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Prevalence of malaria parasites (Plasmodium floridense and Plasmodium azurophilum) infecting a Puerto Rican lizard (Anolis gundlachi): A nine-year study



The prevalence of malaria parasites was studied in the lizard Anolis gundlachi over a 9-yr period at a site in the wet evergreen forest of eastern Puerto Rico. Three forms of the parasite infected the lizards; these were Plasmodium floridense, Plasmodium azurophilum in erythrocytes, and P. azurophilum in white blood cells. Overall prevalence of infection for 8 samples during the study period was significantly higher for males than females (32% of 3,296 males and 22% of 1,439 females). During the study, the site experienced substantial climatic and physical disturbance including rising temperature, droughts, and hurricanes that severely damaged the forest. Parasite prevalence in the first sample, 8 mo after the massive hurricane Hugo, was slightly, though significantly, lower than for subsequent samples. However, overall prevalence was stable during the 9-yr period. The results show malaria prevalence is more constant at the site than found for 2 studies in temperate forests, and that the Puerto Rico system may be an example of the stable, endemic malaria described by standard models for human malaria epidemiology.
J. Parasitol., 86(3), 2000, p. 511–515
American Society of Parasitologists 2000
Jos. J. Schall, Anja R. Pearson, and Susan L. Perkins
Department of Biology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405
: The prevalence of malaria parasites was studied in the lizard Anolis gundlachi over a 9-yr period at a site in the wet
evergreen forest of eastern Puerto Rico. Three forms of the parasite infected the lizards; these were Plasmodium floridense,
Plasmodium azurophilum in erythrocytes, and P. azurophilum in white blood cells. Overall prevalence of infection for 8 samples
during the study period was significantly higher for males than females (32% of 3,296 males and 22% of 1,439 females). During
the study, the site experienced substantial climatic and physical disturbance including rising temperature, droughts, and hurricanes
that severely damaged the forest. Parasite prevalence in the first sample, 8 mo after the massive hurricane Hugo, was slightly,
though significantly, lower than for subsequent samples. However, overall prevalence was stable during the 9-yr period. The
results show malaria prevalence is more constant at the site than found for 2 studies in temperate forests, and that the Puerto
Rico system may be an example of the stable, endemic malaria described by standard models for human malaria epidemiology.
Among the first mathematical models in ecology were those
of Ronald Ross (1911) who sought to explain the observed
spatial and temporal variation in malaria prevalence among hu-
man populations in malarious regions. Indeed, Ross might well
be regarded as a founder of mathematical ecology (Anderson
and May, 1991). These models became classics in epidemiology
when developed by Lotka (1923) and in modern form by Mac-
donald (1957). Macdonald recognized that at some sites malaria
is absent or rare, at other sites prevalence is fairly low but prone
to sudden epidemic outbreaks (epidemic malaria), and at others
malaria is stable at high prevalence (endemic malaria). The
model shows that the average number of blood meals taken by
the vector(s) will determine if malaria is absent (few meals),
epidemic (more meals), or endemic (many meals) (Aron and
May, 1982). The outlook proposed by Ross, Lotka, and Mac-
donald has long been important in malaria epidemiology (An-
derson and May, 1991) and continues to influence even sophis-
ticated landscape analyses of malaria distribution (Craig et al.,
Under conditions allowing endemic malaria, environmental
perturbations can lead to changes in prevalence of the parasite
in both human and vector hosts, but the system would rebound
to its original, stable state (Aron and May, 1982). However,
stability models in ecology typically assume only relatively mi-
nor variation over time in the model’s terms (Yodzis, 1989).
Greater intensity of disturbance can lead to unpredictable dy-
namics that fall outside the local stability predicted by the mod-
els. For example, endemic malaria might be expected in the wet
tropics, but even these habitats can experience significant cli-
matic disturbance, both acute due to tropical storms and secular
if the regional climate is altered (Lugo and Scatena, 1996). This
is the issue confronted here. Will prevalence of malaria para-
sites remain stable in a wet tropical system that experiences
such climatic disturbances or long-term changes?
We have examined the prevalence of 2 species of malaria
parasite, Plasmodium floridense and Plasmodium azurophilum,
in their primary vertebrate host, the anole lizard Anolis gundla-
chi in the wet evergreen forest of eastern Puerto Rico. Eight
samples were taken from June 1990 through March 1999. Al-
Received 16 July 1999; revised 9 September 1999; accepted 9 Sep-
tember 1999.
though the tropical wet forest is generally regarded as a stable
environment, the site in Puerto Rico has suffered regular dis-
turbance by direct hurricane hits and periodic drought condi-
tions and perhaps a long-term increase in temperature (below).
This variation in environmental conditions has had a substantial
impact on the forest (Reagan and Waide, 1996; Zimmerman et
al., 1996) as well as the anoles (Reagan, 1991, 1996; Schall
and Pearson, 2000). A preliminary study revealed that preva-
lence of P. floridense and P. azurophilum remained high in the
anole over a 6-mo period (
30%; Schall and Vogt, 1993) sug-
gesting an endemic, stable condition for the parasite–host sys-
tem. We asked if this is possible in the severely disturbed trop-
ical environment in eastern Puerto Rico.
The study was conducted at the El Verde Field Station inthe Luquillo
Experimental Forest of eastern Puerto Rico (18
N, 65
W). The
habitat is described by Waide and Reagan (1996). In brief, the site is a
wet evergreen forest at approximately 400 m elevation, in rough terrain
of steep slopes. The overall biodiversity is lower than mainland tropical
sites; for example, only 8 species account for 75% of tree density. Eight
species of Anolis occur at the site, but only A. gundlachi is commonly
infected (prevalence was
1% in the other species; Schall and Vogt,
1993), so only A. gundlachi anoles were sampled in our long-term
study. The parasite species that infect A. gundlachi are widespread
throughout the eastern Caribbean (Staats and Schall, 1996).
Lizards were collected along trails cutting through a 36-ha portion of
the field station. Samples were taken during 8 periods: (1) May–July
1990, (2) January 1991, (3) July and August 1996, (4) February 1997,
(5) July 1997, (6) January 1998, (7) May 1998, and (8) March 1999.
The animals were captured by hand or with a slip noose on the end of
a pole. They were kept in mesh sacks until evening when a drop of
blood was extracted from a toe clip to make a thin smear (thick smears
are useless because the erythrocytes of lizards are nucleated). The
smears were stained in Giemsa at pH 7.0 for 50 min. Each lizard was
measured (snout-to-vent length in mm) and gender determined.
Smears were scanned under oil at 100
for 6 min during which
approximately 10,000 erythrocytes were examined (Schall and Brom-
wich, 1994). For smears positive for infection, the species of parasite
was recorded for 6 samples. Plasmodium azurophilum infects both
erythrocytes and 2 classes of white cells (Telford, 1975; Schall, 1992).
Ayala and Hertz (1981) suggested these could be 2 species of parasite
using different cell classes, and ongoing gene-sequencing studies sup-
port this view (S. Perkins, unpubl. obs.). Therefore, P. azurophilum
infections were characterized by cell class infected and each infection
was scored as P. floridense and P. azurophilum in erythrocytes (RBC)
or P. azurophilum in white blood cells (WBC).
There are 2 potential sources of error emerging from this protocol.
1. Top panel: Mean daily low temperature by year at El
Verde, Puerto Rico site from 1980 to 1998 showing general warming
trend during the period of the study from 1990 to the present. Bottom
panel: Mean total rainfall per month for the period 19751998, reveal-
ing a seasonal rainy and drier periods.
2. Total rainfall during the month (30 days) prior to the start
of each sample at the El Verde, Puerto Rico site, and for the 30-day-
period 4 mo prior to the sample. Summer (S) and winter (W) samples
are indicated. Although the wet and dry seasons seen in Figure 1 were
weakly present, there was substantial variation in rainfall during the
study period.
First, infections with very low parasitemia could be missed during the
6-min scan. This underestimation of percentage of hosts infected has
long been known in malaria studies (Macdonald, 1926). This seems not
to be a problem for most studies of lizard malaria because, in contrast
to human malaria, lizard malaria parasites generally produce higher par-
asitemia in their vertebrate hosts that is readily detected during micro-
scopic scanning (Bromwich and Schall, 1986). To test this conclusion,
Perkins et al. (1998) used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect
infections of another lizard malaria parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum,
in fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) in California. They were able
to detect infections too weak to nd during lengthy microscopic ex-
amination of blood smears but found that such infections were rare.
That is, the highly sensitive PCR method was only marginally more
effective in determining parasite prevalence. As the purpose of our
study was to determine changes in prevalence over time, an underesti-
mation of prevalence would be important only if the presence of very
low parasitemia infections differed among sample periods. Second, the
method will underestimate mixed infections when an infection reveals
high parasitemia for only 1 or 2 of the parasite classes being scored.
But again, this would be damaging to our study only if parasitemia
varied in different ways over time for the different parasites.
The lifespan of A. gundlachi anoles is most likely only 12yr.Anolis
stratulus, another of the El Verde anoles, has a population turnover of
about 1.4 yr (Reagan, 1996), and A. gundlachi, a larger lizard, probably
lives slightly longer. The rapid turnover of the lizards means that point
estimates of prevalence would reect any changes in the transmission
biology of the parasite.
Weather data were taken from records maintained by the eld station
staff. We used rainfall recorded for the previous 112 mo and mean
daily lowest temperature for 112 mo prior to each sample period. The
daily low temperature was presumed relevant if the unknown vector(s)
take blood meals at night. Records of hurricanes were extracted from
the U.S. Weather Service web site.
As expected for a tropical forest, temperature varies only
slightly during the year at the El Verde site. From 1975 to 1998,
mean monthly low temperature differed only 3 C from January
to July. However, there has been a slight warming trend since
the study began in 1990 (Fig. 1). Although rainfall is generally
high year-round at the site, there is a relatively dry period dur-
ing JanuaryApril, and a shorter summer dry season in June
(Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows the total rainfall for the month just
prior to the beginning of each of our samples and for the fourth
month prior to our samples. There was a weak seasonal trend
in rainfall, but more striking is the variation in rainfall over the
9-yr period. Two of our samples came during droughts, July
1997 and March 1999. The study began in the summer of 1990
following the 1719 September 1989 strike by Hurricane Hugo.
Subsequent severe hurricanes included Luis and Marilyn in
September 1995, Bertha in July 1996 during our third sample,
and Georges in September 1998 (Fig. 3).
We sampled 4,735 A. gundlachi (1,439 females and 3,296
males). Prevalence of the parasites (all taxa combined) was
higher for males (
53.8, 1 df, P
0.0001), so data are
partitioned by gender for subsequent analyses. Prevalence of
malaria for male lizards did not differ by season (winter vs.
summer) (
3.68, P
0.05). An equivalent analysis for
females is not possible because 2 of the winter samples had
very small sample sizes, so we have only 2 useful winter sam-
ples for females.
3. Total prevalence of malaria parasites for male (top panel)
and female (bottom panel) Anolis gundlachi at the El Verde, Puerto
Rico eld site for 8 sample periods. Data combine 3 forms of malaria
parasite, Plasmodium oridense and P. azurophilum in erythrocytes,
and P. azurophilum in white blood cells. Summer samples (S) are con-
nected by solid lines, and winter samples (W) by broken lines. Per-
centage of lizards infected is given with 95% condence interval for
each sample. Sample sizes, and timing and name of major hurricanes
are also given. Results show stable prevalence of infection over a 9-yr-
4. Percentage of infected Anolis gundlachi lizards with each
of 3 forms of malaria parasite (Plasmodium oridense and P. azuro-
philum in erythrocytes [RBC], and P. azurophilum in white blood cells
[WBC]). Percentage of infections for the 3 parasite forms will sum to
100 because many infections contained more than 1 form of the par-
asites. Results show stable prevalence of each of the parasite forms over
a 9-yr-period.
For both males and females, the prevalence varied among
samples (Fig. 3; Male
57.7, 7 df, P
0.001; Female
18.9, 5 df, P
0.01). Post hoc cell contribution tests showed
that only the rst 2 samples for males and the rst sample for
females (the size of the second sample of females was too small
to add to the analysis) contributed to the variation among sam-
ples. Thus, only the samples immediately after Hurricane Hugo
differed, with a lower proportion of the lizards infected.
Separating the 3 parasites reveals that P. azurophilum in RBC
remained the dominant parasite over the 9-yr period (6080%
of infections), whereas P. azurophilum in WBC and P. ori-
dense remained at about 1030% of infections (Fig. 4). For
each parasite, data were cast into a contingency table, and re-
sults show no signicant difference among samples for P. azur-
ophilum in WBC (
10.1, 5 df, P
0.05). The other 2
parasites did vary over time (P. azurophilum in RBC
5 df, P
0.009; P. oridense
26.8, 5 df, P
Post hoc tests show that it is the rst sample that leads to this
result; subsequent to that sample, P. oridense became more
common and P. azurophilum less common.
The little difference in malaria prevalence among samples
suggests that neither rainfall nor temperature would be corre-
lated with prevalence of the parasites. This proved to be correct.
No correlation existed for cumulative rainfall from 1 to 12 mo
before the sample and prevalence of the parasites in either male
or female lizards (P
0.05) or for total rainfall in a single
month from 1 to 12 mo prior to the sample (P
0.05). Like-
wise, mean low temperature by month or for cumulative months
for 112 mo before the sample was not correlated with preva-
lence (P
The El Verde site, although a wet evergreen tropical forest,
has experienced substantial environmental variation over the
past decade. Our study began 8 mo after Hurricane Hugo dev-
astated the forest, knocking down most of the larger trees and
stripping away the canopy. Reagan (1996) describes the land-
scape after Hugo as resembling ‘‘a forest of telephone poles
and 35 m deep piles of leaf and branch debris.’’ During our
rst sample, the remaining trees had grown new leaves, but the
canopy still appeared bare and the forest oor was well lit. Two
anole species normally abundant in the canopy (Reagan, 1996),
A. stratulus (21,500/ha) and Anolis evermanni (1,500/ha), but
normally almost absent near the forest oor, were commonly
seen at the base of trees and on fallen branches (Schall and
Vogt, 1993). The density of A. gundlachi reached only 18% of
prehurricane numbers and recovered to only 35% 13 mo later
(Reagan, 1991). By our third sample in July and August 1996,
much of the canopy had recovered. The situation was once
again reversed after Georges that knocked down few trees but
removed almost all leaves at canopy level. Our last sample was
taken 6 mo after that storm. The trees had cast out new leaves,
but the canopy still appeared open and the forest oor was again
well lit.
In addition to these physical disturbances to the forest, rain-
fall and temperature also differed among our sample periods.
Monthly rainfall during our study varied from almost none (1
2 cm) to nearly a meter. Rainfall in the months prior to the
samples varied substantially, even when season is held constant
(Fig. 2). As a last indication of environmental change, the mean
low temperature at El Verde has been rising over the past 8 yr
(Fig. 1). These differences in rainfall and temperature had an
effect on the anoles; Schall and Pearson (1999) found that a
measure of body condition (relative body mass) declined during
cooler and drier periods.
Despite these objective and subjective indications that the
environment at El Verde is unstable, prevalence of Plasmodium
infection in both male and female lizards showed little differ-
ence among the samples. The higher prevalence of malaria par-
asites observed in male A. gundlachi is similar to the pattern
seen in many populations of lizards harboring such parasites,
although the cause is unknown (Schall, 1996).
The relative proportions of the 3 kinds of parasite (P. ori-
dense and P. azurophilum in RBC and WBC) remained con-
stant over the 10-yr period. The prevailing difference in prev-
alence of P. oridense and P. azurophilum in RBC suggests
the 2 parasites may exploit different vectors. If so, then the
stability of prevalence of both species over time would be even
more remarkable, because 2 independent parasitehostvector
systems could be involved.
The stability of malaria prevalence at El Verde contrasts with
ndings from the 2 other long-term studies conducted on lizard
malaria, both from temperate environments with mild winters.
In Georgia, Jordan and Friend (1971) followed P. oridense in
Sceloporus undulatus for 13 yr (19581970). Prevalence ap-
peared to have followed a cycle over that time falling from 53%
infected, to 12%, and rising again to 47%. Jordan suggested a
secular trend in rainfall drove the changes. In California, Schall
and Marghoob (1995) during a 13-yr-study found an apparent
cycle of about 10 yr duration of P. mexicanum in S. occiden-
talis. Subsequent additional data for a total of 20 yr of obser-
vations support this conclusion (Schall, 1996; J. Schall, unpubl.
obs.). Prevalence at the California site varied among years from
10% to 37% but was not correlated with any environmental
measure. Schall and Marghoob (1995) suggested the prevalence
of P. mexicanum was following a stable limit cycle that would
result if nonlinearities exist in the relationships between the
parasite, vectors, and lizard.
The high and constant prevalence of lizard malaria at El
Verde suggests that the parasitehost system there would match
the stable, endemic condition pictured by the Macdonald (1957)
epidemiological model. This model is general in its application
(Aron and May, 1982), such that even with likely differences
in vector biology and immune response in lizard versus human
malaria, its conclusions would be relevant for the El Verde liz-
ard malaria system. What allows the important terms of the
model (such as number of lifetime blood meals taken by the
vectors and the density of those vectors) to remain within the
boundaries necessary to allow such stability even in the face of
major habitat changes as observed at the Puerto Rico site? The
Macdonald (1957) epidemiology model suggests that the an-
swer lies in the ecology of the vector(s). The identity of the
vector(s) of lizard malaria at El Verde is unknown, but perhaps
the variable environment has selected for vectors that are un-
affected by changing rainfall patterns or damage to the forest
structure. The vectors of P. mexicanum in California are psy-
chodid sandies that spend most of their lives in rodent burrows
where the environment is constant and emerge only on nights
when temperature and humidity are appropriate (Fialho and
Schall, 1995; Schall and Marghoob, 1995). Environmental con-
ditions above ground are therefore disconnected from the trans-
mission biology of the parasite. The vectors of P. oridense
and P. azurophilum may have behaviors that buffer them from
droughts or hurricanes and that allow them to rebound in den-
sity very soon after acute habitat disturbance. Our sampling
protocol would thus have missed short-term disruptions in
transmission and the resulting drop in infection prevalence.
Some authors argue that large scale climate changes will alter
the distribution and abundance of parasites of both veterinary
(Baylis et al., 1999) and human public health importance (Rog-
ers and Packer, 1993; Linthicum et al., 1999), including changes
in prevalence of human malaria (Martens et al., 1995). El Nin˜o
events have been associated with increase in malaria prevalence
in South America (Nicholls, 1993; Bouma and Dye, 1997), and
a warming trend has been correlated with increase in malaria
in Africa (Loevinsohn, 1994) and Sri Lanka (Patz et al., 1996).
In contrast, the results from El Verde suggest that substantial
climatic disturbances do not always lead to changes in Plas-
modium prevalence. The causes of this difference in response
to environmental changes presents an interesting problem in
ecological parasitology.
We thank the staff of the El Verde Field Station for their
assistance throughout this project. Helping collect lizards were
S. Vogt, M. McKnight, D. Whitaker, A. Smythe, J. Meisler, J.
Wolf, H. McKinny, B. Reardon, A. Wargo, and C. Bliss. In the
laboratory, we beneted from help with slide scanning by M.
Milas, J. Martin, T. Smith, and A. Wargo. The work was funded
by an LTER grant from NSF and a grant from Vermont
EPSCoR to J.J.S. The last sample was funded by grants from
the University of Vermont HELiX program and the Presidents
Ofce. This study was conducted under an approved protocol
of the University of Vermont animal care committee.
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... Parasite-host associations are dictated by characteristics intrinsic to the host, the parasite, and the environment. Although associations can vary, parasitism is frequently correlated with host density (Poulin, 2004;Fernandes et al., 2012), age (Sol et al., 2003;Clough et al., 2010;Parr et al., 2013;Leclaire and Faulkner, 2014) sex (Poulin, 1996;Schall et al., 2000;Clough et al., 2010;MacIntosh et al., 2010), and dominance status (Muehlenbein and Watts, 2010). Meta-analyses across species indicate that parasitism positively correlates with group size (Vitone et al., 2004;Rifkin et al., 2012), but this is modulated by the mode of transmission and mobility of the parasites in question (Cote and Poulin, 1995). ...
... We predicted four patterns of parasite prevalence would occur within this study system. Due to our observations of consistent host social group sizes through an annual mark-recapture program from 2009 to 2015 (Watsa et al., 2015), we assumed stable host populations and that parasite prevalence would exhibit only minor fluctuations between years due to random stochastic variation in the environment (Schall et al., 2000;Knowles et al., 2013). Second, although sex-biased parasitism is a topic of long debate across taxonomic orders (Morales-Montor et al., 2004) with a tendency to assign greater parasite risk to males (Poulin, 1996;Klein, 2004;Muehlenbein, 2005;Muehlenbein and Watts, 2010) we predict the opposite trend in this host system. ...
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Parasite-host relationships are influenced by several factors intrinsic to hosts, such as social standing, group membership, sex, and age. However, in wild populations, temporal variation in parasite distributions and concomitant infections can alter these patterns. We used microscropy and molecular methods to screen for naturally occurring haemoparasitic infections in two Neotropical primate host populations, the saddleback (Leontocebus weddelli) and emperor (Saguinus imperator) tamarin, in the lowland tropical rainforests of southeastern Peru. Repeat sampling was conducted from known individuals over a three-year period to test for parasite-host and parasite-parasite associations. Three parasites were detected in L. weddelli including Trypanosoma minasense, Mansonella mariae, and Dipetalonema spp., while S. imperator only hosted the latter two. Temporal variation in prevalence was observed in T. minasense and Dipetalonema spp., confirming the necessity of a multi-year study to evaluate parasite-host relationships in this system. Although callitrichids display a distinct reproductive dominance hierarchy, characterized by single breeding females that typically mate polyandrously and can suppress the reproduction of subdominant females, logistic models did not identify sex or breeding status as determining factors in the presence of these parasites. However, age class had a positive effect on infection with M. mariae and T. minasense, and adults demonstrated higher parasite species richness than juveniles or sub-adults across both species. Body weight had a positive effect on the presence of Dipetalonema spp. The inclusion of co-infection variables in statistical models of parasite presence/absence data improved model fit for two of three parasites. This study verifies the importance and need for broad spectrum and long-term screening of parasite assemblages of natural host populations.
... In mouse-eared bats, females have a higher prevalence of ectoparasitic mites, and laboratory choice tests have shown that mites prefer adult females over adult males (Christe et al. 2007). Strong vector preferences with respect to host sex could help explain sex-biases prevalence of vector-borne diseases that have been observed in several systems (Pickering and Christie 1980, Schall et al. 2000, Bruns et al. 2019) and could play a role in the evolution of sexual dimorphism in pathogen defense (Hamilton andZuk 1982, Zuk andMcKean 1996). Additionally, in hosts with mating systems that lack strict determination of 1:1 sex ratios or that that are not fully dioecious (e.g., true males and females), sex-specific pathogen transmission has the potential to drive the evolution of sex ratio and, ultimately, breeding systems (Steets et al. 2007, Miller and Bruns 2016, Bruns et al. 2019. ...
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Vector‐borne diseases threaten human and agricultural health and are a critical component of the ecology of plants and animals. While previous studies have shown that pathogen spread can be affected by vector preferences for host infection status, less attention has been paid to vector preference for host sex, despite abundant evidence of sex‐specific variation in disease burden. We investigated vector preference for host infection status and sex in the sterilizing “anther‐smut” pathogen (Microbotryum) of the alpine carnation, Dianthus pavonius. The pathogen is transferred among hosts by pollinators that visit infected flowers and become contaminated with spores produced by infected anthers. The host plant has a mixed breeding system with hermaphrodites and females. In experimental floral arrays, pollinators strongly preferred healthy hermaphrodites over both females and diseased plants, consistently across different guilds of pollinators and over multiple years. Using an agent‐based model, we showed that pollinator preferences for sex can affect pathogen spread in populations with variable sex ratios, even if there is no preference for infection status. Our results demonstrate that vector preferences for host traits other than infection status can play a critical role in pathogen transmission dynamics when there is heterogeneity for those traits in the host population.
... Plasmodium is a mosquito-borne haemosporidian parasite that infects many different vertebrate host species. A male biased infection was observed in many host / parasite pairs [16,[44][45][46][47][48]. Differential exposure to mosquito bites between sexes may thus explain the observed sex-biased infection. ...
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Sex-biased infections are a recurrent observation in vertebrates. In many species, males are more parasitized than females. Two potentially complementary mechanisms are often suggested to explain this pattern: sexual differences in susceptibility mainly caused by the effect of sex hormones on immunity and differential exposure to parasites. Exposure is mostly a consequence of host behavioural traits, but vector-borne parasitic infections involve another degree of complexity due to the active role of vectors in transmission. Blood-sucking insects may make choices based on cues produced by hosts. Regarding malaria, several studies highlighted a male-biased infection by Plasmodium sp in great tits (Parus major). We hypothesize that the mosquito vector, Culex pipiens, might at least partially cause this bias by being more attracted to male birds. Intrinsic variation associated to bird sex would explain a preference of mosquitoes for males. To test this hypothesis, we provide uninfected mosquitoes with a choice between uninfected male and female nestlings. Mosquito choice is assessed by sex typing of the ingested blood. We did not observe any preference for a given sex. This result does not support our prediction of a preference of mosquitoes for male great tits during the nestling period. In conclusion, mosquitoes do not seem to have an intrinsic preference for male nestlings. However, sexually divergent traits (e.g. behaviour, odour, metabolic rate) present in adults may play a role in the attraction of mosquitoes and should be investigated.
... Additionally, the innate immune system is an important controlling factor of apicomplexan parasite infectivity (Frolich et al., 2012) and variation in immune responsiveness may thus influence infection patterns. Sex differences in hemoparasite infections have been found in several vertebrates, including higher prevalences in male penguins (Merkel et al., 2007), lizards (Schall et al., 2000) and lions (Sherman, 2010). These sex differences could either be due to physiological differences, e.g. ...
... Additionally, the innate immune system is an important controlling factor of apicomplexan parasite infectivity (Frolich et al., 2012) and variation in immune responsiveness may thus influence infection patterns. Sex differences in hemoparasite infections have been found in several vertebrates, including higher prevalences in male penguins (Merkel et al., 2007), lizards (Schall et al., 2000) and lions (Sherman, 2010). These sex differences could either be due to physiological differences, e.g. ...
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Hemoparasites can cause serious morbidity in humans and animals and often involve wildlife reservoirs. Understanding patterns of hemoparasite infections in natural populations can therefore inform about emerging disease risks, especially in the light of climate change and human disruption of natural ecosystems. We investigated the effects of host age, sex, host group size and season on infection patterns of Plasmodium sp., Babesia sp. and filarial nematodes in a population of wild Malagasy primates, Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi), as well as the effects of these infections on hematological variables. We tested 45 blood samples from 36 individuals and identified two species of Plasmodium, one species of Babesia and two species of filarial nematodes. Plasmodium spp. and Babesia sp. infections showed opposite patterns of age-dependency, with babesiosis being prevalent among young animals, while older animals were infected with Plasmodium sp. In addition, Babesia sp. infection was a statistically significant negative predictor of Plasmodium sp. infection. These results suggest that Plasmodium and Babesia parasites may interact within the host, either through cross-immunity or via resource competition, so that Plasmodium infections can only establish after babesiosis has resolved. We found no effects of host sex, host group size and season on hemoparasite infections. Infections showed high prevalences and did not influence hematological variables. This preliminary evidence supports the impression that the hosts and parasites considered in this study appear to be well-adapted to each other, resulting in persistent infections with low pathogenic and probably low zoonotic potential. Our results illustrate the crucial role of biodiversity in host-parasite relationships, specifically how within-host pathogen diversity may regulate the abundance of parasites.
... Depending on the host taxon and the parasite/pathogen, various relationships between host sex and vector-borne agents have been reported in natural populations. Male lizards in Puerto Rico, for example, were found to have significantly higher prevalence of saurian malaria (Plasmodium spp.) than females (32% of 3296 males, versus 22% of 1439 females) [1]. A meta-analysis exploring sexbiased parasitism of avian hosts by a variety of vector-borne a Includes all identified feedings (birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians). ...
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Prevalence of arthropod-borne parasites often differs drastically between host sexes. This sex-related disparity may be related to physiological (primarily hormonal) differences that facilitate or suppress replication of the pathogen in host tissues. Alternately, differences in pathogen prevalence between host sexes may be owing to differential exposure to infected vectors. Here, we report on the use of PCR-based assays recognizing bird sex chromosomes to investigate sex-related patterns of avian host use from field-collected female mosquitoes from Florida, USA. Mosquitoes took more bloodmeals from male birds (64.0% of 308 sexed samples) than female birds (36.0%), deviating significantly from a hypothetical 1:1 sex ratio. In addition, male-biased host use was consistent across mosquito species (Culex erraticus (64.4%); Culex nigripalpus (61.0%) and Culiseta melanura (64.9%)). Our findings support the hypothesis that sex-biased exposure to vector-borne pathogens contributes to disparities in parasite/pathogen prevalence between the sexes. While few studies have yet to investigate sex-biased host use by mosquitoes, the methods used here could be applied to a variety of mosquito-borne disease systems, including those that affect health of humans, domestic animals and wildlife. Understanding the mechanisms that drive sex-based disparities in host use may lead to novel strategies for interrupting pathogen/parasite transmission.
... Some of the most critical pathologies in bovine are the acute anemia due to destruction of red blood cells and dehydration caused by the vomiting due to retention of bile in the animal [13]. the eradication of malaria would be achieved by decreasing the population of mosquitoes, whose extinction would not be essential [57]. Later in 1927, Kermack and McKendrick formulated a mathematical model to describe the bubonic epidemic of plague in India in 1906 [3]. ...
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Heterogeneous distributions are a fundamental principle of ecology, manifesting as natural variability within ecological levels of organization from individuals to ecosystems. In disease ecology, variability in biotic and abiotic factors can result in heterogeneous patterns of transmission and virulence—broadly defined here as the negative consequences of infection. Still, our classic theoretical understanding of disease dynamics comes from models that assume homogeneous transmission and virulence. Here, we test this assumption by assessing the contribution of various sources of individual and spatial heterogeneity to patterns of transmission and sublethal measurements of virulence in two lizard–malaria systems: a three‐parasite assemblage (Plasmodium floridense, Plasmodium leukocytica, and Plasmodium azurophilum) infecting the lizard Anolis gundlachi in the rainforest of Puerto Rico and a single‐parasite system (P. floridense–Anolis sagrei) in Florida. Using a Bayesian model selection framework, we evaluated whether individual host differences (i.e., body size and sex) or spatial variability (i.e., habitat type and local‐scale host spatial structure) drive heterogeneity in the probability of infection or its associated health costs (i.e., body condition, blood chemistry). We found that the probability of infection increases with increasing lizard body size in both systems. However, in Florida, we found the relationship to be subdued in deforested habitats compared to the adjacent urban hydric forests. Furthermore, infection was spatially clustered within sampling sites, with “hot” and “cold” spots across the landscape. Nevertheless, we found no clear evidence of costs of infection on lizard health in any of the measures assessed and hence no grounds for inference regarding heterogeneous virulence. Ultimately, the consistency of our results across systems suggests prominent roles of individual and spatial heterogeneities as driving factors of transmission of vector‐borne diseases.
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High levels of within-individual variation (WIV) in reiterative components in plants such as leaves, flowers, and fruits have been shown to increase individual fitness by multiple mechanisms including mediating interactions with natural enemies. This relationship between WIV and fitness has been studied almost exclusively in plant systems. While animals do not exhibit conspicuous reiterative components, they have traits that can vary at the individual level such as erythrocyte size. It is currently unknown if WIV in animals can influence individual fitness by mediating the outcome of interactions with natural enemies as it has been shown in plants. To address this issue, we tested for a relationship between WIV in erythrocyte size, hemoparasite infection status, and body condition (a proxy for fitness) in a Caribbean anole lizard. We quantified the coefficient of variation of adult erythrocytes size in $n = 95$ infected and $n = 107$ non-infected lizards. We found higher degrees of erythrocyte size variation in infected lizards than in non-infected individuals. However, we found no significant relationship between infection status or erythrocyte size variation, and lizard body condition. These results suggest that higher WIV in erythrocyte size in infected lizards is not necessarily adaptive but likely a consequence of the host response to infection. Many hemoparasites destroy their host cells as part of their life cycle. To compensate, the host lizard may respond by increasing production of erythrocytes resulting in higher WIV. Our results emphasize the need to better understand the role of within-animal variation as a neglected driver or consequence of ecological and evolutionary interactions.
Understanding the consequences of environmental fluctuations for parasite dynamics requires a long-term view stretching over many transmission cycles. Here we studied the dynamics of three malaria parasites ( Plasmodium azurophilum , P. leucocytica and P. floridense ) infecting the lizard Anolis gundlachi , in the rainforest of Puerto Rico. In this malaria–anole system we evaluated temporal fluctuations in individual probability of infection, the environmental drivers of observed variation and consequences for host body condition and Plasmodium parasites assemblage. We conducted a total of 15 surveys including 10 from 1990 to 2002 and five from 2015 to 2017. During the early years, a lizard's probability of infection by all Plasmodium species appeared stable despite disturbances ranging from two hurricanes to short droughts. Over a longer timescale, probability of infection and overall prevalence varied significantly, following non-linear relationships with temperature and rainfall such that highest prevalence is expected at intermediate climate measures. A perplexing result was that host body condition was maximized at intermediate levels of rainfall and/or temperature (when risk of infection was highest), yet we found no significant decreases in body condition due to infection. Plasmodium parasite species composition varied through time with a reduction and near local extinction of P. floridense . Our results emphasize the need for long-term studies to reveal host–parasite dynamics, their drivers and consequences.
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The biological activity and geographic distribution of the malarial parasite and its vector are sensitive to climatic influences, especially temperature and precipitation. We have incorporated Genera Circulation Model-based scenarios of anthropogenic global climate change in an integrated linked-system model for predicting changes in malaria epidemic potential in the next century. The concept of the disability-adjusted life years is included to arrive at a single measure of the effect of anthropogenic climate change on the heath impact of malaria Assessment of the potential impact of global climate change on the incidence of malaria suggests a widespread increase of risk due to expansion of the areas suitable for malaria transmission. This predicted increase is most pronounced at the borders of endemic malaria areas and at higher altitudes within malarial areas. The incidence of infection is sensitive to climate changes in areas of Southeast Asia, South America, and parts of Africa where the disease is less endemic; in these regions the numbers of years of healthy life lost may increase significantly. However, the simulated changes in malaria risk must be interpreted on the basis of local environmental conditions, the effects of socioeconomic developments, and malaria control programs or capabilities.
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A mark-recapture technique was used to evaluate variation in the course of infection of the malarial parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum, in its natural host, the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) during the warm season in northern California, USA. These data were used to examine the hypothesis that the parasite modifies its reproductive schedule during the year to meet the challenges of a seasonal environment. Infections first became evident in the blood at various times during the warm season (May-September), then rose exponentially before leveling off to a constant parasite load. Parasite levels (parasitemia) declined during the winter, but rebounded rapidly the next spring,apparently once again to a steady level. Most infections studied were older ones remaining at a relatively constant level throughout the warm season. Exponential growth rate of rising infections varied over a fourfold range, and chronic infections varied greatly in parasitemia (over two orders of magnitude). The end of exponential growth, and the ultimate parasitemia level reached, were related to the timing of production of gametocytes (nondividing sex cells.) Gametocytes appeared very early in an infection, then increased so that they eventually dominated the parasite population. The rate of increase of gametocytes varied greatly among infections, but was not clearly related to host age or to date the infection originated. Weak evidence suggests that the rate of asexual proliferation was more rapid in infections originating late in the warm season. Neither host sex nor age was associated with rate of parasite increase in growing infections. Maximum parasitemia was independent of sex or starting date of the infection, but was higher in juveniles than in adults. We conclude that during the warm season, the schedule of reproductive activities of P. mexicanum does not follow precisely the time of year or host quality, perhaps because of the developmental mechanism driving gametogenesis.
This chapter deals with the transmission and maintenance of malaria, paying attention both to the overall dynamics and to the population biology of the infection in human hosts and mosquito vectors. We aim to combine some new work with review and synthesis (and, in some cases, reinterpretation) of existing work.
Anolis lizards (Iguanidae) were surveyed for malarial parasites on 14 islands in the eastern Lesser Antilles, St. John in the Virgin Islands, and Curacao and Aruba in the southern Caribbean. Two species of malaria were identified in 4859 lizards sampled from the 17 islands. Plasmodium floridense and P. azurophilum. There was no relationship between island size, elevation, or rainfall and the presence or absence of malaria. Some of the largest islands had no malaria, some large and small islands had one species, and some, including tiny Saba, had both species of Plasmodium, P. azurophilum was found throughout the Lesser Antilles from St. Martin to Grenada; P. floridense was restricted to the northern islands, not further south than Montserrat Our results, combined with surveys from other areas of the Caribbean basin, show both species of malaria infect anoles from distantly related taxonomic groups, suggesting that the parasites have had an ancient association with their lizard hosts.
1. We examined the transmission biology of Plasmodium mexicanum, a parasite of the fence lizard Sceloporus occidentalis, and its vector, the sandfly Lutzomyia vexator. Female L. vexator produced a clutch of eggs after each blood meal taken from a lizard. Mortality was high after oviposition, so few sandflies were likely to take two blood meals and almost none took three. Therefore, to maximize its transmission success, the parasite must complete development in its insect host before the vector lays its eggs and takes another blood meal. 2. Between 16 degrees C and 32 degrees C, temperature did not affect the longevity of female sandflies, but did affect the rate of parasite development in the insect, the rate of maturation of sandflies' eggs, and the probability of sandflies becoming infected. 3. The above relationships with temperature were non-linear and differed in shape among the variables such that an increase in temperature between 22 degrees C and 32 degrees C benefited the parasite by shortening its development while not reducing the time until the sandfly's next blood meal. 4. We measured the temperatures available to the vectors in nature (burrows of ground squirrels). Within this range, there was a window that allowed successful transmission of the parasite (based on laboratory studies). 5. In a thermal gradient, unfed female sandflies selected mean temperatures approximately 4 degrees C below the minimum required for transmission. After a blood meal from a non-infected lizard, the insect's mean preferred temperature increased 1.6 degrees C, presumably to aid digestion, and if a blood meal was taken from an infected lizard mean preferred body temperature increased by 3.6 degrees C. 6. Compared with 10 other Plasmodium species, P. mexicanum has a very rapid rate of development in its vector. 7. The results suggest P. mexicanum enhances its transmission success through a combination of rapid development in the insect host and manipulation of the vector's thermoregulatory behaviour.
Five species of Anolis lizards of the Luquillo forest, Puerto Rico were surveyed for infection with malarial parasites. Two species of parasite, Plasmodium floridense and P azurophilum. commonly infect Anolis gundlachi. P. azurophilum also very rarely infects A. stratulus, A. krugi. A. evermanni, and A. cristatellus. For A. gundlachi, males are more often infected, and percent of animals infected increases with body size, but percent infected decreases for the very largest body size class in males. P azurophilum is far more common than P floridense, and the two parasite species appear to associate randomly into mixed infections with no evidence for interspecific competition between malaria species. Infected A. gundlachi have a greater prevalence of injured tails. The five anole species differ by body size (three large and two small species) and habitat used (shady cool places vs sunny warmer locations). A. gundlachi and A. evermanni are the only species that are similar in size that are often found in the same locations. Malarial infection may mediate competition between these two species of lizards.
The process of tree mortality has dimensions of intensity, spatial, and temporal scales that reflect the characteristics of endogenic processes (i.e., senescence) and exogenic disturbances (i.e., severity, frequency, duration, spatial scale, and points of interaction with the ecosystem). Tree mortality events expressed as percent of stems or biomass per unit area, range in intensity from background (<5% yr-1) to catastrophic (>5% yr-1), in spatial scale from local to massive, and in temporal scale from gradual to sudden (hours to weeks). Absolute annual rates of background tree mortality (biomass or stem ha-1 yr-1) can vary several fold depending on stand conditions and tend to increase with stem density. The ecological effects of a catastrophic, massive, and sudden tree mortality event contrast with those of background, local, and gradual tree mortality in terms of the direction of succession after the event, community dynamics, nutrient cycling, and possibly selection on trees. When standardized for the return frequency of disturbance events, area, and topography, the ranking of tree mortality events (trees ha-1 century-1) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest is: background > hurricanes > individual tree fall gaps > landslides. Estimates of vegetation turnover rates require long-term and spatial analysis to yield accurate results.