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Monitoring the Expression Pattern of 1300 Arabidopsis Genes under Drought and Cold Stresses by Using a Full-Length cDNA Microarray


Abstract and Figures

Full-length cDNAs are essential for functional analysis of plant genes. Using the biotinylated CAP trapper method, we constructed full-length Arabidopsis cDNA libraries from plants in different conditions, such as drought-treated, cold-treated, or unstressed plants, and at various developmental stages from germination to mature seed. We prepared a cDNA microarray using approximately 1300 full-length Arabidopsis cDNAs to identify drought- and cold-inducible genes and target genes of DREB1A/CBF3, a transcription factor that controls stress-inducible gene expression. In total, 44 and 19 cDNAs for drought- and cold-inducible genes, respectively, were isolated, 30 and 10 of which were novel stress-inducible genes that have not been reported as drought- or cold-inducible genes previously. Twelve stress-inducible genes were identified as target stress-inducible genes of DREB1A, and six of them were novel. On the basis of RNA gel blot and microarray analyses, the six genes were identified as novel drought- and cold-inducible genes that are controlled by DREB1A. Eleven DREB1A target genes whose genomic sequences have been registered in the GenBank database contained the dehydration-responsive element (DRE) or DRE-related CCGAC core motif in their promoter regions. These results show that our full-length cDNA microarray is a useful material with which to analyze the expression pattern of Arabidopsis genes under drought and cold stresses, to identify target genes of stress-related transcription factors, and to identify potential cis-acting DNA elements by combining the expression data with the genomic sequence data.
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The Plant Cell, Vol. 13, 61–72, January 2001, © 2001 American Society of Plant Physiologists
Monitoring the Expression Pattern of 1300 Arabidopsis Genes
under Drought and Cold Stresses by Using a Full-Length
cDNA Microarray
Motoaki Seki,
Mari Narusaka,
Hiroshi Abe,
Mie Kasuga,
Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki,
Piero Carninci,
Yoshihide Hayashizaki,
and Kazuo Shinozaki
Plant Mutation Exploration Team, Plant Functional Genomics Research Group, RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center, 3-1-1
Koyadai, Tsukuba 305-0074, Japan
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute, 3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba 305-0074, Japan
Biological Resources Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry, and Fisheries, 2-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0851, Japan
Genome Science Laboratory, RIKEN Tsukuba Institute, 3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba 305
0074, Japan
Full-length cDNAs are essential for functional analysis of plant genes. Using the biotinylated CAP trapper method, we
constructed full-length Arabidopsis cDNA libraries from plants in different conditions, such as drought-treated, cold-
treated, or unstressed plants, and at various developmental stages from germination to mature seed. We prepared a
cDNA microarray using
1300 full-length Arabidopsis cDNAs to identify drought- and cold-inducible genes and target
genes of DREB1A/CBF3, a transcription factor that controls stress-inducible gene expression. In total, 44 and 19 cDNAs
for drought- and cold-inducible genes, respectively, were isolated, 30 and 10 of which were novel stress-inducible genes
that have not been reported as drought- or cold-inducible genes previously. Twelve stress-inducible genes were identi-
fied as target stress-inducible genes of DREB1A, and six of them were novel. On the basis of RNA gel blot and microar-
ray analyses, the six genes were identified as novel drought- and cold-inducible genes that are controlled by DREB1A.
Eleven DREB1A target genes whose genomic sequences have been registered in the GenBank database contained the
dehydration-responsive element (DRE) or DRE-related CCGAC core motif in their promoter regions. These results show
that our full-length cDNA microarray is a useful material with which to analyze the expression pattern of Arabidopsis
genes under drought and cold stresses, to identify target genes of stress-related transcription factors, and to identify
-acting DNA elements by combining the expression data with the genomic sequence data.
Sequencing projects are producing large quantities of ge-
nomic and cDNA sequences for a number of organisms. In
the model plant Arabidopsis, the complete genomic se-
quences of two chromosomes have been determined (Lin et
al., 1999; Mayer et al., 1999), and the entire genomic se-
quence was completed by the end of 2000. Expressed se-
quence tag (EST) projects have also provided a major
contribution with the discovery of expressed genes (Höfte et
al., 1993; Newman et al., 1994; Cooke et al., 1996; Asamizu
et al., 2000). A recent release of dbEST (the EST database of
the National Center for Biotechnology Information, http:// contained partial cDNA sequences
in which more than half of the total gene complement (i.e.,
28,000 genes) is represented (as estimated from the gene
content of the entirely sequenced chromosome 2 in Arabi-
dopsis [Lin et al., 1999]). A major challenge for the coming
decade is the functional analysis of this large set of genes.
Recently, microarray technology has become a useful tool
for the analysis of genome-scale gene expression (Schena
et al., 1995; Eisen and Brown, 1999). This DNA chip-based
technology arrays cDNA sequences on a glass slide at a
1000 genes/cm
. These arrayed sequences are
hybridized simultaneously to a two-color fluorescently la-
beled cDNA probe pair prepared from RNA samples of dif-
ferent cell or tissue types, allowing direct and large-scale
comparative analysis of gene expression. This technology
was first demonstrated by analyzing 48 Arabidopsis genes
for differential expression in roots and shoots (Schena et al.,
1995). Microarrays were used to study 1000 randomly cho-
sen clones from a human cDNA library for identification of
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail shinozaki@; fax 81-298-36-9060.
62 The Plant Cell
novel genes responding to heat shock and protein kinase C
activation (Schena et al., 1996). In another study, expression
profiles of inflammatory disease-related genes were ana-
lyzed under various induction conditions by this chip-based
method (Heller et al., 1997). Furthermore, the yeast genome
6000 coding sequences has been analyzed for dynamic
expression by the use of microarrays (DeRisi et al., 1997;
Wodicka et al., 1997). However, in plant science, only sev-
eral reports of microarray analyses have been published
(Schena et al., 1995; Ruan et al., 1998; Aharoni et al., 2000;
Reymond et al., 2000). We constructed Arabidopsis full-
length cDNA libraries (Seki et al., 1998) from plants in differ-
ent conditions, such as drought-treated and cold-treated
plants, by using the biotinylated CAP trapper method
(Carninci et al., 1996). In this study, we prepared an Arabi-
dopsis full-length cDNA microarray using
1300 full-length
cDNAs, including stress-inducible genes, to monitor the ex-
pression patterns of genes under drought and cold stresses.
Plant growth is greatly affected by environmental abiotic
stresses, such as drought, high salinity, and low tempera-
ture. Plants respond and adapt to these stresses to survive
under stress conditions. Among these abiotic stresses,
drought or water deficit is the most severe limiting factor of
plant growth and crop production. Drought stress induces
various biochemical and physiological responses in plants.
Recently, a number of genes have been described that re-
spond to drought at the transcriptional level (Bohnert et al.,
1995; Ingram and Bartels, 1996; Bray, 1997; Shinozaki and
Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 1997, 1999, 2000). Stress-inducible
genes have been used to improve the stress tolerance of
plants by gene transfer (Holmberg and Bülow, 1998; Bajaj et
al., 1999). It is important to analyze the functions of stress-
inducible genes not only to understand the molecular mech-
anisms of stress tolerance and the responses of higher
plants but also to improve the stress tolerance of crops by
gene manipulation. Hundreds of genes are thought to be in-
volved in abiotic stress responses. In the present study, we
applied cDNA microarray analysis to identify new drought-
or cold-inducible genes.
Dehydration-responsive element/C-repeat (DRE/CRT) has
been identified as an important
-acting element in
drought-, high salt–, and cold stress–responsive gene
expression in an abscisic acid (ABA)–independent manner
(Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994; Thomashow,
1999; Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 2000). Tran-
scription factors (DREB/CBF) involved in DRE/CRT-respon-
sive gene expression have been cloned (Stockinger et al.,
1997; Gilmour et al., 1998; Liu et al., 1998; Shinwari et al.,
1998). DREB1/CBFs are thought to function in cold-respon-
sive gene expression, whereas DREB2s are involved in
drought-responsive gene expression. Strong tolerance to
freezing stress was observed in transgenic Arabidopsis
plants that overexpress
) cDNA under the
control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter
(Jaglo-Ottosen et al., 1998). We reported that overexpres-
sion of the
) cDNA under the control of the
CaMV 35S promoter or the stress-inducible
in transgenic plants gave rise to strong constitutive expres-
sion of the stress-inducible DREB1A target genes and in-
creased tolerance to freezing, drought, and salt stresses (Liu
et al., 1998; Kasuga et al., 1999). Previously (Kasuga et al.,
1999), we identified six DREB1A target genes:
, and
However, it is not well understood how overexpression of
cDNA in transgenic plants increases stress tol-
erance to freezing, drought, and salt. To study the molecular
mechanisms of drought and freezing tolerance, it is impor-
tant to identify and analyze more genes that are controlled
by DREB1A. Therefore, in the present study, we used cDNA
microarray analysis to identify novel DREB1A target genes.
A complete list of
1300 Arabidopsis cDNA clones and the
expression data from this study are available at http://rtcweb.
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA Microarray
Using the biotinylated CAP trapper method, we constructed
full-length cDNA libraries from Arabidopsis plants in differ-
ent conditions, such as drought-treated, cold-treated, and
unstressed plants, at various developmental stages from
germination to mature seed (Seki et al., 1998). From the full-
length cDNA libraries, we isolated
1300 independent Ara-
bidopsis full-length cDNAs. We used a method described
previously (Eisen and Brown, 1999) to array polymerase
chain reaction (PCR)–amplified cDNA fragments onto glass
slides. We prepared a full-length cDNA microarray contain-
ing 1300 Arabidopsis full-length cDNAs, including drought-
inducible genes
responsive to dehydration
) and
early re-
sponsive to dehydration
) (Taji et al., 1999), as positive
controls, the Arabidopsis
-tubulin gene (Ludwig et al.,
1987) with same expression level in our experimental condi-
tions as an internal control, and the mouse nicotinic acetyl-
choline receptor epsilon-subunit (nAChRE) gene and the
mouse glucocorticoid receptor homolog gene, which have
no substantial homology to any sequences in the Arabi-
dopsis database, to assess for nonspecific hybridization
as negative controls. To assess the reproducibility of the
microarray technique, we arrayed the PCR products from
each cDNA clone twice on each slide.
Isolation of Drought- and Cold-Inducible Genes by Use
of the cDNA Microarray
The cDNA microarray hybridized with Cy3 and Cy5 fluores-
cently labeled probe pairs of drought-treated plants plus
unstressed plants and cold-treated plants plus unstressed
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA Microarray 63
plants prepared as described in Methods. Figure 1 shows
an image of a portion of the cDNA microarray. Dual label-
ing of cDNA probe pairs with Cy3-dUTP for one mRNA
sample and Cy5-dUTP for the other sample allows simul-
taneous hybridization to DNA elements on microarrays and
facilitates direct quantitative measurements of gene expres-
sion between two different conditions, stressed and un-
stressed. Hybridized microarrays were scanned by two
separate laser channels for Cy3 and Cy5 emissions from
each DNA element. The ratio of the two fluorescent signal
intensities of each DNA element was then measured as a
relative measure to determine changes in the differential
expression of genes represented by cDNA spots on the mi-
croarrays. In this study, we used the
-tubulin gene as an
internal control gene because its expression level is al-
most the same in the two experimental conditions we ana-
Figure 2 shows the strategy for identification of drought-
or cold-inducible genes. mRNAs from drought- or cold-
treated plants and wild-type unstressed plants were used
for the preparation of Cy3-labeled and Cy5-labeled cDNA
probes, respectively. These cDNA probes were mixed and
hybridized with the cDNA microarray. To assess the repro-
ducibility of the microarray analysis, we repeated the same
experiment five times (see Table 2). Hybridization of differ-
ent microarrays with the same mRNA samples indicated
good correlation. We regarded genes with an expression ra-
tio (drought/unstressed or cold/unstressed) greater than
twofold that of the
-tubulin gene as drought- or cold-
inducible genes.
Drought- and Cold-Inducible Genes Identified with the
Full-Length cDNA Microarray
In total, 44 drought-inducible genes were identified by cDNA
microarray analysis (Tables 1 and 2). Fourteen of these
genes were reported to be drought-inducible genes, such
, and
(Kiyosue et al., 1994a; Bohnert et al., 1995; Ingram and
Bartels, 1996; Bray, 1997; Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-
Shinozaki, 1997, 1999, 2000; Taji et al., 1999; Takahashi et
al., 2000). These results showed that our cDNA microarray
system functioned properly to find stress-inducible genes.
Among the 30 new drought-inducible genes that have not
been reported previously as drought inducible, we found
cDNAs (FL3-5A3, FL6-55, FL5-1N11, FL5-2O24, FL5-2H15,
and FL1-159) that are identical at the nucleotide level with pu-
tative cold acclimation protein (accession number AC006438),
LEA 76 type 1 protein (accession number X91919), nonspe-
cific lipid transfer protein (LTP1; accession number M80567),
putative water channel protein (accession number AC005770),
T45998 EST, and HVA22 homolog (accession number
Also, 19 cold-inducible genes were identified by the cDNA
microarray analysis (Tables 1 and 2). Among them, nine
were reported to be cold-inducible genes:
(Kiyosue et al., 1994b;
Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 1997, 1999, 2000; Taji
et al., 1999; Thomashow, 1999), and
(Liu et al.,
1998). Among the 10 new cold-inducible genes that have
not been reported as cold inducible previously, we found
cDNAs (FL3-5A3, FL5-3A15, FL5-3P12, FL5-90, FL5-2I22,
and FL1-159) that are identical with putative cold acclimation
protein (accession number AC006438), ferritin (accession
number X94248), EXGT-A2 (accession number D63510),
-amylase (accession number AJ250341), DC 1.2 homolog
(accession number X80342), and HVA22 homolog (acces-
sion number AB015098) and cDNAs (FL5-1A9, FL5-95, and
FL5-3M24) showing sequence similarity with nodulin-like
protein (accession number CAA22576), rice glyoxalase I (ac-
cession number AB017042), and LEA protein homolog (SAG21;
accession number AF053065).
Stress-Inducible Genes That Are Controlled by the
DREB1A Transcription Factor
We used the full-length cDNA microarray to identify stress-
inducible genes that are controlled by the DREB1A tran-
scription factor. The strategy for identification of DREB1A
target genes is shown in Figure 2. mRNAs prepared from
transgenic Arabidopsis plants that overexpress the
Figure 1. cDNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression under Cold
A fluorescently labeled cDNA was prepared from mRNA isolated
from unstressed Arabidopsis plants by reverse transcription in the
presence of Cy5-dUTP. A second probe, labeled with Cy3-dUTP,
was prepared from cold-treated (2 hr) plants. After simultaneous hy-
bridization of both probes with a cDNA microarray containing 1300
Arabidopsis cDNA clones, a pseudocolor image was generated.
Genes induced and genes repressed after cold stress are repre-
sented as red and green signals, respectively. Genes expressed at
approximately equal levels between treatments appear as yellow
signals. The intensity of each spot corresponds to the absolute
amount of expression of each gene. Cold-inducible genes (rd29A)
are shown as red signals. -Tubulin genes (internal control) are
shown as yellow signals. No signals are shown for nAChRE. Bar
300 m.
64 The Plant Cell
cDNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter
(35S:DREB1A transgenic plants) and wild-type control
plants were used for the preparation of Cy3-labeled and
Cy5-labeled cDNA probes, respectively. These cDNA probes
were mixed and hybridized with the cDNA microarray. We
regarded genes with expression levels more than two times
greater in the 35S:DREB1A transgenic plants than in wild-
type control plants as DREB1A target genes.
In total, 12 DREB1A target genes were identified by cDNA
microarray analysis (Tables 1 and 2). Among them, six were
reported to be DREB1A target genes:
, and
(Kasuga et al., 1999). Also,
among the six novel DREB1A target genes that have not
been reported as DREB1A target genes previously, we found
cDNAs (FL3-5A3, FL5-2I22, FL5-94, and FL5-77) showing
sequence identity with putative cold acclimation protein (ac-
cession number AC006438), DC 1.2 homolog (accession
number X80342), enolase (accession number X58107), and
peroxiredoxin TPX1 (accession number AF121355) and a
cDNA (FL3-27) showing sequence similarity with cowpea
cysteine proteinase inhibitor (accession number Z21954)
cDNA (Kiyosue et al., 1994b; Taji et al., 1999). The
relationship between the six novel DREB1A target genes
and stress tolerance is unelucidated and should be ana-
lyzed in the future.
RNA Gel Blot Analysis
In the cDNA microarray analysis, it is important to extract
correct data with minimal effort. We evaluated the validity of
the cDNA microarray analysis by the following methods. Ini-
tially, we identified 80 genes whose expression ratios (dehy-
dration for 2 hr/unstressed) were more than twice that of
-tubulin. We performed RNA gel blot analysis of 80 puta-
tive drought-inducible genes and identified 44 as real
drought-inducible genes. The inconsistency between the mi-
croarray results and the RNA gel blot results on several
genes was due to (1) weak expression of genes, (2) high
background, (3) dust or scratches on the cDNA spots, and
(4) bad cDNA probes with low specific activity. Therefore,
we flagged the experimental data mentioned above and ex-
cluded half of them from the subsequent analysis. After this
data treatment, we identified 44 drought-inducible genes,
19 cold-inducible genes, and 12 DREB1A target genes
based on cDNA microarray analysis. Then we performed
RNA gel blot analysis to confirm the results obtained with
the cDNA microarray. The results of expression data ob-
tained by microarray analysis were in agreement with those
obtained by RNA gel blot analysis in 44 drought-inducible
genes, 19 cold-inducible genes, and 12 DREB1A target
genes identified (data not shown). In Figure 3, the results of
the microarray analysis are compared with those of RNA gel
blot analysis for the six new DREB1A target genes (FL3-5A3,
FL3-27, FL5-2I22, FL5-94, FL5-77, and
). All six
genes were induced by dehydration and cold treatment
Figure 2. Strategy for the Identification of Drought- or Cold-Induc-
ible Genes and DREB1A Target Genes.
(1) mRNAs from dehydrated or cold-treated plants and wild-type
(WT) unstressed plants were used for preparation of Cy3-labeled
and Cy5-labeled cDNA probes, respectively. These cDNA probes
were mixed and hybridized with the cDNA microarray. In this study,
we used the -tubulin gene as an internal control gene because its
expression level is almost the same in the two conditions. We re-
garded the genes with expression ratios (drought/unstressed o
cold/unstressed) greater than twice that of -tubulin as drought- or
cold-inducible genes.
(2) mRNAs from 35S:DREB1A transgenic plants and wild-type (WT)
unstressed plants were used for preparation of Cy3-labeled and
Cy5-labeled cDNA probes, respectively. These cDNA probes were
mixed and hybridized with the cDNA microarray. In this study, we
used the -tubulin gene as an internal control gene because its ex-
pression level is almost the same in the two conditions. We regarded
the genes with expression levels more than two times greater in
35S:DREB1A transgenic plants than in wild-type unstressed plants
as DREB1A target genes.
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA Microarray 65
and overexpressed in the 35S:DREB1A plants under un-
stressed conditions.
Many Novel Drought- or Cold-Inducible Genes Could Be
Identified with the Full-Length cDNA Microarray
Hundreds of plant genes are thought to be induced by
stress, such as drought, high salinity, and low temperature,
and function in the stress tolerance and responses of plants.
However, only
50 drought- or cold-inducible genes have
been reported to date (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki,
1999; Thomashow, 1999). On the basis of the microarray
and RNA gel blot analyses (drought 2 hr, 10 hr and cold 2 hr,
10 hr) of the drought- or cold-inducible genes identified,
they were grouped as follows: (1) drought- and cold-induc-
ible genes, (2) drought-specific inducible genes, and (3)
cold-specific inducible genes. As a result, 20 of them are
drought- and cold-inducible genes, five of them are
drought-specific inducible genes, including four novel genes
(FL6-55, FL5-2D23, FL2-56, and FL5-3J4), and two of them
are cold-specific inducible genes, including one novel gene
(FL5-90). However, 21 of the drought- or cold-inducible
genes were difficult to classify into the three groups because
of weak expression of genes or high background (Table 2
and Figure 4). On the basis of a search for homology in the
GenBank database using the BLAST program, two cDNAs
(FL6-55 and FL2-56) for drought-specific inducible genes
were found to have sequence identity with LEA 76 type I pro-
tein (accession number X91919) and glycine-rich protein 3
short isoform (GRP3S; accession number AF104330); two
drought-specific cDNAs (FL5-3J4 and FL5-2D23) were found
to have sequence similarity to
Borrelia burgdorferi
shock protein dnaJ (accession number M96847) and T20517
EST; and one cDNA (FL5-90) for cold-specific inducible genes
was found to have sequence identity with the gene for
lase (accession number AJ250341). Analyses of these novel
drought- or cold-specific inducible genes will provide infor-
mation about genes involved in stress tolerance and
acting promoter elements that function in drought- or cold-
specific gene expression.
Most of the identified genes are induced by both drought
and cold stress (Table 2 and Figure 4) and contain the DRE
or DRE-related CCGAC core motif in their promoters, as de-
scribed below. One of the drought-specific inducible genes
, which encodes a Ca
binding protein. The
gene is induced by dehydration and high salinity but not by
cold stress (Takahashi et al., 2000). The
gene is in-
duced by ABA treatment and contains the ABA-responsive
element (ABRE) motif in its promoter, which indicates that
part of drought-specific gene expression is regulated by
an ABA-dependent pathway (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-
Shinozaki, 2000). In contrast, one of the cold-specific induc-
ible genes encodes DREB1A/CBF3, a cold-inducible tran-
scription factor with the AP2/ERF domain. The
promoter is thought to contain
-acting elements in-
volved in cold-specific gene expression (Gilmour et al.,
1998; Shinwari et al., 1998). These results support the exist-
ence of different regulatory systems in drought- and cold-
inducible gene expression (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-
Shinozaki, 2000).
Most of the Drought- and Cold-Inducible Genes Are
Target Genes of DREB1A/CBF3
We have reported the presence of at least four signal trans-
duction pathways that function in the activation of stress-
inducible genes under drought conditions, two of which are
ABA dependent and two of which are ABA independent
(Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 1997, 1999, 2000). To
understand the molecular mechanisms of gene expres-
sion in response to water stress, studies of
acting elements are important. A conserved sequence,
PyACGTG(G/T)C, has been reported to function as an ABRE
in many ABA-responsive genes (Ingram and Bartels, 1996;
Bray, 1997; Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, 1999).
Also, a 9-bp conserved sequence, TACCGACAT, named
the dehydration-responsive element (DRE), has been re-
ported to be essential for regulation of the induction of
expression under drought, low temperature, and high
salt stress conditions, but it does not function as an ABRE
(Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). DRE and
DRE-related core motifs (CCGAC), CRT, and LTRE have
also been reported in the promoter regions of drought- and
cold-inducible genes such as
, and
(Table 3) (Baker et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1995;
Iwasaki et al., 1997).
In this study, we identified 12 DREB1A target genes by
cDNA microarray analysis. Among the six new DREB1A target
Table 1.
Drought- and Cold-Inducible Genes, and DREB1A Target
Genes Identified by cDNA Microarray Analysis
Genes No. of Genes
Drought-inducible genes 44
New drought-inducible genes
Cold-inducible genes 19
New cold-inducible genes
DREB1A target genes 12
New DREB1A target genes
Drought-inducible genes that have not been reported as drought-
inducible genes previously.
Cold-inducible genes that have not been reported as cold-induc-
ible genes previously.
DREB1A target genes that have not been reported as DREB1A tar-
get genes previously.
66 The Plant Cell
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA Microarray 67
genes, genomic sequences of the five target genes were
registered in the GenBank database in October 2000. A 9-bp
DRE sequence was observed in the promoter regions of genes
corresponding to FL3-5A3 and FL3-27 cDNAs (Table 3). The
CCGAC core sequence was observed in the promoter regions
of genes corresponding to FL3-5A3, FL5-2I22, FL5-77, and
FL5-94 cDNAs (Table 3). Most of the drought- and cold-
inducible genes are DREB1A target genes and contain DRE
or DRE-related CCGAC core motifs in their promoters (Table
3 and Figure 4). The ABRE sequence, PyACGTG(G/T)C, was
observed in the promoter regions of six of the 12 DREB1A
target genes identified (Table 3). This finding indicates that
many drought- and cold-inducible genes are controlled by
both ABA-dependent and ABA-independent pathways.
However, expression of several drought- and cold-inducible
genes (FL5-3M24, FL5-3A15, FL5-1A9, and FL5-2O24) was
not increased in the 35S:DREB1A transgenic plants (Figure
4), indicating that these genes are not DREB1A target
genes. The CCGAC core sequence was not observed in the
2000-bp upstream region of the 5
terminus of the FL5-
3M24 cDNA. These results suggest the existence of novel
-acting elements involved in drought- and cold-inducible
gene expression. By comparing the Arabidopsis full-length
cDNA sequences with the Arabidopsis genomic sequences
(the entire Arabidopsis genomic sequence was completed
by the end of 2000), the promoter sequences and
elements of each gene can be studied on the basis of full-
length cDNA sequences. These analyses will provide more
information on gene expression and signal transduction in
abiotic stress responses.
In the present study, we identified 12 DREB1A target
genes containing six new target genes by using cDNA mi-
croarray analysis. However, the cDNA microarray analysis
does not permit us to distinguish direct targets from indirect
targets of the
gene. Resolving this issue and the
complex interrelationships among the induced genes will re-
quire another approach, such as analysis for cis-acting ele-
ments or gel shift assays by using promoter regions of each
stress-inducible gene.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Full-Length
cDNA Microarray
Several reports have been published on the use of plant
EST microarrays. In the present study, we used an Arabi-
dopsis full-length cDNA microarray, which has several ad-
vantages. Using the full-length cDNA microarray, it is easy
to isolate full-length cDNAs for further functional analysis.
Also, by comparing the Arabidopsis full-length cDNA se-
quences with the Arabidopsis genomic sequences, the pro-
moter sequences and cis-acting elements of each gene can
be studied on the basis of full-length cDNA sequences.
Moreover, there is little cross-hybridization with pseudo-
genes compared with using the genomic DNA array. How-
ever, cross-hybridization between highly related sequences
may occur in the full-length cDNA microarray (Richmond
and Somerville, 2000). To avoid cross-hybridization prob-
lems, the use of oligonucleotide microarrays such as the Af-
fymetrix GeneChip Array (Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA)
may be appropriate.
cDNA Microarray Technology
One of the major technical merits of microarray analysis is
its high sensitivity in the detection of mRNAs. Sensitivity,
Figure 3. Comparison of cDNA Microarray and RNA Gel Blot Analy-
sis for New DREB1A Target Genes and the DREB1A Gene.
Samples from dehydrated (dry 2 hr or dry 10 hr), cold-treated (cold 2
hr or cold 10 hr), or untreated 35S:DREB1A transgenic plants
(35S:DREB1A control) were fluorescently labeled with Cy3-dUTP,
and samples from untreated wild-type (WT) plants (control) were la-
beled with Cy5-dUTP. After hybridization with a cDNA microarra
and scanning, relative expression ratios were calculated and are in-
dicated below the RNA gel blots. The full-length cDNA sequences o
three DREB1A target genes (FL3-5A3, FL3-27, and FL5-2I22) have
been submitted to the GenBank, EMBL, and DDBJ databases with
accession numbers AB044404, AB044405, and AB046991 respec-
tively. h, hour; n.d., not determined.
68 The Plant Cell
which is determined by the minimal signal that can be reli-
ably detected above the background, is dependent in part
on background levels and on the specific incorporation of
label into the probes. EST microarrays have been reported
to detect 1:100,000 (w/w) (Ruan et al., 1998) or 1:500,000
(w/w) (Schena et al., 1996) of the total mRNAs. In our sys-
tem, 3.3 pg out of 1 g of poly(A)
RNA (1:300,000) could be
detected. These levels are generally considered sufficient to
detect an mRNA present at a few copies per cell (Ruan et
al., 1998). In this study, we prepared the probes from 1 g
of poly(A)
RNA. The original methods for preparing a probe
required 1 g of poly(A)
RNA (Eisen and Brown, 1999);
however, it is difficult to obtain much mRNA from special-
ized cell types. The method for amplification of RNA isolated
from a single cell has been reported (Eberwine et al., 1992).
This method may extend the utility of microarray analysis of
tissue-specific gene expression.
In the present study, we used Imagene version 2.0 (Bio-
Discovery, Inc., Los Angeles, CA) and QuantArray (GSI Lu-
monics, Watertown, MA) as microarray data analysis
software. Companies that provide microarrays often provide
the necessary software and information to examine the ex-
perimental data (Richmond and Somerville, 2000). Scanning
and image processing currently require human intervention
to ensure that grids are properly aligned and that artifacts
are flagged and excluded from subsequent analysis. Adop-
tion of standard input/output formats, automation of feature
identification, and software identification of common arti-
facts are important goals for the next generation of microar-
ray analysis software. The ideal image analysis software
package should detect automatically each valid spot on the
array, flag and exclude bad spots, and subtract the local
background (Bassett et al., 1999). Also, genomic information
resources can be highly synergistic, and public databases
and tools such as GenBank, ENTREZ, and BLAST provide bi-
ologists with integrated and linked information. A GenBank-
like public database of gene expression measurements, inte-
grated with MEDLINE, ENTREZ, and other data and tools,
would be a useful resource for the biological community.
Conclusions and Perspectives
In the present study, we identified 44 drought-inducible
genes and 19 cold-inducible genes using the full-length
cDNA microarray (Tables 1 and 2). Among them, 30 and 10
Figure 4. Classification of the Drought- or Cold-Inducible Genes Identified into Four Groups on the Basis of RNA Gel Blot and Microarray Anal-
The drought- or cold-inducible genes identified were grouped into the following three groups: (1) drought- and cold-inducible genes, (2) drought-
specific inducible genes, and (3) cold-specific inducible genes. The following 21 genes were not grouped because of the difficulty of grouping
them into the three groups: erd3, erd14, rd19A, rd22, FL5-1F23, FL3-5J1, FL5-1N11, FL5-2H15, FL5-2G21, FL5-2I23, FL5-1C20, FL2-1H6, FL5-
2E17, FL3-3B1, FL5-3E18, FL3-2C6, FL5-1P10, FL2-5G7, FL2-1C1, FL2-5A4, and FL5-3P12. As a result, they were grouped as 20 drought- and
cold-inducible genes, five drought-specific inducible genes, and two cold-specific inducible genes. Drought- and cold-inducible genes were
classified into two groups: (1) DREB1A target genes and (2) non-DREB1A target genes. Sixteen drought- and cold-inducible genes were
grouped as 12 DREB1A target genes and four non-DREB1A target genes. Four drought- and cold-inducible genes (FL5-95, FL5-1O3, FL1-159,
and erd7) are not shown because (1) the expression level of three genes (FL5-95, FL5-1O3, and FL1-159) was less than twofold in 35S:DREB1A
transgenic plants than in wild-type control plants or not determined in the cDNA microarray analysis, and (2) it was difficult to group erd7 into
DREB1A target genes or non-DREB1A target genes.
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA Microarray 69
genes are novel drought- and cold-inducible genes, respec-
tively. Furthermore, we identified 12 DREB1A target genes,
six of which are novel genes. These results indicate that full-
length cDNA microarray analysis is a powerful tool for the
identification of stress-inducible genes and target genes of
transcription factors that control stress-inducible gene ex-
pression. Using our full-length cDNA microarray, it is easy to
isolate full-length cDNAs for further functional analysis. We are
planning to isolate 10,000 Arabidopsis full-length cDNAs
and prepare the cDNA microarrays using the cDNA clones
for the identification of new stress-inducible genes and
new target genes of stress-related transcription factors.
Furthermore, we will apply this cDNA microarray analysis to
identify plant hormone-inducible genes, tissue-specific
genes, and target genes of transcription factors.
Full-length cDNA microarray analysis is not only a method
for the systematic analysis of quantitative gene expression
but also an extremely powerful tool with which to find novel
genes that are expressed in certain conditions or in certain
tissues. Hybridization of cDNA microarrays containing com-
plete sets of genes may eventually replace classic differen-
tial screening and display procedures. This method can
provide new markers for various physiological processes in-
volved in abiotic stress responses, hormonal signal trans-
duction, pathogen attack, and developmental processes. It
can also be used for the characterization of the molecular
basis of phenotypic changes in various mutants and trans-
genic plants and for the study of genetic networks through
the analysis of epistatic relationships between mutant phe-
notypes. Functional analysis, by use of parallel expression
monitoring, should help researchers to better understand
the fundamental mechanisms that underlie plant growth and
development. Microarray analysis using full-length cDNAs
provides a means to link genomic sequence information and
functional analysis. By accumulating data on gene expres-
sion by tissue type, developmental stage, hormone and her-
bicide treatment, genetic background, and environmental
conditions, it should be possible to identify the genes in-
volved in many important processes of development and re-
sponses to environmental conditions in plants.
Table 3. ABRE, DRE, and CCGAC Core Sequences Observed in the Promoter Regions of the DREB1A Target Genes Identified by cDNA
Microarray Analysis
rd29A TACGTGTC (45 to 38)
TACCGACAT (148 to 140) AGCCGACAC (111 to 103)
TACCGACAT (206 to 198) GACCGACTA (256 to 248)
cor15a CACGTGGC (132 to 125) GGCCGACCT (184 to 176)
GGCCGACAT (361 to 353)
AACCGACAA (416 to 424)
kin1 TACCGACAT (120 to 112) ATCCGACAT (720 to 712)
kin2 CACGTGGC (68 to 61) TACCGACAT (127 to 119) CCCCGACGC (403 to 395)
rd17 TACGTGTC (920 to 913) TACCGACTT (162 to 154)
AGCCGACCA (967 to 959)
GACCGACAT (997 to 989)
erd10 CACGTGGC (838 to 831) GACCGACGT (198 to 190)
GACCGACCG (202 to 194)
CACCGACCG (206 to 198)
GACCGACAT (999 to 991)
FL3-5A3 CACGTGGC (74 to 67) TACCGACAT (415 to 407) TGCCGACAT (806 to 798)
FL3-27 TACCGACAT (89 to 91)
FL5-2122 TACCGACTC (191 to 183)
TACCGACTA (266 to 258)
TGCCGACCT (418 to 410)
ACCCGACTA (695 to 703)
GACCGACGT (786 to 778)
FL5-77 CCCCGACTA (315 to 307)
FL5-94 TACCGACTA (190 to 198)
TTCCGACTA (260 to 268)
ATCCGACGC (630 to 622)
ABRE, DRE, and CCGAC core sequences observed in 1000-bp upstream regions of the 5 termini of the longest cDNA clones isolated are listed.
Numbers in parentheses indicate the nucleotide beginning at the 5 terminus of the longest cDNA clone isolated. Minus signs indicate that the
nucleotide exists upstream of the 5 terminus of the putative transcription start site.
These 9-bp sequences that contain a CCGAC core motif overlap each other.
70 The Plant Cell
cDNA Clones
In the cDNA microarray analyses, we used 1300 cDNA sequences
representing Arabidopsis thaliana full-length cDNA clones isolated
from full-length cDNA libraries, the drought- and cold-inducible
genes responsive to dehydration (rd) and early responsive to dehy-
dration (erd), kin1, kin2, and cor15a, and the -tubulin gene as an in-
ternal control. As a negative control, two DNAs derived from the
mouse nicotinic acetylcholine receptor epsilon-subunit (nAChRE) gene
and the mouse glucocorticoid receptor homolog gene were used.
Sequence Analysis
Plasmid DNA was extracted with a Kurabo DNA extraction instru-
ment (model PI-100; Kurabo, Tokyo, Japan) and subjected to se-
quencing. DNA sequences were determined using the dye terminator
cycle sequencing method with a DNA sequencer (model ABI Prism
3700; Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Sequence
homologies were examined with the GenBank/EMBL database using
the BLAST program.
Amplification of cDNA Inserts
The vector used for cDNA library construction was ZAPII (Carninci
et al., 1996). Inserts of cDNA clones were amplified by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) using primers that were complementary to vec-
tor sequences flanking both sides of the cDNA insert. The primers
primer) and 5-AGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGGA (FL reverse 1233
primer). Plasmid templates (1 to 2 ng) were added to 100 L of a
PCR mixture containing 0.25 mM each nucleotide, 0.2 M each
primer, 1 Ex Taq buffer (Takara Shuzo, Kyoto, Japan), and 1.25
units of Ex Taq polymerase (Takara Shuzo). PCR was performed as
follows: at 94C for 3 min; for 35 cycles at 95C for 1 min, 60C for 30
sec, and 72C for 3 min; and at 72C for 3 min. To clean up PCR
products and prepare the DNA for printing, we precipitated PCR
products in ethanol and resuspended the DNA in 25 L of 3 SSC
(1 SSC is 0.15 M NaCl and 0.015 M sodium citrate). One microliter
of each finished reaction was electrophoresed on a 0.7% agarose
gel to confirm amplification quality and quantity.
cDNA Microarray Preparation
PCR products were arrayed from 384-well microtiter plates onto
L-lysine–coated micro slide glass (model S7444; Matsunami,
Osaka, Japan) using the GTMASS System gene tip microarray
stamping machine (Nippon Laser and Electronics Laboratory,
Nagoya, Japan). The tip loaded 0.5 L of PCR products (100 to 500
ng/L) from 384-well microtiter plates and deposited 5 nL per slide
on six slides with spacing of 280 m. The printed slides were rehy-
drated in a beaker with hot distilled water and snap dried at 100C for
3 sec. The slides were placed into a slide rack, and the rack was
placed into a glass chamber. The blocking solution, containing 15
mL of 1 M sodium borate, pH 8.0, 5.5 g of succinic anhydride (Wako,
Osaka, Japan), and 335 mL of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (Wako), was
poured into the glass chamber. The slide racks were plunged up and
down five times, shaken gently for 15 min, transferred into a chamber
containing boiling water, plunged up and down another five times,
and left for 2 min. The slide racks were transferred into a chamber
containing 95% ethanol, plunged up and down five times, and cen-
trifuged at 2500g for 30 sec.
Plant Materials and RNA Isolation
Wild-type Columbia plants and transgenic plants overexpressing
DREB1A cDNA under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus
(CaMV) 35S promoter (Kasuga et al., 1999) were grown on germina-
tion medium agar plates for 3 weeks as described previously
(Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). Dehydration and cold
stress treatments were performed as described previously (Yamaguchi-
Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). The Columbia plants were subjected
to stress treatments for 2 or 10 hr and then frozen in liquid nitrogen
for further analysis. In the experiments to identify DREB1A target
genes, transgenic plants overexpressing DREB1A cDNA and wild-
type plants grown on germination medium lacking kanamycin were
used. Transgenic plants overexpressing DREB1A cDNA were not
subjected to stress treatment. Total RNA was prepared using Isogen
(Nippon Gene, Tokyo, Japan), and mRNA was prepared using the
Oligotex-dT30 mRNA purification kit (Takara, Tokyo, Japan).
Preparation of Fluorescent Probes
Each mRNA sample was reverse transcribed in the presence of Cy3
dUTP or Cy5 dUTP (Amersham Pharmacia). The reverse transcrip-
tion reaction was performed in a 30-L volume containing 1 g of
RNA with 6 g of oligo(dT) 18mer, 10 mM DTT, 500 M each
dATP, dCTP, and dGTP, 200 M dTTP, 100 M Cy3 dUTP or Cy5
dUTP, and 400 units of SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Life
Technologies, Grand Island, NY) in 1 Superscript first-strand
buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 75 mM KCl, 3 mM MgCl
, and 20 mM
DTT) (Life Technologies). After incubation at 42C for 1 hr, the reac-
tion products of two samples (one with Cy3 labeling and the other
with Cy5 labeling) were combined, treated with 15 L of 0.1 M NaOH
and 1.5 L of 20 mM EDTA, incubated at 70C for 10 min, and
treated with 15 L of 0.1 M HCl. The samples were placed in a Mi-
crocon 30 microconcentrator (Amicon, Beverly, MA). Four hundred
microliters of TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and 1 mM EDTA)
was added and spun for 5 to 10 min in a benchtop microcentrifuge at
a high speed to a volume of 10 to 20 L. The flow-through product
was discarded. Four hundred microliters of TE buffer and 20 L of 1
mg/mL human Cot-1 DNA (Gibco BRL) were added and spun again.
After the second spin, the probe retained by the Microcon was sig-
nificantly brighter than the flow-through product. This is a very strong
indicator of a successful labeling reaction. The probes were col-
lected by inverting the filter and spun for 5 min. Several microliters of
distilled water was added to the Microcon. The filter was inverted
and spun so that the final volume of the collected probes was 12 L.
Two microliters of 10 g/L yeast tRNA, 2 L of 1 g/L pd(A)
(Amersham Pharmacia), 3.4 L of 20 SSC, and 0.6 L of 10% SDS
were added to the probes. The probe samples were denatured by
placing them in a 100C water bath for 1 min, left at room tempera-
ture for 30 min, and then used for hybridization.
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA Microarray 71
Microarray Hybridization and Scanning
The probe samples were spun for 1 min in a benchtop microcentri-
fuge at high speed to pellet any particulate matter. The probes were
placed onto the center of the array to avoid forming bubbles. A cover
slip was placed over the entire array surface to avoid the formation of
bubbles. Four 5-L drops of 3 SSC were placed on a separate part
of the slide to provide humidity in the hybridization chamber and thus
ensure that the probe mixture did not dehydrate during hybridization.
The slides were placed in a sealed hybridization cassette (model
THC-1; BM Equipment, Tokyo, Japan) and submerged in a 65C wa-
ter bath for 12 to 16 hr. After hybridization, the outside of the slide
chamber was dried carefully. The slides were removed and placed in
a slide rack submerged in washing solution 1 (2 SSC, 0.1% SDS),
with the array face of the slide tilted down so that when the cover slip
dropped off it did not scratch the array surface. After the cover slip
came off, the slide racks were plunged up and down three times in
washing solution 1 and transferred to washing solution 2 (1 SSC)
carefully to minimize the transfer of washing solution 1 to the second
chamber, because SDS can interfere with slide imaging. The slide
chamber was rocked gently for 2 min. The slide racks were trans-
ferred to washing solution 3 (0.2 SSC), allowed to stand for 2 min,
spun at 2500g for 1 min, and dried.
Microarrays were scanned with a scanning laser microscope
(model ScanArray4000; GSI Lumonics). Separate images were ac-
quired for each fluor at a resolution of 10 m per pixel. To normalize
the two channels with respect to signal intensity, we adjusted photo-
multiplier and laser power settings so that the signal ratio of the -tubu-
lin genes (internal control) was as close to 1.0 as possible.
For the microarray data analysis, we used Imagene version 2.0
(BioDiscovery) and QuantArray (GSI Lumonics) software.
RNA Gel Blot Analysis
Isolated total RNA was also used for RNA gel blot hybridization.
Hybridization was performed as described previously (Yamaguchi-
Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). The PCR-amplified fragments pre-
pared from the full-length Arabidopsis cDNAs were used as probes
for RNA gel blot hybridization.
We thank Suzurei Shimamura, Masahiro Yonezawa, Suguru
Okunuki, Setsuko Kawamura, Mihoko Ohsaki, and Shigeko Nagano
for their skilled technical assistance. We thank Dr. Yasushi Okazaki
and Rika Miki for technical advice. We thank Nippon Laser and Elec-
tronics Laboratory, BM Equipment Co., Ltd., General Scanning, Inc.,
and Dr. Takaaki Sato for technical support. We thank Dr. D.P. Snustad
for the gift of the -tubulin gene. This work was supported in part by
a grant for genome research from RIKEN, the Program for the Pro-
motion of Basic Research Activities for Innovative Biosciences, the
Special Coordination Fund of the Science and Technology Agency,
and a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Cul-
ture of Japan to K.S. It was also supported by a Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research on Priority Areas (C) “Genome Science” from
the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan to M.S. It
was also supported in part by the Core Research for Evolutional Sci-
ence and Technology program of the Japan Science and
Technology Corporation, the Special Coordination Fund, a research
grant for the Genome Exploration Research Project from the Sci-
ence and Technology Agency, and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on Priority Areas and the Human Genome Program from
the Ministry of Education and Culture, Japan, to Y.H.
Received August 10, 2000; accepted November 13, 2000.
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... Plants generate a variety of reactions in order to adapt to these stress responses, which activate stress-related signals in plants and ultimately cause transcriptional expression of stress-related genes in plants, thereby enhancing abiotic tolerance (Seki et al. 2001). Gilmour et al. (1998) were the first to identify the ICE1 gene, and they also demonstrated that the CBF gene promoter has an ICE1 binding site. ...
... Based on how similar their AP2 domains were, the DREB transcription factors of Arabidopsis thaliana were classified into 6 subdomains, A1 to A6. CBF proteins feature a transcription activation domain at their C-terminus, and their N-terminal regions contain one or two nuclear localization signals (Lata and Prasad 2011). In the Arabidopsis rd29A promoter, six new genes with both DRE/C-repeat and ABRE motifs were identified (Seki et al. 2001). Among them, under low temperature and dehydration conditions, DREB1A and DREB2A function as trans-acting factors of two different signaling pathways, respectively (Liu et al. 1998). ...
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Apple growth and development can be impacted by abiotic factors, including low temperature and dryness. Plant responses to stressors are heavily influenced by inducer of CBF expression (ICE) transcription factors (TFs). Malus baccata (L.) Borkh (M. baccata) was used in this investigation to isolate the MbICE3 new ICE gene. The molecular weight of MbICE3 was anticipated to be 56.47 kDa, and its open reading frame (ORF) had 519 amino acids (aa) and 1560 base pairs (bp). Subcellular localization revealed that MbICE3 was concentrated in the nucleus. Cold and drought stresses significantly affected the expression levels of MbICE3, and the first heterologous expression of MbICE3 in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) could significantly improve its tolerance to cold and drought stresses. In comparison to wild-type (WT) and unloaded lines (UL) lettuce, the transgenic plants had increased proline and chlorophyll concentrations as well as higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activity when subjected to cold and drought. However, compared to WT and UL, transgenic lettuce had lower levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and O2− content. Furthermore, it was found that under drought and low temperature stress, MbICE3 positively regulated the expression of LsCBFs genes. These results suggest that MbICE3 actively contributes to plant tolerance to cold and drought.
... Compared to organisms such as humans, flies, worms, and yeast with determined genomic sequences, Arabidopsis contains the largest number (more than 50) of DEAD-box RNA helicase genes (Aubourg et al., 1999;Boudet et al., 2001). The first report suggesting the presence of coldregulated DEAD-box helicase genes in plants and their involvement in stress signal transduction was related to Arabidopsis (Seki et al., 2001). In peas, a DEAD-box DNA helicase gene has been characterized and identified as PDH47, showing 93% similarity to the tobacco translation initiation factor eIF4A protein. ...
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The most significant crop losses worldwide occur due to unfavorable temperatures such as heat, drought, cold, and freezing. Bioregulator substances like salicylic acid can play important roles in the growth, development, and stress responses of plants. In this study, changes in stem/root length and relative water content of peas under cold and freezing stress, as well as antioxidant system indicators such as proline, malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, chlorophyll and ion leakage levels were investigated. The expressions of genes coding for the TOP2 and PDH47 enzymes, which play important roles in the replication, transcription, and repair of DNA molecules, were also examined in root and stem tissues in the presence of two different concentrations of salicylic acid under cold and freezing stress. The results have shown that the application of salicylic acid, when added to the growth medium, can have positive effects on the cold resistance of pea plants. Salicylic acid likely achieves some of its effects by increasing the activity of superoxide dismutase, one of the most important enzymes taking a role in combating reactive oxygen species. The data obtained indicate that salicylic acid also increased the expressions of TOP2 and PDH47 genes, which can both change the topology of DNA, possibly facilitating the transcription of genes taking a role in antioxidative defense. Salicylic acid also reduced the levels of reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide and maintained cell membrane integrity, which leads to a decrease in ion leakage and an increase in water-holding capacity. With this study, the mechanisms of action of salicylic acid in cold stress tolerance have been further elucidated, and its potential use in agricultural cultivation has been evaluated.
... The development of microarray, Bayesian networks, machine learning algorithms, TFT biosensors, and other statistical and technological tools has pushed this subject. This offers an efficient method of organising the evidence and drawing conclusions [41] 8. Biodefense: A cluster of organisms that are exposed to biological hazards or transmittable illnesses may benefit from biodefense measures that are taken to restore their biosecurity. Although the use of bioinformatics in many fields has advanced significantly, its use in forensic investigations, medical intelligence, and the mitigation of biothreats requires special consideration to develop cutting-edge algorithms for better interoperability [42,43]. ...
This book series aims to provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry to share their latest research contributions in the area of computing technologies and Data Sciences and thus to exchange knowledge with the common goal of shaping the future. The best way to create memories is to gather and share ideas, creativity and innovations.
... Various environmental challenges, including drought, salinity, nutrient deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, high temperatures, and flooding, will intensify due to impending climatic shifts. Recent studies have demonstrated that plants share similar response patterns and related pathways in response to drought, salinity, and high temperatures (Seki et al., 2001;Vurukonda et al., 2016;Tiwari et al., 2021). However, plants must overcome these adversities by relying on their intrinsic biological mechanisms to maintain growth, development, and productivity. ...
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Establishing global sustainable agriculture emerges as the primary, indispensable strategy to meet escalating food demands and address environmental preservation amidst the challenges posed by severe climate change. The intricate communities of microorganisms associated with plants, collectively termed the plant microbiome, wield significant influence over the vitality and productivity of plant species. Unleashing the potential of the plant microbiome stands as a pivotal approach to safeguard and rejuvenate our planet. However, the complex nature of microbiome interactions, coupled with their limited persistence in intricate environmental settings due to gaps in understanding or technological limitations, has impeded substantial progress in this field. This review explores innovative and revitalized strategies for harnessing microbiome-based enhancements in crop fitness. Additionally, we illuminate the challenges encountered in deciphering the intricate interplay between the microbiome and its host, particularly in the context of mitigating the adverse influences of climate change on crop resilience. To navigate these complexities, we advocate for a comprehensive approach that considers both host and microbiome-oriented perspectives. This dual-focused strategy aims to overcome current limitations and pave the way toward a future where microbiome intervention forms the bedrock of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.
... Previously a number of studies demonstrated that DEAD-box RNA helicases are involved in regulating many stages of plant development processes including plant morphogenesis, embryogenesis, pollen tube guidance, floral meristems, flowering, plastids and seed development [32][33][34]. In plant the first report of stress induced helicase gene came by cDNA microarray analysis of 1300 Arabidopsis genes where the authors reported a DEAD-box helicase gene (accession number AB050574) as a cold stress-inducible gene suggesting a new role of helicases in stress signaling [35]. Later, many plant DEAD-box helicases were identified and found to be activated in response to changing environmental conditions [2,[13][14]36]. ...
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Background: The DEAD-box helicases are required mostly in all aspects of RNA and DNA metabolism and they play a significant role in various abiotic stresses, including salinity. The p68 is an important member of the DEAD-box proteins family and, in animal system, it is involved in RNA metabolism including pre-RNA processing and splicing. In plant system, it has not been well characterized. Here we report the cloning and characterization of p68 from pea (Pisum sativum) and its novel function in salinity stress tolerance in plant. Results: The pea p68 protein self-interacts and is localized in the cytosol as well as the surrounding of cell nucleus. The transcript of pea p68 is upregulated in response to high salinity stress in pea. Overexpression of p68 driven by constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus-35S promoter in tobacco transgenic plants confers enhanced tolerances to salinity stress by improving the growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant machinery. Under stress treatment, pea p68 overexpressing tobacco accumulated higher K+ and lower Na+ level than the wild-type plants. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation was remarkably regulated by the overexpression of pea p68 under salinity stress conditions, as shown from TBARS content, electrolyte leakage, hydrogen peroxide accumulation and 8-OHdG content and antioxidant enzyme activities. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge this is the first direct report, which provides the novel function of pea p68 helicase in salinity stress tolerance. The results suggest that p68 can also be exploited for engineering abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants of economic importance.
... [153][154][155][156][157] Genes which are induced by drought stress are induced by other abiotic stresses like salt, low and high temperature also suggesting that there exist similar mechanisms of stress responses: the production of stress proteins, up-regulation of antioxidants and accumula-tion of compatible solutes. [158][159][160][161][162] These genes not only protect the cells from water deficit by producing important metabolic proteins but also help in regulating signal transduction in plants under drought stress. [163][164][165] Stress-induced genes are categorized into following three major groups: (a) genes that directly protect plant cells against stresses such as heat stress proteins (HSPs) or chaperones, late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, anti-freeze proteins, detoxification enzymes, osmoprotectants, and free-radical scavengers, 166,167 (b) involved in signaling cascades and in transcriptional control, such as mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), calcium-depen-dent protein kinase (CDPK), and salt overlay sensitive (SOS) kinase, 168,169 phospholipases, 170 and transcriptional factors, 151,171 and (c) involved in water and ion uptake and transport such as aquaporins and ion transporters. ...
This review explores the complex relationship between sustainable vegetable production and climate change, aiming to identify strategies for harnessing climatic shifts to promote resilience and productivity in the agricultural sector. One of the abundant sources of vitamins and minerals in vegetables contributes significantly to food and nutritional security. Vegetables are extremely vulnerable to erratic climate shifts and highly perishable. This study emphasizes the need for adaptable approaches to address issues caused by altered temperature patterns, erratic precipitation and increased extreme weather occurrences. The review highlights the integration of climate-resilient vegetable crop varieties into implementing innovative technologies like precision farming and greenhouse farming and emphasises the need for a holistic approaches. The importance of institutional support, community involvement and policy frameworks is explored to address this complex climate change paradox. By combining existing knowledge, this review provides insights into the numerous strategies required for sustainable vegetable production regarding climate change (Use of climate resilient varieties, Adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, Crop diversification). Consequently, this review article aims to examine the climate change effects on growing vegetables in a sustainable manner as well as its management strategies.
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Transcription factors belonging to the CBF/ DREB1 (C-repeat binding factor/ Dehydration-Responsive Element Binding Protein B) gene family along with 3 other independent regulatory systems in plants (MYB, MYC and bZIP) play a significant role in activation of genes responding to environmental stresses including cold, heat, salinity and drought. In this study, in order to identify one of the genes of CBF family called CBF1 / DREB1B in the genome of Viola tricolor L., plants were subjected to temperature treatment at 4°C for 2 hours. Total RNA was extracted from viola leaves and used for cDNA synthesis. The presence of the gene in the V. tricolor genome was confirmed via PCR on cDNA, followed by sequencing of the resulting PCR fragments. The 573-nucleotide sequence identified, considering the significant conservation reported in the gene and protein sequence of the CBF gene family, as expected, revealed a high degree of sequence homology and conservation to the CBFs identified in taxonomically close and even far species with V. tricolor . The structure and phylogenetic status of the V. tricolor CBF1 was analyzed based on the identified region and the evolutionarily closest plant species were determined according to the nucleotide and protein sequence of this gene.
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Salinity is one of the adverse environmental factor limiting plant growth and fertility. The primary phase of plant response to salinity is limited by the cell response to osmotic effects of external salinity, while the secondary phase is salt accumulation and its toxicity impacts on plant, known as ionic effects. cDNA-AFLP technique is an useful technique for analysis of transcriptome alterations that generated in adverse environmental abiotic stresses such as salinity and valuable resources for further reading and application in the field of genetic improvement of plant have delivered. In present study, cDNA-AFLP and Real time PCR analyses were used to contrast the transcriptome responses to salinity in order to reveal the mechanisms underlying the rice leaf resistance to osmotic and ionic phases at gene expression level in two resistant and sensitive cultivars. Three levels of 0 ( control), 50 ,and 100 mM and were used during the seven- time sampling. Six expression profiles including; over, lower, silencing, on, constant and transient expression were observed in response to salinity stress. In tolerant cultivar and among the TDFs showing variations, the maximum level of gene over expression and activation belonged to those genes, which were normally bearing a very low level of expression or silencing in control. Moreover, the salt-tolerant genotype also showed a different gene expression profile compared to the salt-sensitive genotype, indicating genetic variation in adaption to salt stress. A total of 80TDF with changes in expression patterns were sequenced and submitted to NCBI. Homology analysis of target sequences revealed that difference in osmotic potential between cell cytoplasm and hydroponic solution and loss of cell turgor in osmotic phase of salt stress led to temporary and quickly induction expression of genes involved in different signaling pathways in order to transfer sensed signals to downstream pathways and initiating protein phosphorylation cascade and activation or repression target genes in response to osmotic phase such as cellulose synthase and enolase. Majority of these genes were to be expressed earlier in tolerant line compared with the susceptible genotype, which may suggests earlier activation of signaling cascade genes in tolerant line, compared to sensitive cultivar which in turn leads to faster of same stress responses in tolerant line. In addition results of TDFs alignment related to ionic phase of salt stress highlights this fact that tolerant plants responded to this especial effects of salt stress for increased demand for energy resources and energy metabolism. Furthermore sensitive genotypes for production of energy-rich compounds usually due to stop of CO2 assimilation resulting from reduction stomatal guard cell turgor pressure and closing it and reduces processes demand to energy consumption in order to reduced energy consumption. Temporary changes has been tracking in gene expression in the resistant variety in this phase of salt stress reflects mean that the tolerance line may operates several transcriptional changes for improve stress tolerance in order to re-establish homeostasis and repair damage to proteins and membranes to that they are valuable adaptations. Moreover, results from transcriptome analysis conducted at various time intervals in current study showed that the number of responsive transcripts to ionic effects is more than transcripts responsive to osmotic effects of salt stress which indicates that leave response in expression level to ionic phase is greater than the plant response to osmotic phase of salinity stress. Given the importance of rice in food security in the world and the increasing salinity problem, deeper understanding of the tolerance and genetic response mechanisms to salt stress in this plant can be significantly serve in breeding and genetic engineering tolerant varieties. A deeper understanding of the genetic mechanisms of response and tolerance to salt stress, this plant can be significantly modified genetically engineered varieties tolerant and serve. In addition, all of these genes can open new gates for evaluation responses to other stresses in rice.
Several abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, heat, flooding, ion toxicity, and radiation, are the most important constraints to agricultural practice. The understanding of the molecular basis of plant response to these various environmental factors has been a main concentration of research in the last few decades. Several genes/pathways and regulatory networks involved in stress responses are figured out employing various different approaches. In tropical countries, sugarcane is an important crop in the terms of sugar and ethanol production because it is increasing its area of cultivation and biomass yield is increasing. Water is the one of the major abiotic stresses affecting sugarcane productivity. The development of a drought-tolerant cultivar of sugarcane is one an important goal for all key sugarcane-producing countries. Genome-editing technology is used routinely to modify plant genomes by targeted alteration/editing of specific genes, and it provides a method for introducing targeted mutation, insertion/deletion (indel), and precise sequence modification using customized nucleases during a big variety of organisms. Most regularly used genome-editing tools are transcriptional activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-Cas9 (CRISPR-associated nuclease 9), and zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs). In general, these sequence-specific nucleases cause double-strand breaks (DSBs) at the target genomic locus/loci, which is/are repaired by the intracellular repair pathways, nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), or homology-directed repair (HDR). NHEJ results in the introduction of indels and HDR are often wont to introduce specific point mutations or insertion of desired sequences (such as tags or new domains) via recombination. Simple designing and cloning methods were involved in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, with the same Cas9 being potentially available for use with different guide RNAs for targeting multiple sites in the genome. In this chapter, we emphasize on methodologies to improve genome-editing technology (CRISPR-Cas9 system) to increase abiotic stress tolerance/resistance in sugarcane and summarize the process used to generate new mutant alleles of environmental stress response genes in sugarcane. Such studies suggest further applications in molecular breeding to enhance plant function using optimized plant gene-editing systems.
DNA microarrays containing virtually every gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the temporal program of gene expression accompanying the metabolic shift from fermentation to respiration. The expression profiles observed for genes with known metabolic functions pointed to features of the metabolic reprogramming that occur during the diauxic shift, and the expression patterns of many previously uncharacterized genes provided clues to their possible functions. The same DNA microarrays were also used to identify genes whose expression was affected by deletion of the transcriptional co-repressor TUP1 or overexpression of the transcriptional activator YAP1. These results demonstrate the feasibility and utility of this approach to genomewide exploration of gene expression patterns.
Recently, a major transcription system that controls abscisic-acid-independent gene expression in response to dehydration and low temperature has been identified. The system includes the DRE/CRT (dehydration-responsive element/C-repeat) cis-acting element and its DNA-binding protein, DREB/CBF (DRE-binding protein/C-repeat binding factor), which has an AP2 domain. DREB/CBF contains two subclasses, DREB1/CBF and DREB2, which are induced by cold and dehydration, respectively, and control the expression of various genes involved in stress tolerance. Recent studies are providing evidence of differences between dehydration-signaling and cold-stress-signaling cascades, and of cross-talk between them.
Wounding in multicellular eukaryotes results in marked changes in gene expression that contribute to tissue defense and repair. Using a cDNA microarray technique, we analyzed the timing, dynamics, and regulation of the expression of 150 genes in mechanically wounded leaves of Arabidopsis. Temporal accumulation of a group of transcripts was correlated with the appearance of oxylipin signals of the jasmonate family. Analysis of the coronatine-insensitive coi1-1 Arabidopsis mutant that is also insensitive to jasmonate allowed us to identify a large number of COI1-dependent and COI1-independent wound-inducible genes. Water stress was found to contribute to the regulation of an unexpectedly large fraction of these genes. Comparing the results of mechanical wounding with damage by feeding larvae of the cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae) resulted in very different transcript profiles. One gene was specifically induced by insect feeding but not by wounding; moreover, there was a relative lack of water stress–induced gene expression during insect feeding. These results help reveal a feeding strategy of P. rapae that may minimize the activation of a subset of water stress–inducible, defense-related genes.
Fruit flavor is a result of a complex mixture of numerous compounds. The formation of these compounds is closely correlated with the metabolic changes occurring during fruit maturation. Here, we describe the use of DNA microarrays and appropriate statistical analyses to dissect a complex developmental process. In doing so, we have identified a novel strawberry alcohol acyltransferase (SAAT) gene that plays a crucial role in flavor biogenesis in ripening fruit. Volatile esters are quantitatively and qualitatively the most important compounds providing fruity odors. Biochemical evidence for involvement of the SAAT gene in formation of fruity esters is provided by characterizing the recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli. The SAAT enzyme showed maximum activity with aliphatic medium-chain alcohols, whose corresponding esters are major components of strawberry volatiles. The enzyme was capable of utilizing short- and medium-chain, branched, and aromatic acyl-CoA molecules as cosubstrates. The results suggest that the formation of volatile esters in fruit is subject to the availability of acyl-CoA molecules and alcohol substrates and is dictated by the temporal expression pattern of the SAAT gene(s) and substrate specificity of the SAAT enzyme(s).
Summary Cold-induced expression of theArabidopsis COR(cold-regulated) genes is mediated by a DNA regulatory element termed the CRT (C-repeat)/DRE (dehydration-responsive element). Recently, we identified a transcriptional activator, CBF1, that binds to the CRT/DRE and demonstrated that its overexpression in transgenicArabidopsis plants at non-acclimating temperatures inducesCORgene expression and increases plant freezing tolerance. Here we report that CBF1 belongs to a small family of closely related proteins which includes CBF2 and CBF3. DNA sequencing of an 8.7 kb region of theArabidopsisgenome along with genetic mapping experiments indicated that the threeCBFgenes are organized in direct repeat on chromosome 4 at 72.8 cM, closely linked to molecular markers PG11 and m600. Like CBF1, both CBF2 and CBF3 activated expression of reporter genes in yeast that contained the CRT/DRE as an upstream activator sequence. The transcript levels for all threeCBFgenes increased within 15 min of transferring plants to low temperature, followed by accumulation ofCORgene transcripts at about 2 h.CBFtranscripts also accumulated rapidly in response to mechanical agitation. The promoter regions of theCBFgenes do not contain the CRT sequence, CCGAC, and overexpression ofCBF1did not have a detectable effect onCBF3transcript levels, suggesting that theCBFgene family is not subject to autoregulation. We propose that cold-induced expression of CRT/DRE-containingCORgenes involves a low temperaturestimulated signalling cascade in whichCBFgene induction is an early event.
Summary cDNA microarrays containing 1443Arabidopsis thalianagenes were analyzed for expression profiles in major organs ofArabidopsisplants. Novel expression profiles were identified for many coding sequences with putative gene identifications. Expression patterns of novel sequences provided clues to their possible functions. The results demonstrate how microarrays containing a large number ofArabidopsisgenes can provide a powerful tool for plant gene discovery, functional analysis and elucidation of genetic regulatory networks.