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Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations: Issues in clinical management and review of pathogenic mechanisms

Rare diseases c 4
Series editors: A E Tattersfield, R M du Bois
Hereditary haemorrhagic telang iectasia and
pulmonary arteriovenous malformations: issues in
clinical management and review of pathogenic
Claire L Shovlin, Michelle Letarte
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT,
Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome) exemplifies an
important group of diseases which have
catalysed advances in the understanding of
fundamental pathophysiological mechanisms.
In this paper areas of clinical management of
HHT are discussed and the molecular patho-
genesis is reviewed. The first section is aimed at
all clinicians and concentrates on the recogni-
tion of a disorder in which silent cerebral and
pulmonary involvement may be life threatening
if left untreated. Recent data concerning the
diagnostic and treatment modalities for pulmo-
nary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs)
are also reviewed, and the growing concern that
many patients with HHT may have small or
residual PAVMs is highlighted. The paucity of
good longitudinal data on these patients and
others with diVerent forms of HHT highlights
the need for further clinical studies. In the sec-
ond section the results of molecular research
which suggests a role for receptors and ligands
of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-â
superfamily in the pathogenesis of this vascular
disease are discussed. The means by which
such information may relate to the clinical
heterogeneity observed in HHT are specifically
addressed, and more fundamental questions
such as how reduced cell surface expression of
endoglin predisposes a patient to develop
PAVMs are also discussed.
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
The classical patient with the vascular disorder
hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)
has nose bleeds, dilated blood vessels over the
lips and finger tips, and gastrointestinal bleed-
ing in later life. However, this clinical scenario
represents only one of the presentation pat-
terns of HHT.
It is now recognised that, in
addition to microscopic mucocutaneous tel-
angiectases derived from post capillary venules
(fig 1A),
HHT leads to the development of
larger abnormal vascular structures at other
sites. Arteriovenous malformations in the
pulmonary, cerebral, and hepatic circulations
account for some of the most devastating clini-
cal complications of the disease.
The autosomal dominant inheritance pat-
tern of HHT has enabled identification of the
underlying genetic defects, prompting in-
creased scientific interest in the disorder.
Mutations in at least two genes have been
shown to be associated with HHT in diVerent
families: endoglin on chromosome 9,
ALK-1 (activin receptor-like kinase 1) on
chromosome 12.
Both genes encode endothe-
lial cell transmembrane proteins that can be
defined as components of the receptor com-
plexes for growth factors of the TGF-â super-
Figure 1 Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). (A) Mucocutaneous
telangiectasia on the lips of a patient with HHT. In these simple telangiectases, thin walled
endothelial cell lined vessels resembling dilated post capillary venules connect apparently
normal capillaries and draining venules, with a high frequency of direct arteriovenous
(B) Histology of microscopic PAVMs. Haemotoxylin and eosin stained
slide taken from an open lung biopsy specimen displaying dilated vascular structures in
place of normal corner vessels. These were not visible radiologically, although they caused
hypoxaemia and a right-to-left shunt.
As in mucocutaneous telangiectases,
it is thought
that larger lesions (see fig 2) may arise from microscopic PAVMs by a process of
Thorax 1999;54:714–729714
Respiratory Medicine,
Imperial College
School of Medicine,
National Heart and
Lung Institute,
Hospital, Du Cane
Road, London
W12 0NN, UK
C L Shovlin
Cancer and Blood
Programme, The
Hospital for Sick
Children, 555
University Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario,
M5G 1X8, Canada
M Letar te
Correspondence to:
Dr C L Shovlin.
family. This suggests that disease pathogenesis
is likely to result from perturbation of physi-
ological eVect(s) of these growth f actors in vas-
cular development or homeostasis. At the
present time, the factors implicated and the
mechanisms which regulate their action remain
speculative. Relevant data are discussed further
in the final section of this review, to which the
non-clinical reader is referred directly.
HHT is more common than previously appre-
ciated, with prevalence rates exceeding one in
10 000 in some regions.
The disease dis-
plays age related penetrance, with manifesta-
tions developing throughout life and varying
between aVected individuals, even individuals
from the same family. Heterozygotes account
almost exclusively for the patient population:
there are very few reports of probable homo-
zygous cases.
The common clinical manifestations of
HHT are summarised in table 1 which also
provides an overview of the presentation
patterns and treatments for the manifestations
that are usually managed by appropriate
specialists (epistaxis, mucocutaneous tel-
angiectasia, and gastrointestinal lesions); fur-
ther information may be found in excellent
recent reviews.
A significant proportion of
patients with HHT have pulmonary and
cerebral vascular involvement. These manifes-
tations diVer from other common sites of
involvement since silent lesions may cause
considerable morbidity and mortality if left
The key to appropriate management of
patients with HHT is to be alert to the
possibility of additional visceral involvement
and hence the importance of establishing a
diagnosis. This point needs to be considered by
the physician as individuals presenting with
HHT are often unaware that they have a famil-
ial disease. Current clinical diagnostic criteria
require the presence of three out of four key
features for a definitive diagnosis—namely,
spontaneous recurrent epistaxis, telangiectases
at characteristic sites, a visceral manifestation,
and an aVected first degree relative.
To reduce
the number of cases overlooked and deprived
of suitable screening regimes, the label of “sus-
pected HHT” should be used if two features
are present, and particularly in the presence of
PAVMs which are rare in patients without
Since HHT may present to a number
of clinical specialities, the significance of a par-
ticular presentation is often overlooked.
Cerebral manifestations including tel-
angiectases, venous malformations, and arte-
riovenous malformations (CAVMs) are under-
recognised in patients with HHT. Cerebral
involvement is usually said to aVect 5–10% of
patients with HHT,
but a much higher
incidence is seen when asymptomatic patients
are screened.
The highest complication rate is observed in
high flow CAVMs which may present with
headache, epilepsy, ischaemia (due to a vascu-
lar steal eVect), or haemorrhage. Symptomatic
lesions may be treated by microsurgical exci-
Table 1 Clinical features of HHT
Site Incidence Type of lesion Presentation pattern Treatment regimes
Nasal mucosa >90% Telangiectasia Nose bleeds are usually the first
manifestation of HHT, frequently
commencing in childhood
1) Routine therapy: packing,
humidification, treatment with iron and
transfusions when needed.
Oestrogen/progesterone therapy
proposed (in view of possible induction
of squamous metaplasia) but no benefit
in only controlled trial.
2) Laser
treatment successful. Argon and KTP
lasers which use wavelengths maximally
absorbed by haemoglobin
16 17
preferred to Nd-YAG
which carries a
higher risk of cartilage absorption and
septal perforation. 3) Surgery, such as
septal dermoplasty to replace thin nasal
mucosa with a tougher skin graft, is
successful in expert hands,
vessels regrow. 4) Other. Therapeutic
embolisation may be diYcult because
of extensive anastomoses; cauterisation
has only a limited role.
Mucocutaneous 50–80% Telangiectasia Increase with age. Main concerns are
cosmetic. May haemorrhage
Generally not indicated, but argon laser
therapy can be used
Gastrointestinal tract 11–40% Telangiectasia, aneurysms and
Onset generally over 30 years: iron
deficiency anaemia, occasionally acute
gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Iron supplementation and transfusion
are the mainstay of treatment.
and laser
beneficial. The role of
antifibrinolytics is unclear.
Pulmonar y >20% Discussed in text.
Cerebral 15% Discussed in text.
Hepatic 8–16% Dilated sinusoids and peri-portal
veins; AVMs including hepatic
artery-hepatic vein and portal
vein-hepatic vein communications.
Associated fibrosis
Usually silent. Hepatic artery-hepatic
vein AVMs: hyperdynamic circulation.
Portasystemic shunts: ascites
Diagnosis: angiography, CT, MRI or
Doppler sonography.
but not without risk
31 32
liver transplantation may be needed
Conjunctival Up to 45% Telangiectasia Usually silent. May have “bloody
34 35
AVM = arteriovenous malformation.
Other sites involved more rarely include spinal, renal,
coronar y,
urogenital, splenic,
and retinal
vascular beds.
Incidence data are derived from references 1, 2, and 8 except where stated.
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 715
sion, stereotactic radiotherapy for lesions less
than 3 cm in diameter, and embolisation.
There are no tr ials comparing embolisation
with other forms of treatment but a recent
review suggests that patients oVered stereotac-
tic radiotherapy fared less well in terms of
immediate mortality, obliteration of the lesion,
and post-intervention neurological deficits
than patients treated by microsurgery.
There has been considerable debate about
the optimal therapy for asymptomatic CAVMs.
The natural history of HHT associated
CAVMs is not entirely clear though it is usually
assumed to be equivalent to non-HHT
CAVMs. A risk of haemorrhage of 2% per
annum, varying with certain features of the
44 45
is generally used as the basis of care-
ful risk-benefit analyses. These analyses sug-
gest that in asymptomatic patients the risks of
haemorrhage with expectant treatment out-
weigh the risks of intervention, particularly in
young patients.
However, the risk assessment
for individual patients must consider the
patient’s age, specific features of the lesion, and
particularly the available therapeutic
Since intervention may be recommended for
asymptomatic patients, some centres oVer
screening programmes for families with HHT
using intravenous digital subtraction angio-
graphy (DSA).
This avoids the morbidity
from conventional cerebral angiography al-
though the limitations of this relatively non-
invasive technique have to be recognised.
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
and HHT
More than 20% of patients with HHT develop
pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
(PAVMs) which range from diVuse tel-
angiectases (fig 1B)
to large complex struc-
tures consisting of a bulbous aneurysmal sac
between dilated feeding arteries and draining
veins (fig 2).
Around 95% of feeding arteries
come from the pulmonary rather than systemic
Since approximately 70% of
PAVMs occur in patients with HHT,
detection should prompt a thorough review of
the patient and his or her family. Multiple
lesions are particularly suggestive of an associ-
ation with HHT.
52 53 55
PAVMs tend to increase in size,
50 56 57
cially if multiple,
and rarely regress
The mortality rate in histori-
cal reviews of untreated but usually sympto-
matic patients with PAVMs over periods of 15
years or less ranges from 4% to 22%
52 55 56 58 59
and, in severe cases, up to 40%.
tions are more common when HHT is
The abnormal vessels may bleed into
a bronchus or the pleural cavity, sometimes
with a fatal outcome.
60 62 63
However, it is the
functional consequences of the direct commu-
nications between pulmonary and systemic cir-
culations, bypassing the capillary bed, that
most commonly cause problems. Such right-
to-left shunts cause hypoxaemia and the
absence of a filtering capillary bed allows para-
doxical embolism of particulate matter which
can reach the systemic arteries, causing clinical
sequelae, particularly in the cerebral circula-
These processes account for the clinical fea-
tures on presentation (table 2). It should be
noted that dyspnoea was common (47%),
though many patients tolerate hypoxaemia—
even exercise aggravated hypoxaemia—well,
reflecting their low pulmonary vascular resist-
ance and ability to generate supranormal
cardiac outputs
which may increase further
on exercise.
Haemoptysis was seen in 11%.
Up to 50% of patients had no respiratory com-
plaints on presentation despite physical signs
(such as cyanosis, clubbing, or a vascular bruit)
or an abnormal chest radiograph. Most impor-
tantly, many patients had minimal respiratory
symptoms when presenting with neurolog ical
complications of PAVMs (transient ischaemic
attacks, strokes and cerebral abscesses).
52 55
PAVMs accounted for two thirds of HHT-
related neurological presentations in one
and they carry a significant mortality.
It is recommended that patients with PAVMs
should receive antibiotic prophylaxis prior to
dental and surgical interventions to reduce
embolic abscesses,
although there is no
direct evidence of benefit. Formal treatment of
PAVMs by periangiographic embolisation
techniques or surgery is required to alter radi-
cally the long term prognosis for patients with
Pulmonary angiography is required for thera-
peutic embolisation and is also mandatory to
determine the position and structure of abnor-
mal vascular lesions prior to surgical treatment.
Angiography is labour, cost and radiation
intensive and its use should be limited to indi-
viduals in whom non-invasive diagnostic tests
strongly suggest the presence of PAVMs. The
methods used depend upon local experience
but several recently published studies are worth
Initial investigations
Chest radiographs—Moderate sized PAVMs
appear as rounded, well circumscribed lesions
(fig 2), often with associated band shaped
shadows resulting from dilated feeding and
draining vessels. The intensity of shadowing
may be diminished or enhanced respectively by
the Valsalva and Muller manoeuvres.
with PAVMs often present with an abnormality
on the chest radiograph,
55 57
and this may have
led to an overestimate of the frequency of
radiographic abnormalities at presentation; it is
now recognised that a normal posterior-
anterior and lateral chest radiograph does not
rule out PAVMs (table 3),
42 56 87
particularly in
patients with small or diVuse malformations.
Assessment of hypoxaemia—Unexplained and
often profound hypoxaemia is the hallmark of
large PAVMs, but there are additional features
that may help to establish more specific
diagnostic tests. Further desaturation on as-
suming the upright posture, orthodeoxia, is
common in patients with PAVMs,
due prima-
716 Shovlin, Letarte
rily to a gravity induced increase in flow
through basally situated shunts (approximately
70% of PAVMs),
50 52 53 58 71 75
which increases
the right-to-left shunt.
Data on the eVect of
exercise on shunt flow and hypoxaemia are
73 93
The detection of hypoxaemia lacks specifi-
city as a diagnostic test (table 3)
identify patients worthy of further investiga-
tion. In 66 patients who had undergone
embolisation, the presence and extent of
residual PAVM disease was related to oxygen
saturation (despite the imprecision of pulse
94 95
) with the patients erect and supine
and on maximal exercise, and to the change in
oxygen saturation between being erect and
Figure 2 A PAVM from diagnosis to treatment. A 42 year old woman presented with lethargy and a history of previous
nose bleeds. A chest radiograph (A) and CT scan (B) suggested the presence of a PAVM. She was marginally hypoxaemic
11.4 kPa on air) with no orthodeoxia. Her right-to-left shunt measured by 100% oxygen was 6–8%. Angiography
confirmed a single lesion in the right mid zone (C). Selective angiography (D) revealed a complex structure with three
feeding arteries and a single draining vein. The feeding vessels were embolised with five metallic coils (E). Two months after
embolisation there was significant improvement in oxygenation (Pa
13.5 kPa).
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 717
Oxygen saturation with the patient
erect was the best predictor of the presence or
absence of disease, though sensitivity and spe-
cificity were again too low to recommend it as
the sole diagnostic screening test (table 3).
Confirmatory studies
Abnormal architecture—Helical CT scanning
with three-dimensional reconstructions con-
veniently identifies small, multiple lesions; it
can also identify thrombosed
88 96
and, with
contrast, recanalised structures.
It exposes
patients at risk of recurrent disease to a signifi-
cant dose of radiation, and misdiagnoses have
been reported.
At present NMR screening is
less eVective than computed tomographic
(CT) scanning or pulmonary angiog raphy as
small PAVMs with rapid blood flow are not
but methodology is improving.
Intravenous digital subtraction angiography
(DSA) of pulmonary arteries is performed
prior to formal catheter pulmonary ang io-
graphy in some centres to visualise the pulmo-
nary vasculature, particularly as part of an out-
patient screening programme.
However, this
method is less likely to detect certain lesions
than formal angiographic studies.
Detection of right-to-left shunts—In normal indi-
viduals the right-to-left shunt is less than 2% of
the cardiac output
99 100
and ascribed to “post-
pulmonary” shunting due to the mixing of pul-
monary venous blood with deoxygenated blood
from bronchial, mediastinal, and thebesian
veins. The flow through right-to-left shunts is
usually expressed as a fraction of total flow
(Q~ s/Q~ T) and may be calculated from the
reduction in arterial oxygenation or by ana-
tomical methods using particles 7–11 mm in
diameter which normally impact in pulmonary
capillaries but pass through large calibre shunt
100% inspired oxygen breathing method:
Calculating the shunt from the arterial oxygen
tension after breathing 100% oxygen for 20
minutes has been considered the gold standard
for non-invasive methods of estimating the size
of the shunt.
EVects of ventilation-perfusion
inequalities should be overcome since blood
derived from poorly ventilated alveoli will be
fully saturated, though it should be noted that
this method will also detect post-pulmonary
shunting. The anatomical intrapulmonary
shunt may be underestimated if microscopic
arteriovenous malformations are participating
in gas exchange,
although such shunts may
not be treatable. Disadvantages include the
requirements for a mask and bag to give 100%
oxygen, arterial blood gas sampling and
diYculties in calibrating the oxygen electrode
for high oxygen tensions using blood tono-
Table 2 Symptoms and signs of PAVMs at presentation in major series. Many patients will have symptoms, stigmata or a family history of HHT
(%) No. of patients References Comments
Dyspnoea on exertion 27–71 47 427 52, 53, 55, 56™, 57, 70, 71*, 72–76™, 77
Chest pain 6–17 12 132 52, 70, 73
Haemoptysis 4–18 11 413 52, 53, 55, 56™, 57, 59, 70, 71*, 74–76™,
Particularly if systemic rather than
pulmonary arterial supply
79 80
Haemothorax 0–2 <1 129 53, 74, 76™ Probably increased in pregnancy
62 63 81
Asymptomatic 25–58 49 197 52, 56™, 71*, 72–74, 76™, 82
Cyanosis 9–73 30 209 52, 56™, 71*, 72, 74, 76™, 82
Clubbing 6–68 36 201 52, 55, 56™, 57, 73, 74, 76™,
Bruit 25–58 49 197 52, 55, 56™, 70, 73, 82
Cerebral abscesses 0–25 9 302 52, 53, 58, 71*, 74–76™, 77
Clinical TIA/stroke 11–55 24 335 52–54, 70, 71*, 73–76™, 77 Asymptomatic incidence possibly double
Migraine 4–38 28 150 53, 74, 75
TIA = transient ischaemic attack.
™: The 32 cases reported in reference 76 and 27 cases in reference 56 include a high proportion of individuals diagnosed by screening of asymptomatic HHT family
members; *indicates a childhood series of 31 patients.
In view of overlapping series, data from reference 59 were not presented as all cases were reported in refer-
ence 52, and data in reference 82 were reported only where not stated in reference 75.
Table 3 Comparison of findings from diVerent methods used to detect PAVMs
Patient population
Sensitivity Specificity
No. of PAVMs
missed compared
with angiography
No. where PAVMs not
detected at
angiography ReferenceTotal
PAVM Unknown
Chest radiography 98 12 84 2 83% (52–98) 92% (84–97) 2 (2% of pts) 7 (7% of pts)† 42
CT scans 40™ 40 0 0 2/109 PAVMs
42/109 PAVMs
98 12 84 2 67% (35–90) 61% (50–71) 4 (4% of pts) 33 (34% of pts)† 42
erect <96% 66 66 0 0 73% 35% 0* 89
R-L shunts
100% oxygen
shunt >5% 37 8 28 1 88% (47–100) 72% (51–87) 1 (2.7% of pts) 8/15 (53% of pts)† 42
21 15 6 0 6 (28% of pts) 90
Tc scan
shunt >5% 66 66 0 0 68% 72% 0* 89
shunt >3.5% 66 66 0 0 87% 61% 0* 89
= arterial oxygen tension; SaO
= arterial oxygen saturation.
*Method of patient ascertainment in reference 89.
†The ang iographic data were obtained by intravenous rather than pulmonary artery catheter DSA: the number of “overdiagnosed” PAVMs may therefore include some
PAVMs missed by this less sensitive angiog raphic method. Data obtained from HHT family screening programmes
42 90
or known PAVM patients.
88 89
718 Shovlin, Letarte
metry or commercially available sealed buVer
solutions. In the absence of right heart
catheterisation mixed venous oxygen content is
usually estimated. The normal arteriovenous
oxygen content (A–V
)diVerence is 5 ml/
100 ml. Recognising that patients with an A–V
shunt are likely to have an increased cardiac
output, and that a lower A–V
diVerence of
3.5/100 ml may be more appropriate for this
situation, some centres calculate the shunt for
both normal and high cardiac outputs (using
diVerences of 5 ml/100 ml and 3.5/
100 ml, respectively), with the final shunt frac-
tion given as a range between the two values (as
in fig 2). Using 100% inspired oxygen, a right-
to-left shunt of more than 5% is considered
Radionuclide scanning: following intra-
venous injection of technetium-99m (
labelled albumin microspheres or macroaggre-
gates, the right-to-left shunt can be calculated
by comparing the quantity reaching the
systemic circulation with the total quantity
102 103
Shunts of up to 3.5% are
detected in normal subjects.
Recent data
from one institution with extensive experience
using this method indicated that, in patients
who had undergone embolisation of PAVMs, a
shunt measurement of >3.5% had 87%
sensitivity and 61% specificity for the presence
of residual disease.
However, suitable facili-
ties are not always available.
Contrast echocardiography can be used to
assess the presence of right-to-left shunting,
although currently the shunt cannot be quanti-
fied by this method. Microbubbles generated
by intravenously injected echocontrast should
be lost on passage through the normal pulmo-
nary capillary bed; the appearance of echoes in
the left ventricle indicates the presence of a
right-to-left shunt, a delay of 2–5 seconds indi-
cating an intrapulmonary shunt rather than an
intracardiac shunt in which left ventricular
echoes appear almost instantly.
echocardiography may be too sensitive for
clinical use, however (see below).
Comparisons of non-invasive screening procedures
and correlation with angiographic confirmation of
Non-invasive methods have rarely been com-
pared, although an excellent correlation was
obtained for right-to-left shunt measurements
obtained by the 100% inspired oxygen and
radioisotope methods in one centre,
between 100% oxygen and the multiple inert
gas elimination technique (MIGET) in an-
other, though only when right heart catheter
data allowed appropriately high mixed venous
oxygen content values to be used in the shunt
equation for 100% oxygen.
Contrast echo-
cardiography was more sensitive than measure-
ment of arterial blood gas tensions and chest
Indirect comparisons between
PAVM screens in neighbouring European
HHT populations indicate that contrast echo-
cardiography is also more sensitive than 100%
inspired oxygen methods; contrast echocardio-
graphy generated a high diagnostic yield of
51% (many of whom did not have angiographi-
cally detectable AVMs
) compared with 33%
in a separate HHT population screened by
100% oxygen methods.
It has therefore been
suggested that contrast echocardiography may
be an excessively sensitive technique, and this
needs to be determined.
All non-invasive methods occasionally fail to
detect PAVMs which are subsequently diag-
nosed by angiography (see table 3). More
commonly the inverse is seen; an abnormally
high shunt is detected by non-invasive methods
but no shunt is seen at formal pulmonary
artery catheter angiography. Nearly 40% of a
total of 109 PAVMs identified by CT scanning
were not detected at angiography
and an
abnormal transfer factor for carbon monoxide
LCO), observed in a proportion of patients
with PAVMs, often persists following appar-
ently successful embolisation therapy.
73 75
It is
presumed that lesions missed by formal
pulmonary angiography (or responsible for the
reduced transfer factors) were too small for
detection (as in fig 1B) and will not be amena-
ble to embolisation. When widespread they
cause profound hypoxaemia,
but the
clinical significance of smaller numbers of such
PAVMs is unknown.
Conclusions and recommendations
Patients considered at risk of PAVMs because
of suspicious symptoms, signs or radiological
appearances should be investigated with at
least measurement of arterial blood gas ten-
sions and/or supine and erect oximetry, to-
gether with posterior-anterior and lateral chest
radiographs. If there is still concern, at least
one non-invasive method to assess the presence
of PAVMs or degree of right-to-left shunting
should be undertaken before formal pulmo-
nary angiography is warranted; the choice of
procedure is still likely to depend upon local
experience. Shunt measurements are likely to
be performed by 100% oxygen methods in res-
piratory units, nucleotide scanning in centres
where facilities are available, and elsewhere by
contrast echocardiography noting that this
technique is likely to overestimate the number
of patients with treatable lesions. When a shunt
is detected but pulmonary angiography proves
negative, the possibility of intracardiac shunt-
ing may need to be excluded by echocardio-
Screening programmes to detect PAVMs in
patients with HHT deserve separate considera-
tion as these will often take place outside a
hospital and can involve a large number of
individuals. There is continuing debate regard-
ing which screening methods should be used. It
may therefore be worth selecting robust, easy
to perform techniques. For example, the use of
initial oximetry avoids the discomfort of
arterial blood gas sampling and may be
justified, particularly in children. The optimal
screening intervals are unknown. Current
recommendations to screen every 5–10
1 106
or more frequently if the patient is
approaching a period known to be associated
with PAVM enlargement and rupture such as
2 107
or pregnancy,
are rarely
achieved. Lesions can develop over 2–3 years
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 719
so even these regimes may be insuYciently fre-
quent. The risks of PAVMs increase during
pregnancy so it is particularly important to
screen prior to or, if necessary, during
62 63
since safe embolisation proce-
dures can be carried out even in the third
but it should be noted that desatu-
ration due to right-to-left shunting may be
masked by physiological factors during
Although some authors have sug-
gested that screening for PAVMs can be limited
to individuals with particular genotypes,
current genetic data do not allow the risk of
PAVMs to be confidently excluded and suggest
that all HHT families should be oVered
106 109
(see below).
Surgical resection was the only treatment
available for PAVMs until recently and it
caused significant morbidity.
50 71
The advent of
pulmonary artery embolisation
110 111
altered the
risk-benefit ratio of intervention markedly and
coincided with a wider recognition of the risks
of leaving asymptomatic PAVMs untreated
(although such concerns were first raised
nearly 50 years ago
). The hazards of interven-
tion relate predominantly to the procedure,
though removal of a low resistance shunt may
rarely aggravate coincidental pre-existing pul-
monary hypertension resulting from non-
HHT pulmonary vascular pathogenic
73 76 112 113
The embolisation techniques used to occlude
the feeding vessels to PAVMs with thrombus
are described elsewhere.
73 82 114–116
The throm-
bus organises on thrombogenic fibres associ-
ated with carefully positioned metallic coils, or
as a result of blood stasis due to an occluding
balloon. In one CT scan follow up series 96%
of PAVMs regressed including 57% within four
weeks of embolisation.
The coil or balloon
needs to be small enough to be sited distally to
prevent occlusion of a feeder vessel which also
supplies a normal capillary bed, but not too
small to r isk systemic embolisation through the
82 115
or the development of collateral
flow between the bronchial artery and distal
pulmonary artery resulting in recanalisation of
the PAVM.
As a result, detachable coils and
balloons have been developed. The choice of
specific agent to initiate thrombus formation is
a result of personal preference and experience
of the operator. Balloons may be better for
more distal placement
77 115
but they carry the
risk of deflation prior to permanent occlusion
of the vessel.
74 76 117
Embolisation of PAVMs is generally safe (see
table 4) and both safety and eYcacy improve
with experience
75 78 116
as illustrated by the
reduction in episodes of air embolism causing
transient angina over recent years. All reports
document dramatic improvements in the
physiological extent of the shunt (table 4).
Exercise capacity may improve even in patients
who had not developed hypoxaemia on
Lung volumes are generally pre-
served and there may be improved forced vital
capacity if PAVMs had been acting as space
occupying lesions.
The reduction in TLCO
often does not improve,
73 75
presumably be-
cause it reflects the involvement of smaller ves-
sels. Once embolised, the feeding artery to the
PAVM usually remains occluded according to
most series. A particular result in a recent series
with a surprisingly high rate of recanalisation
(and unusually half of the new feeder arteries
being of bronchial artery supply
been due to technical issues, alternative
diagnostic methods, or a diVerent patient
population. However, it is well recognised that
removal of a low resistance shunt may unmask
or provoke the development of new PAVMs or
new pulmonary artery feeder vessels to the
treated lesion. As a result, a series of treatments
several months apart may be required, and it is
generally recommended that patients should
remain under regular review.
75 76 78
Unfortunately, the firm clinical impression
of a reduction in the occurrence of cerebral
events following embolisation therapy has not
yet been supported by adequate numerical
data. Between 19% and 60% of patients with
PAVMs treated by embolisation have residual
shunts as measured directly or suggested by
persistent hypoxaemia,
75 76 78 89
the figure rising
to 73% when contrast echocardiography was
Cerebrovascular complications have
occurred in treated patients, including one cer-
ebral abscess in the Hammersmith series,
two cerebrovascular accidents occurred
amongst the seven patients with persistent
PAVMs in the “large PAVM” Baltimore/Yale
series (45 patients were initially treated).
Embolisation of progressively smaller vessels
has been adopted to reduce these risks, though
technical issues limit the feasibility of embolisa-
tion, particularly with smaller vessels and
diVuse disease.
Surgical procedures have largely been sup-
planted by the embolisation techniques de-
scribed above.
In addition to the peri-
operative risks, there were concerns regarding
loss of functioning lung in patients at risk of
recurrent disease in non-resected lobes. Some
reports demonstrated improved haemodynam-
ics and oxygenation
following surgery but
physiological studies showed significant re-
sidual right-to-left shunts in many patients
(table 4).
Surgical intervention may be appropriate in
some situations since morbidity has been
reduced with improved surgical techniques
including the use of video assisted
which is helped by the subpleu-
ral location of many PAVMs.
A strong case for
surgical intervention by choice was proposed
relatively recently
based on poor embolisation
data from a single institution, but the findings
in this series are not representative of the
results elsewhere.
Surgical resection might be
indicated for patients in whom a persistent
right-to-left shunt (and embolic risk) persists
following embolisation of all feasible vessels.
Lung transplantation has been proposed for
patients with diVuse disease,
though for most
720 Shovlin, Letarte
patients the untreated prognosis is unlikely to
justify exposure to transplantation associated
Conclusions and perspective
Retrospective series of patients with PAVMs
that are generally symptomatic indicate that
the risks associated with non-treatment
52 55 59
exceed those of any interventional regime
(table 4). The overwhelming benefit of emboli-
sation therapy compared with surgical resec-
tion is that it spares functioning lung in patients
who are at risk of developing new lesions.
Nevertheless, it is important to determine
whether embolisation is able to prevent para-
doxical emboli as satisfactorily as complete
surgical excision in individuals where this
would have been feasible. Further long term
follow up data are required for all treated
patients, probably stratified according to the
degree of residual shunt, and distinguishing
between individuals with and without HHT
(the development of new PAVMs is less likely
in the latter group).
Embolisation is currently recommended for
all PAVMs with feeding arteries greater than
3 mm in diameter.
54 76 121
This is based on tech-
nical issues and the diameter s of feeding arter-
ies associated with clinical strokes which in
four patients ranged from 2.9 mm to
4.6 mm.
Some centres routinely treat feeding
vessels between 2 mm and 3 mm in
While feeding vessels of larger calibre will
obviously pose the highest risk of embolic
events, it has not been established that smaller
vessels pose no risk. Such vessels would include
those in angiography negative, shunt positive
patients, particularly those detected by contrast
echocardiography, and may concern a large
proportion of patients with PAVMs as 13 of 31
feeding arteries were less than 3 mm in
diameter in one survey of CT scans.
It will be
important to follow the clinical progress of
these and equivalent cohorts to assess whether
the screening methods are too sensitive for
clinical use, or are defining a group of patients
in whom particularly rigorous follow up is
indicated. At present it seems reasonable to
extend the recommendations for prophylactic
antibiotic therapy from all patients in whom
PAVMs are suspected to include patients in
whom PAVMs have been treated, unless careful
post-embolisation investigations indicate that
the residual shunts have been abolished.
In view of the number of situations in which
there is a lack of good longitudinal data on the
outcome of patients with HHT, it is hoped that
current national and international collabora-
tive eVorts will be extended to include such
studies with agreed protocols, particularly in
the areas highlighted in this section.
Current understandings of mechanisms
The identification of mutations in two genes
which encode components of the receptor
complexes for ligands of the TGF-â super-
family indicates a role for these growth factors
in HHT. In this section we present the
Table 4 Treatment of PAVM in diVerent series of patients. Series completion dates are given as the year of publication if not specified
Series years (reference)
No of
No of
PAVMS Mortality
R-L shunt
pre-post Rx
R-L shunt
Follow up
during follow upPleurisy
deflation Other
Baltimore-Yale series
1978–1980 (118) 5 16 0 15% 15% 15% <2 40% recur
pre 1983 (72) 10 58 0 20% several 10% ang 44 to 24%
1978–1987 (53) 76 276 0 10% 3% 0% 5% ang
1991–1992 (117) 35 96 0 7% 1% 6% 6% ang 1–10 1.3% recur
1978–1995 (78)† 45 52 0 31% 4% 2% ang 53%Ä 15% recur,
4% CVA
Hammersmith series
1984–1990 (82) 16 79 0 13% 1DVT 28 to 13%
1990–1995 (114) 6 28 0 7% 0% 1DVT 12% recur
1987–1994 (75) 53 >200 0 9% 2% 3% 3% ang 23 to 9% 60%© <4 2% cerebral
Other series
pre 1991 (116) 19 58 0 26% 2% nil 10% recur
1986–1991 (73) 8 22 0 25% 0% 12%
25 to 13% 100% <2
1990–1995 (76) 32 92 0 9% 4% 2% 2% arryth 17 to 7% 19%® mean 2 6% recur
1989–1994 (77) 12 20 0 36% nil 73%™
1994–1998 (87) 7 14 0 57% recur
1897–1953 (58) 140 5% 1 out of 3 recur
1952–1967 (56) 16 1–15
pre 1958 (50) 239 212 5% Minimal data reported prog SOB
pre 1963 (71)* 31 40 3% 1 out of 3
1964–1992 (74) ? 12 0 1 out of 1
Mayo Clinic
1952–1966 (59) 28 0 1–12 1 prog SOB,
1952–1972 (52) 36 0 3 out of 3 1–12 4 prog SOB,
1973–1984 (55) 18 0 5 out of 10 1–12
DVT = deep venous thrombosis; ang = angina; arryth = arrhythmia; recur = recurrence; prog = progressive; SOB = shortness of breath; CVA = cerebrovascular acci-
*Childhood series.
†All lesions had feeding artery diameters of 8 mm or more.
Mean values for R-L shunt stated; residual shunt measured or indicated by ©
Tc scanning, ®100% inspired oxygen, ™contrast echocardiography and Äpersistent
hypoxaemia as defined in reference 42.
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 721
currently available data that are directing
future research into the understanding of the
pathogenesis of this vascular disease. There
remain considerable gaps in the mechanistic
links between genomic mutations and the gen-
eration of the diseased blood vessels.
There are good clinical as well as scientific
reasons for pursuing the study of the underly-
ing molecular defects in HHT. Performing
mutation analysis of endoglin (HHT1) and
ALK-1 (HHT2) on a large number of patients
should indicate whether specific mutations are
related to particular phenotypes or complica-
tions, and further advance our understanding
of the structure and function of these proteins
and their contribution to the pathology of
HHT. A molecular diagnostic test is currently
under development and, once such a test is
shown to be reliable, it will facilitate the identi-
fication of patients with HHT and the classifi-
cation of families.
Linkage studies first identified a locus for HHT
on chromosome 9
122 123
and suggested that a
further gene existed.
Additional families
were used to map a second HHT locus to
chromosome 12
124 125
and it is likely that there is
at least one more locus.
A locus on 3p22 was
but was subsequently shown not to
be the case.
The mutated genes were identi-
fied as endoglin on chromosome 9
and ALK-1
on chromosome 12.
Endoglin (HHT1)
The gene for endoglin lies on the long arm of
chromosome 9 in the interval predicted by
linkage analyses. A number of mutations have
now been characterised and are summarised in
fig 3.
4 109 127–130
The mutations include deletions
and insertions, missense mutations, and point
mutations generating premature stop codons.
Additional mutations are predicted in pro-
moter or intronic regions.
These considera-
tions, and the fact that almost all mutations
have been unique to a particular family,
highlight the diYculties facing mutational
screening programmes.
Not all mutations result in stable mRNA
109 130
Mutant proteins are rarely
detectable and, if expressed at all, exist
transiently within the cell and do not reach the
cell surface (fig 3
and unpublished observa-
tions). This leads to a decrease in the level of
functional endoglin expressed on peripheral
blood activated monocytes and umbilical vein
endothelial cells in patients with HHT1.
Quantification of the level of mature endoglin
expressed using metabolic labelling and immu-
noprecipitation is being used to screen poten-
tial patients with HHT1 prior to mutation
identification (unpublished data, presented in
table 5). AVected members in 57 of 95 HHT
families tested had a mean endoglin level of
48% of normal (range 8–72%) while non-
aVected siblings in these families had a mean
level of 105% (range 73–140%). The nor mal
levels of endoglin predicted in patients with
HHT2 were confirmed in families in which
ALK-1 mutations were identified; their levels
were indistinguishable from normal individu-
als. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (lym-
phocytes and monocytes) do not express
significant levels of endoglin when first isolated
but induction occurs if the monocyte fraction is
activated by adherence and cell culture for
16–24 hours.
128 131
Levels are, however, 5–20
times lower than on human umbilical vein
endothelial cells (HUVEC) where endoglin
expression is abundant and constitutive. This
Figure 3 Summary of endoglin mutations. Intracellular refers to detection when transfected into COS cells. FS =
frameshift; UTR = untranslated region; Ä indicates deletion.
Exon 1
Splice site
Type #
Introns I–II
>250 bp
Exon 2 skip,
Protein Mutant protein
Not detected
FS, truncated 109.......
Insertion 8 +G 1111 FS at 371, truncated 127,128
Splice site Intron III a to g Exon 3 skip 109.......
521bp576–596 193/199 109.......
739bp882–920 295/307 4.......
Introns VII–VIII 1.5 kb Exon 8 skip 332/378
Nonsense 4 C512T, no cDNA detected 109.......
Missense 1 (ATG codon) T2C 130.......
2 G155T 130.......
2 T157C 130.......
4 G447C 130.......
4 C479A 129.......
7 T917C 130.......
Intron III g to a Exon 3 skip 128
74/120, 70 kDa mutant*
7 C831G 4,128
276 (truncated)
Not detected
8 T1050A 127,128
349 (truncated)
Not detected
10 C1414T 127,128
471 (truncated)
Intron IV a to g Not stated 130..............
Intron VIII g to a 1111–1134 109.......
5 G587A 127.......
195 (truncated)
9B G1311C, intron 9B retained 130.......
FS at 437, truncated
84bp1078–1081, FS at 360, truncated 130.......
Intron VIII–3 UTR
>4 kp No cDNA detected Absent 109.......
9A 1 bp G1206 FS at 402, truncated
FS at 423, truncated
FS at 478, truncated
FS at 517, truncated
FS at 518, truncated
FS at 552, truncated
9A 1 bp A1267 130.......
11 2 bp AG1432–1433 130.......
11 2 bp TG1550–1551 127.......
11 2 bp GC1553–1554 4,128
11 1 bp
C1655 127.......
2356789A 9B 1210 13 14114
722 Shovlin, Letarte
explains the smaller range of values observed
for HUVEC from patients with HHT1 (26–
61%) and HHT2 or normal neonates (83–
128%) than for the activated monocytes (table
These data also indicate that endoglin muta-
tions are not aVecting the normal allele,
contrary to a previous proposal that the muta-
tions were behaving as dominant negative
We have also shown that vessels that
appear to be nor mal in patients with HHT1
express reduced levels of endoglin in situ
(50%) compared with values seen in normal
individuals and when compared with the
endothelial cell marker PECAM-1.
The next mechanistic question is whether
the development of an arteriovenous malfor-
mation requires a “second hit” to inactivate the
normal copy of endoglin, analogous to the
situation proposed for tumour suppressor
This appears not to be the case as the
ratio of endoglin to PECAM-1 was similar in
the vascular lesions (cerebral and pulmonary
AVMs) as in the other vessels in these
This suggests that the endoglin
mutations are operating as null alleles causing
ALK-1 (HHT2)
The HHT gene on chromosome 12 encodes a
receptor for the TGF-â superfamily, the activin
receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK-1; also known as
The mutations described in this gene
are found in sequences encoding the extracel-
lular, transmembrane, and kinase domains (fig
5 133 134
Their distribution, and the fact that
some mutant alleles appeared to result in low
to undetectable levels of transcript, indicate
that this group of mutations may also result in
functionally null alleles.
Locus heterogeneity: diVerences between endoglin
and ALK-1 families
Prior to the molecular studies the fact that
HHT was a heterogeneous disorder had not
been fully appreciated. Occasional familial
clustering of cerebral
135 136
and pulmonary
involvement had been described but it was not
clear whether this represented chance occur-
rences in a disease in which only some
members of an aVected family developed any
particular complication.
Even before mutations in endoglin on chro-
mosome 9 and ALK-1 on chromosome 12 were
Table 5 Analysis of endoglin levels in HHT families in relation to mutations detected
Endoglin level
tested Predicted outcome
Mutations detected
Mean Range Endoglin ALK-1
Non-aVected siblings 105% 73–140% 36 Normal 0 0
Clinically diagnosed HHT patients
Group A 48% 8–72% 92 HHT1 19 0
Group B 101% 72–137% 38 Non-HHT1 0 3
Newborns from HHT families
Group A 47% 26–61% 15 HHT1 9 0
Group B 99% 83–128% 38 Normal (if HHT1 family, n = 19) 5* 0
Normal or HHT2 (if non-HHT1
family, n = 19)
*Mutation present in aVected parent and absent from newborn.
Endoglin levels were measured on peripheral blood activated monocytes in patients and siblings and umbilical vein endothelial cells
in neonates by metabolic labelling and immunoprecipitation. Levels are expressed relative to controls (spouses or age matched
unrelated blood or umbilical cord samples) and, in the HHT family members, fell into two distinct groups as illustrated.
Figure 4 Overview of ALK-1 mutations. Ä indicates deletion.
Exon 1
Type #
#1 4 Transmembrane
Exon cDNA
G400 (1 bp)
ProteinProtein region Reference
Truncated 134
#2 4 Transmembrane
G406–409 (4 bp) Truncated 134
#3 6 Intracellular; ATP binding site
694–696 (3 bp) Ser 5
#4 3 Extracellular domain
140 (1 bp) Truncated 134
#5 7 Intracellular, kinase domain
Intracellular, kinase domain
865 (1 bp) Truncated 133
#6 4 Intracellular
G423A Truncated 133
#7 4
G475T Truncated 133
#8 7
C924A Truncated 133
#9 3 Extracellular
G150T 133
#10 3
G152A Cys Tyr 134
#11 3
G200A 133
#12 3
C231G 134
#13 3
A286G 134
#14 7
G998T 133
#15 8
Intracellular, kinase domain
Intracellular, kinase domain
Intracellular, kinase domain
Intracellular, kinase domain
Intracellular, kinase domain
C1120T 133
#16 8
T1126G 5
#17 8
G1232A 5
#18 9
C1270A 133
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 104
Arg Gln
Arg Trp
Arg Gln
Met Arg
Pro Thr
Ser IIe
Cys Trp
Asp Asn
Trp Cys
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 723
described, a flurry of reports signalled that
there might be diVerences between families
according to whether they were linked to the
chromosome 9 locus or not.
Once mu-
tated genes were identified the search for
phenotype-genotype correlations intensified.
In essence, however, only two distinctions can
be made at present—namely, that PAVMs are
significantly more common in endoglin than
non-endoglin HHT families
1 140
and that
ALK-1 families tend to have milder disease
with more cases of non-penetrance.
do not occur exclusively in endoglin families,
109 122
and the phenotype of endoglin
families can be mild for several generations
before an aVected family member presents with
106 109
Thus, it is dangerous to apply
these population statistics to individual cases.
There are anecdotal suggestions that
CAVMs may also be more common in f amilies
with endoglin mutations but no evidence has
been published. Finally, an HHT family
unlinked to either endoglin or ALK-1 may have
a predisposition towards hepatic involve-
but interpretation needs to be cautious
since systematic hepatic screening of asympto-
matic family members has not been repeated in
other HHT populations.
Specific mutations
Phenotypic data are only available for 30 indi-
viduals with seven endoglin mutations (#1, 2,
4, 6, 14, 17, 19, fig 3). No significant
diVerences between mutations or mutational
types with respect to age of presentation, sever-
ity of nose bleeds, telangiectasia, or PAVMs
have been identified.
This would be pre-
dicted from a haploinsuYciency model. Each
mutation accounted for a spectrum of disease
severity in aVected family members not entirely
accounted for by age-related penetrance,
highlighting the importance of additional
modifiers of the HHT phenotype.
Genetic and environmental modifiers of the HHT
Clinical observations provide clues to several
factors that may potentially influence the
development of HHT lesions in patients,
though undoubtedly more will be described.
Defects in the coagulation cascade which could
exacerbate a haemorrhagic tendency are often
cited and are discussed in detail elsewhere,
but they are rare and have not influenced clini-
cal practice. Var iations in fibrinolysis may also
contribute to a haemor rhagic tendency:
quenching excessive fibrinolysis using amino-
caproic acid had beneficial eVects in some
23 24
but not all
of a handful of patients tested.
Less obvious at first sight is the importance
of the patient’s sex in a condition inherited as
an autosomal dominant trait. Excluding neo-
nates, women are more at risk of developing
52 53 55 63 75 76
and possibly hepatic
33 142
and cerebral haemorrhage.
This may reflect a fundamental modification of
the HHT vasculature by female hormones, or
relate to haemodynamic changes during
A role for direct hormonal influ-
ences is supported by the successful treatment
of HHT related gastrointestinal bleeding using
combined oestrogen-progesterone therapy,
report of progesterone receptors in vessels of
patients with HHT,
and variations in
epistaxis during the menstrual cycle and
Haemodynamic changes can also
exacerbate PAVMs, including the development
of pulmonary hypertension as a result of mitral
or left ventricular dysfunction.
Furthermore, cutaneous telangiectasia (known
to be in a dynamic state in HHT
) have been
observed to regress following successful pneu-
monectomy for PAVMs,
80 148
possibly due to a
predicted fall in cardiac output though this was
not documented.
The question as to whether any of the
abnormal blood vessels in patients with HHT
(telangiectases or larger arteriovenous malfor-
mations) represent true congenital malforma-
tions rather than an acquired lesion in intrinsi-
cally abnormal vessels has not been resolved.
The majority of PAVMs present during teenage
and adult life, suggesting that vascular remod-
elling is occurring. However, the presentation
of PAVMs in childhood is well
50 52 53 55 58 59 71 75 78
and, although se-
vere disease in two infants may have been due
to homozygous HHT, the possibility of PAVMs
arising dur ing development cannot be ruled
As vascular lesions are associated with both
HHT1 and HHT2, the potential role of both
endoglin and ALK-1 needs to be considered.
Both mutated genes encode proteins that are
expressed predominantly in endothelial cells,
which might explain why aVected individuals
are generally well apart from their vascular
pathology. As there is only limited information
available on ALK-1 we will discuss it first
before concentrating on endoglin and the
lesions with which it is particularly
associated—namely, PAVMs.
ALK-1: a serine/threonine kinase type I receptor
in search of a function
Members of the TGF-â superfamily bind and
signal through a heteromeric receptor complex
composed of serine/threonine kinases in which
the type II receptor generally binds ligand and
phosphorylates the type I receptor which in
turn signals through the recently identified
cascade of Smad proteins.
149 150
ALK-1 is a
serine/threonine kinase type I receptor that can
associate with either TGF-â-RII or activin-RII
when co-transfected into COS cells (a trans-
formed primate cell line), and can bind
TGF-â1 or activin, respectively, although with
low aYnity.
Since this has not been
demonstrated with endogenous receptors,
ALK-1 is referred to as an orphan receptor as
its physiological ligand has yet to be identified.
The potential ligand might belong to another
subgroup of the TGF-â superfamily—namely,
the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), as
activation of ALK-1 has recently been shown
to trigger an intracellular Smad-1 pathway
associated with signalling by BMPs.
724 Shovlin, Letarte
High levels of ALK-1 are found on human
endothelial cells and in lung and placenta, both
of which are highly vascular.
151 152
Rat ALK-1
was found to be most abundant in pulmonary
blood vessel endothelium (all types) as well as
on aorta, vena cava, and certain blood vessels of
kidney, spleen, heart, and intestine.
expression increased fivefold in the early post-
natal period, most probably reflecting an
increase in the pulmonary vasculature.
ALK-1 was also found on rat splenic macro-
phages and a murine bone marrow stromal cell
This distribution has many parallels to
that of endoglin. A more recent study in a
murine model found that the distribution of
ALK-1 was highest around eight days after
conception at sites of vasculogenesis in both
embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues, in
giant trophoblast cells, and in the endothelial
lining of blood vessels in the decidua. From
days 9–12 ALK-1 was highest in blood vessels,
lung mesenchyme, the submucosa of the intes-
tine and stomach, and at sites of epithelial-
mesenchymal interactions.
This pattern of
expression of ALK-1 is very close to that of
in keeping with a potential role in
vascular development which may be confirmed
in the ALK-1 null mice currently in develop-
Endoglin: an accessory protein of the TGF-â
receptor superfamily
Endoglin was first identified in childhood
leukaemia with a pre-B lymphocytic
and was soon recognised as an
endothelial cell marker (CD105) which is
expressed on all types of vascular
160 161
It is also present on bone
marrow mononuclear cells of the pre-
erythroblast lineage
and on activated
The expression of endoglin is
transiently increased in mesenchymal cells
during embryonic development in association
with cardiac valve formation, for example.
Endoglin expression is also increased in
mesenchymal cells in the human lung starting
at eight weeks gestation and remains high at 20
weeks (unpublished observations), in keeping
with a potential role in vascularisation of lining
mesenchyme. In the adult endoglin is ex-
pressed on endothelium
and placenta,
smooth muscle cell expression also
Endoglin is upregulated on vascu-
lar endothelial cells in tumours,
skin lesions including psoriasis, and in response
to UV irradiation.
167 168
Endoglin is a homodimeric membrane
glycoprotein of apparent Mr = 180 000
169 170
and has been shown first by chemical crosslink-
ing in HUVECs and subsequently in fibro-
blasts to bind TGF-â1 and TGF-â3 but not
It can associate with TGFâ-RII
and TGFâ-RI (ALK-5)
173 174
as indicated by
immunoprecipitation of the TGF-â1aYnity
crosslinked complexes with antibodies to either
endoglin or TGFâ-RII. However, we have
recently demonstrated that endoglin by itself
does not bind TGF-â1/â3 and therefore
cannot be referred to as a receptor; it only
behaves as such when associated with
We have also observed that endoglin can
bind other growth factors of the TGF-â super-
family when associated with the diVerent
ligand binding receptors. For example, endo-
glin can bind activin or BMP-7 when co-
transfected with activin RII; it will not bind
BMP-7 via BMP-RII, however, indicating that
these interactions are specific. It will also bind
BMP-2 when associated with the ligand
binding type I receptors, ALK-3 and ALK-6.
These results suggest that endoglin might serve
as an accessory protein for multiple kinase
receptor complexes of the TGF-â superfamily
and that it could perform a diVerent regulatory
role in diverse cell types, according to the
kinase receptors, ligands, and Smad mediators
When transfected into U937 monocytes or
rat myoblasts, endoglin can modify certain
TGF-â1 (but not TGF-â2) responses such as
the inhibition of cell proliferation by down-
regulation of c-myc, the increase in homotypic
adhesion mediated by increased fibronectin
production, and modulation of the fibrinolytic
system by synthesis of plasminogen activator
176 177
Conversely, antibodies and
antisense oligonucleotides to endoglin added
to first trimester trophoblast explants in culture
stimulated the diVerentiation of trophoblasts
into invasive cells, a process necessary for
establishing fetal-maternal interactions and
known to be inhibited by TGF-â1/â3.
Although a potential role for endoglin in
regulating responses to ligands other than
TGF-â1 must be kept in mind while trying to
elucidate the underlying mechanisms of HHT,
it is clear that TGF-â1 is an important regula-
tor of vascular development. TGF-â1 null mice
showed a primary defect in yolk sac vasculo-
genesis and haematopoiesis which led to death
at around day 10 in 50% of homozygous and
25% of heterozygous mice.
The diVerentia-
tion of endothelial cells was aVected (rather
than their initial appearance or outgrowth from
yolk sac mesoderm), causing inadequate capil-
lary formation and weak vessels with reduced
cellular adhesiveness. Furthermore, TGF-â3
null mice died soon after birth with extensive
pleural haemorrhage and dilated and fragile
pulmonary veins and capillaries.
180 181
suggests that TGF-â1 and TGF-â3 are both
implicated in the development of lung vascula-
ture and impairment of their usual function
might contribute to the pathology of PAVMs.
With this information is it possible to
propose why PAVMs develop? Endoglin is
present from the earliest stages of pulmonary
vascular development, and TGF-â1 and
TGF-â3 are implicated in vasculogenesis
180 181
and angiogenesis,
both processes being criti-
cal in vessel development and maturation.
patients with HHT and reduced endoglin
expression, vascular development is sufficiently
normal for most individuals to have apparently
normal pulmonary vasculature. The careful
regulation of endoglin expression (and ALK-1)
during development suggests, however, that
their complete absence could be lethal, as seen
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 725
in the potential homozygotes.
12 13
studies in null mice should resolve this issue.
If most vessels with 50% expression of endo-
glin develop normally, what additional factors
cause some vessels to develop into PAVMs?
Certain physiological or pathological condi-
tions, including altered blood flow
hormonal changes, could be important. This
would provide a partial explanation for why
only a small proportion of endothelial cells
expressing a mutant allele are involved in mor-
phologically abnormal HHT vessels.
We would like to propose that reduced levels
of functional endoglin results in blood vessels
that are more susceptible to dilatation and
remodelling. We have shown that the endothe-
lium in a CAVM was partially disrupted and
stretched out so that the density of important
surface molecules was reduced.
In addition,
it may be recalled that TGF-â1 plays a major
role in wound repair. It is abundantly released
by platelets and macrophages at sites of
inflammation and injury,
is upregulated by
shear stress,
and has been implicated in vas-
cular repair processes.
In tissue repair as well
as in development, TGF-â1 stimulates the
growth of cells of mesenchymal origin. Fur-
thermore, TGF-â1 induces the synthesis of
extracellular matrix proteins, their integrin
receptors on the cell surface, and the protease
inhibitors implicated in their degradation such
as plasminogen activator inhibitor and tissue
inhibitor of metalloproteases; it also downregu-
lates the expression of matrix degrading
enzymes such as collagenase.
192 193
The net
eVect of TGF-â1 is thus to stimulate matrix
production and enhance interactions between
cells and matrix and between endothelium,
smooth muscle cells, and mesenchymal cells in
the vessel wall. Vasodilatation, intravascular
pressure, or shear stress can aVect endothelial
cell shape in vivo and could initiate remodel-
ling in vessels with reduced levels of endoglin.
The abnormal vascular structures in HHT
appear to develop because mutations in endo-
glin, ALK-1, and possibly other genes result in
a dysregulated response to ligands of the
TGF-â superfamily which play complex and
important roles in vascular development and
repair. At present we cannot pinpoint the exact
ligand(s) or manner in which normal vascular
development or homeostasis is perturbed by
these mutations. Potential ligands of the
TGF-â superfamily have diverse and often
multiple eVects that may influence the vascula-
ture, eVects which may be diVerentially regu-
lated and fine tuned according to the exact
amount of endoglin or ALK-1 present. Future
developments are likely to include the identifi-
cation of the precise TGF-â family members
involved in the disease, and of additional com-
ponents of the pathogenic pathway which may
be identified from finding mutations in new
genes in other HHT families. In addition,
clarification of the roles of normal and mutated
endoglin and ALK-1 through cellular and ani-
mal models is expected.
The identification of a gene defect in an
inherited disease leads to expectations of
molecular therapies, particularly when the
molecular mechanism appears to be stoichio-
metric insuYciency, amenable to replacement
therapy. However, there are hazards in attempt-
ing to restore functional levels of a deficient
protein in complex regulatory networks such as
those in which ligands of the TGF-â family are
involved. It may be some time therefore before
molecular manipulations of HHT can be
applied to patients and, for the foreseeable
future, conventional therapies are likely to be
Claire Shovlin has b een supported by a Wellcome Trust
Advanced Fellowship; Michelle Letarte is a Tery Fox Research
Scientist of the National Institute of Canada, and is supported
by research grants from the Heart and Stroke Foundation and
the Medical Research Council of Canada.
The cases illustrated in fig 2B and fig 3 were investigated at the
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. The authors thank Dr David
Lamb and Professor Bill MacNee for fig 2B. For fig 3, Dr Kieran
McBride performed the angiography, Dr Patricia Tweedale the
shunt measurements, and Dr Micheal Sudlow gave permission
to report the case. The authors are grateful to Dr Patricia
Tweedale, Dr Kees Westermann, and Dr Bob White for helpful
discussions, and to Dr Gillian Wallace and Dr Patricia Tweed-
ale for manuscript review. They also thank the staV of the Ersk-
ine Medical Library, University of Edinburgh and colleagues
who provided them with manuscripts prior to their publication.
Most countries have self-help groups for patients with HHT:
UK: Telangiectasia Self-Help Group, 39 Sunny Croft,
Downley, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP13 5UQ, UK.
USA: HHT Foundation International, PO Box 8087, New
Haven, CT 06530, USA.
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Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 729
... Lesions can occur in the nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, lung, central nervous system, liver, kidney, and other organs [2]. Possible hemorrhage due to fragility of abnormal vessels as well as respiratory and circulatory complications due to pulmonary and/or systemic shunts can be fatal and require careful anesthetic planning and management. ...
... Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome presents a wide variety of manifestations due to arteriovenous malformation and telangiectasis, most commonly in the nasal mucosa (> 90%), followed by the gastrointestinal tract (50-80%), lung (> = 20%), brain (15%), and liver (8-16%) [2]. Patients with this syndrome have a risk of epistaxis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, pulmonary hemorrhage, and cerebral hemorrhage [3]. ...
... Arteriovenous malformations SpO 2 Peripheral oxygen saturation ECG Electrocardiogram rSO 2 Regional cerebral oxygen saturation ...
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Background: Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome is characterized by mucocutaneous telangiectasia and arteriovenous malformations in organs. Anesthesia for patients with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome is challenging due to complications and physiological changes. Case presentation: The case was a 49-year-old female with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, multiple pulmonary arteriovenous malformations and pheochromocytoma who presented for femoral bone head fracture with metastatic adenocarcinoma. The patient was scheduled to undergo bone tumor resection and artificial bone replacement, being positioned laterally with a planned operation duration of 5 h. Anesthesia was managed with spinal and epidural anesthesia, combined with sedation by sevoflurane using a supraglottic airway (SGA) device under spontaneous breathing. Her intraoperative and postoperative courses were uneventful. Conclusion: Neuraxial anesthesia combined with general anesthesia using an SGA device to maintain spontaneous ventilation in order to minimize the risk of rupture of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations could be an option.
... 1. HHT1 due to a mutation in endoglin, found on the long arm of chromosome 9, and is associated with a relatively higher number of pulmonary and central nervous system vascular malformations [6,7]. 2. HHT2 due to an activin receptor-like kinase-1 (ACVRL1) mutation, on chromosome 12, is associated with an increased incidence of primary pulmonary hypertension. ...
... Both the endoglin and ALK-1 genes encode proteins that are predominantly expressed in endothelial cells. Reduced levels of these proteins are associated with impairment of blood vessel wall integrity, causing vessels to be more susceptible to dilation and remodeling during development and repair after injury [2,6]. ...
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Introduction: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is an autosomal dominant condition with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 5000. It is characterized by the presence of abnormalities of vascular structures, and may affect many organ systems, including the lungs, brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. A causative mutation is identified in approximately 97% of patients with definite hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in one of three genes including a mutation in endoglin, a mutation in a locus mapped to chromosome 5, and an activin receptor-like kinase-1 (ACVRL1) mutation that is associated with an increased incidence of primary pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare (15-25 cases per million people) but severe vascular disorder. Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension is associated with several gene mutations, with 75% having a mutation in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor 2 (BMPR2). However, the remaining 25% of patients have other associated genetic mutations including ACVLR1, which is also associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare complication in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (< 1% of the hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia population). We describe a case report with this rare occurrence. Case presentation: A 70-year-old white/caucasian Irish male presented for screening for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia due to a history of recurrent epistaxis (once/week) and a family history suggestive of pulmonary hypertension. Genetic testing confirmed an ACVRL1 mutation, while an echocardiogram and right heart catheterization confirmed pulmonary arterial hypertension. On examination, he had several mucocutaneous telangiectasia across his face. He was commenced on tadalafil and macitentan. However, this led to increased iron deficiency anemia and pedal edema. Selexipag was also added to his drug regime. He continues to require intermittent admissions for diuresis and blood transfusions. Conclusion: The association of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arterial hypertension is rare (< 1%). Here we describe a case of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia complicated with pulmonary arterial hypertension as a result of an ACVRL1 mutation. We also describe the clinical challenges of treating these two conditions together, as treatment options for pulmonary arterial hypertension tend to worsen hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia symptoms.
... 12,13 However, skin and oral lesions are often not present until adulthood, and even epistaxis may not manifest until the teen years. [14][15][16][17] Given the frequent lack of overt symptoms and signs, current guidelines recommend that genetic tests be offered in asymptomatic children of a parent with HHT. 7 Cases with suspected or proven HHT are screened with blood work to evaluate for anemia and liver dysfunction. A saline contrast screening echocardiogram (bubble study) is performed to assess for the presence of PAVMs, and this is repeated every 5 years if negative. ...
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu disease, is a rare disorder with a case prevalence as high as one in 5000, causing arteriovenous malformations in multiple organ systems. HHT is familial with autosomal dominant inheritance, with genetic testing allowing confirmation of the diagnosis in asymptomatic kindreds. Common clinical manifestations are epistaxis and intestinal lesions causing anemia and requiring transfusions. Pulmonary vascular malformations predispose to ischemic stroke and brain abscess and may cause dyspnea and cardiac failure. Brain vascular malformations can cause hemorrhagic stroke and seizures. Rarely, liver arteriovenous malformations can cause hepatic failure. A form of HHT can cause juvenile polyposis syndrome and colon cancer. Specialists in multiple fields may be called to care for one or more aspects of HHT, but few are familiar with evidence-based guidelines for HHT management or see a sufficient number of patients to gain experience with the unique characteristics of the disease. Primary care physicians and specialists are often unaware of the important manifestations of HHT in multiple systems and the thresholds for their screening and appropriate management. To improve familiarity, experience, and coordinated multisystem care for patients with HHT, the Cure HHT Foundation, which advocates for patients and families with this disease, has accredited 29 centers in North America with designated specialists for the evaluation and care of patients with HHT. Team assembly and current screening and management protocols are described as a model for evidence-based, multidisciplinary care in this disease.
... 3 Symptoms associated with this disorder include mucocutaneous telangiectasias, epistaxis, and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the lungs, liver, brain, and spine. [4][5][6] Family history and gene variant testing are crucial for the diagnosis of HHT. Variants in three key genes are currently known to cause HHT: ENG, encoding endoglin (HHT1), ACVRL1, encoding activin A receptor type-like kinase 1 (HHT2), and SMAD4 (juvenile polyposis-HHT). ...
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Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant vascular disease. ENG and ACVRL1 gene variants account for up to 96% of all cases, while the remaining cases are caused by SMAD4 or GDF2 variants, or by currently undiscovered mutations in coding or non-coding regions. Here, we report a 47-year-old man who presented with duodenal bulb bleeding and chronic anemia. Physical examination also revealed bleeding from the skin and gingiva. His parents were cousins and one brother and one sister died in infancy from anemia and bleeding. Head computed tomography angiography (CTA) revealed a complete fetal posterior cerebral artery located in the left side, and pulmonary CTA showed pulmonary arterial hypertension. The patient was diagnosed with HHT. Peripheral blood was collected for whole-exome sequencing. Sequencing revealed a mutation in the GDF2 gene, which encodes bone morphogenetic protein-9 (BMP-9). The detected variant, c.352A > T(p.Ile118Phe), was predicted to be a neutral polymorphism; however, the patient's plasma BMP-9 levels were greatly reduced; we predicted that this might be caused by the GDF2 variant and might be involved in the HHT pathogenesis. Further research in cell lines and animal models is needed to verify the correlation between this GDF2 variant and the pathogenesis of HHT.
... 12 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (also called Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome) is the classic condition associated with this phenomenon. 13 Significant liver disease may be associated with hypoxemia (as well as dyspnea, platypnea, and orthodeoxia), in a phenomenon typically referred to as a hepatopulmonary syndrome. 14 While poorly understood, it may be related to an increase in circulating nitric oxide, resulting in dilatation of the pulmonary capillary bed. ...
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The use of agitated saline contrast (ASC) during echocardiographic examinations is a well-established practice, most commonly performed to identify atrial septal abnormalities in the context of stroke. In the intensive care unit, this technique may be employed to identify anatomic right-to-left shunts (either intracardiac or transpulmonary) that may be contributing to hypoxemic respiratory failure. This narrative review will describe the technique of ASC injection, summarize clinical scenarios where it may be useful, and review the strengths and limitations of the tool.
... AVMs in the lungs, brain, and liver generally account for the fatal complications of HHT [10]. Pulmonary AVM (PAVM) is the most common and occurs in up to 30% of patients, clinically manifesting as right-to-left shunting and hypoxemia [11]. ...
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Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is a rare condition presenting with anemia requiring transfusion and nosebleeds often refractory to supportive therapy. We discuss a case of a male in his 60s with a history of epistaxis, anemia requiring transfusions, and acute on chronic worsening shortness of breath presenting for evaluation. He was diagnosed with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. In addition, he was found to have pulmonary arteriovenous malformations and nonbleeding gastric telangiectasias. The patient underwent coil embolization of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations with a resolution of his shortness of breath and his anemia improved with iron supplementation.
... Diagnosis is suspected when two criteria are met, whereas it is considered definite with at least three of four criteria. Following confirmed diagnosis of HHT complementary imaging tests such as computed tomography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging are advised to detect eventual involvement of organs [41][42][43]. Table 1 is a summary of the findings and symptoms in organ involvement. However, approximately 20% of patients are not aware of family history of disease, and only have mild symptoms [44]. ...
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Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disease, characterised by systemic angiodysplasia. Dysfunction of the signalling pathway of β transforming growth factor is the main cause of HHT principally owing to mutations of the genes encoding for endoglin (ENG) and activin A receptor type II-like 1 (ACVRL1). Clinical manifestations can range from mucocutaneous telangiectasia to organ arterio-venous malformations and recurrent epistaxis. The early clinical manifestations may sometimes be subtle, and diagnosis may be delayed. The main ophthalmic manifestations historically reported in HHT are haemorrhagic epiphora, and conjunctival telangiectasia present in 45–65% of cases, however, imaging with wide-field fluorescein angiography has recently shown peripheral retinal telangiectasia in 83% of patients. Optimal management of HHT requires both understanding of the clinical presentations and detection of early signs of disease. Advances in imaging methods in ophthalmology such as wide-field fluorescein angiography, spectral domain optical coherence tomography, and near infrared reflectance promise further insight into the ophthalmic signs of HHT towards improved diagnosis and early management of possible severe complications.
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Background Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited vascular disorder that can involve multiple organs, thus can be associated with so many clinical departments that proper screening and diagnosis of HHT are needed for providing better management of both patients and their family members. Case presentation we present a 58-year-old female patient with recurrent paradoxical brain embolism due to HHT. Though ischemic stroke caused by HHT-induced vascular disorders has been reported, our patient presented with two neurological complications at the same time: recurrent paradoxical brain embolisms and bilateral globus pallidus manganese deposition, which is rarely reported. We also review the literature on the clinical features and management of HHT for prompt diagnosis of this genetic disease behind paradoxical embolism. Conclusions When patients with ischemic stroke, especially recurrent ischemic stroke, have combined AVMs in single or multiple organs, or clues for AVMs like manganese deposition in globus pallidus, genetic diseases such as HHT may be the reason for ischemic stroke and shouldn't be missed in the evaluation of embolic sources.
Embolotherapy is the primary treatment for pulmonary arterio-venous malformations (PAVMs). Approximately, 2-25% of PAVMs demonstrate persistence following embolization. Early identification and treatment of persistent PAVMs are critical to mitigating life threatening complications. The presence of prior embolic devices and complex angioarchitecture of persistent PAVMs pose technical challenges during repeat embolotherapy. In this article, we review patterns of persistence, factors affecting the persistence, endovascular treatment techniques, and outcomes.
Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of ultra-short echo time magnetic resonance imaging (UTE MRI) in the assessment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM). Methods Eighteen consecutive patients (mean [± standard deviation] age, 48.6 ± 16.8 years) with 46 untreated PAVMs who underwent and thin-section computed tomography (CT) and UTE MRI with a 1.5-Tesla and 3-Tesla unit were retrospectively assessed. Two radiologists evaluated the diagnostic capabilities of UTE MRI for the detection and classification of PAVMs with reference to CT. Sensitivity, specificity, and kappa statistics were calculated with reference to CT. We also compared the differences in PAVM measurements between CT and MRI. Results The sensitivity and specificity of UTE-MRI for the detection of PAVMs were 89.1% and 100%, respectively, for reader 1 and 87.0% and 100%, respectively, for reader 2. In the classification of PAVMs, inter-modality agreement in reader 1 and 2 were both substantial (κ= 0.78 and 0.69, respectively). The measurements of the PAVM feeding artery and sac on CT and MRI were strongly correlated in both readers 1 and 2 (R² = 0.981 and 0.983, respectively). Both readers 1 and 2 slightly underestimated the diameter of the PAVM feeding artery and sac on UTE MRI (p < 0.001). Conclusion This study indicates that UTE MRI is a feasible and promising modality for noninvasive assessment of PAVMs.
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Human endoglin is a dimeric protein that binds transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). A porcine cDNA clone for endoglin was obtained from a porcine uterus cDNA library. The deduced sequence of the primary translated product of endoglin consists of 643 amino acids with a high sequence identity (96%) to human endoglin in the transmembrane and intracellular domains, but with a lower sequence similarity (66%) in the extracellular domain. In contrast to human endoglin, porcine endoglin has no Arg-Gly-Asp tripeptide in its sequence. Antibodies, raised against a peptide corresponding to the intracellular domain of porcine endoglin, immunoprecipitated an 84-kDa protein under reducing condition and a 130-kDa protein under nonreducing condition in porcine aortic endothelial cells. Porcine endoglin bound TGF-beta1 and -beta3 efficiently, but TGF-beta2 less efficiently. Endoglin was found to be coimmunoprecipitated with TGF-beta receptors type I and/or II by the endoglin antibodies or by TGF-beta receptor II antibodies in the presence of ligand. Thus, endoglin and TGF-beta receptors I and/or II most likely formed a heteromeric receptor complex. Endoglin was phosphorylated on serine residue(s), which did not change after stimulation by TGF-beta1. These results revealed that endoglin is a phosphorylated protein which forms a heteromeric complex with signaling receptors for TGF-beta.
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Endoglin, a dimeric membrane glycoprotein expressed at high levels on human vascular endothelial cells, shares regions of sequence identity with beta-glycan, a major binding protein for transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) that co-exists with TGF-beta receptors I and II in a variety of cell lines but is low or absent in endothelial cells. We have examined whether endoglin also binds TGF-beta and demonstrate here that the major TGF-beta1-binding protein co-existing with TGF-beta receptors I and II on human umbilical vein endothelial cells is endoglin, as determined by specific immunoprecipitation of endoglin affinity-labeled with I-125-TGF-beta. Furthermore, endoglin ectopically expressed in COS cells binds TGF-beta1. Competition affinity-labeling experiments showed that endoglin binds TGF-beta1 (K(D) approximately 50 pM) and TGF-beta3 with high affinity but fails to bind TGF-beta2. This difference in affinity of endoglin for the TGF-beta isoforms is in contrast to beta-glycan which recognizes all three isoforms. TGF-beta however is binding with high affinity to only a small fraction of the available endoglin molecules, suggesting that some rate-limiting event is required to sustain TGF-beta binding to endoglin.
An aqueous solution of tritium and krypton 85 together with Evans blue dye was injected intravenously in twelve normal subjects during quiet breathing, during apnea, and during voluntary hyperventilation. Arterial blood was sampled within the first 30 sec after the injection to measure the recovery of the two gases. Blood-gas partition coefficients of the two gases at 37 C were determined experimentally and the ratio between them was found to be 3.8 in normal blood. Knowing this ratio it is possible to calculate the fraction of the arterial recovery due to a right-to-left shunt, and that due to alveolar back pressure. The shunt calculated from findings during quiet breathing is 0.26% of the cardiac output. Recoveries during apnea lead to a calculated shunt of identical size, whereas the shunt calculated from the experiments during hyperventilation amounts to only 0.11% of the cardiac output. Submitted on March 8, 1962
Endoglin is an integral membrane glycoprotein that binds transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF beta 1) with high affinity and is predominantly expressed on human endothelial cells. Characterization of this homodimeric protein from human term placenta has shown that it is particularly abundant on the syncytiotrophoblast. Immunofluorescence staining of sections of first trimester placenta now reveals that endoglin is found at even higher levels on the syncytiotrophoblast of samples ranging from 6 to 12 wk of gestation. Very low levels are observed on the undifferentiated cytotrophoblast cells that can be identified by their expression of the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin, a receptor for laminin. Within the villi, blood vessels and stromal cells are negative for endoglin but positive for alpha 1 beta 1 integrin, a receptor for collagens and laminin. Stromal cells also express CD44, a hyaluronic acid receptor. Of particular interest is the up-regulation of endoglin expression in the transition from polarized undifferentiated to non-polarized intermediate cytotrophoblasts (CTB) as the cells align in columns to invade the uterus. This occurs in parallel with the acquisition of alpha 5 beta 1 integrin (fibronectin receptor) and precedes the loss of alpha 6 beta 4 integrin. CD44 and alpha 1 beta 1 integrin are noticeably absent from the CTB within the columns but are expressed at very high levels throughout the placental bed. Endoglin is undetectable within the decidua; thus, intermediate CTB that have invaded the placental bed express alpha 5 beta 1 integrin and cytokeratins but not endoglin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Endoglin is a homodimeric membrane glycoprotein which can bind the beta 1 and beta 3 isoforms of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). We reported previously that endoglin is upregulated during monocyte differentiation. We have now observed that TGF-beta itself can stimulate the expression of endoglin in cultured human monocytes and in the U-937 monocytic line. To study the functional role of endoglin, stable transfectants of U-937 cells were generated which overexpress L- or S- endoglin isoforms, differing in their cytoplasmic domain. Inhibition of cellular proliferation and downregulation of c-myc mRNA which are normally induced by TGF-beta 1 in U-937 cells were totally abrogated in L-endoglin transfectants and much reduced in the S-endoglin transfectants. Inhibition of proliferation by TGF-beta 2 was not altered in the transfectants, in agreement with the isoform specificity of endoglin. Additional responses of U-937 cells to TGF-beta 1, including stimulation of fibronectin synthesis, cellular adhesion, platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) phosphorylation, and homotypic aggregation were also inhibited in the endoglin transfectants. However, modulation of integrin and PECAM-1 levels and stimulation of mRNA levels for TGF-beta 1 and its receptors R-I, R-II, and betaglycan occurred normally in the endoglin transfectants. No changes in total ligand binding were observed in L-endoglin transfectants relative to mock, while a 1.5-fold increase was seen in S-endoglin transfectants. The degradation rate of the ligand was the same in all transfectants. Elucidating the mechanism by which endoglin modulates several cellular responses to TGF-beta 1 without interfering with ligand binding or degradation should increase our understanding of the complex pathways which mediate the effects of this factor.