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Flaxseed and Its Lignan Precursor, Secoisolariciresinol Diglycoside, Affect Pregnancy Outcome and Reproductive Development in Rats


Abstract and Figures

Flaxseed is the richest source of the mammalian lignan precursor secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG). Because lignans have estrogen agonist or antagonist properties, the objective of this study was to determine whether feeding flaxseed to rats during a hormone-sensitive period has reproductive effects. Rat dams were fed a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed or SDG at the level in 5% flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation. At weaning, the offspring were fed the basal diet. Flaxseed had no effect on pregnancy outcome except that the 10% flaxseed diet lowered birth weight (P < 0.05), compared with other treatments, and produced hormonal effects. The female offspring had shortened anogenital distance, greater uterine and ovarian relative weights, earlier age and lighter body weight at puberty, lengthened estrous cycle and persistent estrus (P < 0.05), whereas the males had reduced postnatal weight gain and, at postnatal d 132, greater sex gland and prostate relative weights (P < 0.05), suggesting estrogenic effects. In contrast, compared with the basal diet, 5% flaxseed reduced immature ovarian relative weight by 29% (P < 0.05), delayed puberty by approximately 5 d (P < 0.05) and tended to lengthen diestrus, indicating an antiestrogenic effect. The SDG produced results similar to those of 5% flaxseed, suggesting that lignans were responsible for the observed effects. Lignans were transferred to the offspring via rat dam's milk as indicated by the recovery of radioactivity in the offspring of lactating dams given 3H-SDG. Because flaxseed affects the reproductive development of offspring, caution is suggested when consuming flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation.
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Biochemical and Molecular Roles of Nutrients
Flaxseed and Its Lignan Precursor, Secoisolariciresinol Diglycoside, Affect
Pregnancy Outcome and Reproductive Development in Rats
Janet C. L. Tou, Jianmin Chen and Lilian U. Thompson
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3E2
ABSTRACT Flaxseed is the richest source of the mammalian lignan precursor secoisolariciresinol diglycoside
(SDG). Because lignans have estrogen agonist or antagonist properties, the objective of this study was to
determine whether feeding flaxseed to rats during a hormone-sensitive period has reproductive effects. Rat dams
were fed a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed or SDG at the level in 5%
flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation. At weaning, the offspring were fed the basal diet. Flaxseed had no effect
on pregnancy outcome except that the 10% flaxseed diet lowered birth weight (P , 0.05), compared with other
treatments, and produced hormonal effects. The female offspring had shortened anogenital distance, greater
uterine and ovarian relative weights, earlier age and lighter body weight at puberty, lengthened estrous cycle and
persistent estrus (P , 0.05), whereas the males had reduced postnatal weight gain and, at postnatal d 132, greater
sex gland and prostate relative weights (P , 0.05), suggesting estrogenic effects. In contrast, compared with the
basal diet, 5% flaxseed reduced immature ovarian relative weight by 29% (P , 0.05), delayed puberty by ;5d(P
, 0.05) and tended to lengthen diestrus, indicating an antiestrogenic effect. The SDG produced results similar to
those of 5% flaxseed, suggesting that lignans were responsible for the observed effects. Lignans were transferred
to the offspring via rat dam’s milk as indicated by the recovery of radioactivity in the offspring of lactating dams
H-SDG. Because flaxseed affects the reproductive development of offspring, caution is suggested when
consuming flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation. J. Nutr. 128: 1861–1868, 1998.
secoisolariciresinol diglycoside
Phytoestrogens such as lignans and isoflavones, which act as
either estrogen agonists or antagonists (Bandbury and White
1954, Farnsworth et al. 1975), have generated interest because
of their potential use in hormone replacement therapy and
cancer prevention. Mammalian lignans are produced by the
action of gut microflora on precursors such as the plant lignan
secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG).
Flaxseed, the richest
known source of SDG (Thompson et al. 1991 and 1997), has
been observed to decrease the mammary tumor incidence,
number and size in carcinogen-treated rats (Serraino and
Thompson 1992, Thompson et al. 1996a and 1996b). This was
attributed in part to the antiestrogenic properties of mamma-
lian lignans produced from SDG in flaxseed (Orcheson et al.
1998). However, along with health benefits, flaxseed and its
lignans may also have adverse effects because phytoestrogens
have been reported to produce infertility and hyperestrogeni-
zation in a number of species (Price and Fenwick 1985, Rick-
ard and Thompson 1997).
Dietary substances capable of altering hormone levels are of
concern during pregnancy, a hormone-sensitive period for
both the mother and offspring. During pregnancy, high estro-
gen levels are needed by the mother to establish and maintain
pregnancy by stimulating uterine changes to allow implanta-
tion, enhancing uterine growth to accommodate a growing
fetus and by acting as a trigger for parturition (Pasqualini et al.
1985). On the other hand, administration of estrogens to
pregnant animals has been found to cause detrimental effects
on pregnancy. These include decreased pregnancy weight gain
and food intake, which result in increased resorption or abor-
tion, prolonged gestation length and labor, leading to in-
creased stillbirth incidence, decreased litter size and decreased
birth weight, with the end result of decreased pup survival
(Zimmerman et al. 1991).
Pregnancy is also a hormone-sensitive period for the repro-
ductive development of the fetus. Sexual differentiation of the
genitalia and central nervous system (CNS) into either male
or female develops under the influence of hormones. In rats,
critical sexual differentiation occurs from gestation d 18 and
continues to postnatal day (PND) 10 (Manson and Kang
1989). Normally, the high maternal estrogen levels during
pregnancy are prevented from exerting hormone toxicity on
the fetus by both sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and
-fetoprotein (AFP) in humans and by AFP in rats. By bind-
Presented in part at Experimental Biology 97, April 6–9, 1997, New
Orleans, LA [Tou, J.C.L. & Thompson, L.U. (1997) The effect of flaxseed on
reproductive development and function. FASEB J. 11: A420 (abs.)].
Support was provided by the Flax Council of Canada and the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment
of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’
in accordance with 18 USC section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed.
Abbreviations used: AA, arachidonic acid; AFP,
-fetoprotein; AGD, ano-
genital distance; ALA,
-linolenic acid; CNS, central nervous system; EPA, eico-
sapentanoic acid; LA, linoleic acid; PG, prostaglandin; PND, postnatal day, SDG,
secoisolariciresinol diglycoside; SHBG, sex hormone binding globulin.
0022-3166/98 $3.00 © 1998 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.
Manuscript received 17 December 1997. Initial review completed 23 January 1998. Revision accepted 2 July 1998.
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ing estrogen, these proteins prevent the free estrogen from
interacting with receptors to produce hormonal effects. Those
estrogens not extensively bound to AFP tend to be potent
estrogenic toxins, capable of disrupting normal reproduction
in the rat (Pasqualini et al. 1985). Whitten et al. (1993 and
1995) reported that the phytoestrogen coumestrol could be
transferred to offspring postnatally via rat dam’s milk and
affect offspring reproduction at adolescence and later life.
Reproductive abnormalities include altered puberty onset, dis-
rupted estrous cycles and decreased fertility in female offspring,
and decreased sexual behavior in male offspring. Environmen-
tal estrogens to which humans are most likely exposed include
phytoestrogens in foods; there are trends toward their in-
creased consumption as a result of their reported health ben-
efits (Haumann 1997). The objectives of this study were to
determine the following: 1) the effect of feeding pregnant rats
5 or 10% flaxseed or its lignan precursor SDG at a level
equivalent to that in 5% flaxseed on rat dam’s pregnancy and
pregnancy outcome; 2) whether SDG can be transferred from
mother to offspring via the milk to produce reproductive
effects on the offspring; and 3) the long-term reproductive
effects and health implications of exposing offspring to flax-
seed during a period when hormone-dependent development
is occurring. The 5 and 10% flaxseed levels were chosen for
this study because they have been shown previously to be
colon and/or mammary cancer protective in rats (Jenab and
Thompson 1996, Serraino and Thompson 1991 and 1992,
Thompson et al. 1996a and 1996b).
Chemicals. The SDG in flaxseed (Linott variety; Omega Prod-
ucts, Melfort, SK) was isolated and purified using a modification of
the Klosterman method (Bakke and Klosterman 1956, Klosterman
and Smith 1954) as described by Rickard et al. (1996). The benzyl
methylenes of purified SDG were labeled with tritium by Amersham
International (Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, UK) using a gas
exchange method, resulting in a specific radioactivity of 999 GBq/
mmol and radiochemical purity of .98.5%.
Animals. Twenty-eight female and seven male Sprague-Dawley
rats (77 d old; Charles River Canada, Montreal, Canada) were
individually housed in polycarbonate cages in 22–24°C rooms with
50% humidity and a 12 h light:dark cycle. Animals were acclimated
for 7 d during which they were given free access to water and fed a
phytoestrogen-free basal diet. At the end of acclimation, males
(353.71 6 21.15 g) and females (249.82 6 13.34 g) were mated. The
female rat, determined to be in estrus from microscopic examination
of vaginal smears, was placed with the male rat in a stainless steel cage
with a wire-mesh floor. One male was mated with one female from
each diet group. Successful mating was determined by the presence of
copulation plugs in the cage’s collection tray and confirmed by
microscopic observation of sperm in vaginal smears. Pregnant female
rats were individually housed in polycarbonate cages. Animal care
and use conformed to the published guidelines (Canadian Council on
Animal Care, 1984), and the experimental protocol was approved by
the University of Toronto Animal Care Committee.
Diets. Pregnant rat dams were randomly assigned to the basal diet
or basal diet supplemented with either 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed or
a daily gavage of 1.5 mg SDG dissolved in 1 mL distilled water. The
SDG level was estimated to be approximately equivalent to that
given to rats in the 5% flaxseed diets on the basis of a SDG concen-
tration of 2.93
mol/g flaxseed according to HPLC analysis (Thomp-
son et al. 1996a) and a diet intake of about 15 g/d. Rats not gavaged
with SDG were gavaged daily with 1 mL saline. The diet composition
was based on the AIN-93 G diet (Reeves et al. 1993). The basal diet
supplemented with flaxseed was corrected for protein, fat and fiber
contributed by flaxseed so that the energy value of the diets was the
same (Table 1). All ingredients were from Dyets, (Bethlehem, PA).
Diets were stored at 4°C and fresh diets were provided to the rats
every 2 d.
Experimental design. Pregnant rat dams (7 per diet group) were
given free access to their assigned diets, and pregnancy progression
was monitored by measuring daily maternal weight gain and food
intake throughout gestation. Parturition was classified as difficult if
delivery exceeded 2 h, blood was present after delivery and rat dams
failed to clean pups (Barrow 1990). Pregnancy outcomes measured
were litter size, birth weight and stillbirth incidence, calculated as
live birth index (a ratio of number of viable pups born/total number
of pups born 3 100) postnatal pup survival (the ratio of number of
viable pups at PND 21/total number of pups born 3 100), and
percentage of females (the number of female pups/total number of
pups born 3 100). After birth, rat dams continued to consume their
respective diets. Maternal weight, food intake and offspring weight
were measured every other day during the lactation period. At the
end of lactation, i.e., PND 21, all rat dams and two offspring (one
male and one female) per litter were killed by CO
inhalation. The
uterus and ovaries of female offspring, the testes and sex glands of the
male offspring and all of the major organs of offspring were removed,
blotted dry and weighed. Organ weights were expressed as relative
weight, i.e., wet organ weight/body weight. All remaining offspring
were weaned and fed the basal diet so that offspring were exposed to
flaxseed or SDG only during the rat dam’s pregnancy and lactation.
At PND 50, and again at PND 132, a subgroup of male offspring (n
5 6–10) and female offspring (n 5 6 –10) were killed by CO
inhalation to determine the effect of early flaxseed and SDG exposure
on reproductive and major organs at puberty and adulthood. As on
PND 21, each subgroup consisted of 2–3 offspring (1–2 of each sex)
per litter from each of the dams.
Lignan transfer to offspring. To determine whether mammalian
lignans from the rat dams could be transferred to the offspring
through the milk, on PND 20, lactating rat dams (n 5 3) from the
SDG-treated group were gavaged with
H-SDG (3.7 kBq/g body
weight) in 1 mL distilled water. A control group of lactating rat dams
from the SDG-treated group (n 5 3) were gavaged with 1.5 mg
unlabeled SDG in 1 mL distilled water. Two offspring (one male and
one female) per litter remained with their respective dam. After 24 h,
the rat dams and offspring were killed by CO
inhalation. Trunk
blood was collected and all tissues and gastrointestinal contents were
removed, weighed and stored frozen at 220°C. Blood and tissue
radioactivity were measured as described in detail by Rickard and
Thompson (1998). Briefly, 0.5 mL of a 9:1 (v/v) solution of hyamine
hydroxide (ICN Biomedicals, Aurora, Canada) in distilled water was
added to the tissues and incubated in a 60°C shaking water bath. For
blood samples, 300
L hyamine hydroxide in ethanol (1:2, v/v) was
added and samples incubated in a 60°C shaking water bath for 1 h.
Corrections for chemical and color quenching of samples were done
automatically by the LKB Wallac 1217 Rackbeta liquid scintillation
counter (Fisher Scientific, Ottawa, Canada) by using the sample
channels ratio technique. The ratio of counts for the sample in each
Composition of the diets
Ingredient Basal
5% flaxseed
10% flaxseed
g/kg diet
Cornstarch 397.48 394.40 391.20
Casein 200.00 188.80 177.60
Soybean oil (TBHQ) 70.02 51.70 33.50
Dextrose 132.00 132.00 132.00
Sucrose 100.00 100.00 100.00
Cellulose 50.00 32.60 15.20
Mineral mix 93G AIN 35.00 35.00 35.00
Vitamin mix 93G AIN 10.00 10.00 10.00
L-Cystine 3.00 3.00 3.00
Choline bitartrate 2.50 2.50 2.50
Flaxseed 50.00 100.00
Semipurified AIN-93 G (Reeves et al. 1993).
Modified semipurified AIN-93G.
TOU ET AL.1862
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channel, i.e., section of the energy spectrum for tritium, varies lin-
early with efficiency for quenching solutions (Evans 1974). Extensive
color quenching of samples was avoided by bleaching colored tissue
samples with 100
L of 9.7 mol/L hydrogen peroxide and blood
samples with 0.5
L of 9.7 mol/L hydrogen peroxide and then
incubating the samples for another 30 min. After cooling, 15 mL of
the cocktail scintillator Cytoscint ES (ICN Biomedicals) and 0.5 mL
of 0.5 mol/L acetic acid were added. Tissue samples were placed in the
dark for 2 h; blood samples were placed in the dark for4dto
equilibrate before counting in the liquid scintillation counter. To
determine radioactivity in gastrointestinal contents, samples were
homogenized in 30 mL distilled water using a Polytron homogenizer
(Brinkman Instruments Canada, Mississauga, Canada). Aliquots (100
L) were added to 1 mL Cytoscint ES and incubated in a 60°C
shaking water bath for 2 h. After cooling, 15 mL of Cytoscint ES and
0.5 mL 0.5 mol/L acetic acid were added. Gastrointestinal samples
were counted after being in the dark for4dtoeliminate chemilu-
minescence from fecal porphyrins. Radioactivity values were adjusted
for background radioactivity and counting efficiency. Total body
radioactivity was calculated as the sum of tissue radioactivity 3
sample tissue weight/aliquot weight.
Growth and anogenital distance (AGD). Offspring weight gain
was measured every other day. Immature male rats were distinguished
from females by their longer AGD, the distance from the papilla to
the anus. Hormone imbalance in male or female offspring due to in
utero diet treatment was determined from the difference in the AGD
at PND 3 when compared with rats receiving the basal diet (con-
trols). Dietary effect on pup genitalia during lactation was determined
from the difference in AGD at PND 21 and at PND 3. AGD
measurements were also adjusted for body size by calculating relative
AGD, i.e., (AGD at PND 21 - AGD at PND 3)/body weight gain
from PND 3 to 21.
Puberty onset and estrous cycle. In female rats, the age and
weight at puberty onset as indicated by visible opening of the vagi-
nal aperture was determined. Vaginal smears were taken on PND
40–50 and PND 100 –132 and examined microscopically to deter-
mine estrous cycling. The estrous phase of animals was classified as
follows: 1) proestrus (mainly epithelial cells present); 2) estrus (main-
ly cornified cells present); 3) metestrus (cornified and leukocytes
present in large numbers); or 4) diestrus (mainly leukocytes present).
Rat estrous cycle length was determined as the number of days
required to complete the four phases of proestrus, estrus, metestrus
and diestrus. Rats were considered acyclic if they remained in one
phase for .10 d.
Histological examination of the prostate. The prostates of male
rats killed at PND 132 were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed
routinely and embedded in paraffin. Paraffin sections of 5
m thick-
ness were serially cut at 200-
m intervals. After deparaffinization in
toluene and rehydration in a graded series of ethyl alcohol, the
sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and then examined
under a light microscope.
Statistical analysis. All statistical analyses were done using Sig-
maStat Version 2.0 by Jandel Scientific (San Rafael, CA). Differ-
ences among diet treatment groups within the same age and gender
group were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Two-way ANOVA was
used to determine the differences in weight due to diet treatment or
gender, the differences in AGD or relative AGD due to diet treat-
ment or gender, the difference in female relative sex organ weights
(i.e., uterine and ovarian weights) due to diet treatment or age and
the differences in male relative sex organ weights (i.e., testes and
accessory sex glands) due to diet treatment or age. Data not normally
distributed were analyzed nonparametrically using Kruskal-Wallis
one-way ANOVA on ranks. Post-hoc multiple comparison tests
included Tukey’s test (parametric) or Dunn’s test (nonparametric).
Differences were considered significant at P , 0.05. Results are
expressed as means 6
Pregnancy outcomes. Compared with the basal diet (con-
trol), the 5% flaxseed, SDG at the level found in 5% flaxseed
or 10% flaxseed diet fed to pregnant rat dams throughout
gestation produced no significant differences in maternal food
intake, weight gain, gestation length or parturition and preg-
nancy outcomes such as litter size, live birth index, postnatal
pup survival and number of female vs. male offspring. An
exception was the 10% flaxseed diet, which caused signifi-
cantly lowered (P , 0.05) mean birth weight (4.73 6 0.07 g)
compared with the basal diet (5.14 6 0.10 g), 5% flaxseed
(5.06 6 0.08 g) and 1.5 mg SDG (5.24 6 0.07 g). All rat dams
killed at the end of lactation (PND 21) showed no organ
weight abnormalities, except for the significantly (P , 0.05)
larger relative uterine and ovarian weights in those fed 10%
flaxseed compared with the basal diet (Table 2).
Lignan transfer via milk. The mean total body radioactiv-
ity (995.98 6 201.61 Bq) in nursing male and female offspring
The effect of exposure during pregnancy and lactation to
flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on maternal
reproductive organ relative weights in rats
Dietary treatment
g/100 g body wt
Basal diet 127.86 6 8.93
42.83 6 3.18
5% Flaxseed 152.64 6 6.49
43.59 6 4.71
SDG 155.80 6 10.15
51.35 6 5.27
10% Flaxseed 176.98 6 15.40
61.69 6 5.13
Data are means 6 SEM (n 5 7). Different letters indicate significant
differences (P , 0.05) by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test.
Pregnant rat dams were randomly assigned to basal diet, basal
diet supplemented with 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed or a daily gavage of
1.5 mg SDG in distilled water. Assigned diets were fed throughout 22 d
of gestation and 21 d of lactation.
At the end of lactation (postnatal d 21), rat dams were killed and
uterine and ovarian weights measured.
The effect of exposure during pregnancy to flaxseed or
secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on body weight,
anogenital distance (AGD) and relative AGD in
rats at postnatal day 3
n Body weight AGD Relative AGD
g mm mm/g
Basal diet 54 6.61 6 0.17 3.0 6 0.1
0.46 6 0.01
5% Flaxseed 54 6.55 6 0.17 3.1 6 0.1
0.48 6 0.02
SDG 44 6.75 6 0.20 3.2 6 0.1
0.49 6 0.02
10% Flaxseed 58 6.23 6 0.14 2.3 6 0.1
0.39 6 0.02
Basal diet 42 6.50 6 0.10
5.0 6 0.1
0.78 6 0.02
5% Flaxseed 43 6.80 6 0.15
5.0 6 0.1
0.75 6 0.02
SDG 45 6.95 6 0.15
5.1 6 0.1
0.74 6 0.01
10% Flaxseed 47 5.84 6 0.12
4.2 6 0.1
0.73 6 0.02
Data are means 6 SEM. Different letters indicate significant differ-
ences (P , 0.05) within the same gender by one-way ANOVA followed
by Dunn’s test (nonparametric). Two-way ANOVA showed diet treat-
ment (P , 0.001) and gender effects (P , 0.001) on AGD and relative
AGD but insignificant treatment and gender interaction.
Pregnant rat dams were randomly assigned to basal diet, basal
diet supplemented with 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed or a daily gavage of
1.5 mg SDG in distilled water.
Relative AGD was calculated as anogenital distance/body weight.
by guest on June 7, 2013jn.nutrition.orgDownloaded from
of rat dams gavaged with
H-SDG in distilled water was
significantly higher (P , 0.05) than that in the nursing
offspring of control rat dams gavaged with unlabeled SDG
(34.56 6 14.65 Bq), which in turn was not significantly
different than the value obtained for the distilled water con-
trols (32.56 6 8.23 Bq).
Body weight and anogenital distance. The body weight,
AGD and relative AGD measured at PND 3 were affected by
in utero exposure to flaxseed (Table 3). Female offspring had
shorter AGD compared with male offspring, and in utero, 10%
flaxseed exposure caused shortening (P , 0.05) of the AGD in
both sexes. Only the male offspring treated with 10% flaxseed
in utero had significantly (P , 0.05) lower body weights than
those in the basal diet, 5% flaxseed and 1.5 mg SDG diet
groups. Body weight was correlated to AGD (r 5 0.85, P
, 0.01); thus, when calculated as relative AGD (AGD/body
weight), the effect of 10% flaxseed on AGD persisted only in
the female offspring. A two-way ANOVA showed both diet
and gender effects (P , 0.001) on AGD and relative AGD.
Weight gain, change in AGD and change in relative AGD
from PND 3 to 21 were also affected by lactation exposure to
flaxseed (Table 4). Lactation exposure to 10% flaxseed signif-
icantly (P , 0.05) lowered body weight gain in male offspring
and shortened AGD in both sexes compared with other diet
groups. When adjusted for body weight by calculation of
relative change in AGD, diet effects on AGD persisted only in
females. Compared with the other diet treatments, female
offspring exposed to 10% flaxseed had lower relative AGD. In
contrast, rats consuming 5% flaxseed or SDG at levels equiv-
alent to that in the 5% flaxseed diet had higher relative AGD
compared with the basal diet and the 10% flaxseed treatment
groups. A two-way ANOVA indicated both gender and diet
effects (P , 0.001) on AGD and relative AGD.
Puberty onset. Flaxseed and SDG altered the timing of
puberty (Table 5). Exposure of female offspring to 10% flax-
seed during pregnancy and lactation resulted in puberty onset
at a significantly (P , 0.05) earlier age and lighter body
weight, whereas 5% flaxseed resulted in puberty onset at an
older age but at the same body weight as the basal diet group.
Effects similar to those produced by 5% flaxseed occurred
when SDG was given at the level found in 5% flaxseed.
Estrous cycles. All female offspring were cycling at PND
50 (Table 6). However, compared with other diet treatments,
those exposed to 10% flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation
had significantly (P , 0.05) lengthened estrous cycles because
of prolonged time in the estrus phase. By PND 132, 20% of the
10% flaxseed-treated rats were acyclic due to persistent estrus,
whereas 14.3% of the SDG-treated rats and 16.7% of the 5%
flaxseed-treated rats were acyclic as a result of persistent
diestrus. Of the animals still cycling at PND 132, only the 10%
flaxseed-treated animals had significantly lengthened estrous
cycles due to prolonged time in estrus phase compared with
the basal diet group.
Reproductive organ and major organ weights. Except for
the reproductive organs, there were no significant effects on
the major organ weights in the offspring killed at PND 21, 50
The effect of exposure during pregnancy and lactation to
flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on weight
gain, change in anogenital distance (DAGD) and
relative DAGD in rats
Treatment n Weight gain
Relative DAGD
g mm mm/g
Basal diet 54 35.55 6 0.94 6.8 6 0.1
0.20 6 0.01
5% Flaxseed 54 33.96 6 0.70 7.5 6 0.2
0.23 6 0.01
SDG 44 34.16 6 0.69 7.5 6 0.2
0.23 6 0.01
10% Flaxseed 58 33.07 6 0.86 5.4 6 0.2
0.17 6 0.01
Basal diet 42 37.85 6 0.96
10.6 6 0.3
0.28 6 0.01
5% Flaxseed 43 35.90 6 1.06
10.8 6 0.4
0.31 6 0.02
SDG 45 37.22 6 1.43
11.2 6 0.4
0.34 6 0.02
10% Flaxseed 47 31.31 6 1.02
9.0 6 0.2
0.30 6 0.01
Data are means 6 SEM. Different letters indicate significant differ-
ences (P , 0.05) within the same gender by one-way ANOVA followed
by Dunn’s test (nonparametric). Two-way ANOVA showed diet treat-
ment (P , 0.001) and gender effects (P , 0.001) of AGD and relative
AGD but insignificant treatment and gender interaction.
Lactation period weight gain was determined as weight at post-
natal d 21 2 postnatal d 3.
Anogenital distance was calculated as anogenital distance at
postnatal d 21 2 postnatal d 3.
Relative AGD was calculated as anogenital distance (postnatal
d212 postnatal d 3)/body weight gain (postnatal d 21 2 postnatal d 3).
The effect of exposure during pregnancy and lactation to
flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on puberty
onset in female rat offspring
Dietary treatment n Age Weight
Basal diet 13 30.1 6 0.8
93.69 6 1.85
5% Flaxseed 13 34.9 6 0.6
98.23 6 2.17
SDG 15 34.7 6 0.7
99.60 6 1.96
10% Flaxseed 17 25.5 6 0.3
77.77 6 1.84
Data are means 6 SEM. Different letters indicate significant differ-
ences (P , 0.05) by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test (para-
The effect of exposure during pregnancy and lactation to
flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on estrous
cycling and length in female rat offspring
Postnatal day 40–50 Postnatal day 100–132
Basal diet 13/13 4.9 6 0.2
7/7 5.4 6 0.2
5% Flaxseed 13/13 6.3 6 0.3
5/6 6.8 6 0.9
SDG 15/15 6.5 6 0.3
6/7 7.3 6 0.2
10% Flaxseed 17/17 7.5 6 0.3
8/10 7.7 6 0.5
Data are means 6 SEM. Different letters indicate significant differ-
ences (P , 0.05) by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunn’s test (non-
Estrous cycles were determined by vaginal smears. More than
10 d in one phase indicated acyclicity.
Estrous cycles were determined by vaginal smears. Time required
to complete the proestrus, estrus, metestrus and diestrus phases indi-
cated estrous cycle length. Vaginal smears were taken at postnatal d
40–50 and in older rats at postnatal d 100–132.
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or 132. In female offspring (PND 21), the immature uterine
relative weight was higher in 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed and
SDG diet groups compared with the basal diet group, but this
difference disappeared by PND 50 and 132 (Table 7). At PND
21, offspring exposed to 5% flaxseed and SDG had lower
relative ovarian weights than the controls, but the difference
disappeared at PND 50. On the other hand, the relative
ovarian weight was greater in the 10% flaxseed diet group at
PND 50 compared with the other diet treatments, and this
persisted into adulthood (PND 132) relative to the basal diet
group. A two-way ANOVA indicated significant (P , 0.001)
diet and age effects on female reproductive organ weights.
Pregnancy and lactation exposure to flaxseed or SDG had
no effect on male accessory sex gland or testes weight at PND
21 or 50 but at a later age (PND 132), male offspring that had
been treated with 10% flaxseed had greater accessory sex gland
and prostate relative weights than those of the basal, 5%
flaxseed and 1.5 mg SDG diet groups (Table 8). A two-way
ANOVA indicated significant (P , 0.001) age and diet effects
on sex gland weight.
Prostate histology. The rat prostate consists of ventral lobe,
dorsal-lateral lobes and coagulating glands, but morphologic
alterations were detected only in the ventral lobe. Microscopic
examination of the ventral prostate of male offspring exposed
to the basal diet from pregnancy and lactation until killed at
PND 132 showed that prostate acini was composed mainly of
columnar epithelial cells surrounded by small stroma that
formed infoldings that projected into the lumen (Fig. 1A). At
PND 132, the ventral lobe of male offspring exposed to 10%
flaxseed during the pregnancy and lactation period exhibited
extensive cell proliferation (Fig. 1B). There were increased
amounts of secretory epithelial cells forming more papillary
infoldings and secondary projections. The epithelial cells of
the acini were taller columnar-shaped cells with some nuclei
located in apical regions. This proliferation was not restricted
to the focal region but occurred in most areas of the ventral
lobe. In contrast to the histologic appearance of the 10%
flaxseed group, the male offspring exposed to 5% flaxseed
during the pregnancy and lactation periods exhibited mild
inhibition of prostate growth at PND 132 (Fig. 1C). The
epithelial cells of the acini were cuboidal or flattened cuboidal
with fewer infoldings. In some areas, the acini had more
stroma. At PND 132, the histologic appearance of the ventral
The effect of exposure during pregnancy and lactation to flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on female rat offspring
reproductive organ relative weights at the different developmental stages
n Body weight Uterus
g mg/100 g body weight
21 d
Basal diet 7 48.05 6 3.35 80.16 6 6.15
64.16 6 5.66
5% Flaxseed 7 40.70 6 2.88 125.53 6 14.34
43.96 6 1.95
SDG 7 46.07 6 1.90 138.03 6 8.82
44.01 6 4.54
10% Flaxseed 7 39.98 6 2.06 147.95 6 8.14
59.10 6 5.05
50 d
Basal diet 6 179.92 6 4.51 195.81 6 21.89 58.31 6 3.40
5% Flaxseed 7 191.03 6 8.09 178.51 6 10.33 60.08 6 4.18
SDG 8 187.73 6 7.41 171.19 6 14.78 58.89 6 2.46
10% Flaxseed 7 191.83 6 9.39 170.34 6 14.31 87.23 6 5.82
132 d
Basal diet 7 283.17 6 15.86 175.79 6 18.10 37.15 6 2.79
5% Flaxseed 6 335.02 6 17.36 156.87 6 12.00 40.77 6 2.13
SDG 7 326.66 6 12.79 159.43 6 16.71 41.11 6 2.34
10% Flaxseed 10 304.94 6 8.24 168.96 6 6.34 47.51 6 2.50
Data are means 6 SEM. Means with different letters are significantly different (P , 0.05) within the same age groups by one-way ANOVA followed
by Tukey’s test (parametric).
Relative organ weights were calculated as wet weight/body weight.
The effect of exposure during pregnancy and lactation to flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) on male rat offspring
reproductive organ relative weights at postnatal day 132
Treatment n Body weight Sex glands
Testes Seminal vesicle Prostate
g mg/100 g body weight
Basal diet 6 570.12 6 14.56 701.89 6 13.84
565.02 6 32.31 243.21 6 13.96 279.31 6 15.99
5% Flaxseed 6 584.03 6 23.19 708.37 6 32.84
571.47 6 28.48 258.66 6 14.81 270.12 6 16.97
SDG 10 578.91 6 14.12 706.30 6 26.18
543.46 6 20.40 244.50 6 11.88 290.31 6 13.95
10% Flaxseed 6 522.85 6 12.22 827.62 6 29.49
627.06 6 39.10 259.79 6 14.18 359.79 6 23.43
Data are means 6 SEM. Means with different letters are significantly different (P , 0.05) by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test (parametric).
Relative organ weights were calculated as wet weight/body weight.
by guest on June 7, 2013jn.nutrition.orgDownloaded from
lobe of male offspring exposed to SDG was similar to that of
the basal diet group (Fig. 1D).
The 10 or 5% flaxseed or SDG at levels found in 5%
flaxseed had no apparent effect on rat dam’s pregnancy but
exerted reproductive changes in the offspring. Inadequate or
excessive estrogen disrupts pregnancy by altering the proper
estrogen balance required for the establishment and mainte-
nance of pregnancy. Estrogenization occurred in pregnant rat
dams fed 10% flaxseed as indicated by greater maternal uterine
and ovarian relative weights, but it was not enough to impair
pregnancy. In contrast, feeding the phytoestrogen coumestrol
at 150–900
g/kg diet estrogenized the reproductive tract of
rat dams and impaired pregnancy by increasing embryo degen-
eracy (Fredericks et al. 1981). The absence of pregnancy
effects by flaxseed or SDG suggests a weaker estrogenic prop-
erty of the mammalian lignans compared with coumestrol.
Coumestrol has the strongest estrogenic potency of the several
phytoestrogens that have been investigated (Mayr et al. 1992).
Pregnancy and lactation are more hormone-sensitive peri-
ods for offspring than for the pregnant rat dams because sexual
differentiation of the offspring’s reproductive tract and CNS is
occurring during those periods under the influence of hor-
mones (Manson and Kang 1989). Pregnant rat dams fed 10%
flaxseed had offspring with lower birth weights than those fed
the other diets. This suggests estrogenization because high
dose estrogen has been reported to inhibit pituitary growth
hormones (Wiedemann 1981). Continued growth suppression
in nursing offspring indicated that estrogen exposure occurred
via lignan transfer through rat dams’ milk. Lower body weight
in the male but not the female offspring suggests that de-
creased growth was not the result of decreased milk produc-
Other early evidence of estrogenization of female offspring
in response to flaxseed or SDG includes shortening of AGD,
which usually occurs in the presence of estrogen, and the
higher immature uterine growth, which is a classic measure of
estrogenic potency. Significant changes in timing of puberty
onset, ovarian relative weight, premature cycle irregularity and
acyclicity occurred after flaxseed or SDG exposure ended,
indicating that changes exerted during sexual differentiation
resulted in permanent effects. Whether reproductive effects
exerted were estrogenic or antiestrogenic depended on the
dosage of flaxseed given.
Compared with the other diet groups, the female offspring
exposed to 10% flaxseed had earlier age and lighter weight at
puberty onset, greater ovarian relative weight at PND 50,
which persisted into adulthood, lengthened estrous cycles, and
by PND 132, persistent estrus in 20% of the offspring. These
reproductive effects were determined to be estrogenic on the
basis of reports of similar results in neonatal female rats treated
with synthetic and endogenous estrogens (Sheehan et al.
1980). This was also in agreement with results of feeding
0.01% coumestrol to lactating rats dams whose offspring
showed persistent estrus at PND 132 (Whitten et al. 1993). It
is possible that 10% flaxseed may exert effects on the ovarian
weight and ovarian cycles indirectly through estrogenization of
the developing CNS. Normally, the CNS produces cyclical
release of hormones regulating the ovarian cycle but early
estrogenization of the CNS produces acyclic hormone release,
resulting in ovarian follicle growth but failure to ovulate and
lack of estrous cyclicity due to persistent estrous (MacLusky
and Naftolin 1981).
The 5% flaxseed or 1.5 mg SDG diet group had significantly
higher relative AGD, greater immature uterine relative weight
but lower ovarian relative weight compared with the basal diet
group. At a later stage, puberty onset was delayed and estrous
cycles were lengthened due to prolonged diestrus. By PND
132, ;15% of adult animals were acyclic due to persistent
diestrus. Diestrus occurs when estrogen stimulation of the
vaginal epithelium is blocked or stopped (Nalbandov 1976).
These reproductive effects were determined to be antiestro-
genic based on the Gellert and Wilson (1979) study, which
reported similar effects of delayed puberty onset, decreased
regularity of ovarian cycles and cessation of cyclicity at an
earlier age in neonatal androgenized female rats. Compared
with the basal diet group, the lower immature ovarian relative
weight and premature acyclicity in female offspring exposed to
5% flaxseed suggests that the mechanism whereby 5% flaxseed
exerted its antiestrogenic action was by direct effects on the
reproductive tract. According to Manson and Kang (1989),
FIGURE 1 Typical histologic sections of the ventral prostate at
postnatal d 132 in male rats exposed to either basal diet, basal diet
supplemented with 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed or secoisolariciresinol
diglycoside (SDG) at the level found in 5% flaxseed during pregnancy
and lactation. (A) Basal diet group: acini are composed of columnar
epithelial cells surrounded by small stoma; (B) 10% flaxseed group:
acini are lined by tall columnar cells with more infoldings and projecting
into the lumen. Some of the nuclei are located in the apical region of the
cell; (C) the 5% flaxseed group: acini are lined mainly with cuboidal or
flattened cuboidal epithelial cells with fewer infoldings and surrounded
by more stoma; (D) the SDG group: features are similar to those of basal
diet group (magnification X125).
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delayed puberty results from ovary damage and the delay in
puberty onset is proportional to the time required for the
follicle to repopulate. At a later age, this partial destruction of
the follicle pool can result in premature cessation of ovarian
cycles. Flaxseed had effects on the sex organs but no gross
effect on other major organs based on the absence of weight
Male offspring exposed to 10% flaxseed during the preg-
nancy and lactation periods were estrogenized as indicated by
shortened AGD. AGD was not significantly longer when
expressed relative to body weight. Immature testes and acces-
sory sex gland relative weights were also unaffected. By PND
132, there were greater accessory sex gland and prostate rela-
tive weights and cell proliferation in the prostate of male
offspring exposed to 10% flaxseed during pregnancy and lac-
tation compared with the other diet treatment groups. Evi-
dently, reproductive effects are not always immediately ob-
served but may manifest when the offspring develop
reproductive capacity upon reaching puberty or adulthood
(Whitten et al. 1993 and 1995).
In the rodent model, early exposure to estrogen has been
reported to alter prostatic growth and response to androgens
during adulthood, and to promote preneoplastic lesions and
tumor formation in the aging animals (Rajfer and Coffey 1978,
Santti et al. 1994). Similar observations of higher prostate
relative weight and hyperplasia at PND 132 in the 10%
flaxseed diet group suggest that early exposure to high dose
flaxseed may potentially increase the risk of prostate cancer. It
is noted, however, that soybean, a rich source of isoflavone
phytoestrogens, increased prostate weight when fed to un-
treated mice but decreased prostate dysplasia when fed to
neonatal mice that had been estrogenized by 3 d treatment
with diethylstilbestrol (Makela et al. 1995). If the lignans act
in the same way as the isoflavones, then 10% flaxseed in the
presence of a more potent estrogen may provide cancer pro-
tective effects by acting as an estrogen antagonist.
In contrast to 10% flaxseed, 5% flaxseed resulted in a mild
inhibition of prostate growth. A similar inhibition of epithelial
cell proliferation was observed in the mammary gland of rats
fed 5% flaxseed (Serraino and Thompson 1991). In addition,
lower nuclear aberration and decreased tumor number and size
were observed in the SDG- or 5% flaxseed–treated rats (Ser-
raino and Thompson 1992, Thompson et al. 1996a and
1996b). Female offspring exposed to 5% flaxseed during preg-
nancy and lactation had delayed puberty onset followed by
increased incidence of premature acyclicity due to diestrus.
Epidemiologic evidence suggests that late menarche, early
menopause and hormone deprivation are beneficial in reduc-
ing breast cancer risk (Kelsey et al. 1993). According to
Whitten et al. (1995) phytoestrogen exposure during sexual
differentiation can alter sex-specific patterns of development,
and these changes may be cancer protective. Therefore, de-
pending on the dose, flaxseed exposure during pregnancy and
lactation results in reproductive changes that may either re-
duce or increase cancer incidence in the offspring.
The long-term hormonal effects exerted by flaxseed may
also alter fertility. The 10% flaxseed–treated female offspring
had an earlier age at puberty onset, suggesting that the ani-
mal’s reproductive lifespan may increase. However, cycle ir-
regularity, premature cessation of cyclicity and increased inci-
dence of persistent estrus with 10% flaxseed treatment suggests
that, ultimately, the reproductive lifespan may be shortened.
The 5% flaxseed delayed puberty and produced early acyclic-
ity, which may compromise reproduction because this can
decrease the potential mating that can occur over an animal’s
lifespan. The similarity of the SDG results to 5% flaxseed on
reproductive markers indicates that the lignans produced from
SDG were the components responsible for the partial anties-
trogenic properties of 5% flaxseed. Unfortunately, SDG at the
level found in 10% flaxseed was not tested to determine
whether estrogenic effects observed were due to lignans.
The high (n-3) fatty acid,
-linolenic acid [18:3(n-3),
ALA] content of flaxseed (Cunnane 1995) has been suspected
to be responsible for the reproductive effects observed, partic-
ularly at the 10% flaxseed level. The (n-3) competes with the
(n-6) fatty acids for the same desaturase/elongase enzyme, with
the (n-3) fatty acids having greater affinity for these enzymes
(Drevon 1992). Therefore, raising the (n-3)/(n-6) ratio can
inhibit the elongation/desaturation of the (n-6) fatty acid
linoleic acid [18:2(n-6), LA] to arachidonic acid [20:4(n-6),
AA], the precursor for series-2 prostaglandins (PG) (Horrobin
1983, Willis 1981), which are important for normal reproduc-
tive function in males and females (Bygedeman et al.1987).
However, we believe that the (n-3) fatty acid was not primar-
ily responsible for the effects seen. First, the fatty acid com-
position of the liver of offspring in this study (unpublished
data) showed higher ALA (4.65 6 0.50 g/100 g) in the 10%
flaxseed group compared with ALA (1.36 6 0.18 g/100 g) in
the basal diet group. However, the greater (n-3)/(n-6) fatty
acid ratio produced by 10% flaxseed was not high enough to
compromise the elongation/desaturation of LA to AA, as
indicated by the absence of significant differences in liver LA
(19.01 6 0.85 g/100 g) and AA (12.18 6 0.90 g/100 g) in the
10% flaxseed group compared with the LA (21.20 6 0.82
g/100 g) and AA (14.73 6 0.78 g/100 g) in the control group.
Second, some other studies have shown that raising dietary
(n-3) fatty acids to levels that suppressed production of series-2
PG from AA improved rather than compromised reproduc-
tion. Truijillo and Broughton (1995) reported that increased
dietary (n-3) fatty acids increased the number of ova released
during ovulation, whereas raising dietary (n-6) fatty acids
reduced ovulation in rats. Pregnant women given a diet sup-
plemented with fish oil, a rich source of long-chain (n-3) fatty
acids, had decreased production of the series-2 PG from AA
but improved reproduction as indicated by a lower incidence
of toxemia, fewer premature deliveries and prolonged gesta-
tion, resulting in higher birth weights (Olsen et al 1986, Olsen
and Secher 1990). In contrast, pregnant rats treated with 10%
flaxseed in this study had offspring with lower birth weights
and no changes in pregnancy outcomes (i.e., offspring survival,
gestation length and littersize). Third, Pandalai et al. (1996)
found that high concentrations of eicosapentanoic acid [20:
5(n-3), EPA] inhibited, whereas low concentrations promoted
proliferation of both prostate cancer and normal cells. In
contrast, 10% flaxseed, which would have produced higher
EPA from ALA than the 5% flaxseed or basal diet, resulted in
higher prostate cell proliferation, whereas 5% flaxseed inhib-
ited prostate cell proliferation compared with the basal diet
group. This suggests that the effects in the prostate were not
due to the flaxseed oil but to some other component(s) present
in flaxseed such as the lignans.
In conclusion, feeding rat dams 5 or 10% flaxseed or SDG
at levels present in 5% flaxseed produced no significant effect
on pregnancy except for the lower birth weights of offspring in
those fed 10% flaxseed. However, feeding flaxseed or SDG
during pregnancy and lactation had hormone-related dose-
dependent effects on the offspring with potential implications
for reproduction and cancer risk in the long term. The effects
of flaxseed at the levels used are more likely due to the
mammalian lignans produced from SDG than from its ALA-
rich oil. Lignans likely were transferrred from the rat dams
through the milk. Thus, caution is suggested when consuming
by guest on June 7, 2013jn.nutrition.orgDownloaded from
flaxseed at high doses during the hormone-sensitive periods of
pregnancy and lactation. It is also suggested that the dose and
timing of flaxseed exposure be considered when adopting flax-
seed for chronic disease prevention and therapeutic applica-
tion. Similar cautions have been suggested to nursing mothers
consuming soy products because soy can increase the isofla-
vone phytoestrogen concentration in their milk up to 10-fold
(Setchell et al. 1997) and daily exposure of infants to phy-
toestrogen-rich milk or soy-based infant formula containing
phytoestrogen may be sufficient to exert biological effects
(Haumann 1997, Sheehan 1998).
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TOU ET AL.1868
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... Antioxidant effect: In lab [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21], the mitochondrial membrane of the rat liver shows the antioxidant effect induced by the free radical generated on exposure to gamma rays in plant extract of A. racemosus. GPX and GSH enzyme activity enhanced so protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation is inhibited. ...
... Chemical constituents [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Roots Rutin, asparagan, Asparagamine A, 9,10-dihydro 1, 5 methoxy-Quercetin3 glucouronides, 8-methyl-2, 7-phenenthrenediol, Racemofuron, ncoumertans, Shatavarin V. Shatavarin I-(steroid glycosides), Immunoside, Sitosterol, Shatavari, Secoisolariciresinol, diosgenin, Racemosol, 4-trihydro isoflavine 7-0-beta-D-glucopyranoside, Sterols, Alkaloid, Tannins, carbohydrates, Flavonoids, isoflavones, coumestans, prenylated. then reduced gastric secretion, low ulcer patches and free acidity was observed. ...
... Biochemical activities[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. ...
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Asparagus racemosus Wild. (fam. Asparagaceae [1]) also named as shatavari is used in Indian Ayurveda over centuries. It is also called as “herb’s queen” [2]. A. racemosus helps to balance vata and pitta, improve the reproductive and digestive health, helps in diabetes mellitus, reduce the stress levels, controls high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It is widely used in infertility, cancer, depression, oedema, infection like bacterial or fungal, epilepsy, kidney disorders, chronic fevers, excessive heat, stomach ulcers and liver cancer, increases milk secretion in nursing mothers and regulates sexual behaviors. All the parts have pharmaceutical properties, but the stems, roots and leaves are mostly used as medicine. Its major constituents are steroidal saponins. Roots consist of Isoflavones, racemosol, polysaccharides, asparagamine, mucilage and, many vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, Mg, P, Ca, Fe, and folic acid [3]. This article is to review the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities to understand how asparagus have potential to cure diseases.
... The SDG produced results similar to those of 5% flaxseed, suggesting that lignans were responsible for the observed effects. Lignans were transferred to the offspring via rat dam's milk as indicated by the recovery of radioactivity in the offspring of lactating dams given 3 H-SDG (83) . ...
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Nowadays endocrine disorders have become a more prevalent complex global health problem which increases the economic burden on governments worldwide due to treatments and their serious complications. Extensive attention has been focused on natural therapies for the treatment of different endocrine disorders because of their availability, effectiveness and safety. This review attempts to discuss the latest reports on the medicinal plants possessed various endocrine and hormonal effects as an alternative treatment.
... Cereals (rye, wheat, oat, and barley), soybeans, tofu, cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cabbage), and some fruits, particularly apricots and strawberries, are other foods that contain lignans. Lignan and its estrogenic effects are well-studied in humans and rats (Tou et al. 1998), especially in delaying puberty, lengthening diestrus, affecting the reproductive development of offspring, and so on. However, research on the effect of lignan in fish is null, so far (according to the Web of Science). ...
Among the major concerns associated globally with aquaculture or fish farming, top-notch and prime one is the treatment and management of xenobiotics. Aquatic ecosystems are heavily and negatively impacted by these chemicals. Xenobiotics impact aquaculture industry in a number of ways, be it the decline in the production or remaining in the system for so long that it hampers treatment and management. Because of its presence for a large time in waterbodies, these compounds can build up in food chains via the consumption of aquaculture products. There are good reports where these chemicals build-up in human body leading to cancers. One of the main agendas of xenobiotic management is its degradation. Degradation involves bioremediation (bioattenuation, biostimulation, and bioaugmentation). Burkholderia, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas, Kocuria, Chromohalobacter, and Achromobacter have been reported to play a critical role in the degradation of these compounds. Bioremediation process can be improved with advancements in molecular biological techniques like genome editing, which allows the modification of microbial strains with an increased capacity for digesting several xenobiotics simultaneously and/or at a quick rate the bioremediation process can be improved.KeywordsXenobioticDegradationBioremediationGenome editing
... The physiological alteration was thought to be induced by FLs, which were supposed to be transferred to offspring through a rat dam's milk. 117 These dietary interactions, according to the scientists, would be especially relevant for women who take flaxseed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Rats when fed a 15% defatted flaxseed diet during pregnancy increased the incidence of breast cancer in female-offspring exposed to DMBA. ...
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Lignans are known dietary polyphenols found in cereals, plants and seeds. Flaxseed is one of the major sources of lignans mainly existing in the form of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) which can be metabolised by the gut microbes into secoisolariciresinol (SECO) and mammalian lignan (enterodiol and enterolactone) that are easily absorbed through the intestines. Numerous studies reveal that flaxseed lignans (FLs) can be promising chemotherapeutics/chemopreventive agents. Their anticancer activity can occur through the induction of apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation, and the hindering of metastasis and angiogenesis. The anti-carcinogenesis of flaxseed lignans is achieved through multiple molecular mechanisms involving biochemical entities such as cellular kinases, cell cycle mediators, transcription factors, inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species, and drug transporters. This review summarizes the bioavailability of FLs, their anticancer mechanisms in relevance to molecular targets, safety, and the scope of future research. Overall, FLs can be utilized in functional foods, dietary supplements, and pharmaceuticals for the management and prevention of cancers.
... Flaxseed intake was shown to be linked with lower birth weights, regularization of estrous cycles, and alterations in reproductive development in offsprings. It was hypothesized that lignans passed to children through the dam's milk of rats caused the physiological changes observed (Tou, Chen, and Thompson 1998). Such side effects would be of particular concern for women who use flaxseed in pregnancy and breastfeeding. ...
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Flaxseed consumption (Linum usitatissimum L.) has increased due to its potential health benefits, such as protection against inflammation, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. However, flaxseeds also contains various anti-nutritive and toxic compounds such as cyanogenic glycosides, and phytic acids etc. In this case, the long-term consumption of flaxseed may pose health risks due to these non-nutritional substances, which may be life threatening if consumed in high doses, although if appropriately utilized these may prevent/treat various diseases by preventing/inhibiting and or reversing the toxicity induced by other compounds. Therefore, it is necessary to remove or suppress the harmful and anti-nutritive effects of flaxseeds before these are utilized for large-scale as food for human consumption. Interestingly, the toxic compounds of flaxseed also undergoes biochemical detoxification in the body, transforming into less toxic or inactive forms like α-ketoglutarate cyanohydrin etc. However, such detoxification is also a challenge for the development, scalability, and real-time quantification of these bioactive substances. This review focuses on the health affecting composition of flaxseed, along with health benefits and potential toxicity of its components, detoxification methods and mechanisms with evidence supported by animal and human studies.
Phytoestrogens are estrogen-mimicking chemicals produced by terrestrial plants. Thus, they are an integral part of plant-based feed ingredients used in aquafeed. Consequently, the fish reared under feed-based aquaculture systems are continuously fed with phytoestrogens. The most prominent plant ingredient which contains phytoestrogens is soybean, which is included in aquafeed usually in the inclusion levels of 20–30%. Phytoestrogens are of different types, namely, genistein, daidzein, glycitein, coumestrol, stilbesterol, etc. Although they are chemically similar to estrogens, they are nonsteroidal compounds. Thus, they are available in the non-liposoluble fractions of the feed materials. The action of phytoestrogens on the fish can be proestrogenic or antiestrogenic depending on the dose and species exposed. The effect of phytoestrogens can be differential in males and females in the case of gonochorist fish. Although most of the evidence confirms the endocrine disruptive effect of phytoestrogens, their certain effect on the reproductive function of fish is still debatable. Thus, the effect of individual phytoestrogens needs to be elucidated in separate sexes of fish. This is especially required when designing diets for broodstock fish to avoid any deleterious effects in the era of limited resources and brood fish supply.KeywordsGenisteinDaidzeinCoumestrolGlyciteinVitellogenesisGonadotropins
This review describes the chemical composition of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) and its general health effects, as well as the currently available knowledge concerning its action on the female reproductive state, functions on the ovary and ovarian cells and reproductive hormones, as well as possible constituents and extra- and intracellular mediators mediating its effects on female reproductive processes. Flaxseed contains a number of biologically active molecules, which, acting through multiple signalling pathways, can determine numerous physiological, protective and therapeutic effects of flaxseed. The available publications demonstrate the action of flaxseed and its constituents on the female reproductive system – ovarian growth, follicle development, the resulting puberty and reproductive cycles, ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis, oo- and embryogenesis, hormonal regulators of reproductive processes and their dysfunctions. These effects can be determined by flaxseed lignans, alpha-linolenic acid and their products. Their actions can be mediated by changes in general metabolism, metabolic and reproductive hormones, their binding proteins, receptors and several intracellular signalling pathways, including protein kinases, transcription factors regulating cell proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis and malignant transformation. Flaxseed and its active molecules are found potentially useful for improving farm animal reproductive efficiency and treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome and ovarian cancer.
Many hormones secreted from specific organs are bound to carrier proteins in blood. The interaction is reversible and depends on the type of hormone, the animal species, and physiological conditions. During pregnancy, the binding of hormones to plasma proteins usually increases Some plasma-binding proteins may be found only in specific animal species, for example, progesterone binding globulin (PBG) appears in guinea pig and other hystricomorphs but not in other species. The interaction of various hormones with plasma proteins presents significant differences in the physicochemical characteristics of the binding, particularly in their affinity and specificity. This chapter discusses the main characteristics of the proteins that interact with hormones present in the plasma of the fetal or maternal compartments and in amniotic fluid during the course of gestation in humans and other mammals. The presence of proteins that bind specifically to various steroid hormones is very limited: α-fetoprotein only in mouse and rat, PBG only in the guinea pig, and uteroglobin only in the rabbit.
Phytoestrogens and lignans are components of a variety of plant foods. The adverse estrogenic effects of phytoestrogens on reproductive development have been observed in domestic and experimental animals. The type of estrogenic effect seen depends on both the relative potency of the compound and the time of exposure. Human consumption of foods rich in isoflavones or lignans has led to menstrual cycle changes, alleviation of menopausal symptoms as well as anti-osteoporosis effects. Human correlation and animal studies suggest that consumption of foods rich in phytoestrogens and lignans may result in reduced risk of chronic disease such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Anticancer mechanisms include antagonism of estrogen metabolism, antioxidant activity, and modulatory effects on key control points of the cell cycle. Hypocholesterolemic effects as well as inhibition of platelet activation are postulated antiatherogenic mechanisms. The relative adverse and beneficial effects of each compound should be considered separately.
Evidence is presented suggesting that the fetolethal properties of diethylstilbestrol (DES) are indirect, mediated maternally through a perturbation of the normal mechanisms of parturition. Oral administration of the compound to Sprague-Dawley rats near Day 18 of pregnancy was shown to delay the onset of parturition, prolong labor, and induce dystocia, with a concomitant large increase in perinatal mortality. Exposure during Days 8-16 was without effect, whereas treatment in the Day 18-20 interval resulted in preterm delivery. Inability to initiate labor at term, accompanied by fetal death, also resulted from the administration of hCG on Days 16-18. The relative incidence of stillbirths in DES-exposed pups was markedly decreased by Caesarean delivery. The average weight of the maternal pituitary gland was not affected by treatment, whereas maternal adrenal glands were 30% larger. Maternal blood levels of corticosterone were not significantly elevated, however. The average number of follicles on Day 21 was significantly reduced by DES, and a histological analysis failed to demonstrate a luteotropic effect of the compound. In dams treated on Days 8-18, serum progesterone was reduced by as much as 60%, and total estrogens were 32% lower than in controls. We conclude that DES acts in the rat to depress the preterm levels of steroid hormones, which leads to a failure of uterine contraction accompanied by placental detachment and fetal death.
The effects of a phytoestrogen diet on sexual differentiation were examined in lactationally exposed rat pups. Rat dams were provided a semipurified diet containing the isoflavonoid coumestrol at a concentration (0.01%) previously found to be uterotrophic. Coumestrol treatment did not significantly alter the time of vaginal opening, although vaginal opening did occur at a lighter body weight. By 132 days of age, 83% of coumestrol-treated females exhibited the cornified smears of a persistent estrous state. By contrast, 91% of control animals were cycling regularly at 132 days of age. Estradiol stimulation failed to elicit an LH elevation in the coumestrol-treated animals, suggesting the possibility of neuroendocrine impairments. These findings indicate that the female offspring of mothers fed a low-level phytoestrogen diet during lactation manifest early and nearly universal disruption of cyclicity of the persistent-estrus type.