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The Iberomaurusian Enigma: North African Progenitor or Dead End?


Abstract and Figures

Data obtained during an ongoing dental investigation of African populations address two long-standing, hotly debated questions. First, was there genetic continuity between Late Pleistocene Iberomaurusians and later northwest Africans (e.g., Capsians, Berbers, Guanche)? Second, were skeletally-robust Iberomaurusians and northeast African Nubians variants of the same population? Iberomaurusians from Taforalt in Morocco and Afalou-Bou-Rhummel in Algeria, Nubians from Jebel Sahaba in Sudan, post-Pleistocene Capsians from Algeria and Tunisia, and a series of other samples were statistically compared using 29 discrete dental traits to help estimate diachronic local and regional affinities. Results revealed: (1) a relationship between the Iberomaurusians, particularly those from Taforalt, and later Maghreb and other North African samples, and (2) a divergence among contemporaneous Iberomaurusians and Nubian samples. Thus, some measure of long-term population continuity in the Maghreb and surrounding region is supported, whereas greater North African population heterogenity during the Late Pleistocene is implied.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Joel D. Irish
Department of Anthropology,
University of Alaska Fairbanks,
Fairbanks, Alaska
99775-7720, U.S.A.
Received 13 January 2000
Revision received 29 March
2000 and accepted 19 May
Keywords:Late Pleistocene,
Africa, Maghreb, Nubia,
dental anthropology,
morphological variation,
biological anity estimation.
The Iberomaurusian enigma: North
African progenitor or dead end?
Data obtained during an ongoing dental investigation of African
populations address two long-standing, hotly debated questions.
First, was there genetic continuity between Late Pleistocene Ibero-
maurusians and later northwest Africans (e.g., Capsians, Berbers,
Guanche)? Second, were skeletally-robust Iberomaurusians and
northeast African Nubians variants of the same population? Ibero-
maurusians from Taforalt in Morocco and Afalou-Bou-Rhummel in
Algeria, Nubians from Jebel Sahaba in Sudan, post-Pleistocene
Capsians from Algeria and Tunisia, and a series of other samples were
statistically compared using 29 discrete dental traits to help estimate
diachronic local and regional anities. Results revealed: (1) a rela-
tionship between the Iberomaurusians, particularly those from
Taforalt, and later Maghreb and other North African samples, and
(2) a divergence among contemporaneous Iberomaurusians and
Nubian samples. Thus, some measure of long-term population
continuity in the Maghreb and surrounding region is supported,
whereas greater North African population heterogenity during the
Late Pleistocene is implied.
2000 Academic Press
Journal of Human Evolution (2000) 39, 393–410
Available online at on
There are, among others, two important
questions pertaining to North African pre-
history that have been sources of bio-
archaeological contention for decades. First,
were Late Pleistocene Iberomaurusian
populations ancestral to subsequent north-
west Africans, or were they essentially a
dead-end, playing only a minor role in the
latter’s genetic make-up? Second, were the
Iberomaurusians closely related to contem-
poraneous Nubians of northeast Africa,
or are reported physical and cultural
similarities between populations merely
The term Iberomaurusian refers to: (1) a
Late Paleolithic tool industry characterized
by microlithic backed, partially backed
obtuse-ended, and other bladelets (Camps,
1974;Close, 1977;Lubell et al., 1984), and
(2) the makers of this industry; both were
present in numerous northwest African
Maghreb sites (Afalou-Bou-Rhummel, La
Mouillah, Taza Cave I, Taforalt, etc.)
between 20,000years ago and the termi-
nal Pleistocene (Ferembach, 1962,1985;
Chamla, 1973,1975,1978;Camps, 1974;
Hachi, 1996,1997;Medig et al., 1996;
Lubell, 2000). Most sites are clustered along
the Maghreb littoral in caves and rock shel-
ters: several contain human burials (Lubell,
2000). In the past, Iberomarusian peoples
have been called Mechta-Afalou, Mechta
el-Arbi, and/or Mechtoid types (see
Ferembach, 1962,1985;Vallois, 1969;
Chamla, 1973,1975,1978;Camps, 1974;
Dutour, 1985). They are a skeletally-robust
population that resembles European
Cro-magnon to some extent (Briggs, 1955;
Chamla, 1978;Ferembach, 1962,1985;
Correspondence to: Dr Joel D. Irish, Department of
Anthropology, P.O. Box 757720, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775–7720, U.S.A. Tel.:
(907) 474-6755; E-mail:
0047–2484/00/100393+ 18$35.00/0 2000 Academic Press
Clark, 1989;Groves & Thorne, 1999),
although they are said to be more rugged
(Pond, 1928;Hiernaux, 1975) or to vary in
additional ways (Briggs, 1954;Ferembach,
1962;Vallois, 1969). The origin of Ibero-
maurusians is unresolved; they may have
come from Europe, West Asia, elsewhere in
Africa, or they may have evolved in situ in
North Africa (see Vallois, 1969;Camps,
1974;Hiernaux, 1975;Ferembach, 1962,
1985;Petit-Marie & Dutour, 1987;Henke,
1990;Bermudez de Castro, 1991).
Regarding the question of population
continuity, several workers (e.g., Balout,
1955;Chamla, 1973,1975,1978;Camps,
1974;Hiernaux, 1975) believe Iberomauru-
sians contributed little to the genetic
make-up of later northwest Africans, includ-
ing Berbers and Canary Island Guanches,
although a few maintain they provided input
to the latters gene pool (Vallois, 1969;
Ferembach, 1985). Whichever the case, all
of these researchers agree Iberomaurusian
peoples were replaced in the Maghreb by
skeletally-gracile Capsians in the terminal
Late Pleistocene; it is Capsians, then, who
were the immediate ancestors of Berbers
and others (e.g., Tauregs and, perhaps,
Toubou) (Camps, 1974;Chamla, 1973,
1975,1978;Chabeuf, 1975;Hiernaux,
1975). These manufacturers of backed
blades and endscrapers on blades or large
akes, and microliths from light bladelets
(Camps, 1974;Lubell et al., 1984), have
historically been sub-divided into three,
essentially time-successive, cultural manifes-
tations: the Typical, Upper, and Neolithic of
Capsian Traditions (Vaufrey, 1933;Wulsin,
1941;Sheppard, 1987;Phillipson, 1994).
Evidence for intrapopulation skeletal diver-
sity has also been reported (see Chamla,
1973,1975,1978;Camps, 1974). Sites may
be open-air or occur within caves and rock
shelters; all contain many land snails shells,
and other diagnostic food and material
remains (Haverkort & Lubell, 1999;Lubell,
2000). A few researchers maintain that the
Capsians were indigenous (see below), but
others (Briggs, 1954,1955;Ferembach,
1962,1985:396; Camps, 1974;Chamla,
1978) believe these ‘‘proto-Mediterranean’’
peoples migrated into the area from the
eastperhaps from as far aeld as West
Conversely, craniometric and lithic analy-
ses by Lubell and co-workers (Lubell et al.,
1984;Sheppard & Lubell, 1990;Lubell,
2000) suggest there is continuity from
Iberomaurusian through Capsian times.
These researchers do not perceive a biocul-
tural hiatus, although there may have been
spatial divergence (Lubell, 1984,2000).
Some level of continuity has also been
implied in other studies (e.g., Cluzel, 1973;
Close, 1986;Hachi, 1996,1997;Ighilarhriz,
1996). Iberomaurusians may have even
survived into the early Holocene in the
Malinese Sahara (Petit-Maire & Dutour,
1987) and along the Atlantic coast
(Ferembach, 1985), and there are reports
(Balout & Briggs, 1949;Briggs, 1954,
1955;Ferembach, 1962;Chamla, 1973,
1975,1978;Camps, 1974;Camps-Fabrer,
1975) of robust Mechta-Afalou- or
Mechtoid-like skeletal remains in Capsian
and later Maghreb sites [e.g. Mechta
el-Arbi, Medjez II, Grotte des Hye`nes, Rio
Salado (see Camps, 1974 for a full listing)].
Therefore, they could indeed be ancestors to
later northwest Africans, including Cap-
sians. Moreover, Lubell et al. (1984) feel
that if there was eastern inuence, it prob-
ably came from the Nile Valley (i.e., Late
Pleistocene Nubians) rather than West Asia.
Concerning the question of anity to
contemporaneous peoples, previous studies
show that Late Pleistocene Nubians share a
number of similarities with Iberomauru-
sians; the formers Qadan (ca. 15,000
11,000 BP) microlithic industry was like
that in the Maghreb (Clark, 1970;
Ferembach, 1985;Phillipson, 1994), and
they had comparable burial practices
as evident at the Jebel Sahaba cemetery
394 ..
(SMU 117) in Lower Nubia (Wendorf,
1968). In addition, skeletal similitude
between populations has been suggested
(Anderson, 1968;Clark, 1970;Greene &
Armelagos, 1972;Dutour, 1995;Lahr &
Arensburg, 1995). Iberomaurusian skel-
etons from Dar-es-Soltan and Taforalt in
Morocco, and Ali-Bacha and Afalou-
Bou-Rhummel in Algeria, are said to look
like 12,000 year-old Nubian remains from
Wadi Halfa and Jebel Sahaba, based on
craniometric and nonmetric research
(Anderson, 1968;Greene & Armelagos,
1972). These populations, in turn, re-
semble the Nazlet Khater (Thoma, 1984;
Dutour, 1995) and 25,000-year-old Wadi
Kubbaniya remains from Egypt (Angel &
Kelley, 1986;Wendorf & Schild, 1986).
Overall, crania in these populations are said
to share many features, including prominent
brow ridges, low rectangular orbits, project-
ing zygomatic arches, alveolar prognathism,
large facial foramina, low broad mandibular
rami, gonial eversion, and large complex
teeth (see Anderson, 1968;Greene, 1972;
Greene & Armelagos, 1972).
However, Bermudez de Castros (1991)
dental comparison between the small Wadi
Halfa Nubian sample and the Taforalt and
Afalou-Bou-Rhummel Iberomaurusians
was inconclusive. Further, Camps (1974)
reports that the Qadan tool industry diers
noticeably from that of the Iberomauru-
sians, and describes several physical dier-
ences between the two contemporaneous
populations. Along these lines, craniofacial
(Franciscus, 1995, personal communi-
cation, 1995), dental (Irish, 1999), and
post-cranial (Holliday, 1995) comparative
analyses of the Taforalt and Afalou-Bou-
Rhummel samples with Jebel Sahaba
Nubians have cast doubts on a close biologi-
cal anity; all show that the former two
samples exbibit many features reminiscent
of later North Africans, whereas Late Pleis-
tocene Nubians are more like recent sub-
Saharan Africans. These ndings are largely
supported by Groves & Thornes (1999)
recent cranial analyses.
With this review of purported population
origins and relationships as a backdrop, the
goal of the present study is to address
the two dichotomous questions posed at the
outset. For this purpose, I will use dental
analyses of 16 Late Pleistocene through
recent North African samples (n=818 indi-
viduals). This study comprises a morpho-
logical examination of two Iberomaurusian
samples, and a multivariate statistical com-
parison of these data with those in: (1)
indigenous northwest Africans, including
Capsians, Shawia and Kabyle Berbers, and
Guanches, (2) Late Pleistocene Jebel
Sahaba Nubians, (3) post-Pleistocene
Nubians and Egyptians, and (4) West
Asian-derived Carthaginians and Bedouin
Arabs from the Maghreb. The latter two sets
of nine samples are included to help facili-
tate a better understanding of North African
population history in a broader, more
region- and circum-Mediterranean-oriented
The two Iberomaurusian samples (Figure
1), comprising 90 dentitions, were recorded
at the Institut de Pale´ontologie Humaine.
They were recovered from the cave site of
Taforalt (n=42) (abbreviated at TAF in
Figures 2 and 4) in Morocco, and the
Afalou-Bou-Rhummel (n=48) (AFA) rock
shelter in Algeria. Remains from these sites
were dated 16,750 BP and ca. 12,500
10,500 BP, respectively (Chamla, 1978;
Vallois, 1969); however, Lubell et al. (1992)
recently suggested Taforalt is younger, and
Hachis (1996) re-dating of Afalou yielded
an older range of 13,120370 to 11,450
230 BP.
Capsian (CAP) remains are located at
the University of Minnesota, University
of Alberta, and Institut de Pale´ontologie
Humaine. Although background records are
395 
incomplete, this small, heterogenous sample
comes from both Algerian and Tunisian
sites [including Mechta el-Arbi, Mechta-
Chateaudun, Aı¨n Dokkara, and Grotte des
Hye`nes (Camps, 1974;Chamla, 1975)],
which are apparently associated with the
Typical (n=2 inds), Upper (n=12), and
Neolithic of Capsian Tradition (n=8) indus-
tries. Inclusive Capsian dates generally
range from ca. 8500 to 5000 BP (Chamla,
1973;Camps, 1974;Sheppard, 1987),
though Lubell (1984,2000, personal com-
munication, 2000; Lubell et al., 1992) notes
that two sites, Aı¨n Misteheyia and Kef
Zoura D, date to ca. 9800 BP.
The Shawia Berber (SHA) sample con-
sists of 26 historic individuals who originally
lived just south of Constantine, Algeria
(Figure 1). The sample is curated at the
Muse´edelHomme. Greenberg (1966)
characterizes Berbers as speaking one of
several dialects (e.g., Shawia) of a native
Berber language, which reects an inuence
from Phoenician, Latin, and Arabic sources
(Bynon, 1970). Such heterogeneity is con-
sistent with the fact that Berbers, especially
those from less mountainous regions in
Algeria and Morocco, like the Shawia,
exhibit signs of admixture with Arabs and
other nonindigenous groups (Carthaginian,
Greek, Roman, Spanish, Turkish, French)
(Wysner, 1945).
The Kabyle Berber (KAB) sample is
made up of 32 historic crania from the
Djurdjura Mountains of north Algeria
(Wysner, 1945). They are also curated at
the Muse´edelHomme. Unlike many
Berbers, the Kabyle remained isolated
from the many outsiders who successively
conquered lands throughout North Africa
beginning roughly 2800 years ago; as such,
they experienced little genetic admixture
(Wysner, 1945).
The Canary Island Guanche (CAN)
sample consists of 163 crania, curated at the
Muse´edelHomme, the American Museum
of Natural History, and the National
Museum of Natural History. Many
researchers believe they were closely related
to northwest African Berbers, and may have
been recipients of some gene ow from
Arabs and Carthaginians (Schwidetsky,
Figure 1. Origin locations of the 16 North African dental samples.
396 ..
1963;Mercer, 1980;Bermudez de Castro,
1989;Irish, 1993,1998b). The exact date of
the series is unknown, but radiocarbon
dating in grottos, caves, and tumuli, like
those from which the present remains
were removed, range between 2020 and
31070 BP, with a median age of 1600
1100 years BP (Mercer, 1980;Bermudez de
Castro, 1989).
The late Paleolithic Nubian (NUB)
sample, ca. 14,50012,500 BP, consists of
67 crania from Jebel Sahaba (and Tushka)
(see Figure 1) in Lower Nubia. Remains
were excavated from three late Paleolithic
cemeteries: SMU 67/5A, 80, and 117
(Wendorf, 1968); they are curated at
Southern Methodist University. As noted,
the remains are associated with a Qadan
microlithic industry level of technology,
estimated to have begun around 15,000 BP.
The other seven northeast African
samples are, as noted, included in the analy-
sis to help delineate Iberomaurusian ani-
ties at a regional level. Three samples com-
prise 12th Dynasty through Byzantine
Egyptians (40001400 BP) (Elliot Smith &
Wood-Jones, 1910;Baines & Malek, 1982)
from Lisht (LIS) (n=61), El Hesa (HES)
(n=72), and Kharga Oasis (KHA) (n=26).
They are at the American and National
Museums of Natural History. Egyptians
may be indigenous, or may have originated
in West Asia and migrated into Africa dur-
ing the Neolithic (Curto, 1972;Mourant,
1983). Whichever the case, by the Dynastic
period they represented a heterogeneous
people, from combining of many ethnic
elements (e.g., Mediterranean, Berber,
Nubian) (Curto, 1972;Davidson, 1974).
The other four samples are from Nubia.
One consists of 18th Dynasty Pharonic
Nubians (35753380 BP) (Trigger, 1976)
from Soleb (SOL) (n=32); the rest include
Meroitic (MER) (n=91), X-Group (XGR)
(n=39), and Christian (CHR) (n=18)
Nubians (2100600 BP) from Semna
(Zabkar & Zabkar, 1982). The Pharonic
sample was recorded at the Muse´ede
lHomme; the others are at Arizona State
University. Post-Pleistocene Nubian origins
are unclear; they may represent indigen-
ous peoples that possess a sub-Saharan
component (Greene, 1967,1972;Carlson &
Van Gerven, 1979), or heavily admixed
migrants (Irish & Turner, 1990;Turner &
Markowitz, 1990).
Lastly, the Carthaginian (CAR) and
Bedouin Arab (BED) samples are not indig-
enous to Africa; they are included to provide
some measure of comparison to West Asian
populations, which from a dental analysis
perspective is important though, to date,
rarely studied (see below). They are also of
interest because of reported admixture with
Berber and Guanche populations. The
Carthaginian sample consists of 28 crania
from Carthage, Tunisia (Figure 1). Twenty-
four were recovered from Punic levels
(Charles-Picard & Picard, 1969). The
remainder may date to Punic or Roman
times. All are curated at the Muse´ede
lHomme in Paris. Carthage was founded
in 751 BC by Phoenicians, a West Asian
people from Lebanon (Charles-Picard &
Picard, 1969). Romans conquered Carthage
in 146 BC. The Bedouin Arab sample
(n=49) comprises a mix of historic crania:
36 from Morocco, 10 from Algeria, two
from Tunisia, and one from Libya. The
latter was recorded at the University of
Minnesota; the others are at the Muse´ede
lHomme. Arabs rst entered Africa along
the Suez isthmus in the seventh century.
More arrived in the 11th century, when
Bedouins immigrated from Syria (Julian,
1970;Hiernaux, 1975). They appear similar
to Berbers, with whom they are heavily
admixed (Julien, 1970;Hiernaux, 1975).
The present study is concerned with mor-
phological variation in the permanent den-
tition. Up to 36 nonmetric dental and
397 
osseous oral traits were recorded in each
individual (see list in Table 1). However, the
maximum trait number for Iberomaurusians
and many Capsians was often less, due
to UI1 evulsion (detailed in Briggs, 1955;
Ferembach, 1962;Camps, 1974;Camps-
Fabrer, 1975;Caillard, 1978;Chamla,
1978;Medig et al., 1996) and extreme
Except for midline diastema, each dental
feature is found in the Arizona State Univer-
sity (ASU) Dental Anthropology System
(Turner et al., 1991). System procedures are
based on well-established criteria for scoring
intratrait variation. Traits are recorded using
23 rank-scale reference plaques, that stand-
ardize scoring by providing representations
of minimum, maximum, and the most
common intermediate expressions (Turner
et al., 1991).
The reasons for selecting these traits are
described fully elsewhere (Irish, 1993,
1998a). In brief, they are easy to record,
resist wear, possess a high genetic compo-
nent in expression (Scott, 1973; Turner,
personal communication, 1986; Turner
et al., 1991;Scott & Turner, 1997), and as
Turner et al. (1991:13) state,
‘‘. . . the fossil record has shown that (whatever
their adaptive value) they evolve very slowly
and, altogether, . . . powerfully characterize
populations for anity studies.’’
Along these lines, individual and collec-
tive expressions of the 36 traits are docu-
mented from elsewhere in Africa (Irish,
1993,1997,1998a,b,c;Johnson & Lovell,
1994), as well as Asia, Europe, India, and
the New World (Dahlberg, 1963;Hanihara,
1967; Turner, 1985b,1992a,b;Lukacs
et al., 1998). Such documentation facilitates
the future comparisons of suites of features
within and among world samples and
regions (see Scott & Turner, 1997;Irish,
After selection of traits, a decision regard-
ing which antimere to score is required. One
common method entails counting the right
or left side in all individuals (Haeussler et al.,
1988). A second method is to score both
antimeres and then, allowing for possible
asymmetry, count the side that shows
highest expression (Turner & Scott, 1977).
Thus, if a grade 1 is scored for Bushman
canine on one antimere and a grade 0 is
present on the other, the grade 1 is used for
analysis. To maximize sample size if just one
side is present, that side is scored and
assumed to represent highest expression.
This standard ASU System protocol is
termed the individual counting procedure,
and assumes scoring for the individuals
maximum genetic potential for that trait
(Turner, 1985a); it is used in the present
Finally, due to a documented lack of trait
sexual dimorphism (Scott, 1973,1980;
Smith & Shegev, 1988;Bermudez de
Castro, 1989;Turner et al., 1991;Hanihara,
1992;Irish, 1993), it is standard System
procedure to pool the sexes (Irish, 1997);
this protocol is followed here. For a com-
plete description of ASU System pro-
cedures, traits, and rationale, see Turner
et al. (1991) and Scott & Turner (1997).
After recording, trait frequencies were
determined for each sample and C. A. B.
Smiths Mean Measure of Divergence
(MMD) distance statistic, using the
Freeman and Tukey angular transformation
correction (Berry & Berry, 1967;Sjøvold,
1973;Green & Suchey, 1976) for small
sample sizes, and low (c0·05) or high
(d0·95) trait frequencies (Sjøvold, 1977)
was used. This multivariate technique pro-
vides a quantitative estimate of biological
divergence among samples based on the
degree of phenetic similarity for all traits. An
MMD calculated between sample pairs is a
dissimilarity measure; thus, lower values
indicate greater anity, and vice versa. It is
assumed that phenetic similarity approxi-
mates or is an estimate of genetic variation
(Scott et al., 1983). To detect if samples
398 ..
signicantly dier from one another, an
MMD is compared to its standard deviation.
If MMD>2SD, the null hypothesis
(P1=P2, where P=sample population) is
rejected at the 0·025 signicance level
(Sjøvold, 1977).
Prior work suggests that as many discrete
traits as possible be used in calculating
MMD values (Sjøvold, 1977, personal com-
munication, 1993). However, they should
not be correlated, otherwise dierential
weighting of underlying dimensions can
yield misleading results (Sjøvold, 1977). To
test for correlation, Kendalls tau-b and
Spearmans rho rank-order correlation coef-
cient statistics were employed on the
ranked variables. The largest correlation (r)
is only 0·332 (tau-b) to 0·357 (rho)
between double shoveling UI1 and labial
curvature UI1; the total amount of variance
)is0·110·13, which means only 1113%
of the variance in the former trait is related
to that of the latter. Moreover, these particu-
lar traits were not used in the MMD analysis
(see below). The remaining trait pair corre-
lations are all much closer to zero. Thus,
there are no signicant correlations among
any of the 36 traits (Carr, personal com-
munication, 1991), even though some may
be present on the same tooth (e.g., Bushman
canine UC and distal accessory ridge UC;
anterior fovea LM1 and deecting wrinkle
LM1). The MMD statistic also requires
that rank-scale traits be divided into cat-
egories of present and absent (Sjøvold,
1977). Dichotomization was eected based
on each traits morphological threshold (see
Scott, 1973;Haeussler et al., 1988) accord-
ing to standard procedure (Turner, 1985b,
1987;Irish, 1993).
One of the most expeditious ways in
which to present the many distance values
among samples is via multidimensional
scaling (MDS). The procedure Alscal in
SPSS 8·0 is used in the present study.
MDS provides a spatial representation of 1
to Ndimensions consisting of a geometric
conguration of points (dental samples), as
on a map (Kruskal & Wish, 1978). Thus,
plotting samples into groups indicates
degrees of relationship.
Occurrences of the 36 dental traits in the
Afalou and Taforalt samples are listed in
Table 1. The percentage of individuals in
each sample with a specic trait is presented,
along with the total number of individuals
scored. Corresponding ASU presence/
absence dichotomies follow each trait name.
To facilitate qualitative comparisons, pre-
viously published gures (Irish, 1998a,b) for
Jebel Sahaba Nubians and Capsians are
tabulated. Because of the latters small
sample size, several trait frequencies are
likely not representative, and should be
viewed with discretion (this issue is
addressed below). Data for the remaining
North Africans are also published elsewhere
(Irish, 1993,1998a,b), but for comparative
purposes, frequencies from a pooled group-
ing of these and other North Africans (Irish,
1993,1998a,b,c) are provided. Lastly, den-
tal data in Late Pleistocene Natuans from
Israel (Lipschultz, 1996) are listed in the
nal column; they are briey discussed later.
In prior work (Irish, 1993,1998a,b)I
described how the 13 post-Pleistocene
North African samples in the present study
show an anity to Europeans, possessing
many traits that involve dental simplication
and mass reduction. Homogeneity of this
pattern, termed the North African Dental
Trait Complex, was reported despite vast
amounts of time (from 8000 year-old
Capsians to recent Berbers) and space (from
the Canary Islands to Egypt and Nubia)
(Irish, 1998b). It includes a comparatively
low incidence of UI1 shoveling, UC distal
accessory ridge, six-cusped LM1, LM1
deecting wrinkle, LM2 Y-groove pattern,
and LP1 Tomes root. In addition, there are
relatively high frequencies of four-cusped
399 
Table 1 Dental trait percentages and frequencies for Afalou (AFA), Taforalt (TAF), Jebel Sahaba
(NUB), Capsian (CAP), pooled sample of North Africans (NAF),* and Natufians (NAT)†
Winging UI1 0·00·029·60·07·40·0
(+ =ASU 1) 0/6 0/11 8/27 0/4 34/460 0/31
Labial curvature UI1 0·014·351·933·338·4
(+=ASU 24) 0/3 1/7 14/27 1/3 68/177
Palatine torus 13·30·012·00·09·3
(+=ASU 23) 4/30 0/17 3/25 0/8 51/551
Shoveling UI1 0·040·045·80·019·53·8
(+=ASU 26) 0/3 2/5 11/24 0/4 30/154 6/59
Double shoveling UI1 0·00·04·30·08·612·0
(+=ASU 26) 0/3 0/4 1/23 0/4 15/175 12/100
Interrupt groove UI2 43·857·116·075·036·113·0
(+ =ASU+ ) 7/16 8/14 4/25 3/4 75/208 12/92
Tuberculum dentale UI2 41·77·738·975·038·895·1
(+=ASU 26) 5/12 1/13 7/18 3/4 73/188 58/61
Bushman canine UC 16·70·020·012·56·113·8
(+=ASU 13) 2/12 0/11 4/20 1/8 16/261 8/58
Distal acc. ridge UC 0·020·088·942·917·936·4
(+=ASU 25) 0/7 1/5 8/9 3/7 35/195 8/22
Hypocone UM2 97·0 100·094·1 100·076·791·2
(+=ASU 35) 32/33 20/20 32/34 9/9 342/466 134/147
Cusp 5 UM1 45·510·033·325·012·63·2
(+=ASU 25) 5/11 1/10 5/15 2/8 45/357 6/189
Carabellis UM1 41·771·450·0 100·054·781·1
(+=ASU 27) 5/12 5/7 7/14 4/4 181/331 73/90
Parastyle UM3 3·10·00·00·01·20·8
(+=ASU 15) 1/32 0/18 0/37 0/8 4/332 1/133
Enamel extension UM1 0·00·058·30·06·80·0
(+=ASU 13) 0/31 0/21 21/36 0/12 34/503 0/156
Root No. UP1 55·662·572·736·457·166·7
(+ =ASU 2+) 15/27 10/16 24/33 4/11 267/468 22/33
Root No. UM2 87·562·573·085·778·693·5
(+ =ASU 3+) 14/16 10/16 27/37 6/7 294/374 43/46
Peg-reduced UI2 0·00·02·90·01·8
(+ =ASU P or R) 0/33 0/27 1/34 0/8 5/275
Odontome P1-2 20·00·00·00·00·20·6
(+ =ASU+ ) 2/10 0/10 0/11 0/11 1/144 1/161
Congenital absence UM3 2·94·50·018·215·2
(+=ASU) 1/35 1/22 0/45 2/11 83/545
Midline diastema UI1 0·00·023·10·06·1
(+=d0·5 mm) 0/6 0/13 6/26 0/4 25/413
Lingual cusp LP2 89·535·793·383·372·660·2
(+=ASU 29) 17/19 5/14 14/15 10/12 196/270 59/98
Anterior fovea LM1 0·08·369·250·037·9
(+=ASU 24) 0/12 1/12 9/13 5/10 75/198
Mandibular torus 0·00·00·00·01·0
(+=ASU 23) 0/28 0/25 0/47 0/17 5/493
Groove pattern LM2 79·334·862·533·330·630·5
(+ =ASU Y) 23/29 8/23 20/32 5/15 123/402 47/154
Rocker jaw 13·829·20·020·019·3
(+=ASU 12) 4/29 7/24 0/45 3/15 93/481
Cusp No. LM1 11·113·331·320·07·719·2
(+ =ASU 6+) 2/18 2/15 10/32 3/15 27/352 30/156
Cusp No. LM2 76·910·594·631·333·640·9
(+ =ASU 5+) 20/26 2/19 35/37 5/16 128/381 72/176
400 ..
LM2 and M3 agenesis, as well as UM1
Carabellis trait and two-rooted LC. Rocker
a common European feature (Turner
& Markowitz, 1990), is also seen. West
Asians are reported to possess many similar
traits (Roler, 1992;Lipschultz, 1996),
although comprehensive study of these
populations has yet to be undertaken. Any
North African deviations way from this
simple dental pattern are in the direction
of complex, sub-Saharan traits (e.g., UI2
tuberculum dentale, Bushman canine, two-
rooted UP1, three-rooted UM2), suggesting
some admixture with these peoples (Irish,
1993,1997). These ndings agree with
genetic-based results that link North
Africans to Europeans and West Asians,
but record many sub-Saharan inuenced
markers (e.g., Mourant, 1983;Hiernaux,
1975;Nurse et al., 1985;Sanchez-
Mazas et al., 1986;Excoer et al., 1987;
Roychoudhury & Nei, 1988;Arnaiz-Villena
et al., 1997).
Iberomaurusian dental trait frequencies
suggest that the time depth for the North
African pattern may be pushed back farther
than formerly envisioned (Irish, 1998b).
Taforalt teeth possess simple morphology,
and include such diagnostic traits as the UI2
interruption groove, LM2, +-groove pat-
tern, four-cusped LM2, M3 agenesis (or
reduction), and rocker jaw. The Afalou
dentitions show a similar pattern, albeit
with a trend toward greater morphological
complexity. Such traits as ve-cusped UM1,
LM2 Y-groove pattern, ve-cusped LM2,
and LP1 Tomes root are present in
markedly higher frequencies (see Table 1).
Dentitions of Late Pleistocene Jebel
Sahaba Nubians have extremely high fre-
quencies of complex, mass-additive (and
Although the ASU Systems rocker jaw trait is most
often associated with unrelated Polynesians (Turner &
Scott, 1977), its second highest worldwide incidence is
reported among Europeans and other nearby peoples
(e.g., Turner & Markowitz, 1990). It thus serves, along
with other oral discrete traits, as an excellent discrimi-
nator between European-like peoples and Asians and
sub-Saharan Africans.
Table 1 Continued
Deecting wrinkle LM1 0·00·030·822·28·23·4
(+=ASU 23) 0/14 0/11 4/13 2/9 22/267 4/119
C1-C2 crest LM1 0·00·00·00·03·30·0
(+ =ASU+ ) 0/6 0/8 0/16 0/8 9/276 0/119
Protostylid LM1 15·030·829·246·232·514·4
(+=ASU 16) 3/20 4/13 7/24 6/13 114/351 21/146
Cusp 7 LM1 14·83·89·718·85·12·9
(+=ASU 24) 4/27 1/26 3/31 3/16 21/414 5/170
Tomes root LP1 21·10·052·40·08·620·0
(+=ASU 35) 4/19 0/18 11/21 0/14 32/372 2/10
Root No. LC 0·00·00·00·02·34·0
(+ =ASU 2+) 0/19 0/19 0/17 0/11 8/347 1/25
Root No. LM1 0·00·013·06·21·20·0
(+ =ASU 3+) 0/12 0/22 6/46 1/16 4/337 0/23
Root No. LM2 100·075·083·785·788·3100·0
(+ =ASU 2+) 8/8 12/16 36/43 12/14 294/333 33/33
Torsomolar angle LM3 0·04·27·727·321·6
(+ =ASU+ ) 0/23 1/24 3/39 3/11 74/343
*Nubian, Capsian, and pooled North African comparative data from Irish (1993,1998a,b) (see text for details).
Natuan comparative data from Lipschultz (1996).
401 
other) traits, including UI1 labial curvature,
UI1 shoveling, Bushman Canine, UC distal
accessory ridge, midline diastema, six-
cusped LM1, LM2 Y-5, and LP1 Tomes
root. Furthermore, they exhibit low fre-
quencies of typical North African features.
This trait combination is ubiquitous in sub-
Saharan Africans (Irish & Turner, 1990;
Irish, 1993,1997,1998a,b, for details).
These qualitative comparisons are sup-
ported by the MMD results.
nately, due to the Iberomaurusian UI1
evulsion, ve corresponding traits (winging
labial curvature, shoveling, double
shoveling, and midline diastema) were
excluded from analysis because of small
sample sizes (i.e., one or both samples <8).
Distal accessory ridge UC and C1C2 crest
LM1 were dropped for the same reason.
The remaining 29 traits were used to deter-
mine biological distances. Analysis of the
small Capsian sample was also ameliorated
by these adjustments. MMD distances
among the samples are illustrated via
interval-level, two-dimensional MDS in
Figure 2. This measurement level was
decided to be most appropriate, because the
large number of traits causes the matrix of
distance values to approximate continuous
data (Carr, personal communication, 1991).
The easily interpretable two-dimensional
conguration is used, rather than three-, due
to minimal improvement in stress and r
values at the higher dimension.
Taforalt (far left) is associated with the 13
closely clustered, post-Pleistocene samples.
Within this cluster, mingling of northwest
and northeast Africans reects the dental
homogeniety previously mentioned. MMD
values among the 13 samples range between
0·00 and 0·08; most are not signicantly
dierent. MMDs between Taforalt and
these samples vary from 0·02 to 0·14;
seven values are not signicant, includ-
ing Capsians (0·06) and Shawia Berbers
(0·04). Nonsignicant MMDs also occur
between Taforalt and Carthaginians (0·02),
Soleb Nubians (0·02), Christian Nubians
(0·04), Kharga Egyptians (0·01), and Lisht
Egyptians (0·05). Jebel Sahaba (far
right) is signicantly divergent from all
others (MMD range=0·220·47). Although
A table of distance values among all samples is
available upon request from the author.
Figure 2. Multidimensional scaling of distance values among 16 North African samples.
402 ..
simplistic, the x-axis can be envisioned as a
line representing increasing dental complex-
ity. Therefore, Taforalt has the most mass-
reduced, while Jebel Sahaba has the most
mass-additive features. Finally, Afalou (bot-
tom) shows obvious separation from the
rest, although, compared to Jebel Sahaba, it
could possibly be seen as an outlier of the
main cluster using a neighborhood approach
to MDS cluster interpretation (see
Guttman, 1954;Kruskal & Wish, 1978).
MMDs between Afalou and post-
Pleistocene samples are 0·08 to 0·27,
whereas the corresponding value between
Afalou and Taforalt is 0·17; all are signi-
cant. Analogous results (Irish, 1999) were
obtained using another distance measure
[i.e., Konigsbergs modied Mahalanobis
(Konigsberg, 1990;Ishida & Dodo, 1997)],
suggesting the anities are actual, not an
artefact of a particular statistical method.
Discussion and conclusions
How do these numerically derived ndings
relate to the questions presented in the
introduction? First, the idea that Iberomau-
rusians are unrelated to subsequent North
Africans is not supported. With Taforalt, at
least, these is no conspicuous divergence to
suggest they were a genetic dead-end.
Second, Iberomaurusians are wholly unlike
Late Pleistocene Nubians, despite pur-
ported similarities in cultural manifestations
and cranial robusticity. Indeed, Taforalt and
Jebel Sahaba appear to be at opposite ends
of a dental morphological spectrum.
With respect to population continuity,
both Iberomaurusian samples show some
degree of aliation with all later North
Africans, as suggested by the sharing of
many morphologically simple features found
in the North African Dental Trait Complex.
Taforalt exhibits the closest aliation, based
on its proximity to the post-Pleisocene clus-
ter. Within the Maghreb, Taforalt is most
akin to the Shawia Berbers and Capsians,
although the small Capsian sample
requires that these results be interpreted
with caution; Afalou shows slight similitude
to Canary Island Guanches. Together, these
anities may be indicative of regional
population continuity, which supports sev-
eral ndings by Close (1986), Lubell and
co-workers (Lubell et al., 1984;Sheppard
& Lubell, 1990;Lubell, 2000), and per-
haps those hypothesizing an Iberomau-
rusian/Guanche connection (Vallois, 1969;
Ferembach, 1985). However, there is no
evidence for a close anity between Afalou
and Capsians, or with most other samples.
Recent cranial analyses (Groves & Thorne,
1999) support these ndings. Thus,
conversely, several conclusions by Balout
(1955),Chamla (1973,1975,1978),
Camps (1974), and Hiernaux (1975) are
sustained. To further confuse matters,
Taforalt is allied with West Asian-derived
Carthaginians, and recent Egyptians and
Nubians. If not perceived as an indicator of
West Asian (e.g., Vallois, 1969) or Nile
Valley (Lubell et al., 1984)inuence, these
afnities may simply represent an overall
correspondence with the mass-reduced den-
tal pattern prevalent in greater post-
Pleistocene North Africa. The Capsian
sample is also linked with some Nubians
(Figure 2). Again, if this is not seen as sup-
port for a Capsian origin in the east (Briggs,
1954,1955;Camps, 1974;Chamla, 1978;
Ferembach, 1962,1985), it may represent a
fortuitous relationship due to sample size
and heterogeneity, or perhaps is sympto-
matic of pervasive post-Pleistocene dental
There are more denitive answers regard-
ing the question of homogeneity between
Late Pleistocene Iberomaurusians and
Nubians. Extreme divergence between the
two suggests they are not closely related.
Whereas Afalou and, particularly, Taforalt
dentitions are characterized by dental mor-
phological reduction, the Nubians exhibit a
mass-additive dental pattern, like that in
403 
sub-Saharan peoples. The latter possess a
suite of 11 mass-additive traits that I termed
the Sub-Saharan African Dental Complex
(Irish, 1997,1998a). These ndings bolster
previous dental (Irish & Turner, 1990,
1992;Irish, 1993,1997,1998a,b,c,1999),
cranial (Franciscus,1995, personal com-
munication, 1996; Groves & Thorne,
1999), and postcranial (Holliday, 1995)
Thus, evidence for a common Mechta-
Afalou population in both the Maghreb and
Nubia (Anderson, 1968;Clark, 1970;
Greene & Armelagos, 1972;Ferembach,
1985;Dutour, 1995;Lahr & Arensburg,
1995) is not supported. Calls for similarity
based on such shared cranial features as
prominent brows, projecting zygomatic
arches, gonial eversion, alveolar prognath-
ism, and complex teeth, among others
(Anderson, 1968;Greene, 1972;Greene &
Armelagos, 1972), may be ill founded.
Except for several Afalou traits, it was dem-
onstrated that Iberomaurusians do not pos-
ses complex teeth. Moreover, even a casual
inspection of crania in the three samples (see
Figure 3) reveals that many characteristic
Nubian traits, including, for example,
alveolar prognathism, are uncommon or
absent in Iberomaurusians (see Groves &
Thorne, 1999 for more detailed comparison
of traits).
Lastly, an additional, though not com-
pletely unexpected, nding entails the sig-
nicant divergence between the two Ibero-
maurusian samples. Besides shared cranial
traits, which can result from common
environmental factors (e.g., Smith, 1979),
the Taforalt and Afalou-Bou-Rhummel
samples dier in a number of dental trait
frequencies. As Ferembach (1962) notes,
such morphological variations should not be
too surprising, considering the two samples
were separated by 700 km and up to
3000years. Intra-Iberomaurusian diver-
sity has been observed in terms of racial
typologies, including Briggs(1955) AD
cranial types, Chamlas (1978:393) desig-
nation of ‘‘Typique’’ and ‘‘Gracilise´’’, and
Camps(1974:162) ‘‘Mechta-Afalou clas-
sique’’ and ‘‘Mechtoı¨des e´volue´s’’. How-
ever, whether a result of sub-Saharan gene
ow (see Lahr & Arensburg, 1995;Groves
& Thorne, 1999) into Afalou, other genetic
factors (Chamla, 1973), or even dietary and
behavioral variation (Smith, 1979), the
diversity provides additional evidence for
Late Pleistocene population heterogeneity in
the region. Therefore, it may be unwise to
pool Taforalt and Afalou into a single Ibero-
maurusian sample, as has often been the
case in previous studies (e.g., Chamla,
1980;Bermudez de Castro, 1991).
Future work to address these and related
issues will entail the collection of more den-
tal data, with an emphasis on the pivotal
Capsian sample, and Late Pleistocene and
subsequent West Asians, among others. To
briey illustrate the importance of incorpor-
ating, for example, West Asians, this study
concludes with a 22-trait comparison
between the North Africans and a sample of
Late Pleistocene (ca. 12,80010,200 BP)
Natuans (NAT) from Israel (Figure 4).
Data from these latter individuals are in
Lipschultz (1996); they were also recorded
using the ASU System. Twenty-two rather
than 29 traits (see Table 1) are compared
using the MMD statistic because the other
seven are not listed in his thesis.
Although interobserver error cannot be
ruled out as a factor, Natuans (top of
Figure 4) are signicantly divergent from
Iberomaurusians and other North Africans
(MMD range=0·100·43). Despite contem-
poraneity, they dier most from Afalou
(0·27), Taforalt (0·27), and Jebel Sahaba
(0·43). These ndings support conclusions
by Ferembach (1962),Camps (1974),
Hershkovitz et al. (1995),Lahr & Arensburg
(1995), and others (see Dutour, 1995)
based on skeletal metric and nonmetric
data. It also suggests Late Pleistocene
population heterogeneity extended beyond
404 ..
Figure 3. Lateral views of three Late Pleistocene male crania showing alveolar prognathism in Jebel
Sahaba 117-10 (top), but not in Taforalt XI-C1 (middle) or Afalou 3 (bottom).
405 
North Africa into the greater circum-
Mediterranean area, as suggested by Smith
(1979). Lastly, the Natuan lack of anity
to Caspians (0·16) is contra Ferembachs
(1962) mention of a possible ancestor
descendent relationship. Whatever the case,
clearly much remains to be worked out in
the area, and comprehensive analyses of
extra-African samples are likely to be a key
in learning the ultimate origins and anities
of Late Pleistocene through Recent North
African peoples.
With reference to a literature review of
North African population history, 36 non-
metric dental traits in two Late Pleisto-
cene Iberomaurusian samples from
Taforalt, Morocco, and Afalou-Bou-
Rhummel, Algeria, were contrasted with one
another, and with those in contemporaneous
Jebel Sahaba Nubians, post-Pleistocene
Maghreb Capsians, and 12 younger north-
west and northeast African samples.
Comparisons of trait frequencies, and results
from the Mean Measure of Divergence dis-
tance statistic using 29 of the 36 traits, facili-
tated estimates of biological anities among
samples. Taforalt Iberomaurusians are simi-
lar to many post-Pleistocene North Africans,
including such Maghreb groups as Capsians
and Shawia Berbers. Compared to Taforalt,
Afalou Iberomaurusians are divergent from
all samples, though they show a distant
anity to Canary Island Gaunches. Both
Iberomaurusian samples, as well as post-
Pleistocene North Africans, are extremely
divergent from Late Pleistocene Nubians.
The latter are more akin to sub-Saharan
Africans. All told, these numerically-derived
ndings provide some level of support for
genetic continuity between, at least, Taforalt
Iberomaurusians and later populations in
the Maghreb and greater North Africa since
the terminal Pleistocene. However, popu-
lation heterogeneity was apparently the rule
before that time.
An earlier version of this paper was pre-
sented at the symposium ‘‘Antropologia
dentale delle popolazioni pre-protostoriche
Figure 4. Multidimensional scaling of distance values among 16 North African samples and Natuans.
406 ..
del Mediterraneo’’, chaired by Alfredo
Coppa, Universita´di Roma ‘‘La Sapienza’’,
for the XIII Congresso degli antropologi
italiani, Roma e Sabaudia, October, 1999.
Funding to attend the meeting was coordi-
nated through Prof. Coppa. David Lubell
from the University of Alberta kindly
provided a pre-publication copy of his
Late PleistoceneEarly Holocene Maghreb
article, and other useful materials. I also
thank Dr Lubell, Mary Jackes (University of
Alberta), Terry Harrison (Joint JHE Editor),
and the JHE reviewers for providing
constructive criticism and comments on an
earlier version of this paper. Lastly, I am
grateful to the many individuals at the insti-
tutions where I collected data, including:
Christy Turner, Charles Merbs and Donald
Morris from Arizona State University
(ASU), Tempe, AZ; Guy Gibbon and the
late Elden Johnson from the University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Douglas
Ubelaker and David Hunt from the
National Museum of Natural History,
Washington, DC; Ian Tattersall, Jaymie
Brauer, and Gary Sawyer from the
American Museum of Natural History, New
York; Andre Langaney, Frances Roville-
Sausse, and Miya Awazu Periera da Silva
from the Muse´edelHomme, Paris; Fred
Wendorf and Sue Linder-Linsley from
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX;
and Henry de Lumley and Dominique
Grimaud-Herve, Institut de Pale´onologie
Humaine, Paris. The comparative data
were collected via support from the
National Science Foundation (BNS-
9013942), ASU Research Development
Program, and American Museum of Natural
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... The Nile Valley is no exception to these tendencies, with significant morphological modifications and reduction described between the Late Pleistocene to early Holocene hunter-gatherers and later food-producing populations (Anderson, 1968;Crevecoeur, 2008;Crevecoeur et al., 2009;Greene, 1972;Holliday, 2015;Irish, 2000Irish, , 2005Irish, , 2010Irish & Usai, 2021;Shackelford, 2007). Still, the application of the morpho-functional adaption evolutionary models detailed above to the Middle Nile area is argued. ...
... Valley (Benoiston et al., 2018;Crevecoeur et al., 2023;Franciscus, 1995;Holliday, 2015;Irish, 2000Irish, , 2005Irish, , 2010. ...
... Three time periods are represented in this sample: the Late Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic. The former includes the site of Jebel Sahaba ("JS"; Wendorf, 1968;Zazzo, 2014;Crevecoeur et al., 2021) which has been the main pre-Neolithic comparative sample in most previous studies (e.g., Anderson, 1968;Crevecoeur, 2008;Crevecoeur et al., 2009Crevecoeur et al., , 2023Galland et al., 2016;Holliday, 2015;Irish, 2000Irish, , 2005Irish, , 2010. The Mesolithic group involves remains from the previously studied Mesolithic assemblage from El-Barga in Nubia ("EBK_M"; Benoiston et al., 2018) and more recently excavated and directly dated remains from the sites of Sphinx ("SPX") and Fox Hill in the western part of Jebel Sabaloka (Varadzinová et al., 2023). ...
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Objectives This study presents biological affinities between the last hunter‐fisher‐gatherers and first food‐producing societies from the Nile Valley. We investigate odontometric and dental tissue proportion changes between these populations from the Middle Nile Valley and acknowledge the biological processes behind them. Materials and Methods Dental remains of 329 individuals from Nubia and Central Sudan that date from the Late Pleistocene to the mid‐Holocene are studied. Using 3D imaging techniques, we investigated outer and inner metric aspects of upper central incisors, and first and second upper molars. Results Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic foragers display homogeneous crown dimensions, dental tissue proportions, and enamel thickness distribution. This contrasts with Neolithic trends for significant differences from earlier samples on inner and outer aspects. Finally, within the Neolithic sample differences are found between Nubian and Central Sudanese sites. Discussion Substantial dental variation appears to have occurred around 6000 bce in the Nile Valley, coinciding with the emergence of food‐producing societies in the region. Archeological and biological records suggest little differences in dietary habits and dental health during this transition. Furthermore, the substantial variations identified here would have happened in an extremely short time, a few centuries at most. This does not support in situ diet‐related adaptation. Rather, we suggest these data are consistent with some level of population discontinuity between the Mesolithic and Neolithic samples considered here. Complex settlement processes could also explain the differences between Nubia and Central Sudan, and with previous results based on nonmetric traits.
... These dental dimensions may be related to the complexity of the crown morphology exhibited by Jebel Sahaba and Wadi Halfa, with a high frequency of six-cusped lower first molars and at least five-cusped lower second molars (Greene et al., 1967;Irish, 2000 and. The number of cusps on the lower molars is one of the most suitable non-metric dental trait for identifying population affinities as it preserves the maximum number of neutral genetic signals (Rathmann and Reyes-Centeno, 2020). ...
... This morphofunctional hypothesis postulates population continuity in the Nile Valley during the Holocene and attributes the strong morphological differences to changes in diet, caries-related selection and gracilization processes (Carlson and Van Gerven, 1977). For others, these differences, notably in non-metric dental trait variations, are genetically related and suggest some level of population discontinuity at the beginning of the Holocene (Groves and Thornes, 1999;Irish, 2000 andHolliday, 2015). However, the absence of Early Holocene samples in these studies that would allow the hypotheses of continuity or replacement of populations in the Nile Valley to be tested limits the discussion. ...
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Although subjected to growing interest, the debates related to Homo sapiens' evolution in Africa during the Late Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene are currently mainly tied to the success of palaeogenetic studies of Holocene skeletons from sub-Sa-haran Africa. These genetic results have opened new perspectives pertaining the origin of present-day African diversity and the nature of such diversity in the past, confirming previous assumptions based on the study of African fossils suggesting deep sub-structuration of human populations. In Northeast Africa, the end of the Late Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene were marked by major climatic changes whose effects on human settlements are still poorly understood. Geological evidence support generally dry conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum followed by the so-called African Humid Period which ends abruptly with the second half of the Holocene and the onset of more arid conditions. In parallel with these climatic fluctuations, this transitional period witnessed the emergence of new subsistence strategies with the introduction of pastoralism. However, the scarcity of human remains in northeast Africa has limited our understanding of modern human diversity and population processes during this transitional period. Through a review of the key human fossils and assemblages associated to the Late Pleistocene and the Early Holocene period in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and the Republic of Djibouti, this contribution aims at discussing phenotypic and cultural diversity, addressing hypotheses of population isolation, replacement and/or continuity.
... From Morocco to Egypt and as far south as the Sahel, many and extremely diverse lithic industries dating to between 190 kya (thousand years ago) and 57 kya have been discovered and linked to the Aterian culture 3 . In Mesolithic times, two distinct lithic cultures are recognized in the Maghreb: the Iberomaurusian (~ 22-9 kya) 4 and the Capsian (~ 10-6 kya) 5 , who are believed to have originated from the Paleolithic Aterian people 3 . Subsequently, the diffusion of the Neolithic (starting at ~ 5.5 kya) involved population growth, with diversified subsistence systems and an increase in sedentarism. ...
... These populations possibly gave rise to present day Amazigh (sing.)/Imazighen (pl.) populations, which are also known as Berbers 4,5 . ...
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Despite being enclosed between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, North Africa has been the scenario of multiple human migrations that have shaped the genetic structure of its present-day populations. Despite its richness, North Africa remains underrepresented in genomic studies. To overcome this, we have sequenced and analyzed 264 mitogenomes from the Algerian Chaoui-speaking Imazighen (a.k.a. Berbers) living in the Aurès region. The maternal genetic composition of the Aurès is similar to Arab populations in the region, dominated by West Eurasian lineages with a moderate presence of M1/U6 North African and L sub-Saharan lineages. When focusing on the time and geographic origin of the North African specific clades within the non-autochthonous haplogroups, different geographical neighboring regions contributed to the North African maternal gene pool during time periods that could be attributed to previously suggested admixture events in the region, since Paleolithic times to recent historical movements such as the Arabization. We have also observed the role of North Africa as a source of geneflow mainly in Southern European regions since Neolithic times. Finally, the present work constitutes an effort to increase the representation of North African populations in genetic databases, which is key to understand their history.
... Teeth, the basic tools of dental anthropology, provide information on the biological relationships between human populations (Coppa et al., 1998;Eades, 2003;Irish, 2000;McIntosh & Scheinfeldt, 2012;Scott & Irish, 2013;Florez, 2015;Marado et al., 2017). Indeed, human tooth formation is controlled by a number of genes that act at various points and intervene at different times during tooth construction (Munaro, 2012). ...
... As such, we evaluated 11,382 score sheets from the C.G. Turner II database of archaeological remains (a few hundred to~10,000 years of age) to calculate 3RM 2 frequencies, with special emphasis on the Americas, Asia, the Pacific, and Europe. To characterize global variation in 3RM 2 , these observations were augmented by unpublished data from 2373 North and South Africans (see Irish, 2000Irish, , 2005Irish, , 2006Irish, , 2016Irish et al., 2014, for details). ...
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This January I have published a book (Романчук 2024), which studies the historical and archaeological context of coming of R1b-V88 haplogroup of Y-chromosome to Africa. To make this book more visible, I would like to publish the English summary (Романчук 2024: 91-99) as a single article. This is a first draft, and I hope that the discussion will help to improve this text.
Modern humans have been crossing the Sahara as long ago as 300,000 years ago and the intermittent opening of corridors in humid periods has facilitated this human transit. Pastoralism spreads into the central Sahara, together with dairying and a striking culture of cattle necropolises, by around 7000 BP. However, it took nearly another 3500 years to spread to the Sahel, likely for ecological reasons. The chapter discusses the different elements of the pastoral package, beginning with cattle and ovicaprines and later phases of horses, donkeys, and camels. Small foraging groups still live in the Sahara, and their importance for ethnographic reconstruction is highlighted.
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The ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project (Fragility and sustainability in small island environments: adaptation, culture change and collapse in prehistory, 2013–18) led by Caroline Malone has focused on the unique Temple Culture of Neolithic Malta and its antecedents. This third volume builds on the achievements of Mortuary customs in prehistoric Malta, published by the McDonald Institute in 2009. It seeks to answer many questions posed, but left unanswered, of the more than 200,000 fragments of mainly commingled human remains from the Xagħra Brochtorff Circle on Gozo. The focus is on the interpretation of a substantial, representative subsample of the assemblage, exploring dentition, disease, diet and lifestyle, together with detailed understanding of chronology and the affinity of the ancient population associated with the ‘Temple Culture’ of prehistoric Malta. The first studies of genetic profiling of this population, as well as the results of intra-site GIS and visualization, taphonomy, health and mobility, offer important insights into this complex mortuary site and its ritual. Remarkable evidence on the bioanthropology of care practised by these populations, together with a relatively low level of interpersonal violence, and examples of longevity, reveal new aspects about the Neolithic Maltese. Detailed case studies employing computerized tomography describe disease such as =scurvy and explore dietary issues, whilst physical activity and body size have been assessed through biomechanical analysis, supported by taphonomic study, isotopic analyses, a review of mortuary practices during prehistory and a robust new chronology. The results form a rich contextualized body of material that advances understanding of cultural change within the context of small island insularity, and provides biological comparisons for the graphic figurative art of early Malta. These data and the original assemblage are conserved in the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta as a resource for future study.
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Source de nourriture et matière première autant que porteur de symboles et de mythes, inspirant l’artiste et l’écrivain, l’animal tient une place essentielle dans les sociétés humaines. L’Afrique du Nord est un espace d’investigation très riche et encore peu exploité en ce domaine. Des chercheurs venus de sept pays des rives de la Méditerranée occidentale (Algérie, Espagne, France, Italie, Maroc, Tunisie et Royaume-Uni) examinent les relations complexes, à la fois étroites et distanciées, liant l’homme à l’animal, suivant trois grands thèmes : la rencontre de l’homme et de l’animal, par le langage et la perception de la « sauvagerie » ; l’animal utile, d’abord chassé et consommé, puis domestiqué et exploité pour l’alimentation, l’habillement, l’éclairage, le transport, etc. ; et enfin l’animal en représentation : dans les chasses princières ou les jeux du cirque, l’iconographie ou les croyances, les interactions homme-animal sont omniprésentes. La perspective résolument diachronique et multidisciplinaire permet de confronter les approches développées en archéologie et en histoire, de la Préhistoire à l’époque médiévale, et d’interroger ces relations sur le terrain du Maghreb, dans un paysage dont les conditions sont rappelées. Sont convoquées aussi les sources textuelles, faisant part à la linguistique et à la nomenclature.
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Data obtained during an ongoing dental investigation of African populations address two long-standing, hotly debated questions. First, was there genetic continuity between Late Pleistocene Iberomaurusians and later northwest Africans (e.g., Capsians, Berbers, Guanche)? Second, were skeletally-robust Iberomaurusians and northeast African Nubians variants of the same population? Iberomaurusians from Taforalt in Morocco and Afalou-Bou-Rhummel in Algeria, Nubians from Jebel Sahaba in Sudan, post-Pleistocene Capsians from Algeria and Tunisia, and a series of other samples were statistically compared using 29 discrete dental traits to help estimate diachronic local and regional affinities. Results revealed: (1) a relationship between the Iberomaurusians, particularly those from Taforalt, and later Maghreb and other North African samples, and (2) a divergence among contemporaneous Iberomaurusians and Nubian samples. Thus, some measure of long-term population continuity in the Maghreb and surrounding region is supported, whereas greater North African population heterogenity during the Late Pleistocene is implied.
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Dental anthropologists focus on the variation around a commonly shared pattern, a variation expressed by differences in tooth size and morphology. This book centers on the morphological characteristics of tooth crowns and roots that are either present or absent in any given individual and that vary in frequency among populations. These nonmetric dental traits are controlled largely by genetic factors and provide a direct link between extinct and extant populations. The book illustrates more than thirty tooth crown and root traits and reviews their biological and genetic underpinnings. From a database of more than 30,000 individuals, the geographic variation of twenty-two crown and root traits is graphically portrayed. A global analysis of tooth morphology shows both points of agreement and disagreement with comparable analyses of genetic and craniometric data. These findings are relevant to the hotly contested issue of timing and geographic context of modern human origins.
This chapter presents an analysis of the American Indian dentition on the evolutionary and functional basis, following the consideration of its morphology and comparative aspects. Many elements of form and size in the American Indian dentition suggest the existence of some selective evolutionary advantage. It also appears that certain attributes have not necessarily been incidental acquisitions in the process of drift peculiar to the individuals of a particular geographic area. Pursuit of this problem includes inquiry into the environmental complex, the evidences of function in the teeth, the structural potentials of the teeth, and ideas relating to survival of an organism. The dentition of the American Indian is not a homogeneous representation of a homogeneous people. Subsequently, a comparison of measurements and traits of the teeth between several Indian tribes and with other ethnic and geographic groups provides some perspective of the Indian dentition. Size of the teeth is quite basic and gives a means of description of some importance. The means of the Indian groups vary widely but none as much as two standard deviations. The standard errors of the means set them off quite firmly. The American Indians display markedly stronger tooth and a larger unit of functional capacity. Also, Carabelli's cusp plays little part in the American Indian dentition.
Besides its utilization as coloring matter, the ochre is linked to technical operations and craft activities. The Capsian (Xe-VIe mill. BP), "deeply linked to the red colour", used ochre during debitage. The Afalou Iberomaurusian (XIIe-XIe mill. BP) used various natures and forms of ochre. The ochre is beeing prepared as shown by the grinding assemblage. Its association to debitage is most likely and suggests the ochering of the core support. Within the whole debitage products, a preference appears for the blades and bladelets group and the retouched pieces category. Some pieces with peculiar distribution suppose they have been hafted in an appliance containing ochre. The Iberomaurusian from Afalou Bou-Rhummel has equally associated ochre to the activities of lithic assemblage production.