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Stimulation of In Vivo Dopamine Transmission in the Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis by Reinforcing Drugs


Abstract and Figures

Drugs of abuse preferentially increase dopamine transmission in the shell of the nucleus accumbens. This area is considered as a transition between the striatum and the extended amygdala a complex neural system that includes the central amygdala and the bed nucleus of stria terminalis, areas that, like the nucleus accumbens shell, are heavily innervated by mesolimbic dopamine neurons originating in the ventral tegmental area. Given the anatomical and neurochemical relationships and similarities with the nucleus accumbens shell it was of interest to investigate whether the dopamine transmission of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis shares with the accumbens shell the peculiar responsiveness to drugs of abuse. To this end we studied by microdialysis with concentric probes, the effect of drugs of abuse on extracellular dopamine in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis. We report that morphine, nicotine, cocaine, ethanol, and the selective dopamine uptake inhibitor GBR 12909 increase effectively and dose dependently extracellular dopamine in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis. These results indicate that the bed nucleus of stria terminalis shares with the nucleus accumbens shell a peculiar sensitivity to the dopamine stimulant actions of drugs of abuse.
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Stimulation of In Vivo Dopamine Transmission in the Bed Nucleus
of Stria Terminalis by Reinforcing Drugs
Ezio Carboni, Alessandra Silvagni, Maria T. P. Rolando, and Gaetano Di Chiara
Department of Toxicology and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Center for Neuropharmacology, University of Cagliari,
09126 Cagliari, Italy
Drugs of abuse preferentially increase dopamine transmission
in the shell of the nucleus accumbens. This area is considered
as a transition between the striatum and the extended amyg-
dala a complex neural system that includes the central amyg-
dala and the bed nucleus of stria terminalis, areas that, like the
nucleus accumbens shell, are heavily innervated by mesolimbic
dopamine neurons originating in the ventral tegmental area.
Given the anatomical and neurochemical relationships and sim-
ilarities with the nucleus accumbens shell it was of interest to
investigate whether the dopamine transmission of the bed
nucleus of stria terminalis shares with the accumbens shell the
peculiar responsiveness to drugs of abuse. To this end we
studied by microdialysis with concentric probes, the effect of
drugs of abuse on extracellular dopamine in the bed nucleus of
stria terminalis. We report that morphine, nicotine, cocaine,
ethanol, and the selective dopamine uptake inhibitor GBR
12909 increase effectively and dose dependently extracellular
dopamine in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis. These results
indicate that the bed nucleus of stria terminalis shares with the
nucleus accumbens shell a peculiar sensitivity to the dopamine
stimulant actions of drugs of abuse.
Key words: dopamine; BNST; nicotine; morphine; ethanol;
Drugs and substances of abuse like nicotine, morphine, cocaine,
and ethanol share the property of increasing extracellular dopa-
mine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and in particular in
its ventromedial shell subdivision (Imperato and Di Chiara, 1988;
Pontieri et al., 1996; Tanda et al., 1997b). This property is
currently assigned an important role in the addictive liability of
drugs and in the process by which drug addiction is acquired and
maintained. Anatomical and histochemical studies show that the
NAc shell is homologous to a number of interconnected areas as
the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) and the central amyg-
dala that have been recently assigned to the so called extended
amygdala (Heimer et al., 1993; de Olmos and Heimer, 1999). The
areas and nuclei that participate into this complex share a role in
the acquisition and expression of emotions and of appetitive
behavior (e.g., feeding and sexual behavior) (Hernandez and
Hoebel, 1988; Tetel et al., 1993; Pfaus et al., 1995). Thus, the NAc
shell and the BNST receive a dense innervation from the baso-
lateral amygdala and a dense DA projection from the ventral
tegmentum and both project to the lateral hypothalamus and
periaqueductal gray (de Olmos, 1972, 1990; de Olmos et al., 1985;
Phelix et al., 1992). Strict similarities and connections also exist
between BNST and central nucleus of amygdala in terms of cell
morphology, transmitter content, and efferent connections (Al-
heid et al., 1995). The BNST is innervated by neurons containing
peptides as cholecystokinin (Micevych et al., 1988; Andres et al.,
1993) and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) (Cummings et al.,
1983; Phelix et al., 1994). The BNST is thought to be involved in
aversive behavior and in the somatic response to unconditioned
aversive stimuli (Davis and Shi, 1999).
Recently it has been reported that intra BNST infusion of a
receptor antagonist impairs cocaine intravenous self-
administration in rats (Epping-Jordan et al., 1998); moreover,
intra-BNST infusion of a CRF-antagonist impairs stress-induced
reinstatement of cocaine self-administration in rats (Erb and
Stewart, 1999). In view of these observations and of the relation-
ships between the shell of the NAc shell and the BNST we
thought that this area could also be involved in the DA-dependent
mechanism of action of drugs of abuse. We therefore studied by
the microdialysis, the action of various drugs on the extracellular
concentration of DA in the BNST.
Animals. Male Sprague Dawley rats (Charles River, Calco, Italy) weigh-
ing 230–250 gm were housed under standard conditions of temperature
and humidity under an artificial light (light from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.).
Probe preparation. Concentric dialysis probes were prepared with a 7
mm piece of AN 69 (sodium methallyl sulfate copolymer) dialysis fiber
(outer diameter, 310
m; inner diameter, 220
m; Hospal, Dasco, Italy),
sealed at one end with a drop of epoxy glue. Two 5-cm-long pieces of
fused silica (Composite Metal Services) tubing were introduced in the
dialysis fiber taking care to have the inlet reaching the lower end and
the outlet reaching the higher end of the dialyzing portion (2.0 mm) of
the fiber. The inlet and the outlet were then sealed to the fiber and to a
20 mm piece of stainless steel (obtained from a 24 gauge needle) that
were then inserted into a piece of 200
l micropipette tip 7-mm-long and
glued to it. The fiber was covered with a thin layer of epoxy glue except
for the dialyzing part. The probe was left to dry for 24 hr (Di Chiara
Surgery and e xperiments. Rats were anesthetized with ketamine (Keta-
lar; Parke-Davis, Milan, Italy), placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. The
skull was exposed, and a small hole was drilled on one side. The probe
Received Dec. 6, 1999; revised Aug. 1, 2000; accepted Aug. 2, 2000.
This work has been supported by the Ministero dell’Universita´ e della Ricerca
Scientifica e Tecnologica 60 and 40%.
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Ezio Carboni, Department of Tox-
icology, Viale Diaz 182, 09126 Cagliari, Italy. E-mail:
Copyright © 2000 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/00/200001-05$15.00/0
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The Journal of Neuroscience, 2000, Vol. 20 RC102 1of5
was implanted vertically in the BNST [anterior (A), 0.5; lateral (L), 1.3;
vertical (V), 8.0, from the dura], according to the atlas of Paxinos and
Watson (1987), and then fixed on the skull with dental cement. Some rats
were implanted 1 mm lateral or 1.2 mm anterior to the BNST site. Rats
were housed in a transparent plastic (Plexiglas) hemisphere, closed with
a top hemisphere, with food and water available ad libitum.
Experiments were performed on freely moving rats 24 hr after probe
implant. Ringer’s solution (147 mM, NaCl; 2.2 mM CaCl
;4mM KCl) was
pumped through the dialysis probe at constant rate of 1
l/min. Samples
were taken every 20 min and analyzed.
Figure 1 shows the position of the dialyzing part of the fiber in a
schematic representation of a frontal section of the rat brain at the level
of BNST (A, 0.3 mm) redrawn from Paxinos and Watson (1987).
Probes implanted 1 mm lateral to the BNST had fibers located in the
globus pallidus, whereas probes implanted 1.2 mm anterior to the BNST
had fibers located in the caudal NAc shell. All animal experimentation
has been conducted in accordance with the guidelines for care and use of
experimental animals of the European Economic Community (86/809;
DL 27.01.92 number 116).
Analytical procedure. Dialysate samples (20
l) were injected without
any purification into an HPLC apparatus equipped with reverse-phase
column (LC-18 DB; Supelco) and a coulometric detector (ESA Coulo-
chem II, Bedford, MA) to quantitate DA. The first electrode was set at
130 mV and the second electrode at 125 mV). The composition of the
mobile phase was: 50 m
M Na H
/5 mM Na
, 0.1 mM Na
0.5 mM octyl sodium sulfate, and 15% (v/v) methanol, pH 5.5. The mobil
phase was pumped with an LKB-Wallac (Gaithersburg, MD) 2150 pump
at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The sensitivity of the assay allowed to detect
5 fmol of DA.
Histology. At the end of the experiment, rats were anesthetized and
transcardially perfused with 100 ml of saline (0.9% NaCl) and 100 ml of
formaldehyde (10%). The probes were removed, and brains were cut on
a Vibratome in serial coronal slices oriented according the atlas of
Paxinos and Watson (1987). The lateral margin of the anterior commis-
sure and the internal capsule were taken as reference structures to
identify the BNST. Results from rats implanted outside the BNST were
Drugs. Nicotine tartrate, morphine HCl, and cocaine HCl were ob-
tained from Sigma (Milano, Italy), ethanol by Carlo Erba, and GBR
12909 was a gift from by Novo A/S (Bagsveerd, Denmark).
Statistics. Statistical analysis was performed by Statistica (Statsoft).
Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was applied to the data ex-
pressed as percentage of basal DA concentration obtained from the serial
assays of DA after each treatment. Results from treatments showing
significant overall changes were subjected to post hoc Tukey test with
significance for p 0.05. Basal values were the means of three consec-
utive samples differing 10%. Each implanted rat was challenged with a
single dose of the test drug only once.
Basal values of DA in the BNST were 15.8 0.9 fmol/20
sample (mean SEM; n 71). As shown in Figure 1 probes were
localized mostly in the lateral part of the BNST.
A significant increase of dialysate DA (expressed as percentage
above basal values) was elicited by the following drugs of abuse:
cocaine (Fig. 2A) [2.5 mg/kg, i.p. (max 62%) and 5.0 mg/kg,
i.p. (max 129%)], morphine (Fig. 3A) [0.5 mg/kg, s.c. (max
76%) and 1.0 mg/kg, s.c. (max 141%)]; nicotine (Fig. 3B) [0.1
mg/kg, s.c. (max 85%) and 0.4 mg/kg, s.c. (max 190%)];
ethanol (Fig. 3C) [0.25 gm/kg, i.p. (max 58%) and 0.5 gm/kg,
i.p. (max 111%)]. The specific DA reuptake inhibitor GBR
12909 (Fig. 2B) elicited an increase of DA dialysate [5.0 mg/kg,
Figure 1. Schematic representation of a frontal section (top drawing) and
horizontal section (bottom drawing) of rat brain at A, 0.3 mm and V, 6.6
from bregma, respectively, according to the atlas of Paxinos and Watson
(1982). In the frontal section the position of the dialyzing part of the fiber
is illustrated approximately as observed in one frontal section at the level
of the central part of the BNST. ac, Anterior commissure; Acb, accum-
bens nucleus; BSTL, bed nucleus stria terminalis lateralis; BSTM, bed
nucleus stria terminalis medialis; Cpu, caudate putamen; DpMe, deep
mesencephalic nucleus; FrPaM, frontoparietal cortex, motor area; FrPaSS,
frontoparietal area, somatosensory area; GP, globus pallidus; HDB, nu-
cleus horizontal limb diagonal band; LPO, lateral preoptic area; VP,
ventral pallidum; V PL, ventroposterior thalamic nucleus lateralis; VPM,
ventroposterior thalamic nucleus medialis.
Figure 2. Effect of cocaine at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg (as HCl salt), intraperi-
toneally ( A) and of GBR 12909 at 5 and 10 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (B)
on dopamine concentration in dialysate obtained by in vivo microdialysis
from the BNST. Each point is the mean ( SEM) of at least four
determinations. Filled symbols: p 0.05 from basal values concentration;
*p 0.05 from the correspondent time point of vehicle group.
2of5 J. Neurosci., 2000, Vol. 20 Carboni et al. Addictive Drugs on Bed Nucleus Dopamine
i.p. (max 112%) and 10 mg/kg, i.p. (max 161%)]. Two-way
ANOVA of the results obtained by the different doses of the
above listed drugs showed a significant effect of dose and signif-
icant dose time interaction for cocaine (main effect: F
4.11, p 0.05; interaction: F
4.19, p 0.001), nicotine
(main effect: F
14.19, p 0.001; interaction: F
4.51, p 0.001), morphine (main effect: F
5.9, p 0.05;
interaction: F
1.85, p 0.05), ethanol (main effect: F
11.17, p 0.005; interaction: F
3.16, p 0.005) and
GBR 12909 (main effect: F
8.42, p 0.01; interaction:
7.13, p 0.001). When the microdialysis probe was
implanted in the globus pallidus (1 mm lateral to the BNST) basal
values of DA were 90.75 9.35 fmol/20
l sample (mean SEM;
n 8). Challenge with 0.4 mg/kg of nicotine produced a nonsig-
nificant increase of dialysate DA by 18% above basal (main effect:
0.86, p 0.38; interaction: F
1.57, p 0.18 (data
not shown). When the microdialysis probe was implanted in the
caudal NAc (1.2 mm rostral to the BNST site), basal values of DA
were 75.63 11.40 fmol/20
l sample (mean SEM; n 8).
Challenge with 0.4 mg/kg of nicotine maximally increased DA in
dialysate by 78% above basal (main effect: F
25.83, p
0.002; interaction: F
11.51, p 0.0001) (data not shown).
This study shows that reinforcing drugs like nicotine, morphine,
ethanol, and cocaine increase dialysate DA in the BNST. This
effect is shared by the selective DA reuptake inhibitor GBR
12909, which is self-administered by rats (Roberts, 1993; Tella et
al., 1996) and by monkeys (Villemagne et al., 1999).
Topographic specificity of drug effect
The BNST is surrounded by DA-rich areas both laterally (caudate
putamen/globus pallidus) and cranially (NAc shell). In view of
this, one could argue that the changes induced by the drugs do not
arise from the BNST itself but are the result of DA diffusion from
adjacent areas. This possibility however is unlikely for a number
of reasons: first, the time course of drug-induced changes of
dialysate DA in the BNST does not provide any indication (e.g.,
delayed and attenuated changes) of the above mechanism. To the
contrary, drug-induced changes in BNST DA are sharper than in
the NAc shell; second, as shown by the effect of nicotine at sites
located cranially or laterally to the BNST, the changes in dialysate
DA are specific to the implanted area being independent from
basal dialysate DA. Thus, in spite of the similarity in the basal
levels of DA, the laterally located globus pallidus does not re-
spond to nicotine, whereas the cranially located NAc shell re-
sponds, although less than the BNST, to nicotine. Finally, the
diffusion coefficient of DA in brain tissue is such that at a distance
of 0.7 mm from the dialysis membrane the amount of DA recov-
ered by the dialysis probe has been found to be negligible (Rice
et al., 1985; Nicholson and Rice, 1986). In DA-rich areas, such as
the NAc shell the presence of an efficient DA reuptake should
further reduce the already limited diffusion of DA in brain tissue.
This is further demonstrated by the fact that clear-cut differences
in the effect of drugs of abuse can be obtained within the NAc
itself between medial and lateral locations 1 mm apart (Pontieri
et al., 1996; Tanda et al., 1997b). These observations and consid-
erations exclude that the changes recorded in the BNST are the
result of diffusion of DA from the adjacent NAc shell.
Mechanism of drug effects
The mechanism by which reinforcing drugs increased DA in the
BNST is likely to be different depending on the drug class to
which they belong.
Cocaine and GBR 12909
Cocaine-induced increase of dialysate DA in the BNST is most
likely because of blockade of DA carrier. Consistent with this
mechanism is the observation that the specific DA reuptake
inhibitor GBR 12909 also increased DA in this area. We have
previously reported (Carboni et al., 1990; Tanda et al., 1997a)
that, in contrast with cocaine, GBR 12909 does not increase DA
output in the prefrontal cortex (PfCx); on the contrary, the
norepinephrine (NE) reuptake inhibitor desipramine (DMI) is
highly effective in raising the dialysate DA in the PfCx but not in
the NAc. These data suggest that in an area in which NE trans-
mission is strongly represented DA could be taken up NE termi-
nals. In the BNST NE terminals are located in the medial rather
than in the lateral part (Moore, 1978; Phelix et al., 1992). There-
fore in the lateral part of BNST, where probes were mostly
Figure 3. Effect of morphine (A) at 0.5 and 1 mg/kg (as HCl salt) subcutaneously, nicotine (B) at 0.05, 0.1, and 0.4 mg/kg (as free base) subcutaneously,
and ethanol (C) at 0.25 and 0.5 gm/kg (injected as 10% v/v solution) intraperitoneally on dopamine concentration in dialysate obtained by in vivo
microdialysis from the BNST. Each point is the mean (SEM) of at least four determinations. Filled symbols: p 0.05 from basal values concentration;
*p 0.05 from the correspondent time point of vehicle group.
Carboni et al. Addictive Drugs on Bed Nucleus Dopamine J. Neurosci., 2000, Vol. 20 3of5
located, the extent of DA uptake by NE terminals should be
minimal. This explains the effectiveness of GBR 12909 and the
failure of DMI (data not shown) in raising DA in the BNST. An
increase of DA in the BNST might play a role in the reinforcing
properties of cocaine. This view is supported by the observation
that bilateral intracranial injections of the D
receptor antagonist
SCH 23390 into the lateral BNST partially attenuates the rein-
forcing effects of cocaine under a fixed-ratio schedule (Epping-
Jordan et al., 1998). This observation is in turn consistent with the
high level of DARP 32 in BNST (Shalling et al., 1990), a protein
associated with neurons expressing D
The present observation that morphine potently and dose-
dependently increased DA output in the BNST further supports
the strict relationship between DA and the reinforcing properties
of opioids (Johnson and North, 1992; Di Chiara, 1995). An
involvement of BNST in the mechanism of action of opioids is
suggested by the observation that naltrexone precipitated opiate
withdrawal is associated with an increase in the early gene FOS in
the ventral and dorsolateral region of BNST where DA innerva-
tion is more dense (Aston-Jones et al., 1999).
The systemic administration of nicotine effectively and dose de-
pendently increased dialysate DA in the BNST. This effect is
likely to be because of stimulation of DA neurons that from the
VTA project to both the NAc shell and the BNST (Mereu et al.,
1987; Pidoplicko et al., 1997) and through presynaptic nicotine
receptors on DA terminals (Marshall et al., 1997; Wonnacott,
Ethanol increased in a dose-dependent manner DA output in the
BNST. By analogy with the ethanol-induced increase of DA in the
NAc (Imperato and Di Chiara, 1988) also the effect in the BNST
is likely to be the result of stimulation of the firing of VTA
neurons (Gessa et al., 1985). On the other hand a possible
involvement of GABAergic transmission of the BNST has been
suggested by Hyytia and Koob (1995) on the basis of the obser-
vation that injection of the competitive GABA
receptor antag-
onist SR 95531 into the BNST as well as into the NAc shell and
in the central amygdala reduced ethanol responding in a two-
lever free choice operant task. Recently Davis and Shi (1999)
showed that local injection of the glutamate antagonist NBQX
into the BNST significantly decreased light-enhanced startle re-
flex, suggesting that BNST plays a role in anxiety. As ethanol is
known to have antianxiety effects one might speculate that DA in
the BNST may play a role in this effect; in fact, the BNST is rich
of D2 receptors, which might be located in glutamate terminals
where they could inhibit glutamate release by analogy with their
action in the caudate putamen (Morari et al., 1998).
The results presented here indicate that cocaine, morphine, nic-
otine, and ethanol share the property of increasing DA transmis-
sion in the BNST. This effect may be related to an action at the
level of neuronal circuits activated by natural reinforcers like food
and sexual activity where DA might play an active role (Du et al.,
1998; Meredith et al., 1998).
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infusion studies (Epping-Jordan et al., 1998) suggest that DA
transmission of the BNST plays a role in the mechanism of drug
abuse and addiction. From a more general point of view, the
observation that an area such as the BNST that has been included
in the extended amygdala shares with the NAc shell, which is
considered a transition area between the extended amygdala and
the striatum, the sensitivity to drugs of abuse, is consistent with
the notion of the existence of strict homologies between the shell
of the NAc and the extended amygdala as far as concerns their
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Carboni et al. Addictive Drugs on Bed Nucleus Dopamine J. Neurosci., 2000, Vol. 20 5of5
... Furthermore, dopamine antagonist injections in the dBNST reduce responding to sucrose in a binge eating paradigm (Maracle et al., 2019). All major drugs of abuse, including opioids, increase extracellular dopamine in the BNST and dBNST dopamine antagonism reduces cocaine self-administration and ethanol seeking (Carboni et al., 2000;Eiler et al., 2003;Epping-Jordan et al., 1998). Despite these studies implicating dBNST dopamine in motivated behaviors, a comprehensive characterization of endogenous dBNST dopamine dynamics in cue-induced behaviors is lacking. ...
... Pharmacological studies establish that dopamine signaling in the dBNST maintains responding to sucrose and ethanol rewards and regulates the reinforcing properties of cocaine (Eiler et al., 2003;Epping-Jordan et al., 1998). Microdialysis and voltammetry studies show that natural and drug rewards, including opioids, increase DA in the BNST (Carboni et al., 2000;Park et al., 2012;Park et al., 2013). Although dBNST dopamine is important for a variety of appetitive motivated behaviors, little is known about cue-evoked dopamine signaling and its role in cue-triggered motivation. ...
... Studies show elevated BNST dopamine, dopamine-induced plasticity, and dopamine-mediated seeking behavior during and after drug administration (Carboni et al., 2000;Eiler et al., 2003;Epping-Jordan et al., 1998;Kash et al., 2008;Krawczyk et al., 2013;Krawczyk et al., 2011a;Krawczyk et al., 2011b;Melchior et al., 2021;Stamatakis et al., 2014). We extend these findings by reporting that systemic fentanyl injections do not disrupt dBNST cue discrimination but generally potentiate dBNST dopamine signals. ...
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Midbrain and striatal dopamine signals have been extremely well characterized over the past several decades, yet novel dopamine signals and functions in reward learning and motivation continue to emerge. A similar characterization of real-time sub-second dopamine signals in areas outside of the striatum has been limited. Recent advances in fluorescent sensor technology and fiber photometry permit the measurement of dopamine binding correlates, which can divulge basic functions of dopamine signaling in non-striatal dopamine terminal regions, like the dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (dBNST). Here, we record GRABDA signals in the dBNST during a Pavlovian lever autoshaping task. We observe greater Pavlovian cue-evoked dBNST GRABDA signals in sign-tracking (ST) compared to goal-tracking/intermediate (GT/INT) rats and the magnitude of cue-evoked dBNST GRABDA signals decreases immediately following reinforcer-specific satiety. When we deliver unexpected rewards or omit expected rewards, we find that dBNST dopamine signals encode bidirectional reward prediction errors in GT/INT rats, but only positive prediction errors in ST rats. Since sign- and goal-tracking approach strategies are associated with distinct drug relapse vulnerabilities, we examined the effects of experimenter-administered fentanyl on dBNST dopamine associative encoding. Systemic fentanyl injections do not disrupt cue discrimination but generally potentiate dBNST dopamine signals. These results reveal multiple dBNST dopamine correlates of learning and motivation that depend on the Pavlovian approach strategy employed.
... The vast majority of neurons in the dBNST are GABAergic in phenotype (Sun and Cassell, 1993) and form both intrinsic connections within the BNST (Sun and Cassell, 1993) as well as send projections to areas involved in the reward circuit, such as the VTA and the lateral hypothalamus (Dong et al., 2001;Dong and Swanson, 2006). Similar to the NAc, ethanol dose dependently increases extracellular BNST DA concentrations (Carboni et al., 2000). Pharmacological blockade of D1-like receptors in the BNST reduces ethanol and sucrose self-administration in male and female alcohol-preferring P rats (Eiler et al., 2003). ...
... Prior studies have found that ethanol can dose dependently increase extracellular BNST dopamine concentrations (Carboni et al., 2000) and bath-applied dopamine can modulate both short-term and long-term synaptic activity in the dBNST (Kash et al., 2008;Krawczyk et al., 2011Krawczyk et al., , 2013. Previously, we directly measured endogenous DA from vlPAG/DR DA terminals using ex vivo fast-scan voltammetry combined with optogenetics in naive male mice (Li et al., 2016). ...
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The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is a component of the extended amygdala that regulates motivated behavior and affective states and plays an integral role in the development of alcohol-use disorder (AUD). The dorsal subdivision of the BNST receives dense dopaminergic input from the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG)/dorsal raphe (DR). To date, no studies have examined the effects of chronic alcohol on this circuit. Here, we used chronic intermittent ethanol exposure (CIE), a well-established rodent model of AUD, to functionally interrogate the vlPAG/DR-BNST dopamine circuit during acute withdrawal. We selectively targeted vlPAG/DR DA neurons in tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing transgenic adult male mice. Using ex vivo electrophysiology, we found hyperexcitability of vlPAG/DR DA neurons in CIE-treated mice. Further, using optogenetic approaches to target vlPAG/DR DA terminals in the dBNST, we revealed a CIE-mediated shift in the vlPAG/DR-driven excitatory-inhibitory ratio to a hyperexcitable state in dBNST. Additionally, to quantify the effect of CIE on endogenous DA signaling, we coupled optogenetics with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to measure pathway-specific DA release in dBNST. CIE-treated mice had significantly reduced signal half-life, suggestive of faster clearance of DA signaling. CIE treatment also altered the ratio of vlPAG/DR DA -driven cellular inhibition and excitation of a subset of dBNST neurons. Overall, our findings suggest a dysregulation of vlPAG/DR to BNST dopamine circuit, which may contribute to pathophysiological phenotypes associated with AUD. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The dorsal bed nucleus of stria terminalis (dBNST) is highly implicated in the pathophysiology of alcohol use disorder and receives dopaminergic inputs from ventrolateral periaqueductal gray/dorsal raphe regions (vlPAG/DR). The present study highlights the plasticity within the vlPAG/DR to dBNST dopamine (DA) circuit during acute withdrawal from chronic ethanol exposure. More specifically, our data reveal that chronic ethanol strengthens vlPAG/DR-dBNST glutamatergic transmission while altering both DA transmission and dopamine-mediated cellular inhibition of dBNST neurons. The net result is a shift toward a hyperexcitable state in dBNST activity. Together, our findings suggest chronic ethanol may promote withdrawal-related plasticity by dysregulating the vlPAG/DR-dBNST DA circuit.
... There are multiple studies demonstrating that dopamine signaling in the BNST is implicated in the sensation of reward produced by addictive drugs, such as nicotine. Dose-dependent increases of extracellular dopamine in the BNST were observed after the administration of artificial drugs such as nicotine [53]. Moreover, increased release of dopamine in the BNST was described following exposure to natural rewarding substances, such as sucrose [54,55]. ...
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Ghrelin is an orexigenic neuropeptide that is known for stimulating the release of growth hormone (GH) and appetite. In addition, ghrelin has been implicated in addiction to drugs such as nicotine. Nicotine is the principal psychoactive component in tobacco and is responsible for the reward sensation produced by smoking. In our previous in vitro superfusion studies, it was demonstrated that ghrelin and nicotine stimulate equally the dopamine release in the rat amygdala, and ghrelin amplifies the nicotine-induced dopamine release in the rat striatum. However, less attention was paid to the actions of ghrelin and nicotine in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Therefore, in the present study, nicotine and ghrelin were superfused to the BNST of male Wistar rats, and the dopamine release from the BNST was measured in vitro. In order to determine which receptors mediate these effects, mecamylamine, a non-selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAchR) antagonist, and GHRP-6, a selective growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R1A) antagonist, were also superfused to the rat BNST. Nicotine significantly increased the release of dopamine, and this effect was significantly inhibited by mecamylamine. Ghrelin increased dopamine release even more significantly than nicotine did, and this effect was significantly inhibited by GHRP-6. Moreover, when administered together, ghrelin significantly amplified the nicotine-induced release of dopamine in the BNST, and this additive effect was reversed partly by mecamylamine and partly by GHRP-6. Therefore, the present study provides a new base of evidence for the involvement of ghrelin in dopamine signaling implicated in nicotine addiction.
... This reward pathway is a critical neuronal underpinning of drug addiction, and its relationship with nicotine has been studied intensely for decades (reviewed in [71]). Nicotine-stimulated dopamine release in the ventral tegmental area leads to dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and nucleus of the stria terminalis [72,73]. How might CB 1 receptors help? ...
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The endocannabinoid system is found throughout the CNS and the body where it impacts many important physiological processes. Expectations were high that targeting cannabinoid receptors would prove therapeutically beneficial; pharmaceutical companies quickly seized on the appetitive and metabolic effects of cannabinoids to develop a drug for the treatment of weight loss. Alas, the experience with first-in-class cannabinoid type-1 receptor (CB1R) antagonist rimonabant is a now-classic cautionary tale of the perils of drug development and the outcome of rimonabant’s fall from grace dealt a blow to those pursuing therapies involving CB1R antagonists. And this most commercially compelling application of rimonabant has now been partially eclipsed by drugs with different mechanisms of action and greater effect. Still, blocking CB1 receptors causes intriguing metabolic effects, some of which appear to occur outside the CNS. Moreover, recent years have seen a startling change in the legal status of cannabis, accompanied by a popular embrace of ‘all things cannabis’. These changes combined with new pharmacological strategies and diligent medicinal chemistry may yet see the field to some measure of fulfillment of its early promise. Here, we review the story of rimonabant and some of the therapeutic niches and strategies that still hold promise after the fall.
... In addition, the BNST receives a dense dopaminergic innervation [186] that clearly involves the circuits that mediate reward appraisal [187,188] and in stress-induced relapses of drug-seeking [189], thereby suggesting that drug addiction shares common neurocircuitry with depression. Part of this neurocircuitry is the BNST output to the VTA; in fact, it has been shown that GABAergic efferent from the BNST forms symmetrical synapses on VTA neurons, which are mostly GABAergic neurons [190]. ...
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Major depressive disorder is one of the primary causes of disability and disease worldwide. The therapy of depression is prevalently based on monoamine reuptake blockers; consequently, investigations aimed to clarify the aetiology of depression have mostly looked at brain areas innervated by monamines and brain circuitry involved in inputs and outputs of these areas. The recent approval of esketamine as a rapid-acting antidepressant drug in treatment-resistant depression, has definitively projected glutamatergic transmission as a key constituent in the use of new drugs in antidepressant therapy. In this review we have examined the role of several brain areas: namely, the hippocampus, the medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC), the nucleus accumbens (NAc), the Lateral Habenula (LHb), the amygdala and the Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis (BNST). The reason for undertaking an in-depth review is due to their significant role in animal models of depression, which highlight their inter-connections as well as their inputs and outputs. In particular, we examined the modification of the expression and release of the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and associated changes in dendritic density induced by chronic stress in the above areas of animal models of depression (AnMD). We also examined the effectiveness of ketamine and standard antidepressants in reversing these alterations, with the aim of identifying a brain circuit where pathological alteration might trigger the appearance of depression symptoms. Based on the role that these brain areas play in the generation of the symptoms of depression, we assumed that the mPFC, the NAc/Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) and the hippocampus form a primary circuit of depression, where regular performance can endure resilience to stress. We have also examined how this circuit is affected by environmental challenges and how the activation of one or more areas, including amygdala, LHb or BNST can produce local detrimental effects that spread over specific circuits and generate depression symptoms. Furthermore, we also examined how, through their outputs, these three areas can negatively influence the NAc/VTA-PFC circuit directly or through the BNST, to generate anhedonia, one of the most devastating symptoms of depression.
... 11,12 With respect to such symptoms of depression, the dorsal segment of the BNST (dBNST) is of substantial relevance, as it receives both dopaminergic 13,14 and corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)-containing 15 innervation; these two neurotransmitters are classically believed to play a role in the experience of both positive 16 and negative 17 affective states. dBNST dopamine levels are increased by rewarding stimuli, such as drugs of abuse, 18 and intracranial selfstimulation of the ventral tegmental area. 19 Dopamine antagonists administered to the dBNST decrease the reinforcing effects of rewarding substances, including alcohol 20 and cocaine. ...
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Objective Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and depression are common comorbid disorders whose underlying shared neural network has yet to be determined. Although animal studies demonstrate a role for the dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (dBNST) in both seizures and depression, and human clinical studies demonstrate a therapeutic effect of stimulating this region on treatment‐resistant depression, the role of the dBNST in depressed and nondepressed TLE patients is still unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that this structure is morphologically abnormal in these epilepsy patients, with an increased abnormality in TLE patients with comorbid depression. Methods In this case‐controlled study, 3‐T structural magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from TLE patients with no depression (TLEonly), TLE patients with depression (TLEdep), and healthy control (HC) subjects. TLE subjects were recruited from the Yale University Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, diagnosed with the International League Against Epilepsy 2014 Diagnostic Guidelines, and confirmed by video‐electroencephalography. Diagnosis of major depressive disorder was confirmed by a trained neuropsychologist through a Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition. The dBNST was delineated manually by reliable raters using Bioimage Suite software. Results The number of patients and subjects included 35 TLEonly patients, 20 TLEdep patients, and 102 HC subjects. Both TLEonly and TLEdep patients had higher dBNST volumes compared to HC subjects, unilaterally in the left hemisphere in the TLEonly patients (p = .003) and bilaterally in the TLEdep patients (p < .0001). Furthermore, the TLEdep patients had a higher dBNST volume than the TLEonly patients in the right hemisphere (p = .02). Significance Here, we demonstrate an abnormality of the dBNST in TLE patients, both without depression (left enlargement) and with depression (bilateral enlargement). Our results demonstrate this region to underlie TLE both with and without depression, implicating it as a target in treating the comorbidity between these two disorders.
... The BNST is heavily innervated by mesolimbic DA neurons originating in the VTA, and morphine, nicotine, cocaine, and ethanol could significantly increase the extracellular DA in the BNST, suggesting the sensitivity of the BNST to the DA stimulant actions of drugs of abuse. 252 Blocking the DA D-1 receptor in the BNST decreased the cocaine reinforcement effect. 253 Chronic activation of MORs in the central EA led to dysregulation of genes clustered into neurogenesis, cell growth, and signaling proteins, suggesting that MORs in the central EA contributed to drug-induced neural plasticity. ...
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Opioid abuse and addiction have become a global pandemic, posing tremendous health and social burdens. The rewarding effects and the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms are the two mainstays of opioid addiction. Mu-opioid receptors (MORs), a member of opioid receptors, play important roles in opioid addiction, mediating both the rewarding effects of opioids and opioid withdrawal syndrome (OWS). The underlying mechanism of MOR-mediated opioid rewarding effects and withdrawal syndrome is of vital importance to understand the nature of opioid addiction and also provides theoretical basis for targeting MORs to treat drug addiction. In this review, we first briefly introduce the basic concepts of MORs, including their structure, distribution in the nervous system, endogenous ligands, and functional characteristics. We focused on the brain circuitry and molecular mechanism of MORs-mediated opioid reward and withdrawal. The neuroanatomical and functional elements of the neural circuitry of the reward system underlying opioid addiction were thoroughly discussed, and the roles of MOR within the reward circuitry were also elaborated. Furthermore, we interrogated the roles of MORs in OWS, along with the structural basis and molecular adaptions of MORs-mediated withdrawal syndrome. Finally, current treatment strategies for opioid addiction targeting MORs were also presented.
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Dysregulation of the dopamine (DA) system is a hallmark of substance abuse disorders, including alcohol use disorder (AUD). Of the DA receptor subtypes, the DA D2 receptors (D2Rs) play a key role in the reinforcing effects of alcohol. D2Rs are expressed in numerous brain regions associated with the regulation of appetitive behaviors. One such region is the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), which has been linked to the development and maintenance of AUD. Recently, we identified alcohol withdrawal-related neuroadaptations in the periaqueductal gray/dorsal raphe to BNST DA circuit in male mice. However, the role of D2R-expressing BNST neurons in voluntary alcohol consumption is not well characterized. In this study, we used a CRISPR-Cas9-based viral approach, to selectively reduce the expression of D2Rs in BNST VGAT neurons and interrogated the impact of BNST D2Rs in alcohol-related behaviors. In male mice, reduced D2R expression potentiated the stimulatory effects of alcohol and increased voluntary consumption of 20% w/v alcohol in a two-bottle choice intermittent access paradigm. This effect was not specific to alcohol, as D2R deletion also increased sucrose intake in male mice. Interestingly, cell-specific deletion of BNST D2Rs in female mice did not alter alcohol-related behaviors but lowered the threshold for mechanical pain sensitivity. Collectively, our findings suggest a role for postsynaptic BNST D2Rs in the modulation of sex-specific behavioral responses to alcohol and sucrose.
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Increased activity of dopamine-containing neurons in the ventral tegmental area is necessary for the reinforcing effects of opioids and other abused drugs. Intracellular recordings from these cells in slices of rat brain in vitro showed that opioids do not affect the principal (dopamine-containing) neurons but hyperpolarize secondary (GABA- containing) interneurons. Experiments with agonists and antagonists selective for opioid receptor subtypes indicated that the hyperpolarization of secondary cells involved the mu-receptor. Most principal cells showed spontaneous bicuculline-sensitive synaptic potentials when the extracellular potassium concentration was increased from 2.5 to 6.5 or 10.5 mM; these were prevented by TTX and assumed to result from action potentials arising in slightly depolarized local interneurons. The frequency of these synaptic potentials, but not their amplitudes, was reduced by opioids selective for mu-receptors. It is concluded that hyperpolarization of the interneurons by opioids reduces the spontaneous GABA-mediated synaptic input to the dopamine cells. In vivo, this would lead to excitation of the dopamine cells by disinhibition, which would be expected to contribute to the positive reinforcement seen with mu-receptor agonists such as morphine and heroin.
Much has been written about the connections of the amygdala, first of descriptions of normal material as stained with Weigert or Bielschowski type techniques, later of experimental material impregnated with Glees (1946) and Nauta-Gygax (1954) silver procedures. Reviews on the subject can be found in publications by Gloor (1955), Valverde (1965), Nauta and Haymaker (1969) and, in the present meeting, by Professor Lammers (1971). However, despite the pioneer value of such works, it was not until very recently that more reliable information has been produced, specifically by Heimer and Nauta (1969) who utilized the Fink-Heimer (1967) and electron microscopic methods. Further elaboration of their findings has been presented by Leonard and Scott (1971), who also employed the Fink-Heimer technique, and these contributions find strong support in additional electron microscopic observations by Raisman (1970, 1971).
The septal area of the rat is known to receive a rich innervation by axons of catecholamine (CA) neurons. In the present study this innervatic was studied using biochemical assay of CA content and fluorescence histochemical analysis of the distribution of CA‐producing axons to determine the nuclei origin of the septal CA innervation and the effects of lesions on these parameters. The autoradiographic tracing technique and the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)‐retrograde transport technique also were used for this purpose. The norepinephrine (NE) content of the normal septal area is 1,162 ± 127 ng/g and the dopamine (DA) content is 522 ± 106 ng/g. Hemisection of the brainstem caudal to the locus coeruleus results in a 47% decrease in septal NE content and a unilateral locus coeruleus lesion produces a 48% decrease in septal NE content. These observations suggest that the NE innervation of the septal area arises approximately equally from the locus coeruleus and nuclei in the caudal brain stem. This is confirmed, at least in part, by the anterograde and retrograde transport studies. The DA innervation of the septal area is shown by all of the techniques employed to arise almost exclusively from cells of the ventral tegmental area. NE axons arising from the locus coeruleus distribute in the septal area to the hippocampal rudiment, the nucleus of the diagonal band, the interstitial nucleus of the stria terminalis, the medial septal nucleus, the lateral septal nucleus and the nucleus septofimbrialis. In each area the innervation is sparse to moderate in density and has the plexiform organization typical of locus coeruleus innervation. The brainstem NE innervation is very dense in the interstitial nucleus of the stria terminalis, moderately dense in the lateral septal nucleus and sparse in the nucleus of the diagonal band. The DA axons innervating the septum terminate in two distinct patterns. The first is identical to that seen in the neostriatum. Preterminal axons are very fine and non‐varicose. As they reach a terminal area they branch markedly and give rise to extremely numerous, closely‐packed, fine varicosities. This type of DA innervation is found in the medial part of the lateral septal nucleus in a dense band and about some scattered lateral septal nucleus neurons, in the nucleus accumbens and in the interstitial nucleus of the stria terminalis. The second pattern is for non‐varicose preterminal axons to branch and terminate in pericellular baskets about lateral septal nucleus neurons or simply terminate in the lateral septal nucleus neuropil. In each case the terminal branches give off distinct varicosities which are larger than those formed in the first pattern of DA innervation. Thus, the septal area has a complex organization of CA innervation with NE axons arising from caudal brainstem nuclei and the locus coeruleus and DA axons arising from the ventral tegmental area.
Dopaminergic and glutamatergic transmissions have long been known to interactatmultiple levels in the basal ganglia to modulate motor and cognitive functions. Oneimportantaspect of their interactions is represented by the reciprocal modulation of release. Thistopic hasbeen the object of interest since the late 70s, particularly in the striatum and inmidbraindopaminergic areas (substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area). Analysisofglutamate-dopamine interactions in the control of each others release is complicated by thefactthat both glutamate and dopamine act on multiple receptor subtypes which can exertdifferenteffects. Therefore, glutamatergic modulation of dopamine release has been reviewed byanalyzingthe effects of glutamatergic selective receptor agonists and antagonists in the striatum (bothmotor and limbic portions) and in midbrain dopaminergic areas, as revealed by in vitro (slices,cell cultures, synaptosomes) and in vivo (push-pull, microdialysis and voltammetrytechniques)experimental approaches. The same approach has been followed for dopaminergicmodulation ofglutamate release. The facilitatory nature of glutamate modulating both presynapticand dendriticdopamine release has clearly emerged from in vitro studies. However, evidence ispresented that,at least in the striatum and in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats,glutamate-mediated inhibitoryeffects may also occur. In vitro and in vivo experiments in thestriatum and midbraindopaminergic areas mainly depict dopamine as an inhibitory modulator ofglutamate release.However, in vivo studies reporting dopamine D1 receptor mediated facilitatoryeffects are alsoconsidered. Therefore, the general notion that glutamate and dopamine actoppositely to regulateeach others release, is only partly supported by the available data.Conversely, the nature of theinteraction between the two neurotransmitters seems to varydepending on the experimentalapproach, the brain area considered and the subtype of receptorinvolved.
Hyperactivity of brain norepinephrine (NE) systems has long been implicated in mechanisms of opiate withdrawal (OW). However, little is known about where elevated NE may act to promote OW. Here we report that the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), the densest NE target in the brain, is critical for NE actions in OW. (1) Many BNST neurons become Fos+ after OW. Pretreatment with the β antagonist, propranolol, markedly reduces OW symptoms and the number of Fos+ cells in the BNST. (2) Numerous neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (A2 neurons) and the A1 cell group are triple labeled for tyrosine hydroxylase, a retrograde tracer from the BNST, and Fos after OW, revealing numerous NE neurons that project to the BNST from the medulla that are stimulated by OW. Fewer such triple-labeled neurons were found in the locus caeruleus. (3) Behavioral studies reveal that local microinjections of selective β-adrenergic antagonists into the BNST attenuate OW symptoms. In particular, withdrawal-induced place aversion is abolished by bilateral microinjection of a cocktail of selective beta 1 (betaxolol) plus the beta 2 (ICI 181,555) antagonists (1.0 nmol each/0.5 μL per side) into the BNST. Similar results were obtained with neurochemically selective lesions of the ventral ascending NE bundle, the pathway for A1 and A2 projections to the BNST. Similar lesions of the dorsal NE bundle of projections from the locus caeruleus had no effect on either aversive or somatic withdrawal symptoms. Together, these results indicate that β-receptor activation in the BNST is critical for aversive withdrawal symptoms, and that A1 and A2 neurons in the medulla are the source of this critical NE.
The hypothesis that the dopaminergic system plays a role in feeding behavior was tested in three experiments. First, microdialysis was performed in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) at 20 min intervals during free feeding in rats at 80% of normal body weight. Extracellular concentration of dopamine (DA), dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and homovanillic acid (HVA) increased significantly during eating indicating an increase in DA turnover. Second, microdialysis samples were collected from the NAC during bar pressing with a) a signal light on and food available, b) the light on but no food available, c) neither light nor food. Only when food was available did extracellular DA, DOPAC and HVA increase significantly. This increase in DA turnover occurred in the accumbens but not in the ventral striatum. Third, electrical stimulation of the perifornical lateral hypothalamus (LH) that was capable of inducing feeding increased extracellular DA, DOPAC and HVA in the NAC. This occurred whether the animal had food to eat or not. The effect of LH stimulation on DA turnover resembled the effects of free feeding and operant feeding in Experiments 1 and 2. Perifornical LH stimulation did not increase dopamine turnover in the ventral striatum. The results show that perifornical LH stimulation activates the mesolimbic dopamine system and that dopamine release in the accumbens is involved in feeding. The increase in dopamine turnover outlasted the consummatory act. This suggests that accumbens dopamine may be related to sensory input, feeding reflexes, food reward or memory processes and not just to the consummatory act itself.