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Ostometry of the mandible performed using dental MR imaging

  • University Hospital Tulln

Abstract and Figures

On cross-sectional and panoramic reformatted images from axial (dental) CT scans of the mandible it may be difficult to identify the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (IANB) in patients lacking a clear-cut bony delimitation of the mandibular canal. Dental MR images are comparable to dental CT scans, which directly show the IANB; however, measurements of length may not be reliable owing to susceptibility artifacts and field inhomogeneities in the oral cavity. Therefore, the accuracy of length measurements on dental MR images was compared with that on dental CT scans and direct osteometry. Dental T1-weighted MR imaging using a high-resolution turbo gradient-echo sequence and dental CT were performed in six anatomic specimens. The axial scans were reformatted as panoramic and cross-sectional reconstructions on a workstation and characteristic cross sections were obtained from all mandibles. The longest axis in the bucco-lingual and apico-basal directions, the distances from the top of the mandibular canal to the top of the alveolar ridge and from the bottom of the mandibular canal to the base of the mandible, and the diameter of the bone cortex at the alveolar ridge were measured with direct osteometry on the cross sections and compared with measurements on corresponding MR and CT reformatted images. The correlation between direct osteometry and dental MR and CT was strong, except for the bone cortex diameter at the top of the alveolar ridge, where only a moderate correlation was found. Means of comparable length measurements were not significantly different among the three methods. The accuracy of length measurements in the jaw bones obtained using dental MR is comparable to that of dental CT and is not significantly different from direct osteometry. Thus, dental MR is a potential alternative to CT for dental imaging.
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AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 20:1221–1227, August 1999
Osteometry of the Mandible Performed Using
Dental MR Imaging
Christian J. O. Nas˘el, Michael Pretterklieber, Andre Gahleitner, Christian Czerny, Martin Breitenseher,
and Herwig Imhof
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: On cross-sectional and panoramic reformatted images
from axial (dental) CT scans of the mandible it may be difficult to identify the inferior
alveolar neurovascular bundle (IANB) in patients lacking a clear-cut bony delimitation of
the mandibular canal. Dental MR images are comparable to dental CT scans, which directly
show the IANB; however, measurements of length may not be reliable owing to susceptibility
artifacts and field inhomogeneities in the oral cavity. Therefore, the accuracy of length mea-
surements on dental MR images was compared with that on dental CT scans and direct
METHODS: Dental T1-weighted MR imaging using a high-resolution turbo gradient-echo
sequence and dental CT were performed in six anatomic specimens. The axial scans were
reformatted as panoramic and cross-sectional reconstructions on a workstation and character-
istic cross sections were obtained from all mandibles. The longest axis in the bucco-lingual and
apico-basal directions, the distances from the top of the mandibular canal to the top of the
alveolar ridge and from the bottom of the mandibular canal to the base of the mandible, and
the diameter of the bone cortex at the alveolar ridge were measured with direct osteometry on
the cross sections and compared with measurements on corresponding MR and CT reformatted
RESULTS: The correlation between direct osteometry and dental MR and CT was strong,
except for the bone cortex diameter at the top of the alveolar ridge, where only a moderate
correlation was found. Means of comparable length measurements were not significantly dif-
ferent among the three methods.
CONCLUSION: The accuracy of length measurements in the jaw bones obtained using dental
MR is comparable to that of dental CT and is not significantly different from direct osteometry.
Thus, dental MR is a potential alternative to CT for dental imaging.
Surgical procedures near the mandibular canal re-
quire exact knowledge of the intraosseous course
of the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle
(IANB), as the risk of injury is high in the absence
of adequate information. CT has proved useful in
the preoperative evaluation of patients undergoing
dental implantations and other surgical procedures
near the inferior alveolar canal, permitting avoid-
ance of possible injury to the IANB (1, 2). Since
the distances between the IANB and implants or
protheses are small, preoperative evaluation re-
quires precise measurements with an error of no
more than 1 mm (3, 4). Dental CT procedures with
multiplanar reconstructions provide this degree of
Received July 17, 1998; accepted after revision March 1, 1999.
From the Department of Radiology, University of Vienna
AKH, Wa¨hringergu¨rtel 18–20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
Address reprint requests to Christian J. O. Nas˘el, MD.
q American Society of Neuroradiology
precision, but only bone or calcified structures are
directly visible. Thus, in patients without a clear-
cut bony delimitation of the mandibular canal, lo-
cating the IANB on a single cross section is diffi-
cult, necessitating comparison with adjacent
parallel and correlated perpendicular reformatted
images (2).
Imaging of the jaw bones by using dental MR
sequences provides cross-sectional and panoramic
reformations comparable to dental CT procedures
(Fig 1). Because of the excellent soft-tissue con-
trast, the IANB is directly visible on cross-sectional
and panoramic reformations, independent of the
surrounding bone. Furthermore, spread of tumor or
alterations caused by inflammation in the jaw bones
are immediately apparent on dental MR images,
which provide significantly more presurgical infor-
mation (5, 6). Although dental MR imaging is
promising, spatial distortions on MR images may
be larger than those on CT scans, which could limit
the practical use of this technique. Therefore, the
AJNR: 20, August 19991222 NAS
Panoramic reconstruction from an axial CT scan (ef-
fective section thickness of 1 mm) of a severely atrophic man-
dible. The cut line for this reconstruction was centered on the
mandibular canal (
), which is clearly depicted in
terms of well-distinguished bony delineations.
Panoramic reconstruction from an axial T1-weighted (6.2/
20) MR image (318 flip angle and an effective section thickness
of 0.5 mm) of the same mandible as in
also directly shows the
course of the neurovascular bundle (
), which is char-
acterized by moderate signal intensity. Differentiation of nerves
and vessels is not possible.
A cut line following the course
of the mandibular canal was drawn on the
dental (axial) CT scans with an effective
section thickness of 1 mm. The panoramic
and cross-sectional reconstructions were
calculated as sections parallel andperpen-
dicular to this line.
A cut line for panoramic and cross-
sectional reconstructions on an axial T1-
weighted (6.2/20) MR image of the same
mandible as in
(318 flip angle and an
effective section thickness of 0.5 mm)
was drawn by following the neurovascular
bundle. Note the slight difference of the
orientation of the proposed cross sec-
tions, which are shown as small lines per-
pendicular to the cut line. Only exactly
parallel cross sections were used for
accuracy of length measurements obtained from
dental MR images of the mandibles of six anatomic
specimens was evaluated by comparing the findings
with values obtained on dental CT scans and by
direct osteometry.
Six fresh-frozen anatomic specimens were examined with
dental MR imaging and dental CT, followed by anatomic dis-
section of the mandibles. Prior to scanning, the specimens were
brought to room temperature to avoid severe signal changes
on MR images (7). The heads were positioned in the CT and
MR units, and the examinations were performed in immediate
succession. Dental CT scanning of the mandible consisted of
40 axial sections with a thickness of 1.5 mm and an overlap
of 0.5 mm. Angulation of sections was parallel to the plane of
dental occlusion. The images were calculated with a high-res-
olution algorithm for bone structures.
For dental MR imaging, a turbo gradient-echo technique was
used with parameters of 6.2/20 (TR/TE), a 318 flip angle, a
field of view of 120 mm, and a 128 3 128-voxel matrix. The
section thickness was 1 mm with a 50% overlap and calcula-
tion of 0.5-mm-thick images. The scan time for 101 images
was about 6.2 minutes. A spectral fat-suppression impulse was
introduced into the sequence to minimize signal from fatty
bone marrow. The whole curvature of the mandible was im-
aged in a single scan by using the standard neck quadrature
coil of a 1.0-T MR unit.
The axial CT scans and MR images were reformatted on a
local workstation as panoramic and cross-sectional reconstruc-
tions, using the dental package software in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions (EasyVision, Version 2.1 MR
and CT, Philips, the Netherlands). For panoramic reconstruc-
tions, a line following the visible parts of the mandibular canal
was drawn and, every 1 mm, a cross-sectional reconstruction
was calculated (Fig 2). Window and center settings were the
same for all images of a given technique. Thereafter, length
measurements were obtained on reformatted CT and MR cross-
sectional slices. The mandibles were dissected in order to ob-
tain comparable cross sections, such as those evaluated on the
CT and MR reconstructions (Fig 3). The exact anatomic cor-
relation between the cross sections of the specimen and the
cross-sectional CT and MR reconstructions was established by
an anatomist and a radiologist before the measurements were
carried out. Direct osteometry was performed by means of a
slide gauge, and measurements on reformatted CT and MR
images were obtained by comparing distances with the scale
provided on each image. All lengths were determined in mil-
limeters. The results from each technique were assessed in-
dependently by different observers.
Two sets of measurements were obtained in every quadrant
of the mandible. The first set was taken from the cross-sec-
tional image at the level through the mental foramen, the sec-
ond from the cross-sectional image at a point 15 mm posterior
to the mental foramen. From each of these locations the fol-
lowing measurements were obtained: the longest axis in the
bucco-lingual direction of the cross section (the ABL); the lon-
gest axis in the apico-basal direction of a cross section (the
AAB); the distance from the top of the foramen (set 1) or top
of the mandibular canal (set 2) to the top of the alveolar ridge
(the DTT); the distance from the bottom of the foramen (set
1) or bottom of the mandibular canal (set 2) to the base of the
mandible (the DBB); and the diameter of the bone cortex at
the alveolar ridge (the DBC) (Fig 4).
The quality of the data was considered to be rationally
scaled and Pearson’s linear correlation was used to analyze the
correlation of distances. Finally, the differences between com-
parable measurements from corresponding cross sections and
cross-sectional CT and MR images were calculated as direct
osteometry minus dental MR imaging, direct osteometry mi-
nus dental CT, and dental MR imaging minus dental CT. Mean
and standard errors were calculated and, using an analysis of
variance (ANOVA), the significance of differences between
comparable measurements was tested.
Cross-sectional reconstruction of a mandible derived from an axial CT scan with an effective section thickness of 1 mm.
Localization of the mandibular canal (
) was not possible with certainty on this section. A comparison with adjacent sections
was necessary to determine the exact location of the mandibular canal for the measurements.
Cross-sectional reconstruction of the same mandible as in
in the same location, derived from an axial T1-weighted (6.2/20) MR
image (318 flip angle and an effective section thickness of 0.5 mm). The mandibular neurovascular bundle (
) is easily
distinguished on this single section as a moderately hyperintense structure. No additional technique was required for its localization.
Cross section for direct osteometry corresponding to cross-sectional reconstructions in
The contents of the mandibular
canal were colored with enamel. The location of the mandibular canal (
dark area
) is the same as that identified on the dental MR cross
section. Note that the transition from cortical to spongy bone is not as clear-cut as the reformatted MR and CT images suggest.
4. On comparable cross sections, defined distances and di-
ameters were measured on dental MR images and CT scans and
by direct osteometry. Two sets of measurements were obtained in
every quadrant of the mandibles: the first set was taken from the
cross-sectional slice at the level through the mental foramen, the
second from the cross-sectional slice at a point 15 mm posterior to
the mental foramen. The following distances were measured:
the longest axis in the bucco-lingual direction of the cross section;
the longest axis in the apico-basal direction of a cross section;
the distance from the top of the foramen (set 1) or top of the
mandibular canal (set 2) to the top of the alveolar ridge;
distance from the bottom of the foramen (set 1) or bottom of the
mandibular canal (set 2) to the base of the mandible; and
diameter of the bone cortex at the alveolar ridge.
The results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
Comparison of Direct Osteometry and Dental MR
The linear correlation was strong for all distanc-
es, ABL, AAB, DTT, and DBB, with r
. .985
(Pearson). The correlation of comparable measure-
ments of the diameter of the bone cortex at the
alveolar ridge (DBC) was moderate, with r
5 .64
(Pearson) (Fig 5A and B). The mean difference in
measurements of length between dental MR and
direct osteometry was 0.74 6 1.72 mm (mean 6
SD, differences calculated as direct osteometry mi-
nus dental MR imaging). Comparison of group
means showed no significant difference in mea-
surements between direct osteometry and dental
MR imaging (ANOVA; direct osteometry, CT, and
MR imaging groups: n 5 180; for parameters ABL,
AAB, DTT, DBB, and DBC, P 5 .05, NS). Spec-
tral fat suppression was sufficient. The signal in-
tensity from the neurovascular bundle was slightly
increased compared with the signal intensity nor-
mally observed in patients. The IANB was clearly
visible in all mandibles, but differentiation between
nerve and vessels inside the mandibular canal was
not possible.
Comparison of Direct Osteometry and Dental CT
Dental CT scans also showed a strong linear cor-
relation for all the distances, ABL, AAB, DTT, and
AJNR: 20, August 19991224 NAS
TABLE 1: Summary of calculated differences between measure-
ments from direct osteometry, dental MR imaging, and dental CT
Difference (mm, mean 6 SD)
Dental MR
Dental CT
Dental MR
Dental CT
ABL 0.3 6 1.1 0.2 6 1.2 20.3 6 0.5
AAB 20.1 6 0.7 20.6 6 1.0 20.6 6 0.7
DTT 0.1 6 0.7 20.1 6 1.3 20.1 6 1.1
DBB 0.4 6 0.7 0.2 6 1.0 20.3 6 0.8
DBC 2.9 6 2.4 2.8 6 2.5 20.1 6 0.7
Note.—Column 1 represents the difference between direct osteom-
etry and dental MR measurements, where negative values indicate
overestimation and positive values, underestimation of the distances.
In the same way, differences between measurements of direct osteom-
etry and dental CT (column 2) and dental MR and dental CT (column
3) were calculated. ABL indicates the longest axis in the bucco-lingual
direction of a cross section; AAB, the longest axis in the apico-basal
direction of a cross section; DTT, the distance from the top of the
foramen (set 1) or top of the mandibular canal (set 2) to the top of
the alveolar ridge; DBB, the distance from the bottom of the foramen
(set 1) or bottom of the mandibular canal (set 2) to the base of the
mandible; and DBC, the diameter of the bone cortex at the alveolar
TABLE 2: Linear squared correlation coefficient (r
; Pearson) of
correlated measurements (columns) obtained by three techniques
Correlation, r
Direct osteometry/dental MR 0.998 0.996 0.985 0.990 0.640
Direct osteometry/dental CT 0.997 0.997 0.984 0.994 0.636
Dental MR/dental CT 0.997 0.999 0.984 0.992 0.911
Note.—The linear correlations were excellent for all measurements,
except for the diameter of the bone cortex at the top of the alveolar
ridge (DBC). The transition from cortical to spongy bone, which was
not perfectly smooth, made it difficult to define this diameter on visual
inspection for direct osteometry. ABL indicates the longest axis in the
bucco-lingual direction of a cross section; AAB, the longest axis in
the apico-basal direction of a cross section; DTT, the distance from
the top of the foramen (set 1) or top of the mandibular canal (set 2)
to the top of the alveolar ridge; DBB, the distance from the bottom of
the foramen (set 1) or bottom of the mandibular canal (set 2) to the
base of the mandible; and DBC, the diameter of the bone cortex at
the alveolar ridge.
Comparison between direct osteometry and dental MR imaging. Measurements obtained by direct osteometry are drawn on
-axis and corresponding measurements obtained on dental MR images are drawn on the
-axis (
). Witha 100%correlation
between dental MR and direct osteometry, all dental MR measurements would meet the first median (
straight line
). Overestimations of
distances judged on dental MR images thus lie above and underestimations below the first median. Excellent linear correlationbetween
dental MR imaging and direct osteometry, with nearly all measurements fitting the first median, is shown.
The correlation between direct osteometry and dental MR imaging was only moderate in regard to the diameter of the bone cortex
DBB, with r
. .984 (Pearson). The correlation of
the diameter of the bone cortex at the alveolar ridge
(DBC) was only moderate, with r
5 .636 (Pear-
son) (Fig 5C and D). The mean difference between
dental CT scans and direct osteometry was 0.51 6
1.91 mm (mean 6 SD, differences calculated as
direct osteometry minus dental CT). Group means
were not significantly different between the various
methods (ANOVA; direct osteometry, CT, MR im-
aging groups: n 5 180; for parameters ABL, AAB,
DTT, DBB, and DBC, P 5 .05, NS). The mandib-
ular canal could be distinguished in all cases, but
comparison with adjacent parallel and correlated
perpendicular sections for localization was neces-
sary in two mandibles.
Correlation of Dental MR with Dental CT
There was a strong linear correlation between
dental MR and dental CT for all distances, includ-
ing the bone cortex diameter (DBC), with r
.911 (Pearson) (Fig 5E and F). The mean difference
between dental MR and dental CT was 20.32 6
0.85 mm (mean 6 SD, differences calculated as
dental MR imaging minus dental CT). Comparison
of group means of corresponding distances showed
no significant difference between the imaging
methods and direct osteometry (ANOVA; direct os-
teometry, CT, MR imaging groups: n 5 180; for
parameters ABL, AAB, DTT, DBB, and DBC, P
5 .05, NS).
Axial CT with subsequent cross-sectional and
panoramic reconstruction, known as dental CT, is
widely used in oral surgery (8–11). The main ra-
tionale for using dental CT is to avoid injury to the
IANB, which may occur during surgical procedu-
res. Dental CT has proved useful for the depiction
of the bony structures of the mandibular canal and
its spatial relations inside the mandible. The accu-
racy of dental CT for depicting distances in the jaw
bones has been found to be sufficient for oral sur-
gery (2). Dental MR imaging, a recently introduced
procedure with a resolution comparable to that of
dental CT (5, 6), permits direct visualization of the
IANB. Although bony structures give only low or
no signal on dental MR images, bone is well dif-
ferentiated against the surrounding soft tissue in
terms of a high intensity signal, which allows mea-
surement of distances between bony landmarks.
Furthermore, pathologic alterations, such as edema
or tumor, are well delineated by the soft-tissue con-
trast. Thus, dental MR appears to be a significant
extension of the imaging possibilities of dental CT
To qualify as a means of planning oral surgery,
dental MR images should depict exactly the dis-
at the edge of the alveolar ridge (DBC).
Dental CT also shows a strong linear correlation with direct osteometry. The dental CT measurements (
) nearly meet the
first median (
straight line
For dental CT measurements, the diameter of the bone cortex at the edge of the alveolar ridge (DBC) was only moderately linearly
correlated with that of direct osteometry.
Dental CT and MR imaging show the strongest linear correlation. Dental MR measurements are drawn on the
-axis (
and dental CT measurements on the
-axis. Dental MR shows a very slight overestimation of distances (shown as points lying above
the expected first median) compared with dental CT measurements.
Because on dental CT and MR images the transition between cortical and spongy bone appears to be sharp, correlation was
extremely strong for the measurements of the diameter of cortical bone at the edge of the alveolar ridge (DBC), although the correlation
of both techniques with direct osteometry was only moderate. Measurements from dental MR images are drawn on the
-axis (
and those of dental CT scans on the
-axis. With a 100% correlation, all measurements would lie on the first median (
straight line
AJNR: 20, August 19991226 NAS
tances within the jaw bones. Since the accuracy of
dental MR imaging has not yet been proved, we
compared this technique with direct osteometry and
dental CT using mandible specimens. The results
showed a strong linear correlation among the three
techniques. The differences in comparable distanc-
es were less than 1 mm on average, and group
means for the defined distances were not signifi-
cantly different.
Although no statistically significant differences
among the three methods were found, the measured
diameter of the bone cortex at the alveolar ridge
(DBC) differed remarkably between dental MR and
direct osteometry. Dental CT was also considerably
different from direct osteometry in regard to the
DBC. As a result, for this measurement, CT and
MR imaging correlated only moderately with direct
osteometry. On the other hand, the correlation be-
tween dental CT and dental MR imaging was clear-
ly strong for this diameter. One reason for these
discrepancies could be the different appearance of
cortical bone on MR and CT reconstructions as
compared with visual inspection by direct
Dental MR and CT reconstructions suggested a
relatively clear-cut transition between compact and
spongy bone in all mandibles, although this was not
consistently observed on visual inspection with di-
rect osteometry. In a grossly anatomic sense, the
transition from compact to spongy bone in the bone
marrow space was not well defined in every spec-
imen. Therefore, it was difficult to define the border
between compact and spongy bone, a delineation
that is necessary in order to measure cortical
The limited spatial resolution of dental MR and
CT is such that single bone trabeculae in the tran-
sition zone cannot be clearly differentiated. Addi-
tionally, soft tissue between the trabeculae creates
partial volume artifacts, which mask a part of the
bone in the transition zone. Furthermore, the ne-
cessity of selecting an adequate window also influ-
ences image evaluation, mainly because of partial
volume artifacts, in which voxels with densely
packed bone trabeculae may be depicted as com-
pact bone and those with higher soft-tissue contents
but still containing mineralized bone could be mis-
interpreted as soft tissue of the bone marrow. De-
pending on the window settings, which are always
a compromise aimed at optimal depiction of distin-
guishable details, the transition zone between com-
pact and spongy bone may appear smaller on the
reformatted images than on direct osteometry. Nev-
ertheless, in this study, a maximum window width
with an acceptable depiction of small structures
was chosen.
Finally, although kept to a minimum, smoothing
algorithms of the reconstruction software will also
affect distance evaluations on CT and MR refor-
mations. However, the results show that both im-
aging methods, dental CT as well as dental MR
imaging, appear to be affected in the same way,
which explains the strong correlation between CT
and MR measurements for the DBC. Assuming that
the proposed sequence is used, susceptibility arti-
facts at the interface between compact bone and
soft tissue, which could cause compact bone to ap-
pear more prominent, do not seem to alter pro-
foundly the accuracy of measurements of the di-
ameter of the bony cortex on dental MR images.
Since exact knowledge of the actual DBC will be
of interest primarily for the planning of implants,
dental CT and dental MR imaging will only be at
risk for underestimating the stability of the jaw
bone. However, none of the measured distances, in-
cluding the DBC, was significantly different on
these studies from those obtained by direct osteo-
metry. Moreover, the precision of dental CT mea-
surements was not higher than that of dental MR
imaging. Therefore, dental MR imaging appears to
be sufficiently precise for preoperative osteometry.
Dental imaging may also be limited by artifacts
from dental filling material. Four mandible speci-
mens had metallic fillings. As most of the filling
material was located at the dental corona, and axial
scans were performed, the encountered artifacts
were mainly located in the extraosseous portion of
the teeth. Therefore, a diagnostic assessment of the
jaw bones was possible in all cases. The gradient-
echo turbo field technique with a short TE and a
low flip angle provided sufficiently detailed infor-
mation about the jaw bone structures on the refor-
matted images, with good differentiation of the man-
dibular neurovascular bundle. Artifacts from filling
material were also within an acceptable range.
MR imaging permits sufficiently precise depic-
tion of distances in the jaw bones and is therefore
a useful dental imaging tool. Spatial distortions on
dental MR images were not significantly different
from those on the widely used dental CT scans and
were within an acceptable range for planning sur-
gery in the jaw bones. The advantageous direct de-
piction of soft-tissue structures, such as the inferior
alveolar neurovascular bundle or soft-tissue mass,
combined with the avoidance of radiation exposure,
should encourage further evaluation of MR imag-
ing for practical use in dental radiology.
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... Previous studies revealed promising results using dMRI for the evaluation of hard tissue with regard to implant planning (Aguiar, Marques, Carvalho, & Cavalcanti, 2008;Flügge et al., 2016;Goto et al., 2007;Nasel et al., 1999). Several studies using surface coils concluded that bone measurements of MRI and multi-slice computed tomography are comparable (Aguiar et al., 2008;Goto et al., 2007;Nasel et al., 1999). ...
... Previous studies revealed promising results using dMRI for the evaluation of hard tissue with regard to implant planning (Aguiar, Marques, Carvalho, & Cavalcanti, 2008;Flügge et al., 2016;Goto et al., 2007;Nasel et al., 1999). Several studies using surface coils concluded that bone measurements of MRI and multi-slice computed tomography are comparable (Aguiar et al., 2008;Goto et al., 2007;Nasel et al., 1999). ...
Objectives: Guided implant surgery (GIS) requires alignment of virtual models to reconstructions of three-dimensional imaging. Accurate visualization of the tooth surfaces in the imaging datasets is mandatory. In this prospective clinical study, in-vivo tooth surface accuracy was determined for GIS using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and dental magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). Materials and methods: CBCT and 3-Tesla dMRI were performed in 22 consecutive patients (mean age: 54.4±15.2 years; mean number of restorations per jaw: 6.7±2.7). Altogether 92 teeth were included (31 incisor, 29 canines, 20 premolars and 12 molars). Surfaces were reconstructed semi-automatically and registered to a reference standard (3D-scans of stone models made from full-arch polyether impressions). Reliability of both methods was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients. Accuracy was evaluated using the two one-sided tests procedure with a predefined equivalence margin of ± 0.2 mm root mean square(RMS). Results: Inter- and intra-rater reliability of tooth surface reconstruction were comparable for CBCT and dMRI. Geometric deviations were 0.102±0.042 mm RMS for CBCT and 0.261±0.08 mm RMS for dMRI. For a predefined equivalence margin, CBCT and dMRI were statistically equivalent. CBCT, however, was significantly more accurate (p ≤ 0.0001). For both imaging techniques, accuracy did not differ substantially between different tooth types. Conclusion: CBCT is an accurate and reliable imaging technique for tooth surfaces in vivo, even in the presence of metal artifacts. In comparison, dMRI in-vivo accuracy is lower. Still, it allows for tooth surface reconstruction in satisfactory detail and within acceptable acquisition times. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... In this context, dental MRI (dMRI) has gained attention as a potential non-ionizing option in preoperative implant planning (Burian et al., 2019;Demirturk Kocasarac et al., 2018;Flügge et al., 2020a;Hilgenfeld et al., 2019;Probst et al., 2020). In principle, oral soft and hard tissues-including the tooth surfaces-can be accurately detected (Burian et al., 2019;Hilgenfeld et al., 2019; and measured (Hilgenfeld et al., 2018;Nasel et al., 1999) by means of dMRI. ...
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Objectives To measure in-vivo 3D-accuracy of backward-planned partially-guided implant surgery (PGIS) based on dental magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). Material and Methods Thirty-four patients underwent dMRI examinations. Tooth-supported templates were backward planned using standard dental software, 3D-printed, and placed intraorally during a cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan. Treatment plans were verified for surgical viability in CBCT, and implants were placed with guiding of the pilot drill. High-precision impressions were taken after healing. The 3D-accuracy of 41 implants was evaluated by comparing the virtually planned and definitive implant positions with respect to implant entry point, apex, and axis. Deviations from the dMRI-based implant plans were compared with the maximum deviations calculated for a typical single implant. Results Twenty-eight implants were placed as planned in dMRI. Evaluation of 3D-accuracy revealed mean deviations (99% confidence intervals) of 1.7±0.9mm (1.2–2.1mm)/2.3±1.1mm (1.8–2.9 mm)/7.1±4.8° (4.6–9.6°) for entry point/apex/axis. The maximum deviations calculated for the typical single implant surpassed the upper bounds of the 99% CIs for the apex and axis, but not for the entry point. In the 13 other implants, dMRI-based implant plans were optimized after CBCT. Here, deviations between the initial dMRI plan and definitive implant position were only in part higher than in the unaltered group (1.9±1.7mm [0.5–3.4mm]/2.5±1.5mm [1.2–3.8mm]/6.8±3.8° [3.6–10.1°] for entry point/apex/axis). Conclusions The 3D-accuracy of dMRI-based PGIS was slightly lower than that previously reported for CBCT-based PGIS. Nonetheless, the values seem promising to facilitate backward-planning without ionizing radiation.
... Sie und andere Autoren wiesen außerdem darauf hin, dass weitere Studien notwendig sind, um die MRT Schritt für Schritt der klinischen Anwendung im Alltag der Zahn-, Mund-und Kieferheilkunde näher zu bringen (Detterbeck et al., 2016b, Appel und Baumann, 2002. Schon eine Studie aus dem Jahr 1999 zeigte, dass die MRT auch knöcherne Strukturen wie den Unterkiefer mit ähnlichen Genauigkeiten wie mit der CT anhand der Übergänge von Knochen zu Weichgewebe darzustellen vermag (Našel et al., 1999). ...
1. Hintergrund und Ziele Die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) ist ein wichtiges bildgebendes Verfahren für die Diagnostik von Kopf-Hals-Erkrankungen und besitzt im Gegensatz zu röntgenologischen Verfahren die Eigenschaft ohne ionisierende Strahlung die Strukturen des Körpers darzustellen. Das Ziel dieser Studie war die Genauigkeit der MRT im Vergleich zu röntgenologischen Verfahren zu untersuchen. Dabei sollte im Speziellen die Darstellbarkeit des knöchernen Unterkiefers anhand dreidimensionaler Modelle aus MRT-Datensätzen gezeigt und die konkrete Abweichung zu herkömmlich zur Knochendarstellung verwendeten Bildgebungsverfahren herausgestellt werden. 2. Methoden Für diese Studie wurde vom Institut für Funktionelle und Klinische Anatomie des Universitätsklinikums Erlangen (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg) ein menschliches Kopfpräparat bereitgestellt. Die Aufnahmen wurden im Radiologischen Institut des Universitätsklinikums Erlangen (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) mit Standardparametern angefertigt. Zuerst wurden elf Aufnahmen mit einem Mehrschicht-Computertomographen (MSCT) (SOMATOM Definition AS, Siemens, Erlangen, Deutschland) durchgeführt, danach wurde das Präparat elfmal im dentalen digitalen Volumentomographen (DVT) (3D eXam, KaVo dental GmbH, Biberach, Deutschland) geröntgt und zuletzt erfolgten elf MRT-Aufnahmen (3 Tesla System, Skyra, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Deutschland). Jede Aufnahme wurde anschließend als zweidimensionale (2D) „Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine“ (DICOM) -Datei abgespeichert und das Kopfpräparat im Institut für Funktionelle und Klinische Anatomie mazeriert. In der Zwischenzeit wurden die DICOM-Dateien der einzelnen Aufnahmen in dreidimensionale Stereolitographie (STL) -Dateien konvertiert. Nach Mazeration des Kopfes wurde durch den Scan mit einem Weißlichtscanner der Erlanger Zahnklinik (Atos SO II, GOM GmbH, Braunschweig, Deutschland) ein dreidimensionales Mastermodell erstellt (Software CAD interactive, GOM Inspect, GOM GmbH, Braunschweig, Deutschland) und mit allen Tomographieaufnahmen verglichen. Zur Datenanalyse diente die statistische Software R (Version 3.0.2, The R Foundation, Wien, Österreich). 3. Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen Die mittlere Abweichung der MRT lag im Vergleich zum Mastermodell bei 0,757 mm. Die Computertomographie (CT) -Aufnahmen (Arithmetisches Mittel (AM) = 0,074 mm) und DVT-Aufnahmen (AM = 0,277 mm) zeigten geringere mittlere Abweichungen. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass in allen drei Verfahren der Ramus mandibulae signifikant besser dargestellt wurde als der Corpus mandibulae. Im Bereich des Ramus lag die Ungenauigkeit der MRT bei einem AM von 0,411 mm, im Bereich des Corpus betrug sie im Mittel 1,142 mm. 4. Schlussfolgerungen Diese Studie zeigt, dass knöcherne Strukturen anhand von Daten der MRT dreidimensional darstellbar sind. Im Vergleich zu den herkömmlich zur Knochendarstellung verwendeten röntgenologischen Verfahren ist die MRT noch unterlegen, zeigt aber dennoch genügend Potential, um weitere Untersuchungen anzuregen. Aufgrund der patientenschonenden Eigenschaften der MRT sollte in Erwägung gezogen werden, vermehrt an der Hartgewebedarstellung zu forschen, um sich diese vorteilhafte Form der Bildgebung für mehr Indikationen zu Nutze zu machen.
... The main advantage of MRI is its capacity to produce high resolution images of soft tissues at any plane without ionizing radiation (Huettel, Song, & McCarthy, 2008;Oyar, 2008;Shahidi et al., 2009). Cranio-maxillofacial salivary glands, temporomandibular joint pathologies, inflammatory changes in the orofacial region, maxillary sinus, muscles, hematoma, regional infections, head and neck masses, early pathological changes in the bones, fractures, and anatomical contours can be examined with MRI (Hubálková, Serna, Linetskiy, & Dostálová, 2006;Našel et al., 1999;Oyar, 2008;Tanasiewicz, 2010;Tutton & Goddard, 2002). ...
The aim of this article is to compare the effects of 1.5 T and 3 T MRI on microleakage of amalgam restorations. A total of 90 extracted molar teeth were used in this study. Amalgam was used to restore standard Class V preparations (5 × 3 × 2 mm). Following the restoration, the teeth were divided into three groups according to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol (Group I: Control, Group II: 1.5 T MRI, and Group III: 3 T MRI). A total of 6,000 thermal cycles at 5°C–55°C were applied on all samples. Microleakage values were measured in millimeters using the ImageJ program. Microleakage values were higher in the gingival region compared to the occlusal region in all groups and the differences were statistically significant (p < .05). Microleakage values were not statistically different among the groups in the occlusal region (p > .05), while there were statistically significant differences among the groups with respect to microleakage values in the gingival region (p < .01). The highest mean microleakage amount in the gingival region was measured in Group III (1.192 ± 0.941 mm). This was followed by Group II (0.519 ± 0.813 mm) and Group I (0.347 ± 0.726 mm), respectively. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, we observed that higher microleakage values in amalgam restored teeth in which were exposed to MRI procedure. We also found that the teeth exposed to the stronger magnetic field showed higher microleakage amount. MRI is an advanced technique using powerful magnets for imaging biological tissues. Microleakage may develop in amalgam restorations as a result of magnetization. Microleakage is considered to be the main cause of secondary caries, pulpal irritation, and pulpal necrosis. The aim of our study is to quantitatively compare the effects of different Tesla devices on the microleakage of teeth with amalgam restorations. We observed that higher mean microleakage values in amalgam restored teeth in which were exposed to MRI procedure.
... MRI visualizes the fat in trabecular bone and differentiates the inferior alveolar canal and neurovascular bundle from the adjacent trabecular bone. Lately, dental imaging software has been used that makes dental MRI a possible alternative to plan films or CT for patients requiring surgery near the mandibular canal 21 . MRI is contraindicated in claustrophobic patients and those with cardiac pacemakers. ...
... On the other hand, the advantage of measuring with CT is that it has less distortion, higher resolution, and is fast and simple [21][22][23] . However, CT sometimes may not clearly depict fine structures, and it is difficult to set a reference point 20 . ...
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Objectives Classification of the degree of postoperative nerve damage according to contact with the mandibular canal and buccal cortical bone has been studied, but there is a lack of research on the difference in postoperative courses according to contact with buccal cortical bone. In this study, we divided patients into groups according to contact between the mandibular canal and the buccal cortical bone, and we compared the position of the mandibular canal in the second and first molar areas. Materials and Methods Class III patients who visited the Dankook University Dental Hospital were included in this study. The following measurements were made at the second and first molar positions: (1) length between the outer margin of the mandibular canal and the buccal cortical margin (a); (2) mandibular thickness at the same level (b); (3) Buccolingual ratio=(a)/(b)×100; and (4) length between the inferior margin of the mandibular canal and the inferior cortical margin. Results The distances from the canal to the buccal bone and from the canal to the inferior bone and mandibular thickness were significantly larger in Group II than in Group I. The buccolingual ratio of the canal was larger in Group II in the second molar region. Conclusion If mandibular canal is in contact with the buccal cortical bone, the canal will run closer to the buccal bone and the inferior border of the mandible in the second and first molar regions.
... Anthropometric measurements of the mandible are performed not only to address oral surgical [2] or clinical [3,4] questions, but also to address forensic issues, such as the estimation of age [5,6] or sex [5,[7][8][9][10] in different populations. De Oliveira et al., for example, investigated the correlation of sex and of age with mandibular ramus length in a Brazilian population. ...
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When a morphologically separated skull and mandible are found in the same case context, the possibility of a match arises. Two criteria with which to determine a match are the rough articulation between the mandibular condyles and cranial base itself and, most importantly, the fit of the teeth. However, when there has been intravital or postmortem tooth loss, this important criterion is not available. To date, only Reichs (1989) has investigated further compatibility criteria to solve the question of putative commingling in a case where a mandible seemed to originate from a female, while all other bones originated from a male individual. In a different reported case (Preißler et al. 2017), a mandible seemed too big for a skull; DNA analysis, however, confirmed that both originated from the same female individual. To investigate the metric relationship between mandible and skull we measured the postmortem CT data records of 223 corpses (virtual skulls) in OsiriX© MD for the following linear parameters: bicondylar breadth (KDB), biradicular breadth (AUB), and bizygomatic breadth (ZYB). The indices KDB/ZYB and KDB/AUB were developed and used to define ranges for matches and mismatches. Furthermore, the intra-observer reliability for the method was assessed. An intraclass correlation coefficient of >0.99 for every parameter showed that the used measurements are highly reliable. The 2.5–97.5 percentile for the KDB/AUB index lay between 0.91 and 1.05, while the range for the KDB/ZYB index was between 0.87 and 1.00. Within these ranges, it is possible to roughly assess whether or not a mandible and skull might be compatible, even if this can only be verified by forensic DNA analysis. If an index value lies outside these ranges, it can be assumed that skull and mandible do not match. Future studies should include more samples from a broader population spectrum so that these metric relationships can be used for different populations.
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Background and purpose We explored whether there was a difference between measurements obtained with CT and MRI for the diagnosis of large vestibular aqueduct syndrome or large endolymphatic sac anomaly, and whether this influenced diagnosis on the basis of previously published threshold values (Valvassori and Cincinnati). We also investigated whether isolated dilated extra-osseous endolymphatic sac occurred on MRI. Secondary objectives were to compare inter-observer reproducibility for the measurements, and to investigate any mismatch between the diagnoses using the different criteria. Materials/methods Subjects diagnosed with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome or large endolymphatic sac anomalies were retrospectively analysed. For subjects with both CT and MRI available (n = 58), two independent observers measured the midpoint and operculum widths. For subjects with MRI (± CT) available (n = 84), extra-osseous sac widths were also measured. Results There was no significant difference between the width measurements obtained with CT versus MRI. CT alone diagnosed large vestibular aqueduct syndrome or large endolymphatic sac anomalies in 2/58 (Valvassori) and 4/58 (Cincinnati), whilst MRI alone diagnosed them in 2/58 (Valvassori). There was 93% CT/MRI diagnostic agreement using both criteria. Only 1/84 demonstrated isolated extra-osseous endolymphatic sac dilatation. The MRI-based LVAS/LESA diagnosis was less dependent on which criteria were used. Midpoint measurements are more reproducible between observers and between CT/MR imaging modalities. Conclusion Supplementing MRI with CT results in additional diagnoses using either criterion, however, there is no net increased diagnostic sensitivity for CT versus MRI when applying the Valvassori criteria. Isolated enlargement of the extra-osseous endolymphatic sac is rare.
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The aim of this study was to validate geometric accuracy and in vivo reproducibility of landmark-based cephalometric measurements using high-resolution 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) at 3 Tesla. For accuracy validation, 96 angular and 96 linear measurements were taken on a phantom in 3 different positions. In vivo MRI scans were performed on 3 volunteers in five head positions. For each in vivo scan, 27 landmarks were determined from which 19 angles and 26 distances were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed using Bland-Altman analysis, the two one-sided tests procedure and repeated measures one-way analysis of variance. In comparison to ground truth, all MRI-based phantom measurements showed statistical equivalence (p < 0.001) and an excellent agreement in Bland-Altman analysis (bias ranges: -0.090-0.044°, -0.220-0.241 mm). In vivo cephalometric analysis was highly reproducible among the five different head positions in all study participants, without statistical differences for all angles and distances (p > 0.05). Ranges between maximum and minimum in vivo values were consistently smaller than 2° and 2 mm, respectively (average ranges: 0.88°/0.87 mm). In conclusion, this study demonstrates that accurate and reproducible 3D cephalometric analysis can be performed without exposure to ionizing radiation using MRI.
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Four mandibular specimens were radiographically examined bilaterally to locate the mandibular canal. The following radiographic techniques were used: periapical and panoramic radiography, hypocycloidal tomography, and computed tomography (CT). The distance from the crest of the alveolar process to the superior border of the mandibular canal was measured in millimeters on all radiographs. The specimens were then sectioned, and the location of the mandibular canal (as measured on contact radiographs of the sections) was compared with measurements made on the other radiographs. The results showed that CT gave the most accurate position of the mandibular canal and is therefore probably the best method for preoperative planning of the implant surgery involving the area close to the mandibular canal.
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To evaluate the MR appearance of the mandibular canal and its contents. Cadaveric mandibles were imaged at 1.5 T and 3 T, then sectioned with a cryomicrotome. The size, shape, signal intensity, and pattern of structures in the mandibular canal were identified on MR images by comparing them with corresponding anatomic sections. The inferior alveolar nerve and connective tissue were identified on the 1.5-T and 3-T images in the mandibular canal. Within the nerve the axon bundles were distinguished from the nerve sheath on the 3-T images. This study suggests that MR images can show excellent anatomic detail in the mandibular canal.
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To assess the reliability of a commercially available 3D-MPR MRI program for the jaws for imaging the mandibular neurovascular bundle. A gradient echo sequence (TR: 49 ms/TE: 6.3 ms/flip angle: 25 degrees/excitations: 3) with a spectral fat suppression pre-impulse and a voxel size of 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.8 mm was designed. Cross-sectional and panoramic reconstruction of the whole mandible were performed from the axial scans using Easy Vision (Philips, Best, The Netherlands) software package. The ability of differentiate the mandibular neurovascular bundle was assessed in 11 patients. The mandibular neurovascular bundle was clearly visualized in all cases. Dental MRI is a possible alternative to plain films or CT for patients requiring surgery near the mandibular canal.
A lack of agreement exists in the literature regarding the anatomical relationship of the mandibular canal to its surrounding structures such as the root apices. The purpose of this investigation was to study the spatial relationship of the mandibular canal to the posterior teeth in dried human mandibles. Twenty-two mature dried mandibles were sectioned through the root apices of the first and second premolars and molars. Second premolars and second molars had the closest distances to the canal with a mean of 4.7 mm and 3.7 mm, respectively. With a mean of 6.9 mm, the apices of the mesial roots of the first molars were farthest from the canal. The canal pathway in mature mandibles followed in S-shaped curve in 31% of the cases. In 41% of the cases it was located lingual (19%), buccal (17%), or directly inferior (5%) to the apices of the posterior teeth. In 28% of the cases the canal could not be identified clearly in the second premolar and first molar regions. In a typical S-shaped configuration the canal was located buccal to the distal root of the second molar, crossed to the lingual below the second molar mesial root, ran lingual to the first molar, and crossed back to the buccal apical to the apex of the second premolar. Based on our results it appears that the mandibular second premolar and second molar are the most likely teeth to be involved in accidental damage to the mandibular canal during root canal therapy.
Because of its numerous advantages, sagittal split osteotomy of the ramus has become the method of choice during the past 30 years. Operative injury to the vascular and nerve bundle within the mandibular canal represents a main risk factor. X-ray studies have been carried out on dry bone material to determine position of the canal. On the basis of the results, the variety of its position was ranked into 4 groups. The risk factor of, and the operative contraindication for, splitting technique in groups 3 and 4 have been emphasized.
A new computer software program that generates panoramic and oblique computed tomography scans was used to examine 205 patients who were being considered for endosseous dental implants in the mandibular or maxillary arches. This technique allowed recognition of the course of the inferior alveolar nerve canal and measurement of the alveolar ridge, which facilitated the design and placement of an optimal dental prosthesis.
Twelve mandibular cysts were examined radiographically by conventional panoramic radiography (orthopantomography (OPG)), mandibular tomography (MT), and axial computed tomography (CT). The axial CT scans were reformatted with both a conventional program and a dental CT software program that displays exactly proportional cross-sectional views. The radiographic images obtained with these four examination modalities were compared for visualization of mandibular anatomy, delineation of the mandibular canal, detection of cortical bone involvement, and cystic volume. CT and especially the dental CT program rated significantly (P < 0.001) higher in all points examined than two-dimensional methods (OPG, MT). The dental CT program was found to be superior for detecting cortical bone involvement (P < 0.02) and delineation of the mandibular canal (P < 0.02) to the conventional CT program.
Coronal and axial high resolution computed tomography of the mandible extends facilities in dentoalveolar surgery. Preoperatively the relationship between the mandibular canal and the roots of deeply displaced third molars can be determined precisely. After surgical removal of lower wisdom teeth iatrogenic defects of the lingual cortical bone can be detected. The additional information obtained when compared with conventional radiographs is demonstrated in case descriptions. Indications for this technique, radiation exposure and implications for surgery are discussed.
To evaluate a dental CT software program to determine whether it can provide a better means of assessing odontogenic cysts, lesions of the jaw derived from dental epithelium, than conventional techniques (orthopantomographic, intraoral, and mandibular films), which are of limited usefulness because of the curved configuration of the mandible; and to provide a brief review of these lesions. Nine odontogenic cysts were studied with conventional radiographs and with the software program, which displays multiple cross-referenced axial, panoramic, and cross-sectional (unique to this program) views of the mandible. The two modalities were compared for delineation of anatomy (inferior alveolar canal, mandibular foramen, mental foramen), detection of neurovascular bundle displacement, detection of cortical bone involvement, and detection of root involvement. The software program rated higher regarding all four points. It was found to be superior for delineating anatomy and detecting mandibular canal displacement and cortical and root involvement. This software program should be the study of choice when evaluating odontogenic cysts and other lesions of the mandible.
Imaging of the jaw bones is routinely achieved by conventional X-ray tomography or CT. In this study a new imaging procedure (dental MR tomography) is introduced. Five subjects were positioned in the standard neck coil of a 1.0 T MR scanner, and T1- and T2-weighted imaging of the mandible was performed in the axial plane. After the examination, the data were reconstructed as panorama and cross-sectional images using a software package for dental imaging on a workstation. The neurovascular bundle within the mandibular canal (MC), its relation to the teeth, and the pulp chambers of the teeth were demonstrated excellently in all cases. Edema and reactive hypervascularization due to an inflammatory process were also well visible. Dental MR tomography could become a good alternative to X-ray-based imaging modalities of the jaw bones by additionally offering the advantage of directly imaging the neurovascular bundle within the MC. Furthermore, administration of contrast agent for differentiation of pathological alterations is possible.