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Injury to the spinal cord without radiological abnormality (SCIWORA) in adults


Abstract and Figures

Injury to the spinal cord without radiological abnormality often occurs in the skeletally immature cervical and thoracic spine. We describe four adult patients with this diagnosis involving the cervical spine with resultant quadriparesis. The relevant literature is reviewed. The implications for initial management of the injury, the role of MRI and the need for a high index of suspicion are highlighted.
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P. Kothari, MS(Orth), Specialist Orthopaedic Registrar
B. Freeman, FRCS Orth, Senior Spinal Fellow
M. Grevitt, FRCS Orth, Consultant Spinal Surgeon
Centre for Spinal Studies and Surgery
R. Kerslake, FRCR, Consultant Radiologist
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
University Hospital, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH,
Correspondence should be sent to Mr M. Grevitt.
©2000 British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery
0301-620X/00/710641 $2.00
Injury to the spinal cord without radiological
abnormality (SCIWORA) in adults
P. Kothari, B. Freeman, M. Grevitt, R. Kerslake
From the University Hospital, Nottingham, England
njury to the spinal cord without radiological
abnormality often occurs in the skeletally immature
cervical and thoracic spine. We describe four adult
patients with this diagnosis involving the cervical
spine with resultant quadriparesis. The relevant
literature is reviewed. The implications for initial
management of the injury, the role of MRI and the
need for a high index of suspicion are highlighted.
J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2000;82-B:1034-7.
Received 12 October 1999; Accepted after revision 19 April 2000
Since its first description by Pang and Wilberger,
injury to
the spinal cord without radiological abnormality (SCI-
WORA) has been well documented in the paediatric lit-
The relatively large size of the head and the
greater inherent mobility in the immature axial skeleton,
combined with ligamentous laxity or disruption, render the
spinal cord vulnerable to damage in high-energy trauma. In
the absence of osseous injury on plain radiographs or
tomography, MRI should demonstrate abnormalities in all
cases. SCIWORA in adults is rare, but is of considerable
importance because of the potential problems of manage-
ment inherent in the diagnosis. We report four such cases,
highlighting common clinical features, and consider their
relevance in general trauma practice.
Case Reports
Case 1. A 24-year-old male motorcyclist came off the road
at high speed. He wore no helmet and had a severe head
injury. When initially assessed at the receiving hospital the
plain radiographs of the neck were normal apart from a
narrow spinal canal (Fig. 1a). On regaining consciousness
he was noted to be quadriparetic with MRC grade-II power
in most muscle groups. Apart from some dysaesthesia in
the upper limbs there were no other neurological symptoms
or signs. He was transferred to our unit 48 hours later, by
which time power in the upper limbs had recovered to
MRC grade III and in the lower limbs to grade IV. MR
images showed mild, focal swelling of the cord and oedema
at C3/4, with prevertebral soft-tissue swelling and disrup-
tion of the anterior longitudinal ligament. In addition, there
was low signal intensity in the C3/4 disc with a shallow,
posterior bulge without focal compression of the cord.
There was oedema in the posterior ligamentous complex at
the same level and at C4/5. Abnormalities were seen in the
horizontal linear signal in the bodies of T2 to T6 indicative
of undisplaced compression fractures (Fig. 1b). A diagnosis
of central cord syndrome was made. The patient made
further neurological recovery, and repeat MRI two months
after the injury showed resolution of the oedema in the cord
but persistent signal changes which were suggestive of
Fig. 1a Fig. 1b
Case 1. Figure 1a – Lateral plain radiograph of the cervical spine showing
minimal prevertebral soft-tissue swelling at C3/4 (arrows). No fracture is
apparent. The alignment of the vertebral bodies is normal. Figure 1b –
Sagittal MRI (T2-weighted) showing a small prevertebral haematoma with
elevation of the anterior longitudinal ligament. A shallow posterior bulge
of the C3/4 disc is apparent with focal oedema. The alignment of the
vertebral bodies is normal. There are undisplaced linear fractures in the
upper thoracic spine (arrow). Other images show posterior ligamentous
disruption at C3/4 and C4/5 indicating a predominantly hyperflexion
Case 2. A 33-year-old woman was admitted with quad-
riparesis after a fall from a ladder. Physical examination
revealed a sensory level at C5, MRC grade-II power in the
upper and lower limbs but no tenderness in the neck. Plain
radiographs showed congenital fusion at C2/3 and C7/T1
(Fig. 2a). No bony injury was apparent. She was given
high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone. MRI showed
marked constitutional narrowing of the cervical spinal
canal from C3 to C7 with oedema of the cord between C4
and C7. There was focal compression of the cord at C5/6
caused by a spondylotic ridge. Posterior ligamentous oede-
ma was apparent at the C4/5 and C5/6 segments with more
diffuse soft-tissue oedema at the upper cervical levels (Fig.
As there was no early evidence of neurological improve-
ment she underwent laminectomy from C3 to C6; no dural
tears were seen at operation. She was transferred to the
regional spinal-injuries unit where she recovered MRC
grade-IV power in the upper and lower limbs and regained
some sphincter control.
Case 3. An 18-year-old man was physically assaulted
while drunk. He sustained a severe head injury with a
Glasgow Coma Score of 7 on admission. A CT scan of the
brain revealed contusion of the left parietal lobe. The
patient’s level of consciousness returned to normal 48 hours
later but he was quadriparetic. Review of the initial cervical
radiographs was thought to show a minimal anterior com-
pression fracture of C6 with slight rotation (Fig. 3a).
On transfer to our unit he was noted to have a sensory
level at C5 with no active movement in any of his four limbs
but no posterior cervical tenderness. Catheter tug sensation
was present but the anus was patulous. The bulbocavernosus
reflex was present at that stage. MRI showed oedema of the
mid-cervical cord and focal haemorrhage at C5/6 (Fig. 3b).
There was a shallow, diffuse disc bulge at the same level.
Subtle horizontal, linear oedema was seen in the vertebral
bodies of C5 and C6 without evidence of discrete fractures.
There was associated disruption of the posterior ligament at
C4/5, C5/6 and C6/7 with diffuse soft-tissue oedema in the
upper cervical region. He was managed conservatively but
there was no neurological recovery.
Case 4. A 49-year-old unsecured male passenger in a rear
seat was ejected from a car in an accident at high speed. He
sustained serious head, maxillofacial and abdominal inju-
ries. Plain radiographs of the neck showed no bony injury.
After resuscitation he required a laparotomy at which lac-
erations of the liver were repaired.
He was transferred to our neurosurgical unit where he
was observed to have movement in all four limbs. Repeat
CT scans of the brain, and sections through C7/T1 which
had not been adequately demonstrated on the initial views,
were normal. An intracranial pressure transducer was inser-
ted and his maxillofacial fractures were reduced and stabi-
lised. After four days in intensive care, following
extubation and reversal of sedation, he was conscious
enough to complain of neck pain. He remained quad-
riparetic, however, with no useful motor function below
C5. MRI of the spine revealed a constitutionally narrow
canal. There was a small posterior disc protrusion at C5/6
with associated focal oedema of the cord at this level.
There was also injury of the mid-cervical posterior liga-
ment and horizontal, linear signal abnormalities in the
vertebral bodies of T3 and T4 (Fig. 4). Subsequent CT of
VOL. 82-B, N
. 7, SEPTEMBER 2000
Fig. 2a Fig. 2b
Case 2. Figure 2a – A lateral plain radiograph of the cervical spine
showing congenital fusion at C2/3 and C7/T1. Minor spondylotic changes
are apparent at C5/6 but no fracture is evident. The central canal is narrow.
Figure 2b – Sagittal MRI showing congenital fusion at C2/3 and C7/T1
and constitutional stenosis of the central canal. There are spondylotic
changes at the mobile mid-cervical levels and a shallow traumatic protru-
sion of the disc at C5/6, with associated oedema of the cord from C3 to
C7. There is diffuse soft-tissue oedema (arrow) indicative of a hyper-
flexion injury.
Fig. 3a Fig. 3b
Case 3. Figure 3a – Lateral plain radiograph of the cervical spine showing
a small anterosuperior corner fracture of C6 (arrow). Figure 3b – Sagittal
T2-weighted MRI. The images are degraded by movement artefact. The
area of low-signal intensity centrally within the cord at C5/6 is indicative
of haemorrhage and there is surrounding oedema. There is a shallow
posterior bulge of the C5/6 disc although the small anterior fracture of C6
cannot be readily appreciated. Other images show posterior ligamentous
injury indicative of a hyperflexion injury.
the entire cervical spine showed no fracture. There were
spondylotic changes at C4/5 and C5/6. Eight days after
injury supervised dynamic radiographs with the patient
awake, showed no evidence of instability; 15 days after
injury, there was neurological improvement to grade IV/V,
from the C7 myotome with some active movement of the
lower limbs (grade-II ankle dorsiflexion). He was later
transferred to the regional spinal rehabilitation unit.
SCIWORA in the paediatric spine is a reflection of the
inherent elasticity of the soft tissues which ensures immedi-
ate spontaneous reduction after considerable intersegmental
displacement. The flexibility of the spine is reduced with
increasing age and skeletal maturation, and with it, the
likelihood of bone injury becomes greater.
SCIWORA in adults is not well documented. Chen et al
described five cases with traumatic central cord syndrome
and an abnormal cord signal on MRI but without definitive
compression of the cord. There is only one case of SCI-
WORA reported in the surgical literature affecting the adult
In this patient, myelography demonstrated gross
leakage of contrast and a subsequent CT scan suggested
rupture of the cord, confirmed on MRI which also showed
an interspinous ligamentous injury.
In the conscious patient, pain or neurological symptoms
will suggest the possibility of injury to the cervical spine.
Cervical injuries are likely to be missed in multiple trauma,
craniofacial injuries and drug- or alcohol-related accidents;
three of our cases illustrate the difficulties of clinical
assessment in such situations. Adequate spinal radiographs
are essential.
The cross-table lateral radiograph will dem-
onstrate 75% of fractures, with a sensitivity of 82% to 85%.
The diagnostic accuracy approaches 92% to 99% when all
cervical views (lateral, anteroposterior, open mouth and
oblique) are obtained.
CT will demonstrate subtle injuries
to the posterior arch or lateral masses and injuries in the
atlantoaxial region.
Despite the above data, a recent survey of UK practice
by Lockey, Handley and Willett
showed wide variation in
the protocols for reviewing the cervical spine in the uncon-
scious patient. Some units relied only on a cross-table
lateral radiograph. Where the C1/2 or C7/T1 areas were not
demonstrated on plain radiographs, there was often no
protocol for CT of the neck at the same time as examina-
tion of the brain. Lockey’s own departmental policy was to
take dynamic fluoroscopic views in the intubated or uncon-
scious patient to exclude instability. Bedside fluoroscopic
examination has been reported in other centres where the
incidence of cervical instability was 5% in patients with
otherwise normal radiological appearances.
Between 8% and 15% of cervical fractures are associated
with herniation of a disc which may compress the cord.
Benzel et al,
using MRI, found an incidence of 16% of
abnormality of a disc following trauma. In two of our cases
SCIWORA occurred in association with a constitutionally
narrow canal. We question the wisdom of performing
dynamic radiographs in this situation when demonstrable
instability may cause injury to the cord. Furthermore, as
our cases illustrate, there may not be documented move-
ment of the limbs before admission to hospital. If the
patient recovers consciousness with obvious quadriparesis,
the question arises as to whether the deficit was the result
of the initial accident or of the examination. There are
obvious medicolegal implications.
Prolonged cervical immobilisation with hard collars may
cause complications.
Increased intracranial pressure, care
of the skin and difficulties with nursing may demand early
removal of a hard collar, in a patient who is ventilated after
a head injury. Our experience leads us not to rely on plain
radiographs or CT to exclude cervical injury. In such
circumstances, it is safer to presume the presence of an
unstable spinal injury. MRI is useful in demonstrating
ligamentous injury and is being advocated for routine
review of the cervical spine.
The logistics of MRI in the
ventilated patient and the limited availability of this inves-
tigation throughout the UK prevents its use from being
obligatory. It is our policy that when MRI is not practical,
the collar is removed when the patient is sedated and
intubated. The neck is assumed to be unstable and sup-
ported with sand bags in neutral alignment. The collar is
reapplied when the patient is being weaned from the ven-
tilator, until formal neurological examination is performed.
Depending on the circumstances, dynamic radiography or
MRI is then performed.
MRI has been useful in this series as there were focal
Fig. 4
Case 4. Sagittal T2-weighted MRI showing a
shallow posterior protrusion of the disc at C5/6
with associated oedema of the cord. There are
minimally displaced linear fractures at T3 and
T4 (other images showed posterior ligamentous
injury indicative of hyperflexion injury at C5/
changes in the cord, and ligamentous and disc injury. In
addition, relative narrowing of the spinal canal is well
demonstrated. Plain radiography and the use of the Pavlov
ratio have not been helpful in estimating relative dimen-
sions of the canal or the space available for the cord.
importance of narrowing of the canal in the context of
SCIWORA is that the mechanism of inducing the central
cord syndrome probably differs from that seen in the older
patient. In the latter case, the cord is compressed between
the enfolded ligamentum flavum and anterior vertebral
osteophyte in a hyperextension injury.
Our cases have
shown significant signal changes on T2-weighted images,
particularly in the posterior ligament complex. This implies
a hyperflexion-compression force, as described by Allen et
In support of this is the linear high-signal changes in
the upper thoracic vertebrae indicative of axial loads trans-
mitted caudally at the moment of impact. The damage to
the cord may then occur as a consequence of traction,
forward translation and compression between a modest disc
bulge and the laminae. This concept has been supported by
the observations of Chen et al
and may be similar to that
described by Braakman and Penning,
who refer to it as a
‘hyperflexion sprain’.
The demonstration of changes in the cord has also been
useful in predicting recovery. The neurological outcome in
patients with focal oedema of the cord has been better than
in the patient with overt haematoma of the cord as seen on
MRI. These observations appear to confirm the findings of
Schaefer et al
in which focal oedema was associated with
motor recovery of 70%.
In conclusion, SCIWORA must be suspected in all
patients with a neurological deficit and apparently normal
radiographs. A high index of suspicion is necessary in
injured patients in whom movement of all limbs is not seen.
The presence of constitutional narrowing of the canal
would seem to predispose to lesions of the cord especially
in young adults with a compression-flexion type of injury.
MRI is a sensitive method of demonstrating ligamentous
damage and protrusion of the discs, which are important
features in the mechanics of injury to the cord. The use of
dynamic fluoroscopy in these patients may be dangerous.
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a
commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this
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VOL. 82-B, N
. 7, SEPTEMBER 2000
... 3,[5][6][7] The incidence of SCIWORAs in the adult population is rather underreported (<10%). 4 For this reason, "adult SCIWORA" is considered as a rare syndrome, more common in males (68.5%) with a peak in their reproductive age, [8][9][10][11] even if in the elderly population (> 60 years) the incidence is comparatively higher due to degenerative pathologies, including spondylosis, ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament and cervical stenosis. 12,13 The most common location injured is the cervical spine (89%), between C2 and C4 in children, then moving between C5 and C6 in adults. ...
... 14 The thoracic or lumbar spines are involved respectively in 9.5% and 1.5% of cases. 9,11,[15][16][17] Rare cases of thoracic-lumbar involvement are also reported in the literature. 18,19 The pathophysiology ...
... 13 The patient can complain of mild, transient spinal cord concussive deficits, such as paraesthesia in fingers, up to permanent, complete injuries of the spinal cord with quadriparesis. 11,35 When performing physical examination, emergency physicians should bear in mind that some patients experience symptoms only at the moment of injury, while in others neurological deficits can be acute or delayed ranging from a few minutes to 24h and even up to 4 days. This latency is associated with repeated microinsults to the spinal cord from striking against the unstable vertebrae. ...
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Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) is a rare post-traumatic myelopathy, more frequently seen in paediatric population and elderly. Clinical manifestation can range from transient isolated paraesthesia to quadriplegia. Due to its rarity in adults and the broad spectrum of neurological manifestations, SCIWORA actually represents a challenge for emergency physicians. Early diagnosis and timely intervention are crucial for the patient’s prognosis avoiding permanent neurological deficits. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis, management and prognosis of SCIWORA, being the golden standard technique to identify spinal cord injuries. To highlight the importance of in-depth neurological examination and early diagnosis of SCIWORA, we describe the case of a 53-year-old woman who presented to our emergency department following a forward fall down the stairs with a minor head injury.
... 29 Most patients with such injury are elderly and have a radiographic abnormality such as osteophytes, disc bulging/herniation, or hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum and might present with quadriplegia caused by hyperextension injury. 19,20,28,35 Whether this injury should be treated with surgery or conservative measures remains controversial. [3][4][5]8,[15][16][17]25,27,31,36 When MRI reveals spinal cord compression associated with spinal canal stenosis, decompression surgery can be indicated. ...
... Acute traumatic cervical SCI without bone and disc injury often is described as SCI without a radiographic abnormality in adults, 19,35 SCI without radiographic evidence of trauma, 20,28 or cervical SCI without bony injury 13 that includes disc injury, small avulsion fracture of the vertebral body, spinous process fracture, or other ligamentous injury. We considered cervical SCI with or without those injuries but without fracture, dislocation, and spinal canal bony injury, such as tear-drop fracture or facet fracture, as traumatic cervical SCI without bone and disc injury. ...
... Acute traumatic cervical SCI without bone and disc injury has been described as SCI without radiographic evidence of trauma that is caused by extension injury. 19,20,28,29,[33][34][35] Most patients with such an injury are elderly and present with degenerative radiographic findings such as osteophytes, disc bulging/herniation, and hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum. Cervical SCI caused by extension injury can be subdivided into 2 categories. ...
OBJECTIVE This study investigated neurological improvements after conservative treatment in patients with complete motor paralysis caused by acute cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) without bone and disc injury. METHODS This study was retrospective. The authors evaluated neurological outcomes after conservative treatment of 62 patients with complete motor paralysis caused by cervical SCI without bone and disc injury within 72 hours after trauma. The sequential changes in their American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) grades were reviewed at follow-up 24–72 hours, 1 week, and 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment. RESULTS Of the 31 patients with a baseline AIS grade of A, 2 (6.5%) patients improved to grade B, 5 (16.1%) improved to grade C, and 2 (6.5%) improved to grade D by the 6-month follow-up. The 22 (71.0%) patients who remained at AIS grade A 1 month after injury showed no neurological improvement at the 6-month follow-up. Of the 31 patients with a baseline AIS grade of B, 12 (38.7%) patients showed at least a 1-grade improvement at the 1-month follow-up; 11 (35.5%) patients improved to grade C and 16 (51.6%) patients improved to grade D at the 6-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS Even in patients with complete motor paralysis caused by cervical SCI without bone and disc injury within 72 hours after trauma, approximately 30% of the patients with an AIS grade of A and 85% of the patients with an AIS grade B improved neurologically after conservative treatment. It is very important to recognize the extent of neurological improvement possible with conservative treatment, even for severe complete motor paralysis.
... These symptoms of neck pain improve gradually, but delayed traumatic cervical spinal cord infarction is a devastating condition in rapid (fast) sequences that has not yet been described [2,[6][7][8][9][10]. The differential diagnosis of acute progressive paraplegia after trauma cases includes spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA); this acronym was introduced by Pang and Wilberger, who used it to refer to clinical symptoms of traumatic myelopathy without findings of radiographic, CT, and MRI abnormalities [11,12]. In children, several cases of spinal cord infarction or ischemia after minor trauma have been reported [1,6]. ...
... As shown in this case report, the vascular territory is also an important factor in the anatomy of spinal cord infarction, which may manifest as abnormal findings of the vertebral artery on cervical spine CT angiography and MRA. The mechanism and timing of these vertebral circulation infarcts in spinal cord injury patients remain unclear [4,7,11,12]. ...
Traumatic spinal cord infarction is a rare condition that causes serious paralysis. The regulation of spinal cord blood flow in injured spinal cords remains unknown. Spinal cord infarction or ischemia has been reported after cardiovascular interventions, scoliosis correction, or profound hypotension. In this case, a 52-year-old man revisited the emergency center with motor and sensory abnormalities in all four extremities 56 hours after a motor vehicle collision. Despite the clinical presentation and imaging examination, there were no specific findings on the patient’s first visit to the trauma center. Cervical spine computed tomography angiography showed a narrow vertebral artery, and diffusion-weighted imaging revealed spinal cord infarction from C3 to C5 with high signal intensity. It should be kept in mind that delayed-onset spinal cord infarction may occur in minor or major trauma patients as a result of head and neck injuries.
... Patients with soft tissue injuries, such as anterior longitudinal ligament or ligamentum flavum injury, show less ability to improve. The external force reduces the storage capacity of the cervical spinal canal and compresses the spinal cord, which is consistent in the MRI findings of patients after injury [8][9][10][11][12]. MRI was carried out for 2 patients immediately after admission and underwent surgery within 3 days. ...
... Instantaneous external force causes vascular injury of the nutrition spinal cord, bleeding, and edema, which aggravates the vascular injury again, forming a vicious cycle. However, the instability of SCIWORA had not been given enough attention, and cervical dynamic position X-ray should be executed with caution [11]. The diagnosis of SCIWORA in adults depends on plain radiographs and CT. ...
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Background: Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) is a rare traumatic myelopathy. Although surgery is one of the most important treatments, the surgery for SCIWORA is controversial, especially the time of surgery is a topic of controversy. Here, we investigate the effects of difference in duration from injury to surgery on the outcome of SCIWORA. Methods: This retrospective study was performed in all patients with spinal cord injury admitted to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University from January 2013 to April 2017. Fifty-seven patients who met the study requirements were divided into 3 groups according to the duration from injury to surgery. Group A (surgery within 3 days of injury) had 18 patients, group B (surgery within 3-7 days) had 18 patients, and group C (surgery later than 7 days) had 21 patients. All the groups were compared with Mann-Whitney U test; the functional improvement of spinal cord was compared and analyzed using the ASIA sports score and ASIA Impairment Scale (AIS). Results: There was a significant improvement in the long-term AIS (final follow-up) in all the 3 groups compared to before surgery. The final follow-up recovery rate of group C was worse than group A and group B. The curative effect of operation within 7 days was significantly better than the surgery done 7 days later. The recovery rate of group C was worse than group A and B. The ASIA sports score showed that recovery was quicker in the early stage and slow in the later stage. Conclusions: The optimal schedule of surgical treatment was 3-7 days after injury, which can significantly improve the short-term and long-term follow-up effects. Longer the time to surgery from the time of injury, the worse was the prognosis.
... 1-2,6-8 The high-signal change on MRI is useful for assessing the damage to the cervical spinal cord, the cervical spinal bone, and the paraspinal soft tissue and is used as a prognostic predictor of the neurological outcomes. 1,2,[9][10][11][12][13] The most common cause of CSCI without major fracture was reported to be a sudden neck hyperextension. [14][15][16] The HIA of the anterior paraspinal soft tissue on MRI is also reported to reflect prevertebral hemorrhage caused by anterior longitudinal ligament and disc damage during sudden neck hyperextension. ...
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Study Design Retrospective cohort study. Objective To develop a grading method for cervical paraspinal soft tissue damage after cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI) without major fracture based on the short T1 inversion recovery (STIR) mid-sagittal magnetic resonance image (MRI) for prediction of neurological improvements. Methods This study included 34 patients with CSCI without major fracture, treated conservatively for at least 1 year and graded using the STIR-MRI Grade. This system consists of anterior grades; A0: no high-intensity area (HIA), A1: linear HIA, and A2: fusiform HIA, and posterior grades; P0: no HIA, P1: HIA not exceeding the nuchal ligament, and P2: HIA exceeding the nuchal ligament, within 24 hours postinjury. The American Spinal Injury Association impairment scale (AIS) and the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) scores were examined. Results Anterior grades were not significantly correlated with the AIS and JOA score. At both injury and final follow-up, the AIS in P2 patients was significantly more severe ( P = 0.007, P = 0.015, respectively) than that in P0 patients. At the injury, the AIS in P2 patients was significantly more severe ( P = 0.008) than that in P1 patients. Among P2 patients only, the JOA score at the injury (1.4 points) did not improve by the final follow-up (3.9 points). The final follow-up JOA score (3.9 points) in P2 patients was significantly lower than that (13.6 points) in P0 patients ( P = 0.016). Conclusions Grade P2 led to poor neurological outcomes. The STIR-MRI Grade is a prognostic indicator for neurological improvements past-CSCI.
... The subluxations are Fielding's type 1, with anterior displacement (subluxation) of the facet on one side, and a normal atlanto-dental interval (ADI less than 3 mm) ( Fig. 2a and b), reducible, and bestfused posteriorly [26,88] (Fig. 4a-d). Failure to diagnose AAI resides in the difficulty of recognizing rotary instability on standard x-ray, CT, and MRI images [57]. The use of rotational CT to diagnose rotary subluxation was established with cadaveric studies, which demonstrated a mean rotation between atlas and axis of 31.1°, ...
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Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is common in the connective tissue disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and increasingly recognized in the heritable disorders of Stickler, Loeys-Dietz, Marfan, Morquio, and Ehlers-Danlos (EDS) syndromes, where it typically presents as a rotary subluxation due to incompetence of the alar ligament. This retrospective, IRB-approved study examines 20 subjects with Fielding type 1 rotary subluxation, characterized by anterior subluxation of the facet on one side, with a normal atlanto-dental interval. Subjects diagnosed with a heritable connective tissue disorder, and AAI had failed non-operative treatment and presented with severe headache, neck pain, and characteristic neurological findings. Subjects underwent a modified Goel-Harms posterior C1-C2 screw fixation and fusion without complication. At 15 months, two subjects underwent reoperation following a fall (one) and occipito-atlantal instability (one). Patients reported improvement in the frequency or severity of neck pain (P < 0.001), numbness in the hands and lower extremities (P = 0.001), headaches, pre-syncope, and lightheadedness (all P < 0.01), vertigo and arm weakness (both P = 0.01), and syncope, nausea, joint pain, and exercise tolerance (all P < 0.05). The diagnosis of Fielding type 1 AAI requires directed investigation with dynamic imaging. Alignment and stabilization is associated with improvement of pain, syncopal and near-syncopal episodes, sensorimotor function, and exercise tolerance.
... the prevalence of this condition is highest among children below 8 years of age who also have the most unfavorable prognosis, which is probably associated with relatively heavy head, weaker neck muscles and greater elasticity of vertebral ligaments in this patient population. [3][4][5] Spinal stenosis and intervertebral disc disease are important conditions for the development of adult ScIWora, which is more frequent in the male middle and advanced age groups. 6 High-energy injuries are often associated with vertebral ...
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Background: Cervical spinal cord injury(CSCI) without major fracture or dislocation is often described as cervical SCI without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA). Majority of this injury could be without radiographic abnormality but with disrupted anterior longitudinal ligament or intervertebral disc unless examined by MRI. The optimal surgical management of this cervical spinal cord injury remains controversial. This study is to evaluate the clinical advantages of laminoplasty combined with short-segment transpedicular screw fixation for managing this issue. Methods: SCIWORA patients were collected into two groups according to different surgical methods. Patients in group A received laminoplasty combined with transpedicular screw fixation, and patients in group B received anterior cervical fusion combined with laminoplasty. All cervical spine were assessed by X-ray, CT, MRI preoperatively and postoperatively to evaluate the decompression range, bonegraft fusion and instruments location. ASIA grade and JOA score were recorded to assess the neurological function recovery. Complications, surgery time, intraoperative blood loss and hospital stay were compared between two groups. Mean follow-up was at least 2 years. Results: In this study, Forty eight patients were in group A and 54 ones were in group B. All cases were decompressed fully and obtained fusion 6-month postoperatively. The ASIA grade was improved postoperatively, but no significantly different between two groups (p=0.907). The JOA was 6.12±1.76 preoperatively and improved to 11.98±2.98 postoperatively with the 53.13% neurofunction recovery rate in group A, with no significantly different compared with group B(vs 6.63±2.45, p=0.235; vs 12.62±3.59, p=0.303; vs 57.76%, p=0.590)respectively. Total 18 complications occurred but the occurrence was significant lower in group A(p=0.020). The average surgery time was 2.2±0.32 hours, intraoperative blood loss was 304±56ml and hospital stay was 8.2±3.1 days, significantly decreased compared with group B(vs 3.1±0.29, p=0.000; vs 388±61ml, p=0.000; vs 12±2.8days, p=0.000)respectively. Conclusions: Cervical laminoplasty combined with short-segment transpedicular screw fixation is a reliable option to treat SCIWORA patients with CSS. The advantages include achieving sufficient cervical decompression, maintaining cervical stability and avoiding extra anterior cervical fusion which increases surgery time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative complications and hospital stay.
A comparative study to examine the surgical outcomes of traumatic cervical myelopathy (TCM) patients was designed. The study aim was to compare the surgical outcomes between TCM and degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) and to characterize the preoperative symptoms and postoperative residual symptoms in TCM patients. One hundred consecutive patients with TCM (81 men, 19 women; mean age, 57.7 years; range, 31-79 years) and 100 consecutive patients with DCM (88 men, 12 women; mean age, 58.4 years; range, 36-78 years) were included in this study. All patients were treated by laminoplasty. The pre- and postoperative neurological statuses were evaluated according to the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) scoring system for cervical myelopathy. The recovery rate (RR) of each function was compared between the two groups. The mean preoperative JOA scores of motor function of the upper extremity in the TCM and DCM groups were 1.9 and 2.3, respectively (P < 0.01). After surgery, the mean RRs of motor function of the upper extremity in the TDM and DCM groups were 36.4% and 55.7%, respectively (P < 0.01) and in the lower extremity were 32.3% and 46.5%, respectively (P < 0.05). The RR for sensory function of the lower extremity was significantly lower in TCM patients than in DCM patients (39.6 vs 68.2, respectively; P < 0.0001). Motor function impairments of the upper and lower extremities and sensory function impairments of the lower extremities after surgery were more persistent in the TCM group than in the DCM group.
Missed or delayed diagnosis of cervical spine (C-spine) injuries may lead to extension of those injuries and subsequent preventable mortality or morbidity. Previous reports examining the incidence of missed C-spine injuries have not determined the nature of the causal clinical errors made or the extent to which these errors are avoidable. This study was undertaken to (1) determine the incidence of delayed or missed diagnosis of C-spine injuries and the consequences of those missed injuries; (2) define the clinical errors leading to the delays, and (3) to determine if these errors are the result of fundamental problems or a lack of advanced diagnostic skills or equipment. Between August 1985 and February 1991, 32,117 trauma patients were admitted to one of the six trauma centers in San Diego county. Cervical spine injuries were identified in 740 patients and the diagnosis was delayed or missed in 34 patients 14.6%). Ten of the 34 patients (29%) developed permanent sequelae as a result of these delays. The single most common error was the failure to obtain an adequate series of C-spine roentgenograms. Delayed diagnosis could have been avoided in at least 31 of 34 injuries by the appropriate use of a standard three-view C-spine series and careful interpretation of those roentgenograms. Patients at risk for C-spine injuries require a technically adequate three-view C-spine series and skilled radiographic interpretation. Cervical spine precautions should be maintained, particularly in high risk patients, until appropriate and expert review of the cervical spine roentgenograms can be obtained.
Fifty-seven patients with acute cervical spine injuries and associated major neurological deficit were examined within 2 weeks of injury by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. All patients had abnormal scans, indicating intramedullary lesions. This study was undertaken to determine if the early MR imaging pattern had a prognostic relationship to the eventual neurological outcome. Three different MR imaging patterns were observed in these patients: 21 patients had patterns characteristic of intramedullary hematoma (Group 1); 17 had intramedullary edema over more than one spinal segment, but no hemorrhage (Group 2); and 19 had restricted zones of intramedullary edema involving one spinal segment or less (Group 3). The neurological state was determined using standard motor index scores at admission and at follow-up examination. Characteristically, the patients in Group 1 had admission motor scores significantly lower than the other two groups. At follow-up examination, the median percent motor recovery was 9% for Group 1, 41% for Group 2, and 72% for Group 3. These studies suggest that the MR imaging pattern observed in the acutely injured human spinal cord has a prognostic significance in the final outcome of the motor system. It is only when an accurate prognosis can be given at the outset that useful treatment data might be collected for homogeneous injury groups, and accurately based long-term planning made for the best patient care.
Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) occurs primarily in the pediatric population but is less common than other forms of spinal injury among children. Between 1972 and 1990, 159 pediatric patients were admitted to the Barrow Neurological Institute with acute traumatic spinal cord or vertebral column injuries. Of these, 26 children (16%) sustained SCIWORA. The mechanism of injury, its severity, and the prognosis for recovery were related to the patient's age. In young children, SCIWORA accounted for 32% of all spinal injuries and tended to be severe; 70% were complete injuries. In older children, SCIWORA accounted for only 12% of the spinal injuries, was rarely associated with a complete injury, and had an excellent prognosis for complete recovery of neurologic function. As with other types of spinal cord injuries, the severity of neurological injury was the most important predictor of outcome. Patients with complete neurological deficits from SCIWORA had a poor prognosis for recovery of neurological function.
Spinal cord injury in children frequently occurs without fracture or dislocation. The clinical profiles of 55 children with spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormalities (SCIWORA) are reported in detail to illustrate features of this syndrome. No patient had vertebral fracture or dislocation on plain films and tomographies. There were ten upper cervical (C1-C4), 33 lower cervical (C5-C8), and 12 thoracic cord injuries; of these, 22 were complete or severe lesions and 33 were mild lesions. The mechanism of the neural injury probably relates to the inherent elasticity of the juvenile spine, which permits self-reducing but significant intersegmental displacements when subjected to flexion, extension, and distraction forces. The spinal cord is therefore vulnerable to injury even though the vertebral column is spared from disruption, and this vulnerability is most evident in children younger than 8 years. All but one of the 22 children with profound neurologic injuries were younger than 8 years (p less than 0.000001), whereas 24 of 33 children with mild injuries were older. Younger children were also more likely to have severe upper cervical lesions (p less than 0.05); lower cervical lesions were distributed evenly through the ages of 6 months to 16 years. Thoracic injuries most commonly resulted from distraction or crushing. Distraction invariably involved violent forces, and crush injuries were usually caused by children being run over while lying prone, when the spinal column was acutely bowed towards the spongy abdominal and thoracic cavities. Fifteen children had delayed onset of neurologic deficits; nine of these had transient warning symptoms of paresthesia, subjective paralysis, and Lhermitte's phenomenon 30 minutes to 4 days before the onset of deterioration. Eight other children suffered a second SCIWORA 3 days to 10 weeks after the initial SCIWORA. The spines in these children were presumably rendered incipiently unstable by the initial injury and thus were susceptible to additional, often more severe, neurologic trauma. The long-term neurologic outcome in children with SCIWORA is solely determined by their admission neurologic status. Realistically, the outcome can thus only be improved by: 1) ruling out occult fractures and subluxation which will require surgical fusion; 2) identifying patients likely to have delayed deterioration; and 3) preventing recurrent SCIWORA. Our experience and recommendations in these regards are discussed.
From 1984 to 1987 magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was performed on 100 patients suffering acute spinal trauma. MR demonstrated one or more injuries to the cervicothoracic region in 31 patients. It displayed a spectrum of spinal cord injury ranging from mild compression and swelling to complete transection. MR was also useful in evaluating alignment at the cervicothoracic junction, in depicting ligamentous injury, in establishing the presence of disc herniation, and in identifying unsuspected levels of injury. We present a diagnostic algorithm that incorporates the role of MR in evaluating acute cervicothoracic spinal trauma and emphasizes the replacement of myelography by MR in the initial assessment of neurologic deficit.
The hyperflexion sprain of the cervical spine has already been described by Malgaigne (1885), Archer (1945) and Watson-Jones (1955) as incomplete, self-reducing and momentary dislocation of the spine respectively. Watson- Jones introduced the designation of anterior subluxation for those cases of dislocation in which the articular processes are not interlocked. Hyperflexion sprain is characterized by partial dislocation of the intervertebral joints with rupture of the posterior ligaments and joint capsules in one or two motion segments.
Closed, indirect fractures and dislocations of the lower cervical spine occur in families or groups within which there is a spectrum of anatomic damage to a cervical motion segment. This study of 165 cases demonstrates the various spectra of injury, called phylogenies, and develops a classification based on the mechanism of injury. The common groups are compressive flexion, vertical compression, distractive flexion, compressive extension, distractive extension, and lateral flexion. The probability of an associated neurologic lesion relates directly to the type and severity of cervical spine injury. With use of the classification, it is possible to formulate a rational treatment plan for injuries to the cervical spine.
Spinal cord injury in children often occurs without evidence of fracture or dislocation. The mechanisms of neural damage in this syndrome of spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) include flexion, hyperextension, longitudinal distraction, and ischemia. Inherent elasticity of the vertebral column in infants and young children, among other age-related anatomical peculiarities, render the pediatric spine exceedingly vulnerable to deforming forces. The neurological lesions encountered in this syndrome include a high incidence of complete and severe partial cord lesions. Children younger than 8 years old sustain more serious neurological damage and suffer a larger number of upper cervical cord lesions than children aged over 8 years. Of the children with SCIWORA, 52% have delayed onset of paralysis up to 4 days after injury, and most of these children recall transient paresthesia, numbness, or subjective paralysis. Management includes tomography and flexion-extension films to rule out incipient instability, and immobilization with a cervical collar. Delayed dynamic films are essential to exclude late instability, which, if present, should be managed with Halo fixation or surgical fusion. The long-term prognosis in cases of SCIWORA is grim. Most children with complete and severe lesions do not recover; only those with initially mild neural injuries make satisfactory neurological recovery.
The syndrome of traumatic spinal cord injury without spinal column fracture is well known and predominantly involves the cervical spine of children. One case of a thoracic spinal cord injury without bony abnormalities in an adult is reported, and the pertinent literature is reviewed. Although spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality may exist, such injuries without neuroimaging pathology may not.
Missed or delayed diagnosis of cervical spine (C-spine) injuries may lead to extension of those injuries and subsequent preventable mortality or morbidity. Previous reports examining the incidence of missed C-spine injuries have not determined the nature of the causal clinical errors made or the extent to which these errors are avoidable. This study was undertaken to (1) determine the incidence of delayed or missed diagnosis of C-spine injuries and the consequences of those missed injuries; (2) define the clinical errors leading to the delays; and (3) to determine if these errors are the result of fundamental problems or a lack of advanced diagnostic skills or equipment. Between August 1985 and February 1991, 32,117 trauma patients were admitted to one of the six trauma centers in San Diego county. Cervical spine injuries were identified in 740 patients and the diagnosis was delayed or missed in 34 patients (4.6%). Ten of the 34 patients (29%) developed permanent sequelae as a result of these delays. The single most common error was the failure to obtain an adequate series of C-spine roentgenograms. Delayed diagnosis could have been avoided in at least 31 of 34 injuries by the appropriate use of a standard three-view C-spine series and careful interpretation of those roentgenograms. Patients at risk for C-spine injuries require a technically adequate three-view C-spine series and skilled radiographic interpretation. Cervical spine precautions should be maintained, particularly in high risk patients, until appropriate and expert review of the cervical spine roentgenograms can be obtained.