Villeneuve, 66860 Perpignan
cedex, France.
t Corresponding author.
japonicum (Coustau et al., 1997). Despite the taxonomic dis-
tance separating B. glabrata from the natural snail host of S.
japonicum, Oncomelania hupensis (Rollinson and Simpson,
1987; Sobhon and Upatham, 1990), Bge cells were actually
providing soluble factors permitting, for the first time, a suc-
cessful cultivation of S. japonicum leading to the production of
daughter sporocysts.
To investigate further the potential use of Bge cells for co-
cultivating digeneans belonging to different taxa, we used, in
the present study, the digenean Echinostoma caproni, which is
known to develop in several species of the genus Biomphalaria,
including B. glabrata (Huffman and Fried, 1990; Fried and
Huffman, 1996). However, because the development of the first
intramolluscan stages of E. caproni has been previously de-
scribed only in Biomphalaria pfeifferi (Ataev et al., 1997), we
also examined its development in B. glabrata. The character-
ization of E. caproni MS development in B. glabrata and in
the Bge cocultivation system also represented a unique oppor-
tunity to compare the development of a single species in 2 snail
hosts as well as under in vitro conditions.
Egg laying in vitro
The laboratory isolate of E. caproni (previously referred to as Echi-
nostoma liei) used in this study originated from Egypt (Jeyarasingam
et al., 1972) and has been maintained in the laboratory as described
previously (Trouve et al., 1996). The procedure to obtain eggs of E.
caproni in vitro was adapted from Reddy and Fried (1996). Briefly,
mice (Swiss OF1 stock) were dissected after 30-100 days of infection
and adult E. caproni were removed from the small intestine. Adults
were washed 3 times in Locke's solution containing an antibiotic/anti-
mycotic mixture (penicillin 100 units/ml, streptomycin 0.1 mg/ml, am-
photericin 0.025 jig/ml [PSA]; Sigma, St Louis, Missouri). They were
then transferred to wells of a 24-well sterile tissue culture plate con-
taining 1 ml of RPMI-1640 medium (GibcoBRL, Life Technologies,
France) plus the PSA mixture and maintained at 37 C. During the fol-
lowing 48 hr, RPMI-1640 medium was replaced every 12 hr. Eggs re-
leased during the first 48 hr were collected with siliconized pasteur
pipets, placed into 15-ml conical glass tubes, and washed 5 times with
sterile water containing the PSA mixture. After the last wash, the egg
suspension was aliquoted into 24-well sterile tissue culture plates. Plates
were wrapped with aluminum foil and kept in the dark at 26 C. After
3 wk at 26 C, plates were exposed to a light source until miracidia
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84, NO 2, APRIL 1998
50 umn
1. Light micrograph of 3-wk-old eggs of Echinostoma caproni (A, B). 1, Egg containing mature miracidium; 2, opening of the
operculum (arrow); 3, hatching of miracidium; and 4, empty egg after release of miracidium.
hatched from the eggs. Swimming miracidia were collected with a sil-
iconized Pasteur pipet and used either for experimental infection of B.
glabrata snails or for in vitro cocultivation with Bge cells.
Experimental infections
Biomphalaria glabrata snails used in this study came from a labo-
ratory strain previously selected for susceptibility to E. caproni (Lang-
and et al., 1997). Adult B. glabrata measuring 9-11 mm in shell di-
ameter were individually exposed to 10 in vitro-derived miracidia for
6 hr at 26 C. Snails were then transferred to 5-L tanks maintained in
an environmental temperature chamber at 26 C, on a 12L/12D cycle.
For histological analysis of E. caproni development or MS measure-
ments, 3-5 snails were dissected at 6 hr postinfection (PI), every day
from 1 to 21 days PI, and then at 27 days. The same experiment was
repeated 3 times.
In vitro cultivation of mother sporocysts
Newly hatched miracidia were transferred to 24-well culture plates
containing monolayers of Bge cells or cell-free Bge medium (Hansen,
1976) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum
(complete or C-Bge medium). The Bge cell line used in coculture with
E. caproni was originally obtained from the American Type Culture
Collection (ATCC CRL 1494; Rockville, Maryland) and maintained in
50-ml culture flasks at 26 C under atmospheric conditions (Yoshino and
Laursen, 1995). Cells were plated in 24-well tissue culture plates 2 days
prior to addition of parasite larvae. A cell density of 350 + 100/mm2
was used in this study. The original density of the cells was approxi-
mately maintained by careful resuspension and selective elimination of
cells every other week. C-Bge medium in all cultures was replaced once
a week. Viability of sporocysts was assessed by counting exhaustively
living sporocysts once a week in each test well. Dead or dying sporo-
cysts were easily identified due to the loss of tegument integrity and
flame cell movements. Length and maximum width of approximately
30 MS were measured once a week with a calibrated ocular micrometer.
Volumes of E. caproni MS were estimated using the formula for a
parabolic-shaped object (Ataev et al., 1997): V = 2D2 X 7rh/15, where
D = maximal diameter and h = length. Three independent in vitro
cultivation experiments were performed. Photographs of living sporo-
cysts in cocultures were taken with the aid of an inverted microscope
(Leica DMIL) equipped with an automatic Leica (MPS28/32) camera
Statistical analysis of sporocyst viability was performed after angular
(arcsine) transformation of percentage data. The significance of different
larval viability between groups was assessed using a Mann-Whitney
U-test for nonparametric data. Differences were considered significant
at P < 0.05.
Experimentally infected snails were fixed in Bouin's fixative, and
embedded in paraffin according to standard procedures. Sections (5-6
Ipm thick) were stained with Mayer's hematoxylin or Ehrlich's hema-
MS from cocultures were aseptically removed from cultures with
siliconized Pasteur pipets. They were washed in CBSS (Chernin, 1963)
until all Bge cells were removed and fixed in Bouin's fixative. The
technique of Langeron (1949), which is especially appropriate for his-
tological processing of small individuals, was used. Sporocysts were
embedded in 2% gelatin stained with 1% neutral red. The gelatin blocks
containing parasites were then dehydrated and embedded in paraffin.
Paraffin sections of 4-5 pm were stained with Ehrlich's hematoxylin-
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Prior to fixation for SEM, newly hatched miracidia were subjected
to sonication to remove adherent particles. Briefly, Mi were sonicated
for 5 min at 45 kHz using a Bransonic 321EH sonicator. When longer
sonication periods were used (10-15 min), a loss of cilia was observed
at the surface of Mi. Cultured miracidia were cleaned by careful suc-
cessive resuspensions in filter-sterilized CBSS. Mi were fixed in glutar-
aldehyde-osmic acid (4 C, pH 7.4, 425 mOsm) and subjected to further
preparation for SEM according to standard procedures (Fournier et al.,
Development in vivo
Eggs obtained after in vitro egg laying of adult E. caproni
were fully developed after incubating at 26 C for 3 wk. Most
(90-95%) hatched when exposed to a light source (Fig. 1). The
in vitro-derived Mi were infective for B. glabrata snails be-
cause 80% of the exposed snails became infected.
At 6-7 hr PI, transforming Mi could be found under the
epithelium of the head, foot, mantle collar, and mantle cavity
(Fig. 2A), indicating that penetration occurred at different sites
of the snail body, and that the migration of MS had not yet
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15 gm ?. :
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FIGURE 2. Light micrographs of histological sections of developmental stages of E. caproni mother sporocysts (A-D). (A) Longitudinal section
of a mother sporocyst at 6 hr PI, under the head epithelium (arrow); gc, germinal cells; sc, secretory cells; sw, sporocyst wall. (B) Mother
sporocyst in the blood sinus at 1 day PI; es, eye spot. (C) Four-day-old mother sporocyst; dc, dividing cell; ec, embryonic cavity; em, embryonic
membrane; gb, germinal ball; pc, pycnotic cell. (D) Seven-day-old mother sporocyst showing well developed redial embryos; i, intestine; ph,
started. Although the transformation process from Mi to MS
started very shortly after penetration with the loss of epithelial
plates, the internal structures of Mi were unchanged at 6-7 hr
At 1 day PI, MS had not yet reached the final site of infection
(ventricle of the heart and proximal part of aorta). MS were
observed in the area of the rectal and genital ridges, near the
salivary glands, and the blood sinus system. They still pos-
sessed somatic features of Mi such as the neural mass, eyespots,
and apical gland (Fig. 2B).
The majority of MS had reached the final site of infection
and had transformed at 2 days PI. Mi internal structures had
completely degenerated. Division of undifferentiated and so-
matic cells resulted in a noticeable increase in the total number
of cells. In some MS, the cleavage of 1-2 of the primary ger-
minal cells (Ataev et al., 1997) could also be observed.
At 4 days PI, MS contained 5-6 embryos. One to 2 of them
had reached the germinal ball stage, consisting of 60-80 blas-
tomeres surrounded by an embryonic membrane (Fig. 2C).
Cavities surrounding individual embryos began to merge, form-
ing the general embryonic cavity (schizocoel). At this stage,
MS averaged 200 p.m in length and 70 pLm
in width.
MS, at 7 days PI, contained 5-7 large embryos, 2 or 3 of
them with primordia that are characteristic of mother rediae
(MR) organs such as pharynx and intestine (Fig. 2D). The
emergence of MR was observed for the first time after 8 days
of infection.
MS reached maximal sizes after 10 days PI, averaging 900
:^.sSI' ?.
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230 THE
84, NO.
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43 gm
3. Light micrographs
of histological
sections of developmental stages
of E. caproni
(A-C). (A) Ten-day-old
re, redial
sch, schizocoel. (B) Fourteen-day-old
(C) Degenerated
in length and 163 pum
in width (n = 13). The release of
MR resulted in the formation of empty spaces in the schizocoel
12- of MS (Fig. 3A), leading to the subsequent decrease in MS
- ,. _ volume (Fig. 4). Although maturation of new MR embryos was
- 10- in process, the degeneration of MS started and only 1-3 of these
x . - embryos developed before the end of the second week (Fig.
E 3B).
E -_ After 16-18 days PI, the degenerative process completely
E blocked further redial development. MR cells stopped dividing
: 6- T and became pycnotic. A strong decrease in MS size was also
> l
~_[ T observed (Fig. 4).
4 _ l|_ Tr Then, at 21 days PI, MS were degenerate: their cells were
lI more dense, very basophilic, and intercellular spaces had in-
0* )l 1 11 112 1 ed. The majority of MS started disappearing from the final site
0o lrV^I I ....... j IJ
X l
z -of infection by day 30 PI.
Days post-infection
4. Growth dynamics of E. caproni mother sporocysts
Biomphalaria glabrata. Each point represents mean estimated volume
+ SD (5 < n < 22).
In vitro cultivation
After transfer to C-Bge medium, Mi of E. caproni swam
actively for several hours. Mi gradually lost their motility, and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27
. ._
- tes
. ,>^X* -II ' ,t
I I j~~~~.
. A
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did not exert any obvious effect on cell spreading or adhesion
100 ------- Me to the substrate (Fig. 6).
90- Bge C Because Mi cultivated in Bge medium alone rapidly degen-
erated, we did not use them for further analysis, and the fol-
80- \lowing observations on development only refer to parasites cul-
> 70- \ tivated in the presence of Bge cells. The cultivation period
60- \needed for a complete shedding of epithelial plates was variable
.c - among Mi and could extend to the first 2-3 wk of cultivation.
> 50- - However, some changes in Mi morphology could be observed
40 - during the first day in culture. For example, after 1 day in cul-
-\ .ture, the ridge layers between epithelial plates increased as
30~ . _ \compared with newly hatched Mi (Figs. 7A, B, 8A). Few Mi
20- " also started shedding some epithelial plates at this time.
10 ' .
\ After 2 days in culture, many Mi had lost cilia on parts of
\ %\ ^ --*-e their body. However, light microscopy and SEM observations
0 . , v
. v revealed that this did not always correspond to the shedding of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 epithelial plates, but to a loss of cilia from the entire surface of
Weeks in Culture some epithelial plates. Most Mi had epithelial plates with and
5. Viability of E. caproni mother
in without cilia (Fig. 7C). After the loss of cilia, the surface of
cell-free medium (Me) or in the presence of Bge cells (Bge C). Each epithelial plates showed numerous papillae (probably remains
point represents mean % + SD (3 < n < 10). of the basal bodies of cilia) (Fig. 7C). The appearance of epi-
thelial plates without cilia observed in our culture system was
similar to that of Mi subjected to extended periods of sonication
the majority of them were immobile at the bottom of the culture (Fig. 7D).
well by the end of the first day in culture with or without cells. After 3-4 days in culture, the degeneration of Mi soma could
When kept in C-Bge medium only, MS survived for a max- be observed (Fig. 8B); eye spots were breaking up into frag-
imum of 2 wk. As shown in Figure 5, the presence of Bge cells ments, peripheral ganglia detached from the neuropile, and pen-
in the cultures significantly increased MS viability. The longest etration and apical glands began to disappear. Cells involved in
life span recorded for MS in our coculture system was 17 wk. the development of sporocysts (germinal, somatic, and undif-
No particular interactions between Bge cells and E. caproni ferentiated) had not started dividing yet. Following 7 days in
sporocysts were observed during the entire period of coculti- culture, the degeneration of Mi structures was complete except
vation with cells. MS were not encapsulated by Bge cells and for shedding of epithelial plates, which was still in process.
_r . - ., ,.,-:.. -
FIGURE 6. Light micrograph
of E. caproni
after 3 wk of cultivation
in the presence
of Bge cells.
FIGURE 6. Light micrograph of E. caproni mother sporocyst after 3 wk of cultivation in the presence of Bge cells.
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232 THE
84, NO.
FIGURE 7. Scanning electron micrograph of E. caproni (A-D). (A) Newly hatched miracidium. (B) Transforming miracidium after 1 day in
culture. rl, ridge layer between epithelial plates. (C) Transforming miracidium after 2 days in culture presenting epithelial plates with and without
cilia; c, cilia; p, papilla. (D) Newly hatched miracidium after 10 min of sonication. Notice the absence of cilia on epithelial plates.
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15 m dc 16 gm
Is sw
.. .
20 gm
FIGURE 8. Histological sections of E. caproni miracidium and mother sporocysts cocultivated with Bge cells (A-E). (A) Miracidium after 6
hr in coculture; c, cilia; es, eye spot; gc, germinal cells; n, neural mass; sc, secretory cell. (B) Transforming miracidia after 4 days in culture. (C)
Mother sporocyst showing developing embryos after 14 days in coculture; dc, dividing cell; e, embryo; ep, remain of epithelial plates; es, eye
spot fragment. (D) Mother sporocyst after 21 days in culture; Is, laminar structures; sw, sporocyst wall. (E) Mother sporocyst after 50 days in
coculture; ec, embryonic cavity; em, embryonic membrane; gb, germinal ball; pc, picnotic cells.
One to 3 embryos of 5-10 blastomeres could be observed in
14-day-old MS (Fig. 8C). The division of the other primary
germinal cells had not yet started. A few epithelial plates could
still be seen at the surface of some MS (Fig. 8C).
Most MS contained 3-4 embryos of a maximum of 20 blas-
tomeres after 21 days in culture (Fig. 8D). Noticeable growth
began to occur after the third week of cultivation (Fig. 9). In
addition to growth, further development could be observed dur-
ing the following week in culture. Together with embryos, the
embryonic cavities increased in size. However, the numerous
laminar structures remained, preventing the cavities from merg-
ing to form the schizocoel.
After 8-9 wk in culture, most MS contained 4-6 embryos.
One or 2 embryos per sporocyst reached the germinal ball stage
(70-80 blastomeres) (Fig. 8E). Cells of these embryos remained
very similar in size and shape and did not differentiate. The
13 ,gm
13 gim
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84, NO. 2, APRIL
x 1,5-
E 1,0-
0,5 - I
0o,o0 1 l
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Weeks in Culture
9. Growth of E. caproni mother sporo
presence of Bge cells. Each point represents meat
SD (10 < n < 70).
other embryos were less advanced in theiJ
contained a maximum of 15-20 blastomere;
also contained 10-15 secondary germinal
1997). Further development of these secoi
MS reached maximal sizes of 300 p.m in
in width after 10 wk in culture. The most
served at this time showed embryos of 100-
these cells were condensed and pycnotic, st
eration. No further development was obser
culture. Sizes of MS decreased to an aver
length and 90 p.m
in width.
As previously shown by Reddy and Frie
by E. caproni adults in RPMI-1640 mediun
lent source of miracidial material. These M
B. glabrata snails and showed a typical d
and production of rediae. The comparison (
in B. glabrata with the previously described
pfeifferi (Ataev et al., 1997) showed very
tics. In particular, the timing of growth an
final site of infection, the reproduction intel
of MS were nearly identical. Only small di
tion dynamics were observed. For example
of Mi was longer in B. glabrata (6 hr) as
pfeifferi (5 hr). In addition, MS were obser
of infection at 2 days PI in B. glabrata, ins
B. pfeifferi. This longer period of migration
brata is probably linked to the larger size (
compared with B. pfeifferi.
When cultivated in the presence of Bge
roni transformed into MS and continued
through complete embryogenesis of the first
striking differences observed between in vi
velopment pertained to the transformation
caproni, as well as Mi of other species ol
are known to shed their epithelial plates when penetrating
through host tegument (see review by Semenov, 1991). It is
known that under in vitro conditions, several abiotic factors
(chemicals, ionic, or osmotic shocks) can also trigger shedding
of epithelial plates (Targett and Robinson, 1964; Wilson et al.,
1971; Basch and DiConza, 1974). In our coculture system, Mi
retained their epithelial plates for 2-3 wk. However, after 2 days
in culture, the majority of Mi lost cilia on parts of their surface.
| Sonication-induced breakage of cilia also occurs at the level of
the basal plate, suggesting that it is a weak point. Although
ciliary loss can obviously be induced by a variety of chemical
and physical factors, it is likely that in our system the loss of
cilia is related to the degeneration of epithelial plates. This is
supported by the fact that the presence or absence of cilia only
varies from 1 plate to another.
Although shedding of epithelial plates was delayed, another
7 8 9 1 0 characteristic of transformation, the degeneration of Mi soma,
could be observed after 3-4 days in culture. When Mi pene-
cysts cultivated
in the trates a snail host, degeneration of Mi soma occurs after shed-
n estimated volume + ding of epithelial plates and the formation of MS primary body
wall. Under in vitro conditions, the complete degeneration of
Mi soma and the beginning of embryogenesis actually occurred
before the complete shedding of epithelial plates. These results
s. At this time, MS suggest that the degeneration of Mi soma and embryogenesis
cells (Ata
ths te, can be triggered independently of the shedding of epithelial
cells (Ataev et al., pt
aidary GC was not The first steps in the development of germinal material were
similar under in vivo and in vitro conditions. In both cases, 1-
length and 100 obm 2 germinal cells (GC) distinguished by their larger sizes in the
develolped MS ob- Mi started dividing and formed the first embryos. Only then
110 cells.t Howeve, did the other 4-5 primary GC develop into embryos. The de-
gved after 10 wk in velopment of embryos was considerably slower under in vitro
aved ofte 00 m in conditions. The absence of development of the secondary ger-
rage of 200 Fm in minal balls even in the most developed 10-wk-old MS supports
the assumption that secondary MS start developing only after
the first redial embryos have reached maturity (Ataev et al.,
d (1996), eggs laid It is clear from this cultivation experiment that the presence
n provide an excel- of Bge cells in the cultures was essential for Mi survival and
[i were infective for MS development because Mi maintained in cell-free medium
levelopment of MS could not survive more than 2 wk in culture. However, in con-
of MS development trast to what was shown for S. mansoni (Yoshino and Laursen,
I development in B. 1995) and S. japonicum (Coustau et al., 1997), Bge cells did
similar characteris- not permit development of E. caproni MS leading to the pro-
d development, the duction of the next intramolluscan generation. Some redial em-
nsity, and life spans bryos reached the stage of 100-110 cells, but their development
ifferences in migra- stopped at this stage and was followed by a slow degeneration
, the resting period of MS. The differential success in cocultivating E. caproni, S.
compared with B. mansoni, and S. japonicum with Bge cells is probably because
ved in the final site E. caproni has different physicochemical requirements as com-
stead of 1 day PI in pared with the 2 schistosome species. One important difference
observed in B. gla- in the development of these species lies in their final sites of
of this snail host as infection. The MS of both schistosomes develop in various snail
tissues, whereas E. caproni MS strictly develop in the central
cells, Mi of E. cap- blood system. It has been shown that E. caproni MS acciden-
their development tally settling in tissues such as the buccal mass or muscle un-
embryos. The most dergo abnormal development potentially leading to death
ivo and in vitro de- (Ataev et al., 1997). This suggests that factors specifically pres-
process. Mi of E. ent in the hemolymph of the central blood system are strictly
f Echinostomatidae, required for E. caproni development. It is known, for example,
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that the oxygen pressure is very low in tissues as compared
with the hemolymph (Ginetsinskaya, 1968). In addition to dif-
ferences in physicochemical requirements, it is also possible
that the very slow shedding of epithelial plates observed for E.
caproni has a negative effect on development. Although the
epithelial plates retained at the surface of MS during the first
week in culture were no longer functional, they may prevent a
proper uptake of nutrients through the sporocyst tegument, thus
significantly decreasing the rate of growth and development.
Previous studies have shown differential interactions between
Bge cells and schistosome MS. Whereas Bge cells were shown
to adhere rapidly to and encapsulate S. mansoni MS (Yoshino
and Laursen, 1995), they did not exhibit such a surface-aggre-
gating response with S. japonicum MS (Coustau et al., 1997).
However, because of the high motility of S. japonicum MS in
culture, it was not possible to determine whether the lack of
encapsulation was the result of this mechanical factor or of
nonrecognition of S. japonicum MS. In the present study, the
limited motility of E. caproni MS (similar to S. mansoni mo-
tility) was not likely to prevent a Bge encapsulation reaction.
However, echinostomes have been reported to interfere with B.
glabrata hemocyte functions (Adema and Loker, 1997), and it
is possible that E. caproni excretory-secretory products inhibit
the Bge cell encapsulation reaction. Future studies will inves-
tigate whether this lack of encapsulation of E. caproni MS is
due to a nonrecognition or to a parasite-mediated interference
with Bge cell function. This lack of encapsulation reaction sug-
gests that development of E. caproni MS was triggered by sol-
uble factors. The nature of the Bge cell factor(s) that trigger
development of S. mansoni, S. japonicum, and E. caproni MS
remains to be characterized. In particular, it is unknown whether
all of these parasite species benefit from identical Bge factors
for their development. This Bge cocultivation system can now
be used for analyzing nutritional, physiological, and hormonal
factors involved in the development of 3 digenean species, as
well as for investigating mechanisms underlying the differential
adhesion of these B. glabrata cells to schistosomes/echinosto-
mes MS.
We thank T. Yoshino (School of Veterinary Medicine, Mad-
ison, Wisconsin) Sandrine Trouvd, and Juliette Langand
(CBETM, Univ. Perpignan, France) for supplying Bge cells,
infected mice, and susceptible B. glabrata snails, respectively.
We are grateful to E. S. Loker for critical reading of the manu-
script. This work was supported by the French CNRS.
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... E. caproni is one of the most widely studied trematodes (see Fried and Graczyk 2000;Fried and Toledo 2009). Various aspects of MS development in this species have been investigated such as the infection of the mollusc, the migration of sporocysts and the dynamics of their growth and reproduction as well as factors regulating these processes (Idris and Fried 1996;Ataev et al. 1997Ataev et al. , 1998Ataev and Coustau 1999). ...
... In our earlier studies, we hypothesised that the germinal mass of sporocysts of E. caproni contained UC capable of proliferation (Ataev et al. 1997(Ataev et al. , 1998(Ataev et al. , 2006. This hypothesis was based on the observation that GC do not divide, they only cleave to form embryos. ...
... One or two of these large GC are likely to start cleavage earlier than the others. Interestingly, the same phenomenon was observed during the development of MS of E. caproni in vitro (Ataev et al. 1998). Some UC differentiate into new (secondary) GC. ...
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The localisation and the composition of germinal material in miracidia and mother sporocysts of Echinostoma caproni were studied with the use of histological and electron microscopic methods. Germinal material in miracidia was localised in the posterior body half and was represented by 3–4 undifferentiated cells and 5–7 germinal cells. Taken together, these cells are referred to as the primordium of the germinal mass. In the mother sporocyst, germinal elements also form and develop in the germinal mass, which is located caudally. It comprises undifferentiated cells and germinal cells as well as embryos of various ages (up to the stage of 30–50 blastomeres). Germinal cells divide only by cleavage. New germinal cells are formed only from undifferentiated cells, which can proliferate in the germinal mass and nowhere else. This indicates that the germinal mass is the reproductive organ of E. caproni mother sporocyst.
... After cooling on ice for 10 min, slow-moving miracidia were centrifuged at 10,000 x g and then cultured with various media. For the basal culture medium preparations, sterile water (SW), RPMI, DMEM, or BgeM (Ataev et al., 1998) containing 10% heat-inactivated FBS, 10,000 IU/mL penicillin, and 10,000 μg/mL streptomycin was used with extracts from HF, Ct, Hr, or HPOT. The extracts were added at a dilution rate of 10% w/v (10 μg/mL), unless the concentration is otherwise described. ...
Schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent waterborne parasitic diseases affecting humans. In natural conditions, snails are necessary for maintenance of its lifecycle and also required as intermediate hosts to maintain the lifecycle in laboratory settings. In the present study, the location of S. mansoni larvae in Biomphalaria glabrata snails after infection (inoculation of miracidia) was investigated. Larvae were found located in the head-foot (HF) area of B. glabrata snails at 10 days post-infection (DPI), then their location was predominantly changed to the hepatopancreas and ovotestis (HPOT) area by 56 DPI. Next, the effects of extracts from various organs of B. glabrata snails including HF and HPOT for in vitro culturing of S. mansoni larvae were investigated. The HF extract enabled prolonged culturing of S. mansoni larvae. Furthermore, sequential use of that followed by the HPOT extract supported larval development or reproduction of daughter sporocysts. These results may provide important information for identifying essential factors and molecules for culturing Schistosoma larvae in vitro.
... The distribution within the host and the developmental stage of the trematode larvae were the most important considerations in classifying each category since those two factors were closely related to the infection intensity. According to several studies that addressed intramolluscan development of digenetic trematodes, numerous sporocysts containing cercariae are developed from a single miracidium that penetrates a host (Wilson et al., 1971;Ataev et al., 1998;Skaĺa et al., 2014). Thus, the suggested semiquantitative score could be simply applicable in routine analysis of the Manila clam histology, as demonstrated in this study. ...
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Gonad intrusion of the larval trematodes often results in substantial damage to the reproductive capacity of some economically important marine bivalves. Such detrimental impacts of the larval trematode infection are observed in Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in the coastal Yellow Sea, although the effects on the host’s reproduction are poorly understood. Accordingly, this study attempts to understand the impacts of parasitism on clam reproduction using histology. Of the 1,255 adult clams collected in early June from a tidal flat on the west coast of Korea, 68 individuals (5.4%) were infected by three different larval trematodes, including Cercaria tapidis, Cercaria pectinata, and Parvatrema duboisi. Histology revealed that the uninfected clams were in the late developing or ripe stage, exhibiting fully developed gametes in the expended follicles. In contrast, clams infected by the larval trematode showed retarded gonad maturation. Some of those clams remained sexually indifferent (13/68 infected clams) or early developing (9/68 infected clams). We categorized the infection level into uninfected (0), light (1), moderate (2), heavy (3), and very heavy (4), according to the area of sporocysts occupying the histology section. The image analysis indicated that approximately 50% of the infected clams were in “heavy” and “very heavy” conditions, and they occupied 16.7% and 26.9% of the total cross-section area, respectively. The nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis’s test and the post-hoc Tukey’s test indicated that the condition index (CI) of clams in heavy and very heavy infection were significantly lower than uninfected clams. In conclusion, the larval trematodes infected about 5.4% of the clam population in the tidal flat on the west coast of Korea, and we estimated that 32.4% of the infected clams might fail to reproduce during a spawning period due to the severe infection.
... The availability of an immortal cell line from B. glabrata, established by Hansen (1976), has always been considered a useful tool to investigate the molecular and genomic aspects of snail biology (Coustau and Yoshino, 2000;Yoshino et al., 2013b). The Bge cell line was instrumental for the development of an in vitro culture system for schistosome and echinostome larval stages (DiConza and Basch and DiConza, 1974;Yoshino and Laursen, 1995;Yoshino and Laursen, 1995;Coustau et al., 1997;Ataev et al., 1998;Bixler et al., 2001), and for the study of cell-to-cell interactions between snails and parasites Vermeire and Yoshino, 2007;Humphries and Yoshino, 2006;Castillo et al., 2007;Geyer et al., 2017;Wright et al., 2017). The Bge cell line originated from a trypsinized 4-5-day-old embryo of an albino strain B. glabrata that was susceptible to S. mansoni infection (Hansen, 1976). ...
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The freshwater snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, is an important intermediate host in the life cycle for the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni, the causative agent of schistosomiasis. Current treatment and prevention strategies have not led to a significant decrease in disease transmission. However, the genome of B. glabrata was recently sequenced to provide additional resources to further our understanding of snail biology. This review presents an overview of recently published, post-genome studies related to the topic of snail immunity. Many of these reports expand on findings originated from the genome characterization. These novel studies include a complementary gene linkage map, analysis of the genome of the B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line, as well as transcriptomic and proteomic studies looking at snail-parasite interactions and innate immune memory responses towards schistosomes. Also included are biochemical investigations on snail pheromones, neuropeptides, and attractants, as well as studies investigating the frontiers of molluscan epigenetics and cell signaling were also included. Findings support the current hypotheses on snail-parasite strain compatibility, and that snail host resistance to schistosome infection is dependent not only on genetics and expression, but on the ability to form multimeric molecular complexes in a timely and tissue-specific manner. The relevance of cell immunity is reinforced, while the importance of humoral factors, especially for secondary infections, is supported. Overall, these studies reflect an improved understanding on the diversity, specificity, and complexity of molluscan immune systems.
... and Schistosoma spp. Bge cells in culture have the ability to support the development of the intramolluscan stages of these trematodes, enabling the design of experiments and development of techniques that were not previously possible when utilizing snails as laboratory hosts [16][17][18]. Additionally, Bge cells exhibit a hemocyte-like morphology and behavior, which includes the encapsulation of schistosome sporocysts [19,20], a critical step in the natural response of resistant snails to infection [21]. ...
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Background The aquatic pulmonate snail Biomphalaria glabrata is a significant vector and laboratory host for the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma mansoni, an etiological agent for the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis. Much is known regarding the host-parasite interactions of these two organisms, and the B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line has been an invaluable resource in these studies. The B. glabrata BB02 genome sequence was recently released, but nothing is known of the sequence variation between this reference and the Bge cell genome, which has likely accumulated substantial genetic variation in the ~50 years since its isolation. ResultsHere, we report the genome sequence of our laboratory subculture of the Bge cell line (designated Bge3), which we mapped to the B. glabrata BB02 reference genome. Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) were predicted and focus was given to those SNVs that are most likely to affect the structure or expression of protein-coding genes. Furthermore, we have highlighted and validated high-impact SNVs in genes that have often been studied using Bge cells as an in vitro model, and other genes that may have contributed to the immortalization of this cell line. We also resolved representative karyotypes for the Bge3 subculture, which revealed a mixed population exhibiting substantial aneuploidy, in line with previous reports from other Bge subcultures. Conclusions The Bge3 genome differs from the B. glabrata BB02 reference genome in both sequence and structure, and these are likely to have significant biological effects. The availability of the Bge3 genome sequence, and an awareness of genomic differences with B. glabrata, will inform the design of experiments to understand gene function in this unique in vitro snail cell model. Additionally, this resource will aid in the development of new technologies and molecular approaches that promise to reveal more about this schistosomiasis-transmitting snail vector.
To analyze the response of the snail Physella acuta to Echinostoma paraensei, a compatible digenetic trematode, Illumina RNA-seq data were collected from snails with early infection (5 snails at 2 days post-exposure [DPE]) and established infection (4 snails, 8 DPE), and 7 control (unexposed) snails. A reference transcriptome (325,563 transcripts, including 98% of eukaryotic universal single-copy orthologs; BUSCO) and a draft P. acuta genome (employing available genomic Illumina reads; 799,945 scaffolds, includes 88% BUSCO genes) were assembled to guide RNA-seq analyses. Parasite exposure of P. acuta led to 10,195 differentially expressed (DE) genes at 2 DPE and 8,876 DE genes at 8 DPE with only 18% of up-regulated and 22% of down-regulated sequences shared between these time points. Gene ontology (GO) analysis yielded functional annotation of only 1.2% of DE genes but did not indicate major changes in biological activities of P. acuta between 2 and 8 DPE. Increased insights were achieved by analysis of expression profiles of 460 immune-relevant DE transcripts, identified by BLAST and InterProScan. Physella acuta has expanded gene families that encode immune-relevant domains, including CD109/TEP, GTPase IMAP, Limulus agglutination factor (dermatopontin), FReD (≥82 sequences with fibrinogen-related domains), and transcripts that combine C-type lectin (C-LECT) and C1q domains, novel among metazoa. Notably, P. acuta expressed sequences from these immune gene families at all time points, but the assemblages of unique transcripts from particular immune gene families differed between 2 and 8 DPE. The shift in profiles of DE immune genes, from early exposure to parasite establishment, suggests that compatible P. acuta initially respond to infection but switch to express immune genes that likely are less effective against E. paraensei but counter other types of (opportunistic) pathogens and parasites. We propose that the latter expression profile is part of an extended phenotype of E. paraensei, imposed upon P. acuta through parasite manipulation of the host, following successful parasite establishment in the snail after 2 DPE.
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The focus of my Candidate of Science dissertation was cellular immune response of Biomphalaria snails to infection by Echinostoma trematodes. Biomphalaria snails are freshwater pulmonate snails, native to Caribbean and South America. In my research, I used two species, B. glabrata and B. pfeifferi. Biomphalaria glabrata has been a primary model species for investigating snail defense mechanisms because it is an intermediate host for the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, a dangerous parasite that infects millions of people worldwide and causes the disease that is called schistosomiasis. For my research, I used other, less dangerous, but still wide-spread trematodes – Echinostoma caproni and E. paraensei, which are intestinal parasites of mammals and birds and which also undergo their larvae development in Biomphalaria snails. In previous studies on B. glabrata, two strains of this species have been identified: a strain which exhibits resistance to infection by E. caproni (my primary study species) and a strain which is susceptible to infection by this trematode. In my research, I was interested in exploring the role of hemocytes in snail defense mechanisms and how a hemocytic response might differ between resistant and susceptible snails.
This chapter includes ultrastructural features of eggs and the other stages including miracidia, cercariae, sporocysts, rediae, metacercariae and adults of echinostomes. Most of the ultrastructural studies reported to date are on the genera Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809 and Echinoparyphium Dietz, 1909, but include some other genera such as Echinochasmus Dietz, 1909, Isthmiophora Luhe, 1909 and Himasthla Dietz, 1909. The ultrastructure of echinostomes from naturally or experimentally infected mammalian or avian hosts can be seen in fixed specimens prepared for scanning (SEM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In some reports, cytochemical, immunocytochemical or freeze fracture methods were used to localize enzymes, antigens or other materials in worm tissues or cells.
Over the last three to four decades, echinostomes have proven to be excellent model organisms to study the immunobiological interactions between snails and digenean parasites. In this chapter the use of the term “echinostome” will refer to the 37 collar spine species within the genus Echinostoma that have received attention, rather than to all members of the digenean order Echinostomatiformes, the superfamily Echinostomatoidea or the family Echinostomatidae. This chapter will mostly focus on two echinostome species, Echinostoma paraensei and Echinostoma caproni, that have been studied with respect to their interactions with the intermediate host, the planorbid snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Other echinostome species are mentioned when they are relevant to the discussion. Although some of the nomenclature for these species may be disputed, they will be designated by the names used in the original research papers.
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Methods of in vitro cultivation were used to examine the feeding and reproductive behaviors of daughter rediae of Echinostoma caproni. It was noted that under conditions of in vitro cultivation, rediae fed on tissues of the mollusc Biomphalaria glabrata, on rediae and cercariae of E. daikenaensis and E. congoensis, and on sporocysts and cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. No cases of cannibalism of daughter rediae E. caproni by their offspring rediae were observed, although they could feed on their own cercariae. When kept in mediae containing (B. glabrata embryonic) Bge cells, rediae E. caproni gradually turned to feeding on these cells and stayed away other objects. Under conditions of in vitro cultivation, daughter rediae E. caproni were capable of forming redial and cercarial embryos. However, no cases of return from producing of cercariae to producing of rediae were observed. These in vitro data confirm the results of previous studies of this species's parthenithae performed in vivo (ATaeB and dp., 2007).
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Experimental infections of the mollusc Biomphalaria pfeifferi by Echinostoma caproni miracidia (Mi) were carried out in order to analyze the migration and development of mother sporocysts (MS) at 26 C. Miracidia penetrated different parts of the host's body, such as the mantle collar, the foot and head covering (including velum and tentacles), the mantle cavity, and the oral cavity. The ventricle and common aorta were the final sites of infection for the mother sporocysts after migration. The path of migration of the sporocyst was influenced by the point of MS penetration, but in all cases the MS reached the ventricle through the venous system. Developmental studies showed that newly hatched Mi contained 5-7 germinal cells (the primary germinal cells) and some undifferentiated cells. During sporocyst development, every primary germinal cell apparently gave rise to a redial embryo, whereas undifferentiated cells gave rise to both somatic and secondary generative cells. The eventual degeneration of the sporocyst seemed to cause the end of the development of this germinal material. The MS produced about 15 mother rediae (MR). Intramolluscan development of E. caproni MS consisted of 5 main periods: (1) resting, (2) migration, (3) growth, (4) reproduction, and (5) degeneration. A lower temperature of 21 C affected the duration of each stage. However, the path of sporocyst migration, the pattern of their growth, and the developmental steps of the germinal material were similar.
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In vitro cultivation of Schistosoma japonicum miracidia to the mother sporocyst (MS) and then to the daughter sporocyst (DS) stage was achieved using the Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line as a coculture system. When comparing the effect of Bge cell and MS density on MS development, it was apparent that Bge cell density had a highly significant effect on both MS viability and growth. Viability and growth rate of MS cultured under high cell density conditions (350 cells/mm2) were almost 2 times greater than those of MS cultured under conditions of low cell density (60 cells/mm2). Growth under high cell density conditions corresponded to a 20 to 30 times increase in MS estimated volume within the first 9 weeks of cultivation. Emergence of fully formed motile DS was first observed after 11 weeks of cocultivation. A few DS lived for 14 weeks after emergence and attained a size of 770 +/- 100 microns in length and 48 +/- 13 microns in width. In contrast to what was observed in Bge cell/Schistosoma mansoni cocultures, Bge cells did not encapsulate S. japonicum MS. Our results show that, although the cellular interactions between Bge cells and schistosomes MS display some level of specificity, Bge cells apparently secrete soluble factors that permit excellent survival and can trigger advanced in vitro development of S. japonicum.
A comparative study of the evolution in time of the tegumental morphology of male adult Schistosoma haematobium from Niger, S. intercalatum from Cameroon and Zaire, and S. bovis from Spain and Sudan was carried out with scanning electron microscopy. Interindividual, interstrain, and interspecies variations are pointed out. The value of the morphological criterion (tegument with or without spines) is discussed. The tegumental morphology can be used for the identification of schistosome species showing strong phyletic affinities under precise experimental conditions. In the present work, this criterion permits the characterization of strains of S. bovis from Sudan and Spain.
Miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni, hatched aseptically, readily shed their ciliated epidermal cells in a culture medium. Electron microscopy shows that within 200 min in culture a new sporocyst tegument has formed, presumably from material mobilized from the subepidermal region. Granules resembling the alpha and beta particles of glycogen are involved in this process, passing up into the new tegument where they appear to disintegrate. The surface at this time bears simple microvilli, which become adundant and branched by 20 hr incubation. Mother sporocysts cultured for 6, 8 or 10 days were injected into Biomphalaria glabrata snails in which some at each age continued development leading to production of cercariae.
The penetration barrier presented to the miracidium by the snail epithelium can be divided into three layers. The chemical composition and physical configuration of the outermost of these plays an important part in the initial attachment response of the miracidium. Attachment can be stimulated in the absence of the snail by pure chemicals in solution. However, the surface to which the miracidium attaches must have the correct physical configuration otherwise the miracidium is unable to form a stable attachment. In vivo , the miracidial body begins to contract and relax following attachment to the snail. This coincides with the start of secretion by the apical gland and accessory gland cells. The snail's columnar epithelium is rapidly cytolysed so that 10 min after attachment the anterior of the miracidium has reached the underlying connective tissues. As the miracidium penetrates the snail, its ciliated epithelial cells are shed in sequence from anterior to posterior. This shedding removes a protective barrier against osmosis which is probably the acid mucopolysaccharide present in the epithelial cells. The mechanism of shedding is not understood but involves the reversal of binding by the desmosomal mucosubstance which attaches the epithelial cells to surrounding intercellular ridges. The miracidium metamorphoses into the sporocyst as it penetrates the snail, by forming a new body surface. The material for this is extruded from the vesiculated cells which lie beneath the musculature of the body wall. The process of surface formation coincides with cell shedding and moves backwards as cells are shed. At not more than 2·5 h after attachment the extruded cytoplasm forms a thin continuous layer over the surface of the organism. Contacts with underlying cells appear to have been broken and the cytoplasm is underlain by a thin fibrous basal lamella. In the first 24 h after penetration the surface of this syncytium becomes thrown into folds and metamorphosis into the sporocyst can be considered complete.
In vitro production of Schistosoma mansoni daughter sporocysts (DS) from miracidium-derived mother sporocysts (MS) was achieved by synxenic larval cultivation with cells of the Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line. The in vitro growth and viability of MS cocultured with Bge cells or in Bge cell-conditioned medium were significantly extended beyond that of larvae cultured in fresh medium alone. However, complete DS development and emergence from MS were achieved only in the presence of Bge cells. Introduction of either miracidia or previously transformed MS onto Bge cell monolayers resulted in an initial attachment of cultured cells to sporocysts, followed by a gradual encapsulation of larvae by multiple layers of Bge cells. Sporocysts and their encapsulating cells eventually formed large cellular aggregates, within which MS increased 4-fold in size during the first 20 days of cultivation. The timing of in vitro DS development was somewhat variable; however, in general, early embryo formation, i.e., germ cell aggregates with surrounding primitive epithelium, was first detected at 15-20 days of culture, whereas motile, intra-MS daughter stages were seen at 25-30 days and thereafter. Mature, first generation DS, measuring 136 +/- 46 microns long by 22 +/- 6 microns wide, emerged from MS starting at approximately 30-45 days of initial cultivation. Although the basic morphology and size of emergent, in vitro-derived DS were comparable to those propagated in vivo, there was a large reduction in the in vitro reproductive capacity of the MS and a delay in DS culture development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Egg laying in vitro was studied in Echinostoma caproni adults placed in 10 ml of nutritive or nonnutritive media for 48 h in petri-dish cultures maintained at 37 degrees C in an atmosphere containing 7.6% CO2. Maximal egg laying occurred within 24 h in the defined medium RPMI 1640. Egg laying was significantly greater in this medium than in McCoy's or Locke's solution. Eggs released into the RPMI medium were capable of producing miracidia that were infective to Biomphalaria glabrata snails. Fried and Huffman (1996) referred to a technique used to obtain eggs of Echinostoma caproni in the defined medium RPMI 1640, but details of the study were not given. No information is available on egg laying of echinostomes in vitro. Such information could contribute to a better understanding of egg release in digeneans and would also be helpful in the acquisition of eggs for biology and chemistry studies. Current techniques used to obtain echinostome eggs involve worm homogenization, teasing of eggs from the worms' uteri, or recovery of eggs from feces (see Idris and Fried 1996 for details). The purpose of this communication is to report on an efficient procedure for the acquisition of eggs of E. caproni after the placement of adult worms in the defined medium RPMI 1640. E. caproni adults were grown in ICR mice for either 17 (young worms) or 112 days (old worms) as described previously (Ursone and Fried 1995a). Worms were removed from the small intestines and rinsed rapidly in three changes of sterile Locke's solution containing penicillin (200 IU/ml) and streptomycin (200 micrograms/ml; Fried and Contos 1973). Worms were placed in culture media within 30 min of their removal from hosts. Nutritive media consisted of RPMI 1640 and McCoy's medium (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.). Non-nutritive media consisted of Locke's or Locke's 1:1 (Ursone and Fried 1995b). All media contained antibiotics as described above.
Hemolymph analyses, technical procedures, and culture solutions are described which made possible the study of whole, trypsin-treated hearts of Australorbis glabratus explanted in plastic culture flasks. Cells of two types, amebocytic and "epithelial," emerged from explants and persisted in apparently good condition for varying lengths of time. Cell division was not observed. The explanted hearts underwent certain gross and histologic alterations, but the organs retained their essential integrity in vitro, and heartbeat was observed for at least 47 days after explantation.