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Sensitivity of Two Disjunct Bacterioplankton Communities to Exudates from the Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing


Abstract and Figures

Microcystis aeruginosa Kützing releases a variety of bioactive compounds during growth. This study determined whether bacteria from communities co-occurring (M+) or not (M-) with this cosmopolitan cyanobacterium respond similarly to its products. Fifty M+ bacteria from a M. aeruginosa bloom site (Western Basin of Lake Erie) and 50 M- bacteria from a Microcystis-free site (East Twin Lake, Portage Co., OH) were isolated and grown on Standard Methods Agar. Three levels of testing were performed: chemotaxis, antibiotic response, and 48-h cell abundance. Chemotaxis was compared using capillary tubes placed in contact with bacterial, Standard Methods Broth (SMB) suspensions. The capillary choices were conditioned SMB, M. aeruginosa exudate, and BG-11. M+ bacteria showed significantly greater (Tukey's test, p < 0.005) positive chemotaxis to M. aeruginosa exudate compared to control conditions and to M-strains. The latter showed a negative chemotactic response to M. aeruginosa exudate compared to control conditions. Antibiotic response was tested by sensitivity disk assays, first using M. aeruginosa exudates, whole cells, and homogenized cells, and then placing the disks on bacterial lawns of each strain. M+ bacteria were significantly more resistant to inhibition than M- bacteria (chi-square test, p < 0.01). M. aeruginosa exudate, BG-11 algal medium, SMB, and distilled water effects on 48-h abundance of the strains were compared. The M- community bacteria exhibited significantly lower growth yields (Tukey's comparison of means test, p < 0.005) in M. aeruginosa exudate than did the M+ strains. It is evident that those bacteria co-occurring with M. aeruginosa are more likely to be attracted to it, able to withstand exposure to it, and able to utilize its products without inhibition than are bacteria from communities without previous exposure to this cyanobacterium.
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Sensitivity of Two Disjunct Bacterioplankton Communities to
Exudates from the Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
D.A. Casamatta,
C.E. Wickstrom
Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701, USA
Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA
Received: 6 December 1999; Accepted: 3 April 2000; Online Publication: 18 July 2000
Microcystis aeruginosa Ku¨tzing releases a variety of bioactive compounds during growth. This study
determined whether bacteria from communities co-occurring (M+) or not (M-) with this cosmo-
politan cyanobacterium respond similarly to its products. Fifty M+ bacteria from a M. aeruginosa
bloom site (Western Basin of Lake Erie) and 50 M- bacteria from a Microcystis-free site (East Twin
Lake, Portage Co., OH) were isolated and grown on Standard Methods Agar. Three levels of testing
were performed: chemotaxis, antibiotic response, and 48-h cell abundance. Chemotaxis was com-
pared using capillary tubes placed in contact with bacterial, Standard Methods Broth (SMB) sus-
pensions. The capillary choices were conditioned SMB, M. aeruginosa exudate, and BG-11. M+
bacteria showed significantly greater (Tukey’s test, p< 0.005) positive chemotaxis to M. aeruginosa
exudate compared to control conditions and to M-strains. The latter showed a negative chemotactic
response to M. aeruginosa exudate compared to control conditions. Antibiotic response was tested
by sensitivity disk assays, first using M. aeruginosa exudates, whole cells, and homogenized cells, and
then placing the disks on bacterial lawns of each strain. M+ bacteria were significantly more
resistant to inhibition than M- bacteria (chi-square test, p< 0.01). M. aeruginosa exudate, BG-11
algal medium, SMB, and distilled water effects on 48-h abundance of the strains were compared.
The M- community bacteria exhibited significantly lower growth yields (Tukey’s comparison of
means test, p< 0.005) in M. aeruginosa exudate than did the M+ strains. It is evident that those
bacteria co-occurring with M. aeruginosa are more likely to be attracted to it, able to withstand
exposure to it, and able to utilize its products without inhibition than are bacteria from commu-
nities without previous exposure to this cyanobacterium.
Correspondence to: D.A. Casamatta; Fax: (740) 593-1130; E-mail:
Microb Ecol (2000) 41:64–73
DOI: 10.1007/s002480000035
© 2000 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
As algae photosynthesize, both excreted and secreted extra-
cellular products (ECP) are released into the environment
[19, 8]. Typical ECP include, but are not limited to, carbo-
hydrates, nitrogenous substances, organic acids, lipids, phos-
phatases, and other enzymes [28]. The amount and nature of
exuded products depends on several factors. The taxon of
the alga dictates the compositions of compounds released
[e.g., 28]. Environmental conditions and algal age also may
significantly affect exudate release [24, 50, 51].
Bacteria are the primary assimilators of dissolved organic
carbon in aquatic ecosystems [5]. The bacterioplankton may
respond to different types of carbon compounds products by
altering their metabolic pathways and rates of growth and
activity [52], or the bacteria may be unable to use or with-
stand the compounds, resulting in their decline and eventual
loss from the community.
In an effort to examine some of the effects that a photo-
synthesizing alga may exert on surrounding bacterioplank-
ton, we studied the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
Ku¨tzing. Microcystis spp. are cyanobacteria with coccoid cells
loosely arranged within polymorphic mucilaginous colonies.
This genus is possibly the most cosmopolitan cyanobacte-
rium found in freshwater [16] and typically has large num-
bers of bacteria within and/or attached to their mucilaginous
colonies [44].
Microcystis, a non-nitrogen-fixer, may be planktonic or
benthic depending on environmental conditions such as
light and nutrient levels [40]. Some strains of Microcystis are
a major source of freshwater biotoxins [3]. In particular,
they may produce bioactive secondary metabolites known as
microcystins [15, 16]. The release of these compounds from
Microcystis depends on several factors such as culture age,
light levels, nutrient levels, and temperature [49].
In addition to being toxic to some metazoans, Microcystis
may be toxic or inhibitory to other microbes. Allelopathic
interactions are widespread among algal taxa and may play
an important role in the structuring of algal communities
[31, 32]. Microcystis, in particular, has been shown to posses
allelopathic properties against several taxa of algae such as
Cryptomonas ovata, Chlorella sp., Ceratium sp., and Ana-
baena oscillariodes [33, 47, 48]. The impact of this cyano-
bacterium on the bacterioplankton, however, has not been
previously examined.
The purpose of this study is to examine some of the
effects of Microcystis aeruginosa (Ma) on two disjunct cul-
tured bacterioplankton communities. Three pairs of ques-
tions are addressed in this paper: (1) Do the cultured envi-
ronmental bacteria respond chemotactically to the presence
of M. aeruginosa extracellular products? Is positive chemo-
taxis more common among those bacteria that co-occur
with this species, and is negative chemotaxis more common
among those non-co-occurring species? (2) Are strains of
environmental bacteria inhibited by M. aeruginosa products?
More specifically, are the bacteria cultured from Lake Erie
inhibited by Lake Erie M. aeruginosa products, and are the
bacteria from M. aeruginosa regions collectively more resis-
tant to Microcystis inhibition than those bacteria isolated
from a region free of M. aeruginosa? (3) Does Lake Erie
Microcystis aeruginosa stimulate or inhibit the growth of bac-
teria isolated from Lake Erie, and does it stimulate naturally
co-occurring bacteria to a greater degree than it stimulates
bacteria that do not co-occur with it?
Materials and Methods
A uni-algal culture of M. aeruginosa was obtained from Dr. Wayne
W. Carmichael (Wright State University, OH). This strain had been
isolated from the western basin of Lake Erie during the summer of
1996. An axenic isolate was established by streak plate isolation on
BG-11 agar medium [45]. Cultures were grown in BG-11 medium
under 20–40 µE m
coolwhite fluorescent illumination with an
18-h photoperiod at room temperature, 20–24°C.
Fifty bacterial isolates were established in June of 1996 from the
western basin of Lake Erie, near South Bass Island. Water taken by
Kemmerer bottle 1 m above a benthic zebra mussel bed which had
an associated population of M. aeruginosa was transported on ice
back to the lab. One-ml subsamples were plated on Standard Meth-
ods Agar (SMA) and plates were incubated at room temperature
for 4 days. To obtain as high a diversity of strains as possible, 50
isolates were selected based on visual examination of colony char-
acteristics, including colony morphology, color, and texture. Iso-
lates collected concurrently with M. aeruginosa were designated as
An additional 50 bacterial clones were obtained from East Twin
Lake (ETL), Portage Co., OH. Five water samples were taken with
a Kemmerer Bottle from a depth approximately 2 m below the
surface and 1 m above the sediments. Two, 1-ml aliquots from each
samples were plated on SMA and incubated at room temperature
for 4 days. These clones were isolated, examined for contamination,
and maintained on SMA as described for the Ma+ isolates. ETL was
determined to be free from M. aeruginosa at the time of collection
by microscopic examination of water samples and was reported to
be free of this blue-green for at least the past 10 years (D. Fleish-
man, personal communication; Kent State University). These iso-
lates, from a Microcystis-free area, were designated Ma- strains.
Bacterial Sensitivity to M. aeruginosa 65
M. aeruginosa Test Preparation
M. aeruginosa exudate (growth medium and associated algal prod-
ucts) was obtained from 4-week old stationary phase cultures of the
alga growing in BG-11. Two 1-liter cultures were centrifuged (In-
ternational Equipment Co.) at 4,000 revolutions per min for 10
min (relative centrifugal force = 1,897 g) and the supernatant was
decanted into sterile 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. To remove remain-
ing cells and cellular debris, the supernatant was filtered sequen-
tially through Whatman GF/C glass fiber, 1.0 µm, and a 0.2 µm
nitrocellulose (Millipore Corporation, Bedford, MA) filters with a
vacuum pump.
Intact and homogenized cell treatments were prepared by air-
drying two 1.2 g wet weight samples of M. aeruginosa for 48 h.
These cyanobacterial samples were obtained during the initial steps
of exudate collection. The dried samples were then resuspended in
30 ml distilled water to give a final concentration of 40 mg M.
aeruginosa ml
. This concentration is similar to that used by others
in toxicity testing [e.g., 36, 37]. One of the intact cell samples was
then homogenized for 1 min with a Brinkmann Polytron Homog-
enizer. Aliquots of the homogenized sample were microscopically
inspected at 600 and 1,000× magnification to confirm cell rupture.
These preparations were stirred with a magnetic stirrer to resus-
pend cells and cell debris prior to disk saturation.
Bacterial chemotaxis in response to M. aeruginosa exudate was
tested as described by Adler [1] and modified in Mandimba et al.
[38]. Twenty-four h Standard Methods Broth (SMB) cultures of all
strains were inspected for motility by Zeiss phase-contrast micros-
copy. Only motile strains were subsequently tested for chemotaxis.
Thus, 32 clones from Lake Erie and 29 clones from East Twin Lake
were used in this part of the study.
Motile bacteria were inoculated into culture tubes containing 10
ml SMB and incubated for 48 h. At that time, a 0.5 ml aliquot of
the new bacterial culture was placed in the center of a sterile glass
petri dish bottom. Three sterile glass 100 µl capillary tubes were
filled with one of three fluids by capillary action. The first tube
contained M. aeruginosa exudate; the second and third tubes were
controls and contained BG-11 medium and conditioned SMB me-
dium, respectively. The latter control was derived from the 48-h
SMB cultures filtered through a 0.2 µm filter. Each pipette was
filled by passing one end through a flame and then drawing up the
individual attractants by capillary action through the unheated end.
One tube of each treatment was then rested at an angle on rectan-
gular Styrofoam blocks with one end of the capillary tube placed
into contact with the centrally located test bacterium culture drop-
let. A cotton ball saturated with sterile distilled water was added to
each plate to retard evaporation. The plates were then closed and
incubated at room temperature [38].
The capillary tubes were carefully removed from the plates at
the end of 1 h, and the ends that had been in contact with the
bacterial suspension were rinsed with autoclaved distilled water
into separate, sterile 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes. Capillary tube
contents were then flushed into the microcentrifuge tubes. Samples
were preserved and cell counts performed using a Petroff–Hausser
counting chamber. These tests were run in triplicate.
Antibacterial Testing
The potential antibacterial properties of M. aeruginosa exudate as
well as whole and homogenized M. aeruginosa cells were tested
against each of the 100 bacterial isolates. Isolates were grown in
SMB at 20–24°C for 24 h in preparation for lawn inoculation.
Eight-mm diameter filter paper disks punched from larger GF/C
filters were autoclaved and then dipped with sterile forceps into
beakers containing one of the three algal preparations: M. aerugi-
nosa exudate, whole cells, and homogenate. The saturated disks
were placed into separate sterile glass petri dishes and air dried at
room temperature. Three disks of each treatment were then posi-
tioned on the bacterial lawn of each strain. A BG-11 disk placed in
the center of the plate served as the control disk. Presence of a zone
of inhibition was recorded after 24 h; the control did not inhibit
any strains.
Growth Studies
In preparation for the growth studies, the 100 bacterial isolates
were transferred from SMA slants to sterile culture tubes of SMB
and incubated for 48 h. One-ml aliquots from the SMB culture of
each isolate were then inoculated into 12 sterile culture tubes con-
taining 5 ml SMB. To each set of three tubes, 5 ml of one of the
following were added: SMB, M. aeruginosa exudate, or sterile dis-
tilled water (DW).
After addition of the treatments to the bacterial suspensions, the
time-zero turbidity of each culture was measured at a wavelength of
750 nm with a Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 100 spectrophotom-
eter (Bausch and Lomb, Rochester, NY). Turbidity was again mea-
sured after 48 h and corrected for initial turbidity. Preliminary
trials with 15 isolates showed that the populations entered station-
ary phase after 48 h. The 48 h corrected response turbidity was used
as a measure of total growth response (biomass increase) to the
experimental and control treatments of the same isolate.
Bacterial Chemotactic Response to Microcystis
aeruginosa Exudate
Ma+ strains showed no significant differences in number of
bacterial cells attracted between SMB and BG-11. However,
Ma exudate attracted a significantly greater number of bac-
teria (Fisher’s LSD test, p< 0.05) than either of the controls:
ca. twofold more bacteria accumulated in these capillary
tubes (Fig. 1). Ma- strains showed significant differences
among treatments. Conditioned SMB controls elicited sig-
nificantly greater (p< 0.05) response by these bacteria than
66 D.A. Casamatta, C.F. Wickstrom
did BG-11 with or without exudate. The latter attractants
were not significantly different from each other.
Post ANOVA Fisher’s LSD comparison of bacterial abun-
dances of sites and attractant choices showed significant dif-
ferences (p< 0.05) between the bacteria from the two sites
(Fig. 1). Conditioned SMB attracted similar numbers of bac-
teria (p> 0.05) among Ma+ and Ma- strains. BG-11, on the
other hand, attracted approximately twice as many bacteria
(p< 0.05) among the Ma+ strains than Ma- strains. The
most pronounced difference between sites, however, was
with Ma exudate. Ma+ strains showed an approximately
fivefold greater attraction (p< 0.05) than did Ma- strains.
Fisher LSD tests compared chemotactic responses of the
motile Ma+ strains of bacteria to Ma exudates and BG-11
after 1 h (Fig. 1). Each challenge was categorized according
to the significance, if any, of differences between those
means. In 63% of the strains (i.e., 20 out of 32), Ma exudates
elicited a significantly greater (Fisher’s LSD p< 0.05) posi-
tive chemotactic response than did BG-11. Nineteen percent
of the Ma+ strains were more attracted to the BG-11 control
than exudate, and 19% of these strains showed no prefer-
ence. When Ma- strains were similarly compared only 14%
(4 out of 29) favored exudate while 48% (14 of 29) re-
sponded positively to the control. No significant (p> 0.05)
preference was noted for 38% (11 strains) of Ma- strains
(Table 1).
Antibacterial Properties of Microcystis aeruginosa
Susceptibility of Ma+ and Ma- bacteria to M. aeruginosa
disks with exudates, whole cells, and homogenized cells was
tested. Controls consisted of disks saturated with the M.
aeruginosa medium, BG-11. Strains were scored as inhibited
if a visible zone of inhibition (ca. 1 mm) developed around
2 out of 3 disks. All of the bacteria developed lawns on the
SMA plates, and no strains of bacteria were inhibited by the
control BG-11 disks.
The presence or absence of zones of inhibition surround-
ing the variously prepared disks after 24 h were compared
between and within Ma+ and Ma- strains (Table 2). A Yates-
corrected chi-square test [54] revealed that significantly (p<
0.05) more Ma- strains (n= 24) were inhibited by M. aeru-
ginosa exudate than by either whole cells or homogenized
cells. Ma+ strains showed no significant variation in re-
sponse to exudate, whole, and homogenized cell treatments
with a mean inhibitory response of 17%. Only 20% of Ma+
strains were inhibited by Ma exudate while 48% of Ma-
strains showed exudate inhibition (Table 2). Inhibition by
the other treatments followed similar patterns, with sensi-
tivity to whole cells of 16% Ma+ vs 32% Ma- and 16% vs
42% inhibition by homogenized cells. In all treatments, at
least twice as many Ma- strains were susceptible to M. ae-
ruginosa products than were Ma+ strains.
Effects of M. aeruginosa on growth of isolates
The growth of Ma+ and Ma- strains in response to Standard
Methods Broth (SMB), distilled water (DW) controls, and
M. aeruginosa exudates is illustrated in Fig. 2. Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) revealed significant (p< 0.05) yield dif-
ferences within as well as between isolation site groupings.
Fisher’s LSD comparison of means showed some significant
differences (p< 0.05) between the treatments (i.e., growth in
Fig. 1. Effect of attractant on habitat-specific bacterial chemotax-
is. Bars indicate mean (+1 SE) abundances of bacteria from sites
with (Ma+) or without (Ma-) M. aeruginosa. Statistical categories,
A–C, are indicated above the bars; category A chemotactic re-
sponses are not significantly different from each other (Fisher’s
LSD comparison, p> 0.05), but are significantly different (p< 0.05)
from those in categories B and C. Similarly, categories B and C are
statistically unique.
Table 1. Distribution of Ma+ and Ma- strains among chemotaxis
M. aeruginosa Total no.
of strains
Chemotaxis categories
Habitat X > C
Present (Ma+) 32 20 (63%) 6 (19%) 6 (19%)
Absent (Ma-) 29 4 (14%) 11 (38%) 14 (48%)
Chemotaxis categories based on t-test comparison (=0.05;df=5)of
exudate versus BG-11 (control) bacterial abundances following strain che-
motaxis tests
X denotes exudate; C denotes control.
Bacterial Sensitivity to M. aeruginosa 67
Ma exudate, SMB, and distilled water), as well as between
the two collection sites (p< 0.05). Among Ma+ strains, only
DW showed significantly (Fisher’s LSD p< 0.05) lower
growth yields, amounting to approximately 75% of the other
treatments. All other Ma+ growth yields were statistically
similar. Ma- strains showed significantly lower growth yields
in exudate, BG-11, and DW compared to the SMB controls,
although they were not statistically different from each
M. aeruginosa exudate elicited significantly greater
growth with Ma+ strains than with Ma- strains (Fisher’s LSD
p< 0.05), and the stimulated Ma+ strains were no different
from those growing solely on SMB. SMB and DW growth
was not statistically different with respect to collection sites
(p> 0.05).
Under natural field conditions when bacteria encounter an
alga releasing extracellular products (ECP), the motile mem-
bers of the bacterial community may respond chemotacti-
cally to the exudates [12, 30, 7]. These bacteria may be
attracted to, repulsed from, or indifferent to the ECP. We
anticipated that those motile bacteria co-occurring with M.
aeruginosa would be more frequently attracted to its exu-
dates than bacteria from a Microcystis-free site. From this
response, the bacteria would be expected to show a predict-
able pattern of antibacterial susceptibilities and growth rates
depending on the history of their habitat.
Except for systems receiving major inputs of allochtho-
nous organic matter, most bacteria depend largely on phy-
toplankton as a source of carbon [10]. Photosynthesizing
algae are typically the most readily available in situ source of
organic nutrients to bacterioplankton in oligotrophic waters
[22]. As such, bacteria tend to be most metabolically active
in the vicinity of metabolizing algal cells, forming an algal–
bacterial consortium. As a result of their dependence on
algae as a source of carbon, bacterioplankton blooms typi-
cally co-occur with elevated algal numbers [9, 20].
Researchers have documented significantly greater num-
bers of active bacteria in association with Microcystis sheaths
than were found free-living in the same waters, suggesting
that Microcystis spp. colonies may serve as incubators for the
surrounding bacterial community [53]. In contrast, Brun-
berg [14] found that bacteria associated with Microcystis
colonies in the water column were less active than ambient
water column bacteria. Several reasons for lower relative
attached bacterial production were postulated, including
lower bacterial growth efficiency, slow diffusion of products
within Microcystis mucilage, and lower mortality.
Chemotactic Response of Bacteria to Microcystis Exudate
The ability to actively seek out or escape M. aeruginosa exu-
dates would provide an advantage to those bacteria that
either utilize or are inhibited by these compounds, respec-
tively. Our experiments indicated that there is a significant
difference between the chemotactic response of co-occurring
versus non-co-occurring bacterioplankton. We hypothesize
that some compound(s) released by photosynthesizing Mi-
crocystis activates a response mechanism in a large set of the
bacterioplankton community, eliciting either a positive (to-
ward the exudate) or negative (away from) response. This
response may have a significant effect on the dynamics of the
Table 2. Inhibition of Ma+ and Ma- bacterial strains by M. ae-
ruginosa cells and cell products
No. of Ma+ strains No. of Ma- strains
Disk treatment Inhibited
inhibited Inhibited
Ma exudate 10 (20%) 40 (80%) 24 (48%) 26 (52%)
Whole cells 8 (16%) 42 (84%) 16 (32%) 34 (68%)
Homogenate 8 (16%) 42 (84%) 21 (42%) 29 (58%)
Total 26 124 61 89
Fig. 2. Growth response of Ma+ and Ma- bacteria to growth
medium amendments (M. aeruginosa exudate; Standard Methods
Both, SMB; and distilled water, DW). Mean 48-h optical densities
(+1 SE) are shown. Statistical categories (Fisher’s LSD multiple
comparison test) are marked A and B; category A growth yields are
not significantly different from each other (p> 0.05), but are sig-
nificantly different (p< 0.05) from those in category B.
68 D.A. Casamatta, C.F. Wickstrom
microbial assemblage, such as serving to alter nutrient par-
titioning within the microbial consortium [11]. Alterna-
tively, bacterial clustering may have little effect on nutrient
cycling [12], and clustering may be the result of unidirec-
tional nutrient flow from phytoplankton to bacterioplank-
From our experiment, we suspect that chemotactic bac-
teria will respond to Microcystis in natural settings. The bac-
terioplankton response will depend to a large extent on prior
contact. This may be in response to any number of potential
exudate compounds, such as carbon or some other micro-
nutrient. Reynolds [41] reports that buoyant Microcystis
colonies are capable of moving up to 3.2 m day
, although
colonies often move much less. As the colony moves through
the water column, chemotactically active bacteria relying on
Microcystis exudates would be able to maintain contact with
their carbon source. Jackson [30] hypothesized that even
bacterioplankton with limited motility may benefit from ex-
posure to phytoplankton exudate. Our results are consistent
with this hypothesis. Not only were co-occurring bacteria
chemotactically attracted to Microcystis exudates, but some
non-co-occurring strains were as well. The exact nature of
the chemotactic substance remains beyond the scope of this
paper, but others have noted a wide range of compounds
that elicit a chemotactic response at varying concentrations
[i.e., 12].
Vaque et al. [46] hypothesized that one possible reason
bacterial cells become metabolically inactive in aquatic sys-
tems is to save energy until they encounter either algae or
other carbon sources, especially when resources are tempo-
rally or spatially patchy. Bacteria that are capable of positive
chemotactic response to Microcystis exudates would exhibit
an advantage over other bacteria as Microcystis both moves
through the water column and propagates new colonies.
Therefore, a positive chemotactic response would be favored
as a way of obtaining those carbon products that serve to
most stimulate the bacterial cells (Fig. 3). Conversely, a
negative chemotactic response may be favored as a way of
avoiding potentially harmful products. East Twin Lake bac-
terial isolates exhibited significantly greater negative or neu-
tral chemotactic response to M. aeruginosa exudates than did
bacteria co-occurring with the cyanobacterium.
Antibacterial Properties of Microcystis
M. aeruginosa exudates inhibited ca. twice as many Micro-
cystis-free bacteria as bacteria isolated from the Lake Erie
site. Inhibition by intact and homogenized cells followed a
similar pattern, although some variation in strain suscepti-
bility did occur. This amensalistic action by M. aeruginosa
may be a way to gain a competitive advantage over co-
occurring bacteria for contested nutrients, or maybe a by-
product of a metabolic pathway.
Microcystis often forms benthic mats that may float to the
surface as the population ages [13]. As senescence begins and
cells lyse, the surrounding bacterial community may also be
exposed to intracellular compounds, represented by the ex-
perimental homogenate. These compounds may be very dif-
ferent from the typical exudates released during photosyn-
thesis and, as such, may exert a separate selective pressure(s).
Those bacteria associated with Microcystis showed little
variation from the response to exudates or homogenized
cells. Nonassociated bacteria, however, showed greater varia-
tion to the different experimental treatments than did asso-
ciated bacteria. This implies some degree of differential ef-
fects by exudates and homogenized cells on nonacclimated
and/or nonselected bacteria.
A wide array of freshwater algae, including Bacillari-
ophyta, Pyrrophyta, and Chlorophyta, as well as Cyanobac-
teria, produce antibacterial substances [e.g., 23, 27]. The
results of the present study indicated that Microcystis pos-
sessed antibacterial properties that affected bacteria from M.
aeruginosa and M. aeruginosa-free habitats in the anticipated
manner (Fig. 3). Between Microcystis exudates, intact cells,
and homogenized cells, exudates inhibited the greatest num-
ber of environmental bacteria from both sites. During its
Fig. 3. Pathways of potential outcomes for populations within the
bacterioplankton community after encountering or introduction of
M. aeruginosa in an aquatic habitat. See text for discussion.
Bacterial Sensitivity to M. aeruginosa 69
growth phase, M. aeruginosa is expected to release exudates
as a result of cell metabolism and photosynthesis as shown
for other cyanobacteria [24]. The amount and composition
of these exudates, however, may depend on a variety of
factors, such as nutrient concentrations [2] and light levels
Our experiments showed that Microcystis had toxic prop-
erties to some bacterioplankton strains. In natural condi-
tions, interactions between bacterioplankton and Microcystis
may have additional components, and as a result the inter-
actions may not be limited to allelopathy. For example, bac-
teria are considered superior competitors for phosphorous, a
common limiting nutrient in freshwater systems [21]. This
may create a pool of nutrients around the metabolizing algal
cell, in which the bacteria sequester the phosphorus but are
in turn carbon limited. There is a great degree of recycling
and turnover in aquatic ecosystems, and so the Microcystis
mat will probably benefit from nutrient regeneration en-
abled by close proximity to the active bacterial community.
For example, the surrounding bacteria may be a nutrient
reserve that immediately surrounds the photosynthesizing
algal cells. Turnover of nutrients from one group may be
made readily available to the other. In our cultures, exudates
rather than active colonies were employed, so competition
for nutrients cannot be assessed, nor can the likelihood of
nutrient regeneration or feedback. However, the overall
metabolic and chemotactic response of the bacteria to the
exudates indicates that it is reasonable that the Microcystis
colonies may be metabolically coupled to bacteria in natural
Bacterial Growth with Microcystis Exudates
The growth experiments indicated that, as a group, the bac-
terial strains isolated from Lake Erie are stimulated to a
significantly (p< 0.05) greater degree by M. aeruginosa exu-
dates than the bacterial strains isolated from East Twin Lake.
Both sets of community isolates responded to SMB and dis-
tilled water in similar manners. Worm and Søndergaard [52]
report that bacteria associated with Microcystis show signifi-
cantly greater metabolic activity when coupled with Micro-
cystis than those bacteria found free-living in the lake. They
conclude that Microcystis exudates could drive the metabolic
activity of the associated bacterial community under carbon-
limited conditions.
Our experimental results concur with the above conclu-
sion, and we hypothesize that in natural conditions bacterial
nutrient remineralization can recycle nutrients to Microcystis
colonies, as others have suggested [18]. This coupling may
benefit all members of the consortium, especially if bacteria
attached to Microcystis are more efficient nutrient recyclers
than the surrounding bacterioplankton community. This
would benefit both partners, with the bacterioplankton pro-
viding nutrients (i.e., phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.) and the
photosynthesizing alga providing a readily usable carbon
source. The maintenance of bacterial epiphytes in M. aeru-
ginosa mucilage may also be commensalistic, with the bac-
teria obtaining nutrients from Microcystis exudates. Con-
versely, the bacteria may obtain exuded products and also
prove superior competitors to Microcystis for other nutrients
(e.g., phosphorus). As an amensalistic infochemical(s), M.
aeruginosa ECP may repulse potentially harmful bacteria
that would otherwise successfully compete for phycosphere
space with bacteria that might be superior nutrient recyclers.
Amensalism of this nature would allow preemptive coloni-
zation [4] of the colony by beneficial bacteria. The testing of
these ideas, however, were beyond the scope of this project.
Since bacterioplankton typically rely on algal exudates for
growth [6, 34], those bacteria co-occurring with Microcystis
should be able to utilize Microcystis ECP. The rationale is
that historical contact with Microcystis has selected against
those community bacteria inhibited by or unable to use this
ECP (Fig. 3), so they would be absent. Bacteria from com-
munities not associated with Microcystis may not be able to
utilize those compounds fully or may need to acclimate to
those specific carbon compounds when exposed to them.
Therefore, they would exhibit lowered growth if not inhib-
ited or destroyed outright. Murray et al. [39] show greater
growth yields among bacteria already involved in an algal–
bacterial consortium with diatoms than among those bacte-
ria newly inoculated into such an association.
The results of the growth experiments imply that Micro-
cystis may affect the surrounding bacterial community.
Herndl [29] suggests that algal–bacterial coupling is a
mechanism to increase nutrient regenerative processes, and
as a result increase overall microbial activity. Collectively,
the isolated Lake Erie bacterial community members were
able to use M. aeruginosa exudates just as efficiently as SMB,
whereas bacteria from ETL were not. Bacteria not inhibited
by Microcystis ECP were typically stimulated by that exudate.
Microcystis exudates may be a significant source of dissolved
organic carbon, especially under conditions where Microcys-
tis is the dominant alga. High levels of Microcystis ECP
70 D.A. Casamatta, C.F. Wickstrom
would confer a selective advantage to those bacteria capable
of this ECP utilization.
Figure 3 presents a conceptual model of M. aeruginosa
impact on bacterial communities. Those bacteria exhibiting
positive chemotactic response to M. aeruginosa exudates are
hypothesized to show no susceptibility to subsequent anti-
bacterial compounds and to respond positively to M. aeru-
ginosa exudates. Conversely, those bacteria showing negative
chemotaxis would be expected to exhibit greater levels of
antibacterial susceptibility and lower levels of exudate utili-
zation. Overall, those bacteria isolated from a M. aeruginosa
site showed a greater ability to move toward and utilize its
extracellular products than did the disjunct bacterial isolates.
Members of Lake Erie’s bacterioplankton community in Mi-
crocystis areas may depend on M. aeruginosa products and
may have been accordingly selected through historical ex-
posures to this species. If a bloom of M. aeruginosa occurred
in East Twin Lake, many of its bacterial populations would
suffer, and the bacterioplankton community would likely
undergo appropriate successional changes.
A wide range of chemical cues are employed in structur-
ing the microbial community, both within and among taxa
[e.g., 25, 35, 43, 17]. We have shown that co-occurring bac-
teria are more responsive to Microcystis exudates than non-
co-occuring strains. One possible mechanism for this could
be the presence of chemical signals acted upon by the bac-
terioplankton community, a process that has been shown to
be important in many taxonomic groups of bacteria [e.g.,
26]. It may be these infochemicals that the bacterioplankton
are responding to. We also noted an antibiotic effect of
Microcystis mainly on non-co-occurring bacteria, but also on
some associated strains. Although this was not specifically
tested, we hypothesize that as stressful conditions occur,
such as from nutrient limitation, a greater level of inhibitory
compounds may be released, as is observed with bacteriocins
[42]. In natural settings, metabolically coupled bacteria and
Microcystis, or any phytoplankton taxa, may have a greater
level of productivity than either alone [11]. Our experiments
suggest that this may be a valid assumption, as one half of
this association, the bacterioplankton community, did re-
spond positively to Microcystis exudates.
There are several possible mechanisms for associations
between Microcystis and bacterioplankton in natural settings.
One excellent possibility deals with nutrient recycling be-
tween the photosynthesizing alga and the associated bacteria.
The nature of this interaction, however, is subject to much
speculation [e.g., 12, 11, 20, 22]. Our experiments showed
that Microcystis exudate has at least three distinct avenues of
impact on the bacterioplankton communities—chemotaxis,
as a source of growth nutrients, and antibiosis—and that
community responses to these three were dependent on
their exposure history.
The authors extend their thanks to Dr. Wayne Carmichael
for the generous contribution of Microcystis aeruginosa. In
addition, the authors thank two anonymous reviewers for
constructive comments with an earlier version of this manu-
script. This work was supported by the Department of Bio-
logical Sciences, Kent Sate University, and was partially sup-
ported by grant #97-18 from the Lake Erie Protection Fund.
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Bacterial Sensitivity to M. aeruginosa 73
... BG11 medium is a synthetic medium that lacks sufficient organic carbon sources, such that heterotrophic attached bacteria will not grow due to insufficient carbon and energy sources. Dissolved organic carbon secreted by M. aeruginosa (Casamatta and Wickstrom, 2000) can be used by bacteria for growth. A previous study showed that bacteria attached to Microcystis cells encode higher relative abundances of carbon degradation genes and β-glucosidase activity to enable the use of organic carbon secreted by Microcystis . ...
... Specifically, healthy M. aeruginosa can apparently control their attached bacteria to avoid competition for nutrients (Zhang et al., 2016b,c;Xiao et al., 2022a,b,c). Likewise, extracts from M. aeruginosa exhibited inhibitory activities on some of their attached bacteria (Casamatta and Wickstrom, 2000) and many other bacterial taxa including Escherichia coli (Ostensvik et al., 1998;Valdor and Aboal, 2007), Streptoverticillium (Valdor and Aboal, 2007), Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, and Aeromonas hydrophila (Ostensvik et al., 1998). Microcystins including MC-LR, MC-RR, and MC-YR were also evaluated for antibacterial activity. ...
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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in natural waters are of escalating global concern due to their detrimental impact on environmental health. Emerging evidence indicates that algae-bacteria symbionts can affect HAB features, though much about this interplay remains largely unexplored. The current study isolated a new species of Mucilaginibacter (type strain JXJ CY 39T) from culture biomass of the bloom-causing Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB-905 (Maf) from Lake Dianchi, China. Strain JXJ CY 39T was an aerobic, Gram-stain-negative rod bacterium that grew at 5–38°C, pH 4.0–11.0, and 0–3.0% NaCl. Taxonomic evaluation proposed a new species, with Mucilaginibacter lacusdianchii sp. nov., as the species epithet. Experimental results revealed that strain JXJ CY 39T spurred the growth of Maf by supplying soluble phosphorus and nitrogen during cultivation, despite the unavailability of soluble phosphorus and nitrogen. Additionally, by producing the plant hormone indole-3-acetate, strain JXJ CY 39T possibly impacted Maf’s functionality. Results from co-culture experiments with other strains from Maf biomass showed possible effects of strain JXJ CY 39T on the relationship between Maf and other cohabiting bacteria, as well as microcystin toxin production characteristics. Although Maf could foster the growth of strain JXJ CY 39T by supplying organic carbon, the strain’s growth could be regulated via specific chemical compounds based on antibiotic assays. Community composition analysis disclosed that this Mucilaginibacter strain positively affected Maf’s growth and modified densities and types of bacteria linked to Maf. Overall, these results suggest that the interactions between important HAB-causing organisms and their attached bacteria are complex, dynamic, and may influence the growth characteristics of algae.
... BG11 medium is a synthetic medium that lacks sufficient organic carbon sources, such that heterotrophic attached bacteria will not grow due to insufficient carbon and energy sources. Dissolved organic carbon secreted by Maf can be used by bacteria for growth (Casamatta and Wickstrom 2000), and bacteria attached to Microcystis encode higher relative abundances of carbon degradation genes and β-glucosidase activity to enable the use of organic carbon secreted by Microcystis . Therefore, strain JXJ CY41 T could utilize the organic carbon secreted by Maf for growth since it had many genes related to various glycosidase activity (Table S6) and carbohydrate-active enzymes (Fig. S6), which was probably the main reason that its cell density increased significantly during the second 9 days. ...
... Similar phenomena were also observed in co-cultures of Microcystis and their attached bacteria (Xiao et al. 2022a, b, c;Zhang et al. 2016bZhang et al. , c, 2017. Metabolites from M. aeruginosa show inhibition on some bacteria including its partially attached bacteria (Casamatta and Wickstrom 2000), Aeromonas hydrophila, Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Streptoverticillium (Østensvik et al. 1998;Valdor and Aboal 2007). And some main microcystins were also tested for the antibacterial assay. ...
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A novel alphaproteobacterial strain JXJ CY 41T was isolated from a culture mass of Microcystis, collected from Lake Dianchi, south-west, China. Strain JXJ CY 41T was gram-strain-negative, aerobic, motile, with rod-shaped cells (0.4–1.0 × 1.7–3.5 μm). It was positive for catalase and starch hydrolysis, negative for oxidase and hydrolysis of Tweens (20, 40, and 80). Growth occurred at 10–44 °C, pH 5.0–10.0, and 0–5.0% (w/v) NaCl. Major fatty acids included C16:0 (28.1%), 11-methyl C18:1 ω7c (36.7%) and C18:1 ω7c (20.8%). Q10 was the sole ubiquinone. The polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, glycolipid, and an unidentified lipid. The DNA G + C content was 63.1%. Its 16S rRNA gene sequence showed high similarities with Devosia oryziradicis G19T (99.5%; not validly published), D. yakushimensis Yak96BT (98.3%) and D. ginsengisoli Gsoil 520T (98.1%), and less than 98.1% similarities with other members of the genus Devosia. The digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strain JXJ CY 41T and its 5 closest similar strains were 19.9–24.1% and 75.7–80.5%, respectively. Based on the data above, strain JXJ CY 41T was identified as a novel species of the genus Devosia, for which the epithet Devosia lacusdianchii sp. nov. was proposed. The type strain is JXJ CY 41T (= KCTC 72812T = CGMCC 1.17502T). Strain JXJ CY 41T exhibited different interactions with Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB-905 (Maf) under different conditions, and Maf could control the bacterial cellular density by secreting unknown specific chemical compounds according to its nutritional requirements.
... Dissolved organic carbons from Microcystis can be assimilated by bacteria (Casamatta and Wickstrom 2000). Cellular densities of JXJ CY 05,11,37,53,and 57 in BCs,and JXJ CY 05,11,16,18,37,and 57 in TCs,and JXJ CY 53 in TCs with some other attached bacteria increased by about 1.5-100 times on day 5 of co-cultivation (Table 4), indicating that these bacteria could utilize the exudates of MF-905 for growth. ...
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An alpha-proteobacterial strain JXJ CY 53 T was isolated from the cyanosphere of Microcystis sp. FACHB-905 (MF-905) collected from Lake Dianchi, China. JXJ CY 53 T was observed to be an aerobic, Gram-stain-negative, oval shaped, and mucus-secreting bacterium. It had C18:1ω7c and C16:0 as the major cellular fatty acids, Q-10 as the predominant ubiquinone, and sphingoglycolipid, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylmethylethanolamine as the polar lipids. The G + C content of DNA was 65.85%. The bacterium had 16S rRNA gene sequence identities of 98.9% and 98.7% with Sphingomonas panni DSM 15761 T and Sphingomonas hankookensis KCTC 22579 T, respectively, while less than 97.4% identities with other members of the genus. Further taxonomic analysis indicated that JXJ CY 53 T represented a new member of Sphingomonas, and the species epithet was proposed as Sphingomonas lacusdianchii sp. nov. (type strain JXJ CY 53 T = KCTC 72813 T = CGMCC 1.17657 T). JXJ CY 53 T promoted the growth of MF-905 by providing bio-available phosphorus and nitrogen, plant hormones, vitamins, and carotenoids. It could modulate the relative abundances of nonculturable bacteria associated with MF-905 and influence the interactions of MF-905 and other bacteria isolated from the cyanobacterium, in addition to microcystin production characteristics. Meanwhile, MF-905 could provide JXJ CY 53 T dissolved organic carbon for growth, and control the growth of JXJ CY 53 T by secreting specific chemicals other than microcystins. Overall, these results suggest that the interactions between Microcystis and its attached bacteria are complex and dynamic, and may influence the growth characteristics of the cyanobacterium. This study provided new ideas to understand the interactions between Microcystis and its attached bacteria. Key points • A novel bacterium (JXJCY 53T) was isolated from the cyanosphere of Microcystis sp. FACHB-905 (MF-905) • JXJCY 53Tmodulated the growth and microcystin production of MF-905 • MF-905 could control the attached bacteria by specific chemicals other than microcystins (MCs)
... In addition to these benefits, colony formation provides a habitat for heterotrophic bacteria embedded in the mucilage. This microenvironment, known as the phycosphere (named by analogy with the rhizosphere; Bell and Mitchell, 1972), is the site of numerous biotic interactions such as competition or exchange of nutrients (Fuks et al., 2005;Yuan et al., 2009), inhibition (Ozaki et al., 2008;Rashidan and Bird, 2001) or stimulation of cyanobacterial growth (Casamatta and Wickstrom, 2000;Eiler et al., 2006;Jackrel et al., 2021), as well as biodegradation of cyanotoxins (Bourne et al., 2006;Briand et al., 2016) and the formation of aggregates (Shen et al., 2011). It has been shown that the structure and composition of bacterial communities associated with M. aeruginosa change during the development of a cyanobacterial bloom (Parveen et al., 2013), suggesting that the physiological state of cyanobacteria could have a direct impact on the community of associated bacteria. ...
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Due to climate changes and eutrophication, blooms of predominantly toxic freshwater cyanobacteria are intensifying and are likely to colonize estuaries, thus impacting benthic organisms and shellfish farming representing a major ecological, health and economic risk. In the natural environment, Microcystis form large mucilaginous colonies that influence the development of both cyanobacterial and embedded bacterial communities. However, little is known about the fate of natural colonies of Microcystis by salinity increase. In this study, we monitored the fate of a Microcystis dominated bloom and its microbiome along a French freshwater-marine gradient at different phases of a bloom. We demonstrated changes in the cyanobacterial genotypic composition, in the production of specific metabolites (toxins and compatible solutes) and in the heterotrophic bacteria structure in response to the salinity increase. In particular M. aeruginosa and M. wesenbergii survived salinities up to 20. Based on microcystin gene abundance, the cyanobacteria became more toxic during their estuarine transfer but with no selection of specific microcystin variants. An increase in compatible solutes occurred along the continuum with extensive trehalose and betaine accumulations. Salinity structured most the heterotrophic bacteria community, with an increased in the richness and diversity along the continuum. A core microbiome in the mucilage-associated attached fraction was highly abundant suggesting a strong interaction between Microcystis and its microbiome and a likely protecting role of the mucilage against an osmotic shock. These results underline the need to better determine the interactions between the Microcystis colonies and their microbiome as a likely key to their widespread success and adaptation to various environmental conditions.
... BG11 medium is a synthetic medium that lacks su cient organic carbon sources, such that heterotrophic attached bacteria will not grow due to insu cient carbon and energy sources. Dissolved organic carbon secreted by Maf can be used by bacteria for growth (Casamatta and Wickstrom 2000), and bacteria attached to Microcystis encode higher relative abundances of carbon degradation genes and βglucosidase activity to enable the use of organic carbon secreted by Microcystis ). ...
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A novel alphaproteobacterial strain JXJ CY 41 T was isolated from a culture mass of Microcystis , collected from Lake Dianchi, south-west, China. Strain JXJ CY 41 T was gram-negative, aerobic, motile, with rod-shaped cells (0.4–1.0 × 1.7–3.5 μm). It was positive for catalase and starch hydrolysis, negative for oxidase and hydrolysis of Tweens (20, 40, and 80). Growth occurred at 10–44°C, pH 5.0–10.0, and 0–5.0% ( w / v ) NaCl. Major fatty acids included C 16:0 (28.1%), 11-methyl C 18:1 ω7c (36.7%) and C 18:1 ω7c (20.8%). Q10 was the sole ubiquinone. The polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, glycolipid, and an unidentified lipid. The DNA G + C content was 63.1%. Its 16S rRNA gene sequence showed high similarities with Devosia oryziradicis G19 T (99.5%; not validly published), D. yakushimensis Yak96B T (98.3%) and D. ginsengisoli Gsoil 520 T (98.1%), and less than 98.1% similarities with other members of the genus Devosia . The digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strain JXJ CY 41 T and its 5 closest similar strains were 19.9-24.1% and 75.7-80.5%, respectively. Based on these data above, strain JXJ CY 41 T was identified as a novel species of the genus Devosia , for which the epithet Devosia lacusdianchii sp. nov. was proposed. The type strain is JXJ CY 41 T (=KCTC 72812 T =CGMCC 1.17502 T ). Strain JXJ CY 41 T exhibited different interactions with Maf under different conditions, and Maf could control the bacterial cellular density by secreting unknown specific chemical compounds according to algal nutritional requirement.
... Using mass spectrometry, detectable amounts of the hepatotoxin microcystin-LR were present in cell extracts of the Desmonostoc strain (Nowruzi and Becerra-Absalón, 2022). Casamatta and Wickstrom (Casamatta and Wickstrom, 2000) reported that the exudates of Microcystis aeruginosa were inhibitory towards bacterial plankton communities. A number of nucleosides -tubercidin, toyocamycin and their corresponding derivatives isolated from Scytonemataceae members were observed to be toxic towards Aspergillus oryzae, Candida albicans, Penicillium notatum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ...
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Agriculture requires the extensive use of chemical pesticides to protect crops against pests and diseases. An important mechanism for the biological control of pathogenic fungi is the breakdown of their cell walls. Cyanobacteria are found commonly growing as blooms which provides a competitive advantage to these organisms. This is one of the critical factors responsible for the production of several hydrolytic enzymes with antifungal activity. However, the role of the hydrolytic enzymes of Neowestiellopsis and Desmonostoc, which are implicated in the fungicidal activity of several biocontrol strains, has not been explored. Therefore in this study, hydrolytic enzymes (chitosanase, protease, FPase, carboxymethyl cellulose, xylanase, cellobiohydrolases and cellobiase) of two cyanobacteria strains were evaluated against a set of phytopathogenic fungi (Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Verticillium dahliae and Phytophthora). The results of statistical analysis showed that the level of protease, FPase and xylanase activity in Desmonostoc alborizicum cyanobacterial extract has been significantly higher than in Neowestiellopsis. Moreover, IAA hormone activity and soluble protein content were significantly higher in Desmonostoc alborizicum cyanobacterial extract. While CMCase, cellobiohydrolases, cellobiase, and chitosanase activity was significantly higher in Neowestiellopsis persica A1387 cyanobacterial extract in comparison to Desmonostoc alborizicum. Moreover, Neowestiellopsis persica was observed to be highly potent in terms of its fungicidal activity. Comparative evaluation of the activity of hydrolytic enzymes and antifungal activity revealed that such enzymes might contribute to the fungicidal activity of the cyanobacterial strains, besides other bioactive compounds, including IAA, which are established promising traits for biocontrol agents. This study is a first-time report on the production of hydrolytic enzymes by these two cyanobacteria strains, which can be potential candidates for the development of biocontrol agent(s) against selected phytopathogenic fungi.
... The data of annotated genes (Supplementary Table S4) from the GO database indicated that strain JXJ CY 35 T could potentially secrete many plant growth hormones, such as indole-3-acetic acid, auxin, abscisic acid, ethylene, and polyamine, and various fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 12 , K 1 , K 2 , and E, which may also be the growth-promoting factors of Maf under certain conditions. Organic nutrients such as organic carbon sources secreted by Ma (Casamatta and Wickstrom, 2000) can be utilized by attached bacteria for survival. β-glucosidase produced by bacteria is involved in utilizing organic carbon secreted by Microcystis . ...
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In eutrophic water, attached bacteria of Microcystis play an important role in the formation, development, and degradation of Microcystis blooms. A novel actinobacterium, designated as JXJ CY 35 T , was isolated from the culture mass of Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB-905 (Maf) collected from Lake Dianchi, Yunnan Province, China. Strain JXJ CY 35 T was gram-positive, acid-fast staining, aerobic, with short rod-shaped cells, positive for catalase, and negative for oxidase. The isolate was able to grow at 10.0–36.0°C, pH 4.0–10.0, and tolerate up to 5.0% (w/v) NaCl, with optimal growth at 28°C, pH 7.0–8.0, and 0% (w/v) NaCl. Cell-wall peptidoglycan contains aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, and alanine, with mannose, ribose, galactose, and arabinose as whole-cell sugars. Polar lipids consist of diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), glycolipid (GL1-3), phosphoglycolipid (PGL), phosphatidylinositol (PI), and unidentified lipid (L1). The predominant menaquinone was MK-9. Major fatty acids (>10%) were C 17:1 ω7c (37.0%) and C 18:1 ω9c (18.9%). The complete genome sequence of strain JXJ CY 35 T was 6,138,096 bp in size with a DNA G + C content of 68.3%. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, it has 98.2% similarity to Mycolicibacterium arabiense JCM 18538 T . The digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between strain JXJ CY 35 T and the closest five type strains M. arabiense JCM 18538 T , M. goodii ATCC 700504 T , M. mageritense DSM 44476 T , M. austroafricanum DSM 44191 T , and Mycobacterium neglectum CECT 8778 T were 52.1, 20.3, 20.3, 20.6, and 19.8%, and 92.7, 75.5, 75.6, 76.0, and 75.2%, respectively. On the basis of the above taxonomic data and differences in physiological characteristics from the closely related type strain, strain JXJ CY 35 T was determined to represent a novel species of genus Mycolicibacterium , for which the name Mycolicibacterium lacusdiani sp. nov., is proposed. The type strain is JXJ CY 35 T (=KCTC 49379 T = CGMCC 1.17501 T ). Different inoculation dosages of the type strain JXJ CY 35 T could exhibit different effects on the growth of Maf and its toxin synthesis and release. Strain JXJ CY 35 T could promote the growth of Maf by providing it with available phosphorus, nitrogen, probably vitamins, and plant growth hormones.
A novel actinobacterial strain, designated as JXJ CY 30 T, was isolated from the phycosphere of Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB-905 (Maf) collected from Lake Dianchi, China. The strain was a Gram-stain-positive, aerobic and coccus-shaped actinobacterium. It had alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and lysine in the peptidoglycan, and mannose, ribose and arabinose in its cell wall sugars, anteiso-C15:0 and iso-C15:0 as the main cellular fatty acids, MK-7 and MK-8 as the major respiratory quinones, and phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, glycolipid, and an unidentified phospholipid as the polar lipids. The DNA G + C content was 73.08%. Its 16 S rRNA gene sequence shared 99.14%, and 98.75% similarities with Micrococcus flavus DSM 19079 T and M. porci KD337-16T, respectively, and ≤98.41% similarities with other type strains of the genus Micrococcus. It formed independent clade with M. flavus DSM 19079 T on the phylogenetic trees. The digital DNA-DNA hybridization and average nucleotide identity values between strain JXJ CY 30 T and M. flavus DSM 19079 T and M. porci KD337-16T were 48.0% and 92.1%, 25.5% and 83.2%, respectively. These data above indicated that strain JXJ CY 30 T represented a new species of the genus Micrococcus, and the species epithet is proposed as Micrococcus lacusdianchii sp. nov. (type strain JXJ CY 30 T = KCTC 49378 T = CGMCC 1.17508 T). Strain JXJ CY 30 T can potentially provide Maf with various nutrients such as available phosphorus and nitrogen, plant hormones, various vitamins and carotenoids for growth, while it was inhibited by metabolites from its symbiotic algae Maf.
Cyanobacterial blooms caused by eutrophication have become a major environmental problem in aquatic ecosystems worldwide over the last few decades. Phosphorus is a limiting nutrient that affects the growth of cyanobacteria and plays a role in dynamic changes in algal density and the formation of cyanobacterial blooms. Therefore, identifying the association between phosphorus sources and Microcystis, which is the most representative and harmful cyanobacteria, is essential for building an understanding of the ecological risks of cyanobacterial blooms. However, systematic reviews summarizing the relationships between Microcystis and phosphorus in aquatic environments are rare. Thus, this study provides a comprehensive overview of the physiological and ecological interactions between phosphorus sources and Microcystis in aquatic environments from the following perspectives: (i) the effects of phosphorus source and concentration on Microcystis growth, (ii) the impacts of phosphorus on the environmental behaviors of Microcystis, (iii) mechanisms of phosphorus-related metabolism in Microcystis, and (iv) role of Microcystis in the distribution of phosphorus sources within aquatic environments. In addition, relevant unsolved issues and essential future investigations (e.g., secondary ecological risks) have been highlighted and discussed. This review provides deeper insights into the relationship between phosphorus sources and Microcystis and can serve as a reference for the evaluation, monitoring, and effective control of cyanobacterial blooms.
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This chapter focuses on the algae responsible for producing toxins. These are found in three of the eight divisions which make up the algae. These are the Chrysophyta (class Prymnesiophyceae), Cyanophyta (cyanobacteria or blue-green algae), and the Pyrrhophyta. In the Chrysophyta, the toxic species is the flagellated unicellular Prymnesium paruum. In the Cyanophyta, both marine and freshwater toxic species are found. Marine toxic forms are in the filamentous genera Lyngbya, Schizothrix, and Oscillatoria. Toxins produced are of the type responsible for the contact dermatitis called “swimmers itch”. Toxic freshwater cyanobacteria include the unicellular colonial Microcystis and the filamentous Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Nodularia, and Oscillatoria. These freshwater algae can form thick surface accumulations of cells as the water bloom develops within the water body. They are responsible for sporadic but widespread outbreaks of wild and domestic animal illness or death. They are also implicated in human poisonings in certain municipal and recreational water supplies. Two major disease types are recognized: first is paralytic shellfish poisoning and second is called ciguatera seafood poisoning. The chapter presents isolation, characterization, and toxinology of algal toxins, and analyzes the environmental role of algal toxins. Whatever the role for algal toxins, it is evident that (1) they are diverse groups of physiologically potent secondary chemicals that are more chemically related to higher plant toxins than they are to bacterial or animal toxins; (2) their production should not be considered fortuitous or accidental but rather part of evolutionary processes by which the organisms have adapted to particular needs and requirements of their environment; and (3) studies on production of the toxins including possible environmental and genetic influences will serve to aid an overall understanding of secondary chemical production.
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In the Northern Adriatic Sea, marine snow dry mass varied between 3.4 and 9.1 mg 1-' during summer. In situ measurements of 02-fluxes mediated by marine snow revealed a gross primary production (GPP) ranging from 3 to 23 pg 0 2 mg-' (marine snow ash-free dry wt, AFDW) h-' 0 2 -consumption rates ranged from 1.35 to 3.7 pg O2 mg-' (marine snow AFDW) h-' and were ca 5 times the mean consumption obtained under laboratory conditions. Based on these 02-flux measurements, we eshmate that more than 90 % of the pelagic GPP is bound to marine snow aggregations and ca 70 % of the mineralization activity is mediated by marine snow associated microbes during summer. Total carbohydrate (TCHO) content in marine snow was found to be enriched by a factor of 304 as compared to the surrounding water (F = 0.82 &g TCHO ml-l). Batch cultures with marine snow were designed to investigate the influence of marine snow on the free-living microbial community. In the chambers containing marine snow, growth rates (v) of the bacterial community were 3 times the rates obtained for unenriched media (containing 1 pm filtered seawater only). Based on the batch culture experiment, it is concluded that marine snow enhances not only microbial growth on/in the organic matrix of the aggregations but also favors microbial activity of the surrounding water The degree of development of the microheterotrophic food chain was quantified using the ratio (nanoflagellate biomass/bacterial biomass) X 100. In the incubation media containing marine snow, ratios o! >l00 were maintained most of the time, indicating that additional food sources other than free-living bacteria were exploited by the nanoflagellate population. It is suggested that more sensit~ve sampling methods should be used to resolve such nutrient patches which cause heterogeneity of the pelagic environment.
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This paper synthesizes current ideas on the role of the microbial loop in carbon fluxes in the ocean and proposes some directions for future research. Organic matter flux into bacteria is highly variable, which can significantly influence the pathways of carbon flow in the ocean. A goal for future research is to elucidate the mechanistic bases of bacteria-organic matter coupling. This research should take into consideration the micrometer-scale distribution of bacteria and the composition, structure, and dynamics of the organic matter field in the bacterium's microhabitat. The ideas on the interactions of bacteria with the particulate organic phase need to be revised in view of recent findings of highly abundant, previously unknown particles ranging in size from nanometers to hundreds of micrometers. The "hot-spots" in the distribution of organic matter and remineralized nutrients can influence the rates as well as the direction of biogeochemical fluxes. Slow-to-degrade dissolved organic matter (DOM) may be produced because of loose bacteria-organic matter coupling resulting in DOM storage. Its use at a later time and place has profound implications for carbon fluxes and food web dynamics. A fundamental research need for the future is to understand the ecological interactions among the members of the microbial loop in an appropriate microhabitat context. While this goal was previously intractable, new molecular and optical techniques should make it possible to understand the biogeochemical activities of the microbial loop in terms of the ecology and evolution of pelagic microbial communities.
Reviews C-N relationships in particulate and dissolved primary production; in planktonic bacterial activity (in decomposing detritus, and ammonification and immobilisation of N during bacterial mineralisation of organic material); and in benthic microbial activities (N recycling in marine sediments, and evaluation of models on N recycling).-P.J.Jarvis
It has been known for many years that filtrates from axenic algal cultures may be enriched with organic compounds. These materials, including simple amino acids and peptides, sugars, polyalcohols, and occasionally vitamins, enzymes, and toxins, are usually lumped under the term â€oe¿¿ extracellular products†• (Fogg, 1966). Studies using natural populations of phytoplankton have shown that extracellular products are not mere laboratory artifacts, and that, depending upon environmental conditions, they account for 1â€"20%of the total photoassimilated carbon (Helle bust, 1965; Nalewajko, 1966; Samuel, Shad and Fogg, 1971; Thomas, 1971). The potential significance of extracellular organic material in marine food chains is extremely interesting. Many authors (Fogg, 1966; Brock, 1966; Alexander, 1971; Whittaker and Feeney, 1971) have suggested that these products may play an important role in marine food chains, especially as potential nutrients for bac teria. However, to our knowledge, there is no direct evidence that this is so although the ability of bacteria to grow in algal cultures (Vela and Guerra, 1966; Berland, Bianchi and Maestrini, 1969) might be interpreted to support such conclusions. If, in fact, algal extracellular products are important contributors to bacterial food chains, it would seem possible to construct an aquatic counterpart of the well known â€oe¿¿ rhizosphere†• of terrestrial ecosystems (Rovira, 1965). A zone may exist, extending outward from an algal cell or colony for an undefined distance, in which bacterial growth is stimulated by extracellular products of the alga. For purposes of discussion in this paper, we will term this region the â€oe¿¿ phycosphere.†• Motile bacteria commonly exhibit chemotaxis to concentration gradients of or ganic material (Weibull, 1960; Adler, 1969). The ecology of chemotaxis by organotrophic bacteria has not been well studied, but highly species-specific re sponses to certain carbohydrates, amino acids, and nucleotide bases have been ob served (Fogel, Chet and Mitchell, 1971), and certain predatory microorganisms have been shown to be chemotactic to their prey (Chet, Fogel and Mitchell, 1971).