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Memory-a Century of Consolidation


Abstract and Figures

The memory consolidation hypothesis proposed 100 years ago by Müller and Pilzecker continues to guide memory research. The hypothesis that new memories consolidate slowly over time has stimulated studies revealing the hormonal and neural influences regulating memory consolidation, as well as molecular and cellular mechanisms. This review examines the progress made over the century in understanding the time-dependent processes that create our lasting memories.
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Memory—a Century of Consolidation
James L. McGaugh
The memory consolidation hypothesis proposed 100 years ago by Mu¨ller and Pilzecker
continues to guide memory research. The hypothesis that new memories consolidate
slowly over time has stimulated studies revealing the hormonal and neural influences
regulating memory consolidation, as well as molecular and cellular mechanisms. This
review examines the progress made over the century in understanding the time-
dependent processes that create our lasting memories.
Acentury has passed since Mu¨ ller and
Pilzecker proposed the perseveration-
consolidation hypothesis of memory
(1). In pioneering studies with human sub-
jects, they found that memory of newly
learned information was disrupted by the
learning of other information shortly after the
original learning and suggested that processes
underlying new memories initially persist in a
fragile state and consolidate over time. At the
beginning of this new millennium, the con-
solidation hypothesis still guides research in-
vestigating the time-dependent involvement
of neural systems and cellular processes en-
abling lasting memory (2– 4 ).
Retrograde Amnesia and Memory
Clinical evidence that cerebral trauma induc-
es loss of recent memory was reported two
decades before the publication of Mu¨ ller and
Pilzecker’s monograph, and shortly after its
publication, it was noted that the consolida-
tion hypothesis provided an explanation for
such retrograde amnesia (5). Ignored for al-
most half a century, the consolidation hy-
pothesis was reinvigorated in 1949, when two
papers reported that electroconvulsive shock
induced retrograde amnesia in rodents (6, 7),
triggering a burst of studies of experimentally
induced retrograde amnesia (2– 4 ). That same
year, Hebb and Gerard proposed dual-trace
theories of memory, suggesting that the sta-
bilization of reverberating neural activity un-
derlying short-term memory produces long-
term memory (7, 8). The finding that protein
synthesis inhibitors did not prevent the learn-
ing of tasks but disrupted memory of the
training (9) supports the view that there are
(at least) two stages of memory and indicates
that protein synthesis is required only for
consolidation of long-term memory. The is-
sue of whether short- and long-term memory
(and, perhaps, other memory stages) (Fig. 1)
are sequentially linked, as proposed by Hebb
and Gerard, or act independently in parallel
(3, 10) remains central to current inquiry. The
discovery that stimulant drugs administered
within minutes or hours after training en-
hance memory consolidation further stimulat-
ed studies of memory consolidation (3, 10,
11). The use of treatments administered
shortly after training to impair or enhance
memory provides a highly effective and ex-
tensively used method of influencing memo-
ry consolidation without affecting either ac-
quisition or memory retrieval (11).
Endogenous Modulation of
Memory consolidation appears to be a useful
function, because evidence of consolidation is
found in a wide variety of animal species (12,
13). Why do our memories and those of other
animals consolidate slowly? The answer might
simply be that the molecular and cellular ma-
chinery creating memory works slowly. But
that answer is clearly wrong, because “short-
term” or “working” memories are created al-
most immediately. All our cognitive and motor
skills require quickly accessible new memory.
Furthermore, there is no a priori reason to as-
sume that biological mechanisms are not capa-
ble of quickly consolidating memory. Consid-
erable evidence suggests that the slow consoli-
dation of memories serves an adaptive function
by enabling endogenous processes activated by
an experience to modulate memory strength
(14). Emotionally arousing experiences are
generally well remembered (15). Adrenal stress
hormones, epinephrine and cortisol (corticoste-
rone in the rat), released by emotional arousal
appear to play an important role in enabling
the significance of an experience to regulate
the strength of memory of the experience.
Epinephrine (16,17) and corticosterone (13,
18, 19), as well as drugs that activate adren-
ergic receptors and glucocorticoid (type II)
receptors (13, 18, 19), enhance memory for
many kinds of training experiences.
Critical Involvement of the Amygdala
in Memory Consolidation
Epinephrine does not freely pass the blood-
brain barrier and appears to modulate mem-
ory consolidation by activating -adrenergic
receptors located peripherally on vagal affer-
ents projecting to the nucleus of the solitary
tract in the brainstem. Noradrenergic projec-
tions from this region influence neuronal ac-
tivity in other brain regions, including the
amygdala (20). Glucocorticoids released
from the adrenal cortex readily enter the brain
and activate intracellular glucocorticoid re-
ceptors (Fig. 2). Activation of the amygdala,
a brain region important for emotional arous-
al, is critical for mediating the influences of
epinephrine and glucocorticoids, because
amygdala lesions block the effects of these
modulators on consolidation. Most important,
activation of -adrenergic receptors in the
amygdala is essential. Infusions of -adren-
ergic receptor antagonists into the amygdala
The author is at the Center for the Neurobiology of
Learning and Memory and the Department of Neuro-
biology and Behavior, University of California Irvine,
Irvine, CA 92697, USA. E-mail:
Fig. 1. Memory consolidation
phases. Studies of memory
and neuroplasticity support
Mu¨ller and Pilzecker’s hy-
pothesis proposing that the
consolidation of new memo-
ry into long-term memo-
ry is time dependent (1), but
strongly suggest that short-
term and different stages of
long-term memory are not
sequentially linked, as pro-
posed by the dual-trace hy-
pothesis (9). Evidence that
drugs can selectively block
either short-term (seconds to hours) or long-term memory (hours to months) suggests that
time-dependent stages of memory are based on independent processes acting in parallel. Later
stages of consolidation resulting in memory lasting a lifetime likely involve interaction of brain
systems in reorganizing and stabilizing distributed connections.
14 JANUARY 2000 VOL 287 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org248
after training block epinephrine effects,
whereas infusions of -adrenergic receptor
agonists enhance memory (21). Lesions of
the amygdala and infusions of -adrenergic
receptor antagonists into the amygdala also
block the memory-modulating effects of
drugs affecting systems containing -amino-
butyric acid (GABA) and opioid peptides
The basolateral nucleus of the amygdala
(BLA) mediates the influences of drugs and
hormones on memory consolidation. -Ad-
renergic receptor agonists infused selectively
into the BLA after training enhance memory,
and lesions of the BLA or infusion of -ad-
renergic receptor antagonists into the BLA
block the memory-enhancing effects of sys-
temically administered dexamethasone (a
synthetic glucocorticoid) (22, 23). Modulato-
ry influences on consolidation include release
of norepinephrine (NE) within the amygdala.
For example, foot-shock stimulation induces
NE release in the amygdala; administration of
epinephrine or drugs that enhance consolida-
tion (such as GABA and opioid receptor an-
tagonists) increases NE release in the amyg-
dala; and the use of drugs that impair memory
(such as GABA and opioid receptor agonists)
decreases NE release (24).
Locus of Modulation: Brain Systems
and Forms of Memory
It is increasingly clear that different brain
regions process different forms of memory
(25). Evidence from rat studies indicates that
the hippocampus and striatum process differ-
ent forms of memory (26) and that the amyg-
dala modulates consolidation by regulating
processing in these brain regions. Amphet-
amine infused into the dorsal hippocampus
after training selectively enhances memory of
the spatial localization of a slightly sub-
merged (and thus not visible to the rat) escape
platform in a water-maze, whereas amphet-
amine infused into the striatum selectively
enhances memory of a prominent visual cue
located on an escape platform placed in vary-
ing locations on different training trials. Most
important, amphetamine infused into the
amygdala after training enhances memory of
both types of training. The amygdala is clear-
ly not the locus of the enhanced memory,
because inactivation of the amygdala (with
lidocaine infusions) before the retention test
does not block expression of the enhanced
memory for either type of training (27).
Because glucocorticoid receptors are
densely located in the hippocampus, these
receptors are likely involved in mediating
glucocorticoid influences on consolidation
(19). Evidence that infusions of a glucocorti-
coid agonist into the dorsal hippocampus af-
ter training enhance memory supports this
view. The BLA is critically involved in en-
abling this glucocorticoid influence. BLA le-
sions or infusions of -adrenergic receptor
antagonists into the BLA block the effects of
glucocorticoids either administered systemi-
cally or infused directly into the dorsal hip-
pocampus (23, 28). These findings provide
further evidence that modulating influences
from the BLA regulate memory consolidation
occurring within or mediated by the hip-
pocampus. As discussed below, the molecu-
lar and cellular changes mediating the induc-
tion of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the
hippocampus are widely considered to pro-
vide a basis for memory. Thus, it is of con-
siderable interest that lesions of the BLA or
infusions of a -adrenergic receptor antago-
nist into BLA block the induction of LTP in
the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and that
stimulation of the BLA enhances such LTP
It is clear from these findings that memory
consolidation involves interactions among
neural systems, as well as cellular changes
within specific systems, and that amygdala is
critical for modulating consolidation in other
brain regions. Although research has focused
primarily on amygdala influences on memory
related to the caudate nucleus and hippocam-
pus, the modulation is most certainly not
restricted to these brain regions.
Emotional Arousal and Memory
Consolidation in Humans
Although the consolidation hypothesis was
based on human memory results, most re-
search on consolidation has studied memory
in animals. The animal memory findings
have reactivated interest in human memory
consolidation. Amphetamine administered to
human subjects either before or after learning
of word lists enhances memory of the words
(30). Results of human studies, like those of
animal studies, indicate that adrenergic sys-
tems and amygdala activation influence
memory consolidation. Recent studies found
that -adrenergic receptor antagonists block
the memory-enhancing effects of emotional
arousal (31). Studies examined the effects of
-adrenergic receptor antagonists or a place-
bo on the memory of pictures accompanied
by an emotionally arousing story. Subjects
given a placebo before presentation of the
pictures and story remembered best the pic-
tures presented during the most emotional
part of the story. In contrast, in subjects given
a-adrenergic receptor antagonist, memo-
ry for those pictures was not enhanced. -
Adrenergic receptor antagonists (taken as
medication) also blocked arousal-induced en-
hancement of memory in elderly subjects.
Emotional arousal also does not enhance
long-term memory of the arousing material in
human subjects with selective lesions of the
amygdala (32). Additionally, studies using
PET (positron emission tomography) scans to
assess amygdala activity induced by emotion-
ally arousing stimuli (both pleasant and un-
pleasant) found that long-term memory cor-
relates with the degree of amygdala activa-
tion during the original encoding (33).
As Time Goes By: The Orchestration
of Consolidation
Changes in brain activity after learning pro-
vide additional insights into the time course
of consolidation processes. A study of func-
tional brain activity in human subjects (with
PET) revealed shifts in activity among differ-
ent brain regions occurring over a period of
several hours after the learning of a motor
skill, suggesting that consolidation involves
time-dependent reorganization of the brain
representation underlying the motor skill
(34). Studies of learning-induced changes in
receptive fields in the auditory cortex provide
additional evidence that neural processes ac-
tivated by training continue to change for
several days, after completion of training
(35). Neurons in the auditory cortex of ani-
Adrenal gland
Caudate nucleus
Other brain regions
Initiation of memory consolidation
Modulating influences
Fig. 2. Neurobiological
systems regulating mem-
ory consolidation. Experi-
ences activate time-
dependent cellular stor-
age processes in various
brain regions involved in
the forms of memory rep-
resented. The experiences
also initiate the release of
the stress hormones from
the adrenal medulla and
adrenal cortex and acti-
vate the release of nor-
epinephrine in the baso-
lateral amygdala, an ef-
fect critical for enabling
modulation of consolida-
tion. The amygdala mod-
ulates memory consolida-
tion by influencing neuro-
plasticity in other brain
mals given a brief training session in which a
specific tone was paired with foot shock
subsequently responded more to that tone
and less to other tones. Furthermore, the
degree of selectivity in the “frequency tun-
ing” continued to increase for several days,
suggesting continuing consolidation of the
memory of the tone’s increased signifi-
cance. It would be of considerable interest
to know whether inactivation of the BLA
blocks such consolidation.
Most research on memory consolidation
examined the effects of treatments adminis-
tered within several hours after training. It
cannot be concluded from such research that
consolidation is completed within hours, be-
cause the effectiveness of a treatment in mod-
ulating consolidation depends on the locus
and mechanism(s) of action of the treatment,
as well as the state of consolidation when the
treatment is administered (14). Lesions of the
hippocampus (or adjacent cortical areas) and
sustained drug infusions into the hippocam-
pus impair memory for training given days,
or even weeks, earlier (36). Thus, although
the hippocampus and anatomically related
structures are no doubt involved in consoli-
dation, and may well be a locus of temporary
neural changes that influence the establish-
ment of long-term memory, those brain re-
gions are clearly not unique loci of long-term
memory. This conclusion was first drawn
from studies of the patient H.M. after bilat-
eral surgical excision of his medial temporal
lobes (37) The hippocampus may have a
long-term or perhaps even a sustained role in
consolidating memory (36,38). Such consol-
idation may involve extensive interaction of
the hippocampus and related cortex with the
neocortex as well as other brain regions, serv-
ing to link the sites and enable regions to
strengthen or reorganize connections with the
others, as well as to organize and reorganize
the information being consolidated (38, 39).
Cellular Machinery of Consolidation
Because of evidence suggesting that the hip-
pocampus is active in memory consolidation
(for some forms or aspects of memory), as
well as the hypothesis that cellular and mo-
lecular mechanisms underlying LTP may en-
able memory consolidation, the relation be-
tween hippocampal LTP and memory is the
focus of intense investigation (40,41). It is
important to note that because the cellular
and molecular changes occur mostly within
hours after LTP induction or training, they
are reasonable candidates for consolidation
mechanisms occurring within that time
frame. Different processes occurring in other
brain regions are likely involved in memory
consolidation occurring over days, months, or
years (36).
As discussed above, extensive evidence
indicates that the BLA influences memory
processes and LTP in other brain regions.
Treatments known to affect memory consol-
idation also modulate the maintenance of hip-
pocampal LTP in freely moving rats (42).
Water given to thirsty rats within 30 min after
induction of LTP enhanced the maintenance
of LTP. Foot shock administered after LTP
induction also enhanced LTP. A -adrenergic
receptor antagonist blocked the enhancing
effects of both the water reward and foot
shock on LTP. As with learning in intact
animals, inhibition of protein synthesis after
the induction of LTP in a hippocampal slice
blocks the maintenance (that is, late phase) of
LTP but does not block the induction (that is,
early phase) of LTP (43).
Many recent experiments examined the ef-
fects, on memory consolidation, of drugs regu-
lating specific molecular stages in the develop-
ment and maintenance of LTP. Extensive evi-
dence indicates the involvement of CaMKII
(calcium-calmodulin– dependent protein kinase
II) in both consolidation and LTP. CaMKII is
known to phosphorylate the -amino-3-
hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid
(AMPA) receptor subunit GluR1. Inhibitors of
CaMKII block the induction of LTP and impair
consolidation when infused into the amygdala
or CA1 region of the hippocampus immediately
after training (41,44). However, CaMKII ap-
pears to have different roles in consolidation in
these two brain regions (44). Infusions of any
of several drugs, including 8-bromo cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP), a do-
pamine D1 receptor agonist, or NE into the
hippocampus (CA1 region) 3 hours after train-
ing attenuate the amnesic effect of a CaMKII
inhibitor infused into the amygdala immediate-
ly after training. In contrast, such treatments
administered 3 hours after training do not block
the amnesia induced by a CaMKII inhibitor
infused into the hippocampus immediately after
training. These findings provide additional ev-
idence that the amygdala plays a modulatory
role in consolidation, whereas the hippocampus
is more likely a locus of memory processing or
Inhibitors of the signal-transducing en-
zyme protein kinase C (PKC) are also known
to block the maintenance of hippocampal
LTP and to induce retrograde amnesia when
infused into the hippocampus of rats after
training. Similarly, inhibitors of protein ki-
nase A (PKA) disrupt the late, protein syn-
thesis– dependent phase of LTP and impair
memory when infused into the hippocampus
several hours after training (45). Additional-
ly, PKA activity and CREB (cAMP response
element– binding protein) immunoreactivity
increase in the hippocampus after training.
Such findings suggest that late-phase LTP
and memory consolidation involve cAMP-
mediated activation, by PKA phosphoryl-
ation, of the CREB transcription factor (46).
Evidence that infusions of CREB antisense
oligonucleotides into the hippocampus block
the consolidation of water-maze learning
without affecting acquisition also supports
this hypothesis (47). Discovering which of
the myriad of CREB-regulated genes is (or
are) selectively involved in memory consoli-
dation will be an interesting quest. Selective
gene activation or inactivation after learning
may regulate consolidation by modulating the
stabilization of synaptic changes required for
long-term memory (4, 48). Neural cell adhe-
sion molecules also appear to play a role in
memory consolidation by regulating time-
dependent processes underlying synaptic sta-
bilization (49).
Memory: The Short and the Long of It
Many treatments affect late LTP and memory
consolidation without affecting early LTP or
short-term or working memory. Although
such findings are consistent with the hypoth-
esis that early and later stages of memory are
serially linked (9), they do not exclude the
possibility that different stages of memory
are based on parallel, independent processes
(3, 10). Moreover, studies of memory in many
species strongly support this latter view (12,
13), and studies of synaptic facilitation in
Aplysia clearly indicate that short-term facil-
itation (STF) and long-term facilitation (LTF)
are not serially linked (50). Drugs and other
conditions that block STF do not block the
expression of LTF and, as with other forms of
plasticity and memory, only LTF requires pro-
tein synthesis. Additionally, evidence that some
drugs infused into the hippocampus and ento-
rhinal cortex after training block short-term
memory without affecting long-term memory
provides critical evidence that short- and long-
term memory processes are independent (51).
Evaluation of this evidence requires sev-
eral caveats. First, it remains a hypothesis
that the synaptic mechanisms of LTP and
LTF underlie memory, whether fleeting or
lasting (or long-lasting). Second, although
studies of the mechanisms of LTP and mem-
ory have focused on the involvement of the
hippocampus, much evidence indicates that
the hippocampus has a time-limited role in
the consolidation or stabilization of lasting
memory, or both. Third, there are forms of
memory that do not involve the hippocampus
and may not use any known mechanisms of
synaptic plasticity. Third, despite theoretical
conjectures, little is as yet known about sys-
tem and cellular processes mediating consol-
idation that continues for several hours or
longer after learning to create our lifelong
memories. These issues remain to be ad-
dressed in this new century of research on
memory consolidation.
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... Originally, a consolidated memory was seen as permanently fixed and insensitive to disruption by the kind of amnesic interventions that are effective shortly after initial acquisition, i.e., before consolidation has taken place (McGaugh, 2000). However, in the late 1960s, soon after the formalization of the memory consolidation theory (McGaugh, 1966), a landmark study conducted by Misanin, Miller, and Lewis, (1968;also see Schneider & Sherman, 1968) documented in non-human animals that memories could be rendered vulnerable to amnesic interventions 24 h after training occurred, long after consolidation should have been completed. ...
... Around the same time that influential psychological models for memory were being developed (e.g., Atkinson & Estes, 1963;Bush & Mosteller, 1951;Miller, 1955), the biological mechanisms subserving how new information is encoded in the brain were also receiving intensive attention (Hebb, 1949). In particular, memory consolidation theory (for classical reviews about the literature on time-dependent modulation of memory, see McGaugh, 1966McGaugh, , 2000 and long-term potentiation (LTP; Bliss & Lomo, 1973) were proposed as key neurobiological processes and substrates for memory storage. These phenomena and their connections to behaviour reflecting memory have been reviewed extensively (e.g., Lynch, 2004;Malenka & Nicoll, 1999;McGaugh, 2000), and a detailed overview of this evidence is beyond the scope of the current review. ...
... In particular, memory consolidation theory (for classical reviews about the literature on time-dependent modulation of memory, see McGaugh, 1966McGaugh, , 2000 and long-term potentiation (LTP; Bliss & Lomo, 1973) were proposed as key neurobiological processes and substrates for memory storage. These phenomena and their connections to behaviour reflecting memory have been reviewed extensively (e.g., Lynch, 2004;Malenka & Nicoll, 1999;McGaugh, 2000), and a detailed overview of this evidence is beyond the scope of the current review. ...
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A canonical view in the neuroscience of learning and memory literature is that failures in memory expression reflect storage failures, and hence amnesic manipulations following training or following memory reactivation can permanently erase memory traces. In this review, we analyse extant literatures from the learning and memory domains suggesting that most if not all of these memory deficits can be restored with the appropriate retrieval cues. We content that all manipulations conducted immediately after training or following memory reactivation result in new learning, which is highly dependent on retrieval cues for memory expression. Thus, although acquisition and storage mechanisms are important, memory retrieval is a critical component of memory performance, with numerous findings from behavioural and neurobiological studies all converging on this general notion. These conclusions invite a rethinking of the learning and memory literatures and provide new avenues for research.
... To isolate the effects of oxytocin on memory consolidation, we used a post-study design (i.e., oxytocin administrated after memory encoding) based on memory consolidation studies in both animals and humans 10,11 . This is the standard paradigm to evaluate and isolate the effects of certain experimental manipulations (e.g., physical exercise 12 , caffeine intake 13 , brain stimulation 14 , and emotional arousal 15,16 ) on memory consolidation. ...
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Oxytocin plays a critical role in modulating social cognition and enhancing human memory for faces. However, it remains unclear which stage of memory oxytocin affects to enhance face memory. Our study explored oxytocin’s potential to selectively enhance the consolidation of social memories, specifically human faces, and whether this effect varies between genders. In two preregistered, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials with heterosexual participants (total N=294, comprising 149 males and 145 females), we explored how oxytocin affects memory consolidation. We administered oxytocin immediately after encoding (i.e., Study1) and 30 minutes before retrieval in a parallel study (i.e., Study2). This design allowed us to confirm that oxytocin’s effects were indeed due to consolidation rather than retrieval. We found that administering oxytocin post-encoding, but not before-retrieval, significantly improved female participants’ ability to recognize male faces 24 hours later, with no similar enhancement observed in males recognizing opposite-gender faces. Together with our analyses of social placebo effects and approachability rating during encoding, we concluded that oxytocin enhanced consolidation of long-term social memories in humans. Our results not only advance the understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying social memory consolidation but also highlight oxytocin as a pharmacological tool for selectively enhancing human memory consolidation. Highlights Oxytocin selectively enhances memory consolidation of human faces, with gender-specific effects. In females, oxytocin after encoding improves recognition of male faces after 24 hours. Oxytocin-induced enhancement of social memory is due to enhanced consolidation, not retrieval or encoding. Oxytocin shows potential for selectively modulating memory consolidation in humans.
... • Memory Consolidation: Memory consolidation is the process by which memories are stabilized and strengthened over time. It involves the transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory through processes such as rehearsal, elaboration, and sleepdependent consolidation (McGaugh, 2000). ...
This paper delves into the intricate interplay between artificial intelligence (AI), human memory, and spiritual development, aiming to uncover their interconnectedness and potential synergies in enhancing cognitive understanding and personal growth. Firstly, it comprehensively explores the concept of human memory, including its definition, function, processes, and stages, while outlining a comprehensive design to elucidate its workings. Secondly, it examines the complex relationship between memory and intelligence, highlighting various cognitive processes and factors involved. Thirdly, it conducts a detailed analysis of the physiological mechanisms underlying human memory, with a focus on glucose metabolism, oxygen supply, and nutritional factors, supported by scientific evidence and examples. Furthermore, it explores the spiritual dimensions of human memory, investigating the source of the power that establishes spiritual connections within memory processes. Finally, it examines the interconnectedness between AI, human memory, and spiritual development, elucidating their interactions and potential synergies in fostering cognitive understanding and personal growth. The qualitative study used interviews and group discussions to explore human memory’s complexity and its links with intelligence, physiology, spirituality, and AI. Fifty participants shared diverse insights, guiding discussions on memory and spirituality. The comprehensive exploration of human memory uncovers intricate processes and mechanisms. Spiritual power, often overlooked, shapes memory function, influencing cognitive development and emotional resilience. Integrating spiritual aspects enriches understanding, fostering self-discovery and alignment with higher selves.
... The process of memory encoding involves various neural mechanisms such as neurochemical changes and synaptic plasticity [13,14]. Then, the process of consolidation and long-term maintenance of this memory involves a complex set of neural and molecular mechanisms that enable information to be retained over extended periods of time [15]. In particular during sleep and resting state of the brain, generally characterized by slow and asynchronous irregular dynamics [16], short phases of partially synchronous activation or series of sequence activation-which can be linked to spontaneous recalls or replays of learned information-occur promoting memory consolidation [17][18][19]. ...
In the last three decades the field of brain connectivity has uncovered that cortical regions, interconnected via white-matter fibers, form a modular and hierarchical network. This type of organization, which has also been recognised at the microscopic level in the form of interconnected neural assemblies, is typically believed to support the coexistence of segregation (specialization) and integration (binding) of information. A prominent remaining question is to understand how the brain could possibly become such a complex network. Here, we give a first step into answering this question and propose that adaptation to various inputs could be the key driving mechanism for the formation of structural assemblies at different scales. To illustrate that, we develop a model of (QIF) spiking neurons, subjected to stimuli targetting distributed populations. The model follows several biologically plausible constraints: (i) it contains both excitatory and inhibitory neurons with two classes of plasticity: Hebbian and anti-Hebbian STDP, (ii) dynamics are not frozen after the entrainment is finished but the network is allowed to continue firing spontaneously, and (iii) plasticity remains always active, also after the learning phase. We find that only the combination of Hebbian and anti-Hebbian inhibitory plasticity allows the formation of stable modular organization in the network. Besides, given that the model continues ``alive'' after the learning, the network settles into an asynchronous irregular firing state displaying spontaneous memory recalls which, as we show, turn crucial for the long-term consolidation of the learned memories.
This chapter aims to explain the process of memory consolidation during sleep for motor skills. Basically, memory is remembered explicitly (consciously and voluntarily) or implicitly (unconsciously), and a distinction is made accordingly between declarative and non-declarative memory. The different memory systems are also associated with different sleep-related consolidation mechanisms. Numerous studies have demonstrated, using different experimental approaches, that motor memory formation is supported by different sleep stages depending on the skill level. However, the often demonstrated sleep-accompanying “offline” learning gains seem to be small for sports-relevant movement sequences, so that concrete recommendations for sports practice can certainly be discussed controversially.
The pupil offers a window into how arousal shapes the way we think, learn, and behave. Yet, arousal is a complex and multifaceted construct, leaving many open questions about the relationship between pupil size and different neurocognitive processes. Exciting new research has linked pupil measures to activity in the locus coeruleus (LC), the brain’s primary supplier of norepinephrine (NE), creating new opportunities to study a neuromodulatory system that long seemed inaccessible in human research. In this chapter, we review evidence showing that pupillometry reveals the role of the locus coeruleus–norepinephrine (LC–NE) system in energizing attention and amplifying mental selectivity. We also synthesize computational and neurobiological models of how the LC–NE system implements neural gain, a process by which salient information is enhanced and lower priority information is suppressed. In the latter half of the chapter, we turn to a classic dual-curve model of arousal–performance interactions to explain what (quality of information processing), when (level of arousal), and where (locus of priority signal) LC activity influences information processing in the brain. We conclude by summarizing how pupillometry can be used to test the influence of LC activation on the key parameters of attention and arousal.
The consolidation of memory is thought to ultimately depend on the synthesis of new proteins, since translational inhibitors such as anisomycin and cycloheximide adversely affect the permanence of long‐term memory. However, when applied directly in brain, these agents also profoundly suppress neural activity to an extent that is directly correlated to the degree of protein synthesis inhibition caused. Given that neural activity itself is likely to help mediate consolidation, this finding is a serious criticism of the strict de novo protein hypothesis of memory. Here, we test the neurophysiological effects of another translational inhibitor, emetine. Unilateral intra‐hippocampal infusion of emetine suppressed ongoing local field and multiunit activity at ipsilateral sites as compared to the contralateral hippocampus in a fashion that was positively correlated to the degree of protein synthesis inhibition as confirmed by autoradiography. This suppression of activity was also specific to the circumscribed brain region in which protein synthesis inhibition took place. These experiments provide further evidence that ongoing protein synthesis is necessary and fundamental for neural function and suggest that the disruption of memory observed in behavioral experiments using translational inhibitors may be due, in large part, to neural suppression.
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New Zealand male rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were trained on a trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm using a 250-ms tone conditioned stimulus, a 100-ms airpuff unconditioned stimulus, and a 500-ms trace interval. Rabbits received bilateral hippocampal aspirations either 1 day or 1 month after learning. Controls consisted of time-matched sham-operated and neocortical aspirated rabbits. When retested on the trace paradigm, rabbits with hippocampal aspirations 1 day after learning were significantly and substantially impaired in the retention of trace conditioned responses. In contrast, rabbits that received hippocampal aspirations 1 month after training retained trace conditioned responses at a level comparable to that of the controls. Moreover, hippocampectomy had no effect on the retention of delay eyeblink conditioning. Thus, the hippocampus appears to be necessary for the retention of recently acquired, but not remotely acquired, trace conditioned responses.
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As part of the general trend toward interdisciplinary research in recent years, a growing number of investigators have come to consider both cognitive and neuroscientific perspectives when theorizing about memory. Although such cognitive neuroscience analyses are a relatively recent development, the approach has precedents in earlier scientific thinking about memory. In this article we present a historical review of three major issues in memory research---consolidation processes, the nature of memory representations, and multiple memory systems. We discuss the nature of the relation between cognitive and neuroscientific approaches to each of these issues with respect to the distinction between collateral, complementary, and convergent relations (Schacter, 1986). Although some early investigators offered analyses that linked psychological and physiological perspectives, there is little historical evidence of systematic or sustained interdisciplinary research. However, more recent work, especially with respect to hypotheses about memory systems, suggests progress toward establishing programmatic interdisciplinary research.
This review examines the central actions exerted by corticosteroids that are mediated by mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs or Type 1) and glucocorticoid receptocs (GRs or Type 2) in the brain. The leitmotiv is that these MR- and GR-mediated effects of the steroid hormones are of critical importance for homeostatic control. MRs have aldosterone (ALDO)-selective properties in some nerve cells and apparent corticosterone (B)-selective properties in others, notably the limbic neurons. Compartmentalization of the MR subtypes hinges on activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and corticosteroid-binding globulin. B also binds to GRs, but with 10-fold lower affinity. GR density is high in brain regions involved in organization of the stress response. GR-mediated corticosteroid effects inhibit stress-induced pituitary proopiomelanocortin and hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone and vasopressin synthesis, but facilitate activation and sensitization of ascending aminergic neurons. In hippocampal CA1 neurons, co-localized MRs and GRs coordinately and differentially mediate corticosteroid control of ion regulation and transmitter responsiveness. MRs are involved in maintenance of excitability, while GRs suppress excitability, which is transiently raised by excitatory transmitters. At the neuroendocrine level, B sets the threshold for the stress response system via binding to MRs. Blockade of MRs enhances basal and stress-induced hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) activity. Stress- and circadian-induced episodic occupancy by B of GRs in hippocampus attenuates MR-mediated limbic inhibition. In hypothalamus, B blocks via binding to GRs the communication of the HPA axis. At the behavioral level, the ALDO-selective MRs mediate specific effects on salt hunger and functions associated with sodium homeostasis such as central cardiovascular control. Limbic MRs seem primarily concerned with B effects on information handling and the organization of behavioral strategies. GRs mediate steroid effects on fear- and food-motivated behavior and information storage. GR-mediated effects on behavior may persist for weeks in adulthood and appear permanent during development. High glucocorticoids decrease hippocampal GR and increase MR capacity, while mineralocorticoids down-regulate both receptor types. Animals with an increased relative amount of limbic MRs over GRs show reduced emotional and adrenocortical reactivity and a decreased ability to organize behavior with the help of external stimuli. Deviations of an idiosyncratic MR/GR balance are proposed to alter individual-specific susceptibility to stress and © 1991 Raven Press perhaps to stress-related brain diseases. The findings place Selye's "pendulum hypothesis" on mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid action in the perspective of co-localized MRs and GRs mediating coordinate and differential effects of B on regulation of cellular homeostasis and behavioral adaptation.
The findings of many studies performed during the past decade support the view that hormonal consequences of training exert important influences on memory storage (Gold and Zornetzer, 1983; McGaugh and Gold, 1986). These findings suggest that the neurobiological substrates of memory storage may be regulated in part by hormonal events that follow shortly after training. The now standard finding is that an animal trained with a weak footshock under conditions in which later retention performance is poor and in which hormonal responses are minimal will avoid as if it had been trained with a higher footshock if the appropriate hormones are injected immediately after training In order to understand the normal roles of hormones in regulating memory, it is as important to assess the release of these hormones under different training conditions as it is to evaluate the pharmacological efficacy of hormonal treatments in modulating memory.