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Requirement for Croquemort in Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells in Drosophila


Abstract and Figures

Macrophages in the Drosophila embryo are responsible for the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and are competent to engulf bacteria. Croquemort (CRQ) is a CD36-related receptor expressed exclusively on these macrophages. Genetic evidence showed thatcrq was essential for efficient phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses but was not required for the engulfment of bacteria. The expression of CRQ was regulated by the amount of apoptosis. These data define distinct pathways for the phagocytosis of corpses and bacteria in Drosophila.
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ganic peroxides, nitro compounds, azo compounds, or
inorganic sulfur, was detected.
26. J. I. Kroschwitz Ed., Encyclopedia of Polymer Science
and Engineering (Wiley, New York, 1985).
27. This behavior is consistent with our observation that
the addition of polar organic solvents such as acetone
or ethanol to the latex emulsion induces latex coag-
ulation, but addition of water alone does not produce
this effect (26).
28. We thank Mexico’s Consejo de Arqueologia at the
Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (INAH)
and J. Garcia-Ba´rcena, C. Rodriguez, and P. Ortiz of
INAH for permissions to perform this study; in Chia-
pas, J. Gasco, F. Guillen, L. Guillen, and A. Castan˜eda;
in the United States, C. Coggins; at Harvard Univer-
sity, the staff at the Peabody Museum and Botany
libraries; and V. Williams, M. Rubner, C. Scott, W.
Williams, H. Lechtman, and the Undergraduate Re-
search Opportunities Program at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
23 December 1998; accepted 30 April 1999
Requirement for Croquemort in
Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells
in Drosophila
Nathalie C. Franc,
Pascal Heitzler,
R. Alan B. Ezekowitz,
Kristin White
Macrophages in the Drosophila embryo are responsible for the phagocytosis of
apoptotic cells and are competent to engulf bacteria. Croquemort (CRQ) is a
CD36-related receptor expressed exclusively on these macrophages. Genetic
evidence showed that crq was essential for efficient phagocytosis of apoptotic
corpses but was not required for the engulfment of bacteria. The expression of
CRQ was regulated by the amount of apoptosis. These data define distinct
pathways for the phagocytosis of corpses and bacteria in Drosophila.
Phagocytosis is the terminal event of the
apoptotic process (1,2) and is also critical for
the engulfment of microorganisms (3). It has
been proposed that the recognition of both
nonself (microorganisms) and effete self
(corpses) may share common receptors (4).
Blocking experiments have implicated a
number of receptors as important for target
recognition (2– 4 ). Genetic studies indicate
that some of these receptors participate in
phagocytosis of pathogens in vivo (5,6).
However, the multiplicity and redundancy of
recognition mechanisms in mammalian sys-
tems have made it difficult to evaluate the
relative roles of these receptors in the phago-
cytosis of corpses. Although several genes of
Caenorhabditis elegans are involved in the
phagocytosis of corpses (79), none of these
molecules seem to act directly as a receptor in
the recognition of the corpse.
In Drosophila embryos, like in mammals
and in contrast to worms, the clearance of apo-
ptotic cells is primarily mediated by macro-
phages, hemocytes that become phagocytic at
the initiation of developmentally regulated apo-
ptosis (10). Croquemort (CRQ), a Drosophila
CD36-related receptor, is specifically expressed
on all embryonic macrophages (11). Human
CD36 acts as a scavenger receptor (12–14) and
also binds apoptotic cells in combination with
the macrophage vitronectin receptor and throm-
bospondin (15,16). CD36 has the ability to
confer phagocytic activity on nonphagocytic
cells on transfection (17,18). CRQ expression
in nonphagocytic Cos7 cells allows these cells
to recognize and engulf apoptotic thymocytes
(11). Thus, CRQ may participate in the removal
of apoptotic cells during Drosophila embryo-
genesis. We genetically evaluated the relative
Fig. 1. Macrophages in crq-deficient embryos have very poor phagocytic
activity for apoptotic cells. (Ato F) In confocal micrographs, peroxidasin-
stained hemocytes appear green, CRQ staining appears blue, 7-AAD–
stained apoptotic corpses appear as bright red round particles, and the
nuclei of viable cells appear as large red diffused components. All images
are the sum of eight focal planes. (A) to (C) show a 40 magnified lateral
view of the head region of (A) a In(2L)Cy homozygous embryo, (B) a
Df(2L)al homozygous embryo, and (C) a W88 homozygous embryo. (D)
to (F) show high-magnification views (400) of their respective macro-
phages. As compared with the wild-type distribution (A) and phagocytic
activity (D) of macrophages within In(2L)Cy homozygous embryos, mac-
rophages in Df(2L)al (B) and W88 (C) homozygous embryos accumulate
in the head and around the amnioserosa and show very poor phagocytic
activity despite their recruitment at sites of abundant apoptosis (E and F).
Asterisks indicate the nucleus of each macrophage seen in these fields. (G)
A chart summarizes the efficiency of phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses
observed within each genotyped embryos assayed. Results shown are the
mean P.I. SE; nis the total number of macrophages scored for each
genotype. Dark blue, w; In(2L)Cy/In(2L)Cy; red, w; In(2L)Cy/Df(2L)al; yellow,
w; Df(2L)al/Df(2L)al; and light blue, w; W88/W88.
role of this receptor in phagocytosis of apoptotic
cells and in other macrophage functions in vivo.
To look at the crq-null phenotype, we used
two overlapping deletions of the 21C region,
Df(2L)al (19) and Df(2L)TE99(Z)XW88 (W88)
(20). The Drosophila genome project sequence
indicates that crq is at position 21C4 between
expanded (ex)(21) and u-shaped (ush)(22,23).
Df(2L)al removes about 180 kb from the ari-
staless gene (al )(19)toush, whereas W88
uncovers about 100 kb from ex to ush (20).
Homozygous embryos for either of these defi-
ciencies can be distinguished by morphological
defects (19,22). Both polymerase chain reac-
tion (PCR) on single embryos (24) and CRQ
immunostaining (11) confirmed that these ho-
mozygous embryos are crq null.
We assayed phagocytosis of apoptotic
corpses in Df(2L)al and W88 homozygous
embryos with a double fluorescent immuno-
labeling for CRQ and peroxidasin, a hemo-
cyte marker (10), and a nuclear dye, 7-amino
actinomycin D (7-AAD) (25). Macrophages
in wild-type embryos and embryos homozy-
gous for the balancer chromosome were
phagocytic for apoptotic corpses (Fig. 1, A
and D) with a mean phagocytic index (P.I.) of
3.96 corpses per macrophage (Fig. 1G) (26).
Although they accumulated at the site of cell
death, macrophages within Df(2L)al and W88
homozygous embryos remained very small
and round (Fig. 1, B, C, E, and F), with P.I.s
of 0.26 and 0.21, respectively (Fig. 1G).
In the absence of crq single mutants, we
could not definitively conclude that the phe-
notype observed in Df(2L)al or W88 homozy-
gous embryos resulted solely from the dele-
tion of crq. Therefore, we generated a UAS-
crq transgene (27) and tested the ability of
ubiquitously expressed CRQ to rescue the
engulfment defect in Df(2L)al homozygous
embryos, using a hsGal4 transgene to drive
expression. In heat-shocked mutant embryos
that carried both the hsGal4 and UAS-crq
transgenes, macrophages showed substantial
CRQ expression and phagocytic activity for
apoptotic cells, with a P.I. of 2.20 (Fig. 2, C,
F, and G). This indicates that crq is sufficient
to rescue the phagocytosis defect in Df(2L)al
homozygous embryos.
In serial sections of embryos that ubiqui-
tously expressed CRQ, we observed that apo-
ptotic corpses were not engulfed by cells other
than macrophages (28,29). Thus, ectopic ex-
pression of CRQ is not sufficient to confer
phagocytic ability on other cells in the embryo.
This finding is in contrast with our previous
observation that CRQ expression was sufficient
to confer phagocytic activity on Cos7 cells (13).
However, in UAS-crq; hsGal4 embryos, CRQ
was found at only low levels in cells other than
macrophages, suggesting that CRQ might be
unstable in other cells.
A human macrophage receptor, CD14, par-
ticipates in both recognition and engulfment of
pathogens as well as of apoptotic cells (30,31).
We tested whether crq participates in phagocy-
tosis of pathogens by Drosophila embryonic
macrophages. We injected fluorescently labeled
bacteria into living stage 11 wild-type and W88
embryos and monitored their fate by confocal
microscopy (32). Wild-type embryonic macro-
phages engulfed both Gram-negative (Esche-
richia coli) (Fig. 3, A to C) and Gram-positive
bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus)(28). In W88
homozygous embryos identified by their
u-shaped phenotype (Fig. 3D), macrophages
also engulfed bacteria (Fig. 3, D and E). Al-
though these assays are not quantitative, we
conclude that crq is specifically required for the
phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses and is not
essential for the engulfment of bacteria. crq is
also not necessary for endocytosis of acetylated
low density lipoproteins (LDLs) (33) (Fig. 3F)
or for the production of the extracellular matrix
components peroxidasin and MDP-1 (Fig. 1, B
and C) (28).
The onset of CRQ expression corresponds
to the time at which developmentally regu-
lated apoptosis begins. We tested whether the
presence of apoptotic cells might regulate
CRQ expression by examining CRQ protein
levels in embryos with altered amounts of
apoptosis. In Df(3L)H99 (H99) homozygous
embryos, apoptosis does not occur, as a result
of the deletion of the cell death regulators
reaper (rpr), grim, and head involution de-
fective (hid)(34 –36 ). However, macro-
phages in H99 homozygotes engulf corpses
when apoptosis is induced by high levels of
x-ray irradiation (34). When quantified by
Cutaneous Biology Research Center,
Laboratory of
Developmental Immunology, and
Department of Pe-
diatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School. Charlestown, MA 02129, USA.
tut de Ge´ne´tique et de Biologie Mole´culaire et Cellu-
laire (IGBMC), Centre National de la Recherche Sci-
entifique/Institut National de la Sante´etdelaRe-
cherche Me´dicale/Universite´ Louis Pasteur de Stras-
bourg (CNRS/INSERM/ULP), 67404 Illkirch Cedex,
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
Fig. 2. Expression of a croquemort transgene reinstates the
ability of macrophages in Df(2L)al homozygotes to recognize
and engulf apoptotic corpses. A UAS-crq transgene was ex-
pressed under the control of a hsGal4 driver in all cells of
Df(2L)al embryos, and phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses was
assessed as in Fig. 1 (25). (Ato C) Single focal planes. (Dto F)
Images are the sum of eight focal planes. (A) to (C) show a 100
view of macrophages within the head of embryos with the
following genotypes: (A) control: w; CyO,S/CyO,S; hsGal4/; (B)
homozygous mutant, as recognized by aberrant morphology: w;
Df(2L)al/Df(2L)al; hsGal4/hsGal4; and (C) transgene rescue of
homozygous mutant: w, UAS-crq; Df(2L)al/Df(2L)al; hsGal4/.
All embryos were heat-shocked for 1 hour at 39°C and assayed
2 hours later. (D) to (F) show high-magnification views (400)
of macrophages within the embryos shown in (A) to (C), respectively. Asterisks indicate the nucleus
of each macrophage seen in these fields. Arrows indicate free apoptotic corpses. (G) A chart
summarizes the efficiency of phagocytosis of apoptotic corpses observed within each category of
embryos assayed. Results shown are the mean P.I. SE; nis the total number of macrophages
scored for each genotype. Blue, w; CyO,S/CyO,S; hsGal4/hsGal4; red, w; Df(2L)al/Df(2L)al; hsGal4/
hsGal4; and yellow, w, UAS-crq; Df(2L)al/Df(2L)al; hsGal4/.
18 JUNE 1999 VOL 284 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1992
confocal microscopy, CRQ expression was
decreased by 74% in H99 embryos (Fig. 4, B
and E) as compared with wild-type embryos
(Fig. 4, A and D) (37). Some hemocytes in
these embryos do not express detectable lev-
els of CRQ (Fig. 4H). However, after x-ray
irradiation, apoptosis is induced in H99 em-
bryos (34), and CRQ expression increases
(28). This suggests that rpr,grim, and hid
themselves do not regulate CRQ expression
but that the absence of apoptotic corpses
results in CRQ down-regulation. MDP-1 ex-
pression is also down-regulated in H99 em-
bryos (38), suggesting that multiple macro-
phage functions might be activated in the
presence of apoptotic cells.
We tested whether increased apoptosis re-
sulted in increased CRQ expression by sub-
jecting wild-type embryos to x-ray irradiation
(34). In such embryos, giant macrophages
were seen that had engulfed many apoptotic
corpses. In these embryos, macrophages
showed a 3.3-fold increase in CRQ expres-
sion as compared with wild-type embryos
(Fig. 3, C and F) (37). CRQ expression was
similarly up-regulated after treatment of
l(2)mbn cells with ecdysone (39), which in-
duces increased apoptosis and increases the
phagocytic activity in these cells (40). Thus,
signals generated by dying cells cause in-
creased expression of CRQ, which could fa-
cilitate the clearance of the cell corpses. The
expression of the related protein CD36 in
human monocytes is also increased by bind-
ing to one of its ligands, oxidized LDL (41).
This work characterizes a phagocytosis mu-
tant in Drosophila and indicates that the CRQ
protein is necessary, but probably not sufficient,
for efficient phagocytosis of apoptotic cells in
the embryo. Blocking studies on mammalian
macrophages predicted a role for CD36 in the
engulfment of apoptotic cells, and our in vivo
data support this model. Because phagocytosis
of apoptotic cells was not completely abolished
in crq-deficient embryos (Fig. 1F), other recep-
tors are probably involved in this process. Two
other Drosophila macrophage receptors, the
Scavenger Receptor dSR-C1 and Malvolio (42,
43), may share overlapping functions with
CRQ in the engulfment of apoptotic corpses.
However, the rather low efficiency of the resid-
ual phagocytic activity in crq-deficient embryos
implicates the CRQ pathway as a major partic-
ipant in the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells.
CRQ is not required for the phagocytosis of
bacteria by embryonic macrophages, but be-
cause dSR-C1 and Malvolio are similar to mol-
ecules involved in mammalian immune re-
sponses (42,43), they may be specific pattern-
recognition receptors for pathogens.
A genetic dissection of phagocytosis in
Drosophila should further elucidate the
phagocytic pathways for apoptotic corpses
during development and for the engulfment
of pathogens during an immune response. A
greater understanding of the molecular mech-
anisms of both these processes in the fly, as
well as of the macrophage responses they
trigger, is likely to provide insights relevant
to mammalian systems.
References and Notes
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la embryonic macro-
phages are competent
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endocytosis. Stage 11
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gous embryos were in-
jected with TRITC-la-
beled bacteria (32). The
fate of the bacteria was
monitored by confocal
microscopy. (Ato C)
High-magnification im-
ages (100) of a mac-
rophage in a yw inject-
ed embryo taken at
three successive focal
planes. The overlay of
Nomarski and fluores-
cent images shows a
macrophage that has
engulfed several la-
beled bacteria. (D)A
Nomarski image of a magnified view (40) of the head region of a W88 embryo injected with
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morphology of a macrophage that had taken up DiI AcLDL (red stain) can be seen.
Fig. 4. Croquemort expression is
regulated by the amount of ap-
optosis. Projected confocal im-
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in the head of a wild-type em-
bryo (A,D, and G), an H99 ho-
mozygous embryo (B,E, and H),
and an irradiated wild-type em-
bryo (34)(C,F, and I). (A) to (C)
are at 40; (D) to (I) are isolated
macrophages at 400. Images
shown in (A) to (F) were taken
with constant excitation and de-
tection settings to show relative
levels of CRQ staining. (G) to (I)
show overlays of (D) to (F) with
corresponding Nomarski images.
CRQ expression is considerably
down-regulated in H99 homozy-
gous embryos (B and E). In x-
ray–irradiated wild-type embry-
os, the amount of apoptosis is
considerably increased. Macro-
phages become greatly enlarged
as they engulf numerous apoptotic corpses, and the level of CRQ expression in each macrophage
is remarkably up-regulated (C and F). (E) and (H) show three small macrophages side by side, one
of which does not appear to express CRQ (arrowhead). (D), (G), (F), and (I) show single
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19. K. Schneitz, P. Spielmann, M. Noll, Genes Dev. 7, 114
20. P. Heitzler, unpublished observations.
21. M. Boedigheimer and A. Laughon, Development 118,
1291 (1993).
22. L. Frank and C. Rushlow, ibid. 122, 1343 (1996).
23. Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project, unpublished
24. Single embryos were squished in 10 lof10mM
tris-HCl (pH8.0), 1 mM EDTA, and 25 mM NaCl
containing Proteinase K (200 g/ml; Boehringer
Mannheim) and incubated at 37°C for 30 min, fol-
lowed by 2 min at 95°C. The PCR was performed with
2.5 U of Taq polymerase and 100 ng of each primer.
Two pairs of primers were designed to amplify 634
base pairs (bp) of the crq genomic sequence and 200
bp of the genomic region of the doom gene as an
internal control [A. J. Harvey, A. P. Bidwaldi, L. K.
Miller, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17, 2835 (1997)]. Crq-specific
primers were 5-TGCCACCGATGCTTGCAGAT-3and
cycles were 94°C for 1 min, 65°C for 1 min, and 72°C
for 1 min for 30 cycles. In embryos from the W88
stock, 20 of 79 were missing the crq-specific band.
25. CRQ immunostaining was used to genotype each em-
bryo. Peroxidasin immunostaining detected all hemo-
cytes [R. E. Nelson et al.,EMBO J. 13, 3438 (1994)]. The
nuclear dye 7-AAD labeled all DNA and allowed for the
identification of apoptotic corpses. Unless otherwise
specified, stage 11 to 16 embryos were fixed with
standard procedures (44). Fixed devitellinized embryos
were incubated in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS),
0.0125% saponin, 1% bovine serum albumin, and 4%
normal goat serum (PSN) for 1 hour at room temper-
ature and then incubated with the primary antibodies at
a 1:1000 dilution in PSN overnight at 4°C. After several
washes in PBS, the embryos were incubated for 1 hour
at room temperature with the following secondary
antibodies: fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated goat
antibody to mouse and Cy5-conjugated goat antibody
to rabbit ( Jackson Immunoresearch) used at a 1: 1000
dilution in PSN. Finally, embryos were washed three
times in PBS for 20 min and subsequently incubated
with 7-AAD (5 g/ml) in PBS for 30 min. Embryos were
quickly washed twice in PBS, mounted in Vectashield
(Vector), and viewed by confocal microscopy (Leica TCS
NT 4D).
26. The efficiency of engulfment was quantified by
counting the number of engulfed corpses per macro-
phage in at least five fields of four embryos of each
genotype. A P.I., that is, the mean number of engulfed
corpses per macrophage, was calculated for each
embryo, and the mean P.I. was derived for each
27. C. Phelps and A. Brand, Methods 14, 367 (1998).
28. N. Franc and K. White, data not shown.
29. Stage 12 to 14 w, UAS-crq;hs-Gal4/and control w;
hs-Gal4 embryos were heat-shocked for 1 hour at
39°C, aged for 2 hours at 25°C, and fixed and em-
bedded in Spurr’s resin (34). Serial 1-m sections of
two embryos of each genotype were stained with a
solution of methylene, toluidine blue, and borax (44)
and viewed by standard microscopy.
30. J. Pugin et al.,Immunity 1, 509 (1994).
31. A. Devitt et al.,Nature 392, 505 (1998).
32. Stage 11 embryos were microinjected with a solution
of PBS and 2 mM NaN
containing about 6 10
tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate ( TRITC)–la-
beled fluorescent E. coli (K-12 strain) or S. aureus
(Wood strain) bioparticles (heat-killed bacteria; Mo-
lecular Probes) with standard microinjection proce-
dures (44). After injection, embryos were kept in the
dark at 18°C for 14 to 16 hours, incubated for 1 hour
at 4°C, mounted, and viewed under Nomarski and
fluorescence with a confocal microscope.
33. J. Abrams, A. Lux, H. Steller, M. Krieger, Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 10375 (1992).
34. K. White et al.,Science 264, 677 (1994).
35. M. E. Grether, J. M. Abrams, J. Agapite, K. White, H.
Steller, Genes Dev. 9, 1694 (1995).
36. P. Chen, W. Nordstrom, B. Gish, J. M. Abrams, ibid. 10,
1773 (1996).
37. After CRQ immunostaining, the amount of fluores-
cence seen in five isolated macrophages of each
genotype was quantified with a confocal microscope.
For each macrophage, the fluorescence of serial sec-
tions of 0.5 m was quantified from top to bottom of
the cell. After subtracting the background fluores-
cence, the total amount of fluorescence within each
macrophage was calculated.
38. M. Hortsch et al.,Int. J. Dev. Biol. 42, 33 (1998).
39. J.-L. Dimarcq et al.,Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 27, 877
40. E. Gateff et al.,inInvertebrate Systems In Vitro,E.
Kurstak, K. Maramorosch, A. Dubendorfer, Eds. (North-
Holland, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1980), pp. 517–533.
41. L. Nagy, P. Tontonoz, J. Alverez, H. Chen, R. Evans,
Cell 93, 229 (1998).
42. A. Pearson, A. Lux, M. Krieger, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 92, 4056 (1995).
43. V. Rodrigues, P. Cheah, K. Ray, W. Chia, EMBO J. 14,
3007 (1995).
44. M. Ashburner, Drosophila: A Laboratory Manual (Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor,
NY, 1989).
45. We thank J. Fessler and M. Hortsch for providing
antibodies; E. Noll, N. Perrimon, the Bloomington
Stock Center, and L. Dobens for fly stocks; M. Krieger
for the DiI AcLDLs; Y. Ge and W. Fowle for assistance
with confocal microscopy and histology; the lab of T.
Orr-Weaver for advice on nuclear dyes; I. Ando for
suggesting the bacteria assay experiment; and J.
Settleman and the members of the Ezekowitz and
White laboratories for helpful comments on this
work. This work was supported by grants from the
Shiseido Company of Japan to Massachusetts Gener-
al Hospital/Harvard Medical School (N.C.F. and K.W.),
from NIH (K.W. and A.E.), and from the Human
Frontiers in Science Program (A.E. and N.C.F.).
5 February 1999; accepted 12 May 1999
Vessel Cooption, Regression,
and Growth in Tumors
Mediated by Angiopoietins and
J. Holash,
P. C. Maisonpierre,
D. Compton,
P. Boland,
C. R. Alexander,
D. Zagzag,
G. D. Yancopoulos,
S. J. Wiegand
In contrast with the prevailing view that most tumors and metastases begin as
avascular masses, evidence is presented here that a subset of tumors instead
initially grows by coopting existing host vessels. This coopted host vasculature
does not immediately undergo angiogenesis to support the tumor but instead
regresses, leading to a secondarily avascular tumor and massive tumor cell loss.
Ultimately, however, the remaining tumor is rescued by robust angiogenesis at
the tumor margin. The expression patterns of the angiogenic antagonist an-
giopoietin-2 and of pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
suggest that these proteins may be critical regulators of this balance between
vascular regression and growth.
It is widely accepted that most tumors and
metastases originate as small avascular mass-
es that belatedly induce the development of
new blood vessels once they grow to a few
millimeters in size (13). Initial avascular
growth would be predicted for tumors that
arise in epithelial structures that are separated
from the underlying vasculature by a base-
ment membrane and for experimental tumors
that are implanted into avascular settings
(such as the cornea pocket) or into a virtual
space (such as the subcutaneum) (2,3). How-
ever, there is also evidence to suggest that
tumors in more natural settings do not always
originate avascularly, particularly when they
arise within or metastasize to vascularized
tissue (4). In such settings, tumor cells may
coopt existing blood vessels (4). The inter-
play between this coopting of existing vessels
and subsequent tumor-induced angiogenesis
has not been extensively examined nor has
the role of angiogenic factors in this process.
The pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial
growth factors (VEGFs) and the angiopoietins
are the only known growth factor families that
are specific for the vascular endothelium be-
cause expression of their receptors is restricted
to these cells (5,6). The angiopoietins include
both receptor activators [angiopoietin-1 (Ang-
1)] and receptor antagonists [angiopoietin-2
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, 777 Old Saw Mill River
Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591, USA.
Microvascular and
Molecular Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, Department
of Pathology, Kaplan Cancer Center, New York Uni-
versity Medical Center, New York, NY 10016, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
mail: (G.D.Y.); stan.wiegand@regpha.
com (S.J.W.)
18 JUNE 1999 VOL 284 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1994
... One hit was annotated as "scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-B1)." A basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) analysis revealed that this molecule is homologous to the Drosophila receptor Crq, a member of the CD36 superfamily (13,24). The CD36 superfamily is an ancient group of lipid scavenger receptors with roles in metabolism and immunity (25)(26)(27). ...
... The CD36 superfamily is an ancient group of lipid scavenger receptors with roles in metabolism and immunity (25)(26)(27). In Drosophila, Crq is a hemocyte receptor and involved in lipid uptake, phagocytosis, antibacterial immunity, JNK activation, and cytokine production through the Janus kinase (JAK)-signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway (13,24,(28)(29)(30)(31). In mammals, CD36 has pleiotropic functions due to its ability to bind various lipid ligands and associate with coreceptors (25,32). ...
... Crq Is Ubiquitously Expressed in I. scapularis Ticks. In mammals, CD36 is expressed by immune cells, endothelium, adipose tissue, heart, liver, and intestine, while Drosophila Crq is a hemocyte scavenger receptor (13,24,28). We allowed nymphs to feed until repletion and measured crq expression over time. ...
The immune deficiency (IMD) pathway directs host defense in arthropods upon bacterial infection. In Pancrustacea, peptidoglycan recognition proteins sense microbial moieties and initiate nuclear factor-κB-driven immune responses. Proteins that elicit the IMD pathway in non-insect arthropods remain elusive. Here, we show that an Ixodes scapularis homolog of croquemort (Crq), a CD36-like protein, promotes activation of the tick IMD pathway. Crq exhibits plasma membrane localization and binds the lipid agonist 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol. Crq regulates the IMD and jun N-terminal kinase signaling cascades and limits the acquisition of the Lyme disease spirochete B. burgdorferi. Additionally, nymphs silenced for crq display impaired feeding and delayed molting to adulthood due to a deficiency in ecdysteroid synthesis. Collectively, we establish a distinct mechanism for arthropod immunity outside of insects and crustaceans.
... 41 Furthermore, engulfment also appears to drive upregulation of the efferocytic receptor Croquemort. 100 Corpse uptake by macrophages triggers a transient increase in intracellular calcium within the engulfing cell, which leads to increased c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling and culminates in the increased expression of Draper. 41 While the expression of SIMU and Draper is hard wired into phagocytic glia and does not require priming, their upregulation also appears to involve JNK signaling, in this case, acting downstream of Repo. ...
... Notably, the discovery of the CD36 homologue Croquemort, and its requirement for macrophage-mediated uptake of apoptosis, was an early demonstration of the power of using the Drosophila embryo and its phagocytes to study efferocytosis. 100 Integrins have also be implicated in Drosophila efferocytosis, consistent with their role in mammalian engulfment. 144 However, it is the Nimrod superfamily that contains the largest collection of Drosophila phagocytic receptors. ...
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The clearance of dead and dying cells, termed efferocytosis, is a rapid and efficient process and one that is critical for organismal health. The extraordinary speed and efficiency with which dead cells are detected and engulfed by immune cells within tissues presents a challenge to researchers who wish to unravel this fascinating process, since these fleeting moments of uptake are almost impossible to catch in vivo. In recent years, the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) embryo has emerged as a powerful model to circumvent this problem. With its abundance of dying cells, specialist phagocytes and relative ease of live imaging, the humble fly embryo provides a unique opportunity to catch and study the moment of cell engulfment in real‐time within a living animal. In this review, we explore the recent advances that have come from studies in the fly, and how live imaging and genetics have revealed a previously unappreciated level of diversity in the efferocytic program. A variety of efferocytic strategies across the phagocytic cell population ensure efficient and rapid clearance of corpses wherever death is encountered within the varied and complex setting of a multicellular living organism.
... Over the past decades, the use of Drosophila species in genetics has continually provided information on vertebrates, facilitating the development of important therapeutic targets for defective cell clearance in organisms [7]. Several key proteins required for ACs clearance have been identified in D. melanogaster; for example, Draper (Drpr) [8,9], Croquemort (Crq) [10,11], and αPS3/βν integrin [12,13]. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms and signals associated with efferocytosis have not been elucidated. ...
... Screening of candidate genes required for efferocytosis in D. melanogaster macrophages Crq is defined as an engulfment receptor; its expression can be regulated by the extent of cell apoptosis [11]. During the process of ACs clearance in S2 cells, the expression of crq was timedependent ( Fig. 1A) and dose-dependent (Fig. 1B). ...
Apoptotic cell (AC) clearance is a complex process in which phagocytes recognize, engulf, and digest ACs during organismal development and tissue homeostasis. Impaired efferocytosis results in developmental defects and autoimmune diseases. In the current study, we performed RNA-sequencing to systematically identify regulators involved in the phagocytosis of ACs by Drosophila melanogaster macrophage-like S2 cells, followed by targeted RNA interference screening. Wunen2 (Wun2), a homolog of mammalian lipid phosphate phosphatase (LPP), was deemed as required for efferocytosis both in vitro and in vivo. However, efferocytosis was independent of Wun2 phosphatase activity. Proteomic analysis further revealed that Rab11 and its effector Rip11 are interaction partners of Wun2. Therefore, Wun2 collaborates with Rip11 and Rab11 to mediate efficient recycling of the phagocytic receptor βν integrin subunit to the plasma membrane. The loss of Wun2 results in the routing of βv integrin subunit (Itgbn) into lysosomes, leading to its degradation. The deficiency of βv integrin subunit on the cell surface leads to aberrant and disorganized actin cytoskeleton, thereby influencing the formation of macrophage pseudopodia toward ACs and thus failure to engulf them. The findings of this study provide insights that clarify how phagocytes coordinate AC signals and adopt a precise mechanism for the maintenance of engulfment receptors at their cell membrane surface to regulate efferocytosis.
... In Drosophila, there are more than 10 class B SRs, such as Croquemort (Crq), CD36, and SRB1 (26). Crq has been identified as a membrane receptor that regulates plasmatocyte phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and gram-negative bacteria in Drosophila (32)(33)(34). The CD36-like scavenger receptors protect against Leishmania amazonensis infection by enhancing plasmatocyte phagocytosis (35). ...
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The immune deficiency (IMD) pathway is critical for elevating host immunity in both insects and crustaceans. The IMD pathway activation in insects is mediated by peptidoglycan recognition proteins, which do not exist in crustaceans, suggesting a previously unidentified mechanism involved in crustacean IMD pathway activation. In this study, we identified a Marsupenaeus japonicus B class type III scavenger receptor, SRB2, as a receptor for activation of the IMD pathway. SRB2 is up-regulated upon bacterial challenge, while its depletion exacerbates bacterial proliferation and shrimp mortality via abolishing the expression of antimicrobial peptides. The extracellular domain of SRB2 recognizes bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), while its C-terminal intracellular region containing a cryptic RHIM-like motif interacts with IMD, and activates the pathway by promoting nuclear translocation of RELISH. Overexpressing shrimp SRB2 in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells potentiates LPS-induced IMD pathway activation and diptericin expression. These results unveil a previously unrecognized SRB2-IMD axis responsible for antimicrobial peptide induction and restriction of bacterial infection in crustaceans and provide evidence of biological diversity of IMD signaling in animals. A better understanding of the innate immunity of crustaceans will permit the optimization of prevention and treatment strategies against the arising shrimp diseases.
... To characterize clusters 7, 8, 13, 16 and 17 further, we identified the differentially expressed 175 markers ( Figure 3C). Apoptotic-cell clearance markers drpr (Etchegaray et al., 2012) and crq 176 (Franc et al., 1999), that were previously detected via bulk RNA-Seq, were now specifically 177 detected in the cells of cluster 8, while polar and border-cell associated markers (Jevitt et al.,178 2020), such as unpaired (upd1), slow border cells (slbo) and singed (sn), were found enriched in 179 cluster-17 cells. We validated the expression of sn and drpr within the multilayers and found 180 them to be expressed in the polar cells and in the follicle cells of egg chambers that associate 181 with dying germline cells respectively ( Figure 3D). ...
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Apicobasal cell-polarity loss is a founding event in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and epithelial tumorigenesis, yet how pathological polarity loss links to plasticity remains largely unknown. To understand the mechanisms and mediators regulating plasticity upon polarity loss, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of Drosophila ovaries, where inducing polarity-gene l(2)gl-knockdown (Lgl-KD) causes invasive multilayering of the follicular epithelia. Analyzing the integrated Lgl-KD and wildtype transcriptomes, we discovered the cells specific to the various discernible phenotypes and characterized the underlying gene expression. A genetic requirement of Keap1-Nrf2 signaling in promoting multilayer formation of Lgl-KD cells was further identified. Ectopic expression of Keap1 increased the volume of delaminated follicle cells that showed enhanced invasive behavior with significant changes to the cytoskeleton. Overall, our findings describe the comprehensive transcriptome of cells within the follicle-cell tumor model at the single-cell resolution and identify a previously unappreciated link between Keap1-Nrf2 signaling and cell plasticity at early tumorigenesis.
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Insect immunity consists of cellular and humoral reactions. Cellular reactions comprise haemocytes which include phagocytosis, nodulation (haemocyte aggregation) and encapsulation. Morphologically, haemocytes are distinct variety of cells comparable to the vertebrate leukocytes and macrophages. Many researchers categorised the haemocytes of insects (Orthoptera) as prohaemocytes (PRs), plasmatocytes (PLs), coagulocytes (COs), oenocytoids (OEs), podocytes (POs), granulocytes (GRs) and reticular cells (RTs). The aim of present study was morphological characterization of circulating haemocytes in Orthoptera. Grasshoppers were collected from Navegaon and Tadoba National Park and its adjoining areas of Maharashtra, India during educational visit. Prohaemocytes (PRs), plasmatocytes (PLs), granulocytes (GRs), oenocytoids (OEs), podocytes (POs) were categoriged. Haemocyte aggregation and phagocytic behaviour were also noticed. But fundamental studies on insect haemocytes demand more investigations and researches.
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Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful, long-standing model for metazoan development and gene regulation. We profiled chromatin accessibility in almost 1 million and gene expression in half a million nuclei from overlapping windows spanning the entirety of embryogenesis. Leveraging developmental asynchronicity within embryo collections, we applied deep neural networks to infer the age of each nucleus, resulting in continuous, multimodal views of molecular and cellular transitions in absolute time. We identify cell lineages; infer their developmental relationships; and link dynamic changes in enhancer usage, transcription factor (TF) expression, and the accessibility of TFs’ cognate motifs. With these data, the dynamics of enhancer usage and gene expression can be explored within and across lineages at the scale of minutes, including for precise transitions like zygotic genome activation.
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Insect immunity consists of cellular and humoral reactions. Cellular reactions comprise haemocytes which include phagocytosis, nodulation (haemocyte aggregation) and encapsulation. Morphologically, haemocytes are distinct variety of cells comparable to the vertebrate leukocytes and macrophages. Many researchers categorised the haemocytes of insects (Orthoptera) as prohaemocytes (PRs), plasmatocytes (PLs), coagulocytes (COs), oenocytoids (OEs), podocytes (POs), granulocytes (GRs) and reticular cells (RTs). The aim of present study was morphological characterization of circulating haemocytes in Orthoptera. Grasshoppers were collected from Navegaon and Tadoba National Park and its adjoining areas of Maharashtra, India during educational visit. Prohaemocytes (PRs), plasmatocytes (PLs), granulocytes (GRs), oenocytoids (OEs), podocytes (POs) were categoriged. Haemocyte aggregation and phagocytic behaviour were also noticed. But fundamental studies on insect haemocytes demand more investigations and researches. Keywords Haemocytes, Insects, Orthoptera, Phagocytosis, Aggregation.
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The oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the arterial wall is thought to contribute to human atherosclerotic lesion formation, in part by the high affinity uptake of oxidized LDL (OxLDL) by macrophages, resulting in foam cell formation. We have utilized cloning by expression to identify CD36 as a macrophage receptor for OxLDL. Transfection of a CD36 clone into 293 cells results in the specific and high affinity binding of OxLDL, followed by its internalization and degradation. An anti-CD36 antibody blocks 50% of the binding of OxLDL to platelets and to human macrophage-like THP cells. Furthermore, like mouse macrophages, 293 cells expressing CD36 recognize LDL which has been oxidized only 4 h, whereas more extensive oxidation of the LDL is required for recognition by the other known OxLDL receptors, the acetylated LDL (AcLDL) receptor and FcgammaRII-B2. CD36 may play a role in scavenging LDL modified by oxidation and may mediate effects of OxLDL on monocytes and platelets in atherosclerotic lesions.
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During programmed cell death, cell corpses are rapidly engulfed. This engulfment process involves the recognition and subsequent phagocytosis of cell corpses by engulfing cells. How cell corpses are engulfed is largely unknown. Here we report that ced-5, a gene that is required for cell-corpse engulfment in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, encodes a protein that is similar to the human protein DOCK180 and the Drosophila melanogaster protein Myoblast City (MBC), both of which have been implicated in the extension of cell surfaces. ced-5 mutants are defective not only in the engulfment of cell corpses but also in the migrations of two specific gonadal cells, the distal tip cells. The expression of human DOCK180 in C. elegans rescued the cell-migration defect of a ced-5 mutant. We present evidence that ced-5 functions in engulfing cells during the engulfment of cell corpses. We suggest that ced-5 acts in the extension of the surface of an engulfing cell around a dying cell during programmed cell death. We name this new family of proteins that function in the extension of cell surfaces the CDM (for CED-5, DOCK180 and MBC) family.
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We have investigated the cell surface recognition mechanisms used by human monocyte-derived macrophages (M phi) in phagocytosis of intact aging human neutrophils (PMNs) undergoing apoptosis. This study shows that the adhesive protein thrombospondin (TSP) was present in the interaction, both associated with the M phi surface and in solution at a mean concentration of 0.59 micrograms/ml. The interaction was inhibited by treatment of M phi (but not aged PMN) with cycloheximide, but could be "rescued" by replenishment with exogenous TSP. Under control conditions, M phi recognition of aged PMNs was specifically potentiated by purified platelet TSP at 5 micrograms/ml, present either in the interaction or if preincubated with either cell type, suggesting that TSP might act as a "molecular bridge" between the two cell types. In support, both aged PMN and M phi were found to adhere to TSP, and phagocytosis of aged PMN was specifically inhibited by (a) excess soluble TSP; (b) antibodies to TSP that also inhibit TSP-mediated adhesion to aged PMN; and (c) down-regulation of M phi receptors for TSP by plating M phi on TSP-coated surfaces. Furthermore, inhibition with mAbs/Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser peptide of the candidate M phi receptors for TSP, CD36, and alpha v beta 3 exerted synergistic effects on both M phi recognition of aged PMN and M phi adhesion to TSP, indicating that "two point" adhesion of TSP to these M phi structures is involved in phagocytosis of aged PMN. Our findings indicate newly defined roles for TSP and CD36 in phagocytic clearance of senescent neutrophils, which may limit inflammatory tissue injury and promote resolution.
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Mammalian macrophage scavenger receptors exhibit unusually broad binding specificity and are implicated in atherosclerosis and host defense. Scavenger receptor-like endocytosis was observed in Drosophila melanogaster embryos and in primary embryonic cell cultures. This receptor activity was expressed primarily by macrophages. The Drosophila Schneider L2, but not the Kc, cell line also exhibited a scavenger receptor-mediated endocytic pathway similar to its mammalian counterpart. L2 receptors mediated high-affinity internalization and subsequent temperature- and chloroquine-sensitive degradation of 125I-labeled acetylated low density lipoprotein and displayed characteristic ligand specificity. These findings suggest that scavenger receptors mediate important, well-conserved functions and raise the possibility that they may be pattern recognition receptors that arose early in the evolution of host defense mechanisms. They also establish additional systems for the investigation of endocytosis in Drosophila and scavenger receptor function in disease, host defense, and development.
The expanded gene was first identified by a spontaneous mutation that causes broad wings. We have identified an enhancer-trap insertion within expanded and used it to generate additional mutations, including one null allele. expanded is an essential gene, necessary for proper growth control of imaginal discs and, when mutant, causes either hyperplasia or degeneration depending on the disc. Wing overgrowth in expanded hypermorphs is limited to specific regions along the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axis. expanded encodes a novel 1429 amino acid protein that is localized to the apical surface of disc cells and contains three potential SH3-binding sites. Together, these observations suggest that the Expanded protein engages in protein-protein interactions regulating cell proliferation in discs.
Viable aristaless (al) mutations of Drosophila affect pattern elements at both ends of the proximodistal axis in a subset of adult appendages. The al gene has been cloned and identified by P-element-mediated germ-line transformation with a genomic DNA fragment, which rescues a lethal mutation of al as well as aspects of the adult al phenotype. The al gene contains a prd-type homeo domain and a Pro/Gln-rich domain and, hence, probably encodes a transcription factor. Its transcript distribution in third-instar imaginal discs closely corresponds to the anlagen of the tissues that later become visibly affected in adult al mutants. The striking similarity of a bimodal al expression in different imaginal discs indicates that al is under the control of a "prepattern," which is shared at least among antennal, leg, and wing discs. The al gene is also transcribed during embryogenesis. Apart from a function in the ontogeny of specific larval head and tail organs, its embryonic transcript pattern suggests a possible role in early imaginal disc development.
Phagocyte recognition and ingestion of intact cells undergoing apoptosis are key events in this generally important program of cell death. Insufficient phagocyte capacity for apoptotic cells can result in failure to clear dying cells before membrane integrity is lost, resulting in leakage of noxious cell contents and severe tissue damage. However, no means has been available to increase phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells. We now report that transfection of the macrophage adhesion molecule CD36 into human Bowes melanoma cells specifically conferred greatly increased capacity to ingest apoptotic neutrophils, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts, comparable to that exhibited by macrophages. Furthermore, when CD36 was transfected into another cell type with limited capacity to take up apoptotic bodies, the monkey COS-7 cell, similar effects were observed. Therefore, CD36 gene transfer can confer "professional" capacity to ingest apoptotic cells upon "amateur" phagocytes.
Cells undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis) are cleared rapidly in vivo by phagocytes without inducing inflammation. Here we show that the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked plasma-membrane glycoprotein CD14 on the surface of human macrophages is important for the recognition and clearance of apoptotic cells. CD14 can also act as a receptor that binds bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), triggering inflammatory responses. Overstimulation of CD14 by LPS can cause the often fatal toxic-shock syndrome. Here we show that apoptotic cells interact with CD14, triggering phagocytosis of the apoptotic cells. This interaction depends on a region of CD14 that is identical to, or at least closely associated with, a region known to bind LPS. However, apoptotic cells, unlike LPS, do not provoke the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from macrophages. These results indicate that clearance of apoptotic cells is mediated by a receptor whose interactions with 'non-self' components (LPS) and 'self' components (apoptotic cells) produce distinct macrophage responses.
Macrophage type-I and type-II class-A scavenger receptors (MSR-A) are implicated in the pathological deposition of cholesterol during atherogenesis as a result of receptor-mediated uptake of modified low-density lipoproteins (mLDL)1–6. MSR-A can bind an extraordinarily wide range of ligands, including bacterial pathogens7, and also mediates cation-independent macrophage adhesion in vitro 8. Here we show that targeted disruption of the MSR-A gene in mice results in a reduction in the size of atherosclerotic lesions in an animal deficient in apolipoprotein E. Macrophages from MSR-A-deficient mice show a marked decrease in mLDL uptake in vitro, whereas mLDL clearance from plasma occurs at a normal rate, indicating that there may be alternative mechanisms for removing mLDL from the circulation. In addition, MSR-A-knockout mice show an increased susceptibility to infection with Listeria monocytogenes or herpes simplex virus type-1, indicating that MSR-A may play a part in host defence against pathogens.